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Hallowfall is soulkino edition

>QRD Lore video

Previously on /wowg/: >>492641139
Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan too seriously
Sex with Faerin Lothar
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Toot toot.
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Mounted Death Knight combat is better than expected.
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so zetta slow
Is there any good and simple atonement tracker for 5 man content? The ones I found are all very old and inactive...
is shadow priest any good?
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Can't believe we still have to refill these pylons manually, you'd think there'd be a better way after all these years
Why even waste so much time
>"Why would you even bother leveling other characters in this pre-season time where theres barely anything else to do?"
*in this game where theres barely anything else to do
This actually doubled the amount of ore per 20 minute farming run I was getting. It's amazing. I never leveled a gatherer enough to get it in DF.
Oooh, someone has no friends.
You play wow, ofc you don't
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The darkness approaches...
Yeah okay, and the Headless Horseman's horsie is a generic Death Knight Horse with barely any Halloween theme.
takes one to know one




Faerin and Taelia vying for Anduins micro penis
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Should I tell them?
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chromie time is fucked brehs
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they dont know it themselves
AH is fucked for ever
you mean the horse that's been in the game since before death knights were added and is literally the mount that the headless horseman rides? the same headless horseman based on the fictional headless horseman that is commonly associated with halloween?
the absolute state of this "AAA" company
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>play monk
>sound effects sound awful
>fists of fury sounds weird

>try out demon hunter

demon hunters need a 3rd spec, healing perhaps.
Why can't I be a pandadin?
I want to be a pandadin.
And you're complaining about an updated Yeti model being a spoof of Krampus?
with the current devs?
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>Quest has you loot things that then spawn mobs
>Loot thing then fly away
>Spawned mob aggros onto somebody else
>Try out the delver's dirigible
>It jitters with animation errors constantly while flying
lmao nice "reward" there blizz.
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3 hours for 30 minutes of darkness is pretty lame. I wish they'd just have the crystal activate every hour and a half, maybe just have it happen hourly.
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I just got this to pop up, anyone know what that means?
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Wow, I didn't know the Arathi were the niggers of the Eastern Kingdoms. Pretty impressive how so many of them grew to develop deep melanin dependence, especially underground where there is no sun. It certainly is very indicative of human development because melanin is prevalent to those near the equator and not random diaspora. Hah, those dang silly Arathi.
It's the rep for your faction's earthen, but it's bugged because blizzard's disabling of earthen recruitment is scuffed.
they're from the other side of azeroth you retard
I just hate that it's so fat with those tiny wings, makes it look retarded
Counterpoint: I can wank it to a strong black paladin with a fat ass.
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i cant stop kneeling
post link
Ah that makes sense I guess, thank you.
What side, specifically? They aren't from the ARATHI Highlands? They're from the portion of the Eastern Kingdoms (once called Azeroth) that is basically mountainous? Wanna back that up? I'd love to see, truly, especially because no human society is known to be from Kalimdor, nor whatever is on the 'other side' of Azeroth we don't really know.
how is there "undiscovered" landmasses on Azeroth anyways? Doesn't the Alliance literally have a spacestation in orbit now?
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idk what spec to play
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I'm as racist as the next retard but a lack of human tribes has always been retarded. Imagine how kino pandaria would have been if we just encountered actual asians instead of pandas. Even an ancient egyptian based human tribe or kingdom would have worked well in uldum.
It depends on if the world we are shown is the only land masses. We only really know it from the map. There is, theoretically, continents on the other side of the planet just unmapped.
I would say prot warrior, but I don't want you to take my spots, so play WW Monk
What do you even do during that?
While leveling, I used to find tons of little shadow pickups to loot. At max level, I find nothing the entire time, except for maybe that shadow zone boss.
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In a little bit, I'm buying TWW and resubbing. I haven't played since Shadowlands. I left in 9.1, shortly after Korthia came out.

What am I in for?
Just play the game retard. Or use google. Why the fuck are you even asking? Like, what, if someone here says a minor shit opinion your world view is changed? What a fucking moron.
the same dei flop slop since dragondildos. everything is timegated to squeeze more fomo sub money out of cretins who done want to be lel behind
>Try playing on Moon Guard
>Download TRP3 to see what sort of RP people are doing nowadays
>All trannies and random self inserts with no relation to the lore with their IG handle in their bio
Yup Moon Guard is a cesspool
Finally someone said it.
Never played it. Tell me more.
>do npc dungeon
>hunter pulls half the raid
its like they know
Retard, you're near Goldshire. That is not where roleplayers are. Those are OOC fags socializing fagging it up
anyone else having trouble installing addons? i tried to install DBM but its not showing up in game in the addons menu
game is very alt friendly right now
enough time to get ready for the first "season"
name one tranny in tww
they have a spacestation orbiting the planet anon...
>Don't quite connect with the ground
>Mount has a seizure for like 3 seconds and you can't do anything
faerin is transmasc
>name one tranny in tww
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What toy is this? Someone put it on me while I was AFK and it looks cool af
>instead of pandas
Literal sub zero iq take. Pandaren are the only good thing about WoW.
Eh that's the thing. The 'globe' we see shows Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, and the 'other side' is just ocean. It could be that, just water, but they could easily bust out a random fucking set of land back there.
it's for the same reason that every arathi human has elf ears because of a thousand years of race mixing but the black and white ones retained their obvious differences anyways
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i won.
>table changes from 60k rows to 100m rows
>not a problem
are they retarded?
the dragons and centaurs are all gay and rail eachother in the ass. you go on a personal quest to find dilators for the queen(king) dragon. its all very on the nose
why is there no loot in npc dungeons
they took the new yeti model and just slapped the minion of grumpus name on it
again, there is no winter veil theming on it at all. even grumpus himself looks different with icy horns/spikes
had they thrown a wreath or something on it then it'd be fine. they should've just made the greench a mount
and lest you forget eve's ghastly rider exists which is an entirely unique model
ok chud
i win byebye.
Bro my char is lvl 78, I'm leveling through dungeons and encountering freaks
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Sounds interesting. Look forward to it!
Blizzard doesn't want to admit outright that they're not doing enough to counter botting because it makes the game more profitable for them too
Pandaren men you stupid tranny obsessed faggot.
Is Moon Guard RP fun outside of erotica? I was thinking of doing a spare character there for events.
nta but there's a dwarf male model blacksmith that uses she/her iirc
login and show me :)
Yes. It's social and busy but without the Chinese spam, you don't feel lonely there. If you're triggered by reading TRP's just don't download TRP. Without that extra knowledge they're just randos in your game.
Hi wowg(the g stands for gay)
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spent four and a half hours getting the stupid underlight angler prereq achievement to find out you can't fucking complete it if you've done TWW intro. i fucking HATE blizzard
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You wouldn't make it in Azeroth.
What table? Can you dumb it down for me
um wowg... i thought you said rogues were terrible?
watching psheros stream right now and he's destroying the meters
what gives
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Only acceptable furfags are tauren. Pandaren, vulpera and worgen are for actual faggots
i think im too fucking retarded to play ehancement
ill do fine in open world and in single target, but in any aoe scenario im just fucking spamming buttons like a retard
i should play something slower like aug...
So wait
You can transmog a fucking 2h polearm
into dual wield swords(Frost DK legion artifact)
but you cant transmog 2h swords into 1h swords
because ahhhh peefart poopjug shitwiggle stop asking questions were blizzard
what the fuck are we doin
Part of a questline I already did but did not care enough to remember most shit about. Don't have a dog in your fight frankly I don't even think that counts since Earthen are robots
... Is this really it? Bugged systems, disabled achievements, bad hero specs?
Come back next month
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What the fuck is this
You don't have to pay real money anymore
Just play the AH
Do you genuinely think theyll fix anything? I remember during the big redesign of summoner in xiv, they more or less redesigned it AGAIN a month later, completely new systems.

Druid sucks cock in all specs and all hero specs. I cant imagine theyll fix anything.
I'm combat rogue main thinking of coming back should I?
>I remember during the big redesign of summoner in xiv, they more or less redesigned it AGAIN a month later, completely new systems.
This isn't the fucking xiv thread why is that relevant here
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Just like EVE. Neat.
Yeah.. Money is the thing keeping people from playing this crap.
I am nOT a furry faggot just because I appreciate the patrician taste of BPB (big panda belly). It's just called having taste, ok?
aoe situation is what got me burned out of enhance, so I get it.
"These chink devs had the balls to redo a bad decision"

you're right, it's not relevant here. see you next xpac for a slight nudge of a balance patch to druid
Alts are a lot more accessible. More things are shared across characters.
They saw the problem with stacking so much power into covenants so they scaled that back a lot to focus more on player characters being innately powerful.
Hero specs kick in at level 71 and some are amazing while others are kinda meh.

I came back at the end of DF after quitting SL before 9.1 even dropped, and I'm liking TWW more than I thought I would.

>Just play the game retard. Or use google. Why the fuck are you even asking? Like, what, if someone here says a minor shit opinion your world view is changed? What a fucking moron.
This autistic bullshit should be bannable.
You're a subhuman piece of shit. If you were human you'd understand the basic human experience of wanting to talk about something new you're trying. You'd know that people might want to get a heads up about what they're walking into, maybe a tip or some advice, etc.

Either you're too fucking stupid to grasp this fundamental thing that all humans do and you should not be allowed anywhere near a computer, or you're an actual vile piece of shit that has a fucking meltdown over the simplest of human communications and should end yourself instead of making the world shittier for everyone with the misfortune of crossing paths with you.

