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Champion of Arathor.

wowo wawa

Previous: >>492641139
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>Hunter Narman says: Dawa! I must ask-
>Windsage Dawa says: Narman! I've brought you here to ask-
Dawa pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Narman errupts in laughter.
>Windsage Dawa says: Did we just?
>Hunter Narman says: We did. Want to get married?
>Windsage Dawa says: More than anything. I love you.
>Hunter Narman says: And I, you. More than anything
wawa wowa?
I only play male Night Elves and Dark Iron Dwarves. Thoughts?
based if female
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I just hit level 80 today.
What do I do now?
I hate elves. Midnight is going to be shit.
Is the auction house updated once an hour or some shit
20 years and the darkmoon faire is still a boring waste of time.
ugly helmet
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It's over isn't it?
flying ruins the game
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>he didn't save all his side quests, world quests, treasures, and rare mobs for the DMF rep buff
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>Human Male Paladin
>Night Elf Male Demon Hunter
>Eredar Male Warlock
>Void Elf Male Hunter

Yep. My warband? Complete.
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DROPPIN DA LOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now that the dust has settled, we all agree that having flying ruined Azj-kehet and stopped it from being the next Suramar

Are the Earthen unlockable yet? Anyone made one?
i wasn't doing rep anyway
that shit is for fags
i just do dungeons until i'm geared and then log off
Previous: >>492705739
link your rep window
>Screeching tard melty
Iconic inceloids.
Looks like the B-Rarity hero you get when you first start playing in a mobile game.
>he didn't use the layer hop exploit to farm rares on EA day 1 and hit 10+
sucks for you i guess
i dont feel like playing wowie
i would feel like playing if i had friends
Behind who
What's the competition or race
I'm not a 1% world first player why should I care
When should I stack up on consumables - now or when the raid/M+ are out?
Wonder if their prices will drop more
>damage cd on a tank
my job is to survive not deal damage
press the advantage it is
>The ringing deeps and isle of dorn are so boring as zones
>I hate praising dragonshit but at least it had a good variety even within zones.

a-anyone have any thoughts on the zones?
How 2 layer hop
Ringing deeps is sick so I think you're retarded
>my job is to survive not deal damage
based tanker on an EPIC CHILL #NOLEAVERS +2 (will timeout)
What did they mean by this?
what do you gain from impersonating my daily ritual post
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Guess I won't be spending tendies this month.
ringing deeps is easily the worst zone this expansion
Let's say for a minute that Blizzard somehow solves the puzzle of interesting horizontal MMO content and actually makes it well. Is WoW saved? Or are we just hoping that the next reskin they charge $90 for is somehow better despite nothing fundamentally changing whatsoever?
What will the World of Warcraft be like when it's finally time to stop making these expansions I mean for seriously real I thought it would be time to move on after Wrath but this shit just goes on forever, is it really just going to be a permanently on-going fantasy evolving in parallel with our own reality because that doesn't feel natural at all.
Don't you have pre-S1 BIS to be farming?
and you're the biggest faggot this expansion
Warrior isn't that hard but it requires very specific autism to split your attention and muscle memory.
And by very specific I do mean it and there is no way to explain other than "idk bro I just know what am I supposed to do" type shit
Look at his face, he knows he is about to fist a shitter and by fist a shitter I mean try to unclog a toilet.
that mentality didn't stop me from getting KSM and a portal (1 before I quit)
There are theories that the entire franchise receives a reboot after TWW, potentially something like WoW 2. I don't think anyone actually believes that, knowing Blizzard, but there are people talking about it.
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Thanks for reminding me how I slammed my fat cock into your whore mother's ringing deeps, faggot.
Rookery is a top notch dungeons sorry fags
I will be patting the dog this month
Intel Knight is a special starter card available as part of a promotion. The following are the top 40 rarest cards in Worlo Gacha, in descending order.
1) Illidan & Sargeras (LR) - 1 in 976,543
2) Professor Putricide (LR) - 1 in 500,000
3) King Anduin & General Wrathion (LR) - 1 in 500,000
4) Elune's Beloved Ashamane (LR) - 1 in 500,000
5) Defias Pillager (LR) - 1 in 250,000
6) Swimsuit Whitemane (SSR) - 1 in 100,000
7) Blackhand (LR) - 1 in 50,000
8) Koramar & Zoggosh (LR) - 1 in 50,000
9) Gul'dan (Nightspire, 110% Unstable Power) (LR) - 1 in 10,000
10) Shadow Priest (R) - 1 in 10,000
11) Son of Arugal (SSR) - 1 in 10,000
12) Guardian Khadgar (LR) - 1 in 5000
13) Varian & Rehgar (UR) - 1 in 5000
14) Fel Flame Illidan (LR) - 1 in 4000
15) The Butcher (SSR) - 1 in 3000
16) Vectus (SSR) - 1 in 3000
17) Blood Knight Teron'gor (UR) - 1 in 2500
18) Yrel (SR) - 1 in 1000
19) Kvaldir Longboat (LR) - 1 in 1000
20) Garrosh & Zaela (RR) - 1 in 1000
21) Cairne (LR) - 1 in 1000
22) Felwinter Druid (SSR) - 1 in 1000
23) Deathlord (SR) - 1 in 500
24) Krag'wa (LR) - 1 in 500
25) Jaina & Kael'thas (RR) - 1 in 500
26) Kael'thas (UR) - 1 in 250
27) Vol'jin (LR) - 1 in 250
28) Alysrazor (R) - 1 in 250
29) Nefarian (R) - 1 in 100
30) Sargeras (R) - 1 in 50
31) Muradin & Khadgar (SSR) - 1 in 50
32) King Rastakhan (R) - 1 in 50
33) Tassadar (LR) - 1 in 50
34) Varian (R) - 1 in 50
35) Grommash Hellscream (SR) - 1 in 50
36) Nefarian (R) - 1 in 50
37) E.T.C. (UR) - 1 in 25
38) Misha (RR) - 1 in 25
39) Jaina (UR) - 1 in 25
40) Uther (SR) - 1 in 25
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>Not being done already.
>there are theories
Yeah and I got a theory that Jaina will lay down on my bed and open her cooch for me to fuck her brains out but that's not gonna happen.
The kobold dungeon is the best one. A good application of Hearthstone. Kobolds are getting a little annoying
How did you do it?
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If Faerin's animations break, is it called a T-pose or is it just a J-pose?
jokes on you fag I have 2 dads
Your chances of surival increase when things die faster, though
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>Alleria video already nearly has as many views as the 9 month old CGI trailer and probably cost a fraction as much money to make
amazing that people actually watch your trailers when characters actually fight and do shit rather than just talk for 5 minutes
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im level 72. when does the game get good?
having to think about 2 more buttons in this still bloated class is a pass from me dawg
Nice self own. Concessions accepted, shitter.
level 73
Action sequences > characters talk >>> obnoxious DEI character reveals with no context
regards that doesn't happen until level 73. everyone agrees with this. literally everyone says the game starts at level 73.
Meanwhile Gacha game trailers get 30M+ in a month.
gloves for handling big balls
>Evoker not body size 1
You just wanna look ugly, huh?
It's painfully obvious that adding more body sizes was an afterthought, which is why the model looks so way more uncanny when it's bigger.
dracthyr look retarded and shit regardless of body size
ugliest fucking mog ive ever had the displeasure to lay my eyeballs on, holy shit
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>priory keep keys will demand a priest or paladin to get the holy damage buff
flails are cool and I'm tired of pretending they aren't
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I've hit over 5 million gold.
2 is tolerable
3 and 4 look like garbage
I am kind of happy they didnt appeal to barafaggots but not being able to wear even the armor only you can wear and being forced to be a h*man/b*lf with drag makeup in visage form and even getting an out of combat bonus for it sucks a lot
why cant I pick any race for my visage??????? just add the extra drag makeup options later cause no one will be using them anyway
Like half my damage is Holy or Holystrike, so yeah. Hand it over.
P pose
/wowg/ recommend me some good wow lore youtubers
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I dont have time to raid and I cant see the point in playing without raiding
Cool, I've made like 500k with casual mining/herbalism. What are you gonna do with your wealth?
Priory more like prior of the ori
I turned 100k into 76.5k...
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>dawnbreaker heroic pugs
i dont even wanna think about this shit on m+
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did it eat a pizza?
>do delve get no loot
fucking garbage
>break 1mil gold
finally i can level enchanting
where is balance druid?
>average wait 5min
>time in queue 40min
what markets are you in
i went for the blasphememe first, made nothing, then got into the cloth game
im up about 500k now on spell threads and rank 2/3 cloth
You don't have time to pug for 3-4 hours a week?

You can be a semi-sweaty playing a single character and get by on 10-15 hours a week only on this game easy now.
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never heard of it
demo or destro
Returning player here, should I do the gear update?
>chance to get a heroic raiding level gear
i have 3 million gold exclusively from buying a wow token every few months and then never spending a dime
>prospect 500 ore
>100 prospects
>can craft 5 gems
very cool, very cool
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retpala bros, ive been winging it with my own spec more or less trying to ape the s3/s4 build
just looked at the wow*ead build and it looks wrong
i dont understand why you would play execution sentence and crusade over normal wings and final reckoning, qrd?
no you should return the fuck out of here to back where you went
Send me 1 mil
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which of these?
I can't play this game anymore
you should. unless you plan to change servers / race for the character in question, gear upgrade blocks that for a few days
bro your 40 alts with infinite garrison gold all buying crafting mats?
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How much longer do I have to wait to play a male Harronir DK?
vdh is the most fun ive had in years though
Nobody here knows anything about crafting
Outstandingly bad taste, go on.
As someone who actually did that, this is still far beyond fucking stupid as hell.
They literally could have removed crafting and looked less like asshole retards.
dont listen to the demosissies
Female Harranir sex
Hawk tuah race, same as the earthen
Fuck Blizzard for these two disgusting fucking races. worse than vulpera and dractards
im so horny and my gf has a loose pussy i cant cum from vaginal sex with her and i want to fuck a tight ass pussy so bad

i also play rogue
Ret has dogshit ST by default but good aoe so using ES and crusade is a way to try to even what is a bigass gap between the two.
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Bat elves.
Bats = vampiric.
Blood DK = vampiric.

