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Naga edition

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

Previous >>492569317
wowsisters i
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I'm having fun playing world of warcraft the war within
When is noname putting out a xal'atath animation
Why aren't ye playin' a Dark Iron, laddie?
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Legion timewalking better have the Nighthold and not ToS.
wowg guild...
Blizzard cinematic designer here. I sneak shots of Xal'ataths feet into every cinematic possible. The higher-ups haven't noticed yet.
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I'm considering playing a dark iron shaman. It's unfortunate that elemental is purely lightning based after 70. I wanna throw hot lava in fools faces.
They retconned her back to life recently, wonder what for.
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prohibited to mention that
There are still good people working at blizz after all...
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>class fantasy
but don't worry I'm sure hero talents will fix that right
Back after a long break from DF, do people still post slutty Jaina pics
The AU one's currently time-line hopping.
Honestly I feel like if they ever wanna wrap up that Yrel Crusade plot, they'll use her as an in.
Could easily do something like.
>My apprentice Thalyssra, you and your Husband struggle in vein with the Void, here, an army of light to help you out.
Or some shit.
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Could you put some camera angles like this in for those of us over 20?
Wow has always done class fantasy well. At least if you are a warlock and sometimes a hunter.
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Where did he go
Wowg community?
What warlock spec have you been having the most fun with?
It really fucking blows that we're most likely never getting cosmetic class skins. I hate being pigeon-holed into a class fantasy like "dark ranger" or a "sentinel" as a fucking tauren hunter. My main is a DK and those all fit really well, but damn dude, so many classes just get shafted.
>already 7 filtered avatarfags within 20 posts
holy shit I can't believe it took me so long to bother with
whos to say we're not?
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He's hanging out with Pac in Cuba
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thumbnail looks like a fucking lama lmao
please tell me what the easiest rogue spec is for a retard
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>why aren't you playing the reddit manlets
fuck off
>fancy sounding but half assed subclasses for everyone
Of course it was going to end poorly with only a few actually getting attention. It's also the mother of all borrowed power when they get rid of it next expansion.
>oh you were a harbinger of death with all four death knightmen horsemen as summons?
>well here is a ghoul. Did you miss him?
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whats the best valorstone grind?
>guild full of brownoids and coomers
No thanks.
Has anyone gotten the Twitch Drop: Get the Ghastly Charger Mount yet? All I see is the bird in twitch.
Here's how it'll go
>blizz has to meet deadlines
>"we're pleased to announce class skins!"
>each class gets 1 or 2
>not all released on launch
>dragged across another 2 expansions
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>Meet some guy a while bacjk, become friends
>He starts hitting on me recently
>Not interested in men(or women for that matter)
>Tell him this, tell me he's cool about it
>gradually starts getting crabby with me, hostile
>Eventually stops talking to me
>lose a good friend because I didn't show interest in him
>he was a nice guy too
>Sometimes it sucks being a woman
oh brother i am so sorry
cant wait for them to bring back deserter debuffs
vote kicking random dps before last boss is the best of every dungeon
Yeah, got mine.
Bird took longer to come in for me, but both should be getting registered to peoples accounts.
this post was written with tranny hands
>frost dk
>hit 77
>lose all will to level
>just stare at panda butt in town and wonder what its all for, why do we do any of it
guys i need a morale boost
>no thats not code for panda porn you weird fucks
someone, anyone
>not you tho
why should i hit 80
Join them and report them for the shit they say in guild chat, thats what happened in /esog/ and everyone was banned lmao
none of them are easy, they are all shit to play.

do you want to juggle 10 different dots, juggle 10 different buffs, or only play inside extremely short burst windows and do fuckall if you mess up your burst?

they're all bad. rogue has no fun specs anymore. blizz overdesigned the shit out of them and they are all a nightmare to play
you don't get deserter from being kicked and never have, also they're already back in and have been for days
Lvl 76 is the dropoff where scaling fucks you REAL hard
this made me smirk
you clearly dont want to play the game, just cut your losses
you may have a point
maybe i should just get out while i c-
>check note on hand
>"do opposite of what anon says"
Kek. Do individual reports even do anything in this game? Shit is 100% automated and you see results only if multiple people spam reports.
what caster is the most fun
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>Baine already lost the hammer Anduin gave him
as if people needed another reason to think he was a shit character
uh...I got nothing honestly. I assume there's a catch-up for sparks so you've got like 18 days until you need to even start the expansion. there's professions but you missed the exploits so they're all useless but gathering, which is roughly working for $2.50/hour by token prices
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mage warlock ele shammy
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I've only levelled two so far, but between destro warlock and shadow priest, shadow priest has been a fucking blast. I just hate priest mobility.
Good goy.
>And most of TWW will have to be spent dealing with Danuser's storylines
Correct, Midnight will be Metzen's baby.
DEI tenents forbid powerfull women to die
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>warrior hero talents
mountain thane and colossus are ok
how in the fuck can you find spriest fun?
It can be purely cosmetic, anon.
I thought DF was danuser's baby. Who's baby is tww!?
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Guarding Xal'atath's secret vault on K'aresh.
>doesn't like the muradin LARP
Magni was given it back in BFA.
The question is how did he manage to lose it
I want to make an earthern shaman, what professions would go nicely with them? I think I saw they get a bonus to gathering?
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illidan, denathrius..
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what's this guy's deal?
ret feels pretty good man
Real Women don't play fupa'ndas retard
>be an abrasive twat to everyone the whole dungeon
>right before the last boss pick a random dps to kick
>"toxic attitude"
>watch them instantly vaporize
Best way to spice up mazerunning imo.
Is the AH fixed now?
>The healer refuses to heal the sub rogue dps and he keeps dying
Phat boss dps tho
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what do you mean? Thane and Slayer are pretty thematic to warrior. No idea what the fuck a "colossal" is. They should've called it Weapon Master or something for the orcish blademaster fantasy.
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>thought normal/heroic/m0's opened next reset on the 3rd
>its actually the 10th

literally nothing to fucking do for ANOTHER week
Yeah they get Finesse that affects every gathering profession

Best bet is to go mining + JC since you need gems to eat for your racial
nigga look at warlock
Level synching is so gay... I would give blizzard all my money(it's not much) if they went back to designing shit for set level ranges instead of this bs where everything levels with you.
More ppl are mentioning lately. Maybe it's time.
he will return as an ethereal in the datamined ethereal raid
Warlock if you raid because waiting around for replacements is the most antifun thing in wow
i dont know what the problem is, TWW story so far is pretty good. menacing central villain, several fairly compelling zones, some really moving sidequests.

like as far as the writing goes its one of the better ones thus far
>mountain thane
I hate how tied to race some of these are. Imagine being stuck playing mountain thane as a troll or shado pan as a dwarf.
Speaking of monks, I would bet any money that their thematic obsession with pandas is what stops a lot of people from plating the class.
just exclude trannies and wowg avatarfags if you want quality members

you wont have more than 15 members admittedly but at least the guild wont implode from autist drama within a week
>all bgs are full of tichondrius players
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>destro lock
>I'm always bottom dps
I should've went fury warrior.
I'm talking about what we actually got. I think cosmetic only classes would have been better received except for the "I want to feel powerful" casual majority.
have you gotten all possible achievements, no? ye thought so
>nothing to do
my ass
grind BG's
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how do you make something like this without having numbers involved though
it would feel so bad
Don't worry bro. Lock dev will give you a baseline 5% damage increase among all spells.
That'll help you ignore the issues of the spec design, right?
>Everyone is obsessed with mong fury
>Nobody knows about assa
>'release' expansion
>lock away all content for a month
>$15/month btw
>load the first month with irrelevant fomo and 'launch excitement'
>literally everyone hates it but still pays for both months on top of the $60 or w.e games cost now
honestly ....well played
well played
A wheelchair was datamined for him for "muh disabled representation!" as if the one armed nog in Hollowfall and the wheel chair dragon in DF weren't enough. Can't just heal them for reasons
Paid brown hands made this post.
hehe gemmy :)

then make a druid herbalist/miner to do all your gathering. flight form instant shift speeds up gathering, they can harvest herbs without leaving flight form, and you can double dip mining and herb nodes as you go making it very efficient for funneling resources or getting shit to sell on the AH
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Oh my fucking god, I thought mythic 0 was the 3rd as well

Jesus fucking christ
im white but i love BBC tho
But it wouldn't be Blademaster without Windwalk or Mirror Image
I'm convinced the business model is actively denigrate and induce Stockholm syndrome into the playerbase
Oh my bad friend. I mean they could have still added the new row of talents.
>necromancer override
>make undead skins of all the pets
>change fire to ice
That easy. Meaningful new abilities are optional.
is the villain that one that continually makes awkward homosexual advances on the sister of the most dogshit villain to date? yea riveting story lmao, is Nora Roberts your favorite author?
Why would you give them only crafting professions when their racial specifically benefits gathering
>Can't just heal them for reasons

they can, and they can also retrofit them with automail style prosthetic arms. she just chooses to keep the shield.

