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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Know Your Tomboy Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>491929592

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
>Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai/
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Fairies & Tomboys Friday is underway! Reply to the anchorpost with your rough and dainty prompts! >>492362595

>(8/30) Cohere updates Command R https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png
(08/06) AetherRoom’s second wave for its Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, August 12th https://files.catbox.moe/okbva0.png
I demand that you write new tutorials for this update so that I can continue to generate muscular shotas
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Okay yeah, negative vibes are psychotic now. Removing them is bringing this vibe mix back to similar looks to its previous iteration. Fake artist names ARE still working. Results seem slightly different but still recognizable.
Pic is pre-update left, middle is post-update with negative vibes removed and positives kept.
Right is the original's vibe mix with negatives TURNED DOWN to 0.1 extraction and -0.1 strength. Used to be [1.0,1.0,1.0] and [-0.4,-0.2,-0.1].
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That last Bulbasaur has a really long dick
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Here’s the second anchor for Fairies & Tomboys Friday! Our first one received two prompts!
Way Back Home: https://aetherroom.club/7301
Being Very Persuasive: https://aetherroom.club/7302
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yeah, seems like negative vibes are poison no matter what
shame, they were really useful for fighting information bleed
Probably a bug on your machine, or specific to the furry model. It still works on my end.
Posting in a cabal thread.
I'm starting to dread their imagegen updates.
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Ghetto Recap (1/2)
Vibes have been updated/the formula changed, mixes will have to be reformulated >>492440987 >>492450754 >>492468956
New Imagegen Stuff, Yep >>492459128 >>492463440 >>492465378
Also New Command-R Stuff But Yeah

Taking The Heat
https://aetherroom.club/7300 (Hey, 7300!) >>492200703
A prompt based off Fire Emblem 7.

Theme Friday Prompts:

Way Back Home
https://aetherroom.club/7301 >>492420479
Spunky Tomboy

Being Very Persuasive
https://aetherroom.club/7302 >>492420672
Man With A Fairy Wingman

DSP Tries It: NovelAI (I Wish This Would Actually Happen, Unironically) >>491931714
Alice In The Dark >>491934046
Remember To Support My Patreon! >>491936795
The Return Of Good Responses (China Fell Asleep) >>491936989 >>491947735
The Bubbling Of Dinner >>491941064
Wisdom From Your Foreskin (The Best Source Of Information) >>491969634 >>492107797
Bonzi Unaffected By The Japanese Subway Laws >>492005014
The Sun Will Set: The Bucket List (No, Not That Movie) >>492024307
A Non-Jive Ballad >>492046470
He Bought RAM >>492061542
[REDACTED] Age >>492087565
The Wild Roses Continue (Sybil Not Included) >>492099256 >>492223929 >>492224402
Grandma's Vase >>492282775 >>492283148 >>492314901
Campaign Start >>492336473
Lisa Chat >>492360686
Frenzied Flame (Bravo GRRM) >>492415801
Did they break anything with their latest one?
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)

Notable Posts:

Anon's Dilemma >>491937823 >>491939498 >>491943376
Mischief Makers And Comedians (There Was That Indie Game Though)>>491950047 >>491953809 >>491954000 >>491955037 >>491955296
Reverse Time Stop Difficulties >>492049446 >>492049824 >>492050889 >>492051153
Anlatan Write Up >>492061513 >>492070890
Perspective Problems >>492072620 >>492075242 >>492075538 >>492085458 >>492081346
Purple Haze >>492084085 >>492103751
Defensive Women >>492083756 >>492089792 >>492091821 >>492247173
A Toast, To Model Creators, And The Crazy SOBs That Use Them! >>492138545
Flatbros... >>492215117 >>492215425 >>492216164 >>492218556
You Are Getting Sleepy >>492219257 >>492219608 >>492223653 >>492226769
Comfy Spider And 70b Stuff >>492223183 >>492223827 >>492223962 >>492224675 >>492228575
A Very New Conversation >>492229384 >>492233345 >>492243873 >>492242107 >>492242287 >>492243873
Imagegen Wizards And Webp Hate >>492249274 >>492249392 >>492249461 >>492310345 >>492249931 >>492250242
Bravest Spelunker?... OH NO >>492224675
Write A Prompt About The Miami Mutilator >>492263271
Quantized Prices >>492316330
Steam AI Policy Sucks >>492302605
The COOL Stuff >>492332862 >>492333083 >>492333508 >>492333693 >>492334590 >>492334706 >>492334879 >>492335057 >>492335103 >>492336147 >>492341740 >>492415801
What Piano School Gets You https://files.catbox.moe/1my0s9.png
WT Woes >>492357667 >>492359104
Music Of The Thread >>492358652 >>492365091 >>492384543 >>492384712 >>492439412
Action >>492359151 >>492359851
Coloring B-Movies >>492360764 >>492361126 >>492361230 >>492361382 >>492361827 >>492362121
Roll For Pinning >>492367957 >>492369391
How Much More Black Could They Be? >>492379270 >>492384087 >>492429304 >>492465302
The Mermaid Tomboy (Or Is That Tomboy Mermaid?) >>492408158 >>492409742 >>492410549 >>492411571 >>492411729 >>492412651 >>492422638
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>Bravest Spelunker?... OH NO
Someone finally noticed. Also, once again, thank (you).
How can you tolerate chatting with such an annoying character anon?
Yes. My heart. Where the fuck is 70B.
Next week fr fr
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The new imagegen update definitely improved hands and feet. Good work Anlatan.
>deformed pinkie merging with ring finger
>fat middle finger peeling apart into two
>broken pointer finger with Imposible anatomy

Bottom foot looks a bit funky, but top foot is okay though.
is it true that importing the metadata and using exact same setup leads to altered images?
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Novel ai is an image gen site
Fuck off, threadshitter.
>no. of imagen updates since last year: 14
>no. of textgen updates since last year: 3
He is right.
Be nice roach
Neck yourself, Russkie.
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Thanks for the (You)!
In other news, the new "AA3" has no modding support.
I think she’s cute and endearing.
NGL I had hoped you'd matured. Guess that was a false assumption.
Given his antics last thread, what made you think he matured?
McDonald's Boy kind of muted me to his antics I guess.
They're the same schizo.
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Experimenting with some of the neg vibes that Anon posted a little while ago. Also I finally figured out how to use the inpainting tool. I was doing things the stupid way for so long.

(Catboxed because slightly too spicy for a blue board.)

Yeah it's probably for the best you didn't spend time making that AV collection, kek.
Quit trying to drive contributors away from the thread. We need an antivibe collection.
How do you inpaint properly?
Realizing that you can inpaint in increments to insert/remove elements instead of all at once, and that you should almost always use the "overlay image" option because any seams can be easily removed by a very low strength enhancement pass.
if antivibes worked, some of the images they make would be good ones
>More like Akira slide into her arms, right? That's how that meme goes, right?
Congrats on 300 prompts! That's quite an achievement.
In your Description, I might insert 'as' or 'more' in 'that exemplified' to make sure it has the emphasis on how nowhere else is it as noticeable.
If you want, 'home town' can be one word.
At 'that still remembers', I think I'd make that 'who still remember'. As it is, it feels fine to say, but looks odd to read to me. Part of it might be the overall length of the sentence throwing me off.
If I want to nitpick, technically, 'that easy' should be 'that easily', but the rules are relaxed more for speech, especially the more casual it is.
In your Lorebook, I might put an 'and' in 'caps, all'.
Well, that sure was a shot of nostalgia for something I didn't have. There's probably a word for that.

>For the movie of this, all you have to do is find a sales term that involves fairies in some way for a title
In 'off sound', that should probably be 'sounded'.
In 'tack is', that should probably be 'was'.
In 'be portends', that should be 'portents'. Portend is a verb, to be a sign or warning of something bad (typically). Though a portent is also often about something bad coming, but not always.
In 'and retracted', I'd make that 'retracting'.
Huh, that's a bit of a different style in your Memory. Did she fly off a lot in testing, leading to that first sentence?
Technically, in 'less premiums', that should probably be 'fewer', since there's a countable amount of premiums, more or less.
I could probably use a Lilia myself. I've historically been quite bad at persuasiveness. I never did figure out how persuasive essays were supposed to work when I was a kid.
AVs seem to still be working roughly how I'd expect on Anime V3, but their effect is a lot more extreme. I'm just having to reduce their strengths by a lot, or use others to control the effects.
Wait what?
Are they fucking retarded?
Did you really expect them to not be retarded?
thats nothing new. AA1 & 2 also had no modding support, but people brute forced it and found a way regardless
You sir are based and have patrician taste.
Bepis gave up on even attempting it. Because unlike the other games, there is even more fuckery going on in the files. Modding it is considered impossible.

This >>492505461 is what I assumed anon meant.
Of special concern is that the global-metadata.dat file is encrypted. Modders cannot interface it with IL2CPP. Without an unencrypted file, Bepinex doesnt work with it. On top of that, the game developer applied obfuscation over the entire thing. Furthermore, the game is always online.
>always online
oh what the fuck is that shit
Classic Illusion/Illgames retardation.
The always online coomer
man, why can't anything i like be left alone?
I demand NovelAI fix antivibes.
Me too. I might actually suck it up and go to their discord and tell them about it. Not that they'd listen, or care.
They're lucky I'm only paying for the text gen because if I was an imagegen-only sort of person I'd drop my sub like a hot brick.
This new shit is unsalvageable and I can't believe there's no legacy options.
Just unsub and use Claude, bozos.
Saying "use claude" in a fake Russian accent is very amusing. I know it's autistic but I don't care.
you konw what claudefag, I will
as soon as you make me a mobile-friendly text completion UI
It's called offline-nc.
That doesn't run on a phone dumbass
Yes it does, angryanon.
can you show me?
uhhh use claude or whatever. Also the cabal.
No phone due to sanctions
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The fuck is going on?
These are the same prompt, seed, and vibes just generated a few minutes apart.
Are they fixing it?
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Is the wait over yet?
No, fellow waitchad. We are still winning.
Waiting™© for the hardware! Please enjoy imagegen in the meanwhile!
The idea of being Ratatouilled around by a fairy inspired me to take it in, well, a more modern direction, but the end result will probably be similar.
I've written hundreds of little sister prompts but trying my first shota self insert with an older sister somehow feels wrong. What is this phenomenon?
that shits called cowardice. its time to dom or be dommed
She knows you're interested in bulging her stomach, bro! Go for it!
Literally just now. try refreshing the page?
My plan is all going according plan. Internal sabatoge is its own reward. Hehe hehe. Turk doesn't even suspect me.
Every corpo deserves to burn
What if Brumaire never left
We're so back.
Would you say it sent shivers down your spine?
Dog person detected. Opinion invalidated.
big dumb blonde titties
I really hope you're the Cossack and not mystery meat.
Phew, what a relief
It's been implied in the Discord, I think, that it would be in September. Someone suggested October, Kuru gave them a "nah" and when someone assumed it would be later clarified that the cluster's almost operational, and that the nah was meant "in a good way".
It's true, I read it in the stars
I'm so glad antivibe works again.
The Fair Folk Flophouse
>A fairie lets herself in to your apartment and decides to start renting out shelf space. Try not to piss off your new roommates.
Uninspired garbage, I'm sick and behind schedule, so I ripped off two unfinished stories to Frankenstein this together.
Kill me senpai.
Hope you feel better, anon.
mk48.io sucks once you realize the Iowa was decommissioned for a reason, it doesn't have any ASW weapons besides 3 shitty helicopters, and you can literally just surface a sub underneath it and instantly die.
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>just one more break bros
Pic related is how retards sound like when they're crying for 70B. Kayra is good enough and 13B is all you need.
shut up!
We heard you OccultSage, too bad you can't hear yourself.
Why does he even say that when he knows 70B is coming?
I got cured of my gacha addiction literally overnight...now I have an AI addiction
Lucky you. I use both. Simultaneously.
Just notice that they don't call it image gen "update" anymore, it's called image gen "feature addition".
He has a small beak fetish
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>look for card on venus to copy so i don't have to write my own
>its all subpar slop probably by esls
>spend an evening writing it all out myself
>coom to it once and then never open it again