Harronir Blood DK? Yep, kino.
>like mage aesthetics and lore
>theres dozens of mages wherever I go
>play warlock because its rarer and easier to find groups
Being solo is suffering
If I'm not top dps I wont bother
how do you make gold by using alts with garrisons? the only method remaining was inscription for gambling cards that took way too fucking long for minimal gains
having 3 characters and doing the world quests made me more gold
literally stop caring. play what you like, theres tons of every class around
Find a new gf
it actually is now with fel scarred. You do big dick dps and meta resets 90% of your cds
Lorewise dragons have harems and tons of suitors. I think if you're a druid and it doesnt matter your sex she max a pass on you either during DF or some other expansion I think
average sub player
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can i unlock earthen yet?
I don't like using my defensive CDs Offensively.
No more fucking elves. You faggots have already ruined both factions.
>how do you make gold by using alts with garrisons?
should have played during WoD, chud
>first 3 reputations give an epic gear reward at around level 6
>Severed Threads says it gives a trinket
>level up rep, hit 6, go get trinket
>it's literally useless until you go spend some more kej on fragrances to put in it
>each fragrance only gives +500 in the secondary stat its associated with
>the special mechanic of the trinket, which is pheromones spawning around you to collect for a buff doesn't trigger until you raise one of the Patrons' reputations high enough
>each patron only triggers 1 fragrance, so you need to level 2 or 3 patrons to trigger more than one
>apparently the buff procs once per minute, requires you to chase down the spawned fragrance, and only lasts for 20 seconds from the time of triggering, meaning that you get 15 seconds of uptime on a mediocre buff at best
>this shit costs 900 kej and 150 kej per fragrance

What a bait and switch. I'm wearing a 606 epic chest because of the renown rewards from earlier zones, then they make the reward from the last zone the shittiest, the most expensive, and the biggest pain in the ass to grind?
harronir males are the first race where males look better than females
you dont anymore
im assuming it was a joke that blizzards still asshurt about it happening and still shitting on everyone despite how few still have money from it
now also buttbepained by the botters/boost sellers
blizzard has fucked the economy completely and ruined crafting because they handed it to some faggot intern who watched too much SAO
gotta wait til chewsday mate
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Why is thrall on this picture?
I just did all the campaign, I've not seen this guy once. it should be faerin.
then dont. Use it to have even more defensives cds
>Alpha trolls
3rd for na fags
4th for eu fags
These two races are so ugly and stupid...
the cap per account was 50m back then and everyone who had that either quit or spent it all on tokens and ah dinos
every time they try to fuck over the richfags they shrug it off while the poorfags stay poor
No, that's Kul Tirans.
Welcome to blizzard!
>Arcane mage doing too much damage
>Next patch: Fire damage reduced by 3%
Faerin's there for like, 5 minutes or 1.5 zones.
Anduin is there for 0.5 zones.
It just should be Alleria copy pasted like 5 times and everyone cheering.
they look like they are somewhat different from NE males, they strengthened and widened their core compared to NE males and hopefully a few animations are different

I loathe playing NE Males outside of DH
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Is she the cutest npc?
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>and hopefully a few animations are different
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they will come.
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So... how's the expansion n that?
>it should be faerin
Fuck off. Just because they had to make a DEI character per their chakra chart doesn't mean the art team has to put her everywhere.
>I've not seen this guy
He will have a storyline. Trust the plan.
i could have fucking had my level 80 fucking earthen paladin leveled and ready to fucking go to complete my alt roster but they had to fucking go delay the release

did they even give a reason? fucking faggot freak company i hope their employees die.
ok so this is important for class fantasy purposes but i also wanna somewhat make sense here

does herbalism/mining give anything worthwhile in the long run? i guess refining materials is pretty good throughout.
my mage alt has herb/mining for now but im thinking to drop mining for enchanter with disenchanting spec, at least for a while, maybe stick with herbalism/tailoring because i would benefit on my main. herbalism seems cool to keep because my mage looks like a witch :)
i already got tailor/enchanter and i guess enchanting just makes some sense to disenchant tons of items from leveling up for some quick mats, if i dont keep leveling it to max disenchanting spec its not that great later on
But anon.
VDH has no fucking defensives.
I honestly just don't like VDH that much because it feels so underbaked.
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cutest and funniest
What's Xal'atath's tax policy
Got ya to buy the expansion idiot.
>t. You
lamow, faggot.
and they still won't make an animated show
>enchanter with disenchanting spec
already worthless
did we get too cocky eubros?
>we will have Earthen before we get Vrykul
Kinda turbolame if you ask me. Literal height-based discrimination.
because these lobotomized paycheck thieving retards cant help themselves and have to timegate every fucking shit
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>muffled sobs can be heard inside the helmet
200% tax on ALL light cucks.
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>barely any time to play
>balance druid in the shitter
frick this game
Why are hordelets like this
Everyone has to bring their most cherished item and drop down to her feet and kiss her toes while offering up their valuables for the endless void of her nether vortex to consume.
it's an alt tho what's bad about it? i already have 2 characters with full crafting professions. this is just to maximize disenchanting stuff from leveling/dungeons and funnel to the main
its even worse if you won't be maining the character
mats already sell for shit and you will have less items to DE
Its been a bit of everything kinda. The main thing I've been going back to when I don't have anything else is just gathering, it's not great but it's stayed pretty stable for about a week now.
Wax boxes were absolutely absurd the first couple days and very few knew about it yet so there was tons of dirt all over the place, I think I made over a million by day two just off those alone.
At one point I was buying all the crafted blues people were spamming to level off the AH and DEing them into shards, but I gave up on that once I sucked up all the supply on Moon Guard and every other server I checked had a molasses slow AH.
The last few days I've been prospecting, the nodes that give chance to transform ambers were (actually, still are) bugged and gave twice the amount they said, so for an entire day I was able to turn aqirite into gems at well over 50% profit until people caught on and gems started to go down. Now it's at a point where I have to be picky about what price I buy ore at so I'm thinking it might be time to find something else.
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>look into trying to obtain anything, even simple transmog pieces
>"Players will have to wait once a week for th
chat what did he mean by this
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explain why everything is time gated
They're very unwieldy and in a real battle you would be better with a regular military mace or hammer. Shadiversity has a good video about it and nunchucks
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So when are we getting vrykul?
To drag out content across multiple subscription periods.
most sane WoW addict
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>basic leveling set is locked behind renown which takes a full week to progress 1 level
>or its crafted so you have to wait two more weeks to craft a single crystal to craft 1 piece
>or the quest doesnt exist at all so the set cant actually be completed
>or you have to do a couple thousand delves with key items that are also timegated
yeah cause all the other weapons in WoW are so realistic
>Queue for Cinderbrew Meadery
>Prot Warrior tank
>"Hey guys first time so this might be rough"
>vote kick
>leave when it doesn't go through
Follower dungeons exist now for a reason go practice that a few times until you know how to pull. You already have the easiest job in a group.
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So you get to choose what your weekly is, that's cool. What's the easiest?
whats the point of hero talents? they don't change the way you play or anything. they're just regular ass talents lmao
Thrall and Gazlowe gonna be the main characters in 11.1
Just kidding Orweyna will constantly emasculate both of them and shit on them for being dumb men who don't know how to live with nature.
should I play my survival hunter or my marksmanship hunter for casual pvp and war mode
i guess i just want some utility for my mains with alchemy/jc and enchanting/tailoring. guess ill stick to full gatherer for now just thought there's something that's better. i think tailoring might still be worth for the cloth since not everyone can find it now
Remember that time some hordefag unironically said shit about how 'they get started young' about some kid npcs?
Entire faction full of pedos.
the machine thing since you already have to do it weekly
to give you something to le do!
I did world quests because I needed to do the special assignment any way and that requires completing 3 world quests in a zone anyway so I'd be halfway done.
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Harronirfags are gonna be worse than dragonoids and vulpera knot-niggers aren't they?
Should I just blast through the campaign quests instead of clearing out all the side quests? I just got into Hallowfall and I'm already 80, but it's going to take a long time to unlock the endgame stuff at this rate.
this window is so you can choose what you WANT to do, just pick something. fucks sake man
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>you need 2 sparks of omen to make a 2 handed weapon

