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Summer's End edition

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Previous: >>492352189
hot and passionate deer sex in breezy forest clearing...
icefrog sabotaged dota (midas incident) to boost deadlock
pendragon was right, icefrog is a snake
taiga keeping it real let's help fund his "mountain hiking stream" shit is going to be tight
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templar assassin in bondage when?
there's still a midas bug
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Someone better stop him
why can't we have an actually good deer hero?
Was this TI3 or TI4?
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So nobody really cared about esports ever since the first TI right? Even back then it was just betting. Now that even skins are disassociated with esports, how long do you think the scene will last? I'm thinking it has one more TI after this year, then it will officially be dead.
I mean I'll still watch TI and care about it I guess but I really don't know who I want to win, I only know who I don't want to win
how does it feel that deadlock gets art daily and dota gets nothing.
Do they got a deer hero? No? Then I don't care
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Sex with enchantress
Sex with spectre
Sex with krobelus
uhhh, pass
Esports is nothing but slavmutt stacks
every team has some imported slav, its all muttmix dogshit so no one cares about esports anymore
Artour "rtz" babaev
pro dota is not a real thing anymore, it is a vehicle for advertising
And what, pray tell, are they advertising
>winning my games
>still rage like a freak at the slightest ally mistakes
I'm mentally ill
it's funny how you seem like you want to start an argument yet your question indicates that you don't understand how this works

i am up way past your bedtime, no desire to explain simple stuff to argumentative kids anymore. it's so tired.
Sign your posts as you usually do so I know to ignore them in the future, though I might as well have guessed given how bereft of a legitimate talking point it had
>sponsors are just being nice

You display a childlike inability to comprehend things about the world that aren't complex or esoteric

spend some time off the computer lil buddy, you are dangerously unemployable at this point
Man it is really obvious that ringmaster and Midas bug took the wind out of a lot of sails. I think we lost 5 or so regular posters. Lack of activity here is pointed for a new hero.

It feels like there is nothing to even discuss about him
imagine the handjobs
your brainrot better not be contagious
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Sex with arcana thots
>stock Marci mogs all arcanas
new hero is fucking awesome. just came back to dota several weeks ago. shit like dawnbreaker and marci just feel like lol champs.
First post since Riyadh, Arteezy "taking a break" was unironically the final straw for me funnily enough. Everyone I care about are washed or retired.
We waited a year for what the trailer obviously hinted was going to be a micro hero and we didn't get it.
>majority of playerbase like core roles
>shit on carry for 6 years
>shit on mid so much no one wants to even play it anymore
>more brool 3 buffs my dear dotard
>literally zero hard carry p1 heroes released in like 8 years
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>valve no longer gives a fuck about dota and actively sabotages TI prize pool several years in a row by not adding hats
>hype for TI at an all time low
>pro teams are soulless and almost all old players are gone
>game is in a terrible state after support niggers demanded everything and were finally made so op playing core is just painful
>mid is entrely reliant on your supports not being retards
>carry is the weakest it has ever been
>gleipnir still exists and some hoodwanker playing 4th core rushes it every game
that deadlock game looks like hot garbage but they are trying to force you into that i guess
It's nice that you can admit it anon.
Maybe try to remember that they aren't making mistakes to hurt you. They're making mistakes by accident. Like literally everyone.
Deadlock is unironically good, it has good mechanical depth and allows for high skill expression.
>that deadlock game looks like hot garbage
I agree, but it's funny that you say that because that's exactly how people view dota.
>>game is in a terrible state after support niggers demanded everything and were finally made so op playing core is just painful
Carry cuck cope. Always trying to blame your support for everything. Quite typical.
Dota is dying because valve just doesn't advertise it at all. There is no effort from them to get new players into the game.
Dota is dying because the experience of playing Dota is awful
Dota is dying because playing friends or in a group, the way it was meant to be fucking played, is frowned upon and is miserable. Why in the fuck am I punished for playing with my friends?
No it's literally just the lack of advertising. League is absolute fucking garbage to play too and has had an equal if not greater amount of support pandering than dota has. But riot actually does their best to get new people into the game.
Just compare arcane to dragon's blood and it's not even a contest.
Riot just occasionally tosses out a cinematic literally just for hype. Dota has none of that.
Dota content creators are barely supported by valve and have to get fucking DHL sponsorships and shit.

It's time for people to accept it. Dota is dying because Valve puts no effort into drawing in new players.
>10 years ago
>blink next to crystal maiden and kill her in 2 hits
>have fun
>blink next to crystal maiden and hit her 5 times
>crystal maiden survives and walks away because she has 2 bracers glimmer cape force staff and a neutral item with +15 all stats
>have no fun

simple as that the game is not fun
They should remove the support role from the game and make dota 3vs3.
yay or nay?
>every game is just core heroes farming for 9 hours
>you lose or win by a slight margin instead of a great landslide
>team fights become completely predictable
sounds great dotard
Killing her without putting any effort in surely can't be as satisfying as dominating her.
Valve has never put effort into getting new players, but the game being good still got new players despite that. Now the game is in decline because it's blatantly clear Icefrog has had nothing to do with the balancing for some years and they're farming out their coding to pajeets which breaks something with every new update.
Mirana is a persona and marci doesn't have an arcana whatsoever. You should have included PA and qop instead
Why do they even release a generic shit hero like Marci? She doesn't do anything special.
I like how you don't have the emotional intelligence to understand that that CM is also a player who might not enjoy being a free kill after 15 minutes.
Turns out that making a game where 4 out of 10 players are dedicated cannonfodder is garbage design.
Luckily Carrycuckniggers like you will NEVER have your anime simulator where you're the main character EVER again. You have to actually play the game now. Maybe git gud and learn how to kill people instead of needing to rely on an overwhelming gold and XP advantage to play the game for you.

Like I already said here: >>492677382 support pandering basically has nothing to do with a game's success. It worked just fine for league. The difference is that Riot advertises their game and Valve doesn't.
Just go play bot matches and one shot everyone with your pa crits
Stop baiting, we all know that Marci is the most interesting and cutest hero in the game.
>new hero just released
>international around the corner
>still 30 min wait times for ranked
this game is fucking dead
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bet none of you plebs ever hit more xpm than this
They're not just cardio bunny cosplayer sluts
>cardio bunny
Words like this immediately make me horny but also worried about the younger generations
Is this video on youtube?
I'm a man and I exclusively do cardio, never lift weights.
Post bussy
DotA is dead
DotA is dead
Where then?
gay ass nigga
it was an ad on twitch
Will Valve officially announce Deadlock at the TI?
Valve shouldn't have made marci and mirana in this style.
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Damn, never knew carry was this easy. Why the fuck did I always play offlane and support?
How can Valve save Dota?
If facets were removed today nothing of value would be lost to be desu
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le ebin creep cutter
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>double hero release
>bring back split pushing
>supports only get to have brown boots by 30 minutes
>wards cost gold again
>teams now have to buy courier and everyone shares the same courier like before
>bring back the hero weaknesses that icefraud patched out, zeus with no mobility, gut or rework visage, delete hoodwink from the game.
>remove role queue because it just encourages faggots to play pos 4-5 as cores to farm role queue games or make it so you only get role queue games on wins only
>enforce language selection rules
But Reddit would cry if you did this, and Valve only listen to Reddit.
Not that anon but that filter is the worst and most useless braindead thing ever created on this site, not worth even thinking about it
I typed desu THO
desu nya~
If facets were removed game would feel the same. probably the most nothingburger "big" feature they ever released
Some heroes play differently depending on the facet. Lina for example.
always ban ring master gang still dont know what he does
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fuck off
I miss this one
Facets were a mistake because there is no way Valve can keep 2/3 choices on every hero balanced. They couldn't do it on talents, and they sure as fuck can't do it on facets now.

Basically the only cool facet is the Chen facet because it added something to the hero that he actually needed while also just being interesting but honestly they could have implemented that in another way.
ench isn't brown
Please no more new heroes. Dota already has plenty. Especially if it's generic slop like Marci and Ringmaster
It's a tan. You can see her sexy bikini tanlines. Her pale titties are below, completely exposed and ready to be played with.
holy fuck you are retarded
By putting in actual effort.
He isn't. Ench is green and her deer pussy puffy fat brown
>You have to actually play the game now
but i dont play the game because it sucks
>dota already has plenty
>mid has a grand total of a 10 hero pool not including gimmick picks
>pos 3 has a grand total of a 10 hero pool not including gimmick picks
>everyone else is either pos 1 or 4/5 supp
>lets just create more heroes to be ignored instead of making the ineffective heroes worth while again
get design there chap
me banning ring master: (I click on ban him because i dont understand it and are afraid of change)
He's pretty much just like every other support. Nothing about him is new.
Tbh, I just ignore ringmaster in team fights. He only has an ulti that does something (just look away lmao), besides that he just feels like a giant walking creep
They could create a corpse explosion hero (like a suicidal hero). Or a turret master hero like heimerdinger
Yes IR Baboon we understand this mentality
But league of legends does exactly that and is more popular????
Three days to groups.
How shit is it going to be? 3:0 GF again?
The new heroes have been leaked for years
You can find the post floating around
anyone gambles on dota?
No, you can't really gamble in the Netherlands.
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Her fur is, well some of it
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Why do dotards defend their billionaire overlords to the death? do you think adding new heroes and buffing shitty ones are mutually exclusive?

