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>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Current Meetup
• August 30th, 7PM PST | Marilith, Shirogane W19 P49 | MOVIE MEETUP Monster Hunter >>492230396

>Future Meetups
• August 31st, 5:00 PM PDT | Coeurl, Wolves Den Pier | Murderous Twins X - Lets Kill Eachother! Meetup >>490229510
Previous: >>492508197
bro I'm just chillin rn idc about nuffin
Bored, so post plates
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I LOVE my wife Liliane Blanc!
palmraping my goonstick to fiddies
I asked if I was good rapebait and this happened...
and receive compliment tells
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My meena just injected himself with 21ml of estradiol valerate. He is once again woozy because he hates needles.
Coombait thread anchor doko
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August 31, 4:00PM PST | Kraken, Costa del Sol | End of summer celebration
Remember to bring a swimsuit!
femlalas what's everyone doing tonight,
Catboy supremacy
Raping Kayon Kaneuchi
Sex with catgirls
4 and we all get girlfriends by 2025
5 and I'm single until 2026 at least
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Crystal, queue CC at 5:15 ET!
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What are you supposed to even do at the bench? Just sit around and look pretty?
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Post your character.. But swapped Clan/Subrace.

Moonies become Sunnies, Sunnies become Sunnies, etc.
I do this
thanks for volunteering
I like the gposing this game has to offer, it adds a ton of creative options to play with but I feel like if i bring that up as a pro vs con for playing this game Ill get laughed at
>my wol looks and acts like this

What's your WoL BUILT for??
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femhroths won
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Post fiddies in compromising positions
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Why does this keep getting stuck
I hate not being able to catbox anymore so much
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But I want a boyfriend...
I need JM feet in my face
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A YOOOO! we be chillin here cuz, light it up home come get that kush!
MH movie meetup about to start real soon, we got cute middies inside
It's just where you park your character while you're not doing anything, you're supposed to stay there and hang out until you go do content, people come and go to the bench, it's just a hangout spot
what are you trying to update
0 and I start seriously cooking/breadmaking
1 and I start drawing
2 and I start woodworking
3 and I start sewing/making own clothes
4 and I learn an instrument (if 2nd to last number is odd, I pick up piano, if even, guitar)
5 and pick up botany
6 and I pick up rock climbing
7 and I try metalworking
8 and I try horticulture
9 and I go for hobbyist electronics
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Late night femlala stuff...
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Few know or remember that our famous "Val" started off as "Valerie", a slutty femra (which he'd later mod to be an elf) who wanted to get plapped by every single race in the game and eventually find the Perfect Futa to dom and own him. This went on just fine for a bit, and he did fuck one of each race, male and female, but the novelty wore off, and he never found the Perfect Futa. Valerie became hornier and hornier, and he acquired a taste for rapes, threesomes, gangbangs, and so on. The problem? The few who were into it didn't want to ERP this for 6-10 hours.

Valerie had to look outside the QS, which led him to infiltrate normal RP communities and events in the hopes of seducing more players into fulfilling his desires. The people running those places didn't appreciate a gooner using their story-driven RP to find people to fuck him. He gained a bad reputation, so he changed the name to "Val" and fanta'd into a catgirl (he's fanta'd many times in the past, but this is when the orange cat was born). He had a good run, but it was hard to find more people willing to do that stuff.

Fortunately for "Val", modding was blowing up at this point, including the now ubiquitous Mare Synchronos. This gave a huge boost to the ERP scene, and allowed Val to expand his goals: not just get fucked by every playable race, but NPC races, too. Thus Val started to get gooners to play as beast tribes and monsters to plap him, and this is also when he started to get plapped by a lot of xivg. Deep down, Val was also hoping that casting such a wide net would finally lead to the Perfect Futa, which never happened.

The rise of animations had a depressing effect on people's interest in ERP. Why spend hours writing when you could pick a number on NL and watch characters fuck while you jerk off?

Val copes that his sex drive faded, and sticks to sexting on discord now. In reality, he still wants to find the Perfect Futa, but he lost hope in finding them in the communities he's been a part of.
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The modpack is probably ancient and has a lot of bullshit going on.
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My Male Midlander is built for getting into any and every place he shouldn't with the maximum amount of consequences.

It's fun.
mine was messing up because it was taking a mod from one drive and writing it to another, could be related to that
or the mod is really big
Liability's Yurippe, I want the cardigan from it
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hey effers I'm sick, can you tell me to get well soon
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I am now a mahjong master. This was the hand that caused it. Thank you for the people that believed!
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which number to kill yourself?
hmmmm can femlala's come
smooch / smooch
My fiddie is built for hrothgar pregnancy.
Watching the movie I guess. I just got off work.
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sorry you don't like hobbies my brazilian friend
Waiting in PF for M2S and playing Demoncrawl while waiting.
Whats wrong with bibo feet?
Ikkou is already here so yes.
Just measured my dick again after years of not doing so and overjoyed to find out it's actually bigger than I thought, bros.
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Educate me, /xivg/!
no they didn't. how you going to start off with fake news only 10 words in your blog.
What is there to do? I cleared the raid
ooh lucky...
i hope it goes well when it fills!!
Congrats bro, would give it a celebratory rub
please post a photo of the meetup so i can judge if its safe enough for my femlala to come by
I want to murder that thing
Same! I'm 5.2 inches!!! And I'm 50 lbs overweight so it's probably closer to 5.8!
Stand at the bench
19 cm
I think that's about 7.5 in inches?

