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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Schizo edition.

This general is dedicated to the discussion of all past, current, and upcoming Role Playing Games that are played on the 'puter. Games such as:

Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Owlcat RPGs, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry and many others.

Upcoming RPGs:

>Aletheia: Return of Odysseus




>Call of Saregnar:

>Code of the Savage

>Dragon Age: Veilguard

>Flint: Treasure of Oblivion

>Greedfall 2

>New Arc Line

>Pathfinder: The Dragon's Demand

>Prometheus Wept

>Sector Unknown

>Shadow of the Road

>Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

Previous: >>492598472
More upcoming RPGs:

>The Necromancer's Tale

>The Wayward Realms

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2

>Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows

>World of Anterra


Some other previously released RPGs:

27.02.2009 - Drakensang
27.05.2010 - Alpha Protocol
11.91.2011 - Drakensang: The River of Time
05.09.2012 - Inquisitor
22.01.2014 - Blackguards
20.01.2015 - Blackguards 2
28.05.2015 - Serpent in the Staglands
20.10.2015 - Sword Coast Legends
23.09.2016 - Stellar Tactics
12.07.2017 - Brigand: Oaxaca
04.08.2017 - Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
19.12.2018 - ATOM RPG
25.10.2019 - The Outer Worlds
08.04.2021 - Siege of Avalon: Anthology
13.09.2021 - ATOM RPG Trudograd
07.09.2021 - Encased
17.03.2022 - Black Geyser
31.03.2022 - Weird West
10.10.2023 - Space Wreck
09.11.2023 - Colony Ship
15.02.2024 - Caribbean Legend
29.03.2024 - Felvidek
10.04.2024 - Broken Roads
14.05.2024 - Dread Delusion
30.05.2024 - Skald: Against the Black Priory
30.05.2024 - Vendir: Plague of Lies
wish I could play Trickster without going through the Trickster story
You still don't get it. I understand it's hard for you anon
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>be grand strategist
>always act first
>boost jimmy
>one kill is enough for him to get his own heroic up
>he proceeds too kill the entire room chaining kills in round zero
If you think gs is bad then you've got an unironic skill issue. His only purpose is to act first and to make sure the enemy doesn't get to act ever, and he's very good at it
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Are YOU interested in playing a Table-Top Role Playing Game, the very thing that CRPGs are based off of?
Then email me by replacing the asterisk (*) in the name field with an 'y'.
>What will the game be?
A basic bitch D&D5e premade module run via Foundry. Ideally the group will be able meet for at least a few hours synchronously a week, but I will allow for as much asynchronous play as I can, such as roleplaying with other players in town. Exact details to be worked out. All in-character (IC) play will be in text. During synchronous play, out-of-character (OOC) may be in voice, TBD.
>Why 5e and a premade?
I want to make it as accessible as possible, and 5e is great for that, even if it's not to my personal tastes. I'm using a premade because I don't want to put the effort into a custom campaign yet; I suspect the player attrition rate will be very high initially. After we complete the module, ideally people would be interested in continuing to play with possibly a different system or new characters, or possibly carrying the characters on to a new module or campaign.

If you're interested in playing with other people from /crpgg/ but this turns you off for some reason, still email me, and write why.
If you're interested in playing in this game, please email me the following:
>A name (screen or real, just something to call you by)
>Your level of familiarity with D&D 5th edition, rated from 1 to 10
>Your willingness to use a voice call
>Your time availability (and timezone!)
>Your experience with TTRPGs and/or roleplaying
>Your favorite CRPG (and why)

Remember to use an email you can receive replies to. I intend to reply to everyone who sends me an email by the end of Monday, although details may not be finalized yet. I would expect play to start in the middle of September.
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Claiming the dragon's ill-begotten treasures, the party was also rewarded with a set of magical scrolls by the filth queen. While she offered to take them through the sewage to sneak into the goat princess's domain, they declined the horrid offer. Instead, they took an elevator into a clear trap, but dominated their demonic foes regardless, utilizing their much greater mythic powers.

Combat is getting really fucking tedious. After this dungeon I may lower the difficulty just because it's not particularly fun anymore. It's all just stat checking the enemies or dispelling them first then doing the same.
Some stuff like the dragon was a bit more interesting because the STR drain 'killed' Camellia but even then it's just a spell away from +28 STR and she's good to go again.
>fact dispelling damage module
>kinda literally dragon
>owlcat done
>watching wenduag become interested somehow
I had the same feeling you do at the same time. I didn't lower the difficulty, but I did turn my MC into an invicible meatgrinder, so I just left everyone at the entrance and cleaned the map with him in RTWP.
>Are YOU interested in playing a Table-Top Role Playing Game
Yes I am

>on the computer
No I am not
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Fuck yeah, married
So Craig Matchett, the lead character designer over at Obsidian for PoE/Avowed, typically draws his initial character designs as attractive, yet in the actual games, they get downgraded. What gives?
Looks like something out of a weg.
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okay cool bye
You know "what"
Another one of his Avowed concepts.
And one last Avowed render.
>narrow waist and wider hips clearly show that the knight and duelist are female
>'NO!' says the man in the director chair. 'It must be androgynous.'
They’d never make a pretty lady like that in obsidian
I feel the reverse honestly the game gets easier the further along you go because you keep getting more and more bullshit. Have you been using greater enduring buffs cause that alleviates the tedium of rebuffing a lot
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got stalked after a day and a half wandering in the jungle, tried to explain that being a hero leaves no time for love, I just want to broker peace.
The conflict between the Simbani and Leopardmen has to do with the Simbani's Spear of Death and the Leopardmen's Magic Drum each being stolen. The Laibon of the Simbani awarded me the magic drum so with my new wife leading the way, surely we can make an exchange for the spear and our hero's work is done once again.
Interestingly, my new wife Johari claims that the leopardmen did not steal the stupid cow-people's spear, and there's also some mystery about how the drum even got stolen... Hmmm...

Could there be a (((shadowy other influence))) causing two sides to war with each other? Time may tell, but for now, Superbilly dutifully follows his new wifefriend to the secret realm of the leopardmen. Magic Users they seem to be, which is my specialty, so hopefully he can impress them the way he won over the Simbani. And maybe even his newly bought wife...!
>clerics get gorillion useful lvl4 spells
>not a single good lvl 5 spell
bro your metamagic
not an option for oracles. I mean, it's an option, but you're still do not get to learn all the lvl4 spells taht are useful. That's the actual problem
Life bubble is pretty required
There's a bullshit 5th lvl cleric spell not in wrath called fickle winds which makes you virtually immune to ranged damage unless their wep is specifically enchanted with cyclonic which nothing in the game has
Well yeah shit like life bubble is a single cast you wouldn't want it on an oracle there's still stuff like constricting coils which is effectively hold monster
>There's a bullshit 5th lvl cleric spell not in wrath
well, yeah, I'm alking about wotr specifically. Yeah, bubble is pretty good, but it's like 1 spell. i wish you could learn lower lvl spells in place of higher lvl ones
What's the difference between Pathfnder and DnD?
Even then fickle winds is also a single cast aoe so you also wouldn't want it on an oracle totally bullshit spell
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Well in literally less than 5 minutes playtime:
- wife-friend led me to village, found out she's the chief's daughter
- smooch then cut to night time (!)
- got introduced, tried to talk about Shapeir, got interrupted by my wife to stay on track
- gave back the drum (no magic duel sadly, I suppose due to having the drum already, seems like there's a few alternate routes, including getting the spear before the drum)
- speech by the Laibon in Simbani village where the spear was returned
- all is good, peace talks back in Tarna
- shit goes sideways, escape before Tarna's closed off, liontaur friend Rakeesh says to head to the lost city far in the jungle.

Ok, heading into the endgame. Trying not to shit on the game because I don't think it's fun to play and do that, but this is surely the weakest in the series, and yet it's also the most ambitious in ways. I still think the setting is really cool, but there's a lot of unfinished and rushed feelings. Would love Tarna to be bigger, more people in the Simbani village, the Leopardman village to actually be more than a screen where you just speak, bigger marketplace, etc.
The politics of the region also have a lot of potential that's just sort of dumbed-down in every way. Would love to see some crpg settings inspired by subsaharan africa anyhow.

