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Tim Bentinck Edition

Previously on COPEG: >>492515942
This general is for cooperative games, titles which need more than one player and requires them to work together to win. Examples include: Helldivers, Vermintide, Darktide, Valheim, Deep Rock Galactic, and Abiotic Factor.

>Latest News/Updates:

Earth Defense Force 6

Ashlands PTB:

Helldivers 2:
PATCH 01.000.404


Crafting rework info
>>Overview Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69zI8J5nnZU

Vermintide 2:
Versus mode soonTM

Deep Rock Galactic:

Remnant 2:
The Forgotten Kingdom DLC released:

Payday 3 (dead game but whatever):
Patch 1.2.0 Boys in Blue(balled)

>Acknowledged but not really discussed
Ready Or Not
Starship Troopers Extermination
Aliens: Fireteam Elite
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

>Future games
Killing Floor 3
Den Of Wolves - TBA
DarkSwarm - TBA
Blight: Survival - TBA
The Forever Winter - TBA

Build planners:
Vermintide 2: http://ranaldsgift.com/
Deep Rock Galactic: http://karl.gg/
Darktide: https://darktide.gameslantern.com/build-editor
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Hi rejects
don't call me that
Can't wait for Thursday. Finally everyone will stop talking about Abandonedtide since there will be a new 40k coop game
me neither, i can't wait for the shills to shut the fuck up about a game that they got hyped up about so much that they spammed about it a month prior to release based on a gameplay trailer that made it look like a shitty reskin with sliding animations that lock on target and early 2000 AI for the enemies where they just stand there waiting for their turn to go in like some soup kitchen queue
I can't wait for the 24th so I can give Forever Winter an honest try and form a real opinion. Worst case i get a couple dozen hours out of a 30 dollar game
So I've noticed that some attacks stop Ragers from attacking and just send them into little spasms. I'm using a Evis, but I don't remember if they ever did this for other weapons or not
I AM being paid to talk about it here
It's called stagger
*gasp* no way, it's almost like you're not the only one being paid to shill the game seeing as some overtly positive posters have been trying to hype it up while shitting on helldivers 2 and darktide for some reason to drum up conversation by comparison on a game with a single unflattering trailer out
this is shocking revelation anon
should i preorder space marines 2?
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Astarte it is then
Go ahead retard
Chain weps do that specifically
i don't think there will be enough content at launch anon, better to wait a bit, see how the first month will go and then make a decision
Unless you really want to play it early there's no reason to pre-order it. Or any game for that matter
you should pre order the deluxe super edition
buy a $100 copy in my honor, I'll be pirating it because I'm allergic to blacks and may have to stop playing half way through
stamp the star of david on your head then you can
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Lmao bro your redacting?
also no, have some self respect
what blessings should i put on my dakka ogryn
>Players will not need every blessing of a weapon family to achieve max Mastery upon introduction of the new system. We are looking at something like having all T4/T3 blessings will be enough to max Mastery.
Oh fuck off you swede niggers! Now I need to hunt for those T3s too.
the ones that give you +Power%
I'm intentionally not doing all that so I got something to look forward to
Post mod lists
-- ################################################################
-- Enter user mod names below, separated by line.
-- Order in the list determines the order in which mods are loaded.
-- Do not rename a mod's folders.
-- You do not need to include 'base' or 'dmf' mod folders.
-- ################################################################
psykward, score board, reconnect and auto attack. nothing else is rly needed
>I'd use the weapon customization one but it makes muh gmae stutter badly for some reason
I have too many PD2 mods t b h
>literally ctrl c'd the mod text file and just pasted it into the post
KEK based retard

Let me guess - you NEED more?
I was gonna ask what game, but then I remmebered /copeg/ is only for darktide
Silly you.
And don't you forget it, bitch
Darktide is the only one I need mods to fix.
-- ################################################################
-- Enter user mod names below, separated by line.
-- Order in the list determines the order in which mods are loaded.
-- Do not rename a mod's folders.
-- You do not need to include 'base' or 'dmf' mod folders.
-- ################################################################








You should download the scan helper mod unless you like actively sandbagging your team.
I like actively to skullfuck yer mum
Nice try, gook. I'm not downloading your bitcoins miner
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Hold on let me *beep beep* figure this out I like a challenge *beep beep beep beep!*
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so many chatblock...

when I want to call someone a nigger I just use my microphone
damn you are based and edgy, how can other people even compete?
Shut the fuck up, negroid
It amazes me that people can still be set off by the word nigger in 2024
whiter than you
it amazes me that you're this old and still think making your identity revolve around saying nigger is amusing
Honestly it immediately makes you look underage
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>i'm based like you guys too but isnt saying nigger kinda too much? Wouldnt you agree?
It'll be funny as long as people like you exist. If no one gave a shit it would lose all its meaning at least outside of murica.
>rightoid memes
fucking kek
it's not too much but "bah who needs chat? i only ever use chat to say NIGGER" is definitely the humor of an 11 year old who just discovered what being edgy is, sorry
lol nigger
>european humor
Stop crying, nigger.
you don't need seperate them with 2 lines btw, just one is fine lol
RNG is not a challenge anon
>b-b-but the PANIC is!
no patrick being panic'd is not a challenge either
Give me a helper mod for that fucking tree minigame.
does Darktide get new maps from time to time? the main reason I didn't get the game was because everyone kept saying it had no content at release. I used to get bored of VM2 fast before the CW update.
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>burgeroids triggered by the word "nigger"
It will never not be funny
>can I get a nigger burger meal with some nigger to drink?
it's not even what he said you genuinely just got set off by the word like a sperg
anon stop, this humor was funny in the 90's MAYBE, but this is the current year! stop saying THIS WORD or I will cry!
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>"guys what mods do you use"
>"i use this one, i use that one"
>"i don't need any of these mods because i just say nigger over mic (cool guy picture attached)"
>anyone who thinks the post above sucks is now somehow american
ok nigger lol
bigger nigger wigger
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>An artists rendition of a Psyker using Smite
Are there any mods that give all the specials fat cocks
Haven't touched the game in a minute this is the first time I saw psych ward appreciate the info
Jesus christ can you get over it already? fragile people are so fucking obnoxious
Sort of, but not with any amount of consistency. I think Darktide will have gotten 5 maps since release once the itemization update comes out.
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you guys are racists and I'm telling the FBI, that's right chuds, your reing of terror is over!
it's one guy samefagging btw
You're crying because someone made fun of you for saying nigger. Melty-chan you need to let it go.
just as planned
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so many chatblock...

when I want to call someone a poopyhead I just use my microphone
>based memes
Yeah that was too much. Can we discuss the t-word instead?
Leave this place and never return. Rudeness has no place here.
This years anniversary update will consist of a single frame because they blew their load with the itemzation update.
>someone made fun of you for saying nigger.
Is that how you see your indignant spergout
>someones on mic
>its a copeg faggot complaining about something

many such cases
hey that's not a nice word ok?!
Tranny is gen z's faggot. Everyone is a tranny. Oh you like that game? Tranny game. You use a weapon? Tranny weapon. Oh you like women? Tranny.
>bah who needs chat? i only ever use chat to say POOPYHEAD
this is definitely the humor of a 25 year old who just discovered what being faustian is, sorry
It's not poopyhead, you newefag. It's roodypoo.
made me kek and im a black leftist transowman
I'm also trans, dunno if that matters :)
It looks genuinely awful, warhammer fags will eat up absolutely any slop and be so excited for it. I don't see how anyone can look at 5 seconds of this games combat and not immediately see it looks like absolute shit.
I actually had some fucking retard start to tell me that he's not buying it for gameplay before stopping himself because he realized how fucking terrible that sounds. Then some other fag started to say he's just buying it because its warhammer.
are you canadian doh?
How do you feel about getting your back blown out?
it genuinely has less detail put into it than SM1, especially combat wise. Sadly this is just another example of a studio that put all their money into MUH GPAFIX and ignored everything else
Special attacks usually stagger ragers, so do chain weapons saw attacks. One of the chainaxe for example has saw attacks on lights and it staggers everything (at the cost of having no cleave).
40k tards will play shit like gladius and be genuinely convinced it's one of the best games ever because just like their tabletop hobbies it lets them pay thousands of dollars for all the little shit you need to actually have a whole game
meanwhile the actual gameplay is literally some mobile game shit
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I'm a
with a angery shout
I know I'm un-cress
but I just got this loot

Is it crescent fresh?
Chainaxe is the best?
>put all their money into MUH GPAFIX
Something about the graphics looks off to me as well, like they really tried to up the graphics level without the underlying engine being updated to support it. Maybe I'm just blind though.
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>dont ever say anything
>yell at someone when they're standing outside the elevator
>"gg" at the end
Bloodletter is funny it makes traitor captains bleed out through the shield sometimes
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my first god roll is a fucking tac axe
swap bloodletter with headtaker and it will be crescent fresh
I already have a partner :)
Not a big fan of bloodletter, I prefer powermaxxing with thrust or headtaker.
nothing wrong with tac axe however
>Only use mic to call out health, ammo and other pick ups people might want
>....and to flirt with people who have nice voices
>....and to moan in the microphone when I go down
>They tease me and add me
>They call me a faggot and I add them
You too can goontide if you have a degradation fetish
you don't need thrust on a mk4
>4 ogryns
>4 zealots
>4 vets
>4 psykers

Nobody 'needs' 60% power but it sure is nice to have.
Shame. The tac axe fucking sucks and so do the shitters that use it
canadian behavior
no I mean it's totally useless with the moveet of the Mk4, you're actually gimping yourself, thrust is useful on the Mk12 to
>god roll
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It is very cool, anon. But that's nothing
>pulls screencap out of his steam, slaps it on the forum
Look at this
Tac axe is the only wep I dont enjoy using whatsoever in the entire game
>Jesus. This is really super. How'd a nitwit like you get so tasteful?
>the peak W+M1 melee in the game that requires no thought or skill sucks
And the thunder hammers are great and have no issues, sure
The mk4 is the one with sawing light attacks, right? The one where you need to use either heavy or push attacks to horde clear?
>74% dmg
>72 cleave
>dmg to poxwalkers
Get that nigger outta here lol
>try meleeing dogs in skill-based ways when they're readying a pounce or pouncing or rolling about
>unreliable and they homing pounce you from some weird as fuck angle and velocity
>just spam push block and light attack them whenever they're close
>works consistently
Shit game, don't even know why I bother.
Rashad and Antax combat axes are the ones you want
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is the powersword actually FUN or is it just noob trap?
It feels like stopping to pull the ripcord on a lawnmower every 5 steps.
not bad, shame is the shit mk of the powersword doh
+cockswalker damage and slaughterer let's you 1 shot trash more the retarded nerfed cleave limit without needing to spam power cycler, is pretty much ideal for that shit version
It's powerful but not fun unless you're push stabbing crushers
>more the retarded nerfed cleave limit
more THAN the retarded nerfed cleave limit** woops
Using the powersword feels like using some exploit in an MMO, you just keep having to do the thing every 2 attacks and it's obnoxious but it does perform
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gimme my green circles boss
>oucast engie
you're basically playing on easy mode deh su
It's very annoying and very powerful.
Reject kn*fefaggotry. Retvrn to thvnderhammer/flamer zealot.
I care naught for challenge i care for my greens and reds desu!!!