Thanks bro.
*gives your nipple a little celebratory twist*
Schizos will make up their own fanfic of someone with nothing supporting anything that they say and spam it daily hoping someone dumb enough thinks its real
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going to bed, goodnight.
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>be me femra
>working in a flower shop in a shady neighborhood
>my malera boss /pets me on the shoulder a bit too hard as I'm carrying a fresh shipment of catnip we just got
>I fall and the catnip spills all over me
>he apologizes and gives me rest of the day off so I can go clean up and relax
>thank him and leave work
>on my way home I take a shortcut through a small alley
>catboy thugs turn their heads as I pass
>oh shit it's the catnip
>they start following me
>/ac sprint to home
>I have like 20 catboys behind me by the time I arrive
>lock myself inside but they all /sit around the yard and won't leave
>I tried bathing but the smell didn't completely leave and they stole my bath water and are now filling their vapes with it
Thank you sis, I hope so too...
Anything under 6 inches and you're just better off trooning out, bro...
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>what's wrong with poorly sculpted male feet taken straight from the daz3D store and stitched onto a female playermodel
look at >>492517489 and tell me that looks like a normal foot to you
I was getting double exp from Bozja fates and CEs before, on TOP of the armory bonus and road to 90. I was getting like 900k per fate, and 9 mil from CLL. I left the area after getting to 90 on a job, then came back later with a different job, and now that bonus is gone. No idea how I got it or why it went away. How do I get it back?
I also do this, it's why I post it so often
man...no one is reclearing M3S tonight...
gf doesn't mind so whatever
I do this too
you look extra fat in this image my milkbeast cc crush
Comedians typcially hate awards shows and hosting them because actors don't like being the butt of jokes (this doesn't stop comedians) but still do becuase it pays really well and despite awards communites and actors complaining, networks keep inviting comedians to host because it gets much more views
maybe drawing gay sex but i might just go back to playing more league isntead
Same, last time it was 7.5 inches and now I measured 8.1 inches while fully hard feels good
>Val started to get gooners to play as beast tribes
this could be good material for shitpost poses, but I'm too lazy for that
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Images that you wish were true
>maybe drawing gay sex
>plays league
The fuck? Are you a fujo?
4-5 inch is the perfect size desu
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i make you disappear once i smoke this shit
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it's a trick of the light
sweet dreams!!
drawing sounds a lot more relaxing but either one seems cool..
lmao that Diglett ain't getting any bigger Yugi
its the angle...
https://files.catbox.moe/s1s6nv.ttmp2 try this, i think it should work.
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Post F-Lists
why does she look so angry
why is he so horrid
who legitimately thought that was a good idea
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got to like 5% on m4s today
tomorrow clear SURELY
for now rest
Julius Caesar was sometimes referred to as the Queen of Bithynia by critics because of a rumor that he was plapped by the King of Bithynia in exchange for a naval fleet.
My fiddie is built for a loving marriage with malera
the real question is why hasnt nights feet been ported to bibo yet
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my genki tomboy hrothgal acts like this around other hrothgals
post kita
She misses being a moonie
Oh, come on now, don't be facetious
no it is lesbians
>it's a trick of the light
You are a broken husk, nothing more.
No, last time somebody laughed at my giantess fulala
at some point i wouldve said "aha this is just a trick for you to post another image" but i could just ask and youd do that anyway.
porn ruined your brain bro
this :3
This shit never feels right. My suncat ends up looking anemic
I also feel pretty sick so it's quite over for me
Mwah / mwah
2-3 is perfect
Gave myself the word pass...
I hope you guys are doing regular cardio.
You claim you want an EB, but you wouldnt love them at all
You just want some attention, you're not gonna love them back
Its all one-sided...
Nah it's the feet, bibo uses like daz gen 3 for a base, and they also specifically modelled it to be worse
>fall guys
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Femras love when you rub or bite their horns
My femezen is built for drinking wine to forget she's alone
>GW is back to +
maybe i should let her punish me for being a bad sunnie that hasnt cleared the tier yet~
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Crystal! It's time for CC at 8:55 ET!
what about hitting them with hammers
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mr selch...

you're right
it's hard to take GOOD pics though
please respond
now you know what it feels like to be a male char
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I ran Susano 15 times for a friend and im satisfied
Still no material drop but they got their whistl
nta but why cardio
My femezen is a machine built to turn unsucked dicks into crushed dicks for even daring to try
My femra is built for the title of the Serpent Champion.
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It is not always sexual, but rabbits will hump other animals, objects, and pretty much anything they can mount as a way of displaying dominance.
sweaty footjob
I'm ready for the Greatest Joke Ever Told.
this is my wife
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it's fucking nothing :^)

No, women ruined my brain
>t. found my ex texting with her girl friends about how my dick didn't feel as good as her ex
I don't like this
Hop in VC, its time to do roulettes
ya i still need to figure out shaders and stuff shit is really gay but it makes stuff look 100x better
catboys really are like this
Inquisitor your gimmick is as stale as your gposes
i forgot to queue oops
I would lovenuke a femala eb. I would love Hiroshima her daily. She would a radioactive glassy crater by the time I was done with her.
>4-5 inch
okay "big boy", lol...
my sunnie is built for yuri sex with catgirls, fiddies, and femra
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I look like a freaking idiot
Big dicks are harder to keep erect. If you're packing a trouser snake, you need to do cardio, improve your stamina and blood flow. Or else that meat is useless because you just have no ability to keep it hard for long enough.
Need to bun to display dominance for my lowlander
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Is there a femlala equivalent of this mod beast?
Can i impregnate your rabbit
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A moderate degree of cursed.
My goonie is built to slack & avoid work
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it helps if i attach my screenshot
it's over, back to cc
this is cringe as fuck
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Stop hating entire groups of people because of a few people you fucking nerd. Please grow and change as a person. My god.
insane truthsplosion
I need to kidnap dan and have her run me through an easymode image edit process
Fiddie here, and I just finished getting my back blown out by a male xaela, and wow... they really are khagans. There's nothing else like it. It went so deep and was so thick, and he was so rough and commanding, yet... so gentle and tender still. I swear I can still feel it lodged inside of me and his hands' gentle caresses. I don't know why it took me so long, or what I've been doing with my life up until this moment, but now that I know what it's like I know that I can never stop taking giant, girthy malera cocks.

Sisters... do yourselves a favor and implore the malera closest to you for sex. He probably already has half a dozen other girls trying to jump his bones, but just do whatever it takes to beat them out and win him over. It'll be worth it in the end. Trust me. Malera are... man, we're really something special.
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what's monster hunter about
>try this, i think it should work.
You can literally slam the cervix in the mating press with 5in, unless she has a real deep cavity.
what dance is this
>I've been single for 2 years
I've been single for 6 years. I want my ex to die an excruciating death though. Fucking cunt
Getting my PV/VG mix just right so that I can get a really taste the catnip and femra salt mix.
Rejecting men and looking perfect in long dresses.
>wildwood femezen
I'm not a Malera myself (fem middie here btw), but I have a lot of Malera friends and have been able to get to know them and observe up close. My Malera friends are very nice, helpful, and dropdead funny too. They've never hit on me or tried to groom me either (but I wish they would). And when I hang out with them in Limsa, there's always a flurry of thirsty female characters (mostly catgirls and femra) orbiting them. I even get /tells from thirsty girls asking if I'm dating any of them or if any are single. I even get /tells asking why I'm NOT dating them, just from how charismatic, charming and cool they are.
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>. man, we're really something special.
Built to rape my sunnie still
khagan kino
You kill monsters to skin them and become powerful to kill more monsters
My femlala will afk in your lap and you are not allowed to move until I get back up or I will throw the most cataclysmic melty ever seen by mankind
bros invite me to the /xivg/ official(tm) syncshell(r)
i have no idea who that is but i spent 3 hours posing yesterday and it came out "ok" but i had someone basically do a mockup of what i did in like 2 minutes and it blew my mind how much harder i made it for myself
I don't know, anon. CAN YOU?
You can't. Ndja has taken precautious against this, despite almost never having sex ever. The lack of sex is, ironically, one of her precautions.
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>leveling RDM via FATEs
>get a boss fate
>dps it down to 50%
>The smell of death has drawn the Forlorn to the battlefield!
>swap to it
>motherfucker has a ton of health wtheck it's like twice the HP of the FATE boss
>I'm single targeting it but my passive cleave abilities are about to kill the FATE boss instead
>manage to kill it and the boss has 2% left
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>we're really something special
nice one DINGUS
unfortunately im stuck with them
you two must fight over me and to the victor goes the spoils.
no problem textools for some reason doesnt work sometimes i dont know why /pet
thanks bro, wanna sleep together in the morgue?
Monster hunting
My fiddie is built for being a succubus that turns into your every desire as long as that desire is a goth woman with a fat ass, regardless of race
Nil post.
i am
a femra running a little bit late to the meetup

