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>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-War thread: >>492115387
How's your day going /fog/?
Do watermelons hydrate you in vanilla Fo4, or did London add this?
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Unity is best faction.
So there's no way to truly lock in a legendary effect when you want to get three specific ones is there? you just gotta deal with shitty RNG x3?
Can you run both 3bbb and regular OCBP at the same time for outfits that use either?
Most of my clothes use 3bbb and work fine but there are a few that use OCBP and don't move
But if I replace the ocbp.ini with ocbp those few work but 3bbb doesn't
Shouldn't they both work since it is drawing from the same file and picks what it uses from it?
Which game?
>london camelot battle
>dead of fucking night
>meatspace not sitting in a dark windowless room
I've grown to hate fallout4's day-night cycle length, this is minecraft tier. It wasn't a problem in the endings with street lights but out in these fucking boonies I think I flamethrowered like half the squires to death based on how few larpers were there for the henryVth speech excerpt.
>tfw too much of a midwit to patch my favourite grenade launcher to use the new 40mm ammo from the nextgen update.
What the fuck is the Keyword property even for? Are there any mods that add a grenade launcher that uses the new 40mm ammo that keys off the heavy gunner perk?
set timescale to 15
He's rich and famous.
That's the measurement of being a winner in society. He's a "somebody." Which redditors pretend otherwise seemingly out of envy, spite, and cope.
They pretend he gets no bitches, and when people point out he's in shape, rich, and famous (as in women flock to that) they get downvoted to fuck.
I know little of Andrew Tate, but denying basic reality because you hate someone is not good.
You really felt the need to bring this into the next thread? You know he's in prison, and currently being tossed around like a ragdoll to face further charges in other countries, right?
take this to /bant/ or facebook please
is Dead Money a good dlc?
The fact that we're talking about him means he's a "somebody." That's all I'm saying.
Ted Bundy was also "somebody," are you going to defend him when I say he was a degenerate serial killer?
yeah, I love item strips in rpgs
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Though I'm certain there's no shortage of fat-tiddy wastelander broads in the Children of the Cathedral.
No, because Ted Bundy is a degenerate serial killer. While Andrew Tate (according to the merits of society) is not a loser who doesn't get bitches, because being rich and famous is enough to get women.
I'm not defending Andrew Tate, I'm criticizing misinformation.
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>playing some possibly dubious fallout nv mod
>looking for some two dudes in freeside
>spy on them
>they're talking about something
>one of them is some toothless old fuck speaking gibberish
>the other guy speaks english perfectly fine
>the english speaker starts asking grandpa babel if he's seen a mexican courier bitch
>my character is preset hispanic
Huh, that's neat I guess.
Okay, how about Jeff Epstein? He had loads of money, was very well connected in Hollywood, had a wife, a private jet, and a private island! What a winner. You should strive for his example.
If you want to talk about VIP high rollers, talk about House or Richardson. Otherwise, suck my dick.
A "somebody" doesn't mean they're a good person.
Genghis Khan is a "somebody," but he wasn't a good person.
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Well that's neat.
>pattern balding on the right side of the screen
Yuck! Just shave your head. People will think you touch kids.
I think he's a friend
Melons always reduced dehydration which is helpful but stupid that no other fruit does
damn, I apparently have never eaten a melon in vanilla survival Fo4, at least not while also being thirsty
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Right now rolling is nothing but roulette, a groll is when you get all three things you want and the odds of that happening are so astronomical that all but the biggest autists just use gear with one or two things they want
Good news is that this is going to change in three days, you're just in time for the most insane controversial overhaul patch in Fallout 76 history

The bad news is that picking and choosing the three different legendaries you want is probably going to be even worse and grindier

I have been filling my stash with random garbage bloodied/unyielding/overeater/FFR/weightless/etc. drops because after the update they will work like short barrel/scope/etc. mods, i.e. every one you scrap gives you a small chance of learning to create the effect yourself
You usually have to eat two to knock it down a rank, which I always thought was also part of the system (like how you have to eat two mutfruit to go from "hungry" to "peckish")
You're a friend.
>make a massive cap sink in your latest update
>in the same update, completely massacre player trading
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This toaster should be transformed into a super mutant or sterilized.
Y-you too
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>quest giver asks me if I want the long or short of the backstory
>third option: the song version
>companion and quest giver run up to the stage and sing her entire fucking backstory and what she wants me to do
Holy shit lol
nvm figured it out
there is a whitelist in the ini you can add back regular ocbp settings too
works now
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that's me
Substance abuse is gross. I don't get the appeal.
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So there's no tranny men inclusivity? what about black tranny women and men? what about tranny cripples?
War...war never changes...
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Some of these mods are hilarious
>I'm gonna retexture a deathclaw!
>makes it green
Nigga at least try to make something worth downloading
because humans are greedy
Most mods are dogshit. Though, that's because most people are artistically illiterate, which writing is included there.
Also, I think there's a bias that prevents you from seeing the thing you created from the audience's eyes. As in, if you didn't create it, you'd see that it's shit.
>clean fursuit
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>xhe doesn't know
yoink it out of the dev room quite some time ago back before bethesda austin figured out how to track people who stuck their fingers in dev containers
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Weird.. someone actually made Marin's swimsuit. One of the sides of my marin pillow is the bikini version.
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But it doesn't look right at all. He probably just stole a random bikini mod and made it yellow
Wait.. hormones as drugs? That sounds funny af. Is there a F4 version? What effects do they have?
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>mfw never found out how to access the dev room or yoink items out before they patched it
76 has fallen... so many items in there I could've had...
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>it doesn't have any effect
Welp, my excitement is ruined.

I was hoping the hormone drugs would like.. fuck with voice pitch or makes everything colorful or.. something funny. But no, they don't do shit.
It's just a bunch of nasty people in the comments of the mod talking about turning danse into a femboy.

God I hate trannies
Pretty sure it was just cheats. There's a version still floating around to let you access workshop containers, the ones that have random bits of scrap in them as you "free building budget" because people think it's still "safe-ish" to touch THOSE dev containers, but apparently it's still a risk.
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Anyone interested in selling and or trading me the tattered field jacket for my new character in 76?

I just really like the story in 76 and it's been about a year or two since I last played so I'm planning on replaying it on a new character but with that particular outfit on.
Message me on Xbox
Tim Cain is based
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>access workshop containers
That's one of Lupit's mods, yeah. I remember trying it out of sheer curiosity but never touched the actual contents, didn't want to risk invoking Todd's wrath.
Shame about the dev room stuff though.
does anyone want to do a few expeditions
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>tattered field jacket
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It's been a long while since I played.

What, did they make the tattered field jacket less rare now? If you're talking about the Brotherhood of Steel one then I don't want that one. I mean I like it but that's not what I want. Besides you get that one for free as a reward at the end of the questline.
I just wanna larp as some good vault boy turned scav.
you're asking to buy something that I think still has limitless value
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The color scheme of the bra is wrong. Here is a quick comparison.
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It's also missing fabric and the strings aren't right.
It's way more slutty than the original
dude the most I would ever pay for that would MAYBE be $20.
also what the fuck I just reinstalled 76 and I really like the goofiness of the sky line valley season.
Just hire a hooker already, you're not going to lose your virginity to anime
I'm not a virgin. I was normal once but girls are all disgusting creatures. Now I'm a weeb
they should give unyielding to power armor too so i can use power armor and not lose out on a ton of exp
what body mod?
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Got a new friend. I'm pretty sure she's an AI, kek.
But at least she's cute.
Just gotta figure out what weapon to give her. I was thinking gauss rifle..
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Gutsy Squad seems to be a common thing on the random encounter manager. I think that's some Brotherhood plebs they are chewing through.
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Holy fuck.. danse.. stop jump scaring me in my crafting bunker. What an asshole
>he doesn't know it's a mod based off a roastie woke twitch streamer
Like I care what that shit's based on. To me she sounds like an AI.
she's not. look at the mod date dummy. voice AI wasn't good that.
Also, the roastie the mod is based off is this dumb bitch:
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The boys and I running the subways.
Subway runner is such an awesome mod. I've gotta go back to running subways after I'm done with this quest.
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again, not interested, not even in the slightest.
I made her a nanako, gave her cute clothes, a gauss rifle and from now on she's my Synth partner. Kinda like Curie, just a little less intelligent. Maybe a gen 2.5
that mod isnt even well done, theres like no backstory
Hardly matters. One of my frens is Vermillion and if you ever tried her, the cunt doesn't even speak more than 2 sentences.
I just like having cool followers.
Just use heather and ellen and Ivy, ya dumb tranny
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Ellen has been on my team for a long time. She's a great asset.
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And ofc Heather.
.. then there are Vermillion, Dogmeat, Shadow, Cait and Curie.
who's shadow?
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i can't fuckin play new vegas man
twice now i've woke up, done my stats, stole doc's shit, walked out, bought shit from chet, walked to the schoolhouse, shot some mantis, took their eggs, then stopped before going into the saloon
i physically cannot progress past that point. i'm too afraid i might be missing something
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The mod came with a dress. It has panties.
Life sucks and everything that makes it slightly better in the short term is worth it.
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Howdy folks...
cool i have a nuke ready. see you soon
Is this character literally a slut or something?

>subway exploration
fucking based, I always missed that feature from 3. I know it was technically just there to make the map feel bigger, but it fucking worked. It was a great feature.
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do people seethe at trump stuff in 76?
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Marin is not a slut, she's my waifu.
Leave fucking Goodsprings, that place is a boring shithole.
If I get to kill ghouls/roaches/raiders/super mutants in there then I'm game. Nice post.
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I saw one guy trying to shoot up my camp in vain. That's it. The spawn point is right in front of it too. Most people just go straight to looking for my vending machine. The brainlet players give up because I use a discrete cash register on a desk.
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The mod has a few issues but it's great fun. First of all, it's really hard. The enemies down there are brutal.
It connects nearly all entrances but the added tunnels sometimes have like empty ways for a 100meters.. then you've gotta backtrack a little and take another route.
Oh and it spawns absurd amounts of crafting materials. Like, every broken terminal is an actual container with like 20 parts of all sorts in it.
free on Epic store right now
I want to do awful, obscene things to this cartoon woman.
Also, nice. If I'm going to take an alternative and potentially longer route from point A to point B, I'd rather the loot be worth it.
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Interesting stuff hidden behind master terminals in vault 81. Every residential room has a secret incinerator installed.
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Okay so this is new I didn't know that you could make a level 20 character right out the vault. I stopped playing when the first Pitt expansion came out so there's a lot of cool new shit around I see.

Gonna play the entire Fallout 76 on a private world because let's be honest 76 is way cooler than Fallout 4.

I can't even go back to Fallout 4 after playing 76.
no i need to fuckin kill the powder gangers first
>reddit spacing
Joseph "Joestar" Corncob can wait. You can wipe out every Powdered Gengar in their shitty prison base to let off some steam if you have to.
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It's afraid...
any decent food that lasts 1 hour and is compatible with herbivores?
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Only a dead bug is a good bug!
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Was rooting through my screenshot archives when I came across this gem.
Jesus Christ how horrifying
Even in vidya that many bugs swarming a person is spooky
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this is my stat loadout with skilled and good natured, tagging speech, barter and guns
i'm playing with a perception overhaul mod that makes P affect vats accuracy
looking for a midrange to sniper build
it can only go up to 80 bugs but I haven't survived an 80 yet. Those things are armored like u wouldn't believe. And on the hardest difficulty they get plasma bugs bombarding the outpost.
building my camp for the upcoming camp upboat system. thoughts?
How'd you get that UI? I've never seen something like that for Vegas before.
here, sir
Cool Brahmin plush. Might wanna work on that leak though, we can all see the water dripping through the ceiling.
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Yeah, emphasis on "sir". I'm in ad hell right now, despite my browser having plugins that normally block this shit.
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some plugins.
Right. Well, anyway, bold of you to dump Charisma of all stats in a NV playthrough. Rizz tends to get you out of a lot of pickles in that game.
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Time to bring the fight to the bugs!
>bold of you to dump Charisma of all stats in a NV playthrough
what the absolute fuck are you on
charisma affects nothing in the long run and speech and barter can be boosted like crazy with the skillpoint boost from high INT and the educated perk
I wish that Fallout 76 had actual mods
What I'm "on" is basic understanding of the game's mechanics.
Going into it with 1 CHA means you'll be pumping a lot of those precious skill points into shit that would be 20 or 30-something instead of fucking 5 or whatever at level 1.
>no way to activate it
what's the point
>understanding that Vault 81's citizens are a bunch of degenerates who deserve the fires of Hell
I like how you think.
Is there any mods that add weapon/armor durability to Fallout 4
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These cunts are hard.. they have shells like mirelurks
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I have 560 modules and 2000 pounds of guns ive collected over the years for scrapping. Im fucking ready. Also only a handful of my stuff even needs rolling.


Trading mod boxes is going to be the next thing. They'll be extremely commonplace in a couple of months, so I wouldnt worry about it. There's thousands of players who have been in the game since the beginning like me, with mountains of items to scrap. It gives the oldfags an insanely massive advantage, but them's the breaks kid.
tagging speech and barter puts them up to par with the rest of your skills that hover around 19
top that off with good natured and skilled traits and a solid chunk of your skills will be at least 25 out of the gate, and that's not counting the double skilled exploit in goodsprings
using that and taking educated at level 4 leaves you with around 1200 skill points out of the 1300 needed to max out every skill
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But I defeated them all..

