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Patriot Edition

>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

>/fog/ ocdonutsteels

>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-War thread: >>492623964
Wtf, is that why the Enclave was working to "tame" Deathclaws?
I am so goddamn sick of the deathclaw tits meme. Yiff in hell, furfag.
>Yiff in hell, furfag.
Based and blast from the past pilled.
As true then as it is now.
I'll just put this here as a general response to last thread: I completely disagree about the junk economy. Maybe Im just too much of an ARPG loot goblin, but the constant treadmill of scouring ruins for the parts I need for my next upgrade on the next piece if power armor or another weapon or what have you is something I find inherently engaging. It's a 24/7 scavenger hunt but I get to shoot things along the way while tromping around in mech suit, all while surrounded by a post apocalyptic setting that diagetically justifies why Im doing it.
Um, excuse me, reptiles dont produce milk
Those are venom sacs
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>t. Rodd Broward
>trying to depict scalie artists as sigma or based or whatever
Just add the phrase "yikes" or "trans rights" in there and call it a day.
yeah but you do
>Maintenance was extended until 3 PM
Hurry up, Todd. I want my fucking legendaries
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>Want to make a Tommy character
>You can't side with them in the main story
>You can't even join them
>The best you can do is do a couple of quests for them, one of which is required for the main quest and another is randomly given to you at level 20
>Factions don't even open up until a certain point in the story

Who can I even side with for the main quest? Everyone in this mod is a larper but at least Tommies have their cool aesthetic and patriotism to them. Camelot are literal medieval fair larpers that probably wallow in their own shit, 5th Column is what reddit thinks Fascism is like and I've personally see them get picked off by Pig Rats, and Angel are just a poor man's Institute. Who else is even left?
3 PM of what? EST?
I don't now what the retarded mutts use for timezones, could be sun setting over nearest Hooters for all I know.
Say what you will but I'm astonished Fifth Column is a joinable faction at all and the whole game isn't just about everybody curbstomping them and clapping
Yeah, EST. The only timezone that matters
That's why they call it Eastern and Specific
Well, don't get too happy because Miller's Men, who are a skinhead faction, have been portrayed as just dum dum doo doo heads and halfway feral raiders. They are the only gang in London you cannot join btw, but Pistols(reddit), Roundels(scooter faggots), Isle of Dogs(larpers in suits) and Vagabonds(okay these guys are actually cool) are. Hell, when you enter Hackney, a location required for the main quest, you are instantly thrown into the conflict between Roundels and Miller's Men and you can only choose to fight with Roundels or to ignore them. You cannot help Miller's Men and if you shoot any Roundel there is quite literally dozens of NPCs in the town you have to pass that you will have to kill. There is also, in the same quest, a whole speech about how mean and stupid Miller and his men are, no joke.

5th Column is really tame and I think that's the only reason it goes unscathed. You would think they would make Vagonds or Tommies the main quest faction and keep 5th Column as a minor guild
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I may have gone too far in a few places
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>poor mans institute
bongclave. Best ending

You coup, ally, or order the Tommies to your whim depending on your faction choice. The bigger problem is that killing them on the norman quest or for their hats doesn't have any longterm effect but temporary agro.
>kill miller and integrate them on bro we're not fascists ok geeze route
>they get an endcard
>likes vagabonds, the peaky blinders reddit faction that... uh, gave you a knife
Vagabonds are the only faction that doesn't immediately scream "Reddit" to me. Isle of Dogs are fine too, which makes sense since I suspect these were the first two to get conceived.
Gaunt really sells me on the faction, without him these would just be british equivalent of The Kings or The Khans or any other small time gang. His pure hatred for the dogs and laser focus on killing black has led me to commmit several dozen acts of atrocities against both citizens and members of the Isle of Dogs. I don't even care what happens to that shithole when Gaunt takes over, I was just glad to help him kill several hundred dogs, the knife is extra. Shame Vagabonds have no companions, the official London site even lists Gaunt as one for some reason.
Something tells me that the Vagabond story is going to be more impressive than whatever the main quest will offer if I can't even side with the most obvious choice most players would make for their first playthru. I hope there is a Wild Card/Anarchy ending if I don't like any of the factions.
My music just stopped all of a sudden. Main Menu is fine and so is the loading screen when starting up the game, but the moment I load in, the music stops and never comes back. This happens in both Fallout 4 and London, is there a fix?
the funny thing is the camelot ending where you fight for free and fair elections (and homosexuality in botswana) is purposefully undercut by the fact they keep parliament and it becomes "free'er" but still entirely subverted by monied interests. Which addresses something I thought would be dumb, the fact there are more people in westminster than goblinos in new Atlantis. Only being 40% of parliament then forming a coalition with say islington to control the country. So the existing shit like indenture is still going strong even though it isn't mentioned in the game ending.

it's impressive if you make the right choice at the end. Is good but not the most standout aspect. The overfocus and "choice" to fuck yourself doing it at lv4 with both debuffs and turning half the map hostile is a failing of structuring to make sure people see/do it. Is a lot better when you just go to themeshaven and get more NPC chatter about the side conflict being just londons version of the borough conflicts and both sides being dangerous gang faggots everyone would prefer to see put down but can somewhat tolerate. Then go back and with the context as gaunt malds and seethes every time you don't commit domestic terrorism and instead do the rational alternate.
kek, my thoughts exactly
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any Fallout questline or character with Rob?
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Elder Scrolls literally has pages of lore scientifically and theologically justifying why female Argonians have huge luscious tits
Patch notes where? One job Todd, ONE JOB.
>you will have to redownload the entire game!
>steam patch size, 18gb
>no full redownload
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so I frequently get this "fatal error" in London
thing is, I can just ignore it, tab back into the game, and keep playing
anyone know what's that about?
Post more of rights tits please?
Thats the packed download size, steam unpacks that to the full install of ~82 gigs or whatever it is now. I think the old install size was roughly 100 gigs? So it was a nice reduction.
>Adjustments to how damage increases from Perks are applied - this will generally result in an increase in damage dealt to targets with higher resistances, especially for DoT effects

They can't even get their own release notes right.

>To aid in the exploration of new mod combinations, we have relaxed the Legendary Mod restrictions on weapons. We are excited to see what you craft!
>Changed how Explosive Bullets mod how it interacts with various weapons

Exploding bullets on energy weapons is back on the menu, boys.

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This mod is so busted, lmfao
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>New Vegas is fuckin shi-ACK
This needs an edit with Oblivion combat music played over it combined with ogre sound effects
fucking lol
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wow, they suddenly decided to sell it, shame it's not for individual purchase but at least the overpriced pack is on sale for cheaper
London has been weird so far since the first faction you meet make you bend over backwards across an entire quest line before they treat you better, but every other faction has pulled the bethesda of "you brought us coffee, now you're in charge and/or our best friend who we all tell our darkest secrets to"

Can't tell if this is on purpose or not.
I've scrapped 20 weapons and gotten ~12 effects so far.
You see tits.
I see 3 units of aluminium, 2 units of steel and a unit of cloth.
Vagabonds are hilarious because it's just the "We do a little bit of trolling" questline where the leader seethes and shouts like a child if you don't commit every single terrorist attack and war atrocity he can think of. This should have been the main quest, imagine if Gaunt realizes he has an invincible lunatic that will do anything he says on his side and decides to, say, take down The Gentry or 5th Column or The Tommies. Hell, the game starts with them assaulting Angel, how about you finish the job? Bam, now Vagabonds own all of London.
Instead, the game just ends. I've literally had the main Vagabond characters give me the same lines from the start about seeing a new face and sticking around right after the final speech at the end of their questline, that or they tell me they're going to shank me when I bump into them.
This mod really needed more time in the oven. Dumbasses shouldn't have given release dates.
How did I "like" somebodies camp?
Haven't tried yet,is it obvious?
*Their quest just ends
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>they managed to bring the "tick to revenge lost its legendary effects" bug to live
>despite having fixed it on pts
>there's no quest to start the milepost 0 content
>is like 7 hours into a side quest and 0 hours into a 50 hour main quest
>wowee the vagabonds r like if you could lead the brotherhood of steel from that cut ending, why isn't this the whole game
You really like peaky blinders anon
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>they need more time to iron out this completely dogshit """feature""""
holy fuck, if they manage to add actual caravan routes and other outpost locations with this delay, I'll be impressed, otherwise fuck off
So just scrap a legendary for a chance to learn some crafting?
Like normal gear?
Save up a ton of gear,just hesitant to dive in.
yes, scrap ur leggos, you will either earn a mod box or learn to craft the mod, both are very rare
You get a bit of scrip as well, frankly until you get all the effects, the scrip machine is worthless with its shit limit. Never again will we suffer under its boot.
I can already make all the assassins modules i want, unfortunately i'm not a pvp shitter.
No sign of these fucking best builds either, need it for daily and weekly.
Thanks bro.
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The main quest is fucking boring, anon. I quite literally have to get petition signatures for the Parliament or something like in Postal 2, except I have to do quests for every single cunt in the region. I'm currently done with Brickton, which almost softlocked me in an area that would consistently crash my game and even when it didn't it made me bored out of my mind fetching all the required raw components to build a bridge(twice), and now I'm onto Roundels who are even more unlikable than the reddit hippies in Brickton. I'm considering murdering every single living soul in Hackney just like I did so in Isle of Dogs so I don't die of boredom. You can just pay someone to forge the signatures anyways, but I'm a greedy asshole who wants to save tickets for bullets.
So yes, the Vagabonds questline is the best part of the mod so far. I wish there were more side quests for minor factions and that you could interact with major factions early, like you could start with Danse or Railroad quests early in 4 or completely ignore everything with the Minutemen and just fuck around with settlements. Fallout 4 also has a shit story but at least you don't have to directly be involved with it except to trigger certain story events. Even the Angel/Smithe storyline is already boring me and that's all it had, I figured out I am a clone and that Smithe is an unlikable, boring bastard with Angel just being second rate Institute. The potential of them actually controlling London from behind the scenes vs Institute just fucking about with their robots in the basement sounds promising, but not enough to run around entire laggy London area signing papers by unlikable cunts. I didn't even mention The Pistols, on whom I gave up halfway thru out of sheer cringe. Yeah, I will take peaky blinders and mass murder any day over them.
>You can 'Like' a Best Build by going to the Best Build icon on the paper map and selecting 'Like'.
I don't see no Best Build icon.
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Some current thoughts on Garden of Ethan, trying not to post images with too much visual spoilers.

Music is pretty good, not near as good as Zion Trail Redux. The loops sometimes are obvious.

Visually delightful, Havasu Blues did this well too with Radzone. There's a lot of really interesting environments and I mean REALLY intreresting.

This mod is conceptually far more interesting than HB, the MA is clearly very talented from a technical standpoint and I think this tighter design works well for them.

There's quite a good use of shortcut design back to a main hub area, it's like the Dark SoulsTM of New Vegas quest mods.

I'm generally preferring this to HB, though there is some flaws I'd say I'd mostly be nitpicking. There's a lot to explore and I'm not sure how far in I am just now.
Overall vibes? The World We Knew meets up with Zion Trail and has a good time.
>small room with melee PA guy in it light attacking a near whole healthbar
>lizard brain remembers shooting out the fusion core
>can't steal the powerarmor
>sword fight him on even footing with his dead friends wallhanger
I'm warming up to the 5th, it's questline outside of the writer cope has more pieces at play. Feeling like camelot was a dump faction even if they put a lot of work into the trebuchet animation and gear. Is interesting to see how each plot plays out differently with the same end events from different sides of it. Wish camelot had more teeth to it, think arthur winning over the tommies was probably the weakest part.

you're describing doing the vagabonds instead of the main quest fucking up the flow of the game, which is definitely what happens. They shouldn't give you the option to follow them and only have the option to come back later where they shunt it to if you go to themshaven first. It turned "more side quests for minor factions and that you could interact with major factions early" into an impediment, which is what having to do these side content areas full of colorful secondary factions after 20 hours of peaky blinders feels like. It broke your sense of the main plot, undermines the "who r u" hook, and takes you away from organically finding the 5th column early, eastminster, and the borough side factions. I took the peaky blinders bait too but realized I was like 15 hours in doing gang shit while taking 30% extra damage from pocket pistol wielding mobsters, then hammered the main game. At least tell me you coup gaunt in the end.
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like just looting bodies
>named NPC
>custom equipment
I did the whole camelot quest and never interacted with this guy once. Don't think you can joust either or whoeveralad noclipped through the floor. It's similar in length and has random shit made for it, but if there is 20 hours of knight shenanigans side quests they're easy to miss. The lack of this gear on a camelot run where it wouldn't just be display shit makes little sense.
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I did actually go out of my way to find 5th Column/Camelot early to see if I could do anything with them, and I was disappointed. Side quests seem to be rare and inbetween, you unlock new districts and interactions via the boring main quest that didn't hook me in. Vagabonds are solid not just because they are given to you early on but also because I think they were the first faction to be designed, and therefore the ones with most polish. I might be wrong here but there is easily more effort on display here than in most areas. There was a quest with a secret Angel base in an area filled with Tunnel Cough(New Plague?) but that's about it. Westiminster is boring and there is barely any content there, meeting Tenpenny is about the only interesting part of that map so far. Way too many generic little settlement like "towns" with generic NPCs you can't talk to or simply trade with and interesting factions with their own heap of quests and intrigue are gate-kept away from you, literally in the case of Camelot.
When you take that into account, I can see why Vagabond(or potentially IODS if you turncoat) questline has a better hook and more engagement than the main plot. If this was Fallout 4, I would already be doing quests for Camelot, Tommies and 5th Column since I've interacted with all these factions before, but alas the only faction I was truly allowed to mingle with is the very first one I met. The reddit gangs you can join don't count since they're fucking awful, like I said.

There is lots of good ideas in this mod but I think the progression and quest/main quest design is pretty terrible, they should have just copy+pasted that from Fallout 4 like they did with most things already anyways.
>Tell me you coup gaunt
Not a chance, he's easily the best VA and character in this mod so far. Thanks to him and his quests I didn't quit early due to the boring main questline. Shame I will probably side with wanker Camelot instead of them in the MQ.
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>+2str +1end not using face slots or backpack slot
squandered/10 actually playing the faction. They had this shit on hand but brickton gives you a robin hood hat. minorly mad. Glowed them as angel and didn't collect all the goodies the first time to know what was there.