fucking WHY?
I think early access was right call from Blizzard and Blizzdrones thinking this is a good thing is just.. mwah! Perfect.
thank of all the gamer dads working 170 hours a week who'd have to get TWO sparks to make two 1h weapons anon
>the horde/alliance ships in the bay after the campaign
>alliance shit is all named properly, chair, door, etc
>horde ships..6OR_GARRISON_STOOL02
horde confirmed second citizen shitters being handled by interns.
man i did alot of sidequests now and they all feel shit to do, its always just 500 rep and an obsolete green at the end of 5-10 collect and kill quests. really feels shit, not even good mogs or anything, feels pointless unless you grinding rep
Marksmanship so I can gank your ass easier
>fucking WHY?
two 1h weapons or 1h+offhand is two sparks. a two hander using two sparks makes it fair.
How do I make tons of gold with no professions
>The EU guild is already dead
Jesus christ, is it literally impossible to play wow comfortably anymore? genuinely? shitposting, nigger-tossing, raiding normal or hc.
bust out the credit card
Because if you use 2 1-handed weapons you also need 2
>wake up
>bat in room
>get bat out of the house
>health department says i need rabies shots because i didnt capture the bat for testing
>$36,000 hospital bill for rabies shots
i hate bats i hate bats I HATE BATS I HATE BATS I HATE BATS
It's a dead game, I thought we told you about it?
I did 2 zones and the campaign and hit 78. Save as much of it as you can for alts
............hang yourselves
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>leveled half the classes in the game to 80
>Warrior is the only fun one
How did the class design team fuck up this badly? Especially Rogue and Boomkin.
He's studied medieval European history, weaponry, fighting styles, and architecture. He is also a published author. I'm pretty sure he knows what he's talking about more than a random retard on the Internet
thrall shows up to train the storm riders don't he
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*snipes you from a mile away while you're fighting*
So is frost DK supposed to be utter wet dogshit outside of pillar/mark windows
do we really need it
everything time gated
dead game
Retardin is still fun. And Demon Hunter
Everyone's playing Arcane, but how is Fire? Just started a new mage because I refuse to play/pay a mechagnome
It really is especially bad, I just don't care about any of the people I'm helping for the most part. I don't need the exp to level so I guess I'll just finish the campaign and come back for the side quests later for the rep.
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I'm gonna cap as ele...
become a resto goddess..
>read a thread on healer complaints
ah yes. You literally need only do content with friends for it to feel any measure of good. "Wow i kept randos alive!", amazing.
>how is fire
Everyones playing Arcane.
Who gives a fuck? If you're using sparks right now before the first big round of tuning on the 10th or 17th you're an actual fucking subhuman retard.
>VDH has no fucking defensives.
what do you mean? 90% of their toolkit has some kind of DR component baked in
what is hawk tuah
It's a good metaphor for wow. everyone wants to be unique and special and tryhard but people will suck and do less than the "easy" spec
i bought 2 nascent weathered crests for rings but i dont think i need them now :(
spit in your face
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Please anon stop posting this shit it's not healthy
I think blizzard really fucked up by making warbands before turning the AH global.
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Fire feels better to play than the last time I did during Dragonflight. Damage so far seemed fine in the dungeons I was in, as a Fire Mage with the Sunfury hero talents. Still wish that you could disable the orb visual.
>some guy has posted a thread-relevant image once every few weeks for a couple months
its so over
>111 results
>presumably the same guy every time
>archive only goes back 4 years
DESU I'm more about what's fun and feels good that also isn't a significant detriment to the team DPS wise
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More Jaina please I love her so much
>hes not grinding the factions for free veteran gear
its fine to play the damage is just bad
>plate main
>have a cloth alt
>have a leather alt
>keep dropping mail warbound items
90% OF ALL TANKS tool kits have 5-10% DR baked in anon
its also not even the same filename, harness more than 1% of your jimmy neutron brain for a moment
>hmmm art of jaina proudmoore who keeps appearing in this game
>that you can find on google images by searching her name
>this must be.... LE SAME GUY
i dont even like that stupid barren-womb wine aunt fucking character but its not spam, if you want to cry about this go figure out a way to lynch that troll DK poster who contributes nothing
I've posted here daily since mop. do not try to shame our community members out of participating in discussion, fuck off to kiwifarms.
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>for a couple months
Yeah, about that...
tfw I have no sfw jaina art
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Holy shit guys you weren't joking, it's all just girl bosses and emasculated men that need to learn from their example, I'm rooting for the cultist leader at this point

Also how the hell a race of humans stuck underground that have no UV light exposure and don't need to produce melamine are so fucking black? not like those latino dark skin that gets due to sun exposure but black unga african negro big lips and a nose that allows them to stick their fingers all the way up to their brains
What renown do you need for the gibs?
whats the fastest way to level from 70 to 80
I need this gnome in my lap
The Cope Within
It's using the image hash and these days it's very rare to have two different persons post the same pic with the same hash.
It's one dude who has been posting this pic every week since AT LEAST 2019.
>Also how the hell a race of humans stuck underground that have no UV light exposure and don't need to produce melamine are so fucking black?
They're Drow.
>dings lvl 76
>goes from 30% haste to 11% haste
>It's using the image hash and these days it's very rare to have two different persons post the same pic with the same hash
Do you not know what an image hash is?
>Allahu Akbar: Take direct control of your flight path mount, allowing you to crash it on the ground for massive damage
>Allah's Reward: As a ghost be surrounded by 72 spirit healers at all times
>Refugee: Gain Honored with a chosen faction and gain access to all their resources. You can instantly kill any male civilian and rape any female civilian belonging to that faction.
Available Classes
Shitty opinions and circlejerk aside: It's nuts how much we've progressed in gaming. Refunding, protesting, all that shit. Then you boot up wow and see people go "uhh yeah they advertised that but.... it's launch!!! wait a week!"
>VDH has no fucking defensives.
you're cooked dude.
>sigil parry
and then also
>every damaging skill with leech and/or soul consumption
>aoe silence
>aoe fear
>aoe stun
Pickaxe pose.
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here's your (you) good effort
NOOOO we can't have smut material. Every character needs to be a bald white guy from 2006 so 220lbs 11 year old Dylan feels represented
shutup you bitch bastard blizzard is good company you go outside than you die to elephant i hate you
>Trading post gets worse and worse every month
What the fuck is the goal?
What? We've regressed you stupid nigger. Early access? Silver, gold and platinum versions of games that lock content. Games that come out half fucking finished and are promised to be fixed later? DLC's? Season passes?
You're a god damn retard.
perception or finesse for gathering profs?
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>did the wrong spec on one of my professions
>no way to respec
Yeah this sucked ass. I've got like 7k tender built up at this point
blizzard are creatively bankrupt and can't come up with shit for it
You dont know shit, the yellow pirate costume and two crocolisk mounts are very rad
>only rogue
I thought they had warrior? I've seen loads of webms of people showing off this race's cool execute animation on journalists.
I don't know what you mean because the industry as a whole has been getting progressively worse and all the outrage has been completely ineffective.
>Seeing those old dragonflight posts about crafting
>they'll change it
>theyll do a rebalance pass
>'Just wait till they add a way to respec knowledge'
heh heh
>What the fuck is the goal?
wait til ion pulls the spectral tiger ripcord for 15000 tendies
trial of the crusader on retail is broken
halls of reflection on retail is broken
wtf blizzard
Am I supposed to do this lamplighter shit in Hallowfell? Feels really busy and chaotic with annoying mob density
Blizzard should make a premium access next or learn from Ashes of Creation where players can pay hundreds of dollars just to get a access to PTR + get early access on top of that.
>He didn't beat plunderstorm in 2 days
Time to fucking admit it you cucks, how many of you are actually paid shills? Fess the fuck up right fucking now.
It's the only world content I can't stand this expansion. I also can never find one of the rares needed in the area.
im not really into the croc but the gold pirate fit is nice as fuck
Yellow set looks better than red
assassination is amazing what are you on about stupid
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original colors are better for the pirate costume. 'lisk is ok. they should've given it the coin trail particle effect used by the cash shop pig.
Pirates are fucking gay and the crocolisk can't fly afaik which means it's a completely useless mount that might as well not exist.
>demo charge trinket cant be upgraded anymore
which one
That would be breach of contract.
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Nelf superiority
But if you look closely they only use knives for that
eww god
what mice should I buy?
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>the crocolisk can't fly afaik
It can
>he signed the NDA
i just said i was trans black and that would trigger my ancestral slavery trauma
>still getting paid
>can still talk shit
Post your class and a banger you listen to while playing
What is that expression trying to convey?
transcoded post.
one of you fucks convinced me to watch this dumbass show with my wife through s3 kek
Stop being a dickhead
How's Teldrassil?
Make sure to fireproof your new tree and remember to thank the Horde for helping you get it
are they going to do anything about the auction house?
>VDH has le defensives bro!!!
>Passive leech and base toolkit
>Brand (LOL)
>Spikes which are weak AF
>Meta aka a dps CD now
>Sigil parry
Compare to warrior
>Shield wall (x2 if you want)
>Last stand (+bolster if you want)
>Commanding Shout
>5%+ passive leech and zug damage
>Shield block with insane uptime
And because you are counting fucking passive leech and utility as defensives
>Anger Management which gives you more defensives
>Victory Rush

Zamm nigga, get the fuck out of the kitchen and stop yapping. VDH always had low defensive CDs. If VDH did have CDs it wouldn't need to kite cuck.
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>Classes: Hunter, Adventurer
Where is everybody?
i cleared the entire thing this morning. decent rep grind, not hard, but just a fuck ton of shit going on and some of the quests are obtuse

6/10 imo, ill do it once a week
Lol no
Literally less played than monk and evoker. Rogue sucks
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>go to AH to buy something
>spend 10 minutes trying
so thats how'll they get me to make alts? i have to make everything myself because i cant buy anything?
>open trade chat tab
>"I would tank but I have terrible tank anxiety :c"
How? Its the easiest job. Fucking numale pussies. If this queer was in my group or guild I would have kicked him
>still haven't removed adventurer
blizzard got so sloppy over the years
Adventurer is an internal testing class that can learn every single classes abilities.
I think they also used it for Plunderstorm.
I just dont understand the point even playing at this point with the lack of content
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I present you, the "Pajeethyr"

Designated Crafting Street (Passive)
>Increases crafting speed increased by 25% within 45 yards of your hearthstone. Cooldown between Trade Channel messages decreased by same amount everywhere.
Train Jockey (Passive)
>Using your expertise in climbing, you're able to attach yourself to allied players' mounts, regardless of seats available.
Holy Animal (Passive)
>Damage to Tauren reduced by 1%, damage to other races increased by 1%
Do Not Redeem (Active)
>Hurl threats and obscenities at an unfortunate enemy, decreasing their movement speed by 30% and preventing them from using trinkets, potions and other items for 5 seconds
it's far too late for that lil guy
>It's just early access
>It's just release week
>it's just week2 of no content
>it's just pre-season
>dont worry midnight will fix it, this is still dungusers baby mostly
>actually dunguser still works at blizz and is poop-touching midnight
>worldsoul finale...we're going home, trust metzen
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mfw cartoon pirate halloween costume
train jockey is resulting in clipping deaths on ptr
Ok zoomer
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>friends play once every blue moon
>wants me to buy the game to do mythic+
is the expansion any good at all
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I want to play a DK but I'm not satisfied with any of the playable races and only play male characters. Armor looks shit on like 95% of races and DK themes don't fit most of them either but on Human DK the armor looks nice but Human DKs are just fucking boring.
whats the fucking point of 3 week timegate before season 1?
what the actual fuck?
they even put a fucking timer on brann to remind us how retarded these paycheck thieves are
holy fuck im flabbergasted
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>honeycomb bookshelf
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Post your manly mature transmog for mature gamers such as yourself in this comic book video game where ogres fistfight dwarves
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its good imo
I do not like that painting, charlie.
i swear these time gates used to atleast allow mythic dungeons
>the way shoulder armor fits forsaken, both women and men
this sucks man why is this shit so far off or outright floating
my home with a painting of my goblin wife above the fireplace
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impossible to say because Blizzard timegates all worthwhile content in a game you pay a subscription in order to play
Disc Priest