This is why this game is going to shit, valve takes a year to release a hero with the most generic uninteresting kit possible and you slurp it all up. what's that? a shitty compendium? thank you gaben please impregnate my wife!
heh pussies
>Eyes locked on your crotch
Why do you find a deer sexually appealing
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Most heroes still have following facet options

>Facet 1
Totally change how an ability works, is a massive buff and removes some weakness the hero had before.
-Picked 99% of the time
>Facet 2
If you hit 5 heroes with your AoE ability you get a 20 HP shield for 2 seconds.
-Never picked

I understand that it would not be balanced when they first released them, but it's been months now and barely any changes to try and make them more interesting or balanced. And most innates are still so fucking boring and useless while some heroes have fun and insane innates.
Clock had his innate NERFED when it gave him like 7% more damage output if he was fully maxed out on items.
stop noticing things noooo there isn't 1 objectively best op neutral item noooo talents are totally making hero builds diverse and unique
why cant you just be happy with what you already have
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She's got human parts too
then go play league
ha! I did it again. I banned ring master even though im not really concerned about his impact on the game. i just get off on banning him, no one is going to play ring master on my watch! muahahhaha
Nothing like starting the day by being huskar'd
Does deadlock have a cheese shitstain which cant be dealt with no matter what and wins alone?
>Pick AA or Doom
Problem solved
Here my fellow guardian player, https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/huskar/counters
this is what I do in pick phase, when I get to pick I quickly take a peek at the enemy heroes and see what counters them and pick a hero from my hero pool to do so.
vindicta tips?
start with the small toe and move to the big toe doing S with your tongue
Tbh, I don't even know what the fuck marci does. I only know she can flip someone over and jump to someone.
>still seething about marci
absolutely filtered
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Vhoul fucktoys.
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Time... to die...
this is a good thing
Radiance slark?!
When are we getting Vhoul hero???
Why do people pick medusa carry? It's really bad and 99% of the time, it just doesn't fit the team's lineup.
just suffered 9 second rp twice in a row
what the fuck
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>pick troll pick
>tell enemy to double down
>they double down
>they lose
>they absolute lose their shit blaming eachother
love this shit man
how does troll warlord help
At first I genuinely thought you meant picking troll warlord then I realized written english isn't your forte
you realized you're a 40 year old bald man who can't recognize internet lingo? gj bro
PSG in your walls
it is so joever
The real over thing is that several people from this general or millions of dota players in general are going to throw away ten more years of their lives on this or some other shitty game
they didn't contact me...
4 losses in a row
4 games decided by midlaner :)
ring master fun haver vs fucking qop
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why did we call ringmaster weak?
because most people here are crusader shitters with no real understanding of the game
I probably won't put 10 years into Deadlock but shit's fun
Coreniggers tried to play him as a core
5 losses in a row
huskared 3 times
sniper 4 is fuckign busted lmao
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im gonna take this weekend and be happy
no queuing at sunday night
three successful double downs
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good for u im going for -300mmr
this is my offlaner for the 5th loss
6k mmr btw
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just like how Overwatch became the biggest e-sport thing!
skill issue
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Is that you?
i lost 140 bucks on the roulette so im not that happy
nobody can do anything in a game like this where offlaner has 1k mmr and runs with 100hp into enemies
shows up and die to: huskar, slardar, get charged by spirit breaker
a fucking 15k mmr god would be 0-10 in this game
Dumb frogposter
keep defending acc buyers cuz ur most likely one of them
That's me. A real defender of the downtrodden.
it's literally not fucking fair I can't get these
Dota 2 has

>A p2w sub
>p2w double down tokens
>lootboxes and gambling
my mid tusk
enemy mid void spirit
game forced loss
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wow such epic titles
Tusk wins against void spirit
it's time to accept that it is over
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He's going to watch and stream the TI games right? He said he loved Dota e-sports and watched it all the time, he even cried during true sight.
wow i love playing for lane and winning whooping 300gold and then enemy void spirit just jumping left and right deleting whoever he wants while tusk is de dusging in the slow ball
Tusk most likely won that lane. If void spirit was a problem, it is 100% someone else's fault.
Dota "personalities" have no personality. This is one of the main real reasons dota is dying. Our internet presence is incredibly weak. Dota's English speaking content creators that are actually good (not shilling some website every video, high quality video and audio, no thick accents that are incomprehensible to the average person, actually some level of entertaining) can be counted on 2 hands. And all of them have garbage upload schedules.
support tinker is so fucking fun bros
I could fit the bill but I cba to start from literally 0 viewer
damn got 2 cores afk at 10 min even though its super free win
should've have queued i knew it !
> It's another game were people who couldnt make it in Overwatch & Valorant go
>random leshrac
>have no idea what any of his abilities do
>just run into them and get double kills
>random PA
>never played her before
>just jump into them and kill everyone without any trouble
lmao, are carry cucks really that fucking braindead that they cant even get kills and have to feed relentlessly on top of being so fragile that they tilt 80% of the times and go afk jungle?
I have been lied to. Support/offlane isnt the way to gain mmr. Yoloing as a safelane carry is
>comes, sees, conquers (6k mmr in 1 year)
>dips from this abandonware back to the father of this game
dotards must kneel and submit to warcraftchads, they are simply a higher race
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is this really the build? thankfully we still won because i hit a billion hooks but we missed a lvl 2 kill cuz this nigger could've had a slow and root instead of 10 attack speed
>haha, i play [role i never play] and i am actually booling
your account has role flags and when you're playing a role you don't play you play at a lower rank and against dumb opponents so it balances it out
learn how to use the console
I didnt play ranked roles though so how would they know what I role I would pick?
from one of the million metrics gathering algorithms they have in the game, it knows when you won a lane, it knows which types of players you win with more/lose with more, it knows your best heroes
don't you have dota+, there's a quarter yearly stat display of all of this
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>spectate someone
>agi treads for more than a minute while fighting, blinking randomly etc
god i get so triggered
show the relevant console output then
dota_game_account_client_debug in console

role_handicaps {
role: 1
handicap: 0.05
role_handicaps {
role: 4
handicap: 0.05
role_handicaps {
role: 2
handicap: 0.05
role_handicaps {
role: 8
handicap: 0
role_handicaps {
role: 16
handicap: 0.05