>the reddit factions
>but not the plucky girl doctor gay tech whiz vagabonds
they're on par, you're just burnt out. The vagabonds-Dogs conflict is literally the roundels-millers conflict with the same forced side start, you just saw one first. Most of the side content is bloat including the vagabonds and there should be 3-7 quests for the 5th/camelot instead. I'd rework the signature thing to just be "pay money to skip" instead of gameguiding to find mail to steal. Brickton and the maze/glowing sea stuff I thought was good but I wasn't up to do the entire pistols quest and get prince whoever sober enough to sign a document and that in one playthrough. I'd even consider making it a lockout where you can only do one of the 3 on a play through. Too much to do, too many dev babies that needed clubbing. Skipping all of them It's like 40 hours to do the main quest and plays better for it.
Hell yea
Companion Ivy is a kino companion mod

Actresses voice is hot as fuck too
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>scrapping legendaries
>see pic related
>no fucking idea if what I just scrapped was a gun or a melee weapon
How can I check
>tfw you 'like' a best build not because you think its good but because its holding your score hostage until you do
it's meaningless becuase they've done this, these like points are fake.
With your memory
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I'm not going to deal with Roundels/Miller's Men but the difference between them and Vagabonds/IODS is that the latter group is much more likable. The only other good bits of questing I've done was the Doll quest but the nearly invincible bullet sponge ghouls and a mandatory mod to disable night vision from the final quest reward flopped it. Companions are also too infrequent and I haven't found anyone I like so far, Arthur comes close. Also, Angel doesn't even get a faction companion despite being a major faction you can side with.
It's telling that you got some shit writers and designers when you have all these interesting locations, conflicts and factions and yet I am more intrigued by some old guy learning to read and write and a vengeance quest that leaves hundred dead in it's wake, both belonging to the same faction. I failed a bunch of IODS quest when I choose to kill Black so they likely have some good content too, shame you can't join them early instead of Vagabonds and you are only given that option when you kill dozens of them by that point.
Very mixed opinions about the mod, I didn't even mention how janky it is or the blatant unfinished content, quests breaking or not even triggering and general lack of polish and blatant glitches. This is clearly not a finished mod, just like New California was, but at least that one's design and quests were tight, it was only the retarded story and non-existent side content that made it fall apart. Similarly, the devs of London should have focused first and foremost on the main quest being interesting and fun to play instead of giving peaky blinder boys the best stuff and give you an option to quest with them instead of progressing thru the main story. I think what really disappoints me is that I know there isn't more to this mod, I completed the best questline it has to offer and it was an optional starter pack so you could get loot and XP. Now, I have to side with larpers in order to finish the game.
Having done it twice the big problem is splitting the game at the train decision decides if you hit the camelot-5th column-angel choice or finish the vagabonds quest for the same time investment. Everything (except needing all 3 signatures) is fine without the vagabonds detour. Doing that at hour 35 makes it not fine.
>Camelot should have been cut
glowed prewar democracy vs reactionary "fascism" vs peaky blinders would have worked. Knights have nothing to do with democracy, there just isn't anything here but aesthetic. I'd have taken them as a neat thing in the tower of london in a fight with the cannibals, that fits the kind of story vibes only can tell.
>Medic just flat out makes every friendly player/NPC you shoot heal by 5% of the damage you'd deal
Man this is actually a huge improvement over the previous medic effect
what's the best weapon to use this with? I am eager to get Friendly Fire off of my builds
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If I don't make it back to town don't come looking for me
Legendary effects got buffed?
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More like cursed edition.
Some reptiles do. Certain species of west African geckos do.
What an odd thing to know...
just learned every legendary effect, now what
Fuck off. Do not question me.
no you didn't
unless you cheated it, in which case tell me how
I farmed a lot of the most sensational game with 4 accounts and hoarded all that shit until now
Of all the things that could possibly make me plan on trying London after my current file, it ended up being me eavesdropping on an incredibly wordy discussion in /fog/.
Even if we're generous and assume it only takes 100 scrapping attempts to learn a legendary effect (lol) I don't see how you could've stored tens of thousands of legendaries and scrapped them all in a little under 3 hours
The legendary system was a BAD idea from start to finish. Bethesda should seriously fuck up the man or (let's be real, only a woman could be that fucking retarded) woman responsible for this terrible creative decision.
Bethesda hasn't made a game that could be described as decent since 2011, which is apparent to everyone, since they keep releasing the fucking thing.
Todd Howard should just be taken behind the shed and shot, because he's just a worthless bedshitter these days. I hope a big man rapes his little man old ass for what he has done.
it's a better system than having to roll a 1/1000 chance with a time gate tho
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Frankly, anything other than Camelot would have been fine, or hell just add more factions so that players can actually roleplay as whoever they want to be. Want to be an amoral anarchist like my character? Go with Vagabonds, if you actually completed their questline reward the player by making them a big enough player to join the big table. Want to be a talky suave character? Betray Vagabonds and play as a IODS enforcer. Want to be a soldier? Then Tommies are your thing, with an option to displace command and have them actually take proper leadership. Want to be a leech and suck dry what little resources London has so you can live in a nice mansion and sip tea at a comfy fireplace that's fueled entirely by orphaned children? Join the Gentry, hell IODS could have a crossover with Gentry and could lead to a better ending for both if you cared to do their questline, as a reward for the player.

The pieces are there, but I'm thinking the devs were low on time or very inefficient with it so this is all that's been made. Even Frontier let you choose between NCR and Legion on top of the larpers in medieval armor, why not do the same with Tommies? They would be a much better choice thematically, with British patriots facing off 5th Column fascists and what have you. Knight larpers are exactly the kind of one note faction you would expect to meet in a single quest for a giggle, that's like the gay tree man at the airport being a major part of the story and having his druid army be imperative in conquering Westminster, for whatever reason.

Speaking of which, the gay treeman is even worse than the fish people. If you kill him via mods, he even drops two unique weapons and a wearable tree outfit, the axe is pretty sick tho the gamma gun is a bit shit without modding it yourself a bit. This is easily the worst quest in the mod, a cool concept reused from Tactics 2 pitch somehow got turned into an LGBT soap opera and you can't even burn the fuckers like Harold.
Shut up, retard.
Thank you for conceding
Conceding to what? You essentially said "Yeah, it's retarded, but not as retarded as this retarded thing." So just fuck off, punk.
The level of work that went into her is insane.
i like dudes
>tfw sexbot is the best female companion
I heard there's a totally-not-Institute faction in folon that has a mutant army, can you join that one?
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tommies just needs a capstone for doing the quests out of the war museum and a nod when you're dealing with them later. A simple "I know you, you did the thing. And now you're with [faction] huh" would work to knit it together and support why they're playersexual in their loyality. That's polish but is important.
The content/time it takes to do the main factions is long so I wouldn't say they need more, but for how little they matter the boroughs needed to be cropped back or integrated into extra guns in the hoover dam battle at the least. Millers, roundels, and pistols should have been turned into one faction war and maybe pulled into the vagabonds quest. They just don't do anything besides additional endcards, it's like come fly with me x3 they should make easier to skip.

easiest things they could do to engooden what they have
>no option to follow gaunt before you go to themshaven
>additional line of dialogue when co-opting the tommies that references the gas mask/clearing hooligans/shotgun quests
>require 1 signature from a borough, that you can still fake, and say "all petitioners get glownigged" as a reveal
>str or per/int dialogue choices to get that signature for free
>make 5th column and camelot reward you with their own faction gear
>smythe rewards/chastizes you over the vagabonds outcome, gives you another unique or directs you to eliminate gaunt
it wouldn't take much to up it from good to an utter blowout of bethesda/obsidian compared to starfield/76/outerworlds
Do you use this?
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Yeah, Angel. You can side with them, 5th Column(reddit fascists) and Camelot(poor man's Crusaders from Frontier and that's saying something). No Tommies, Vagabonds or Gentry, sadly
With so much focus on the gangs, if the game didn't let you make Vagabonds/IODS a major player than you should have at least unified all of the London gangs together in a Wild Card ending where the people take control of the city away from Angel and Gentry.
Oh and you're still wrong on not letting the players choose where to go at the start. Player freedom is everything in an RPG, and what FOLON needed was more of it, but with bigger payoffs. The game is literally incomplete as of now, that's where the problems arise from. Miami better not end up like this, they have a lot of interesting factions too but K was at least upfront about which ones were going to be important, yet they have an entire reputation mechanic brought back from Fallout 4. It better be more consequential than, say, how it was brought back in Outer Worlds and it only effected...vending machine prices, with one or two unique vendors per faction.
best ways to lvl fast?
"Do functionally a DLC 20 hours earlier than you should while taking 30% more damage" isn't meaningful player choice and bogs the thing down hard when you're thrown the curveball of ~10 hours of similar gang shit to do after blowing time doing something that doesn't effect anything but your endcards. It's a good quest but at the same level of importance as the boroughs or doing themshavens later shit. Vagabonds should at the least have a break point that sends you on the main quest and makes it a true alternate to get to the main quest instead of "do this 20 hour mini DLC that someone really, really liked" before still having to go to themshaven to actually do the main game. if you play it without doing the vagabonds quest you're in westminster before you were at canada square and the whole game slots into being a ~30 hour main campaign.
First around you don't know what kind of rewards will you get nor did I spoil myself, I spend 20+ hours for roleplaying purposes and stayed for peaky blinder kino. They're a good guild, but that's about all it is: an optional self contained guild, where as the game hints and so did the devs before launch, that they would be more important down the line. I think the main story is crap and is designed like crap too, that's all it is. As much as I like the game for what it is, let's not mince words. The writer failed because the main premise is too boring and predictable to the point where a random gang of goons(and indeed, being able to roleplay as "The Goon") are more enticing than your mysterious faction and the mystery behind your main character. Even Fallout 4 was better for as much as it was memed on because at least the first time around, looking for the kidnapper of your son and killer of your spouse had impact and a personal drive that FOLON simply lacks. Now, the person behind the mechanics, who thought that locking most of the game's side content and all of it's major faction content behind a half of the main story(which literally involves bureaucracy and spending hours doing quests with factions you don't care about) should just have been fired from the project and publicly shamed. Everything I am complaining about can be traced back to him, if the game let you do minor Camelot and 5th Column shit at any point in time, even skipping some main quest faction stuff if you do it early like in F4, then I would he happy and do the main quest content on the way to these quest objectives. As is, the mod did the worst sin a video game could possible do: It bored me and now I am going to play something else for a little bit. Even extremely bad games are interesting because they still engage the player, at the game's detriment. A boring game will simply be written off and forgotten, especially when F4 didn't have this problem thanks to side content.
In what game retard
BTW, if you have no culture, this is "The Goon" I am referring to
I had a character I wanted to roleplay in mind, but after doing only a few quests for Vagabonds I decided to simply be "The Goon". This made playing these missions that much more fun, altho I guess I will have to slowly start getting ready for medieval larping for the main quest. I already wear heavy metal armor and wield mostly blades so as long as I turn my brain off, it will be fine? Still, disappointing that the optional questline early on is probably going to be the highlight of my experience with FOLON and you never want that to happen, imagine if the best part of Fallout New Vegas was Goodsprings to Boulder City and then the game became a slog when you entered New Vegas. If the factions you could side with were poorly written or not interesting, or you know, you had zero interactions with them until that point, I doubt the game would be as fondly remembered as it is today.
barely a sexbot since synths are basically humans
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best female companion is a sexbot tho
Strikes-Below-Belt realized that his religion only technically applies to him and that Veronica has her energy weapons skill tagged too. She's a crackshot with the Q-35.
Veronica's quest has come to an end, setting up her final path as a causeless rebel. Industrial glove really does just melt basically anyone, even when they are in power armor, DT ignore is no joke.
I gave her Elijah's robes and LAER since I did take the message for his ramblings for myself.
Next I'm planning on getting power armor training(since running at people to punch them does in fact put me in harms way a lot), so getting in with the remnants would be the more suitable choice since I am going to blow the brotherhood bunker.
Time to go get the other gay.
'ate muties
'ate commies
'ate parasites
luv righteousness
luv apple pie

simple as. God Bless America, and God Bless The Enclave!
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Enclave Guys with Deathclaw Wives
I scrapped more than a dozen legendary items and I got nothin.
>more than a dozen
The droprate is 1% you double nigger
Well then fuck that shit.
Update day people were literally crafting 500 to 1000+ secret service limbs and gauss pistols intending to scrap them after the reboot
And most of them didn't get shit either
Play the game properly, you dumb fucking cunt.
The mechanics are in place for an intended experience.
I only got instigating so far. It requires 5 whiskey and 15 legendary modules to craft.
I scraped +250 Unstoppable Monsters and got no Bloodied crafting yet, only the 2 star and 3 star
This, I don't know if it's supposed to be this way or just bugged
controversial as it was, i do think integrating skills directly into fallout 4's SPECIAL instead of having them be separate and derivative was a clever decision
that said i do dislike how some skills from NV that derived from the SPECIAL were instead worked into perks with ranks rather than simply being tied to the attribute, as well as how each level of each attribute needed a specific perk tied to it, instead of multiple perks per attribute requirement or having one perk require 2 attributes to be at a needed level at once
Is the cremator and holy fire better now after the changes? The tick damage seems to be lower for my cremator with bloodied
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Man the "best camps" feature brings you some garbage camps

Who the fuck looked at this and thought it deserved to be on every server
Keep walking, toaster-fucker.
cremator DoT is definitely weaker, or at the very least much slower, and it feels like enemies can now survive on 1hp until the server remembers they're supposed to have died, which is enormously frustrating
I just tried it against a level 100 bear and it took 5 shots to kill. What the fuck bethesda.
Fallout 76 is shit.
why the fuck does fallout 1 crash more with the fix patch than without
Because modders are fucking scum. Even Tim Cain called them out and said he wouldn't even suck their dicks and swallow their cum.
So how exactly do I get the plans from my legendary items? Do I just break them down and hope for the best?
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Alright, so I went and spent $20 on atoms and replied back to this email saying "could you try again?".

How long does it usually take for a reply?

I want my screaming eagle wood skin and black eyepatch damn it.
Also annoyed that the "life above ground" bundle isn't on the source list.
>put peaky blinders "choice" at beginning
>throws off your entire game pacing by exactly it's length
>undermines "who you, who that" hook with gangs of bong city
the guy who demanded the vagabonds be a thing you're shown instead of a thing to discover unironically fucked up your playthrough anon. many such cases. when you don't go with gaunt it becomes a quest target in the ass end of the map you naturally won't hike out to until something else sends you over there. It singularly is a problem of execution that sees your lv25 hour 20 character slogging through the stuff that gets you from lv4 to lv9 playing the other way around. the way it fucks you so hard finding the ghoul (having to fight through all 10,000 niggas in Canada square garden) while inside the quest location they're non aggro'd shows it wasn't supposed to be started before ~Westminster or at least until after you'd met isle of dogs as consequence of the plot.

