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FORMER: >>492656341
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why does warpath have a mana cost
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Buff Hoodwink
because its fucking unbalanced.
Please stop attaching my name to any post or sentiment you dislike. This is my first post today

Soon this place will be gone and you won't have psg to blame. Will I literally be in your walls then? You'll crazily accuse people in your next general of being me.

Grow up.
>psg is the doomposting retard
Not surprising.
Lol all it takes is me leaving for d2g to fall off the catalog every day

Doom is here son
so all the dotards are officially moving on to deadlock now?
You are the reason this general is dying. Your incessant shitposting and unsolicited narcissistic retard "advice" on topics you have no clue about has driven away dozens upon dozens of posters.
Yet, despite your best efforts, in five years this general will still be here and, unfortunately, so will you.
How does valve find these people to put in my teams in my ranked games.
2/12 retard who just started playing 3 days ago and hes in my ranked game(litterally how? you need to play out 100 hours to enter ranked) trying to teach me how to play my hero while he ints.
And a 21 deaths Miranda...
And a 2/11 bounty hunter...
I post vastly less than what you conjure up to yourself as your preferred reality
i fucking love void spirit. went 1800 to 2900 mmr playing this dude.

Is there ever a bad game to pick this nigga?

Other than games where I'm last pick and we need a mid that pushes towers
does anyone play huskar in your mmr?
don't worry, you'll experience true pain sooner or later
If it was your first post today then that is clearly not the case, at least try to keep the same narrative between posts
cant you shut the fuck up, PSG?
Do you really not have anything else to do?
do you not have a job? a hobby? something other than posting stupid dumb shit in this thread?
yeah but i find he's not much different from viper matchup

you can avoid death by not getting in range, and first item manta solves getting caught off caught by silence
you also avoid getting any last hits
i don't you've met a good huskar, you'll know when you see him buying boots first item
Don't worry I'll sage from now on

This place has run its course and is currently operating as a catch-all for some people who want to be very public about their personality disorders

>you also avoid getting any last hits

this goes for nearly every midlaner vs. good huskar

void recovers from ganking sidelanes and taking dangerous farm later on
Then soon you will find out just how irrelevant you are, all your days attempting to make a name for yourself will be for nothing, this general will continue without you and all the more better for it whilst you will remain a sad lonely nobody
no one cares
hero is dogshit
Oh no. All that work for nothing.
okay psg
we all die one day
and in a billion years no one will remember anyone
PSG hours start now
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>schizo hours
it could easily end by you closing the tab
taking my (You) >>493015380
hope you enjoy it you hopelessly addicted 4chan and dota plantation nigger
stfu psg
All the work you have done to kill this general, for nothing indeed.
stfu psg. Everyone sees through this transparent attempt to dominate conversation
psst did you know threads dont bump if the last post was by you also
>psg is butthurt that people can see through his """anonymous""" posts
>has a meltie calling everyone else psg
LMAO what a midwit
this year was simply a fluke for Dota 2
next year, everything will go back to normal
we'll get a battle pass, 2 new heroes, an arcana, a persona, diretide, and 30 million dollar prize pool TI
You're PSG calling that guy psg so you can make the conversation about yourself even though that guy said the other guy was doing that.
Hahaha yeah
what's the pathetic prize pool at?
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catgirl = valve
guy on ground = dota 2 TI
some shoes and maybe a ham sandwich
2.3 million
deadlock twerking behind
>Concord servers will be taken offline in 3 days and game refunded to everyone

Whoa...Deadlock's first kill...
must feel bad to be in concord's dev team
valve wins again... yay....
can we ban the cheaters already?
Why would we do that? Their kids or friends or someone might put money into the ecosystem later
this is the last d2g
kek, could be
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monke = TI
bar = covid
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This is the first year we won't get a sticky
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They must have reason to create one, thus if you contribute to meaningful discussion we will have one. That being said the group stage looks boring as fuck and beyond that won't be much better but still
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We have had this talk for 10 years now, you can play whatever you want nobody here besides the twitch trannies cares about ecelebs or other games.
I speak for everyone
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guy = psg
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is sniper balanced?
He's cringe and fucking cancer, but also worthless for like 30 mins before turning into giga cancer. Not sure balanced is the word I'd use.
>wins almost all lanes
>farms easily
>defends well
>worthless for 30 minutes
nah the hero is good at all stages of the game
but very draft dependent
Sniper is medusa
Not really, sniper is a different medusa
He has way better positioning than a medusa so his survival relies on being in the back rather than being tanky

Also does more damage
He's too weak.
psg here

art contest has received no submissions and one comment of "maybe i'll do something", so as of tomorrow will be shut down if no interest is shown. I tried
>wins almost all lanes
>defends well
I already said he's cringe and fucking cancer.

There's a world of difference between being a lane-winning unreachable annoyance who doesn't do shit by himself early game without items, and being a high damage fountain of endless damage. That's why I made the distinction between early game Sniper and post-30m Sniper with items.
You said he is worthless before 30 minutes
demonstrably false
you've got peeped bitch
Will there be ti? I see no hype.
I hate playing with my friends because they pick abysmal dogshit that was good 4 years ago while the enemy team picks meta heroes on top of being bad the game (highest rank is Legend and he clicks on his items). I don't understand how, I play the game less than them and still know what's good. turbo also made the matchmaking worse by splitting the playerpool in normal
My build for sniper is mom, dagger, pike, some dmg situational item and maybe manta or something else situational.
I really dislike people that play like a turret and wonder why they lose when some non retard gets on top of them
Against a smart enemy he is indeed worthless. He can sit there and try to shoot all day but he ain't doing shit against anybody who knows basic positioning and knows better than to leave him for last. Even if they do he is going to do zero damage outside of his magic damage burst from three Shrapnels (if he had 3 charges stored up) and one Assassinate. He has no mobility or escape, he doesn't have a real nuke, Take Aim knockback from forced Headshot doesn't fire often enough early game to matter against anybody with a gap closer. Headshot doesn't even stun. Hasn't for years. If he still had that, I'd just say he's straight up OP and leave it at that but he doesn't. So his ability to be a threat early game dropped drastically by like 90%. He's just annoying, and cancerous, and makes you go "fuck that midget son of a bitch and whoever plays him" but all you have to do is man up get your team to help punch him in the face and he can't do shit about it. He'll sit on high ground to stall for 30 mins but all you have to do is push in 2 lanes at once and suddenly he can't stall anymore. Big whoop. At the end of the day, all that cancer shit is only a crutch that can be blown away by a team who isn't full of retards. He needs a shitload of items before he can be a real threat.