i dont get why its a problem. kargath bladefist had a blade fist instead of getting healed, this lady has a shield. whats the problem?
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what did we think of the ret nerfs/buffs?
im a retChad so i cant tell if its a buff or a nerf desu
my feelscraft tells me its like a 2% buff based off how much mastery im going to lose
>complete all WQs in ringing deeps
>special assignment appears with 1 (one) new WQ
>"complete 3 WQs to unlock"
Guess I fucked up by completing them early and not knowing new events appear on saturday. Anyone else prefer the way WQs worked in DF?
i could see how it would be somewhat easy for casters, but melee?
>One armed nog with power of friendship and face of ape
It's funny how they open with her killing Khadgar and destroying Dalaran and nobody seems to give a shit.
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>Can't buy shit on the AH
that would be cool, but alas blizzard is too scared to do anything like that because it may upset the "balance"
>xe does it for free
I'm so sorry anon...
i want my gemmy race :)
I will now play your dogshit class.
>is the villain that one that continually makes awkward homosexual advances on the sister of the most dogshit villain to date?
Because its stupid. At least Kargath had the rest of his arm and was just missing his hand. Faerin is just a DEI check list meant to appeal to nu males and queers who plague the game. Why can't she get her arm healed and then use that arm to hold a shield? It makes zero sense. Its a fantasy world and anything is possible but they went for nothing because "muh representation"
what are you talking about anon? there are multiple side quests dealing with the post-dalaran fallout. rescuing the kidnapped, helping kill escapees of the jail, etc.
The original characters are thrall and arthas, with illidan on the side. Thrall is impervious, and illidan has already been retconned once
racials don't matter, and earthen have dogshit racials anyway. also you haven't needed a druid to gather since DF and the spec that caps with mounted gathering is easily the best place to put 60 KP even for a druid
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grinding comp stomp rn
>Khadgar returns as an Ethereal
Honestly since abilities are already altered in one way or another they could bake those abilities in to a theoretical Blademaster hero talent. Like your Charge becomes Windwalk, you spawn a Mirror Image every other attack, etc. but I guess its also because "Blademaster" wouldn't make sense for anyone not using a blade, and warriors use maces too so the name wouldn't make sense
Alright but thats not relevant to the question
she specifically says she doesn't want a prosthetic because not everyone wants to learn again...how to use an arm...that is controlled by your mind...shit game honestly. story shit, content shit, expansion is a complete dumpster fire if you step back for a second
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The r3 ore is mine.
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>Magni sitting in an inn like the useless faggot he is
>his daughter has to go and reclaim his hammer for him
>questline coupled with another male Earthen who is shown to be a coward and admonished by Moira
they really love humiliating the male characters kek
i only did cataloguing and dragonriding WQs in df
The only one who seems to give a fuck that Khadgar just got murdered is Alleria, to the point she almost gets herslef and Anduin killed before reigning herself in.
While she is naturally the closest to him as one of the Sons of Lothar, it really is retarded how it's sort of just brushed over otherwise by everyone else.
how are you still awake
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>be level 80 580 ilvl
>accidently join normal queue
>do the dungeon anyway
>mobs are chunking me for 20%~ of my hp
>my heals do nothing to lower levels
Pretty based take anon
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>Khadgar's going to be the 2nd example of an Alliance character dying, but coming back better this expansion.
I'm so sick of it bros.
For the person in the previous thread asking about the FPS issues its most likely a memory issue. WoW has had a memory leak for years and is unoptimized for memory usage.

I was using my old ass PC with only 8GB ram and after Legion my game started to just shit itself and stutter until I upgraded to 32GB. Next time you're dropping open task manager and see what the memory usage is. I garantee you its going to be ridiculous.

Only the retail client does this. None of the classic clients do this
Danuser's lingering traces
Kargath and his clan of slaves built an entire mythology and clan culture about mutilating themselves by removing an arm and replacing it with a blade prosphetic
it was cool, symbolic and metal

faerin chooses to keep only one arm because shes a super awesome lightnig who grew up without an arm and then chooses to stay that way, despite the fact 99.5% of any physically impaired or mutilated person would accept prosthetics or magic that would reverse their impairment

your example is basically between a mudhut dwelling barbarian and a human from a fairly advanced religious steampunk empire and it does not fucking work lol
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>I CAn mAke dO COmpLeTeLy fINe wIthOUt OnE
This is why I want Jaina's new story arc to be about her creating Dalaran 2.0 in his memory.
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still on chapter one
just doing side quests
So how does XIV get away with a one armed nog? Did they do anything different or is it just because more queers play that game?
I skipped Shadowlands, Dragonflight and probably will skip most of this expansion too. Redpill me on the gameplay and progression, what's different about it since the level squish?
You think tranny-jeet devs aren't happily continuing this trend???
hey um we can't give you more talents in the current talent tree so we're going to move to a second talent tree that's the same thematically but market it as something crazy and cool okay?
guess how healing works in this game...
now see if you can guess any healer archetypes that are orcs. think hard I know you can do it
shes pregnant???
she used to look alright before she shaved her head like a dumbass
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So is this expac worth buying?
Or should I wait?
Horde main btw
just stop playing if you're male
nuWoW's writers are Ziv players who hate pre-BFA Warcraft
orcs had priests and shamans
arathi have chronomancers, priests and paladins
what the fuck is your point exactly retard?
dont worry about it you arent doing any content where it matters
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Think there is a chance they revert arcane gameplay changes and replace it with a dmg nerf?
Our one armed nog isn't that bad. She's the exact opposite of an obnoxious girl boss character because she's actually nice

Only problem is her obnoxious DEI checkmark design
>short girl boss hair
>blind in one eye
>missing an arm
I'm surprised she's not covered in belts
>shield literally tacked on to her shoulder
>has to use body rotations to defend herself
>uses a lance with a single arm on foot somehow, making her right side completely indefensible
I feel like a 5 year old could've broke blizzards retarded thought process apart how does this shit make it to LIVE
Khadgar being killed off won't save the absolute state of the Horde (or what's left of it) lmao
how is your progress friends?
Here's how to fix Faerin being one armed
>Faerin suffered a great failure and dishonored herself and endangered people
>She lost her arm during that conflict
>The Priory refuses to heal her arm or give her a prosthetic as penance
>Make her face not look ugly
She's written like a normal white woman, but with the appearance of a nig. It's genuinly horrible.
post ce/glad/r1 faggot
We would prefer you not play rogue
We would prefer you not play tauren
>level 80 on my warrior, nothing to do
>don’t know what alt to play
>let the spinner decide
I have a level 70 warrior too
I play for the gameplay and not the story so why would I?
I play a tauren rapist THOUGH
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>hmm maybe I'll try comp stomp
>every match takes forever because we can only go 4/5 and get stomped endlessly by the comps at whatever base they hold
why are these niggers so fucking strong bros...
Her hair reminds me of that "yee yee ass haircut" meme and I wish we had an option to tell her to get rid of it
game needs another ability prune. holy fuck i have alot of buttons that all basically do the same thing
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>community wanted this
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Skill issue, bitchlet
you can actually solo their entire team as blood at their spawn, it's pretty funny honestly. no nerfs tho pls
How is your vaguepost gibberish brainfart even related to what you replied to?
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The lance on foot honestly pisses me off the most
get to work, slave
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>we will never go back to frost DK not being forced to cast D&D even in single target pulls
Yeah, why the fuck do I need raging blow AND bloodthirst? Why do I need Odyn’s Fury and Dragon Shout (or whatever it is)?

I need whirlwind, bloodthirst, and heroic strike. Cleave for cleave.
No more, no less.
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give me your ore
Ok, wowg. Since prices are coming down fast, here's how I made 100k+ a night with less than 10 minutes of effort every day this week: Profession Tools and Accessories.

That's it. I realized that the profession tools specialization would only be super useful or profitable at the start of the expansion because everyone is upgrading theirs and most crafters will want to focus on something with a better long-term payoff like armor or weapons, but I've got ADHD and know that my interest probably isn't going to hold out that long, so I chose to dump all of my points into getting max quality green profession tools to throw on the AH.

The profit in some cases has been a final sell price that's 1000% higher than the cost of materials. Literally an order of magnitude. It takes one or two of the most basic alloys and maybe some crystalline powder to make most of the tools. The investment producing all of this value is "wasting" points in professional tool specialization instead of higher alloy quality or finishing reagents or more Everburning Forge bonuses.

I'd play the game normally, not camping the AH or going out of my way to farm materials, then, when I was ready to log off for the day, I'd stop by the AH and scan it, buy some alloys, smelt what I'd gathered on my own, craft a good mix of professional tools and accessories with high profit margins and post them, then go to bed. Then I'd wake up to 100k+ gold in my mailbox.

Today is the first day that I've woken up to find that not everything has sold overnight, and undercut scans show prices have fallen fast, so I figured I might as well share this info now since a few anons asked how I made so much bank several threads back.

This might seem like common sense method to a lot of you, but the fact that I had like two competitors on one of the most high pop realms in the US and all three of us were constantly selling out of stock tells me that this approach wasn't obvious to everyone.
i miss bfa
Kargath and the other bladefist orcs are missing hands not arms. Have a glove that's a sword wouldn't be a detriment in combat.

Faerin is missing an entire arm
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Because the better and more popular race isn't out yet.
gemmy :)
whats the addon that tells you the profit
I don't even know what 95% of my abilities or talents are called and I've played the same class since AQ. I can't name a single piece of gear that I'm wearing
so fkin fat. lose some weight fatty
Seriously though, give me one good reason why I need Odyn’s fury and Dragon Roar.
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>join comp stomp
>10 healers
Would the brownoid lamplighter cripple be better received if her design wasn't mandated by the Overwatch inclusivity chakra chart?
Let me rephrase that since the answer is obviously yes - would she be a good character if she was just an old white human woman or something?
>>she should be a man
Let's not go crazy.
How is Frost DK nowadays? It used to be a favorite of mine but then they added Breath of Sindragosa and then I hated it because that ability is fucking retarded.
The game would benefit if we were allowed to bully these sorts of people properly again. If we could call all these ""people"" faggots, niggers, and trannys until they left the game, it would be better.
But we can't. The game is their's now because we aren't allowed to fight back.
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an entire race of Towelliee's
unironically best it's ever been (unless you want to play 2h)
do (you) still like WoW?
another gem!
It'd be cooler if she had sacrificed her arm to the sacred flame as a show of faith and in turn been blessed with greater holy power than most and a cool barrier ability where her stump is.
A literal 'my faith is my shield' character.
The Machine Speakers almost had something but they had to turn the best character into a dungeon boss
share it while it wont make anymore gold
getting nerfed because it's too op, probably overnerfed too since only DKs have enchants atm. Obliterate (dw) currently is better in all content than BoS or 2h obliterate, but who knows after the next two waves of tuning roll through
is the joke that earthen are jews?
The total lack of people slutposting with their characters is a very grim sign.
If i am capped on valor stones can I get more if I spend what I've got or am I capped at 2k till it's raised?
Slayer is fucking sick though
i think its objectively the best mmo out there, and nothing really compares to its pvp
She would be better if she was just old and had non retarded hair. When I saw the TWW cinematic I genuinely thought she was an old hag but apparently she's the same age as Anduin? What the fuck happened to her?
>Captcha: 8NTR
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>if only you knew how bad things really are
>I like how <this is what happened, this is what I have written down, this is history now>
Taliesen was born in the wrong country.
Wait really? I think WoW PvP sucks cock compared to GW2. M+ is the only thing that gets me to come back.
they arent season capped so you will probably max them out several times yet
Talisen is a special case because its impossible to actually bully him because he's so delusional

