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Previous Thread: >>491846165

Dumb, sexy and seriously funny!

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Event: Cradle Parade [08/21 - 09/27]
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No.21 SEX
21 is dumb
im curious, what does sister game think about /wwg/ and /wuwa/ considering many were there during wuthering waves' beta
based, these are real homies, imouto is cute
I hate this whore, nothing but baiting retards
kek i will try baking a wuwu thread when im awake
Damn, maybe I am dumb...
i tried to argue about that once when the place was getting raided and the frognigger completely ignored me
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I prefered wwg until the retard went full schizo, now I think he deserves all the shit he gets. Also wuwa is clearly the name Kuro chose for advertising so whatever, hard to blame them since you would never get the actual game if you searched for ww on a search engine.
Wuwa sucks. Hoping kuro pulls their head out of their ass about it. Games too cheery and no real plot line. I ain't asking for depair porn, but damn give me some fucking stakes here. The xing li stuff, the blackshores not-hetero tower, the similarity between wave worn phenomena and the punishing virus seems to imply were gonna get some kino. But I ain't holding my breathe about it.
So by the end of cradle parade it’s up to you to interpret if the supposed shikikan is a clone or not?
>>492474974 (me)
Made it to the final boss of the third ending. Seems like it's just a ramp up in difficulty to the extrem, no matter if hard or nightmare is chosen. Has anyone figured out how to build for the immense dmg needed for that path?
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21 is no dum dum.

Wuwa is funnier, so I pick to Wu the Wa. But threads are garbage no matter the name, I beckon. This is why when I want to talk about the game I stay here. /pgr/ is my comfy home.
Need your ele set, missile set on qte bots, the ultimate spam set and artifact, the poison set, the damage reduction with damage boost on hit set. Spam ultimates back to back with CW. You can get it so the game devoted into mashing ultimate while abusing timestamp to prevent enemy overstock. Eventually you'll unlock the super op artifacts so you don't need to abuse the game and just get lucky.
To me the wuwa thread is decent if you ignore the revenue posters
The one who got burial at sea is a clone. The real Gary was confirmed by Hippocrate's health check report/evaluation to not have any chemical or grown accelerating serum on him.
>631206 on the health report
>until the retard went full schizo
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Still trying to force it even after everyone decided to just stay as wuwa, at this point the retard lost any benefit of the doubt that he had any good will in doing it, he's just a schizo obsessed with "owning" the thread or something, not the first time this kind of shit happened, even just on this board there have been a lot of this kind of schizo thread name wars, makes me wonder if its just the same schizo every time.
Basically RNG^^ I was aiming for the sig spam set the whole run but couldn't get it. Maybe I'll try again another day.
From my understanding, there is an uncertainty implied that even SKK (alive) has. Honestly, it fucks me up either way because both essentially have the same memories, so no matter what, we basically saw what his last moments would be like. Whether SKK (original) or SKK (clone) died, it doesn't really matter to me
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Isn't that just Ishmael fucking around? How would anyone else have access to that information in Babylonia and tie it up to that event? Besides it isn't A clone, the tests Lithos performed confirmed that only one clone was successful, so either real SKK died and now you're THE clone, or viceversa
Sig spam and ele is pretty pretty much mandatory. Cause the damage spike past the the two split paths is pretty intense.
>game general get raided by genshin discord trannies
>everyone just accepts it
what the fuck?
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You are the discord tranny at this point, how have you not realized this yet?
where can I find a cute little girl(22 years old) like this?
i dont play wuwa im just commenting that its really weird people just accepted it no qestions asked
just checked the lastest one and it doesnt look like the ritualposts from other places are there anymore, unless ive missed something or it has not happened yet just tell me
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>Finally tried Cloud Mine in Norman
>Got my ass kicked into next week in half of the stages
I hated almost every second of it. At least I cleared it
You can't really do much against actual coordinated discord raids when jannies support them and delete proper threads. People just gave up at some point.
People asked him for proof but he never provided anything worthy of giving a shit about at least that I saw, basically his entire reeeing about some gig discord raid was because of some posts making fun of wuwa for sounding like baby noises which is something extremely easy to ignore and a nothing burger of a shitpost. So it made his entire "crusade" look like extreme schizo behaviour.
I'm curious if they will ever bring this plot point back up, but I don't think kuro will ever actually give us an answer, even with with lab reports having 931206, which implies the possibility that the skk who died was the real one and the current one is a perfect clone.
I personally think that wuwa sounds really cute...
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Considering how much Wuwa and all its variations ritualposting it gets I don't think you're alone in this
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Truly, the wuwiest moment of all times.
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>21 thread
>During Lamia's patch
>Still no sakurafish of Lamia biting a fish or someone biting Lamia

What is ritualposting?
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Wuwiwing: Glay Laven
>What is ritualposting?
sakurafish was a ritual post technically. our premium no21 fag who posts about licking her is a ritual poster.
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>or someone biting Lamia
It should be edited to be Vera biting on Lamia
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Why does the fish dislike Vera? What did she ever do to her?
Are you forgetting Vera soloed feesh with a frame designed for anti construct combat
That was a one time thing. Besides, it wasn't personal to Vera.
I personally think liv is really cute
Not many characters look good in normal and chibi form like Liv
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Eclipse is liv. Eclipse is lov. Behead all those who are not Eclipse BPN-08
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guess I ain't touching Cloud Mine...
This reset is the easiest, it has no timer. Alpha starts onion cutting you nonstop past minute 3 instead. So you can dodge it for a good minute with pure skill, aka it's at least 33% easier than the rest. Also since there is no timer, you can cancel all buffs one by one, which gives you even more advantage. Try it out at least, no shame in losing.
liv? more like the cutest!
>Behead all those who are not Eclipse BPN-08
luxbros, lumibros, empyreabros....
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I don't think I'd be able to bear playing my phys team when it looks like this with no support, senpai...
nanami storm can salvage this
Weeeell, you had your chance to grab Lee from newcutie selector...
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Kinda went ahead and dickpicked Livlov there(unused after lvl 40)
did the same for the 2nd one and picked Lunasex(died when the patch started) instead of Rosetta
I'll just ignore Cloud Island till Qu's patch I guess
uuooohh 21 sexo skin
I have literally no ice or fire team. What's the cheapest cope setup I can make until watanbe and qu release.
nanami, nanami, nanami
bambi, empty slot, empty slot
Ayla Icy Cow is free and is breddy good, Bambi is a nice copium, tho needs SSS+ to work well, gotta farm her shards a lil to be stronger. A rank Lee with his Leap is a beast on par with some older S ranks, a nice investment too.
something about these teams seems very sexy
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The fire team is especially hot!
>watanabe and qu
They're the next S ranks to be released. Do you really wanna invest in weaker constructs just to use them for a couple of months?
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No.21 thread, based.
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when did the genre switch to horror...
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My wifes chapter...
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The next round of CN beta recruitment begins, who is it gonna be anons.
Nanami Nation will rise again
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I'm guessing Lilith.
Sofa spotted, man of culture detected.
Ice could be pretty decent with Ayla and Bambi now, Chang is questionable, but you don't have much choice.
Fire is really tough to play without Livlov, leaped Lee is great, but other than that fire has basically nothing to offer unless you can get Nanami Pulse from one of the selectors. I'd probably just give up on fire until Uncle, although leaping Lee is still nice since you'll need someone to use with Uncle. There'll be a selector up to Ayla in Luna's patch, so in theory you could get Hyperlee then, but it's be a waste with Lucia coming soon.
Lightning tank Nanami.
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Smug brat correcting
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Please be Lilith...
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Finally a skippable patch
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I mostly want to know how much lewder her alternative coatings are going to be.
There will be no more lewd after the snowbreak controversy.
QRD? I thought they increased the rating to 18+ and will get away with it but won't be allowed to advertise in public places?
The same thing was said each time something got censored.
Hive mother is currently the worst boss in the game. Old Riot is the only one who was worse than her.

Limited damage windows because of the forced parry segments, getting punished for missing said parries, how she can interrupt character's burst by immediately going into a parry segment at any time, the size of her AOE attacks, how you can parry something and still take damage sometimes because of wonky hitboxes, how its unclear how quickly she will get up after you knock her down, and little things like having to dodge after knock her down makes it an absolute dogshit fight.
The dodge after the knockdown is good, it's a free matrix proc
Parrying is the main problem for me. Probably a skill issue, but I can only reliably do it with Chrome because it's the character she was designed in mind with. It's especially painful to do with Chang, because his basic attacks are slow, he runs out of orbs quickly, his ult doesn't do instant damage, and even when you go full ora-ora on the fucker, the Parryball can just miss the hit frames entirely because of a poor timing. Wanshi's gun sequence after a 3-ping is a bit more reliable but has the same problem as ora - you start it a half second earlier and the Parryball ignores it and smashes into your face. Alpha can probably parry it easily with her swordwaves, but I only ever fight it in Norman on the Ice stage...
Only certain characters can take advantage of that because how fast she can get up afterwards. Its enough time for someone like Plume to burst but not other characters.