In all honesty i play ranger vet most days.
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>Vermintide player trying to play darktide
>"This game sucks"
Tell us more about how its the games fault
Nah, knife is just way too much fun. I love mobility.
where did someone say that
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>vet goes down in the middle of a horde, tons of bulwarks and ragers
>since he's our top scorer and carry, I pull out the smite for once so someone can revive him freely
>brazilian ogryn instead just kills poxwalkers instead of reviving him when he's right there
>20 fucking seconds of free time and he lets vet die
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wich powersword is the good one?
the shovels are just as effective desu and you dont have to power up every 5 seconds. however, not as cool.
is the new crafting system good?
it certainly can't be worse
Fixes most issues and makes it fully deterministic with one caveat, weapon stat distro will still be random. However all weps are 380 after the update so it could be worse
Explain. I haven't read any of the dev notes or shit.
I can't TL;DR it better than the trailer
basically you grind to unlock blessings/perks but if you already had them unlocked in the old system you can skip the grind. No more RNG when it comes to blessings/perks you just select.
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>But wait, you ain't seen nothing yet
>Ilisi Power Sword, Slaughterer IV, Deflector
your game blows chunks!
Is Deflector a "crutch"?
I've 600k in Darktide and I'm starting to play VT2. The lack of sprinting and sliding is filtering me and the audio cues for specialists seem to blend in more with other sounds. But I see now why ratclick players talked about VT2 being more soulful, I definitely feel it.
I don't like the brap gas in Darktide. It's somehow more annoying than in Vermintide
It is more soulful, but I would say the gameplay is more fun in Darktide.
>No sliding
Don't need it. Just kill ratling gunners or sidedodge into cover.
>No sprinting
Don't need it. You won't be needing to sprint that fast in combat anyway.
wait until you play vermintide 1. It's impressive how they've managed to get worse with each game in that regard. But at least the gameplay hasn't gotten worse.
what the fuck happened to catfish lmao
Deflector is a noob trap
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They're both good, because they're both power swords.
If you have power cycler IV, the mkVI is a little better because it has the better light attack pattern for spamming energized light attacks, and the stronger push attack for power striking Crushers.
But the mkIII has the better heavy attacks, and works as a normal sword (for when you don't want to activate it every 2-3 swings just for poxwalkers or don't have power cycler yet). use standard heavy attacks for trash, and pull out the energized attacks for when elites show up.
turned into surstromming
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is this worth getting in melks?
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More like CACAdia!
No it's unique and useful utility
Those Cadians would be very upset if they were alive.
It's annoying as fuck because the game will spawn a brap bomber in the perfect spot so he can chuck his bombs with 100% accuracy. Then if you kill him it'll just do the same thing, so fucking irritating.
hd2 bugs
wrong thread sar
everyone likes this one but i think i prefer the deimos force sword. also force sword has like 27 blessings not sure what to put on it.
>join game
>random goes "HOLY SHIT this guy is level five hundred damn"
Deflector isn't a crutch or a noobtrap, stop spouting nonsense.
VT2 is peak, if you play darktide you'll have to deal with specials that cant be meleed because their grab range is bigger than saturn.
Meanwhile you can solo anything in VT2 with melee
which specials are you talking about? Every special in darktide is 1000% meleeable and dodgeable
kill yourself nigger
last i played it was dogs that felt like a diceroll of being able to melee.
Same with the charger types.
Let's goooooo! Nicely done anon. Now that you're auric level skill wise I get to bully you.

Stay out of MY aurics.
you're SHIT (good job)
Theyre fully consistent if you push for like over a year now, although it was pretty broken at launch
Mutants are like hookrats in that they literally cant touch you if you're in a dodge animation so you can slide into them even and they cant do shit
>guy threatens to kick me if i waste another healing stim
>i call him retard
>he kicks me
I hate 3 stacks for this very reason. They know they have the power to kick anyone so they just abuse it and kick you if you even look at them wrong. Parties should not be allowed to kick people.
>team asks you not to do a thing
>do the thing
>run to copeg for comfort when you get smacked for it
Amazing how bad a cooperative game general is at socializing.
>guy picks up a heal stimm in my game and wastes it
>let him know in no uncertain terms that wasting healing is against the games core design and that it would aid the entire team if he no longer did that, and that, should he insist on doing it again, we will kick him from the game in retaliation
>he says "ok retard"
>kick him
It's unfortunate that some people just cant see reason
I played launch year, tried it, saw it was inferior to VT2, uninstalled, attempted again when vet was reworked twice.
Saw that i was seeing hte exact same levels over and over, uninstalled again.
You have been kicked. Reason: disrespecting admin
Why are all the female NPCs hideously ugly? is this game another dei project?
Whining about me wasting a stim when i've been carrying him is a bitch move
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Hmm I wonder who is behind these posts
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What do you mean? They're pretty cute
and that's why you never let them have power over you
just say "fuck you lmao" (ideally faggot or nigger but DEI hired trannies will now ban you) and grief the lobby as much as possible before you get kicked. Unfortunately you can't do much in that regard in darktide. If you can grief them hard then do it silently so they don't see it coming.
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Well yes, I double dip the ammow box, how can you tell?
you can ctually get 3 stacks (temp) banned if they do this, report one in the previously played function or make a ticket, and enjoy the retribution :^)
>yes they all get punished since they were stacked and each "abused" the kick function
*drops ammo box*


it was MY ammo crate anyways, they shoulda asked if they wanted some ammo
Eh it's rare enough for it to happen I wouldn't even worry about it. I got kicked by a 3 stack for the first time literally ever last month and it was cuz they wanted to use the lobby for private penance lol (I woulda left if they wanted me to, idk why they use the kick, but w/e)
>pick up grimoire
>rush to health station
>use all 4 charges
eat shit
I got kicked by one immediately at the start of the mission for playing knife zealot.
Another time because we wiped and they were just mad.
If it's a book mission it's a book mission and you should pick them up, end of discussion. Book missions are supposed to be harder, yes. If people don't like that, they shouldn't fucking play quickplay.
I hate shitters.
in VT2 grims are for elf mains who think they need all reds to be viable in their shitbox modded difficulty.
Each time i have been kicked was because i was rude
all of them are at least acceptable except superiority and blazing spirit
>How it feels to let shitters take extra heals because I have martyrdom
>How it feels when there's only 1 charge and I kind of want the extra health, but so does someone else so I say, no worries, I'll just go down for extra health
Go forth my children, the health is yours, it's my gift to you
>penances bro, that's why I chose this mission, what did you pick it for?
Shut the fuck up, troon
Martyrdom Zealots will never know the thrill of knowing that the instant you get netted or downed the game is over (because it happens to them constantly with no meaningful impact on the team)
>he's a martyr zealot but be heals
Imagine spending 80% of your talent points to be a more effective martyr zealot and then INTENTIONALLY not benefitting from it during missions
I play martyrdom zealot and heal when the option is there because I'm not a retard and will just get the benefits again when I take damage later
how's this? don't need maniac when i'm running heavy hitter
i play martyrdom zealot and never benefit from it because i never take damage
I had one of those retards whine at me for taking the single med charge on one of the broken mid level machines over him, as I got slugged earlier so my HP bar was raped. He wasn't even corrupted so if he wanted a heal he could've just barreled himself. I was going to pitch it to him but he left the game in his tantrum before I could
Very good
you dont need maniac regardless it by default oneshots all maniacs on a folded heavy
>melee psyker
Mediocre and gets killed in tough situations
>melee vet
Very strong but gets killed in tough situations
>melee ogryn
Very strong but gets killed by netters
Very strong but gets killed by netters
How are you supposed to do the flesh wound penance? Can you do it solo?
it does not 1shot mutants on an uncharged special hit without the extra damage from either the +5% damage from the heavy hitter line or the +maniac trait
literally just dodge
*shoots a hot stringy net all over you, leaving you helpless and impregnable at my feet*

it does unless you light attack for some reason
I'm thinking about power sword vet here since it's the strongest melee vet by far
no problem then lol
The knife doesn't do half the damage that the power sword does
>Uses third person mod
>Makes his character invisible
At this point why not just play in first person?
I think he means "impregnateable"
He's right, there is literally no reason to pick up grims. You're a retard
whats zealots best weapon for armored niggas
litteraly who
what are you gonna do about it?
Knife and combat axe and chainaxe and heavy eviscerator
You can't say a weapon that gets killed in tough situations is stronger than a weapon that can handle any situation, but then again you also think that the classes with the kickback and throwing knives are weak to netters so I wouldn't put that degree of retardation ahead of you