Gives me some EDF vibes

Im curious who is sending these messages that far into the future
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I also finally managed to beat my first hard wave. That plasma bug bombardment is fucking aids man. I got a few lucky fatman shots in to take him down.
He destroyed my entire base.
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Look at this shit.. FUCK BUGS
Fine, I'll give you that. You're right.
But having high speech/barter with 1 Charisma still bothers me in an OCD kind of way. Like, from a roleplaying perspective. I can't explain it.
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I'll take my level up and go make a factory for mines. Hopefully I can make mini nukes, I wasted all of mine

Do you have the Godzilla mod?
fuck, man
you can be the most autistic son of a bitch in the world but if you go to therapy enough times and your mind is flexible enough to learn how people work, you can still speak like the best of em if you put in enough effort to figure it out
Please don't remind me how liberals work, I come here specifically to avoid them.
too bad
i AM one
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Partners in crime
Fuck off nonce
You'd know quite a bit about crime, wouldn't you?
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Tiny grill with huge rifle is cute af..

That's not godzilla, that's his down syndrome meth baby
What's wrong, you had no friends growing up?
What are they looking at?
A crime... Duh
An ugly bastard eating pizza in front of his desk instead of the dinning table like a grown up
is that project mojave
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Awesome. Now gimme a mod that lets me pilot Gipsy Danger
no one is going to buy your enclave plasma mods when they nerf canned coffee making it invalid as a weapon entirely
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Are you making a not funny joke or do you truly not know starship troopers?
>degenerates pretending everyone else is the problem.
Fucking again.
War never changes.
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There was a Japanese mod that added mechs years ago


I dont really sell those. I dont sell anything. The only thing I trade these days is plans for plans. They are nerfing some of the magazines that the trade Discord uses though. One guy said he was going to uninstall because his "thousands" of duped magazines has cost him 1 million caps. This, this is why I NEVER bothered with their autistic currencies.
I legit didn't know star troopers had its own fo4 mod. it looked new Vegas-y
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Get that mod, go into the virtual arena it sends u to, equip epic gear and fight bugs!
It's great fun.
It's contained in it's own little interior so it doesn't affect the outside world. But you can keep the armor and weapon if u wanna.
Nah, that ain't the Mojave. Looks like a completely different map.
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I think eating in front of the desk is fine as long as you don't let your room become Asmongold tier.
yo buffscale!
do you think there's any hope for future fallout games or is it joever with how Starfield and 76 panned out?
seems like Bethesda is going to double down on goyslop development and woke narratives
That's disgusting.
What's possibly even worse is that these people just make light jabs like it's some harmless goofy quirk instead of outright telling him to take the fucking trash out so he's not spending all his time in a cloud of mold spores.
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I think the only new thing we'll see from Bethesda this decade going forth will be Hammerfell. And its the province full of basically all black people, a wet dream in this era of wokeness.

I can only imagine how stereotypically black every single Redguard is going to look. Big fucking noses. Huge ass lips. Afros, corn rows, etc. As that one black game designer put it, he's afraid that they'll turn all the females into 40 year old black aunties. Probably transgender wizards who used magic to changes sexes, idk. Or just full on transgender crap thrown in for no reason. You better get ready for the femboy Argonians my man.

Im sure that's somebody's fetish so they'll be happy at least
>You better get ready for the femboy Argonians my man.
I remember when I used to browse /tesg/ that was an actual thing people talked about.
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I'm just sayin', these are perfectly SFW screenshots of a Fallout 4 mod, no need to soil your panties in rage for them
We get it, you're just pretending to be a diddler.
Acting smug to hide your intentions doesn't work here, redditor.
Curry Ur is my favorite Morrowind antagonist.
we can fight back by making a lot of WE WUZ memes.
it'll make leftists seethe
die in a fire pedo
*smacks lips*
sell deez nuts lmfao
>Troon projects
Fallout 4 and 76 are the de-facto LGBT Fallout games, and New Vegas will never be one of them no matter how much projection or clinging from the mentally ill there is
76? Absolutely, every player gets to enjoy the game peddling fagrags to them whenever they open the store. 4? Dunno about that one, chief. You could argue that all the companions are faggots, but I'd say that they're just playersexual.
>4? Dunno about that one, chief. You could argue that all the companions are faggots, but I'd say that they're just playersexual.
If you must have """romance""" in your game, there's nothing wrong with having bisexual characters, but making every single character bisexual is really lazy and kind of disrespectful to your own writing that you subserve it to player impulse and you can't be bothered to say "this guy likes pussy" or "this guy likes dick" when you're adding that stuff to your game already. Also makes it hard to write characters that are good friends cause, for some reason, these """writers""" can't differentiate between relationship getting deeper and romance in general. Goddamn BG3 gay sexual harassment or Cyberpunk "kiss River" option out of nowhere when you're just having beers with your bro.
>Big fucking noses. Huge ass lips. Afros, corn rows, etc.
eh, Bethesda will more likely make them just white people with a darker skin color slider.
if starfield is any indication all the npcs will look ugly as fuck, despite the character creator being capable of creation good looking npc. Especially the women, because conventionally attractive females are misogynist or something idk.
>You better get ready for the femboy Argonians my man.
pretty sure that ESO established tranny argonians being a common occurrence, so yeah get ready for that
What are the in demand plans from the treasure hunter that sell well besides the aquarium tv?
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>mod in doom slayer armor and weapon
>get mod with enormous amounts of ghouls in small spaces
>get mod that makes all ghouls wear pride flag shirt
and those who tasted the bite of his sword named him.. THE TROON SLAYER

The only problem might be finding those cause I think that shit is in the creation club
>my mod has 1121 views and 70 unique dls
kmsing myself
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Mine has a little more..
What should I do, double kmsing myself?
fuck you..........
kek.. why tho?
How is performance in Miami? I noticed that in London, a lot of the areas are very inefficiently designed, probably by amateur map makers, and that causes a lot of lag even on high end machines. No game is fun when you can count the frames on one hand, and if you build upon a broken foundation things only get worse. If there is any particular areas that tank performance right now, such as those with moving foliage like trees and grass, I would assign someone ASAP to fix the issue before you have an entire cell build and nothing you can do about it without starting from scratch.

Speaking of which, how is the actual development on the mod looking? You cannot mod London with the base game in GECK, you have to use some weird lobotomized Fallout 4 esm with most of it's assets missing and no DLC or the GECK crashes with an out of memory error. Makes modding London a pain in the ass, I hope by the time Miami comes out something better will be figured out since I assume working on Miami right now in GECK looks similar.
>How is performance in Miami?
Seems fine any time I'm shown demos of quests or dialogue. There are some places with worse performance or crashes, but the priority is usually to fix those before finalizing areas. We also have someone doing preliminary QA reporting to catch stuff devs don't in this interim period till we find or train a new guy to implement quests.
>I assume working on Miami right now in GECK looks similar
Yeah, we hit the form limit a few weeks ago and are using the same solution as Cascadia which seems to be the same as what you described. We're also doing passes to clean up unused forms, temp and testing forms, etc.
>demos of quests or dialogue
show us something, K
Is there any work on longterm solutions with the form limit? Seems we've pushed the GECK to it's limits, if Fallout 4 is to continue evolving then must the tools for it.

As for performance, I noticed that AA and TAA have a big impact on some areas in London, for whatever reason. Actual texture and model quality and other settings don't really matter but AA and TAA can tank the frame rate. I would suggest running tests with these both on and off and see what you get. Looking into what exactly causes these severe slowdowns within the engine is also recommended, I played some amateur mods for Fallout 4 which had cells that tanked the framerate just like this so there has to be a root cause.
Crashes are another thing I didn't mention, it seems that London becomes crash city after playing it for a little bit. As I understand it, that's due to Buffout 4, which is required to get past the tutorial train derail game crash(which might have been fixed by now). The only solution I noticed is switching to X-Cell 4 but depending on third party modules like this isn't viable. I suggest an in-house solution if you're experiencing any serious performance issues.
>reddit spacing

What the fuck is reddit spacing you absolute faggot?

It's called grammer you monkey just because I'm not typing in ebonics or zoomer slang doesn't make me some fucking redditor.
How do I prepare fore the next 76 update?
I have been saving gear.with interesting bonuses thinking i can scrap them.
Any recommendations or are you fags just going to talk about how you hat tranny mods?
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>I have been saving gear.with interesting bonuses thinking i can scrap them.
There isn't much you can do besides that.
You might want to spend all your scrip on legendary modules tomorrow, because the price is getting doubled from 50 scrip to 100
Or you might want to save them, because after the update they're buffing the "Molewoman sells you a random legendary for scrip" option (I guess that's the new gambling)

Personally, my first scoreboard goal was 72, but because I somehow hit 80 already, I'm going to pop some lunchboxes and a booster this afternoon and hit West Tek like the hand of god aiming for 85. Might not actually be that bad with two sets of dailies left to do. I still haven't learned or optimized it yet and I hope to become a machine at it by Double XP Weekend on the 12th.
Thank you good sir.
I shall spend my scrip.
I've been saving lunch boxes for the next update so we can all benefit from the exp.
There is no more weekly stuff before the season ends, otherwise I've got it in mind too
save legendaries with prefixes you like for scrapping
stock up on various int/xp boosting buffs
claim scoreboard tickets tomorrow, otherwise you will have to chat with lovely SAARport
get at least one weapon with Medic prefix for brahmin caravan bullshit that will come later
save some caps for caravans, initial caravan was like 1-2k after that it's like 200(?)
if you want to discover legendary shit consider waiting few days for mole granny sale and buying up random 1 star legos
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slM2VHgxF7k Here's a VO test implementation. Don't mind her swearing too much, she's one of the few characters that does and she gets called out for it by Vince when you encounter both during an Enclave quest.
>Is there any work on longterm solutions with the form limit?
Some stuff is being explored, but I wouldn't be the man to talk to. I'm on the narrative/creative side.
>I would suggest running tests with these both on and off and see what you get.
Thanks for the tip, I'll let the QA guy know.
Speaking of videos, I got to ask: Are there any videos on your main channel that are deleted, privated or unlisted? The old videos from the FOLON channel seem to be deleted, and these contained soundtrack that didn't make it into the game. You can confirm this via Wayback Machine. If there were any pieces of music or prototype footage removed from the main channel, I would appreciate it if it was preserved and uploaded somewhere else, even if not on the main channel. Since some of these tracks from FOLON didn't make it into the game and the videos were removed, some of these are lost media now.
Just completed the Cutethulu quest, what does the final doll actually do?
>the last part of the video is the player getting laid
>Are there any videos on your main channel that are deleted, privated or unlisted?
To my knowledge, the only stuff we've removed is dev livestream VODs after a certain period of time. When someone joins the project, they have to agree to allow us to use anything they make for the project while with the team and cannot withdraw it if they decide to leave for personal reasons, so it's unlikely anything would have been deleted. In terms of music, I'm pretty sure the vocal and ambient soundtracks are on Spotify and YouTube in full, and those contain every piece of music that was made up to that point.
>some of these are lost media now
One thing I hope we can avoid is losing any of the concept art, since it's pretty cool to trace how ideas eventually made it into the game, or to see ideas that were scrapped and such.
It's a fade to black, so that's up to you to interpret, although I did allow myself to get roped into it giving the Lover's Embrace effect. The Guardian Ranger perk that's required to access that dialogue can only be obtained during the Enclave main quest, so it's one of the unique interactions available to Enclave players.
Is there a pastebin or something that has mods that homosexual modders inisit hiding behind a discord? I don't understand why this is a thing? I refuse to create a discord
Interdasting. I do like how the whole make choice -> get perk -> use perk to make choice in another conversation thing works, it was implemented pretty well in NC.
>Enclave chads get a merc bitch gf that calls you "killer"
K truly is the chosen one.
>The Lovecraft doll doesn't add a perk, it adds an effect that is active as long as you hold the doll
>One of the effects is permanent night vision, doesn't go away during the day or only activate when you crouch like other similar perks work
>In order to remove the effect, you have to install a third party mod and load back to a save before you picked it up
>You had to kill a fuckton of ghouls and potentially get softlocked from progressing just to reach this point
I mean, I like the setup but then the game shits itself when trying to give you the climax and the reward. Hope the rest of the mod isn't like this.
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Yeah. I like doing stuff like that with post-quest dialogue with relevant characters too. Or just adding interactions that hinge on stuff you can obtain elsewhere.
For example: When talking to the Enclave psychiatrist, you can get a prescription for Calmex. If you have it in your inventory when talking to the chief medical officer, she will ask to buy it from you for personal use. Or, if you have the Prescription Calmex in your inventory, the Enclave companion will ask to bum the meds off you one time in exchange for some affinity.
My philosophy is that, if you're talking to NPCs, there should be something of value to hear or experience, even if it's just entertainment value. Reacting to your actions or experiences is pretty high value.
She's based on that archetype, should be obvious based on her name being similar to Revi from Black Lagoon, but was originally just annoying to interact with, so I added other characters reacting to that aspect, and the Enclave exclusive dialogue where she softens up a lot, especially toward the player. Also tried my best to justify the annoying behavior as learned from childhood and partially an act to avoid advances from other Marsh Company mercs. I feel like it works, and the VA did a great job with the lines.
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Alright Todd, I'll give you a smidge of credit. Fallout 4 is actually more fun than I remember it being. But I also haven't gotten to Diamond City yet which means I haven't had to suffer through Emil's excuse for writing.
Nerve status: not merely hit or struck, but decimated.
>blah blah blah
whatever you say, writer man, just keep the kino coming
A plot note that's only recently caught my attention but can't be unseen once you contemplate it is that you can tell almost everyone you meet that you've been cryogenically frozen for 200 years and almost all of them greet your claim with impressed amazement with hints they've never heard of such a thing before but immediately believe in it

