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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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yummy value edition
Previous thread: >>491924379

This thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems, in space or otherwise.

List of commonly discussed /egg/ games:

Voxels, blocks and vehicle builders
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers
>Starship EVO

>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Kerbal Space Program

Logistics and factory management
>Captain of Industry
>Dyson Sphere Program
>Factory town
>Oxygen not Included
>Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic

Programming puzzles
>Zachtronics games

The full game list as well as information about these games, such as where to get them if they’re not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:


Games that are not /egg/:
>Hearthstone (learn how to add a “/” to your search)

OP pad for new thread
WebM for physicians: argorar.github.io/WebMConverter
Reminder: /egg/ has no discord, any discord links posted are from tranny servers.

Current and recent /egg/ hosted servers:
>Satisfactory (private server, ask in thread for IDs)
All IPs are in the pad for security reasons.
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Do you see it? That one gear wheel at the end of the pipe belt?
the horror
>Freshness: 84.39999999999999999999999999999999%
This egg is already rotten.
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Remember: No Buffers!
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>If they hired a writer they could turn it into a different genre
>For now it's just the best game in its genre
Yeah I'm sure that'd be a sound investment
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Hey I got a question, lets say I have two resources but one generates way faster, can I use circuts to cut the faster production until the other one even out?
Just remove buffer and your problem will be solved
I'm sure Earendel will be more than happy to write a small novel for the occasion. Let nobody leave unsatisfied.
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Why aren't they using lasers in any of their previews?
They explained, read the fffs
You can, but why would you. A well made factory should stop by itself when the supply exceeds the demand, unless you put 50 buffers.
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Im new to the game and its my first base, I just want to learn circuits and stop the overflow of packs but without manually cutting the module. So far my best solution to the problem is a big sushi belt but aint working so hot.
Why would you stop the flow of packs?
>as laser and gun turrets alone start to struggle on larger asteroids. Each size of asteroid has resistances to different types of damage, but more on that another week.

I guess we'll have to wait for a future fff.
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I hope someone makes a mod where you're able to produce food similar to 20th century food court for Factorio. Each food having its unique processing chain, using silos for carbonated soft drinks/milkshakes, converting dead bitters into nuggets. Would make for an entertaining version the "Supply challenge" scenario.
Belts don't overflow, you just get a little buffer.
Don't worry about it.
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Spengies' next update promises more endgame content, exploration, more ore, and more pve. A teaser shows a heist on an npc outpost to steal an unbuildable refinery block that processes the new stuff. No date of release.
Any excuse to reinstall, fuck around for 20 minutes and uninstall.
You could do that but there's no real need to ever do that. Factorio machines stop producing when they can no longer output and nothing is lost, the faster build will simply match the pace of whatever is demanded of it. What you want to do effectively happens naturally in the game, you don't need to intervene in any special way.
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Why? He's already won from the amount of press he's gotten.
Ignore it. Stormfront is unironically raiding the board. /indie/ is unusable and I've seen their shitty posts all over the board.
Does anyone still enjoy spengoes or interested in spengoes 2?
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Space is soon, right?

52 days.
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Hey what happened to /tactical/ general or whatever it was called?
>Vulcanus gives foundries, molten metals, big miners, and direct casting of gears, wire, steel, low density structures
>Fulgora gives electromagnetic plants, tier 3 quality modules, extra quality tier, recycling, a fucking 50% productivity bonus on module production
>Gleba gives... tree automation? science packs that go bad? bugs that'll hatch in your inventory and on your belts?
Not a single person will choose Gleba as their first planet unless they're going in completely bind, and all those who do will be left feeling cheated.
Is that a challenge?
Rocket turret and, although they may not have explicitly confirmed it, spidertron is essentially guaranteed to be unlocked on gleba as well.
A challenge to the devs, to make it worth it?
A challenge to punish yourself with if it's true?
Don't do that.
also alien buttholes
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Rocket turret and spidertron might be essential unlocks on deathworld settings, Fulgora gives you the tesla turret and Vulcanus seems to have no military unlocks.
The fff marketting strategy is working. I can't wait for space age to release.
>vulcanus also gives green belts
So basically vulcanus lets you go wide and fulgora lets you go tall.
How would lasers work in space, dummy? There is no gravity
If the machines are faster, they consume more so green belts are not really "wide".
fuck you
If Keen shows me something cool I am willing to be excited for spengies 2.
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Did they make these recipes more complicated? I don't remember the level 2 furnace needing this.
Have I even ever unlocked level 2 furnaces?
Where am I?
What year is it?
The furry implied on discord that Gleba might be safer than Vulcanus or Fulgora so there's that.
They can also always be holding something back, like a chemplant 2
Vulcanus unlocks cliffex, the most important tech by far.
Gleba would have to unlock biter mustard gas for me to prioritize that planet.
It's been this way at least since update 1.
Just think, a few years from now we'll be looking back on current "megabases" and making fun of them for being faux megabases when they don't even reach 1 million science per minute.
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Finally, the climb is complete.
Going through my old screenshots, I don't think I've ever built a level 2 furnace, just like I've never unlocked huge vehicles.
First time for everything I guess.
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>>492507406 >>492511807
You can and you should, since it's what you want to do. Picrel is addressed to the moldy smears of shit who replied to you.

What you need is a memory cell, looking that term up, memory cells and set reset latches make all the circuit magic happen.
The memory cell is going to count an item from a chest or a set of wired up belts but independently of the current content of the thing it's wired to. Unfortunately i don't have time to imagine what the circuit is going to be like in your specific case but google "factorio memory cell" and then get to work learning that.

To people replying "why would you do that" or "just do that other thing" i am strongly thinking about your death in an effort to remotely kill you IRL. You are the worst type of replies to any question, i can't perceive why you reply that way you useless gremlins. You are anti-solution, demeaning, arrogant, and i hope you're aware that you are agents of despair because if not, if you think that you are helping anything with such replies then you genuinely are unthinking and evil.
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There. I've employed people at level 2 furnaces. The limestone reserve is probably extremely excessive but it's there.
I just want him to know that it is unnecessary
if anon wants an autism project then sure
What's your opinion on the Zachtronics games?
Why would you play a zachtronics, just play factorio instead.
Exapunks and Opus Magnum were fun.
Circuit routing in Shenzhen IO filtered me.
Molek Syntez hurt my eyes so I didn't play it much.
Don't remember if I tried anything else.
wouldn't this fucking kill you after a couple hours?
reckon you might be fine laying down in a bed or a very slanted spidertron seat
but getting to orbit might actually be impossible - both turning into pulp and fuelcost wise
Alexandre de Moraes will block 4chan on Brazil soon i'm gonna miss you friends
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New oil cracking system is going. Didn't expect how much more complicated this thing would be than the original. It's designed to stock some new oil based products and burn off excess if it exists.
I'm surprised a single boiler can run it.
Oh wow, I only now realized it shows the gravity value.
What mechanical effects will that value have besides maybe more fuel costs to launch a rocket/lower rocket cargo capacity? It would be cool if gravity affected vehicles, like higher gravity gives you better acceleration but lower top speed and vice versa.
>just google the solution
Wow so helpful
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The new cracking system has enabled the first hydrogen truck. Might make some of the excavators hydrogen fueled too.
A complex set of circumstances saw a bucket of KFC delivered to me against my will at the moment of witting that post and time became of the essence. After eating the wings, i now feel in peril. It truly is awful food.
someone made spacechem in factorio, so, maybe
rip BR anon
You had the time to write a novel against the other responses when your invaluable contribution was to just Google a solution.
Choke on those wings you you whiny cunt
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The oil tanker be looking a bit different these days.
Their games are the joy of programming, and it filtered me.
Please no, this place is the last beacon of fun and human interaction I have in the internet, may as well turn into a caveman if it gets blocked.
But I think hiromoot would probably comply by giving every IP address to Moraes before allowing this place getting blocked, but you never know, not even China or Russia blocks 4chan.
nta but there's a big difference between "just google it" and "just google [thing]". one is a chatgpt-level void answer and the other is a nudge in the right direction without spoonfeeding
yes, but I like puzzles too
baba is you was great
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so tired... help...
they hired the modder who shills custom settings that make his mod even easier than vanilla, which already doesnt require you to use more than any one turret of your choice on any of the default presets.
this is keeping in mind how comparatively shit the gun turret is, and the offchance they make the weapons more balanced will make this problem worse.
there is no way they have the balls to force you to not brute force every planet with whatever turret you want, situation made worse if you choose to engage in the quality mechanic and possibly others.
Launches become physically impossible over a certain gravity I believe. At 40m/s^2, I would guess only nuclear propulsion or mass driver could work.
>There's no "bright line" at which space travel would become impossible; a slightly stronger gravitational pull would require bigger and more expensive rockets. Linear increases in gravity require exponential increases in the size and expense of the rocket, so at some point it becomes impractical1. At some point there's a theoretical barrier (no material exists that you can build a rocket of the required size out of, for example) but the practical engineering and resource limits kick in much earlier than that.