He was using that edited picture we made of him as his profile for a long time.
>want knaifu to turn out to be 100% in the right and completely justified so the other characters have to kneel and accept her judgement
Is this what Sylvanasfags were going through? At last I understand their point of view...
she's 100% going to get a fucking Holy Swain arm that is both retarded and spits in the face of the handicapable rhetoric they are pushing so hard, and she'll save everyone with it
She could have been one of the things, instead she is all of them. Plus she's somehow a Lothar, which is a hallmark of talentless writing. That said, I just encountered her in game for the first time last night and I will say at least she has good VA (who ironically sounds White) and she is actually pretty attractive, which is rare in western games these days. Male or female, I don't know if the current team is capable of writing a new character anyone cares about. I'm trying to think of the last time that happened.
I have no fucking clue what’s happening in arenas anymore
Maybe I’m just a washed boomer that should go back to mop arenas
Oh, and worst-case scenario, now all the alts I make because of my raging ADHD have cheap, high-quality profession gear.

Oh, and PS: Blizzard hates Leatherworkers. They made your knives and toolsets require a Null Stone to craft that those cost ~2500g-3500g each.

I think it's Auctionator that adds that to the tooltip.
I see no difference the one on the left is also soft looking
At least use an orc on the left and you can do an "orc in 2006 vs orc in 2024" joke
thank you anon
why cant we just go to the shadowlands and get khadgar back
The world as a whole would benefit if we normalized bullying weirdos and freaks again.
man, blizz really can't do armor no matter how hard they try, no matter the year, can they?
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Found my old guild, I wonder how my bros are doing.

Also logging in after 15 years to the most generic teenage undead rogue location possible was nice. I've spent nearly all afternoon just going through my characters and remembering random people and things.

Does anyone know generally what items are unobtainable these days from that era? I have some epic boes like Shadowblade and Bloodrazor but maybe not worth shit now.
>most interesting allied race
The only thing he's correct about is how everyone was shitting on Earthen and saying "no one asked for this" but when the expansion launched and the Earthen acquisition quests were time gated the complaining shifted to "ERM WHY CANT I UNLOCK THEM NOW FUCKING BLIZARRD"
Anon it's ok for girls to shave their head completely if they let it grow out after, it becomes thicker and fluffier.
it won't save her from her extremely large mouth though
you're pathetic bro
Wow that actually sounds nice and in line with old Warcraft vibes
She’s just named after Lothar, there’s no actual relation

>I don't know if the current team is capable of writing a new character anyone cares about. I'm trying to think of the last time that happened
This nigga
I think im a bigger fan than most people here but ive never gone past a free trial level 20
no, it's that they eat gems
The fact is she would be mor accepted if she was actually attractive. Half the OW cast is brown women that get moutains of porn made of them

Thw skin color isn't an issue
>hat did we think of the ret nerfs/buffs?
>im a retChad so i cant tell if its a buff or a nerf desu
Based retardin.
Even normies are sick of the dyke haircut now, it's become such an industry standard that it's looped around and is the generic default rather than the trend bucker it started as.
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I just realized something. None of these characters in TWW are interesting when compared to the "Greats" of the Warcraft universe. We had characters like Illidan, Guldan, Kael'thas, Arthas, etc.

The main characters of TWW just feel so...half baked. None of them are interesting enough to lead the first chapter. Alleria and Xal are interesting but that's about it.
She's apparently from a different Arathi than what we know, some place we haven't found yet, so one of Lothar's distant cousins must have been into beastiality
most of the grey stuff is removed or rare worth millions now
>wow pvp in 2024
wait about 10 more days, there's fuckall to do right now except level your alts
it's a step up compared to dragonflight imo
What's a quick way to crank out my last level?
try the ah. if prices are too low on that server, use the warbank to move em around on different servers
Probably the most based character in the game. I like how everyone thought he was goin g to be a secret bad guy
>keeps all the Zandalari souls safe by keeping them from the maw
>cucks Muzala
>warns us about brokers
so like is thrall a shaman now or just a guy with an axe now? i don't play horde or shaman so for me he's just a guy that shows up every few years and frowns about the elements a bit and goes away
Faerin unironically has a cute face, if she didn't have the fucked eye and had a cuter hairstyle like an up-do or even afro puffs no one would have had a problem with her. She's WAY cuter and younger looking in game compared to that cinematic where she looks 50
So the writing has objectively improved slightly then. The issue is that despite it being completely out in the open for the cynical instrument it is, malicious entities still dictate that the character designs follow the Overwatch inclusivity chakra chart.
>she's somehow a Lothar
lame, but not a dealbreaker, remember when Talia was somehow a Fordragon?
Alleria would be better if she didn't job every time we saw her
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If I find mage too squishy, would warlock be a better time? I can summon fellas to help out so I'd imagine, or does mage get better?
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>no masculine men
>only strong woman
it's over...
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>wowg guild
lmao did I spoil your niche?
Should I go make threads on the official forums and reddit, too?
Don't tell me you didn't diversify your revenue streams. If you don't have at least 2 other money-makers running, that's just sad bro.
>sneedg guild
>game that's been out almost 30 years
>rotating door of devs and writers over 30 years
>why aren't they still pushing out bangers?
Might as well be complaining about the Simpsons not being good anymore
It's a pity real WC3 nelves never survived the transition to WoW. Blizz pretty much decided they should all have the same valley girl personality of the dryads instead of being militaristic xenophobes.
I don't know if this counts as the current team, he was written before the breastmilk purge.
start on the 8th, level and get enough gear to queue heroics on the 8th then spam heroics on the 9th, should be fully caught up and save $15 and hours of your life
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>that bit in Sneedolands where he comes back just to explode in a fit of rage while calling Thrall a coward again with no context
probably the most satisfying end of a character arc in wow
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A 4chan guild would be awesome in theory but absolutely not with the faggots on this thread, no fucking way ill play with any of YOU. 4chan wow is dead.
Remember when everyone thought she was going to become Anduin's wife?
Now everyone thinks the Lothar nog is going to be his wife.
Both are YA novel protagonists and have secret connections to people important to Anduin
A real "odd it happened twice"
I still can’t believe what they dud to Garrosh. At least he never broke, unlike that bitch boy Anduin.
>Overwatch inclusivity chakra chart
Isn't there porn of every single OW female? Even the brown girls are hot in that gma.e
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Frost DK or Ret pally? I can't make up my mind
what with that
Reminder that Thrall cheated in their mak'gora, and thus is a coward.
>nyooo I'm going to share it after it won't make anymore gold haha I am such a good guy haha I wanted to post this so bad but I just couldn't share it at the start of the expansion because it will ruin my profits haha ACK look at me ACK
I would but I'm not posting my shit here like tranny to own some pleb like u
cus ur a little faggot arent ya?
Yeah true most games have long since realized that tab-target pvp is brainless.
That's fair but the story just needs more and I hope we get it in the coming expansions.
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How would you feel if they retired Rogue as a class and made it a novelty legacy thing? Only ones currently max level can be used in the future, otherwise they stay the same level.
Holy priest, dumb slut
>leveled a ton of alts for both factions during Remix and the pre-patch event
>still have three 60 boosts from old expansions and the 70 boost
wtf do I even use these on
BfA was released 6 years ago
>Queer or turboqueer
Blame yourselves for accepting it. The MOMENT you saw the Night Elf as the poster figure for World of Warcraft Alliance box, you should've boycotted the game and demanded that Night Elves be their own third faction.
Everything wrong that has ever happened to Night Elves has been karma for the idiotic fact that anyone DARED to imply they were the face of the Alliance and not Humans, the leaders of the Human Alliance. Nelfshitters have been uppity cunts trying to get things their way since and it's fucking retarded, I'm so happy Teldrassil got cooked best day of my life.
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so is the TWW worth resubbing and buying?
>survived the transition to WoW
That's half the races of Warcraft. To make a playable mmo game that had to make compromises in the lore.

Can you imagine if Vanilla WoW launched and you couldn't play as a Night Elf and the reason was "yeah they don't like other races". That's some mid 90s game design jank
retarded idea honestly
>Meanwhile Ogres and High Elves
The early access, what effect did it have on the hype in the end
Frost dk then?
raubahn was an established character that got his arm cut off in a key story moment
faerin doesn't have any of that and it doesn't help that she fits the official blizzard inclusivity chart
Yep, you're right, it is Bwonsamdi, and that was what three expansions ago?
Should have finished them all off
I hope we can burn their new tree and turn all their ""warriors"" into Horde breeding stock
I am still hoping that Vanessa will come in and steal the Anduinbowl. Him still being single gives me cope...
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Have you worshiped the light today?
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ask jurself is there anything interesting? remember like dragonflying?
killed the expansion unironically
Night Elf Archer was an iconic unit in WC3, it's no wonder they chose that.
pissed off both pools of players, complete disaster
if this post ends in 9 blizzard will send the trading post on the 32th of august.
yes, it's kino stop listening to doomers theyre just smear campaign indians or salty trannies that OG is doing worse
Bwonsamdi was blizz ripping off old disney(good)
I'd like to offer my praise and worship to the Light's grace by licking and sniffing your paws, please.
Depends on your end goals.