Parrying is a problem because many characters aren't really built to parry her type of attacks. The attacks where she is dragging her claws on the ground? Easy enough. The quick three swipe? A hard filter as how someone attacks and how fast they attack is critical.
Got too popular with lewd skins and designs, hoyo pulled some strings in government and now half of the characters will be censored, most old skins won't be sold anymore (at least people who have them will keep them), some skins also censored. What will happen with future content unclear, devs promise to not change design politics, but who knows.
All in all, if you go against hoyo guidelines you'll get fucked in some major way. Ww's next since they're not meeting the 50% male characters quota.
I am not autistic enough to be bitching about the thread name in 4chan. If everyone decides they want to use /wuwa/, then so be it.
In fact, I propose we should change /pgr/ to a cuter name like /puni/. /pgr/ sounds so grim and edgy, while /puni/ sounds cute and funny!
>I am not autistic enough to be bitching about the thread name in 4chan
>Immediately proposes a name change nobody asked for
>Puny of all things
Don't use my monk wife for your shitposts
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Listening to Luna's patch kino battle music
that is the average /wuwa/ggot
Yeah she has some great tracks.
The other anon is retarded. They only censored content released before the rating adjustment, so it's no big deal
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>ice milk
>it's hot
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fuck is going on in the world chat
The usual. Just switch to another channel.
It kinda reminds me of the general chat channels in various MMOs when I still played them. Like them, its a shithole an overwhelming majority of the time.
Anal [Judgment]
What MMO is this from? I've forgotten most things beside "Thunderfury blessed blade of the windseeker" style shitposting.
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futa 21...
From WoW too. It was pretty common back in the day, but I bet you can get banned for that now. Fuck Blizzard.
21fags, explain.
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don't worry discussion is getting somewhat deeper now
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Almost SSS+ and still nowhere close to 7777 BP, I don't think she can make it there bros...
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But at least Pulse has a chance!
Any good reasons to rank up a CUB past S rank?
leaderboard sweatshop. SS is a good stop point if you want to tryhard the leaderboard. But other than that S is already more than enough
What else are you going to do with your norman rocks? Eat them?
% damage stacking passive is pretty good in wz, flat atk is good for ppc. Wouldn't ever roll for additional copies, but getting SS for main dps that take a lot of field time is a good idea.
I've thought about using ore to get enough to take a CUB to SS to unlock another skill. However beside "10% dmg buff for element" and "Character specific move buff" but what other skills are worth while?

I've never paid attention to how much damage CUBs actually do and I'm not sure its worth it to care.
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It's incredible how fun things can be when there isn't a timer or some form of instakill. Sword waves can be troublesome if they get spammed but are more managable than the black hole thing or similar. Taking my time walking away from a boss's attack rather than having to press dodge is quite nice. DPS race hate
I remember sword waves being the hardest one for me a while back because at a certain point, the Alpha clone says fuck it and spams waves nonstop till you die.
Did you have fun?
The atk buff I guess is the only other thing.
Most new cubs have % damage stacking from using its skill, it's generally the third best one. I haven't done the math, but flat atk buff might be better for fast kills in ppc. If you don't want to swap around/don't have enough resources just go with stacking % damage one.
With everything except the dark stage with the fucking blob bot and his stupid minion wave spawns, fuck that thing
Soon norman rework will happen and Fushen will break your spine. Multiple times.
And you will enjoy it.
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how the fuck did this happen
she's ruined, unusable
Build another memory or reroll reso?
Now you have to push her to 8888.
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We denounce this faggot
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dog like salmon
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Hes Biomechanical
Can someone QRD me on Jetavi or was it Jetavia?
I haven't caught up with the current story yet but I'm seeing her in the new mode and she seems really really close to us for some reason.
I don't mind spoilers
He's Bionicle. Each set sold separately.
I don't think she showed up in the main story yet, at least on global. Derived from matrix is probably not about shikikan, much like cursed waves, although it might also become canon like cursed waves did.
>I don't think she showed up in the main story yet
ah I see thanks, I thought the new mode branches with the latest main story.
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Bambis milk...
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Apparently hes figured out how to properly change expressions, so the mods are going to get better
Why did he mod Pulao into Jianxin when it should be Alisa instead? (same JP VA)
Because Alisa doesn't punch things?
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Should be on Calcharo so she can still have Cecily accompanying her.
That's really cool...
He should have saved her for 1.4, leaks say a greatsword using loli is getting added.
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Why do we never have this coating?
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I use it occassionally, just a bigger fan of the Christmas one.
Where the fuck is the schoolgirl-looking one Kuro you bastards
Baizhi should have been Qu instead, he could even use Qu's pet Peacock for the ummm... wtf was Baizhi's pet again?
time to cope that they actually aren't considering to have Lilith be playable over damn near every other NPC or frames stuck in Uniframe jail. I wouldn't have minded more Ascendants but Lilith...? even the fag from Vanessa's former squad would've been preferable if anything
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Wait I misremembered, the Pulse coating we don't have is this schoolgirl coating. And the Medic Liv coating. And the Alpha Zero Drakengard 3 coating.
It makes no fucking sense when she was announced in the stream. But after chapter 31 with the revelations about Vonnegut and Agent 0, it makes total sense. And she would be the most aware of his true plan. She would be helping out in ARU right now if she's going to be playable.
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I've asked them to bring it back on every survey I get and sometimes see people ask for it on Twitter so I know I'm not the only one who wants it. I don't understand why they won't release it or at least give a reason why they won't.

I PROMISE I would whale.
We hear you, and promise that as soon as time allows we will release another Bianca coating.
- Solon
What about another CW coating though?
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No, no, you misunderstood. Another limited Eclipse coating it is!
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>POV: A2 players in coop
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Lee saving the world.
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>Rosetta: What the...
>Rosetta: (swearing in Russian) *sent players on a chase around the entire stage*
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Based Lee
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How does this work?
You pick the memory and it counts as if you had a +2 piece of it. No stats or resos, just a set bonus.
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I want to LICK No.21!
uh, when does derived from matrix end? Like how many battles am I supposed to do? It just keeps going
When you finish all of Jetavie's milk.
It's around 20-30 nodes, depending on the ending.
I'm milking Jetavie
Save some for me
both aylas for ice qu and for fire you can use lee with davinci together with tank watanabe
Just finished chapter 17

>Liv becomes an angel
>She takes the punishing virus out of everyone
>Bears it and everyone's pain upon herself instead, becoming a crucified sacrifice
>After that she resurrects taking out the incarnation of the virus

Why THE FUCK can chink devs get christianity this right while western devs are completely retarded about it?
asians obsess over it because its exotic to them just like westerners obsess over buddhism/hinduism because its exotic here
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sss liv team
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>Getting exotic shit right
Go on, I'm just going to sit here and listen to your storytelling.
i had a friend who was all crazy about the boddhisvata things and blue skinned elephants dudes whatever theyre called, dunno if he was right or not because im not in the least interested
>luna uncle collab
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Hey man, the team has synergy
>teams love sofa
Sofa gangbang real!
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Liv saved us all...
What are the other two levels?
They only existed in the Beta of that feature, they were a flat damage increase for a huge amount of materials. People complained and they removed them before full release, they will likely never exist.
>Fight Lillith for the first time in Pain Cage
>Her moveset isn't interesting
>She has a ton of hp
>The fight quickly turns into slog even with Scire/Lamia at SS
Its unfortunate that a character slot was wasted on her. I guess I'm going to start buying discount Selena shards because the bosses that are weak to dark feel like they expected you to have her at SSS for the amp buff.
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Derived from Matrix only has 2 endings right now?
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Ok cool but check this out, as a new player i'm skipping wanabe epitaph because i need QU and Oblivion to at least SS with signature and cub and fire looks like a complete brick also i don't even have a single fire unit.
Tell me how retarded i am Lunalove btw.
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You're supposed to get SS with skulls from paincage newcutie
>Tell me how retarded i am Lunalove btw.
encore tier
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Wait you can get SS with skulls i thought you could only get like 50% of the way there because they're limited to like 20 shards apparently not? So complicated
>encore tier
Spot on apparently :D
you could always use the basic banner to get watanabe unless youve gotten someone else from it
You mean the guarantee? I'm playing catch up as a 3 weeks old player so i just picked crimsoned weave :3
There is three.
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>they're limited to like 20 shards
Rather that the first 10 are discounted by 66% and the the next 20 are discounted by 33%. So 30 shards will cost 500 skulls. Also in regards to fireteam being a brick, Watanabe will be the best tank shred wise which means he will be the most useful for Void Luna.
I am smarter now ! no wonder skulls got prohibited all of a sudden.
So how many shards is the max i can get from the Phantasm pain jail?
enough for 1 dupe
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30, as evidenced by this unavailable construct
Very beautiful and lickable Teddy.
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Post No.21 as thanks for my knowledge!
everyday I thank god for making me a livlover
Thanks bwo.
On a tangent should i even try to go for Bianca Seibah with the extra pulls i got from story on standard banner? 70% chance sounds like a brick but i don't see her anywhere on the roadmap soon
Do not post 21 pictures for this anon. They are a well known 21 licker.
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70% is always a brick, don't fucking do it. I know its a long time away but anniversaries have a 100% rate up banner of your choice or if you stick around for the new S-Rank Lucia Pyroath they give away a free Bianca Alter!