>b-but he can farm
Ward his jungle.
Against a smart enemy all heroes are worthless and you can write up the same shitty wall of text for each of them
You're not smart
You're bad at dota and 2k mmr
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>redditards hating on /ourhero/
big case of the peep'd
>Against a smart enemy all heroes are worthless
Not really, otherwise everybody would be at 50% winrate. There are some heroes that are clearly better at existing and doing what they want regardless of how hard you shut them down because of all the extra toys they get to have. Sniper is at 51% 45% on d2pt for pos 1 and 2 respectively. He ain't shit.
even sniper is more interesting than ringmaster
Ringmaster is the best new hero launch since oracle, he is boring, balanced and not ridiculuously overpowered.
People forget shit like pangolier
>check Sniper on d2pt
>40% win rate over 4000 matches
>mostly because they are support Sniper games
>brown boots pavise solar crest drums
wtf why
Ringmaster is the first classic DotA hero since long before Dota 2
No vlads?
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templar assassin in bondage when?
>illuminate with stun and half the channeling
>infinite range dot + strongest slow + charges
>best save
>axe taunt + radiance + slow + half a lane's range
yep yep, classic hero design just like in 6.1x
Nope. Some Glimmers and Aghs but no Vlads.
I first thought it was just a case of carry shitters queuing support just to play carry Sniper but no, it's an unironic cuck support build.
TI means the influx of drawfags
Vlads is so big i mean glimmer force is cool or but down the road pick up a vlads its cheap makes rosh ez if your line up yada yada i love it
no lol.
We got 2 pictures last year by my count, I doubt this year will be any different
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Drawfags are obnoxious and attentionwhores
Damn they just like me
don't forget %hp scaling
okay psg
psg post
>complaining about sniper when carry lina is the same hero but better in every single way
How bad at the game are you?
funny thing is that sniper is a better support than lina now
what a time to be alive
>40% support Sniper win rate
>better than support Lina
WRONG! Lina is 41% win rate on support.
kek. lina nerd was pretty bad. i expect more sniper supports in ti, lina as carry/mid only
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if you type the n-word in-game you get put in the shadow pool for 20 games
It's the inverse, you type nigger to get removed from the shadowpool
the only thing keeping me playing vidya i literally have cs and dota in my library and that is it, the moment they started muting me in wow in 2018 i quit right there and then and wrote them an email that i illegally sold my account for 5k and showed them the chats and transactions and everything
>Play SD
>My Luna was mad at me for not using my ult on the enemy WR to purge off her Focus Fire (that WR used to kill the Luna)
Not Windrun, Focus Fire. This is in Immortal. Does she think if I ult a DK it will purge off his Dragon Form?
I've literally only had griefers and subhumans in my games after I typed the n-word a couple days ago. 12 bs btw.
There's your problem
it's a typo you dumb nigger add the k after the 12 in your imagination
purge luna idiot
She didn't ask me to use the Shard on her to remove Shackle stun (doesn't work anyway), she asked me to use Demonic Purge to remove WR's Focus Fire.
focus fire is a debuff and can be removed
There's your problem
Focus Fire is a buff on WR, not the enemy target. It is also unpurgeable even if it was on Luna. wtf are you smoking
Focus fire is a debuff on the target
Dotard, the Luna said "use Demonic Purge on WR".
And no, you can't remove Focus Fire from the target with a dispel. SD's Shard can't remove Focus Fire. SD ult without Aghs can't remove Focus Fire. SD ult with Aghs can't remove Focus Fire.

You can't remove it from WR either.
are you the carry in my games asking me to use a nullifier to dispel DK's ult and make him human again after he turned into a dragon?
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Anon pls
goated mason speech ngl
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This is the life of playing SD. I'm waiting to get blamed for not removing Sven's God Strength with my ult, haven't had that one yet.
best player in the world if we're being honest
I don't think you're wrong but that doesn't show what they're saying
esports soon dotards
Anon, if a basic dispel removed WR's ult, she would have 20% winrate since anyone with Guardian Greeves, Manta or Lotus would instantly remove her ult.
I don't care, I'm just saying they were all saying you should dispel the target not the caster...though I suppose the webm is trying to show there is no debuff on the target but then the Nullifier isn't needed, wasted effort either way
The debuff is hidden, it's how the game keeps track of who's focus fired and how wr is allowed to attack another target and then continue focusing the ulted unit.
So using Guardian Greeves will disable WR's ult and remove it from you, right?
>what is soft dispels and hard dispels
Hello newfriend.
SD Shard is a basic dispel, so how is a strong dispel relevant to the above discussion, newfriend?
Lets go with that. Do you think Abaddon's Aphotic Shield removes WR's ult from the target? Want to try it for a second in demo and report results?
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You're technically correct which is why I was already making webm related, but SD purge is a BASIC Dispel. The same shit you see on a bajillion other items ranging from EULS to BKB, not to mention plenty of skills with it. SD purge isn't special in that department. If it was ever purgeable by a Basic Dispel, a carry would cancel her out of existence by buying a BKB. She wouldn't be able to kill cores, and she wouldn't be able to kill supports with a Euls.

The Anon was wrong that it was a debuff on the target.
The Anon was wrong that it wasn't a buff on WR.
The Anon was wrong that it was purgeable with SD purge on both WR and the target.
The Anon was wrong that it was purgeable in general. Not even Aeon Disk's Strong Dispel will save you.
The Anon was wrong.
How is SDs dispel relevant to whether Focus Fire is a debuff or not?
Maybe you should try following the conversation and read up the reply chain. >>493036768 >>493037480
Yeah, I don't care about that and I never argued any of that. Focus fire is a debuff, deal with it.
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Yep, this is my life playing SD in Immortal MMR in Europe West. Literally no one fucking knows what my hero does and I get blamed for impossible things. Same in /d2g/ apparently. Thanks a lot dotards.
I should start playing some more brainless heroes like Lich or Lion, then I won't be asked to use my ult to remove Alchemist's ult.
The absolute STATE of dotards.
psg here

focus fire is a buff that persistently stores an enemy unit id as a target variable. In the way that it is coded it is probably semi unique

>>493042363 ate your lunch, stop arguing

it is actually painful to watch people with low iqs try to think about how something might be designed without giving any thought to the software side. hard cringe. dota isn't made in "game maker" things can be hardcoded
>psg drops his herald retard take
Guess that proves focus fire is a debuff
configure dial up networking challenge: you have a year. go
He didn't sage, yet another lie, still trying to attain relevance
>gets proven wrong
>brings up irrelevant nonsense
Is he retarded?
Damn, you're right, what a pathetic liar he is
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>Focus fire is a debuff, deal with it.
Even if your backpedal theory is true, doesn't make purging Luna actually productive. The initial post of "purge luna idiot" is still bad and wouldn't have changed anything. The wikis don't list a hidden negative debuff associated with Focus Fire either so right now, you have zero proof and you're just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks and gotta say Anon, that's pretty pathetic and low MMR of you.
>attain relevance

poor word choice, attain would be used when the thing is concrete like a job or a diploma

in this case you'd say I was trying to "pursue" relevance

it is so funny that you think people care about you, but I will continue giving you ESL lessons free of charge because I do care about you-- just not in the way that you think.