someone save me a seat...
Hop in church, its time to do marriage
my femroe is built for her femroe EB
oh yeah? post fiddie
Its an action RPG where the centralizing gimmick is gaining power not by leveling up with EXP, but killing monsters and using items gathered from said monsters to augment your character.
>Malera are... man, we're really something special.
Aight you got me laughing.
its extra cute on cats
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You're cringe! CRINGE!
god fucking damn i love thighlanders
a hunter must hunt
My malera's lap will be available for you when you arrive
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I wanna go to the monster hunter thing but serverhopping is annoying
THIS THIS THIS. Malera are kings, and it's about time for /xivg/ to stop laughing at them.

I'm not a Malera myself (another fem middie here btw), but I have a lot of Malera friends and have been able to get to know them and observe up close. My Malera friends are very nice, helpful, and drop-dead funny too. They've never hit on me or tried to groom me either (but I wish they would). And when I hang out with them in Limsa, there's always a flurry of thirsty female characters (mostly catgirls, femra and other middies) orbiting them. I even get /tells from thirsty girls asking if I'm dating any of them or if any are single. I even get /tells asking why I'm NOT dating them, just from how charismatic, charming and cool they are.

The whole "malera r cringe" thing is just a stupid meme and it's about time /xivg/ saw the light and retired it.

Give us a chance and you'll see.
please be a miera please be a miera pl
Dont threaten me with a good time
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Just fanta'd. What do you think, /xivg/?
certified khagan banger holy fuck
this is some kino right here
i know this isnt them because they wouldnt mess that up
what mod is this
i need it NOW
are you on dynamis or a different dcs preferred world they get the road to 90 xp buff
Who am I marrying
can some male characters post some thirst traps while i prog m4s
Femra post
pulling on one of the ears
what qualifies as a thirst trap
shut me up, little bunny boy...
okay i can't take it anymore. the term filter system sucks and blacklisting has a limit. i'm going back to /voidtarget and nosol. why don't the context menus work for voiding, though? the option is enabled and i've reloaded the game.
So nothing changed at all.
both are very meh
/pet /pet
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Idk what the character has to do with it but are male middies fine?
My fiddie is built for the battlefield but would very much like to take a long nap in a soft bed while being spooned and cuddled by her loyal and protective middie husband.
oh ive seen this fiddie around, but you dont need to shfit any desire for that to happen, its already there
it's the cunny mod
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please do not.
Yes, I have the buff right now. I'm saying I was getting double on top of that buff along with the armory bonus assuming that applies to it. I was getting 9 mil instead of the usual 4.5 mil from CLL.
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Attention! Crystal! Queue CC at 12:45 ET!
now post fat ass
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>hands you a normal quality moqueca
Y-your raid food darling...
Say aaaaaaaaah...
they made a monster hunter movie? since when what the hell ill pass by
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khagans.. you really need to start proofreading before you post
my casca-inspired rava is built for a bigger stronger male who puts her in her place (me irl)

she is NOT built for rape by a twinky gay femboy like griffith
post meetup pictures
Everything involving the resolution of character skin/hair materials in this game is slightly insane.

Normally, SE follows a standard method of models reference a given material name, and that material is assumed to exist within the associated folder for the given model...

However, for specifically skin, SE has a metric fuckton of entirely arbitrary, hard-coded folder/path resolutions.

For Example: Viera share the same face model between Rava/Veen. However, each clan shares 3 out of 5 of the materials uses ind htat model, but the other 2 materials are unique to the specific clans.

Sorting said information out for TexTools was (and continues to be) a huge pain in the ass.
Can I at least give it a try?
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something that makes my character look and act like pic related
you don’t know nothin
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i miss him so much
>use 4k texture clothing
>mare size jumps to 211mb
>use 2k texture clothing
And this is why I don't use 4k texture mods
Yeah I'm really not a fan either lol
does the middie husband exist or is it of ur dreams
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what's even giving you those extra lashes?
Good thing you have 57 minutes to correct that mistake
I plapped both of them btw
if you turned into left it's an upgrade.
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built for my sunnie
Surely that should be a DRK sign?
How the fuck am I supposed to know what makes your character act lust-rabid you dumb bitch
any cute femras at the meetup?
Post your character.
The femra life was not for me.
Sure, but you must first
I'll have uuuuuhhhhhh... caramel latte, two shots, thanks
>Last updated: 7mo, 2w ago
well the lala is still cute, I'd say fiddle with the hair a bit though.
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miera genetics
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My fiddie is built for yuri femdom and a leash
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4k-8k texture mod options are only meant to be used for up close gposes but some people think bigger number = better and use it all the time even though you can't tell the difference outside of zooming in
may i please have a pink drink?
Massive improvement, lalas always are
i’m in the middle of prog
even 512x512 is good if used correctly, but you can't expect modbeasts to understand that "EVERYTHING 4K!!!!" is bad especially on some small garbage like jewelry or shoes
Warning: Unironic extreme degeneracy follows: https://www.f-list.net/c/grace%20welkin
I also need to update a lot of it still, but whatever.

