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>Fallout 4 Resources:

>Fallout 76 Resources:

>Fallout 1 and 2 Resources:

>Fallout 3 and New Vegas Resources:

>/fog/ Modding Guides

>/fog/ Asset and Mod Repository

>/fog/ MSPaintAdventures

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>OP Pasta:

Remember to use base64 to decode any protected downloads in any of the resource documentation.

Pre-War thread: >>493001432
hail China
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powdery ass, crusty scabby ass, greasy hair ass, toe cheese ass nasty raider bitches
How do you stop yourself from overlooting when you are in a large area to the point of being overencumbered? I can't stop doing this. When I am overencumbered, I take a slow walk to the exit, drop some shit there, travel to a city to sell my shit, come back and so on.
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My child, have you considered giving your body to Atom(me)((behind the nuculeus))(((11pm.maybe?)))?
They look like they are larping raiders. Too clean-looking and hair is too well done and clean.
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You know she's a ghoul under that getup right?
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ngl NCR girls are kind of cute
>scrap legos
>for all the effort i got only suppressor's plan
I guess i should be happy that for most part i dont need any legos any time soon for my army supply truck build.
Crafting your own legendaries and then scrapping them seems more reliable than gathering shit at events

>Headhunter's Scythe turns oil, steel and wood into rolls at learning/boxing Weightless
>Unstoppable Monster turns springs and adhesive into rolls at learning/boxing Bloodied + Power Attack
Yes, the issue is i've spent all of my lego modules (all 300) on rolling legos before update. Now i discover that modules cost 100 scrip instead of 50 and crafting lego effects has insane module cost.

Indeed. Crafting your own ones and then scrapping them for a chance to learn plans is good - IF you have excess modules. I dont (just 20). I wonder if Cold Shoulder yields quad.
They nerfed scrip but the fact that every single event pays you multiple modules now means you're getting the equivalent of hundreds of scrip every time you show up at Uranium Fever or whatever
I don't think they want people to buy modules anymore, the new meta is to use your scrip to just buy discount legendaries
>nerfed scrip
They just want to force players to play together. Aww. They think that kids will see other kids with atom shop costumes and be like "mommy, i want one too!" Goddamn live service.
I have like 250~ bottlecaps irl and they are becoming cumbersome. I'm planning to save up 2000 for the Vegas strip entry and it's helping me appreciate that bottlecaps are a silly currency, no wonder they need pack brahmin.
If that's what they really wanted they'd offer proper slut outfits instead of making every girl dress like a hijabi
Fallout 3 had hubcap tits and Fallout NV had hooker nipple tape, what went wrong
They cannot have slut outfits. They are not Koreans, and thus have to be family-friendly and toe woke line. To be honest, i dont even want slut outfits. Just something nice and with taste, like that polka dot red dress. And some nice haircuts. Id kill for a nice long-hair style.
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>They cannot have slut outfi-
Anyone else's audio sometimes break when they leave expeditions? It's annoying when I finally get a group and I have to restart the game to fix it.
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I'm still playing Fallout 76. Why is so much of this game time-gated, I literally run out of shit to do.
you are 50, get off 4chan
So that you close the game for the day and go back to playing Fallout 4
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Yes, SURELY I'm going to get weightless here right? I'll post results in a minute, everybody wish me luck
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Got my handmade with
FOMO is the only thing keeping that game alive, anon. Like Halo infinite it's what I call a "habit game", as in the game is made to try and keep you playing habitually instead of when you're in the mood for it. I hate those.
Im talking about 76 ffs. F3 has a pimp, implied rape, and sexual slavery. While its good stuff for a single-player game, its a no-no for a live service.
35 actually.
I have quite a few. Yet my main two are
>aristo ffr
>quad ffr
I have a few more quad ffr and i have AA explosive ones. One is quad 50% crit.
I've got a quad fixer and quad railway that I'm working on right now, but I felt weird not having a bloodied gun on my bloodied build.
Adrenal Reaction + Bloodied + Unyielding + Serendipity + Emergency Protocols + Nerd Rage + Radicool are so fucking powerful that it feels like the game actively punishes you for using full health
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The TV show trannies have been eternally BTFO and it feels *so* good
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Hail Uni-
Oh, god dammit.
every time i look in FOG there's you posting this type of shit. does it not get boring? do you log in, pose, pics, goon, post, and repeat?
Yes, they are NEET incels who have long since abandoned reality. His day probably consists of waking up at noon, watching and jerking off to anime then gooning on Bethesda video games for several hours before repeating the next day. Sounds like hell to me personally but I guess they keep chugging along
Not him but I hate that fallout has to be a wholesome reddit chungus series for general audiences now.
His hobby's fuckin' weird but he himself is pretty cool. And he doesn't spam the thread with it, so there's that too.
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Media should have cute sluts doing cute things in it
Somehow everyone on earth knew this until like ten years ago
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God damn do I want to stop doing this event. I'm dry as shit for the outfit/armor and backpack. It's easy at least but it's boring as fuck. I just want my guy to be a cool Blue Ridge Caravan guy when the update drops.
Am I the only one here who ever played 76 without ever giving a single cent to Todd or microsoft by proxy for it?
I got my copy from my brother who got bored of the game for free, and I only ever played it on xbox using free trials for xbox live. No did I ever spend a single penny on atom slop or battle pass shit.
I refused to support a game I feel finalized the destruction of the series into being a mere brand rather than a setting or story.
Can you say the same?
No. You essentially have to buy Fallout 1st at least once so that you can put away a stack of tens of thousands of pounds of ammo/scrap instead of rendering your 1,200 pound stash permanently unusable.
>quad fixer
I have one, but i dont like it because if its not FFR it might as well be garbage. I have quad FFR combat rifle and its pretty decent with short barrel - spread and recoil are easy to manage once i dont use VATS.
Get that horsecock piece of beaten meat away from me. I hate that weapon with passion. It was OK in 3, but in 4 and 76 its just shit. Abominable shit. And devs decided to make it usable. Strange thing is that Ticket To Revenge lost its mods entirely and is just useless. Sure, it has stagger effect on it, but no rolls are possible. And worse still, Civil Unrest, Daisycutter, Bunker Buster are not lego-able.
>in PA
Im fine with PA being for the low-life and bloodied builds. But Unyielding is just absolutely demolishing balance and shitting on EVERYTHING. Its also why some people have it so easy to grind challenges and get to rank 100 in like a few days. What, you think those lvl 2000 and over did it without Unyielding and glitch abuse?
Yes, unfortunately devs are such massive retards that they cannot balance anything for shit, and thus it is indeed true that game punishes you for being full life. HOWEVER, as a full health char, i get enough QoL and resilience to be able to tank and duke it out with the worst game can throw at me.
>outfit/armor and backpack
Also, still no decent pump action combat shotgun. The last time we got fun toys was Steel Reign: plasma cutter, glaive, crusader pistol, hellstorm launcher. And now? Fuckall. A shitty laser carbine.
Bah, I never needed it. I'm a black powder man, purified water farms and steel n gunpowder is all I need.
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As far as I'm aware, the repeatable Riding Shotgun event is the only way to get the blue ridge caravan outfit and the blue ridge caravan backpack plan
Oh. Well, you do you. I personally cannot be arsed to grind it out for that.
You just throw out 40lbs of rubber and glass from scrapping shit with actual resource bottlenecks every time you need to store a new thing with a custom skin and 20lb item weight.