I get the feeling the vagabonds and all the side areas are where they put problem contributors who wanted to do reddit shit, why its optional and should be even more optional. The main thing I think they wanted to do is a "real bad good ending" and that part works really damn well in ways that are all spoilers. most of the writing is tailored to the angel reveal, other endings are more straightforward variants of "fuck the gentry" unrelated to that end arc reveal. Like on the 5th column quest no one noticing much less pointing out you're fighting hulk monstrosities and an unknown faction in the pre ending radio tower when by logic turning the tommies should equal total capitulation of an undefended Westminster. Would take like 2-3 lines per faction/tommies saying something about the black uniformed randos as a fresh reason for rebellion to make it all make sense. Angel route by comparison you do the glownigger shit that innately justifies your resultant joint force defending the city.
I met Tim Cain at E3 one time. I walked up and introduced myself and he kept unzipping and zipping his jeans zipper while making fart sounds with his mouth. I asked him to sign my copy of Fallout 1 and he kept trying to stick his hand up the back of my shirt while speaking mockingly in an exaggerated puppet voice.
the funny thing is this is exactly like what would have happened if "what if old world blues didn't have a level requirement" and you were talking to mobius about your hand penises and collectong your dog brain minigun for 15 hours only to be spit back out at the drive in to go shoot ants for the Mojave outpost on the long remaining walk to Vegas
I walked by Tim Cain at a convention one time. He was talking to some industry people and all of a sudden he went quiet and squinted at me until I turned a corner. The others continued like nothing happened. I've never talked to or even seen him in person before.
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This guy just spent the whole Moonshine Jamboree running around punching individual salamanders in their faces and I wish I was that alpha
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Who left the bitemarks?
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So I got an Aristocrats modifier. They're fucking single use? What's the fucking point of grinding all that shit when they're single use mods instead of a learned recipe or plan?
There's a 2.5% chance of a single use item being generated for you on scrapping
There's a 1% chance of you learning to create them yourself
More likely he's out of ammo and doesn't have a melee weapon.
I was doing the same thing too.
if i had a sample of the poison
These odds are terrible and I don't think I'll participate. I think I'll keep doing it the old way and just pray for godrolls.
Honestly given the sheer scale of community autism the boon will be a month from now when bloody/unyielding/overeater kits are like fascnacht masks and every other CAMP vendor has them for 50 caps each
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>rolling for 3stars is now much more expensive
you're welcome
Oh hey there todd. Looking kinda sexy. Wanna play fallout together?
nonono, the smart play obviously is for your own private use to have several mules full of painstakingly collected trash legendaries of the 4 whole good effects, then grinding 3-400 of them for the recipe, then not slamming out the easily bought/widely duped materials into so many boxes it crashes the value. This will not happen. No one and no organization or discordfag will do this. It makes complete perfect sense to play a gacha with even worse odds than before just like it makes perfect logical sense to actually buy and make serums. To the moon anon, everyone else is dumb for not getting ahead on scrapping thousands of legendaries.
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Goodnight /fog/
How far did you get on day one of the season?
I feel like I did pretty good but I'm sure some fucker has just been stacking lunchboxes and nuking West Tek all day and is already rank 100
i forgot to log in
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10 or 11, did all of the available challenges
I cheated at used some atoms to get through the first 20 since I had some backed up from not playing in a few months. I may end up buying my way through more of it depending on how much of a time sink Space Marine 2 ends up being.
where public mutated events though?
Just re-roll that one.
If it's a daily, you actually won't be able to do it
Stupid that such things are even possible but It Just Works
i've got 11 hours i might do some tonight and tomorrow idk, whats the new stuff? anything cool for this season?
>used some atoms to get through the first 20
I'm going to beat the shit out of you
I uninstalled when the anon said you would have to download the game for the next update and then haven't gotten around to installing.
Do it faggot. You won't. No balls.
The steam update just reinstalls the game for you, dingus.
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you're gonna get your dick sucked if you come around here talking like that. me and the boys are gonna roll up to your place and spank your ass with spatulas.
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>I just now learned there's a random Deathclaw gauntlet that you can craft for two modules that has bloodied + power attack and you can scrap immediately
>Minerva stopped selling the plan for it 24 hours ago

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The best build camp voting system is dumb. It seems like you can't upvote someone's camp who is in the same server as you. Only the phantom camps that get downloaded from a list have the blue border and can be voted on. I don't care at all about the camps of offline people, I want to give thumbs up to humans I'm sharing a world with right now.
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this is not a joke
>there's a report button prominently featured on the best builds screen
welp, there goes my plan to make my death trap my best build
I assumed the report button was just for people who built trans flag + flamethrower trap setups
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Wait a minute
There's so many different "on fire" CAMP objects

Thank you anon, you just got some wheels turning
>pride flag + red rocket dumpster
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>bought the red rocket coffee machine the day it came out
>new season drops
>hey, here's a coffee machine that will available for gold bullion after the season ends
I bought the auto axe + coffee machine combo and honestly it still feels worth it because I love my new auto axe but fuck dumping 500 stamps on it
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did I hear dick sucking?
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I googled to see what kinda bases tranners build in 76...
This is what google shows me.
So uhh, should I call you guys ma'am?
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I'm gonna get so many angry words from my good fren who loves NV but google gives me endless NV tranner memes rn. I find them hilarious
I swear I don't hate NV, I just find these super funny
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I just made this one ........LOL
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I've got a new mission. I must find xenomorph mods and tame a few. Then send them to eat gunner camps.
>ringo recognize me somehow
He recognizes your fruity strut.
>Scrap a small handful of legendaries I had stored up
>No mod boxes
>But learn how to craft anti-armor
lol okay
anyways rest of the update blows ass
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I have given up.. fallout doesn't have xenomorph mods
apparently you need to download patches for the base game and every single mod to restore facegen data. idk why but it seems bothersome
Reminds me of my stepmom
two seconds of searching
>see a rare plan I don't have the caps for
>can't use emotes to offer a trade for one of my rare plans, the trade system only exchanges caps
>can't communicate in any way, even if they accept a friend invite

Nice social MMO Todd.
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I've seen those 2.. but if you spent 2 seconds of reading those dumb mods
>they don't feature actual fucking XENIMORPHS
You are a stupid asshole. Use your rotten brain before replying to me.
One is a skin for the deathclaw, the other is.. METH BABIES

God I wanna VATS you so badly rn.
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This is what a stupid fucking xenomorph looks like.
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>but hurr I found de morphs on nexus hurr so easy duuuurrrrr
>can't even find xenos hurrr..

.. piece of shit
then make your own xenomorph mod you entitled autist
do you have any idea how hard it is to make custom creatures?
U have any idea how little fucks I give? Modders are there to give me free content to enjoy without anything in return.
well, good luck with that then
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There is no luck. Xenos don't exist because modders are lazy.
I'll download this instead.
Seems high quality
I wasn't able to use their vendors.
I still took some Halloween candy.
I bought it with stamps and the cold shoulder.
But I didn't know where to spend the stamps until I had a shit load.
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I like this dude. He doesn't give a fuck. Can make an entire mod with a new location but can't figure screenshots out.
>proud robot head
>still no separate key binding for interactibles and getting out of power armour
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>wake up
>crafting is fucked
>picrel is now on the map
>whole bunch of other weird changes
todd......... what have you done.............
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>todd fucks over your railway
how do (you) respond without sounding mad?
trader's mad = good day
I started using post nerf, got no point of reference
Those new end perks are nice, swapped out a 3 rank ironclad and for 2 ranks worth of end perks and ended up with more resistance.
by not launching a nuke ever again until he either gives me a new blast zone to aim for or lets me solo the world bosses in 30 seconds flat again
Ive seen that person continuously upload his monstrosities on the nexus.
I can't tell if he's severely brain damaged to actually like such a hideous char or it's a huge troll
The existence of the garbage public events has stopped being merely annoying and become an obstacle.
people started doing them, even distinguished guests and project paradise
>haha I'm not a shitposter I swear to god this is just too funny so I'll lie about it being the only thing google shows me and shit up the thread with it xDDD
How do 76 players enjoy being so unimmersed
>1% chance per star
>1% chance divided by 3
>what happens if you "win" a recipe you could already make
Can't comment on 76 players but some gamers don't play for immersion, they play to beat a system that someone else has created.
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Anon, I have a pass. You can identify me.
I don't know, but as a nonplayer these conversations are like trying to decipher thick, heavy ebonics. Only difference is instead of "is this even English?" I'm asking myself "is this even Fallout?"
>psych ward
Says the guy having an autism meltdown over xenomorph mods and flipping out towards everyone else like a bath salts addict.
Now follow the docs orders, put that lovely jacket on and proceed into that room
>what happens if you "win" a recipe you could already make
At least the good news here is when you learn a recipe it's permanently removed from the pool and the statistical weight of the mods you don't know yet slightly increases
>hops in the conversation talking about sucking dick
>redirects the conversation for yelling at other anons for trying to help
>redirects the conversation to trannies
>"y-YOU'RE the crazy one!"
Not a good look, anon.
trying to help, huh
That's not helping, that's calling me a tard. I hate those kinda replies.
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So how long until chinkoids figure out a way to dupe the legendary mods, flood the market and render them worthless? I REFUSE to deal with tradetroons or go bankrupt buying a single mod.
And I didn't redirect anything to trannies. I saw anons talk about people building flamethrowers into pride flags and thought it was funny so I googled to see if I could find pictures of that and it literally gave me NV memes and I found that really funny.
anybody using this? Based or cringe? I try to stay away from ocdonutsteel faction mods usually, but this doesn't look so bad.
Maybe next time you should be more honest and say that you googled something like "fallout trans meme" or something, just googling "new vegas" or "new vegas meme" doesn't bump the NV culture war to the top of your results.
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Anon.. you are starting to REALLY piss me off...
At least look at the fucking image.
>like a week probably
the literal only limit is that the boxes weigh a pound. Serums, bobbleheads, and magazines are the most farmed and duped items in the game from every paypig with a private server and chink gamespass goldfarmer slave. Random boxes people pull from the death grind for recipes are going to be worth next to nothing and left in train stations and loot bags once stash weight comes into play. I can't see quad, bitch bastard, sentinels, -90%wt, +50crit, and overeaters going for more than a thousand caps and the rest being worth near nothing. And doesn't this phantom camp thing making vendor hopping even easier?

Games going to be a comical mess when it balance around 5piece unyielding powered sentinel/overeater glutton sentinel armor isn't even attempted.
That gave me an idea, I kind of want to make one of those fake Wikipedia blurbs about historical conflicts, I should use faction flags for the "belligerents", such as Yes Man for Reddit, the NCR for LGBT, the Enclave for /v/, either the Legion or Unity for /vg/, etc. And "casualties" could be "9000 hours in mspaint" or "thousands of dollars towards the expense of programmer socks"
>doesn't this phantom camp thing making vendor hopping even easier?
When you go to a phantom camp, you can loot his coffee, you can rob his collectron, you can read his mothman tome and sleep in his bed but you cannot access his shop.

The assumption is it's to stop people from inadvertently getting run way over 40,000 caps while they're offline
*fake Wikipedia blurbs about historical conflicts but it's about the New Vegas culture war
>gay mechanic is gay
shocking. So revised the only limit on finding boxes is fresh map clutter, server hopping attrition, and the eventual mass realization this update just made rerolling suck more and eventual decline in stocking boxes. Someone right now is buying serums for 10k caps regardless.
I noticed it copies their locks on the resource generators. probably does any and all locks so if they forget their doors locked the whole things shit.
Bethesda purists (Lyons Pride flag) vs. Bethesda enjoyers (Brotherhood Outcasts flag)
I'm still convinced that the tranny NV meme originated here on 4chan as an insult towards NV players and got picked up by retarded trannies later who didn't get that it was meant to be an insult
I'm immersed
1% chance of the unknown effects being unlocked, and after you unlock, you still have a chance to get the mod box on scrap
New perks you say
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Time to fight crime!
Technically new effects for old perks. iron stomach now offers damage resist based on your end stat, natural resistance now offers cryo, poison pyro etc. according to my effects page i'm more resistant for less perk points. After a threshold damage resist is worthless but i'm tolerating poison a lot better.
Those jackets are nice,it's as if you are being hugged all day long.
Considering all we do is call everyone we don't like a troon and all troons do is double down on whatever they're told "trans culture" entails I can see how cultural osmosis could easily make that snowball into what it is now.
You don't have the balls!
uhh.. why do you know how it feels wearing one?
Thank you
I probably will when I'm off work.
>1% chance rolled 3 times or 1% chance divided by 3
It's not actually rolled 3 times, it's rolled and if one comes up the trapdoor function closes and it doesn't do it again
What outfit do you put on her?
so it's 1% and harder to get 2 and 3 star effects? What is the math written out here. This should be at most an image macro, why is something that's been on the pts for 3 months so opaque.
Haven't tried that one, but I feel all hostile generic raider spice is pretty safe as far as character additions go.
With companions it's easy to get one where you don't share the intended relationship with the character, but here the only intended interaction is just blasting them.
Check the comments, something about them per default being a bit overtuned it seems, and an available patch.
>plays NV as Miku
nah, NV players are trannies. don't you remember the frontier debacle?
No it's 1% flat out, but every effect left in the pool is being rolled at the same time
the "pool" is "did you learn these 3 effects yet" so the answer is what? 1%/3 unless it's 1%/2 or 1%/1? What is the weight or preference or additional roll to decided if you get a 1st star versus 3rd star not knowing any of the effects. This should be a sentence on bethesda.net, why does no one know how it justworks.
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Man this one nails it
I also remember the massive pushback from everyone else in the fanbase.
It pretty much does.
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not yet
>defending the laser musket
>conveniently forgetting that the fat man is from 3 instead of 4
Oh, it makes a point, just not the one it originally intended.
what about now?
I can't stand you fags who think about trannies all day and make everything in your life about them. Maybe kill yourself, OR, stop being a nigger.
I wouldn't have to if they didn't hold the entire industry hostage.
Anyway, fuck off furfag apologist.
I don't care about fucking furfags enough, you're just being a little faggot again assuming you know everything about everybody based on nothing but your love of cocks you paranoid thread shitting retard. In TYOOL 2024 you still piss and moan about those queers? Go shit up another thread, or kill yourself.
it mostly come from people who prefer the other games, and it was more like laughter and mockery. NV trannies loved that piece of shit mod
guys I just wanted to say that wasteland 2 is fun
sorry but this is the tranny general
if you don't like it get >>>/out/
does the coffee machine in the season pass overlap with the other coffee machines? as in you can't place more than 1?
How did this place get worse AFTER the summer.
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Told ya I'd do it.
>dataminers randomly putting up that face smudge in this update's content
>patch hits
>it doesn't actually change at all, still broken
I'm sowwy bwos...
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Version that doesn't require squinting to see the flags.
god bless the Sneedclave, a true guardian of democracy amidst the rampant communism
Aye, their sacrifices won't be in vain.
not only does the gay tree quest suck, the settlement you get as a reward is also a joke
you get a tiny square out of a gigantic airport
you don't even get the pre-existing farm or the druids as settlers
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Reading about Van Buren and the main antagonist seems kinda silly, but maybe I'm just tired of antagonists who want to kill everyone except for a few pureblood humans. I like the idea of an automated prison and disease spreading throughout the game, killing everyone you've met.
also it would have been kino if it actually made the dryads non-hostile unless attacked
>no settlement with the gay tree in it so you can rig it with flamethrower traps that werf flammen in his face with the press of a button
That's an amazing outfit but I just can't have her walking around the wasteland in it.
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>killing everyone you've met.
Meeting them, though, that's not the hard part. It's letting go.
why not
>I like the idea of an automated prison and disease spreading throughout the game, killing everyone you've met.
Dead Money plot
Because she isn't vault-tec or a vault dweller.
Thinking about this one.
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sure is
When I read about it I didn't even think about Dead Money, I thought about the mechanism in Fallout 1 that destroys Necropolis, and if you use the restoration patch gradually destroys every settlement in the game ending with Vault 13 on Day 500

It's such a crazy and original idea, but I guess it felt like bad gameplay design even in 1997 because new players at anything tend to meander and people would be mad if they spent a few hours poking around and in the meantime everybody in the world fucking died before they hit the Game Over screen
I'll probably give her this to wear later
you guys fucked up your install somehow. Did you have GoG apply the overwrite or do it manually? I've noticed flags and posters aren't all london but haven't had the game spawning default fallout guns like reddit faggots or any animal reskin bug.
>killing everyone you've met.
those are some of the more fun play throughs.
It'd be nice if they gave you the option to turn on the settlement destruction timer at the start and vaguely warned you of a "great evil presence" (or some other terminology that doesn't identify the antagonists) will put the Wasteland in more and more peril the longer you take.
But we all know how hindsight is.
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Yeah they are pretty similar come to think of it, lorewise at least. Gameplay, not so much.
Whenever I think of a disease spreading in a game, I automatically think of pathologic. Honestly I would like a fallout game with that sense of urgency and important decision-making. But yeah it wouldn't be that fun to explore because you would want to hurry your ass around the world, collecting all of the other new plague patients and depositing them back into the robo prison.