Eternal life can be yours only in Jesus Christ. Amitabha.
>psg proves he's esl as well
lmao he doesn't even know basic words
I will out-write any man here in a timed, video-recorded and livestreamed essay contest.
Most of psg's replies read like chatgpt wrote them
Relevance is a concrete thing you retard, it is the state of being relevant, interesting that you try to attack my wording rather than my argument, I take it you don't try to deny your pathetic and failed attempts at making a name for yourself
>Relevance is a concrete thing you retard, it is the state of being relevant

ouch. See why I don't argue with you guys and just let you freeform? You do all the work yourselves

>rather than my argument
what argument? lol
Back and forth games with a comeback are so kino when they happen. Feels good man
I play mostly turret sniper (treads > mael/lance > mageslayer/bkb/mjoll/pike > daedalus > rapier) and it's been working like a charm, 5400.
Most PSG posts are clearly him writing. But when you hurt his feelings enough, he disappears and you get a magical poster coming out to defend him to the death for hours and their best argument is just "you're such a schizo for hating psg". THAT is when you realise he pulled out chatgpt. Because he has to make up his own friends since nobody wants to be associated with him even if he pays them $50 to submit a MS paint scribble.
meant to reply to >>493025074
can you point to one of those posts where i used chatgpt as a different person

also it's really hilarious you think an old hat like me needs chatgpt to write in a different voice

you can't read cursive, right? :)
He's so deluded he thinks he already has relevance, and therefore would retain it rather than attain it. Or, just as likely, he's even more retarded than we gave him credit for.
Considering he seems to think conditions can't be attained since they aren't concrete objects (sub 90 IQ "people" tend to struggle with concepts and ideas) he is it's most likely the latter.
>he seems to think...can't be....

I said word choice. Diction. Reading is fundamental
You literally argue over anything and everything, that is your entire persona because you have nothing to contribute elsewise that is worthwhile, I will say this clearly; no one will remember you when you're gone and nothing you do here is meaningful to anyone, least of all yourself
You forgot one extra thing: If he died today and got replaced by a script, nobody will notice, and nobody will miss him even after the truth gets revealed.
Yes, thinking can't be your specialty. I will try choosing more easy words for you so you can read the post.
huh, that's nuts. I don't think I argue at all, in fact I stopped years ago for the most part

Could it be...that you simply say anyone who argues with you is PSG?

You know, your posts are a rather transparent attempt to "take" from me and "give" to yourself-- you've awarded me quite a lot of relevance here in general with your accusations of DOZENS of pitiable d2g posters fleeing PSG's terror

Is that why you are so committed to this? It's "intersectional" right? But you can't do what I can, you can't "take" it from me and "give" it to yourself, you can only try to fight.

You make me smile with your attempts. :)

Maybe such a thing already happened.
nice thread dotards
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Ok friend we don't need to go that far

You're doing it again, I just want you to know that the world would be a better place without you in it
Oh word. Says who?
You guys fall for it literally every single time.
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dota 2
PSG here

More easy words? Did you mean easier words?

PSG haters revealed as pooinloos saar
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this is the audience of the dota killer
dota isnt even mentioned as an influence by the same players who play it.
I will use small words so you can read post. You are not very smart, so I will make my post more easy to read for you. Big words are hard for you, but I will try to be simple for you. More easy is more easy for you to read, you are welcome (very hard word!).
Says me, do you know who I am?
Word so you want to do that live essay contest vs me on webcam right?
just post the clip of the SF mid 1v1 holy shit
windrunner is cute and im gonna marry her!
Wasn't that in like 2016 or something...LMAO

Yeah post that shit bro!! Post me missing last hits in 2014 too, ten years ago. And you hung out with me here the whole time. Brofist!
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the real question: which one?
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She's taken
>he hasn't improved in 8 years
Holy fuck that's sad
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No way I'm hella better than back then. My Smurf is up to archon 3!!!
a clip of a 1v1 you should have now instead of squabbling in the thread stupid
the absolute state of psg
>other guy tries to cut creeps
>gets first blood at 50% HP anyway
>PSG spends hours arguing it doesn't count because of the creep cutting attempt
That was peak comedy.
You bought an account at archon 3? I thought it was at ancient, did you drop down?
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You guys should stop talking about him, with all these yous he's getting he'll be able to retire soon
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Here's a classic
It was getting legend calibrating games and I lost several down to archon, then I calibrated crusader V then went up. I haven't played it much lately or dota generally
>buys back
>im tired of this boo hoo
What a whiny faggot lmao
>Dota 2 1 Dire safe T1


>old techies

>tfw you will never be pathetic enough to genuinely enjoy being a /d2g/ lolcow
Damn, I'm jealous
comedy gold
>tfw you will never have sex too
Wanna know what's worse?
Being a drawfag
t. has never driven a car
There are literally none left, figuratively talking at least
Who were they and when were they here?
i hired all of them to work as my slaves
What if there are sleeper agents from PSG's Discord here
I only recall two that posted somewhat frequently in the last few months.
They seem to have disappeared.
Not enough (You)s
They probably got tired of the game and its lack of substantial upgrades and fixes. Not much audience
riko, sorapoi, the marcifag, deerfag, hoodwinkfag, Zoot is still around I guess, the guy who drew the Luna the other day/week/month, probably others I'm not remembering, sad state of affairs, I can't remember the last time we got requests fufilled
Getting requests fulfilled or having most of those people be here hasn't ever been a consistent state of affairs in this general. The game is clearly at its lowest ever point of popularity in the west and it's very likely that several of the people you mentioned have socially moved to the new game. /d2g/ is like a ghost town, and a lot of people bring a lot of negativity here and somehow excuse themselves from altering the vibe.
I never got my request fulfilled.
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It wasn't like this just a year ago, I just hope the deerfag is alright and yes I am trying to coax him out. It is just miserable to see, it was quite happy around here and now it's not
Bruh there is nothing wrong with that dude he's fine and needs to get off 4chan.
sucks to be you
You and your obsession with these shitty artists are whats causing everyone to hate on them even more
I would hope so but I don't think he has reason to lie