the role with 0 handicap is your most successful
based schizo
i heckin love playing pos 16
this information is literally disclosed to you with dota+ every 3 months
So when you queue a non ranked roles game mode they retroactively make the enemies worse depending on the role you pick?
Maybe psg has been in my opponents walls after all...
my nigga, playing normals entails you get piss easy games always
>lose my 100% winrate on ringmaster thanks to immortal draft wintrading russians
If you party queue in immortal draft and end up on different teams the winner shouldn't get mmr
barely sustain 50% win rate over the week just for it to all go to shit on sunday
glad the guy whos smurfing and won vs me 8 times already in this bracket suddenly IN MY TEAM
im so glad one team has pudge the other has omni
>playing weekend ranked
>playing after 2 losses
your fault, should have realised that you cannot win games today because it is your designated loss day by the mm algorithm
at this point im running down mmr till 5600 and deleting the game
this game is legit nothing but acc buyers these days
sex with hoodwink for the sole purpose of procreation
me? i'm selling all of my hats this TI if there is a (hopeful) price increase and dipping from shiteogames alltogether
my unending love for this game, which they ruined, is still shackling me
8th loss in a row now
my pos 4 and 5 both want pudge so they are not playing
whens TI ?
>TI is around the corner
>/d2g/ deader than usual
bros... I'm afraid we won't get a sticky
LoLchads will be laughing at us!
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I don't think i can take it bros... last year i barely could handle the embarrassing prizepool
Ringmaster allowed us all to move on.
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>tfw you have a quarry to settle
Is psg here?
He agreed to trade me AM waifu set and i was rude to him. I would like to apologise, also cant find you in my fl to say this face2face because you changed your name.
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I would also like to trade for muerta set, for uuuuuhm, reasons
Im swamp fox
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I miss times when we had insane bragging rights vs lol cucks (LITERALLY 40x prizepool) now i just feel defeated, this cunts get qt waifus every year and we get shitty ringmaster after 365 days.
Cant find you, i assume you deleted me.
Makes sense desu.
rather die than get this tbqfbbqh senfamily
>everybody dressed with ok clothes and even michelan jackets
>they are polite enough to wait
>seconds later it becomes medieval age
wtf is going on
free rock day
>mandatory chink spyware
Leaguetroons have literally nothing to brag about
9 losses in a row 1 more to go
imagine if we still had lobbies instead of matchmaking
account buyers would get kicked and added to the ban list immediately
im feeling the itch
im gonna take the risk even though it's prime ruski acc buyer hours
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have you tried not losing every lane
this grubby guy has the worst thumbnails on youtube
he is one very very brown dumb gorilla nigger
and here it is 10 losses in a row
watch the replay and what treant did, acc buyer with brown boots, lane became impossible at min 2
Have you considered winning at least one lane?
russians don't have the money to buy accounts
have you considered my lane winning is depending on the fucking acc buying subhuman im laning?
have you considered when i win lane i have fucking worthless mids and carried picking off meta garbage?
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>drafter can't draft a team with all roles
>insists the guy that has his role plays something else
If you draft and don't fill you should be banned
Based womp womp chad making a point.
k 12 losses
wake me up when lone druid is back to being playable in the meantime i free myself 60GB
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Supports from 3k to 6k are atrocious. Just by playing support, you can make it to 7k because nobody knows how to support. Of course, when they make you play mid or offlane at 6.5k, you're going to tank some MMR.
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classic, we need more unapologetic womp womps
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>no roles marked
>instapicks pudge
wow epic
unique heroes cant be playable bwo they're toxic
>gorgc thinks he can play mirana
>gorgc thinks he can play any hero that isn't weaver ursa or slark
hes overpowered though??
i instapick pudge and then proceed to stomp the game and my russian teammates throw it anyway.
Literally the opposite of what you assume would happen
heh classic gorp
0 armor 30dmg 300movement speed turd lmao if u lose to bear u are herald
yeah u pick pos 1 pudge? show me your replays
>singsing playing deadlock for days on end
I swear to god I hate this chink so fucking much, he thinks he's any good at the game and might have a chance at the pro scene of Deadlock once it releases, but he's trash and he's insanely cocky. I wish I could just punch him in the face, he's garbage and doesn't want to admit it, he is playing Dealock so much and taking it seriously because he sincerely believes that he might be any good at other games that aren't Dota, something that he's too full of himself to realize. I honestly can't wait for Deadlock to come out and see his chink retard face trying hard to get into the competitive scene and failing because Deadlock and Dota are two completely different games from eachother and not at all similar despite it being considered a ''moba''. It's more similar to Overwatch instead of Dota, and guess what, he was never any good at Overwatch either. Why is this chink so fucking annoying?
no picked pos 5 pudge and stomped the entire game until my 4 russian teammates decided to throw one hour in and we lost
the difference is pudge support is good
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man i fucking love dota!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>roll last pick
>have to pick this guy
>lose because he just decided to grief for absolutely no reaosn
overwatch is simplified WoW pvp FPS version.

dota is basically the same type of game as dota as an FPS but against high mmr players, you actually get punished for missing item and map movement timings. it's also more mechanically intense than almost every dota hero
convince me not to throw when my pos 4 picks sniper
>the most meta pos 4 right now
yea i prefer silencer, lich, pudge and warlock!!!!! please dont pick tinker, abaddon, treant, sniper or omni no matter what
the enemy might be retarded enough to give him a rampage at high ground
Why would you throw at all. Play the fucking game you sad creature
booo hooo lil baby can't put any effort into the game
which is why again i'd like to propose my idea of immortal draft being like at least 12-16 people
people who don't abide the unspoken rules, refuse to play roles, or are acc buyer will get weeded out and no one will pick them
perfect system if you ask me
it's just like irc inhouses back in the day
some shit tard wants to join? don't fucking pick him
field day for gaming pseudo journalists were picked last in school and always forced to be goalies
There's part of me that would understand that you'd want to throw, even though with over 5 thousand hours into the game, I've never thrown a game intentionally not even once, I did feel like doing it. But you're deep in the trench, likely never going above that, so Sniper might actually be a legitimately good hero. You can start throwing once he's bad, though, because a bad Sniper is quite literally the worst hero in the entire game.
give me back old solar crest of lone druid im 8k in 2 weeks
pos 1 visage
So what kind of hero is Mirana?
She's not good enough to be a carry as her farming sucks, her supporting sucks as well and she's WAAAY too unreliable to be a pos4 and roam around.

Her arrow used to have a big impact, kind of like Pudge hook. But that was like 7 years ago. Should they just buff the crap out of her arrow to make her feel good again?
Right now the arrow has way too much risk for little reward.
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>She's not good enough to be a carry as her farming sucks
Her Arrow used to have 5 second stun duration at max distance even at level 1, so it was viable to play support Mirana if you were good at hitting the Arrows.
But they nerfed it and now it's 2.6 seconds stun at max distance at level 1 which isn't remotely as good as it used to be.
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>enchantress pos5 that transitioned into carry because our actual carry is a turd worlder
>pike their carry and get 5 Q's off for free at a huge distance for massive damage, sure to kill them
>run out of mana on the 4th Q
>lose the game
thats actually the most soulcrushing moment I've had in years
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I forgot about this. I wanna start a new canvas so dropping this. I gave up on the splits because it was too hard...! I'll practice more. Pugna is so cute. I love her. I love her. But dropping from 7200 to 7060 is making my BLOOD BOIL. I need to grind. Fucking team.
god damn those faces need work
Why did camposanto give sprout damage?
>ench when i come from home and dinner isn't ready (i broke 2 of her ribs)
wow fags trying to lure me back in for 7 years now i think they might be close with dota dying
SO true sis, also, YOU DO pass as a woman and are heckin valid and cute!
So I just realized I never lost to a hoodwink because of Hoodwink neither did I win because of Hoodwink, is this Character just bad Furry Bait?
trust me bro there's so little to do in wow rn you will be playing dota in a matter of hours
t. dota 2 and wow addict
in nu-dota you need to be able to flash farm, Mirana's starstorm costs too much mana and does too little damage to be a good farming tool.

I miss her Aghs upgrade on starstorm so much... it was so fun and great
here's how you play mirana
>mana boots
you can start showing up to fights
>crit/satanic/dragon lance upgrade/manta
the game is over at this point because you have 700 attack speed and 400 damage
you can jerk to it without having to play league
they don'T even try to hide the coombait.
1 win was enough, back to losing
god forbid i win more than 1 game in between 10 losses
emm jol near
also get a null talisman
I used to be like you because i was a gladiator at the time and it helped me be quick in dota and dunk on clicklets, i cba rn but i know that the only formidable difference between any divine player and the creme of the creme de la meme immortal is amphetamines
divine players are legit heralds
divines and ancient players are better at dota than fucking 6k these days
You haven't seen Heralds play if you believe that. They're literally clueless bots.
>pick omni
>press q
>press w
>press r
>dont win dota because 1 team has acc buyer the other has smurf
>valve cant tell which is which for the epic balanced experience
i have a friend who is divine 2 who i sometimes spectate and they are so bad it's insane
inflation has basically moved the bell curve forward 3000 mmr at least
Spectate some Herald games. It's way worse than you think.
The same people at 7k. I don't think it's changed very much.
ive been too busy play deadlock to ask dotard general how it feels that dotard is going to be sunset for this new tps version of dotard? i just havent had the motivation to launch dotard 2 ever since getting in the beta and i know im not alone.

is dotard 2 outmoded?
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>TI starting in 24 hours
>No one cares
>surely THIS game will kill dota!
thats what retards playing roulette think when it hits one street 7 times and they go all in
>ls carry every game
epic meta dotards
ls is really easy to deal with when you're not playing with mongrels
>Carry tranny starts raging when I use AOEs to clear camps I stacked (he can't AOE)
>I mute him and my game improves
Fucked up how the best play is to ignore your teammates. Didn't use to be the case a decade ago

>Get this so I pick a support
>It doesn't matter because he leeches experience from the trees and misses hooks (passively griefing)
>after he realizes he can't do anything even with 50% slows on enemies, he starts hooking creeps on purpose (actively griefing)
>Something bad happens in lane
>Carry tells me to "leave his lane"
Oh? "Your" lane? Is your name on it faggot? It's as much my lane as it is yours, maybe you take a hike.
I don't know if solar crest boots of bearing marci is good but it sure is fun
>supportkeks getting uppity again
how do we fix them
Time traveler-kun, it's on the 4th for the rest of us.
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>Leaves your lane
What now bitchboy. Gonna report me? Gonna cry in chat?
Why do morons plant their Iron Branch and eat it with a tango 1 minute into the game when there are trees next to them? Would make sense if the courier dropped another item and they needed inventory space but nope, they now have 1 empty slot. Selling it would also have given them 23 gold.

I dont get it
faggot retard
You get double duration with the branch. So it would be 6 tangos if you only ate branches with 1 set.
You should try reading the item descriptions.
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>these retards are in my pubs
>Nyt kävi näin
>this is your teammate

wow PvP is so fucking dead it's not even funny

there was a 2-3 week period last xpack where ret pallys got reworked and their scaling wasn't changed for PvP so arena/bg was literally unplayable for everyone (except rets)

imagine waiting longer than dota queue for 10 min match

design choices are also just shit and unfun

shame because wow pvp would actually be great if devs cared / there was a playerbase for it

Been playing dota/dota 2 last 19 years. I 'always' knew what Ironwood did.
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>Been playing dota/dota 2 last 19 years. I 'always' knew what Ironwood did.