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Some artist at Blizzard heard something about honeycomb being the most pragmatic shape so "it's perfect for the earthen!" but then didn't bother to think about how the design is worthless, the opposite of efficient, if you use it to stack books.
bit worried considering multiple beta players have said the dungeons are very mediocre
>painting isint a bowl of fruit
what the frick???
>trading post is shit yet again
>m+ season looks awful
God I hope the raid is fun at least
Straight back orc
Or just play human and RP as a Gen 1 DK
the 2nd boss of Dawnbreaker is atrocious
going around killing tons of trash jus to weaken him is awful

1st and last boss are pretty kino though
It's a meadery, why even post if you don't play anymore?
blizz hasnt tried something like that in awhile. they even reverted the slutmog changes
I fucked up didn't I. This is the worst tree?
>they even reverted the slutmog changes
What did they change?
Who gives a fuck? It's a useless design to stack books. You will factually fit less books in there than a normally-shaped bookcase.
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arms warrior
literally any song from this playlist:
>"nooooo its not efficient"
autistic vermin
How do I make her ingame. VE?
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really? thats pathetic
Outlaw Rogue
not really. just hoard massive amounts of silk until raid release and there mats prices will go to the moon, there you shine.
its a bee themed building where they crack bee related jokes the entire time
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le epic bookcase that doesnt work if you tried to use it for its actual intention
tell me about the mythic+ season, why does it look bad?
Demo Lock

I like your mogs bro, though the heoric version of your... i'm not even sure what that is, druid? on the left, with the red armor that you posted earlier or the other day was cooler, what server are you, na or eu or aus or some other hell hole?
EU bro returning back for the first time since .1 of shadowlands.
Where do I find some racist old men to chat to?
t. Racist old man.
Okay, thank you, I'll do that.
it's a fucking meadery you sperg
mead is made from honey
honey comes from bees
actual soulless NPC
iirc that room belongs to a goblin baroness, she probably wanted posh decor
people are mad that they increased the amount of M+ you need to do for upgrades. afaik that's the only bad thing. I really like that the dungeons are short so you'll win or lose quickly.
Finding the assasins or w/e in spider zone sucks though.
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I stopped playing in sneedolands and didn't really keep up with anything, is it worth coming back for The Sneed Within?
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If the Earthen as a race are all about fulfilling their directive (purpose in life) and being living machines for the Titans then a book case like that does not actually make any sense. It's artsy when that isn't really an Earthen thing.
Guys I literally cannot cope with how bad and bouncy the nu-animations are for everything. Can we please RISE UP and make them fix this? Claim it as some sort of accessibility thing?
What Hero Talents are you playing as Vengeance? I'm a Havoc main but I dabble in Vengeance during the slow parts of each season. So far I'm absolutely hating Reaver (seems to be a common opinion) and Fel-Scarred is just okay.
IIRC they changed a TON of items to not show skin whatsoever, then there was a shitshow, then they reverted it quietly, then they added more slutmog and also made them work for male characters
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advantages of playing human male:
every armor modeled exactly on you
appropriate mount size
appropriate weapon size
main character

why would anyone play anything else is beyond me and blizzard thinks the same. did you know that every armor is being modeled on human male rig and just being copy pasted to every other race?
looks better on orc
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>I have to waste 1+ hour weekly per alt until the RNG blesses me while opening treasures just to get 2 knowledge points
>I'm also permanently behind with some professions because the mats required for some of the patron work orders would cost me 50k+ each

blood dk

the earthen have a questline about this in the campaign too, a titan failsafe comes to destroy them for not maintaining the coreway properly. obviously rejecting that purpose doesn't mean they should die for it. I think that's what it was, forgive me I don't read quest text.
But I like how my vulpera's tail bounces as she moves
The rich get richer. Just buy a wow token buddy, then those mats will feel cheap.
thats hard cope
I don't know how people are already rank 15+ for their WW renowns. I can barely get all mine to 10/11
yes it sucks, and it's waaaay too late for that.
I think the weapons and armor from wotlk look the worst
Try intact female undead
just from leveling alts
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Foxxing in
>why would anyone play anything else is beyond me
1. DH exists.
2. Shadowmeld and Stoneform exist.
Enjoy your 2x Hearthstone though.
is WW good or bad?
i havent bought it yet cuz of uni and haven't heard much about it
>blue skin
i would say troll
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Nu-races can have nu-animations. Old races and forms should have animations that don't look like this but unironically. Or at least the fucking OPTION for it.

I wanted to make a druid but seeing the horrendous moonkin walking animation was making me irrationally enraged. How does somebody so fucking horrible at their job keep it and have their work approved for release?
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Anon, don't forget you can buy some from the Crafter Exchange area in Don and the vendors in Azj'Kahet have +10 to your chosen profession to buy with their webbing currency
who knows, cant do any worthwhile content
Armor, mounts, etc. fit just as well on femorcs
don't old moonkin models still have old anims? the kultiran wicker moonkin did at last glance.
Install Overwatch and play Widowmaker
>picks you up
>place you back down
>/head pat
How though, I'm leveling alts and they're not getting any reputation from either the quests themselves or the WQ
To the people complaining about Anduin having feelings.

I'm sorry that someone made you feel like you aren't allowed to have feelings as a man and think fictional male characters should be the same. Men are allowed to have feelings, they're allowed to talk to about those feelings with other people and in fact they SHOULD be encouraged to do so. Good writing has characters with emotions and it's a good thing if a story makes you feel some type of way as a result of relating to a character and their emotions.

There are a lot of veterans with PTSD in this community and it breaks my heart to read the way some people talk about Anduin's PTSD and how he should just "get over it" knowing that people going through a similar experience are reading stuff like that. Please be kinder and do better.
Those epic patterns from the arathi shit worth anything?
This is pretty much how I feel

Yeah, once a week sounds good
this never happened
i saw Foxxo sharded onto wyrmrest accord yesterday, the faggot is playing ARMS instead of the objectively better Fury
idk then. probably farming rare mobs for 18 hrs a day. rares drop 150 rep each
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>no content
>spec is shit
>realize I wont be able to raid
how do I refund
I really hope that The Last Titan will be last expansion.
Most useless racial next to 2x hearthstone
Anyone else miss daily type stuff?
>night elf female
spine curvature lol
>night elf male
shoulder to waist ratio lol
why wont you raid?
No, I don't want to feel further behind than I already am because I can't play everyday
>takes literally 1 day to level
>takes a few hrs to gear
>doesnt already have a dozen maxed leveled and geared characters

your problem buddy
incoming reeing that MDI autists use it
no they will not list you a single skill you can dodge with it from TWW S1 pool
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>Azeroth is so powerful 3 characters from Azeroth control maldraxxus and keep their forms because they win so much
>undermine says somethings selling for 40k
>put it up for 40k
>instantly get 3 tells screaming at me for being a retard for putting it up too high
>respond with copy pasted chinese
>get chinese in response twice
It's not that I cant make another character, its that I dont want to play any other spec

dont have time to schedule around raids
I just hit 80 what do i do?
male undead has a pretty good death strike animation
>Most useless racial next to 2x hearthstone
every time I get stuck in combat for more than 3 seconds I get another step closer to race changing to nelf
I'm not wasting a single coin or dollar indulging this retarded shit

I already have that, but the patron orders can be the difference between having to use concentration or not for the next rank
>dont have time to schedule around raids
>your problem buddy
I don't have time to devote to an army of alts and am having difficulty picking a main
on one hand, I've been playing a little mistweaver and it's a fucking blast in this expansion
but I usually have mained disc and it's kind of assbutt even though, visually, it's a SSS spec with void right now
and then there's warlock, all dps, but has 2 great specs
hard to decide
wait how do you get rep? thought the rares were like a daily or weekly rep reset..
>dont have time to schedule around raids
>artsy when that isn't really an Earthen thing.
nigga please, there is literally an entire stage play event right outside of the main city
>dont have time to schedule around raids
anon theres like 20 raids going on every night in LFG, at least in DF they were and im guessing TWW will be the same
I'm talking mythic raiding not that shit
wait you dont even get rep from world quests
what the fuck how do you even get rep?
>It's artsy when that isn't really an Earthen thing.
That's literally what the Unbound are all about.
No theyre autistic robots
>no wait theyre heckin funny sassypantses
No but theyre titan constructs with no sense of self outside of their edicts
>actually no wait theyre heckin good commie boiz who help everybody equally and

The only constant thing in this expansion is its inconsistancy.
In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am englightened by my special liver-killing combination of over the counter herbs and drugs that bring momentary relief to my dying brain
i play rogue btw
Pelagos says: Mm, who's next? Come on papa doesn't have all day.
Khadgar says: Pelagos? My man! Could I stop by the massage parlor afterlife first? Just a regular massage! To relax these old bones. First.
Pelagos says: My man? Sweetie it's more complicated than that. My gender, okay, as your God-
Khadgar says: My apologies. You said you identified as a man.
Pelagos tilts his head and purses his lips
Pelagos says: Mm hmm. Sooooo it didn't say on this list of sins you interrupted people when they're speaking. I'll just write that down now?
Khadgar says: Sorry, it seemed quite clear cut. I'm from a different time!
Pelagos says: Right. Okay. No, it's okay. You're from a different time :) let's get you to that massage parlor. Guardian of Azeroth, you old battleaxe you!
<Pelagos ticks the box that says "Maw" on zir clipboard>
arms is cooler than fury.
Is Arcane mage kill after the latest patch?