It is hardly an obsession, I just prefer we have some pictures, that's all
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unironically just let /d2g/ die
Of the artists listed only sorapoi is good anything else and you are lying because they are all either average or bad
Riko is good too but yeah only those two are really artists
tea eye
Worst offender of all the faggots with how you people coddle him fuck you
you're one extremely vile and disgusting sociopath you know that
Says who?
Autists usually tend to have antisocial traits
I think you mean sycophant
nah come on man, look through this thread
over 200 posts and there's such a pitiful amount of actual discussion
and barely anyone seems to care about TI either
this is the end stage of a general, where it just becomes thread personality discussion ad infinitum
oh man you people haven't seen shit if you think d2g is bad even in its current state
me :)
It's bad at this point even if other generals are full of thirdie pedos or whatever.
By all means talk about me more
Pathetic dude just let it die...btw you will receive in kind the behavior you send out into the world
i have a feeling we've already seen this episode
le balanced spear man
those dont even post or draw dota anymore lmao.
You must be the same folk who shit on anyone who isnt them.
You people who place so much value on random unskilled artists must not have mental imagery.
Contrary to what dota has taught you, you don't really have to yell and insult other human beings for doing something you don't like, or for no real reason whatsoever.
You can give them some encouragement and they might do a better job.
But this place isn't about giving encouragement to people
just pick abaddon
blade mail cucks him hard.
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what do you guys think
I think that you are a gay man
where grubby
imagine buying the compendium
It should be. Especially when the best the peanut gallery can offer is "purge luna idiot" lmao
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where is bradley_dragon
>fun new heroes get nerfed to shit
>antifun leaguetroon nuheroes are allowed to be overpowered for years
i dont have to imagine, i did boughted it
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just shit all over some guy with 250 matches only
feel kinda bad for him and didnt feel like queuing for another game after it
What do you guys think of Kant's categorical imperitive
I did it once to a guy playing Marci. Given how he acted like he didn't know how to lane, play their hero, or deal with me just right-clicking them, I figured they were new. A lot of the time, I'd stroll through the jungle for a free kill on anyone and they're always in the same spot I killed them in. Felt pretty bad about shitting on a newbie like that. Was going to add them to give them words of encouragement but turns out it was a 5,000 game account on a 3 game loss streak and I was like wtf

Sometimes life is just shit. Doesn't mean you shouldn't care, but it's good that you care because it means you're not a sociopath (yet). You could send them some encouragement at the risk of signing up to be their mentor if you want or you can just hope that they'll use you as a standard to chase in their quest for improvement.
just dont get hit by his spear lmao, just stand so far away from the lane you cant get any last hits and then have your team flame you because you lost mid when huskar goes 15-0 feeding of your teammates and then you wonder why you even bother playing dota after all these years but it's okay because huskar is a shit hero according to /d2g/
fuck off with your commie shit
non-readers not invited to respond
It's for cunts
what about it? it's a point of discussion, not an advertisement of a philosophy to adhere to. are you intoxicated, sir?
Goodnight /d2g/. I love you. And please, no sticky.
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I just asked ChatGPT if it thought Tinker was a good support, and it came out with this:

>Tinker is not traditionally considered a good support hero in Dota 2, and this remains true in the latest patches. Tinker is primarily known for his role as a mid-laner due to his ability to farm efficiently, scale with items, and dominate late-game with his global presence and high burst damage.

>As a support, Tinker faces several challenges:

>Lack of Crowd Control: Tinker has no reliable disables or crowd control abilities that a typical support would provide. Supports usually need abilities that can set up kills or protect their cores, and Tinker doesn’t have these.

>Farm Dependence: Tinker is highly item-dependent, requiring a significant amount of farm to reach his potential. This is difficult to achieve in a support role, where gold is often limited.

>Positioning and Safety: Tinker needs to stay alive to spam his abilities, which is hard without the farm and positioning advantages he gets from playing mid. As a support, he would be more vulnerable and less effective.

>Itemization: Tinker’s core items, like Blink Dagger and Aghanim’s Scepter, are costly and not typically viable for a support who needs to prioritize utility items for the team.

>Game Impact: As a support, Tinker wouldn't provide the early-game impact that other supports do, which could put your team at a disadvantage.

>While some players might experiment with unconventional builds, Tinker is generally not suited for a support role and is better off in the mid-lane where he can maximize his strengths.

Holy moly, """""pros""""" and Wi-Fi warriors utterly BTFO!!!!!
New Hero Idea: The Biggest Nigger of All Time
I'll give you sticky (in your ass)
how do i not get super frustrated when losing, d2g?
surely you figured that out by now, having fun even is losses
You don't play this game because it's fun, you play this game because it's a life replacement and it gives you a feeling of progress or working towards something. When you lose, you feel like your progress or work has been taken away from you, that's why you don't have fun in losses. If you want to stop this from happening, stop playing ranked and stop following meta.
anon r u rdy 2 watch the tournament?!

I checked what snack I have to watch, but I only have instant noodle. I wonder what content dota chat will discuss during the games.
I'm not gonna watch 1 game and don't care who wins
you think about the huge dopamine shot when winning
it is just matter of time dota implodes
Ringmaster killed the game. All the anticipation for a shit hero that's no different than anything else and has muffled VO.
=( you make me and grubby sad
He's the first good hero in years and the VO isn't ruined by that effect they put on every hero and arcana three years ago. You're retarded.
The VO is extremely ruined. It has a tin-can effect over it. You can't hear it? yikes.
It doesn't, get better ears.
Sex with traxex
deadlock adding dota heroes will be the death of dota.
imagine deadlock with drow or windrunner
We're never getting meaningful amounts of/good porn of them so who cares
This game really isn't fun when there isn't a battlepass to progress in.
Sex with 6slotted traxex, unable to do a single bit of damage to her loose cunt
this but crownfall
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ok im back for TI, this is unironically going to be the last TI isn't it?
you niggas gonna watch group stage?
Grubby said Dota 2 is the most complex and deep game he's ever played. He still loves us
kinda agree, battlepasses make it a lot more fun, valve is retarded
nah im locked in
bradley_dragon is homeless
grubby quit playing dota
arteezy quit the pro scene
no battlepass
2.3 million dollar TI prize pool