It also feels so far like the game where your skills and decisions matter the least. If you don't pack provisions, you get some goofy pancake monster waking you up to save you from starvation.
I don't know, very much a mixed bag here. A lot of the art is cool if you like that style.
>lann lands two consecutive crits on the brimroak in the market square ending the fight with no losses
Thanks Lann, you're so awesome, Lann
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Hehe, dubsman
>cheap chinese knockoff of a beloved original product
>original product
So, what is there to do in act 4 of wotr anyway?
Anything interesting I should visit?
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They're okay looking.
>Stuff worth getting in wrath for oracle
Break enchantment
Breath of life, personally prefer inspiring recovery for free reach though
Command greater
Constricting coils
Righteous might
True seeing

>Stuff worth getting in tt for oracle
Army across time(+6 ac/+10 ac or ab on the round you cast it or within lvl/rounds) - not wrath
Wall of stone(block shit by pathing) - not wrath
Scrying(find the boss, prebuff, tp on top of them) - not in wrath better left to the cleric anyways
Dispel alignment(self touch auto dispels one effect of a creature of x alignment, +4 ac vs said alignment, on a melee touch dismissal vs will) - not in wrath
Insect plague(summons a bunch of wasp swarms) - not in wrath
Plane shift (party teleport and save or get fucked off to another plane) - not wrath
Spell immunity communal (immune to 1 spell up to lvl 4) - not wrath
There's also vinetrap but like a lot of shit is immune to vinetrap
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>True seeing
waste of slot. you get true seeing communal later
>Breath of life, personally prefer inspiring recovery for free reach though
>Command greater
>Constricting coils
all different schools. Taking them all is pointless because the shit you don't build for won't land. contricting coils and greater command are the same school i guess, but I'm not a fan
>Break enchantment
what does it even work on in the game except baleful polymorph? And how many enemies aside from the seething ghost in wintersun even cast it?
True seeing communal needs dust though. Yeah enchantment one is just for if someone gets dogged so like 2 maps
The camera gimmick makes me not want to play it again. I wish they would just make a solid game and set whoever the idea-guy is who keeps pushing this kind of shit in the corner with a sandwich and bib.
Eh boneshatter at the worst case will always fatigue and if they're fatigued it will always exhaust even if they save there's worse effects. It's not the best spell lvl in wrath but being able to teleport is a big util that you just don't get in wrath so normally it's an exciting spell lvl to get cause it means you get to go to the elemental planes
wait you can be godlike in avowed now?
>True seeing communal needs dust though.
You get a 1000 for free in the early game, long before you can even cast spells requiring it and it will last you till the end.
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I wanna smooch her.
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>tfw blessed with multifunctionality
But it's not a owlcat game without weird gimmicks and bad minigames.
act 4 is bad but it's not as bad as half of the optional areas being really shitty puzzle maps . or fucking neino puzzle dungeon
It’s very annoying to travel. I stopped playing because of it
no way I would have finished this game without toybox teleports
What role would you love to play right now?
serial rapist
>a CRPG where you play a psychiatrist focusing on past SA and trauma
>you guide them through the experiences and also focus details on others to place blame
>it was you

>The Rapist

Summer 2025
I prefer The Analrapist - world first analyst and therapist
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in the older games source was just healing magic, literally that's all it did. why in this one its suddenly like normal magic but uhhh makes normal magic stronger or something idk honestly how a fireball is fine but a stronger fireball is now suddenly forbidden? did they just like the soucerer pun that much or something they completely retconned everything to make it work?
I can see the trailer, it seems like a game about processing and moving forward, the title comes up "Therapist" then the music turns dark, the words separate, the colors take on an ominous tone, "The Rapist", cut to black and -fin-
Obscure waifus that are actually good?
Delainy from BG1
rule of cool
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Finally done after 100 hours. Did enjoy myself more than I thought, saw more stuff than i did before since I bothered combing through everything this time around. I have to say that the game does really loose it's narrative teeth 20 hours in since after the attack on Haven, you pretty much never lose. DLCs, particularly the Black Emporium, fuck the item balance so much that any rare item I find is usually much worse than the one I crafted hours ago. Still, quite happy I revisited this. Did make me a bit more hyped for Veilguard, even if my laptop can't run it.
Anyhow, when is that RT DLC coming? I might just try and play DAO in the mean time.
It's not properly explained. Sourcery was bad because ??? even back in 1. You do play as Source Hunters but that gets immediately sidelined an hour in. You might consider it Blood Magic but that's also a thing in 1. It's not even Soul Magic because Soul Forgery was already a thing even in Divinity 2 and it's casted on a chicken. It's not even the Wizard bloodline that attracts the Voidwoken as well since that was never a thing in 1 nor in Dragon Commander. DOS2 just retcons a lot of stuff really and thinking about it, it's hilarious how Fane's story is basically just Solas'.
What class and party comp did you play with, and how did you enjoy the mind numbing combat? Genuine question since i've yet to finish that game.
The usual comp. 2h Reaver + Tank Warrior + Mage + Rogue. Reaver I'd say keeps you on your toes since you want to be below 50% and still juggle healing because Dragon Claw can somehow still kill you. I did play with Nightmare with Walk Softly so it was a challenge at times. Didn't really employ much teamplay outside of giving my teammates their roles and skills since it was unnecessary as I can kill enemies myself.
Got used to mind numbing martial gameplay in most RPGs really since you're just stuck to "stand and hit gameplay". At least I get to mash buttons here I suppose.
>hyped for Veilguard
There is no hope for you and there is no place here for you.
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I came to this thread looking for peoples Avowed takes but I instantly recognized this. This series is perhaps my most favorite of all time. I hope you are having fun with it. If you finish it and want more look up Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption. Its from the same creators, made relatively recently, and generally in the same spirit. Don't get your hopes up for more to come from them.

You have to be. You can choose to have your base be human or elf (presumedly of the wood variety), but you MUST be a godlike of a before unseen type (it seems to be fungus based). This is apparantly important to the narrative.

Kaelyn Usher
>Sector unknown
>New arc line
Look pretty playable I'll give them a shot. Last game release of this category I liked was Skald
I'm allowed to hope, like what else is there to look forward to for RPGs? VTMB? The next Owlcat DLC? Avowed?
>Have to be a godlike in Avowed
Seriously? That's a weird decision.
It is a choice. I personally don't care so much as long as the writing and gameplay are good, but I can get why that'd be a hangyp for others. Its definitely a thing you used to see more back in the day as a result of resources being tighter necessitating it. No one seemed to mind being so pigeon-holed in Witcher 3 though so what do I know.
>like what else is there to look forward to for RPGs? VTMB? The next Owlcat DLC? Avowed?