Game really shows how facile and pointless it's monetization limitations are when you start a new character and don't have any desire to keep or recollect anything like when you made your first barbie dream home. Then you abandon your 25hour lv70 with it's 1 completed build and 1 set of gear to go back to the trough on your main account so the collectibles are "worth" it.

>I hate the game
>I hate the game because I don't use vats and slam my dick in the car door mad at Todd that my pvnothing random perk cards don't make me feel powerful when randoms are chain vats'ing entire enemy waves with like 20 hours of effort.
this is why he gets away with it anon
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I seen the helmet for sale yesterday at a camp
>I hate the game because I don't use vats and slam my dick in the car door mad at Todd that my pvnothing random perk cards don't make me feel powerful when randoms are chain vats'ing entire enemy waves with like 20 hours of effort
Can you project any harder? I think folks somewhere would benefit from an extra flow of photons.
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>slam my dick in the car door
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It's always everything but Union. I like this paint and would like it with Union. Other power armors seem pointless when this one protects enough and also has carry weight.
>Other power armors seem pointless when this one protects enough and also has carry weight.
t. Excavator
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What the fuck is this guy's problem and why does he need so many artifacts? What's he doing with them
dc guards just catcalled me
i feel like a real woman :3
trading them for Kielbasa and canned tuna
If you give me 6,000 scrip worth of legendaries I'll make you a weightless box
Go see Doc Crockers before it's too late
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What would be an interesting location to start a fallout game?

>fallout 1
>fallout 2
tribal village
>fallout 3
>fallout nv
>van buren
automated pre-war prison
>fallout 4
bos bunker
AFAIK it is the only PA that is worth a damn. Everything else is shit compared to it.
>you also get an extra ore while using two excavator arms
See, you even get extra lead for ammo.
It would be nice if in similar fashion they [Bethesda] added set bonuses to other PAs, but only Union get close to Excavator. Fucking incompetent devs.
>Fallout: Florida
>coastal settlement made from a former resort
>a beached and rusty aircraft carrier full of remnants of US army and a few functional choopers and jets
Those are some neat ideas. Really like the aircraft carrier one.
Occupied Canada, specifically the Quebec province
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>my complaints are all about not engaging with the games very easy systems? Stop projecting and gaslighting and buzzwording bro I'm not undermining all the legitimate complaints with my take bro. Todd needs to make the game even easier so I can get my hits
>toothless reddit insults instead of saying nigger
Yeaah but like what kind of structure or environment
Can he re-attach his penis? There's no way that faggot still has his.
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I completed Children of the Sun, it reminded me of The North Road/Depths of Depravity in theming and in gameplay.

Voice acting was a mixed bag, some was pretty good some was pretty poor but honestly I appreciate any voice acting that sounds like the person tried at all.

I love the faction rep interactions, my character has Idolized NCR rep and thus there was quite a few dialogue options available to me that wouldn't otherwise have been and it also appeared like it could significantly alter the gameplay of at least 1 area. I always appreciate the chance to shit on Legion regardless.

The mod makes use of almost all vanilla assets which I like as it slots in nice, however it also makes BIG changes to 2 separate vanilla locations. I think this is fine as it does integrate the mod better into the world however it makes it a certainty I won't include this as a fixture in my LO unless I can be bothered to resolve conflicts with AWOP SP and NVB2 which is a shame as I would keep it slotted permanently otherwise.

The mod gives you a few chances to add life and character to your Courier. I particularly enjoyed the Tumbleweed Ranch part of the mod in this regard. Of course, I didn't hesitate to ventilate the old mans head. No mercy for slavers.

There was few crashes in the Garden of Delights location, but I find it hard to blame the mod for this especially since this save is begging to be killed at this point and I've had issues in this area even in vanilla as well as the previously mentioned conflicts at play.

I felt there was a real missed opportunity for more lore in the form of terminals, holotapes, notes etc. There was some of this in the last area of the mod, but it didn't feel like enough for me. The ending felt somewhat abrupt honestly and there is no physical reward like weapons etc if that matters to you.

Overall, it's worth playing and an excellent 1st quest mod from this MA.
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A wagon being carted to a mass execution
Leaf bunker circa 2106
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>the Legion made the tv show to demoralize NCR troops with the assertion that Shady Sands is a crater along with shitty writing, depictions of California as a shithole, and race-mixing with Brotherhood peons of all people
New headcanon.
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slaver camp, with the protagonist wearing a bomb collar
Makes me sad we'll never get a fallout game that has multiple starting points u can choose from.
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Bitch I swear I click the spoiler and that shit unclicks itself.

I'm going to play that one from the Deterrent guy now, shit will have so many conflicts though.