Fuck off, retard. Don't come to a place for discussing a game and then have an autistic meltdown when someone tries to discuss the fucking game. See a fucking therapist instead of losing your shit at people on an anonymous image board, shit stain.
i am the main character of the wow btw
Just look at the renown rewards that you want?
>People charging 30k for an enchant.
I really want the XIV tourists to go back. You faggots suck ass at the game.
Nah he's right you bitches who need 4chan's advice on every little step are a diamond dozen.
can we talk more about xiv in this thread pls
>10k+ for shitty 100 stat gems
shaking my small unusually shaped head family.
found a weakaura to solve the blocked intake puzzle :)
it's a WoW clone for pedophiles. What else is there to discuss?
>pirate outfit
>it's yellow
>croc mount
>it has swords planted in his ass
I guess it's tendie saving month
Why would i EVER use divine s torm
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Oh shut up, moron. You're on such a fucking high horse that I really don't even know why you're here. You blab and blab and blah blah blah. Wanna know what WoW is like right now? It's identical to what it was in Legion. Yep, all the way back then, sans professions being a more developed clusterfuck. Specs haven't changed that much, mythic+ is still the premier besides raids, and PvP is lol tier. Like what more do you want? Spoilers, this game is as shallow as a puddle. It's as predictable as the sunrise for the launch in 2016, so 8 years minimum. I'm sorry you're angry at me but no, Blizzard hasn't done shit to make the game different other than easier leveling to get into the mythic end game grind. Does that make you less angry at me? I don't know what to say, the game has been the same since legion. You have to make your own fun otherwise.
so from my understanding they had the AH content on a table per faction/server, which meant there would be about 20 to 60 thousand items on there. now with the changes to the auction house some genius figured they should just throw everything into one big table. This is retarded because the access times for a table with 100m items and the ones for a table with 20k items are in completely different leagues. There is also thousands of queries being made every second, especially when people run their retarded AH addons. I have no Idea what "throwing more hardware at it" is supposed to look like at this scale.
>He never played Wind Waker
I don't understand why this trinket is so desired. The effect sounds gay and lame. Can someone explain why this trinket apparently FUCKS?
I hear Emerald Dream or Wymrest Accord are better for non-erotic roleplaying, but I don't play RP servers so I can't verify with my own experience.

Who said anyone needed it, autist?
People that aren't raging assholes or aren't so autistic as to be seriously socially stunted sometimes make "small talk" about random things just to pass the time or burn off some excitement about something new.

If you're standing in line at a new restaurant and someone idly asks if you know what's supposed to be good on the menu do you lose your shit and insult the person for "needing the advice of a stranger in line" or do you behave like a sane fucking adult?

This isn't hard. Any more feigning that you don't understand this will be determined to be shitposting. If it's not, see a therapist because your everyday life must be hell on earth if your social skills are this fucking bad. My 4 year old nephew can make small talk. If you can't, that's fucking pathetic.

didn't read
cry more, bitch
for someone who hasn't done any kind of pvp in retail, since og TBC, how difficult is it to get into and be say competitive enough to get a title or earn the old ranking gear tmog?
I download my opinions from bloodmallet
>Please, dear posters, summarize for me the entirety of an expansion
What the fuck do you want? Truthfully, ignore all the shitposting. What could I truly post that would make you happy?
I get mine from streamers
Kindly stop flooding with your catty gay spiel that nobody in their right mind is going to read
It does everything better than other trinkets.
how do you burst down kruul before the 3rd annihilate? i dont have enough defensive cooldowns to survive a 3rd one. playing guardian druid
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I can finally play the game!
the erp is only like 5% of the server and most of them are tourist from other servers, if you want to RP then there's no better server
hes not happy
hes anxious
This is comfy
Jump right in and try it out
Glittering Glass is aids and whoever decided it should be a like 2% from prospecting vs how much you fucking need, should be hit by a train doing a stupid tik-tok video.
guys ...

is shadow bad?????
shadow is shit even when its good
feels like very little synergy across the whole kit
Surprisingly, I've been able to do this without even being a druid. As long as you just spam your flying mount as you're looting, you can just get the fuck out of there. It's nice that you can just tell these types of quests to fuck off like that.
Anon do you know what "bug chasing" is irl?

>Please, dear posters, summarize for me the entirety of an expansion
Strawman detected. Didn't read.

A sane, healthy, rational adult would be contemplating SUICIDE if they were behaving as ridiculous as you vermin are.

Nobody cares about your off-topic bullshit.
Just sit down and either talk about the game or shut the fuck up.
It's the ONE thing you're supposed to do here and you retards can't even figure that out. You get triggered when called on your bullshit and resort to trading insults like fucking 3rd graders until you get the last word because you trick your retarded selves into thinking you "won" a fucking shitposting contest on 4chan if you can simply shitpost longer than anyone else will bother replying to you.

I'm done with you trash. Reply all you want. It won't magically make you not annoying and unlovable losers that everyone hates interacting with. Tell yourself you're still somehow a winner.
dungeon npc tank is now just standing there doing NOTHING
No I mean fr not memeing bad but like is it bad?
How much fucking wow do you guys play to not have something left to do? It's insanity. Imagine complaining there's too little to do when you play the game for 20 hours a day
kinda down bad
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I've been playing just over a month now, dipped my toes into "endgame", did my first heroics, have a bunch of mop remix alts ready to level to 80 too. I've enjoyed the open world content of TWW, and I got surprisingly completionist/power-gamey with all of it. It's fucking weird as hell that I've yet to talk to another player though. Everyone is silent everywhere. What's the deal, how the hell do I find people to hang and play with anons
>Need to repair gear
>Still using a m*mmoth
I hate having to find a place to hide just to repair bros...
believe it or not, but a lot of players would rather do challenging content instead of world quests and professions.
is there an explanation for the suddenly found extremely important(?) island
join a raiding guild
have you tried talking to other people? I made a friend today just by saying hi to a rando
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I think I'll make a mechagnome hunter!
Idk man raiders in wow seem kinda gay, I'd rather just find cool people then get to raids when I get to them. I used to be crazy hardcore in MMOs and push logs hard but I don't have that energy anymore. I'd like to do m+s but idk if I'll jump right into raids in wow.
how could this have happened?
surely blizzard would not nerf the main character class of the story ....
>Gems need a glittering glass to cut
>Have 94 gems
>Have 7 glass
You know it would have been easier to just remove crafting unless youre a chinese account.
Whoa buddy I'm shy and introverted, let's slow down there. On a more serious note I tried using the in-game guild finder shit but wow it is awful
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thoughts on my shammy look
im in a casual heroic raiding guild and if the raid is during a weekend at least 1/3 are playing drunk and shooting shit

just gotta find what fits to you

plenty people in the guild dont even raid but still do dungeons together

raiding guilds just tend to have the social aspect, thats why i recommend it
Your weapons look goofy but I honestly like the rest for how much of a normal Shaman guy you look like. No big dumb stupid elemental chalice shoulders, it just looks cool.
how do you even find a guild nowadays? The guildfinder tool seems outdated by 3 expansions.
Why can't you use death grip while moving
>But what if you jump off a cliff(and die) and bring somebody with you!!
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>wanna do comfy HC runs for gear
>get ADHD hunter and demon hunter who feel the need to pull everything before me
>watch lifebars shrink horrendously fast
>healer manages and keeps em alive
2nd dungeon, new group
>new shit tards who try the same
>healer not geared enough
>they die
Autism is strong with these guys.
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thank yee anon. mag orcs have that blade skin thats really cool and with blind eyes it looks like 4th pair of eyes. any suggestions on the weapons tho?
iirc i just checked the guilds in my realm from wowprogress, where they are at, are they active etc
Yea alright fair enough. I just kind of assumed people would be log/raiderio obsessed fags or something in a "raiding guild". Don't get me wrong I like to git gud and optimize but I'm new as fuck so I'm obviously a shitter for now. How would I even find a guild though, is there some LFG hidden in the menus I haven't seen? The guild finder sucks asshole. I'd at least like people on my own realm
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>Has chapped lips and acne
stop being so slow
>any suggestions on the weapons tho?
None at all. I have no idea. I'm just personally not a fan of the fist claw or the bloody axe, but maybe others can chime in for weapon suggestions.
>Thing is retarded as fuck
>Check forums
>"its a bug blizz said theyre working on it"
>ok ill do something else
>thing is retarded as fuck
>check forums
>"its a bug, blizz s-
liquidate blizzard, give WoW to the russian retards who made postal 3
they could probably do better at this point
honestly, anything that isn't the plate delve set is refreshing to look at
fucking sick of retfags all donning the new t2 set. so boring
Nah, when I feel like standing for a second and drinking beer, I will do so. And moving my mouse over to deaths advance is tiring. I just hit the auto walk and wait.
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Aw shit here we go again
Remember to go to the faire anons
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Hey post an elf
I have yet to meet a demon hunter player that does not suffer from adhd
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I got farm guys don't worry
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ride the rides anon
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Y'all mfs need jesus
naaru has not forgotten us
Why? Can he make crafting not a monkeypox boil on boogies asshole?
Kinda getting bored of wow
not even lvl 80
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You shouldn't have trusted me with farm
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The stacking xp bonus for each maxed character is based
>Shitweasel wearing the meme plate
is melee hpally finally f*n again?
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>play bm get a carpal tunnel do 0 damage
>play survival, 3 buttons rotation do max dps

who designed this
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hi anon~ hope you're enjoying wow~
Draenei are sexy as fuck but I don't have the mogs to make mine look decent yet. Tragic..
maybe it'll be a world change thing as xal'atath gets stronger darkness last longer, and light last shorter.
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I wish I could dungeoneer with cute fox instead of the dumb dwarf.
Saar I promise the game has content! Saar just do it!
I like to think they're slowly rolling out the features and mechanics required to have our own alts be able to join us in follower dungeons and delves
Sorry I swore off religion after Ragnaros. Clan policy, y'know?
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The weapons aren't perfect, but then again it seems like they rarely are. Otherwise, I like the use of the wolf head.
i'm a casual shitter with not much gold, what's the easiest way to make money right now
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jesus christ man
What is darkmoon faire and what can I get from it as a newb
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Close to looking like this idiot
Is female human hunter too boring/droll
Get an irl job and buy tokens
>decide to just buy crafting mats because fuckit
>item not found
10/10 best mmo out there
gooners must die.
stop having sex
Same, I deleted my account right after that.
I don't know how to scroll through bar tabs nowadays? I can change it manually through the button next to bar but u could do it in the past by pressing shift + scroll. I like to have 2nd tab with utility abilities like fishing, cooking etc.
That would be way too good. No way blizzard would actually do it. We'll be lucky if we get a different companion for delves at all in this expansion.
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this is the best i could find...i wanted to have a more down to earth 3-fanged claw similar to the WC3 shaman but they never made a proper one. getting slapped with a big teddybear hand would hurt right?
namaste regardless anon
I think i had enough of wow
65 dollars spent for ~4h of gametime