The only notable exceptions are
>Daisy, who flat out doesn't believe you until you speech check her at which point she gets even more amazed
>Jack Cabot, who confesses to you that he's 400 years old and then somehow without prompting glances at you and guesstimates that you're about 200 years old (how the fuck did he do that)

But otherwise every fucking person you meet from Piper to Preston to Overseer Pawg are just like "Wow you were frozen since before the Great War? That's amazing dude" like they all read the fucking Suspension of Disbelief tweet from Emil themselves and took it to heart
You can actually tell Preston that you don't believe in Mama Murphy's visions and he replies that you just fought a 12-foot-tall mutant lizard so you have to believe in psychic visions as if the two concepts have anything to do with each other
related to this >>492728891 how do the Enclave in Miami react to the player being prewar?
Preston Hines
To answer your Q, any reference to the Sole Survivor is marked as [Sole Survivor] to accommodate alternate start players and those who don't want to RP as Nate/Nora. You get asked for your previous occupation when joining the Enclave, and there's a [Sole Survivor] line for either gender. With Nora, it's that you're a lawyer and the NPC processing you remarks that you must have had an ancestor in the military since the name is on file. As Nate, you explicitly state you were in the military, and the NPC doesn't really believe you but doesn't dismiss it outright, just saying whether it was you or your great great grandfather, it's good that someone from your family has found their way back into the fold.
your gimmick tires me
I like how this implies the issue is that the mutants and ghouls talk otherwise he'd be up for it.
What a low int take.
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It IS clunkily worded, I agree.
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>doing the Piggy Bank Nuke launcher quest
>after disposing of Marvin, get attacked by Swanson
Who the fuck is Swanson
>look it up on Wiki, he's from Covenant
He ran all the way from Covenant just to try to swing a sword at me on a fire escape after I killed a guy with a mini nuke launcher?
Give me twenty years, and I'll make India a super power. Fifty years and I'll have saars in orbit. One hundred years, and I will be building designated shitting streets in the stars.
with the show retconning cryostasis to be super fucking common apparently it kind of works in retrospect.
On the other hand the whole vault experiment stops making sense. Because apparently it's deemed safe enough for high ranking vault tec personel, so what exactly was the point of the experiment again?
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>Behold my triumph, I have finally found a cure for the Feral plague and saved my family
Yeah, they look like they're doing... great?
Don't be jealous just because Mein Ghoul Fuhrer gets to mind control his wife and have loads of freaky ghoul sex for eternity
Some people say wokeness isn't real. I don't understand what they get from lying about it. It clearly exists.
>look again
>he actually made her put holocaust pajamas on
made his commie lesbo daughter shave her head too
Shitlibs are compulsive liars, and compulsive liars lie. Shocking, I know.
at least best girl got to keep her hair
>wait 5 minutes for game to start
>another 5 minutes loading screen
>immediately crash
thx london
I'm at the point in the Vagabound quest line where I am told to go after Black. This feels like a proper conclusion to the faction, what are my outcomes here if I tell/don't tell Gaunt about this?
kek, nobody tell him
Even Fallout 4 had dual quest outcomes most of the time. Don't tell me all these choices were just for flavor lmfao
>Bought 76 for 20 fucking cents off of a key site a week ago
>Went from level 1 to level 63
Yeah I enjoy it actually, not sure why people try to still say it sucks because I really enjoy it more than any other multiplayer game I've played in a long ass time
It'd be a lot more tolerable if they'd allow limited use of the scrapbox and ammo box without fucking paying.
>I have shit taste and play a DOA non-canon non-RPG, wtf why did everyone lie to me and tell me this is not a good fallout game?!
Because it isn't a good Fallout game and it isn't even a proper Fallout game. If you took everything from the franchise away and only left the bare skeleton, nobody would play this shit.
Eh I've done fine so far, just scrapping junk down into components lowers the weight a ton, and I just sell ammo I don't want or need, it would be nice for convenience sake though I agree
>I have shit taste
You sure do anon, you sure do
good on you King, enjoy your game
People shit their pants when you bring up the fact that Fallout 4 is a better RPG than Skyrim.
In Skyrim you're forced to be evil or just simply ignore the quest. There's no roleplaying, you just get to decide the method of killing or evading.
After reading K's replies ITT, I'm on board for Miami. I know about the troons on the team, but I trust him to keep that shit in check.
As long as there is no thing like the gay GOG product placement or "The Gay Tree" quest I'm sure it will be fine. I would be more worried about one of the they/thems having a panic attack and leaking or otherwise putting the project in jeopardy, like it seems to have happened with Nuevo Mexico.
Speaking of which, are they still MIA?
He seems down to earth. We need more creatives that aren't fucked in the head. Shit's gotten strange these past 10 years.
post those muscles daddy
ur quite welcome bruv
It hasn't gotten strange, the good ones were either bullied or forced out of the industry and we're left with talentless hacks, the mentally ill or the compromised. Simple as, the game is rigged from the start pimp. Look up "Gamergate", it's 10 years old now.
Thankfully it's all falling apart so one way or another, gaming is healing.
>He seems down to earth.
He's a 30 year old Bulgarian /fitlit/fag, everyone knows only slavs understand Fallout.
turk rape baby and a pedophile then
You probably thought that was actually clever when you type it, didn't you.
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It's going okay. How r u?
>he didn't name it pipedream.png
Anon you had one job
that's the fundamental truth, with the pedo rings getting busted there and child trafficking.
The only Bulgarian I ever knew was a dude at my Uni who beat the shit out of a Pajeet who was perving on a random girl, they seem like based people.
Yeah, same with all these grooming gangs full of British dudes and German knife attackers.
bulge area
lmao, wait till you hear this

Did you mean
>Since then Erikson-Hull, who was originally from Plaistow in east London, has been living in a Roma neighbourhood called Nadezdha in Sliven, posing as a missionary and youth worker. Erickson-Hull is known to have been visiting the neighbourhood as far back as 2015 and Radio 4's File on 4 has heard allegations of sexual abuse spanning more than half a decade. Former volunteer Dawn Gibbs, from Houston, Texas, said she walked in on him in bed with a group of boys in 2019.
Or did you mean
>The arrest of a 72-year-old German man early Wednesday in Bulgaria’s Samokov was reportedly part of a Europe-wide bust on a massive pedophile ring.

Seems to me it's actually Brits and Germans doing the child raping. How the turns have tabled!
Balkaners tend to just beat pedophiles to death, and the police turn a blind eye, unlike cucked west EU countries where the police defend the pedophiles.
Guys, don't feed the troll.

I'm 31, stalkeranon.
sorry dad, I'll get your age right next time
>shut it down!
fuck off
we know fallout season 2 will show new vegas
but what else, deathclaws, super mutants (if any are still alive)?
the way the show left on a cliffhanger I am very curious what happens next.
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>pick up holotape
>it's about a police chief and his trigger-happy deputy being arrested by some rebels
>shit goes fubar and everyone ends up getting shot
>you can hear the different weapons being shot, casings hitting the floor, people grunting, beer bottles being shattered
>all of the bodies downstairs have different weapons
>police chief's body is missing
>blood trail from the bar to the office
>police chief's body is slumped over a desk at the office, where he alerted the other vault personnel
>I am very curious what happens next.
More fanfiction, less Fallout, the same pre-war mutts taking up way more screentime than needed.
American game series btw
TV show isn't canon, so it doesn't matter
why does 76 make my CPU temps so high. nothing else does
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You didn't redeem the pride flag icons. You know what has to be done.
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All that pajeet poo is clogging up your computer's internal fan.
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What went wrong?
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Take a wild guess.
Normies don't play Bethesda games for the quests. They usually do focus groups and surveys before starting projects and after a product has been out for a while, you know the ones, where you rate stuff from 1 to 10 or least likely to most likely. They do plenty of these in person with their target demos and also online ones for general data.
The way normies interact with Bethesda games is by walking around and getting into fights or exploring, kind of how you would play Minecraft and the new Zelda games. Do you remember when Skyrim came out? Guess what else came out exactly one week later - Minecraft. Kids who were 8 to 14 in that time are adults now and are the ones making the majority of video game purchases.
isn't literally every single quest in morrowind unmarked?
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>TV show isn't canon
>even tho Todd Howard wrote it, kept with the games lore
>we are getting show references in 76 already

how is it not canon?
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>Walking around and getting into fights
...with invincible, uncharismatic, soulless and shallow NPCs
...1000 dead planets and the same copy-pasted 10 dungeons
Starfield listened to the retarded part of the fanbase and even then they failed to give them what they wanted. This studio is FUCKED
Well I will be, we were just talking about retards who have nothing of value to say and whose every single opinion is wrong, good of you to show up!
if people are calling the show Fallout 5 and Bethesda is taking it seriously lore wise (despite a few mistakes here and there and inconsistences but the lore drift is constant in a series like this)

So again, are you a purist who only thinks the games are canon or what? why shouldn't I take the tv show seriously?
40ish what
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>If everyone in Bethesda declared there are 765 genders and majority of the fanbase plays Fallout 76, the game with representation of all these genders, what does that make YOU, chuddy?
Someone who isn't mentally ill and/or terminally retarded like most(about 90% or more) of Bethesda's fanbase. Enjoy the special ed class tomorrow while I enjoy my canon, two gender actual RPG games!
why is everyone in 76 a boomer? I haven't seen one person who is under 30. It's like a retirement home in there.
People who genuinely give a shit about Sirsfield
>hairy arms
God, what a pathetic creature.
76 is canon until the vault number is casually misused or the time period has conflicting events in an official main studio game

this won't happen because fallout is never getting another game

The only personality I keep running into is deflated zoomer (I just killed him with my trap base and he thinks if he COMMANDS me he can get his stuff back) and housewife (her entire outfit is pink, and she is rocking friendly fire 3 and a standard flamer reskinned with the flamingo skin unironically to be a support slut)

but that's mainly because they're the only ones who have their mics on
Or a pedophile? Or a troon?
Picture and filename unrelated, of course. Do not look up who this individual actually is or how many godforsaken hours he put into Fallout 76, that is entirely irrelevant.
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>76 is canon until the vault number is casually misused or the time period has conflicting events in an official main studio game
Well good news, the TV show has so many goddamn plotholes that it practically drowns itself in them and declares itself non-canon so we don't have to! Glad we came to this conclusion all by ourselves and we won't have to argue over it for another 7 hours, which is coincidentally how much free time I have today!
Whatever Bethesda says is canon is canon.
Why do kiwifags drag their personal beefs with them wherever they go? Nobody cares.
you meant to reply to this, right? >>492762928
you're welcome
Starfield actually had 101 devs and 1000 dudes cleaning up the turds.
What plays in my head when I'm plowing your mom like a cornfield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ZdVyMUziw
do you think the rizzler plays fallout
Can't wait to see people scrapping their precious legendaries by accident.
the niggler?
>doing new skyline valley questline
>get to part where i have to go through a pipe
>door is inaccessible
>restart game
>quest removed from log
>oberlin acts like I'm still on the quest and can't accept the quest again, it's just gone forever
>a fucking maniac built a camp that's just a huge glass box the Scorchbeast queen is forced to spawn into
I am astonished this works, and having seen it astonished I haven't seen a thousand people do it
Whatever you like the most and makes the most sense for you is canon.
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>Whatever you like the most and makes the most sense for you is canon.
only way to look at it really
surely with this update they will implement a way to lock equipment right? so you cant accidentally salvage when spamming
Once again I am out of mods to try.
I want to start over but use the same character model It's been quite some time since I've played F76. Very unlikely but hopefully they implement a way to save your appearance
if it's favorited you get a dialogue box, but you can't favorite more gear than you can have on the wheel, which is dumb
what's your mod anon?
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I was planning on buying this from minerva too
What's your mod. I'll play it.
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Can't scrap items that have Atomic Shop skins on them
make your own. tranny.
I don't now how to and I don't have a single good idea for one.
So much for Skinny Malone.
anyone have alien blaster plans to sell? :)
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i have a spare, you want it?
if your on pc.
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how good is F4's weaponcrafting?
seemed like one of the game's headliner features if you ask me
Arent there like a couple of really good options and everything else is trash
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hate newspaper
simple as
Laser and plasma rifle has a couple good mods
That's it
The only important stats are damage and rate of fire
Stability is useless because game is made for consoles and accuracy is irrelevant because there is very few long range fights because it's a console game
Rather than having more variety thanks to weapon modification you have very little variety as one gun fulfills 2-3 roles
Unironically New Vegas weapons modifications are far more meaningful due to the greater variety of weapons, ammo, uniques, weapon condition and probably something else I'm forgetting about
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A provisioner just snapped suddenly on my companions once. It also happened in Sanctuary. They're probably raider plants, forced into compliance.
are there any mods for 4 on nexus that'd balance things out?
>he aims in VATS the game
Poor brainlet anon.
without a mod to speed up VATS in 3/NV/4, I'd say anyone who didn't even try to go without using it was just an absolute shitter who can't even play singleplayer games, because that shit got boring fast

in 76 it's even worse though, because the real time VATS mods became reality, and it is the mandatory way to play
Not really
There's a mod that removes auto recovery for recoil but it's pretty awkward
Attachment Pack and Conversions adds more modifications but it's just more of the same
Fallout 4 modding was doomed from the start since everyone just accepted that it was good enough and started modding call of duty and coomer shit instead of trying to improve the game
You better play something else if you want interesting and meaningful weapon building
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I have never used VATS
I go around kicking ass with an auto axe and a gatling plasma
When it's a real simple daily like "cripple 10 ghoul arms" I even use a semiauto reflex sight bloodied combat rifle I have absolutely no perks for and pretend it's still Overseer's Guardian
Poor little brainileti anon. Little dumbi numbi baka. Can't even press VATS button.
If you can't enjoy VATS then what is there in life for you? That thing is the sickest shit ever invented in vidya. The animations are absolut gold. The mysterious stranger the hypest shit ever. Why waste your time with aiming when you can enjoy watching a deathclaw gettimg homerunned 100m into the air and blitz charging after it.
VATS is literally the easy mode in F3/4
Bethesda games since Oblivion are designed for niggers playing on cosnoles
Fallout 4's weapons are balanced because you can use virtually any weapon and complete the game on survival without feeling like you're doing a self-limiting meme challenge
You like that 10mm you get in Vault 111? Get your hands on a two-shot one, slap an extended mag and advanced receiver on it and you can defeat the Institute with it