Vault start clears.
Imagine that the game has no fast travel and the ways to do it are by boat (so the inflatable one SEALs and Marines use) or by chopper drop/pickup. Also can call in airstrike, but you have limited uses of that one. Story is basically finding and clearing former US Army/Navy bases, capturing various industrial objects, and restoring an experimental carrier sub to bomb the shit out of a vault that spawns the biological horrors (basically that story of cancelled fallout florida game by makers of Tactics IIRC). Enemies are local raiders, robots, Enclave (few but very tough), but mostly the deadly flora and even deadlier fauna, also cannibals. Think vietnam, but its full of mutated insects (think Love and Monsters) and animals (all those horror action movies with giant alligators, pythons, hellboars, killer dolphins, krakens, etc), and instead of vietcong you have cannibal raiders and even more cannibal niggers. You can destroy Enclave, subjugate them, ally with them, or subvert remnants to Enclave. There is also a faction of freebooters/pirates. DLCs would be pirate adventures across Carib islands, and you even get your own smol carrier and command chopper.
were the gauss shotgun nerfs as bad as people were fearing?
Idk, i saw someone using it.
Companion Ivy is great but hate the scat shit

Want to turn it off but then lose the fun watersports stuff

Why do people always put watersports and fucking scat at the same end of the extreme fetish spectrum? I would argue watersports is actually fairly vanilla
and scat is fairly chocolate
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I would hardly call pissing vanilla but I get your point - there's a few orders of magnitude between them. I found a nice middleground where I do vanilla content with Ivy (so I don't miss any dialogue) and mod content with regular companions to build up their loyalty.
The work that went into that companion is pretty good. Probably the best follower I've seen in any Fallout game or Skyrim.
Here she is giving a nice lecture about a porno mag.
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I'd wish Bethesda would make more simple outfits.
given how people like to over-design, its never gonna happen.
>blue ridge caravan outfit
I have a spare, if you'd like it.
That would be pretty fun.
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Actually stopped to play Seven Graves From Now first, as Suspicious Minds is supposed to be around 3 hours long.

Extremely reminiscent of New Vegas bounties so far, you even get a "it is uncertain if your paths will cross again" textbox at one point. Very clearly this is by design though, even in the way my character asks "Who's next?" in between targets, I'm enjoying the characters voice acting, interactions and custom clothing and we seem to be almost following a path up the Long 15 (which is very messy since I'm playing with FPGE but that's not the mods fault), it's neat.
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Rare NCR fisting.
The way Eden says "and what about the slavers of paradise falls" is weird. He says it like "and what about it?" Not like "and what about this..."

This is a common issue of intonation you see with video game voice actors. Like they don't understand the context of what they're reading.
I think after bounties a bunch of mods started doing the whole ‘it is uncertain…’ It’s kinda cute
almost as if they were given their lines in alphabetical order instead of chronological order, with little to no context
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You'd best believe I do.

Yeah, having been playing a lot of mods another thing I've noticed and absolutely hate is when an English speaking VA is reading a line from a script by an ESL mod author and the line has what is OBVIOUSLY an error and what the MA is actually trying to say is clear but the VA just reads it verbatim anyway. Like really, maybe help the MA out a little instead of reading something you obviously know is wrong?

It's very cute.
Also one of the features would be scuba diving, pearl fishing (mutated oisters that are dangerous yet yield unclear pearls that can be used as batteries/energy source), retreiving sunken treasures and tech + underwater bases (Enclave and US navy).
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a bunch of Scorched girls just ran into my camp and keeled over while I was scrapping
so umm
Is it just impossible to get the raider nomad outfit? It was a twitch prime outfit years ago apparently
*gets blown up my sea mines*
Me and my freshly adopted lil bro on the way to kill some slaver scum. I've only had him 5 minutes but if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in the Mojave and then myself.

2 direct NVB references in this part of the mod, it's definitely expanding that universe and I am glad for it.
Those too.
Far Cry 3, except its Fallout in Florida and Carribs + Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Bermudas be extra extra expansion.
I thought with the update you could put intelligence on a weapon, or do I have to get lucky and roll a weapon with it?
re; modded Fallout on Steam Deck.

I've forgotten how to do this. I hit upon a method to install TTW on my Steam Deck, by simply copying over a pre-modded Fallout game folder from my PC to my Steam Deck.

This avoided the pain of trying to set up Vortex or Mod Organizer on the Deck - I already had modded Fallout which worked fine.

How do I get Vortex or MO2 to have all the mods in the main game directory? Is it a portable install or global instance or something? MO2 seems to not do this by default.
>I thought with the update you could put intelligence on a weapon
i don't think you could prior, but also the Int and Luck crafting capabilities are currently unobtainable.
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OK, seems like I did this in Vortex, because Vortex deploys mods directly into the game folder, whereas MO2 uses a virtual structure.
You're right, but it's outweighed by the fact that all of Eden's lines are pure gold.
Even if you hate Fallout 3 you have to admit that computer's charisma is off the charts.
NTA, but that is true. I wish beth allowed player to join Enclave either by co-operating with Col. Autumn or by agreeing to Eden's plans.
Irony however would be that player dies later on because player is a mutie and CW got turned into a desolate graveyard (exception being the few people in Vault 101).
No. Twitch shit is never ever coming back.
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I decided to take another crack at one of the RPGs from my childhood and it got me thinking: what would the boomers among you change about 4 to make it more of an RPG? Reintroducing skills is an obvious one, but how would you overhaul the dialogue system?
It's clear that Autumn was originally planned to be an "alternative good Enclave" that the player could potentially join without killing everyone but the idea was obviously scrapped down the line for whatever reason. It's a damn shame.
I mean, it sure fucking beats the CW Brotherhood. What's their endgame, eternally killing Super Mutants for no reason and handing out bottled water? At least Autumn's Enclave wanted a proper nation-state with a proper identity and common goal.
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I've been gaining one page per day so far, I guess that won't keep up much longer.
How you guys doing, any of you 100 yet?
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getting there, don't have enough time to "grind"
>What's their endgame, eternally killing Super Mutants for no reason
A. Super Mutants mention in Broken Steel that their numbers are dwindling due to the BoS killing too many of them. Its also mentioned they've run out of FEV.
B. Super Mutants are THE biggest threat in the wasteland, and killing them ensures that people have the ability to rebuild MUCH easier.
So, its either be bootlickers to the Encalve who are going to treat you like second class citizens, or just let the BoS keep doing what they have been, and, in a few years, you'll be able to be free on your own terms.
Fucking unyielding shits.
>bad because not a metaslave
Shut up. Go put that ballgag and dress up into that gimp suit, you... you... DOUBLE SLAVE.
Thinking about it, Fallout 76 has a long term sustainability issue due to Fallout's rather limited setting.