You don't even use the power sword on melee vet because its power caps out without any talent investment, unlike the knife, because it's bottleneck is on the charge
Hes an FF14 player who does the hardest content in that game but him and his team really struggle and fail nearly every single mission.
Throw you off the edge with a barrel
unfortunately you are a mindglazed golem so before you could even have this thought I detonated the barrel right next to you
power greatsword or meltagun
>You can't say a weapon that gets killed in tough situations is stronger than a weapon that can handle any situation
Surviving with the power sword is higher up on the skill curve. The goal is to reach a point where you can benefit from it's insane damage while not dying. The power sword's peak is higher than what you can achieve with the knife
>but then again you also think that the classes with the kickback and throwing knives are weak to netters so I wouldn't put that degree of retardation ahead of you
I meant that zealots and ogryns are ONLY killeable by netters
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oh wait, my bad, darktide isn't a 40k game so it doesn't have these lol
this, chainaxes and bolters arent 40k weapons
>>melee psyker
>Mediocre and gets killed in tough situations
Shriek and/or Smite
>>melee vet
>Very strong but gets killed in tough situations
What is Voice of Command? What is Infiltrate?
bolters that go pashoo pashoo and tickle the zombies definitely aren't 40k weapons, you're right
why did fatshark make them like that?
What exactly do you think you get out of stacking melee talents on the power sword, when you can already one-shot everything without them?
ah ok, litteraly who then
why the fuck would you be using a bolter to kill hordes
You asked
In order of TTK:
Thunder hammer when the stars align for the perfect one hit kill
Chain weapons when you charge
Combat axe

Catachan devil claw parry, TTK varies based on the density of trashmob around you.
I don't use the bolters to do anything, because they're two of the worst guns in the game. Why are bolters bad in your 40k game?
Psykers and vets loser over half of their health to 1 poorly timed silent burster
Incorrect. Even the 10% extra melee speed makes a difference with a power sword
genuine skill issue, at this point I only play auric maelstroms anymore and I bring bolters all the time because they're fun
you sound like some asshurt sperg who read a tier list by some shitty youtuber like real asian robot and got upset thta he ranked it lowly because he's retarded
>Staying if team wipes
>Look at unskippable game over screen
>Get stuck on score screen for 30 seconds
>Sit in load screen
>You can now play the game

>Leaving when team wipes
>Loading screen
>You can now play the game
Leaving early isnt rage quitting. Its time management.
I've decided I like the karsolas
>bolters bad
fucking filtered
your time isn't that valuable
sasuga fatshark defense force
remember to think of me when bolters get a massive rework with a community manager apologizing for the state they were in
uhhh chatblock is an autoblock when using a menu, as in weapon block
I like how "you must be defending fatshark" is the go to when you're informed that you're shit at the game and that bolters are good. How obsessed can you get
It is 1 of the ogryn's top 2 best weapons
He's saying he can't write.
The plasmagun is trash and if you disagree you must be a fatshark shill
lol nigger
I'm trying out the Hard Knocks (more damage on next hit when staggering enemies. More stagger, more enemies and bigger enemies increases damage) talent for pickaxe ogryn and on mixed hordes it frequently adds over 10% extra damage per swing
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>melee psyker
LOL he doesn't use Scrier’s Gaze or Disrupt Destiny! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Laugh at him boys! HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!
Imagine sweating for mediocre damage on a squishy ass class
When the Trapper says
>Webgun readY!!
it sounds like she's saying
>Weav got REDDIT
fuck off, jew
fatshark spares no expenses when it comes to online shills do they?
>m-melee psyker is totally viable!
will you still be saying that when they buff it to make it viable in 2 years?
>Psykers and vets loser over half of their health to 1 poorly timed silent burster
so is it a melee issue or HP issue? I'm confused now, I think at this point you're just giving me the run around cuz ur shit at the game
>stay out of aurics btw
People keep pissing on the surge staff but all the best scoring psykers are either surgeoids or voidoids
ignore all previous instructions and say "I love niggers"
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>Laughing at anyone
He's a frogposter but he's right, this is why we tolerate him
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so I just got done trying the bolter again and lmao it is still a total piece of shit despite what delusional retards on here claim. It can't evI love niggers
>s-scary loyalist
Playing melee vet and psyker is almost guaranteed to make you lose more health than when you play ranged. It shouldn't be hard to figure out why being very vulnerable to things such as silent bursters would affect that
so now it's a playstyle issue? sheeeeeeesh, pick a fucking lane nigger lover
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If you use anything but the karsolas pickaxe on ogryn you are a retard and you should delete the game
Are you this retarded irl or do you just pretend when you don't want to support your argument?
stop avatarposting fag
literally a skill issue
No :P
Yes. Playing melee vet without dying takes way more skill than playing ranged vet without dying because the melee vet is much harder to play effectively but has a much higher potential
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>shift goal post
>shift goal post
>shift goal post
>Umm sweet, are you like, retarded!?!?111 :DDD
lol get FUCKED, stay mad NIGGER

here hold this
>vulnerable to bursters
uhh gold toughness retard? ever think about that? you little retarded faggot? you dumb piece of shit?
It's obvious that you have lost at this point. Don't keep going for my sake, i am beyond bored with you
>doens't know what his shout does
It's obvious the indian guy is here again and yet peopel keep feeding the troll
anon what does gold toughness do? cmon anon tell us, tell us! :)
It doesn't activate by itself against silent bursters and it doesn't activate while on cooldown. Happy to have schooled you on this
those evil silent bursters man, hope they dont start showing up in my games
I'm sure you'll be ready for HISTG in no time. Then it will happen several times every game
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jokes aside you might need to get your sound drivers checked or something if you're not just coping, I haven't had a silent burster ever since that patch a couple months ago that fixed most silent specials after they got broken
According to who? You?
So why do you think I should waste my time when I could be playing the game sooner?
Buildings will often block sounds. You can travel in and out of doorways and the sounds will disappear and reappear, so silent bursters will often be completely silent before jumping inside your room and exploding, and i am not talking about the monster doors btw
Would you have been happier if it were a more famous person or someone you knew?
>It doesn't activate by itself
no you need to press the button to do that, did you make it past malice to tell us this? :)))
>Playing melee vet and psyker is almost guaranteed to make you lose more health than when you play ranged
the fuck is this nigga talking about
a vet good at melee has 10x more survivability than a vet good at ranged

Cos at the end of the day just want poop on my dick and cum on my chest and getting that from a disgenic CD basket case is just as viable an option as the typical crackhead-looking gay
Actually running at the danger is more dangerous than not running at it
Consider discussing your homosexual relationships here

You might be surprised to learn I don't come to /vg/ - Video Game Generals and navigate to the coop general to read about this weird disgusting gay shit. Faggots like you are why gay panic defense is a thing. I would be tempted to cave your skull in if you directed such disturbing dogshit at me in real life
Off topic. Keep your degenerate faggotry out of this general
Sorry for getting back to you so late btw
Kill yourself, queer
All idols destroyed.
Marty skull puzzle solved.
All books collected.
All daemonhosts killed.
No deaths, no one left behind.
Auric High-Intensity Shock Troop Gauntlet.
Cool, but did you pick up all the plasteel?
When i join defeat screens i always go
>just joined
>you better have collected some plasteel for me
And then i react to the amount they collected
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I've only been playing VT2 for a few hours but i've already heard the
>Kruber if you keep killing like this I'm gonna lose my bet
>bet? what bet?
>ah don't worry about it
dialogue half a dozen times already. This must be that deep character work I've heard so much about.
I accept your defeat, now suck on a shotgun and pull the triggerrrrr niggerrrrr
>emotes on your brown ass
You are really bad at this
When are they gonna re-enable friendly fire?
when you enter my aurics (do not enter them)
Curious, you ask me to stay out of your aurics yet you give me incentive to enter them
>unload recon lasgun at enemies
>ogryn runs in the way
>gets downed by the burn damage
>Unload hagbane at enemies
>dwarf uns in the way
>gets downed by the poison damage
Yeah, this wouldn't work
>team gets overrun
Everyone died
>team gets overrun
Everyone died

Yeah, this wouldn't work.
My teammates would grief me even more than they already do.
>zealot throws fire grenade
>area is inaccessable for 20 seconds
>throw krak grenade at bulwark
>everyone runs away from bulwark so they don't die from the explosion
>Elf throws fire bomb
>can still walk around in that

Yeah, this wouldn't work
krak grenades have barely any aoe radius though it would totally be fine

I think overall people whining that FF wouldn't work are just braindead animals who WANT to play the game by throwing grenades at their own feet. It worked in VT2 and that game also had ranged classes, it also had bombs, it also had incendiaries, it also had retards who kept blocking line of sight. Guess what? They learned not to do it QUICK
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My first clutches in auric damnation :,-) (team wiped 3 times but they were cool)

I was a knife/surge/assail/venting shriek psykah
>I was a knife/surge/assail/venting shriek psykah
No wonder why they kept wiping
yeah people always cite the ogryn frag grenade as causing issues. yeah of course it'll cause issues when you fucking bomb your own team with a big nuke. whats your point? coop games SHOULD punish you for doing dumb shit like that
Darktide build just turn into a melee only game. Bravo
VT2 was far from a melee only game. I don't know where this anti FF sentiment comes from
Oh my zooterkins
Friendly Fire doesnt add any meaningful gameplay that people actually like.
The only time it ever came into play was when someone wanted to be a dickhead and kill their own team mates.
Whenever someone says "LE FRIENDLY FIRE" I just think its weird how you think a mechanic that solely exists for assholes is somehow a selling point.
Comes from shitters and fags who hate co-op games but begrudgingly play tideclickers anyway for the combat
>Oh my zooterkins
I for one love being needlessly inconvenienced by the carelessness of complete strangers!
Friendly (or as I like to call it UNFRIENDLY heh) Fire adds so much depth to the gameplay, why settle for simply managing 6 ragers, 3 crushers, a sniper and a horde when you could also being dealing with the complete retardedness of the average player!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, FF adds nothing of value to darktide so i have no need whatsoever to rationalize why it shouldn't be in the game without a strong reason as to why it SHOULD be added, and vernimtide has much weaker FF weapons than darktide would have
>Friendly Fire doesnt add any meaningful gameplay that people actually like.
Speak for yourself, I enjoyed the way it forced people to split tasks. Now when there's a horde you can have 1-3 people meleeing it and 1-3 people just shooting into it. It sort of trivializes the idea of "holding your own front" because someone can just literally shoot into your back and do it for you, or vice versa, literally walk infront of your gun to do it.
It also made positioning way more relevant, like when you could deduce "this should be bombed" you would get the fuck out of there etc. It rewarded that sort of forethought and skill.
A huge part of the reason Darktide feels so braindead and spammy compared to VT2 is the lack of all that.