It is okay. You may not have been born then but we were, and some of us were playing doto that long ago.
nta but I can confirm that
>Eat Iron Wood Branch tree with a Tango to get x2 longer healing
What happens if I eat a normal tree with another Tango while the buff is still up and about to run out? Doe sit refresh the x2 longer duration or do I get the normal tree duration?
it replaces the current buff with the new duration
it gets replaced by normal regen buff, meaning less regen.
Thank you.
Playing support at low MMR turns the game into a complete coin flip. It doesn't matter what supports do because the game is not in their hands. If enemy gets better cores you are going to lose regardless of any support play you make.
I think it's possible you deleted me because you didn't know who I was, I dont think I deleted you, I don't remember who this was.

Readd me and I'll gift you the items in 30 days. You can have them. Friend code 15865

It takes a bigger man than anything to say sorry or acknowledge a mistake.
You can unironically spams spells more in Dota than in League now
>shame because wow pvp would actually be great if devs cared / there was a playerbase for it
been hearing that shit since s5
Biggest problem with WoW PvP is that they started to focus on Arena, which is the worst part of PvP in that game.
>pick normal support
>pick griefing farm swallowing, ksing hero
>end up top networth top dmg
whorish bracket full of fucking account buyers i hate it so much
Works at my MMR too

I used to give people salves and shit lol
man, i hate Sniper and Pudge
just can't stand playing against those 2 heroes

If your core is retarded and is running around for ganks instead of farming that is a loss. Nothing you can do to make him farm.

Happens in a lot of games. Instead of farming he is running around.
i hate women
Tinker support is a meme. I feel like I'm being gaslighted.
the end of d2g
rest in piss d2g, long live deadlock
its over
Is the same if you are core and your supp sucks albeit
midas tinker
2018-2022 Dota was still pretty good despite the clear trends pointing toward disaster, it’s crazy how badly New Frontiers raped the game. Hopefully AI advances to the point I can play un-ruined versions of the game vs human level bots.
bots cant play the current version decently, most cant even pick up a rune, much less so play dota like a human.
how are you gonna pay the cpu farm and man power to train ai to learn an older patch? also, are you gonna pay people to mod old patches?
TI is starting and no one even knows
It starts september 4th?
We seriously arent too far from #SaveDota2 are we.
people will cope about the numbers being stable, yadayada, but most of those are russian ghouls with potato pcs.
yeah, dota is dying fr now
doomposters will cope about russian ghouls with potato pcs, yadayada, but the numbers are stable
no, dota is alive fr nocap
>dota is certain to die this time!!!
our only hope is to deadlock to flop just like artifact did
there is no hope
deadlock is icefrog's magnum opus, dota 2 is old and busted and raped to death by sean vanaman
PSG draw contest still on I guess...draw stuff...50.dollara....till.september 11

Draw whatever

If there aren't series entries prize won't be awarded but if there is one serious entry I guess they will win.
hey chat is this real?
>shits on drawfags
>tries to doxx drawfags
>literally had a meltie every single time a drawfag posted and detracted attention from him.
What do you think
Yeah, he spent years shitting on drawfags and chasing them away because he's an attention whore who wants attention for himself. It's pretty sad and pathetic and everybody called it that his propaganda contest wasn't even going to get one entry because nobody wants to associate with him or be seen associating with him even if it's to scam him.
ive been browsing /d2g/ for about 5 years now and i dont think ive ever seen it as dead as it has been lately
>I'll post within sixty seconds of myself, that way all the stupid people will think I'm really two separate posters!
Fascinating how there was just a statistically improbable level of activity huh

The last person here will be the guy who clearly has the least in his life. He won!
Ringmaster, Midas patch, lame TI and no compendium again killed Dota 2
>Sand King Comet
what did he mean by this? is he an alien?
im just saiyan
deadlock won
I'm gonna play Supervive, deadlock really is unlikeable

I'm not very interested in video games anymore at all and trying to start new hobbies like recording music and knitting/sewing/weaving

Scuttling in
i picked the hard support treant
i repeatedly pinged that we needed a nullifier for the necro
i bought the nullifier and pinged i had it
i used the nullifier on the necro
necro became useless and i won the dota 2
How come you get nullifier instead of euls orchid or hex
because isnt nullifier the best item against necro? idk, i kept getting matches where id lose to necro and everyone kept saying we needed a nullifier but no one bought one
I mean...not as Treant?
>Turret master hero
You mean Venomancer?
>radiance for fast farming small camps
>tanky vs physical damage so you're hard to kill and can splitpush/farm uninterrupted
>can later be disassembled for nullifier
see you tomorrow dotards hoping we don't die
Engineer from TF2 crossover hero
>"random" crits (innate)
>sentry gun
Is it me or is Tidehunter so low damage. Killing off even supports takes a load of time. Hitting tougher targets feels even worse. Like I'm an actual creep that has big one aoe stun and damage reduction on E. Beside that I'm just damage sponge and nothing more. He's kinda fun but not fun at same time.
TI should've been every 2 or 3 years.
being yearly made this way less special.
i assume you are new... yeah tidehunter always* has been an unkilable walking ravage stick.
there is a reason no one plays tidehunter ever, even when he is good, other than pro players, one of the most boring characters. same with razor, or viper.
>no more personalities like Puppey, Ppd, Dendi, Kuro, N0tail, Ceb, Arteezy
there is nobody to root for. zoomers have no soul
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>check the odds
Those are some...dangerous payoffs...
I'm not new, just trying to refine my hero pool and Tide was in that pool cause people always said how he's solid. But every single time I play him, it feels like I can't even break through 30 or in longer games through 40K damage barier. Yesterday played him and I was struggling to kill Lion or Oracle. It was taking like 10 seconds or a tad longer. Idk why people even recommend this hero. Any other heroes beside Tide to avoid? Mars? He seems to be similar but his ult has lower cooldown.
the only way i can find a match is if a queue in SEA and even then it takes a good 10 minutes
its fucking JOEVER
my life took a psgesque turn how do i cope?
why did ringmaster kill the hype
Dota 2 heroes are basically Valve's donut steel Warcraft OCs.
you got ass cancer or something?
>win 7 games in a row
>start getting games with tremendous retards on my team
>have to keep checking the ranks of the players during my matches because i can't believe they're in the same rank as me
Actually Deadlock did
hopefully ti won't be boring shit
What makes you say that? Is dota in a bad state right now? I only play all pick pubs casually and haven't noticed anything particularly bad about it.
never actually seen anyone bully drawfags like you say
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It'll be the exact same as any Dreamleague tournament, almost guaranteed Falcons, Spirit or GG are in the finals and the prizepool isn't that big anyways so who cares
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>Why not capture heroes?
>doesn't capture heroes
Uhhhhh..... dotasisters....???
I think it's obvious that Valve intended something bigger with Ringmaster but couldn't pull it off so we just got this boring ass version instead. I genuinely think that nobody working on the game right now knows how to micro.
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Mars can do good damage with Refresher Orb. You'll want to double ult like this with intersecting circles with the target in the middle, so the target gets hit by both of the Arena walls.
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Once every 4 years like the Olympics or the World Cup?
We need a new Moba game
ummm sister, your smite 2?
Traditional classic top down Moba game
You can't have cancer if you never get diagnosed.
People stopped posting psg face here ever since he calmed down and stopped being super annoying
what does he look like?
he look like brok lesnar
henry cavill with no hair.
>game starts
>pidorussian tony starts feeding before the timer even starts
>griefs the lane and fucks off
>the other team sees him chatting in russian
>despite steamrolling the lanes they start beefing in pidorspeak
>2 or 3 of them start hard core griefing
>we only have one gigatilted griefer, they have at least 2 possibly 3
>we win
This is peak dota
Don't talk dirty about my boy tide like that
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Sex with wei
>judging tide by dps
Are you fucking retarded
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cm is cute
deadlock ti when
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>be so fucking mad and tilted i apply to a job
>get instant job interview
Install tinder and find urself a redhead wife before the 50/50 system kicks in
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Love getting matched with dog shit braindead beaners in my dota 2 games.
2 wins in a row was too much, back to losing 50 in a row
glad my safe lane decides to play fucking sven cm, im sure its 2013 and enemy carry lina wont 1vs5 the game
Hey, im back from work soon. Dont come to offlane today, im training am 4
its out https://youtu.be/Ti5eciur59M?si=NcbE8XEGUad4aYeR
My name is Rylai. Rylai Moon.
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never seen this general so dead right before ti
kinda sad, but not really
Ringmaster broke everyone's heart

They had skills named "control puppet" etc in the game.. but who we have left couldn't fix Midas bug, how can they program controlling heroes
>accidentally rerolled the PA arcana in crownfall
Just fucking kill me.
It's like twenty eight dollars bro you'll live
but it was FREE
Nobody has ever tried to drive artists away. Guy claiming this needs mental help
Deerly departed...
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>nerf Hoodwink
>game dies
Buff Hoodwink = Alive game
Deadlock made me realize just how bad Valve are at designs and the only reason Dota 2 has some decent heroes is because they are copies from the DotA heroes.
Valve has never made an original IP.
Haven't you realized that yet?
What if Valve licensed the Dota 2 IP to FromSoft to make an Eldenringlike where you play as a creep and fight Dota 2 heroes?
Gabe will be playing Deadlock in the intro video for TI assuming he even bothered to record one this year
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Is it just me or people tend to get killed before bounty runes spawn more when they are on the dire side?
>repeating artifact's mistakes
dire jungle sucks dick
Half-life lil bro.
sorry there's no contractual obligation now that TI is PGL's property :)
>Contractual obligation
>Majority owner and CEO/President of Valve
I like dire side more only because it's easier to multi-clear the side jungle camps with Alchemist
PSG here dire should have a closer ramp to the right side hard/ancient camp. You need to move the tower and camps closer together possibly. Maybe move the river down so that river bend is less advantageous for radiant, who can approach the south rune from 3 directions compared to dires 1 + gimpy hamstrung 1 that has to run from high ground next to hard camp.