Basically any weapon is viable for normal play besides like, the boxing glove
because I like to actually play the game instead of having the game play itself for me
Easy mode? Anon, it's a vidya that's supposed to be fun, not some dark souls torture
You're literally immortal in F3 during VATS
You might as well just type tgm into the console
Jesus. That's just sad. Are you the type who loves having a job?
Are you the type that likes to pretend to be an idiot, thinking they're getting anything more than apathy and pity from the replies they earn?
So? Fallout is about cool explosions and awesome kill cams. Why are you turning it into an esports thing?
>Why waste your time
This is the dumbest take because every combat encounter in F3/F4/NV takes 10x as long when using VATS
You can mow down most raider fucking shits and their dads before the BWEEEE WOOSH sound effect would have even finished
What a waste of time. You guys boot up a vidya and don't even enjoy cool shit. The EEEEEHHHH of VATS makes my dick hard. That shit is hype. Then you click that dumb bitch if a raider and german suplex him so hard his head explodes.
Pure satisfaction.
>Unironically New Vegas weapons modifications are far more mean
saved the schizo rant for the last line
you trannies are hilarious
>You can put an extended mag and scope on few guns
>You can put an extended mag and scope on a lot of guns
NTA but what really shines in NV and I have no idea why they removed it from F4 is the armor piercing/hollowpoint/surplus/etc. ammo swaps
>I love NV so much all I do is talk about how shit fo4 is in a desperate attempt to convince myself that 12 years and 2 testicles given up was worth it
weapon mods and ammo types are literal bloat that can be 100% ignored on even the hardest difficulty
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I just realized that every random bloodied/weightless/unyielding/etc. legendary is going to be worth thousands of caps tomorrow
The prices will crash shortly after but there's going to be massive whale FOMO trying to scrap and learn as fast as they all can
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Tell me about NV players!
Why do they wear long socks?!
I remember the day I first saw all these craftable ammos. So much stuff to make and it all needs endless different things. I closed the game. I went back at some point but never once even dared craft a single thing. What a god awful design, kek. Never have I seen something more bullshit in a vidya
For the same reason why they dropped 20g and 12g and simplified everything down to “shotgun shell”
They don't give a shit
The first half hour of fallout 4 clearly shows what bethesda wants from fallout
Dumb retro 60s and le epic fight with le death claw in le power armor
All just to please people like this >>492802402
From the thumbnail I thought u somehow got your hands on one of my pictures. Spooked me a little
reddit buzzwords: the post
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The shitposters are out in full force tonight aren't they lads
I do, how much do you charge? Do you have mod plans too? I'll buy them.
>Dumb retro 60s and le epic fight with le death claw in le power armor
chefs kiss
That's what fallout is all about. Everything else can suck a dick
>he played FO4 story instead of turning left and wandering into the world
it's not a corridor game my androgynous, sentience-challenged young friend
>Noooo! You're playing the game wrong even though you're literally doing exactly as intended!
When World War III starts all bethesda fags will die because their shotgun shells just won't fit in the shotgun
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>20 years later I am still getting outclassed by Todd, Emil and Bethesda
>how much do you charge?
Take it off my hands, i don't want caps.
>Do you have mod plans too?
Unfortunately no.

whats your ign?
my ign is riloxd, thank you! I appreciate it.
you'll see it soon enough
Thanks, I accepted a few friend invites. Not sure which one was you.
I'm "programmingsockswearerUwU"
Thank you so much, wow
No problem
it helps with the crippling hoarding.
When are you two gonna kiss?
how's the 76 community? is it woke or can I act based like people do here?
You can totally slap my ass and call me your slut in 76.
Put some variant of your name with NV and you can get in our discord and play with us
based 76 chad helping out the new guys
bitter as fuck because he played the same game since 2011
I'm glad it had some use.

Going to try a few legendary rollls now even with that update coming out, should get something okay
I played new vegas since june cocksucker
are you a female?
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>can I act based
There is no in game communication beyond proximity voice and emoting at each other. You can launch nukes at camps but your victims will probably just disable their camp before it hits. The vast majority of players have pvp disabled. The community itself is quick to shower new players with everything except rare items but has absolutely no cohesion. Actual teamwork is beyond rare in both frequency and necessity.
Only after I played New Vegas.
woke hugbox but there are some real mischievous shits and the report function basically doesn't do anything
feel free to write "death to niggers" on your camp and name yourself "childfondler," and bait people into killing themselves over and over in your trap camp
No, I've got a big dick and like it rough.
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This has probably been posted before, but have you ever thought about how super mutants are sterile and look the same when made from either sex?
As in, does that mean they're impotent too? Could a supermutant get horny? Do they still have the same bits and peices as when they were mutated but just bigger? So some super mutants have big floppy green dicks and others have pussies? Do they fuck eachother in their spare time? Do behemoths have man-sized cocks? Would you have sex with a super mutant if it had a vagonia and if so, would it be tighter or looser than a human one?
I'll accept it. if that makes you my personal slut I'm okay w that
Super Mutants definitely have to be capable of fucking because it takes a medical report to convince The Master they're sterile and he might have noticed sooner if they were physically incapable of boning each other
Don't do it bro it is the path to Hell.
Makes no sense to hoard plans and not give them to new players.
i just keep the rarer ones to give to friends.
Aliens should come back at some point, you'll get the plans in no time.
> Actual teamwork is beyond rare in both frequency and necessity.
Given the few times you need it however, it gets annoying to deal with "turrets"
who cares?
I'm more interested in that UI (bad) and the ctrl-v slopjob on those two muties.
I'm also more interested in how FEV rejects are in WV 20 years after the bombs fell did they wander east from Mariposa?
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I just checked the timeline and he had been creating Super Mutants for at least thirty years without ever noticing that not a single one of them had ever given birth until you tell him about it
So I think he might have been retarded
Oh my god I never thought about that, big homo mutant orgy confirmed. That's fucking hilarious.
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>I'm also more interested in how FEV rejects are in WV 20 years after the bombs fell did they wander east from Mariposa?
Nope, they're a completely different strain of Super Mutants created by a West Tek leak in Huntersville, West Virginia in 2076
People might have noticed America was about to get overrun with Super Mutants BEFORE the war but then everybody got distracted by China nuking us
After a while super mutants went from being an experiment made through a particular process to the default human reaction to any FEV, which is stupid because Harold exists and having different mutants is cool.
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Every time a new Fallout installment is launched in a new time and place, Bethesda has two things they need to figure out:

>What kind of excuse can we make up to have Super Mutants show up here?
>What kind of excuse can we make up for the Brotherhood of Steel to show up here?
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Literally me
West Tek has an FEV research facility in WV. Personally I wish Super Mutants and BoS weren't in 76 or at least very early versions of them.
>Behemoth squats down and fucking unbirths your ass
Terrifying thought.
but if I get a slut to worship my cock...as long as she looks like a grill
They should have done the opposite, they should have had early enclave soldiers instead of forcing the BOS in. This could have been before they took a hard no mutants allowed stance and would have actually been interesting. Also the more direct nods to Fallout 1 and 2 are based for such a shit game. They should have made a new breed of mutant though, or at the very least imply somehow that a sample of the FEV strain from WV was shipped to C.I.T. if they had to re use 4's mutants. So lazy as always.
Why would they need an excuse? Mutants just go places and the brotherhood flies around for funs
What is wrong with you? Don't do masty trannies. Fuck a real guy. A manly man with a nice cock
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Ghouls are also incapable of reproduction but are canonically very capable of sex
It's actually sort of disturbing that clients line up to see Beatrix in New Vegas and in 4 Hancock gets more pussy than a cat shelter
The Brotherhood of Steel doctor also says that there's a serious issue with many wastelander recruits fucking "nonhumans" and I hope/assume he's referring to ghouls and nobody is fucking Super Mutants or Mirelurks

I guess there could be a guy who wants a doctor to look at his dick after he fucked a deathclaw, but he'd have to climb up a tree to retrieve it first
I'd fuck a ghoul in the ass. I bet they are warm like the inside of a microwave
nah I don't like gay people. they are annoying
If you look at it as fucking a living corpse (which some if not many probably do) sure. Though I think it's pretty realistic if you think about it, people irl will fetishize literally anything. Probably some freak out there into ghoul women's farts.
Brahmin orgy. Double the suck and it dispenses milk for refreshment
No u
Bloated glowing one facesitting. Imagine the stench
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You can't really tell in F3 and New Vegas because everybody of every species looks like shit, but in Fallout 4 non-feral ghouls look more like weird aliens than they do rotting, mangled corpses, which makes them look LESS repulsive somehow
Zombie maggot farm ghouls >>>>>>>>>>>>>> melty chocolate ghouls
I'd pray the radiation would be bad enough to have burnt off any bacteria and then probably kill myself if not.
>Aliens should come back at some point, you'll get the plans in no time.
Yeah, I can wait. Or I'm sure I'll see some in a vendor as well.

Can't decide if I like the disintegrator or blaster more so far. Managed to get a bloodied roll on the blaster on my first try, so that will do for now until the legendary crafting. Thanks again.
The unknown is part of the fun. Will it detonate before you coom or will you make it out with empty balls and a melted face? Thrilling
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how are the load times on the fallout london mod
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>stash full of legendaries
>inventory nearly overburdened
>can't play FO76 anymore until scrip machine resets tomorrow afternoon
Hah, loser
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Kinda makes me want to replay dust.
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Made a new character for 76 since all the updates makes the game really fucking sweet.
Playing as a soulless ginger named Niko Bellic like Niko Bellic from the male pattern baldness game.
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Immediately went to my first character then dropped all my plans, recipes, and some level 20 weapons for this bad boy.

Goddamn the burnt vault lab coat is fucking radical I dropped all this shit in that donation box next to them two bitches in-front of Vault 76.

As soon as I switched back to my new character I found some fucking scav rat going through my fucking shit then immediately ran down those stairs and took EVERYTHING. Fucker stopped then turned around and started chasing me down and looking at me.
Then I went and turned this guy

into pic related with a few small alterations.
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please don't mention male pattern baldness, it makes me feel not fun
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You should shave it all off now before you end up in that weird balding transition cope period that looks super depressing. If you shave everything now you will own it and be an epic bald guy (vin diesel).
I already keep it at 6mm length. I don't wanna go all bald. I've got the headset dent in my skull. It'd look weird
same as base fo4.
but the mods just boring and too tame. feels like British reddit
>but the mods just boring and too tame
same as base fo4
Stop wearing headsets and switch to earbuds then if you don't want that stupid head dent you retard.
I haven't worn headsets in 10 years. I've got a studio mic and use a soundbar.
A skull can't just un-dent itself.. It's bone.
>that trans aesthetic
what's the best way of getting Gatling Plasma plans besides MODUS
Trains are cool
I'd actually redeem a lawn flag version of the tranny flags. They'd look great in my graveyard camp.
they aren't great, ngl
even with long loading times fix and high fps fix with loading screen anims disabled, they are still considerably longer than vanilla for me
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For me it's .308 rounds
trains are, not trans people. they look weird and like serial killers
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>no vascularity
That dude is a fat troon
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>Probably some freak out there into ghoul women's farts.
War never changes.
I'm only just now noticing that Asians like Fallout.

Do they just like Bethesda games or the Fallout series? Lot of Fallout art in pixiv but I can't read moonrunes so I don't know if they're Japanese or Chinese.
generally speaking
jip japs have characters with softer edges and are more wavy, chinese is the opposite of that, angular
Korean has a lot of character with "o" in them
Pixiv is a japanese website, right? So I'm guessing what you saw was japanese.
There are a bunch of chinese and japanese modders on Nexus. There are also tons of chinese translations of mods on nexus.
And of course China got its own exclusive Fallout Shelter spinoff with additional content.
Overall there are probably as many chinese as japanese Fallout fans, relative to their populations.
The Japanese have loved open-world Bethesda games since Oblivion. If you consider how influential Mad Max was (Fist of the North Star, Trigun, etc.) in Japan, it makes sense they'd latch onto a series that combines them. I imagine there was probably also a strong underground following of the first two games, since western RPGs in the 90s were quite beloved by westaboos, not dissimilar to how Russians really latched on to the original games, too.