-Due to the lack or organized nations, infrastructure, or vehicles, it doesn't make sense that we could visit of most of the nation. I'd be surprised if we ever get an expedition to say Vegas, or L.A.. Basically anything west of the Mississippi river seems like it would be too far.
-Even in the eastern part of the U.S. that the game takes place in, I doubt Bethesda Maryland will let Bethesda Austin go to places like NYC, New Orleans, Chicago, or Miami, because those are places they'd want saved for Fallout 5, or a Fallout NV style spinoff.
-When it comes to Fallout enemies, you can break them up in 7 basic types. 5 of which Fallout 76 has already done, and a 6th which 76 has been building up to
1. Special regional mutations: Scorched Plague defeated back in launch
2. Mutant wildlife: Cryptids have been a big part of Fallout 76 since launch, and through most of the storylines thus far.
3. Raiders: Settler vs Raider story was done in Wastelanders.
4. Super Mutants: BoS storyline was all about fighting the super mutants, and ending their threat.
5. Feral Ghouls: Skyline Valley was all about unique feral ghouls, and trying to cure ghoulism
6. Advanced technology faction with ties to pre-war: Fallout 76 has been building up to a Enclave return story since Wastelanders came out, and especially with the introduction of Expeditions.
7. Robots: The one thing Fallout 76 hasn't really had a big story about, or hinted at.

I'd be very surprised if Fallout 76 makes it past 10, not due to the game failing, but it simply running out of things to do.
there was a teaser with an underground area where mole miners reside and giant snake boss at the end
Sounds like anarchy if you ask me. No thanks. I'll take the Enclave any day.
>canonically BoS destroy rivet city to build the prydwin and fuck right out of the DC area, leaving it worse than ever after lyons the hearts and minds cuck faction was usurped
>it's a bug that you die to drinking aqua pura, the same bug that kills you if any NPC drinks aqua pura in the same loadcell as you
Autumn did nothing wrong
I know it says not to use her with multi follower mods because she might break, but what actually happens?
>because those are places they'd want saved for Fallout 5, or a Fallout NV style spinoff
totally irrelevant because we're at 20 years after the bombs fell, and any fallout mainline game is going to be 200+ years

I think what's really going to do fallout 76 in is whatever fucking slump it's in. This season and its accompanying content is literally fucking nothing.
>canonically BoS destroy rivet city to build the prydwin
Except this isn't canon at all. All that's stated is that they took the aircraft carrier's generator because their old one wasn't powerful enough to supply the Prydwen. Its never stated they destroy the whole city/didn't just give them their own power core to power the city.

The entire "they destroyed Rivet city" shit is a meme.
Heather Casdin and Dogmeat don't take up slots based on the mods I use. She takes up a vanilla companion slot.
>what actually happens
If you're using Heather Casdin and Everyone's Best Friend nothing really. If you do want to use multi-companions with her (Danse and her or Macready and her for example) then there is a specific mod made by Ivy's creator, Reg, for that.
>totally irrelevant because we're at 20 years after the bombs fell, and any fallout mainline game is going to be 200+ years
Doesn't matter.

From a marketing standpoint you don't want people's first experience of places like NYC, or Miami, etc. etc. to be in something like a Fallout 76 expeidtion. Fallout 5 could be 300 years later, and it still takes a massive amount of the wind out of the sails because people have already seen it in Fallout 76.

This is why the expeditions are only targeting cities we've been too before(Pittsburgh, and D.C.), or smaller places no one cares about in terms of a mainline/major spinoff(Atlantic city, Cincinnati)
the sheer cope, have some le media literacy about the rise of maxon, suspicious death of Lyons, and reintegration of the outcasts and what that means for their treatment of the wasteland. But no clearly this BoS gave random squatters a free gently used replacement nuclear reactor instead of what it says they did, secure and confiscate theirs in line with BoS doctrine.
Sure, but I said long term, not short term.

Like, we know from an interview back in 2022 that they have content planed for the end of 2026/early 2027, which is enough time to do the Capital Wasteland and Cincinnati(?) expeditions we know they are making, and do an update that adds an Enclave storyline to finish off that plot.
> random squatters
People who massively helped in the distibutation of Aqua Pura for the BoS.
>in line with BoS doctrine.
Danse mentions in Fallout 76 that Maxson forbids taking tech from random wastelanders. They only take tech that hasn't been salvaged yet, or from groups like raiders who are misusing it. Which is why they don't try to raid Diamond City for the shops selling laser weapons and whatnot.
>Danse mentions in Fallout 76
Fallout 4*