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Darkmoon Faire is on, do you have the wolf hat? It might fit with that mog
Breed my nightborne sissy :(
Not even level 80
I did the first 3 dungeons with NPCs
The same old wow formula is just stale af
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Saar we program the good AH for you, saar please do the needful!
logging in on 60 characters to do daily profession CD is fucking tedious
>The same old wow formula is just stale af
Lately, I’ve been the same. Everything in TWW seems so stale and lacks any real innovation. The routine has become boring and dull, making it hard to stay engaged. There’s no excitement or new challenges to look forward to. It feels like there’s just no future in doing the same thing over and over again.
but the money
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server? name?!
someone shill me on why i should buy the war within
I can see the endgame activites from a mile away
Same old same old meh
It's the current stage of the game and not buying it will leave you playing older content with next to nobody.
have you played wow in the last 10+ years?
literally the same
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finally beat it. wish they would bring back the non-fel forms so newer players can get them, but i'll settle for this one

now of only aurostor would drop his lol
The trader's tender.
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remember when jagex invented an extra day in february this year to scam us in the trader post LMAO its true check last year calendar last year only had 28 days in february this year TWENTY NINE
>go do world quests
>before the quest even loads you see 20ish people flying around in circles
It's going to be one of those then... World quest mobs should be hyper spawn by fucking default.
zones are cool, story was pretty fun (and the sidequests are just as good as the main story), the new hero talents can be fun (a LOT of stinkers, but the ones that are good are really good like riders and moonbear)

also they finally fixed the worst part about the new dynamic flying by adding updraft currents so its no longer difficult to gain altitude in areas with rapid elevation changes.

the dungeons are okay, nothing crazy but not terrible, except for the dawnbreaker which is a fucking insane dungeon and your enjoyment will directly depend on how much you like skyriding.

it also feels like they are finally assembling their "scions of the 7th dawn", having a regular cast of side by side companions that adventure alongside you in the story, instead of guys who show up for 5 seconds to tell you something and then dissapear for the rest of the expansion to sit in a capitol quest hub
Licking her fingers after jerking me off.
>Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan too seriously
says the "anon" that takes 4chan more seriously than everyone else
>refuses to adopt a name or trip so we can filter them
>refuses to stop avatarfagging
>puts their real life info and social media everywhere across multiple boards so any anon can see it / find it
Surely hyper spawn won't fuck up the game with *checks notes* bots farming them for gold.

Fuck outa here cuck, in my days mobs weren't even shared tag. Stop nagging.
Elves are made for me. The proof is in the size of their hands. Necessary tools
OH NO what could we possible do if the game had bots??!! How does the shit you like eating taste? Blizard refusing to fix one problem isn't the cope you think it is for creating another lmao
yeah there are a couple that are just kind of broken. cemetery kobols come to mind. probably best just to skip em to be honest.

i'd rather they didnt add more hyperspawns though, i already ran into a few hyper spawn bot farms on day 1 of early access, kinda ruins the immersion
>probably best just to skip em to be honest.
I am even doing the shitty pet battles for rep, no way I am doing this.
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This dude waking up every day and remembering someone on the internet he doesn't like exists.
Another week of Aurostor not dropping the appearance for me.
World quest mobs could simple just not give any loot or barely any. The bots that blizzard won't ban will leave for greener pastures while the actual player probably won't even notice that the 10 mobs he had to kill didn't give shit.
The game will only become good when it has at least 5 new big man leader characters, the overwatch inclusivity chakra gets binned and Ion Hazzikostas is executed for crimes against humanity.
yeah, i've got 2 druids at 80 to farm him, but i've heard people have 7 or 8 druids just to farm him and still havent gotten the drop yet.

seems to be obscenely rare
What could possibly go wrong? How about a fucked economy you fucking cocksmurf?
>opportunity point
Just like it already is?
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*takes a big fat bear shit*
how about THEM apples
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Surely they will let nightelf get this body type so I can stop having a stick waist thhat makes even super model envy it.
>Visit goblin whore
>Time is money friend!
>Tries to make me ejaculate as fast as possible
World of Warcraft is about being the daughter whose father finally believes in her. It's about the wife finally kissing her husband. It's about how women are those who suffer the most in wars. The Azeroth is female you chuds. Deal with it.
I bet Jaina farts a lot
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Sims are here, start rerolling.
is it worth it to do a bountiful delve if you dont have a key?
>Trolls that 'half evolved' to 'elves' in between.
>They were nowhere near the Well of Eternity
lmao even
What the fuck is story?
So let's make it even *checks notes* uhm... worse? Dullard
Her gasses are arcane infused so if you inhale them you will acquire magical powers.
Is there any transmog for clothies that look kind of cowboy esque
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This game is so pretty
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isnt the well of eternity just azeroth leaking her gooch
closer to azeroth = mutation
we dont know much yet about them
idk anon...
not a good look
do better...
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They are barely even involved. Granted I guess it just happens regardless without the well just maybe at a slower pace then just instant. I am not sure how I feel about playing one when I could just play a nightelf or troll then this weird middle ground. The girls have nice thick bodies that isn't too fat or skinny ignoring their face.
Why do world quest mobs have to be profitable to farm by themselves? Brownoids just are incapable of 2 step thinking and will keep eating shit instead. You'll make a good blizzard employee one day.
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>Gf is holidaying in Magaluf for almost the entire week when the season begins
Gains will be made
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>Well of Eternity is azeroth's wet juciy PUSSY
>Balance druid at the top
Isn't it implied that they have been overdosed with nature magics from the root system?
my 80k formula i put on the auction house just disappeared and i didn't get my gold
fuck this nigger company
the worst thing about this is if you start clearing other things these circling rats put no effort into sharing the cherry picked tags with anyone. they had an enchanting quest like this last time at it was terrible almost any time of the day or week. maybe worked for people on heavy 1 way realms who could party but it was terrible on a split realm.

what would go wrong is the bots would be seen by other players because they weren't all off in chromie time hidden away from most players. they'd also have to buy tww.
ate some mcdicks
time to level rogue
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>time to level rogue
Who's gonna tell him?
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It's fixed bros
>Do fishing tournament
>Easily get the first 2
>Can't get the angler to drop
>Keep get some other fish instead
>Apparently it says its bugged
>Can't do shit about it beyond wait for next week

Fucking finally I can get my loremaster.
what's wrong with rogue? I'm a huge fan of coins
You realize they call it Shagaluf and she will literally get fucked by 10 men there right
I kind of wish we saw more inbreeding then just basic elf and human shit. Do some shit like panda and gnome.
The world is not ready for the unskipable cutscene of an orc woman being impregnated by Lor'themar
Damn, I really want to grab and kiss that trollelf ladies tummy.
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>tank a heroic dungeon cause the bonus bag lit up
>open the satchel at the end
>923 gold
>zero crystallized augment runes
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>no Normal/Heroic/M0's next reset
>another week of NOTHING
How do I overcome tank anxiety, I want to do hero dungeons as tank but I can't bring myself to queue.
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rate my mog
its a good xpac with a lot of content, actually enjoyable story/sidequests, and lots of good mogs
>level up to 80
>cant run heroics
what the fuck?
How many matches do I have to play to get 875 honor? I just want one top at max level
It's literally been like this since WoD
551 ilvl is easy to get
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I like how you're just made to be an idiot here.
>"Hm, yes, I recognise that void energy corrupting this Earthen that just attacked Dagran and Magni. But I don't feel like stopping him after breaking through the door. Go right on by, sir."
just run around pulling adds spamming aoe and pull
I am still not geared enough give me a few weeks.
Faggot dad gamers need another week to hit level cap anon
some good stuff on r34 page 1 rn
Heroics are braindead easy right now. I am a healer and there are some brain dead retarded tanks, so if you are at least a bit better than that youll be fine
The whole expansion is like this.
It's like we've been lobotomized when Dalaran crashed.
Suddenly we forgot everything we learned the last 4 expansions, we let clearly bad guys walk away, we lose against random bugpeople and goblins.....I literally beat the legs off that one swarmlord dude at the beach, why did the cool dwarf have to kamikaze himself into him to kill him later?!?
>AFK and read 4chan while npcs clear dungeons
>Collect gold and gear
>every new dungeon just shits out trash mobs, interrupts, poop on the floor, slows and stuns
this is depressing. I thought they were going to dial this shit down. how the fuck am I going to play spriest if I have to tab dot 25 mobs every pull.
should I just reroll some up-front dps like havoc or some shit? or enhance?
i thought m0 was next week
what the fuck
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>destro and demo are in the gutter
>forced to play aff
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Ive only done two delves but they seemed identical. Long empty soulless corridors. Are they all like this? I like concept but the environments are sterile and boring so far.
>boring as shit elves (futanari)
>orcs being used as inserts for white mans cuck porn
>one cute vanilla image of a draenei woman
>Sylvanas and knots
I think you might be cooked
It is kinda funny how we're treated like fragile babies that can't handle spooders.
I mean they keep looking up to us like the champion that just went through every campaign since launch, so yeah, big Nerubian dude? VASTLY different from the even bigger bugs like double building sized Raigonn or Garalon in MoP that we had to take down. Nothin' like C'Thun's forces in AQ, or full powered N'Zoth bug minions in Nyalotha, which Magni was watching us deal with.
We're out of our depth somehow!
it's single player PVE what did you expect? it's made for autistic spergs who are afraid of people
If you aren't making 6xdigits from the race twitch, lets be honest. We're all pathetic here.
professions in this game fucking suck. Ok items but crafting shit yourself overall is more expensive than fucking paying other people to make it. Payment from others is only valuable if you jew them for all they're worth, and even then that is a shitty race to the bottom as professions become less valuable as patches roll on. They even nuked cooler items like Sporecloak from orbit as if crafted shit wasn't stale enough. Bots rape the fuck out of the market meaning your time investment is even more of a waste. My god this shit is AWFUL.
It depends on the location. Some are very open large spaces where the delving is mostly climbing in one massive room between spots and others might have crypts that have a mechanic of limited steps
And I'm drinking from it.
I did one of the spider ones again because it gave a chest, and this time there were cultists instead of spiders, so I think they have some variety at least?
Does this mean that sunwell vs moonwell(s) is squirtsquad vs cream team
I want to join Xalataths faction I want to be her little voidchamp I want to kill the rest I want her to smugly say I am nothing yes knaifu waifu kill me now
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why does outlaw feel so bad to play roguebros... I think it may be time to swap to assa...
But Daggerwoman made them have two legs!
Everyone knows fewer-legs=stronger.
Get kicked a few times, get better and eventually you will either stop getting kicked or stop caring, it really isn't such a big deal.
true asså...
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I will never forgive blizzard for reworking combat into a pirate meme spec
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Tell me why I, as a 14 player letdown by our expansion, should or should not buy WoW.
>AH still completely unusable
This is what happens when you hire indian sweatshop workers for 2 rupees an hour to do your codebase.
heroics are not obscenely difficult and tanks are a bit overtuned, so its a good time to try.