Frost is routinely shit on and has a chaotic balance history. Ret is routinely balanced because it's one of the most played specs. Both are baby mode easy. It's harder to get a raid/mythic spot as ret because their utility is redundant (and TWW has made this worse by removing ret aura) whereas abom limb/shell is always desired. On the other hand, Ret has a lot of defensives and "yeaaaaah, im ignoring this mechanic" defensives.
kill yourself furshit
you will never be a Paladin
Imagine her fucking him into unconsciousness every night as revenge for the Defias and telling him he needs to give her one child for every person that Stormwind wronged after its reconstruction
Mate you haven't been keeping up to date with the times, have you.
the rogue doomposting is wonderful as it's obfuscating the fact that every spec is OP as shit in some facet of the game
Probably negative. It feels like early access can suck the fun out of it you know? It makes more sense if everyone starts at the same time. Is it really a good idea to give sweaties 3 more days to no-life so they can run out of content faster? It becomes a question of if the additional income from more epic edition sales is worth the loss in momentum
I can see her cunt flap
i can never get over just how god awful worgen, esp. females, look
I like to imagine a version of Vanilal that kept all of Metzens autistic lore and included all the deranged game design choices that were in the early alpha
>gnomes dont exist
>only humans can be paladins
>Night elves aren't a playable race
>NE get added 3 years later but only females can be priests and only males can be druids
>survival profession in the game, meaning half the zones are pitch black and require torches to be equipped
>original talent system in the game where you had to put individually points into every single skill/ability professsion
>undead can't be priests
Game would have legit died and only had like 10k subs
>Night Elf Archer was an iconic unit in WC3,
OF THE NIGHT ELF SENTINELS, not the Human Alliance.
I will personally pass you the torch.
t. Human Male Paladin
you meant amz for raid buffs but shell lets dks ignore just about everything in the game mechanically alongside having two charges of displacement immunity
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>Hallowfall isn't the best zo-*ACK*
>legion was 8 years ago
>bfa was 6 years ago
>classic was 5 years ago
Where did the time go
I would join but only because I have satellite internet and need to be carried
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MY GODDESS!!! *charges towards you and kneels*
*grabs ur paw hand and kisses it as i tear up* My.. queen goddess... *sobs* im so.. soo.. thankful to be at your side, and serve.. y-you...
I am going to let her worship my BBC
all the zones are shit
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it's a copy of Ret paladin divine steed BUT IT'S NOT!!!!
divine steed uses mount speed mods including crusader aura, gear, ex. BFA pathfinder and flight path speed increase. death charge is a flat 200% speed no matter what. big nerf to maghar DK.
>Amount lost in transfer
go fuck yourself blizzard
the time of the argent crusade IS NOW
Rogue is legitimately bad. It needs a complete rework, not just the hero talents.
Stealth is a dated and completely broken mechanic in modern WoW. Their rotations aren't fun; it's all weakaura watching and maiintenance.
As a sometimes rogue player I legitimately feel bad for them. Playing Ret and Fury warrior as an alternative now has really opened my eyes to how easy everyone else has it and how effortless getitng god tier numbers is compared to all the APM and effort Rogue requires to achieve a fraction of the results.
>The War Within
>both a literal war within the planets surface and also a war within several characters to their movitvations and morals
What is Midnight and The Last Titan going to be about
Yeah, and her pussy is literally seeped in delicious intoxicating hallucinogen poisons that he has lost his immunity to because he can't channel the Light... making him crave her more and more and subservient to her will
finally a fantasy of woman domming a man that I can respect
these will never not be funny
Do you think mop remix will come back? I missed the event :(
it's pretty funny that blizz conceded to the furfag pedophiles, but then made all the races for them look fucking retarded with shit racials so everyone can identify them on sight as freaks
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how are you bwos liking the xpac so far? I quit in SL so am asking more just out of curiosity
for reference, how would you rate BFA/SL/DF?
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It lacks masculinity. Just look at the writers there all middle aged woman or even grannies. None of them understand male virtues.
I hate that I get labeled an Incel for pointing this shit out even though I have a wife.
She literally looks like an orc forma de black in the cinematic.
But Killing Spree is really fun
How's Blacksmithing guys?
Engineering feels pretty cucked. I'm thinking about dropping it.
probably not for awhile, like a year minimum
assa is maybe the best m+ spec in the game
outlaw is looking to be the best raid melee
sub is an insane pvp spec

and thats fine, having to put up with the insane amount of bullshit on rogue should give a consummate reward
>all 3 hunter specs are still boring garbage
That's like 5 expansiosn running. How do you fix this class?
they said it will come back and they're looking at making the items obtainable before then. you will probably wait a year or two.
>dawnlight is basically glimmer 2.0
>everyone who hated glimmer praises it as the second coming of Jesus
It's a testament to how shit the paladin community is that holy players are somehow more fucking insufferable than ret ones.
it sucks shit and literally the only upside is that my main specs get one of the best hero specs in the game
>the last titan
Sargeras. The other titans are dead and only exist as soul fragments. Azeroth is implied to not be a titan, that’s a red herring. Sargeras is still alive, but imprisoned. We will team up with him to defeat the void once and for all.
We'll be going into the Undersea later in the expansion... r-right?
>Game would have legit died
I honestly do not believe this. Vanilla WoW was succesful because it was more casual than other MMOs and because of the completely seamless internet-social interactivity. None of those things would be signficantly affected by what you listed, because at the end of the day it's still a game where you don't lose your character's entire inventory if you die so it had no competition.
Yep. Look at me on this anonymous image board where reputation and clout doesn't matter and nobody will ever recognize me or my characters.

Some anons had previously asked about it and people with ADHD have drastically less activity in the part of the brain associated with restraint, so I figured why keep holding myself back from talking about part of the game that made me happy?
we could always mass report the faggots.
So what is the endgame? Havent played seriously since Legion. Is it still time gated to hell and back and mandatory daily logins to do world quest?
Whys the game lagging so bad i thought it was dead, or is this just how their servers are now normally
Hhhnnghmm, thank you
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Faerin the magical nigger and her nigger friends.
>Isle of Dorn
tranny dwarfs, I don't remember a single character except for the ''evil king''
>The Ringing depths
Goblins in Opportunity Point had some fun quests, everything else was meh.
The only decent zone in this dog shit expansion.
wow won large bigly.
Nice, I was bummed because some of those cosmetics are amazing
>Azeroth is implied to not be a titan, that’s a red herring
Since when?
Haven't they repeatedly teased that she's sentient and comparable to Argus?
only thing rogue needs is the absolute requirement to be a NE removed, and assassination damage nerfed by nearly 10%
If they had kept all the shit they originally planned, most of it being EQ run off then it would have no been as a big of a thin as it was.

Prob not died but not a pop culture icon
dam I think I have ADHD, I have no restrainsts
>assa is maybe the best m+ spec in the game
except you're stealth reliant, if a mob across the map farts you get knocked out, ambush cd is way too high, and you groups speed has to work around all your mechanics. The average ass spec will NOT be the top because alll of these considerations. You'll never get this catering in a PUG. But, yeah, it's fine if you have a cohesive group that will accommodate you.

>outlaw is looking to be the best raid melee
I'm going to need some details on this
the moment they remove stealth is the moment i quit forever
Personally, I didn't feel there was anything really wrong about hunters in WoD or Legion.
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So the general take from the last three expansions is that the platinum skin titans are order autists and bad, and the bronze skinned titans are good?
the game has changed from daily chores to weekly chores
there's literally no content out, I can solo heroic dungeons as blood DK. ask around the 16th when we've at least seen something other than
>kill x mobs, interact with x things
>ok now kill big mob
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also a few questions for wow bros
>did they ever revert SL ignite nerf
>do alliance still get fucked in random BGs by horde having both numbers advantage and being only side able to merc
>did they ever give an option to do untimed M+
>does M+ still suck
>do rag/QT retards still ruin M+ groups
>will proffs ever be fun like in MoP where every prof has a huge stat buff
>did tali kill himself yet
>did des meph kill himself yet
>did preach lose all his hair gains yet
>is moonguard still 100% the best server to play on
>will there ever be KINO wpvp like BFA had with supply drops/battle for nazj

are there actual "hero" specs or is your class just busted?
>Beast Mastery
Better Kill Command animations
Type of pet actually matters again
Make it the melee spec instead of Survival for prime Rexxar fantasy
You can switch between pets mid combat like stances
Better Aimed Shot animation
Bring back Sniper Training or some variant of it
Rotation will be about using smaller shots to empower a really strong Aimed Shot with big numbers
Make it a melee/range hybrid
Bring back how Wildfire Infusion worked in Shadowlands
Add a rotation that has you weaving in and out of melee
Ok but then you're talking about EVERY game design decision that they dropped, not just the ones they couldn't be fucking arsed to implement like keeping Night Elves out of the player roster at least until the expansion.
They say crafting mats are going to remain in demand throughout the expansion. Do we believe that? I'm thinking of specializing in cloth drops with my tailoring instead of actually making things.
you know it would be based if you shared it at the launch but now you're just a gigantic pathetic faggot lmao congrats
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>>Isle of Dorn
>I don't remember a single character except for the ''evil king''
low tier bait
fatebound outlaw sims very well
(((amanthul))) is evil
The time titan is the one that awoke first and influence the other titans? Fat fucking chance, that nigga time travelled. Sargeras did nothing wrong.
Lads, talk me into or out of getting TWW.

Part of me miss the WoW gameplay loop, but I also don't have any social groups that plays the game any longer.

Played a little bit of Dragonflight, and last time I "seriously" played was in Legion, on and off since then.
Hallowfall Crystal is very clearly Naaru-adjacent.

Azeroth is a Proto/Prime/Whatever Naaru. That is why the bit that is sticking out is turning to the void on and off after Sageras damaged it and we drained our artifact power into it. Including Xalatath via the Dagger.