Seems werid to me that you'd be worried about the state of the genre and yet are placing Veilguard above Avowed.
Well, it remains to be seen how that goes. I feel like it'd carry quite the narrative weight being one.
People do mention not being able to play as basically anything else to disqualify it as an "RPG".
>Seems werid to me that you'd be worried about the state of the genre and yet are placing Veilguard above Avowed.
Not really. Just mentioned the others as comparison. I don't really think one is above the other.
>Just mentioned the others as comparison. I don't really think one is above the other.
Oh, I came in late and misunderstood the dynamic. My bad.
>no character creation
>saved all of daeran's whores
what a doozy. fuck those retarded cunts. no wonder they are whores
If I turn daeran down in act 1 will galfrey still send him with me in act 2?
Are there even RPGs that allow you to have long hair for women? All of them seem to be short.
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>veteran too easy
>potd too tedious
>run out of all spells defending his whores
>well, might as well rest. will sleep in a real bed for once instead of a sleeping bag on the streets
>you can't rest here
What the fuck, Daeran? I save your ass and your goons and can't even sleep in one of your thousand beds once?
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Cat is a perfect creature
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Me and the boys saving this dead ass thread
>weakest in the series
it's definitely the shortest
>you MUST be a godlike of a before unseen type (it seems to be fungus based)
no wonder that fluffy girl went for "I have a boyfriend" reply in the trailer
could be worst... Vatnir
Short hair is practical for adventuring
>you MUST be a godlike of a before unseen type (it seems to be fungus based)
Considering the game is recycling the plague plot from PoE 1 and what we know about the pantheon of Eora, I'm not really surprised.
>no wonder that fluffy girl went for "I have a boyfriend" reply in the trailer
I think you know very little and are just repeating claims you have heard. How is this a repeat of PoE1?
>There's entire chains of companion chatter that require Trever
What the fuck were they thinking?
>I think you know very little and are just repeating claims you have heard. How is this a repeat of PoE1?
I thought you went to the living lands to investigate a strange disease? PoE 1 was about a strange disease that ended up having to do with the gods. Not that I think they will be identical.
>save three shitheads from getting their heads rightfully bashed in
>they sing me some gay ass song
last time i'm helping a desnashite
They were thinking based
players like you are the problem
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>dialogue written by robots
when will it stop?
imagine not wanting to play a game that has a faithful fluffy qtpi who doesn't think twice to tell off MC chads and complement her bae's origami skills at the same time
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>You keep mythic angel spells after changing mythic paths
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Yes, just normal questions to ask someone you've just met
Let's be honest every companion in wotr is far from sane and questions like these don't seem so out of place
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>you keep trickster feats if going legend
those outta be bugs
>Noooo! Don't use demonic powers or I'll leave!
>You don't even know where the exit
>Alright, I'm staying
Ulbrig is great
Too bad snoygel has no good spells lol
This is beyond cucking, the game should let you rape her
I remove them with toybox because it feels like cheating
So, uh, when last DLC starts?
>get rejected
the girl just said no
this is beyond ridiculous
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no one says no to me
>got rid of ember, nenio, wendog and aru
hmm.... bit of a sausage party. How come all the females are so fucking annoying in wotr?
>Fall From Grace
There's something inherent in my being that can never romance a succubus.
I simply do not trust them.
In fact I think it's absurd that anyone would trust a succubus claiming to be redeemed.
And it would be especially stupid to fall in love with a succubus and try to sleep with one.
Like that's literally the one thing you're not supposed to do.
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This bird is cool but it's too distracting, especially during cutscenes.
You compare Grace to abloobloo again and i'll shank you irl
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She isn't really a romance in her game. Frankly there aren't enough examples of succubi in PST to have an objective comparison to her, besides what we learn in the course of the game and what we learn is that she's a loyal, dependable woman. I think the most of her appeal is exactly that she is something she shouldn't be. It's like one of these tropes which are so rare and controversial that even with just decent writing they become pretty awesome, but if they reached mainstream you'd get sick of them
In my opinion it'd completely reasonable if she wasn't blessed by the hippie goddess which gives Arue a ton of legitimacy.
>And it would be especially stupid to fall in love with a succubus and try to sleep with one.
The whole shtick is that you can't for the longest time, and she knows it. She's a slowburn romance in disguise because muh ascending demoness. That's also why she's trying to get rid of these parts of her that hold her back from becoming fully approachable. And the bottom line is she's a fantasy (former) slut, not a real one, lmao.
>desna turns a fantasy slut into a real one
How hard it for someone with zero knowledge in compsci to make a CRPG ?
I know RPG maker exists but I don't want to make a JRPG
Which mercies are worth taking?
>entire game engines with ready to use tools exists
>asset marketplaces exist
not hard at all
you didn't ask how hard is it to make a good or successful crpg though
I really like some of the dungeons in pathfinder. it's a bloody shame that the only actual dungeon we got in rt was EuphratesII and Kiava Gamma, and they were short in comparisson. A fucking travesty
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Alright going to give this a go while I wait for RT DLC.
Julia is best girl. Don't choose Gladiator for your main character it's a shit class that's very gear dependent to be half decent. Don't treat savages (Greeks, Egyptians and Gauls) with respect. Plap Cleopatra. March on Rome.
Don't miss the uber weapon
>best OST in rogue trader only plays on footfall

Why is owlcat like this? WOTR was the same way with an amazing battle OST that only plays during Nenio's quest aka the worst quest in the game.
Nah. Best girl is your sister actually
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True but just like in Dragon Age 2 you sadly cannot fuck your sister.
You'd think that with all the stepbro porn nowadays incestuous romance in vidya would be more common
how hard is to make a decent CRPG then ?
Owlcat's music is always top tier, it doesn't excuse the writing and abundance of bugs, but they do have some very talented composers.
"3 Difficults" is the smartass answer I give whenever this question comes up in >>>/vg/agdg/
RT writing is far ahead of the rest of the industry
I also like big dungeons. I hate in general the trend towards "Here is the places you can go on the map" and then those places are "Here is the screen with the thing you need to do on it".