This might be racist or projection either way, but I always assumed the Japanese played Oblivion and Fallout to make them into interactive 3D hentai games. Never really imagined them actually playing the games.
The one thing I would give 4 while knowing it's just incompetence is locking the "whole" romance aspect behind quickloading the charisma check instead of "integrating" it into the actual companion quest like they did in sirfield or BG3 does in it's dating simulator or cyberpunk does with every character vinyette being a date but teehee no it isn't male anon put on this wetsuit and listen to my trauma dump. The fact they didn't keep it for sirfield shows it was a fluke.
>have platonic quest core
>augment it with opportunities to flirt
>romance blossoms after platonic quest core is resolved
was simple, actually worked

I would say cyberpunk it the worst example of the opposite with just writing romance arcs and removing the option on half of them, but it at least has the benefit of it firing correctly 30% of the time. Girl V trying to let copman down soft was cringekino and you feel for the guy, same way it's just exceedingly gay and awkward to play grabass with him as the true male V then never speaking again after losing gay chicken. Panam is onlygirl, Judy quest is an odd bird because you really shouldn't do what she says and get everyone killed and you are an emotional tampon cuck for putting up with that shit as platonic guy fren.
>but I digress
Starfield blew it out of the water on shit railroaded romances, somehow managing to make being a gay homo or hover hander integral to every companion interaction. Everything you do for a character if you are shooting your shot turns "romance" into a transactional reluctant reward from your hag of choice as she constantly shunts your bargained pp touch to the end of their questline. And if you don't the remnants of the one set of writing linger as brokebuck mountain tension throughout as you solve space cowboy/space negroe's romantic baggage problems to free them to be best buddies haha. It just sucks.

Something like fallout4 done by CDPR or any competent studio is the brass ring no game has achieved thus far.
Kinda ded.
.308 status?
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i like fallout series as a whole, i wish for a fallout series set in japan. heres my take on how japan will look like
your bimbos are due for a size upgrade
yeah, if they are gonna halfass the romances, why bother at all
either fully commit to it, like BG3 or the bioware games, or just don't do it at all, like New Vegas or any Bethesda game before Skyrim for that matter.
A big difference between F4 and Starfield is that the "romance" in Fallout 4 felt way more goofy and non serious, which kind of worked for the game, while Starfield tries to be really serious and "realistic" about the romances, but it just all ends up being really cringy.
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This dropped for me, would this be good if I decided to one day do a bow build? I've heard the DPS on the normal bow is better than the compound, but not sure how much it matters
And he said this as if he has any frame of reference for 12 foot tall mutant lizards not existing
looks sick, good job
looks like concept art from some of the actual games
I feel like it would be hard to capture the Fallout feeling in Japan.
what would 50s aesthetics in japan even look like?
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i think it would look pretty much like showa era japan on steroids, ginza already looked pretty futuristic in the 60s, with some newer buidlings inspired by japan retro scifi, like astro boy doraemon some other 70s anime, i think fallout 4's high tech buildings would fit japan much more than america
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also thanks!
neat stuff anon, the 80's anime futurist aesthetic does fit a lot of the things they've tried to wrestle into fallout.
>just watched a video about Hiroshima bombing victim accounts
>the "ant people"
harrowing shit. crowds of neutral npcs with cracked charred skin that just follow you assuming you're going somewhere would be a really fucked up thing to spawn after a McNuke use in a fallout game.
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I thought I would just quit for the day and reload entirely, she is still aggressive as fuck with a souped up tommy gun that takes me out in 1 burst.
I think it's because me and some Minutemen had a big fight outside Diamond City with the Mary Sue Sherriffs Department and some DC security guys. Weird that she is agro in Sanctuary.
Piper flies now?
Wow the anchorage ace is really good
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Playing Fallout 1 and 2 on windows XP is so much comfier. Also there is zero anti piracy protection on the steam version. You can literally stick either on a USB and play them on any computer.
No reason they can't do both.
For what it's worth, I thought the Panam stuff was handled quite well since you could either go in a friendly direction or slow burn into a romance. It's probably one of the better-handled romanceable companions in RPGs, about as good as stuff in KOTOR 2 but not as good as Mask of the Betrayer, which is gold standard since that ties into the main quest. The Witcher doesn't have companions but does have decent romance content, but that's aided by the fact you're not playing a create-a-toon, so it's kinda cheating by having established dynamics already. Stuff like BG3, Dragon Age or Mass Effect is just romanceslop, not really worth talking about in this context, and it's a shame that it's used a selling point that everyone cares about. Although, I will say that Shart and Lae'Zel had romance content that didn't feel shoehorned or as fanservicey as the rest.
It's kind of expected these days. BioWare did irreparable damage to RPGs by attracting the "shipping" crowd.
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It was a more innocent time.
is anti armor good for an auto grenade launcher?
Panam is better structured than the rest, if you don't do her optional revenge run and then don't flirt after it her quest just turns off all the other "romance" moments and what's left actually ends up platonic and arguably a stronger story about Panam, Mich, etc. during your coup arc of the aldecados. In comparison Judy doesn't "lock off" unless you refuse or kill her ex gf in the whore revolution, where your interaction with her unceremoniously just ends with no swimming lesson. River and Carrie there is no breaks on the coom train and if you do it at all the quest assumes you're trying to fuck them and do or get cockblocked by winning gay/straight chicken by going for it and them finally going "woah I know we just walked off for some privacy and stared into the sunset but I meant it platonically bro/chika lets uh... heres my gun btw... ok see ya V." If all the romances were similarly structured to Panams with an early testing the waters moment that locks off future "romance" dialogue on a not taken/wrong sex choice then the game would be a lot stronger in it's character vignettes. River specifically I bet has been played by a fraction of players because his brooding protagonist cop arc is so heavy handed with it's meeting his family shit, which only works if you are female, a girl(f), and want a le latin lover. So like 0% of the playerbase. Sad since if it didn't feel like he was grinding on you like Gayle it's remaining narrative is a strong part of the game that's brutally undercut by girlV subtext in every fucking line and empathetic dialogue choice.
so i got 5k scrip which im gonna use up to buy modules (i already have about 1.1k) but reddit says something about making cheap 3 star legendaries like secret service armour with ultralight for scrapping tomorrow?
That's a good idea, it will use up your modules which will be converted horribly to scrip. Then you will have a lot of chances of getting good legendary mods from scrapping
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You need modules to make secret service armor anyway
But yeah, if you wanna stack unyielding/overeater/sentinel/AP refresh stuff to scrap tomorrow, you can't go wrong making a pile of secret service armor because you're creating legendaries from scratch for a much lower cost than rerolling existing ones

One module and a bunch of cheap scrap gives you a random 1, 2 or 3 star. I think the only downside is that once you learn the effects you want, you won't be able to sell the spares - I'm sure trash legendaries with good effects are going to be fetching piles of caps in the days after the update
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>it will use up your modules which will be converted horribly to scrip.
Don't confuse it (and it's atrociously confusing, so I don't blame you)

Legendary MODULES (the things you get from trading with mole woman) aren't going anywhere; if anything they're becoming more vital because they're also used to attach learned mods to legendary items, and the price is being raised from 50 scrip to 100 scrip

Legendary CORES (the things you get a couple at a time for completing events) are what's getting disposed of, and insultingly each core is being traded for 1 scrip

It's really stupid because it's impossible to "burn" through your excess cores right now anyway, since every crafting recipe that takes cores also takes modules, and by doing events to run up your scrip you end up with more fucking cores than modules no matter what
i already have 5 unyielding, ap/2x fall damage/breathe underwater/ammo/food weight solar armour pieces
What's even the point of fall damage legendaries, mods or perks when Bird Bones exists
Should I be using all of my scrip on modules before tomorrow? Or just most of it? I feel like I'll want some scrip at least
You'll have "some" scrip no matter what when your cores go poof
The only minmax decision today is:
>do you want to stack up on half price modules now
>do you want to do the Buy A Random Legendary Item sale when it gets buffed tomorrow

I just hit max scrip so it was an easy decision for me, I dumped 5,000 on modules and kept the remaining 1,000 to play with
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because i got unyielding and they were ok secondary perks and not worth rerolling and risk losing unyielding
Well now you don't have to you just insert some effect modules over effects you don't care about. It becomes untradeable but SS gear always was. Give it 2 hours or so tomorrow once the players can login and somebody will be churning them out, 1% chance or not.
Assuming we don't all get completely fucked by the archive reformatting which they are no doubt going to fuckup.
Anyone else think Bethesda Fallout has peaked with 76? I don't mean that in a good way. I mean that in the sense that they've crammed as much non RPG fake-gameplay-depth shit into it as they can within the creation engine. Like this is it, they literally cannot go any farther on a technical level. Their only option at this point is to either make a better RPG or change genres and likely developers outright. I don't see what else they can do with it.
Okay, I think I'll spend my scrip down to around 500 or so. Thanks.
>am entirely detached from this gay fomo bullshit because updates have been such tepid shit
I'd give it a week before one of two things (or both) happens.
>Everyone realizes it is worse
>vendors are flooded with boxes for the easy/good things and money being worthless crushes the trading economy
either way it'll free some more niggas from the hell of their own making. Then they'll probably reverse it when they realize people are paying the chinese real world pennies for stacks of boxes to craft their godrolls then never log in again.
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It's both upsetting how depending a billion dollar company is on the now decades old Gamebryo, and the fact that nothing else today really does the strange and wonderful things that Gamebryo can

Pic related, it's Unreal Engine trying to mimick Gamebryo and even beyond writing or level design or whatever, it's just so unsatisfying to WASD it
I don't think the embarrassment should ever be escaped, that Obsidian declared they were going to make their own "spiritual successor" to Toddout and not only was it dogshit compared to New Vegas, it was also dogshit compared to Fallout 4
>I don't see what else they can do with it.
Sandbox RPG like Kenshi or Mount & Blade. They won't ever, but it would be kino.
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well fallout 5 is already in development but i feel like there are many parallels to GTA

>gta 5 = fo4
>gta online = fo76
>gta 6 = fo5

i think the only way fallout 5 could improve is a bigger map with more content (im talking 4x the size of fo76 map skyline valley included) with some level of procedural generation possibly and transport while avoiding becoming soulless and empty like starfield

as for the setting and year i genuinely don't know but there are hints it will be set after season 2 of the series so possibly in early 2300s
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Yeah, the mod boxes being tradeable, the mod boxes being craftable and the mod boxes being a singular focus of autism makes me think that
>every important one will be 10,000 caps tomorrow
>every important one will be 50 caps next month
Like how every random camp vendor has 60,000 Fascnacht masks in it that don't sell

But I'll take it as a win if it lets me slap Sentinel's on everything I own

I gotta say, it was weirdly insightful/balanced that one-star legendaries are all the important ones in the first place, to the extent that you roll endgame in all one-star gear and every second or third star can be nice to have or irrelevant.

Y'know what they're definitely going to fuck up? In December there's going to be a new Enclave megaraid that will allegedly:
>actually be challenging (unlike SBQ/Earle/Brain Bots/Chungus Rat)
>introduce FOUR star legendary effects
Picturing "legendary Enclave boss" I can't imagine anything besides "Secret prototype Frank Horrigan 0.5 we never mentioned before"
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Why doesn't this work on Union power armor?
Unions are anti-chaos. Get the fuck outta here, warp filth.
it might say it doesn't there, but then does in game
check elsewhere with a google search
my friend bought liberty prime skins but they worked on union just fine despite saying they wouldn't
Got Fallout4 from friends and should I start my first playthrough with mods or not?
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>Bethesda Fallout is not canon, not an RPG series, it's fans are all trannies and the TV show isn't canon either. Your projection doesn't matter, just like your media.

There was a very vocal Japanese Fallout community since at least Fallout 3
If nothing else, get f4se installed and all the performance related shit like buffout and the physics plugin etc it will eliminate the loading times and make it much more stable.
My female characters in F4 have a dark patch on one of their shoulders all of a sudden. What could be causing this?
lmao, it's just their "goes on all power armors" text but they never updated it to include union PA
so are they re adding unyielding to PA tomorrow or what?
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>should I start my first playthrough with mods
My rule that I play games through vanilla the first time was broken with Fallout 4. I played the main quest until the part that needed Dogmeat and knew what I wanted changed by then.
What solutions have you tried?
if they did there would be zero reason to use anything else
yfw trannies have since been eliminated by the time the other mainline Fallout games happens
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tomorrow will be interesting
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Alright she's calmed the fuck down, that's me happy that I don't go into Sanctuary and get one shot.
here's how interesting it will be
>wow, I can make perfect legendaries now
>but learning to craft them takes forever so I'm already burned out on learning the recipes
>hey, this new season sucks ass aside from those wall catwalks that will probably have a dozen build glitches associated with them
>hey, this caravan content is just a rep grind with an absurd cap investment
>what do you mean that's it?
>*logs off*
I modded it my first time through.