This could also mean Azeroth is Elune. And An'she.
I'm not suggesting it needs to be removed but it needs to be reassessed. Whether that's allowing only direct hits to knock you out in PvE or if you get knocked out your next so many attacks will treat you as attacking out of stealth. This already exists for Assassination, but I don't want it to be timed. It needs to be a buff that disappears only after you use it.
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>noooo why is the tank leaving after the first boss now we have to wait 30 minutes for a new one
not my problem
Imagine a turbo autistic four faction mmo.
>Horde is just Orcs/Trolls/Tauren, gets shaman as a unique class
>Alliance is Humans/Dwarves/Gnomes, gets paladin
>'Ancients' are the long-lived guardians of nature, Night Elves, tree people and some furfag race like Furbolg, they get druids
>'Forsaken' are all the assholes banding together, undead, blood elves and maybe an edgy demonic race working for Varimathras, they get warlocks
And then everyone can group together for dungeons/raids but battlegrounds and world content are a total clusterfuck.
is it possible to see dps charts yet on wcl or does that not work until M+ opens? just want to see how fucked/unfucked the balance is
That sounds like an improvement since M+ and Raiding is by definition a weekly chore anyway.
I miss when my mental self-image of being good enough at the game was beating M0 and doing the raids on normal once for the story.
Do you have any info/source/examples? I've only heard bad things about Fatebound.
>are there actual "hero" specs
one of the new features in the expac is "hero talents" which are new talent trees with the gimmick of being shared between two specs in a class. I main blood/frost DK and the hero spec they share (Deathbringer) is one of the few that actually feels like it adds something new to the gameplay rather than being a bunch of random procs off your already existing abilities (or being so badly designed that it literally makes the class worse)
oldest patch notes state they had a convoluted ancient-style skilling system til mid 2004. you'll notice even now riding skill, weapon skills, profs, lockpicking all work off similar numbers 1-300, because it's a anachronism from when you gained x skill points on level up and had to split them between everything including your stats. flashback to every MMO before then where you find out warriors don't need int, can't be bothered to replay the first 4 hours to reach level 10, and uninstall. once that was aside I doubt they could go wrong.
>Not just having Scourge with playable crypt fiends
>Better Aimed Shot animation
how are you going to improve standing still and aiming for an ability called aimed shit? do a 360 noscope at the end?
>>did they ever revert SL ignite nerf
no idea
>>do alliance still get fucked in random BGs by horde having both numbers advantage and being only side able to merc
id say its even between the factions
>>did they ever give an option to do untimed M+
>>does M+ still suck
>>do rag/QT retards still ruin M+ groups
yes, although you just assume everyone from every server is bad
>>will proffs ever be fun like in MoP where every prof has a huge stat buff
profs had a massive overhaul in DF
>>did tali kill himself yet
>>did des meph kill himself yet
>>did preach lose all his hair gains yet
>>is moonguard still 100% the best server to play on
Wyrmrest Accord is better now
>>will there ever be KINO wpvp like BFA had with supply drops/battle for nazj
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Now's actually a good time to get into WoW again. There are many, many people returning to the game just like you. I constantly see many social guilds or content guilds looking for more people to invite
You can easily find a fun group to join up with and play with, especially now that everyone is doing professions and questing and levelling and delves
>since when?
The biggest clue to me is Azerite. Azerite is the supposed crystalized blood of Azeroth. The only other time we've encounterd something like that is Sarnoite. Which is literally the crystalized blood of Yogg Saron

There's also the naming convention. All the Titan stuff has their naming conventions based of of Norse mythlogy. (Freya, Thorim, Tyr)
All the old gods have their naming conventions based off Love craft

Azeroth is a direct paraelel to Azathoth which is Lovecraft is the most powerful of the outer gods. Azathoth is in a constant state of sleep and our reality is his dream. If he were ever to wake up, then all of reality would cease to be.

Azeroth has been slumbering as well. Sargeras knows something we dont. Its why he's so desperate to destroy Azeroth, preventing her from waking up.

That coupled with the knoweldge we know now with the radiant visions, the same exact thing happened to the Ethereals home plaent right before it was comsumed by void
Xpac is pretty good, gameplay feels nice and story is alright, but far off from being as dogshit as dragonflight and we just saw the start.
there'll be a wowg guild within a week too.
Don't tell me i have to do the entire shadowland campaign for unlocking zereth mortis on my character if i used shadowland during my leveling?
Murozond is right
so when will they add high elves to the alliance and ogres/forest trolls to the horde
>brown titan good
>white titan bad
yea seems about par the course lmao
in progress dungeons get replacement people instantly. it was a complete non issue.
>I also don't have any social groups that plays the game any longer.
Unless you're good at making friends or are willing to go on the hunt for a guild via forums/in-chat/etc. it can be kind of insurmountable to get into a functional guild these days.
i think you only have to do part of the main campaign and korthia to unlock ZM
>Gun and crossbow
Take a knee, particle effects build up as the ability charges, fire big bullet with distinct high impact sound with a different meatier sound if it crits
Transmog to gun or crossbow
where are the TITS... I mean, fruit salads?
The design space is just too limited. You already have fury warriors, windwwalker monks, feral druids, survival hunters, enhance shammies, havoc DHs... it's hard to come up with shit for an agile melee fighter to do that is unique to them yet somehow fits the class fantasy.
is your screenshot fake because niether of these are in the game
I've been saying this for years.
Except I don't want bad guys to be protected by customer service in my video game so I wouldn't want anything in the last group to be playable.
And also I want mages to be unique to Alliance, Horde to get a second unique class like a Battlemaster or something (different to Warlock in some way) and the Night elves get a Moonmaiden class that eventually becomes the iconic PotM.
4/10 Story was fine till 8.2 systems sucked cock
2/10 Dogshit story, dogshit system, zone design was on point
6/10 decent story, the blue dragonflight quests are probably my favorite of the expansion, good raids, pvp sucked cock, pve was neat
7.5/10 Story REALLY improved, classs design is quite fun, maybe a few misses here and there, zones and score are gorgeous
If the raid and season itself is good it might get bumped to 8.5
Just revert the class to its legion iteration and we’re good
because you dont have it
nice self own bitch
That's all cool. Would the void be the waking world of the Old Ones or whatever, in that case? Or just the distorted edge of dreaming, before waking?

The only hitch I can think of is Azeroth was named so long ago that I'd be astonished if any lore beyond "corrupt titan is the ultimate baddy" had been thought of yet, let alone planned out.
It's still like a week and a half until the expac is out.
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I bought it, and now I kinda regret it. Playing WoW without friends is a souless, boring experience and you're honestly not missing much.
melee dot class with poisons
>DF 6/6
>The only hitch I can think of is Azeroth was named so long ago that I'd be astonished if any lore beyond "corrupt titan is the ultimate baddy" had been thought of yet, let alone planned out.
I hardly doubt its a coicidence because they named the other old gods around the same time. Every old god is named after a lovecraft entity
how is your post related to your retarded futanari oc joshie
>its a warcraft character and im posting about warcraft xD
ah attention whoring, got it
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So we are all in agreement that they are both the same person right?
MY personal opinion?
Rogues were never a unit or hero in WC3 so much like Bards aren't a thing, they should never have been a class in World of Warcraft.
You need to better your life. Looking for "friends" in a videogame is not healthy. WoW or don't, but don't seek social validation in vidya.
>choose not to do things that's good for me
>brain does different thoughts
literally me. that proves it, I have scientific medical ADHD. as soon as I've worked through my seasonal affective disorder, anxiety, depression, asthma, binge eating disorder, borderline personality disorder, autism, klinefelters, body dysmorphic disorder, I will contact the doctor and get prescribed some SSRIs, opioids or amphetamines. hopefully they refer me to another 116 IQ white woman psychologist, their above average verbal intelligence is a perfect substitute for their lack of critical thought and plays a large part in why I trust them to make life-altering decisions for me regarding what HRT I take as I complain about trannies taking HRT online.
>zones and score are gorgeous
It's bland as fuck, I don't remember a single track.
>let me shoot a random arrow in the middle of a heavily guarded palace
wtf ?
But consider another naming scheme
>Zereth Mortis
>Other Zereths confirmed
>A Zereth
>K'aresh wasn't just destroyed by evil void bad guys
>it was destroy by the titan inside of it waking up
Makes sense because the planet being destroyed caused the Ethereals to b e in the state they are now where they're flickering in and out of reality
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I keep forgetting to use Soul Reaper.
>social groups that play the game
Where did he say he doesn't have friends you retarded mongrel.
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Right here sis.
qrd on WRA, I thought everyone left
>game literally tells you not to undercut
>"people" still do it
metaphor for the Trump assassination attempt
dont sweat it, im playing priest and basically using 50% of my spells because there are just too many
I think she has the same thing that Varian went through.
dude is baked as fuck kek
They should have been a spec for warriors or hunters
Don't take offence that I saw through your post. I'm the only one who responded honestly and with your best interest in mind.
No and I doubt the writers would come up with a twist like that without preamble. I mean mechanically it would be possible if during her time in the twisting nether Alleria had a part of herself separated and flung to Azeroth's distant past and the time of the Black Empire, but nothing like that has been shown to have happened.
i need that money asap
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explore ya dingus
He's not wrong though. I forgot entirely about Brinthe until I finished the campaign and saw her hanging about.
What reason do the Horde/Alliance have to keep fighting each other? BFA was a literal faction war and everyone hated it due to it being completely forced conflict
please....just one (1) fun class
If you're willing to find a guild and engage with the people in it, or play an RP server, you might have fun. Otherwise it's literally just Dragonflight. Delves are meh, but you might like them I guess. The hero talents are meh. Story is meh.
How did he cheat?
xal is azeroth's alter ego
Fuck you playable evil factions are fun.
People just need to be willing to accept that their team takes an L now and then instead of pumping out 50,000 pieces of artwork about their stupid tree catching fire.
We never had this problem in Starcraft with people screeching about how Zerg mains need to 'apologize for Auir'.
I'm not HIM doebeit, wrong again smooth brain.
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Alleria cost the Dalarani the election and gor Xalatath elected?
Because I think saronite ore should be cheap and that's why I go to northrend to fly around mine it and sell it extremely cheap.
No I am not a member of the Twilight Hammer what makes you think so?
Yes, Senegos' passing was really touching and sovlful, so was Eternus' questline and the resolution of the black dragonflight too.
Compared to the schizos here, I like to focus on what makes me happy than what angers me, and I'll remember DF for Kalec becoming a family man more than for centaurs fucking each others.
Faction war is over I'm long done mourning over it and you should too.
Maybe I'm sensitive to it then, I really loved the few dungeons we got alongside the OST that plays during the assault on Dalaran
if you're blood spec out of it and take the ghoul dr proc instead, if you're frost well...idk you can find something like amz CD I guess lol