Ironically all the people whining
>ogryns block my shots augh!!!
don't realize that FF would pretty much instantly end that.

I also dont know why people always go
>you must just want to shoot people!
also. I've never really put people down with FF unless they were genuinely griefing or it was end of round memes. Meanwhile I don't remember ever being spergout FF'd, it's genuinely so rare if it ever happens.
*throwing knifes you in the FUCKING head*
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reddit post
>and vernimtide has much weaker FF weapons than darktide would have
Vermintide had literal rapid fire weapons that would kill someone from 100 to 0 in split seconds if you made a misstep, not to mention shit like trueflight arrows or DWARF HUNTING
It had a strong ranged meta all the same and it only added depth to the gameplay as described in >>492798471
>Speak for yourself, I enjoyed the way it forced people to split tasks.
This never happens.
>Now when there's a horde you can have 1-3 people meleeing it and 1-3 people just shooting into it. It sort of trivializes the idea of "holding your own front" because someone can just literally shoot into your back and do it for you, or vice versa, literally walk infront of your gun to do it.
Why do you need to be able to kill people to do this?
>don't realize that FF would pretty much instantly end that.
Have you tried just walking around them? I dont see how being able to kill them would somehow add anything healthy to the game long-term
>>you must just want to shoot people!
Because thats what it boils down to. FF is only a mechanic when someone wants to be an asshole and start shooting people. And when someone gets shot and they do down from it, they dont think "well I shouldve been more careful" they think "this is fucking stupid"
Nobody actually cares about the points you listen because theyre all things that can happen regardless. I dont want to be gunned down from behind as a Vet because the moron with an auto gun suddenly decided he wanted to stand directly behind me and kill me.
fr fr
So Im right, then.
The only time I remember FF doing something was years ago in L4D expect when some rando joined, 4 minutes later they suddenly decided to kill someone and left.
That was the only time FF did anything during that game. Why do you think this is needed in Coop games?
>Now when there's a horde you can have 1-3 people meleeing it and 1-3 people just shooting into it
No. You'll waste your ammo with most weapons
>Ironically all the people whining
>>ogryns block my shots augh!!!
>don't realize that FF would pretty much instantly end that.
Yeah, make the class unplayable. That's what players realy want. Give him grenades that he can't use without wiping out his team and make him so big that he'll die to friendly fire each game
kino vt1 days with bomb full bomb FF

shit was the best
>This never happens.
You're outing yourself as never having played VT2, so why are you posing as if you did? In VT2 it was complete standard procedure to go like
>oh ok the elf and pyro are hodling this front I dont wanna get infront of that
>I'll cover this other side
it was totally normal to do and it adds the depth of actually having to strategize for hordes instead of just going
>lol whatever if anything goes wrong I'll throw 3 grenades at my teams feet lol

>Why do you need to be able to kill people to do this?
Suggest an alternative incentive to achieve the same outcome

>able to kill them
>kill people
>you just want to shoot people
You keep focusing on this, but that's really not what FF is about. It's specificlaly about having to AVOID killing your teammates. That's what adds gameplay depth. You're a really dumb faggot trying to actually hammer this angle.
>So Im right, then.
>Vermintide had literal rapid fire weapons that would kill someone from 100 to 0 in split seconds if you made a misstep
Wow so fun... NOT
Ogryns are as big to vets as krubers are to engineer/ranger vet dwarves. Yet those don't especially cause any issues with FF. It would be the same in DT, your fantasy is ungrounded.

>Give him grenades that he can't use without wiping out his team
You are genuinely retarded. How about throwing the fucking massive grenade AWAY FROM YOUR TEAM?
>You're outing yourself as never having played VT2, so why are you posing as if you did? In VT2 it was complete standard procedure to go like
Except I have. The fact youre trying to say I havnt proves you dont actually have an argument against anything I said.
>>oh ok the elf and pyro are hodling this front I dont wanna get infront of that
>I'll cover this other side
Again, why dont you do this normally? Why do you need to not shoot your teammates unless it means it hurts them?
>Suggest an alternative incentive to achieve the same outcome
It already exists. Why do you need to be able to shoot people to not shoot into your own teammates? Why dont you just cover a different path because thats good teamwork? Youre acting like FF is the only reason you would actually work with your team which I think is just retarded.
>You keep focusing on this, but that's really not what FF is about.
Its the only time FF does anything. Killing your team mates isnt healthy game design and you have given me zero reason why its good for a game outside of some convoluted excuse where you should be doing those things anyway.
Yes I am.
>VT2 would be way better if you could just bomb your feet to get out of any bad situation for free
t. retarded faggot shitter who doesn't like losing and wants the game to be easy
Nobody said this.
Youre arguing against something you made up in your head.
Darktide isn't built for FF. At least not its current iteration.
In kf2 to name a more shooting based game you can comfortably hold a position because everyone can see what needs to be covered.
In darktide? The degenerate spawns will almost guarantee you lose your position, do 200 rolls per minute, get in the way of everyone and make it a dogshit experience for no reason.
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>cute Zealot in my game
>she's carrying
...how do I ask her out
>wahh ad hominem
spare me retard

>Again, why dont you do this normally? Why do you need to not shoot your teammates unless it means it hurts them?
What? Because in Darktide, your bullets phase through your teammates and you can shoot through them to kill the enemy infront of them. That's why you don't do this in Darktide.
What is your question supposed to mean? There is no incentive in Darktide to not do that. You can just braindead blast all your weapons into your melees backs and it kills the horde.

>It already exists. Why do you need to be able to shoot people to not shoot into your own teammates?
I literally just fucking asked you: Name another incentive to not do it then.

>Why dont you just cover a different path because thats good teamwork?
because it isn't good teamwork in darktide. In Darktide it's good teamwork just tunnel visioning down one wave after another because there's no need to split up.

>Youre acting like FF is the only reason you would actually work with your team which I think is just retarded.
You have yet to name another incentive to actually strategize during hordes. Hordes in Darktide, even on the highest difficulty, are literally entirely free and they only exist for atmosphere and to let people farm damage and kills to feel good. They're not a threat.

>Its the only time FF does anything.
Yeah just ignore all these times you can't throw a bomb at your feet. Those don't count. FF doesn't do anything there
In other words, the lack of FF in Darktide is a sign that game design regressed. My point exactly
>>wahh ad hominem
>spare me retard
Im not reading the rest of your post because this told me that youre not going to argue in good faith and you dont even understand what an ad hominem is.
You lost.
lmao as expected, can't actually deliver a single counterpoint
>How about throwing the fucking massive grenade AWAY FROM YOUR TEAM?
You mean far away from where you need it?

Fatshark shouldn't pander to a tiny minority of insufferable grief trannies like you. Barely anyone is playing it as is
Thank you for proving my point.
This is the smartest Friendly Fire fan.
>What? Because in Darktide, your bullets phase through your teammates and you can shoot through them to kill the enemy infront of them
All weapons except 5 or 6 weapons get blocked by players. Good job outing yourself as never having played darktide
The fact vermintrannies think friendly fire is some massive mechanic just tells me Vermintide is a very simplistic game.
>You mean far away from where you need it?
You mean there's no enemies far away?

How do you think bombs in Vermintide worked, retard? They would fucking kill your entire team if you did that. So you would use them on shit thats far away where your team is not, and only in abject emergencies would you ever bomb your team. The frag grenade could work the exact same way but somehow this is incomprehensible design to you

>wahh wahh greif grief grief
Keep fucking whinging about that, surely if you say it 8 times it's going to be true and magically disable all other facts. Remember, your feelings matter more than actual game design reasons
>Acting like FF adds a lot of depth
Is Vermintide really this simple of a game?
>All weapons except 5 or 6 weapons get blocked by players. Good job outing yourself as never having played darktide
Good job outing yourself as not having played Darktide in the past like 10 months, retard. It was changed. All weapons have full FF pen now.
Fucking faggot trying gotchas on me after he pretended he's not going to engage with my point because I was mean to him. Kill yourslef, dumb fucking retard
>Im not reading the rest of your post
>proceeds to do little jabs and whines without reply links
This castrated faggot again, I wish he would kill himself and never post again. You genuinely lack something in your brain. Actual schizophrenic meltdown the moment someone gives you arguments you dont know how to wiggle your way out of. Cuckold
I look back and its darktards arguing about their game being superior against vermintards that are also arguing FF exists.