Oh also neoscavenger had a cool disease mechanic, and it reminds me of van buren just because the new plague was also called the blue flu.

The Blue Rot is a very infectious disease. It is described as being similar to the pneumonic plague, a kind of plague that attacks the victim's respiratory system.

The Blue Rot bacteria can be contracted by close contact with an infected person. There are several ways for that to happen in the game:

By being close enough to any NPC that is a carrier of the disease while in combat. Depending on the stage of his sickness, the infection radius might differ, but can be as great as 4 units.
By close interaction with a sick member of the Church of the Blue Frog or their prisoners, during various random encounters.
It can also be contracted by consuming a dose of YPC, 020.6, carried by King Elias.
Being exposed to the Defoliant Exposure in the Great Black Swamp for extended periods.
As it is an airborne disease, wearing a gas mask with a functioning filter can prevent infection by contact, whether in combat or during an encounter. Placing a rag on character's face can also serve as a crude protection, but the chance that it will actually work is low (~33%). Both clean and dirty rags can be used in that way, with no difference on the effectiveness.
out of all bodyslide preset abominations that tranny thing is one of the worst I've seen in a long fucking time. Actually distasteful, not a single trick of the trade to fake torso length or hip to waist ratio not using a custom actually female skeleton.
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>three headed goose
Imagine how fucking loud and obnoxious these faggots would be irl, normal geese are bad enough.
ok homo
sorry you don't like abs
also it isn't even mine but the true wasteland body modders preset

I widen out the hips a bit more in mine and make the breasts bigger
Why is her torso so long looking do people look like that irl.
why would a sexbot be more covered than a nun?
>sorry you don't like a mans frame and carriage
just fullbore homosexual faggotmaxxing anon. Bodyslide lets you fake the hip to where it actually is on a woman if you aren't willing to actually have female animations in your fallout4.
If she was a sexbot then my guy would have her stashed away in the sanctuary survivor cellar.
She's military grade assassination equipment. Also I turned off all the smut talk, cba with it when trying to murder and rob.
don't know it doesn't look like that in game
I let GoG do it
should I have installed via MO2? (I'm guessing yes)
also it's the first time in 50 hours I had something like that happen, so it's not really an issue. I was just joking
fuck you, geese are cute
Alright you actually got me, this one hurts. I'm an oldfag on /v/ that really pushed NV into popularity there and seeing it turned into the tranny thing it is now makes me feel bad.
webbed feet typed this post
This here is my go to. Found it by accident when searching for Nordic Europa research facility
can you not read homo? I said I widened the hips and I have a 3bbb body too
I like have a sexbot that also is a badass assassin
>Also I turned off all the smut talk
>well I make a tranny preset have bigger tits
no I heard you perfectly faggotanon
new vegas sisters, our response?
post your female then homo
liking futanari is not tranny preset you faggoty bastard
>calling other people "a homo"
>futa lover
Every time.
What the fuck is wrong with you people
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Completed Garden of Ethan, really a great mod especially from a technical standpoint. I look forward to the MA's next project and I left him some feedback and will shoot him a 10 spot when I can be bothered. Overall better than Havasu Blues but a less traditional quest experience.

Onto Children of the Sun next and then we'll see if there's anything else dropped. Still putting off DMT though.

Will post some spoilered screenshots next.
>playing female characters
digging the hole ever deeper m8. If you want to stop being a big cutie homo, the go to bodyslide trick if you aren't willing to go down the rabbithole of sex specific skeletons is shortening the torso by faking the hip position higher than the models monoskeleton places it, then flaring the hips to hide the actual joint in ass. Look for it when downloading a less fucking gay it's a wheyfu I swear body replacer.
Awaiting the tranny mental gymnastics reply to this with some eagerness.
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I don't even play a female character homo
I just make a female body so the other female companions use that body

still haven't posted your female body I see
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in a few months people will have gotten a lot of mods but why would you trade the good ones for caps when caps are basically useless
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If you're deaf, sure.
also not me you fucking retard
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Here's the only female body you need as a companion coomer boy
your game looks like shit
where is Ron from?
what mod
post you're game
>I just want to get fucked by this hulking mannish tranny in Toddout4, not be one
A pleasure to meet you, Mecha-Missingno.
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Chudbros fucking died at this one I bet.
it is vanilla fallout 4
all that modded lighting stuff blows out the image and makes it look like shit
Sim Settlements 2, he's a minor part of the mod's main quest.
why do you think about trannies so much homo?
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Wish you faggots would shut the fuck up about your cringe bullshit when I'm trying to blogpost though, Jesus.
>you won't fuck a guy with tits, bro but look at those man abs fucking faggots I swear
why do you love trannies enough to mod better ones into a videogame already hobbled with a male only skeleton system.
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Yeah I don't know why but the tree looked great from a distance, up close though the textures were fucking dogshit and I don't know if it was a me issue (this save is on it's last legs after adding literally hundreds of mods over a 110 hour playthrough) or they're just bad textures.
is that tree gay too?
Yeah you better believe it's gay as fuck buddy and it's coming to fuck your ass with it's huge trunk.
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I like busty women with abs
your mind immediately goes to MEN MEN TRANNY TRANNY

sounds like a you problem
You need to come out the closet my penis loving friend. Your parents will accept it eventually (they won't)
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>I like "women" with broad chests, thin hips and short legs
>download a preset that tries at all to have athletic females with female proportions? heh, no way fag
truly the most heterosexual bethesda fan
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>censors out the cock
top kek gayboy
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me in the back
>show up at the institute
>"So, you've finally come for me...father...can you really do it? Can you kill your only child?"
again you fucking retard that isn't my preset
try fucking reading without the semen in your eyes
>I...I...I made the man positioned hips bigger too
>it fits my very not fucking gay as shit aesthetic taste
>tranny hip implants? No it's a muscle mommy bro, I just want Piper to pin me down so bad.
Well, seeing as we're on the ssubject of NSFW mods; are there any such mods you'd consider to be essentials? Are there any hidden gems? And most importantly, are there any guides floating around for building a NSFW modlist?
Is th slow burn mod for the cremator no good any more?
What should I use?
companion ivy
I'm still killing shit easy with it and the only appicable boost I got for it is aristocrats. If anything, it feels like things die with less shots now. Does stabilized now affect DoTs?
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keep thinking about men I guess
I'll explore with my busty fit women instead
Why does every old fallout project die an early death?
>Molten Clouds hasn't updated un years
>every single remake of fallout 1
>American Metal remixed a song and died before even developing a single item or area
>West coast blues gets absolutely nowhere (I was on the team once)
>Classic Fallout music remaster "project" makes one track and also dies
What are some mods or projects you were sad to see die?
Did they increase the amount of contextual ammo drops? I'm seeing huge drops of ammo for 10mm while using Anchorage Ace since this patch. Like usually in the teens and up to 30 bullets
Fire damage won't kill you or enemy anymore it idles at 1 hp
>this gay faggot trooned out curie
imagine if Curie looked like >>493143861, abominable
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>Oh hey, Carl, it's 2 Wycked! Looks like it needs some repairs.
I think my dog just died.
Fell off of London bridge.
(Not the immortal one, obviously.)
i have no clue what to start on. i'm several updates behind
just got a crusader pistol drop at test your metal
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>give fo'out lo'don another chance
>get to westminster
>start exploring instead of following the msq
>find the crash site
>kill some not raiders in an apartment
>quest tells me to go BACK to the guard
>think to myself "weird the game wants me to go back to the gate guard but ok"
>turns out its a different guard in front of the palace
>start talking to him and he treats me like weve already talked before and now im returning to him to finish a quest he gave me
not even toddthesda quests have this many sequence breaking issues and in a main storyline quest no less. it wasnt the only instance of sequence breaking either. really "the mod is better than vanilla bethesda fallout".
muscle mommy niggas be like "it's okay that I jerk off to goku's bulging biceps because I pretend he has a vagina" lmfao
>Fallout 3 was badass
>New Vegas is here
>Filled to the brim with bugs on launch, spinning doctors head had me thinking “wtf kind of resident evil is this”
>Story is completey tarded, “courier” is the lamest role to ever exist in a bethesda game
>combat clunky asf, why make guns play like they existed in oblivion
>Levelling system ends up putting you at a disadvantage if you dont meta
>Item durability just a nippy concept in general
>some of the poorest rpg mechanics to exist
>map is completely fucking empty outside of quests so theres no motivation to explore, which is retarded cause it’s meant to be a bethesda rpg.
>crashes constantly because of its ass code, becomes a funny “quirk”
>needs a hundred mods to be visually appealing and have any interesting gameplay
>has the become the poster game for trannies, rename this to /fag/

Seriously what the fuck was/is the hype around this game, im sorry but Fallout 4 honestly trumps it hard. Im convinced it gets the attention it does nowadays from the troons and redditors that have taken such a liking to it for some reason, maybe its because they can live out their fantasies of crumbling the big bad facists like caesars legion or by turning it into a porn game with a thousand sex mods. Dont understand it at all.
i had more game ending bugs with 3 compared to nv. I never got past the vr vault when I first played on console because it would forever load.
The dumbest thing about this post is that the gunplay and repair systems in New Vegas were both copied from and improved upon from Fallout 3
So. The new legendary rolling system is a complete ass. Im glad i have everything i need and just spent my time before update YOLO crafting some shit.
Do we get plans for legendary effects from scrapping legos only, or do they drop from somewhere else, like mutated packs, or events?
The supply of them in existence is going to increase exponentially because of the way they're generated.
A month from now the legendary system will be much easier and fairer because any newer player who wants any godroll item will just have to grind 60 modules himself, pay a couple hundred caps to a CAMP vendor and wallah

I've got everything more or less how I want already too, but I'll have an eye out for a few Sentinels and Weightless modules to perfect everything in my inventory and PA frame
>Bad end: boxcuckery so not worth it after an initial oversaturation makes them worth less than the bobbleheads and shit they're made of that very few even engage in compulsive scrapping to the tune of 400 per effect * 3 chance to get a 1% roll and boxes end up "rare" due to stash weight
>blind rolling gear ends up 3 times more grindy to make
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800 modules spent getting a perfect set of Uny +2 Int Sentinel Covert Scout Armor. Fucking trading community is vicious.
>uny +2 int
Just so that you can get to rank 100 in a few days.
No, so I can do it forever. This season is straight fucking garbage. No Mischief Night means I don't even want to fucking log in during October.
You can get plans and mods from scrapping them, but it is rare as fuck.
The only good thing that i see is that scrip is less important and scrapping those 1 star shits is possible/easy.
Very convenient to keep her static, lets see that mad clipping as soon as she takes one step
Yeah. Biggest thing is that I can easily get rid of legendary PA pieces at any workbench.
Garden of ethan is def one of my favorite nv single quest mods of all time desu. Really great interactivity and mechanics previously unheard of in nv mods. It’s a shame kungkobra said he kinda hates it lmao because of how long he’s spent working on it and scrapping it repeatedly.
ngl I really liked the voice actress’ voice for that one, but also yeah lol nobody here will seethe about it because nobody plays nv here aside from a few autists
Time to visit Overboss' kingdom, and set Jane free I guess.
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>be me
>dump hours into making Sanctuary Hills a swanky tourist trap
>still haven't touched the house with the workshop
I’m leaving work and I have nothing fallout-related to talk about. Where’s the 76 grinders when u need em??
Don’t you guys grind out legendaries or some shit
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Bros I found a sword that reloads faster
I personally dont. Im fucking done with grind, and cannot be arsed to do that for stamps (the only shit that remains so far).
>zombie preppers say that melee weapons don't need to be reloaded
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>5th column is the good ending
lol, lmao even. The vaguely franco'ist political theory fence sitting hereditary junta is the one where every region endcard like brickton and eastminster don't get immediately buttfucked and there is a final solution to the gentry problem plagueing london with it's religion of money. Even the arts flourish.
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>wasting time whetting instead of just replacing the blade in one swift movement
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>resolved to just scrap every single item that wasn't part of my regular loadout
Felt good knocking my stash down to like 200 pounds total but I don't have much to show for it
Are dot effects actually scaling well now? Not in a 'meta' way, but are they at least usable when goofing around?
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>Your squad in the islington division: you have the rapist, the rapist, the rapist, the rapist, the rapist, the...
It's up there with angel for being neat in it's unique arc fights and not getting in it's own way on politics outside of the one based but cope mission where they burn hekkin bookirinos (that are the communist manifesto you bitch ass faction companion wanted a child to read). They get to actual moral turpitude things that they narratively tie to someone who is dealt with in the end importantly but unrelatedly to those grey player actions. Taking over the millers was well structured around player skills and did a bit of worldbuilding the roundel shit lacked. Camelot Powerarmor boss fight was a nice change of pace. The Westminster Hoover Dam battle (offense) plays much better because they have grenades and real guns so aren't fucking useless in the fighting. Maskcuck is 2nd worst companion, Kiera still holds her crown, who is a gay reddit communist and simp; perk was ok not OP and doesn't give you anything all that cool gear wise. The robot for camelot though is Churchill2 and doesn't have any faction quest/reward attached to him at all while also being surprisingly squishy compared to a top lad like Jack when it comes to melee and not getting downed running in front of the player by one hit.