I will always undercut in buyer's market and you can't stop me
>hat indoors
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>runs in
>pulls half the dungeon
>dies instantly
>repeats 5 times
Why are some tanks like this? Even animals tend to learn and adapt.
bro your arcane mage?
dont forget the gay frogs
game is called world of WARcraft not friendcraft
you have shit taste then, isle of dorn has a 10/10 soundtrack
I love that bitch at the top.
I'm Unholy. I legitimately just keep forgetting to use it during most fights.
>"Actually can we not have war its too mean :("
Alliance still need to answer for Taurajo and Dazaralor btw
Wait is that Thas'dorah? Did she fix it somehow? I miss that epic thing.
in original Wrath my dad did this so much that the cartel on the server he played on started sending him death threats kek
is that a gay couple?
tryhard syndrome. they saw their ebin strimmer or youtube man do it and want to copy them without understanding why they were able to do it in the first place
>are you..... giving the people BETTER PRICES???? OYYY VEEEEEYYYY
I queue tank so I don't see other tanks but from my experience it's
>try to body pull
>people shoot the mobs
>healer heals the retard shooting mobs
>have to clear up the retardation
>stop to type dont shoot bodypulls
>they have pulled the next group
either that or a flawless run. no inbetween.
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When will they finally fuck?
>answer for Taurajo
>answer for Dazaralor
Not gonna.
Your response?
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i cant play in first person mode anymore since the Oracle visual effect is right in front of the camera. fuck this shit
this is a good expansion
good job blizzard
Burn your other tree down
How much dps is your ghoul as a frost dk? Can I just never summon it, I don't like pets?
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nope, and the female is even beardless
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wow won large hugely massiveister.
Kinda tempted to re-read Beyond the Dark Portal, I remember enjoying it despite being extremely simple and full of TBC shilling "lorebuilding".
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Survival was fun between SL and up to DF season 3.
Then retards voted for the wrong t4 in season 4, so it was unusable.
Then in 11.0 Blizzard decided to follow the community meme of "no cd build!!! :0" effectively making it as boring to play as BM.
Why should the alliance pay for Taurajo? It was the pig-men that slaughtered the civilians.
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>spend 150k (my life savings) trying to make some gold back in various markets
>didn't even break even in any of them
that's the last time I am spending a single copper on this faggot shit called a*ction ho*se
just macro it in your cooldowns and forget it exists like everyone else anon
They funneled the civilians to the pigmen.
buy a wow token lol
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is he based or cringe ?
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wow won high upper goodly.
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I always made sure to hit her with a 'look here' ping while running Scholomance.
>Life savings
You been alive for 2 weeks or something?
it's literally like 1%
Brother go the fuck ahead I hate those ungrateful hysterical whores.
>waah why does Blizzard let the humans be the protagonists instead of me and my super-ancient ageless wise and perfect race of pointy ears?
Every expansion.
if you use advanced reasoning you would be in the right to never summon it. assuming you're afraid it will pull due to rogue AI and are saving it to explode it for the health.
>body pulling ever
rookie mistake. you have to remove all leverage from your team and actually tag mobs. by trusting them not to chimp out the moment combat has started is giving them leverage to fuck things up.
>b-but it makes no sense not to body pull the first part of ara-kara!
yes but it makes even less sense to put any trust in randoms to let you do that
no one specs into ghoul sacs as frost and the rest of your post was retarded, please stop giving advice to people
neat, can't wait for every ERPer troglodyte cite these two as a reason why they can have canon polyamorous relationships with dracthyr and draenei futa death knights
>turns out Amanthul is evil
>we have to go break Sargeras out and kill corrupted infinite azeroth
I hope the pendulum finally swings back completely in five years and we'll get full frontal nude heterosexual elf human sex scenes, they went over well in BG3 so why shouldn't WoW copy them?
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why did everyone think the titans were good in the first place
I bought the expansion but still haven't received my boost. Where the fuck is it?
>Then in 11.0 Blizzard decided to follow the community meme of "no cd build!!! :0" effectively making it as boring to play as BM.
Retarded forgposting cretin the no cd build is what every spec should be striving to be instead of having 3 offensives and 4 defensives while your rotation deals no damage
Look at the hero talents idiot. Both of them force you to pick cooldowns
as a DK I'm not getting off my mount until I have as many mobs as I'm pulling. I'll get off once to tell people not to be retarded but after that I'll just let them be retarded.
If they die they die.
They had no contact with the quillboar about this, left a humanitarian corridor for the civilians to evacuate, the quillboar went far outside of their normal area unchallanged because the horde over-committed military might at the front, and the horde decided to fight to the last man pointlessly against a clear overwhelming force rather than fall back and serve as security for their civilians for the evacuation.

The alliance is not responsible for the hordes deficiencies in leadership, though it seems to have to clean up the mess every time.
>hearth to dal
>ethereal npc tells me I look like dogshit
you can hit them with a "dont hit mobs while I'm mounted" and it works pretty well on everyone but quelthelas
easily verifiable as untrue
Good morning, I hate Holly Longdale so much
because they were
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you now remember all the people who somehow weren't able to get this piss easy mount during SL
can some of yall queue up comp stomp as dps? there are more healers than dps
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Never. Sorry gays, Alleria is for human breeding only.
why do you hate mommy holly? she and ion are making worlo better
>you now remember [...] during SL
no I don't FAGGOT
they were self serving
and they nuke planets all the time even algalon told us this
frick the HEKC off
>SS healer
>Run to the last pull before boss
>Die and rez
This is the only way you should be running Heroic/M0.
I don't like women telling me what I should find fun.
all true, but next patch metzen will save us
We need a draenei female back again in the story.
you can "nuh uh" me all you want but there is no one playing that talent, no guides tell them to take the talent, and the talent is objectively useless for the most immortal DPS in the entire game. It doesn't matter if you disagree because the anon you told that to can just google it himself and see that you're a fucking retard, which he will do while you babble to thin air about a spec you don't understand at all despite it being made for 6 year olds
Because everyone the Titans were against, Sargeras, The Void Lords/Old Gods, looked objectively worse on paper that your average boomer completely forgets they primed the planet with multiple WMD's, if they don't have shit go their way.
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I found one of the Violet Hold prisoners in Azj-Kahet
coords are 61.45, 48.73, behind a waterfall
he had an exclamation mark next to his nameplate, so it seems he's for a future quest, because i've done all the quests available so far and i've never seen him before
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This sounds bad. Shouldn't we be stopping this?
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Wrong opinion. Don't @ me, pleb.
now post memefox
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Why do my alts have no sidequests? There are zones that I haven't even touched yet there are only 1 or 2 available sidequests in them.
I am sure we are going to go back there and suck her dick so she can bail us out when we get clapped by the void lords
The son of AU Grommash will be her right hand and even more extreme in his views so we would have to kill him again
idk why so many words to say you fell for icy veins telling you to take a random proc damage reduction
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>she didnt get this
>goalposts about some shit I never said
I accept your surrender
Actually kino
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I never thought of the titans specifically as good, but I always considered the ones who honored their legacy, such as most of the titanic watchers, to be good (if a bit cruel like Odyn) and therefore it seemed logical to expect their creators to be good as well. Tolkien maxim about evil never creating and all that.
>played shadowlands
what's that even from? why is Magni still a crystalman?
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Are rogues really that bad this expac?
>me in flight form about to double tap spacebar and go play something else
I actually think we need more of this in the game
Why isn't Shaw part of the main npc crew? We could use a sneaky spy guy.
yeah im not sure an achievement proving you stuck around even when the game was irredeemable dogshit is a good look for anyone
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I cant wait for mein fuhrer to come back so we can hopefully start an inquisition on every fag
Do I play my female draenei Paladin as holy or as prot?
Because that's Voss's role now.
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art team is carry-ACK
both are pretty bad atm
I dunno but I want to smash my head into that helmet spike as hard as I possibly can
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For me it's a spunky space pirate eredar tomboy with an eyepatch.
He's probably looking for Flynn in Stormwind and Silvermoon gay bars oblivious to the fact he's actually in Azj-Kahet
par for the course for the spymaster of the Alliance
Shaws gay boyfriend got a spider ouchie so he is busy kissing his boo-boos better (this is literally what happens)
Well I wasn't able to get it because I didn't play the game during SL.
ah back?
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>it's just like in my hecking movies!
>literally falling asleep playing
I don't think expansion launches are supposed to be like this...
but I don't want to be a rettard :(
I am so mad she had to be introduced in WOD of all expansions. She could have become a fucking WOW mascot but they had to release her in WOD. She should have been introduced in legion and kept in the story. Now she literally will never ever be apart of the main story line all because of how bad WOD was.
Also a interdimensional time travel plot is fucking cringe and stupid.
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Post mogs, I'll rate them
Could use some polish. Direction and animation isn't bad but it's hard to get into the spirit of it when it looks like MLP.
are they really contracting pajeet coders and causing all these problems
one of the world's top m+ tanks just announced like yesterday he will main prot pally so might be worth a go, armaments could be insane if they revert nerfing it into the dirt and/or remove it from gcd
I mean literally everything that aproaches "endgame content" (as if that even is a thing anymore with the faggy seasonal model) is timegated so what you are left with is leveling alts.
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>Didn't want to join the Horde to begin with
>Proceeds to be more useful in her time as a grunt of the Forsaken, that she's b-lined straight to one of the five leaders of their society
>Proceeds to still be better at getting shit done than every Alliance character in the game.
Alliance sissies, why are your leaders jobbing to a previous neutral NPC???
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Shaw has been a joke since Legion and I don't remember anything about him before then.
he needs to gather DNA samples from all of his potential kidnappers. any sexually aggressive, bestial man could've taken Flynn from him. he's also concocting a new poison for use in interrogations by catching every bug imaginable.
Thanks, I wanted to prot anyways! Lightsmith seems cooler thematically so I guess I'll go with that.
so metzen left and blizzard was so desperate they begged him to come back ?