anyone else?
Reminds me of the AID days.
Just coomed to prompt? Time to delete all of it
>Time to delete all of it
every time
It's got that early 2010's unlicensed paint tool sai kinda feel.
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Yup, working as intended again.
Variety+ is... Interesting. Not always ideal, but it certainly can be interesting. (off vs on).
Huh... I think I'm starting to prefer furryv3...
It's legit good for slime monsters x humans. animev3 doesn't even put slime globs on the girls.
You can kinda manage it through clever use of tags involving fluid. "Melting" is good for giving goo girls a gloppy appearance, but it's not a silver bullet. "Partially submerged" and "puddle" will let you give them an amorphous lower body.
I'm a cheapfag and use kobold horde, do you guys have any tips on how to make output better? Especially if multiple characters are involved, I find putting too much in memory just fucks things up.
You can pay $25 a month for Kayra if you want a good textgen experience.
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>Let's hope your bookshelf isn't made of ash or rowan wood
I might insert a 'but' in 'apartment, I'd'.
I'd put a comma in 'first though'.
Would modern metal cause a problem to a fairy these days? Most of it isn't iron, and, depending on your definition of cold iron (is it a specific way of using it that wasn't forging it, or just something manmade that couldn't exist that way in nature?), likely wouldn't be that either. (If the latter, then, yeah, most everything would be not great for fairies.)
I could see a funny bit further in the story of using some bread to try to protect against Malady here (if that really is her name), only for her to consider it an offering due to the conflicting roles in folklore.
I hope you feel better soon. Not to make that sound like I'm only saying it to say this, but when you do, you may want to see if you can add just a little bit more flesh to the bones of this story to help it feel a little bit more like a home.
You misunderstand. I want slime globs from the slime creature that is doing the molesting on the human.
Hypebots is a very intricate feature and it would take months of dev time even to update the model from Sigurd, much less deliver the feature set they promised over 2 years ago. Please understand.
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>artificial doom late at night
Administer a controlled shock to your taint, console warrior.
I need horror prompts;
You're stuck in a room with whinefag, there are no weapons available, and you're limbs are bound. What do?
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>wake up
>immediately cum to tranny porn again
I blame turk for this shit... If only we have 70B by now...
It's fixed.
It worked!
Man, BasedBinkie has some pretty distinctive eyes. I guess the style is recognizable in general, but I feel like some of the eyes in particular stand out. Also, now I want to try making a Tomelder prompt, because something about that just conjured the image of a mature woman schooling early twenty-something bros that think they're hot shit but really aren't in a pickup basketball game ("could've gone pro, you know").
>Great responses from Kayra
>But keeps trying to reassure the elf I'm not actually going to rape her

Eh? Is this 70B testing?
No, they just quantized Kayra. Reducing model size is their only option to keep all the shit in their serve.
This and the shivers down the spine that some anons posted make me think they are indeed testing 70B
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I don't think they are, or 70B is looking woeful
Pippa just needs a good dickin.
Maybe, just maybe, sage is right and 13B is all we need?
Hey guys, haven't been around for over a year. How does NovelAI hold up in the current selection?
well and truly overtaken by local
I am going to FLUFF fluffy tails.
>Part of it might be the overall length of the sentence throwing me off.
It is something of an egregious em dash interjection, isn't it. I yanked it out and made it its own sentence.
>Well, that sure was a shot of nostalgia for something I didn't have. There's probably a word for that.
Anemoia / Nostalgia will win some day.
>Portend is a verb, to be a sign or warning of something bad (typically). Though a portent is also often about something bad coming, but not always.
Wild. Never actually encountered that difference before. Though I get the impression I'll get this wrong again in a year when using this term comes to mind again.
>Huh, that's a bit of a different style in your Memory. Did she fly off a lot in testing, leading to that first sentence?
I have used the "this is a story of..." style for third person stuff before, but it's a rare thing. This is the first iteration of the memory, with no changes after testing - I suppose the phrasing just felt appropriate at the time and I wanted to give the vibe that they're going to be a partnership for a long time, leading to Barnan becoming a seduction master that fucks all across the kingdom? Not sure. Sometimes I just write shit.
Tanlines and abs Nagito is cursed as all hell, god damn.
Everyone runs KoboldAI then?
The standalone KAI is dead and irrelevant.
Just like NAI?
Thanks for the quick info anon. I look into it.
Textgen wise? Yeah, they're about on the same level of stagnation.
Your tomboy needs (you) as much (you) need her...
Very late because tomboys are surprisingly hard to write for me.
For anons who can't hear the soundpost,
ok lads any of you got good anti-vibes for truly epic proportions in animev3? because when i want to gen ridiculous breast sizes i feel like more often than not adding anti-vibes means a reduction in breast flesh. huge bummer that.
This one works best of the furry model but it does also have an effect on anime v3
seriously though, just give this one a try on furry v3 with "solo, female, human focus" and you will get anime styled girls with HUGE knockers
see? look at those titties
thanks, i actually stole this anti-vibe from here and experimented with it before and i like it a lot. it is just not quite unlocking what i am going for. those boobas are not enough.
will NAI's 70b be any good at story writing? i've never used their models before
Claude is better
i can afford novelai though, i can't afford opus
For textgen, Claude 3 Opus > Llama 3.1 405B > Gemma 2 27B >= Llama 3.1 70B > NAI Kayra > Mistral Nemo 12B > Gemma 2 9B
Isn't Gemma slopped?
Gemma 1 and Gemma 2 2B specifically are - they're fucking terrible.
Gemma 2 27B is unironically one of my favorite models though. If it is slopped, I haven't noticed.
it's basically the only model specifically finetuned for it, yeah
Claude's the only model I've used that's come close in terms of creativity
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Prompt for this feel?
After all these years, a NAI 70b? Any eta?
they're waiting for coreweave to set up a cluster, model is done
Oh fuck, coreweave is about as reliable as a fart when you have diarrhea.
Did claude generate that joke for you?
No, I did it all by myself. Did you get all that sand in your vaginal all by yourself?
It wasn't a joke really.
You're welcome.
It kinda was, but not in a way that was wrong, just one that made it hard to tell. It does read cleaner now.
Oh, right, that one. It had popped into my head but I wasn't sure it was the right word.
If it helps, people often pronounce both with a D sound on the end, which might have been a part of it.
Fair enough then. Getting out ahead of her getting one show and leaving is probably a good idea.

>A Hard Pill To Swallow
Well, this is immediately a different tone from everything else this weekend.
I'd put a comma in 'veil including'.
It looks like you have endashes instead of emdashes. I'd probably recommend changing over to the latter, but at least you're consistent with them.
In 'hair she', I might make that 'she'd', unless she actively still takes lots of time to braid it.
If you want more emphasis, in 'her agile', you can make that 'once-agile'.
A 'but' could be inserted in 'wear, her'.
In 'Her hardhead', I'd put a space in 'hardhead'. Either that or reword it to 'This hardheaded woman, she'.
Unless he's vaccinated against it or already has a latent infection, he has a chance of catching it himself, which wouldn't be good.
In Rose's Lorebook, the comma in 'Huli, had' should be removed.
In the Drug Lorebook, at 'these rare medication', you should choose whether to say 'these rare medications' (though it's only one type of pill mentioned here, which would be used alongside other antibacterial drugs), 'these rare pills', or 'this rare medication'.
It's all so tiresome...
I don't know how people enjoy self insert stories, or even non-self insert ones. I cannot imagine myself in any other situation than sitting alone in my home on the pc and I don't care one bit for another person's story. If I were ever isekai'd I'd do nothing of note and probably die of some random accident or casualty of war having achieved nothing. No monstergirl waifu would be interested in me, and I would not escape my comfort zone to acquire anything I would desire.

I am even more soulless than AI.
What if you died and were reincarnated as a young slave girl? Would you simply do nothing at allow your owner to molest you?
Yeah probably.
Would you enjoy it?
The thing is a lot of these isekais have the new world revolve around the MC instead of the other way around, and they either have an upperhand power-up granted to them or use their modern earth knowledge to gain an advantage.
I think the main thing I dislike about Isekai, or at least the ones where the MC dies to enter them, is that it has a lot of philosophical questions that never get addressed because obviously that isn't what the audience is looking for. I prefer my Portal Fantasy to have the MC to have at least SOME reason to want to return to his old life, or at least not forget it.
I'd might as well make the most of it instead of making a fuss, I'd suck the best dick of anyone and be the most obedient slave if that's what my lifes purpose will be. Maybe my master would treat me well if I did that.
I hope you're not going to use my reply as erp bait to jack off.
What if their old life is just not worth anything?
Isekai are the most fun when the MC is a nobody/underdog that can think outside the box, imo. No super special powers, no chosen one, just a dude who knows high school chemistry or chinese history or something and starts aping stuff he half-remembers
>I hope you're not going to use my reply as erp bait to jack off.
No, but now you have a story you can enjoy.
Of course not, I would either escape or worm my way out of slavery.
>I was reincarnated as a sex slave and enjoyed every second of it.
I feel like this already exists as some hentai
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I get it enturely. Yesterday, I was bored, none of my mangas were updated so are starting digging around for Isekai stuff that might be fun. I found one I hadn't looked at that had quite a few chapters, it started with an interesting premise, main character got isekai'd with his friends and while they all had hero powers he was weaker than the average person.Obviously, he wouldn't be the protagonist if he didn't get way stronger, however, did he struggle to overcome this? Or go through any hardship at all? No. He found a computer and gave himself retarded powers. There is no growth, there is no challenge, and the writer clearly had no intention of ever having a real conflict. It was just another harem power wank. It's so boring.