Danse would be quite competent compared to the rest of B.o.S jokers in 76
>random squatters the BoS distributed aqua Pura *to*
>but the brotherhood never just takes tecACK l?!
you club a non hostile church of atom worshipper like a baby seal to no comment by Danse on liberty reprimed while securing the mcnukes. And if fort strong has been a vibrant trade community instead of conveniently filled with random super mutants what do (you) think would happen considering the existential threat of unchecked technology, other than the exact same thing. Now I'm sure they gave Rivet City a choice of course, they chose to live... without electricity. wonder what option 2 would have been.
>non hostile
The one that's there with an Assaultron and orders to kill anyone who tries to walk past him?
>you club a non hostile church of atom worshipper like a baby seal to no comment by Danse on liberty reprimed while securing the mcnukes.
You don't even have to attack him.
>And if fort strong has been a vibrant trade community instead of conveniently filled with random super mutants what do (you) think would happen considering the existential threat of unchecked technology, other than the exact same thing.
What would've happened is the same thing they do with random farming communities they come across in the wastes. Make a deal with them to help protect them in exchange for their supplies.
yes the one you murder to take over an occupied facility as a BoS knight.
What's funny is if Lyons wasn't given the specific task of mutie-killing that his Western bosses gave him, his attitude towards the Super Mutants would probably be "My brothers, they are wastelanders just like us. Their practices may seem savage, but they can change. I believe in them."
Worthless fucking Elder. A hypocrite and a liar.
>protect them
that is what you call it as a member of the BoS
>you don't have to attack, but if you don't get him to stand down with lies/threats you... uh... shoot him and his robot for the mission.
>they'd clearly bargain for a massive unsecure nuclear stockpile
they'd have shot every crippled puppy orphan at fort strong like they did the super mutants and should anon, have a spine suporting the bruthahood o steel. they are after all the only viable faction choice in 4.
>you club a non hostile church of atom worshipper like a baby seal to no comment by Danse
Well, yeah. Not even the fans care about them, let alone in-universe people.
>blah blah blah blah, it's funny because religion
Atom isn't real and has no bearing on the actual story regardless of what game he's shoehorned into.
The Children of Atom are not interesting and have no bearing on the actual story regardless of what game they're shoehorned into.
The one time they were hyperfixated upon was that one tabletop or whatever that ended up just being Lovecraft fanfiction.
They suck. Todd needs to just axe them already.
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Ghoulbro in memoriam
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>on the way to kill some slaver scum
Holy based
I'd definitely take it if you're still offering. I've done Riding Shotgun dozens of times now and still no outfit or backpack.
I have it, but I'm at work till tommorrow.
I want to unlock vats ap cost reduction and vats hit chance plans
man they KILLED the railway rifle
What first star do I want for Tesla rifle
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Tempted to rush the ending in NV since I have FPGE and I want to see how the world changes. Any quests I should do for the NCR before I go full Mr. House?
I wish Pepper Shaker was good
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Holy shit I finally fucking got it anon. Still have to grind for the backpack but I'm massively relieved, now I look like a Blue Ridge guy.
it is quite the massive piece of shit. I have one on a rifle display board I'm sure is glitched so can never remove it to add the Gucci upgrades that do nothing. has been languishing there for like 5 years.
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Somehow I ended up with schizophrenic modlist
>Inane shit is going on all around
>Voices in the head
Already downloading New California for more nonsense, any other recommendations?
Both Mental Stability System and Wildside are surprisingly good mods. Idea is simple but implementation goes a bit too far in a good way.
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Right? Don't you just wanna collar them and claim them all for yourself?
I know I do
I'm considering running a ttrpg for my friends and starting the story off in the desert guarding a caravan
Nice one anon, you'll get the backpack soon. Also do the quests for vic, you'll get some blue ridge stuff from that too.
I got the boomstick from a mutated box. This sounds pretty good to me. Are missles hard to keep in stock though
.308 bros wwa?
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trying to shit, too much whiskey.....
yeah, you'll need to use the ammo converter for best results
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will trade whiskey for .308 ammo.
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I got 308 problems but ammo ain't one
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Thats actually fucking hilarious because i posted this >>493470418 without scrolling down the thread
Is it a new seventy shits season, only reason i can think there is so much seventy shits barbie dollhouse mmo slop spam here
Court Ergo Sum gets pretty wacky, as does Milkman, Cabot’s Quest, and New Vegas Midnight Special. If you want a raw shitpost mod there’s Dunk’s Adventure but that one requires paleolithic shit like Powered Power Armor to run iirc.
does the responder power armor come back to the shop often
Yeah pretty often
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Best Builds is a pretty good feature. I've never seen a camp like this before.
we get it dude, you're no longer male
I do not care for Rose of Sharon Cassidy (non virgin), Arcade Ganon (gay moralfag), or Boone (shoots at my Legion frens). ED-E is my best friend.
>non virgin
This is why Veronica is best girl, she's never even seen a dick
legion companion where you literally just buy a slave girl to carry your loot for you when?
that exists but there's no voice actors.
you can also free her if u want.
>how would you overhaul the dialogue system?
Ideally, simply go back to how things used to be done before while incorporating skill, special, and perk checks. Failing that, just copy The Witcher or Cyberpunk if it ~must~ remain voiced and cinematic.
Autumn's philosophy is the starting point for the Enclave in Miami.
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I've played for years without FO1st. I haven't even accepted the free month when they offer it.
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I wonder why no one ever modded a sea monster into Lake Mead
What would the Lake Mead sea monster eat?
lakelurks idk
And what do the Lakelurks eat?
uhhhhh idk man ncr soldiers and fish and something or other
And what do ncr soldiers and fish eat?
smaller fish and smaller ncr soldiers
And what do smaller fish and smaller ncr soldiers eat?
Your mom.
and what does his mom eat?
my dick
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bare balls bare balls
76fags love balls, dirty faggots
neo bagina neo bagina
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I'd hug that
I'd personally say Combat Armor looks better. But Synth Armor is third place after Leather Armor.
Fallout Amsterdam: basement of a dispensary in a 15th century building.
So that's why russians are stealing toilets in Ukraine, they're making toilet armors.
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I played Seven Graves from Now.

I initially jumped into this thinking it would be shorter before Suspicious Minds but it was so much more than I expected and continued on for a fair while, all of which I enjoyed and it even expanded into it's own worldspace at the end.

As I was saying yesterday it's very heavily inspired by NVB, it almost feels like a sequel to the series in a way.
Aside from the "Uncertain if your paths will cross again", there's numerous other references such as a child slaver paying extra for gingers being referenced, the last standoff with the main mark is basically 1-1 with the Sergio encounter and the guy even has a unique revolver which gives you additional dialogue options.

The voice acting was pretty much all brilliant, and the characters were well fleshed out and enjoyable. I liked Lees quotative musings and Sam was just a great character in general. Both the main characters have cool custom outfits, in fact there's a few including a really neat one worn by the bad guy.

At one point there's a campfire scene where you get to talk and give some of your thoughts to your companions, it was a great chance to flesh out my character which I've been a big proponent of. I especially liked being able to tell Walker to try bounty hunting, after everything my character has done it's just so perfect.

The mod makes pretty good use of skill and rep checks too, there was several different ones and they were generally more creative than just Speech checks. I got a Math Wrath check at one point.

The mod also gives you a fair bit in choice as to how you take on the quests and influence others.

There was a couple of bugs, but none too egregious apart from the 2 main characters seemingly wanting to sprint away really fucking fast after completing certain objectives. There was also a couple of conflicts, such as with North Road.

Overall, really good and far exceeded my expectations. Play this one next.

I'll say this, the new update really unfucked some engine instabilities apparently. The game feels a lot more responsive and it isn't freezing when I open the item wheel anymore. Even if the new season isn't worth a damn at least we got that, and the game is like 20 GB smaller too, somehow. Maybe it was all optimizations removing jenga code or something.
Is that Ross Geller?
Why the fuck can't I find asnavaro plate carrier anywhere anymore? It's been completely memoryholed.
Does anyone have a link?
are loose legendary mods bugged? i scrapped some weapons, got a notification of a 3 star legendary mod but it's not in my inventory
im NOT fucking gay…
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Fallout 3 is quite the vibe.
Cannibalism never goes out of fashion.
RICHIE LIKES... BALLS! Do you hear THAT Betsy?!
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And she's hacking and whacking and smaking,
And she's hacking and whacking and smaking,
And she's hacking and whacking and smaking,
She's choppin' that meat.
the Camp Golf misfits and Return to Sender
both have endcards and should influence FPGE
Its craftable on ammo workbench.
it's so weird that the left arm armor doesn't even exist because it's where the pipboy goes
It should exist for that image though? There's no Pip-Boy there.
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Before posting more about quests, I wanted to show off my favourite weapon animations ever. It does lose something not having the audio from AWESOMER here but I always wanted to try making a webm.
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God I hope Vault 13 actually gets finished.