>For a planet with twice the surface gravity of Earth, for example, you need a rocket about 90 times the mass of the Atlas launchers used for Project Mercury just to get one person into low planetary orbit. That's 4 times the mass of the Saturn V; beyond that point I don't think most civilizations would even try it.
It would be cool if they made death world actually challenging after the first hour, but probably won't happen
block as in making the DNS entries or whatever the fuck school and work networks do?
or are you talking about get-your-door-battered-in for using a proxy type shit?
wait when did they add achievements to satisfactory?
do i need to start a new save for them?
say what you will about BRAcacos but at least they aren't indians, I'll miss them.
just get a vpn retard
they're making vpns illegal
>block as in making the DNS entries or whatever the fuck school and work networks do?
ISP block.
>or are you talking about get-your-door-battered-in for using a proxy type shit?
~10k USD for using any "technological measure" for trying to skirt the block (eg: VPN, nitter).
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>~10k USD for using any "technological measure" for trying to skirt the block (eg: VPN, nitter).
Jesas, they are speedrunning what our government never had the balls to do.
t. Russian
correctly obfuscated VPNs are undetectable, you don't even have to invent it you can leech of the chinese
*bans encryption*
but enough of the USA
the entire world is the same, governments are working hand in hand to crush the new printing press
Correct, but paying a 10K USD fine is enough to spook a lot of people, it's probably unenforceable for the average user, he probably wants people like celebrities and politicians to be fined for using it.
>*bans encryption*
>Government gets hacked, every page is now hardcore porn
>Every bank account is emptied by best korean hackers
>An underground group of terrorists communicate using enigma machines
lmao they're not gonna ban it for themselves
is there anything to this?
there was also the telegram shit in france which makes me a bit concerned
>there's a brazillian physician in this thread RIGHT NOW
>they've probably got better cost and cycles than me in zach games
feels bad
don't worry, he probably won't survive his next shower
It's clean energy.
If your shower doesn't have wooden doors it shouldn't be killing anyone
but anon, wooden doors are the standard even in bathrooms
Could be that Greenwald's has expedited Moraes to act, but the spats between Moraes and Elon has been going for a while, so it's not the direct cause.
The short version is that Moraes told X to remove posts and accounts, X did nothing. Elon said that he was putting his workers under an undue judicial investigation and closed the X office in brazil. Without legal representation, Moraes gave X 24h to appoint a new one, and when that didn't happen, he ordered the blocking of the social network.
/&tg/ is gone? Maybe it dissolved in /vm/ and /vst/
51 sleeps until Space Age
I'm not ready.
i imagine that everyone with a faster solution is just a mess of unrolled loops and direct insertion, and i can't be bothered with that inelegance
Soulass is a horrible game anyway.
soulass 1 was disgusting and retarded, and I expect 2 to be the same.
This. Dumbass chuds don't realize that Musk's twittter has been a petri dish for radical hate speech and neo-Nazism. We should be glad that Brazil is brave enough to defend its democracy from the threat of populism.
It's Brazil's most important election of their lives
Where's the conspiracy theory? Governments are trying to punish platform owners for not censoring things.
>~10k USD for using any "technological measure" for trying to skirt the block (eg: VPN, nitter).
>check news
>this is already reverted
/egg/ - Brazilian Politics
boiling water
>for radical hate speech
I don't want immigrants in my engineering games
Nope, he reverted the ban of VPN apps from the playstore and the applestore, and that happened yesterday.
Getting fined for skirting the ban is still in effect as far as I can tell, but you're welcome to provide a source and correct me.
By your powers combined, sopa de macaco
But think of the, uh, international foods!
I hope Factorio dev revise how fusion reactor works. Instead of generating power from some soulless "plasma" it should just use said plasma to heat the heat exchangers a lot faster, so we can boil more water this way. Ideally there should be a risk of melting everything if you don't have enough water to dissipate the heat. That's the real engineering.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if after all this hype, space age turned up to be another vaporware like KSP2?
Why would you care? You don't even play video games.
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>he plays videogames
what are you some kind of NIGGER?
kys subhuman
Any minor mistake you make, and you'll have to pay 50k BRL (the minimum wage here is 1.6k) for each day you used the VPN. He also subpoenaed all internet providers to cooperate with him. There is no 'VPN' that can save you when the punishment for being caught is having your entire life destroyed
For me, it's building giant microwave emitters and eating the horrific energy loss since I'm not constrained by silly things such as real world finance.
Plz stop with the off-topic. If I had to worry about every dictatorship out there, I wouldn't have time to play Factorio.
Direct Energy Conversion is a thing that could be viable. Especially if you want to have power in places where you don't have water. Like anywhere but Earth.
what does that mean, seebeck?
Apparently that's a word
Impressive. Your post is so schizo that it further re-inforced my opinion of an issue I only had a passing interest in. Bravo.
>Your post is so schizo
I literally condensed the article into babyspeak for your tiny /pol/brain, but I see it was a waste of time
at least I had fun with it
Nope you shizoposted. How embarrassing.
ok maduro
>porn addict animetranny wants to talk about morals and laws as if he were on moral high ground
Kill yourself
You're making novel-length posts about shit nobody cares about. All you've accomplished is making me anti-whatever you care about because fuck you.
doesn't really take much, I'm surprised and greatly satisfied about my abilities
Jannies are really taking their time it seems
They are a very good variety of somehow similar ideas with an equal variety of difficulties

They've been pretty lazy recently
it seems the strategy of using poles to discourage biter expansion works well enough, i believe if you build poles in a 4x4 grid pattern (nests are 5x5) they won`t try to expand there at all.

But, given the idea of staying low to completely avoid biter attacks, i now realize the sheer amount of resources it would take to research any worthwile tech. I calculated that it would take 20+ hours of hand-mining to be able to research Flammables for the flamethrower, may be cut down to 10 with improved axe. It looks like even just 1 drill running will eventually trigger a raid unless you`re completely surrounded by trees. Any thoughts/insights?
enjoy you're meme mode, this is the future you chose
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>Grady talking about gta4
i did not expect this
part of me thinks it would be neat if he talked about some eggs but
his videos are already more interesting than any video game shit so I guess I don't actually want that
there have been some interesting crossover videos I've seen though like 'actual transmission line engineer plays german power grid simulator, or the same but with drainage
To avoid biter attacks, you need to avoid having pollution hit them too hard. Just watch max evolution videos and learn from them.
Yes, you can't use everything from them, but the gist is still the same.
Who's this faggot he looks like he respects pronouns.
To be fair, his whole deal is making engineering concepts approachable to the average person (i.e. mindless retard), and the GTA comparison would be much more relatable for that audience as compared to factorio or captain of industry or workers and resources.
>Who's this faggot
A civil engineer who talks about actual engineering.
>he looks like he respects pronouns.
He's texan and has a youtube channel, so it's 50/50.
Look at him. This faggot would 100% say his uterus and her penis. Also wtf is with this liberty city power lines meme who gives a shit?
You guys talk a lot about YouTubers. I guess this general is younger than I thought.
Normally he's clean-shaven, he does look better without the beard.
Either way god damn you're obsessed with trannies
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The ultimate /egg/tuber is Primitive Technology
>Has never spoken a word
>Explains everything through closed captions
>Shows all his processes, including hand-lighting all the fires
>Goes through rigorous testing of his clay, mortar, basic iron forging etc.
He looks like a faggot. Look at those wrinkles in his forehead. Why the fuck is he showing his face on the internet if he looks like that.
why are you, a man, being concerned about another man's looks?
sounds a bit zesty if you ask me
Yeah PT is based.
I wouldn't actually fuck him or anything, as if I could get hard looking at those dumbo ears
Hey if someone looks like a fucking faggot I'm allowed to say he looks like a faggot. There are 2 types of youtubers ones who show their face and ones who don't this guy made a massive mistake by showing his face.
You're trying a bit too hard brother.
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I just noticed we have two schizos.
haha are you him? Are you actually here? Stop showing your faggot face on youtube you fucking faggot you look like shit.
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its not a meme mode it is the best mode and you should try it
r0lling 4 s33d
>starting area size not min
not even trying
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only two?
no because then biters spawn on top of minerals and then it becomes impossible to win
The problem is he's been stuck in a rut of redoing his iron works and smelting tools over and over. Back when he was making the huts and houses there was some pointers and tips for constructing these things. Now every other video is picking out more iron prills or less iron prills than the last attempt.
It's a reflection and a shadow. One is from the light from the player's eyes and the other from the sun hitting the character.
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This is my base, I haven't played for a year. Should I aim for 100SPM or start a new save in a railworld setting?
I feel my standard 90 SPM with blue assemblers is the limit of what a bus build can do without becoming silly. But this looks like a nice starter base for a bigger one based on trains.
The add-on drops in less than two months, so I would play a bit more with this base and start new with the add-on.
My goal is usually to saturate 6 blue belts of main bus materials. If I can do that then I basically win the game imo.
Rather than mining everything by hand, you should just watch pollution and turn the base off when it gets close to biters, then wait until it's all absorbed to start again.
in that case it might be better to tape down right click on the ore and leave the game running overnight
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>RGB fusion reactor mod
Haven't been this hyped for a game since I bought Simcity 3000 on a Friday and wasn't able to play it until Sunday night when I got back to mom because my dad didn't own a computer in the 90s.
I read that manual like a bible for two days.
Just launching a fucking satellite in Space Exploration takes a shitload of oil. I have two pickup locations in around 20-well fields and they're still not enough to fulfill demand and I'm only doing 90 SPM

I even have a memory cell for my satellite assembler set to only allow one satellite on the belt at a time so it's not wasting a shitload of rocket fuel on saturating the belt. I can bump that up if I ever need another rocket silo, though
don't do 90 spm in SE
kek i remember my first run when i set up 3 rocket silos before i realized those weren't the ones you launch cargo with
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>Gets shelter down before he's even started doing his videos
>Spends years trying to even get a good knife out of iron from surface deposits
Yeah, sounds accurate to primitive tech alright
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it is a meme mode and nobody should try it
>gets the basics for survival set up early
>spends the rest of the time trying to develop better tools to improve life
makes sense to me
Where is his irrigation system? His crops and his waterwheel? Energy motherfucker, water.
lol noob
Can we have a chart guide like other generals? Would be cool.
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have any other genres been so completely destroyed by a single game?
He should use a stream waterwheel and gears to power his forge bellows
He hasn't even refined silicon yet or tried to etch it. Face it, he's a retard.
you mean like the Starcraft genre?
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I had more fun with Halo Wars
Stationeers is incredibly autistic. I might even say tedious. The amount of fumbling around with tools... don't use the mouse; keep your hands empty; keep sub-inventories closed; keep stockpiles in portable chests.