I should make a meme f-list for playing other games together...
TFT Suncat Friends where...
we will be bonded
eternally so
Take a picture before you pull again.
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I'll play around with it, thanks
I don't know how to correct it... I tried hard on both fantas.
someone's son wrote this
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>He doesn't have the mod
Everyone point at him and laugh
Hingashi expansion? or patch content?
>your ffxiv race
>your ffxiv main job
>your main character in Don't Starve
only real ones will answer
D-did you like it?
Please don't hurt me again.
I'm too shy to ever approach you trying to plap but cute cat, my catgirls a fan
Guts would make a solid malera
>Beard so good it can give you the [Seduction] debuff.
Ramuh is the original succubus boss.
I'd say try some shorter hairstyles, the color is good, goes with the eyes and teh contrast with a darker skin tone is nice.
exactly, was just testing out a tights mod that has 2k and 4k and wanted to see the difference, and there was basically none zoomed out but that mare file size sure skyrocketed
My fiddie is built for f+ femdom and a leash (my fiddie as the f+ being dommed)
I'd like a Sengoku Jidai expansion. Or failing that, a Meiji Restoration expansion.
Cute lala overall is fine you gotta find a style that works for you
>TFT Suncat Friends where...
maybe i should install the chink spyware
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Viera don't develop sexual traits till they are adults.
show her?
What is the objectively
>Sexiest face
>Sexiest hairstyle
For male middies?
what about tft moonies
My veena, who will remain anonymous due to privacy policy, is built for this kind of thing...
Now make the lala a slampig.
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With luck I'll end up there soon . . . but yes, we may go together
All is in harmony
never again
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>Malera are... man, we're really something special.
Made me laugh, good job.
face 3
the one I use
the one I use
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>TFT Suncat Friends where...
Sorry I'm a TFT fiddie that keeps losing all th etime now...
you'll poke your eyes out if they ever become ingrown.
>my sunnie crush is using child mods
From my understanding there's some method for disabling vanguard via some config options very specifically for TFT that Riot (under the table) allows currently, since there are no known TFT hacks really, that will still let you start up and play TFT, but not League. You'd have to google fu around a lot to figure it out. I just recall some Riot devs commenting on it in a QA about it.
so she doesn't exist, understood.
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Okay I unironically love malera but this got me
I regret clicking on this because I'm now painfully hard and know I'm never going to speak to you in game
They aren't nude calm down.
https://www.f-list.net/c/sylvanae/ it's very dull and straight forward, I still gotta pretty it up one day......
Closing the loop.

I am not the WoL. I am A WoL.
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Crystal! Let's play CC at 4:25 ET!
she exists....
I also tend to snuff people without the giantess stuff
It's still weird as shit, nude or not
I think your lala is quite cute.
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I (just about) finished it...
My middie is built for long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
wahaha at least one of us here has trap initials
based, grats anon
Chat should I go to the meetup or the quicksands
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My sunnie is for being your ex-pirate best friend who patently refuses to acknowledge your interest in her unless you two are drunk, where she's more honest about her feelings and calls you handsome while trying to set you up with a haughty fiddie.
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What is it about malera that makes them consistently make good posts
More like Tsumuoh
a very lovely femlala on this lovely femlala friday
wife material
noooooooo you're supposed to say
>"oh man, malera man! so hunky~ ara ara, rawrrrrrr~~~"
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Wow your icon is really cute!
Built for maximizing the profit and efficiency of your Free Company Workshop.
I don't believe you, especially if you're so weak that being laughed at is enough to stop you.
You're welcome to say hi anytime, poor shy anons. /pet

Who knew we had so many TFT frens here...
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hfghfgfghghgh CUTE
Oh boy it's time to become the problem again.
What exactly does this have to do with FFXIV?
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My WoL is built for combating all injustice on open seas.
whens the xivg aram tourney/gaming
I feel like spoonfeeding

Here is the FFXIV loli mod
tfw no f3mra for my f3mra
I only like cute submissive catboys and catgirls, fiddies work too.
They must call me mama though.
I'm also addicted to being called cute so if people knew it was me they would never call me cute again, it's a conundrum.
>likes spoonfeeding
>links the loli mod
the jokes write themselves
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>we're really something special.
Do fulalas like catboys?
Do you have the shota one too?
I love tft but i havent played since 5, so dunno whats the new cancer
I see...
it should be in there
does anyone have a good mental trick to remember the black cat clones directions/side easily? as soon as I try to remember left + right/left I forget it the instant I try to remember the second cat
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My gimmick is stealing others' gimmicks
How do I tell if someone in my static is cheating?
Their logs show that they almost never break a combo on dragoon, but the parses themselves are nothing special at all.
shit thread
not them but yeah its kinda similar shtick
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Heres how to test who are your friend and who are just around you to coom
>Fanta to lala
>Wait a week and try talking to your friends normally
>Fanta back and remove anyone who ignores you
Been away, did the graphical update do anything major to the modding scene? Also have people gotten out of their modbeast phase or are things even worse now?
Use markers where 1/2/3/4 are the warp points.

Type [1 In] or [1 Out] And [4 X] in the chat as needed for the associated markers.
it's so fucking over
(May) I have a drink (Sabotender)?
Post a pic of the left catgirl's BWC+ dicking down the right catgirl please
in no way does not breaking combo mean someone is cheating, you SHOULDN'T be breaking your combo often
Yes all old mods had to be re-updated but most of the good ones have already.

Things are worse now.
Your fault for crushing on a schizo
so you only want to be friends with pedos?
>doing what other people have done 9 years ago
loser, copycat even
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My Miera is builded for spending over 2 hours on a Friday night trying to secure a +5 construction boost.
Futoku no Guild
Post a pic of the right catgirl's BBC+ dicking down the left catgirl please
The only person on my friends list to have done that is Tzera and I pet the fuck out of them in Lala mode. (And called them cute)
Yes, there's a new head sculpt now. Also stuff has been upscaled and there's two dye slots on gear so UV stuff might have changed?
Most mods were very easy up update for the DT changes so its the same as Endwalker
I am not a desperate attempt. I am not the past, nor the future. I am not the savior, but an actor. I am the serpent spirit, born to repeat the world again.
based. I was admiring your gunblade earlier, good taste
ure ugly
What I do is remember the two markers the clones will be at, like if the N clone's moving left and the S clone's moving right, I think 2/4, etc
What top is that dyke on the left wearing? Is it a mod?
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Built for staring at Khagans blankly until they get really weirded out and afraid and have to draw up legal documents forbidding me to come near their meeting places (I still do break into the Malera Treehouse).
making this ex pirate sunnie realize shes the og and best girl and making her a mother to force her to retire from a life of hard work
Lactose intolerance is actually a spectrum, not a binary "You are or are not". In actuality, people who are lactose intolerant just have low levels of lactase, the enzyme that dissolves lactose, which is a sugar found in dairy. Western Europeans and people from Mongolia, areas with long histories of reliance on dairy, generally produce lactase well into adulthood as opposed to people from areas without a reliance on dairy, who generally produce significantly less once they hit adolescence. The symptoms of lactose intolerance occur because in the absence of lactase, your body uses much less efficient pathways to breakdown lactose that also produces sickening gas as a byproduct.
we are roleplaying our fantasies. our Final Fantasies
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Queue Crystal Casual CC @ 8:05 ET
My male midlander is built for spending time with his loving eb and talking about their future together.
The plan has backfired, and I will instead be single handedly tripling the population of the azim steppe with this glubber
Guess who I am in the Ul'dah lineup and win a prize
Hint, I'm not a girl
Elf boy gets a pussy later btw
this, unironically this.
why would you do this
Wait, don't perish yet my himcess
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If I bring my EB into CC matches and have her throw if shes the enemy would that be cool?
Has anyone ERPed with Macchi before? I feel like he'd be good at it
thank you friends
meteoplapping this anon's EB in front of them
*pulls up rope ladder*
i'll figure out who you are and i'll do whatever i can to focus you
Shut up macchi.
I tried. He can't even follow simple conversation leading into it.
probably nothing new but kinda boring
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we all have our little problems
Why wasn't it me?
Why is it always...
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double based
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I'll stop being lazy about it eventually.
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there's like no real difference other than i have sunnie eyes now and lack of fangs (that isn't even visible in this image), i have no idea why my face also affects sunnie, i thought asymfaces was racially separate? unless dawntrail asymfaces makes them the same now between different races for miqo'te?
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Many thanks my king, you have saved countless lives with your heroic deed
the one i have a crush on uses
I should stop being lazy and make one
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Yeah. It appeared to have backfired.