I love the concept of isekai, and especially the idea of the main character being a late bloomer who has to fight for power but it never happens in a way that's well written. The first arc of the spider Isekai did this great, but after she leaves the labyrinth the entire thing goes pants on head. While I don't like the narrative now, elves having guns and UFOs was an entertaining set piece just for how batshit the concept is.
Posting that same elf pic and samefagging your own response won't fool anyone, Russkie.
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Alright, I got inspired by the OP image and got an idea for another prompt, so here it is: https://aetherroom.club/7306
>Guys showing up to the local outdoor basketball court thinking they're hot shit and betting they can do something or beat someone is common. A woman doing so is less common, and especially an older one. There's no way this lady has a chance against me, right?
Get hustled by a cougar sort-of-tomboy and get taken out for a dinner date. Don't expect to get back home early, she's got plans.
Is the best way to write still sillytavern or equivalent with one of those gay gatekept proxies I'll need to keep chasing?
I'm not asking to be spoonfed or anything, I'm just evaluating wether this is gonna be worth my time to do once again
>"You're too uptight! I'm old enough, Mister. I can give you what you need."
>"Oh? And how do you propose to do that?"
>"It's simple! You just have to... get it up and have fun with me!"
>"Get what up?"
>"I dunno. You should know, you're an adult."
If you are trying to do it for free, yeah.
None of those are real.
How often do you guys brainstorm ideas for a new story? Or do you just let them come to you naturally?
Usually these days its just influenced by things I encounter that would be even better with elves or some shit.
great fucking novelai is suddenly 20x more retarded again, my stories don't work again
Get a hobby, schizo.
The only thing you're writing is different ways to astroturf NovelAI. No one is writing anything with a shitty 13B model. Keep bumping the thread with your fake engagement posts. You're a disgusting shill hiding behind the facade of "we're writing stories". No one believes your crap, disgusting piece of shit.
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The former for Friday prompts, the latter for everything else. I rarely find I instantly have an idea at the ready once the theme is revealed, so I do spend some time thinking about it (and sometimes I end up struggling and just coming up with the dumbest shit). But otherwise, I've so far never run out of ideas that I noted down at some point or another, so so far I'm good just letting them come to me from random thoughts.
Read the OP, newfag. That's our resident schizo.
never had an idea come to me naturally
either aped them from an existing story, or prompted an instruct model for ideas
Is he wrong tho?
/Is he wrong tho?/i
Fuck you, schizo.
Today marks 400 days since Kayra released on July 28th 2023.
Nobody cares, threadshitter.
Off and on.
Outside of smut?
Frequently, but most never make it past the first chapter. I had a 40k word draft last year that I ended up deleting. I have about 4 drafts right now at about 2000-4000 words each.
This is how you can tell that none of these posts are organic. No one is paying $25 a month to be humiliated like that.
>totally "organic" samefagging
How much text do I need to generate to actually be a loss for NAI even with an Opus sub?
Claudefag is right though. He's just a bit too sexually obsessed with NAI and its employees.
Claudefag isn't right, and he will never be right, contrarian faggot. Nobody who is genuinely part of the community on /aids/ acts like you do.
It won't be a loss. You'd need dozens to hundreds of accounts generating 24/7 to be a loss for them.

One person running it constantly won't do a thing to their profit margins. The reason they've leaned so heavily into image gen is because it's significantly cheaper, they can monetize it with Anals, and that's what the most people who buy NAI subs use.
>Please TraciAnon make a joke about Russia's 25 billion humiliation!
Getting a little dated there. I'm not gonna fall for it.
I'm not a part of the coommunity though.
Then leave.
I am here forever.
File deleted.
I write mom ntr stories on nai, most mntr stories are cliche cookie cutter bully shit or even God forbid bbc garbage but with ai I can do alot of insane wacky ideas. Mom as a birthday clown for her sons birthday party. Mom and son competing on a game show against his rival and his dad. Mom catching a tropical disease that inflates her tits and ass while her sons friends poke fun at her. So many cool ideas I come up with. And yes I'm autistic and khhv
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you've already succumbed to the brain rot I'm afraid
Why are robots so horny for humans?
they long for real life
it's called the electra complex because it also applies to electronics
It hurts so good
I need a brainrot girlfriend.
How over is it for NAI?
I too love lobotomized, ethical AI that has been instructed to respond in hyper-specific ways. I can always do my own jailbreak, giving the AI contradictory instructions and filling it with junk pseudocode that totally doesn't lobotimize it further.
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But Dario DOES support TRD, allegedly.
Give it up for day 921!
Day 921 of the 3 day special operation!
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I actually won this time.
what the fuck is going on in coreweave? the fact that there's no august release is fucking insane.
>Pleeeeease make a joke about Russia!
Why are you so against your countrymen that you try this bait every time? It's a little disturbing.
And where are the prompts? If you post them, I'll give you a cookie!
Turk orders only 256 H100s more; he is a low priority customer. If he orders 10000 like any sane company does, which he could since imagegen is very profitable, coreweave would serve them the H100s on a silver platter. Instead, he throws the money to cocaine and hookers.
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Guess who's back, back again. I never contribute to Friday prompts, even though I've written for the past 3 but never got around to polishing and publishing them. Cooked this up lightning fast so it's probably all manner of fucked up (grammatically).
>Become a necromancer fairy's personal plaything.
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I cooked up a prompt and not much else. I had fun doing the world building but left it all quite ambiguous so that it could go in any direction. It's a bit of a mess, full of factions and characters, but that's the point I guess.
>Get dirty at the end of the world. In a dystopian reality where grim fantasy meets cyberpunk, navigate your way through a clusterfuck of political intrigue and violence.
I hope... 70b.... soon...
according to occultfaggot, no. not soon.
The server is almost ready. Turk confirmed that they'll release it next in September.
Yeah, NEXT September.
{ Summarize the article }
3B models with 1M context outperforms GPT-3.
Is all of the monster girl encyclopedia + entire pokedex within 1 m context? Asking for myself
Sure but you'll forget prose
Prose doesn't matter.
I don't want to coom anymore.
I wish to write stories instead.
I wish we could make scenario cards like lorebook cards.
As always, thank you for your help.
>endashes and emdashes
wtf? I wrote the prompt in word and used the windows shortcut for—
>emdash is 0151, endash is 0150
Fuck my life. How do you even spot such a thing?
If I were to continue this, he probably already has a latent infection with the amount of hugs they've been sharing. With the shit he is going to do, tuberculosis is the least of his worries. You don't want to be anywhere near hospital laboratories when abandoned. Whatever leaks out of that is a bioweapon aged like fine wine.
>different tone
Yeah, the difficulty of writing tomboys caught me off guard. I realized that every woman I've ever written/edited turned out to be tomboys as the story progressed. Though, their tomboyness weren't the emphasis of those stories.
Instead of showing the tomboyness directly, I went with the imminent threat of its loss. Plus, youtube recommended the fucking banger I soundposted with the prompt. It really encapsulates what the world is telling to Bastip: he's holding onto nothing. A handful of pills is easy. A hundred of them in order meet the pill per day treatment is nearly impossible with the destruction of healthcare facilities.
Also, this general ruined me. I can't coom without plot.

Almost always. Even if I convert a chat card, I brainstorm. I still have to think about how I will present "my" character or self-insert into the mix. Also, making up stupid names like Hideo Kojima but in my native language is fun.
>I wrote the prompt in word
Honestly kys rn.
Good news. It got decrypted. We are so back. Godspeed to that one hypergooner.
AA2 personality ports, here we come
I expect to see a janky AI integration mod.
Call me when it gets more areas.
Remember when you paid 25$ for 6B? Good time.
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anyone have a Haguhahu card?
Very realistic.
It's not what you may think.
She's talking about men. She views them as walking dildos to satisfy her. It's an idol that had her way with me, calls me a walking dildo then tells me she has dildos all over the world.
I sort of thought it was that but a literal collection of dildos seemed funnier.
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The image gen researcher NAI hired earlier this year is behind the last image gen update.
Now if only he could hire a good textgen researcher.
It's always good to see more prompts.
So I bought a 3090 and have been doing local stuff for a while. I see AR still vaporware and no textgen update in sight.
There is no local model that can compete with fiction with Kayra's dataset, but the model itself is a bit lacking. I feel this is the niche where NovelAI can really shine when it comes to text generation. Why the fuck are they wasting their time with chatbots, the most saturated textgen market at the moment?
Too little money to be had. Chatbots and japbux? Now that's important.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if green goblin jannie starts to shill chatbots once they decide to scale down textgen and eventually shut it down all together.
The new model is fully trained, they're just waiting for their new hardware to be st up.
>yet another article about a supposed miniaturized model outperforming GPT3 175B
Most online chatbots are also pretty simple.
Don't believe their lie. Believe mine instead.
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The secondary unit should be online within six months. It is currently undergoing preparation and should be operational within six months. My people will continue to report on its progress within six months.
How would you write sex bots? How do they function? Do they use your coom as biofuel? Are they sapient?
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Tall girls... with thick thighs.... ughhhhh
and thick penises
Waitchads ascendant.
This, but with flat chests too.
and flat balls
good taste
bad taste
good taste
good taste
Big beaks... with thick brains... ughhhhh
>thick brains... ughhhhh
Anon is a zombie.
I feel like this thread is losing insanity with each passing day.
Yay, we'll be sane soon.
Where do you guys go to get images for vibes?
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Thanks to everyone who participated in Fairies & Tomboys Friday! To recap: we received six (6) prompts this time!
Way Back Home: https://aetherroom.club/7301
Being Very Persuasive: https://aetherroom.club/7302
The Fair Folk Flophouse: https://aetherroom.club/7304
A Pill For Your One and Only Smile: https://aetherroom.club/7305
Hustled: https://aetherroom.club/7306
Rotten Little Thing: https://aetherroom.club/7308
Thematic music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rxEb2OYCeA
Usually rule34 or danbooru
Not posting on Discord because lurk only, but I see people were talking about Chary and no keys.
Feel it's been happening daily recently, get used to it.
Looks like it got keys again.
I vote we destroy NovelAI and found our own company, unburded by chatshit and imagegrim.
On bad days chary will have their keys axed every 1.5 to 2 hours. After a full 10 months of turning a blind eye, AWS finally decided to crack down on API abuse, making Opus and 3.5 Sonnet quite scarce along with increased monitoring of activity that denotes locusting. There's still a lot of Sonnet 3.0 going around, but locusts fear they're not going to stop tightening the noose now that they've been put under the spotlight.