Some deaths:
>accidentally over-fill a canister, be too clumsy at emptying it before it blows up
>try to move a steel furnace that was back-stuffed full of gasses
>try to move a chest inside through a 1-tile airlock, shut the door on the chest, get suit obliterated
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>that spartan flexing in the middle
no u
It's the best kind of autistic. No bars held, no bullshit handholding of any kind.
You die, that's your retardation demons screaming in your head.
You build a mostly-automated base that is retard-resistant, it's all you.
Please stop saying "autistic" it is a trigger word for me
Playing Space Exploration. What's some shit I shouldn't forget on my first trip to space like solar panels, landing pads, and a signal receiver?
Take landing pad only, send everything else on the second rocket targeting the landing pad then you don't need to clean up all this shit
raw materials incase you want to craft something, and chests. personal bots
i don't want to ruin the magic but the objectively correct way is to bring everything you'll need to research up to logistics science
>brain: What the fuck is Space Exploration
>me: I don't fucking know, it's not on Steam. No, it's not there
>brain: Maybe itch.io? No, fuck, wait, where are we again?
>me: /egg/, the Factorio threa -- oooooooooh...
And that's how I solve the mystery of Space Exploration That Is A Factorio Mod That I Played Before And Forgot Existed.
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I enjoyed your TED talk
Doesnt matter. Just go up and explore it. You get a lot of good shit just for arriving there to bring home. And you'll be going up and down hundreds if not thousands of times during your playthough.
Alright then what's a good level of cargo rocket production? I'm aiming to have the capability to launch a rocket every 15 minutes
That's not much even if you cram everything into one rocket but should be enough for starting the first space science, you'll definitely need more later on.
Best thing is to make a barebones cargo rocket setup on your starter base, even 1/hour is fine, all you need it for is to get vulcanite+cryonite+norbit. Then you'll need to expand on nauvis to stick prod modules on things and support significantly higher rocket production. I think 0.5/min is reasonable based on my last two playthroughs but rail expandability and productivity are important for that.
i must defeat factorio with maxxed out biters ironman or else no girl will ever want to have sex with me
I can assure you that girls do not care about that.
you can do it bro
ignore this wrecker >>492635571 people always try to tear you down
As a girl I consider handmining while afk and not minimized biter starting area as cheating.
>As a girl
*slashes your throat*
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>sobs quietly
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That looks painful.
erp is not allowed on this board
yes, stop masturbating
Remember where you are and understand a non-zero percentage of anons here will find gore a massive turn on.
I wanna play kerbal space program on my steam deck, but I didn't buy the game through steam when I first bought it. Is there any way to access the official control scheme or will I have to bind all of my own controls?
Did you buy it before it released on steam? There was a way to trade in the ksp store account for a steam key if you did, maybe that's still possible.
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How much science does that take?
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7 techs, 200000 per pop. the true autism at the end of seablock
I think Dosh at the end of his video just said he was waiting around for the game to finally end

I wanna meet the guy who is insane enough to do it all over again (the game lets you do it again in the same save) but not insane enough to actually play Py instead
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The ending of Py is called pyrrhic victory (a victory at a cost too high to have been worth the price) which according to one of the dev is because "you research pyrrhic victory tech and if you manage to actually get that far we give up and let you leave".
Has anyone even seen the end of Py?
*bone deflects the blade*
>2 dmg
>bone shatters because of low bone density
>"eh it happens sometimes. just means we need to make it longer"
Py is a great mod as long as you consider chemical science the end of the pack.
I saw that there are two dozen animals in Py and that each one has its own sort of food and my brain shut off
That's my point. Many times has it been a suggestion to use that stream for something, but he's too busy making more iron balls and putting them in a small pot. At least he's more often coaling wood than boiling water.
Is there somewhere we can view how many items full py has and what buildings use/produce them?
What, like online?

Because otherwise you can just download it and use all the recipe browsers or Helmod or whatever
... You were supposed to go to Nauvis Orbit first
Foundry was a flop?
I wonder how much more autistic mods will get with all the new options opened up by the expansion.
I'm very excited to see how PySE and ultracube (if it gets updated) incorporate spoilage
>no enemies
>cartoon graphics.
I'm not a graphics fag but this kills interest in your game. If it looked like satisfactory or just less.... bland? It would probably be more popular. It looks like fortresscraft evolved which isn't really a good thing.
That's not me

He's got a shitload of requestor chests so he's at least been to space before
Must have been since I haven't heard shit about it past the week of launch

I dunno why people keep trying to 3D Factorio. I like being able to read everything at a glance to the point I'm a little worried about train bridges and I hate Py's tall buildings
So true. I hate underground belts too.
The idea of 3d spaghetti is kind of appealing but I think for it to work it needs to be more a puzzle game than a factory builder. Small amounts of it at a time with space constraints so you can/have to be creative and I just realised I've reinvented Infinifactory.
Yeah, X-treme 3D Spaghetti needs to be in a game where you don't need to deal with the consequences of making something shitty for a hundred hours

Where you make something Good Enough™ and move on
Landfill in Space Exploration is such a goddamn pain in the ass. At least in early game

I need all this shit to make actual items, I can't even turn stone into landfill when I need 50 pieces of stone to make a single tile

Maybe the modmaker could have just introduced a way to use some later game TECHNOLOGY to annihilate matter at high energy cost so I didn't have to burn 25000 ore to bridge some water just so the endless stone and sand in the later game could have an outlet
Also the last two mods I played were Nullius and Seablock. One of which has half a dozen flavors of landfill and the other literally requires its use to play so maybe my expectations are fugged
that sounds like work
/egg/ hates work
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i got you senpai
but where do you start?
all things begin and end in factorio
Factorio, obviously.
>play Krastorio 2
>build basic tech card section
>run out of sciences requiring basic tech card
>remove said factory section
that's a bit lame, it never happens in vanilla
>I wanna play a factory
Or if you want a different kind of /egg/, then you'll need a different chart.
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Factorio was early access (basically) for a long time. The key is finding something that seems to be developed by a reliable and passionate team.
>1 yellow belt each of copper, iron, stone, and coal (minus the coal used for smelting and power)
now it's time to make a real factory
I hate to tell you this, but the same thing is going to happen to automation, logistics, military, and chemical tech cards
So most of my factory will become useless. Does the same thing happen with SE too?
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I usually don't bother with achievements, but this along with the longer speedrun achievement are the only ones remaining so I guess I should give it a shot before the expansion hits and this either changes or becomes a lot harder to do.
You can play with the expansion turned off
If anything, it will become easier because of cheaper rockets
Yeah I've already min-maxed my settings. Turned expansion off, maxed out the starting area, pollution is so nerfed that it's basically disabled and there's more ore patch than regular terrain around. I'm not sure whether in the expansion this will remain "launch a rocket" since the spirit seems to be more like "achieve the victory condition."
No you don't get it! Satisfactory is so much better than factorio except for all my friends who used to exclusively play satisfactory but haven't touched it in a year after I gave them factorio. It's totally a better game other than that.
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truck stuck
No, he meant that 2.0 will be easier because Wube is going to make some recipes cheaper and remove rocket control unit which saves about 5 to 7 minutes in the run. Space age is optional.
Aren't the RCU removal and other recipe changes exclusive to Space Age? Are they really going to back-port breaking changes like that to vanilla?
No, they're 2.0.
So the moment 2.0 hits, all vanilla bases and all vanilla saves are broken? Pretty wild shit. I remember them saying that they'd have a transition period for the rail changes where the old rails would still work for a while so people have a chance to update their bases before they're outright rendered dysfunctional, I guess that doesn't apply to recipes then. Why even bother with all that on the rails when bases are just not going to work anyway?
Saves will still load, they will just require minor fixes like routing the blue chips directly to the rocket instead of the assembling machine for RCU.
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creating new farmland takes forever
RCU recipe will be translated to blue chip + speed mod -> blue chip. I think you would have to make a very weird sushi build for it to break, and restoring functionality is trivial anyway.
Save all your dirt in a giant pile instead of dumping it in the sea. Then when you need some you'll have it available.
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>research Uranium
>suddenly the bugs go batshit insane and star dropping titanic hordes all over the place
I didnt even finish, is that shit hard coded or something? Also I spend all my day learning train signals and chains on my own, did pretty basic stuff (just 4 trains running in one line back and forth to mine from far away deposits) but Im happy. Also fucking Low density plastic is a bitch to craft even with speed up modules.
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the problem here is the terrain
this crew is leveling the ground so farms can go up here
Nothing hard coded like that.
Bugs expand and evolve over time, could have been that.
Looks like you just need more vehicles. You have the workers for it so you could just slap down more excavators and trucks since you're not evne using half your cap.
Are you playing with mixed ores on or off? If it's on then you can move the sorting plant right by the digging site to save on travel time.
pollute less
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I have summoned the dirt swarm
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>pollute less
Oh, so is not just a cosmetic thing I see. Also why in the fuck I cant use liquid Oil to power up generators? I find the jump gap from steam to nuclear power too big.
can easily live on foraging and trapping plus he did grow yams and baked goods out of arrowroot flour in 4 separate vids
and the most recent vid was starting to mess with water via bellows but also I remember a water powered hammer a couple years back
>gets iron from river slime
seriously what the fuck
You need to refine crude oil and convert it to solid fuel.
I know but feels like an extra step, I should be able to at least refine it to gasoline or disel or something.
Rollin' Coal: The Mod
yeah liquid oil and oil products power is missing from vanilla Factorio
there's plenty of mods that let you use that if you're interested in that but since it seems like it's your first time doing the game, you should stay vanilla for now
Sounds like he's trying to leapfrog 3 millenia of technological developments and finding out why it took 3 millenia

Metal bits accumulate in river beds, yes. I think one of the theories for how early bronze age civilizations got their tin is that they got small amounts of it from rivers. Later they established trade routes to tin mines.
Eh, I just treat solid fuel as abstracted diesel and canisters
>Has anyone even seen the end of Py?
Allegedly there are like three or so known people to actually have finished the full suite, incl. alien life, all the way through the end and victory conditions.
The *what* now?
(oh god; imagine the pain of the grind in that one...)
Finished infinifactory.
Finished the main campaign of shenzhen I/O but got filtered by the bonus campaign. I still want to return to it and finish it one day.
Both games are fun though.
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Love infinifactory.
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Is Mech Engineer an engineering game? I just discovered handheld thermonuclear warfare, levels the whole map in seconds.
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considering the autism related to mech customization, it has as much right being here as Delta V does I suppose
Post physique
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>if it was me, I'd be doing things differently!
>No, no no, look at that, that doesn't work like that
>kids these days they don't know anything
sounds like an isekai manga title
PY is the NH of factorio
horrible, unbalanced, stupid and nobody in their right mind would play it unironically past the beginning
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I've got like 4h 41m left and I just set up blue science. Not too long to go to bots now, so I think I have a good shot at making it.
>those ore patches
>no pollution
>no biters
>still trying to get an achievement