is this the worst year in Dota 2 history?
is TI going on right now?
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>Says it's the best game in the world
>the entire community welcomes him like a hero and celebrity.
>in pubs people loves him and compliments him all the time
>was welcome and received like no other person in the pro scene
>but he had like 10 matches out of 2000 where people didn't suck him off like crazy
>this means Dota is the worst community in the world and he quits the game
I can't. I have to work
What's the point? Lots of games that won't matter at all in the end
So complex it buckbroke him and he ran away
i think he needed 1 (one) high rank to watch some of his immortal game where he blamed his team mates for griefing and tell him that he was doing badly
he really thought he had it all figured it out near the end and only his team was not good
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>use anti mage blink
>i see my mouse steady out of range
>my anti mage blinks in the same place or to the opposite side of my mouse
What the FUCK is happening?
This is the last TI I can feel it
supposedly the group stage is supposed to start right now but all the streams are offline on twitch
what's the deal?
cost cutting, indie company etc
All the organisers are too busy playing deadlock
i don't like shooters or fps, is deadlock playable for me?
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it was good knowing you dotards
how do I stop my inbred offlaners from giga feeding le balanced crit lady
>dotard 2 went the way of tf2
deadlock really deadlocked the game huh
It's up. Sticky when?
It's the last dota TI
They will announce that TI14 will be the first big tournament for Deadlock
I'm almost serious
Deadlock isn't even close to beta release yet dotard
>feedin pa
Literally how, she's not a hero for 30 minutes.
i wonder how well deadlock will actually do considering the shutdown of concordia seems to indicate that people are getting tired of comic book art shooters
nattea so pretty
>she called him "jenny"
that's cute
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>EG is fucking dead
>OG didn't make it
>Navi is shit
>All of the cool players retired or became shit
I'm only holding out because my man Davai Lama made it to TI, but i'm more hype about the fucking CS pro league than this
Deadlock gets the valve pass, no matter how woke and DEI infested it is, people will ignore it
>>OG didn't make it
nu-OG was always terrible
>He didn't watch TI1
Deadlock looks like a polished game compared to Dota 2 back then
did you accidentally press on a hero portrait at the top or your own portrait on the hero console
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>you will never be young again and watch Alliance vs Navi playing the TI finals
just end everything already
Dota was already an established esport before TI1, there's nothing like that for deadlock yet
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Where are the people that made ti great 10 years ago?
Esports peaked with the TI3 Alliance vs Navi finale, they should've just stopped all esports after that
wait fr?
did jenkins finally troon out?
wtf i thought it was some sort of elaborate joke. (i haven't watched much dota in the last 18 months)
is jenkins full on faggot now?
Hero shooters make terrible esports
holy shit chuddie calm down it's just a nickname
i was mostly actually curious
why he dressed like that if not a super-homo?
I don't give a single fuck about dedlock but considering that Blizzard shoot themselves in the dick with Overwatch for literally no reason and that Valorant is doing great just because it's Overwatch but not as shit I think that there is a huge market for Dedlock just waiting for a good game to happen.

but seriously seriously, Blizzard had to literally do nothing, Overwatch already had the world, I'm surprised by how they managed to completely delete themselves from a race where they were the only competitor.
>why he dressed like that
because he wants to?
he also dressed up as a knight-king when he was in Birmingham for a tourney, does that make him a king now?
fucking internet is full of fucking retards I swear to HECK
Valorant is "doing great" (according to riot who fakes all their numbers) is because it's a CS ripoff, not an overwatch ripoff.
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i bought it last year cuz im a helpless goy, thinking there'd be something i'd enjoy but it was so lifeless and i couldn't care less about TI this year so i didn't even click the button on the main page
fuck valve
give me hats
>Birmingham for a tourney, does that make him a king now?
potentially it does depending on local laws
yeah, the ability shit makes it basically as bad as a moba to watch
I don't give a fuck about Valorant either, all I know is that all the people I know that used to play overwatch play valorant now.
For me it's the (almost) miracle run of Navi slapping chinese teams left and right while all the other western teams were failing to their fucking farming tactics
it's funny how he finally succumbed to the forced 50 curse where everyone believes they're the main character
no you fucking suck and you hit a wall
git gud u fucking loser
at TI2*
Reminder that Jenkin's style (personality and fashion and everything else) landed him a hottie that literally begs him to pound her on stream. Instead of critizicing you should learn from him.

Also he has higher MMR than you.
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I am not feeling it. I am too old.
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TI8 was peak, TI9 was still good, it dropped off a cliff after that covid killed dota
It's literally impossible for things to be this comfy anymore
thanks biden
Who the fuck is Apex
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>just realized it's from 20 to 16 teams this year
French IGL of Vitality in CS2
why are zoomers so sovlless?
You are apex
go into the draft you fool
who's the grill
Iceiceice is a funny dude
They grew up from the influences of cooperate millennials.
because every thing around them is
These group games are pointless, there's not even a risk of elimination this time
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more like basedbasedbased
Ringmaster was announced last TI, and took so long to be added into the game that he's still not in CM for this TI.
TI is pointless, there's not enough prize money to be worth its reputation this time
what the fuck is CM
captains mode
>ench in 2 games
>hoodwink in none
Life is good, what one are we even watching, none of these matchups seem particularly interesting
He's still not balls deep in Crystal Maiden
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My wife.
>only money matters
hello jew/american
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>Xboct double kill 1v4 in the final game
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>can't watch it live ingame
X fucking D
e-celebs being a friend surrogate IS zoomer shit anon
how do you even watch in game?
in the 'watch' tab it says games in progress but i cant click on anything that puts me into watch the game
there's always been like a 5 minute delay i think
so you can watch it on twitch live, or you have to wait like 5 minutes to watch it in game with the delay
It just doesn't feel like TI anymore
None. We're watching none. Game official died after TI 2021.
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Cute Marci
it's the groupstage, retard
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Last TI
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Bring back the old lan days where fans can crowd all over the players and there's no sound proofing.
why isn't this a sticky???
wasn't a thing last TI's
because americans are sick in the head
He's canadian, but nice try retard
>games start at 9 am local time
holy SHIT can this game be any deader?
imagine if football word cup games started at 9 am lmao
as shit as dota and TI is now it's also a problem of getting jaded as we age
nobody cares about your retarded sportsball, faggot
>He's canadian
actually that clears a lot of things up
this caster pisses me off so much because it just sounds like he's trying way too hard to sound like tobiwan. its not just having an australian accent, its just his inflections and everything. its just fucking annoying as hell trying to piggyback off the success of a cancelled caster that was actually relevant
well its like 17 mins in and i still have no way to watch it in game
yeah idk, i tried watching it in game too but it's not working for me either
i just remember previously there was always a delay though
Only two games parallel?
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topson has managed to bring the EU pub experience into his pro games it seems.
australian host, australian casters on all three streams, australia runs this scene
he has never played any other way, it's basically why OG won, they did whatever they felt like and the other teams had no idea how to respond.
There's 3
take your meds schizo, nobody cares about tobi
>dk over 10k networth ahead of everyone
>still does 0 damage
nice hero
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I hate the cunt too, his vocal tone is not good for casting like Tobi's was

fukken oath cunt
What is my Thompson doing?
are oyu fucking stunad or what
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Thor should cast these games, he has a godly voice
Is Yatoro Yatoro again or still Raddan?
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Who's the fucking ESL casting Ame-God's game?
>Thor should cast these games,
No, he doesnt have the skill nor the knowledge to cast dota
> he has a godly voice
No he doesn't
it's unique I'll give you that