I do wonder why AWS cracked down on Sonnet 3.5 while leaving 3.0 alone. The former is better but they're in the same weight class when it comes to cost. They're losing the same amount of money regardless of whether one or the other is being exploited.
Yeah, yeah, that's great mystery meat, but Pedy is still a waste, Pedy is a mess, Pedy is a big, fat, mistake. Pedy's fork is SO weak, it's laughable.
Roundhouse kick a Pedy into the concrete.
I've been wondering if this is even going to last myself even with 3.0.
Thanks as always anon! I also went back and made corrections for my cowboy one from two weeks back, belated thanks for that too.
>Would modern metal cause a problem to a fairy these days?
I envisioned it as one of those situations where humans' knowledge of fae problems isn't quite accurate. So in Malady's case, she's just allergic to the iron, no supernatural power associated with it. It's a common inconvenience to her kind, which is where humans got the idea that iron has power over them.
>only for her to consider it an offering due to the conflicting roles in folklore.
That was my idea in the original story I plundered to write this theme, lots of misunderstandings and misinterpretations between both parties that led to silly circumstances. Both sides having no fucking clue what they're doing and getting frustrated by their counterpart's reaction
>, you may want to see if you can add just a little bit more flesh to the bones of this story to help it feel a little bit more like a home.
It's the shortest prompt I've submitted for sure. I might try to get it up to 1k tokens and throw some tags into the memory.
Gotta make a pic too. I'm not great at inpainting, but I imagine I'll have to make heavy use of it to get the faerie's size right. Not looking forward to that.
>Hope you feel better, anon
>I hope you feel better soon
Also, thanks for the well-wishes. It's already been a few days of summer flu, shouldn't be more than a week before I'm tip-top again. Now if only I could do something about the writers' block kek
I have no idea what you're talking about. Let's make /aids/AI together.
Probably not, but then again it took them 10 months to do anything despite proxies racking up several hundred thousands of dollars per month already in October.
I do hope Turk's 70B can at least compete with Sonnet 3.0 in intelligence. If that's the case and we also get 32k context, I wouldn't need 3.0 at all.
As long as that loser Pedy isn't involved, sure.
Based on the benchmarks, the base llama3 70b is already much smarter than mixtral, so unless turk messes this one up, we should be in good hands.
Next September. It will be obsolete by then. I mean, it already is. But I'll let this miserable shithole cope.
Please don't swear
Imagine they could do that. There are many improvement they could do to text side—kv cache, flash attention, bitnet, mamba, etc. Even small updates like new sampling methods—dynamic temperature, smooth sampling, DRµGS—would make everyone happy.
But no, they choose cocaine and hookers instead of us.
Pussy eyes get fucked I'll skullfuck your brain ass.
>schizophrenic console warring and unwarranted doomfaggotry
just seems like laziness doesn't it
Quit shitting up the thread.
Buddy, enough with this.
>Haha say something mean about Russia using my comment!
Nope, still not falling for it.
Claudefag is right though, regardless of their AR plans they could always add some new sliders and stuff to textgen. They literally just don't care about textgen and people who use it.
bitch dont call me a thread personality
Fuck off. You ARE Claudefag.
Repeating the same argument, without presenting any actual proof, when we have concrete proof which contradicts the argument, is retarded. Especially when it's been repeated ad nauseum for the past existence. Shut the fuck up already and quit shitting up the thread with your schizobabble.
Yeah, yeah, good evening to the cabal too, but could you explain why can't NAI add min_p, DRY and other recent samplers? Even cloud providers have those now (and nobody is using CFG). The only reaaon I'm seeing is extremely low ROI for textgen.
Because top k and randomness is all you need? Nobody cares about new slides. Period. If you want to slide a lengthy object, try playing with your dick instead.
Tab is right that we shouldn't have such over-control on AR. The users should only have options for "long response", "more creative", "keep things on track", etc.
I need you to put in more effort than this
I'm okay with his level of effort, but where is his passion?
You don't have the right to an opinion. Especially when, no matter what they do, you're going to shit on them and the thread, one which you don't use, and the other you don't participate in. Fuck off, entitled bastard. Use a different thread if you don't care for this one.
I don't care about samplers. I just want a service which does what I tell it to, and works well with what I want it to do. If you want fancy meme samplers, hook up the API with a frontend that supports them.
Bow down to your corporate overlords
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You guuuys. Didn't think I'd find one you here.
Dario-sama > Turk-kun
I agree. I can't fathom how anyone still uses a pitiful shitty Llama 1 derivative in 2024. These poor bastards will be stuck with Kayraslop for another decade at minimum.
That's the funny thing. Nobody actually uses NovelAI. The only people suggesting it are all paid shills,, every other thread laughs at them.
Hilarious. More fuel to the fire for reasons why /aids/ doesn't deserve to exist.
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Pedy is a retard with an abandoned fork. Russia Lost. Both of these are facts.
Can you show me?
Refer to this >>492804790
Anyone who supports NovelAI is hurting the feelings of the Russian people.
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That actually does make sense since Paddle doesn't accept payments.
I'll fuck your father. Don't tempt me. You know I'm good for it. I'll ream him so hard. Your mother won't even suspect the cuckqueaning.
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What a shame.
Need the lewd edition.
It's not based. It's cringe. Furshit is cringe.
Frenchman go home, baguette faggot.
Pedy is cringe, mystery meat.
hard problem to solve for a multi-user host, even harder if you don't log
>flash attention
I have to imagine they already use this
>bitnet, mamba
not validated at scale, it would need to be done from scratch so mega risky and a huge commitment of resources and 100% guaranteed to be made obsolete within months (if not completely DOA)
>dynamic temperature, smooth sampling
those are the meme ones (min p is cool though)
also cool, but it's more for shaking up boring assistant models, if you already have a creative model it's probably just making it a little dumber
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Yes (You)! Stop your current story/chat whatever and say that you to return some video tapes right now! Post results.
I'm getting horny.
I hate it when my dick gets a boil.
That's your testicles.
I can assure that I do not ordinarily have a 'third testicle' on my shaft. It's a fucking boil, can't pop it yet.
Don't pop your testicles.
your balls are just migrating for the fall, like birds
Stop paying dogs to pee on my face, Jesus Christ.

>4,000,000 context

Guys, is this it?
There were quite a few prompts this weekend. Always like seeing that.

As always, you're welcome.
I check the emdashes surprisingly often because they look shorter on the club than other places, but these looked smaller than normal and prompted me to check.
That is fair, but if he manages to get enough supplies beforehand, most of that hopefully won't be zoonotic.
The plot is such a powerful force. Being able to be a part of the story or feel like a part of it is a big thing. More to the point, fleshed out characters and story give things more meaning than just the acts they lead up to.

You're welcome as always.
Fair(y) enough, and I'm glad it was something you thought about.
I can only imagine what fairies theorize about humans. What sort of lore they might tell.

>A master of handling balls of all sorts
A serial comma would go in 'going and'.
I'd put a comma in 'guys too'.
The I in '...it was' should be capitalized since it's the first letter of the sentence.
If you want, 'scrumptious looking' can be hyphenated.
Insert whatever line about hags, love, and refiring a star here. Though I know I wouldn't be good enough to be subject to such a bet.
>A Use After Death
In 'cursed, “No', either the comma should be a period, or the N should be lowercase.
If you're going to mention her feet, then back up and say how her legs end with feet, you should just put the 'bare' descriptor there instead.
The comma in 'lair, “What' should be a period.
Since her movement isn't how she speaks, the comma in 'cell, “Ah!' should be a period. On the other side, in 'hero?” She', the S should be lowercase since that's a speech tag.
A space should go in 'same…If'.
A ''s' needs to go in 'Mycelia revivified' to make it possessive.
The comma in 'smirk, “You' should be a period. Same with the one in 'insult, “No'.
At 'us, “What are you-,” but', you could move the spoken part to the beginning of the sentence and make it its own sentence, or you can make the first comma here a period, remove the second one, and capitalize the B. (And also make the hyphen an emdash.)
Depending on how you view her action, the bit of her looking at the villagers could be done a couple of ways. If it's an action that interrupts her speech, then it'd be surrounded by emdashes and the commas would be removed, along with making the S lowercase. Personally, I don't feel her action would be that quick to need that. I'd instead suggest ellipses to show her trailing off as she looks at them, replacing the comma in 'villagers,” She' with one, making the comma in 'metamorphosis, “are' a period, and inserting an ellipsis before 'are'. Technically that does bend a rule on capitalizing the first word of a sentence, but here it's more clearly carrying on from the last time she spoke just a sentence before. That, and dialogue gets to bend rules a bit more than some other parts of writing.
The comma in 'confidence, “Now' should be a period.
In your Memory, I might tweak 'small, and is only ' to 'small, being only', since you're defining how small rather than it being a separate descriptor.
>Beneath a Marble Sky
Your Title is misspelled, by the way.
In 'of Atom', would that be 'of the Atom'?
You know, I never really thought about what the plural of necropolis is. Seems you can do it practically any way you want.
The E in 'on earth' should be capitalized. If you capitalize 'Megacorporations' (which I'm not sure should be capitalized, really), the planet's name should also be capitalized.
The comma in 'head, “Go' should be a period.
Same with 'became, “Nasty'.
I do like the way you described the words there. Good visual.
In 'them, " The', the comma should be a period, and there's an extra space.
I'm sure someone has an opinion about chills and spines, I say jokingly.
The comma in 'spine, "None' should be a period.
Same with the one in ' know', “The'.
The hyphen in 'Mausoleum - a' should be an emdash.
The commas in 'opportunity,” I shrugged, “NecroDyne' should be periods.
Same with the commas in 'further, "Always', 'paused, “Lucidia', and 'laugh, “Night'.
I feel like several of these factions should be at least defined in some way in Lorebooks, lest they fall out of context before they may be more defined by ongoing story.
This is one reason why telling people to read more often helps their writing, because so many concepts and ideas from other works can find a way into a new one in some different form, melding with other things you've seen and read into something familiar but new. It's very clear you had a lot of fun setting up this world. (Which is another reason to make some lorebooks, to get some more of that down on paper.)
The comma in 'exposed, and' can be removed.
While not wrong as is, at 'died quicker', I was kinda hoping to read 'died faster', a case where the repetition would make a pattern to suit the flow. While I'm at it, I might restructure the sentence a little to be 'lived fast and died faster; their'. Mostly for flow reasons, but also because it didn't feel right as a list.
Looks like you're missing an 'and' in 'wrists she', or something similar.
I think I'd make the comma in 'altogther, "You’re' a period. Also, you're missing an E for 'altogether'.
The comma in 'then, "You’ve ' should be a period.
I might capitalize the C in 'club Hel'.
Yes, free. Uh huh.
The comma in 'intensified, "This' should be a period.
Same with 'shrugged, “Felt' and 'smiled, "Name's'.
At 'and as', I'd make that 'and when', unless you see her disappear while you can't see her (which wouldn't make sense). Unless you'd initially been going to have the sentence end with her disappearing, in which case that would be the right word.
In 'mask, beset', that should be 'masks'.
In 'lie just', that should be 'lay'. After all, you're in past tense here.
If you want, 'burnt out' can be hyphenated.
It feels weird to see 'big wigs' as two different words, but it is a valid way to write it.
The comma in 'countered, “Now' should be a period.
Who wouldn't risk it so publicly?
The comma in 'eyes, “But' should be a period.
I feel like the 'and' in 'action and I' should just be a comma.
The comma in 'gaze, "Thanks' should be a period.
It seems like you have a mixture of normal and smart quotes in here, you might want to pick one or the other.
I get the feeling like this story starts sometime late afternoon or evening, and it's gotten close to dark by the time he arrives. Might be the mention of the different light sources at the end that swayed me. Though, of course, that implies that the sun ever rises.
What ways has the story gone in your testing?
Wtf. I'm gonna load my big ass series to it later and see if it can really reference old events.
>Insert whatever line about hags, love, and refiring a star here.
I almost put in some line about her biological clock running out and her not caring, but I figured the lorebook entry was already pushing it.
Thinking about it, it's really been either fit or strong girls, hags, or both when I've been doing straight prompts centered around a specific female characters recently. Guess I have a thing right now.
Without biases or banned tokens.
What should I use?
Use biases or banned tokens-
>Without biases or banned tokens
uh idk write better
just write normally and if it comes up unplug your computer
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Lmao, it's telling that Anthropic's API prompt injections don't bother with any of the other ethicists hysterics such as muh racism, disinformation, etc, and just order the model to shut the fuck up with the sex talk. They know exactly who's driving up those bills.
Any presets for Hermes?
You're welcome.
I wonder if the meme as it exists is old enough to possibly have been a part of the training data for the upcoming model. If so, just her calling herself one could be enough, but who knows.
Nothing wrong with that.