Who is king now?
There are no raids in TWW.
their entire storyline is about NOT being soulless robots you fucking retard
Don't main monk. It's a trap and they'll nerf any strengrh it has.
Priest is always a good choice because they don't let it rot for long or 50% of the healer base starts leaving.
amazing how much seethe dh chads cause
What add-ons do I use for full on jewmaxxing the AH and crafting? I want to pay for my subscription with wow tokens
is mythic shadow lands kelthuzad soloable at 80?
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>playing arcane when you could play balance and do the same purple shit but also be able to heal and tank and stealth and fly
people are so fucking stupid lmoa
why do I disconnect from blizzard services every 30 seconds ever since launch?
damn they really made a mentally ill tranny the god of afterlife who decides where youll spent the rest of eternity.
that actually gives me the creeps imagine if these IRL weirdos were given this kind of power, thats some marvel villain reality ending shit
warmode leveling is so nice as a rogue
I'm getting +30% xp, including warband mentoring and dmf buff
>hurr why you not play optimal spec
Because even if we ignore the merry-go-round carousel nature of balancing that's retarded. May as well just have three classes called "Tank" "Healer" "Damage" and completely discount any idea of RPG fantasy.
>playing a bad spec with shit defensives when you can be a mage GOD and do sick dps
I'm curious how many non-streamers read quest texts. I don't watch streamers though so I don't know if they actually read quest text either I just see the youtube thumbnails of people being like "the ____ campaign made me cry" or some other basedshit
>dmf buff
How do I get this? Where is the fair?
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>Welcome to the Isle of Dorn
>Okay go do some quests where you just kill stuff and gather things
>Haha look at the Earthen speaking in monotone and not understanding how to be people, have a little chuckle :)
>Oh by the way here's a random sidequest about something slowly losing themselves to dementia as they lean on deaths door
yeah but you have to do some sun-themed shit as well sometimes (that's nature and not holy for some reason) and i dunno
and you just know it was a last second change to made Pelagos the Arbiter and not Kleia because of the shit that was going on at blizzard.
Imagine rushing 60k+ down the drain on profs so you can get gear for the first week of M+ to replace.
Every other quest in tww is done combination of stupid/corrupt/coward man needs saving/killed/replaced by a strong powerful smart independent woman.
spriest, arcane, or shadow? I'm going to do mostly pve but some arenas. Did the recent tuning nuke arcane mage?
what is the dmf buff?
i know a ret pally who claims he couldnt solo it at 80.
Mhm... Kino?

Sir this is lie, this works on my machine saar, just be good at jcokey saar
they did it to own the chuds
and it worked epicly
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you could make a case for swapping to the felblade 10%dr talent instead of the soul shielding when content is actually hard to further abuse the felblade reset talent, which i will probably do.
when did turn they turn wow dungeons into xiv dungeons? everybody just pulls everything super fast and kills them in one go. I didn't think dungeons were so trivial that you could do that in wow
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That's just sad man
god dammit I meant spreist arcane or havoc.
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I feel like WoW might have run its course for me bros
Go to Stormwind if Alliance or Orgrimmar if horde. There should be a darkmoon faire NPC that will teleport you to the staging ground in Elwynn/Mulgore. Take the portal, and once at the Dark Moon Faire, find the carousel. Buy a ticket and ride the carousel for a 1 hour +10% xp buff (repeatable).
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Aren't you technically the one doing all the saving killing or replacing
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Haven't even reached 80 yet and I'm already bored. I think I'm just bored of the same spec design 4th xpac in a row. Them copying Legion's success every expansion since really fucked this game up. I just can't find a spec I actually enjoy that doesn't feel repetitive or too fucking badly designed so I have to depend on 3rd party tools like WA proc auras so I can track 5 different rng procs.
its been like that since Wrath. i have vivid memories of pulling Halls of Lightning all the way to the first boss and AoEing it all down. the only times i can remember dungeons not being zoom zoom was Cata heroics at launch, and WoD mythics
Prot warbvll
a man posted this btw
BM Hunter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3d6_VdWCoU
Does it suck to level in dungeons now after they fixed the weird scaling?
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>quirk chungus annoying asshole killed immediately
where do i find talent builds i can use at 80 im not reading over 100 tool tips
I got 200k this week without any reddit addons, but if you want to use some, you have two options: if you are not autistic, get Oribos Exchange so you can recognize the expensive items and then decide if you want to AH them or use them yourself to make even more money (for example, rank 3 gathering mats). If you are autistic and/or want to be a goblin (((merchant))), you need to get the TradeSkillMaster and you have to set it up properly, there are a lot of guides in that regard but keep in mind that to do that you are heavily encouraged to have another account so you can park a character next to the AH 24/7.

Regarding crafting, you are forever behind so your only cope can be going for daily CD professions like alchemy or tailoring and focus all your knowledge points into getting rank 3 items off their cooldowns, and then you do that again with multiple alts for braindead easy money, the hard part about that is the initial time/money investment to level a character to 70 + the cost of the mats for the profession leveling.
Elwynn forest, ride the roller coaster.
Yes but it's still the fastest way. Find a tank cuck to insta queue with.
i can understand time gating PvE since m+ autists need to level and gear 10 characters so they have all the FOMO classes ready to go, but can we get the PvP season started already?
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I'm a casual PvP chad
its barely noticeable until higher levels when it already kind of sucked without a fresh 70 anyway
Druid thorough Vanilla & TBC > Warrior from end of TBC till end of DF > Either DK or Warlock (I haven't made my mind yet)

fury is for mongoloids
arms is for thinking men playing warrior for some reason
Foxxo loves LARGE, MASSIVE THICK SHAFTS in "her" hands, if you know what I mean...
She is 100% free use for BLACKED meissers ;)
fury owns in BGs right now though
>Craft Runed Bismuth Rod: 1 Bismuth Rod, 10 Storm Dust
>ReCraft Iitem; Runed Bismuth Rod: 1 Bismuth Rod, 10 Storm Dust, 20 Artisan's Acuity.
Literal retards made this expansion.
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How long does it take to go from 1 to 80 with only a 5% boost?

Can I do it in 8 hours?
why are earthen all BEEP BOOP I AM A ROBOT one second then teehee uwu the next?
Is there no way to extend this? Travelling back and forth fucking sucks. I'm considering just finishing every side quest except for the final quests which give rep.
I like how you try to slander fury but all you do is slander arms HAHAHAH!
Average DYEL post.
You must be very weak, post your OHP.
>Regarding crafting, you are forever behind
Didn't TWW literally fix this exact issue by capping weekly knowledge at 10 and retroactively making it additive (so a person that didn't do get any week 1 can get 20 on week 2) while also retroactively adding NPC crafting orders so you can catch up.
I leveled in tbc and I remember shit being slow and stressful. It was awesome. I don't know why new mmo design is to make it so fast easy and boring
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ass of the BEE.E.O
>Weekly knowledge capped at 10
brother ive literally got 70+ used on some alts.
24 for DPS maybe 16 as tank/heal
i think because the awakening machine has been turned off for so long that alot of them are losing their directive and experiencing free will for the first time
>that camel toe
>Post your class and a banger you listen to while playing
Frost Death Knight, Night elf, PVP.

>there are more pandas, foxes, and dragons in orgrimmar than orcs
Warchief... I'm tired...
everything is fast paced and single player to appeal to zoomers
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lick my musky vulpera nuts
Fury doesn't have DBTS or execute spam thoughever
How is Arms doing compared to Fury?
I don't even think it's really strong, more middle of the pack
the difference is it's FUN
the problem is that I don't like brew or mistweaver and playing a class for one spec can be a trap
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Protection Paladin
imagine being a furry and not playing fury
Probably 12
When where.
Replaying Classic gave me an appreciation for the old pace in combat. It wasn't stressful for me though, it was actually very relaxing.
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just remembered that vulpera exists
That's just the initial spike u get at launch from looting items, killing rares etc. Once that stops the cap kicks in from crafting orders. Any new player can do those.
methods website
watching paint dry is also relaxing
Is there an easy way to see all the PVP transmog sets that are currently available to buy right now? Is there a better way than bouncing all over to see all the different vendors?
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>mfw too retarded to play casters
I don't know what it is. I just get lost and crumble under pressure when a player or mob attacks me. I used to be really good frost in tbc but then I became lobotomised and braindead after playing retri/warrior for 15 years. Literally can't get used to casting abilities again.
yes but thats the endgame campaign
him and jaina dont show up until after you hit level 80
>Decide to do delve as tank
>Should be easy
>Almost die repetedly
>Swap to DPS
>Breeze through without going under 50%
I'd be confused but I'm just going to assume blizzard retarded something.
steal someone's ritalin and read through all abilities and talents
you can get away with only doing this once every major patch
It really isn't. But if that's your thing then more power to you I guess
I'm not sure what you're trying to imply but this makes me want to play one
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>Not counting offshoots like void elves and lightforged they've not released a pretty race since TBC
go into the appearance tabs and filter by PvP
No that's on you.
>do delve as blood
>cannot fathom dying unless i pulled like 30 mobs

that simple

At least you know you're retarded
>they haven't released a pretty race except for the pretty races they released
>same model with a recolor
Doesn't count
>got a 470 geared alt
>easily breeze through new xpac to the point where I 1shot everything as I do triple the damage of a fresh 70 in 300 ilvl gear
>the alt with 300 ilvl struggles to kill 1 mob while u don't get any items from quests early on or it's shit that's worse than DF wq rewards
That shit is broken.
playing casters requires you to do a crash course on macroing and turning every single spell into a mouseover macro