It's fucking soulless, but from the way some people talk badly about BG1's exploration, I think they like it better this way.
should I go aeon or lich?
on one hand I am already a necromancer so going lich is a no-brainer
on the other hand I want to become a devil and I can only do it with Aeon...
>on the other hand the lich path makes my KC ugly...
Godot is FOSS, and works quite well. There's also Unity with some extra bullshit, and Unreal with even more bullshit. Those are probably the likely candidates for engines. Maybe pygame but it'll probably run like shit.
Ahead into the trash pile for sure
Why is every companion in Deadfire so fucking terrible? This wasn't an issue in the previous game.
>Another RT run
>Decide to leave Argenta on ship for Act 3 to see how she confesses if never gets in Commoragh
>Welp, she never confesses
>Argenta happily departs in the epilogue, like nothing happened.
Huh? Did I catch a bug or owlkek dropped ball on this?
terminal case of bad writing
>but you MUST be a godlike of a before unseen type (it seems to be fungus based).
That's very dumb, I hope not.
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cut to Xoti's head bobbing while Eder's grabbing and spanking that juicy rump
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>it's not a bug.
Damn, of course it's not. These retards should've marked Argenta as required companion at least, if they didn't plan to add another scene. So many wasted opportunities, I don't think even wotr had this much trouble with cut content.
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Reminder that there is an entire subrace of farmerchad Eldar.
/tg/ troons hate all of these games for being established settings and not their 100% incredible and unique homebrews
What happens when the RT sets foot on an Exodite planet with his waifu/husbando?
Yep, happened to me too, didnt bring her with me in act 3 and I never would have known it if I didnt spoil it here. And I expected a big quest where we search for the culprit or something, damn.
What are the >fun Pathfinder classes?
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Seeds will be sown.
>Make mc so powerful lugging around the other 5 jobbers is just an inconvenience
Just be yourself. What I find fun someone else might find boring
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Who's the best envoy for a paladin MC? Can you stay neutral between Aldori and Surtova without having neutral alignment?
Probably, but Just turn alignment restricitons for dialogue options off. It's nonsensical garbage anyway.
Mercies are so bad I wish there were some archetype that traded them for something more valuable. I normally take dazed and exhausting
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By Eothas, Neketaka has so much stuff to do. I want to go on an adventure.
I only felt that way in like kotr and mass effect probably because i can’t really micro them in those games . Jrpgs its far more common for the game to become a protag solo
Its canon eder becomes retarded inbetween games. Still one of the better companions of dead fire
From what i remember serefen > eder >> mai or whatever he name is the ranger > aloth > xoti > rest
Been testing out unconvential stuff like kineticist lich, seem to be able to give 1 negative level per kinetic blade swing even if it misses
serafen is too obnoxious with his accent and pirate shtick
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>everyone laughed
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Probably its been years since i played deadfire, sicnr the last dlc just released. I just remembered i liked serefen a lot even tho he was a degenerate furry faggot
oh yes he's also a fucking homo
Hes my little homo
Serafen is all right, but when he tried to convince my adoptive (stolen) daughter to leave, he crossed a line. Our relationship wasn't the same after that one.
I'm in the bathhouse now but can't post pictures because of booba
retard doesn't even understand why he says that
>go to underground brothel
>"uh sir do you know that illict deals are being made here in your fine establishment?"
I like how retarded you can be in baldurs gate. Also I entered the sewers next to the brothel and there where 2 corpses only 20 feet away
BG's dailogue choices lean heavily into Retarded Good and Retarded Evil.
BG3 story only makes sense in the context that it's a level 20 endgame adventure. these niggas just stopped a literal world destruction event at level 12.
Here's the thing a lot of 5e dnd campaigns are stopped at lvl 12 do players can't get teleport and fuck up the narrative every minute. The retards making bg3 took it as if that was relevant endgame meta lvl
BG3 story doesn't make sense in any way
It was rewritten during development several times and any integrity is simply missing
it doesn't make sense at all. It's worse than rt
I remember their argument being the orin, ugly faggot and oathbreaker trio being something they wrote for power level of 12 and if they wrote something for lvl 20 they'd have had to be stronger. Ultimately it's all pure cope so they could make a game with a shorter scope
game was rewritten so much the main theme doesn't even make sense in context anymore.
the games main theme by the river was supposed to represent you forgoing everything to be with your tadpole lover down by the river(which those scenes took place by a river) forever turning into a mind flayer. now its like idk it means nothing but it's nice enough for character customization i guess.
the whole ending is so strange like people are cheering but their treating it like you stopped some vampires destroying a single town or something. every hero on the planet+gods should be freaking the fuck out about what's happening in baulders gate. people who want an expac or sequal that picks up after, i genuinely no idea where the fuck do you go past the point of stopping the entire illithid empire from being reborn?
game could have easily fit 4 more lvls at least. I was maxed out before reaching act 3, or shortly after
Lord of nothing main campaign integration starts only after Iz, I've forgot about it at this point
Can you get crystal from it? There's demon lord after all
It was obviously thrown together in a short time and Larian just had no idea what they wanted, just like the entirety of Act 3
It just doesn't feel like an actual finale, more like a break before the finale
Can you guys give me a quick rundown on BG3's plot so I have some context?
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it's a song that now exists for no other reason but for fake nerd ethots to do shitty covers of on Youtube
You have a maggot in your head that should turn you into a tentacle fag
You have to find a way to remove it or accept its temptations as it makes you stronger and gives you the perfect waifu.....
Actually this maggot is some kind of super weapon to kill the saturday morning cartoon villains and waifu that you literally created is just another tentacle faggot
a lot of plates are being juggled that should be bigger deals than they are but essentially the dead 3 get new champions to scheme who get an ancient artifact than take control of a motherbrain using it to coquer the world using the disguise of a cult who is actually playing 4d chess and is planning to betray them and break free to rebirth the illithad empire. and it would have worked but by chance an artifact being carried by the party which houses gith's son who has strong psionic powers that stop you from insta turning into an illithid that everyone is searching for.
I will say that the divinity engine is a pretty good engine. i have zero issues on how dos1/2/bg3 control or run. why did devs stop making their own inhouse engines and moved to unreal slop again?
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and robust, they did make a oblivion clone and a weird rts/wing commander thing with it that works just fine in a relatively quick amount of time
There's a huge difference between working on unreal 4 and 5
>fucking this ugly midge is someone's feish in larian
the danes are worse than bongs
Is it as dumb as it sounds?
Maybe like 3 more would be fair capping at lvl 8 spells, if youve been doing everything up to that point you will hit lvl 12 shortly after hitting the first map in act 3
I think part of the problem is that they reveal everything by act 2 so there's no mystery tying the game together and keeping player retention in act 3
it comes together relatively okay, just extremely messy if you want to be objective. just play the game anon stop getting your opinions from literal whos online
>just play the game anon
Never had any interest in it and still don't.
I don't believe you but okay
>Start casting spells with harrim
>I've literally never heard this voice before
Do dwarves have their own va for spell incantantions or something?
My issue with bg3 is how it has no challenge at higher level. Oh hey here's 500 hp mechanic boss with a few other mecha spider adds, it's weak to electric, cast maximized twinned chain lightning, cast hasted action twinned chain lightning, quicken spell cast it again encounter is over
Same shit happens with the vampire lord they've been hyping since act 1 and etc it's all so anticlimatic
You guys had no issue when wotr hypes up deskari all game but he gets deleted in literally 2 seconds to an overbuffed archer. But yeah charisma classes are fucking retarded in 5e
Kangmaker shit companion list:
it doesn't have any challenge on lower lvls either. the only challange in this game was trying to kill the cambion commander in the prologue. And even then it becomes trivial once you realize you can neuter him with command
So are those flashbacks in wotr for the player's sake, or does your character see them too?
I liked harrim. octavia is fine i guess, when she tried to fuck multiple men in front of me was really strange, flashbacks to wenduag i have no idea who at owlcat gets off on this cuck shit. i didn't give reg a moment because his black teenager mopey hair+trying to sound badass voice was goofy as shit.
i like linzi because shes a bard and buffs are op in pathfinder. if she wasn't i probably wouldn't have liked her as much
>galfrey is being cringe before she's even introduced
why did they make her so unlikable?
probably because it was in the ap is my excuse for a lot of things in owlcat games
If you have a nature cleric or a druid starting at lvl 3 you can cast spike growth and watch enemies blend themselves in spikes while they try to reach you, I mean yeah but in general lvl 1-4 is when you have less options
Spellcasting has separate voices and yes it's very gay.
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I shoulda left that orc bitch mindbroken. I wanted to make sure my leadership could actually function and not get in the way of things getting done because "wahh it doesn't matter", but now I fear she'll get pissy when I make evil decisions. When can I kick her and aniva off my council?
If nothing else, MegaMod for BG2 taught me some things about myself: I can suspend my disbelief far enough to believe Jaheira might, in some strange circumstances, romance an intelligent bear, but Mazzy aggressively hitting on my - incredibly uninterested - protagonist while trying to convince me I want to join a polyamorous relationship with my childhood friend/foster sister is apparently a bridge too far...
to be fair octavia and regs whole thing is them sleeping around with everyone and they make it pretty clear. I don't use either of them though because they seem like GM pets with how they're are always in the storybooks and have "quirky" dialogue.
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You get darkness core+ loot back in act 2 the only ones which really do anything are the consumable +necromancy dc shards and the shadowed template nightglass for summons which at least makes stuff like creeping doom look cooler. I don't think you can extract a crystal from that boss for whatever reason. Also apparently the more you fail at doing your job right in the dlc the stronger the boss is in the campaign so I won't be seeing the boss at full power I'll see it at min power
Witcher 3 is an honorary cRPG because Gwent's card art is great for character portraits.
RP fag here, how would one go about building a Areelu-themed build? Seems like Witch Of The Veil fits to a t but the witch spellbook is dookie butter
Witch of the veil just gives you some spells that you would want which isn't bad
Just make sure to dump Wis
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After the disastrous events at the peace meeting, Superbilly has become a pariah of the soon to be war-torn lands. Still, he knows there's still hope. He saw, and Rakeesh pointed out, the demon escaping from the chief of the leopardmen. Some evil third party wants these tribes warring, but towards what end?
Superbilly presses on, determined to still bring peace to the land and maybe smooch his new wife again.