I wonder how big the raise was
>bet you feel silly :o
i remember
but why
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This shit is more interesting than Xal
it's a problem in all media right now. they stopped killing off characters and drastically reduced blood and gore now everything looks fucking retarded. I honestly thought the worldwide GoT th show hype would fix it but then it folded too
Old God penises..
8/10 sucks that the shoulders are low res, the staff could also be better but an unexpected cool combination
>Proceeds to be more useful in her time as a grunt of the Forsaken, that she's b-lined straight to one of the five leaders of their society
This is not quite as impressive when you remember that someone that was literally dead for 5 minutes and had no acomplishments whatsoever is also amongst those 5
follower dungeon siesbarg strategy is getting nerfed from orbit lmao

have fun mobgrinding and spamapplying to groups chuddies!
I remember all the hype about dungeon difficulty and I solo'd heroic SV at 460 ilvl, can't wait to see how overblown key difficulty is
is skinning a meme? i thought about making my worgen one for the racial bonus and fun but idk how im supposed to compete with bots and 2x4 farm tryhard groups.
This is like the least of our problems hordebro, when was the last time Alliance won a first world raid or dominated in world pvp or was good at anything? Leave me alone I want to play video games.
because blizzard writers are hacks and instead of giving us a reanimated or 2.0 version of putress they went with the retard reddit choice who should have just died in revamped scholomance
anyone got that image that was a collage of all alliance races with black skin tones? it was spammed during bfa/sl i think
i logged in to a level 27 character and the game gave me catch up equipment and is telling me to go to the dragon isles, do I just do all my levelling for the next 53 levels there?
sin feels fine and does some good damage, I can't stand how outlaw plays now.
The .1 patch has to be more old god blood stuff right? Like the bat people have been datamined so the Zaralek Caverns of TWW is going to be them probably and their quests revolve around that shit so far.
43 but yea, can just dungeon spam you get like 2-3 levels a go
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I was going for a mercenary feel
I don't know about the raise but he must have been able to stipulate in his contract that they weren't just going to shitcan his expansion halfway through, right? Because that was most likely the real reason he left after WoD.
gemmy :)
nerf affliction warlock
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There's a zone called the Rootlands coming at some point. Which was tagged as a proper zone map next to Spider-Land. It'll probably be the continuation of the Old God black blood stuff. But it's a toss up if it's going to be coming in a major patch, or 11.0.7 like Forbidden Reach did, since it was datamined early into beta.
Scarlet Rot?
Yeah you're right. That shot of the charging ranks could've been salvaged if there was any actual violence shown, even one missile hitting a bug and killing it. As is the clip is E rated.
I figured they were going to do this last maintenance so luckily I already finished on tuesday :>
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I don't get it.
hunters have to worry about tab targeting or using left click instead of right-click tho, and they've been fucking it up for literally 20 years
The caster is right. Melee is easy.
whats the strat
I don't like the pauldrons have the blue gems in them. Honestly should have only one pauldron, the left one like a propa grunt.
>revert nerfing it into the dirt
venthyr monkbros shall we tell him???
Its good but if you dont go the crafting profession gear route (which is only good the first month of the xpac) then you have to sit in trade chat spamming (WTS X weapon) all day
Bro its so fucking crazy we go from places like elwynn forest and westfall to Ahn qiraj and molten core
Haha gottem.
t. huntard who wiped 3 dungeons in a row using tab targeting one time
QRD on Anduin
why does he look like a coomer basedjack now
You do follower dungeon Ara-Ara and kill every mob, nets ~100 chitin, 45 poison or ~90 Blood depending on what step you are on. For poison the better strategy is actually to clear the elite room in Siegehold and then run to spawncamp the patroling "rare" mobs, since those give 1 each for the elites and 5 each for the 2 rares guaranteed and the rares respawn every 105 seconds.
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he spent the last 2 years gooning in the desert
Yeah it's nutts remember when we went all the way from Strahnbrad to the icy wastes of Northrend and picked up a sword then killed our own father, pretty crazey.
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>You won't time 15s in season 1 of Shadowlands. BFA was completely different.
>Holy shit you truly are retarded. you will -not- meet the damage requirements
>did all the hard content as marks
>switched to bm for the screenshot
>holy cope, you're not getting a 15s done without paying for it. you're bottom of the barrrel shit tier. deal with it
(This are ACTUAL quotes from season 1 on these wowg generals XDD)
A tabard and different shoulders could improve it though
The one thing thhat I hate about Goblin is how annoying it is to proprely see their mog, shame, Goblins are insanely cool, from what I can tell a lot of pieces need to be changed as everything seems thrown around in a bit of a mess 5/10
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literally source chuddy.
what is this for? alc? skinning?
Mindbroken by the Jailer. But dont worry he has a strong independent crippled black woman who don't need no man now to fix him.
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>And let's just say what happens then will be no mere setback
What did Metzen mean by this?
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I'm guessing we're gonna find some sort of proto world tree
>tfw i only have a hunter
literally what do i do? i want to be in my guilds raids
jfc it just finally connected to me that he was gone for the duration of dragonflight
that's insane, there was an actual period of time between shadowlands and current day... it's like missing time
Nta, but grind for the mount I think.
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This bad boy
What is this in reference too? Keal'thas or Kil'jaiden
also there was a skip
so the skip+dragonflight
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>Came off from a War.
>Proceeds to get kidnapped
>Has to spend a year listening to the person who lost the war insist on using you as a stand in for her brother
>Finally her boss has enough of her failing to get you on their side and mind controls him
>Mind controlled Anduin kinda liked hurting people and letting go
>Finally is free after a year of mind control
>Doesn't want to reintegrate in society and becomes a homeless despot living in Stormsong Valley
>Light isn't picking up the phone after it pretended to be his real dad and orc dad
>Now the planet is talking in your head asking you to go save the day.
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i miss my wife

SoDchads are laughing at us again
hes so cute ;_;
Can I solo amirdrassil normal as a dk? Didn't play DF so no idea what it is like.
very nice, how do i begin
these were all me, I can verify this happened and was important, but I stand by my criticisms.
The frost dk nerfs are a nothingburger right?
The day I figured out how to hide comments on r34 was a happy day. That's ok, but 99% of the time it's some cringelord doing outright ERP or some BelfSlut69 "I wish that was me :33"
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based retards
Probably the one aman'thul had an autism fit over and tore it off the planet because hurr durr its disorder
Orcs are too stupid to realise the dangers of void pussy. Without the holy Light (which orcs do not have within them canonically) there is no protection from the erotic entropy of the void's dark nether touch.
kill a rare elite on a 10 hour timer
all 12 of them? SoD is deader than dead since MC, turns out people dont want to provide their linkdin and interview for raid spots.
>Without the holy Light (which orcs do not have within them canonically)
you're behind the times old man
Home... / 10
I like how simple it looks, colors also fit nicely for a vulpera.
Good color
Good Worg
7 where pant?
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>turns out people dont want to provide their linkdin and interview for raid spots.
lol is this really happening?
ah so they just interviewed a single person that deployed to Afghanistan for a tour then made that anduins entire story
>bad game begets bad thread
>bad thread begets bad posters
>bad posters beget bad feedback
>bad feedback begets bad game
oh god its are fault
Found it. 2689473
>where pant
It's the blood troll ones, figured I'd match the chest
man i really like classic but im not a classic nostalgia guy just some dumb zoomer. i wish the game could go back to that but make it a bit harder and fleshing everything out and not having half finished classes and shit
its such a cool adventure. this whole shit where everyones talking to me all the time calling me champion and and contacting me like i have a cellphone. its fucking annoying and lame. and i hate how dungeons just dont even matter. nothing matters until mythic+.
It would be Dalaran 3.0 in fact.
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its worse than retail. and yes, the content is brainless piss easy
hm interesting to hear it from a mans perspective. as a woman i quite like it when big cocked men with big cocks make me make ahegao face its a big turn on. mostly like the size of their big cocks, length girth etc.
I don't play SoD but I assume so because
>turning 40 mans into 20 and 20 mans into 10
>Adding hard mode

Add to that typical Classic autism and you get a pretty elitist environment
classicbabs are schizos, they’re stuck in the past like those 'nice guys' who think their first ex was true love, people out of control with mental and social issues
>joshie tranny hands wrote this
>Ret paladin guild leader #2612
why not Gauntlets of Annihilation?
So when's the wowg guild getting made?
the only people remaining to repeatedly do content farmed 15 years ago are giga sweatlords for no reason so everyone just quit
Seen this on almost every male Draenei lock I've seen 5/10
Color matching is good but it doesn't really work as a rogue, that's like having a thief with hood and cap with it's buns exposed to fresh air, I mean it's hot, but it's not practicle
stfu attacking my oneitis
>>Light isn't picking up the phone after it pretended to be his real dad and orc dad
Fuck I hate that this would actually be canon in Danuser's magical realm.
Will Metzen reaffirm the existence of proper afterlives or is that going to get swept under the rug? It's just such utterly bad taste. And I'm baffled why no-one saw it coming when original Shadowlands contant was revealed.
Afghanistan + having to listen to Sylvanas.
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Hello guys,

I'm playing warlock demonology but I feel like my minions do so much damage that I can't even play the game. I can only get two or so spells in before things die. Even if there's a big group of mobs, diabolic ritual ends and I just get a green mommy obliterating everything on screen before I get to cast my third hand of guldan.