Ignore this anon >>492653386 I must lick
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fair enough.
Fine here's a 21 from behind best i could do rn tyy
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I hope this is worth it, everyone's been saying this is where the story kicks in. If I fall to my knees and yell "HOLY FUCKING KINO" I'll throw some money at Kuro for real
Anon, before this. You love your Lucia, right?
12 and 13 are good chapters and it's the beginning of the 9 to 13 arc. It's good but I wouldn't call it kino. 15 16 17 is where the kino begins and you realize you're holding gold. PGR has a bad and slow start unfortunately.
$10+ for a fucking Koikatsu head mod?
Dont forget tax and tip! God what a ripoff
Isnt the point of koikatsu that the CC system is robust enough to make any girl you wanted? The only issue is the hair which I imagine could get troublesome.
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You now remember No. 21 Monster mashturbation
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I could never forget it!
Well I finished Ch. 12 and it's definitely a step up. I really wish Lucia Plume's Interlude was baked into the main story, like right before the final battle would've been perfect. I'm buckled in for the ride at least. Also, now I wish I used my beginner selector on Plume but I dick picked Rosetta
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Anon who trained the RVC v2 voice models here, if you want to make AI covers or have them say Nazi speeches, you can read this guide first:
I've considered writing a rentry guide myself before, but that is already a great guide for starters. Even has a section for TTS (use ElevenLabs first until you ran out of monthly quota) if you can't do a speech yourself to infer.
My models are stored on this huggingface repo:
If you saw my models on weights.gg, do not use them, that site uses bot to take everyone's posts and doesn't let the fucking owners update them with new links. So they're outdated models. I'm not obliged to delete the old posts and make new ones for the updated models on that site.
Nice job, quality from now on isn't consistently high but its always serviceable.
Also, don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions after reading the guide.
Can't wait for everyone to read chapter 31 when it arrives on global.
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Liv is so diligent
>Watanabe will be the best tank shred wise which means he will be the most useful for Void Luna
That's actually not true, best one will be Wanshi since you can SS3 him for free with vouchers and get additional 10%.
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Damnit i was bamboozled, as a newcutie no less.
/pgr/ i feel betrayed like a knife in my back

ANON WHAT SHOULD I DO with my rolls i'm only buying monthly pass c?
Save for back-to-back Watanabe and Qu after Black Rock Shooter next patch, then use any 100% banner (usually anniversary banner but there are occasional 100% banner) to get the older characters you wanted if you have at least double the amount you needed for an upcoming S rank.
I myself has more than enough for the next S rank after Lucia and one S rank if Kuro drop a 100% banner next patch. I want Lamia, Kuro!
But the whole point of the betrayal was me being fooled into NOT skipping watabe since i don't have any-ANY-any fire units all i have is SS3 lamia and crimson weeb and skipping gramps will give me a better chance to SS+sig QU and red Luna off the bat ??
/pgr/ you're such meanies
I didn't say anything about skipping Uncle. You shouldn't ever skip a character if you care about meta and endgame at least a little bit. He can still solo most ppc fire bosses with qte bots, Livlov will be in the voucher shop eventually, and you'll have a complete team by Lucia.
That being said, Wanshi will become the best option for Luna once he comes out, he's also the best target for SSS with vouchers since as all the gen2 tanks, he has absurdly strong SSS.
? Get Watanabe if you feel you will have enough to get Qu the patch right after. Or using the standard selector with blue cards to get him later, if you haven't use that to get Alpha CW already. You will get a free copy of Black Rock Shooter to use with him. Watanabe will do the job until Lucia arrives.
There will be a free S rank selector on Luna patch that goes up to Aylapig, use that to get either Bianca or Karenina. Lucia patch will give you a free copy of Bianca if you can afford to wait that long.
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You missed my point entirely while also giving me the better answer so far.
If your point was wasting rolls to SS Qu without skulls, then it's an outright dumb idea since she still would work on S with sig, and eventually you'll get enough skulls from the ultimate achievements anyway.
Same goes for Luna and Uncle, although out of all three, I'd say Uncle's SS is the lowest priority.
Again, missed my point entirely but gave me meaningful suggestions.
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Evil Selena's new frame just leaked
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chat is this real
If evil, why hot?
This BITCH killed Suzaku Liv!!!
Add indoctrinated Yuuko to the list
>killed liv
wtf i like selena now
that mech looks sick
But Yuko, Chiko's sister got tricked too
This cannot be real
new Liv frame if true
>21 headpat is canon
so is it safe to recycle 3 of my gen 1 attacker 6* weapons to get lamia's for FREE?
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why is her sig considered t0?
she ain't even an attacker
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Not for damage reasons, but for making the Physical team not a dogshit team with her Harmo. Physical team ios the most inconsistent team out of all 5 teams.
You know how your physical DPS sometimes hits like a truck and sometimes hits like a wet noodle? It's because of crit. rate. Alisa can buff the whole team's Crit rate. She's basically the foundation block for the Physical team, but without her Harmo, she will lose out on other memories like DV or Phillip
I want to recycle alpha's weapon to get Lamia's but I can't unequip it without having another weapon
How the fuck do I get a 3 or 4* weapon?
>use free roll on arrival fate
>red on 3 pity
>hell yeah SS3 Bianca
>it's Tenebrion
Thanks game.
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Should i waste all that serum on coop every week? Is it worth it PGRfrens?
If you want to buy a 5* weapon for a character, which you should for at least everyone on you teams. Prioritize DPS.
Bwos, what team am I meant to use for Trailblazer?
my only 2 dps so far have signature (little mermaid and motorcycle lucia)
Echo doesn't even have a dps to support kek
>alpha gripping her sword too hard for you to take it off her
>try to swap it with another sword
>she just gives it to another construct
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this liv is lov
Imagine reading.
Couldn't be /pgr/.
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Is there an active /pgr/ EU guild (or any active guilds my fellow shikikum are in)? The one I was in before I returned is completely dead now so we didn't even get to the boss in the expedition.
>log in the guild hub as 21
>get licked all over
I wouldn't risk it.
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Why does the summer event story have to be so gay
Q syndicate is relatively alive. You will be licked though.
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Give it to me bros, did we win or is it over for punishit?
It's ok liv will save us again
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Does anyone know what is the requirement to trigger derived from matrix's 3rd ending? do I need to be in the max difficulty too?
dead bread
archived soon
Post hags
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I think you just need the access key usb and choose the correct nodes on zone transitions.
I haven't done non-max difficulty since I unlocked it though, so I dunno if you it's locked on the lower ones.
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Thanks anon, this will help a lot.
You guys didnt actually think this was a leak did you
I think Kuro intentionally named it wuthering waves so that the acronym WW looks like a wave pattern. In that sense, wuwa kinda seems like vandalism
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>The leaker still hasn't updated his repo, not even the assets of second half of Lucia's chapter
>This guy hasn't updated either: https://github.com/myssal/Punishing-Gray-Raven-Asset (his designsheet folder for concept arts are cool through)
Fine, I'll do it myself
I've tried to create my own repo:
I went through 320 image folders to select the most interesting ones. You can clone it.
I even created a WW repo, also with the most interesting image folders:
I don't know jack shit about github so I hope I haven't gotten anything wrong. Why tf the WW repo has a ".gitattributes" file, but the PGR repo doesn't?
Anyone has a suggestion for the repo name and readme? The current ones are tentative.
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I know it's not from PGR, I just thought it looked like something from PGR and wanted to see how many anons I could trick. I love spreading misinformation
Honestly based
why liv without lov
one day you will have to lov without liv
Kill yourself.
Does Babel start this coming reset for NA or the next? (15 hours or 39 hours?)
I'm here once again asking what the fuck does the game want me to do to raise the BP level.
I'm overlevelled. max skilled (as far as the level permits me to level the skill up). levelled up my memories to max as well.
Resonate your memories!
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Saw pic rel in /akg/