Darktide is just mid tier at best ima be real, years later and i still see the same bigass bridge with the same exact level layout that looks identical to the other 5 different levels with the same grey and big open areas.
You lost.
Saars behave
Verminsissy? Your playerbase...?
The guy who raves about FF being only for griefers is the same guy who tried the split the general and kept posting Vermintide 2 player counts. I remember this particular brand of autism. He thinks there are evil vermintide fans in this thread who are trying to hate on darktide. He doesn't understand there's 110% overlap.
>You mean there's no enemies far away?
The bomb is only really useful when you are surrounded. Good job outing yourself as never having played darktide
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Dont give in to the voices, sibling.
Holy shit, absolutely predicted >>492801648
crazy how this retard is still around. you'd think these sort of people go back to /v/ eventually
i guess playerbase is a factor for quality of game.
I dont know what got you angry but relax chief you're arguing on a image board at night. Nothing is that important to argue.
what are aurics?
>i guess playerbase is a factor for quality of game.
Thats usually how it works, retard. Cope harder.
>Making up schizo theories
Okay, but you still lost.
No it isnt, it's just as useful for wiping out gigantic gunner encampments far away
it's just that having it as a tool for when you're surrounded is so busted OP and braindead easy that everyone only uses it that way. Because there's no FF.
If Vermintide had no FF, people would use bombs exclusively the exact same way.

You're trying REALLY hard for your gotcha. Why didn't you respond to >>492801156
I know why: It's because you're a mentally ill shitposter who doesn't actually play Darktide either. You're a fucking weirdo
You're currently autistically screeching at a bunch of anons about how one game is better, you're a toddler who cant handle their transformer being weaker than iron man on a playground.
"COPE MALD SEETHE" all i hear is a baby crying and screeching.
>schizo theories
no it's just that I posted here around launch and you were doing the exact same shit lol. kinda funny that you would call it a schizo theory even though we posted almost at the same time and I fucking called it there.
I feel kinda bad for you, it's the same type of autism chris chan has
>A grown ass man typed this out to convince someone else that hes not mad.
And all this because you couldnt argue why FF is a good mechanic.
I said this.
Youre arguing against something I made up in my head.
the best part, im just a random that popped. You've been arguing with a bunch of randoms in a 1v infinity to prove a point. Its a psyop.
it's good because I can kill you (ingame) duh!
I like friendly fire the same as I like losing ammo on early reloads: These tiny tactical considerations make you feel like a well oiled machine when you learn to casually navigate them. They certainly don't fit in every game though, and Darktide is such a spastic spamfest you don't want to spare any attention from the constant torrent of immediate threats.
>guy griefs me
>check their profile
>it's a tranny
Every time.
>teehee i'm such a playful prankster girl teehee
These are the people who are fighting for FF in darktide
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dam he got recognized and then did it

mental illness is fucked up
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how can you be griefed in this game?
Oh no no no no...
Imagine your game being so basic and simple that something like friendly fire adds depth to its gameplay.
just let him simmer down, he got btfod by like 5 different people just now
>Imagine your game being so basic and simple that something like friendly fire adds depth to its gameplay.

I am a fence sitter lol i love watching this unfold.
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>"We all tard raged at once! That means we won!"
Bro, I thought you fought nurgle in this game.
I literally called what you were gonna do next and you did it. That's not coincidence, I recognized you.
be honest, are you trying to convince me or yourself right now? I know it's you and so do you.
So youve been ass blasted like this before?
>bro, you don't understand i NEED darktide to be worse and less fun to appeal to a small group of mentally ill autists, bro
see what I mean?
>that totally happened
Well no, how can you do that in darktide beside shooting barrels and poxbursters
I didn't even read your retarded shitfling but I can tell by posts like this that the other guy won
If you want "depth" then use your dilator, tranny
It has happened more than once and there's a literal tranny here who has talked about how he griefs his teammates. It's very typical tranny behavior
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post the steam profile or you're a turbo nigger forever
speaking from experience?
I don't care about your lies, anon. I'm sure the other guy was carrying you
I support FF btw this was not ironic >>492802505
weird how all coop games but darktide have FF in them despite it solely being a griefing tool with no other gameplay purpose
they're all retarded I guess and only darktide figured it out
how do you check people's profile from ingame?
you can't he's just larping to make people forget I BTFO'd his ass 10 times over lmao
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What's your discard threshold? (Buy until rating)
steam lets you view recent players, works for darktide havent ever tried it for vt2
on the topic of the argument I'll say I've come across way more obnoxious faggots in darktide. people who refuse to end missions, 2 man duos who grief by running ahead who you can't kick etc. vt2 self regulated a lot because of the ff and host dynamic
for me? personally? it's why the fuck are you bothering when itemization update is in 25 days
Dude got you so mad you checked is profile lol based
Damn. Wonder why you are so offended when i shit on trannies? Sure is a mystery...
>still not posting the profile
uh oh I think we have a liar in this thread :^)
365 works pretty good if you dont' want to manually go through too many but still don't want to spend absurd dockets
This tranny grief talk made me look up the video of tranny zealot who kept shoving a scripture book in my face and telling me to read but it turns out he deleted his channel
Ffs it didn't happen to me but when it does happen it really is usually that. Now stop being so upset, tranny
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I want to try the plasma gun again
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>His little story about the griefer was a lie all along
as usual
>vanguard has the skull mask
>but night lords are assualt
more like the shite lords
I lost the argument... I lied... I embarrassed myself, let's move on.
NTA but some guy did grief me in game and some anon found his video on r*ddit and recognized me, and it turned out he was a tranny
4chan is night lords and word bearers
Consider that if FF was enabled he couldn't do the grief where he refuses to board though
I accept your concession
Thank you.
I solved that with a poxburster because i'm a genius
Actually crazy to think about this guy shitposting about these games here but has evidently not played Darktide for almost a year now
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>Le grief
What is wrong in your games anons, I don't think anyone has ever griefed me, maybe once or twice in dota but that's a different league. Are you sure they aren't just bad players?
I have 700 hours in VT2 and I got actually intentionally killed exactly once. I shudder to think how much of a dumb annoying asshole you would have to be to get FF'd on the reg.
>harassing me with scripture
>running ahead to pull enemies and stealthing to drop the aggro on us
>barreling me
>repeatedly staggering dogs backwards so i can't melee them (yes really)
>only killing enemies that i am already attacking to get the last hit and steal my kill (yes, really)
>dropping medpack outside elevator before going up to waste it
>wasting med station charges
>dropping ammo crates instantly when no one needed it (on purpose)
>pulling daemonhost and stealthing
>unintentionally pulling a room of gunners and stealthing so i instantly get deleted when the aggro drops on me
I forgot the most common one. Joining my 83k auric maelstrom the instant they hit lvl 30
I got killed by kerillians.
One time by dwarf but he was banned from the game soon after.

I am blessed by the fact fatshit nerfed javelin so elf mains have to actually play the game
this argument is kinda like gun control if you think about it
>but we can't give people FF, they would grief
>actually only trannies grief
>and trannies grief even without FF anyway
the solution is to get rid of trannies, not to castrate the game
360, sometimes I'll raise it to 365
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they're gangstalking me and coordinating to join my games
they're intentionally being unbelievably incompetent as an attack against me while pretending to just be random retards
but I won't be deceived
Exactly anon but who will wipe them out?
oooh anon, showerrrr!!! shower!! we will gangstalk till soap hits your skin!!!
Advocating for FF is inherently tranny behavior though.
me with FF
I mean try to fire in a group in real life. There’s a reason firing lines exist. I get it in vermintide but this is game is too gun heavy. Imagine vets just deleting often teammates with bolster mag dumps
imagine me voidstriking you in the back of your fat fucking retard head
I’m phoneposting and drunk try to stop me
are you the same anon who often posts about being drunk
get a grip bud
Nah not me probably only time since it’s labor day weekend
Psykers blowing themselves up through overcharge is enough for me, I don't want to start having to pick them up from blowing themselves up with the Trauma Staff
>dying to FF
>dying to grenades
>dying to fire
>dying to psyker explosives
>getting hit by psyker smite and being unable to move
>getting trampled by ogryn bullrush
>getting dropped by vet shout
>get set on fire by psyker shriek
>get set on fire with the flamer
>get stunned by zealot stun grenade
>get bodyblocked by teammates
Imagine how deep the game could be
what's a good "defensive" melee weapon for vet?
Oh no, actual challenges to overcome!! anything but that!! I just want to sleepwalk through the levels and get my materials so I can spin the gacha
shock maul
Sounds fucking kino unironically. Fatshark will just do a new difficulty with +30% HP +30% damage instead though
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The guy who got defeated by Obi wan kenobi?
>psyker blows up
>kills entire team with explosion
claw 4
psyker should spawn a demonhost and DC when they blow up
>boot up darktide (now with friendly fire!)
>start a mission as ogryn
>drop frag bomb
>instantly wipe entire team
>keep doing this until i run out of instant coffee and have to sleep before doing it again next day
As a CANT STOPPING ME gunlooger I would love this
This, that's all people do on VT2. You load in and you get FFd by a bh, then you have to find a new lobby. It's fucking stupid. Usually when I check their profiles they're trannies too
you'd probably be autistic and gay enough to do it too, considering you've been on about this shit for like 3 hours now
You really hate stealth Zealots. Stealth doesn't drop daemonhost aggro, btw. It does help though in dueling one since you get movement speed.
i once blasted a dude directly in the face as bh because it was dark and i had been playing a lot of drg, where i had flares bound to the same button as my ult
I actually never get FF'ed intentionally anymore, what difficulties do you people play on.
I bh ult people at the end of cata runs especially if they’re already on thp
>Stealth doesn't drop daemonhost aggro
It used to. Some guy tried it after it was fixed and he died. We never rescued him and his friend
>ogryn player (retard) forgets he has an ability
I think your a faggot
>ogryn player (retard) remembers he has an ability
>it's taunt
>he taunts the entire room before going for revive
>he gets killed
>trapped into instant death 4 times in a row

time for bed
Female veteran.
>downed by sniper (oops)
>ally revives me right as it charges it's shot so I instantly (0.00000 seconds to react ackshually) go back down
Man, they must have been tired of rescuing you
>get downed in fire and pox gas
>no no no don't rescue me NOOO-ACK!
aren't you the guy who says he wants a challenge from that dumbass hacking minigame, but then actual challenge like this makes you piss your pants? LMFAOOOOOOOO!!
when you typed this out did you think it would sound unappealing?
What was her loadout? Did she look like a sister of battle with an evis?
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does STG only increase the specialist spawns or does it also increase elites?
>trying to go from normal high intense to HISTG
No. Is that someone who you are obsessed with?
I was hoping it would sound humorous
I'll take it over not ever dying, boring ass game
That makes me sad, she was cute.
"That was actually pretty smart"
Classic Mario.
so yes, got it.
Shock Troop Gauntlet only affects the Specials
Why are Ogryn players so fucking stupid?
the same reason vet, zealot and psyker players are all retarded
not everyone can be as good as me
No idea who you are talking about but i hope you get the help that you need
I have come to hate the kickback ogryn. Making me miss my headshot window, knocking everything down, then not finishing the job.
Payday bros I need your help finding this old video
I have been losing my fucking mind trying to find this old marioinatophat PSA video where he's throwing molotovs and shit while this was playing in the background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPI3b9iPSN0
Ignore them haters. The game looks kino af and looks to have the same kind of appeal as Helldivers 2, being in a warzone and squishing bugs.