Where do you discuss sandbox games that are not engineering games?
Satisfactory is a great exploration/platforming game with an annoying factory minigame
Yeah, I don't normally play this speedrun sort of shit so I never got it.
literally just get good at the game and get the achievement normally dude what the fuck
I am getting it normally, it's the vanilla game and I'm playing normally. You can't get achievements with mods or some shit so I have no idea what you're talking about.
>maxed out worse sliders
>minimum biters
>struggling even a little
embarrassing but kinda cute
>worse sliders
ore sliders
I tried to embarrass an anon but ended up embarrassing myself instead
>worse sliders
What the fuck are you even saying? Are you having some mental issue?
Yes, it's called being a phoneposter
this guy does not refresh the page before posting, how embarrassing...
You will get to the point where you are remotely blowing up warehouses of landfill in SE
I saw your excuse and deliberately chose to shit on you anyway, because you deserve it.
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Made another weird 'engine' thing based on another Driving 4 Answers video, this is more just emulating the resultant mechanism (and doesn't even use the same driving force behind it, I just thought it'd be neat to make it do the same thing with a linkage)

Is Avorion any good?
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I've come to enjoy this place, don't tell Xandao about it
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Enough of brazilian politics please.
Lula shill quaking in his books
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Nope, never liked him and I hate censorship, but we talked to death about it yesterday I'm just tired of hearing about it.
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Wait, why have two people covered this
I don't even know if this guy normally does engineering stuff, I'm not clicking it
if you checked the screencap you replied to, you'd see it's the same video, Grady has just a small cameo in it
I'm not even Brazilian I just think it's funny. There hasn't been a good politician since '45.
Anon, check the uploader from both videos...
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Oh hang on I'm retarded, the first one isn't on Grady's channel. Cameos confuse me.

I know shut up I'm still waiting for the post cooldown god damn it
get bullied stinky
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Is Nullius fun? Is it harder/longer than SE or Krastorio?
no dosh video? NOT going to play your mod.
It's alright. Fun at first, but I eventually I felt I was just doing busywork of putting nearly identical rows of various not!assemblers that exist purely to pad out recipe count.
I'd say it's worth it just for the experience of building pipe mainbus even if you get bored afterwards.
Haven't played SE, seems too much tedious bullshit.
>Haven't played SE
pipe mainbus but in space
Who the fuck let the derailing bots in?
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I can't help myself, I always optimize way too far. This is like the 4th iteration just for green circuits.
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interesting concept
how would you rate my autism anon?
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It looks good, it is certainly more interesting to look at than these tiling 8 beacon designs.

One thing I normally do is try to use close to an even multiple of blue belts for input items, so in this case go for 1 or 2 blue belts and in your design it's about 1.2 and 1.3... But this is just an arbitrary thing I do and no idea why I place that criteria on myself.
Accurate. Also: more than a slog than Nullius ever will be.
really? i mean yeah SE is miserable but you only need a couple of each space building so you can do bots the whole way for everything but plasma and thermofluid.
>reverse image search doesn't work anywhere
I hate when that happens
is this an edit
no, my kek is original
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>stops sobbing
it's the last stretch guys
i can see the light at the end of the tunnel
i've built and launched every spaceshit part except the ftl drive
i have all 1500 of the top tier modules the ftl drive need
i already pre-banked 145k out of the 160k space science i need
it's so fucking close to the end
I am severely retarded

>reverse image search doesn't work anywhere
is this an edit
i'm starting to doubt if this is humanly possible to accomplish bros if you keep low and research slowly to avoid raids it will take 10s of hours to research anything because marathon research cost is absurd and then you will need to face a sea of nests defended by behemoth worms and behemoth biters with just maybe heavy armor and a flamethrower i dont know what to do
It's from Kichiku Eiyuu iirc
There is so much fun isekai slop that I forget sometimes
Thank you anon
Hey, I read that. I feel like it doesn't really have a direction, but still fun
almost got a MAM up in shapez 2, does anyone know if the random shapes do that crystal swap fuckery? if not then i can retrofit my design for crystals eventually
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The first locomotive produced at the railworks now leaves with the first batch of exports
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This is for an old version of space science.
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>slaps down one building each
>blue chest red chest
>add barrelers as needed
I don't even think Pyguy himself knows exactly how to make that shit, that mod is probably more spaghetti than the average 1st time player's starter base
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post base
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squares of sovl
I see video of players applying one module per structure(like adding ammo), How are they doing it/what key function?
Thanks anon.
vatnik detected
Enjoyable, but only finished Opus Magnus because of mental retardation. spacechem lava planet filtering me hard
ukraine lost
>buy timberborn
>their early access le stay hydrated warning's continue button is placed exactly where the exit game button is
>the menu isn't very responsive but buffers inputs so on first launch i instantly exit the game by accident by clicking that continue button twice
based devs, this bodes incredibly well
Chores done
Alcohol opened
Time to stare at the screen in a retarded coma for an hour trying to process precisely what I need to do next.
>precisely what I need to do next
I know! Make a frog thread on /tv/.
I meant in terms of production. But now you've got me thinking, is Uplink an egg game?
in Uplink you don't really make or control stuff, you just exploit holes in existing designs and don't really change the configuration, so I'd say no. You can't compare it to something like CISCO Circuit Tracer or w/e it's called where you actually build the networks.
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>oh boy i solved a puzzle
>solution is on the "profound mental retardation" side of the graphs
Good point.
what's wrong with puzzles? they're fun
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no waste
i've been playing timberborn for maybe five or ten minutes and it seems a lot like tropico but with actual logistics. is this game actually good later or am i getting memed on
zachtronics games compare your solution's statistics against everyone else's. often the joy of solving it is immediately replaced by the feeling of stupidity
Fuck. Getting power problems again in dsp. When should I start using the solar sail thingies?
some of them at least let you turn that off
i only use them to construct spheres. you're better off using deuterium fuel as your stopgap before antimatter
>Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
>OS: Windows 10(64-Bit)
>Processor: i9 11900KF8 Core
>Memory: 32 GB RAM
>Graphics: Dedicated graphics card, GTX 2070
fuck, I guess I won't be trying dsp
I'm getting to a point where I just don't have the raw resource extraction rates required to do all this shit. Might actually have to go interstellar soon, I'm scared :(
I'm playing it perfectly fine on an fx8350 and an rx580
i completed it on a 4790K/970, but it definitely shit the bed on a megabase scale.
Ok, i guess it will work then. Lowest settings, right?
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egg on the front page!
At least it isn't the /egg/ on /lgbt/
Whoever has been sucking off the mods, /egg/ thanks you for you cloaca.
Give it time.
No fuck off. I'm sick and tired of these psychos unironically brainwashing people.
Solve the problem yourself.
I can only build a harem of twinks so fast, anon. You need to start pulling your weight.
But what do you do with them after twink-death? You turn their dicks inside out, pump them full of hormones, and send them to twitter to do battle with your enemies.
No I give them love and attention and I help them pursue fulfilling hobbies and careers so that their self worth isn't tied to their physical appearance.
>giving twinks love and attention
Anon I think you might just be gay
No don't worry it's fine, I'm on top.
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thoughts? might try to figure out how to make this a mod when space axploration drops.
designs with 8 or more beacons are boring and fugly so I want the effects to plateau around 4-6 beacons.
Another thought I had is maybe beacons can get more strength from quality than other machines do, but it causes their transmission stacking penalty to get harsher. So 0 quality beacons get more worth out of numbers while max quality are best used alone or in pairs.
Is each module in your modular base the size of a chunk?
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2.5 chunks is optimal
You can erase the decorative pavement of some buildings for a cleaner or different look
It says a big biter consumes 64 pollution to join an attack. Let's say you feed the nest 63 pollution then it doesn't get any more pollution, will it wait indefinitely for another 1 pollution to spawn the big bitter?
The anon a few threads ago was right, air filters in Krastorio 2 are op. Maybe I shouldn't bother with solar after all.
>fly to another star to set up production
>forget interstellar logistics tower
for fuck
You did save beforehand? :-P
If humanity survives end-stage capitalism and leave for the stars, there will be plenty of "Whoops, I forgot to bring my multi-tool home and now there's not enough fuel to go back" moments, and I hope I get to live or my digital conscious gets copied into a database, if only so I can laugh at the stupid fucks before all traces of me cease to exist.
>digital conscious gets copied into a database
I hope we figure out wtf consciousness is soon so we can do crazy shit like transfrer it to computers or androids or cloned bodies, that would be so fun.
>consciousness gets scanned for pre-crime
>system finds latent potential to say the N word
>consciousness gets auto-shredded
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Keep in mind that SA buildings are bigger, faster and possibly with infinite productivity techs. Direct insertion will be king. Trust the plan
Anon we already figured it out. It's relative continuity. Sad news is you cannot transfer your consciousness, that's just cloning it. The good news is that you can affix new neural apparatus to your brain over time expanding your consciousness to no longer constitute a majority of your original brain. At which point you can safely let your original brain lapse into obsolescence and let it decay.
>You turn their dicks inside out
You mean invaginate them like at the Byford Dolphin incident?
Sometimes our brains have thoughts that should stay inside. That was an inside thought.
You will bear witness as I invaginate my thoughts out.
>you "upload" yourself to a computer but you're still sitting in your chair and there's just another you in the machine
But that's why I mean really figure it out instead of just headcannon and speculation. Once we actually know how it works we should be able to transfer it around (even if you have to do it slowly instead of all at once I bet it should still be doable in a day or maybe a week). I don't believe you can duplicate a consciousness so a clone or that 'puter upload should still be another person. Or rather if you duplicate a consciousness you just create a new one instead of the original now somehow being in two places at once.
Yeah I told you. The way you do it is by growing your "brain" over time such that your original brain ceases to function as the sole proprietor of your consciousness.
I forgot about that event and assumed it had something to do with dolphin rape
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Consciousness probably relies on some gay quantum bullshit that cucks you if you lose some critical chunk of your OG brain. I don't think we'll be able to play around with for a good while yet.
I hope we figure out how to measure consciousness before AGI really takes off so we don't get faggots campaining for robot rights.
Our theory of consciousness doesn't even account for things like egregores or racial blood memories yet. There will probably need to be another collapse before humanity is ready to craft homonculi.
Lol no... And again, we already figured it out. We can literally, and literally every day, measure consciousness. The only people who disagree are people who believe in things that cannot by definition exist (supernatural fags) and weak hearted academics who don't want to fight with them.
Demons objectively exist. You're just missing the forest for the trees, or as a better analogy you're mistaking a human for a clump of cells working together each with its own purpose.
>blood memories
I'd like to think that the mind and memories and all that jazz is separate or at least separable from consciousness.
Name one (1) empirical measurement of demons.
lol post proofs feggit, if you show me you can measure consciousness I'll cum in my hat and eat it.
>well... I'm conscious!!!
I mean any consciousness that isn't your own
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Well, that wasn't so hard to get out of the way in the end. As far as gameplay styles go, this rush for the victory screen sort of thing isn't really for me in the end.
Video of you ejaculating into a hat and licking it out, with timestamp written in sharpie on your face.NOW!
You can't measure it until you define what you're going to try to measure. Consciousness to a strict materialist is an abstraction of individual neurons doing things together. It's a system. Demons are an abstraction a level above that. For examples consider mob mentality or demo(n)crats.
try this now >>492604837
>muh abstractions
Consciousness is a descriptor, the bane of immaterialist retards. We don't need to define what we see with language before we can measure it...