Outside of extreme lampshading of "fascist connotations" they did to keep it normie friendly it was interesting to play, very minorly thought provoking, and hilarious in the endcards where benevolent totalitarianism justworks in a world where representative politics has failed the people.
>So, I'm keeping an eye on those mutant freaks over at Trinity and this guy comes out of nowhere sprinting down the road. I know he must have seen them standing there from way down the street but he didn't slow down or even duck into one of the alleys.
>What the hell? What'd they do to him? Their hounds must have ripped him to shreds! By the way, this guy ain't got nothing on him. Like 10 caps and a...desk fan? Who carries around a desk fan?
>Ugh, damnit! Anyway, they didn't do nuthing to the guy. I think they were as confused as I was. Get this. The guy was making sounds!
>What do you mean? Was he screaming or something?
>Not really. It was almost like he was making motorcycle sounds. Like...he was pretending he was riding one or something. He was even making gear shifting noises and everything!
>So what? Did they just let him "drive" right by?
>Ha ha, yeah! But he didn't just drive by. He reached in his bag but didn't seem to take anything out. Until he pulled his hand toward his mouth like he was biting something, then it looked like the threw it into the Trinity lobby.
>What the fuck! What was it? What did he throw?
>Nothing! I think he was acting like he threw a grenade at them or something! A second or two later as he "drove" his bike down the road he made a loud "BOOM" sound, as if the grenade he had just thrown had exploded! Ha ha!
>Are you serious? What a fuckin' wack job! Whoa, whoa! I think this guy is still moving!
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I am being driven to insanity. Would you kindly?
>Well, well. Look at the Diamond City slicker pulling up in his fancy unrendered, Bethesdabug car.
dean domino just said grifter and i laughed because of how often I hear that word
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Fresh out of the vault
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Immediately losing an eye in a fight, grabbing a wicked sweet lab coat, and doing drugs
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no joke why the fuck wasn't this version of the vault lab coat in Fallout 4?
In 3 and New Vegas it was always just your standard vault suit under a lab coat I don't know why they decided to change it. Also how come no one else in vault 111 were wearing pip-boys?
Bethesda answered my ticket btw got the eye patch and screaming eagle wood skin.
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son of emil
Felt like playing as a ginger idk why
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I like it. What's his story?
>starting the game with that handmade skin
How the fuck?
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What you would expect to happen to a lazy 19 year old vault dweller who kept sleeping in when everyone else in vault 76 had left.
Basically the lone wanderer except without plot armor and save scumming or pausing the game and instead of looking for Liam Neeson I'm looking for the Overseer. Just gotta get good.
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It's my second character.

My main character is level 181 and I just dropped a level 25 handmade and some gear, ammo, and loot for my second character at the entrance of vault 76. I made sure to drop some cool shit like preserved pie, cool junk I'll put on a display, a bunch of plans and recipes including all of Delbert's recipes, the cranberry meatball grinder recipe, pepperoni roll recipe, some Liquid Courage, and a wedding ring because I'm married to justice.
Because only a blind girl would marry me :(
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I appreciate your taste in rifles.
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I have one IRL.
Is it ever explained why fallout 76 has ar-10 instead of ar-15?
I don't hate it but ar-15 has a lot more cultural weight
What's funny is it's technically a 15 since it's chambered in 5.56 in-game despite the skin even saying it's chambered in 7.62x51.
Addendum, it's even funnier knowing that .308 is also in-game and the gun won't utilize it.
It's just a skin for the handmade rifle not an actual weapon that can be crafted or bought.
I didn't think it was that bad
Nogun detected.
This car was made in Goodneighbor!
Thank you for your Service
nice doggy and gun
Nice carpet
Have three golden retrievers in a house and tell me you can keep carpets clean.
Put it on the wall
whats the point of having a carpet if its on da wall.
Did the new update kill the game or something?
Why do I have to fight on the side of reddit? That's no fun..
>Did the new update kill the game or something?
People are grinding for the crafting recipes, or the mods.
>get caravan stuff kind of done, but it's very low effort and a complete mess
>trim out the caravan bits so you can take another month to work on it despite the deadline hitting
>accidentally break things you fixed on PTS, and push a broken update to live despite never having tested it on PTS
>season rewards are absolute fucking dogshit
yeah, I'd say so
there's like a minor chance that when they drop the caravan stuff they've patched it up to actually match what was promised, but I doubt it unless they're absolutely fucking slaving away this next month
Because you hate NV fags more than troons apparently
That's not true. I just like a good shit talk so ofc I'd join the tranner memes side.
Old Blighty is just a slang term for London lmao. I thougt it was like a specific in game area, like Bromley.
Old Blighty is England. And I just found out it comes from a pajeet word as well Sir.
Do you, or anyone else that's played it, know if it conflicts with the world we knew?
I sort of figured it does since it does say
>Will likely conflict with other mods that edit the west side of Nellis.
but I wanted to check if anyone had tried both before I test it myself to maybe spare me the trouble.
Why does Piper look so evil in this?
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Someone made a kinda bootleg patch for it, but yeah having both mods will fuck up the pathway in the world we knew, and the rocks in the world we knew also clog up the entire entrance to garden of ethan.

"Just got back to testing this and well the incompatibility is worse than I originally thought. I thought the road may have been just set dressing or something else at first but nope apparently its something that you need to go through to progress to the World We Knew content. You should be able to just tcl your way over the gap this mod adds, I know its not ideal so I may try to add back the road even if it looks even more jank. Sorry everyone, I wont hide the mod as it still somewhat serves a purpose as at least now the Garden of Ethan content is easily accessible especially compared to it being completely blocked off

Update: Added back the road so you wont need to noclip, the road looks very wonky but everything should be playable now. My bad yall"
so yeah I would play each mod separately.
True Wasteland Body is designed to look like a roided female bodybuilder
Already got Instigating unlocked, Juggernaut unlocked, and 2 Mutant's mod boxes.
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kind of looks like Tommy outfit doesn't it?
the quartered shouldered patch thing is not the same color and there are some extra bits
looks like a scrapped brotherhood design lazily recolored blue ridge
For how little time it took, this turned out quite nicely. Yes, I know about the misspelled coffee, it's been fixed already.
>creature loot added to general loot tables
Wow, this mod really is just a portfolio stuffer, isn't it? Anti-soul.
>accessory package sigma
>Prussian blue salt
nice touches
do you have saars working on the project lmao
reminds me of the grey warden armor from dragon age
I don't think I've ever seen her with so many clothes on before.
>a bad reskin of a bad outfit is a major reward this season
how long does a season last again? I'll see you faggots when ghoul is out, bye
Nah, I just didn't think the small text would be legible in-game, so I didn't bother giving it a closer look, but when I saw the implemented asset, I went back to fix the texture.
I'm going to download Viva New Vegas with Wabbajack. Are there any extra mods I should include? Also, what's the deal with the Lone Star mod? Is it as annoying and hard as it seems?
Uninstall Wizard
>congratulations you failed.jpg
that just outs the creator and every downloader as massive closeted faggot to not consider any single feminine aspect of a girl bodybuilder important in their Pygmalion hekkin wheyfu. Tren doesn't make a woman have a man's torso length and waist ratio.
>ranjeet doesn't even have the mental capacity to know what broke with london there
legendary crafting must really not be going over well
Yeah, but enemy ones are stronger too
What kind of mods do you want to add? Kind of an open ended question.
>Lone Star
lmao, another JSawyer derivative? How many more of these do we need?
Anyway, these mods are usually highly configureable, so you can make it as difficult or annoying as you want.
Says the faggot who probably gets off on femboys
You're a retarded faggot, trannies have nothing to do with liking beautiful reptile women unles you're gay.
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Those are useless. Call in again when you have any of Quad, Bloodied, Aristo, AA, FFR, -25% vats, 50% Crit ones.

>grinding for those shits
Got a question.
WHO THE FUCK ASKED FOR THAT CARAVAN SHIT?! No, really. Why the fuck they even bothered? Just roll in a new season with whatever they had that is not that caravan shit. Instead of wasting time on the crap, spend time on things that actually improve the game.
>Brotherhood of Steel infantry uniform cannot be crafted.
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>5th column is the good ending
surely youre jesting
Britain is a fascist country. Are you really that surprised?
>not just projection, but one of the biggest "excuse me what the fuck lol" cases of it in recent thread memory
Why can't you fucks just argue like normal people?
lmao you wish
Stay mad and keep coping, you tartarus-bound animal-fucking loser.
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>14 years of torries in power
>Thatcher before that
They are fascists alright.
>get voted out
seems like they are pretty shit at being fascist lmao
Shit-tier bait.
That, and
>discount Reagan
Once again, shitty bait.
>policies they left in place remain
>culture they perpetuated remains
>"but they lost elections!"
Doesnt matter who wins or who loses if the system stays the same.

A good chunk of the issues we have today worldwide stem from the actions and policies Reagan and Thatcher implemented, not to mention the mentality and ideas. All it takes is one fuck and a bunch of yes-men and 20 years later shit hits the fan.

Now would you kindly do the honours and AYY LLAMA yourselves.
>self-censors "kill yourself", has to use an image to say it instead
You people are a cult and "problematic language" is your "haram".
look, I don't like Thatcher or Reagan either, but calling neoliberals facsists because you don't like them, isn't doing you any favors.
Ignorance and hubris are a dangerous combination, friend.
If you keep calling paleoconservative capitalism "fascism" you're in for a very rude awakening down the line. No word salads on 4chan will change that.
Anyway, Fallout. Hail Unity.
inb4 you bitch about them being effectively Nazbol.
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You think neo-libs cannot be fascists?
>paleoconservative capitalism
Now you've tossed a mean word salad, anon.
See, that is the issue with you. Apparently, "kill yourself" novadays means same thing as "fuck off" or "go to hell", but since the latter two are no longer edgy enough due to overuse and loss of impact, the former is used in their stead.
Also, i have no idea what the fuck you mean with that white text, Quite literally picrel.

>no option to wipe all factions out
There always should be such an option. It is what irks me about Honest Hearts. No option to single-handedly wipe out whitelegs and tell Joshua and Daniel "God works in mysterious ways".
Also got me thinking about F:L. If one outcome is prefered or portrayed as positive or good by the developers, then it is shit,
>Now you've tossed a mean word salad, anon.
If you want me to just say "capitalism", I can. It's still accurate. The "paleoconservative" bit was just to add historical context.

>that entire last paragraph
I agree. A faction system is only as good as how flexible it is, if I can't roleplay as either a good or bad character with their own respective reasons for picking that side, it's not fleshed out enough.
For example, I had a lot of fun with an evil playthrough as a corrupt jingoist NCR militant until the save file shat itself for whatever reason. Good guy NCR playthroughs are fun and all but I like the flexibility and being able to use it.
is there a fast way to level the season pass in fo76?
Basically you run herbivore + berry mentats + brain bombs + lunch boxes + score booster + Unyielding with +2 INT (so you want to stack as much INT as you can) + Cranberry Relish and then go to West-Tek and grind supermuties. You will be proccing that "Repeats under lvl 100" score challenge like mad and if you can sustain lunchboxes and several hours of non-stop high-speed grinding, you should be close to 100. Do it for a bit longer and you will hit 100. It is possible to do that in less than a day IF you grind like mad for 16 hours or so on the team (that perk card with +15% xp on team). And then there is that Leader bobblehead.

TLDR: stack INT, stack xp boosters, use score booster and grind away at West Tek.
Also, regarding Fallout 1, you actually CAN wipe out all the factions, but it sounds insanely difficult.
>wipe out filthy ghouls and nightkin
>TLD immediately starts putting scavengers patrolling before I even reported back that it's safe
What are Novac scavengers taking out of the REPCONN test site if I took everything not bolted down?
So hypothetically, if Caesar took Vegas and established a proper civilian caste(which he does in his ending), do you think he'd adopt a libertini-esque policy and slowly integrate slaves into his citizenry or would he be a retard about it causing Haiti 2.0?
Blacks in the Fallout universe are just normal people with regular intelligence so Haiti has nothing to do with New Vegas.
why is your game so dark, i cant see shit
He'd be smart enough to know that would lead to his state eventually fragmenting. The question is his long-term perspective, how Confucian he's willing to be or not to be.
I'll see if I can get the cranberry relish and brain bombs. Thanks a lot for the info!
the bolted down stuff
This has nothing to do with blacks, I used Haiti as an example because its revolution resulted in the slave population successfully killing everyone else and taking over.
Did Rome's policy regarding freedmen lead to fragmentation though?
Genuinely asking.
It's night time.
Haiti collapsed and then the blacks took over, so your example isn't good.
Dont forget herbovore mutation/serum. Boosts relish from 10% to 20%. Food xp bonuses dont stack - they override each other, so if you have no relish - eat cobbler/drink juice, no bobbler/juice - drink nuka cranberry. Relish is the best though, and easy enough to make.
Broiled scorchbeast brains and tasty squirrel stew have the same effect for carnivore
Imagine roleplaying as a v*gan when I'm just scarfing down the fucking 127 Gulper Innards I found brewing moonshine
Okay, fair. But you get what I'm trying to say.
Having a permanent slave caste with zero compromise seems like it'd cause issues down the line. I can't imagine a timeline where "slaves are takin our jerbs" wouldn't eventually pop up, among other reasons for civil unrest caused by a permanent slave caste that at the time NV takes place outnumbers the Legion's subjects.
>being picky about food
goddamn brats
Historically speaking, it's not like it's a straight line of "higher number of integrated slaves = more fragmentation". In the short and medium term, integrating both integrated slaves and conquered peoples, which we're treating as quasi-synonymous here since they partially are in NV's case, were quite good for cohesion. There's an observed drive toward using the high form language and participating in the prestige culture, so it ends up being a shortcut to paint le map red. In the long term, native elements slowly become more pronounced to where the identity shifts. You can actually see this in places like Latin America which were much more similar to their colonial parent cultures the closer in time to colonization and diverge to form a new hybrid of colonizer and native. Same thing in Europe. Albion was as Roman as Roman could get, until it wasn't. My hypothesis is that this wouldn't happen in a strict Confucian model, and it's a seemingly natural conclusion to the Roman model.
>policy regarding freedmen lead to fragmentation though
To be specific about the question, I sure think so. Empowered provincials start off by copying Rome for prestige and slowly re-nativize to where they just split off eventually as their own thing which still carries some semblance of Romanness.
Ok, yet you have to hunt down scorchbeasts (not hard, just annoying) and then you need to hunt down squirrels. Cranberries are reliable enough to get and make relish in bulk, unlike squirrels.
>I can't imagine a timeline where "slaves are takin our jerbs" wouldn't eventually pop up, among other reasons for civil unrest caused by a permanent slave caste that at the time NV takes place outnumbers the Legion's subjects.
The Confucian model seems to solve that; at least, it hasn't broken down yet, but it's hard to say if there isn't some innate quality inherent to the people who practice it, which helps that civilizational model function so well.
Need CRAM correction.
I don't see why it'd cause problems. I think your concept of "slave" is a spook of the mind, a product of contemporary education and media and most people living as slaves historically felt a lot less angst about it, especially in the case of blacks. Criminal or debt slaves I'll grant would be upset. The "slaves" under the legion administrative state seem more like serfs, which just is what it is.
minutemen, hell yeah
oh so I can't stack the cranberry with them, damn. Are the camp items like the moth tome and derby game good alternatives to the bobble-heads/magazines? Also how hard is it to get the nuka grenades some use for wes tek?
>nobody feels angst about having to haul backbreaking cargo or literally suck soldier dicks for sixteen hours a day, seven days a week and if they ever refuse to continue or complain they get crucified
>nuka grenades
Oh, so THATS how they go about it.
You capture some workshops, place nuka-cola collectrons, get nuka-cola from them and then make nuka-grenades. The more workshops the more collectrons the more nuka-colas. Use super-duper to get make even more when crafting them.
I didn't say nobody and the conditions of slaves in a front line military camp are hardly representative of an entire population, even if your hyperbolic description were accurate.
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>Clearing out black mountain
>Reach the village at the apex
>Ambushed by a deathclaw
>Fast travel to McCarren
>Fast travel back to black mountain
I have literally never completed Black Mountain in any way except murdering Tabitha and his gay robot
>literally suck soldier dicks for sixteen hours a day, seven days a week
my dream job
I think I'm getting decent luck unlocking legendary plans.
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Now you aren't
I got nothin'. You answered all my questions, well done.
Ashur, I know there's a blurry line between slave and citizen in the Pitt, but the Legion is completely clear cut with its definition of "slave". No spooks here.
Why did you curse me
Yeah, that tends to go over players' heads. The slaves in the Legion's home turf probably have it a lot easier than the ones you see in the Fort.
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I've brought this up before but as poorly written as Fallout 3 is in many places, I appreciate that they actually conveyed that Ashur lives in hell and in fact quantifiably improves that hell by being a huge ruthless asshole in it, and I really wonder why New Vegas took no such sympathetic liberties with Caesar