I've actually gone back to do it unmodded and the only thing that truly suffers are the visuals (obviously modded visuals will be better) and the bugs, since Bethesda has unofficially outsourced bug fixes to the Unofficial Patch mod team. I strongly recommend the Unofficial Patch as well as any visual or audio mods that will just make the game look and sound better. My first time through I actually used seasonal mods, meaning I started with a fall set then switched to a winter set, then a spring one. It was cool, but switching between them broke a bunch of stuff and caused glitches, and there's no good winter mod for Far Harbor (or, at least, there wasn't years ago when I did this; dunno about now) so the atmosphere was totally ruined by making it snowy. It WAS really cool to go through the Glowing Sea in a blizzard though, and ending the main quest in the winter actually fit really well. So did playing Nuka World in the spring. But like I said, it can cause problems to actually try switching between them to match the time of year, so as cool as it is in theory, I actually don't recommend season mods.
>don't "invest" in the caravan cuckery
>have caps during the boxcuck red monday to come, going to every paypiggy barbie dream home buying bloodied bitch bastard boxes for less than the price of the serums and bobbleheads to craft them
like the last thing that privated everyones camp the boxes and wallet cap is going to be a big hilarious clusterfuck when the math doesn't work out on crafting and someone manages to dupe glitch a few thousand stacks into the game ecosystem. It's like a mechanic designed from the ground up to be exploited by rmt chinese bobblehead farmers.
It's like a 1/100 chance to learn the recipe, isn't it? 1/10 to get a box from scrapping? I really don't think people will buy 500 bloodied boxes just to have their own supply or even to resell.
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>oh wow I blobbied my way to X recipe now I just need to turn flux into serums into... caps
>will do it
>week2 economy will center on a price that makes none of it worth it
>race to the bottom
>thousands of the things will clutter stashes forever after
>rmt and offsite "tos abiding" groups have tens of thousands of every reagent they've been using to bypass the cap economy
New Vegas is the trans name
It should be buried with it's "dead name", Van Buren.
>blah blah blah I'm da wolf of 76street blah blah
or, I could learn the recipe for myself, make enough for myself to create a perfect set of gear, and then never engage in player trading...ever

you know, like the majority of players
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Modding Arma has been a complete and utter nightmare next to the delight that was modding NV, so I'm making a diversion to play through Garden of Ethan. We got off to a poor start with a large conflict with The World We Knew but thankfully someone uploaded a very soulful patch already.

I'm eager to see how this compares to Havasu Blues which I felt was a good mod with some unfortunate flaws, mostly in it's second act.
just like you can personally spend 80,000 caps on serum plans then launch a nuke then harvest flux then kill creatures for stable masses then make stable flux then make 1 of each serum and... or buy them for 200 caps from someone who probably traded a chink duper 2 years ago. Todd defending contrarianism to think the viable way 2 play will be farming plans by scrapping hundreds of guns for the chance 1 of 3 drop as a recipe you then have to use rare consumables to craft. Trash2boxes and vendor hopping is how people will turn 10k caps into a full set of -90%itemweight unyielding when the reality of making boxes sinks in when it'll constantly be undercut by mass scrapping.
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Anyone know how to fix this? In game on some modded outfits I get a purple texture on some parts of the outfit for the female version. Male version looks fine

In bodyslide those parts are silver and say no image. But if the male version is fine and other parts of the outfit look fine I can't be missing textures
ebin, I hope you have fun
>just like you can personally spend 80,000 caps on serum plans
yeah I bought them all
>then launch a nuke then harvest flux then kill creatures for stable masses then make stable flux then make 1 of each serum and
Or you just take the stables from killing the blast site boss and throw it on the pile of ones you've collected over the years?
You're right about the serums being a sought after item, though, better take those out of my vendor so some retard like you doesn't gobble them up instead of a new player trying to get their mutations set up.
You're probably best off doing a ctrl-f for purple on the comments section on Nexus. If it's not showing on bodyslide and purple in game it definitely is missing textures though.
sounds kino
I think there is a mod for skyrim that dynamically changes seasons, but not for Fallout 4 yet. hopefully someday.
There is a seasons mod for 4 but if you're going to use it, manually delete the snow file. Snow storms are kino but the way snow lies has been lazily done.
oh, sick, I completely missed that
>just do the sure thing of... running world bosses until the right stable fluxes are deposited into your inventory, server hop until someone else launches a nukerino this is the easy way to do it ok
>wanted to make some bushy eyed newfags day with his 1000cap lv20fixers and herbivore serums just like the reddit posts say happens
>will angry emote and camp swap when their boxes put them past caps limit day1 and get cleared out day 10 by a random lv90
utterly representative of the average 76xister
I launch all of my own nukes, doesn't even take me 5 minutes, and when you come to my camp to "clear out" my vendor all you're getting is a funny trip down the punji hole.
I can't play it unmodded anymore. I didn't even finish it unmodded. Genuinely an incredibly dull game that sucked all the glory and magic out of exploration and looting, dogshit writing, non rpg. I can never muster any interest for the game itself, you aren't missing a lot if you like the games prior to it, just Todd and Emil's fanfiction. The game is built to be modded anon, just remember what isn't part of the actual game.
>bro I've got like... all the hekkin door glitch mods get trap based bro this isn't cringe as fuck at all
being retarded isn't an argument against the economy mechanics of an MMO existing anon.
Being in trade discords and knowing what's going on with 3rd party RMTers is what's cringe. Just play the fucking game you gibbering faggot.
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I already giggled.
>know that like every other thing they've done this shit will be vendor trash like serums from the cap limit, duping, and off site trading? J...j...just grind for it you hekkin shitlord!
>H...h..hey don't buy that properly priced box those are for future discord eggs only! (you in like a week and a half
You should try learning how to play the game faggot. It's the most basic bitch lite multiplayer in existence and you dumb reddit faggots still shit and cum about events and vendor dynamics.
What the fuck are you even rambling about
Shut the fuck up
>no...the chinese dupers already have a bajillion bloodied mod boxes for sale...WHY ARE YOU LISTING THEM FOR 10K CAPS EACH? STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT
you after coming across the average oblivious player's vendor who doesn't even acknowledge your "player economy + 3rd party outsiders and """MARKET FORCES""""
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it's genuinely disturbing seeing mentally ill trader producing scenarios on his own at mach 10 speed and getting mad over said imagined scenarios.
lmao fat fuck
>melty guy having a little melty of his own
>thinks his ironman cuck run is normal or even viable gameplay
>thinks anyone seethes like fellow redditors do about the instore prices when trying to offload 10k just to avoid cap limit and already hopping 40 vendors on multiple servers in the process for one thing not (known) or cheap.
You seem pretty invested in the idea that anons won't be listing scrapped boxes for random lownumber, like vendortrash scrip limit guns before them, for someone who claims to only want to farm the new shit system for personal use.
/fog/ is a helluva place for schizos and very bitter anons
someone had to get really worked up about legendary crafting the day before it went to live, but I was really hoping it'd be someone upset that their godrolls are now worthless, not some player economy schizo who thinks his live and love 3 stonks are going to plummet
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>even viable gameplay
Who the fuck cares about what's viable when the game has zero challenge? ohhh nooo I kill the super mutant in two shots instead of one oh noooooooooooooooooo
The only people who care about legendary grind tedium are those who have done everything already.
No, it isn't. You're obviously a jew trying to cause division in /fog/ by imagining up shit.
she is actually ripped
Ripped a fat one, more like. Disgusting braphog.
Give her some time she just woke up from a time of plenty. A diet of radroach fillet once every 3 days will slim her down.
>boxes will be worth big caps guys I'm scrapping 6 mules of legendary pipe rifles to be able to make the bitch bastard box day1!
>no it's not going to be worth same or less than the serums/bobbleheads from every single person always scrapping the good effects and throwing the 10%chance box into their vendor
>just because they're made out of the most duped items in the game and can be freely traded doesn't mean anything
>well actually I'm just doing it for the love of the game because this is peak gameplay, 300 pulls for a 95% chance of actually pulling a 1% drop rate... well it says 1% that means i get it in 100 tries! Then I can make 1 of them whenever I want as long as I find the materials.
>actually it's the weird thing to know how the game works every time "rare" things are added by updates, you'll sure be mad when I still have 10,000 cap bloodied super sledges in my base and not just take my canned coffee and fast travel to the next one.
Who are you quoting
Excuse me?
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whoever told Todd this justworked on the test servers and is mad the obvious is going to happen to undermine the grind.
niggers are being quoted
locked comments on the nexus thread

What does silver mean in bodyslide though? Anyone know?
I beg your pardon?
>delight that was modding NV
I'm modding vegas right now and get weird fps drops while looking at npc after some time, happebed to dead victor and a random bighorner. I don't know what the fuck causes it anymore and i'm close to loosing it and deleting 200+ modlist just out of anger
>What does silver mean in bodyslide
If it's that one outfit and no others then it's missing textures. Are you using mo2 or vortex?
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Garden of Ethan is scoring VERY highly with me RN, I'm really enjoying the use of music with ATMOS in my LO. This MA is clearly extremely talented, though I see some of the same minor issues that we saw in HB appearing here.

Need to take a break because it's 9PM and my back's killing me, but I'm definitely keen to play more.
Francine a cute.
lower back?
You bet your ass it's my lower back. You hit 25 and it's so fucking over if you've done any kind of physical job in your life.
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unhinged rant, I will not buy your legendary mod boxes, I will make my own, stay mad
Dead hangs from a doorway pull up bar fixes mine if it ever flares up. 15 - 30 seconds of hanging every time I walk past it.
What if he doesn't want to stay mad?
>this invested in legendary box stonks being high
Good idea, I'll need to look into getting one. I've been going to the gym recently for the first time since I was like 16 so that's probably not helped. Need to work on my form.
if he can get this worked up over imaginary scenarios involving player traders he doesn't have to interact with, I don't think he has a choice, nor will he for the rest of his life

I'm not selling you any either.
male version of the outfit works fine so they textures are there
Yeah, don't lift anything heavy unless your form is perfect. Even if dead hangs don't work for you they're still of great benefit and a doorway pull up bar is one of the best investments you'll ever make.
What if he calmed down after his post?
he visibly hasn't >>492894701
>this worked up over boxes you definitely weren't planning to trade
just need 300 junk legendaries per effect for your own personal use 70xister. unless you need more. Will all be worth it when you don't sell them and didn't just buy them from someone's vendor to clear your caps cap.
All of my modules disappeared.
I just bought so many and now they are gone.
Did this happen to anyone else?
Maybe that isn't the same poster, and is a troll engaging in puppetry.
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Pathfinder is a better Fallout game than Fallout 4 and 76
idk how to use that, sorry. Did you try removing and reinstalling?
Shame Fallout 4 is a better game than Fallout.
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Even in fucking fantasy russians managed to cram in fallout lmao
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>get all the legendary mods I need through just scrapping as I try to learn the recipes
>15 in total for my armor, 15 for PA, but they already have decent rolls so it's more like half that
>weapons are also already fairly decent rolls, and a lot of the rolls I would want to make are absolute joke shit I don't need, like vampiric auto axe
what's this guy going on about anyway
fallout in a nutshell
>"war never changes… and that's bad… for some reason… dunno…"

very profound
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>californians and mexicans start entering /fog/
californians be like
>"men can give birth, bigot"
mexicans be like
>"excuse me, it's Latinx"
>I don't need recipes akkktually, I just need 30 specific best in slots from the 10% gacha of scrapping for 1 in 26 * 3 effects on legendary drops
>The Todd of the cards will guide me s...s...shut the fuck up ok!
>I for some reason think and want legendary crafting to suck hard enough to justify the grind I've invented for myself
see you in the vendor lines server hopping for cheap boxes m8
shut the fuck up JagOff
>Dismissed as mere tribals by the New California Republic,[Non-game 1] the tribe actually sits on a wealth of pre-War knowledge. They spend their days memorizing pre-War schematics that no contemporary wastelander can understand.[Non-game 2] After the Brotherhood defeat at HELIOS One, Elder Elijah wandered the wastelands for a time. He would join the Ciphers for a while,[1] and was one of the only outsiders who was able to make anything of their old-world documents.[Non-game 2]
fallout 5 will be exactly like fallout 4, except everything will be worse
I'm still unclear what he's upset about if his final word is
>the grind will be bypassed by everyone selling the stuff you want for cheap
Fallout 5 will just be more of the same. Every Bethesda is essentially just the same, with a new gimmick added in. They never scale up, the amount of content in Oblivion feels equal to that of Skyrim. The graphics get better, but the amount of content stays the same.
just had the weirdest bug in 3, the controls completely bugged out, up became shoot, r2 stopped working etc.
had o quiet the whole game to get it to work again, wtf?
>the boxes will be cheap? Well then I don't even know why I was arguing for the first place
most intelligent 76 gacha grinder
I don't think he knows why he's upset at this point
>faggots seething about fallout 5 6 years before it comes out
You'll be seething about it ten years after it comes out as well. Fucking lol.
And you know we're all going to be playing it for at least a thousand hours.
You also need to stretch every muscle that attaches to a joint that's hurting. Helped hugely with knee and lower back pain I had in my late 20s. Haven't had any such pains since I started regularly stretching my psoas, flexors, etc. Regularly vary your posture throughout the day too, joints need lubrication, and that only happens when you move and change position. Gym is huge for helping with pain, just don't squat and deadlift heavy, treat those as "health lifts" and make your gains elsewhere. I also started exclusively wearing barefoot shoes around the same time, so I'm not sure how much that helped, but it does help with hip alignment, buy those used since plenty of normies give up on barefoot shoes before the adjustment period is over, so plenty of cheap namebrand pairs floating around. Another joint cheat is gelatin, just dissolve some in your coffee or tea, helps with tissue repair and healing.
Making realistic predictions isn't "seething." Whatever Fallout 5 is, it'll be underdeveloped.
You have another 16 years of bitterness ahead of you. Settle in for the long haul. 2040!
we won't be getting fallout 5 because skyrim 2 is going to be the flop that shakes bethesda to its core
>nuhhh, skyrim 2 will sell fifty bobillion copies
it'll still be far less than they projected
woke people be like
>"yeah of course I redeemed the flags!"
Must be nice not having standards.
Starfield wasn't as good as Skyrim but I still enjoyed it. I thought some parts had good atmosphere, the music was pretty good and Sarah's questline got in my feelings.