Anyway, for whatever reason I've never really embraced melee despite Power Armor basically making you into a free melee build, so this time I've taken to carrying around a sledgehammer and whipping it out in CQB. Feels way better than Skyrim - it is soooo satisfying to just barge around a corner and cave some punk's skull in and watch him flop over with one hit.
What is a good radio mod to add to VNV?
The only one I use currently is Grimcast Radio, I wanted something that would make good background noise whilst not distracting too much from the atmosphere.

I had a look at "Tumbleweed Tunes" too recently when looking for actual music radio, it looks really good but I haven't downloaded it yet because radio stations are pretty big files.

Mojave Mystery Theatre looks neat too and I guess there's a reason Konelrad is so popular.
>fallout 4
The only melee weapons that exist and to spec into are combat knife and disciples cutlass. Melee combat is too fucked up due to slow animations, very bad animation and mechanics, and blocking. Melee is strong, but the way melee combat works in 4 is plain retarded and abominable. IIRC, the only weapons you can use to actually make it work are combat knife and disciples cutlass (have decent animations and good for stealth kills, but very short range) OR wounding ripper and wounding mr handy buzzsaw (because wounding stacks like crazy and deals pure/raw damage). Everything else either has to be 1-hit-kill or is just too fucked up and slow to use.
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Is F4NV still in development hell?
No, they were told to stop by Bethesda.
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Searchlight Airpost is indeed an airport thanks to this mod.
Thanks to whomever posted it here, it was really enjoyable for what it was and I'm glad I tried it.

Just play shitty old normal New Vegas like the rest of us, wimp. The crust adds soul.
>nooo you cant just fix our game
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My melee character IS the veggie man


I've played through it twice, would be nice to have a better engine and better graphics though.
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I really liked getting to this spot and looking out.

You're weak.
I really wish they ported assets (weapons/armors/clothing/consumables/some assets) to 4.
I think remakes like that are destined to fail or are just a grift, but on the odd chance, maybe those folks should've tried something in a way of Tamriel Rebuilt or Skyrim: Home of the Nords.
Risking the potential C&D from Beth/company is demoralising - your work will be flushed down the proverbial toilet by corpo suits.
"EGGS could be here" she thought, "I've never been in this dungeon before. There could be EGGS anywhere." The stale dusty air felt unremarkable against her modestly armored chest. "I HATE EGGS" she thought.
"Meat isn't murder. I would know, considering I am murder incarnate."
"I am the first and last horseman of the Apocalypse. I am the one who knocks. I am the monster in your closet that evaded your dad's gaze when he came in and checked. I am... Veggie Man. Hear my name and tremble."
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I giggled IRL.
Honestly the eggs and giant scorpions weren't the scary part, it was how that zone literally halved my FPS from 160 to 80.

On my way home from the airport I also found this, "Prim Pass". I don't think I've ever been through here before in probably around 400 hours in NV total. Probably because it connects to Dead Wind Cavern and like 20 Deathclaws.
What the fuck is Veggie man
>Primm Pass
>and like 20 Deathclaws
What a deceptively mundane name.
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A cryptid from Appalachia

Its an alien that sucks your blood with its fingers and it "Appears to be made out of plant like matter". Its not in 76 (yet) other than some silly accessories and steins. I'd laugh my ass off if they made Veggie man and its just got a huge gourd for a nose.
What about some Pain Train for extra FUN?
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>dude I just farted out seventy shits lol
>yeah I can see that, there's shit everywhere lol
>wait one of them looks like a video game lmao
>are u serious lmao
>yeah lol, any idea what "Fallout 76 is"?
>nope lol, wanna play it?
>nah mate sounds gay lol
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Yes, they started bickering amongst each other when London released while F4CW gave an update on The Pitt, saying that they've finished most of it and they're expanding it.
Even if you have a mod that disables the pip boy the vanilla armor still acts like it's there. You only see the full model on NPCs.
>Veggie man
Salad Fingers?
Whats ur fave cryptid in general?
for me its the enfield horror
what mod is this from?
I was surprised by how good this one was desu
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>shut up
Yeah I was really surprised as well, it just hit right for me and I think the fact I expected nothing special enhanced it in a way.

The animations are ELITE 45 Auto Pistol Animation Overhaul, they work for the standard .45 and A Light Shining as you can see. I love it, but do be aware it has some creep and adds loco anims with headbob. I actually like it a lot but YMMV.
How do I farm nuka cola so i can craft the grenades? I want to try the west tek farming when double exp hits. Do people sell them in vendors often?

Nuka World sells lots of them
And so does the bot next to the Italian in the Whitepsring
Oh does it? I don't think I've ever used any of my points from the nuka world events
I can't wait until he's my president again.