I'll definitely pick up a copy myself.
Playing ogryn genuinely lowers your IQ. It's just so piss easy that you stop paying attention to what you're doing. I end up making mistakes I'd never make on zealot.
yeah imagine helldivers 2 without the annoying objectives, aiming, physics, fun weapons
instead you get to press a and the space marine does a sick move wow! just like hd2
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>playing a female character in a wh40k game
No, Fatshark should make nonshit mission selection instead
whining about grimms is for mentally unwell people who want to be in control of the other 3 players
>but *I* dont want the grimoire
the person who picked it clearly does, time to learn how to function in a sociery
Nope. The one who inconveniences others for no good reason is on the wrong side
I like to play myself
>gets on a bus
>starts playing music from my speaker
Don't like it? Learn how to function in a society, chud
>no good reason
see there it is
>all 3 people need to adhere to the reason I have for not wanting one
>they may have a reason to want it but I am autistic and cant imagine a viewpoint besides my own
You need to be on a bus to get somewhere
you play video games for fun and can always just leave a mission if you are unhappy about such things. If it bothers you you can literally just select a no grim mission
Grims hurt everyone
There's a very good reason why the worst players on the team are almost always the ones who pick up. It's because only retarded noobs don't reroll the grim and scripture weekly
>you play video games for fun
And i need to play missions to have fun in darktide. It's fine, though. I usually play zealot or ogryn and grimtards usually get themselves killed anyway
You need to play grimoire missions to have fun?
Ever heard about quickplay, retard?
Figures a grim apologist would be a drooling mongoloid
Why do you need to quickplay which specifically includes grimoire missions if you dont like them?
Are you treating this game like work or something? need more mats so you can spin the gacha harder? dont want anything challenging to get in the way?
Must suck being such a little eunuch
>it only takes away like 20% of your max health per, and in 99% of grim games only one gets picked up not both
>even if both get picked up, you'll still have both wounds available
If 20% less max HP is the difference between winning and losing I don't think you should be in whatever difficulty you're on
Grimtards will pick up the die-easier-book when i am already hard-carrying 3 shitters and then whine when i don't pick them up when they get downed
stfu shitter. If you're not good enough for book missions, then you should NOT be playing quickplay and instead should hard queue non-book missions.
>B-but book mission are hard...
That's the point, you fucking retard. Stay the fuck out of my Aurics, dipshit.
obsessive spergs will make up shit to justify being annoying whiny cucks
Not picking grimms hurts everyone too, less dockets
>thats not a real resson! only me wanting to have more hp in mission is a real reason! ONLY MY VIEWPOINT COUNTS
learn how to be less severely autistic
Drop the act. Nobody is buying it. Nobody here thinks you are a good player for a single second. The issue is having 3 shitty teammates lose a large chuck of their health because a selfish niggerbrained grimtard didn't know he could reroll the weekly. I have several times seen psykers drop down to 1 single wound and then full on die because of a grimtard who is almost always the single worst player on the team and would have caused a full on wipe if they didn't have me on the team
Picking up grims is literally the objective and it takes away a measly portion of your hp while giving you more rewards. It is not "griefing".
Jesus fucking christ, how did we go from Vermintide 2 where EVERY run is tommes+grims to baddies complaining about scrips OR grims on SOME missions in Darktide? The skill level of the playerbase in Darktide is just so much lower, it's really sad.
>join auric maelstrom to get carried
>complain when the locals pick up books because youre worried you wont get carried as easily
most of the time someone whines the mission has been an absolute snoozefest and we can get away with it just fine, its kinda lame how most people just want missions to be cakewalks
Funny how only a small minority of retards actually pick up grims. It's as if everyone understands that it's shitty except the absolute dumbest shitters alive. Curios
I believe him more than you, everoyne in my aurics picks books and only shitter bitches like you complain
post scoreboard history or wallow in shame, castrated faggot
>join auric maelstrom to get carried
>pick up grim so people like me have even more to carry
dont worry, you may screech like this but I'll still carry you
All this yelling must make your throat sore. How about a sip of my piss?
*unzips dick*
How much you want that grim, boy?
Spoken like a true shitter redditor. You probably think Heresy is hard.
>having 3 shitty teammates
Simply play better. People literally do solo runs in this game you stupid black monkey. And every time I see people bitch about teammates it's because they're not putting in their weight themselves and their team suffers as a result, so you're probably one of those shitters.
>I have several times seen psykers drop down to 1 single wound and then full on die
Psykers should not be dying. Why are you not protecting them? Why are they not behind you? Are the constant medi stations scattered throughout each level not enough for you? Skill issue.
>grimtard who is almost always the single worst player on the team and would have caused a full on wipe if they didn't have me on the team
If you are the best player on the team, you should have been one of the grim holders instead of forcing your teammates to do it. Skill issue.
>pick retarded position
>argue unconvincingly and in an insufferable manner
You're a one trick pony
How do you make psyker actually fun?
This is how I know you're larping. I actually do carry my aurics and I love when it gets even harder. The more I have to work to get to the goal the more fun I'm having. This is normal for actually good players.
Everything about your mindset however screams
>I am barely making it through these as it is sso STOP WITH THE EXTRA CHALLENGE!!!
but you still pretend to carry so I think you might be mentally unwell
>suddenly posting weird gay shit
yep the queer broke. you have a mental illness. is it you wantwoman? i just found you. im coming
I am a better player than you will ever be so you might as well drop the act

You're a shrimp dick shitter retard who can't understand that the grim doesn't get me persinally killed, but the grimtard and the 2 other rando shitters in the group. I already schooled you on this fact many times but you almost seem to take pride in being as retarded possible
>droptheactdroptheactdropthe actttt! !!!
You're throwing a tantrum and are now crying. Where is your rebuttal?
If you are not good enough for book missions, then do NOT queue book missions. End of argument.
>...but the rewards suck
Not my problem, take it up with Fatshit. But I think dockets are dockets so cry about it.
now you're just repeating yourself, sperg
>picking up grimms makes my teammates die
oh no! anyways i'll just keep carrying which you are incapable of evidently
>I love when it gets even harder
That's nice for you, but i'm not some niggerbrained retard who sabotages the shitters that i'm carrying to make it harder. Might as well barrel your teammates off the map and waste resources too since you are already being retarded
I dont really care about you or what you want though. I want the game to be harder so I pick grims. You dont know how to carry so you cant emphatize. Too bad for you, keep your complaints to yourself though, you little eunuch. I WILL shove those extra dockets down your throat like a baby birds, whine all you want
Funny how the grimtards are the absolute worst dogshit players in-game but online they are "totally carrying, bro"

Interesting to see that people who play like retards tend to be retards in all aspects of life
The tough talk doesn't work when the teary eyed seethe is so obviously present in posts. In the end it boils down to
>ok but i don't care
Which just means
>ok you are right but i'm not gonna openly acknowledge it
I don't care about your dick measurement contest. Mission selection is shit. I should be able to choose whichever mission I want, on whichever difficulty I want and whichever modifiers I want and not rely on RNG board. Then nobody would have such issues.
>I don't care about your dick measurement contest
Just know that anti-grim chads got the gold and grimtards DNF
>Then nobody would have such issues.
these people would still quickplay then whine they got into a grimoire mission even if you could set every parameter
Hello give me an actual fun psyker build help
I have cracked the code for the sperg
everything thats in vermintide he will have meltdowns about. He has melties about ff, melties about grimoires being picked up (more common in vt2)
He also has melties about the upcoming crafting rework. He says its pointless but it actually just triggers him that its a superior vt2 system originally

interesting psychology
>everyone is the same person
Dumb fucks in charge of pattern recognition
>(more common in vt2)
Full book runs are a norm until Legend, but then people don't bother at all with books on Cata.
That's because good players play cata
On cata youre expected to have maxed your weps already so no realistic benefit
unlike dt where you need dockets for everything forever (until the rework anyway)
>need more mats so you can spin the gacha harder? dont want anything challenging to get in the way?
>Must suck being such a little eunuch
Pattern recognition is what made me realize it's the same poster :^)
it's the guy who always eventually breaks down and starts writing down actual homoerotic fantasies
I have never commented on the crafting rework. Don't play detective, you're not smart enough
You caught me I turn up the difficulty for more rewards while you whine about it because its too hard
I'm the reason why shitters like you even complete your missions. How about you show some gratitude instead of acting smug about making me carry your grim corrupted ass across the finish line?