How come you faggots post better fan art in generals other than /pgr/... WE NEED THIS SHIT HERE WE'RE FUCKING STARVING FOR POSTS GOD DAMN IT
Just spam the event stage and buy them from the event store. Also do coop to buy 5* weapon and do both border pacts.
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I fucking love Qu so much, bros... She was what got me into the game back when she launched in CN.
My two wives!
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Stop bullying Lamia!
Idk where tf does that fanart came from anon, Lofter?
only if you say the magic word
Bp is increased by:
Leveling your character. You should always do that.
Leveling character's skills. You should always do that.
Leveling your character's weapon. You should do that for the characters you actually use on-field. Higher rarity weapons give more bp.
Leveling your character's memories. You should max bottom row memories first for non-phys characters, top ones can stay at lvl1. For phys ones you want to max all. That also applies to characters you use on-field, qte bots and supports can generally use lvl1 memories.
Resonating memories. You should do that for your main dps characters, and prioritize bottom resonances first. Don't use selector usbs unless you know what you're doing.
Hypertuning memories. You shouldn't do that because you likely don't know what you're doing yet.
Resonating weapons. You shouldn't do that as well, for the same reason.
Another thing is character's ranks, but that one is kinda limited by either ppc shards or rolling additional copies.
Lastly, two border pacts also give bp, but that is somewhat hard content for a new player, so you probably shouldn't bother with it unless you want to tryhard.
Do the event stage to stack up the event currency to buy what you need. You will still have to do all story eventually. Do story at your own pace.
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If you have her at level 80, with a 5* weapon, and all memories maxed her BP should be around 5500. Memory resonances, hypertunes, and 5* weapon resonances take her beyond 6K BP.
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I wish lofter wasn't such a homo platform
Well, at this point it's meaningless, but it does reward whales for high bp in stuff like norman where you get bonuses for being above certain numbers. Not that they need those bonuses, but that's something.
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This'll calm you down.
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I wish I didn't need to be chinese/go through some esoteric process to pretend to be chinese to fucking browse it. So much No.21 art I'm missing out on, I just know it.
Empyrea looks way too fucking cool, man.
Pretty sure you can do that by registering a wechat account, I used my country phone number and it worked.
Last time I tried they didn't accept my country phone number
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This is new.
what am I looking at here?
Have you tried getting a temporary or virtual phone number?
Play Story. this is the first time that there's a chapter with no fights at all. it's new for me.
I used a website for the temporary ones but had no luck signing up with them, maybe I'll try to get a virtual one.
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Looks like it's after tomorrow's reset, so in 14 hrs
Well, at least some of the arts I've seen start to appear on twitter recently too so that's nice
>probably has over a thousand 21 pictures
>still wants more
When will your draconic thirst finally be satisfied? How many more fair XXI maidens do you require? Is the maiden enough or do you wish to claim her diminutive friend as yours as well?
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And cute!
please tell me Alya is as good as she's hot.
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I only have 943 images of No.21 saved! I need more, I DESERVE more. No.21 is beauty itself! Its not fair that out there, somewhere, exists more depictions of her and I CANT HAVE THEM. SHE'D WANT ME TO HAVE THEM, THE CHIBIKOS TOO HES MY HOMIE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE NO.21 I WANT TO LICK NO.21!!!!
The S version is good. The A version is bland gameplay wise and is mainly used as cope QTE elemental support.
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Dead game
EoS soon
what's pgr version of wuwu wawa
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bwos... all my constructs left me for wuwa
damn, maybe I should download those mods for wuwa. Also I hope that tower at the blackshores really is another hetero-tower. Fucking game is kinda bland and too bright and cheery for me.
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Are you guys actually sure that the 3rd ending is in the game? I don't have the interleaved sector tab that is supposed to be unlocked wiith the 2nd ending either, I did max difficulty multiple times and the polarity projection node simply doesn't show up.
I thought beyond was the third one for some reason. I guess it's not in yet then.
Lucyap my beloved
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Perhaps lov, even.
How many months until Teddy and Yuta?
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Teddy is about 4 and a half months away, Yata is nearly a year away
Teddy this december and yata june/july next year
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Bros, you have nine full teams for Babel right?

So far I only have meta physical team(Bianca, Rosetta, Alisa), meta fire team (Lee, Liv, Nanami), meta lighting team (Vera, 21, Alpha), meta dark team (Selena, Karen, Lamia), backup dark team (Astral, 21, Tenebrion), backup lighting team (Bianca, Chrome, Liv), Nier (A2, 2B, 9S), backup physical team (Alpha, Lumi, Nanami), Kowloong team (Qu, Pulao, Haying at SSS+), and back up fire team (Ember/Lee/Roland, Sophia, fire Nanami).
Why would I need 9 teams? I do max difficulty on 3 and get full rewards!
>Why would I need 9 teams?
To have nine times the fun. Babel gives me an excuse to use teams that otherwise never to get touch the field.
Youre absolutely right, I'm sorry I doubted you
keep in mind that uniframes dont need full teams, you can run 2 units too
Are there going to be stages that favor uniframes in some way this time? At this point uniframes as a concept seem dead in the water.
>Yata chibi finally added
>You have to use collab tickets to get her
so how should I be saving my BC and Tickets for this? I'm relatively new so I dont have a full idea of the premium economy yet.
The first copy is free!
You can remove that Vera pic completely, she's not getting a new frame any time soon. Or ever, actually. There are better characters that need new frames.
Only roll on S-Ranks that aren't free on the 60 Pity banner, thats it
There were last time from what i remember
That little icon indicates she is getting a buff/leap that patch bwo
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>Vera pic
It means shes getting a leap if you are referring to the small icon thats right by qu
What the fuck how did you notice that
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The gray Vera is just a placeholder for the mystery character that got revealed
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I have special eyes
So this is the true power of chunni...
Have you tried having eyes? Also, she was there for like ten previous versions of that pic.
Do we even have mystery characters left? Last mystery character turned out to be new Hanying.
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Do we have any hints at all about who this could be
I think im turning senile
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Grant us eyes.
>only three question marks
We will see if they will be good. Quality mystery characters usually have four to five question marks.
Did anybody get the artbook vol2? Any scans?
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Nah, Vera can definitely still get a new frame. Kuro hasn't even given her a sad childhood backstory yet
Gary on top of the mountain and represent human’s will. But who could the seven people under him be?
>no mention of my nigga simon
*throws up on your shoes*
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Yes, everything points to Ishmael so far, torch figure is Commandant, the narration sounds similar to Lee patch PV.
Simon left with Babylonia
>playable Ishmael
>her base rank is SSS
>you can rank her up to Σ+
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Nah, there are like five new characters that showed up for one chapter that desperately need new frames. And S-Sofa of course. And S-Chang. And new Kamui and Camu frames.
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And another No.21!
Its a fake out, hes coming back believe it! Simon: hyperlink will revolutionize the game!
Dark Aries all died in the new future, right? He might've ended up the same.
It can't be Ishmael because who the fuck would she fight? Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos? Yog-Sothoth? Shub-Niggurath? Those are her best friends.
New characters that should be playable keep popping up but that's not going to stop them from making more and more alts of the big sellers.
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The only other option is the Commandant, which is not impossible I guess, since we are getting a customizable Commandant model.
damn bro, kuro did NOT cook with those models. Whats wrong with using the current outfits theyve shown but just adjusting it so its masculine/feminine?
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I think the female uniform looks nice, but I agree that its a downgrade to CG Gary, however keep the pinned comment in mind, they will change it if the players don't like it.
Wait a minute Ishmael could fight Kuro Games employees as mobs, then Solon himself as a boss like the CEO boss fight in NieR Automata:
https://youtu.be/chLGfUIQeiw. That or Overlord Celica, another god
Absolutely correct.
Yeah, but somehow Selena still doesn't have a new frame. And before you start it, no, I don't care about your deranged rants about her not being popular. Hanying, who wasn't even that popular, got a new frame before Rosetta or Kamui, or Roland. Meanwhile Nanami's getting her fourth one. Not like it's something bad, I love Nanami, but there's really no logic in all that. If Vera didn't get a new frame by now, she'll be sitting out at least until new lightning tank replaces her, and half a year after.
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You mean because of the hood? can't be because the narration makes it extremely obvious that the torch person is Gary, and when the narrator says "I" there is a glitch sound which is the same as the Lee patch PV (changes from "tell me" to "tell us") this is something exclusive to Ishmael which guarantees that she is the narrator. So the mystery character has to be either Ishmael or Commandant.
Shikikanbros should i buy and build teddy? Pls respond idk what i'm doing
do you give a shit about try harder ppc and wz? No? Cool, buy and build your teddy bro.
While I dislike Selena, her not getting a new frame yet is bizarre because of how popular she was. Could they really not think of a way to fit her into the storyline?
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Fem Gary should be taller than the Male one so she can truly measure as chief.
But I'm 6 foot....
The most reasonable explanation here is that they don't want to have two frames of the same character in meta teams at the same time. Last time we had it was with two (three if you count Lux for lightning) Livs. Currently there are no overlaps at all.
Nyoooo but she's so cuuute =(
You're right, they should finally fuse them together instead of keeping them as separate frames.