Its towards the back of the arcade. Huge machine that dispenses nukas of every variety.
Use this mod and take the ones behind Giuseppe at the Whitespring Refuge
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can't even take a dump anymore in peace
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the weapon and armor durability meters are triggering heavy PTSD in me. I remember doing endless shit just to get the winterized power armor which is unbreakable cause of a bug
I hate durability so much
I actually quite like the mechanic, it means that I have a reason to loot guns I already have and with Jury Rigging it's worth grabbing stuff off of even low level enemies as you can just use them to keep everything topped off.
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Strikes-Below-Belt has reunited the Enclave Remnants, wiped out the brotherhood chapter, and is now on course to save the president.
Though, I might do some side stuff and mods first, Garden of Ethan and Havasu blues was pretty good from what I heard?
Hey Todd, why DONT weapons and armor in 4 have durability, why is it ONLY power armor? If ANY Fallout game should have durability you have to repair it should be the loot goblin game.
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But that leads us to problem nr.2, inventory is always filled up cause you have to keep extra.
I mean, those 2 things just don't really add any actual gameplay. Just turns it into hoarding simulator
I don't ever keep extra, I repair as I go and if its early game and I get more jams because my guns aren't clean that's part of the fun.
It's just a randomly generated filename
Didn't go STR 10 for this one. I went 10 INT 10 END 4 STR. I considered STR 10 for the carry weight but I wanted to feel more like a tank so I sacrificed it for HP.
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I used to be a big believer in durability as a necessary post-apocalyptic theme but the implementation is always just another hunger bar. The repair skill has some checks but it's usually just used to skip some other menial task. Repair an elevator so you skip the floors full of enemies, repair ED-E with a check rather than getting some more scrap parts. It's kind of lame. I don't think it's an engaging mechanic, especially not after the early game.
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>I play 4/76 and I think(...)
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>I play The Frontier and I don't think
Damn, no Blitz either. I see what you are doing though. Running through Corvega with PAIN TRAIN is a good feeling btw, would fully recommend it. Right now I'm taking a break from a stealth unarmed build because I love the necksnap animation.
What are you carrying (if anything) for idiots taking shots at you from a great distance?
I carry three weapons for varying distance. The Sledgehammer for point blank range, an automatic Combat Rifle as my default, and a Laser Sniper for range. I swap the Laser Sniper for a .308 Sniper and the Combat Rifle for the 10mm depending on my current ammo stockpile though.
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Should I remind Jake that I constantly wear Gunner gear, tell him that I'm planning on either joining them or absorbing them into the Minutemen and adopting their aesthetic, or should I let him figure it out on his own? I think I'll go with the third option.

I play 4 and I think you're a retarded nigger.
Only retarded niggers use "who asked?" as an actual gotcha. Which is what you are. A retarded nigger.
b-but the gunners are... le bad
So am I :)
>joining them
There's a mod for that?
In my current playthrough I have filled Boston Airport with Gunners and put the Gunner Conscript outfit on them from this mod.

I know that at some point I'm going to be killing the entirety of the BoS so rather than use real people or Minutemen would rather have a fort full of expendable mercenaries. The Conscript outfits come with bomb collars which are there to keep the Gunners themselves loyal and to make sure nobody is tinkering with the collars there are 3 Assaultrons and 2 mk 2 Securitrons at The Airport as well.

Also in the absence of any lore I've decided that the ruins of Providence belong to The Gunners and RI itself is being fought over by Gunners and Mirelurks. They are moving north into The Commonwealth with GNN as a staging post in a bid to take over.
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is this real
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I'll post about Suspicious Minds now.

The voice acting is honestly really good, especially Jackson's which is funny having played the Deterrent. Which by the way, I didn't realise was so old!

The MA states on the mod page that this is an early game quest which I missed, but it becomes very apparent from the conversations you have with characters. For example, I killed Caesar but when Jackson expresses doubt the Legion even exists and asks me if I've ever even seen a Legionary there's no response to say I definitely have.

This is fine though I suppose as the mod is definitely supposed to be completed before you even leave for Primm, or at least the meat of it is and you would catch up to finish it upon reaching Vegas.

There is one point where a character recognises the outcome of Ghost Town Gunfight, which was neat.

The quest seemingly has 3 main routes but these seem to interpolate a bit. I did the objectively good ending first and felt it ended quite abruptly and wasn't keen on the distance travelled just to return to the starting location. I did a second playthrough and varied it up a bit but didn't do the full bastard route. In fact I'd say with mixing there's probably more than 3 set ways to beat the quest.

Pretty much conflict free, and probably would slot into a vanilla LO nicely as a permanent fixture. No pics, there wasn't really much to show.
It appears there is a bug concerning legendary enemy drops. Loot disappears. Happened at Eviction Notice. Happened at Radiation Rumble.
Guess you now have to loot them as soon as they drop.

>sbq and earle drop like flies
>5 seconds into event and they are dead
Well shit.
Ghosts, Jackalopes, Sasquatch, Squonk, Veggieman, and Yeti, have all been hitned at by Fallout 76. So I suspect we will get Veggieman at some point.
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I also played ...And Justice for All.

Very dark theming, reminded me of that part in NVB3 where Marko takes you to the families house.

I like how it doesn't hold your hand too much, and just lets you do a real bit of bounty hunting after you pick up the note to start the quest. I loved how it feels like you are just constantly stepping in at the tail end of a bloodbath.

The world and character building was very strong for such a short mod and I could really get the vibes of some of the characters who we would come across, usually dead though.

The voice acting is fucking dogshit but I think it's just the mod author doing his own which is soulful and based. Also people seemingly don't like the ending but I did. Fuck Locke, I'm level 50 and can handle the fallout from my choice. No mercy for rapists. Bad people doing bad shit and getting killed by my character, often times irrespective of the bad shit they've done, is a daily occurence and that's kino in it's own way.
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Starfield sisters, our response?
Which one is this?
Looks like pure old school call of duty kino
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you have to go back
Wrong thread and
guy, No one cares.
I'll see what I can find. If nothing else I'll just declare my goons the real Gunners and outfit them appropriately.
Based, I admire your style of world-building.
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Read the comments, it adds general headbob loco anims too but you can easily disable them. For what it's worth, all my guns have some form of anim and the loco doesn't conflict with any of them.
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Damn, I just recently finished my modlist and now ttw part of this mod came out
I guess I'm rebuilding my modlist with ttw in mind this time.....
TTW is a conflict nightmare, you're better off without it and I say that as someone who really really likes 3.