our negro
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Is WR 1 good or a meme
Can someone post that quinn clip where he stratches his ass and sniffs it
oh sorry I mean only retarded chuds incels who are incapable of moving on in life care about tobi
>compedium screen is showing actual porn
Lmao valve maybe check who you gave broadcast keys to. Someone is trolling you
What? Show me
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Sorry for reddit link I am waiting for bus home so cant post from my own game
>that rank
lmao fucking pathetic
Where Arteezy
>where [washed up retired player]
idk man, where
Killed himself when Valve announced the end of majors before he could win one
Hes a deadlock streamer now
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god jenkins is a faggot
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Fear looks like my dad (61). Isn't he like 35?
Why is Jenkins invited to EVERY event?
who let the retarded liberal redditor in here?
>No chicken hero
Why even live
Deadlock looks like shit desu. UI is garbage and the whole game looks like its from 2007
>whole game looks like its from 2007
so it looks like the last time games were good?
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assuming its real thats funneh
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you know its a dead game when we didnt get a sticky this year
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So this is what NA looks like these days
Yeah I'm not watching until the real TI begins
The only one who is a faggot here is (You)
thats enough
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where is /ourguy/
Fly could twist your head clean off your scrawny shoulders
I don't think we ever get sticky for group stage
hopefully someone beheaded him
literally the WORST caster of all time
flatface doesn't count
same pick again. dota is creatively bankrupt.
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oops sorry wrong pic
Has been ever since campo santo took over from icefrog
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Where's the hype bros
in the finals probably
EE had more sovl than the entire pro scene 2022-2024 put together
>no Puppey
>No Dendi
>no Kuro
>no S4
>no Tobi or LD casting
>no prizepool
>no battlepass
>half the players are Russian zoomers no one cares about
>Stale boring strength meta AGAIN
>Valve literally not even involved anymore
ppd..envy....vgh holy SOVLLLLLLLLLLL
Way too obvious, should've just ended after the first sentence.
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this one right
how have they not fixed the strength meta yet
Why does everyone cross their legs while sitting? It looks so faggy when men do it. Fear, Jenkins, and the chink all look so faggy having their legs crossed in that faggy manner.
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>first DK in all 3 games
>now Alch in all 3 games
>NP mid
>Sniper support
things changed these past few months...
>still can't watch in client
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Valve clearly wants to do the bare minimum with the game anymore
The plugin is broken and I have no idea what spells do anymore, so I'll just assume that everyone is bad at the game now..
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>her feet
its a cool skin and I use it
>nobody picking ringmaster
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When's our boy Arteezy playing?
I still call her windrunner
I don't have the Arcana and Gaben won't let me buy it...
Pros are such meta slaves
must be nice being retarded
is windrunner real carry?
So act 4 is not coming until compendium ends huh
Act 4 is our heavy update
Great carry windrunner it seems.
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>official Dota stream doesn't have the Dota overlay tool
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Danish quality
>.t swede
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tranny skin
i still fucking kek at loda literally wearing monster hats for like over a decade to cover up balding. man that guy is sad
I still believe valve is just going to be fuck it and without an annocuement add 4-10 new guns with the usua bi-annual workshop hat release. Somehow the one guy fixing the critical bugs will get one artist to invest into making the models. It will come out of the blue and everyone will go nuts and we don't even want the sex update anymore.
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>Don't be mad
>Don't be mad
Bwos what's the gold coins under the hero icon mean?
>Team picks 2 cores that need to farm for 20 minutes
Just like my pubs!
i almost posted this. that hair style is the ugliest thing in the whole game
Why are they playing on 1080p screens, are they poor?
kill streak
yummy feet but no there were playing mafia game some na dota shit ccnc gets in front of the camera and dives in his asshole
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>blogging during esports
-500 MMR, never been this down bad. Autumn season better be better, I have motherfucking Divine V dogs in my games now.
Send help.
>Wake up
>There's TI for some reason
I literally just do not care anymore.
god i wish for nothing but eu to get clobbered this TI. i'd cream my fucking pants if the finals were something like SEA vs NA or CN vs SA
4 Groups has to be the worst idea, there's not enough good teams to make them competitive
>NAsharts so mindbroken they're begging for fucking SEA to save them
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qop is da best gurl. FRFR
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>nouns representing the whole region
>pro players finally got sf aura-pilled
took them a hot while
Ame's team won their game.
i am a euro
wait how many NA players there actually are in this?
they hire literal chimps as TI attractions now?
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>don’t follow Dota much outside of big tournaments
>tune in for TI
>bunch of no name teams
>bunch of no name players

So this is dota now huh
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>dota gets new blood instead of rotating same 10 players who were playing for a decade
>this is a bad thing somehow
post this bitches tits
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Jenkins isn't gay anymore
Valve effectively killed this game in the last two years so all the good people left.
I hope you like Deadlock because that'll be their next big thing, apparently.
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Which team will I pretend to care for this Ti bros
'Lock on 'eck
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>they're putting in good results
three and a bit
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you dont want the exact same players/teams over and over again, but too much volatility and your game looks random. too much volatility and people start to feel like the better teams/players don't win or, even worse, that the game lacks skill expression for those difference in skill to matter
sticky stinky?
Jingjun "Sneyking" Wu
Nicolas "Gunnar" Lopez
Quinn "Quinn" Callahan
What I want is players to stick to the same teams so you can root for a team and cheer for it.
What's the point of cheering for a team when 6 months later a majority of their players will be swapped with their rival team?
reminder to watch on steam.tv to cost valve more money
What I want is sex with Asuna Blue Archive.
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im gonna rape
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not watching simple as
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this game ages you, ephey is going to be permabogged in 6 months time
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>game is played for 20min
>break for 30min+
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>TI happening
>thread dead