If they replaced Selena Capriccio with another version of Selena I would be happy because I really dislike how she plays. Tempest has better gameplay andt better combat related aesthetics.
Teddy can be a boon for newcuties because of her void element.
Selena I don't think can fit with a new frame now, but she can easily fit as a new villain as Cradle is no more. Yuuka jobbed instantly, she's more like a victim. Lithos was reunited with his sister by Rosa. Lilith is going to be playable and should be aware of Vonnegut's true intention. Voodoo should also know about Vonnegut's plan.
And now isn't the time to take up the fight to the Watchers yet.
I love both her frames, but I guess Capriccio does feel a bit outdated now compared to gen2's. But I feel like they'll just give her a leap instead. At this point I'm almost fully convinced that they'll replace Vera, Bianca, and Karen first before releasing any new amps.
>But I feel like they'll just give her a leap instead
The leap system has mostly been a giant tease so far. The idea of giving a major upgrade to characters without giving them a new frame sounds enticing.

However many frames who need them haven't gotten them and some of the leaps characters have gotten have been lackluster. They've tweaked certain parts of Capriccio but a leap isn't even on the horizon yet.
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I'm so excited for the BRS collab bros!
I heard mikus black rock shooter like a decade ago and I still have no fucking idea what it even is.
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I'm a 3 week old babbling newcutie
Invest on Teddy then yes?
I'm buying pass A if that matters and got an early SS mermaid and weapon and CUBE so i have enough for like 70 rolls or so rn
idk if I got unlucky with my first and second attempt at the third ending of jetavie's mode but I just tried it again and breezed through it. Oh well, I'm satisfied now
you can get sss+ teddy for like 28 rainbow cards on relase if i remember right
28 rainbows isnt that bad.
wow that's literally nothing she's litrly free
thank pgrbo
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The stylized golden text makes me think it's Selena.
She also wears a hood in story and was saved by Ishmael, so there's that.
livlov ribrob
man nobody likes selena...
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it is what it is
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Hello coomandants, I come to you on this holiday weekend with another tribute. This time, a triple threat of Sophia bunny girl pictures. Please enjoy and if you have any ideas for future Sophia or Sophia x other character commissions, please let me know. I am looking for inspiration.

Lamia is too hard
Lamia makes me hard
Anyone know if babel is this reset or next?
>Still no S Sophia
Nice work though
Nyooooo my top 10 sweat ranking! I'm still wage slaving till an hour later!
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Unfathomably based.
we lost.
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Why is Alpha original here?
Sex with Haicma
Haicma's new frame when?
as long as there is sophia sex, we win
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What a wonderful thing to wake up to
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Its what her dumb developmentally stunted ass used to play with as a kid
Oh wow too soon?
The chinks do. Or so I've been told.
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>wears a hood in story and was saved by Ishmael
>the eyes were an audience all along
I don't remember having a former golden age actor in my squad...
Hes a really good actor
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He's been by our side all this time
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Atlantis had NO other children and NO toys whatsoever... She had to make do with coffee cups and pieces of cables...
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Imagine if Gary goes to the old school after the timeskip, despite Yata's warning, and gets haunted by Yuuka...
>Yata: Looks like trouble again.
>Yuuka: Eat up!
>Yata: Yuuka, what are you doing?
>Yuuka: What does it look like? Feeding the fish.
>Yata: Stop it! You're a ghost! Do you have any idea what effect
your actions have on those around you?
>Yuuka: No. Not a clue.
>Yata: A corpse that stands in front of a fountain, scattering her own ashes? Don't make me laugh!
>Yuuka: But the goldfish...
>Yata: They're not yours to raise! There are new ghost stories all the time because you always do these unnecessary things!
>Yata: I didn't want to use this,
but it's for peace at Arctic Route Union. You leave me no choice. Now witness the power of a descendant of the shrine!
>Yata: Rin. Pyou. Tou. Sha. Kai. Jin. Retsu. Zai. Zen! Frugativi et appelavi!
>Yata: Now, vanquish the demon! Evil spirit, begone!
>Yata: Just die, already!
>Yuuka: What was that?
>Gary: Beats me...
>Yata: I'm the one with qualifications in exorcism. Seems I'm up.
>Yuuka: Exorcism?
>Emma: Qualifications?
>Yata: Leave this to me.
>Gary: Is this really going to work?
>Yata: Using a crucifix and talismans, you're blending Japanese and European traditions... so it'll be even more effective.
>Emma: Go, Yata!
>Yata: Right!
>Yata: I summon the twenty-one descendants! Seven in my right hand, as a sword. Seven in my left hand, as a shield. Seven to deflect evil magic, as my armor! Elohim Essaim!
>Yuuka: ...
>Gary: ...
>Emma: ...
>Yata: Stop pitying me!
>Yata: You need a Japanese body
to look good in a yukata.
>Vanessa: I know I'm not curvy, so sue me!
How do we feel about Youhu virus (chaos) beating out Liv virus (punishing)?
what the fuck is a youhu virus
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chinks eat it up so hard doubt that it changes anytime soon. I don't see myself returning until we get more sufferingkino or something a little less bland
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>Started an hour late
>Made it to top 20 in Babel
Eh, good enough.
Feeding Frenzy
Double Frenzy
Triple Frenzy
Super Frenzy
Mega Frenzy
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Fucking feeding frenzy
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Babel Nigel is fun
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Addendum, all of the bosses are fun. Once you adapt to Fu Shens sound cues hes very fun.
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God bless that artist for drawing PGR.
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Heres hoping he draws another No.21 now that his art has improved
Lamina seems like the kind of girl who got bullied hard by Vera in elementary school (put her head in a toilet, took her virginity with a recorder, etc.)
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* lick *
chests a little big though, I've got my eye on you
That's not my art
Its only joke anon, I saw the pixiv post too
>need 9(nine) teams to max out Babel
so this... is the end game...
my newfagass is ngmi
You only need Lv 120 for all the BC rewards at least, very doable. Remember if you do want to hit max rank solos count as a whole team aswell
Why is it always Sophia, can't you request someone better like Vera?
smite this blasphemer
Don't worry I only got 54 for my first babel
Coincidentally it was also the current babel rerun
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Kill this man
And this is how you know that all verafags are dumb newfags. Except maybe one. But probably not.
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Rosetta you know me so well, UOOHH
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Alright anon, which one of you posted this?
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There is no one better, now up against the wall
Lamia bros....
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I fully embraced that I'm an helpless shitter so I'm going to do the bare minimum for the rewards
how would Lamia react to anal fingering?
You have yet to reach your full potential thats all, one day you will be strong anon.
what cheap disposable memory set should I be using on my QTE bots
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>impulse rolls on Pulao and her weap even though I'm a newfag and poor
I'm kind of starting to feel bad... stupid decision for someone that wants to SS3 BRS
Very stupid, at least pulao is sex
uniframes are useless
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Bros, I just beat Ch26... I'm literally shaking. 10/10 kino, I CANNOT wait for the next chapter.
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I'm still on hanying chapter...
Unfortunately we eos next patch, so good luck reading new chapters on cn.
TTS test.
A Nazgul gives you Sophia commissions. Based on Sophianon's post >>492799616 Amazing arts btw
Same speech but with the Witch-king of Angmar:
Fuck it, Sauron himself, also known as Annatar, the "Lord of Gifts" during the Second Age:
She sure got popular fast for a totally new character that came out of nowhere.
when does leveling characters get really expensive with resources and/or time? if I want to try out a character for awhile to see if I like them, how far is it okay to level them where it's not a big deal to spend the materials since it's cheap and easy to get those mats later? i'm still playing through the story but getting bored of only using and leveling Lucia Lotus but don't want to waste too much stuff leveling and trying out other characters if the leveling materials and currency are rare later in the game.
try out the character in celica class bwo, mats consumption is the highest in the early-mid game when you have to build a lot of characters and fall off by the late game when you pretty much don't have to worry about not having enough mats ever again except for maybe cub skill upgrader
It's not really that expensive to max upgrade a character. I think a week or two should be more than enough to max build a character if you start from zero. The game also constantly showers you with free resources. Sooner or later, you won't even need to farm for upgrade mats anymore.
If you want to try out characters, you can do it in Cursed wave
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"Sweet But Psycho" - No.21
"Кoтик / Kotik" - No21
"Who Is She x The Perfect Girl" - Lamia
"Out Of Touch" - Lamia
pls be nice to ur new gray raven member...
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>luckfagged lamia's 6* weapon with the free rolls
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Let's give a warm welcome to our new member!
Some requests from youtube, I barely get them since the old channel died
Nanami - Shining Finger Sword
Lamia JP - Above the Summer
Lamia JP sounds pretty decent in this, and even cute? I want to hug Lamia after this. Welcome to Gray Raven, Lamia.
wait why can't I die in babel anymore
is commandant still cucked in this?
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>I want to recycle alpha's weapon
I pulled for alpha abyss instead of weave as a newcutie. Am I bricked bwos?
No.21 my beloved
>falling for Lamias tricks
RIP to a good anon
yes bwo
she looks very polite
I'm afraid it might be over for you. You can only atone and save yourself by rolling Livlov.
Who should I SS first? Stairs Simulator or Microsoft Flight Simulator?
She got some amazing tricks in bed alright
she was a noble after all
youll just have a tougher time, new bianca is going to be given out so cope with old alpha for now
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>Be me
>Play Feral in coop
>Suddenly newcutie joins also with Feral
>I try to immediately swap character, but newcutie does it too
>Newcutie goes immediately back to Feral upon noticing
>Newcutie even gets two 5* drops
>Finish the 21 runs
>I LICK the newcutie
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Indoctrination complete
Is Feral SS even worth it? She doesn't do any fantastic damage.
Nanami, Alaya and Alessa are SS btw.
>Qu and Sharkspear are in the outlier category in Ultimate Pain Cage
>But you still see them unlike the others in Ultimate Pain Cage
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>Is Feral _____ worth it
Always. But I have no idea what the most standard investment for her is because I follow my heart.
Level 1 — Unlocked at S5
Casting Signature - Sky-ripping Arcflash or unleashing Forest Predator's Deceleration Field will activate QTEs that are not on cooldown.