if you are really nervous, just watch tanking tutorials for the dungeons, that way you know what mechanics are coming instead of blind running them.

also become familiar with your kit, and have keybinds set up so your defensives and emergency buttons are easy to reach, dont wait to use one until you are at 20% health, using defensives pre-emptively when you are expecting big damage is usually the way to go. even a double or triple pull pack of mobs will have trouble getting through an icebound fortitude or shield wall. often the start of a pull is when its the hardest, its when the most mobs are alive and hitting, so defensives usually need to be frontloaded in a trash pull, though on bosses you usually save them for specific mechanics or phases, or to buy your healer some breathing room.
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what are based dps specs
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They will fix it, don't worry.
how do you get that hat. i want that hat
Community kis a biohazard and the game has longterm health issues. If your game has one stumble you have still good odds of fixing it. Wow is multiple stumbles in a row for 10 years lol
>go into options > social and tick "display only character achievements to others"
>say "sorry I'm new" at dungeon start
wow community are generally not horrible to newfags if they're humble.
I think they're OK, but brann sucks and they're a little too long. I'm doing them as tank though, not sure if that's making me do them much slower. I wish I had a sexy slut waifu to run them with instead of this gay rifle using dorg
Not saying its a permanent swap, I've just had a slight interest in WoW for a while is all, and I guess the point where I'm let down with 14 seems like an alright time to try it out.
Theres a lot I like about 14, but I feel like they "stick to the formula" way too often in terms of the actual gameplay, and I know WoW tends to shake things up a lot more.
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I have stopped caring.
stumbled over zivs corpse
stumbled over zivs severed dick
stumbling over zivvies necks daily after stomping all their teeth out on the kerb
the list goes on
is there a limit to this?
It's not nice to lie to people.
You would be right 6 years ago but ever since BfA came out and the M+ grind mentality became mainstream, nobody trusts anyone anymore. If you're new, you get kicked. If you pretend you're new, you get double kicked, and there's ways people can and will find out if you're actually new. For example a newfag would probably not know to go into those options settings so that is already a massive red flag.
5 character = 25% buff.
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epic new pasta bro you can stop now
Honestly you shouldn't because FF14 plays very different from WoW. WoW is more free form and thus requires a lot more homework to perform well with your class in dungeons and raids than FF14's 2 packs per pull hallways.
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it wasent me
If you are purely a new players you might actually be fucked. Im not even sure how to recommend a levelling path so things would make sense to you. I guess you can give it a shot but it is very likely to be messy just saying.
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You should play WoW for the gameplay fluidity you've no doubt heard about. Classes and specs play well and feel fun and interactive
As of TWW, the story is actually pretty dang good, with enough cutscenes to keep you engaged but not so many to feel like XIV. Additionally the side-quest stories are phenomenal and actually pretty evocative
Lying grifters like to harp on "LE COMUNITEY IS TOXIC XD" but I truly wonder where the fuck that comes from because on NA the worst I see is "lol this tank" sometimes when there's some bad player on the group.
WoW shakes it up often, as of now we have a new flying mechanic that's fast and fun, lots of new ways to gear and level characters, delves and so forth. I'd even argue that the new story direction is a shake-up to the formula to be honest with you
Can you unlock world quests without doing the campaign?
WoW has had two wins in a row though. It has drastically improved since the Microsoft buyout
"recommend a levelling path" holy fuck go away you lying clown
You just do the main questline the game puts you on and a few dungeons
Xal'atath - muh mommy
Alleria - an actual mom
Speaking as a different newbie tank, I went into heroics blind yesterday and had a pretty miserable experience. I wasn't dying or anything, but saying I was new had people insta leave or flame me. Or when I didn't know where to go immediately (I was off specing as DPS not tank) people got asshurt. I kinda expect this as an mmo vet but it was a pretty big disappointment to see it in content people keep telling me is trivially easy, which it did mostly seem to be
My new fempanda is blind in one eye. She's such a tragic character..
m+ really is like that, even the lower rungs are home to dunning kruger autists with all of the attitude about routing / classes / talents and shit all for skill. but heroic dungeons are an aggregate of the entire community rn, they will not boot you for being new.
>If you're new, you get kicked
Not true whatsoever, get the fuck out of my thread and come back when you actually play the game
Right now the current expansion is a let down since there's fuckall to do and everything has been timegated for gamer dads. But if you start today it will work just fine for you and you'll be easily max level by the time content starts in couple of weeks.
Story wise the game is a downgrade compared to XIV(excluding dawntrain), but you do story only once and actually play the game rest of the time.
Ive had people leave dungeons on new players without so much as a word leaving them utterly confused.
Also people say "retard" which to the modern audience is toxic.
Honestly the toxic community shit is so overplayed I'm starting to wonder if it's just people parroting it for the sake of it.
I've had tanks literally be on the wrong spec not holding aggro and nobody even said anything for half the dungeon, they only got kicked after they stayed silent when questioned.
Anon what got me interested in the warcraft universe were the good stories. Venturing in cata zones or regions like Pandaria. A new player will be confused at most of the lore because the modern zones are either neutered or jerking off established cosmic lore half of the time. Calm down I just want to get someone to have a good experience. If I had to suggest something I would say sticking to the forsaken and scourge zones
I can't do it... I tried to get into it but no character design looks appealing to me on retail and even when I make a character to try it anyway they all have these goofy bouncy animations like I'm playing some disney/pixar production

How do you guys look past this?
i think im gonna pull the trigger and buy the game
never really given a shit about the story/characters and stuff like that. i just play for the gear treadmill and the odd pvp
maybe ill do it in a day or 3 when we're closer to the actual content of the game releasing
play a caster maybe
combat was an irredeemable shit spec
I play a short race so I can't see shit unless I zoom in.
Even undead and bomkins bounce when they walk now, it's so cringy
The game appeals to the weird group of 30 somethings who still eat fruitloops and thinks that a good night in is sitting with their plush toys on a beanbag watching spongebob
ie - the mentally ill
Yeah like most of the time if someone's fed up they just leave without a word, and it doesnt even happen often at all so i'm really just lost on what kind of groups these people are getting into
It's heavily overplayed and completely memed on, I've done groups where multiple DPS do less damage than the tank and nobody says anything about it or a healer that is barely sentient but nobody cares
>le cosmic threat
Yeah let me know when you actually play wow again instead of assuming the game is still in shadowlands and admit we've moved past that and improved
How does Feral play with the nerfed energy?
The people saying WoW is toxic seem extremely gooberish to me. That said I played league and CSGO for several years so maybe my perception is just warped
Bounce this bounce that, well how about you bounce on some cocks instead!
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>rock climbing world quest
We can play anecdote games all day
No matter what game you play online sometimes you're just gonna get an asshole on your team, not just WoW
I just finished a heroic Stonevault with a keyboard turning monk tank who truly could not even fathom which way to go or what buttons to press on rotation. Nor did he pull more than 1-3 mobs at a time like it's classic wow. But I just pinged the direction to go and nobody said a word and we got it done
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>SEF is buggy and looks retarded
>have a cooler alternative that is much more interesting to play in serenity
>it's total garbage and underperforms all the time
>make it finally worthwhile for literally one expansion
>still worse than SEF but at least has a small niche
>straight up remove it next expansion, shitty buggy clones or nothing
Monk is suffering.
this is why I love Taurens. The cast and movement animations are smooth. Humans are ok in this regard as well as hunched orcs.

IMO the bounciness actually makes Dwarves better than worse imo
I play the game as we speak, why are you aggro over this? Dragonflight was better than shadowlands but for a veteran it felt really off with how different it was from warcraft as a whole. War within is a lot closer to the old pleasant times but a new player that will explore the game instead of beelining to current patch will eventually involve themselves in the shittier parts of nu-lore. If they don't mind it then thats good but its too easy for people to bounce off instead of sticking to it if they are bored. For better or worse its a mixed bag instead of a bag full of shit.
Does anyone even buy transmog in the trading post? Most players just want mount number to go up.
thats a lot of capitol letters frog man
Except no armor in the game looks good on tauren, not even plate anymore. Honestly not even their racial armor
>Yeah let me know when you actually play wow again instead of assuming the game is still in shadowlands and admit we've moved past that and improved
Nta, but anon... the planet is literally about to fucking explode and turn us all into void lords.
serenity was fucking dogshit fuck off
I eat honey loops, sit with my bonkles and watch Xena actually, I don't own any bean bags just a matress.
k bye then zoomer.
go play "realistic" UE5 shovelslop # 593
we'll still be here playing WoW when it dies.
What I mean to say I could easily see people just abandoning without a word as being seen as "toxic" but I suppose its better than calling them a dumb retarded nigger who cant even press the 1 2 3 in the right order and then leaving without a word.
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i do, i like the various hoods and such
#showtooltip ATTACK NAME
/cast storm, earth, and fire: fixate

^macro this for all your attack moves (except spinning crane kick) to make SEF not feel like shit
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new player here
just found out wow won.
yourself? yeah, kill
Vanessa will steal the wrynnbowl
nah storm earth fire has always been a sick cooldown.

EXCEPT the original version from MoP. That shit may be the single worse designed spell of all time.
>it's a Xal'atath feet shot episode
I personally quite like Night Elves aesthetics, and for as much as Blizzard has tried to neuter their appeal, I think I have quite a cute nelf with leafy hair.
I love this rerun
Serenity was kino. My entire rotation after activating it turned into RSK -> FoF -> repeat for 30 seconds
bush or clean shaven?
Just sharing my experience is all, and as a new player it was a pretty mediocre first impression. Not saying WoW is gigatoxic, but I wouldn't say it's particularly friendly either. I think it's pretty typical of an endgame focused old ass game
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What the fuck? I thought the baldman lived rentfree only in /wowg/s head? Had a good laugh when saw it https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/thanks-for-18-years-18-years-of-feedback-i-quit/533080/2
>sell item on the AH
>it gets sniped so fast the auction house bugs out and my sold auction won't show up

thanks blizzard
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Fuck you, I loved the original SEF
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Sorry, I'll forever be a man child until the day I die, but I like it smooth.
It's about family.
>Shadowlands was the bondage fetishist expansion
>Dragonflight was the furfag expansion
>TWW is the footfags expansion

What fetish will the next expansion appeal to?
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God I love Night Elves bros
>main cooldown is FoF
>having to cancel it into RSK into kick into repeat for 30 seconds was... le based

you are a retard, SEF is a million times better and harder to use optimally in the maze
Futa. It's our turn.
That's ok pubes are actually a curse of flesh thing so it makes sense canonically that trolls and elfs wouldn't have them.
Source: my mind.
I'm hoping for a pregnancy fetish. All the strong female characters in the game suddenly are pregnant and can't do anything, forcing the men to retake center stage. The plot is still entirely about the female characters though so we have plenty of shots of their big round bellies.
Candle shop is open
Interspecies expansion. Mainly blood elf men and women fucking different races equally.
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hold still female.
I like how they made renown account wide but made it 10x more shit to earn.
I like how they made all of my titles account wide.