Tl;Dr make south rune and dire secret shop more advantageous for dire to fix the map. It should feel dangerous.

YW for fixing your game.
Err I was referring to mid btw. Mid should be able to get to secret shop area faster. May require moving the whole map over slightly

Captcha: AANG hell yeah
anon valve sold TI to PGL
PSG here this is absolutely fake news
who we maining in deadlock
the barefoot girl
Double downs have made the game so much worse. Every game is made of people who are like 500 mmr above or below their real mmr playing against each other. None of the games feel balanced.
You might be thinking that this is just a phase and that dota will make a comeback at some point.
But no, this is the reality of the stagnant playerbase of dota 2. this game has had virtually little to no new player inflow for almost a decade now and the ageing (and dying in war) of the playerbase is starting to show. Thank you valve for being lazy shits and starving your golden goose.
Actually PSG here and these are facts
I all russians get banned from Dota the playerbase will increase.
I dont care I'm playing Ragnarok Online and Dota till I die
What the fuck im actually tundra fan now?
Envy just moved to Dubai permanently, I think he is not gonna comeback to dota.
How can he afford that?
literally impossible
Apparently he is making like 5 figs per day trading now so he is avoiding taxes by moving.
Chances he is getting scammed.
Isn't it expensive as fuck living in Dubai?

Why the fuck would you leave all your friends and family behind, your country, culture and HOME to live in a fucking Muslim hellhole just to maybe make a bit more money.
Are people really that obsessed with money?
nigga writes shit on twitter and the 10 retards still following him believe it
he'd need a phony company first to be a lazy ass because otherwise he'd need to suck several dicks to even be considered a citizen
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I don't understand modern dota man
Like this guy used to be the anit-armor guy. That was it. Maybe he setup a teamfight with a good stun but that was his role.
Now he walks into lane, hits you like he's 3 slotted from minute 5, gets psuedo infinite bkb at min 15, and dives you because he moves faster than bloodseeker.
Is that fun for the ET player? Sure maybe, but did he need to do all that???
he always did that tho
What do I do against him as a support in lane? Do I block both camps?
absolutely not to the fucking level he does now
He is posting dubai pics
His scaling is crazy stupid but you shouldn't allow him to, he has no farming abilities.
virus don't login
>EE became a femboy selling his ass to rich Arabian princes in Dubai after failing being a stockman
This is the only reason a male would ever go to Dubai, think about it
>making 5 figs per day trading
>Why the fuck would you leave all your friends and family behind, your country, culture and HOME to live in a fucking Muslim hellhole just to maybe make a bit more money.
You wish you could live in dubai lil white boi.
>You wish you could live in dubai lil white boi.
I don't even want to live in the "big" cities in my own country, why the fuck would I want to move to a Muslim city?
Post your non immortal delusions so we can dispel them
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>Äldre Tanten
The game isn't as fun as it was in 2014.
>Why the fuck would you leave all your friends and family behind, your country, culture and HOME
he was living in the USA
>family: only parents at best
>friends: lol
>country: an improvement
>culture: lmao
>read any post on Reddit about old Dota 2
>meanwhile the game back then had more players than today
inb4 "Reddit" when it's the single one place where people talk about the game.
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>One fucking courier
>regular wards cost 50 gold
>Omniknight 65% wr, support only
>Sniper picked every single game
>Every game someone is ratting, ruining the game for 9 players
No it fucking wasn't you niggertard
Only period that was worse than 2014 was 2021-22 with the Lina spam
supports used to be respectable
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It didn't even take a minute before a redditor made a post like this >>492876085

>Nooo we didn't have 5 free couriers so we now have infinite mana and HP regen
>having to manage your mana and HP, being punished and play smart is.... LE BAD!
Pos 1s used to matter
russians are the great equalizer
>I love when my mid uses courier non-stop for the first 10 minutes to refill his bottle
Either you are a cuck or you were part of the problem
AA is so fucking fun man.
Yes anon, back then you were not suppose to have a courier delivering regen items to you every second, that was part of the game.
The enemies had the exact same issue as you, s you just had to play around it... you know use your brain?
AA is the best hero in the entire game
Current dota overall game is much more fun than way back
But the balance is dogshit for each individual hero
>Current dota overall game is much more fun than way back
No it's not, if I wanted to play League I would play League. I want to play Dota, not this Leagueified version of Dota.
Nice buzzword however its not an argument because it looks like you're saying
>leaguefied = good things
No anon, we used to make fun of League for all the things Dota has now.
We used to make fun how you can freely spam spells in League, which in Dota you can do even more than in League now
The free TP which Dota basically got now
How the game is jsut a broolfest like Dota now
How kills and getting kills is not punishing enough like in Dota now
How the entire map is just boring objectives you are forced to do like in Dota now

Why would I play this game over League when it's just trying to be a bad League copy? The game I loved and enjoyed so much is not there anymore.
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I played support back then, some things were good some were bad.

>Wards cost gold
Good thing. When they cost 0 it makes my retard teammates get them and place them in stupid locations that give useless vision or get dewarded immediately.
It's my job, don't touch my fucking wards.
>1 Courier
Good thing. We had the side shop so it wasn't that bad. Resource management mattered so everyone didn't throw spells at each other in lane 24/7 and you had to think about spell usage.
>Less money in general for supports
Eh. There should be a middle ground between current state (supports get very tanky and lots of items) to having Boots + Wand + Ghost Scepter at minute 45.
>Inventory slots
Now that was fucking annoying. Observers and Sentries took separate slots and TP also took a slot. No backpack for Smokes. If you needed to carry Dust, you had room only for Boots + Wand for the entire game.
Stacking Observers and Sentries and having a TP slot is better.
i dunno about all that but the recent barrier spam + heals is definitely nuleague meta
>mute team
funny how that happens
Why don't more people pick Doom, SD and AA?
The new inventory is great, as someone whos played on and off since 2014 it's my favorite feature added.
Yea going back to effectively having 3 item slots (2 vs invisibility heroes) would be a nightmare.
same reason alch is trash
picked a lot
do nothing hero
How come old Dota makes redditors seethe so much?
Thats a whole lot of words for "im a cuck", but whatever. Find another game to satisfy your fetish
I am and so did most of the playerbase playing Dota, which is why it's dead now.
they're (bad) support players
I liked support more in classic Dota 2 because spell usage and positioning matters so much more. If I got out a good spell as a support back then it could make or break a team fight, now if I use a spell it barely tickles the enemy.
actually unbelievable algorithm is finally gonna make me fin and i had 7 fucking playable games in a row
and back to 5 losses with absolute acc buyers
Ringmaster's ult is actually dogshit
>Apparently he is making like 5 figs per day trading now

LOL. Sure thing.
and boom 60GB free
not gonna watch ti because its just a random tournament also lmao 4 groups
hopefully no sticky
Valve pays for advertsiment on 4chan, there will be a sticky
What hero used the gryphon model in dota all stars?
This was supposed to be for the wind mage guy who never got put in the game
anyone miss how wide health bars were in wc3? you could really tell when it was in lasthit range instead of being 90% sure like now
Maybe they could add customizable bar sizes
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An aether lens to keep your distance and a silver edge to get close safely. A build ready for all situations!
is dotabod dead
i can't watch streams without it anymore
i have an incessant need to look up minute details of spells
certified pudge build
Kunka has been on some hard times ever since the Aghs removal huh.
it was ogre mid
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why are you crying anon?
>replying to psg
baka when will you retards learn?
ahh psg is coming to get m-
Soon all of us will drift apart after we have been close for so long. I'll miss you guys. /d2g/ was fun.
Where can I see the compendium sales? I can see liquipedia mentions around 700k, but where do they get that number from?
Does anyone have that Faceless Void MS art where he says "My Path on spoons" with spoons on his hand?
i don't
I spent 5 minutes looking for it, didn't find it sorry.
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thanks anons hopefully an anons appears with it
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>google "4chan vg archive"
>click it
>search "void spoons"
you guys are really fucking dumb
>you are slardar
gets me every time
Damn, I tried "faceless void spoons" and gave up after. Game is hard.
be honest with me chat
can mason conquer dota and become our Fuhrer?
Huh, that was not the one I was looking for, he was in a canoe, saved that one though, thanks anon
hearing my path of spoons likely means you have a small vocabulary
>I come anon!
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Found it in the same thread someone posted that one, thanks anon kek
mason or camgirls tonight?
>the same type of people who watch streamers feel compelled to announce their coomerism to everyone