Level 2 — Unlocked at SS
Gains 10 Signature Energy when casting Dusk Fluorescence. Each Critical Arclight point will increase Signature - Sky-ripping Arcflash's Base DMG by 2% instead.

not groundbreaking but if you cycle with her its an improvement
I do cycle with her, so I just went and bought all 30 of her shards... Only to forgot that I already has 2 shards of her and wasted 40 skulls.
But what about Qu and Lucia? I can only afford one to SS at the moment.
??? Qu haven't been in the rotation since she got moved to outliers, and we have new shark now.
which frame should be remodeled into a semen deposit unit?
Vera forma de formal outfit
Level 1 — Unlocked at S5
Upon performing Rimy Valediction, Tor Invocation, or Ascended Sovereign, Quell Their Spirits, trigger all available QTEs. Upon performing the fourth move of the Basic Attack sequence after a successful dodge, Qu: Shukra will immediately activate Enter the Fray. Activating Enter the Fray this way does not grant an Engravement point.

Level 2 — Unlocked at SS
Upon performing Star of Dawn, Indite Their Souls, immediately gain 1 stack of Soul Ripple. After performing Rimy Valediction, Qu: Shukra gains 3 stacks of Soul Ripple for every 3-Ping performed during Sovereign’s Accession for the next cast of Star of Dawn, Indite Their Souls. After performing Tor Invocation, Base DMG increase effect of Ascended Sovereign, Quell Their Spirits granted by each stack of Soul Ripple increases to 45%.

Level 1 — Unlocked at S5
Performing Basic Attack – Air-splitting Rays, Basic Attack – Gala Ablaze, Signature Move – Auxiliary Precision Slash or Signature Move – Endless Eclipse activates all available QTEs.

Level 2 — Unlocked at SS
Gains 25% Extra DMG Bonus when in Blazing Thunder Form or Levitating Mode. Immediately obtains 120 Radiance Points when entering Levitating Mode. When switching out after performing Signature Move – Endless Eclipse, Lucia will enter the Embers of Wildfire state, attacking surrounding enemies once every 2s, dealing 4000% Fire DMG. Exits the Embers of Wildfire state after attacking 4 times.

I have no idea what any of this means
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i read somewhere that refill trough japan VPN is cheaper, can anyone elaborate?
so im sitting here clicking on the orbs with my mouse cursor in classic mode like a retarded ape cause it feels the best and i tried keyboard controls for orbs and also an xbox controller and this shit was not feeling good or intuitive to my idiotic pea brain and i was pressing the wrong number keys or xbox buttons and fucking up the god forsaken orbs all day every day. will playing like this fuck my in harder end game content?
Depends, are you slow at it? If its comfortable for you and you can execute with speed and precision its fine. But if not you better get used to one of the other control schemes, remember you can remap stuff.
Godwhales (whales that are good) play with pinging orbs via the mouse (see Yumcookies on twitch) but I never paid attention to how he handles movement.
oh really? i thought it was the casual way to play. imma check out Yumcookies and find other good players to watch and learn how they doing it with the mouse at high level. god bless your everlasting soul.
Yumcookies is an extreme warzone/pain cage grinder. If you have every been to ultimate pain cage he is normally top 1. Its hard to say how much you can learn from him since a lot of the stuff he does requires equipment that almost nobody else has but it is interesting to watch.
If I have just started and got Lamia is She safe to hypertune? I'm really enjoying Her a lot but I'm not sure if that will brick my account since the mats aren't easy to get from what I can see.
Shes an attacker, so shes worth the investment. If you're really concerned about conserving them only hypertune the bottom row of memories since the top row is crit and that isn't useful on elemental characters.
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>Rosa: What the fuck uncle? I thought I defeated you?
>Lithos: My loyal blade. And champion of the clones. Both your deeds will ever be praised in song. Now, the vow will be honoured, and my Lord Clone Gary’s soul will return. So that he may be my consort.
>Promised Consort Clone Gary
>Real Gary, Emma, Vanessa, Lilith, Luna: What the fuck?
>Yata: Clone Gary. A pleasure to see you, after all this time. But those remains do not belong to you. Shorthalt will have his dignity.
Newest S-rank characters are safe to hypertune, especially if they're attackers. If you're worried about your mats remember to only hypertune the bottom row of memories as they increase ATK, while top row boosts CRIT which is only useful for phys. There's some merit to upgrade top row as well (unlocks Ultima which allows you to select which 3ping your character begins with), and it's required to be able to station them in border pact for global buffs to all hypertuned characters, but you should worry about that in due time.
Just find a mouse with side buttons. I'm playing with a razor naga trinity and it's top comfy.

4p Guine, 2p Samantha
4p DV, 2p Gloria
>>492904940 (me)
Knew something was off. I forgot 2p Einsteina.
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>Shark 2 is still in paincage
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If you keep hitting him but at the same time DONT get hit by him you'll win. If its the stage where you bring your own character just get stronger I guess.
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Turn on assist and watch someone kill him in 10 seconds.
How do you even play this shit on keyboard or controller when the inputs keep changing

Mobile was such a mistake.
uhhh dodge the attacks
>on keyboard
I had to reconfigure my brain, no joke.
I just click the orbs with basic attack bound to E
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Kill Cradle.
You can try reading guides like this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-3LM9usBbs) since you're going to have to fight him in pain cage, turn on assist, or level until you can overwhelm him with brute force.