Did whats his face from over a thousand years ago need to define a planet before he could measure the circumference of the earth? No? Okay then.
Nah, that just looks like an unfun ballbuster where you spend more time looking at the biter expansion and chunk debug options than you do playing the game normally, since I doubt it's possible without cheesing the expansion algorithm.
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>lemme x-ray this guys PC
>ah, I see he's currently playing tf2 and has 5TB of pizza saved on his drive
Ooooh I get it, it's funny because you can literally do that. Btw where's the video :3
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I'm pretty sure X-ray scanner with enough power to resolve individual bits would damage the memory or at least scramble it
Biter expansion problem has been solved the bigger issue is how are you ever going to expand yourself the biters evolve extraordinarily fast and it takes so long to research/produce anything because of marathon
they are gonna add vertical mech legs to Crossout in the next battle pass btw
I thought you should know
Not that I ever played those settings, but my guess would be that you do not expand and instead play like a rat and build a very small base while hiding it in forests as much as possible and tuning things off if the pollution looks like it's going to hit a nest, at least until you get flamethrowers and maybe even a few military upgrades. If biters evolve so fast then I do not expect you will be able to engage them at all, so the only option is to play in a way in which they don't notice you.
I calculated it will take around 20-30 hours of laying low just to research flamethrowers and by that time you are facing massive hordes of behemoths they're too tough to kill even with the flamethrower
Yeah, sounds about right for this sort of retardation. If you want to survive you should not be facing any hordes at all. You should not get attacked, getting attacked is the lose condition.
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e l e c t r o l y z e
>If you want to survive you should not be facing any hordes
I meant the hordes you face when trying to expand into new mineral nodes. You can't win the game with just your initial nodes.
That's not too bad.
You'll have to find patches that don't have biters literally on top of them, then mine little by little such that pollution only spreads for like 1-2 chunks, then stop until it recedes and so on. You can't play normally when biters outclass you I'd think, you have to be a rat sneaking around here and there.
>You'll have to find patches that don't have biters literally on top of them
Impossible in this scenario unless very lucky, you will often start the game surrounded from all sides so you need to dig through the sea of nests in order to get to any additional node
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Different guy from the original lunatic, but I've spent the past 3 hours chipping away at it. I think >>492782183 is more or less correct. It's possible to survive small groups of small biters early on with fish, light armor, and your fists, and 1-3 medium biters at a time can be taken down with the shotgun. Big biters are essentially unkillable without grenades or better (and it takes 13 grenades to kill a big biter with no damage upgrades), and I think the only military tech in this scenario capable of dealing with behemoths is flamethrowers and landmines. Flamethrowers and landmines for defense with dragons teeth walls, landmines for offense.

Obviously your map seed is very important here, as un-forested starts are probably completely unwinnable, and while you could just pump up the moisture in map gen settings, I suspect that would be going against the spirit of the "challenge".
That's the easy part. Let's see you clear out the huge swaths of nests.
[Extremely loud electrical droning noises]
if you're using pipes to cheese expansion mechanics I think you're beyond the spirit of the challenge
>he used anything other than a starting pistol to hold off biters
didn't beat the game.
Thanks to the advice of one anon in this thread back when I was doing a 100x science run, I have been enlightened to the offensive power of landmines. The only real challenge in clearing a nest of any size is stockpiling enough landmines.

I'll leave that up to the determination of mr isekai protagonist >>492635495
>I have been enlightened to the offensive power of landmines. The only real challenge in clearing a nest of any size is stockpiling enough landmines.
I think it will cost too much, my bet was amassing Laser turrets to fall back on and then killing nests with rocket launcher one by one

>I'll leave that up to the determination of mr isekai protagonist >>492635495
i will allow it but reloading/respawning is forbidden.
>Using the pistol
>Not fisting biter and their nests while wolfing down fish
>With the new spoilage mechanics, fish will only live for 2 minutes after being picked up. after this they will spoil into the new dead fish item which no longer provides healing.
kinda fucked up but manageable
adds challenge to the new Unarmed tech tree
>repeatables to expand your inventory to infinite size
>repeatables to increase your mining speed 10000000x
>Atomic Fist tech
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I like watching all my launches
did you just make that up
or is that somewhere
Personally I think the Zach system of multiple categories with HISTOGRAMS instead of useless numbered leaderboards is great, it encourages you to git gud in at least one of them (I like to go for speed first myself, blocks/parts used second)
There are so many games that show you your time is 427th or something and I'm just like "Okay, out of what you assholes"
It's clear.
>dead fish release pollution
>Need production science for coal liquefaction in SE
But I need oil now, damnit, and coal is only used for plastic at this point
if you play SE
without void chests
and quarries or infinite ore patches
you're a rube
point and laugh
You'd think it would be expensive, but even with marathon mode making steel twice as expensive, landmines are still cheaper than grenades. A grenade costs 10 coal and 5 iron, and you get 4 landmines for 1 steel and 2 explosives. That's 2.5 iron, 1/2 a coal, and 1/2 a sulfur per landmine. And while a grenade does 35 damage in a large area, a landmine does 250 damage in a small area. Landmines also stun, which is enormous for taking on big and behemoth biters at lower tech.

Massed laser turrets could work, but unless you want to start belching out pollution you're either going to need solar or nuclear, and both of those techs are going to be at a premium in this case.
the engineer vampirically syphons the life force from fish rather than merely consuming their flesh so this checks out
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*pets dog*
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>get landmines
>get the first modular armor
>fill with legs
>wipe them out as you please
>use handheld flamethrower DOT to outrun greens if you ever fuck up
its that simple, and if thats too fast for you flamethrowers never lose.
>I think it will cost too much
landmines cost about as much as a single shot in a yellow magazine to make.
flamethrowers hypothetically consume a fuel, this has not been proven as a fact.
There's a reason the first moon of Nauvis is always an oil one
Amazing. However, running around inside biter nests looks extraordinarily dangerous for a permadeath run which is what we doing
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>a pair of items which periodically turn into each other
>a chain of items which decay down with each being used in a different recipe
>item which has a long initial timer before it can be used, then an extremely short timer before it turns useless again
man I can't wait what bullshit modders will do with the spoilage mechanic
I know, right?
How the fuck are you not getting attacked while running through the nests like a headless chicken?
people use that moon?
when enemies see a landmine within the arming time, they aggro on it instantly because its a military building.
as long as the first thing all enemies see is an arming landmine they will never try to fight you until they kill the military buildings in sight.
..biters seriously need a de-retardation pass for 2.0
i actually think it is dogshit
you finish it for the first time and instead of having your time/space/blocks to other people's first solve it is compared to people that spent 4 hours analyzing every single test case to figure out "oh this edge case never happens" and hyper optimize for one category at a time
there should be a first time group of all 3 histograms, then an overall combined score one, and then the 3 specific ones
They need a big rework to be fun. Clearing nests feels like a chore sometimes, especially with desert base.
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if you made it so they dont, running past military buildings without even trying to fight them to get at you who will be running away and way too fast to ever catch would be even more retarded, this includes running into landmines without even trying to do anything about it.
nobody even uses mines because they only have a fast to place high maintenance niche. buff all the shit combat tools instead, we dont need more combat robots.
its actual fun to be had with expanding and completely optional.
let there be mines.
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Desu depending on your tech/evo ratio nests should either be completely unassailable, an extremely difficult fight, or 100% trivial.
Instead they usually occupy that uncanny valley of difficulty where victory is guaranteed but you have to pay way too much attention not to get stuck on a cliff or rock or something and get swarmed to death. This isn't an actual challenge but it doesn't let you be careless either which means you're just annoyed the whole time.
It really is a shame that combat is likely still going to be pretty dull in 2.0. It's hard to balance difficulty because people progress through the game at wildly different paces.
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How do I enable achievements in modded Factorio runs? For as good as 2.0 will be, there will still be a couple of mods that I will want to run with the game.
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I've launched 28 rockets and I'm still not in space yet. Still need to make automatically supplied walls to keep the biters out so I don't come back to half my mining outposts eaten