Deadlock could never have such SOVL since it's supervised by SweetBaby
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>Playercount on the level of TI3 era
Is dota actually dying? What the fuck.
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most of the players are playing custom games as well
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I haven't played in a year, but how's the Magic Nuke Lina faring? Everyone seems to go Maelstrom instead of Lens/Kaya/Aghs/EBlade like you used to a year ago. Man that was a fun build
We're all moving on to Deadlock now.
It still works but right click is better
youre in the big leagues now, bitch
deadlock getting art every day...
i hope they add lina to deadlock
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I want to smack epheys butt so hard
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>come after 10 years to watch TI13
>literally know nobody in the teams
How do i even do predictions?
Is there a guide for this shit?
You can still do that. People just like right-clicking with her more now.
Literally what is the difference between deadlock and battleborne.
Deadlock is slowly becoming porneable
Gearbox subscribes to the Riot school of design and balance so it's just nerfs nerfs nerfs and p2w shit anytime you think you'll be able to have fun so that everybody (except whales) are equally miserable.
what for?
Played the 'lock for 10 hours,
it's ok but not great, I shall not put a decade of my life into it
For the compendium?
there's been Ivy porn since the leak.
>few loading screens and stickers
just buy them for a few cents in the market nigga
the next hero is from deadlock
>next hero
more like the next hero deadlock is releasing will be from dota, they already have clockwerk in.
What will these "people" say in 5 years when Dota still pulls 500k+ concurrent players daily?
most of them are bots
lmao cope harder
i hope i'm not still here in 5 years
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>Pos3 pudge has a complete meltdown because he died once, and got "killstealed" once
>leaves the pos4 to do his thing (he played like a god for the entire game despite everything)
>the carry just sucks
>mid starts flaming the carry for being kinda bad
>they get into an ethnic conflict since one of them is a turk
>they spend more time typing "U R TERRORIST, GO BOOOOOM HAHAHAHAH! FUCK YOUR MOTHER BITCH!!!" than actually playing the game
>im just trying to do my best, while slowly transitioning into a carry because theres nothing else to do
>the pos4 keeps calling the correct shots, like defend hg, and dont run off like retards, etc etc
>they still run off and die like retards the whole game
The most infuriating thing about this, is having to read the third worlders shit-talking, its so... doubledigit IQ...
Like, oh my god, theres a grown-ass man sitting there, barely sentient, writing those things. It hurts to bad
you're playing a game for mentally ill thirdies
so why are you surprised
>Cores are mouth breathing retards
Wonder if the role attracts the retards or turns them into them
9/10 games I play the pos 1 loses their mind over something mundane before 10 minutes.
idk bro, this isnt anything new... it just hurt extra bad today for some reason.
I cant belive I share a planet with these "people", how the fuck does their societies even work? (they dont, I know, but like, they still manage to keep a semblance of infrastructure running etc, remarkable stuff honestly)
i think support silencer is low-key good
his ult is so fucking debilitating, especially when you get aghs or refresher
He feeds in lane tho. Unplayable as a pos 4 since he has neither stun nor decent slow nor damage early. Also will 100% feed lane on pos 5 unless you have a strong pos 1 or face a really weak 3 or 4.
Basically if youre not doing well you are REALLY worthless.
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>low key
>get doomed
just tp out lmao
league is actually less of a broolfest with less kills. it does have forced objectives though, like dota
Same as always, if you know positioning you're all good
Kinda like my morning coffee game today
>have a winnable game
>core is doing well
>after 20 minutes he goes afk jungle for the rest of the game
nobody flamed, yet something triggered him to snap
Cores truly has mentally ill
i like how np treants were so dogshit they turned it into ghetto spirit bear
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>two games in a row pos 5 steals farm from minute 0
sometimes I just don't get this. according to dotabuff the guy does it everytime hes supporting. how are these people not ragereported into deeps? like we are not even talking about tilting, we are talking about earthshaker pos 5 just straight up farming the safelane.
>core is dead
>me, the supp, takes the last hits as they would have died to the tower
>he rages at me for taking his last hits, that would have died to the tower because he was dead
Doesn't help that every single pos 1 thinks theyre fucking Sasuke or whatever. Pos 2s are extremely frail creatures and if the game starts not going well they will blame every other player on the team. Pos 3s are legit not okay in the head 90% of the time and usually just intentionally grief the game if the pos 4 does anything other than read their minds.
You have never played league or even watched it being played
use your brain maybe and pull them away from tower? no?
see supports not doing that ever because they're too retarded for actual lane mechanics
yes thats clearly what I was talking about.
>supportkeks getting uppity again
this is why dota is dying
Carrytroons are mentally fragile
Shouldn't have died to the jungle creeps then bitch
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>Leaves your lane
This is why you are dying. Mald about it in chat as I mute you and do other stuff
>griefs his own game
Well Played!
>posts image of a core dominating
says a lot...
What a totally valid and plausible situation!
happens all the time
there is a trade at tower, carry dies, enemy offlaner dies or low hp
support too stupid to use creep aggro to pull away from tower to save creeps for carry respawn
self grief by incompetence
This never happens btw.
How would you implement active reload in dota 2?
if you have a bought account please don't pick anti mage
did you really have fun getting no farm in lane, buying a 20 minute battlefury and then losing the game by 30?
when you press R you reload
*Queues up safelane again to lastpick antimage no matter what enemy picks*
Anyone know this song that rarely plays on mason stream?
darude - sandstorm
Most of the doomposters are bots or have the mental ability of one. It's always the same 1-2 retards just posting the same shit non-stop.
>wah wah wah viewer counts
>wah wah wah player counts
>wah wah wah nobody wants to talk to me and engage with my whining, therefore it's all dead!!
It's always the same script, the same screenshots, and happens in so many other generals too. It happens so much I can't tell if underage /v/irgins are just that braindead and unoriginal, or if it's an automated bot trying to "force engagement" or some other bullshit. In 5 years, they'll just saying the same shit over and over again because they don't care. They're not here for discussion, they're just bots who come here to spam for the sake of it.
And then there's that one faggot replying to each one as an excuse to shill his Marvel slop.

Can't talk about the game without getting the doomposter bots interrupting conversation with their whining.
Can't talk about pro games without getting the doomposter bots interrupting conversation with their whining.
Can't talk about my own games without getting the schizo latched onto me like the way he's been harassing the Visage and NP Anons.

Just can't win with these losers. Wish they would take their trite bullshit and go neck themselves, and their their spam scripts with them.
i think it's a 1-2 punch of this general being awful and having slowed down in the last year - year and a half combined with a percieved lack of enthusiasm on valve's part that disseminated to the community, which partly explains the first reason
ringmaster is good but bland, with a kit neither we nor valve were likely hoping for and one that absolutely did not warrant the year+ required to produce
the recent patches have been uninteresting, for being a supposed major gameplay additions the facets boil down to the same thing many talents do "just pick the good one" 9 times out of 10 and the innates were incredibly droll on release with many of them just being taken directly from pre-existing passives
crownfall seems likely to have gone well past it's original planned end date, now more on track to end in november at this rate
all this compounded with the fact that people had to be actively reminded by the community itself that ti was still happening
the game isn't dead, ultimately it's still a game people find fun and get addicted to, but it's not as interesting to talk about anymore and those that want to talk about probably don't want to do so in this shithole
i play the game but i can't find the energy to engage with the community of it at all
i wish i could not get upset when i lose
why am i retarded
I can't even not get upset when I win
but why do you get upset?
also this game is played overwhelmingly by non-english speaking thirdies who can't speak or write english so they're not going to discuss shit
Ringmaster was supposed to redeem this shitshow but nope
ok pajeet
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bros, ive had enough
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what did icefrog gain from nerfing a hero that already wasn't doing too well?
too masculine and oppressive
reddit council does not like
He hasn't been working on Dota in ages.
do it faggot
Did the same to Hoodwink, fun heroes aren't allowed, only auraniggers and healbots
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How come Valve keeps hiring the single most pozzed devs?
quickest meltdown in thread kek
>ti this week
>thread is 2 days old
Holy fucking DEAD game
>no live games
what do you expect you retard?!
deadlock thread is right over there
what the fuck
based hopoo
fuck poltards
my offlane LC skipped blink dagger because "don't need it"
consensus bot trying to form consensus lol
reply to yourself and pretend like there's more
Doesn't affect their ability to do their job.
we had such a good run didn't we?
could be right
>all this just for one song
why didn't one they just have a handful of people record each piece individually and combine the sound channels into one?
>fun hero
kys, hoodwink still needs 10 more nerfs faggot.
I have like a hundred double down tokens
i mean every mic will be its own thing and have to be mixed together later.
it is just more authentic to do live and record. also note that they are in a place (church) where a real orchestra would've played, with real echo and reverberations, etc, instead of doing it super clear in a studio. it is just.. soulful
I have 500
no I don't actually I misremembered
I'm only at 139
i dont get it, is it very difficult to make a battlepass and stuff some skins in there for people to slop? We had a thing and it was perfect, but they killed it.
>it was perfect
nobody said this.
>ringmaster is unironically a hero made for me
>strong save
>very good nuke
>fucking amazing ult
>people hate him because he wasn't a super technical mid
seethe retards, hero is very strong, his ultimate is insane if you use it as counter engage or against melee teams
where'd all this soul go
99% of orchestra players don't get paid. They do it for free because the ~privilege~ of playing in one means that you're not allowed to ask for pay unless you're some superstar first chair hotshot for your instrument who was explicitly recruited. Most are volunteers. Since this is a university, most of them are students who pay to be there, and the old farts are part-time volunteers. If anybody got paid, it's the recording staff, maybe the conductor (if it's not the song composer), and the university. And they'll do all the practice time + schedule wrangling for you. It's cheaper and more convenient than getting 100 randos on separate internet recordings that you can't guarantee the quality of.
damn, free orchestra for a free to play thirdie game
yet it sounds so good
>ringmaster's taunt ult can't be dispelled
what the FUCK
I never noticed this before but why are multiple aura neutral items allowed to be purchased? We had 3 people on our team with ceremonial robes and that shit does not stack.
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>look at guild chat
>it's an actual peruvian stimming
>why would he do th-
>realize the name of our guild is PeruPlague and WTBK is our clan tag