It's not really a complicated storytelling concept, WH40k runs on it like gasoline
You're right about the Pitt having nuance and I appreciate it as well, but I quite like the difference between Ashur and Caesar since the circumstances are different.
People like Raul and the merchant at the fort help a little
>I really wonder why New Vegas took no such sympathetic liberties with Caesar
Californian writers can't allow themselves to do so since it would break their brains, though I suspect it's actually the case that if they wanted to do that, it would require a lot of additional minor content to properly flesh the concept out, and dev time simply didn't allow for it.
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/vg/ is NCR territory, stranger. We don't take too kindly to you folks in this here thread sympathizing with terrorists.
You have three days to pay your taxes or the NCR comes for you.
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big brained motherfucker
K is the only sane mod dev I've ever met or have otherwise been recently exposed to (sans maybe trainwiz) and I'm glad he posts here.
>Caesar's Legion is positioned as a faction that regularly does brutal things with the belief (Caesar's belief, anyway) that it will eventually lead to a much better, more stable, future. NCR is positioned as a faction that regularly does good things but systemically "loses" causes and pushes people around through neglect, bureaucratic inefficiency, and petty jealousy/spite.
>The player's first encounters with each group are intentionally "bad guy"/"good guy" to set up an expectation that changes over time.
>The intention for the NCR and Legion was that most people would initially perceive the NCR as "good guys" and the Legion as "bad guys". Over time and exposure to more aspects of NCR and Legion culture, the dark side of NCR would show (this happened) and the positive aspects of the Legion would show (this did not happen, in large part because the Legion areas east of the Colorado were cut).
>Several Legion camps on the east side of the Colorado River were cut before they entered development. The order in which we built the Mojave Wasteland radiated out from the middle of the map, with areas near the edges being built much later. Unfortunately, the Colorado River (save the Fort and Lanius' camp, which are self-contained) became the logical division line for content when time was running out. And yes, Ulysses-as-companion was designed to give more pro-Legion sentiment and content.
From various posts on Josh Sawyer's Formspring. Absence of dev time + arguably poor planning led to sympathetic/positive aspect of Legion being culled aside from a couple lines of dialogue (eg. Raul, Cass, Dale Barton).
The Pitt is a short-ass DLC where Ashur is the only noteworthy thing about it
At least New Chadgas didn't have much trouble saying women are breeding stock in the Legion, funny how Todd wouldn't even remotely dare to say something like that even in his most """dark""" environment kek
Based Yoshi Sawyer. He can be an idiot sometimes but that was an extremely grounded assessment of the situation.
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Strikes-Below-Belt was reminded that Arcade Gannon does not like the legion to the degree that being accepted makes you a no go for him to join, so he went down and clocked some legionnares in the face and dump nuclear waste on the cove.
Time to shake some life into the Enclave remnants.
I know you don't get a lot of (You)s for these posts sometimes, but they're appreciated and the updates are cool. We do read them. Keep it up.
The only fallout game I've ever played is FO4
Human rights are a social construct. (Bitch.)
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Play Fallout 1 so you can meet the cool guys in purple robes.
>black mountain
Russian artist.
Maybe he has some mod that makes deathclaws stalk you across the map.
Or he's bullshitting. Probably the latter, but it's a cool idea.
Why not bring these guys back for something? Too emblematic of Fallout 1? I always felt they should have had some form of remnants, like deep hidden cultists of the fallout universe worshipping and living among super mutants or something. Particularly the ones with psychic abilities like the master.
there is a blind deathclaw guarding a small path in that general direction
Agreed wholeheartedly. The canon states that they scattered into the wastes after the cathedral exploded instead of being wiped out, and they're an instrumental part of super mutants being more than orcish local fauna. There's a lot of potential for them too, considering their status as a high-tech subfaction as seen in Mariposa.
Isn't that primm pass.
Too many remnants of everything desu
The Enclave have a monopoly on the whole remnants thing if you don't count mods.
Well, correction: the Master's army has remnants too, but this falls under that categorization. So it's technically not adding new remnants, just adding onto pre-existing ones to make them more fleshed out.
Thanks to the anon who referenced A Canticle for Leibowitz in here a couple weeks ago, great book. I did think it was funny that for all the autists that complain about how after 200 years in Fallout that society should basically be fully back in swing that novel has the setting stay at Fallout 3 tier destitution and savagery for centuries and centuries on end post nuclear war, with it taking about 1000 years for feudal medieval tier nations to form again. Then again the setting did not have any vaults or futuristic technology that was preserved and survived after the war like Fallout does.
Sometimes they follow players all the way up from the base near quarry junct
What is Tales of Two Wastelands and is it worth looking into how to get this setup if I'm doing Viva New Vegas?
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>after level 100, you now get SCORE points per event completed instead of per 10k exp gained
Doesn't this just mean AFK chads win even harder than they do during Fasnacht and Mothman?
Do you want to play Fallout 3?
If yes, yes. If no, no.
It integrates all Fallout 3 content into new Vegas so you can experience both games on one save/playthrough

Imo it is not worth it because Fallout 3 kinda sucks and the writing and world becomes even worse when it’s competing directly side by side with New Vegas. It also introduces some compatibility problems and the balance is extremely out of whack. Playing Fallout 3 separate is probably a better overall experience if you really must play it but the modding community for Fallout 3 standalone is pretty much dead
Fallout seems to have congealed into
>which old world philosophy will win against the others and "solve" the wasteland
while Fallout development has congealed into
>which old franchise factions will we include this time to retain brand awareness
It's like pottery, it shines.

Also, "solving" the wasteland also deletes the setting, hence the Tunnellers in Honest Hearts.
nta but Fallout 3 is genuinely worth playing. The TTW team may be full of the worst types of commie scum but to my knowlege they haven't fucked with 3 outside of adding an area with a train station to take you to Freeside.
its kind of funny cause roy is one of the biggest dicks ive ever witnessed
>which old world philosophy will win against the others and "solve" the wasteland
Most of the time you see a distorted, setting-specific version of it, so it's still interesting.
>which old franchise factions will we include this time to retain brand awareness
Do you want my professional opinion or my opinion as a fan of the series? I'll just give both.
Professional opinion: a fictional world having recurring themes and characters is important, and trying to make derivatives of pre-existing factions as seen in London proves to be a little stale and just makes you nostalgic for the originals. There have been good (at least on paper) factions that came out of the post-interplay era, but a series retaining its roots and identity is vital. Viewing that through a cynical lens as you're doing now is just that: cynical.
My opinion as a fan: Look man the fuckin' Enclave and Brotherhood are all over the goddamn place and my purple lads are overshadowed on the East coast by a boring faction who worship ghouls and bathe in radioactive slop. Just let me have a W for once. There's a lot of wasted potential here.
*lonesome road
but yeah, avellone was right.
Is this why Gigabased Roy Batty left the TTW team?
Yeah in A Canticle for Leibowitz, the humans there didn't have anything like GECKs or vaults to help out with technology. Meanwhile Vault City in Fallout 2 started off with a GECK and a fusion generator. It is pretty amusing to compare the two settings. In the book, it takes approx. 1,000 years or something (I forget the exact timeline in the book) for the humans to get back to using nuclear weapons. I think fallout 76 to fallout 4 takes around what 200ish years?
In the book it’s around 1800 years between the first nuclear war in the 1960s and the second nuclear war that goes down at which point humans are more advanced than they were previously with lunar/martian colonies and spaceships etc. but yes the timescale is extremely drawn out. Meanwhile Mr House is trying to get colony ships off the ground within 300 years of the last Armageddon
Ew. I could write a book in itself about the negative connotations of that last name.
Fallout 1
>master wants to unify everyone because he thinks that's the solution to infighting (uses old world tech and old world humans)
Fallout 2
>enclave wants to kill the muties and have pureblood humans control the wasteland (uses old world tech and old world humans)
>Fallout NV
>legion wants to identity kill everyone and unify the wasteland (uses old world tech and philosophy)
>house wants to work on his projects or something and tell everyone to fuck off (uses old world tech and philosophy)
>ncr wants to gain more power/control and run everyone else over in the process (uses old world tech and philosophy)

Yeah pretty much.
The namesake character is actually the progenitor of a Catholic order of monks (the author was a devout Catholic who wrote it around the same time he converted)
I mean, it fucking works in terms of building a high-stakes scenario to throw the player into, why complain about that?
None of these factions that are pushing to make the wasteland not a wasteland anymore get what they want in the end, including the "good ones", so it's all gravy. Why take issue with it?
>which old franchise factions will we include this time to retain brand awareness
This is entirely eye of the beholder stuff given that in the last fallout game all of the factions bar one are brand new.
Also the only evidence we have that the tunnelers will be any sort of threat are the words of a literal madman. If they came above ground they would be less of a threat than feral ghouls, given that they are outside their chosen environment.
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Thanks for making me contemplate something else stupid from Fallout that I never paid attention to before - how taboo nuclear weapons are after the Great War
Because everything from Lonesome Road to fucking Fallout 4's ending is surprisingly solemn about "We are repeating the atrocity and sin of the past" but then you also have people just fucking plinking each other with man-portable nukes and the big zany robot that tosses nukes like footballs
It opens more cans of worms like
>why didn't Caesar just retrieve a nuke from some shithole and have a suicidal frumentarii smuggle it into Shady Sands
>why didn't the NCR find a half broken silo and jury-rig it well enough to just rain on Caesar's parade from orbit
>why didn't the Brotherhood of Steel nuke the Enclave
>why didn't - wait, the Enclave can in fact nuke the Brotherhood camp at the Pentagon, can't they? But apparently they only have one way to do it with a really finnicky satellite?
Yeah, I always get the names of those two mixed up for some reason.
>Viewing that through a cynical lens as you're doing now is just that: cynical
I mean, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just mentioning that it is a thing. My main issue with it is that it tends to rob new locations of their uniqueness when the same old faces show up and don't have much or any interaction with local culture. It can make every separate setting within the franchise feel like Everytown, Fallout when the more location-specific factions are shoved out of the main quest in favor of the recognizable ones.
I do agree with everything else you said, though, I just think there's some middle ground where not every game is about the BoS in some way.
>Also the only evidence we have that the tunnelers will be any sort of threat are the words of a literal madman. If they came above ground they would be less of a threat than feral ghouls, given that they are outside their chosen environment.
I was just commenting on their worldbuilding role, in that too much progress and de-wastelandification deletes the setting, so you either need stories that end without a clear winner and bringer of civilization or a periodic reset catastrophe to maintain the post-post-apocalypse and not let it slip into post-post-post-apocalypse, which is just a regular setting with scavenger/junk aesthetic.
Even in Fallout 1 the Vault Dweller canonically kills the Master using a functioning nuke that the Master himself acquired and tucked up his own ass instead of firing it at any of his enemies because... Tim Cain had watched Planet of the Apes 2 (1970)
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Meanwhile, somewhere South of Necropolis,
>Great job securing that nuclear warhead for the Republic, kid! I'm proud of you.
reminded me that the legion sabotaged searchlight with those radioactive tanks and ruined the entire town
I don't think it's a bad thing, it's slightly different in every fallout game so I'm never uninterested.
Except for the enclave in fallout 3 just because the whole water purification plot didn't really make much sense to me.
Oh yeah and the institute follows the same rule. I just don't want old factions coming back in any major way too many times.
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The most insane part about this whole discussion is that Fallout 2 was already post-post-apocalyptic
Virtually everywhere you go in the game is already "civilized" in some fashion, there's poverty and violence but there's a real shortage of people fuckin' eating each other and using skulls to decorate their forts made out of burnt up cars
1) It's the realization of an earlier design goal they stated with the introduction of the blue ridge content in that fucking tunnel. "We want to make the wasteland seem like a living place, and caravans being run through it somehow does that idk"
2) It was very simple to make but looks good when you describe it to, say, another parent company that is overwatching what you do with your game.
Yeah. Fallout 2 had mostly little towns and then a handful of more advanced , definitely civilized cities.
>shady sands, new reno, san fran, vault city, navarro

also funny speaking of leibowitz and fallout 2:
The Abbey was designed by Timothy Cain. The design was inspired by A Canticle for Leibowitz like the Brotherhood of Steel, and would have had a quest where the monks implore the Chosen One for help to stop the Brotherhood of Steel from assaulting and confiscating all their collected knowledge
Which is also why it's one of the more contentious games in the series. In principle, there's not a whole lot of difference between F2 and Arcanum, both are dark and edgy RPGs with a focus on societal grime with some aesthetic vestige from the inspiring genre.
I'm surprised it took till Lonesome Road to end a main quest by going all DJ Smokey on main factions.
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Ah. Yeah, fair enough. Proper writing would make them organically interact with the regional culture, not be inexplicably slapped onto the setting like a big gay sticker with "FALLOUT" written on it. I think I get it now. And I agree, I guess I read you wrong.
Isnt lonesome road also somewhat a remnant of van buren? You’re forced to direct some missiles to various places after you defeat the big bad guy on the space station or some shit
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Angel ending people don't know they're happily living in one mans utopian vision where the feeling of free will comes from indoctrination, but gentry are still frog in a pot stripped of power and england is dragged out of the darkness of the apocalypse. 5th column they become a stable functional microstate with no parasite classes and begin to rebuild a postwar society under a firm but fair hand. Camelot ending they militarily take over Westminster and... try to vote even harder and nothing functionally changes as the free and fair™ parliamentary system is co-opted by lobbying and a gentry coalition government

So it turns out the gay trees were a beard of their own, reddit just doesn't have the media literacy to realize how mad they should be.
>literal car thieves
>being able to fuck a mob boss' wife and daughter
>alcoholic priest
>Myron, baby, Myron
>Made Man perk and all of its benefits
New Reno was one of the most kino areas in the entire series.
Yeah, I mean, otherwise it might devolve into just gimmick wacky factions like the baseball stuff from 4 but for main factions, and we wouldn't want that either. Not to say the wacky stuff is all bad, but it can't be the focus, you know.
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>they're happily living in one mans utopian vision where the feeling of free will comes from indoctrination
Did you make the choice to be born into this ash covered world? What is free choice compared to life?
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I know not what weapons the third world war will be fought with
But the fourth world war will be fought between Moe Cronin and Goalie Ledoux, burning the countryside to determine if baseball or hockey are mankind's destiny, only to die in their folly together when their rumblings awaken John Madden Prime from his long cybernetic slumber
I want a primary antagonist in fallout who is seeking revenge against an existing faction (that we positively and negatively interact with throughout the game) and has no greater plans of domination or reshaping the world. Just a bitter angry dude who feels he’s been wronged by others.
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Fallout needs more FOOBAW. American football. The best football. Not a joke, either.
Sometime after the baby boom, football became king here. If someone says "sports", they think of football first. Gridiron runs our shitty lives, at least if you're a normie. I'm actually surprised the most we've seen of it is salvaged armor worn by Caesar's troops.
Bunker Buster from Fallout: Aviation was on a personal crusade against the last functioning Vault-Tec location in Ohio and was intended as a recurring antagonist that could turn into a companion with the right choices.
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Goddamn it
I need a football tackle special melee move in fallout with bonus damage for wearing spiked football shoulder armor
Napoleon not giving a shit about a sugar plantation and it's farm equipment while fighting at the point the largest land war in european history is why a slave revolt took over haiti, losing said largest land war is why France never came back to clean up.