Got a bigass warehouse full of cargo rocket sections, though
modded achievement enabler
factorio forums
>elf modules in silo
what the fuck
Oh fucking goddamnit shit that's what I get for using module inserter (dumbass). Thanks for the catch. It also reminded me I never actually put prod mods into it ever at any point

I've played Nullius for so long I sort of forgot that silos benefit greatly from them because I always restart shortly after physics science because I have brain problems
Lawful evil.
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With almost 100hrs on my 1000x tech save, I feel like figuring out how to beat biters while completely outmatched was probably the most fun I've had with bugs in this game. The problem is that biters are incredibly predictable (and they should be), so once you have a strategy, it will work 90-100% of the time, and you just have to execute it 70 times. At least while in the "this should be impossible to win" state, sometimes the worm/base/cliff/tree/water layout throws you a curveball and you have to figure out how to assault it. Save scumming makes it a fun puzzle, I think I would have rage quit the save already if I had to walk-of-shame every time I fucked up.
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wait a second
On my third ever run I set the biters too high and the resources too low for myself. Ended up in a really tight spot without oil, slowly running out of coal and without space for solar (plus dwindling supplies of iron and copper but the power generation issue was more pressing). It was really fun trying to find some way to sneak a rail line to a coal patch and then to keep the outpost supplied and defended, while running out of everything and being outpaced in the arms race (being new helped too).
If there was some way to induce a similar scenario into most runs I'd never play another game.
In Space Age there might be more opportunities for things like this, with different planet orders that create wildly different scenarios. Purple/yellow choice is a nothingburger in comparison.
Gonna save scum it
What do we think of The Other /egg/?
>Clearing nests feels like a chore sometimes
Especially at end-game where the amount of land you need to clear for a big base is huge. I really wish we had some fully-automatable way to clear nests when all tech is unlocked. I'm still holding out a sliver of hope that there's going to be some yet-unrevealed mechanic in Space Age for this, secret attack robots when you complete Fulgora, or tame pentabods from Gleba or SOMETHING, anything to make the process automatic.
which one?
/egg/ E-Girl General
I hate women
legendary cliff explosives
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>start working at a place
>taking time to stack everything neat and be careful about things
>suddenly guy who has been there for 10 years
>does equivalent of webm
>goes and sits down when he's done
The reasoning for some of those is kinda retarded, but still a good list to have on hand I guess
This but somehow it ends up looking better stacked than yourz.
the real question is: after all the sweat and tears and blood, did you have fun?
Having a blanket gay = woke standard is just useless. It doesn't distinguish between gay messaging and gay elements, or even the sexual content.
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I feel like fully-automated bug solutions have to be different enough from artillery to justify. I would be content with a switch to match automatic range with manual, or letting the artillery remote be box-dragged to designate an area for total bug death. Maybe longer range alternatives could be made interesting by even stronger reprisal attacks? Like Fulgora assault bots occasionally glitching and deciding to attack you instead, or a Gleba mutagen killing all the nests in a large area but creating a bunch of mad super turbo 999-level legendary biters.
All I'm getting from this is someone scrambled your /egg/ when you were a kid
sexo eyes
>"I'm retarded so you have to be retarded as well because you're not allowed to do better than me"
bruh just sucks at the game
Achievements aren't active yet
as expected, the """challenge""" just needed someone with a working brain
How's the campaign? Is it still as broken and as neglected as I remember it?
You know people would just start cheesing it by making new saves, right
that seems like a lot of effort just to make anon feel slightly worse about himself
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You underestimate spite
How do I preorder space age?
>I feel like fully-automated bug solutions have to be different enough from artillery to justify
Certainly, the fact that they're necessary is because artillery doesn't really do the job. Artillery is ultimately a defensive tool, you can artillery crawl to clear land but it's generally a slow and miserable process if you want to clear any significant amount of land. Its best and most appropriate use is keeping nests from encroaching where you don't want 'em if you're playing with expansion on. You're right that if they were to massively increase the auto-fire range it could to some degree mitigate issues but I think it would still be lacking, unless they make the range truly humongous but that would probably invite other problems. Artillery also has somewhat weird behavior and sometimes doesn't shoot at nests which are not discovered and sometimes does, seems kind of inconsistent.
don't pre-order things
factorio is at least trustworthy
but it's a bad habit
you should be ashamed
It's not a habbit, I don't even buy games before 'trying' them for a few hours. I played Factorio for 50 hours before buying, but I cannot imagine space age not being worth it.
Then wait and buy it day one. Jesus, are you people incapable of saving $35 for a month?
do you have no budgeting skills whatsoever
I just spent the $50 I was saving for space age for the 7th time this year.
>anon lacks impulse control
unless those were necessary expenses
in which case you should be glad you couldn't pre-order, and should instead take the time to fix your life first before you buy space age and spend time playing it
or are you a child on an allowance
you must be 18 or older to post here
I am an adult. That's the problem. If I was still a child, my mother would have never given me the money for factorio in the first place. If she had, she wouldn't have given me the money until space age actually came out.
It's not about money, it's just that most games are shit and sometimes you figure that out only after the refund time limit has expired
not for me i am going to play it with biters maxxed out
End yourself tranny you have never achieved anything in your life and never will
Help me /egg/, I'm playing Janky quality and beacon mods to still my Factorio 2.0 cravings and they fucking suck.
>t. adult who's like a 8 year old the day before Christmas
Why does nobody seem to care that we'll be able to change assembler recipes with circuits in SA? That's the feature I'm most excited about, by far. Imagine automating red, green science off a single assembler. You'll be able to engineer away the logistics puzzle of the early game completely.
>0.0001 SPM base
Switching recipes really only makes sense if you want to use very expensive modules to craft things that are expensive but have a short time to craft, so it can do multiple things while waiting for inputs. Factorio 1.1 doesn't really have recipes like that-most assemblers work constantly.
I don't really see the point unless you do a challenge with limited space
IIRC engine takes a while to craft.
But you may as well just build more assemblers.
I do like the idea though.
That's very simply. I did not see it mentioned and I only started playing 6 months ago. Believe me. I would have bored the shit out of the thread about it if I knew this was a thing.
>I Completed Seablock With Only One Assembler
>spend 300 hours building a combinator monstrosity to switch all recipes automatically
So just make more of them?
when i reached the portal games and saw their reasoning was that it's "anti-patriarchy" i just started to laugh
it's just some guy that had his mind brain rotted by politics
Seems almost useless without logistic network tech
I can see a million usage for that in my modded bases.
>So just make more of them?
>3 UPS
One thing that everyone seems to forget about 2.0 is that filter inserters are being removed and stack inserters are being renamed to bulk inserters because stack inserters are the new Space Age exclusive inserters that stack items on top of each other. That's a huge change. Wube also confirmed that they're changing the internal name of the stack inserters to bulk inserters to fit the naming convention.
Is ^ some chatgpt garbage?
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>filter inserters are being removed
Proof of this? For what reason
Every inserter is now a filter inserter
it filtered people so now it's a base feature
>Goodbye filter inserters
> I mentioned this issue when presenting this feature on our Monday meeting, and we came to a solution. In Factorio 2.0 there will be no more filter inserters - instead, all inserters will be capable of setting 5 filters.
It might be useful for when you only have like 5 legendary t3 assemblers full of legendary quality modules so you cycle them through all the intermediate products
I'm not so pessimistic. A single combinator block is going to replace a bunch of assemblers, inserters and belts this time so it's going to be a UPS trade. Who knows, maybe it's even going to be favorable enough to sustain moderate SPM.
ok but where are the /egg/ game nsfw mods
No. I am just autistic.
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PySE is gonna be so much fun
>don't care at all about the expansion for months
>finish seablock run
>suddenly want a nice vanilla experience
>377 K
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are they not gonna show aquilo in FFF
i always enjoy beginnings. getting off the ground, making barebones single-building setups to start initial trickles of production, making the first couple of full production cells. the majority of time spent is tedium though. assembler-beacon layout puzzle solving is only fun once and never again.
fun: 6/10
numbing my brain for 200 hours so i don't have to compulsively argue about black people on /tv/: 10/10
is that a walking fish?
It has about as much depth as a puddle
how's performance?
>space exploration fest
>oxygen not included doesn't go on sale
>space exploration fest
>space exploration isn't on sale
this fucking furry i swear
That's not a bad idea
i don't know much about the game's performance metrics but it runs at 100ups on 10 year old hardware. despite the ridiculous fluid shit in this mod, inserters look about tied with fluids in terms of milliseconds per update or whatever these numbers mean.
i figured with that much shit you'd notice some dips at least
what the absolute hell is that power armor
looks like the XXXL supersize me version
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some dumb crap from the seablock pack.
it isn't even the highest tier, there's just no need for anything but legs in this mod.
i didn't even have a need for personal bots once the network was set up. i kept one of everything in my inventory and placed them as ghosts, meaning if i used personal bots they would be fucking annoying by stealing shit out of my inventory making me wait for it to get restocked.
does the ONI DLC make the early and mid game more interesting or is it mostly focused on the space aspects?
Do you think they'll properly implement Marathon mode with Space Age or will it be forgotten about and unbalanced for most of the recipes?
haven't played the base game since the DLC came out so idk if they retroactively incorporated anything into base. when it released it was a major change at all stages of the game. if you start on the new smaller asteroids you're missing some resources/geysers and rudimentary space travel can be done for low resource costs starting right after the early game. there's also a teleporter to one neighboring asteroid that you can dig up quite early on.
absolvtely kino
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I am taking a differnt approach to the other anon
less CBT, more biters
with a few mods of course
Internal name? You mean stack inserters will convert to stacking stack inserters when I update an old map?
aquilo o que?
will doing maxxed out biters with marathon be easier with the DLC?
It's a modder thing.
You can place ghosts without having the item in your inventory, but you need to enable it from a setting
They already mentioned that expensive mode will be turned into a mod instead of a setting so I don't think they'll forget to revamp the game start options.
All of the presets should be redone desu, they're reworking nauvis generation after all.
How will the sliders affect other planets anyway? Imagine upping your water coverage for sexy oceans on nauvis but then you get to vuclanus and are cucked because the whole planet is just lava.
>space exploration fest
>factorio doesn't go on sale
factorio will never go on sale
but you can pirate it easily if you don't want to use mods at least
But I want to use mods.
good lord
I know, it was a joke
Also, I think you can get (some) mods even if you pirate
I really don't think this'll be useful, just a gimmick.
Maybe for some space platform optimization to get a super fast platform that can still do multiple things.
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Kettle bros?
I'm reading some old ef ef efs and wow, they really did want to make space exploration a thing all the way back then huh?
>Want to play Factorio
>Think about all the new stuff in expansion
>Don't want to play the old and lame version
I want it now but it's still like 7 weeks away.
At least Satisfactory 1.0 drops in a week so I'll have something to dull this pain.
are they finally trying to do a direct energy conversion reactor?
Just because DARPA wants a sloppy blowjob and some pegging doesn't mean DARPA will get any
DARPA usually gets what DARPA wants, anon.
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I'm addicted to this game and my goal is still to fill the entire map with some sprawl but I can feel everything begin to chug despite my lowering of the settings
Will need to upgrade my PC and tailor it specifically for this game
What are they replacing water with?
>AI trash images
so is it something legit or a low effort clickbait?
because the no effort images in there make it sound like the latter
How would you harness power from fission directly?
This is fake news. This was placed into the FFF archives by the furry to give justification to making space age.
Hold the line, patriot.
solar panel
Download Ultracube. It's not a 200+ hour mod and it's full of novel bullshit you're not going to find in the expansion (probably)
satisfactory 1.0 in one week
played that game too much
now i hate it
Played that game too much.
Now I'll play it more.
I already did, it was fun in the beginning but after a while it started getting tedious, maybe I shouldn't have blueprinted rail and all the cube logic.
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>Steam space exploration fest
>KSP on sale
>KSP2 still full price
They're not even bothering to try and milk that trainwreck for a few more sales.
If they did, they'd lose even more good will. I hope self-reflection is the reason for it.
The KSP community really wasn't appreciative of the solid, high-quality product they were given with KSP2. Has the community *earned* a sale? I don't think so and clearly the other adults in the room don't think so either.
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I think I could get torn apart by touching that aliasing
Holy tourism
can I?
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We are live
N: Green /egg/s and rum
P: Corneroids