Yeah, it's definitely still worth playing. Some of the first games I ever played as a kid, so it's been fun to go through them. I did play Hero-U once, and enjoyed it though I'm pretty sure I missed a lot.
I wish there were more games like this, I think early Sierra games really spoiled me to the point where it seems dumb as hell to have like, shelves of junk in some house in Drezen, and it's completely meaningless, no way to get even a message about it by examining it, etc. Just complete background fluff. I think KQ and QFG made me very critical of that kind of thing.
The city of Baldurs Gate itself is down by the river. It’s literally a port city built on a river lmao
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How are shifters in WOTR? I initially wanted to play a Fighter but if Shifters are fun and decently strong I probably should go with one to RP my favorite superhero. Hope Camellia will like her new husband.
>vavakia vanguard breath kills khorramazde who explodes, killing my mc as I was casting mass heal
that was quite tactical
I've been trying out manticore and they're mediocre at best but I also have a lot of auto trip effects going on that have anti synergy with ranged. Feyform also has nice bonuses. The shapes are at least unique to them unlike with druid that just gets spell replicas for a class feature
When you go Demon or Swarm.
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I went lich
You're talking about the All Things Mazzy mod? I had that recommended to me by a friend, and I'm never taking another recommendation from her ever again. Mazzy is emotionally manipulative, hugely into polygamy (will romance you, Imoen, and Viconia), just won't take no as an answer (and will leave the party if turned down enough times), and she'll cuck Viconia from you if you're pursuing her. I couldn't get over how Viconia had multiple lovers and daughters in the Underdark, and tries to engineer the Ust Natha situation to put her progeny on top, or how the mod made her way more evil (her backstory involves killing surface kids and pregnant women for revenge and the evulz). The evil writing content is laughably bad in general. It introduce a ton of party breaks (where members leave or attack each other), especially if you take Mazzy, Clara, or Viconia, which I don't know why you'd want that, but whatever. I think it gets recommended so often because the writing is technically competent if nothing else, and is mostly fine for the first half before it descends into insanity.

Also, Jaheira getting bear'd is meant to be a shitpost reference to the infamous BG3 bear sex, so I'm fine with that and the Minsc/Boo/Neera threesome is so absurd it loops back to being something not wholly bad, and it fits Neera.
>her backstory involves killing surface kids and pregnant women for revenge and the evulz
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I'm was thinking of going Rageshifter, maybe even dipping in Berserker for the "proper" RP of a psycho ho goes feral and rips people apart and then goes back to whatever he was doing before. No idea if the class is strong or no. I kinda want to play on core for my first run since all achievements are there. Not that I care about achievements but...
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>Minsc/Boo/Neera threesome
What the fuck am I reading?
If you just want the shapes you can do 4 or 6 levels and then swap to another class just fine
Reminder both CHARNAME and the random fuckoff sellswords from IWD2 killed Elder Brains as regular encounters and it was no big deal. Tav is a bush-leaguer being treated like what a big boy because in truth Larian knows fuckall about the lore of FR or even what happened before in Baldur's Gate or associated games.
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I'm currently in baldurs gate city and I think once I complete Bg1 I'll either continue onto Bg2 (the inbetween expansion yay or nay?) or I'll take a break and make a challenge run of Bg1 using only shorties, so Halfing PC, monty dragging around a dead xzar, alora once I reach baldurs gate city, then I'll have to choose kagain vs yeslick and qualye vs tiax because they conflict.
Since you brought up power levels, I'll repost this:

>The power level in BG feels out of whack. In SoA, your character is usually around level 20 by the end. His big quest involves fighting a vengeance obsessed high level loser who's stolen your soul to genocide elves. Again, bad, but not apocalyptic. In ToB, you can hit the high 20s, and the main antagonist is Bhaal's archpriestess, a 9 foot tall 31/31 Cleric/Mage demigoddess whose also kind of an obsessed ultrapowered loser (see her childish rant if you rile her up). Her big plan is to cause tons of war to resurrect her god. Bhaal being back would be bad, but it wouldn't shift the status quo all that much. In BG3, however, The Absolute is a world ending eldritch abomination that can slap down gods and should absolutely annihilate the above two antagonists. The maximum level achievable in BG3 for your party is 12.
It's hot this way
I mainly care about attacking with claw hands. It's probably not viable though...
>no mythic feat that removes the movement penalty from wearing heavy armour
for what purpose?
You could just go nat attack feral mutagens vivisectionist alchemist -> trickster -> legend maybe that'd fit
Any new game like Baldur's Gate 1,2, Icewindale that doesn't have ANY gay shit?
Black Geyser and Swordhaven maybe
Just don't go on a not date with daeran, buckbreak sosiel, or talk to the incubus at the thousand delights
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I fixed her
bg 1/2 power scaling was retarded you slaughter a billion beholders within 5 mins at like level 9 but a few drow in tob oh fuck
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This Explorator requies a Rogue Trafer GF for further expansion of multifunctionality
that would be good game design and owlcat doesn't know how to do that
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I always did what was right, therefore I became righteous. Doesn't mean whatever I do now is right because I am righteous
You can do something like:
16 vivisectionist alchemist
2 rage shifter
1 stigmatized witch
1 monk scaled fist if you go high cha or ranger demonslayer
Dual wielding pistols/SMGs/short shoguns
Does Shadowrun games have something like that?
everything is viable with enough prebuffing
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This sounds complicated. I'll look into it.
Thanks anons.
Cyberpunk was such a disappointment
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Evil Playthrough but I'm nice to companions and select the good options in their quests
Pure shifter is fine for normal-core
There are very few classes that are outright unplayable on normal difficulty and usually they are gimic shit like fey killer druid
What I'm giving you would work pretty well together
16 vivi alchemist gives you a bunch of natural attacks and big alchemical buffs to your stats
2 rage shifter gives you rage and another nat attack
1 stigmatized witch gives you bonuses to your intimidate and lets you pick up mage armor for archmage armor and lets you pick up a mythic for another nat attack
1 scaled fist monk gives you ac and the crane wing feat line and it lets you attack unarmed if you want

You'd intimidating prowess for a lot of intimidate. Something like this would go high str high cha and enough int to cast their spells at least 12 with a +item buff would do with anything leftover in con and dex
>BGT villains are personal enemies and aren't out to destroy the world
>Her big plan is to cause tons of war to resurrect her god. Bhaal being back
Retard that didn't play the game spotted
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Cute. If only she wasn't an aum*ua. Or at least if portraits were better
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>the inbetween expansion yay or nay
Most people who say nay will screech about beamdog and the trans character (who you have to actively ask about their past and it's a whole sentence to have to cope with)
I say nay, but mostly because you end up over-leveled for BG2 and I think the general narrative works better as BG1->BG2.
But I do think it's worth playing, like after you've finished BG2 or during a second run or something. It shakes things up a little, and basically feels like having a bit more old-BG which is a good thing if you already enjoy old-BG.

If you take a break and re-run BG1, I would recommend considering mods. There's a bunch that I would highly recommend even for new players honestly. If you're interested in different party configuration, there's one that places companions so that you meet them earlier and places them somewhat reasonably for instance Alora is in the shorty village. Tiax is chilling in an inn in Beregost if I recall, etc.
BG1NPCs is also pretty fun. The writing can be hit-or-miss for sure, but if you've already played vanilla it's fun to just get a little extra content/sidequests/interactions with the companions.
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>tell bandits if I ever see them in my lands again, I'll kill them
>they start hurrying to leave before I change my mind
>[Attack] Too late.
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>should I play the pointless expansion that was made 15 years later by different people
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>want to play some rpgs
>start with poe1
>get to the big whatever city
>"hey, we're the dozen and we're basically rednecks that hate everything they don't understand, but fantasy"
>"hey, we're knights of the whatever, and we're pretty much "gas the jews, race war now", but fantasy"
what the fuck is up with these choices
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>more crits when flanking
yeah I'm thinking its type cast into rogue time. Also is companion gear worth keeping and upgrading?
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Regarding companions in Deadfire I must say that I dislike Serafen, and I'd rather have Maia with me. Partially because she's Kana's sis. I'd have to retrain her though, since the orlan is my only thief, and his cipher skills are very useful. Eder and Xoti are practically irreplaceable for me, and I want to keep Pallegina around. Decreasing max companions to 5 from 6 can be painful at times like these.