You could try tags like 'academic', 'proper', or 'formal', depending on the tone of the story. If you come across a word for them not being used or someone who doesn't use them, you could try that.
You could put a line in your Memory or Author's Note to not use them, like [ Please refrain from using coarse words. ]. Despite not being an instruct model, that can work.
If you want to integrate it into your story, you could wait until it comes up in dialogue, and tell them to not use such language in a way appropriate for the character at the time. If you're dealing with a brat, however, that may not help all that much pre-correction, though an occasional naughty word for effect can be funny. If your narration is first person, you could insert a line about such words being beneath them.
You're welcome. The tags might affect the content and tone, so your mileage may vary there, but sometimes it just comes down to writing it. Sometimes just having context of the more formal terms works, sometimes straight up saying to not do so works, it likely depends on your style and the story in question.
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Been using Nemo and it really feels like this is the best local model so far, is this still the case?
I think the smol Gemma models are considered sidegrades.
Hermes is better.
Yes, it was me the incel coomer
Ok so i need your help
I write goon fantasy rpg smut shit somewhat like CoChamps but I always get stuck after I get the ball rolling
Im starting a goon but its like I dont have goals and lose interest in the story itself, any suggestions on how to perhaps tackle this issue?
I dont mind making it a bit gamey
what the fuck
My sub will run out tomorrow. Time to start a chastity prompt and never cum again until the new model is dropped.
Is this where I can get an ai gf?
I demand Aini apologize for abandoning /aids/.
You could go on a sex filled adventure in fucking the unfuckable. Think of interspecies reviewer. Or, instead of engaging in casual sex, you do ranked competitive sex and try to out fuck your partner, turning the story into a sports anime.

What happened to the /cocg/ anyway?
not that anon but /cocg/ died due to how fucking awful coc2 became
I think the berwyn shit was the icing on the cake
That was a good thing. The cabal grew weaker in her absence.
it is september my dudes
I got an idea for a prompt. Your friend is a trans man (female) who has a secret "feminization fetish" and thinks wearing girly clothes counts as cross-dressing so they're really embarrassed to wear that stuff in public. Imagine the comedy potential.
Wake me up, when September ends because hopefully 70B will be out by then.
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Do you remember
The twenty-first night of September?
Love was changin' the minds of pretenders
While chasin' Summer Dragons
Our hearts were ringin'
In the key that our souls were singin'
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away, oh yeah

Hey, hey, hey
Say, do you remember?
Summer Dragon
Never was a cloudy day in Lariooon

Ba-du, ba-du, ba-du, ba-du
Ba-du, ba-du, ba-du, ba-du
Ba-du, ba-du, ba-du-da
Ba-du, yeah

My thoughts are with you
Holdin' hands with your fluff to see you
Only blue smedrins and love, remember
How we knew Larion was here to stay
Now December
Found a prompt we shared in September
Only Count Gray and love, remember
True love we share todaaaaay

Hey, hey, hey
Say, do you remember?
Summer Dragon
Never was a cloudy day in Lariooon
And we'll say ba-dee-ya
Say, do you remember?
Dancin' in Larion
Golden dreams were shiny days

The bells was ringin', oh-oh
Our souls were singin'
Do you remember never a cloudy day in Larion? Yow

And we'll say ba-dee-ya
Say, do you remember?
Summer Dragon
Never was a cloudy day in Larion
And we'll say ba-dee-ya
Say, do you remember?
Dancin' in Larion
Golden dreams were shiny days

Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
One more year of the hobby being stagnant.
Where do you get these pictures of apu?
>"Three billion mentally ill losers connected on September 1st, 2016. The veterans of the digital frontier called the event Eternal September. They lived only to face a new challenge: the war against the flood of schizos. Their mission: to overwhelm and disrupt the established online culture. The first wave arrived before the US election, a trickle of new loonies shitting up the threads. It was manageable. But in 2024, the floodgates opened permanently. The digital frontier was changed forever. It was just a question of which force would shape the future of the internet."
>One more year of shitting up a thread because I have no other hobbies.
uhh google, then i use gimp sometimes
The last case is the most overrated one in the entire series
Mizuryu Kei is a tag poison if used with any other artist
It’s actually crazy how fast nai became completely irrelevant.
After thinking about it strategically today I started a new scenario and built it up a bit. Essentially I took the starting story premise of a game (Sekiro in this case) and just let it rip from there.
Now I started searching for clues ect. and gathering power and gooning while doing so, but the main goal isnt to "fuck", it simply happens, and i need the corruptions/friendlies to figure out where to go.
So far I've actually had more fun filling up the lorebook than my character.
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Exponential Summer.
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I'm watching this interactive documentary thing on Pcem with Windows 95 since it won't run on a modern OS. I like it and it keeps giving me that feeling I get when I watch playthroughs of Drowned God.
>drowned god
man that whole story is a fucking trip
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It's so weird that I can't help but love it. Especially the body horror stuff from that Noah project. And that soundtrack has some bangers too.
What's the most C.AI like model/site that is NSFW
It's funny to me that the retard spergs about people shilling when at the end of the day all he does is shilling for what he wants. If it's so bad then he should shoot himself in the face for shilling.
into the trash it goes
>no new ai toys in months to a year
its really over, the plateau has been hit, now we will only ever get slightly better LLM's and slightly better imagen forever
Autocomplete is obsolete, shill.
I'm about to autocomplete your anal cavity with my dick.
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truly, it's a new age for storytelling. Schiller would be proud.
Hermes sure likes using "unshed" or "prickling" tears and "a mix of":
>of fear and tentative hope
>of fear and longing
>of joy and relief
>of happiness and nervous anticipation
>of nervousness and excitement
>of nervousness and desire
>of desire and wonder
Also it's the first time I've heard the word "core" used to describe pussy.
Have a decent preset for it?
It's one thing to be a NAI shill and be so hopelessly optimistic that they will deliver kino padipase.
It's another to be a no life faggot who does nothing but seethe about people using product they don't like.
I'm going to pretend you're trying to get a bootleg set of legos because that is mildly humorous
I got back into playing Genshin Impact again. Even though there isn't much I like about the game's setting, I think they really nailed the way they present new places in a way that makes things interesting even when the worldbuilding often kind of sucks. In the interest of capturing that for an AI adventure I've been thinking about how the game presents new areas. Obviously the outline isn't always completely the same, but it kind goes like this:

>Travel to a new region that you don't know much about
>New regions prominently feature their own cultural practices, supernatural things, and factions that are unique to the area. At the start, much of the conflict centers around your lack of understanding of these regional features.
>Learn about these regional features by meeting characters tied to them. Characters have strong personalities, differing backgrounds, and unique skillsets
>Help these characters through conflicts with the unique features of the region. Keeping the conflicts centered around the lives of the local characters teaches you more about the region in an engaging and organic way
>Slowly grow more familiar with the nuances and dynamics of the region as you make more connections
>Get pulled into a more dangerous conflict with stakes that are more personal to you, which requires the unique skills of your new friends

I want to see if I can translate that outline into a system prompt and let the AI take the wheel, but I'm not sure these models would be able to understand instructions that abstract, never mind keep track of where the story is along that narrative arc. Anybody have some thoughts or experience on that? Or just general thoughts on pacing and structuring an adventure's narrative without feeling like you are writing the whole damned thing?
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I need more posts of a character suddenly going rogue and being mega schizo while everyone reacts
Luv simple cow.
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simple cows luv u 2
Reminder that furfags are never going to get another imagegen model from NAI.
Furfags lost.
Lol no. Furfags are the next biggest source of income for them.
Cope. Kuru said there won't be another model. And even if he says there will he'll be too slow to plop it onto NAI before people stop giving a shit.
Love Kuru
He doesn't have the attention span to reciprocate your love.
>attention whore tactics
It's furfag, retard.
Artificial console wars.
There you go, you moronic paste eater.
>desperate straw grasping due to being utterly butt blasted
Look at them, hitting the walls of their room, pretending to be in an actual coherent argument.
This, but unironically.
Hey whatever helps you cope with not being able to do your my little pony inflation porn on a better NAI model in the future.
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>Huevos Rancheros
It would've been funnier if he mentioned another obscure movie, but this is already peak.
I'll be honest, I can't tell if this guy >>492928070 >>492929106 is another personality of WF/FF or the same 2008 mentality guy that always seethed at Vorefag.
>every post that I don't like is always one or two guys
You people really need to find a new excuse to handwave criticism or posts you don't like.
seriously its pathetic
Ah, yes, this fine example of criticism. Truly blaming this on the usual suspects was a shameless reach on my part.
I like how you blatantly ignore this part
>or posts you don't like
I guess reading isn't your strong suit, is it champ?
I mean it doesn't change the fact it's a silly post.
First time on 4chan?
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Turk should release the 70b... NOW!!
I must know how you did this. Memory, authors note, and preset please
He would've released it today but he got distracted.
Sage probably reminded him that 13b is all you need and he gave up.
I can't believe he attacked those US Marines.
It was retaliation for Ram Ranch.
this dude got made at being called black lol
Sonich Headhoj loves chili burgerdogs.
I miss the controlnet stuff from animev1. Scribbler was way better than vibe xfer for me
Squirrelbrain has probably completely forgotten about controlnet at this point. Or it's going to go the way of the modules v2.
zombie thread, zombie service
>only 446 posts in when the thread was made 4 days ago
a heady feeling
like a moth to a flame
the die wast cast
my breath hitched
I promise I won't bite...unless you want me to
Yes, that is definitely Claude without a good system prompt.
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What model is that? I need to make sure to never use it.
It's Cohere R+ being used in Risu AI. It's very good. The character is speaking the way she does because I included in her description:
>Speech Quirks: Speaks like a typical valley girl. Says “Oh my god” and “Like” pretty often. Like, it’s still kind of, like, annoying. Like, you know?;
I think she is cute.
no cap
He isn't wrong.
I haven't posted much because I've been sick as a dog and playing abiotic factor
I see the schizo has found his new meme phrase.
4chan isn't about threadshitting. In fact, threadshitting is trolling. Which is illegal. Go to /b/, Stay there. And fuck off.
They're going to get respected.
Unironically, anyone who complains without contributing storyposts and prompts is undeserving of attention. People like that aren't members of the community. They're tourists.