I would love to see a video just to know what you are struggling with. A very very long time ago the story Camu boss fight was a filter for some.
is it still possible to get Echo for free? how? I saw a video that said she is free but didn't say exactly what to do.
Open dorm, click commission in the bottom right, do commissions daily and then buy her shards from the dorm shop.
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>is it still possible to get Echo for free?
Dorm commissions, do as the other anon said. You can also get S-Rank Ayla from here.
okay cool. I thought shards are only used to Evolve the character, didn't know they can unlock new ones for me also.
I'm gonna be real bros I'm just gonna pick whatever the fuck I want with the choice packs and deal with the consequences later, fuck the meta
absolutely based
Okay, I slept and after thinking it over, doesn't the story all but confirm that the SKK in the Cradle was the real one? Lilith and Lithos talk about how preserving SKK's consciousness was more important and then the scene with the egg at the end basically impled that the daughter housed SKK in it after they got dissolved by the red tide. And then the number spook at the very end.
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I forgot dupes don't work like other games and hard pitied a 3rd Lamia.
Bwos not like this i hate being a newfag....
Ss3 is a good upgrade dont worry
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Thanks neighbor, i feel less shit now.
I'm going to pull and evolve Black Rock Shooter as much as I possibly can. what team should I get for her cause I love this character? I still have all my A & S rank pick choices and 100% pull available. Was thinking about getting Liv: Empyrea then getting that new fire tank guy in the patch after BRS and that will be my main team to work on building up for awhile. does this seem good or what other good teams could I consider for Black Rock Shooter as main DPS?
> I'm gonna main brs and grab tank wata
Bro wata will smoke brs any day of the week no matter the investment.
the two you mentioned are pretty much top of the line choices for fire
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I need an update on this ASAP
finally done with this fucking mode, jesus christ
I'll work on the new one tomorrow, this shit was exhausting
Wish the game kinda jewed me out more desu. I just buy monthlies and bps, start drowning in rolls, roll every character, their cub and signature, have enough left over to roll every gacha skin and then stop spending. And then I see our monthly revenue and I get sad and start spending again. I am retarded
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Clearly the only remedy to this is more dupe bait cute girls with even more bikini/revealing skins. Hello, are you even LISTENING,Solon? Vhere Ist mein Bambinata swimsuit.
Eh, I don't care about dupes. But there needs to be more skins with unique effects, lobbies, character lines, etc. Basically, I want more skins like Balters.
didya get karens idol coating?
I rolled Alpha's weeb coating, Liv's fairy coating, Balter's coating and yes, Idol Karenina one.
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I haven't seen a single anon posting their Lamia coating even though it was shilled to hell when it was announced first
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Not on global yet.
I WILL make Lamia a mermaid princess in fairy tales like she wishes. Mark my fucking words.
If you mean the alternative skin that is currently out on global then I just think that it's kinda ugly and not worth 168 RCs.
BRS-Uncle-Liv is the optimal fire team for BRS. Just don't give Uncle deadline, give him res shred reso instead (or just no weapon resos at all, he doesn't need them), that way your BRS would have more field time.
But more importantly, get her weapon, it's has much more value than any upgrades past SSS, and even past SS3.
Uncle's not a solo character like CW or Qu, even if you give him deadline, he can't keep going for more than three rotations.
I love action games with no action!
this is surviving lucem right
hopefully they get this writer again in the future. Lucem and Noan's chapter were really good in both fleshing out the setting and the characters themselves. would be a shame if those 2 are the only PGR chapters he's allowed to work on
The innovate technology known as a skip button was developed specifically for adhd zoomers like you, anon.
Thank you for warning me in advance, I'll skip Noan then. This shit has been drawn out in a bad way so far and did nothing new in regards to the setting.
I'll get Matches to piss on your computer and Stanley's ghost to haunt you forever if you talk shit about Surviving Lucem.
Lol you really give a shit about a refugee with a sob story №9546218613? The game is littered with the likes of his, none of them are believably human and they all blend together.
I lov liv
No way!
you can't just do that!
Well, somebody has to. I guess.
Fellow shikikan, is this real?
>source: I am him
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great job anon, enjoy your spooky cutie
this liv is not lov
>nurse hat
>wings + halo
>the pink to be found here and there
I need my Nanacutie's 4th frame to be as good as Starfarer, which is one of the 3 other frames who's designs I love as much as Empyrea
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you WILL lov liv, no matter what she looks like!
>Timeline where Lamia's mother actually takes maternity leave and left Atlantis
Holt shit what a massive bitch, is this as bad as Yuuka's mother yet?
bwo you already know the design of nanami's 4th frame...
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was that the finalized design? I just assumed it was concept art...
It wouldn't happen if Lamia wasn't so dumb
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No.21 save me from these whores
>21 is retarded
>Everyone loves her
>Lamia is retarded
>Everyone hates her
Proof of the "You can't be mad because I'm cute" bias
Difference is No.21 owns it and has confidence in her actions often pushing the boundaries of her own understanding, Lamia breaks down and pretends to be weak because its easier for her than putting in effort
It's okay to pace yourself, you know? Do like one run a day or half a run a day. On the weekends I usually put a video I can listen to in the background and just do 3 runs. The rewards are certainly not running away.
Lamia tries really hard in her own way don't take that away from her too.
this is not livlov this is livhate!
liv loathe
It's Liv Pain!!!
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Shut up dumb feesh
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then who is livhate
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How are you scoring so low with Lamia even? You should get at very least 320k.
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>Ah, anon. Thank you for your hard work today.
>Uhm... can we sit down and talk for a minute, anon?
>No, nothing is wrong, it's just I want to talk about dream. Your dream to be precise.
>You said you want to have a happy family in the future.
>I am afraid I can't fulfill that dream, anon...
>No, no, it's not your fault, anon.
>It's because I am a construct now, I can't provide what you want...
>How about that young human Commandant from Iris Warbler, Sica? She seems like a nice young girl. I think you would be happy with her
>I am sorry anon, please don't cry...
>Maybe in another world it may work, but it's not this one...
>I am sorry, I really love you, anon
>But something just can't work out no matter how hard you try...
I've decided to continue with the story. Just finished chapter 6. Does it get better? Also when do the stat upgrades end? After Chapter 8?
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>he doesn't know
Dunno, using the standard Lamia rotation
>Does it get better?
It sporadically has decent writing but the majority of it stays bad and there's more of it.
why even liv at this point....
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Gets better after chapter 8, after that it keeps getting better until it becomes kino.
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Am I the only one who enjoyed earlier chapters and miss their atmosphere?
>I hate ch 17
Is this bait? Are we popular enough to have our own schizo troll? Bros I think we're making it
Weve always had people that hate words
The only thing I remember from that chapter was that boy with a dog who took comically long to die after receiving fatal injuries.
The amount of pointless melodrama in this game is tiring sometimes.
I agree, his death was far too drawn out, but that can't seriously be the only thing you remember from the chapter.
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Look, I'm sorry PGR writers think more text equals better, nothing can be done about that. It doesn't mean you have to gas up their verbal diarrhea when they for the sixteenth time describe how bad the scavengers have it. When there's so much of that going on it loses any kind of impact and just gets tedious to read through. It's not as bad as the fucking Echo Aria where the same flashbacks repeating several times with an old man harping on and on about how he wants to stay was genuinely painful to see in a bad way, but by god they were trying.
do I need to reach a certain account level before I can get the battle pass? cause I'm at lvl 30 right now and don't see it anywhere on the main screen or in the store.
This Clash reflection thing is probably the shittiest, turdiest type of content I have ever seen added to any gacha I've played. The title was held by the terrible aether gazer mode they've added with 2.0 but somehow kuro outdid them.
I think you need 40 for events and stuff, so probably there
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>all livbros are actually liars
it's over...
What, you don't like getting permagrabbed by Fu'Shen/Lilith?
No, I don't like the strange and tight requirements they want from me. I got to stage 11 and I cannot complete it because the bug queen keeps flying into the air and getting immune to my damage.

Now, I realize that my Constructs might be on the weaker side because they are only at SS but 6800/6600~ power should be more than enough..
Ah yeah, the queen pretty much breaks the flow of the fight with all the micro invul phases, anti fun
So what are you supposed to do? Just suck it up and wait until you have sss+ new characters or what?
What team are you using, because its just a matter of having better burst when the moth is actually damageable instead of wasting your damage when she isn't
Physical one. Alisa/Bianca/Rosetta
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Sounds fairly doable then, as long as your timing Alisas Da Vinci correctly with Biancas Ultimate attack and keeping your dodge meter over 70%
Its not as bad as joint warfare
if it's any consolidation, if you can't do a stage in clash reflection, you CAN just start over to farm the rest of the operator thingies to get the reward
Wait what, you can do it 3 times and get all of the rewards?!
>ping orbs
>don't get signature energy
This happens most often to me on bianca, but I'm also experiencing it on CW and lamia as well. It's so fucking annoying when everything is going well except this bug happens and I sit there with no orbs and no sig