Thank you,
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Assmongloid is gonna get exposed in 1 hour
whenever you make it instead of autistically asking every couple of hours because you're scared to put yourself out there this is also why you're so lonely btw
The moment i level warlock im jumping on melee fuck this
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what level are you? That's probably just how pre-max level gameplay works
It's already canon as far as Chronicles 4 is to be taken.
The Light ghosts during his cutscene, both in Legion and in Shadowlands were just the light pretending to be those spirits.
HOLY projecting
Then uncanon it. Chronicles 4 isn't Metzen's work.
they are too small for my liking. Also they fit too well with the chest.
Yeah, I'm still level 79. Ok, glad to know it gets better later, thank you :)
make one and spam it for a few weeks
that's also currently max level gameplay lol
Why didn't the light pretend to be Tiffin instead of Saurfang?
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Do the Horde and Alliance factions even matter at this point?
2.3% ST and 4.5~% aoe nerf.
Because Anduin only knew Tiffin while he was a baby.
pretty sure they havent since the end of bfa
if this post ends in 9 hitler attack the tednie post with blitzkreeg leading to over 16 trillion deaths
Never did
No, Blizzard decided to kill an integral, core part of the game instead of doing something about the overpowered horde racials.
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And no, there are no filthy half-elf mutts in my pure variant human bloodline!
If this post ends in 5, you need to level a fresh Vulpera to 80
alliands tednie post is in a worse place is what did it
any wax chads?
shadowmeld nigga
if dubs you stop posting the same shit get over and over
>try tank mage tower
>get literally one shot by add
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How I like to hang at the bar picking up panda hotties
John Lightbringer
Both a 6, they serve their purpose well, but they're uninspired
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bros "they" got me with the profession revamps
I know people hate it but I love the endless grinding autism, it feels like a little slice of Runescape in my WoW
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Kek heroic dungeons already got nerfed
...but I'm red... I'm nothing like that blue guy...
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If this post ends in a number you admit trolls are the master race
I really dont get how people make money with alchemy
The raw materials are more expensive than the output even with maxed out flasks tree and multicraft gear
I admit, trolls are the master race. Masters of getting roasted alive by humans wielding elven-taught magics.
start of expansion things are harder, try at end of expansion
if this post end in 9 you accept I god audism and im part of this community same as youand treat me with respect and love.

and you know what? how's this for stakes. if 0 or 1 I will never mention tednie post again and empty my image folder, replacing them with fresh ones, and post only OCs for a month before I start reposting again.
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They have to cater to the 35 year old balding dad who's wife lets him play 30 minutes per week and clicks his abilities after all.
the war within the auction house
Outlaw Rogue chads am I correct in understanding that I should never use killing spree during subter/vanish windows and it's all just amush/between/pistol proc spam?
>join bg
>whole enemy team on me
>survive for 20 seconds
>no help from team
i look and do this
no, im sick of this basterd. rerolling for justice, let's beat him up.
>tfw 31 no wife, no kids, no balding yet
>still have less than 30 minutes a week to play wowo wacca
have you considered not being retarded?
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im still not done grinding out my pvp set from comp stomp. gonna take a nap and get back at it later
how the fuck do you play prot warrior
one more time. make him accept me for who I am. he's reached a milestone in humility, or god admits its a drawer. either way I winned.
read em and weep faty
go mountain thane and unga bunga
If I tank a heroic (or a mythic for that matter) am I legally obligated to run around pulling the whole instance like a total spastic and will I get yelled at if I don't do this?
What if Xal'fu kidnapped Arator and impregnated him while his parents watched?
if I send a personal order to someone who is crafting profession tools, am I supposed to fork up the acuity or do I just leave a big tip?
charge, shield slam, thunderclap, ignorepain + shield block, demo shout, hit all AOE CDS. then just shield slam, thunderclap, revenge whenever shit procs

its piss easy
sunder nigga sunder
Why they were already easy
why do people think its fun to just sprint through dungeons
why is the entire game catered to them?
i dont fucking get it. how the fuck is that shit fun? i want to do real mmo shit. i want slow atmospheric dungeons. i want every mob pack to al most be a wipe
7, nigga looks like he smokes cigars and owns dancers
It's basically in between "Juan Ret" and Sovlful Vanilla humans, atleast yours is a sovlful 5
You're legally obligated to pull the fewest mobs possible but also clean up for all the other spastics.
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acuity is always yours afaik, there is no option to not use yours.
just go straight to the bosses, the idiot dps will pull enough extra trash for you to deal with
A true son of Lordaeron.
>Thrall dies and gets replaced by Moira as the token shaman npc
Do it.
based defender of humanity
I fear you may severely underestimate just how bad the average player is.
Most of the retards playing this game are barely sentient.
moira is already a priest anon
Imagine being a frontline warrior and being like
>yeah now I'm gonna run forward and stab the guy
>then I will slam him with my shield
>then I will slap the ground
>then I will get attacked but I will shrug it off, pain don't hurt
>then I will block the next attack with my shield because I didn't feel the pain from the last one
>then I will make a shout to make my enemy fear me
>then I will do the whole spin to win thing, that's a neat trick
>then I will slam him with my shield again
>and slap the ground some more
>sometimes I will even get a powerful attack in that will be my counterstrike for attacking me, kind of like a revenge
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i dont mind it, moira is strangely well written in an expansion of otherwise netflix original characters
I just checked with Pelagos and she said nobody named Khadgar had passed through yet.
but Moira is a priest
>Wowg guild
>EU: At least 3 cuntboy posters and European autistic screeching
>NA: BBC posting futas loving mutts
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we did have a decent NA guild at the start of SL but everyone sort of dipped in s2 cuz it sucked
All I wanted was some monk gear for my transmog
yeah, I like the theoretical idea of a wowg guild, but being in the same guild as some of the people in wowg seems vomit inducing
seriously what the fuck is up with it
Dragon II is the replacement shaman, resto btw
I'll join as long as there's a 0 tranny shit policy. One unpunished uwu or BBC or furry message and I'm home.
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That's because he's a void squid flying around Hallowfall right now.
Its being botted and its lagging the whole fucking game
He is immortal. He has inside him blood of kings YEAH
He has no rival. No man can be his equal.
Take him to the future of you all.
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I thought she shaved her hair because her boyfriend left her and her crazy cat lady shennanagins.
>$50 says she has cut marks on her thighs.
>implying you would get back up with someone slammed your face with a heavy shield
9/10, the one annoying thing is that some pieces are too los res while some too high res, but it still looks sick, true son of Lordaeron.
That's a sick bow, and I assume a serpent pet, good picks for a Darkspear, good colors on the face paint & hair, and it overall looks good 8/10
She has a shitload of cutting scars on her arms.
most people dont act like braindead retards when they arent anonymous and trying to get a reaction. the idea that /wowg/ guilds are some degenerate cesspool of tranny dogfucking porn addicts has just not been the case historically
I probably wouldn't unless someone slapped the ground instead of hitting me.
yep, and when you realize some of the most vile posters are not even trolls/joking
no ty
I see, thanks
I think I actually hate most crafting, will stick to fishing/herbing/mining and alchemy on my main just for the extra flask duration
Just ignore the pain.

Sounds based, high test, high speed
if anons have to restrain their true feelings and impulses in the name of being socially normative, what the fuck is the point of a /wowg/ guild? You already know what you are all truly like, how can you trust each other knowing what you know?
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this is so retarded
well in that case I might be down for it on EU but >>492614132
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Is it true you need 20 alts at max level all with crafting professions or you'll be forever behind? i just leveled my 3rd alt to 80 and im already incredibly bored of leveling.
i dont have any alts at all and always just have had 1 main and ive never felt like i was missing anything i dont have any gold issues either
Outlaw Rogue chads am I correct in understanding that I should never use killing spree during subter/vanish windows and it's all just amush/between/pistol proc spam?
you are correct in that you should immediately reroll to another class
It was in WoD when I joined one but that's honestly the only bad vg experience I've had in an online game.
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I will never forgive blizzard for reworking combat into a pirate meme spec.
My species?
My role?
You VILL build ze points and zen spend zem and you vill be happy.
you dont think your coworkers or family do depraved shit behind closed doors? 95% of the anons here are slightly maladjusted lonely guys who just want to clear content and make offensive jokes in voice. its not like your joining a weird sex cult
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>Thrall dies and Aggra reaches out to the elements for vengeance, becoming a shaman and taking up Doomhammer
Pelagos says: Mm, who's next? Come on papa doesn't have all day.
Khadgar says: Pelagos? My man! Could I stop by the massage parlor afterlife first? Just a regular massage! To relax these old bones. First.
Pelagos says: My man? Sweetie it's more complicated than that. My gender, okay, as your God-
Khadgar says: My apologies. You said you identified as a man.
Pelagos tilts his head and purses his lips
Pelagos says: Mm hmm. Sooooo it didn't say on this list of sins you interrupted people when they're speaking. I'll just write that down now?
Khadgar says: Sorry, it seemed quite clear cut. I'm from a different time!
Pelagos says: Right. Okay. No, it's okay. You're from a different time :) let's get you to that massage parlor. Guardian of Azeroth, you old battleaxe you!
<Pelagos ticks the box that says "Maw" on zir clipboard>
Normalise bullying freaks and weirdoes again? Okay, fuck off you freaky weirdoes.
It really was the best way to send his character off to have him get sent to an afterlife specifically for being redeemed, actively refusing all of it, then screaming "id fucking do it again" and immediately taking a raid boss down with him
Garrosh was such a fucking good antagonist.
stop writing seethefics
mm is the most fun spec in the game though
Alright, I’ve been watching some vids on YouTube about TWW. The trailer made it look cool and interesting, centering it around Nerubians really hooked me, but all the YouTubers talking about it seem like shills and I don’t trust them. So genuine question: is TWW fun? Would you guys recommend it to a returning player?
make wowg great again. wowg guild when.
Anyone know Weak Auras?
Trying to get Coagulating Blood (Blood DK mechanic, tracks deathstrike healing) to display as a bar, meaning that it should always rest at 8.5% and increase as the amount of damage I take increases.
I just cannot seem to get it to do so, any help?
why nobody wants to play with me
I'm sad

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