blizz thought nerfing the shit out of tanks and giving them mediocre dps was a good idea
You need to learn to appreciate free use furry sluts.
>another expansion of having the Ashran quests in my log
This is why nobody takes critics seriously. Yes, people do in fact decorate their spaces with things that are more style than function. That is, in fact, very normal you retarded shut-in.
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Hi. To anyone using Elvui, please help:
>Whenever something like picrel pops up (a dialogue box), how do I darken the box and move it to a better position?
>Whenever I turn in a quest then the NPC starts talking, I can't interact with the NPC until I leave and come back. How do I fix this?
>Whenever there's a cutscene, it causes my quest trackers to disappear. I can make them come back by opening up my quest log, but I'd love for a way to have it not disappear in the first place.
Thank you so much. Honestly thinking about giving up on Elvui despite how much I like the appearance. So I guess I'll also ask if you guys have any suggestions for UI addons to replace it.
Nigger walk into GS at 23:00 you'll find PLENTY of Dracs in Visageform.
play a huntard instead
Is it that bad?
Viable but not op
I did, it just feels like cheating but yes I can cope with being a hunter.
why are automaton dwarves building nonfunctional artsy interior design?
dont give me that shit about them being unbound because the building is way older than that narrative beat
this is you
I can't and I've been playing a hunter since WoD. When are they going to make Marksmanship fun?
Is feral still batshit fucking crazy when it comes to difficulty level while offering nothing in return in terms of dps and utility when compared to braindead shit like retri, frost dk and dh?
>join comp stomp
>players have 4-6m hp
>bots have 7-10m hp
>die in 3 gcds
what the fuck?
>why are automaton dwarves building nonfunctional artsy interior design?
the titans thought it would be funny
Albert was a real one.
>the earthen are all about becoming unbound and not being slaves to their directive, that's why they did things contrary to their directive and nature prior to ever deciding to become unbound, which had consequences when we see it in-story but had no consequences way earlier i guess, but also they were very rigid and obey the titan's laws
It was only hard in LK boobie
>join comp stomp
>comp stomps you
idgi whats the problem
asian humans
Because its aesthetically pleasing to the players and that's more important than your autism.
get good, i did it for 10 hours yesterday and had like 7 deaths total
nigga whats wrong with anduin and faerin is not that bad, but her design fucking sucks
NTA but youre being autistic as hell for not getting what he's saying
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Excuse me?
You're being extremely, autistiaclly obtuse on purpose, and it's not working. Your logic is completely retarded and you know it. This is why nothing will ever get better, because "ciritcs" like you approach everything with the most bad-faith arguments possible.
I think you can buy several of these to use
>Frog poster
ezi skipperono
>He doesn't use it as a 1v2 farm
Run to farm, cc the druid before it runs away, the rogue will come and save it
Have fun

I demand the privilege of this, on demand, any class or combination thereof
In any arena of my choosing
alliance and horde are the bad guys
another island with innocent races subjugated under tyranny
But he's technically right
Faerin isn't woke at all that's the crazy thing.
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This meme should die. Faerin is such a stereotypical girlboss she orders you to buy her drinks at a bar and polish her shield and sheeit. She is like one quest away from demanding reparations from the player.
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What the fuck is this
No you aren't
She's not obnoxious but as you say her design is piss poor. She has literal poop hair for example.
I'm a boipera and I haven't been free used yet
Now that warbands are a thing how do i hide my goldshire fap alts from spy sites?
Built to be bred by hung Night Elves
that's the new queen of the alliance you're talking about

>ALL Boiperra male or female (Only male here)
>ALL Elven women
>ALL Human women
>ALL Dwarven women
>ALL Gnomish lolitas
>ALL Orkish sluts
>ALL Troll women
>ALL draenei women
>ALL goblin women

Go out there and SHEBVLL TO THE MAX.
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Mashallah my brothers
I'm not that guy I think you're both being autistic. Hes autistic for caring so much and getting it wrong. You're autistic for nir understanding what he's saying at all
Do you actually polish her shield I thought she just has you hand it to her
am i crazy or did the in game spell overlay thing for clearcasting on arcane used to have 1-3 circles to show how many stacks of clearcasting you had?
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What's a respectable ilvl to end at on your main before s1 starts?
>"so they go to this island, meet these dwarves"
>"and they hear of these people, yeah, who've been there before, but now they're livin' underground"
>"and so they go down this tunnel and there's someone just stood there in full armor, like a dark ages knight"
>"takes the helmet off, it's a little monkey fella with one arm"
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I'm in
I'm not a furry but this basically. as soon as you're willing to fuck a bird while wearing a fox head or pin down some fuck-up while he wears a $4000 costume that conveniently covers his face and balls, the hookup pool widens
and, cards on the table, that's the pure sociopath hedonist view. I can't lie I love furries. as soon as you share this common interest with them and they think there's an overlap in your interests & kinks people become so animated and fun, with furries it's so simple to find those buttons, every one is a sure hit.
Two options:
>Marketing. They realised that the expansion has almost nothing that caters to Horde players but they couldn't afford to advertise it like, so they shoved Thrall into all of the promotional material.
>Thrall was going to die to go through some sort of humiliation ritual, but when Metzen took the reins he cut that out of the story because Thrall serves as his self-insert. So 90% of Thrall's story has been cut out of TWW, making the promotional material that features him pointless.
....play a record
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But why can't you answer his question? Why are the robotic automaton stone dwarves (whos entire culture is based around following a strict directive) building nonfunctional book-cases? Obviously the meta answer is art design, but why would these dwarves care about interior design? Especially interior design that is purely aesthetic and not actually useful for stowing books.
>who cares? autism
It's a fantasy game. This is the realm of autists. All the big fantasy authors you could ever name thought about this sort of thing and obsessed over it, so it's fair to ask why things like this are added to the game and criticize the writers or designers for not considering it. It's not like old Warcraft didn't give the tauren centaur-skin rugs or make goblin interior design look insane to tell the player things about the races/characters before even speaking to them. The book-case is just a lazy fuckup. Deal with it.
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I understand perfectly what he's saying, because it's the same as every autistic nitpicker. He came up with his own headcanon about how the world is and how a group of people we know almost nothing about are and then assumed that literally nothing can ever change beyond whatever rigid definition he's made up in his mind says.
I've seen this dogshit so many times I want to strangle every single fucking one of these retarded fucking freaks.
is renown 16 even good? isnt it going to be at most few ilvl upgrade?
Easiest ranged caster btw? I tried affliction and while the rotation is simple maintaining debuffs is annoying. BM is not a caster btw. I just don't wanna play another plate wearer.
balance druid
Tank: 580
Healer: 590
DPS: 600+
(if you want to do mythics, that is)
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Retri, arms or ww?
Destro warlock is the designated ungabunga caster for knuckledraggers with a below average IQ.
>his own headcanon
It's not like we can't go inside earthen houses and see the design is very spartan and boxy. It looks like an eastern-euro soviet bloc with how depressing it is.
You need to be brattier, you aren't attracting enough shebvlls.
hey dipshit
they're called the unbound because they aren't bound to their edicts
you fucking retard
they've been around long enough to make their own villages and towns
Smelly elf girl feet
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>N-No you don't understand, Anduin being a gigantic fucking pussy is absolutely vital to the plot
just make your own group
anything, just make your own group lol
600+ unless you have friends
>Originally Anduin was going to be groomed by Onyxia and killed
there were exploits, it's unironically OVER
faerin dies by falling off a cliff because she can't grab her rescuers hand I beg
I bound my edict to your mom last night LMAO
>they're called the unbound because they aren't bound to their edicts
That's great, but the Unbound are what YOU create (or create more of, they are a very small lower caste) when YOU arrived at the island a few days ago. The building predates that. It's also in Oathsworn territory. So the stupid book-case is a fuckup because it sticks out as something contrary to the earthen characterization.
Reverence of the Titans by adhering to their aesthetic standards and living according to the cultural norms as set by the Titans.
hmm frost was nice in shadowland, maybe i should try him too..
Ok in this instance you're actually just wrong
That's wrong you fucking dumb nigger
im considering buying the game and resubbing but only if disc is good in m+
Anduin has literally ALWAYS been a gigantic pussy.
they should add mythic raid finder as an april fool's joke
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how do you even get to 600 before sep 10?

you think the average M+ DPS is spending 10 million gold on proff gear? Are you retarded?
Are Radiant Echos bait this week? Like if you use them before the season starts they're worthless? Or if you DON'T use them, you can't get more next week?
Tankbvll+Healgod duo here, DPSissy standards for an invite are;