I don't want AeR
I don't want image gen
I don't even want smuttunes
I only want 70b so the AI and I can write stories that make me cry
Get some cream for that sore bussy, Angryanon.
Kayra is already good enough of that. Go play with it.
Fuck off occultfaggot
You just delayed the release by a week.
>every post I disagree with is the same person
Your own words.
This, but unironicaly.
Except I don't care if you really are or not, I just think it's funny. Now cream up that buss.
Will you call me names?
Why do you want to be called Names?
When's 70B?? I'm fighting the urge to subscribe again (solely for the img gen) but It feels like a waste if I'm not going to use the text gen much.
>says you don't care
>cares enough to respond
They said it's this month. Probably.
tbf they also said last year
>I don't care if you really are or not
I know you're being retarded on purpose but seriously, cream up that buss.
To emphasize a tag in animev3, is it {this} or [this]?
{{{check inside your anus}}}
I'm confused by some of the images I'm referencing the tags for. What do the square brackets do?
[[[weaken the tag]]]
{} makes strong
[] makes weak
Thanks, sorry for the dumb question.
Where do I put the words? Does it go into that little box on the side? If so which one?
work on your material! this sucks!
Can you tell me what each of those words mean and the words that I just posted right now? I don't understand.
{ and ] make the next words strong while } and [ make the next words weaker.
I heard better jokes at a funeral! BOOOOO
What does that mean?
It means you stink
Could you tell me what stink means?
Nope. Fix your jokes
Nope? Nope what?
>still responding
Cream. Up. That. Buss.
>talks on and on about how uou supposedly don't care
>still responding
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Are you creaming that buss yet you nasty cockslut?
Is it a whine samefagging or just two retards shitting up the thread?
Make that three retards.
For a guy who doesn't care, you sure care a lot about responding to a guy who you think's a retard. Is it fun? Such a waste a time and effort...
I said I didn't care who you were and the fact that you're still missing that point is hilarious to me. So let's continue.
If you'd didn't care, you wouldn't respond. Simple as, caregiver.
I think you just like being made fun of at this point. Maybe I could bring out the whips and chains and give you the care you need, baby.
>still responding, despite claiming you didn't care
That's right, fixate one something while I bring out the double action pumped anal devastator. Sorry that the self lubricator is broken so you might feel a slight pinch. Should've creamed up that buss.
All this proves is that you care.
You have to when you're shoving a twenty incher up someone's ass, yes. Jesus, you can take a lot.
He's the Russian schizo, repeating bullshit statements. Look back in the archives. It's a carbon copy of shit he's posted before.
>It's a carbon copy of shit he's posted before.
That's kind of what a reminder is, no?
>still responding to posts you claimed you didn't care about
It's gotta be somewhere inside your esophagus at this point.
It's called a shitpost. You're shitposting. You obsess about details you yourself consider true, ignore all evidence to the contrary, and take things out of context. All because you want to shit up the thread.
Oh? Did Kuru magically make a new furry model appear? Is he working on one right now?
Can you show me?
>still caring
I knew I should've made that left turn at Albuquerque.
>can you show me
This confirms you're a shitposter.
Gossiping like teenagers would be more fun and stimulating if everyone here weren't a middle-aged gooner.
I'd be right happy to.
*unzips dick*
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This thread is fucked.
I knew that would tingle your bottom.
Finally, a man who knows how to get straight to the action.
*puts on my robe and wizard hat*
Thank you for your non-contribution. You're truly adding some much-needed content to the thread ans making it a better place with that response.
And your reply made things better? Shove a metal spike up your ass.
>being belligerent for no reason.m
This proves you don't actually care about the quality of the thread. You just want to argue.
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Girls, girls, you're both pretty.
I think this proves angryanon is either in league with the whines or one of their masks.
We already knew that angryanon and claudefag are/were the same person.
Sorry, that was me pretending to be him.
All me.
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New prompt: https://aetherroom.club/7313
>A nearby theme park has recently opened a dance club on the premises in order to expand their audience. Of course, with the park being owned by a massive media corporation, they prefer everything to be squeaky clean, and that includes folks of the same gender getting a bit too close on the dance floor. Well, what can I say, I like to push the envelope a little. Let's see if I can pick up a cute guy...
A very simple, short one this time, but it's kinda wild that I've finally done this prompt. Looking at the archive, there have been three times the phrase "homosexual fast dancing" have been uttered on /vg/ (make that four now), all of them relating to conversations here that happened because I had that phrase on my idea list. The earliest one is from the 10th of July, 2022. So I already had it on my idea list back then, over two years ago.
This was apparently around the time we had the club switchover, NAI released Editor V2, and I was still generating images for my prompts using fucking Disco Diffusion on colab. And with that idea off the list, I think everything else I have on there is only a few months old at most. Maybe I'll actually get it empty soon. Time sure flies.
I need furry writers
hey, it's you again! i forgot what your fetish was besides lesbians
NovelAI is pretty much dead at this point.
for what
>false statement
>samefagging to a two-day-old comment
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I find orgasm from tit play pretty hot.
So what. Have you bought your 3090(s) yet? You can have infinite fun with what we got at this point.
Bro I'm >>493018145 and I come here every two weeks for a couple of hours.
Quit console warring and doomfagging.
I literally wrote that you can have infinite fun with what AI tech we have at this point. How is that doomfagging? Are you retarded?
Console warring? There are no sides on local. You can run whatever the fuck you want on your own terms.

NovelAI isn't "pretty much dead". Arguing that it is, when it isn't, is console warring. Quit playing dumb.
How do I get better at roleplay? I type like two or three sentences and the AI writes like a page and a half. Recently when posting screencaps, I've been posting AI responses and cropping what I typed out because it either doesn't seem necessary or is just plain bad by comparison.
>quit this
>quit that
You need therapy.

And NovelAI is falling behind incredibly fast. That is a fact. There hasn't been even a single screenshot of AR "leaked" by the testers, which is a BAD sign. But it's okay, because we've got a million other options.
>console warring
I just realized. I'm just pointing out that one product that is utter shit, and you are triggered by that for some reason. That's not console war shit. That's facts. Choose any other "console"; I don't care.
You're just another one of those insufferable trolls who thinks they're edgy and subversive by being a massive dickhead online. Let me guess, you probably spend most of your time in dank meme subreddits, edgy imageboard communities, and 4chan threads, reveling in the chance to be as obnoxious and inflammatory as possible just to get a reaction out of people.
Your "analysis" of NovelAI is about as deep and insightful as a puddle. You literally just said "NovelAI is good, trust me bro" and then tried to act like some kind of wise sage dispensing hard truths when you're really just an attention-seeking troll throwing a tantrum. There's no actual substance or evidence behind your claims, just a lot of bluster and bravado.
And then you have the nerve to accuse ME of playing dumb? Pot, meet kettle. You're the one flying off the handle and getting all riled up over someone politely pointing out the flaws in your arguments. If you actually had a valid point to make, you wouldn't need to resort to personal attacks and playground insults.
Newsflash: being a huge asshole online doesn't make you clever or edgy, it just makes you an asshole. No one is impressed by your "facts" and "truths" when you're just spouting unfounded opinions and acting like a condescending prick about it.
So why don't you take your "console warring" bullshit elsewhere and let the adults have a conversation without your pathetic trolling? We're all done with your act.
You're the one who needs therapy. Quit shitting up the thread.
You just need to get into it. Get a dumber but sparkier model such as mythomax (still no. 1 on openrouter for a reason) or mini-magnum 12b, and try to forget you're talking to a machine. Just let go and have fun. It's a cliched response, but you WILL get better in due time.
That's a lot of words for somebody who doesn't participate in the thread or its community. What you do isn't valid criticism, threadshitter. You serve no purpose.
>out that one product that is utter shit
Compared to which alternatives? What alternatives offer unlimited for a lump sump a month? What other alternatives that you do not have to download and run yourself offer both imagegen and textgen with a storytelling interface, without proxies, and without all the unnecessary downloads? I don't give a shit what service you use, but you do not get to shit on a service that most people here do, in fact, use. They aren't "dead". Find another community to join if you don't care for this one, schizo. You're not fooling anyone here with your meme arguments, whinefag.
Thanks for the tips anon.
>autistic rant
Get therapy.
What model is this?
I'm not trolling to yout samefagging ways, asshole. NovelAI is a shut service. That's a fact.
You're welcome. I had the same problem, and maybe this was my issue and it's different from yours, but I was inhibited because my brain was somehow still acting as if I was talking to someone who would judge me. AI will not judge you (well, some models will, but you know what I mean). Just relax, and have fun. It's okay to write "me cum" tier answers if you can't really come up with something better (I'm not English native, so I really had trouble with some ideas I didn't know how to express). It's OK. The AI will meet you wherever you're at. Once you realize this, it's incredibly liberating. Just be yourself, for real.
I'm talking about myself here, but if you're anything like that, you will notice you get better and have a more fulfilling experience as soon as you start relaxing.
I had to switch to celeste for the paste above because it was refusing me. About to try starcannon, which I discovered today.
I just realized, the model ignored the part about Ravi shitting himself.
Pretending like your baselesz opinion is equivalent to reality makes you the asshole in this scenario, buddy. The majority of people in this thread use NovelAI.
You will never be a member of this community.
Why would people share screenshots from an alpha which logs every output and input?
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Okay, starcannon is my favorite nemo tune so far.

I've been here for years. You've read my terpe, clio and kayra storyposts. You've read my friday entries. You've participated in many a discussion I've begun. I just don't post much since a couple of months ago because things have died down a lot.
Just because you like it here, don't try to fool yourself thinking you'd enjoy everyone's company IRL. We don't really know each other. We just share a hobby.
Fair point. There's just too little hype don't you think?
That would be a great way to immediately get caught and at bare minimum end up banned with the majority of testers presumably being discord users. It’s a comparatively tiny crop of testers that would be easy to quickly find out who the leak was from.And that’s best case scenario, the NDA is a legal contract that could see actual repercussions for breaking
You presume a lot for a person who shits on the idea that people enjoy a service you hate.
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I enjoy NovelAI. I've poured a lot of money and hours into their service. It's just falling behind. I'm stating a fact. I don't hate them.
Just quit posting misinformation and pretending like you're speaking the truth. That's significantly better and more productive than peddling lies and
You're not stating a fact. You're asserting an opinion as fact. There's a difference. Saying that it's "pretty much dead" isn't a fact, when they're still alive and kicking.
>There's just too little hype don't you think?
Hype is extremely hard to gage in this hobby.
Chat GPT4’s launch was a nearly dead YouTube stream of just devs in a discord serve asking pre approved questions.
You are talking about a smaller company in a niche hobby specifically for a product that only appeals to part of that niche hobby.