You should name your orlan Regill.
>Also is companion gear worth keeping and upgrading?
Yes, but there's still better gear in the game later.
beautiful day for playing a role, wouldn't you say?
God Pallegina is so annoying I hate her so much
His name is percival but I did take the stoic voice and am definitely going to take the stoic options when given a chance
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for every passing day that i refuse to touch weg3 i feel my power rising
Indeed, I've just finished Deadfire for today and I'm relaxing in bed. Hope you'll have fun in your role anon, whatever it'll be.
Cool. Let us know how you like Pillars. Orlans have a lot reactivity as a race.
I've been putting off playing poe because I think it'll feel like shit on my handheld, the pathfinder games work because of turn based. Turn based is bad for poe right? Should/could just play poe on my pc I figure
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I got to chapter 2 in pillars as an elf ranger but I didn't like having to manage the pet and no one but aloth had mechanics so we kept wandering into traps.maybe I'll revist making a gun ranger in pillars 2 but for now I'm gonna try out being a backstabbing rogue.
steam deck has a good community layout with some tweaking. and there's a slowmode for combat
>crpgs on handheld
It's almost like its perfect for turn based
>tfw the skeleton was best girl
This looks pretty good, why are they so stupid?
>so I have some context?
Context for what?
Siege of Dragonspear is actually good.
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You can tell she was their favorite by how all the bonus art is of her and no one else.
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>still no crpg where you can sexually assault women with wizard spells
Is it a cRPG tradition to have boring and tedious first acts? Playing through PoE, and the first act has been a real bore. WotR was the same way where the first couple of levels were a complete drag and the game only really picked up steam once you unlocked your mythic path powers.
>Is it a cRPG tradition to have boring and tedious first acts?
There's a good reason why most tabletop games don't start at level 1, where in older systems, a housecat or peasant can realistically body an adventurer. You just don't have any options, especially in systems based off of 2E, like Pathfinder.
>Playing through PoE, and the first act has been a real bore.
Surely it's just the first act
The open ended nature of wizard spells is terrifying. Theoretically there's nothing stopping a wizard from creating an impregnate spell and casting it all day long on unsuspecting peasants from max range.
cRPGs are all about escalating from a virtual nobody at the start to a virtual god at the end, which means a slow burn. Many people like a slower paced game though. Still, a little bit of intrigue and mystery can go a long way towards motivating players. Making sure the events feel personal something PoE struggles with is also an excellent way of keeping the player interested. I think action RPGs have a much easier time with it. See something like Enderal, which has a pretty good RPG hook with its fucked up dream sequence, ship stowaway section, and first dungeon that forshadows everything that happens in the main quest: https://youtu.be/c8VXWMUg9pU&t=10
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Just a rudimentary teleportation spell.
>dirty fighting
>blinding strike
>minor threat
>axe crit bonus
ohh boy, I love seeing those big chunks taken out of elite enemy hitpoints, and by investing in stealth I can get backstabs off while not wildly outpositioning my rogue. Now all I need is a good axe and a good piercing weapon. Also temple of eothas can is encapsulated by one phrase. "we gotta take better care of aloth"
Most CRPG's have horrid beginnings, play it at least for 5 hours and then decide.
I remember trying this game a long time ago. Couldn't get into it for whatever reason.
It's a mishmash of so many things like around 5 of them and only succeeds by around a 10th. Imagine an RTS where there's only a total of 12 units. Or a flight shooter where you can't even upgrade your "plane" It was clearly rushed out the gate because efforts went to Original Sin instead. I played it until the final act where the map opened up to more of that trite Risk bullshit. Imagine Soulstorm campaign but somehow worse. The girls were nice though. It is funny how the politics there are of the "current year" variant yet it was released in 2013
Personally I kinda like lower levels in crpgs because you don't have/need to cast a gorillion buffs each fight
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Short King bros..
>Pure shifter is fine for normal-core
I hope I'm not fucking myself by doing a first playthrough on Core. Game sounds complicated.