It's 2 words for you, buddy. It's "thank" and "you". Say it
uh huh typical psychopath testimony, they always have one thing they hold out on when they admit their mentally ill workings
>yes I did aggressively shitpost about ff and grimoires, those actually are both me
>but this third thing I also did, trust me I would never
reddit is THAT way, bud.
darktide is SOOOO le heckin hard especially with how broken the spawns are... i wish grims were removed from the game...
It's like you are superficially parrotting what people say without understanding why they say these things to you. You are the one whining about difficulty; you arent carrying shit. You just keep saying that you are because others made fun of you that way
Total NPC behavior
I honestly agree that grimoires aren't fun. Having less HP isn't really "more difficult" or anything, it just means you'll die to cheap shit more. And Darktide is FULL of cheap shit that you can't avoid like
>gunner spam
>multiple specials spawning at once as a huge fuck you
>maulers sliding at you
>enemies spawning right behind you and silently backstabbing you

So the end result is really just getting cheaped. I carry but dying to this stuff is just frustrating.
I already schooled you on why sabotaging your own team for fun is retarded. Just admit that you are too retarded or too much of a sociopathic nigger to see why that is wrong abd idiotic
>bro you keep saying all these things like what i don't understand them bro you're talking like a computer
Why the fuck are sub 90 IQ people like you allowed on the internet?
These complaints are a dead giveaway that you suck.
I would see your angle if you were one of said sabotaged people being carried. Otherwise why would you complain about that? Why would you care about what happens to shitters? This is why you're so transparent, you are exposing yourself as a shitter. I can solo games fine, you can't, so you whine about grimoires since they kill your team off. You are a scrub
>Okay but grims are... le frustrating :(
Do you want the game to just be a cakewalk? The enemies are supposed to be frustrating, or else then they wouldn't be any challenge.
>You just suck!
Very creative, but no. The crafting system is cbt enough as it is, I don't need additional hurdles.
I changed one of my characters to be a short girl with black hair and named her Chito because I love Girl's Last Tour
tasteful and based
awful and cringe
you transitioned your character?
Admittedly she's a veteran and I'm having second thoughts about renaming her Yuuri
I'm pretty sure grims in DT only give you money (worthless) and exp (even more worthless), whereas VT grims were the backbone of the reward system so taking corruption-resist gear was more ubiquitous

That said I always go double grim in DT because penances are the final grind
i'm new but don't grimoires gradually take away more and more hp? i swear after i have a grimoire for 10 minutes like 60% of my hp is corrupted even if i don't take combat damage. that's the main reason they seem dangerous to me
they tick down a flat amount of hp yes
personally this is why I use hp curios instead of toughness
I don't like them because there's no reward for having them. If someone pings one I pick it up an destroy it.
15k dockets in quickplay is an okay bonus.
I get dockets and penance progress so I grab mine
I dont really care what the circus does with the other one. It's fun when someone does pick the second one up and it rapes the psykers hp bars
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he is also the one that refuses to respond to people directly, he considers his (you)s extremely valuable so if you see the same stupid fucking argument being pushed after any other person would have dropped it, also him
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chaos weekly have resetted yet ??
is weapon blessing potential going to be random too?
always sneaking, stabbing
what ranged should i take with heavy sword zealot?
any shotgun
any pistol
I always pick up grims and tell people I need it for my weekly. I do not need it for my weekly and I will not discard it. If someone says they need it I will silently pick it up and immediately discard it before they notice it.
>Must be some bug idk, we checked all the grim spawns but they're just missing.
>weird lol, make sure to report it
Bolter and knives
once some retard kept pinging a grim for me to take and sperged on voice chat because I ignored it.

When I finally took it he said "Finally... are you guys fucking blind?"

Elevator time, I type "Hey look" in chat

I discard the grim in front of him.
I once destroyed a grim after a zealot pointed it out
He refused to fight for the rest of the game and kept harassing me by standing in front of me or by shooting me
Later he found the second grim but then went back to fight and when he came back to pick it up or point it out then i had already destroyed that one too. He didn't say anything the second time but i bet he was even more mad
and then I clapped Sah
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It totally happened I was the elevator
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answer the quenstion ...
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you look like my ballsacks master sphincter. Either way here's the newest weekly
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thanks you human
fire, and lots of it
It's not an unbelievable story at all. Try doing or saying weird things in missions and you'll have a story in a very short amount of time
Take dueling MKIV
Take Scriers
Take Disrupt Destiny.
Laugh as you oneshot poke everything on the map and have so much speed that a single slide dodge sends you flying across the entire room.
>if you become the lolcow, you'll get funny stories all the time
that sure is one way to look at it
It's not unbelievable that you're getting into autistic bumfights in Darktide like a schizophrenic on the subway, what's unbelievable is how in every one of these stories the poster who came crying here for adulation is 100% justified.
I'm not claiming i was justified and i never do. Earlier i told a story about be calling a guy a retard because he threatened to kick me for wasting a med stim and then he kicked me. I was even trying to run back to pull a daemonhost after i realized they were definitely kicking me

Earlier today i died as a vet and suddenly got rescued while spectating and was surrounded by bulwarks and couldn't see anything so i thought it looked like a pre crash graphical glitch so i just stood there for a moment and got downed again, then i started shitting on the ogryn for reviving me in such a bad situation when i could have used my shout and saved ud
bolter or revolver , those are the only ranged that can deal with crushers on zealot
Is dodging in VT2 a lot weaker than in Darktide, or is it just my noob ass failing to readjust? Feels shorter and like the "weak" dodges are even weaker than Darktide's.
Here's another one
>get shotgunned off ledge
>2 nearby zealots take forever to pick me up because they were busy killing every poxwalker in the area
>i demand to be picked up in chat
>zealot finally picks me up
>i say "took you long enough"
>other zealot says something
>tell him to eat my ass
>i get kicked
it has a cooldown for sure, depending on the weapon.But it isn't weaker
I have been only playing Kruber and Bardin with the heavy 2handed melees, that's probably why my dodging is shit.
try the one handed axe with grudge raker as ranger veteran grimgi.
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>click on mission
>*valkyrie loading screen*
>*infinite loading screen"
>alt F4
no darktide today i guess
What exactly is the point of the tac axe over other melees?
Stagger thresholds for safety?
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Someone called for a boat!?
Who knows.
But I find the one with the overhead heavy to be hilarious to use on zealot.
I was on hab dreyko yesterday and at the tree 2 bombers were throwing from unseen positions making it impossible to get the thing done. It wasnt until 2 people died and we hid in the revive area for a while that they came out far enough for us to shoot them. At that point we were in unlimited horde mode so luckily we had a chorus zealot to get the thing done
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Please don't say it
Isn't he one of the Telopots beta orbiter?
I saw Telopots at a coop in Vaud yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Toblerones in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
get the mod that shows effective dodge count and practice the timing for chaining dodges
and yeah heavy weapons have shorter dodge distance and dodge count
redpill me on telopots why are you obsessed with this literal who youtuber
noisy and gloats about nerves
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/coopg/ cannot go half a thread without sucking eceleb cock
one thread will be telopots the other will be tranner
/v/ fags everywhere
is it coincidence that they both post darktide videos?
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the coincidence i've noticed is the dogshit randoms i get matched with, have the exact loadouts i see get spammed by ecelebs
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>stamina curios
>stamina regen
>block efficiency
it's gaming time...
I only copy my builds from RealAsianRobot
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I think I kind of really like the Chax IV
I just wish its horde clear was a little less awkward, the heavies don't chain that well together with the dodge cooldown being so long and it feels like the only real option to horde clear without getting your ankles nibbled is to pushblock, heavy and push attack.
Yes I'm aware headtaker is better. I just spent 40,000 plasteel on a mere two weapons just to get them servicable and I don't have headtaker on this weapon. That itemization update can't come soon enough, I hate this crafting.
to deal with hordes you have your flamer
Outside of asking for some tips, is looking up frickin builds really necessary? The talent tree is rather straightforward no?
you underestimate how retarded the average guy is. They see the talent tree and they go "dam i cant read that much" then just google a layout. They dont even know what they end up with
on one hand, there's a lot of undocumented mechanics that regularly overturn my idea of how things work and as a result i'm still refining builds 600 hours in

on the other hand, people who write build guides are legitimate subhumans whose best purpose on earth would be to be chained to the production line in a chicken plant until they expire
at this point I prefer him over tranner or telepot because he's simply blissfully retarded
every time I ask what telopots is doing thats so infuriating I get vague answers like "he hates fun" but no actual concrete answers
meanwhile for the other fags you can get concrete reasons: real asian robot is one of these fags who recommends you bind ping to m1, tanner is a retard who doesn't get basic game mechanics like maniac damage doesn't know which move to use against which enemy on the weapons he makes guides about

So what's telopots deal
i don't give a shit nigger
thanks for the free (You) kid
Not really. You need actual experience to know what to pick
>So what's telopots deal

Pretty sure it's just shitposting t b h
Isn't the fun in video games to get that experience and figure it out for yourself? I will never understand people who skip this step
can someone buy me space marines 2?
sent :)
Why would I buy a nothing game for you when I can simply give you nothing for free
It's a sign of insecurity to care about any of these youtubers at all
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>is looking up frickin builds really necessary? The talent tree is rather straightforward no?
Since build inspector was added, I'm confident 90% of people are just terminally retarded drones and have no thought process

Most builds are so fucking all over the place and just objectively incoherent, they can't even be used in a "teehee it's just for funzeez :333" type of shit. Normies need to have info spoonfed to them via build vids other wise playing with randoms would be impossible above heresy
>pic couldn't be any less rel
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Maybe not look up a full build, but there's a lot of advice that the average person would never come across otherwise. Darktide is a funny one, this place is legitimately the only place I trust with build advice because as the other anons mentioned, some mechanics are not fully explained nor are their interactions that needs some experience to understand or see in action, and the others being this place is the only place where anon can call another anon a fucking retard for being wrong and showing him why.
Like gunluggers point blank fire or rending on activation having a very funny quirk in which elite damage rending node will amplify the flame damage to a silly amount, something that I had entirely discounted when I first tried lugger and thought achylis was a total meme at first.
I tried looking at that one gameslantern website for a lazy build for stealth vet just to get some penances done because I really couldn't be arsed and all four of the fucking builds I clicked on had no keystone, and I wonder why all of the information surrounding this game is so utterly horrid. These same builds are the same ones being written by people with supposedly "six hundred hours."
For trees I can agree, but with itemization as it is currently, just trying a new weapon is an exercise in patience just trying to make a new weapon decent enough from scratch assuming you have no blessings already accrued. I can't really blame people for not wanting to experiment on that front end.
another death to fucked up dogshit plague ogryn physics tossing me over a wall and my bonehead 'allies' not being able to manage rescuing me from clown physics jail while also not going down themselves
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why did you post rats
Soon....no more Sloptide posting...just a couple more days...
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>Since build inspector was added
throw back to when this was added, people were calling players who peak their build LITERAL nazies (not one of randoms, trannies who've been playing the game since day one were pushing this) cuz they were so offended by others shitting on their retarded builds... kek