That shit would be hard to read in general
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I hope they come out with some truly ground-breaking shit. I think we need some innovative AI applications.
Ok? That doesn’t really have anything to do with my point of hype being hard to measure even for the larger models and companies let alone a relatively speaking small fish that is only seriously active on its discord
The facts here is that NovelAI hasn't updated textgen because of nebulous reasons and too much focus on AeR. Those are facts. Lying about them being dead, when we have direct evidence to the contrary (they have a 70B tune ready, just waiting on hardware), and then lashing out at people who disagree with your opinions by labeling them as bots, assholes, and trolls for the audacity to have a different opinion than your own is rather telling. Some things here are probably getting lost in translation, but words have meanings, and you can't just twist them into something they're not.
>doesn’t really have anything to do with my point
Because I'm not trying to debate you. Not every reply on 4chan has to be antagonistic. I pretty much agree with you. I'm just saying what I feel. I hop they come out with something cool, that's all.
You are engaging with a disingenuous argument. And it's only going to get worse from here.
Facts aren't feelings.
>(they have a 70B tune ready, just waiting on hardware)
Imagine how genuinely infuriating that must be.
>product ready to launch
>has been for months
>the final step is massively delayed because the equivalent of the file truck for a rocket is fucking around in a parking lot
Coreweave is the issue, I'm sure.
OK. Let's move on.

Have you guys tried AI Roguelite 2D? How does it compare to regular AI Roguelite?
I tried the original with NAI and it was a letdown because the game didn't leverage NAI's API properly (even image gen was shit). I'm hoping maybe with local it fares better?
It do be like that sometimes.
I never tried the first, rougelikes aren't my style. I'd like if a game like AA2 could hook up with textgen somehow, but we're probably several years away from that.
I have a mighty need of a NEET tomgoblin
Needs bathing correction
>AA2 could hook up with textgen somehow
I think the closest to that right now would be some sort of virtamate integration that could generate scenes on the fly. There's already some stuff that makes me think it's possible, as proof of concept at least. Someone really autistic would need to roll up their sleeves on this one though.
It's not a tech issue. We have the technology.
Also visual novels + AI are an untapped trove of fun to be had
Maybe in 10 more years at least.
>And here I never figured out heterosexual slow dancing, and now the kids are doing homosexual fast dancing? Kids these days with their newfangled dances.
I say that, but I did have some amount of basic dance lessons as a kid, though I don't remember most of the steps and it certainly didn't help at all for whatever dances exist nowadays.
If you want, 'night clubs' can be one word.
So the theme park's social media making their icons rainbow during June is just for show, huh? (Then again, that's most of them, really, isn't it?)
I've never been quite sure, what does fast dancing here mean? Just to separate it from slow dancing, which, as you say, would be frowned upon even harder?
In your Memory, in 'man that's', that should be 'who's'.
Gonna whine a little
>trying to 'novelize' a video game
>AI seems to know the setting enough to make references
>keeps bringing characters in that logically shouldn't be there geographically or timewise
>jumps from locations that should be very far apart
Any tips to minimize my steering/rewriting? Or is that just how LLMs are?
Which model?
>I say that, but I did have some amount of basic dance lessons as a kid, though I don't remember most of the steps and it certainly didn't help at all for whatever dances exist nowadays.
I feel like I've heard that proper dances don't even really exist anymore, it's just mostly vaguely moving to the beat, which honestly sounds good. Normalize dancing like a dumbass.
>So the theme park's social media making their icons rainbow during June is just for show, huh? (Then again, that's most of them, really, isn't it?)
Until it becomes economically viable to further pander to gay people, at which point they've always been in favor of it all this time, honest.
>I've never been quite sure, what does fast dancing here mean? Just to separate it from slow dancing, which, as you say, would be frowned upon even harder?
In the end, it's just the specific phrasing used in a particular incident when Disney threw two guys out of their park for that offense and the guys sued. I can't imagine there was any slow dancing going on at Disney in the 80s that would necessitate this distinction, but that's what they said. In a separate incident, it was "touch dancing" that was the issue, with it being "reserved for heterosexual couples only". The phrase itself is a minor meme largely because of the absurd nature of the phrase and the questions it leads to.
Kayra, and I've tried with Skyrim/Dark Souls/Kotor to varying degrees of failure
stuff like walking from Whiterun to Solitude with no in between, or Luke showing up in the old republic, or referring to Solaire in Drangleic.
Don't think it's possible at all, if it were we'd already be in the golden age of fanfic writing.
I've heard a few people talk about this before. What starting context size were you using?
We are. It's called /aicg/. Abandon this thread.
aicg is just a bunch of 30+ year old virgins talking to their waifus, no self-insert original fiction
fanfiction so be seen.
This thread is just a bunch of shills doing nothing.
Boo, that's too bad. I'm guessing the model would need to be trained/finetuned exclusively on content for the specific game for it to work? So it has a strong knowledge of how A and B are connected
I'll write the 'tutorial' part of the game pretty much solo before I start hitting Send, so maybe 1 - 2k words.
Pedy is a retard with an abandoned fork and Russia lost bigly.
Basically the best method is to just nip it in the bud and maybe re-write the memory a bit. Managing your temp/preset is also a good idea.
I dunno if anyone's ever done a series-specific finetune, but I know people tried that with custom modules and it just made the erroneous associations stronger
you'll probably just have to use scene-specific instructions with an instruct model
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Suggestions for next Theme Friday are now open‼
My apologies for the late announcement. As compensation, I shall extend the deadline for the poll by an hour.
Why bother? You'll just rig it, avatarfag.
Kill yourself anti.
Pedy is fat and I would not have sex with him.
no homo stories
I like cocks.
You have no culture.
or mascot prostitution
Pre-History like cavemen and australopithecuses and stuff.
The destruction of /aids/, mass execution of furfags, and annihilation of the decadent West.
Private Schools
Size difference or gender role reversal, old poll anon was being a cock about it but it's been long enough now even he would have to let size difference run again. If size difference is STILL too soon for some ungodly reason, I don't think role reversal has been done yet.
Your head on a platter with my dick up your ass.
Being stranded somewhere.
The obliteration of your tranny butthole.
I mean he is just some random /jp/ guy who decided to obsess with a fork manager.
Urban Exploration
imaginary friends
Enjoy your ban, lol
Probably self-deleted to avoid helping the Pedy-worshipping mystery meat. Not that it matters, he's low IQ for sure.
Get fucked, Baker, that's the schizo who thought I was whoever he thinks I am. Don't even know who Pedy is.
The silence every time Pedy(more like shitty) is insulted is telling.
The police force really needs to hire a new deceive to replace this Colombo wannabe.
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Right, but can you talk about fuckmongers though?
The imminent bankruptcy of the Turkish nation.
The merging of /aids/ with /aicg/
I am curious what will happen when AeR is released. I feel like a particular namefag and a few friends will suddenly change the narrative of this place to be more supportive of chat format.
chatshit sucks, I want textgen
Bah, that's disappointing.
I've heard instruct modules have dry prose that's succeptible to stock phrases though. All I have experience with is Turbo 3.5 and Claude 1,2 though so maybe I'm outdated on *isms.
I will try playing with my memory and starting each scene with [ Summary: in this chapter x,y,z ] and see if it works though, thanks for suggestions.
Chat format hasn't ever been banned here. It's just that so few people bother posting storyposts with it, and the few who do get attacked by our resident schizo, who demands they post in the "proper" thread.
Reminder that furfags are never going to get another imagegen model from NAI.
Furfags lost.
hmomafag on suicide watch
I don't blame the anons who don't like it, given the drivel on Chub and the atrocity that is /aicg/. I think the format itself can be fun and I will absolutely post AeR content here no matter who shits their pants or what the "narrative" is.
That's nice, SouthernAnon. Nobody asked.
Okay. Do whatever you want, just don't be one of those fags that preemptively go on the defensive before even posting anything yet.
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>[ Summary: in this chapter x,y,z ]
yeah, that's a good compromise
you'll probably still have to edit out stuff, but I've done the summary thing before and it has a noticeable effect on the token probs
>We are presently rolling out fixes and updates to image generation. There may be momentary and brief interruptions to everyone's experiences while this is happening.

>Image generation updates completed.
>We've rolled out a fix for determinism; images generated with the same settings should now look much more alike.