It's all over... The way to the Promised Land is gone...
I'm gonna run it down if I get that ninja who wouldn't stop doing pushups on my corpse.
Uh, sisters? This sunmoonie is kind of hot...
is this cat actually an erp degenerate??? wtf
I'm a pureblood. I don't need no mods to help me transition like some people.
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this movie really is ass
can we get your male tierlist?
Pretty much this, though he needs to spend more time with her
I just had a cup of tea with whole milk not ten minutes ago.
The only acceptable young mods are elezens because that shit fixes their giraffe ones. Everything else is terrible
My fiera is built for anal
shit thread
>Moonies become Sunnies, Sunnies become Sunnies
Hol' up...
I don't have one because I play femezen
Modding? I get it. Everyone wants to be able to make personalized tweaks or for the game to have tits.
ERP? Whatever. It's far from the weirdest interactions people can have.
But Modbeasting? I don't think modding a character to have so much extra bullshit that a deviantart-raised-teenager while pushing everything to inhuman and frankly ungodly proportions just to have it whip out a 30 foot hyper futa cock is a "little" problem. At some point, even Jesus considers your ass a lost cause.
Reluctantly being dragged on adventures with her male middie EB since she's too worried about him getting hurt
and degenerate sex while sleeping under the stars together
do you like malera
Dragon King Thordan.
Next question.
please post pics of the meetup, i have to know if my crush is there...
bro, please get a hold of yourself, i'm still a moonie underneath all of this
Would she like to meet my miera?
Why is your ass so big.
that's not what the f in f-list stands for
Feels so good being lactose tolerant
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Anal and nipple play. Also just-the-tip stuff.
post pictures of the meetup pleaseee
Feels good being white
Queer. I don't tolerate anything!
well i didn't actually watch it yet...
I would love anal with this suncat
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I'm gonna melt.
My male midlander is now divorced, single and will stay like that because he doesn't want his heart to be broken again
Your thread enemy is at the meetup flirting with your crush!
do you like femezen
Go for it shes a massive whore
I don't have a thread enemy and I have multiple thread crushes
I don't remember making this post
A Southeast Asian man stands at a faraway ridge. He watches you and your allies be devoured by monsters.

He is the Monster Hunter.

Because it's way smaller than many of the modded asses I see. I like round and firm butts.
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Looks mostly the same, skin tone aside
My crush is playing War Within though...
i exist in this image, but just barely
my favorite donny coded femlala
I don't have any such foolish things.
i see my wife there
That's what you think...
Wow. I've seen a lot of cringe shit on this board, but this one right here REALLY takes the cake.

Malera players, tell me something: How the FUCK do you do it? Day in and day out, how the FUCK do you cope with your decision to play that race?

It doesn't make sense to me. You can't post in the thread without getting satania posted. You can't /pet a cute Lala without looking like a groomer. You can't talk to a cute girl without being called a creep. Seriously. Not only are you laughed at and mocked CONSTANTLY but, on top of that you STILL have to endure what must be monumental second-hand embarrassment from fuck ups like this. I mean, I mean... just wow. I honestly can't imagine how they endure it all. It must take a tremendous amount of restraint and personal resolve to not fanta off and escape what's honestly gotta feel like a persecution. And yet... you don't. You stick with it. You know... the more I think about it, the more I start to respect Malera players. I mean, maybe I wouldn't necessarily DATE one of them, because I'm a catgirl and I like to only date within my race.

That said, I... I certainly don't mind the idea. I'm thinking about it right now to be honest and it's making me blush a bit. Dating a man like that could be exciting, you know. I've got a few good Malera friends who are still single, and maybe it wouldn't be so bad if one day, one of them asked me out for a candle-lit dinner under the Azimborean night sky. I-I might even agree... I mean, Malera can be quite charming when we want to...
I'm too much of an uninteresting slut to have a thread enemy
Anons what you cooking for labor day weekend?
I bought ribs for me and bone marrow bones for doggo~
I don't want to boost their ego
>Char 1
Snarky remarks, bizarre adventures, and getting chased by a pissed off mob
>Char 2
Leading the real feel crew and finding new depths to the sadboy hell
>Char 3
Absolute isolation, contemplation, and peeking up skirts while using the serious demeanor to get away with it.
>Char 4
Drinking, partying, posing.
Keeper of the Moon.
you have really shit taste
what the fuck does that even mean
Where is your wife? I will take a picture of her.

Where are you? I will take a picture of you.
I have no enemies, I have no crushes. I have no need for the hate or the horni. I am warm and safe.
I will be frying chicken wings and scrimps
Casual domineering godhood.
It's an improvement over the elderly doman man copypasta but I still don't like malera
Built for being at the center of a reverse harem of all the female Scions NPCs
I am a RavaF builded for Sunnie+
Plap or be plapped by?
C.J. or H.S.
He needs to go to therapy. He can only talk to crowds and immediately folds if it becomes one on one
i can hear your lactose intolerant veins curdling from here
all that scrumptious protein and calcium clogging those weak, impotent excuses for arteries
i don't even know what lactose intolerance does but you probably can't get erections and your farts sound like dry coughs echoing through an empty musical hall
Ndja Bosco...thank you...
veeeeery bottom right of the image! my head is the one getting bisected by the shelf lol.
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Sometimes. I can be picky about when I want to actually do ERP properly but I'm usually down to talk about kinks and whatever.
Top Tier:
Yeah Tier:
Maybe Tier:
Probably Not Tier:
Love femezen
It's too late for me. No soup or tea can save me now . . .
I had to get a new PC and now all my settings are fucked. Does anyone have a list of settings to change? Or like a video with that shit or something?
Built for being fucking autistic.
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you know i haven't thought of it yet. I think I definitely want to do something as an excuse to make a lot of fun dipping sauces, so maybe I might go the chunked chicken breast direction, possibly with a vegetable medley with some fun stuff like zucchini and maybe some habanero peppers in the mix to give it a nice bunch. Sharing with my dog.
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Newbie player here, level 54 Warrior, I think I am ready to try to do big pulls. I used do like 2 packs max and then I got scared because my health drops too quickly. Now that people are at the level where they have good AOE skills it should be safer to start the big pulls I assume
I just have some questions because I'm scared