That's the only good thing I have to say about TWW, I like that all my character can use "Lord of War" now
janny's cooked
What bro? you don't like running around the world killing every rare and elite for a crumb of rep? just play for 3 months????
good on belf women to start early
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shes cute
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Where I'm taking you the lights will be off
But I'll pour that hot wax somewhere you'll love
Gosh your elf is so cute though.
would smash.
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Bro who the fuck cares? Get your scadoobidie at radooober rank fuck and grind to it like a madman, or stop fucking caring and just stop playing when you stop having fun. Who gives a shit if it takes longer to get your shit?
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>nobody talking about the new trading post
>log on
>they forgot to put it in the game again
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>mostly only play one character
>have to suffer because the autistic soibugs demanded blizzard build the entire game around their 300 alts
>its the too anxious to run new dungeons arc again
SHIT was there anything on last months trading post that was good?
It's up on EU side but its kinda dull this month..
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bots are battling hard for this one
just a piece of poop. that was the only item. a swirly cartoonish piece that can either be used as a hat or eaten to restore HP.
Will she be satisfied by such a tiny size.
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>go check out a new delve
>theres an absolute bug genocide going on in front of it
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I'm afraid to say bros but.... SoD won...
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sod is retail.
so retail won!
probably farming for a drop
The monthly bonus is a (ground) mount for the outfit you got from the battle royal event, they also put in the outfit and weapons to buy, but in a worse color, and a mount for that color. Most of it is honestly shit.
BUT you can get the hunter quiver again if you missed it.
even SoD players don't like SoD

it did accomplish one thing though, it proved that players would get bored of an actual "Classic+" just as fast
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Wtf this is highway robbery
Someone farming carapaces for the mount.
SoD is not actually Classic+ though, it's just aggressively timegated vanilla with a couple retail abilities sprinkled in.
>couple of hours to do a full sweep of all world quests/dailies
>big chunk of rep from it
>10 hours of killing rares
>30 minutes of that is actually doing something
>crumb of rep from it
sod is literally just propped up by hybrid players who a) want their turn in the sun to be """top dps""" and b) see their warrior overlords under them on the meters
the devs are giving them EVERYTHING and its still not enough
Did they fix the Maw weekly event every 2h? Was doing it for the mount but it was bugged for the past two weeks
I truly miss monk from MoP. Maybe the BEST the class has ever been.
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Me too.
I'll accept that theory.
Feel like Alleria's face is completely different now or am I imagining things? She looks like blood elf face 1 now.
I only miss brewmaster keg toss
so besides the Light/Void stuff going on with Hallowfall, Azj-Kahet, Anduin and Alleria, there clearly seems to be some Elemental stuff as well with the Earthen and the Stormrooks and Thrall seems to be involved
Do you guys think we'll get a Thrall patch where he regains his shamanic powers?
the mobs are tagged grey for some reason by the farmers, is this normal? I thought its shared now ...
what mount is it?
SoD is just retail trying to pretend it's classic.
No because even Metzen doesn't want to write god shaman Thrall.
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>sod is literally just propped up by hybrid players
>He doesn't miss getting an aoe stun & slapping casters with CLASH
Keg toss was great though, the 15 yrds we're limited to now feels terrible. Can't even free throw it.
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You all know who's responsible for this one, right?
Turalyon is evil for hating the Horde and will die soon.
it's just bants dude take a chill pill Liadrin is still alive
The eredar
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There is a rar mob, if you are lucky you get a quest item from him.
But then you have to collect 1500 carapaces from nerubs, and they only drop every 3rd or 4th kill.
Yrel's Army of the Light is stuck in BELEDAR?!
quest item appears to be 100% drop, but the rare itself is on a 3-10 hour spawn timer
how the fuck would they even know what its called
For sure
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We need to save her so she can genocide all of these light denying mongrels.
On twitter Horde players already calling him nu-Garithos
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>um so people got sick of Sylvanas Windrunner... let's make her sister the main character instead!
It's a bit cynical isn't it?
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god I wish
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>"I could avenge Rastakhan right now."
Hordelets are so hungry for an alliance knee on their neck.
I wonder what the nerubian mount would look like if people voted for it...
I wish there was a glyph to turn all the purple energy from my shadow priest red.
I want to be a cool vampire.
sylvanas was a fan favorite until they randomly turned her into elf hitler
Rastakhan was weak, so Jaina did you a favor.
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>the only decent Alliance character
>people want him gone
I'm so sick of this community.
I miss having mindgames and it being red
Jaina has a shield up 100% of the time.
No doubt about it.
She is the wow version of that one annoying self insert uber-wizard your dnd dm sometimes has come by to give you a tip when your party gets stuck.
Don't worry, Sylvanas and Illidan are coming back to save WoW from low numbers
She was a forsaken fan favourite. Everyone else hated her after Cataclysm.
She dishonored the Horde, she genocided no less than two Alliance settlements in Lordaeron (not even including Gilneas). People just got distracted by Garrosh.
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I love Jaina. I can't help it bros.
Why is Jaina so hot bros
hmm, I see. doesnt look too shabby
i play only my main
don't care for alts
only have them for work orders
>people want him gone
hordelets are NOT people
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The primary stat stacks, u get between 3-5k main stat with high uptime
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ok i got my legendary axe finally yesterday because i want it for tmog
now i see you have these fucking quests, how long will this shit take me now in TWW?
wha'ts the best way to do this? especially the epic gear thing
I hate Jaina because she canonically hates Turalyon & Alleria. She thinks she's morally superior to them. What an arrogant hypocrite.
So Earthen only live as long as they have space in their hard drive to store memories and when it's getting full they develop alzheimer?
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idc, got in on my first try and it's bis according to all sites
that's all i need to know
Has anyone tried looking at xalatath with the big eye from BfA equipped? I bet she is actually a roiling mess of squid tentacles and viscera.
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Good night worla worcraff gen'ral

>I bet she is actually a roiling mess of squid tentacles and viscera.
Still would mind you, this would change nothing
it's a very high APM class where it's RNG dependent on your crackshots to give you back another 6 combat points for another crackshot spam. if you don't get your 6 compoints back during those two stealth loops, your DPS takes a dive, hence the random coin theme they have. make sure you keybinds are right, otherwise you'll get some wrist pains as well.
No, she actually is an Elf.
A dead Elf she's possessing the body of, but still, physically still an Elf body.
What big eye?
>Buy the Yellow Plunderlord's Regalia
>Can't find the Red one anymore in my Collection's tab, only through the transmogrifier npc's menu
Bravo Blizzard. Bra-to-the-V-To-the-motherfucking-O.
nice feet
>Good night
But it's already morning in Ukraine
It's so over
Beledars light
The eye from BfA, the one you get stuck on your head. It lets you see things as they Truly Are.
you really need to stop looking at the mentally ill tweets on twitter
So Beledar is totally an injured Naaru encased in crystal, right? Its in the process of entering its Void state, which is what the altering between dark and light is.
Do you realize that Blizzard is listening closely to those mentally ill tweets?
Its ur mom's big buttplug lol
I don't think that's true
That's just not true at all
>Beledar is totally an injured Naaru encased in crystal, right?
But why doesn't Alleria say anything about this? She spent a thousand years with the naaru. She should know about this.
Here's a great way for Blizzard to rinse their audience: We've had race changes for decades now and Blizzard has had to offer a lot of discounts and bundles to make sure people didn't jump off of that ride.
So the new genious way should be Class changes. The spikes at the beginning of a season are going to be absolutely, mindbreakingly intense and carry on through RWF, with little extra spikes every patch.
>Blizzard's balancing will become even more erratic and all over the place just to coerce people to class change as often as possible!
Nothing new. Matter of fact, they've driven their balancing and hotfixing to such ridiculous heights, maybe it's time we finally drove that car over the bloody edge and fully hammered in how ridiculous it is to demand "balance" in a game that's supposed to be a self-expression experience.
gives "droppin a log" a new meaning
Blizzard is too busy looking up erotic foot shots so that they can tell the art team to replicate them exactly with Xal'atath. Next expansion announcement cinematic will have Xal'ataths fully rendered feet for the entire thing, all the characters will be talking about their feelings, their family and the fate of the world but the only thing we will see will just be shots of her feet.
anduin looks so rugged and handsome. thank god he got that haircut
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Yeah okay, but unless the dead body no longer exists, its still a dead elf body we're truly looking at.
Did Turalyon give up on his coup after Genn stopped giving a fuck and Elune told Tyrande to STFU? Who else would support him against cuckduin? Maybe he will link up with Yrel
>I hate Jaina because she canonically hates Turalyon & Alleria.
That only makes sense if they only let you have one character per sub. Otherwise people already have an alt of almost every class.
Holy fuck that's hot
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Pure coincidence
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Holy fuck just remove the trading post from the game already I mean what the fuck is this garbage.
What are you talking about? He looks like a stereotypical gopnik Ivan with that awful haircut.
Alleria didn't say much of anything in the MSQ
who's having fun? avatar trannies getting shit on or,
the ones shitting on the avatar trannies
cope tranny