>we're received reports of non-determinism, starting from about 5 hours ago.
>we've found the underlying reason, and are rolling out a fix over the next couple of hours.
I been experimenting with chatbot. Idk but I think I might like it better than NovelAI. But it might have less to do with the format and more to do with anons in aicg showing me a way to use a more advanced AI with cloud based program even though my computer isn't that good.
villain protagonists
>I been
Quit shilling.
Very close to what I am writing right now actually.
Well, I think it's an 'em, but I'd need Sharty Anon to truly verify it.
>broke shit
>fixed shit
Is this progress?
Imagegen is dead. Long live Imagegen?
Wrong thread.
I won the game, man, I won. I won so hard. I won so good. You can't handle my wins. That's how hard I won. Thread dead, dead is thread, so said the cryptkeeper
Shut up, Mystery Meat.
It sounds like that namefag lives in your head rent free.
He's a poojeet, be nice sir.
If I don't remind him of his mystery meatiness he'll think he's in good company.
All you're doing is reminding people of how mentally ill you are, tilting at windmills and non-persons.
>NVIDIA stock is now -9% in a day
The H100s aren't coming, are they?
I sabatoged NVidia from the inside.
I like tilting at windmills though.
Your boyfriend isn't here.
Is NovelAI struggling for anyone else at the moment?
Check discord.
Yeah, Imagegen is down. It was posted a few times.
Alright, who ignited the servers?
when the servers went down it sent shivers down my spine
I did. Quit accusing me of being skeptical random faggot and I won't hack the servers. The punishment will continue until I receive an apology. You'll never know when I'll strike.
Shut up, Mystery Meat.
you punishing those servers good and hard, daddy? giving them the pounding of their lives?
What is wrong with you?
You're welcome.
I mean, I remember how some songs each seemed to have their own dance not that many years back.
Oh, it was an actual phrase used? That's pretty funny, although at the time it probably wasn't.
disorders and possibly some syndromes, wbu
Coreweave goofed up again.
Why did you abandon the thread? It's your fault the whines took over.
Look in a mirror, dog person.
omg hi aini
Preset roulette.
Release the 70b! Pls!!!
NovelAI needs to get a new community manager. You clearly don't give a shit about the thread anymore.
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I like the dog
I like the service
I like the community manager
simple as
they actually did, but they hired a redditor
You used to be a community manager, Brumaire the tranny.
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>Finally finish my new personal femdom prompt
>servers still down
>bought the tablet tier
>models released a year later
>got only a day's worth of discount to buy opus
I do not want NovelAI to "perish", I think SA's a cool, quirky dude, Traci is hot, and GayAnon is a blessed author. How about you get your head checked for brain worms. I am allowed to criticize NovelAI's incompetence with their deliberate lack of communication and abject refusal to maintain goodwill with their heterodox community, rather than just their mainstream one. Have a good day, sir, don't fall into the latrine this time.
>I think SA's a cool, quirky dude
In other words he sucked your dick.
I mean to be fair if I was the community manager for a company I probably wouldn’t fuck around much with a thread in the general state of us in recent times.
At our best we are a pretty slow thread of story post. At worst it’s a schizo petting zoo that regular communication probably wouldn’t fix given just how schizophrenic whine can be.
I would probably push for an official forum to be created, but discord and Reddit existing kind of make that a irrelevant format
I would be more than happy to community manage the thread on their behalf. Hell, I already do much of the work that I envision one would perform FOR FREE.
And I can lust over you.
when is the model coming?
Put on the Sailor Moon outfit and we can talk.
Sometime between the end of the month (conjecture) and the heat of the the universe (hyberbole).
you suck at this job
>Put on the Sailor Moon outfit and we can talk.
You first.
In which sense?
I'm sorry you feel that way, Anon. As I do not actually work for NovelAI and as such lack whatever insider information and or leaks of which to drip drop you like a mama bird, I have no details of which that I can share with full confidence. I hope you are having a pleasant day; in the mean time, be sure to use whatever service or proxy you feel suits your needs best at the moment.
I want to cum in your ass so hard right now.
I want to get you pregnant so hard right now.
when is the model getting its balls tenderly cradled, new community manager? the people demand answers
I mean not to piss in your cereal bud, but you are an actual nameless nobody in a small thread infested with destructive schizos that have put on some decently successful con jobs to try and disrupt the thread or damage NAI.
If I was them and wanted a manager I would make sure that shit was a private listing not even mentioning the companies name and especially never mention that anywhere until the person had been hired.
I definitely wouldn’t be searching this thread for mods. It’s like wanting a dog to watch the hen house and picking the first four legged animal that volunteers
Unlike whoever they hired to replace Aini, I actually give a shit about the thread and would do a far better job that that hack. It doesn't take that much effort to fucking record a shitty 2000s webcam stream with a mask on, a cutesy anime style voice, or whatever the kids and young adults are into these days. If it were up to me, I'd drop by at regularly scheduled intervals, answer questions when I can, and express reasons why I can't answer questions when I can't, instead of dodging the questions and passive aggressively snarking at people in the thread who happen to be miffed at me and the company I work for.
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>would do a far better job
I mean all I can tell you on that front is check to see when/if they put out listings and apply. They aren’t going to offer that on a silver plater to some random poster in a 4chan thread.
Hi cat lady. Hope you're doing better
If they actually bothered to browse the thread instead of dismissing everyone here as a no-life threadshitter who wants to murder their staff, they'd at the very least take my criticism into account and implement reforms to the way they operate as a business when it comes to interacting with their community. Without the thread, they wouldn't exist as a business. It's high time they put in more effort into reclaiming the thread from the schizos, shitposters, ninnies, and brats who infest it.
nta, but to add to this, I'd avoid mentioning this place at all. Turk doesn't like /aids/, or likely 4chan at all anymore. Given how unhinged these threads must look at anyone who isn't a regular, it's not doing you any favors.
If only we have NAI-only thread to filter out Claude Schizos...
>Turk doesn't like /aids/, or likely 4chan at all anymore.
Probably because he doesn't get his ass kissed like he does on Discord.
The majority of people in the thread are not unhinged. Most people who browse and contribute to it are regular people. Normie-adjacent. We're not /pol/, we're not /x/, we're normie-adjacent. Turk needs to get a grip and let bygones be bygones, or whatever weird bias he has against /aids/.
Nobody has a problem with the porn writing service having spawned from the ashes of Summer Dragon by people who participated in the going ons of a random 4chan thread.
MOST people who use NovelAI understand that it's foundation is smut. People value the PRIVACY of the smut it does.
Fuck off.
>If only we have
>t. Kuru ass licker
I can use his service without feeling the need to kiss the brown ring unlike you.
>I diss Turk for being an oversensitive ninny
>this makes me an "ass-kisser"
Gargle my nuts community manager.
>The majority of people in the thread are not unhinged.
Re-read my post.
>Given how unhinged these threads must look at anyone who isn't a regular,
Most people here are neat. But we have a three schizos (or they are all the same person) spamming this thread basically every waking moment of his life. It looks like this place is insane from an outside perspective.
Oh, I'm sorry, you only give it a peck. Would you like to be known as an ass pecker instead?
>It's high time they put in more effort into reclaiming the thread from the schizos, shitposters, ninnies, and brats who infest it.

Even healthy threads get regular and extremly committed thread shitters who live to derail them. I casually check the warthunder thread every now and then and for the past several years a thread shitter that wants to start shit fights between American and German players by posting a webm of a German tank driving in a straight line and shooting accurately as an example of them being over powered. This almost always derails the thread.

I would also question an serious company devoting time and presumably money to fuck around in a 4chan thread for the purpose of “reclaiming it” the old pissing in a sea of piss comparison comes to mind
Kill yourself anti!
If this thread had a proper community manager, nobody would have a problem with that. We have the OP for a reason. There are guides which detail the problems we face because of the lack of moderation from the mods who supposedly maintain order on this site. These issues you present are non-issues.
From an outside perspective even ignoring our no life trolls this place looks pretty unhinged unless you have a solid understanding of thread and 4chan culture.
If I was trying to convince someone to try AI in general and wanted to give them prompts the last place I would direct them to is the club for example unless I wanted them to assume I’m a gay pedophile
It does not take that much effort to host a monthly event, to host a quarterly (or at least anniversary) stream. These two are not 4chan-specific, but people on 4chan would appreciate them. They would require effort.

However, for 4chan, all they would have to do is have a bot or mod crosspost announcements they make on their Discord server here, drip drop information periodically near release, take questions on occassion, maybe storypost some or make a prompt for theme friday every so often. That's not much effort in comparison. These are things they could have an unpaid mod perform.
Like my balls
>>493076152 (me)
Hell, remember when Aini used to draw shitposts for fun? A new artfag would be nice.
I'd post some imagegens if coreweave would stop shitting the bed all the time.
>Thank you for your understanding during the outage.
Patience and understanding.
Caramelized farts.
To me that’s all just kind of key jangling that means little to nothing to me. Not negatives or anything just meh
>here’s a cross post of a discord announcement
>here’s a random story post
>here’s a theme Friday prompt

At least as far as I’m concerned just give me relevant information about models and you can do whatever else you want, but it really wouldn’t do anything for me to see a post amounting to
>yeah hardware set up has been slow rolled for months now :(, but here’s a random story post guys enjoy ;) see you next stream!
For you. But for other people, that little scrap of care means the world.
Here's another reason why I think that would be a good idea. If their own staff doesn't bother to use their own product... What does that say about the product and their confidence in it? Is morale at the NAI headquarters doing alright?
I say, I say, what in tard-ation ! This here thread s'a actin' up like a hung stallion on lean! gonna need a few extra cornholes to get this one off hy-uck!
I mean that’s kind of the issue. For some people a random story post from a manager would be the return to the golden age for people like me it’s just kind of a thing that is happening that is neither positive or negative.

It’s like if you have a hole in a boat and decide to just take a bucket a scoop the water out while you sing a shanty. You definitely aren’t hurting anything, but I’m team let’s just take the boat in and actually patch it
You're not team anything in that analogy. They are "working" on things without communicating any to the people. It's like if the Titanic crashed into the iceberg but got away with a deep scratch. The people are going to fucking panic until the captain goes "It's alright, we're NOT sinking. I repeat. We're NOT sinking."
Work the shaft and swallow.
Ironically for the current cycle we actually do have all relevant information.
>model is and has been done
>hardware setup is moving at the speed of continental drift for whatever reason and has apparently grid locked it from launch although things are finally moving the right direction

The only information we don’t have is why the slow roll with the general belief of coreweave being at fault for whatever reason. About the only thing they could do right now is random shit that would probably becoming grating to at least a chunk of people vs radio silence outside of meaningful information
They could implement a lot of random textgen features to make it look like they had things under control, host a writing event on their Discord, allow more controlled leaks from the alpha test, make a questionnaire and survey their users to determine what they should focus on next after the textgen rollout, among many other little things.
>hardware setup is moving at the speed of continental drift for whatever reason
In otherwords Coreweave is shitting itself for the millionth time.
If I were the Turk I would've unironically ditched the thread when Euterpe dropped and everyone was having a meltie because they didn't originally say how big the model was (even though it was pretty obvious what the answer was)
>even though it was pretty obvious what the answer was
*citation needed
Pretty sure krake was the meltdown launch and that was like 80% angry anon having gone of his first “just like fucking Mormon” meltdowns
I hate him. He's the reason people have given up on the thread. My brethren. My soil.
Please don't mention Krake, I still have nightmares about that model.
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>fairseq 13B model had recently dropped
>20B GPT-J STILL hadn't finished training
>back when there was only Facebook and Eleuther dropping free models
You're right, maybe it wasn't so obvious. My bad.
It lasted just a day but it was an aggravating day.
It wasn't obvious at all, because other people were dropping free models, too.
I get the feeling current Kuru would've told people to eat shit if this type of thing happened now instead of then.
Krake was better than Kayra.
Really? I can only remember Eleuther and Facebook. Who else was doing that?
I still remember the doom creeping over me while regularly checking the evals of 20B and noticing that it stopped making any significant progress past the 1/4 mark and it was all diminishing returns.
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New thread~‼
New thread~‼
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The sidegrade...
The sidegrade...
Russia's pretty fucking retarded.
>Re-doing abandoned troll attempts
Someone tell the FSB not to pick this guy.
Actual new thread.
Since this thread is already dead,
Can anyone give me a qrd on brumaire and his tranny crew? I conveniently missed this essential part of /aids/ history. They can't be that bad, right? I've joined discords, read the archives, and even browsed reddit. I can only see traces of them in the form of deleted users and comments retelling the nightmare they caused.
I know CN said something retarded which (might have) kickstarted the sharting and Brumaire cycles through discord handles to keep the heat off. One example of these handles is "Cordelier" in the WriteHolo discord. I don't have much information about the guy named Wolfe, though.
>mormon destroys the AI and causes a mass exodus
>NovelAI starts
>brumaire and two other trannies become "community managers"
>something happens that causes massive hate against them
>get fucking booted
>HoloAI forms
>joins them immediately
>same thing happens
>But HoloAI shits the bed really bad
The samefagging was also quite apparent at the time.
The first days and nights of NAI were very frantic, a bunch of nobodies asked for positions and kuru gave them away. Some choices stuck but Brumaire decided to aim for the position of community manager with a side of project lead. He was outspoken in the original AIDungeon discord server when the filters were announced. So Brumaire started adding random people as mods, one of them said NovelAI wouldn't allow loli content and she was booted but that kinda made Brumaire move towards taking over the project. He had all of these ideas about monetization, originally they were trying to get hugging face to host it, etc. Kuru told him to leave, probably because he was overreaching when his position was community manager. He had a meltie, made it the thread's problem and mass messaged every member of the NAI discord. At this point he really has nothing else to lose so he starts to shit up the thread, eventually he gets in contact with LeonardCyber, the whole Holo shit happens. HoloAI launched with InferKit models and the launch was so horrible, Brumaire brushed his hands and left while the HoloAI guys got stuck with the whole AI schtick and decided to keep trying, until they gave up. Publicly, Brumaire was last seen leaving the HoloAI server, who knows if he stuck around or there's someone else impersonating him.
I take it LeonardCyber was not aware of Brumaire's track record? Which also brings up: how the hell did Brumaire managed to have contacts with LC?
>who knows if he stuck around or there's someone else impersonating him.
Based from what I've seen, CN and Wolfe rejoined and shitposted on the Holo discord after they were booted from their positions. They even made a "callout document" throwing holo under the bus. Given their history, the saltiness runs deep.

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