-What happens if I run into a pack, use my AOE skill to get the mobs to chase me, and I miss one? Should I wait and try to get it or is that putting my party at risk?
-Is it just run into pack > overpower > run to next pack > mythril tempest > repeat, maybe popping a defensive skill like Reprise or Arm's Length on the way?
-How do I actually know if I'm getting too greedy with pulls? If I just fucking die then the rest of my party is almost guaranteed to die from too many mobs suddenly targeting them right?
-Should I try a big pull if I don't even know a dungeon layout yet? Most dungeons I've only played once or twice and I don't quite understand all the mechanics in them.
-I am still doing ARR postgame(?) stuff, since I'm on the free trial, I heard dungeons get way more linear after this part of the game, is it worth it to try to do big pulls?
-Are the hard mode dungeons actually hard for newbies? I'm starting to unlock them but I haven't actually tried one yet. Will people expect me to play perfectly? I just moved some stuff on my hotbars around and I'm fucking up my rotations a little bit lol
Crystal queue Eden's Verse: Fulmination...
i cant believe im top tier in moonie's tier list...
Race? Server? Do you like fiddies?
sitting slightly incorrectly in her dresses and accidentally showing everyone her panties
still cute
do you still have your old computer? just upload your data in game
A twofer!
builded for my catboy
cc doko
>He immediately folds if it becomes one on one
That honestly makes him sound kind of adorable
My malera is
Hey… (you)… (you)’re super cute…
Wasn't me, but thanks for that
>My thread crush is sitting next to a handsome Middie
It's fucking over for me...
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>make "friends" with someone from /xivg/
>they turn out to be a completely unhinged obsessive psychopath

why does this always happen?
I didn't plan ahead, I have nothing...
cc koko desu
>F+ that won't put out
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alas.... that was not a remuspost...
Sunnie, and yeah they can be good.
gooning to the "teen grace" folder currently
>prob not tier
r u a moonie
i will honor your memory by mounting those honkers above a fireplace in the Steppes
Remus and Ndja sittin in a tree
my sunnie
cc doko
what's their race?
>do you still have your old computer?
It's gone :[
At the risk of this being the same conversation a third time in a row, is this sunnie a + or no, and did you recently talk to someone in game about something similar to this
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>say goodnight to eb
>they say goodnight
>queue for quick expert roulette to cap tomes
>eb is in there
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what body is that?
Fuck it.
Im a malera and I love groomin.
I said it.
Come and say that to my male middie face see what happens
I'm going to drench a few steaks in some Modena Vinaigrette. Took about half the bottle last time I did it, and it wasn't bad. Just burn them on the grill for a while.
no argument there khagan
Aggro management in FFXIV is pretty much non existent. Just put on your tank stance.

Use your ranged aggro attack to pick off stragglers that missed your aoe

Don't blow through all your defensive cool downs at once, rotate between them.

For ARR dungeons, it's best to pull 3 packs at most since the average healer is dogshit. Woe betide you if you get a curebot

Hard dungeons aren't hard
>start talking to someone from here
>they not-so-subtly make reference after reference to how they're going through a very emotional time right now
>brush them off politely because I don't know them well enough to let them trauma dump on me
>get shitposted and called fakenice
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>make friends with someone from /xivg/
>they turn out to be a pretty nice and pleasant person

why does this always happen?
You've fooled me. A fool I am.

I would never kiss a brother from a place long forgotten. Never.
Who's ERPing at the bench currently
Good FC on Balmung?
CORE? Joker?
How do I go about joining?
...Surprise!! Aaaahaha...
when the duty finder pops, i wait until the last 10 seconds before accepting, im not busy or anything. i just find it funny knowing someone is seething on the other end going "just accept already"
In the scenario that I waddle in at some point would it be proper etiquette to /tell and ask whoever is next to the seat I want to sit in that it's okay for me to sit there? To make sure it's not for their friend or something? Is that too autistic?
please i want to play one more red sands please
ur moonie
My broe accelerating at top speeds directly to your location
did you file transfer your data? you can transfer your info that way.
Those are both terrible FCs. Just join a normal one on Balmung or just make your own.
i love you
I'm not yet
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to be fair look how tiny the image of my head actually was! hard to tell from that reference ...
bit lonely at the bench, to be desu.
I like this femlala
>Make friends with someone from /xivg/
>Pretty much forget about it.
>Just get confused when I see an orange tag.
no and no.
What's AST's equivalent of oh shit OH FUCK Cure 3 Cure 3 Cure 3?
Only a matter of time before Switch 2 gets XIV and you're stuck doing ARR content in roulettes more than before (if that's even possible).
I can put out right now anon
CORE and Joker both have buffs going 24/7 but you can call people niggers in Joker.
No one here cares that much, I think. You can just sit wherever.
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graphics settings? those have mostly all changed.
going through the character and system settings for 20 minutes is probably a good idea anyway.
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>what if I miss one
Once you're more accustomed to it, you can just target the one you missed and use your ranged enmity to tag the one you miss. Alternatively you can use Provoke on it. Worst case, stop and do your next AoE to tag it (but you will probably take a few autoattacks from the mobs, but this is better than it getting aggro on dps/healer)
>popping defensive skills on the way?
Unless you have to stop or pause for something, generally its best to wait to pop mitigations until you've reached your stopping point. You dodge a lot of autos during the pull so you end up wasting a lot of the mits if you pop them early.
>should I try big pull if I dont know layout
Your call, if you say youre new most ppl are pretty understanding.
>hard mode dungeons
Once upon a time some of them were but nerfs and stat squishes mean that moniker is mostly just an archaic leftover. They're basically just "dungeon: revisiting with new stuff / pathes"
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You gonna share those sauce recipes?
Our dogs gonna eat like kings bro!!
Just be sure w/e you give doggo doesn't have onion or garlic in it
I dump garlic in EVERYTHING
Whelp guess Joker is actually good!
I will now proceeed with the
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noooooo it's so fucking over
Not me, I ended up leaving to say hello to friends
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Thanks! im a certified autistic
By put out I mean letting ME plap
it's not like i don't want to pay attention, and i'm often looking up cutscenes after the fact when i do this, but so often, i'm just checking out of dialogue. Like i'll pick up the main point, but even if i'm not distracted by second monitor and have my eyes on screen, i am just checking out so often - the words not even registering as i'm reading them. i am often having to go back later and watch the cutscene on youtube or something