That last part will stick with me forever, even if the rest of the game doesn't.
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nvsisters be like
>of course i'm a real woman!
kino lore tbqh
After sirfield and ESO the idea it'll just be we wuz hammerfell an sheeit is hard to believe. Skyrim2 will probably be the entire empire, humans won't have unique racial skills imperials could always be black shitlord, and the plot will be about diversity being the strength that stops the gnostic literally hitler elves who hate life and the demiurge Lorkhan, as told by Emil with his bigg brain. It'll be a big procgen shitpile with radiant quest generating triggers a predictable distance away from each other unrelated to road or terrain. Armor will be 1 slot and helmets a second slot to save processing power for the xbone720 but battles will still be like 10 people per side. They'll compare it to daggerfall and say it's more feature rich/location dense than starfield. Leveling will all be additive damage buffs with opaque descriptions. There will be no player enchanting because you ruined it anon todd is angry. There will be no level cap and infinite playtime from radiant quests, assuring all gameplay feels the same at lv5 as it does at lv1234. And you'll be able to spend atoms on horse armor.
i hope in the coming years they are hunted down to the last and gutted.
I'm currently playing through Skyrim after a few years, and damn, 90% of the quests are fetch quests. And I'm not even talking about the shitty radiant quests, that keep bugging out.
>Regularly vary your posture throughout the day too, joints need lubrication, and that only happens when you move and change position.
I'm really good at this when wfh and really bad at it when playing vidya. Just get too immersed I suppose. Bethesda games having so many load screens is good though. Instead of alt-tabbing to 4chan to dump a shit post I do some bodyweight squats or press ups.
Never heard of barefeet shoes before but what you are saying makes sense with regard to hip-alignment.
Okay. thanks. Seems like it should work then
Will Cryptid Hunter power armor ever be put into one of those season bundles? I really want it.
Yeah, another canticle for leibowitz type thing. Also reminds me of geneforge 1-- the mages in that setting created a sentient servant race that ends up fragmenting into several factions after the mages deserted the continent, and there's this one servant lady who manually copies all of the documents that the mages left behind. If you examine the documents she's been transcribing, you find out it's all just useless receipts and shit that no mage would care about, and if you tell her the truth she mentally breaks down because that's all she's been doing for her entire lifetime lmao. Or you can lie to her and praise her diligence.
Jewish people be like
>"yeah I bought all the CCs, I want to support Bethesda and mod creators!"
>I'm really good at this when wfh and really bad at it when playing vidya
Can't speak much to this since I rarely play at my desk after getting a Steam Deck, but I did get a standing desk and walking pad to maintain activity while waging from home, and it's been comfy playing vidya while casually walking on the treadmill after work. It's a pretty big investment though, but it made sense for me since I went from over 20k steps a day to 2k with my current job, and that just didn't feel right, had to change.
To be fair, since most games aren't set up for unique or detailed interactions. Just about any RPG quest will be a fetch or kill quest.
However, you can dress them up in different ways, add plot twists, niggles, opportunities for mechanical roleplay etc. When most players complain about fetch quests, their problem isn't the fetch quest format itself, it's they don't do anything interesting, meet anyone interesting along the way, etc.
>add niggles
Games have been doing that too much lately
Well that's cool.
I'm Catholic and think people deserve to be paid for their work
did spamalot run of LONDON
>lot of subterfuge, very little knight larping
>doesn't give you faction weapons and armor you get killing them paradoxically on the 5th column route or Angelmaxxing
>does give you secret squirrel 5th column gear from dead commies, entirely useless for your playthrough
>you turn the tommies to your side by revealing their mole after they were ordered to fight you, guy who becomes bestboy of smythe on angel route inexplicably wants to fight for democracy. 5th column infiltrator spouts platitudes and Arthur just No U's... and the tommies all side with the knight larpers no question and smythe takes this betrayal.
>fight through Westminster is same with different names to objectives, still big and good
>bbegs declare fatwa on you after already fighting through much larger killbox
>can only fight in the end
>ending just says they did free and fair elections... but kept parliament... and the gentry immediately corrupt it with money and lobbying as the minority party. Smythe just dips or you killed him. No 5th column end card even though you buckbroke them
So Angel is the real ending that makes sense, the rest are the equivalent of NV ending on golf clubbing house or if you could shoot shaun and everyone in the institute. No analysis of political ideology at all which is surprising when you have a true evil autocrat ending as the main one.

I don't "get" how a King running functionally a junta is the champion for democratic elections and the game doesn't expound on that at all. In practice they're more "fascist" than the 5th column as they grant land deeds for production that is tithed. They could have round pegged this square hole by saying they are a secular military order that would swear loyalty to a legitimate government, but in "Albion" they are just the government and Arthur commands absolute power (could have stopped a certain duel, absolute arbiter, etc.) Muddled at best.
is the treasure hunter event over already? I didn't get the sprinkle power armor paint yet
did they even add new plans to it? I didn't see anything mentioned
I'm a newish player so I didn't have most things. Feel like I got a lot, got the aqarium TV, the outfits, but I really wanted the power armor paint even if I only rarely use power armor
Treasure hunter ended eight hours ago
I feel like RNG paid off big on me because I had no idea what it was and had found like four random mole miner pails, then read about it and bought about a dozen more at the train station, and ended up with 2x Treasure Hunter Outfit plans + the sprinkle power armor
Oooh, is treasure hunter sought after? I got that and insurgent
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>entire fucking page of Red Rocket merch and Red Rocket bundles
>no Red Rocket cash registers
what the fuck
There was a red rocket vendor, not sure if it's gone, but I got the bundle with it in. I put the vendor in the red rocket garage and decorated it really well. It looks cozy
Wait how do i see people make nicer foundations than the standard ugly ones we have with the concrete and the weak looking foundation frame thin
Put a catwalk on the edge of the foundation
Hang a halfwall from it
Delete the catwalk
if you didn't buy the fort fortress catwalk pieces while they were available for like 150 atoms I genuinely feel bad for you
I bought the whole fortress kit, I really liked it. I will try this
I reinstalled 76 today (prematurely it seems, oh well) but my fps feels terrible. The game seems to be capped at 80 fps, gpu usage is only at like 40%, cpu even less. Despite being 80 fps, it feels terribly choppy and stutters constantly. I'm pretty sure there was a simple way to fix this when I last played but I don't remember what it is. Any help?
.ini tweaks, either do it yourself or google the tool
What does this do?
leaves the wall hanging in place
be careful with it, though, as you might find objects suddenly telling you they can't be deleted because they're supporting something, and then you're in for a bit of trouble creating a new support for them so they'll allow you to delete them
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I just crafted 120 sercret service arms so I officially cannot play anymore until after the update
Just put on Sturdy Frame bro
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It's really annoying how they never added the screaming eagle wood skin to the atom shop for one of those "catch up" scoreboard bundles.
Is it possible to contact Bethesda and see if add it to my Xbox character? My PlayStation character has it but I sold my PlayStation.
I think it's on the list of items you can bug support about but I'm not sure why you'd bother when Handmade is just a worse Fixer, and is likely to become even more irrelevant soon

there's a really sick mod to replace it with a cowadooty AK too
I'm a console fag that's why.
Also because there's no good skins for the combat rifles but the handmade rifles get all the cool skins.
Weird I was also looking for the Vault Survivor outfit and Vault Survivor hood in the bug support page but it's not there?
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Kinda fun driving around.
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Does anyone know what walls these are? I like them. The clear one I assume is greenhouse right? Then there's the wood and the white one behind the greenhouse walls
doubled stacked greenhouse kit half walls for the glass, the white wall is some concrete fort kit he's turned around backwards and put white wallpaper on, and the wood walls are again backwards facing walls he's put the wood panneling wallpaper on

unfortunately the white wallpaper and wood pannel wallpaper are both in packs they seem to never put back on the store
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Yup, it's official. I'm addicted again. I spent the whole of Labor Day just playing FO4 for the first time in 6 years. Damn you Todd.
Thanks for your continued slaver.. I mean labor
Is the answer 16cents?
I can't get addicted to Fallout 4 anymore. Doing anything takes too much time. Can't even start the fucking game without prep time and inventory management.
I think that's called mental illness
You can jump off the top of the monorail elevator and not die if you have two pieces of legendary armor reducing fall damage iirc since it is a 50% reduction which is cumulative or it was at one point.
You're right, the game was designed by the mentally ill for the mentally ill.
>oh my god I can't wait to spend an hour trying to figure out what's wrong this time in an install I previously thought was fine, that's my favorite way to spend my two hours before or after work.
Sick of bethesda games but you can't waste all that time on a series and just leave.
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>reinstall fallout 4 to try some new mods
>use downgrader
>it now just straight up instantly crashes after showing a black screen for a second
>it doesn't crash after a verify game files
>downgrade again
>crashes again
>verify again
>disable all mods
>crashes with no fucking mods installed
>TRY IT AGAIN but with the needed files for the downgrade
>crashes again with the only mods being the needed ones
I just want to fucking play fallout 4 man...
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Then stop modding
I'll never get the "I'm gonna moood" obsession people have with 'thesda games, I beat Morrowind, Skyrim, Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas without ever using a single mod

One of these days I gotta get around to playing Oblivion
>just play without your QoL and game expansion mods
bait-kun, i...
>doesn't give you faction weapons and armor you get killing them paradoxically
common problem in rpgs tbf
How about I "mod" my fist up your ass, you dirty ass-munching homosexual.
bring it cudmunch
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>I posted proof I have played hundreds of hours of Bethesda games with no mods
Fuck outta here
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This is the curse you bear for trying to make fallout 4 a completed game.
All bethesda titles are bearable without mods, fun even. Fallout 4 isn't, once you play it for long enough you can't play it without mods, unlike the others that can hold up in their own ways. Fallout 4 has no strength strong enough to justify playing it over other games. Want to shoot? Get Halo or Doom. Want to explore? Go play 3, no junk collection. Want an RPG? Play 1,2, or NV. The only aspect of 4 I can say it has over other games is it's base building, but even that is so lacking in depth you'd be better off playing a tower defense game like Dungeon Defenders 1. 4 exists solely to take advantage of the modding scene made by Skyrim's success and it shows in how vacuous and shallow the game is.
you know you can enable achievements with mods right...?
either way, trying to flex that you played an objectively worse game with less content than everybody else isn't a flex.
You cumbums are all the same. Gay.
>you know you can enable achievements with mods right...?
How the fuck would I know that if I've never modded?
>only responds to the point he can argue
Why would you do that to yourself? Do you hate yourself that much?
I'm not that poster, but, mods are gay. I play straight vanilla. You modfags better get used to it.
He says, as literally every post about mods is "I spent all day tinkering with my mod list and the game still doesn't work, wat do"
The question is in weight so the answer would be in weight so 16 pounds
once you go modded you never go back. I legit couldn't play Skyrim or Fallout 4 without mods anymore. Mind you I played these games hundreds of hours vanilla before, before I got into mods.
base building in Fallout 4 without mods is just sad. with mods it's kino though
Not him but this is what I mean when I talk about trying to make fallout 4 a complete game. We keep tinkering, modding, praying that we'll get that sweet sweet fun new experience with the game we can finally decisively call "good' but that day never comes. New mods come out. New problems come up. We play other actually fun games and are amazed at how far we got in the time it takes to get enough glue to staple a scope onto a hunting rifle. Fallout 4 isn't a good game, period. It's like trying to edge but you can't even get turned on, there's very little build up, it just sort of sits there sad and dissappointing, yet we still try.

I only ever play 4 for VERY specific mods now, like America Rising and MAYBE Fallout London, but the idea of stomaching 2 playthroughs of 4 back to back legitimately has me fucking nauseous. I think I'll play Underrail instead.
fallout 4 is good. you're just shit at the game
I agree, place anywhere and scrap everything not being in the base game is a fucking travesty.
that alone makes fallout 4 unplayable without mods.
Don't antagonize fellow /fog/ posters.
I'll have you know play "modding fallout 4" on very hard and survival
Mods only serve to "dirty" the experience. You can't convince me otherwise.
>single player games being hard
>beth games being hard
you got a (You) outta me
so does anal sex and people are still into it
>objectively make something better
>"ermm that's a dirty experience"
holy bootlicker
Being shit at the game doesn't have to mean it's hard
it doesn't even make sense why they would put these restrictions on you. To stop you from building unrealistic floating structures? Well, that didn't work. You can still do this as long as it touches the ground somewhere. Even worse their restrictions encourage floating structures because the ground is not flat anywhere (fucking razorgrain I swear).
I mean just look at fucking minecraft. Virtually no restrictions in building and the vast majority of people still build realistic structures because it just looks better.
I'm hard for you
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That only serves to prove my point. Sodomy and modding are two sides of the same coin of degeneracy.
grrr fuck off
I think another problem is Fallout 4's culture. The culture you're assigned is "wasteland shithole." Building settlements would've been better in TES which has nice architecture.
I'm gonna sodomize you, how you feel about that, bitch?
That's fucking GAY!
i pissed too hard and shit myself
It's not gay if the balls don't touch
Oh, they are gonna touch, I'm gonna make sure of that
>nv players discuss and share quest mod reccs, wish each other a good time and give each other fitness and health tips
>4 players ready to kill each other over whether or not the games should be modded at all
>nv players discuss which minority group they hate the most, and how to get the best results with the femboy diet
>f4 players discuss modding
for me it's arabs btw
Almost every post from people about NV includes something of substance about their mods or current playthrough and usually a screenshot too.