>castrate or don't actively breed "slave" slaves as the persian/arabs did
>view slavery as a bonded class with social mobility in and out of it through debt and soft tool of integration
>actually be a student of history and don't undermine your citizen soldier caste by letting an effete monied class steal their right to property and debasing the currency
As long as Caesar has a succession plan and they keep making coins out of actual gold, things would likely continue to justwork. Their biggest problem is the one of gameplay balancing that they just don't use enough guns at low level lists and muh wave tactics, which gives the appearance of being more larp than culture for a lot of the tribal level members of the legion. Roman successor states (europe) hundreds of years after the fall of the western empire still had "all'antica" armor and styles in art and culture, but it was Rome through the lens of their modern technology and historical views, not a regression. the biggest thing I see as a social problem in legion lands is no one but caesar knowing how to be "Romanesque" in the non football pad ways that matter. Devolving into big tribe tribals without any culturally roman/antiquity anything.
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Couple that with a linebacker perk that compliments a move like what you're describing or maybe a QB perk that affects how companions function in battle and you might be onto something here.
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Please be aware you can't learn by scrapping, craft mod boxes of, or get new random drops of weapons with +3 Luck or +3 Intelligence because they were not implemented by the developers.
Your hairline's not doing too well nowadays, Robbie. Too much office drama stressing you out?
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>3 stars that weren't implemented
>an already annoying crafting level that takes a low percentage.
Jesus Bethesda, that's impressive.
yeah I figured, really wanted all INT gear
Some Do

Oh really?
>hmm, should we test this version of the update where we gutted all this other content?
>nah, it's probably fine
whoopsie daisy
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How much time you got? Heh, yeah, I have a few. Let me see. A couple years back, before I met Clutch, me and a couple friends found a young kid on the north side of the Charles. He wasn't that young, probably around 18 or so. Anyway, after hanging out with him for a while, it started to get dark so I built a fire. I kid you not, as soon as I lit the first match, the kid screams, 'What are you doing?' and knocks the match out of my hand. I was so surprised that I swung and broke his nose. He said he was sorry and, get this, he said he was afraid of fire. As soon as he told me that, I thought of something. I quickly apologized for hitting him and told him it's nothing to be ashamed of. That night me and the others got this kid so drunk, so fast, he passed out within an hour. We then dragged him to the banks of the Charles. We also dragged six or seven mattresses and tied them in a circle with one in the middle. So yeah, we tied all these mattresses together and then we placed one mattress in the middle and put the kid on it. We doused all the mattress with gas except his and lit them on fire and pushed them down into the water. We followed the burning mattresses down the river laughing our asses off waiting for the kid to wake up. After five minutes we realized the kid wasn't going to wake up so we all started throwing rocks at him. After a couple hits, the kid wakes up. At this point the flames were huge! Imagine what it must've been like for him, waking up, not knowing where he was and all he sees is fire. The kid tries to stand up, but can't get his footing on the soggy mattress. At this point, I am laughing so hard I fall down.
Turns out the kid couldn't swim. Anyway, that's that.
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get fr*cked
Mayor Breslin would join the Enclave
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>You travel the '95, and yet you stop only to steal from me the starred bottle cap, and you do not rest or imbibe either the grub or the gulp. Who are you to forget your well-being?
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Yeah, it was really good. I'm still God's Strongest Zion Trail shill but it gave that a run for it's money and in some areas blew it away others. It's absolutely one of the "best" I've played but I feel like the experiences I had with other mods resonated with me more in some ways.

As myself and a couple others on Nexus have said, not having any voicelines from the Caretaker bot or Francine really heavily detracts from the ending. I didnt make too much of a point on it in my post about it as I don't want to be overly negative to an MA but the reason it's like that is beyond stupid.

I'm playing "Children of the Sun" now, and have completed one of what I'm guessing is 3 main parts. Pretty good so far, very reminiscent of th3overseers mods from what I've experienced.

Pic rel.

I used the jank patch because this save is basically fucked anyway but you need to play them separate to maintain any semblance of immersion. If you're picking one Garden of Ethan clears.
This was the 4th or 5th quest mod I played. It was okay, what's weird is that the VA's for the Super Mutants were fucking great but the actual people sounded pretty rough.
Oh yeah the whole thing about that was he basically forgot to give that line to the voice actress and its a bit late now I guess lol. I'm tempted to ask what exactly the line was, but it is different when you hear it.
he just released another mod, and the voice acting was a lot better for all of the characters this time
Yeah, and if you side with them, the agent sent to the Mojave talks a big game about their ambitions in the region but it doesn't go anywhere with it quest-wise.
I won't shit on the mod author for it though. He just wanted to give the player options.
>he just released another mod, and the voice acting was a lot better for all of the characters this time
Got a link, chum?
its quite short, i only played one route of it and it was alright.
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Legion freaks get the fist.

Fucking love endgame NV, literally punching 15 heavily armed mercenaries and a Centurion to death, no more than 2 hits a piece and without even losing 2 notches off my HP bar.
This was cool, I'd assume if you are Legion aligned it plays very differently but my character basically rocked up, saw a Legion guy who immediately knows she's HER and shittalked him into attacking out of anger. Peak.

>he just released another mod, and the voice acting was a lot better for all of the characters this time
Well that'll be next for me then probably.
The Legion make for some fun fights if you're a close-range kind of person because a lot of them fight the same way. Once you close the distance with an NPC that only uses guns, it's funny but not as exciting seeing them trying and failing to hit you.
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Indeed, especially when you block and "parry" dey ass.
Been using the recent New Vegas Animations Overhaul - Melee and it makes it very satisfying.

On the current mod, this part was really good. It's basically nothing in terms of gameplay but the way it presents the decision to be made and the opportunity to shape your characters morality by action or by inaction is interesting.
NTA. Read another book - Earth Abides. It will give you an insight to how tribes formed.
>AFK for events that are not going to happen
In any case, they should've just removed that score per 10k exp challenge.
>events that are not going to happen
Let's be honest, the show was shit.
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IMO, the show bit of the show was OK. The Fallout bit of the show was picrel.
men go and come, but earth abides
Yeah okay I'll concede to that. The stuff related to Fallout was pretty fucking bad. It would be awkward if one half of the Nolan brothers made a bad show.
If the show was more similar to John Carpenter's the Thing insofar as pitting horrific muties against humanity I'd be all for it.
Instead it was a bunch of pre-war literal niggers except Hank deciding the fate of California for reasons nobody in the wasteland or the audience gave a fuck about.
They would never make a monsters vs humans show with the fallout ip lmao. it has to be about politics
but he did? westworld was simultaneously a shit show (final season) and top tier show (first season)
Does f4 even have an ost aside from atom bomb baby
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Sadly, yes, you're right.
Tim Cain is rolling in the grave he wish he was in right now.
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Uranium Fever
Fuck the show. Watch that movie called Love and Monsters. Thats Fallout: Florida right there, and movie is a 10 Luck playthrough.
Get project Nevada, still the best overhaul by far, and best of all the creator is based so it makes the modern troon cabal community seethe hard
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>Game set in nuclear post apocalypse?
>Throw in a bunch of songs that mention nuclear and radiation shit
I'm just sick of Fallout 3 and 4 radio
New vegas radio feels really like something people inside the world would listen to and actually good songs that you enjoy
>a bunch of pre-war literal niggers
Yes, Vault-Tec fell quite low in moral department.
Just do mind that the show is Todd's fanfic.

Funny thing about the show. Look carefully at all the executives names in credits. The show was nothing but a financial scam.
>fallout new Vegas is le good whilst Fallout 3 and 4 are le bad

Daring today aren’t we?
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Honest opinion is way better than controversial one
He didn't say that, you idiot.
He said he was sick of 3 and 4's choice of radio tunes.
Stop shit-stirring.
>Just do mind that the show is Todd's fanfic.
kek wtf
He literally had nothing to do with it other than telling them regions of the US to stay away from.
the entire personality of NV players =
>other games are bad
>comfy conversation for hours
>suddenly a bunch of "NV fans do x when they tryna y lmao" come out of the woodwork
It's totally one fucking guy.
NTA. Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are dogshit games. They are THAT FUCKING BAD. And worst of all, Fallout 3 is better than 4.
If you like the pseudo-meinkraft pisspuddle of options that 4 offers with settlement building - ok, but its still dogshit. And i suspect that that is the only feature that makes some people like 4 - a meager clone of sims and minecraft with Fallout paintjob that somehow has less features than it should.
Bait is bait. And yeah, music in 3 and 4 is shit too. I play with those switched off and i never ever listen to radio in 3, NV, 4, or 76.
Also, for the record, atleast NV manages to string a few genuine tracks like Home On The Wastes or that song about a dead ranger - tracks that feel like they belong to the world you are in in the game.
Fuck Bethesda, and fuck them for making fallout a perpetual 50s shitshow.
>comfy conversation for hours
>Most of it is discussion of NV or "Bethesda bad"
"Todd man bad" and it's variants is all they will talk about, all these years later. Crazy.
Retarded post. Project Nevada was never good and anything good it did do has been far surpassed.
>Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 are dogshit games.
NV isn't even a game.
>walk down a corridor
>some guy expo dumps you
>keep walking down the corridor
>It's totally one fucking guy
Would be funny if it was true. Unfortunately for you, it is not so.
>It's totally one fucking guy.
least schizo new vegas tranny
Probably because bethesda games are terrible in really remarkable ways
You can discuss terrible story of fallout 4 for years because it's beyond bad and there's no telling how it got into such high budget game in the first place
Add to that Emil constant Twitter rants like “Nate The Rake” and you have endless fuel for discussion
Actually, it was
>discussion about the role of slaves in the legion
>the role of old factions in new fallout games
>children of the cathedral
>books, which was a nice change of pace
>Mods by the guy who made the Deterrent
Overall a good time, no thanks to "haha fuck NV" autists. A lot of us involved in the discussions like 4, for the record.
Main story is better than new vegas
Same can be said about any game.
>fallout 3
>walk down a tunnel
>shoot some zombies
>keep walking down a tunnel
>fallout 4
>keep walking until you get to Boston
>then walk until you shoot a bad man
>then walk around some more

ANY game can be reduced to that.

Oh i can tell you how it got such a high budget and why its so shit at the same time. Executives. Most of the money went to them, while studio did the least work with the least effort.
>fallout 3
come out the vault and do whatever the fuck you like
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You just post shit to get some attention, aren't you.
“Go wherever you want” is not real game design just like you'll never be a real woman
Ok then, by every objective measure the story is better (sales, reviews, player count)
>inb4 none of that matters
only to you schizo boy
>do whatever you like
>except you cant
>and the only thing you can do is walk around some
>you can't even walk around some in NV
Just read what you have typed there. Seriously. Give it a good analysis. If you see nothing wrong with it, you have brain damage and/or learning disability.
Well, yeah, the story is better but you have to remember NV only had 1 year of dev time compared to a decade (probably) for 4.
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>NV isn’t a troon game!!

The best cope
>cant argue against pure numbers
i accept your consessions
>Playing TTW
>Did all of Fallout 3 (dlc, most locations, quests)
>Move onto New Vegas
>Find it dramatically better
>Almost ready to start the DLCs
>Starting to feel Gamebryo engine fatigue
Seriously don’t understand how anyone does a full playthrough of TTW. It’s just too much content.
I’ll probably just replay FNV in the future and pass on 3
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If there's one thing this thread has taught me, it's that insane people and sexual deviants will project their problems onto their opponent as soon as the conversation starts.
being good examples. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
courier of estrogen!
heres your projection bro
some chud drew this ironically to project that you have no cock now
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You say "too much content", I say "I'm gonna treat this save file like a Polynesian hooker and squeeze every last ounce of enjoyment I can from it until it breaks".
todays talks make me want to work on a fallout fanfic setting
Any game that allows player to create a custom character of opposite sex is a transsexual game.
Issue with FNV is that the meme was forced so much and so hard, that in a way it became accepted - something akin to a clinical retard shoving a square peg through a round hole so hard it broke the peg and a hole OR actually managed to force it through/in leaving the strips and debris of the material peg was made from around. Brute force solution - if its not working you are not using enough if it - something retards instincively understand and apply.
I usually start in NV and use TTW as shooting gallery to shoot some raiders, enclave and mutants with True Open World DC
I'd rather replay some mods because fallout 3 quests are very boring and linear
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Do you honestly believe that the entire trans scene growing out of New Vegas is "projection"?
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Go for it. And keep us updated, too. Pretty please.

>Sims 4
>Sims is a SIMulation of the contemporarily-deemed "fascist" goal of owning a home and having a proper family
Troons never cease to amaze. And by amaze I mean in an "I'm ashamed of you, son" sort of way.
I'm honestly baffled by Sims 4 as well. Other than knowing women love those games. Real women, that is.
It also lets us know what type of fictional characters women actually want by the mods they themselves make for the sims
Well, I mean...
Everyone can appreciate a good bimbo.
I hadn’t played Fallout 3 since release, nor any of it’s DLCs. And I found that they all suck. I did enjoy the exploration in 3 but it’s otherwise a piece of shit.
>I did enjoy the exploration in 3
I think you may have just been hypnotized by it being the first major open world FPS RPG since the infinity metro tunnels and sewers were the last thing I'd call fun, or the tiny zones with invisible walls around them in the city. The novelty worked on young me too back then.
>What the fuck is wrong with these people?
In real life, they would get laughed at and thrown out. Here on the internet though, they have anonimity and thus can avoid punishment/repercussions/consequences of their retarded actions. And even if somehow they are confronted about it and have to face the responsibility, they just laugh it off "its just banter bro, y u mad?" and make you feel/look silly. Its a weaponised tactic of subversion. I really wish i could explain it in more detail, yet i forgot the source and will need some time to jog my memory and find it. All i can say is that its used to subvert and poison the discourse. Here you see a mild case of it, because its just concerning a video game. IRL its worse because its used to manipulate politics and push propaganda, and the neo-libs and "alt"-right are very very fond of it.
nta but the subway crawling actually was fun and the enclosed communities/overworld dungeons like Megaton and downtown D.C. were charming. And this is coming from a NV fanboy.
Oh yeah young me was enamored by all of that back then. But I meant anything outside of the DC area was pretty fun on this TTW playthrough. The Republic of Dave, Oasis, and the haunted office building being some highlights. There was a lot of unmarked quests that I thought were really engaging too. But anything remotely tied to the main story was complete and utter dog shit and it was a night and day difference in quality when I first started NV and wasn’t treated like a 10 year old retard.
Yeah, you clearly haven't played f3 in a while
Approximately 8 days ago I explored D.C. during an evil NCR playthrough with my squad of forcefully recruited miscreants, the Talon mercs and Super Mutants put up a fight, which was fun, and I ended up joining the Outcasts. Sort of.
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I hear this all the time but it runs so counter to my game experience. My memory of 3 is there being a handful of setpieces (vampires, bigtown, nation of dave, literally nothing else) and at most an interior with people to kill in it like super duper mart or places to find that bitches nuka quantums, then [DC] which is was an infinite fucking super mutant kill gauntlet of green niggers on inaccessible walkways occasionally interrupted by terrible subway tunnel slogs. The majority of "locations" in 3 are exterior cells with nothing in them, just cut out of the map by subway tunnels to make this shit run on an Xbone. I did not ever view randomly spawning enemy encounters in the overworld to be "content" and 3 has the provably most brain dead and simplistic enemy AI of any 3d fallout game.