Alleria has amounted to a mouth breathing retard this expac, so its in character to not mention it. it would overtax her brain into shutting down if she spent more than two seconds into thinking about something other than Xalatath's feet.
Why was the cinematography so much better in bfa?
>when you get to fight her in Midnight she will be bigger than Archimonde
>all you will see most of the time is her soles
yeah, it's 100% one of their ships
Beledar is closely related to the worldsoul
Fucking assholes lied to me, my frost dk sims lower than my warrior even without the nerf
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Nothing I put oh the AH is selling.
nobody cares fotm shitter
play what you want
why do you care so much about having 0.002% damage increase?
Whole thread has been pleasant and comfy fun.
You don't have to be mean to him all the time yknow.
Maybe you shouldnt of said the N word, ever thought about that???
Was the AH ever as fucking bad as it is now?
Like you spend 10 minutes for 1 fucking item
>item no longer available
>item no longer available
You do this so fucking long until they buy up all the low costs and you hit like a big stack of the same price
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In Shadows Rising novel Jaina was pissed at them for interrogating civilians with extreme measures. Alleria invaded their minds with the Void, while Turalyon shackled them with the Light and later healed them. Jaina was disgusted by this and called it a torture. She left to inform Anduin of everything, which Alleria saw as tattling. Anduin pointed out that Jaina herself had a similar attitude until very recently, and that he continued to trust Alleria and Turalyon not to cross the moral lines.
Blizzard needs to start banning these TSM faggots.
Jesus Christ, how could you, anon?
Because the reason they have alts for every class is that there was no other option until now. And farming gear and powerlevelling alts to get to where they need to be is tedious. If I offer Max's failing faggot fiesta the opportunity to level one character, farm gear for it and then let them switch that class around, maintaining the gear score but shuffling stats as to benefit the new class and spec and all of it for the measly fee of 24.99, it basically is just as much worth as buying 2 tokens for gold to spend on gear for alts. It will cut down preparation time because less farming is required overall - And Blizzard has even more control of fucking everyone over because whenever they realize that a class performs an iota too well they can nerf it into the ground and create a whole undertow of reasons to acquire a class-change.
no he doesnt. he looks like a true warrior now. it's better than looking like a girl
Blizzard need to just make a global AH, and destroy the API when it comes to add-ons interacting the AH.
Don't forget to take away their gold too
My man... why are you reading that trash? Metzen certainly isn't. The current writers certainly aren't.
>Sylvanas in a novel: The forsaken are arrows in my quiver.
>Sylvanas at the end of Dragonflight: Remember you were always more than just arrows in my quiver! You were my family!
good luck buying anything without auctionator
i have auctionator and i still can't fucking buy anything
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shadowlands wouldve been good if it werent for the shitty korthia patch and jailor made to be what he was

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>leveling dungeon
>15 wipes
m+ and its consequences have been a disaster for wow players
if one mob group pushes your shit in why are you pulling 20 more
if your skip doesnt work the 2 times why would you try it 5 more times
my character panel says 150/150 season maximum for crests but I still get a few of them after every heroic dungeon.
what am I missing?
how the hell are you supposed to earn gold in this game? shit costs dozens or hundreds of thousands meanwhile some dinky world quest gives me like 500. the fuck is this
i dont understand, how do i get rep with the severed threads?
No, it would never have been good. The entire expansion was made out of malice.
ignore that
just use em up
you buy it with real life money
only way right now since the ah doesnt work
I've come up with a new game, you click on a link and you have to get to Garrosh Hellscream in the minimum number of clicks.
>>leveling dungeon
>>15 wipes
How is this even possible
selling clears
hows pvp?
Farm. Sell. Stop buying stuff.
you can still loot them but you don't actually get them in your inventory, i'm capped and i still loot but they never appear.

not even. you know get 130g for a dragon race because 500 was way too much and had to be nerfed :-^)

yea I do that. still confused since I remember how they used to timegate them in DF
>killing the mystery of the afterlife
>It's not even a good one
No it was shit from the beginning.
>hows pvp?
Still shit, same as it has been for the last 15+ years.
Deepcavern Murloc>Highmountain>Horde>Orc>Garrosh Hellscream
i have bought literally nothing though. farm what? that's what i'm asking
you should read the tweets of some of the devs
mentally ill tweettards work at the company now
>click on factions on the sidebar
tanks are on crack and think they are invincible
like druid tanks running through 5 mobs group on their mount dropping to 10% and then getting mad when the healer tops them and dies to aggro
or just pulling 10 groups that spam aoe on the group so everyone is at 10% life constantly
or tanks with nice dragonflight leveling greens getting hit for 40% of their health from every mob and STILL CHAINPULLING
people are fucking insane i have never struggled so hard while leveling with dungeons
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wtf do people even use gold for? I have like 2 million because there is nothing to buy with gold. everything requires supplies or rubies or some shit instead.
its not looking good sisters...

season hasnt even started yet and everyone has already quit...
Hey nigger, I've been playing frost dk even when it was shit since BFA, if anything you're a FOTM tranny
Anything. Gathering professions, BFA/SL/DF dungeons, mogs to auction, whatever. All you can do besides buying tokens.
>Play SV in Legion because Tauren Hunter main and The Eaglespear is peak Tauren Immersion, coupled with the Highmountain NPCs reacting to you
>You're basically a dex-build barbarian invoking totemic animal powers with a spirit companion
>BFA, SL and DF are just memeing you for being a Hunter forgoing all the best parts of your class
>Lose all interest
>Come back to TWW with Dwarf Hunter
>Play SV in pre-patch, Switch to BM for launch and try out leader of the pack for the RExxar fantasy
>It's... Okay
>Switch back to SV and try sentinel
>Everything ties to BOMBS, ROCKETS and OWLS in seconds
>Can't even take out my dick to rub it to increase the satisfaction of the moment
Lads... Is this the tinker we've wanted all this time?
ive got two characters to 580 now only doing wqs until m0 and shit
kinda gemmy
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Herbalism+mining. Sell all the mats.
Not like there's fuck all to do for another week and a half anyways.
and if covenant swapping was available at the start
and if there were more zones
and if the time between 9.0 and 9.1 wasn't that long
and if they didn't fuck the lore even more
and if the dead characters interacted more with each other
and if the maw wasn't cancer
and if torghast was more fun instead of some specs having exactly 1 viable build made entirely of the same common power that is more powerful than all the rest of them combined
and if crafting higher legendary ranks didn't require an entire gold cap for the materials
and if the dungeons didn't suck
and if the tier set had more colour
i've been skinning everything as I level and grind rep but this shit is worthless unless there's something huge i'm missing
the only way to describe it is schizophrenic
like listening to white noise while spamming buttons
an abomination of overdesigned buttonbloat covered in addons screaming random abilities
No one would shut the fuck about about how awesome Diabolist is but here's the actual experience 90% of the time

>ritual cooldown isn't immediately obvious so the pit lord or whatever will seemingly spawn at random, slowly move towards the mob that is already at 10% health, fire off one attack that maybe reaches it before it dies, then it stands around and despawns

this shit sucks man

all these hero talents fucking suck ass

just have fucking class skins and disable them in pvp modes already fuck sake
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post your ilvl
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What's the first class you imagine when you hear World of Warcraft?

I read the same question on Reddit, and for some reason everybody imagined something different. For me, it's the most basic bitch, bread and butter class, Warrior.
gametime and saving up for the next expansion
arcane mage
mechagnome castratrix
only bismuth sells for a decent price
I was picking flowers for 10 hours and it only gave me 30k
selling random old shit in my bags from previous expansions made me 35k
its fucked
its just another specc that needs 20 weakauras to play correctly
kinda gay that you need to hold your dmg often to blast in the next mob group but atleast aoe chaoscock after magteridon pokes people with a stick is kino
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Warlocks are so shitty I might actually unsub.
I play a paladin but I will freely agree that footmen and grunts come into my mind first, so warrior.
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sika gets sad when she doesnt get my cock on the daily
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Blizzard should never EVER cater to warlocks. You faggots ALWAYS cry no matter what.
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>try to post item on the ah
>keeps loading and loading
>after 2 minutes i can actually post it
>keeps loading after i posted it
>look at my auctions
>its not there
>not in my bags
>not in the mail
the ah deleted my item bros
fuck man it was worth 25k gold
beware guys do not use the ah right now
they didn't actually bring any humans to meet the resurrected Tyr, but they brought Liadrin, who has nothing to do with him, but she's a FEMALE so now she will represent all paladins and everything related to the light
Idk what your problem with them is, but Demonology talents make me want to cry. Dungeon DPS is totally solid. Destro is ez fun as always
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sucky sucky 5 anima
>It would have been good!
Unbalanced covenant, shitty story, shitty conduits, forced thorgast, horrible legendary system, bad gameplay
poke this man
>finished for the day and decide to list every crafting material I got on ah
>open the ah
>no loading time
>post the all of the random materials
>its takes 5 minutes and 3/4ths of the stuff sells before I even logout
>expecting 120k in the mail tomorrow
love the early expansion gold rush
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>how to get gold easily
>join bg
>engage mid
>whole enemy team on me
>1 person helping
>whole team retards on mountsw
Is this faggot worgen hunter in follower dungeons just designed to steal threat? Leveled two tanks and he just constantly managed to aggro mobs himself despite big openers from me.
Not that it matters cause he at least looks after himself, but still, fuckers really triggering my internal alarms when I see threat drops.
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Who writes this shit?
MOrcs and DID and deads needs like more customization
>what about muh
dont care, do it or just delete all elf races
>the mobs are tagged grey for some reason by the farmers, is this normal?
Happens when someone in a party tags the mobs, you'll see it with world quests with slow spawn rate also. Doesn't really make sense, but DEI hires can't remove it I guess.
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okay asmond cryboomer
ok tranny
post pvp bangers
Gathering bros, what addons do you use?
no such thing!
What you don't like black sandevista no sound cutscenes??
Would not work because of the token price difference per region.
the problem started because the auction house became region wide
It was like this at the end of Shadowlands during prepath, everyone was buying cheap progenitor essentia then flipping it
it has nothing to do with addons, it's because the population increased and everyone is using it, you mouthbreathing retard
Just don't delete your character retard
what's an addon
only addon that i use is the one that replaces the dogshit ui with the old ui
i normally picture hellscream or saurfang wearing the t1 set, so probably Warrior more than anything else. occasionally Paladins because Arthas
if i owned blizzard i would make wow 2 and it would be like classic wow in the unreal engine and i would expand the skills and professions to be more like runescape and also the quests more like runescape and stuff like you can cut trees with an axe and fish with a net and farm
the post nut clarity hits hard in goonguard
Khadgar isn't dead. He's cool as a cucumber.
Delete then undelete for free sneed.
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Is there a reason why so many knuckledragging trogs are deleting their characters and crying on the internet about it?
Shit did I say global? I meant region wide. Although they could just create a global tokken.
I am not paying 8 burgers for a name change
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Temporary fix gonna happen on reset. AH being unusable the whole first official week of the expansion sure was/is fun haha
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based retard
if I owned blizzard I would release a new expansion, right, except when you log in on launch you are actually matched into a game of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne against another player in a great tournament. Those who make it through 5 rounds are given the actual game, Warcraft 4, instead of dogshit pissshit world of warcraft. The rest and those who forfeit? Die due to cyclon B sprayed out of their computer. Based.
main character of WoW is a male dwarf hunter
Dh lore paths after legion be like
>Night elven demon hunters became warhungry lunatics in response to Teldrassil waging an eternal war to claim as much Horde blood as they can to the glaives they wield
>Former elite soldier of Kael'thas turned demon hunter got scouted by Bilgewater to be a porn actor because they wanted a warlock themed smut where a goblina fails in a summoning ritual
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>no fun spec-specific ui that adds the game's fun instead of just some square block bullshit everyone uses
the lack of whimsy is disappointing
Why are you changing your name?
how much for the winter queen?
grunt or a night elf archer
'bout tree fiddy.
thank you for who helped me recover my old characters in the last thread, amazingly the characters i had from over 10 years ago were still there!
I was confused though, I couldn't get them to appear at first, because I couldn't remember what server my characters were on...but on the website for item restoration it lists where your "null" characters are and their inactive names are which let me pick the correct server and they popped back into existance!
I see they are all level 30 though and I will need to activate my account to get rolling again.
I did have a question though.
It is prompting me to update my gear for my characters, which I assume its a friendly way to tell me about that fabled crunch that happened?
Also, should I move my character away from the server im sitting on? It's on Stormrage which I noticed is way too full. I am probably fucked if I stay there im guessing? I don't care to join any major guild anymore unless they are really casual about ancient players.
The whimsy was specifically removed.