any of you guys struggle with this?
This happens when you're a biofem and let everyone know about it.
I'm going to keep playing like dogshit haha.
This is why I don't open up. It's seen as trauma dumping.
Laughing as the WHM panics?
ok now post moonie
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Wow, what a way to win. Probably didn't need the riichi but hot damn. Winning with style. Grats.
joker, core full
i am going to wear your discarded used toe nails as earrings
Its fine I'm learning a new pvp job its gonna be awful
no she looks to be in poor health
post more of those shiny tits
In my time of need, he arrives again
It will really bring the room together, bring a little extra unity to the tribes. We can all agree on gooning to moonies in honor of the deceased
Ask Rob or Theo for an invite. Main benefit is that the interior of Core house goes hard as fuck & Theo's FC room is really pretty
I love you too my dearest estranged spouse
Shotas. She's a shotacon.
Thank you man. I keep forgetting about my ranged attack, I only use it in boss fights I didn't think about using it on stragglers.
Is there a qrd on when to use which defensive stance? I try to use Rampart when a tankbuster happens and Arm's Length when I have a big bunch of dudes on me, otherwise I kinda just click them randomly aha but I do try to not click all of em at once.
How do I know what expansion a dungeon belongs to? Like this one I'm queuing for "The Stone Vigil (Hard)", is that one ARR or something else? How can I tell?

Thank you as well anon.
you must
we like this
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>What happens if I run into a pack, use my AOE skill to get the mobs to chase me, and I miss one? Should I wait and try to get it or is that putting my party at risk?
Use tomahawk on it. Provoke if your GCD is rolling. Sometimes the best strategy is to to just run ahead of the group, walk into the enemies, and instantly AoE once they walk into range so your GCD doesn't screw you on the timing.

>Is it just run into pack > overpower > run to next pack > mythril tempest > repeat, maybe popping a defensive skill like Reprise or Arm's Length on the way?
Save sprint and use it after you aggro the first pack. It is unironically some of your best mitigation in dungeons. Use your mitigation once you're going to stop moving. Use it BEFORE enemies start hitting you. You will explode to 15+ autoattacks if you don't. Whether dungeons have hard roadblocks of "you must kill all enemies first" just depends on the expansion. You'll learn them as you go, but USUALLY you'll only do 2 or 3 packs and be forced to stop.

>Should I try a big pull if I don't even know a dungeon layout yet? Most dungeons I've only played once or twice and I don't quite understand all the mechanics in them.
Go for it bro. You've got Holmgang if it goes badly.

>I am still doing ARR postgame(?) stuff, since I'm on the free trial, I heard dungeons get way more linear after this part of the game, is it worth it to try to do big pulls?
It depends on the expansion, but usually you want to pull every pack you can until the game forces you to stop. The Aery is a big exception. You're just going to have to judge for yourself when to stop there.

>Are the hard mode dungeons actually hard for newbies? I'm starting to unlock them but I haven't actually tried one yet. Will people expect me to play perfectly? I just moved some stuff on my hotbars around and I'm fucking up my rotations a little bit lol
Hard mode dungeons are a relic that cease to exist later. They're not really hard, just scaled to level 50.
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>make friends with people from /xivg/
>they never want to play the game
>they rather afk or goon

why does this always happen?
Feminizing a miera so hard he pops and becomes a flat fiera (this is how fiera are made)
none really
either ur using ur stuff properly and ending up not having to do that, or u fucked up so bad that ur just fucked
-Try to get it if possible. I have that shit happen to me all the time when I was trying to learn and I didn't realize homie wouldn't come to me if I didn't tag him first even stanced, my poor healers usually got eaten alive before someone finally told me
-cant comment on this because I play DRK but I just do my basic aoe to gather and then do my combo aoe when I'm at the wall
-I wall to wall, and if I die then I ask the party if they want me to dial it back a bit. Sometimes shit happens
-i can't comment on this one too much either since I'm only level 80, but some dungeons have notoriety for tricky pulls, the one on the Steppe in Stormblood and that first Shadowbringers dungeon being some of them
-Around where you're at a lot of times the pulls are smaller so just send it
-they're closer to the point where you need to lock in but they're not CBT, just ask about mechanics
granny cat hop on...
You're a certified adorable is what you are!
Honestly no one really uses defensive cooldowns on bosses, it's best to use them on the trash pulls since ironically those are probably the most dangerous thing in the dungeon. They're pretty much interchangeable since they're all just "enemy do less damage"

And dungeons are organized in expansions and you could tell via level brackets e.g. 51-60 are HW since that's the HW bracket
Have you told them thats not cool?
Im coming over for cc
I am a fiddie, who lost her vape, case and all, and is scouring her apartment for it to no avail.
Gooner gloss is dangerous
o-oh. i just figured we'd use them as a coat hanger or play hoop toss with them
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Being embraced in the arms of giant women or feminine creatures
This World is experiencing congestion. Characters from other Worlds cannot visit at this time.
I remember you was conflicted
Tryna find this top and I can't find it, I swear i've seen it before though
How do I eb you?
Just started the game a couple days ago can I get an invite to an fc?
Sucking the goon gloss clean off your sunnie's +
Built for riding my male middie while suffocating him with those funbags
Glossy goonie paizuri (yes I have a voucher)
your shoes and your influence
>WT is a miera
I will no longer be simping
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Thank you! with any luck i can soon find shark teeth that works for DT as well
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i dont like mooner facemarks
my sunnie will now be queueing down
good games
we need to know which world you're on
What server
r u that one sunnie that was on my team i think one of ur initials is y?
my femra does this to femlala
Hello fiddie. You'll find your vape crushed to bits and swept under one of your sofa cushions. I broke into your apartment and destroyed it because vapes are unhealthy. No need to thank me though, just doing what I can to help a fellow soul.
Gimme like an hour and my spot should be empty. Labor day weekend so I might have 13 calls tho
You have very poor judgement sis
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The Duty Finder menu actually has them sorted by expansion. You can expand/collapse the menus. Obviously since you are newer/lower level you probably only have the ARR menu (possibly HW if you started it).

As for mitigation rotation in dungeons, it's usually a bigger deal on trash pulls over bosses honestly. The big is to not waste them by stacking too many all at once, you get more mileage out of spreading them out. I like to start with Arm's length + Reprisal, then depending on the dungeon lead into either the heavier mit like Vengeance or Rampart if its a lighter gated pull. Also, at 56 (will require job quests) you'll get a game changer skill with Raw Intuition. 25 second cooldown with 6 seconds -10% damage taken but more importantly, you get heals from your weaponskills while its active. This is GODLY on trash pulls, you basically can let yourself get to half or below HP, pop it, then AoE and you will top yourself off easily.
Sometimes I did the same

Still would
Ill be up
is there any synchshell for people at the meetup or one for 4chan in general?
Don't, it's hell right now and queue is plagued with terrorists who refuse to touch their recuperate buttons.
there's a crystal xivg syncshell, ask magness
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i like playing with u
Sounds like fun. wheres the calls
Can you stop being such a nigger for five minutes and play something you don't main for once?
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moonies fuck dogs
Post meetup screenshots!
This needs to happen to my femlala
thank you anon
i enjoy the cc minigame

sorry i was grinding exp for smn, i'll switch to something else next time i queue up
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Asking again for these mods
see you later, sorry for always hitting you at the start!
ask LL
Cute malera
fantastic cheer set or songbirds cheer set
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Same in Core desu
oh yeah - absolutely. Even though she likes hot, going to avoid the habanero with her, too.