If you must, just use a Wabbajack for TTW.
What mods don't work with TTW?
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It was meant to be like this
Xhe/Xer looks like Xe needs some _____.308 ammo
Shut the fuck up you babbling faggot
Finished up a quick write up for a fallout game idea, taking ideas from van buren as well as some scifi novels. Fun activity, although I think it would make for a shit fallout game since it runs on 1-2 different timers depending on what happens to the player lol
I’ve never heard of this one, i gotta try it
they need to get pregnant to make 'murica great again with future soldiers, i will sacrifice myself and do what must be done...
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Why’s it so pitiful
>it is ashamed of its appearance, it hides from plain sight, and spends most of its time weeping. Hunters who have tried catching squonks have found out that the creature is capable of dissolving completely into a pool of tears and bubbles

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He's just like me!
I'm a handsome man and I love Fallout New Vegas and hate 4.
Do you start hearing acapella when your sanity is low?
When your sanity starts getting REALLY low your character starts calling themselves whatever sex you didn't pick at the start of the game.
It's only funny to you specifically because you're not the one being called a tranny for once.
Crab bucket mentality is for gays.
>hurr durr u dumb for having fun
don't care, I like those memes
>Spam-buying 1 star armors from Murmrgh
>Fatfinger and end up buying 500 vault steel scrap
>Support says I'm SOL
Goodbye, 5k scrip.
do i want the root cellar shelter. it looks nice to me
what mod manager should i use for 3 and NV if i'm on linux
Get a real fucking computer first you shit skin retard.
It's rather small
What are your thoughts on George r r Martin sperging about a kid in the latest adaption of his work? I'm happy to see death of the author prevailing against entitled creators desu
So is anti armor the best 1st star now damage wise? I've heard it's usually better than bloodied now. I know besides cases that want Quad, two shot, etc
he was 100% right though
Can you scrap a full building any way in 76? I want to redo a large portion of my camp, but is so annoying going around individually scrapping a full building of things
No. Even if you move your camp it'll all go to storage
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It sucks that the modules-based crafting system created a situation where the only thing you do in 76 is play Encryptid 20 times a day now.
that's annoying
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>pirated NMS again after playing fallout4 and never pirating sirfield again, shittered space or otherwise
>it has cosmetic ship crafting now alongside it's already pretty solid mechanic upgrade tiles
>ships have always looked great
>you can get and fight capitals ships
>you can get enemy and bioships
>resource generation and galactic economy systems actually make resource gathering justwork
>had already game edited in all the twitch droperino cosmetics, but even the default options were cohesive and have good art direction
>there are actual aliens with actual cultures and history
>base building actually works because the world is a soft grid and you can modify and flatten terrain
>atmospheric flight and reentry-takeoff
>16x the land vehicles
>you can swim
It gets lost in the staggering number of things they fucked up in saarfield how much worse the creation engine and their implementation of spacegame mechanics were than the starcrossed BBB release Todd thought he could steal like realtimesettler.

It makes you wonder if the backlash to crafting in 4 and 76 through the filter of no actual premeditated design led to them ultimately cutting/downtuning a scrap and economy system and accidentally fucking up their base building and infinite worldirino or if it was the more damning thing
>they just had no fucking idea what they were doing, this was all they made and nothing was cut
Sarfield does feel like with a crack at the CK and some basic economy mechanics that base building, resource farming, hirelings, etc. etc. "do something" but that doesn't mean they ever intended it to work that way. There are no longterm resource sinks in the perk or equipment tree's, it's all just one time needs for 200bullshittium that a vendor sells for 69spacecaps.
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Who tf plays a guitar like this
>there are actual aliens with actual cultures and history
No there isn't. There's shitty, 2d, alien images on radio transmissions. But the aliens are just generic NPC merchant or ship vendors with no personality of lore.
It's a steel guitar, not a rhythm or bass guitar. That's exactly how you play one.
>you can swim
You can swim in Saarfield. And in both games there is fuck all reason to do so.
>16x the land vehicles
All of which play exactly the same.
>atmospheric flight and reentry-takeoff
Which just turns into GTA-like time padding and you slowly drive from one place to another with nothing to see or do inbetween.
>base building actually works because the world is a soft grid and you can modify and flatten terrain
Which really makes no sense as you're one rando space traveler, not some guy with a full construction company behind him.
>there are actual aliens with actual cultures and history
Neither of these things exist. Theres some generic alien NPC vendors, and random "alien artifacts" that mean nothing and don't tie into anything like the random non-temple, ruins you can find in Saarfield.
>had already game edited in all the twitch droperino cosmetics, but even the default options were cohesive and have good art direction
Everything in NMS looks like its made of playdough.
>resource generation and galactic economy systems actually make resource gathering justwork
Resources and the "economy" means nothing since you can get everything within 5 feet of everything else.
>it has cosmetic ship crafting now alongside it's already pretty solid mechanic upgrade tiles
>ships have always looked great
>you can get and fight capitals ships
>you can get enemy and bioships
True of Saarfield.

Both NMS and Saarfield suck, but lets not pretend NMS does anything well.
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I kinda like the process of actually using heavy weapons on survival. A missile weighs 7, so you can't just be carrying that shit around as a normal weapon you'll have no room for loot. What you do is pick up any Mini Nukes or Missiles you find and stash them back at base until you run into something you can't easily kill with the weapons you're holding. Then you retreat, go grab the Missile Launcher or the Fat Man, run back and annihilate whatever was giving you trouble.

In this case, the Gunners on the freeway had an assaultron and the commander was in T60 power armor so I booked it and came back with all the missiles I had and blasted everything to bits.
Or you just carry the Armor Piercing 40mm Grenade Launcher and like 200 rounds with you at all times
why does sunny now have water ice
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they did a total overhaul like a year after the launch disaster and the most recent update is like 2 months old. They've been updating it quarterly for over 8 years. There is a whole main campaign now alongside the minecraft atmospheric hints at a fallen past shit. I can respect hello games for the effort and final product actually being what was promised but I won't pay for it, didn't buy saaaaaarfield either Todd fuck you give me my fallout4 "micro DLC" with my collectors edition you elf fuck
you can't swim in sarfield, you float and at launch walked on water. There is no underwater anything in sarfield world generation which is a massive step back from skyrim, 4, and even 76. the vehicles are redundant but don't handle the same, you choose the one you like or can craft based on the resources you have available. Unlike starfields shit ass fallout new vegas driving showcase terrain has actual collision and destruction and that also effects which vehicle is best for which planet biome. Ludo narrative dissonance of survival crafting in space is a problem sarfield has, not nms; building bases is part of the current main quest and a major way to interact with the economy system (which exists). There are now faction relations tied to those relics and learning how2talkgud that impact how easy it is to do things like custom ship building. You actually have to travel and build a network of bases, unlike sarfield where you can buy every single mat in the game from neofavela A or B for the price of a lv1 gun. Sarfields art design is shit when it isn't nonexistant, "nasapunk" is gay and derivative cassette futurism.

Saying "both are bad" when NMS is bad for geting old after 30 hours like minecraft and starfield is bad for being a complete fucking failure mechanically and narratively as RPG, builder game, first person shooter, and space combat sim are not the same bad.
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