Alright, thanks for the explanation. It sounds interesting. I'll have to read up on those classes. My head is spinning when I see how many options there are. "Me Grug! Grug smash!" is my game motto.
>mass produce naval and air units
>landlock the enemy by placing them all around their territory
By that point forward it may as well be a political VN. Ophelia best girl.
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>Goddess is dying
>Okay, I know what to do, let's put her in my ipad
I love all these out of nowhere sci-fi stuff in pathfinder
Great DLC by the way, way better than Wildcard for kingmaker
Yep, that's what I did. Just brought dreadnoughts everywhere so I can shoot their base at the start.
Enderal kinda shoots itself in the foot narratively however.
>Ah, but the humans were the true evil all along and they will repeat this cycle whatever happens
>Every major player is actually a puppet with predisposed roles, you're not even human anymore lol
Like what.
You can always just lower the difficulty if it gets too hard
I usually set the difficulty to “story” near the end of the game because it's just exhausting
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Calm down Sten please.
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>You can always just lower the difficulty if it gets too hard
I was considering actually playing on story through the whole game but then I saw that the game only gives you achievements for clearing story on Core so I think I should play on this one. It would feel like a waste if I don't do it I think.
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Camp interactions can be hilarious in dragon age. Picrel will have a conversation with a dalish warden saying about how there should be better dalish-human relations and then causally does a racism about dalish
Enderal is shit. Skyrim was better in every way.
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I still can't get over why she doesn't look anything like her concept art.
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Loremaster has a unique dialogue lol
It's so damn late I wish they put it in act 3 when you go anyways towards kenabres for the mongrel quest
3d modellers can't do shit I assume. Morrigan also looks nothing like the cover art and such. All the women look underfed, which alright, makes sense but they just look off. And don't even look at the hands.
Yeah, they just crammed all DLC content into 5 act
I've been level 20 for a while now and I haven't even finished the mythic quest and three other DLCs yet
Asinine decisions
I'd take fewer classes over more classes if they had more interactivity in conversations and events
I'll take fewer actually interesting interactions like that than over a lot of “(Barbarian) me smash”
>mongrel quest
>tell lann to fuck off after beating him
>ask wendu what she woulda done If I hadn't spared him
>"kill him 100%"
lol. thats a little refreshing because in owlcat games if you let companions choose they usually choose whatever you've been pushing them towards, and it can be a bit disjointing because dialogues or events you don't think will have such a big impact will, like with how you talk about tech with pasqal or with how you go about getting a permit for jae massivly affects if she decides to go on the straight and narrow or not
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She does in the trailers and DA:I.
Most classes just don't deserve to have interactions
Forcing to have a lot of interactions for every class is stupid
Fighter or rogue just don't have anything interesting to say
Why not? Those two roles certainly have opinions and why bar something from being a thing simply because "it's not interesting".
Have you responded to everyone? I haven't received your reply yet.
stealing shit and other cloak and dagger esq activities can be incorporated in their personality, like talking in thieves cant.
master of martial arts (that aren't literal martial arts) could come up with better battle tatics before a battle or have more intricate knowledge on how fights and fighting at a disadvantage works
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What are the top 5 best melee classes in WotR?
fighter than idk 4 other melee classes which are just fighters but with a gimmick
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Because it will literally make your character so fucking lame
Mage or Priest may say something interesting but Fighter dialogues will literally turn you into a background character
And I love creating white male human fighter characters
>activities can be incorporated in their personality
Never liked Rogues so I don't understand the appeal
>could come up with better battle tatics before a battle or have more intricate knowledge
Just use History or Knowledge (World) skill or something like that
the rts parts are really boring and it basically has no real narrative as the whole games excuse was to reuse the div2 dragon combat system as fast as possible
Uhhhh sword saint then vivisectionist
Gendarme is good at 20
Kineticist is good when enemies have low spell res cause then you can resolve all your melee with touch without spending on resources like dimension strike
Primalist is good on a vacuum but a master skald buffed party will also have totem
Mutation Warrior and Dual-Cursed Oracle are fighting for the first place while everyone else is far behind
Fighter dialogue seems the coolest one from the ones you posted. Bard is fucking cringe.
The armor is pretty ridiculous. I'd ditch it and keep the face.
bards are cringe. you know how many "le epic bard fuck the bbeg or dragon" jokes that exist? and literally none of them are funny
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They sexed her up for the trailer. This is what the game designers originally intended for Leliana's armor.
>but Fighter dialogues will literally turn you into a background character
fighter is the background class. in a setting 99% of people in the military or villiagar would naturally be a fighter since its just guy who uses weapon. i adore fighter, and almost always play it as the protag mostly because i like no gear/weapon restrictions desu but thats just the classes flavor, its pretty much the absent of flavor.
You could remove [fighter] and no one would suspect the change
That's the point
It's too generic
They're all cringe by the way
Obviously larian had trouble coming up with this shit
>Barbarian screams!
>Evil faggot hates gods!
I'd rather have a few good choices that don't depend on anything than this kind of crap
>fighter is the background class
That's why I'm against him having unique dialogues
True, i think this shit is fucking stupid and only put into games to make redditors onions at le epic choices matter blah blah blah but I mean barbs scream, its literally their whole thing is being a raging chud
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Consider mods.
>I want less roleplaying options
Great, they should only account for what the Court Poet has to say when Irving the Pisshitter gets referenced by a character. There's absolutely nothing wrong when the basic class gets to speak their mind.
>be a fighter since its just guy who uses weapon
It really isn't. Do you even know what having the Fighter class entails?
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BG3 is not good overall in terms of roleplaying and choices. Most Reactivity is copypasted with just the name of the class changed but the same dialogue and 90% of the reactivity is gone when you finish Act 1. I think Owlcat does the roleplaying aspect of a RPG much better. I think Divinity did it better as well. BG3 feels like a fantasy Disney Marvel game.
>never liked rogue
Kleptomania and stabbing people really hard with a 3 inch knife is my passion
LOL no you're fucking stupid i murdered cam and literally not a single companion took notice. i know you guys don't like bg3 because its popular and that makes you seethe but stop saying absolutely retarded shit like this
>I think Owlcat does the roleplaying aspect of a RPG much better.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves there. The game barely accounts for class shit or anything that's not the Mythic Paths. It's so bad to the point that you get dialogue options to ask about shit that your character should know about.
I don't hate BG3. I'm just saying that overall in Owlcat games you have more freedom and options to follow. BG3 railroads you into a Marvel movie.
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Why do people defend owlcat not having voiced dialog when larain managed to have it in their actual shovelware made in 7 months made on a shoestring budget cash grab games 20 years ago?
>class options are bad because the example I give made all the options different ways of saying the same thing
Come on. what I'd want is for a game that has a variety of situations which allow for certain classes to excel in that given situation. the entire point of a class choice is to make it specific to that class that they can do that specific thing other classes can't or can't do as well.(that doesn't just boil down to another combat encounter)
You're just wrong to the point i can't argue with you. it's just false, have you played these games? lol bg3 gave me least a dozen options for just my god choice when i went cleric that had full voiced unique responses. wotr people that worshiped the same faith never even commented on it. i think i worshiped Asmodeus but it literally never mattered even when i was in his fucking maze
>There's absolutely nothing wrong when the basic class gets to speak their mind.
Few times when it makes sense
I'm against interactivity in everything just for the looks like in BG3
>The game barely accounts for class shit
It recognizes classes that matter
There's literally zero reason why anyone should care that you're a fighter
I still haven't heard anything unique a fighter can bring to the narrative
I can't speak for BG3 as I've not played it but it's ridiculous to even think that Owlcat's games grant you that much roleplaying power. I played as a Motherless Tiefling awhile back and while Motherless itself is rare enough that I will accept that they can't account for it, the fact that I was a Tiefling gets brought up only a handful of times when it would've been controversial. I don't even think this strains you in any way, no checks, no penalties, nothing. I can't imagine the other classes/races faring better.
>It recognizes classes that matter
Like what? I remember dipping with Thug and got 0 reactivity for that even though an exploitative asshole would "matter" in this instance. Instead that's just relegated to an Intimidation check. I played Dragon Disciple in KM and I don't think it's even brought up when you do Regill's questline or you find that one Black Dragon.
I'm not even talking about the false reactivity. I'm talking overall. Are you too dumb to understand what I mean? I'm talking about choices and consequences to those choices. In BG3 it doesn't matter. Your reactivity doesn't matter. Most of those options will get the same answer or a couple of dialogue words. It won't matter, it won't mean anything. The final result of the dialogue will be the exact same as if you didn't pick your class "reactivity" choice.
Really this could just be solved with screenshots from the games.
I think you're stupid and you have no idea wtf you're talking about. again, i killed cam and no one even reacted, traveling with her for months and nothing to say daeren? i know bg3 would have full voiced reactions hell probably multiple cut ins from every party member if they were with me during the confront scene with multiple reactions based on my choices. i think you realize you're fucking stupid but instead of just admitting it now its time to pretend you mean a whole other reactivity and nothing bg3 does counts because blah blah blah im seething. and as if wotr "Does game wide reactivity"
shut the fuck up you dumb bitch lol
>my god choice when i went cleric that had full voiced unique responses
There is a LOT of repeating dialogues
It looks good at first glance but when you look at it in detail you realize it's all the same
>wotr people that worshiped the same faith never even commented on it. i think i worshiped Asmodeus but it literally never mattered even when i was in his fucking maze
Wotr most faiths only have 2-3 interactions for the entire game but they usually something more significant than just references to a god
>Like what?
inquisitor, Bard, Rogue, Arcane trickster, Hellknight, Loremaster, Signifiers
fighter (should) be the best at combat mobility and being able to swap from being defensive to offensive on the fly, compared to a paladin whos strong at tanking but is less flexible or a rogue
/ranger who's good at danage but more of a glass canon, a fighter would win out in a continuous fight. Or you could take some of that "weapon mastery" flavor they have, like how they can specialize further into a weapon then other classes can in BG and turn them into a sort of weaponsmith that can identify certain qualities of a mgcuffin weapon about how it was crafted or how it must have been wielded
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My god loves me so it's your problem for worshiping some evil faggot
>Somehow forgetting Crusaders
>Arcane Tricksters are there
Nah not really, but this is an owlcat hugbox, bg3 bad owlcat good general like earlier when someone commented bg3 its too easy to blow people up(with 6 sorc points and a dozen spells) as if wotr is not just prebuffing and autotattacking deleting demon lords in literal fucking nano seconds lol. deskari genuinely exploded before the music even past the 5 second mark from archer autoattacks, but nah dude that was Truley epic roleplaying. i sure do love prebuffing over and over than clicking on enemies like a shitty rts on super easy mode or something. yes dude wotr has so much reactivy as long as you don't count your companions and major charaters never reacting to literally anything ever because in my brain sometimes they do like one time a fellow tiefling notice i was also a tiefling and that was the only time that was ever brought up in the entire game
Just worship Iomedae if you want this cringe
>I think you're stupid
>i think you realize you're fucking stupid
>blah blah blah im seething
>shut the fuck up
>you dumb bitch lol
holy kek, you sure got triggered
you are either pretending not to understand what I mean or you're just simple, probably the latter considering your post
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Well time to kill myself.
>Just mod it out
No, the suffering is mandatory.
I mean when I'm right, I'm right.
It would be hilarious to toxic yaoi soseil as a kun-kothon follower while shelyn watches in horror. its fucked that as is I can't tell him that shelyn is a little bitch as a kun follower
bg3 just gives you a mass effect tier ending and nothing matters because you always end up with the same shit
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>bg3 bad owlcat good
wotr gives you a really shitty fallout 1 style slide show ending that barely changes outside of le epic what mythic path did you choose 40 hours ago. i became nocturnes concubine and literally nobody said a single word about it
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Why is the bg3 shill here and not in his containment thread?
Even bg2 Jahria brought up when i cucked her with a drow. how can a modern crpg have less reactivity than that LOL. you guys worship a game with shit stolen 2 decades ago DONE WORSE i don't understand why wotr has so many fans, are mythic paths really that fucking appetizing? it's just mindless number increases, barely anything changes. it didn't even bother to model swap my human solders in town with demons until act 5 and didn't give me a choice to not do that because it's been working just fine before. wotr is such an unbelievably mediocre game I have to assume you are a midwit if you like it.
BG2 doesn't even let you touch Khalid's corpse though. People like pointing out that one particular moment in those older games but any sort of critical look makes it obvious that you can't do basic reactions often.
Owlcat games are good because they make fun of leftists, atheists, and other faggots
Unfortunately a lot of it is lost in translation
Druids fuck animals not people wtf
One the most stable relationships in their games is between a tranny and a lesbian anon.
pathfinder probably wouldn't let me either. bg3 would have since its inspiration like all larain games is ultima 7 and ultima 7 would have let me.
Taken directly from original module
Owlcat literally had a problem with some of their developers being too loud in their support of Russia and hatred for Ukraine on Twitter
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>bg3 would have
kek at the actual shill
>Russian man supports Russia please ignore the poly half orc interracial couple that will only ever butt into conversation to flirt with men
>the class reactivity and reactivity in general discussion
The real truth is that both BG3 and Owlcat games are complete horseshit at this. Madlib reactions like "Ahh I see you are a <class>!" don't count for anything, that's just cosmetic, so BG3 is shit at it, but the Owlcat games are just as bad or worse.