It's almost like they went out of their way to remove all the sovl from the UI with all their "updates"
Male human Paladin or male Orc Shaman is the heroic main character of warcraft.
Everyone else is a supporting actor.
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and only anger remains in my heart
Why is the chatbox so small now?
Why are damage numbers so small now?
What does this say about the games values compared to its roots?
Inshallah, the nu-devs will be smited
if I owned blizzard I would try to sell that sinking ship as fast as possible
Yeah I agree but why is it that you think of the heroes first and not the foot soldiers and workers you start with?
This, except the male human paladin is in a dress and healing the protagonist, the Human Male Warrior
/wowg/ guild status?
This is dropping to 150k in the next few weeks, better buy it now.
>constant 7-8 figures of damage in vanilla font
You don't really want this. And you can increase the size of chatbox and other UI elements if you want.
kek vanilla really did things right didn't it
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i guess its time for my autism and programming to come in then. IWILL make my own like picrel for my enh shammy and then add some 90s pinup gals on the map
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BeQuiet is the best addon I've installed. I'm actually shocked that some players just play with the talking heads on all the time. They show up so often that I have no idea how you wouldn't go insane.
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I was just looking for a way to remove these
Uther would absolutely blow Grom's back out, Uther almost solo'd the Lich King, Grom was a retarded pussy
Simple as
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Can't wait!
white male human/belf templar retribution paladin
What's the best crafting profession for gold making right now?
were blood elves a mistake?
cope and seethe allycuck
hordechads get all the world first race to raid first in the world, you will never be for the azeroth
none, it's an investment.
go gathering or go broke.
the nodes have been random for a while sister, just fly around and sell all your r3 mats while paying attention to the fake price set by the chink bots
I'm making ok money enchanting, crafting max quality rods, wands & gleeful glams and the occasional crest crafting orders
yeah but what happens when uther wants to raid and has to don the dress thoughbeit?
Post it when you do.
thanks for the addon. Mongoloid company thinks that I want to hear a black blood elf talk
Frozen Throne was a mistake.
Imagine having not one but two campaigns in your expansion where the protagonist is just replaced by Illidan.
see >>492699360
RoC good
TfT bad
WoWoWaWaWaWiWi is a White, Cis-Het, Ret Paladin's game.
No other fantasy setting essentially decided to ruin the archetype of the gallant, shining kngiht in armour by pumping it full of Jedi mindpowers and allowing them to use them offensively instead of forcing them to be temperate and measured by leaving out the "rage leads to evil" or something, thus creating the ultimate class with main character syndrome.
Consider that Paladin is among the top three most played classes, the last statistic I've seen puts them at spot 1 even. Arthas, "the fallen Paladin" is such an iconic figure they abuse his legacy wherever they can to capitalize on nostalgia, even after they made a big deal about deleting him and sending him off for good in Shadowlands. They "invented" a whole zone of socially palatable Scarlet Crusaders/Warhammer Imperials for this expansion alone and look how much the Crusader fags are lapping it up.
Chris Metzen himself said in their youtube documentary that his favourite DnD class is paladin. His first Self-Insert was Uther Lightbringer when you compare his "portraits" and his Uther drawings from the W2 era.
Worlo is a Retarddin's game.
because they are generic and replaceable
and they are not the vehicles of storytelling
what happens to them individually or even in numbers does not matter.
The Paladin matters
The Shaman matters
they lead the attack and the defense, their skills and attacks have impact on fights with each use. If they fall the fight is usually lost. Warcraft is a setting focused on heroes, not ordinary people.

The image of Warcraft is by its nature Binary, Alliance and Horde.
The Image of the Alliance is a Male human Paladin smiting evil with hammers and Holy light
Uther the Lightbringer, crushing undead and healing the wounded in Loadaeron as the world falls.

The Image of the Horde is an Orc farseer, carving a path towards the place in the world he has seen for his people with the power of the elements.
Thrall on wolfback, zaping centaurs and quilboar with lightning.

Entirely wrong, the warrior without support is easy prey, the warrior is a footman he dies and is replaced.
The Image of the alliance is not a warrior its a paladin.
It could be argued that the image of the horde could be a warrior but really thats the corrupted horde where the Shaman have been cast aside and in that horde the warrior is still just a mook. Blackhand was Gul'dan's puppet. Only doomhammer and Garrosh ever led the horde as warriors and they both did a mid-at-best job.
If Bismuth is the ore to spec into first, what herb do you go?
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You're gay.
rebuff might and press flash of light, pinky
>still think of arthas when i hear world of warcraft
they turned him into a cum cloud ffs
paladin is the main class of world of warcraft
holy fuck the trading post is bad this month
For me? Footman Crossbowman Cleric vs Grunt Spearthrower Necrolyte
Welp, goodbye Fyr'alath. I -guess- you were fun while you lasted, even if you were annoyingly necessary and weren't as cool as Shadowmourne.
paladins were pretty dope back when they kind of mattered in warcraft 3. like you wanted that holy warrior around because they were immune to the plague and anti undead specialists etc
now though they're just cringe larpy desu vult fags that worship an alien. when i was a kid i thought paladins were badass and would normally play them first in rpg's but as i've grown older i identify more with "power derived from within" archetypes ie Fighters/Warriors.
getting transactional power through worship or appeasing some cosmic entity? zzz. but demigods fearing me because i'm peak human and really good with a sword? hell yeah im in
so you would make New World
I am really surprised wow players accepted this batlte pass fomo machine so easily.
paladins weren't even good in WC3, you are supposed to start with an Archmage or a Mountain King
thanks to you i checked it out and you are right holy shit there is really nothing cool this month
as a goblin player, i think its one of the best
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>the light will protec-ACK
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>Class trials disabled
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what is a battle pass?
well mechanically yeah but im speaking more from a general lore/story standpoint. i liked them in older rpg's and played one in diablo 2 for ages. they fit really well in the setting
WoW these days lacks any kind of grit or darkness so the crusading paragon of light doesn't contrast anything. it just comes off as annoying
>rewards for playing the game are bad
If you're actually playing this heap of garbage of a game you've come to the wrong thread. Go back.
Blood Elves were supposed to be an inversion of the noble, beautiful and serene archetype of Elves in fantasy. All in all, Metzen wanted to make the Alliance edgier and more difficult to digest. Blood Elves being mana vampires and homeless mercenaries organizing in military caravans instead of noble houses, struggling with (not entirely unfounded) racism by Humanity First human overlords was a good move in that direction.
Then they brought back Belves as a chink lure, decided to roll back all the creative notion of elves that are ugly (in spirit) and gave us a nice and pretty 90's Elf fantasy city. That's where the real mistake happened. Silvermoon should, by all means, not just be ruined on one side but all sides, with Elf gipsies squatting in the ruins and setting up tent cities while they toil to clear the rubble. This would actually have suited the Horde aesthetic instead of muh proud beautiful imperial capital city.
Add to that that there absolutely was a perfect lore angle through Sylvanas and the Forsaken, but because they had to stick to their dogmatic faction separation and WoWlets are the patient zero of media illiteracy, they just associated everything with Thrall and the Kalimdor races so ofc. it seemed out of place regardless.
Opening up player's choice by focusing on the reputations rather than the factions would have resolved so much further down the line. There would not have been mistakes, only happy little accidents.
i don't really get how they got away from rep ever being much more than a questing progress meter. just do the quests and stuff then maybe a couple victory laps for exalted. that's all it needs to be when there are currencies and rng drops to put out there. everything doesn't have to drag on past the point where there's really no more interesting journey long before destination.
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>Greatest warrior that ever liv-ACKK
>accepting literal shit easily
>wow players
Why are you surprised again?
The ending of this expansion? Alleria and Moira grab Xal'atath and hold her in place as Turalyon, Magni, Dagran, Thrall, Kurdran and Anduin run an endless train of cock insertions deep inside her evil pussy. Jaina researches the effects and catalogues everything.
>want to buy something off the ah
welp, too bad! silly me, haha!
seethe and cope
every character you just named is cringe and the game would be better if they were dead
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The only way to fix WoW at this point is to end The Last Titan with the player character waking up in an inn in Dalaran only to find out that everything after Burning Crusade was nothing but a nightmare and then announcing the release date of WoW 2