The 4 players discussing modding was some brainlet needing spoonfed on how to use bodyslide to make his characters ass fatter.
Your post is shit: doesn't include anything factual at all. There's no way you can recover from such a shit post.
It's over, you're done.
>Almost every post from people about NV is them talking about how bad 76, 3 and 4 is
I bet you are a fat ugly tranny, ywnbaw and kys
There are a couple of New Vegas players that show their screenshots, talk about mods and really contribute to the thread.
I avoid food and drink that increases radiation. It's a hassle dealing with radiation. It's the closest thing to the AIDS virus in the game. Faggots get the AIDS. Which I guess is pretty funny.
There's arguably also discussion from 76 players because its the active LS game but I hate how they all fling shit at each other and get way too into the MMO currency autism half the time.
I don't mind that. Live and let live. I do have a schizo theory that 90% of the shitposting ITT is done by 76 players just false flagging non stop.
>had to spend 150 atoms to get to rank 147 and unlock the last season item
fuck OFF, Todd
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I was short of making a small atom profit by one 250 daily, which is odd because i didn't miss a single one. So i'd have to pay 300 atoms to claim 300 via 750 tickets, pointless.
I'm amazed they haven't been burned at the stake when its so obviously rigged if you can't get to 150 by doing every daily and weekly.
>told myself I was going to totally do challenges every day and only unlock the good stuff, saving everything for free atoms
>got sick of doing challenges daily and just let the game sit at like rank 127
>logged on and spent my tickets on garbage I'll never use before the reset
>new season repeatable is clearly designed at getting tired, maxed out players to endlessly do braindead public events instead of just logging off for the day once their dailies are done
>assemble the same modlist i used to play a year ago for NV
>game starts lagging like hell after leaving goodsprings
>exception caught 0000005!
I'm fucking done
Ah, thanks a lot.
Time to get back on the testo my good friend. NV rejected you.
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Anyone got an idea why the railgun barrel cover is.. wherever it is rn.. when my companions carry it?
third person animation bug
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It's better than boxing everyone into running nukes all day isn't it?
I'm getting more and more to the point where if a game demands a daily time investment from me then I want nothing to do with it. Breaking free of the thought that I needed to care about my daily attendance becomes more satisfying than fulfilling the daily attendance.

Any fomo system is like this, really.
god i wish that were me
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based Todd
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Man I'll never understand how people can play this game without VATS. Fucking 95 from downtown into head off and burning explosion? Every single time.. I'm just laughing out loud. I'm loving it. And when the mysterious stranger shows up I coom.
It's soooooooo hype
This is still one of my favs. So good.
You deserve this for thinking that downloading those mods again a year later is the same LO, there will be updates etc to core mods especially which can and will cause issues.

Start from scratch, do VNV basics then mod on top of it. Then make a cute character and post screenies and blog post like a real NVchad.
Oh and Scriptrunner mods are cool but don't go wild with them because they are basically impossible to deconflict without being able to work with SR yourself.
oh, you can filter posts by pass date, nifty
>Start from scratch, do VNV basics then mod on top of it.
Thats what i've been doing, ok? Plus that salamader graphics guide.
God, a writer making an argument like this really doesn't respect themselves.
Oh my god cute retard can't even set up VNV properly you are PRECIOUS AAAA
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The 5th column and Camelot arcs seem worse about it. Easily fixable but in need of fixing. As simple as "Rise Sir Anon also check out this cool sword and the baron armor set you don't have to kill anyone for or console in" and "Thank you for not making my daughter read the communist manifesto behind my back here is the unique gun and my brothers spy outfit you'd have to kill us for". Angel you'd technically have to "fail" and killquest to get everyones special shit but you can, but on the other two sides you get a majority of the custom swords/guns/armors for the opposite side and nothing for yourself.

shop helps a bit but not for named weapons. And accidentally killing or letting npcs die to hoover up their armor sets, there dependent on level for what they spawn with. There is a heavy armor junkie knight set I never saw spawn at lv50 killing them or lv25 on their side. Vendors and faction quests in general need more fixed legendary gear. Arthur should hand you a set of gear with some mix of cavaliers/sentinels/champions on it's pieces, Evie should hand you chameleon, vats assist, etc. Themshaven, eastminster, camlelot, canada1, swan and mitre, so forth should have unique prerolls to be both more like 4 and NV with the named guns.

It's all on the level of "mods will fix it" but things I do think they could have caught and improved in playtesting.
Kiss kiss.
Butcher Pete wasn't a writer, just the marketing guy
still a retarded point to make
>It's all on the level of "mods will fix it" but things I do think they could have caught and improved in playtesting
well, they just wanted to give you an authentic Bethesda experience
Don't listen to him, anon. Try treating it first.
The fuck does a marketing guy has to say about anything?
>download legendary crafting
>detailed descriptions by default in london
>she who dares is apparently instigating
neat. So making it a slug gun is a must because Todd hates fun. Explains why no one knew what the fuck it does.
Looks very much like this
The select series of weapons are mostly grade A.
>filter passtroons
>post quality of /fog/ rises significantly
it just works
Why would I ever waste my time treating it? I have bodypillows, wigs and cosplays. I don't care for real humans.
When is the update?
I'll keep this post in mind for next time one of you accuse /fog/'s NV players of being part of that game's attempted troon takeover.
When did I ever shit on NV? I just don't like the game but I never posted the troon memes
Six minutes
>You have to redownload the whole game after this update
rip downloadlets
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If the pattern of previous releases is consistent the Xbox, PS and Microsoft Store patches will be out in the next five to ten minutes. Steam may take significantly longer.
probably just merging the .ba2 files
if that's the case it should at least reduce the game's size a bit
They've been filling the update archives with duplicated junk all year so I fucking hope so
It's habbening
>100 GB download down from ~125 GB
yep, it's the archive merging
that guy worked on l o n d o n
Give it time.
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Guys I just found this drawer in my boss' van, I think I have to crucify him now
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I like the NV tranny memes and have.. kinda bullied my good fren a lil with them cause he likes NV but I'm not one to take that shit serious. It's just funny memes to me.
Like, I won't ever deny that I just don't like that game at all but that's it.
Wow, that's really mean. Sounds like you are a horrible friend.
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Downloading the update now.
haha it looks like a cock
what's going on?
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I'm just teasing him at times.. he's the one who's really mean when he gets angry.
Tfw I download multiple several hour long quest mods for nv and it uses a fraction of the storage of 1 modern game update
>living in a world where all the adverts you see are cartoon white people instead of deformed mystery meat mutts holding bags of goyslop
Must be nice.
What makes Fallout 4 good is that it does all of those things at the same time and well enough to be fun. Yeah, sure, the shooting in Halo is better, but it's not an exploration looter and there's no character progression. New Vegas is vastly superior as an RPG but the graphics are eye-bleeding and the gameplay, mechanically, is dogshit, just like Fallout 3. And the exploration is 4 is better than 3 precisely because there's more to find, the junk collecting is the main reason to even scour the map.
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Update notes where?
damn i just watched the same video too anon, horrifying.
>infinite radiant [content]... le good!
it really isn't, they even knew it for sarfield even if they fucked crafting/loot up in that up too. 76 at least has mmo fetters and gameloops, player trading, vendors, boss runs, to mitigate all those systems for a lategame where you farm the sbq for repair kits instead of doing ANY junk collecting. When you play fallout4 with the bat to give you mats of crap it shows how vacuous and dumb junk hoovering/legendary farming really is and how little is left with the lack of handmade intentional content. They know it sucked, they tried to fix and walk back and rework the core concept in their next 2 games.
Don't touch it or suck on it NV bros. It is the path to Hell.
He is the last of the NCR. . .
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I guess the reason of random crashes on teleport to random locations is the latest heap replacer version. Rolled back to 3.2, killed a bunch of people, teleported for a while - no crashes. Man what.
>Todd hates fun
This, why the fuck are these games balanced so badly after NV? Nothing is allowed to be "too powerful" for even a second. Everything has to be neutered. Like the Korstagg quest in skyrim.
>Oh, look at that, you have a new summon
>but you're only allowed to use it once a day, only outside, and only 3 times and then it's gone forever.
>Here's this SUPER COOL unique weapon!
>aaaaaand it sucks.
Why is he like this? Stop overbalancing games, not every playstyle needs to be fucking equal. I detest this stupid skyrim style balancing where everything just exists in like tiers and shit. Let each gun full different niches again.
this is just oversights by devs fucking up CK things and the general problem of opacity in what does what. 2shot, instigating, etc. on weapons with multiple projectiles (shotguns, beam splitters, etc.) don't justwork and they still are fucked up in 76 for the most part. You would think when you're making a gacha item effect system someone somewhere in the hundreds of people working on the game and dozens on a specific system like legendary item effects would go "huh, what should happen when we add +1 projectile to a gun with 8 projectiles instead of 1" and through inaction/retardation make it (projectile)+1 instead of the effect 2(projectile)
Hard disagree, it's not a jack of all trades game, it's a master of none. Sure it has a somewhat distinct combination of mechanics but the overall package is lacking, and that's what matters to me. Also while it's 343slop halo infinite does actually have a similar form of character progression through perks and some basic exploration with vehicles too. ODST was the better open-world-ish Halo though.
Utterly meaningless and 4's art direction is so godawful I unironically see it as uglier anyways. Humans look like shit, I mean absolute ugly disgusting festering glassy eyed shit.
>quantity over quality
I'd rather have a lesser amount of memorable locations than a larger amount of bland ones. I can list off many more interesting locations from 3, most of the places from 4 are filler dungeons like in skyrim with some admittedly neat few. Mostly due to set peices.
Got the update installed now I am just waiting on maintenance.
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Also, the junk mechanic gets it's own post. Under no interpretation should that obnoxious shit be considered a good introduction or mechanic. Your guns don't break, they just become increasingly useless. Great. When you looted guns you already had, it was satisfying because you could use them to buy what you wanted or to repair the guns you like. Simple, efficient, fun. With the junk system there is none of that. Exploration goes from a potentially rewarding experience to a chore. You HAVE to explore. You HAVE to get aluminum to make a minor and unsatisfying upgrade to a gun so the enemies stop being bullet sponges for a few levels. The drawback being now the game is inventory management hell. I hate that junk shit so much and it's the main reason I don't bother with 4 much anymore. In my opinion 3 is better because it doesn't waste my time with stupid chores.
4 has better companions at least though (except fawkes and RL3 who are boss)
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>You HAVE to get aluminum to make a minor and unsatisfying upgrade to a gun so the enemies stop being bullet sponges for a few levels
I regularly play FO4 with 1 int (IT SHOWS AMIRITE), both because Idiot Savant is that good (spreadsheet fags demonstrated that 1 int + Idiot Savant 2 gives more exp per action than 15 int, nice balance Todd) and because it frees up more points at low levels for the str/cha/lck/end you always need

Having Gun Nut inaccessible dramatically changes the dynamic, and I think for the better, because instead of searching for aluminum or adhesive junk, you're checking dead raiders for ones that have the same model of gun as you but a better scope/stock/mag/receiver tacked onto it.
You can haul that shit to a workbench, detach it from their gun and put it on yours, especially if yours has a good legendary built into it
3 and downstream nv both have a weapon condition problem with how it effects gun damage and acts like weapons need to be recharged with soul gems. The direction to go, obviously, would be the NV jam/misfeed chance on DIRTY guns and the need to clean guns every couple hundred shots. And for balance laser and plasma guns needing a semi rare replacement part to pull out of other guns/buy from established faction vendors, gauss weapons similarly having a need for new rails. Just follow a modicum of logic instead of jamming 40 tin cans and a broom into your prewar rifle and it suddenly justworking like 76 or needing to pay a vendor x00 caps to magically make your gun shoot gooder.

The fact starfield doesn't have purchasable and removable mods is the most fucking retarded thing any developer has ever done in a videogame. Far distant future and you have to buy fucking rocks to rub against your rifle until it has a reflex sight.
>default chance for items to have mods is 0-10%
even that has to be modded into justworking
Yeah, I enjoy that a lot more too. I wish there was a mod that axed the scrap entirely and just put mods on enemies in the world as drops.
I'd have liked that more too. Anything other than what we have now, it's too specific and tedious. Maybe if you cut out half of the material types I'd like it more. Like why the fuck do we need antiseptic?
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>You're proposing that 4channers should have complete control over Fallout modding?
>Of course. Anons are best equipped to deal with the internet today. Who else? Redditors? Please. Nexus? They brought DEI and ancom-tier censorship to us all. This will be the age of /fog/gots. /fog/gots.
>open racemenu mid blink
When the FUCK is NV getting Skyrim racemenu, I need to be able to make her eyes always like this.
>things I never said
At least try to pretend youre responding to me instead of the voices in your head
>dude junk and scrapping is emergent gameplaACK?!
it's bad anon

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