Granted I played NV (maybe even 4) first and every other major open world/rpg of the 2010s before 3, but even for the time i don't see how anyone though it was anything but shit. Farcry 2 came out the same year as fallout3. Fallout3 has fucking cone of fire hitscan guns with no iron sights. Maybe I take 3D vats for granted as "neat" but you all must have been furiously masturbating over those killcams back in the day, this lil anon in 2008 had a PSP and played Medal of Honor Heroes instead. played NV and 4 at college when bethesda/fallout got both better and worse at making an fps.
Anyone who doesn't own a GECK is a savage and therefore shouldn't be allowed to post in this thread.
I remember even at the height of the PS2's wretched negrophiliac popularity people still didn't buy PSPs. Except rich kids that used it for porn, for whatever reason. It was known casually as the PlayStation Pornable.
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i remember liking 3 more than nv at first. in fact i remember playing nv and dropping it after i got to the city proper. but then after some time i picked the game up again and it finally clicked. i played f3 along nv with ttw a couple of times but it wasnt great especially when there was an immediate comparison of both games with ttw. the lunchbox and vault boy bobble head i got with f3 are neat though.
Which is crazy because it was easily my favorite portable console ever. Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, FF7 Crisis Core, MGS Peacewalker, GTA Vice City/Liberty City Stories, lot of awesome games on that device for a grade school kid to easily bring to school in the late 2000s
>had a dream today that Beth added a new 5.2mm pistol in this update
Goddamn you Todd.
I was halfway through middle school when it came out so I can't exactly relate. Handhelds were considered nerdy for whatever reason.
I do know that earlier in my childhood I remember it was hilarious for both me and my classmates that I'd take a gameboy color out of my backpack and play Wario Land 3 while my English teacher was babbling every day for ten minutes straight right before school ended.
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Threadly reminder that literally the exactly one single interesting thing about the NCR is that they were bombed in the TV show. The show did that completely forgettable faction a huge favor.
Anyhoo FO: NV wasn't even made by Bethesda, it's simply an optional add-on game so of course it will take lower priority to the actual games and the TV show.

>Todd said NV is canon
This is Todd settling down the screeching NV manchildren. It's completely obvious that 3, 4, 76, and the show, are top dogs where it comes to canon and lore. The show especially, now that it's reached a massive number of people extremely quickly.

Fact: Season 2 of Fallout is more important than Fallout 5 as well as the other games. Season 1 was the perfect mix of adventure, comedy, and romance with two adorkable MCs just trying to make their way in the world (and one "wheeze grr I'm bad but muh reasons" goul, and one tiny manlet.)
It's a perfect watch for getting cozy on the couch with your wife or girlfriend.

When will stinky incel loretards realize they are not the target audience? They're an unfortunately loud but minor part of media demographics, one who creators have to tiptoe around but are not really taken seriously by anyone.

btw: 80 million viewers so far (=
>psp could be factory reset at any time in the settings menu to remove the child block on the web browser
>4chan and wwoec at stunning 640p
Good times. games looked as bad on it as fallout3 did on console. The game library for it and the dumpsterfire of the vita after the very based psplite never let it live up to the potential it had hardware wise. If they had put a phone in it in ~2012 instead of making a touchscreen to die against the DS we might have actual mobile gaming now. But what it did have was a handful of console level games like monster hunter and fps shooters and ports of ps2 titles, so in context when I had a computer with a graphics card in the mid 2010's and had already played skyrim on it, Fallout3 looked and played like limited dated shit when NV existed at the same time and 4 came down the pipe with the same bad storyline but passible gunplay.
>playing videogames in public was weird as a 13 year old in 200X
no shit anon. You brought that shit on 6 hour charter bus field trips, you had friends to talk to at actual school.
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Do not feed that troll.
>things I don't like are trolling
How convenient for you
>should I engage in debate and discuss the game?
>no, I will shitpost and call them names
No wonder this general is dead.
I borrowed a PSP from a friend for a few days. Maverick Hunter X. Now that was a great spin on a classic game, no bullshit. The cut scenes and VA work were top notch.
And that Jak and Daxter spinoff with just Daxter. I had a lot of fun with that one.
Still, I was a DS kid through and through. It felt good to beat some fat bitch I knew on a Mario forum in 2007 in diamond/pearl pvp.

>You brought that shit on 6 hour charter bus field trips
Heh... yeah. I totally did.
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Randeep, YOU were the ghost the whole time?!
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Imagine and take in, just for a second, how absolute massive of a dick swing it was to invite Tim Cain to the premiere. Tim paying his own airfare and expensive hotel of course, for the bittersweet pleasure of witnessing the golden empire another man has crafted from his ideas.
>Todd shows up flanked by supermodels feeding him exotic cheeses, removing his live animal robe
>"Tim, so good of you to show. We really couldn't have done it without you. :)"
>seats Tim in the very back between two Bethsoft lawyers
>looks back occasionally and winks while being fed more cheese
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...is what I'd normally say, but that one was fucking hilarious
I like Vault Boy. He's neat.
I guess the best way to get enough legendary stuff is to do Eviction Notice back to back non-stop. Or daily ops?
infinitely running tax evasion, or most dangerous game if you're a retard.
>this is the state of the game now
> Or daily ops?
I prefer expeditions, but any event with a legendary is key.
Event weeks are gonna be nutty.
What is there even to discuss about NV?
NCR is the correct choice even with the writer induced handicap of tHeyRe toO bIG
I've seen and read so much shit about Todd over the years but I was not ready for the first time I actually heard his voice in a video

Expeditions are more reliable than waiting for Eviction Notice, 10 minutes in Atlantic City nets you six pieces of scrip garbage without fail
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>Lucy unfurls the NCR flag
>Main title music from Fallout 4 begins playing

goosebumps, every single time
>Learning to say 'this is fine'
I mean, that seems to be a mindset about ever vaultdweller needs to learn to adopt.
They are already nutty. Did that beowulf mutated event. So many people and bastards with cremators hogging all the kills.
A chin that can cut bread, cheese, balls, anything.
>muh xpirino
instead of tagging maybe try doing the actual objective. This is why wave defense objects are repairable in events that bethesda players don't instantly fail.
>So many people and bastards with cremators hogging all the kills.
its a normal problem of people, ill do it to him before he does it to me.
also turrets.
The actual objective is to kill 10 mutated enemies. Welcome to daily challenges.
I dont give a rat's whisker about xp and i dont go out of my way to spoil events/objectives, so i get angry when others act inconsiderate. Etiquete is a thing.
Its a bad paradigm to live by. A testament to a fucked-up society.
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yep, it's been a bit of a struggle as a melee/unarmed build. 85% of the enemies I run towards are dead before I can get close.
Admirable. Use grenades though.
I've tried that before but most of the time, they go off after the enemy is dead. they never fixed mines going off when other players walk near them, so that's not very viable, either.
Ever since I started using auto axe I just feel like I mog everybody
It's especially satisfying when a big enemy is getting chipped at by half a dozen people then I arrive and its health bar just starts plummeting
*the viking of disapproval is looking at you*
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>Its a bad paradigm to live by. A testament to a fucked-up society.
It is poor etiquette, but it only takes one person.
>friend and i doing ghoul horde event in savage divide
>i just load in behind a third person
>he tries to grenade the boss
>only tag the enemy to let buddy get a shot on him
>still goes full tilt to kill it
Something something low trust society.
>yep, it's been a bit of a struggle as a melee/unarmed build.
My brother in bludgeoning.
>wtf who let the sacred pyre get destroyed
>why is no one playing instruments
>who let the hekkin miners die
>bloaty the bloatfly nooooooo
>who robbed me of my drops!!!!??!
it was >>493335348 btw
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Pick a better strawman.
I've seen you faggots fail tea time. is build composition really this hard? is it so hard to not blunder around trying to get "hits" as some undefended objective fails? If 2 guys are crematoring the mob spam at point A and you stand there shitting and cumming while point b ticks down and gets destroyed they can't move, (you) can. If they did you'd follow them to point b.
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I've crafted so fucking many of these that I'm devouring all the bulk spring and adhesive shipments on every server
And they won't give me fucking anything except Defender modules
Whoa, please, stop projecting. You are going to blind someone.
>projects like mad
>its not even the place or event i mentioned
Anon, Sons of Dane compound is not Palace of the Winding Path.
Take your medication, you spastic.
Yeah shit sucks.
I forgot i can do this.
>guyyyyyyyys stop shooting all the spawns before they get to the barn
>if they did
>why is no one playing instruments why are there all these death markers from people animationlocked c'mon guys you need to pull your weight here
maybe mention an event not entirely tied to mob control while being hopping mad about everything but your time to kill and seeming inability to press A or D.

speaking of palace of the winding path
>be inside on the one no one ever defends
>blapping ghouls
>some dipshit blind firing out of vats with a combat rifle wanders in and duels for kills, just getting the radio further damaged
>there is a broken radio 20 feet away outside on the steps
>the other 2 radios are breaking every couple minutes
>this one finally breaks
>repair it and dip to "turret" at one that's broken and swarmed with unshot ghouls
>see in the corner the interior radio is broken
>doesn't get repaired
if these radios broke for real it'd be the hardest event in the game entirely because of the current playerbase.
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Why did a bunch of Vertibirds just attack West Tek (and die within seconds of me catching this picture)
76 troons lost, enjoy your shit game. what is it? Like 8 years of your shit game LOL
Keep coping
Im sure bethesda has a few more pride flags up its sleeve, remember to buy those atom points so y
Oh fuck guys Candletodd got hi
Get a bit excited young boy?
kek it's not Candletodd it's actually cand
>Reflective Moonshine Jamboree just spawned
>Tren doesn't make a woman have a man's torso length and waist ratio.
It does give them roid gut
That's a Strategic Air Command nuclear keycard convoy. That little one in the middle has the keycard, they zoom around the map until they die.
The event where the Missile Launcher and Fat Man are actually required.
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In what sense is this a "best build"
I'm actually mad at how dogshit it is and how it's crowding up my wasteland
you know, a far less charitable person would insinuate that the entire feature is just there to propagate camps full of atom shop objects to advertise them

at least it will do that, once the build glitch master camps have thousands of likes and completely wipe out the other camps
That character is so fucking ugly please stop repeatedly posting it
For me, it's "fartout seventy shits" because it kind of flows as an actual quasi-sentence.
>giant dinosaurs
New fortnite update looks sick
The alt-right doesn't really exist anymore due to it having splintered off into third positionists, reactionary normies and MAGAfags in the very late 2010s, but other than that your post is spot-on.
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Caravan is a fun card game that bears the curse of being poorly explained in-game. Otherwise, it's great.
It's really stupid how it's actually impossible to explain the rules of it but you end up intuitively grasping the rules of it if you force yourself to try and lose like 10 rounds
>Oh, so it's like I'm playing Blackjack with three different decks at once, except I can also subtract and - ooooohhh!
As the one who coined the latter half I love that addition. Made me giggle.
jej. Maybe an actual tutorial was in order instead of that faggot Ringo robbing you of what very little caps you had at that point in the game.
You're doing God's work, anon.
Fagout Poo
Fagout TikTok
Fagout 3 inch destroyer
Fagout New Travesty
Fagout 4 Faggots
Fagout Filter
Fagout Sex in the Seventies
Say it with me: Leitmotifs make for good sound design.
If there's one thing Fallout 4 did right it's the soundtrack, and I'm not talking about real world fat nigger songs they added to the radio.
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Fallout new vegas? More like Fallout no wages.
Fallout Tactics? More like Loads of assdicks.
Fallout 3? More like Fallout 3 Dimensions of fuck and suck.
Fallout 4? More like list of chores.
Fallout 76? More like don't buy that bitch.
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>3 Dimensions of fuck and suck
playing Tale of Two Wastelands and about to start the endgame of Fallout 3, and just had a thought
If you bring a NV companion to the purifier, what would they say when you try to tell them to turn it on for you?
I don't think anyone of them would try to pull that muh destiny crap on you like Fawkes does but still, what would they say?
Ringo teaches u a very important lesson at the start of New Vegas, when you stand to benefit from the teaching most
don't play cards with strangers
Realistically? Probably nothing.
In character though? I can for sure say that Raul would be like "Smart move, boss. I'll be fine, just gimme a sec." and Lily would be like "Oh, dearie, you want grandma to get the cereal from the top shelf because you're too short to reach? I'll be glad to. That nasty radiation won't bother me in the least."
keep it up and I'm going to blow a massive raspberry on your stomach
>download a NV mod that makes a spastic point to generate a LOD
>I continually do so already, so no big deal
>I run the LOD generator with the new mod installed
>My overworld is now FUBAR, with distant trees turning into blocks and constant crashes
>I now have to reinstall just because I wanted some cool adobe buildings
Scrapping legendaries seems to only get me first star legendary weapon effects. Never get any legendary armor mod boxes or learn their recipes.
>NV mod that makes a spastic point to generate a LOD
Which one
One of the classic adobe mods. I had zero issues whatsoever until I ran my lodgen with it installed. Whichever it was. I downloaded like three so I can't pinpoint which one specifically.
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inb4 >sounds like you just fucked up at modding lmao
Listen here, cabron. I have been very very careful with my New Vegas load order and have been very very careful with other such mierda, and the thanks I get? My game gets unraveled. That fucking hurts, mi hermano.
I'm white as fuck and can't even speak Spanish lol
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To this day I think it's both hilarious and based that a faction leader straight-up says "MARK MY WORDS YOU PIECE OF SHIT" when you don't bootlick. You don't see that nowadays. Try backsassing Elder Maxson and he basically just tickles your balls.
which fallout game is the most woke?
Both all and none of them.
yeah, accurate, they do look like men
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>reinstall new vegas
>everybody is bald
>the only fix drops my framerate to like 20 for some reason
I was told K posted a voice over video for some merc bitch NPC. Can't be bothered to go through the archive to find it, does anyone have the link?
>hair fallout

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