Today's goals:
>the last 1% of automated atmos
>automate mining(maybe?)
>create a seperate airtight partition
>(start) rewiring the electrical grid

(far) future goals
>big /egg/
>Lauch rocket from the /egg/
>figure out how big the /egg/ needs to be
>figure out how the /egg/ will be laid out
>figure out why is crashes on windows and not linux
New update for Rocket Science (KSP competitor): thermodynamics (which includes radiation) and some QoL changes. I don't know why this guy insists on working alone, this game has been in EA for about 4 years and it still has a long way to go.

Update on this or did you have a horrible death (expected)
Can someone please make a mod like MapShot but without generating over 500mb of files? Maybe make it so rendering behaves similarly to Factorio instead of just taking lots of screenshots. (I know it won't happen, but a man can hope)
Because the game is bare and empty without mods.
is stationeers good? i've played it for an hour now and can't decide. the whole thing is cool but each individual step is raw janky tedium.
>had to travel 3000 tiles to get to the nearest mineral water
>2000 tiles in the other direction to find rare metals
>a further 3500 tiles to find uranium
feeling a little cucked on ribbon world
then buy the game
just work an extra couple hours
or 10 of you're a third-worlder
I'm not paying 40 bucks for a game. I'll wait for a sale.
Wrongest sentence i have ever read in my life
you'll be waiting forever
God I hate the MK1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8.. spam of those mods
Quality is unironically a great solution to that
>is stationeers good?
Depends on your kind of autism.
It has rules, like any other /egg/, and the idea is that you learn each one in order to keep everything together, and you can easily set yourself for failure by playing it fast and loose.
This gotta be bait.
You spelled it wrong, it says NIGGER
You launch a rocket and the game just ends. That's just unfinished. Why would I pay full price when the devs can't even bother finishing their game?
there's a moral subtext to the game. you're supposed to figure this out as you explore.
They realized they need to tone down on the tedious janky parts like tool swapping. They started improving on it in a recent patch, maybe they will get rid of it at some point and just let you auto construct/deconstruct shit if you have the tool in your inventory. I really hope they do.
It doesn't say early access. They took it out and claim the game is complete and now they try to sell the ending behind another 40 bucks. That's scummy as fuck.
>It doesn't say early access
What the fuck are you smoking? How do you think I took that screenshot?
It doesn't say early access.
Bro, your space science?
>but I wanted a cutscene and an epilogue and
Blow it out your ass, this isn't a story game.
Alright, I was responding to the wrong anon and it was the "factorio is incomplete" retard instead of the one who wasn't so sure about Stationeers.
Probably not much of a change based on what we know so far at least. The only thing different about pre-chemical science that we know of is the trigger recipes, but that's not really relevant for difficulty. As long as efficiency modules and flamethrowers are still super strong, biters won't be any harder because all the changes come after you already unlock the OP stuff
(Unless the new planets are giga hard on deathworld, but that's very unlikely)
ONI is an amazing game and i miss playing it but there is something in my subconscious that is preventing me from playing it i don't know what
The jank and the illogical mechanics.
>so uh burn some coal for power
>this doesn't use up oxygen by the way
>you need to make oxygen for dupes by electrolyzing water
>you can then burn the hydrogen with nothing to make back most of the power
It's the jank and lack of cute anime girls ready to die for progress
Advice if I want to make an ONI-like space colony sim?
(It'll probably never happen.)
Godot has a system to write code on a lower level for performance, which I *might* use.
Optimization will probably focus on being "clever" and adding some constraints to the size of a fully connected system.
Explicitly coded and controlled connections between sub-systems.
I.E. map features like separate cave systems, large buildings like airlocked chambers.
I'd prefer to not need math wizardry like what I read about Factorio's belts.
>cute anime girls
>die for progress
Anime girls must be cherished.
Even with ONI dupes, they build up skills and attributes over time, replacing them is painful IMO.
The new ones cost just as much to maintain, for less productivity.
I've always been a savescummer though.
>25 levels of modded quality
>need one of every quality level prod mod to craft the tier 9 prod mod
Oh fuck off with that shit!
Earendel, don't even think about it, you furry bastard!
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I'll finally be able to make this smelting setup in the early game instead of having to wait for filter inserters
Linear furnace stacks are boring. Sushi loops are fun.
It tickles my neurons in all the worst ways. Love it.
Jesu christo how horrifying
were the stationeer devs trying to make a 3d space station 13? the apc power system, the toolbelt, the construction steps, it's all taking me back.
It is nicer once you get basic things automated, but there is still a decent amount of tedium

Toonoight on /oigg/
>We black AND brown out (redux)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckMvj1piK58
>You require more Nitrogenvespene gas
>hotboxxing the station with furnace gas
How many levels of quality would actually be too many?
I think that was the idea. It's kinda morphed into its own beat now but there's a lot of shared features.

Probably the closest we've come to dying other than the exploding canister incident. Had to refill the generator with my welder fuel in complete darkness and zero battery charge in everything. We managed to recover though. Love moments like that in this game.
4 is already too many
you get a girlfriend


you can never play factorio again
You didn't say she'd be a good girlfriend.
>you never play factorio again
>you can get a girlfriend
deal but only if she's a dead ringer for asuka langley soryu (same age too)
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You get the girlfriend, but her hobby is playing Factorio badly and will never learn to get better because that would be backseat gaming and you can't play Factorio no more
Girls are temporary, games are forever.
Goodnight sirs
Wait sir! Quick call?
>no guarantees the girlfriend is a good girlfriend in general, let alone a good match for me
nothing to even consider here, the "pro" is itself a con
you are a moron
49 sleeps until space age
You hope
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Avorion anons, what weapons did you find to be the most effective at end game? I've been using scorchers, cannons, & railguns but I just upgraded into pic related and holy jesus, feels like I just won the game. just need to get 400m credits and duplicate it

It's slow, but it's enjoyable. It's more of a management / dogfighting game than a building game. you're expected to build a fleet of ships and stations. Focusing on designing your ship felt pretty pointless until I reached the max tech level and had the funds to exploit it and you have to factor in your weapon & subsystem choices into the design
this is just getting a girlfriend in general
Since getting married and having a child, my morning routine is getting up at 5 am to play factorio before starting work (remote), it's the only way I've found to fit it in day.
I'm taking a week of paid leave to play Space Age though.
How do I get married? Dating has been tough.
I haven't played Factorio.
get a boyfriend first. it shows initiative so girls will be all over you after that.
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for >>492941080
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I may be trying too hard
thank you for your service
I wanted to start using landmines finally only to discover that if your have bots replacing landmines while there's still fire on the ground from flamethrower turrets they just explode instantly

That's no fun
>pistol filters
>deco planner filters
wubbers should really just add a block passage option for splitters
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I can't do it bros
main bus is too mind numbing
I just want to unlock robots
how many more miles of belt must I lay?
I should have stuck with spaghetti
>I should have stuck with spaghetti
indeed, dont build someone elses factory.
just bee urself.
I usually handfeed purple and yellow to get kovarex and requester chests, then prepare materials for proper base.
This is my factory I didn't copy it from anyone
I must lay in my grave
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seeker missiles with retarded range do a pretty good job if you want to solo vs 20 big guys and just boost everywhere while the missiles do their thing and all the fighters you can shit out
bus is for retards
I like being able to ctrl+c ctrl+v when I need more things
do any of the enemies have shield nullifying weapons / torps? I'm currently planning out my final ship design and was looking at just stacking shields along with "impenetrable shields" but I've used torps with that effect on opponents and don't want to go all in on it if it can happen to me