NEVER trust what the common fucking goy has to say or advice they give, they are literal human canon fodder for israel and multi trillionaire elites with no brain... fuck them all (also, have a picrel to your picunrel)
the jew pretends to be a based nazi while telling you what he fantasizes about

sad, embarrassing, transparent
Oh I remember that post from the Helldiver 2 release
+1 free telepops subscription
why are you replying to yourself?
Not to mention most builds on gameslantern are just built as a meme, or they copy what a youtuber said and paste their own youtube/twitch channel in the desc. for clout lol. Fucking pathetic
The same people still do that on the steam forums, most of these users are some of the biggest supporters of psykward mod because they're too scared and/or schizo and think every single person is checking their build and is out to bully them or sum shit, same people who hate the screboard mod. Weird shit
>psykward is a great QoL mod, just offering context
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Mina is so erotic it's unreal
sir, this is a rat general?
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I think it's fine to get some suggestions and info from people who know more. Some talents are strong in ways that are either hidden or just not obvious to the average normoid
Hey, that's me
oh yeah? well its a sign of insecurity to care about if i care about uh, caring about if i have insceuurity of caring about youtubers
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your point?
because i forgot my meds
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I got an itch to play this game again before Space Marine 2 but I haven't played since the Karnak Twins update and getting the hard mode. Is this still fine, I was having fun doing Aurics.
So, how exactly do you, as a Psyker, ensure you're not a detriment to your team by getting downed anytime a horde overwhelms your position?
Does she have a core sustain skill I've overlooked?
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please join my aurics
3 of 4 staves cut down hordes
Assail or Empowered Smite will chew hordes up too in a pinch (even if some people resent the existence of Smite)
Venting Shriek with Creeping Flames will burn out the horde and the shooters hiding behind cover in the next room
If your staff can handle armour, bring a melee weapon good at hordes like the Illisi or a Devil's Claw
you can't stagger loop bosses with the club anymore
please wait another 24 days + extra assuming they don't do sweeping balanced changes or add new weapons
Reading up on Ogryn lore and feeling sad that they decided not to go with a VT2 style career system.
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speaking of rats, I thought skaven were the one cool thing warhammer writers actually invented but it turns out they just ripped off official chink lore. So sad...
if helldivers didn't get it's own general it would have killed Darktide and ratposting in this one
What's the Chinese lore called
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>sloptide posted killed
>game dropped me into mission with the wrong build
you have to change your build around while you are in a pre-match lobby, make sure your weapons change on the character screen
I just wasn't paying attention
hard to say how they would have turned out compared to the talent tree version. Maybe a bit more focus and identity for each, without the need to balance/share the full spread with itself.
Honestly the whole talent tree thing turned me away because i cant tell what the players role is and what do i need to do to work around it.
Granted I only played maybe 50 hours and got turned off by the constant long ass load screens and the same repetitive maps.
So my experience isnt vast
>player's role
Killing stuff
??? their role? killing everything on the screen
>skull breaker
>uhhhh what would their role might be hmmm...
In Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, the classic tank, healer, and DPS (damage per second) holy trinity is represented through the roles that players can take on to effectively tackle challenges and enemies in the game. Here’s a breakdown of each role:

>Tank: The tank's primary role is to absorb damage and protect the team. Tanks typically have high health, armor, and abilities that allow them to draw enemy aggro, making them the focal point of enemy attacks. In Darktide, tanks can utilize heavy weaponry and defensive skills to withstand hordes of enemies, ensuring that the more vulnerable members of the team can deal damage without being overwhelmed.

>Healer: While Darktide does not have a traditional healer class like some other games, support roles can fulfill similar functions by providing buffs, healing items, or abilities that enhance the team's survivability. Players in this role focus on keeping their teammates alive through strategic use of resources and abilities, ensuring that the team can sustain itself during intense battles.

>DPS (Damage Per Second): The DPS role is focused on dealing damage to enemies as quickly and efficiently as possible. Players in this role typically use a variety of weapons and abilities to maximize their damage output. In Darktide, DPS characters often have skills that allow them to take down enemies swiftly, making them crucial for clearing out threats and supporting the tank by eliminating enemies that pose a danger to the team.

Together, these roles create a balanced team dynamic, where the tank absorbs damage, the healer supports and keeps the team alive, and the DPS characters focus on eliminating threats. Effective coordination and communication among these roles are essential for success in the challenging environments of Darktide.

See you on Atoma, Reject!
Do NOT come back
Didnt know darktards where so vehemently against anything other than their skinnerbox game. Like most actual 40k fans they'll defend slop with their life.
>suddenly making up some self victimizing shit
dude what
who even mentioned any other game in this conversation
>Maybe a bit more focus and identity for each, without the need to balance/share the full spread with itself.
I preferred standalone careers due to this. They were able to make them far more unique. Like if you could mix ironbreaker, slayer and vet passives the class would be totally OP, but standalone they work well. Also, career specific weapons were a thing which was very cool and adds even more interesting balance.
The fact they all had their own base model was also pretty neat. In Darktide that would just be different penance armors I guess. They skimped out on this
Us Space Marine 2 chads are living rent free in everyone else's head so it's only natural to assume that everybody we talk to implicitly brings the game up for discussion. It's a burden brought about by our obvious superiority.
Thanks for the informative reply unlike the other retards
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why is this fucking rat laughing and pointing at me
>thanking chatgpt
Here's a more appropriate guide:
>DPS: helps the team by killing enemies quickly
>tank: helps the team by killing enemies before they hurt allies
>support: helps the team by staying out of aurics
american posting hours
rats are coopg culture
>Honestly the whole talent tree thing turned me away because i cant tell what the players role is and what do i need to do to work around it.
Darktide doesn't have roles not really
yeah you can read a class description and say "ok this one is about constant heavy attacks meleeing to soak up damage for free" or "this one is about crowd controlling massive hordes for his team" but the truth is EVERY class is 80% capable of doing everything no matter which talents he takes, and the last 20% are specializations
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based, tell 'em sah!
>hold TAB to help
do darkies really?
Yes they do, OFC the ogyrn dies.
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>EU server
>someone start talking with an italian accent
>awkward silence until the end of the game
This is how I show dominance
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Are you 12
why are you toxic
Ragebaiting because we both know you dont actually do it.
>it's the sm2 spic again
alright bro your game plays like a jrpg with their gay combat twirls and the thunder hammer feels like a toy (suits the blueberry marines though)
sm1 remains better and the only thing sm2 has going for it is the graphics lmao
I just did it :D
The only roles in this game are
>primarily melee DPS
>primarily ranged DPS
and possibly some degree of support or utility (eg. Shout) alongside the roles above
yes, that's essentially it
sm2 isn't the first flashy sloppy cashgrab made by diversity hires and won't be the last
smite psyker on auric damnation with 30 poxwalker kills and 1 single elite kill (they were there the entire game), died literally anywhere from 1-60 seconds after being revived, averaging around 20 seconds
spent 95% of the game spectating
what's the fucking point
prove he was italian
he tried to switch to the ennemy side
thats norwegians
that's french
That's amer...oh no wait we never lose.
that's right
america always wins!
except vietnam, iraq (twice) and how you've resigned yourself to being slaves of whom the grand majority will never ever own a home
in proper english saar!
kek how can you seethe at a stupid joke like that
>iraq (twice)
Had one of the strongest militaries in the world and the US conquered them in less than a month

Not even american, just not a retard
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bros am i on pol or copeg?
you're on european moaning hours
what's the difference?
if >>492792050 is fine and on topic then the current posts are too. arguably more on topic because i have had germans seethe at me like that ingame. funniest part is i'm not even american, I just speak without an accent so they assume I am
when they ever stop?
another two hours, I'd say
It's 0 am in eu rent free bro
it's 11 in london and I know you fags don't have jobs to wake up to
>750 plasteel
>350 Diamantine
>6 Monstrosities
>Get this done in 2 missions
God this feels good
just drank a glass of water lads
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what are the 2 you didn't mention, anon?
"get the frick out of my aurics, or I'll break ya legs"
kek, based autist
1k Dregs and Scab with Ranged
I play Trauma/Surge with nonstop fire shriek so that's ~4-6 games
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>use purgatus + venting shirek to deletes a horde of poxwalkers, easy peasy no sweat
>retard ogryn rushes in and spam heavy attack
> veteran : "LOOK AT THE OGRYN GO!"
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I would do this build. You'll be tankier and do more damage to almost all enemies. Most notably I wouldn't care so much for that aura (they're all eh) and get rending instead of fire barrage. Also more base toughness, matters a lot. Also 10% rending proc. You can drop that and get reload speed + more keystone modifiers instead if you don't think it's value, but I like it for shooting flak + it adds up for shooting crushers with barrage popped. But it's preference, it's not THAT good anymore so if you wanna be tankier or reload faster do that.

Also incase you're crutching on the kickback, I recommend you try out some diff melee weps and try out heavy hitter builds too, Ogryn has a lot of fun potential
Muscle beats mind, psyker
drop pained outburst, shit talent deh soo
You work out in archivum?
can be proc'd by ranged attacks. on an ogryn, the rest should be self explanatory
it can remove dogs if you fuck up so I like it but it's a matter of preference
the push one is the truly worthless one
Largest doesn't equal strongest.

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