>600+ Ilvl
>Meta spec
>FULL consumes
>30kg up front FOR the invite consideration
Literally straight from the fucking introduction panel at blizzcon
>Unbound – In contrast, these Earthen have abandoned the edicts. Their original responsibility was providing materials to keep the Titan installations supplied. They are primarily rural, living in and around the quarries, mines, and other places where natural resources can be acquired. They rarely interact with the city dwellers.
They are not "new"
they are literally already there when you show up
you fucking lorelets are the dumbest motherfuckers
even dunguser is smarter than you stupid fucking faggots holy shit kill yourselves and stop speaking
God I really miss when Blizzard was just straight white men making games, hiring 17 year old babes to do voice acting just because they wanted to fuck her... This timeline is so dark.
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>get honor gear by bullying robots in BGs
>upgrade it to 600 by bullying robots in BGs
>M+ for gear
>Story mode to clear campaign
>No longer forced to interact with raid apes to fully enjoy the game and story
Finally, WoW is free.
>600+ unless you have friends
610 or polite decline
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Ever since I sat in one of the public baths in Dornogal I have had a terrible itch "down there".
I think The War Within is the bacterial infection these dweebs are passing around to each other.
>you think the average M+ DPS is spending 10 million gold on proff gear?
don't know, not my problem, but your blue ilvl ass isnt coming with my group
ilvl 600 is literally lfr/delve 7-11 tier. It's braindead to get.
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well well well
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Metzen is back bros
what races have they released if you dont count shit that should have been a customization option?
>goblins that were only popular because of rocket jump in ToS
>worgen are for furries
>pandaren are for furries and/or monk mains and minmaxers for the food buff
>nightborne kind of look unique
>zandalari gets a pass because of the upright pose and cool druid forms
>maghar used to count when they were the upright orcs for a brief moment
>kul'tiran are for tumblrfags
>vulpera are for furries
am I missing anything?
>People unironically saying WoW's story is finally dark and mature again because horrible things keep happening to male characters
All so tiresome.
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All Isle of Dorn architecture predates the Unbound and the apiary isn't in Unbound territory anyway. That book-case is ancient and built into the building, it's not some wooden thing the Unbound could have constructed a month ago. Some earthen (whose culture is obsessed with efficiency and purpose) had to sit and go
>Hmmm, I've made an indent for a honeycomb in this stone house. Let's make it a honeycomb bookcase that doesn't really work because of how books are stacked.
honor gear only upgrades to 580
what did blizzard mean by this?
>he's moving the goalposts
your headcanon about how they act is not fact
you lose the argument because you have demonstrated you don't actually know anything and just make shit up as you go
thanks for the paragraph long concession.
I feel like if I cant mythic raid then the game aint worth playing. I dont want to be one of the shitters
You are so dramatic lmao
All Isle of Dorn architecture predates the Unbound and the apiary isn't in Unbound territory anyway. That book-case is ancient and built into the building, it's not some wooden thing the Unbound could have constructed a month ago. Some earthen (whose culture is obsessed with efficiency and purpose) had to sit and go
>Hmmm, I've made an indent for a honeycomb in this stone house. Let's make it a honeycomb bookcase that doesn't really work because of how books are stacked.
Here it is again so you can have another mini heart-attack over it. Yeah you'll seethe.
Should I be a nooger or a nagger
We see that despite being created to follow their edicts, they are given enough autonomy and freedom that they can make certain decisions on their own that go outside their Titan programming. It's most obvious with the Unbound, but we see strange cultural things with the Oathsworn as well. There is a theater performance outside Dorongal. They eat different types of gems depending on the flavor. They have different names and can harbor different emotions towards one another.
Likely the Titans did this to make them flexible. By giving them a small amount of freedom and autonomy, it allows them to be flexible in how they fulfill their edicts, but it has the unfortunate side effect of some of them outright abandoning their edicts.
We see this in the main three seats in the first starting zone.
The Stormward represents the strictest adherence to the edicts
The leader of the Unbound represents an outright rejection of the edicts
Steelvein represents an in-between, and was likely what the Titans wanted out of the Earthen; that they would know their task but be creative in how they accomplished this.
This is also why they kept a superweapon that would activate should they go rogue.
This small amount of freedom, if enough for certain Earthen to break away, would be more than enough for them to develop culture as well. We see them create businesses, inns, a meadery. Dorongal has flora and is decorated.
The Earthen have developed an aesthetic sense of their own within their Titan programming.
If the Titans had been stricter and done away with all notions of freedom, we probably could have seen the Earthen be a lot less "cultured" but vastly more efficient. They wouldn't have different gems to consume for flavor, they would just have key minerals that have been selected to be the most efficient for fuel. Their cities would be built for maximum efficiency and have no room for inns or theaters. They would also not have a council.
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Cant figure out what addon is announcing my interrupts but its fucking annoying, does anyone know which addon does this?
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>can't answer a question properly because he can't read properly because he has visible brain damage
>it d-doesn't matter!
>the meadery out in the sticks doesn't belong to the historically rural people
Thanks for coming back to prove how quadruple retarded you are
>replacing shit more than 1 item a week if lucky and dont get repetitions
>if you can scramble enough keys to fill the vault reqs
i cannot wait for people to realize en-masse how absolute rugpulling Delves are
you can have fun as a heroic pleb but only if you find a shit but not too shit guild
>fury warrior
>frost dk
>balance druid
>affliction warlock
Help me choose.
Do you not need TWW to do the Harbinger quest? Logged on and got the quest even though I don't have the new expac.
Can't decide between warrior or shaman
why is this even an argument when earthen architecture is filled with embellishments and decoration. All titanforged are free enough from their programming to develop simple little cultural expressions, and always have been
b-but muh coffer keys!!!
I'll totally be able to do tier 8 elves on september 10 without getting my shit pushed in!!!
frost dk OP
balance druid garbage
affliction good
fury ok
thanks, what option disables that? looked through it before but didnt spot it
Complete shit in TWW, also gay
>Frost dk
Supposed to be super good rn
>Fury warrior
Excellent choice.
does alchemy skill even matter for thaumatergy?
but what about retri
I'll barely engage with delves. I'll just farm +7's first week. Easy.
that is faerin
They don't even have the balls to make it truly dark.
They want us to empathize with Anduin but all he did from our PoV is get sent to that one Kyrian bitch that nobody liked anyway and stab her, then kill a bunch of retarded Shadowlands no-name NPCs in a non-cutscene.
The way to make you actually give a shit is to at least somewhat traumatize the audience as well, show him struggling with the mind control (and that he is aware of all that is happening) and have him do actually fucked up shit like restraining a character and slowly driving his sword through their heart while not only his victim struggles but he himself with what he is being made to do.
But of course we can't have that, instead we're capped to a level of "dark" that even the first season of Pokemon beat.
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I respect that this is a real and thoughtful answer. At the same time I think the question is one of "Would the slack in autonomy allow for 'creative' architecture?" and I believe the answer to that would be No, since it's not like earthen housing varies in any way. This just makes the Alibaba beehive bookcase look jarring and likely to cause these sorts of arguments that pull you out of immersion.
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Convince me why I shouldn't play VDH behind my Ret as my alt.

Won't need to sweat as hard on ilvl since it's a tank.
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Frost DK it is. Haven't had a chance to set up my interface or addons yet but I'm looking forward to swapping my 10+ years old main (warrior)
you're a faggot
dk always feels so slow and clunky
What's your bench press 1RM?
rider of the apocalypse fixes that
you need haste. shocker i know.
faerin said that he only enjoyed being controlled and killing people because he liked having someone else to make decisions for him. why even bring up the darkness inherent in a man's soul if you're gonna sidestep it like that?
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>I'll totally be able to do tier 8 elves on september 10 without getting my shit pushed in!!!
Yep, ready to go.
Faerin's a nigger though.
205. I know I'm weak.
they like damn 50, is you really plappin boipucc
black people are all street smart and wizened
This is the most manly and proactive Anduin has been since MoP THOUGH. He spent all of BfA and SL crying and doing nothing while the whole cast assured him he's a good boy and the world is too mean and cruel for him
I don't even understand what that answer is meant to imply. I don't know why Faerin is trauma-stomping some guy she met less than a day ago with such a handwave answer. When is it said Anduin ever enjoyed anything he did when enslaved by Jay-Lor?
Yeah that sounds like VDH numbers.
Yeah exactly. And what the fuck does she know about him? She literally met him a few hours before that for the first time.
It would've been infinitely more interesting if he ACTUALLY fucking enjoyed killing a bunch of retards and come to terms with that side of himself but instead it has to be "defused" like this, can't have our protagonist have some character depth and maybe be a bit "evil".

I forget what it's called, but I remember I had to search for it for a bit. I'd log in and look for it again but I'm genning AI sloppa and it's hogging my vram
is it still technically gold buying if its a nice lil gift for buying a boost?
>suddenly have 1000 more valorstones than the last time I really bothered to check
n-... nani...
>orc-nigger DEI nu-lore SEZ
it goes into the trash
You're just paying someone to buy a token for you, totally legit.
Just buy gear off the AH
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I am literally alleria
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>taking the story seriously
why do you fags do this to yourselves
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>Where the fuck is he?
>Even Faerin knows the kid is a bottom after meeting him for like, an hour
Fair. Its the only reasoning I can think of at the moment that would justify it in-universe
In a nice but not too expensive retirement home where nobody ever visits him.
I'd forgotten how a sexy Vulpera are.
how do i find a guild
What even is reverse Isle of Dorn? I've never struggled like this before, wtf!!
Blizzard straight up turned off support and also I can't even list anything on the AH now
just remembered archimonde was in wc3 so they didn't just make up draenei for tbc
He'll show up in 11.1.5 when Yrel comes out of the Hallowfall Crystal and kills him for being too weak of faith.
join the upcoming /wowg/ guild
He resisted the call of the fel but he WILL succumb to the void and try to depose yrel once she becomes relevant again
>inb4 source
They retconned Draenei being mortals once instead of having always been a race of demons.
it was voiced. when I'm watching NPCs walk at 32% speed it's hard not to take note of that and compare it to the known reasons one might enjoy making other people suffer, and how many of those are communicable in 12/T media
he's male so he's inactive until they decide to either kill him off or have him be subservient to a female
I want Yrel back because that means we might get Lightbound Garrosh kino
Doesn't exist anyway. The stuff from tww that supposedly can be worn from lvl 70 is actually from lvl 80 when u open the actual purchase. Nu wow has many of these oversights.
what's the best rdps rn
Join the official EU wowg guild.
>Completely unrelated cutscene plays
>Screen fades to black
>Cuts to Velen being relentlessly cock and ball tortured by Yrel
>No further context
>Screen fades to black again

>caring what anyone else thinks about a story that you personally enjoy
What happens when Lightbound Garrosh dies, does his soul respawn in the Shadowlands or does he just wink out of existence because his 'core soul' deleted itself?
>Light... Le bad
>Void... Le maybe not so bad
>Light and Void... Two sides of le same coin
I hate millenial writing so fucking much
I want Yrel back because she's a cute and sexy goat hitler

Why did you even respond to him. You're so dumb on so many levels
Aug voker
In the draenei heritage quest.
>doxxing your account so faggots can shitpost with your name and report you to other guilds for being a racist chud from 4chinz
this can work on pservers but if you join a /wowg/ guild you are asking for trouble
his best bet is joining a desperate guild that can only clear the first 3 bosses on mythic and changes raiders faster than mcdonalds changes wagies
thats what I did and even stayed with my guild so it can now only clear the first 6 bosses before we can no longer fill the spots
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>lament about being too weak to save y our comrades
>shit on anyone who suggests you just get a prosthetic arm so you aren't shit
incredible writing, everyone was right

>already mad

"Well, that was easy"
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Where's a place that's like /wowg/ but actually discusses World of Warcraft?
>Hard mode: Don't say "reddit"
Faerin is undoubtedly a woman, because nobody else would be that retarded
The problem with anduin having PTSD is that this is a video game. You portray realistic things in video games but you don't copy them 1 to 1.
Bad shit happened to anduin and now he is fucked up over it. Okay. Understandable.
5 years later. Now it's time to get over it so you can continue being a hero character, or if it's permanent you side line them and they're no longer a relevant character. It's that simple. We don't need characters who are mentally scarred for life, this isn't real life we don't have to deal with that shit.
People don't need to piss frequently throughout the day in video games. They don't take relaxed time to eat. They don't shit for 10-20 minutes every day. They don't take days, weeks, months, to travel to somewhere.
We don't have to deal with the realistic drags of life in video games. Video game characters are rarely if ever bound by mental disability, physical disability, old age, gender, etc. You lose a body part or become old you just power through it with magic or attaching tech to yourself or some shit and continue being a badass hero.
im just sick of the cosmic forces shit. its not interesting, its not fun, its one dimensional and shallow. having to make everything two sided and ambiguous just leads to bad writing.

killing bandits who are robbing farmers, or slaying an evil dragon for a hoard of gold is 1000% more enjoyable than this marvel shit
Anyone got a daily/weekly to-do list of things in the expansion? I'm kinda dizzy with all the faction/dailies/rep stuff
What class should I play? I have an 80 Warrior and Demon Hunter and kinda wanna complete the triangle with a third class then focus on gearing one of them.