I NEED nattea pics
tranny post
nattea always has been and always will be more attractive than ephey
no one cares about groups
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>no one cares about groups
>no one cares about the first round
>no one cares about the lower bracket
>no one cares
>no one cares about you
kinda true
there is fuckall hype for this TI
These groups matter even less than usual, bracket placement is decided afterwards by a single Bo3, I have no idea why they thought this was an interesting system
TI3 grand finals... home
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what the hell did they do to tinker
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haven't followed dota since the last ti. what's the meta currently?
post more asuna please
I really want to primal beast ulti epheys head into the ground.
they gave him what he fucking deserved
picking caries as support
Sniper, sven, naga, morp and tinker are now support flexs.
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more interesting than TI huh
removed from the game
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I'm waiting for the Liquid game
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been MIA this summer
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>aaaaaa i'm sorry i shouldn't have pirated those creeps
>that left arm
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yeah I just noticed it too... sad
i dont want dota to die ;-;
I love how this guy make chuds seethe with his radio voice
Is nouns going to get a single kill
Little charger arm
nounsisters? russians are boolies :'(
>That Dire and Radiant winrate
It's the same for me, 55% on Radiant and like 48% on Dire. I hate playing on Dire.
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>take my strong hand!
I was highly confused by the lack of Entity. I guess the Indian sponsor dropped out and here we have a new NA team all of a sudden.
>I'm waiting for the professional chokers
Why, so you can be disappointed again?
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who are these teams
who are these players
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>NA dota
it's Fly's team. he's getting holocausted
Who are you rooting for this TI?
Im not even Roshing and both SL/OL feel worse on radiant. Yet somehow its winning more.
I guess like Collapse said, good guys win
>rtz lost to this
>support tinker
>20:1 with 20k lead at 20 minutes
oh boy I can't wait to see all the BRs pick up "support" sniper in my games now (they don't actually buy support items)
>be russian
>go 8-0 on antimage
>russian mid lina too ahead of alchemist
>free game just coasting
>feed 10 kills diving 1v5
Immortal rank is funny, same russian legends on all ranks, there is literally no way to get rid of this plague unless we send them more weapons to kill each other
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Jesus Nouns... way to represent NA Dota
you can't look at it like that
Honeypot fiend is winning?
Meanwhile Falcons losing to random chinese team
Great performance from the one and only NA player.
i used to watch literally every match desu but now i just don't care
I dunno, ponlo has been around for a while. He must have found some lads worth playing with
what does this mean
i feel a great sadness...
it's his model number, China has been working hard on perfecting their Merlinis to help them win a TI after all this time
jav code
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This guy looks malnourished
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i want Ephey to be fat.
Fuck pango
she is 27 and only been with dota for 3 years
Would impregnate
>stop paying attention forever
>things change
>whoa what is all this volatility in the scene i ignored!!!
this is your brain on anime
oh hey TI has started
kind of you to notice, now fix dotatv, mr valve employee
but my habits haven't changed and I could easily recognise teams and players by following the scene casually in previous years
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when does rtz play?
After puppey
>picking Clockwerk against Centaur + 3.5 ranged heroes
Was he first pick or something? Why would G2 ever pick Clockwerk in this line-up?
who am i supposed to root for
yeah you could recognize puppey and arteezy
now they can qualify for ti and your worldview has broken
Do you think Puppey would have sex with me if it meant that he got into TI?
I watched every TI, I know more than that. are you hardcore esports fags mindbroken from having to pretend ccnc is a good player for so long?
when's bamboe playing
I've been just playing deadlock non stop but I came back for TI for my boy arteezy! When is he playing?
next game after nouns
After his Elden Ring stream.
if you watched last ti then you would be more aware of the current state of the scene and less surprised that the competitors are turning over to allow new blood in
if arteezy is so good then why cant he qualify let alone win ti
I dont care for sharty but it sure is sad we'll be missing out on the fun times whenever he played
I'm sure he was replaced by some generic chink or unremarkable faceless zoomer
>G2 Windranger behind 1.2k in net worth to TA
>they also went Whirlwind
It's over. It's so over. This C9 vs G2 game is over.
>never won TI
>never won a major
rtz is just like me
>fun times
ti is a competition not playtime
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where's the damage
no idea who this girl is but she sounds like she is mentally retarded and I do not mean this as an insult
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This seemed like an obvious predict, how could Falcucks lose to literally whos
prizepool coulda fooled me
its still more money than you'll ever hold at once
>The state of sh1ts draft
Sack this clown already
Moxxi already casting?
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not after its cut up between the team and then taxed
I move ATMs for a living so jokes on you
>atm with 2 mil inside
>WR never uses it for teamfights, only solo ganks
>because she's so fucking scared of getting close to DK and CW
Why do they keep picking this stupid facet when they don't use it for 5v5? Aaaaahhhhhh
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Arteezy is going to win the first Deadlock TI.
miss those starry sky elimination pics
I want to cum all over sheevers thighs
that amount isnt the prizepool now is it
nice attempt to move the goalposts
>waaah waaah I miss the past
ok buddy
now what?
you gonna keep crying about it?
arteezy spams vindicta to stare at her feet
>DK solo pushing bot
>4 of G2 including WR try to gank him
>he just walks away because Whirlwind does nothing to him
The only upside to this throw is that they will hopefully not give my waifu any more nerfs because her winrate will be low.
Don't care. Uninstalled. Playing League of Legends right now.. Ice frog lost his touch
puck and dk scale great into late game
that being said, there wont be a late game
seethe more deadgame shitter
less prizepool than ti3 btw LMAO
no, i'll play deadlock if they fix it, or do something else
the peak of their social life for many dotards
are you winning that money?
>No Sticky
So the game officially is in maintenance mode now right?
Years of dead gaem memes will become reality eventually
>inb4 group cope
groups have been stickied in the past thoughever
>TI going
>50k peak viewers
>no sticky
it's over
>TA with +2k net worth over WR gets Quiver
>Enchantress gets Quiver
>G2 takes 5 people to kill one solo Phoenix and bot T1 while TA and DK just farm Dire jungle
It's so over for G2...
there was no group stage sticky last ti
only for main event
TI didn't start yet you fucking retard its group stages now
is w33ha playing?
Group stage stopped getting sticking since last year anon
It would be more grim if /d2g/ stopped getting stickies on the main event
what about it?
yeah there were group stage stickys for ti10 and 11 and before then
that wasnt my point
deadgame2 cope lol
the cope is that groupstage is no longer called TI but ROAD TO TI so they only sticky the TI part
When is Sneyking playing?
You? Lost.
go on a plight to the mods then anon, be the savior of dota and sticky this thread
but you wont do anything but cry
too bad
why would i want to save this shit game?
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>replying to trolls
I blame slacks for this
I was hopeful yesterday.
Today I am grieving.
to prove me wrong, crybaby
yeah dead game, dota only getting sticky during main event unlike all those other games that get their stick...
oh wait
I am a viewer I care about the spectacle
>G2 gets hard countered by one pipe
>Watson who got freefarm for 40 mins deletes WR with a MKB twice in a row
>G2 calls gg
Thank you G2 for keeping my waifu's winrate low.
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the fuck happened to glance value anyway?
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>3man spike
cr1t just carries them lmao
if you need clowns to amuse you then dota isnt your game
Wait nouns picked core Tusk?
crit is going to win TI the same year he leaves rtz
imagine hating your name so much you decide that calling yourself 'saika' is an improvement

insanely delusional
>only played hoodwink 5 times
>she ends up being the featured hero of my battle report because I happened to win all five games that I played as her
fuck's sake
Haha furry faggot
I guess TI4 is your favourite because "the best team won in the most efficient way"? Who cares what you're actually seeing, if you care about having a good time you're a googoo gaga baby that needs clowns.
reddit parrot opinion
ti4 was actually great, besides the finals
for me, it was arrow gaming and liquid
i have a good time when the quality of competition is strong
not when clown gamers who get on screen and do funny stuff to make midwits laugh
>billions of streams
>no names I recognize