Top zozzle
It's not completely free. As I said, you gotta pay the university.

But it's probably like a $5,000 "donation" + promise of a PR vid of how cool their music department is, and the school will wrangle the 50-100 person orchestra to your will for a day or three. Imagine trying to herd 100 people on Zoom or whatever either in one session or 100 separate sessions you have to personally schedule+manage. $5k is cheap compared to that headache, and it's a bargain already since it pays for the venue and it's less than minimum wage.
I don't feel like playing dota anymore...
but i don't want to start deadlock or anything else
dota feeling so dead all of a sudden is one of the worst feelings i've had with games
dont be sad that it ended, be happy that it happened
i'm glad its over
this gay shield meta might be the thing that actually kills the game. nobody thinks having a tinker support give your carry +2000 hp in shields and heals is fun or skillful
im thinking if dota would be less toxic if, right when the game ended, it showed you little clips of good plays you did during the match, and gave you some points for it. like the 3 ranged denies you did early on, the 2 core gank you survived, they triple kill you got, etc.
focusing on good things you did during the game is the only way to not feel trash after a loss (unless it was a real close game). maybe doing this for a few years would make people less likely to tilt for nothing.

[im talking about solo queue, if you have 4 friends to play dota, yeah thats good for you]
deadlock has better implementation of shields too
dota for the last 5 years have just been a testing ground for deadlock lmao
>dota for the last 5 years have just been a testing ground for deadlock lmao
just because of .. shields?
id entertain your argument if dashes or slides or urn delivery, or w/e was in dota first.
dotards in copemode lol
just revert everything from the facet patch
nothing good came of it
The best you'll get is Blizzard's shitty play of the game system where it will show you the one good ult the account buyer had where they got 3 assists, thus validating their entire play that game.
just lost a game because clinkz was split pushing and one of our cores tp'd back and then died and then we all died pushing a t2
enigma is seriously just a 0 threat hero, literally no one is ever afraid of him
he's supposed to scare the enemy team into not doing anything
It really feels like flopmaster and deadlock killed us for good, TI is dead but no one cares.
Are there any good skin sets to whale out for? From what I can tell, Alpine Stalker is the target set, and the rest of the whale material are Baby Roshans (Honey Heist looks cool)
I hope the mod has been paying attention and doesn't give us a sticky, that'd be embarrasing
my favorite part was the skywrath mage arcana being made 4 years ago
Do zoomers like dota or is it purely a boomer game?
we were supposed to be the favored child dotards, the passion project
how did we let this happen
how can riki forcefully make me blink to him?
that just happened to me in a turbo and ive never seen that. its not listed as a facet, aghs or shard or talent. it wasnt harpoon or anything
nvm im retarded, i had mirror shield. I forgot it does that
>make a few good indie games with a relatively decent fanbase
>start to make a 3D sequel to your most famous IP (the one that you made within a year as a school project iirc)
>quickly realize you're way over your head
>enviroment is barebones, models lackluster, story nonsensical, balance really a fucking joke when you get down to it
>smash hit success simply because there's no competition in the market, right place at the right time
>"""""""""finish"""""""""" the beta with the features you were OBLIGATED to add (not all of them, worm your way out of the ones you can get away with not doing of course!)
>sell your company to another one who you know will wreck it
>somehow get hired by valve despite your knowledge in games basically not applying at ALL to what they do

look i'm just saying maybe people make games are right and valve are fucking retards when it comes to hiring new people, only reason I can see them hiring both actually really talented people and the blandest, middle of the road well spoken white people on the planet. i know this because fucking molly got hired after the starbound fiasco and I have no fucking idea how
Lotus Orb too, have to be careful with it against Riki when putting Lotus on yourself or allies as it can backfire. Same thing against Tusk.
buy goyplus you puto
What's that
want to james bond burger your sister
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Call me when they release arcana drow sex doll gynoids.
dead gmae lolllllllllll
how isnt oracle busted
do you guys think it's bad to buy multiple blood grenades on Treant Protector throughout lane phase?
That's funny. Did you blink to him, or did you guys effectively swap places, or did you guys meet in the middle like harpoon?
>excluding china

WoW has classic
Runescape has oldschool
Blood grenades are always good and should be bought off cd on most supports if you're playing aggro early mid game
has dota1
So, does anyone have actual proofs about Valve not amassing money for TI to punish the pro scene and/or casters for their demands?

There are like 15 big tournaments next season and even a new tour of Blast events which has never existed before, but doing what they're currently doing to TI is unimaginably unpopular, Crownfall or no.
dota 2 classic when
no need for it, you cant play vanilla era wow nor can you play the original runescape
but you can still play dota1
I don't wash eggs
>valve acquired hopoo
very nice
i disagree
We might not even get a sticky this time around...
you dont know what you want
i know exactly what i want: dota 2 before talents, bounty runes, neutral items, tomes of experience, etc
the actual answer is valve just don't care
no malice, just apathy
which patch is that?
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what am i in for
That doesn't make sense at all. Have you even seen Crownfall? There's so much absolutely unnecessary stuff which is only present for flavor (comics, half a dozen mini games, storyline) that what they're doing to TI looks simply mind boggling.

It makes EVERYONE wonder why couldn't they just channel the manpower they threw at Crownfall into something connected to TI. It makes a tiny TI look jarring and inexplicably bizarre.
Crownfall = Valve gets everything
TI = Its about stupid pro players that no one really cares about
Dota will NEVER even have a fraction of the SOVL HoN had
There's no way Valve doesn't understand just how unpopular that is with the PLAYERS. They have shown that they care about public perception when they started giving out free arcanas after a poorly received TI in 2022.

It's near impossible that they don't understand TI is the main advertisement for Dota and also the focal point of the entire season for average Dota players, not pros.

The Crownfall stuff I mentioned didn't even make them money, it was just flavor stuff and people would have bought a lot of skins even without it. Crownfall was very well received, but that it can be retroactively disliked simply on the basis of TI's treatment.
if you dont know how to play then prepared to get your ass chewed out really bad by a bunch of randoms
You're overvaluing how much people care about pro cucks (they dont care)
That's a ridiculous argument, since I didn't even bring up people's attitude to pros. I'm talking about people's attitude towards TI, a tournament which can E A S I L Y gather 30 million from the community... but simply R E F U S E S to act as a middleman.
>but Valve refuses
Yeah but its not because TI
its because hats, people dont actually care for TI
>people dont actually care for TI

Oh, it seems you aren't a Dota player. Nevermind then.
I'm a Dota player
not a watcher tho
However I understand your confusion, in your little echo chamber of d2g which is a very small subset of the dota playerbase who seeks discussion about the game way beyond average play, you have come to expect that TI is seen as relevant
nta but after last year i believe it.
anecdotally i also used to care way more about the new stuff at the secret shop merch rather than watching the games.
This is literally my first involvement in the d2g. I came here to check whether anyone has anything concrete about the TI pro/caster theory.

>you have come to expect that TI is seen as relevant

Nah, it's extremely unlikely a Dota player would ever say that. At most, he would not be enthusiastic for TI, but not go out of his way to say how irrelevant TI is. You're probably just a LoL player to begin with.
You have your confirmation bias and I have mine then
Since 2012 I have never watched a TI
And I never will because I just dont fucking care man, and 70% of the people you meet in pubs also dont care
its just the people that watch streams to begin with or browse reddit or d2g care about this shit
And it explains this >>492983431 as well, assuming that's your post.