Yeah, just press "tally". It'll reward you the amount of operators you got depending on how far you got and then you can start over from stage 1 again
You simply take it easy, reset, and do a second run up to that point to get the full score. I'm not going to lose my sanity trying to barely squeeze through multiple stages. You'll lose some harmony accelerators from not clearing the time limit goals but I personally have so few 6* weapons that I'm soon going to have more mats than weapons to harmonize and it's only going to become more irrelevant as time goes on since even if I start pulling for each sig weapon from now on I'll outpace the mats needed for them.
Wanted to attach Lamia slacking off emote but duplicate exists so here's Feral instead
im retarded, help me with this, who the one left our password on that case file or is it meant to be revealed later date?
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21 apparently didn't want to show up, so here's Fuololo inst ad
First of all, spoiler it. To answer your question, we simply don't know
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That "spoiler" means jack shit without context bwo, why are you getting uppity about it
Unclear, but personally I think it was Ishmael that left it on the paper. Must be someone who knows Commandant's secret, have access to Babylonia, and that can tie it to this event and the list of people who fits that bill doesn't seem very long
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>Came out of nowhere
>Has more fan arts than Emma and Tatiana combined, probably reaching Cradle's numbers. Even Jared Nyts are modding her into WW replacing Danjin.
How did she do it?
Is this the powers of dark hair + himecut + Japanese school uniform?
damn, i thought they already revealed it on cn or something, seems like real loose end
Who is this cute frog? There is only one frog queen in PGR and she (unfortunately) doesn't have a skin like that.
You know you can stun that boss to prevent those flying i-frames, right? Coincidentally, the free cub everyone gets has a 5 seconds stun skill. Well, Karenina's bunny also works, but nobody has it. Maybe some other cubs work too, I'm not good at reading their skills, and kuro is not good at making proper descriptions.
Also, that mode is supposed to be for hyper endgame minmaxing, so it's a given that you won't get all the rewards if you don't go full meta. Even then, you'll miss like 2 or 4 of the materials. Sure, it adds up, but not like you'd suddenly not be able to harmonize new S-ranks.
>That "spoiler" means jack shit without context bwo, why are you getting uppity about it
true. It's a me problem, I've gotten a bit jumpy about this sort of stuff after seeing CN shit here unspoilered quite often
Wtf bros it's already confirmed back when the chapter was released in CN.
The one who left the number was the real Gary, one year ago. It was the plot twist that revealed the Gary in Cradle Parade was a clone. Was it bad global translation?
Seems that way bwo. In eng you just get the report and the last page has the number saying the parade of the dead continues.
This makes no fucking sense. The report is about the tests ran on Gary after he was rescued and Gary never bothered reading it fully because it was full medical gibberish. Then he checks out the final page and finds out someone wrote the super sekrit number (ignoring the fact that Lamia yelled it to everyone when she handed the egg just to convince Gary kek). The number simply couldn't be written by the real Gary there nor he would have any reason to do so.
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>Lives in your base
>Lives in your mind
>Lives in your heart
Wtf bros? Liv doesn't even pay rent.
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You really don't know about Phrolova/Fuluoluo from sister game? I don't think she has any other froggy related emote however
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she pays you with her lov bwo
i love decorating the dorms more than playing the action game parts ngl. maybe i got some homo DNA in my genes
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>Sister thread trying to wrap their heads around anon asking about the frog woman
I've been thoroughly entertained
Also sorry for the dissapointment
You frogged me pretty good. Had people really not seen that frog chibi before?!
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I think a lot of the interest around her premium coating mostly came from the fact that there were a lot of people who were initially disappointed that Lamia's frame was such a drastic redesign from her original boss look which the coating was much closer to in feel.
But we're a year out from Lamia's initial CN reveal so people have warmed up to nu-Lammy since then.
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could any anon nudge my memory as to why Qu didn't side with Babylonia despite Ascendants running amock? I get she had her own evil thing going on but wouldn't it be more logical to take advantage of just that?
I am nihilistic and arrogant. KOWLOONG WILL LIVE FOREVER
A ton, but as you saw she has a million other chibi emotes and the froggy one is just one many. There was no reason to associate her with frogs, up until today at least kek. How did this somehow turn into such a giant trainwreck
Peak chuuni doombringer retard
Rather than let humanity suffer and likely die she decided to make a memorial of all the cool shit humanity did and show it to uhhh.. aliens that she pictured in her mind while gazing at the stars that would come to earth and give a fuck about it?
She's an actual retard so logic doesn't apply to her.
Hey hey hey HEY! Stop that, you guys are making Qu cry!
She isn't like that anymore after chapter 12. And not after Qu Shukra patch.
because she is a defeatist faggot who figured that humanity would lose and die out anyways, so instead of fighting she wanted to leave a mark of humanity behind
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Beta time soon
nanami when
always in my heart
Guess were going to find out whether nanami or mystery nigga is next
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open your heart and let me in, i need to see her in action
>visited the bread
>started to actually suffocate from laughter
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Qu is a big dum dum. Only Gary's LOV could help her.
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>dark hair + himecut
Godtier combo, shrimple as that
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Don't mind me, on my way to page 10
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Will she be playable?
yes but they'll redesign her and you won't like it
Why do they do this? Yata looked great because the mask and her arms. She looks super lame now that she is playable.
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Alpha bros.
I'm the only one left.
Consider this karma, we remember what the alpha association said about the Nanami Nation.
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It's because Alpha is OSOI and YOWAI.
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Nanami nation
>gen 3 (?) frame
>leader of an entire faction
>relevant throughout the entire narrative
>is the most human out of any construct despite being a machine
>heart filled with love
>Gen 2 frame with a leap
>got backstabbed by Babylonia
>not even an Agent
>appears here and there
>dresses like a hobo
>hates everyone not named Luna
Alphasisters lost the war from the start....
New Yata > Olda Yata
imma fixin' to SSS+ Silverfang and there's nothing anyone can do about it HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Before or after No.21?
So it is all but confirmed Nanami is lightning tank, right?
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Assuming Kuro doesn't get silly, yeah thats alot of peoples assumptions. But the WW spectro Icon is everywhere.
>Assuming Kuro doesn't get silly
That's a strong assumption right here
If they do then I'm all for it
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I do like her new design despite the changes, but I just don't think she feels like the same character anymore. She looks more like Yata's younger sister than Yata herself.
Also it's weird when a character gets redesigned and you go into a flashback and they look closer to their new look rather than their old self.
I really wish they at least kept the mask, that's the defining factor of her squad so it's odd how they did away with it completely. I don't mind minor redesigns like Noctis but Yata feels odd compared to the original
I think the lack of horns was a misstep, they rarely ever keep full masks so I didn't really expect it here, but the horns were defining to the design. Everything else is kinda up to preference, I think her hair changed a little? It's not by a lot but the color feels lighter, but that could be a shading thing partially colorblind so it's possible it's just my eyes
her hair got a shade lighter and her eye colour was changed from a more red deep orange to a very light orange.
Oh SHIT, I almost forgot

sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia sophia
Stop cheating!!!!
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Never! This is the only win poor sophia can ever get...
You must believe, believe in Sophia City.
She will be a fire tank with the new burn prefix, taking revenge on Uncle for stealing her spot.
I don't really like him. Nothing against males but I don't like his appearance at all. So I think I will go for Bridget.
Indeed, anon
I do like him, and his gameplay looks relatively fun, but it's a shame to see Nanass go like that. I really like her, even though her gameplay is a clunky annoying mess. Her design is just too good. I wish they at least tried to fix her with a leap instead, before just removing her from meta.
answer me faggots, when i connect with vpn my prices are still the same
I know the jp vpn method is a thing in ww, but I’ve never seen it mentioned here for pgr before.
But the nips has their own server?
You're better off using another region in codashop.
you probably need to change the google play region if youre on mobile
just who the hell is jetavie anyways
She brings the milk
Is there a way to see super old /pgr/ threads?
It was mostly people posting about how they’re gonna skip luna for nier
That sounds insane
Thats how I feel when I read anything about skipping
Why skip when you can get any ssr basically for free
Trying to get someone in particular to SSS or more i guess, or skins, or cubs and weapons
Is Teddy a nice substitute for Selena? I don't know when I will be able to get the latter.
google archb4k and put /pgr/ in topic section of the search

Selena is free, you can get her from Reactivito (even though it fucking sucks) I just the daily for enough currency to buy a shard every day. But you can get it done much faster.
Thanks anon

>But you can get it done much faster.
When that mode came out I think someone unlocked her in a few days of hell grinding
>in a few days
God I can't fucking imagine, that mode made me dislike selena by association
What do Kamui and Sophia don't have new frames?
they were killed and died as a consequence
I wish I could read the current cn chapters on global
>they were killed
>implying Kuro would give either of them that much screentime or even a mention
This guy uploads translated story if youre interested https://youtube.com/@jaysan009?si=ksK85glqeJ0sSugK
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would you liv in a world without lov, or lov in a world without liv
The latter
So I just cleared Cursed Waves and I still don't really get it. Is Cradle just the consciousness of the Red Tide that is learning about humanity as it devours them or what?
Liv lux more like liv sux
I want liv to sux me off
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>Vanessa doujin uploaded on the panda
Too happy. She should look more arrogant and sneer at you all the time. Also her lace eyepatch is banging.
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I can't decide between taking the 21 pill or Liv Lov.
My fire and ice teams are basically non-existent since I'm just waiting for uncle and Qu. I at least have Crimson Weave but not Garnet. The non-retarded play is to just wait until Liv comes to vouchers in Teddy's patch, right?
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forgot pic, about to pop the last blue ticket. I ain't gonna save this for future patches, I have plenty of BC for new units
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You clearly already know the answer. And you are based for it.
Wow he's just like me fr fr
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damn it you're right I don't know why I bothered asking
I spent some dirty money and won the 80/20 as a bonus
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Nice! I'm proud of you anon, enjoy the licking.
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>about to hit the standard pity
>didn't wanna waste the selector so I went for a random 6*
>hoping for feral 21 since she's the only construct I'm missing
>rosetta dupe
21fags, it wasn't meant to be...

But at least my wife grows stronger!
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For every No.21 chad that rises another anon falls short, foolishness anon, foolishness.
The CN wiki keeps archived transcripts of the game's story similar to how we have the Huaxu site for global
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>Yata's favorite music genre is vaporwave
so what was up with two eggs in the end? Did Babylonia get the egg with Cinderelik while Vonnegut got the one with SKK's daughter?
Bwo, where is it?
number 21 seems crazy
Nvm I found it
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sadpanda link of retard wolf girl? i do not approve, but whatever...
I need more art of SKK and Vanessa hate fucking and then proclaiming that this was a one time thing and won't happen again (false).
>just finish story today
I feel so sad bros, even sadder than when sensei watch Phe... the other timeline sensei die, at least Lamia will remember (me) just like Shiroko over there.
I liked this
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Okiro, Nanamitachi
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She's winning so hard
>slightly messy and wavy ponytail
Yup segs
This is the most kissable Awakened Machine I've ever seen. Nanami Nation is winning again.
Festival episode

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