Simple as. It's the only way forward at this point
no i wouldnt because the combat is too simplified in new world and the world and setting in new world was so uninspired and soulless and i would make the skilling more afk then in new world. and the wow 2 combat would be like wow but updated and better and more real time. and also i would make it so like in stormwind there are places to skill like runescape so like its the grand exchange but like theres farming guild next to it and other stuff so it can be like a hub that everyone is at. also i would move the mage tower to it or just remove it altogether
>didnt mention warriors in my post
>but here's a paladin to do it
>upgrade piece of equipment 8 times
>stops at 593
alright what the hell, i thought it was supposed to go above 600. genuinely asking what the hell is up with this
this is an NPC opinion
you are not human
post characters you think are cool (that are still alive)
I'm the only human you've ever interacted with
i drank too much tapwater so i dont understand how upgrading work so i never do it
i just equip the highest ilvl as it drops
Paladins have always seethed about Warriors. They want to be one but the idea of losing their bubble terrifies them
AI response
>already wasting all your crests
>wtf why this gear no go above 600??!!??
The collective IQ of this place never ceases to amaze me.
baine bloodhof because he afkd the entirety of slands
593 is the cap for heroic dungeon gear or similar items
the only way to get above that is to get the high renown items at renown 10+
Crafting too maybe but theres no reason to do that before getting max ilvl mats
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The strat is not to sell these cunts yet, right? Cause nobody uses them since m+ didn't release yet...
Or am I stupid? I feel like they'll go up in price when m+ releases.
>join bg
>enemy team 4 affliction warlocks
It's something gacha and f2p games added that incentivizes you to log in daily or just keep playing with limited time rewards that change every month.
save them sisterpoonerbro
augment rune for m+ is deranged
augment runes are for high end raiding
But Im sure good guilds stockpile them when theyre most affordable so I dont know if waiting helps
what did you just call me?
Instead of turning to shit the little mmo aspects it has left by designing everything around mythic+, WoW should drop all of it and become a mythic+ only game, with a few minigames like delves too.
what is a gacha?
thats literally already what theyve done
thats the game your playing now
can't wait to hear this when he returns
Who the fuck wins if they do this? Not me.
WoD had such amazing music
When WoD returns with remix you mean
No, I still have to level, still have open world and professions, etc, still have all these mmo systems that are worthless because m+ is priority. Literally remove it all.
>using crests for pushing your ilvl when you dont even need to
No. I don't think so. The only humans on Azeroth should be northmen because they are descendants of viking giants.
>forumdad meltdown over plunderlord recolor being available on the post
Like 5 trannies.
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I had more fun with WoD than SL and DF. Shit on WoD all you want but the lore didn't get raped and the zones, dungeons and raids were amazing
>lore did get raped tho!!!
no, not really because it was contained in its own universe and we still had strong male characters up to end of Legion.
pugsissies have to do their best to get invited when mythic drops
Meanwhile my friends and I will run our shitgeared alts together and still max our week 1 vault like always
Yeah bro WoW 2 made by 2026 Blizzard will be a good game, look at all the recently released bangers
Do you win with having things the way they are now? Leveling is shit, classes are all the same, open world is worthless, might as well remove it.
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>wod nostalgia
WoD and korthia patch was the only time I had to stop playing because of how poopy it was.
oh no you mean the weathered crests that become useless once season begins? :O WOW!!!!
>wasting crests
nothing was wasted, i'll be fine hon.
>no, not really because it was contained in its own universe
you literally do not know WoD lore
stop posting
>wasting all your crests
Nice bait
>classes are all the same
shitter alert
alternative universe
I got my first to 80 last night. Now what?
stay subbed for the next 2 years and spend $50 on the next expansion (already announced, named Midnight)
Isn't this Boralus?
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>stand in expansion player hub
>apply in group finder.
>"Summ pls"
>get summoned
>finish dungeon
>hearthstone back to player hub
It's like the world doesn't even exist.
Professions are mostly optional outside the highest tier of content.
Good job you can uninstall now
I still have mining out of habit, but is there a reason to actually gather ores? the explosive nodes might do something to bots but I don't think it'll be significant enough
Already planned on that
WoW's boomer population has been a blight upon this game.
>Fill bar - empty bar
>Whacamole simulator
>Everyone can do everything
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hello felplague
Mythic+ is the entire game now
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>Everyone can do everything
Warriors can't go invisible, yet.
its not an alternate universe you retarded nigger
its the same universe, they made that clear when you fought the SAME Archimonde that we fought in Hyjal
No wonder you think WoD lore was acceptable, you have no fucking idea what the lore in the game is
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Remember when they created Covenants to join but then tied power to them so you were forced to join the most optimal one instead of the one you liked. What kind of retard MMO developer does that?
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>classes are all the sam
but some classes are ranged and some are melee
Remember when they spent a year telling everyone it was totally fine and there wasn't a problem?
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alternative universe
blizz already clarified about him being there in regards of twisting nether and universes
>classes are all the same
unironic skill issue cope.
Do we have any leaks or info on what they'll do next in the story or zones they might add in the future?
Yeah that was stupid
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thoughts on this weapon combo? my backstory is that he took it off a nightelf druid and the axe was the reward for his service to the mag'har :)
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I really don't get why they waited so long to remove the restriction
Was it covid brain
Vax status?
Its not an alternate universe, no matter what retarded wiki writers say
alternate universes dont have main universe characters
>blizz already clarified about him being there in regards of twisting nether and universes
yes they clarified its the same one because its the same universe and theres only 1 archimonde
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>queue pops
>enter dungeon
>tank runs in, pulls 10 packs, instantly dies
Why are they like this?
they tried to sell it as an impactful choice like your choice of class
but in the end it was 1 button and some passives
What happened to Danusers baby..
The first weapon looks a bit silly
alternative universe
Probably because that's the way the games been played for the last 10 years
fuck you, Outlaw was LIT in DF before they introduced like 4 new bugs in TWW
Remember when they did the borrowed power gimmick 3 expansions in row? Crazy times.
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found a better one. big monke fist makes sense for an orc
same archimonde
same universe
because WoD was dogshit
Followed the path of Eric Clapton's baby.
>fuck you, Outlaw was LIT in DF
Faggot pirate spec has never been lit, anon.
same archimonde because of how the twisting nether works
blizz explained this
different universe
tier was in a lot more than 3 expansions bro
I threw it out with the bathwater. The bathwater I used to wash Xal'ataths feet. I'm a sick fuck.
You're the faggot, it was always lit af, lucklets like you - stay seething.
same twisting nether because its the same universe
An actual seperate universe would have a seperate Archimonde, since he came from Argus not the twisting nether
Which race to make a good pirate rogue?
my new emo smug alt goth gf can't possibly be so evil!
Don't be dumb. The twisting nether has only one universe. It just has an infinite amount of archimondes in it.
the second most boring expansion after Shadowlands, and it .lasted 4 fucking years.
Yeah I dig it. I'd probably switch the main and off, but you do you, bud.
Archimonde is a demon whose demon soul is anchored to the Nether. The Nether transcends all realities.
all realities
that includes different timelines and universes
draenor is a pocket universe that only includes draenor.
Fat Humans, Undead, Troll, Dark Iron Dwarf
why blizzard hate alliance
Wait a fucking minute. How did Xal'atath survive being used to defuse the Sword of Sargeras?
>Battle for Azeroth
>The Burning Crusade
>Warlords of Draenor
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Don't think about it.
Her sword onii-chan helped her survive, obviously.
Shouldn't you be vaping and trying to cancel Mr. Beast zoomie
team boobies
boing boing boing
MoP was shit and only furries disagree
only tanks pulling the entire heroic dungeon can cure my need to push m+ as a healer right now i need it so bad
>BC above Classic
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>MoP was shit and only furries disagree
it just drained it from its power, it was still alive
then the naga "somehow" stole it and it ended up in bfa
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I still don't like consumption
Boobsmith kek
i was tempted to put classic even lower. if a game released in that state it would put a company out of business, it's slop, and always has been. if it wasn't for cultural impact and nostalgia it would be a laughing stock of a game.
Is season1 going to have all the new dungeons as mythics? First time I'm playing mazie+ expansion on launch.
my paws are soft, tail is fluffy, and I agree
if you have anything positive to say about Cata, MoP, BfA or DF, you're a furfagtranny and you should fuck off from this game forever
doesn't matter what you say, if its positive about those expansions, you should leave
go away
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MoP probably the best time of wow and also wowg.
you may leave newfaf.
why do you speak like a deranged twitter user?
>WoD above Cataclysm
I have trouble believing this.
>Dragonflight that high
Suck my balls.
how did you get a picture of me?
>if a game released in that state it would put a company out of business
is this bait?
4chan is 19% twitter reposts on a good day.
Oh ok thanks bro. I don't even recognize the 3 between dawnbreaker and grim batol, are those SL? I skipped that shit.
Cataclysm was pretty much unplayable. Almost every gameplay decision other than Dragon Soul was total shit.
I believe Dragonflight is a shit expansion in every other aspect, but gameplay-wise, it was solid.
cata perma ruined nights, the world, made most zones bunch of retarded "HEY LOOK AT THIS REFERENCE XD", worst end raid ever, ruined uldum
retarded zoomer newfag, fuck off
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>half the rotation is old dungeons but they still managed to squeeze Dawnbreaker and City of Threads in
i wish i had friend to play wowie with
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>Legion #1
>artifact power grind
>maw of souls
>Got the wrong leggos? Character bricked, reroll.
Whatever you say bfa babby.
The only friend you need is yourself.
by pure coincidence most people forgot how shit legion was at the start and only remember the end of legion when they fixed everything
Why doesn't Blizzard just hire better devs?
i can be your friend for 500k gold / week
california has DEI requirements. they literally got in trouble with some californian department of employment because they weren't hiring enough women or something
Actually 7.2 was fun.
outside of falling into carry or level boosting where you're really just working close to real world wages with some friends you probably don't have the combined time/prolonged interest to get to the point of paying off. autoloot everything, sell everything, don't cut prices, and get a price addon with oribos exchange or trade skill master for a quick look at the region average price so you don't give good things away. just play within that because making gold against people who dump token gold on professions for a guild or people who no lifed forever and don't necessarily have to make a cent off anything is not casual friendly for very long in this game. add in all the people trying to play off grinding for tokens alone who'll give possibly 10+ hours for that and you don't really want to make gold.

a lot of things are really just absurdly overpriced because of the split auction houses and the amount of people flipping or outright buying up things to make them seem more rare than they are, at least for a while. more likely than not any given item is available far less on other ahs. all it takes now is a web search and making an allied race character on that realm then a 30 second trip to the bank and ah.
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>above TBC DF BFA Cata and even SL
>legion n1
i don't do more than the achievement but gathermate is decent. you'd have to look at youtube to see how people deal with routes besides drawing on screenshots and memorizing things.
>Necrotic Wake
It ain't looking good
well all the other options are even more hyper shit so just don't think too hard about it

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