>it's extremely unlikely a Dota player would ever say that. At most, he would not be enthusiastic for TI, but not go out of his way to say how irrelevant TI is. You're probably just a LoL player to begin with.
People stopped caring about Dota e-sports after TI4
Why should I care about the same few people just swapping teams and playing against each other for the millionth time? It's just a clique at this point that just funnels money to each other, it doesn't even feel like a proper competition anymore.
Cool you're wrong tho
>People stopped caring about Dota e-sports after TI4

40 million prize pool in 2021 with a proper battle pass, 38.5 of that community funded and that's only 25% of battle pass sales.
You're so clueless man
Average dota player logs into client, sees battle pass with exclusive arcana and is gonna buy that shit and never watch a single TI game
Valve figured it finally out and got bored of dealing with TI
The 2021 TI wasn't just the most well funded, it was also by far the most watched.

Seems like this thread is full of actual non-Dota players.
>The Crownfall stuff I mentioned didn't even make them money
it's a battlepass reward system hidden behind a 7 dollar pop minimum (assuming you use coins) for each act (since it unlocks arcanas styles, a bunch of goodies and lootboxes)
50% of it is fluff and it is more elaborated than a normal battlepass but let's not pretend like they don't make money out of it. and it's not like anything but the actual art assets themselves is hard to do -- I'm almost certain they just outsourced most interactions within the little caverncrawl system to a hired writer with how out of character some characters are and how bad the quality of the writting gets.
21 competitors are at their first ti
maybe you're jaded but that doesnt mean the rest of the community is
You're just in full cope mode because you keep believing that the -actual- dota 2 playerbase watches TI
You're not a dota player, you're a watcher
A cuck
geez theres literally nothing sadder and pedantic than "muh in-crowd" pandering (btw i was playing dota 1 in 2006).
What I said is that they could have just sold skins and not bother with two fishing games, flappy Skywrarh, dragon chess, comics and storyline. It would have sold well even without that with minimal effort.

They put in effort for Crownfall, they put effort into the patches, they probably even invited BLAST from CS to host tournaments next season, but did next to nothing for TI, something 99% of Dota players care much more about than seasonal events. This simply doesn't make sense without a strong cause.
You cannot have a positive winrate while queuing for all roles. No matter what, you will always have a retarded mid, offlane, or carry.
>TI, something 99% of Dota players care much more about than seasonal events.
which deadlock hero is getting ported
And like I already mentioned, all of that effort can be overshadowed become retroactively disliked by many players simply due to a tiny and unpopular TI.
>and become
If i didnt finish crownfall am i just locked out of Skywrath Arcana style 2 permanently?
Why would anyone get the skywrath arcana holy shit, explain your reasoning
It looks worse than default
oh wait nvm Crownfall is still up
Probably, there's Cavern Crawl sets that had similar things weren't there? Or maybe they're not obtainable anymore. I imagine if there's enough of a fuss about it they'll add another way to unlock it
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Is the same true for Dota?
the spells are absolutely worse than the default
It's the opposite actually.
yeah. mana drain used to simply drain mana. now it slows, deals damage, and can make you magic immune

Old dota hero :
Stun (no damage)
(Passive) something stupid
Flavor ult

New dota hero :
Aoe Damage with stun and weird condition
Aoe Damage with slow and a different condition
Random Utility Skill with weird conditions
Teamfight Aoe ult
How do I feel about this
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wish me luck anons i'm playing 5 enigma
Valve isn't the same as the old company anymore. They appear to hire the most random and unimpressive people
when did you join the company?
What the fuck is this slop?
pick my wife circe
Risk of rain creators seem like a good hire
Who should they hire?
They have always been a pozzed company, they are located in fucking Seattle. They have always had the single most inoffensive safe design.
Grubby was the last time I had fun with Dota... it's not been the same since he left.

At least he will watch TI because he said he loved the Dota e-sports scene... right?
Grubby always watched dota offstream so you will probably not know about it
If {
playing with friends can be fun but stressful
i make the games harder because i'm way higher mmr than any of them

yes that's all they play
hey buddy you forgot your shard spell that covers all existing weaknesses
what a retarded statement
Turdbo is for brainrotten groidcattle
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Which one of you is this?
that's mike
Deadlock really killed this game off huh?
This saika guy looks like nightfall.
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>porn is not even allowed
>not to download the patches yourself
>even buy FATE/STAY night has the porn removed
>real anime games get constantly taken off because it's problematic
Steam is banning stuff that even Sony allows, FUCKING SONY.
>not to download the patches yourself
they literally advertise that the censor patches are free to download on steam
and its the credit card companies that dont like full on nudity
you got btfo and now you are moving the goalposts
So how do you explain that Dungeon Travelers was not allowed, a game that SONY allows and doesn't even have nudity?
it is Project Kongor which is like the fan maintained version of Heroes of Newerth since Hereoes of Newerth shut down
who cares what sony allows, does epic games allow it on their store?
>tfw phoenix icarus dives onto your cock while you're jerking it
that would be extremely painful
>porn is not allowed
>gets linked to literal porn games
are you retarded nigger or just pretending
Yeah anon porn games without the porn

Why the fuck are you talking about epic?
Dotard status?
"They have always had the single most inoffensive safe design."
its clear that epic fits that bill better than valve considering they dont allow adult content on their service at all
now apologize
how about we capture heroes
why does a rubick have 3.3k fucking hp
morph strength
Why? Risk of rain isn't technically or gameplay-wise impressive and the sequel was bad
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New hero :

Lilymare, Phantom Mirage
Ranged, Universal

Facet 1 : Chilling Strike
Lilymare's attacks slow targets MS by 20% + 1% x 2 of her level.
Steals hp regen by 2% x her level.

Facet 2 : Attribute Swift
Lilymare gains 60 attack speed + 4x of her level.

Skill Q : Mirage
Marks the target causing your every attack to summon an uncontrollable, untargettable illusion 200-400 range from the target.
Starts from 200 range and increases by 50 for every illusion summoned.
Lilymare can switch positions with the illusions.

Damage per illusion : 50%
Base damage : 75
Switch manacost : 40
Switch cooldown : 2
Duration : 8

Cooldown : 14/12/10/8

Skill W : Phantom steps
Sets movement speed to 700 for 4 seconds.
Lilymare can reactivate to return on the starting position.
Lilymare is invulnerable during the first 1.2 seconds of phantom steps.
Has limited range of walking.

Radius : 550

Cooldown : 16/12/8/4

Skill E : Evasive Aura
Grants nearby allies and self evasion.

Evasion bonus : 10%/15%/20%/25%
Radius : 800

Skill R : Phantom Pick
Selects a target enemy to spread her damage.
Maximum of 2 targets.
Enemies cannot be damaged if they leave the Phantom Pick range.
Pieces spell immunity and roots targets with 50% hp or higher.

Root duration : 1.5
Spread damage : 70%/90%/110%
Creeps Spread damage : 120%
Radius : 700
Cast range : 750

Charges : 2
Restore : 0.20

Shard :
+2 Phantom Pick targets.

Aghs :
Evasive Aura can be activated to apply strong dispel on self and whole team in radius receives 100% evasion for 4 seconds.

Talents :
25. Mirage full Illusion on first hit / +200 Attack range
20. +350 Phantom Walk Radius / 4% Phantom Walk Health Regen
15. +80% Phantom Pick Creep bonus / +9% Evasive Aura Evasion
10. Mirage can target Buildings / +25 Damage
Why the fuck are you talking about epic?
he blink striked, and it was like reality rift from CK. I warped right to him instead of him warping to me
same reason you brought up sony
except epic proves you wrong
PA's blink is the most egregious example to me
And she's still shit
Skill Q :

Root Target Cooldown : 70/40/10
Hi Dotards
hi dotard!
I brought up Sony because they are known to censor all kind of games, putting it into contrast how Valve is even more pozzed than Sony for censoring games that even Sony allows.
You brought up Epic.... because?
>Prohibited Content
>Products that contain prohibited content cannot be distributed on the Epic Games Store. Epic reserves the right to decline or request changes to content that contains sensitive subject matter. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
>Products with Adults Only ratings
>Note: The Epic Games Store makes an exception for products in cases where an AO rating was applied solely due to the usage of blockchain or NFT technology. However, these products must comply with our Blockchain Technology Guidelines and the following guidelines below.

because epic censors all their games, yet you think valve is worse than this
now stop playing dumb and apologize
cant you shut the fuck up, PSG?
Do you really not have anything else to do?
do you not have a job? a hobby? something other than posting stupid dumb shit in this thread?
When the fuck did I say that Valve is worse than Epic?
right here
>They have always had the single most inoffensive safe design
Oof, the worst possibility for you out of the ones I listed
And what the fuck does what they have in their stores have to do with the designs in the games?

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