I haven't decided. Last Christmas my cousin gave me this pack of hot sauces made of a mix of unusual peppers. They're pretty good, so I may use that when I make my spicy ranch. For that, I really just use Hidden Valley, cayenne pepper, chili powder, and the aforementioned hot sauce. Might add fresh dill to it. Dunno what else I'll do, but I'm thinking wasabi something.
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If you do not fight against strong opponents, you will never get stronger yourself.
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Should I make a xivg pvp syncshell?
I'd join.
But the question is, do dogs fuck moonies
and do you know any dogs that are interested
none of them work they just made a list of their unupdated mods
yeah sure i'd join
No, I'll make it for the clout but you can join if you want
Don't join his syncshell he's a pedophile
why are there so many cheaters in pvp? do they really not think i can tell?
its gear and hair which can all be updated through textools, they still work.
join joker. talk to king pin@balmung
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Queue Crystal CC 8:40 ET
Isn't there already one?
if you aint cheating, you aint trying
Kind of cute in a pouty way.
playing blm has made me used to having a big target on my head don't worry about it
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one of my favorite things about xivg shells is not having honorific installed and getting popups about who's in the match as a result before the portraits even display
it doesn't give me any tactical advantage but it makes me laugh every time
It would unironically suffer from the same fate as every linkshell we've ever had: clout-chasing retards who don't PVP joining it for the sake of joining it so that they can say that they're part of something. Do what you will, but know that I warned you.
anynywan wannya do FATEs
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I hate pvp but i can't stop playing
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all i do is pout
not with you
Syncshells have like 150 slots don't they? I don't think its something worth getting upset about
will you healslut me and we plap after?
She's staring into my soul bros...
Can I do you instead? I promise I'll only take a couple weeks.
Only if my catboy gets to score some pussy by the end of it
But I hate cheating, I need my sense of worth
literally such a non issue
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we like this.
Femra have gone extinct
There will never be another femra posted in xivg again
nyes... DC/world?
chat should I fanta?
this is me right now

this is what i would turn into:

for the record I LOVE hrothgal BUT the lack of hair options is EXTREMELY aggravating to me right now in a way I cant describe
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yeah, actually. Been wanting to level my Shared FATEs and grind gemstones. I'm on Crystal.
I would but I'm watching the movie.
this would be good on a fiddie with a nose ring
6 decides what trial I queue for.
I only have DPS left to level

what da

I'm on Gilgameow
do FEETs?
should I password protect it and have people ask me for the link or should I just post it here

not that I know of

only for big fat juicy fowlander+s

I don't trust non-pvp xivggers to join but that's ok
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Just a few weeks of bedbreaking anal with this moonie
bet - i'll transfer over in a couple mins
My moonie only fucks animals!
password protect it but post the password here or have people dm you. works for magness' syncshell even though its been the same password for months
please miss may i have a boiled egg
Syncshell? Like, for mare mods? What's the point in having one of those for pvp?
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So even you too couldnt ignore it... I really hope they light a fire under their asses and get more hairs stat. It's unforgiveably bad how limited it is.

Anyway, personally my vote is stay femhroth. But follow yer heart
is shota an advanced form of femdom
ok I'll make it when I log in later tonight
I'd like to hope that nobody leaks the password and all that here but it'll probably be ok since there are a lot of slots
sit on my malera's face
Sorry about Twitter, Brazilian bros.
sure why not
I like seeing modded portraits when we start
if possible I'll probably disable vfx in it though because I need to disable them for anyone I sync with
Hey... from another femlala
Sure! Where are you?

oh damn - it looks like i'm just restricted to just going to Cactuar on Aether. Weird that it's just one world. i'm a fucking something up?
My femra just woke up and is still sleepy
one for Effy but that's it, really
How many vouchers you got so far?
Gilgameowsh is difficult to get into because it's an exclusive club.
What's the designated FATE DC and server?
unique hrothgal that doesn't make me want to barf, so no
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Queue Crystal Casual CC 12:00 ET
Do NOT fanta
In all our excitement about the opening of Balmung, we didn't stop to think about what we let in...
Can you post the full image? You look so cute here :3
yeah why not
you can always go back
if ur ever teetering out of frustration it's good to get away for a while
normally i dislike femhroths but i like the coeurl moustache too much over the femra
that said just like follow ur heart bro
Anyone wanna... run one of the Nier raids? Trying to level from 80 to 81 and I haven't run any of those in a while.
What purpose would it serve?
4 hundo
I was gonnya finish getting the mount this week but Genshin update sidetracked me

there is nyothing else to see
would you be opposed to playing on Cactuar? or is it really low pop or something?
Will you be barefoot the whole time so I have something to look at while we kill everything?
only if its tower
I love flat/small boobied catgirls so much...
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These are all considered ARR still then?
>no one uses defensive cooldowns on bosses
Interesting, thanks!

I think I must have only the ARR menu then!
Thank you for the basic flowchart, I'll group up those ones you mentioned and try using them in waves like that. I just tried big pulling in a hard dungeon and died a few times since I didn't know you had to kill the white dragons first but overall it went well and people were nice
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Jokes on you I would pay to be stalked by MM
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okay I'm on catcus

Present your chest (lack of one) for inspection
>These are all considered ARR still then?

>no one uses defensive cooldowns on bosses
Interesting, thanks!
You can tank a lot of hits as a tank, like try not to collect vulns but you can take a lot of punches
I can be your friend with no ulterior motives.
just a sec - things are being fucky. unfuckign them atm. You in Tuliyollal?
I am meow
oh damn - they just closed Cactur, too. I can do any Primal Dynamis, Crystal, and I guess Materia. Any strike your fancy?
Oooo... you wanna meet up with my femlala...
I'll got to Dynamis or Crystal but I cannyot do Materia because I gotta double weave
Okay miau miau
Okay how about .. Malboro, Crystal?
Gosh you're such a tease
Thanks, now i have to listen to this version now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-NzvaFuhsE
okay I have arrived
sweet i'm in tuliyollal rn on Malboro. where you at in town?
where at?
Name a place...
Marilith uldah?
Well I'll wait here for a little bit.
Oops I just saw. I managed to get into Balmung, mind meeting me there?
I guess I can try, I'll just be at the aetheryte if I can
Yea, not gonna happen. Oh well probably just a troll anyways, always is.

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