Also any idea how big I should aim for? I was thinking ~8m of material worth of ship would probably have me cap processing power, make BIG shields without having to use energy drain subsystems, and get me a good hyperspace reach without subsystems so that I can put almost all of it into convenience & turret modules
Main buses are a mistake for most /egg/ game playthroughs
No lessons are learned by using them
That empty feeling when you look at your main bus? That is your brain warning you to get rid of your optimization before its cancer reaches your real life and you start making main buses inside your home
>main buses inside your home
They're called hallways.
those are railways
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i don't play video games, i experience and enjoy them
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No, no. You're not trying too hard until you have something like this.
Beacons were a mistake.
what a fucking abomination
and purists have the nerve to complain about SE type beacons, like inbreds boasting about preserving their bloodline
>No lessons are learned by using them
Yes, you use them specifically to save brainpower for other things.
Rather than solve a ludicrously complex problem.
some enemies are "anti shield" but if you really stack shields you wont notice them that much, there is a device or whatever (dont remember the name) that restores 35% of your shields upon depletion AND you can stack it, and ofc the standard shield boosters can make you really tanky
i usually just go for as big as my tier allows while trying to keep the measurements good (no 0.234523523 shit)
I spent all goddamn weekend playing Shapez 2 instead of doing anything I had planned on
does the girlfriend last as long as I don't play factorio because I've had a girlfriend before and it lasted only a short while and it's not a good tradeoff
I think main bus is way more complicated than just using trains like a sensible person
I think main bus is just good and easy through early blue science.
Launching a rocket with a bus is probably sunk cost in action.
>all I have to do is expand the bus I already have, just a little more...
Space science with a bus is simply refusing to learn trains.
>Dark Fog Swarm is launching an assault
>Dark Fog Swarm is launching an assault
>Dark Fog Swarm is launching an assault
>Dark Fog Swarm is launching an assault
>Dark Fog Swarm is launching an assault
Main buses are the definition of ease of use over efficiency.
spaghetti is just more fun
Being able to extend your factory is pretty efficient
What are you testing?
An horrible injustice. I posted some factorio elf smut on /v/
I'm innocent I swear.
Santa's workshop egg game when?
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And that's half a million pollution per hour gone. If you ignore the 10M pollution to get to this point.
I tried making it tileable but gave up. It also probably bottlenecks on fluid throughput, but that's a future me problem.
main bus is unsustainable and insane
you just have to keep adding more insane lanes to it
but a train can just put every train on 1 or 2 lanes of rail
you could take an existing main bus factory and just replace the conveyors with trains then it becomes way more efficient and sane
link me up senpai
>main bus is unsustainable and insane
>literally everyone uses a main bus
go back to your FRIES, milaus
sauce? I can't find it on the archive
it's good for small scale early stuff
60spm kind of thing
are you inserting 12 fuel cells at once, or what's up with those gazillion steam tanks?
nuclear is cringe
imagine forcing yourself to mine an additional resource when you can get solar panels for free
I love that change, I hope they generalize those new signals to most buildings, not assemblers only.
It's a great tool for platforms and quality module optimization, I think. You may be able to come up with a blueprint that will be making most low frequency mall stuff with one assembler (and will only need 8 quality modules of varying quality).
For midgame, I can imagine an already wired mall that you don't have to update with each research : the thing will start making new stuff as soon as it's researched.
It also unlocks another layer of complexity for the recursive blueprint autists.
>nuclear is cringe
imagine being so cucked you have to spam tens of thousands of panels when you could literally just use 4 reactors for 10 times the power just because you don't know how use combinators
no sweetie it's built into the blueprint
>no it's not spam it's just sharting all over the map
I just realized that elevated rails means that you now can make a base with no wall that can only be entered with trains or a base on an island with no way to enter other than by trains. The most protected base ever. In fact, you could likely make your own island with enough landfill.
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>his nuclear setup has combinatorS (plural) in it
So is it impossible to do advanced oil processing without making solid fuel?
Status on launch automation and procedural parts?
What about aerodynamics? Can you build planes?
>base stalls as all the iron and copper are consumed
>tons of pollution shat out in the meantime
Biters can walk on elevated rail
8, but yes. All for fuel efficiency, since I don't feel like expanding my uranium and I won't have kovarex process for a long time, maybe ever.
You use chemical plants to crack it all down to petroleum gas.
And tanks with pumps and circuit wires to control whether it gets cracked.
and how will they dodge the train that is coming to mow them down?
SE beacons are useless crap in terms of game design. 1 building which mega-buffs everything in a huge area might as well not exist since it has effectively 0 impact on how you design builds since it's trivially easy to add to pretty much anything. Just cut out the worthless middleman and remove beacons entirely, compensate by buffing machines or buffing modules which go directly into machines. There is no point to beacons when a beaconed build is 99.9% identical to an unbeaconed build, it's just a numbers buff at that point with no actual impact to gameplay, so it's just useless fat which should be cut.
i don't know why you're doing that while also mentioning fuel efficiency, but in case you forgot or don't know, and want to unretardify that setup, you can click on an inserter, tick the hand size box and set it to 1
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You know, I was surprised but apparently I only have one regulating everything after all with this refueling setup
I actually used to have one per reactor regulating the pumps
What if I need heavy oil and I have too much petroleum then I have to get rid of or I can't make heavy oil
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I doubt it's still up
>that pump chain
fluid 2.0 can't come fast enough
There's 8 reactors so I insert 8 cells.
And I don't even have stack inserters researched yet
Neither the players nor the biters can walk on elevated rails because to paraphrase Wube themselves, if the player can walk somewhere, so should the biters.
I'm sure they'll work a smart way to make elevated rails not able to create impregnable fortresses that we can't think of right now, maybe biters will attack elevated rails and strand you.
>gravity 30% smaller than earth
>escape velocity 5000% smaller than earth
>nooo you can't create invulnerable fortresses after 200 hours of playtime, just think of the heckin biter babies!
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If you want not to deal with biters, disable biters at the start of the game.
that's what the archive is for, gib actual post number
I just disable biters and pollution for all of my playthroughs too. Pesky pieces of shit
now that's going into the textbook of 60IQ takes
They already do that. Biters attack rails and trains. It's not the point of those bases, which I'm pretty sure would be considered balanced as they require a significant starter cost and a very high resource and logistic cost to move things out. Not even mentioning the scouting required to find a place like that in the first place.
oh it wasn't anything interesting
no factorio
nothing that even reminds of it
not even any elves as far as I saw
and it's all lolis, bleh
I was hoping for something actually related to what you described
I just like complaining
>not even mentioning the scouting required to find a place like that in the first place.

find big body of water
make a single line of landfill with a gap
cross gap with elevated rail
now biters can't get in while you can

you can already do this with a spidertron btw
oy vey
>pyss (pyanodon space science) and T.U.R.D
But you can't move things in or out without bots or by making the base within spitter distance by using underground. Elevated rails allows for a method that doesn't require making two giant bot bases to move things from the offshore base to the savage land.
We aren't talking about disabling biter. We were talking about defensive measures against biters. That's just part of the normal biter gameplay loop. Making an island base is a valid solution.
>Elevated rails allows for a method that doesn't require making two giant bot bases to move things from the offshore base to the savage land.
I mean granted, but they're still gonna be chewed on by biters one way or another, which means the base itself isn't biterproof in the slightest
Defending a middle sized train station is a lot easier than defending a whole square base. That's the principle of chokepoints and most of the best defended places in the world exploit their terrain to limit the possible attack point to the minimum. That's older than sun tzu.
This is simply putting all your eggs in a single basket. It's a good idea, as long as you don't lose the basket.
i think i hate AI slop because it was trained on tiktok and youtube shorts so it uses those formats
Biters don't aggro onto rails at all, getting them to attack rails is somewhat iffy since it only really happens if something else aggroes, like a train hitting them for instance so there might not be much pressure. They'd have to coincidentally get train'd or something to start attacking.
what the fuck are you doing
Many are moralfagging about AI, but I don't like it because it simply looks articial and just bad.
Why are you not placing the reactors next to each other?
Store up a few tanks of heavy oil, pumps between each.
Pull from the last in the chain for whatever you need.
Circuit wire checks if the first in the chain is over half full, enables a pump to send it to cracking.
Repeat with light oil.
>too much petroleum
Won't realistically happen in vanilla.
If it does, just research a couple techs, or add a few petroleum tanks.
>no heavy oil
You only need a bit, for lubricant, for electric motors.
A few tanks will make plenty.
Or blue belts, in which case you need a few more tanks.
But red belts are good enough for most of the game.
Later, you can switch to coal liquefaction, which makes mostly heavy oil.
Most likely is that you might need more light oil for solid fuel (most efficient recipe), and for rocket fuel (necessary).
But if you make the light oil buffer big enough, this won't be an issue, petroleum is still the most consumed thing.
Biters have 4 priority. Rails are on the lowest priority. They will only attack rails if they can't access anything else. Electric poles have the priority above so biters will always attack poles before rails if they can and only if they can't access anything with a higher priority. Poles have the same priority as belts. Next priority is pretty much every machine that generate pollution and the final priority is anything military, including walls and radars. An island base would only have electric poles and rails coming out. So biters would destroy that because they can't attack anything else. Making outpost at the railway entrance would prevent rail attacks completely as the biters would spend their time fighting the much more important walls and turrets.
not him, but what are you talking about? they are adjacent each other from what i can see, so the neighboring effect is active
note that biters on the attack or expanding (is it just one of those, or both? don't remember) may chew down any power poles in their path
They chew down anything in their path if they can't figure out how to get by. I've seen them chew trees and rocks, not just player structures.
Main bus is the ultimate expression of freedom.
Biters can block each other.
Fellow burger?
Please stop embarrassing us.
Sorry I don't feel like sitting in the same container as """norma""" quality chaff. I'd rather take express lane to legendary assembler, thank you very much.
Circuit comditions
What's happening on /co/?
Right, I thought there was a gap between. My bad.
New Thread
>40 mins ago
>still page 9
I don't see anything
why not just use the replay function?

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