What is fun and stronk right now?

Reddit and Discord and a lot of 4chan is just furry faggots talking about how they want to pump cartoon characters- the truth is there is nowhere in the universe people bother to get together to talk about mmo that isn't full of literal autists
discuss what exactly? the raids? mythic +?
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I don't think xivg discusses World of Warcraft
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>made a batch of Q5 tools
>put them all up for sale including those I intended to keep
>AH refuses to communicate now
if the stupid blacksmith just made her that shock absorber for her shoulder stump she asked for
>an arm to distribute the force of blocked hits
doesn't count
You are wrong.
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>Muh handicap is muh superpower
I hate this trope so fucking much.

>Fanaticism bad
>Balance good
That's all it is. Xal'atath is stopping Azeroth from going the same way as AU Dreanor by counteracting the blind faith of the Arathi with her own void magic.
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Suppose you throw a coin enough times. Suppose one day, it lands on its edge.
>doxxing your account
who cares? the implied threat is totally insignificant
The story is so obsessed with putting male characters down that my demon hunter got enslaved by a femgob warlock using the dominate demon spell. Oh noooooo haha what will I dooo
since there is nothing to do I guess i could finally spend time to get an UI and weakauras ;D
>Post in trade that I'm looking for a harbingers crest.
>Get 20 whispers
>Don't reply to any of them
>Log on alt
I wish that race class restrictions were more strict. More strict than actual vanilla. Its so lame how destroyed and same everything is. And if they were more strict we could have more interesting synergies with radials and talents and aesthetics. It should be that the race produces EXEMPLARY examples of that class and thats why you are restricted. Not just some loose "well i guess anyone can hold a sword"
I'm so sick of depressed boomer posts whose brains have rotten away saying shit like
>well I've played for 15 years so let me be a undead paladin
Its so lame.
There should even be gender class restrictions

no one cares what you do this isn't your livejournal faggot
Ansurek is just looking like razsageth on steroids...
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>designated thread shitter-upper asks why threads are shit
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Stuff like tips on how to grind renown, PvP metas, stories about cool stuff you found out about the new expansion, speculation on what 11.1 will look like, etc
weekly do the 4 quests for each faction
spark shit
world quests
Fuck off, faggot. Go play a KMMO if you want genderlocked classes
Scrolls of Lore if you're an Alliance main with a huge victim complex.
What was so bad about AU Dreanor? They finally got their orcs to stop committing genocides whenever given the chance.
sounds immersive, why don't you obey these restrictions yourself
now that's done, what's your argument for blizzard forcing me to obey your headcanon restrictions
>>doxxing your account
I've done this multiple times on Argent Dawn EU and NO ONE did ANYTHING. You're a paranoid schizophrenic retard. Kill yourself.
Night Elves should have made it so only males can be druids and only females can be priests and warriors and hunters.
But we now have tauren rogues and orc priests and Lightforged warlocks.
Pandora's box is open and there's no closing it.
if undead can be priests they should also be able to be paladins thoughever
Same. Just give me any draenei female in the story.
When did the player base get like this. I don't get it...wouldn't it be cool?
I agree. Fuck the faggots who destroy class/race identity.
Yeah but think of all the victim points she can farm by not geting a prosthetic, chud.
ur retarded
wowg guilds are fine and most high end guilds are racist
the bigger issue is all the wowg guilds fucking died
It all started when they added warlocks into the game
are you in real guilds that would instakick you for doing le racism?
Dude come on. Its cool. Make the game an rpg.
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You vill get the strong one-armed negress instead and you vill like it.
Shan't be agreeing.
Too many furries/trannies/gooners
Sexy goats and sexy vampire daddies for everyone.
Yes, but not on the character that got doxxed. Literally doesn't matter thoughever.
Why paladins always look cool and boring to play
in another timeline yes. in some future RPcore server with a special ruleset yes.
when they're fucking their game up with hawaiian shirts, tranny gods, sunwalkers, night elf mages, scalie OCs I'll take my undead paladin to go thanks.
No. Priests are one thing paladins would be absolutely retarded.
I'm crying lmfao
anyone knows what i have to do here?
>the bigger issue is all the wowg guilds fucking died
i think the expectations have always been too high. just get a guild together of all the guildless losers here
This cinematic did her soo fucking dirty. She was tolerable in game. Not great or something but just ok. The cinematic made me fear we would get the actually worst.
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Most posters in wowg these days weren't even born when the game launched.
Obviously I'm not talking about that stuff.
Can you please just understand? This just sucks it really sucks. Nothing feels special. Dungeons are a boring brain dead chore. Nobody ever talks or chats. What's even the point anymore
they arent paladins because blizzard has to make a new mount for them
I think they should get a slight invincible recolour for maximum seething
wowg guilds used to be capable of clearing mythic
grabbing a bunch of retarded randos here would not do that
You retard any undead using or being targetted by a holy spell fucking dies. The forsaken went extinct when blood elf holy paladins started healing parties retard. didn't you know?
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There's a skull sign stay away from that shit anon.
Is that why they all suck at the game?
dayum she a proud araffi? sheeeeeit aiiiight aiiight
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Why don't we have gay marriage yet?
can't say desu
Is enh fun? How is the button bloat?
Your guild discord.
the rares only drop rep 1 time
You say that like WoW doesn't play like a KMMO retard
when? In wod and emerald nigthmare? maybe in nyalotha?
yeah back in SoO and WoD. post legion mythic raiding is horrible dogshit that nobody wants to do
It spawned this Rare, dunno how i did it cause someone else came and killed it with me :P
I promise I'll talk with you in dungeons if I can play vulpera paladin
wdym there's a marriage ring in the game right now
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I'm back, and the first thing i'm reminded of is fucking these guys
RIPiP was still raiding mythic in Nathria
Ok asmongold
i have xal'atah safe and sound in my bag
Be the change you want to see in the World (of Warcraft)
its true. mythic raiding is so bad that there is one good NA guild and one good EU guild and all the players have to be paid to do it, there is less people clearing mythic every single tier despite the playerbase staying relatively flat
Yup, don't care if they've improved stock, nae fucking using it, ever.
This so much. I can't stand all this ugly colorful cartoon shit they're adding like hawaiian shirts. Seeing people run around in those dumb beach bathing suits with straw hats and modern plastic sunglasses i want to slap someone.
This shit is everywhere. It's not just a WoW problem but every game does shit like this and it's insane. You look at call of duty and people are running around as anime skins or nicki minaj like what the fuck is happening to video games.
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Start the new thread already before I piss me self!
I don't really care. My guild likes it. You can take your zoom zoom baby mode shit to dungeons. I'm not even in a sweaty guild. We just want pve content to actually require thought.
borderline too many binds, you can shave it down to 3 bars by making a couple concessions. the rotation itself is very simple. tempest is a stupid strong nuke, not seen anything else come close.
>Every class technically sacrificed their artifact to nullify Sargeras' Sword
I wonder if they'll make it so that Shadow Priest was the canonical one to do that in order to give Xal'atath more connect to the sword.
i dont believe you. nobody is doing mythic raiding because they find it fun
his storyline ended in legion
>We just want pve content to actually require thought.
So why are you raiding mythic?
As far as Im concerned, all marriage is gay marriage
It would hurt them but it wouldnt eviscerate them from the inside out faggot. Do you know how much more Holy power is required to BE a paladin? Them getting healed by holy would and should hurt them. Forsaken priests at least can use shadow to balance themselves out but undead paladins channeling holy directly from inside would destroy tjhem
So few buttons for rotation and a million utility? Sounds kino
>if ur not world first ur bad at the game
bizzare cope, anyone in either of those guilds will tell you that hall of fame is filled with people good enough to be at the top but they dont want to commit to day raiding 16 hours a day for below minimum wage
did they end up clearing it? WClogs says they only got 6/8 which is the same as my casual shitter guild that doesnt even have a full 20 man team
nathria was a 10 boss raid bro
ty anon
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I'll test retri, frost and warrior and hopefully choose my alt, retri was fun in remix
fel scarred actually pretty fun with all these explosions every 45 sec.
>good enough to be at the top
of course. there is very little skill involved. you perfectly described why mythic raiding sucks. sometimes hundreds of pulls per boss, its just an endurance test of how many piss bottles you can have before giving in and quitting the game
>most high end guilds are racist
my friend is a high rank m+ player and he gets insight on the top 100 guild players and they're all surprisingly openly fucking racist and edgy it's a miracle this shit is not commonly known
prime 4chinz material
They still have free will. The Titans just imposed strong urges upon them to fulfil certain directives. Just like your urge to be extremely autistic
Wow is becoming PSO

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