TI7 finals were the worst but TI9 is a good contender for it too
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dota is over innit?
I stopped playing the game but still watch TIs but the quality has been steadily declining
>weaver bb > timelapse > death
bravo erika
I thought nightfall had gotten his visa denied
rip nouns
Clowning is what made TI8 one of the best TIs
It's really over huh...
Isnt the prize like 5+team manager prizes at a dollar store
maybe for a midwit like yourself
why the fuck is nightfall saika???
sure you do man, whatever you need to tell yourself
and even if it's true for you, you know you're in the minority. people don't get hyped for and remember "the strong competiton", they get that way about the drama. they care about the old east vs west cycle, the care about notal vs fly, they care abotu the storylines. it is what it is.
same reason epileptick1d is nightfall
so who are the spicy players of the new gen?
similar to topson, ramses, puppey, yknow the showmen and guys who start beef with others
people still remember wings because they dumpstered everyone playing random heroes and they were a bunch of no names back then
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curious how you mentioned them being no names and playing random heroes
almost like this is the key to their storyline. they weren't just much better than everyone, they did so in a novel and unexpected way - now that's a compelling story.
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She's coming
ammar and the little russian kid that spammed Zs on the minimap in an official event
hope the latter gets drafted and dies for his superior country
the drama of what happened to wings after their win is what made them memorable also.
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isnt she like 24
Im late for panel, someone post nattea mommy pls
>the little russian kid that spammed Zs on the minimap in an official event
Pure is still allowed to play? That's funny
is sheep dick (penis) at TI
wow sheever is still alive?
It's hilarious that the ACE Wings fiasco coincided with the downfall of CN Dota
It's ironic that Faith Bian and y' later became the last hope of CN Dota in LGD
>liquid cast by ayy lmao
Hope you learned RU/CN/Spic because this is not watchable.
I miss Tobi
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Bro's, pls tell me the RU personailties has that hot Lina and Asian bitch talking.

Look at these outfits...
let's be honest this game died for real after the metoo bullshit
valve siding with whores and twitter soibois really showed there were something amiss within them
so good when panels have 1 person who knows what they're doing
>women sit legs tightly crossed
>men sit legs loosely crossed
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my wife is on the panel
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why is she wearing her mom's clothes
tobi was overrated anyway
valve killed tobi (who was worse than he used to be) then forced ephey on to every panel despite her knowing nothing
why are you watching swedish man instead of the official stream
>Lina HC
Since fucking when?
your wife is a dumb whore who fucked someone to get a position as a "talent"
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>RU women

this is 1st time valve bend the knee to tranny. tobi just dont want to be part of psycopath's relationship.
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ouch I feel bad
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She's old and busted now.
chat is too slow because it is not NA time? i thought TI takes place in USA.
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>90 second post cooldown
fuck this board
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Carry Lina was always an option but it's been the better option for at least 2 number patches now.
fake tits. her real tits were cut off
how is thread this dead. yeah its groups but we are talking a post per minute.
shit meta
shit games
shit game
When are they playing bros?
shut your dirty mouth
Where are the holograms?
this thread is a hologram
>No sticky
>thread not even going fast

lol. It was fun senpaitachi. I think my favorite all time moment of Dota 2 was kellymonkeys drinking from Fear's drink and then he looked at the cup like it had festering AIDS on it.
Gonna be hard for Beast Coast. It's gonna be a miracle if they don't end up last in their group.
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Here you go dotard.
why are dotards so low iq?
i will refer you as Mr.Archive from now on.
what the gold coin animation on hero icon means
depend. they are dumb and play complex game to pretend to be smart.

buyback status
buyback available
if u mean the falling coins, it's killstreak effect
It's if they have a killstreak
hello where's the drawfags for tea eye
The slav wall is particularly cruel, poor noone
What's the point of Ephey?
look nice, probably smells good
Why did Loda do it?
distracting low attention span coomers
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So she can wear outfits like this
literal cuckhold by nature.
isn't there already indicator for buyback, guess I'll trust its killstreak
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God, I want to behead retarded moeshitters.
yeah, it's the gold killstreak effect from dota plus shop iirc
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>feel like shit
>feel okay
is dotatv fixed yet, or is this a replay tournament?
no valve no holograms
simple as
psg here wtf is this devilman lookin shit (I love devilman)
there is none
she was hired because she sucked someone off, her first EVER dota related job was a spot as a "talent" despite having ZERO prior esports experience
you literally can not argue that she was not a nepo hire because she has done absolutely nothing to deserve this job
that was the Bali major right? where she took off all her clothes on camera?
she isnt the first streamer turned talent
that's not what nepo hire means
>you literally can not argue that she was not a nepo hire
I can argue that she's not a nepo hire because that's not what nepotism is. If she sucked off people, she quite literally worked (sex work) for her position, just not the proper way. But it's not nepotism.
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Big if true
being mad over pretty girls being hired is straight incel behavior btw

at least she's immortal right!!! ;) ;)
Nepotism hire means family-related influence. It's not a catch-all for all unfair hires.
There are other words for other categories, like "cronyism" is for you hiring a buddy for the sake of it. I'm not sure what the word for sex-related favours would be, if there is one.
wow, Liquid chose Earthshaker
seems like pros don't really pick Earthshaker that often
he always finds away during TI season.
pgl na quals meta btw
name one thing about females (that doesn't relate to their appearance) that is good
Why would you exclude that?
The female human is the most beautiful form of life on the planet
Glad she's let her natural hair color grow out, the blonde highlights weren't good on her.
I don't think she got a (double) mastectomy , you can treat breast cancer without removing the tits.
Pussy is not good, it stinks and looks vile
Men unironically look better than women naturally. Remove makeup from women and they look worse than men
i think you might be gay
defense of the homosexuals 2
this poppy seed bagel kinda legit
They are both empirically and statistically better and more pleasant people than men.
>bsj in streaming deadlock
it's over dotards
not towards me.
separate ranked turbo mode when?
I guarantee you he will be casting Deadlock TI next year
you're gay son.
No mom, sister, cousins, aunts, or grandmas that hug and feed you and call you handsome?
Look at some women without makeup and say that again
would be pretty weird if my sister or cousin did that
who wants to stack in lock? must be >2000 dlt rating
psg here i have 3 games and 3 abandons
you problem
huh? Your sisters and cousins don't hug you when they greet you? Don't tell you that you look nice when you get dressed up for something like a wedding?
Their apperance isn't good either, they hit the wall at 20 and then they are ugly to look at
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>All this talk about handsome men
must be a dota 2 general
only here to see if we have any sheever porn, not gonna reply otherwise
having ever streamed on twitch is not the same as being as streamer, she was a fucking nobody who streamed like 3 times a year
nepotism has nothing to do with being family
nepotism is people higher up favoring people they have connections with like family, friends, aquantances, etc.
the personal connection here was that she was sucking someone off. You do not need to be related to that person
>invited by valve
wrong, traxex is the FtM hero, not windranger

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