Fact: The whole genre is a bit shit still, while it figures itself out. Yes, it's still defining itself. Videogames are a new medium, and genres within videogames even newer.
yes, it would have i can literally guarantee you bg3 would have let me fuck around with khalids corpse. do you not think it wouldn't have let you? because you're lying to yourself
Oh, I almost forgot
Owlcat leads on good terms with owner of mail.sru, son of one of the deputies and Putin's friend
They literally worked with Chris Avellone on Russian propaganda world of tanks clone
How does that even matter? If Nazi Germany decided to make a story about a tranny and a lesbian settling down in a cottage, what do you think is the message there?
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>owlcat hate starts
>bg3 shilling starts
too obvious
Chader 20
Owlcat hate starts when Owlcat gets mentioned anon.
almost like it's a bot
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>giving a late night butt massage to Shadowheart
>hear a rustling outside and Gale mumbling about plants loud enough to make sure we hear
>look up, he's directly looking at us through a window
>Shadowheart mouths "what the fuck" to me
>confront him about it later so things aren't weird.
>he smirks and squeezes my shoulder a few times, says he "forgives me"

>later he's organizing ingredients while I look through our supplies
>"... that's an often misunderstood aspect of hyena ears, here take a look at this specimen"
>turn to see his ballsack sticking out of his robe, pressing it flat to look like a "hyena ear"
>he just stares at me smiling like he's won something
>"Yep, good one Gale, got me again"

Why am I travelling with this literal sex offender
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>Added so late into the game that all the roleplaying options for it is just stupid shit
I will never forgive Larian for thinking
>Skeletons should get free lockpicks
>Skeleton Key
Swen deserved to be pied.
>how do we differentiate our elves??
>eat corpses
that is technically an answer but wtf
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wotr is overrated and i think it's the ultimate midwit game
>look at all of these epic choices
>none of them matter because you just need higher numbers to meet enemy inflated stats so make sure to pick the same 10 feats/mythic feats everytime
>look at hard it is
>its actually extremely easy if you just learn to play aka prebuff like very very very fucking easy to the point you're on autopilot clearing whole dungeons and only traps are a danger because your so bored you might walk on one. if on bullshit difficulty settings just look up overpowered munchkin build+prebuff to make it as easy.
>look at le mythic choices
>none of them really have any impact until act 5 which is a dogshit act of just rush though this last area to end the game and also most mythic levels are awarded in the backhalf of the game when theirs barely anything left to do but really awful main story dungeons. im pretty sure you're only level 20 mythic 10 for 15 mins MAX
only has like 4 enemies spammed at you the entire game, I'm sick of minotaur's, a forgettable soundtrack, incredibly ugly character models that don't fit how le serious it's supposed to be, stop putting le epic blood on fucking fornite mobile models. ugly portraits even generic ai slop is an improvement, crusades fucking suck and such a massive boring timesink of auto attack battes. I genuinely think if wotr was more popular you fags would hate it.
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Remember to kiss your space persian gf
>bg3 shill still seething WE like WotR more
>They're also literally trees
>Also loli elf hitler
I actually do like that they're not just humans with pointy ears and affinity to magic.
>he worships an arab woman
The bulk of your complaint is only really effective against those who think of themselves as grand strategy masters for playing above Core.
The mythic paths are objectively good, but there's not enough general reactivity however this is the same for BG3 and almost every game the genre.
The soundtrack is really good, couldn't care about the models or portraits though I think there should be more of them. There's portrait packs that make up for that though.
The Crusade mini-games are ignorable but I found them fun enough, after playing with some restraints (no caster general, never have losses over hospital level).

This "Owlcat vs Larian" thing is dumb when all the games in question have serious shortcomings and are very shallow when it comes to reactivity and the playing of roles. (BG3 does a better job at hiding this behind smoke and mirrors)
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I like how Leliana and Morrigan are way hotter than any of your female companions/romance options in Inquisition. It's like they're taunting you.
Wotr has some very pretty and interesting environments
Way better than BG3
Well they're from the previous games so can't do much about that. Technically Cassandra is too. Though Morrigan got a fucking upgrade compared to her DAO look.
it also has some really shit and over-used environments, just like BG3. God I never want to play Act2 again. As tedious as the shadowrealm area of Lord of Nothing.
>devs: b-b-b-but it's SUPPOSED to be that way!!@
doesn't make me want to play it ever again
I think WotR enviros are pretty boring and generic. RT's environments are such a huge incline. That's the game you should be comparing to BG3, art-direction wise.
>dude empty wasteland reused for several screens or dude the same city tile but now for another city tile
no? i seen the outside of the one area with the dragon greybor wants to kill least 4 times
WotR has a way better story than bg3 though
RT environments are the worst of all, as far as tedium and over-use goes.
Deadfire unironically had better art direction than WOTR
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>Though Morrigan got a fucking upgrade compared to her DAO look.
She looks like her concept art in Inquisition. DAO's engine couldn't into people, so we got characters which were very different from their intended looks. This was also why the trailers and promo material ended up looking so much different than the in-game models.
I'm sorry this one's pretty bad, it's one nose piercing away from being a "modern female character" design.
Art direction and gameplay were two of the things PoE2 really improved upon. I really like the idea of a pirate fantasy RPG much more than whatever PoE1 had going on. Too bad everything else is worse.
It is, especially in comparison to Leliana, but it’s still closer to the intended Morrigan than the in game one. I think Inquisition is closest to what they should look like.
She has aids
>The bulk of your complaint is only really effective against those who think of themselves as grand strategy master's for playing above Core.
sadly, a lot of people do. someone brings up only 52% of people finished bg3 act 1 so its le bad which is like 30-40 hours of gameplay which is objectively pretty good overall when you consider how little people actually finish games like only 65% of people got past the first 2 hours of wotr and now its time for seething about how everyone got le filtered. or maybe its because the game plays worse than crpgs from 20 years ago and its just not that exciting in presentation desu. nigga i can't even toggle slow mo.
>The mythic paths are objectively good,
i think their neat in idea but i think its overblown in execution. all of the abilities are either worthless or stat increases and you don't fully feel any impact until the game is practically done. i went demon and honestly outside of like 3 times i could do demon rage i barely noticed anything and actually forgot to toggle any of my demon abilities(which didn't matter cleric+mage buffs make you immortal on core) until act 5 when suddenly every human in drezen was model swapped with a demon.
>The soundtrack is really good
subjective and i subjectivity think it's pretty forgettable outside of the title screen music. there's a reason i hear dos2/bg3 tracks in random youtube videos all the goddamn time even from people who didn't even bg 3 that much like synthetic man but never an owlcat song
>couldn't care about the models
i do because it tries to be epic serious blood BLOOD BLOOD but everyone its dumping blood on looks like there from a mobile game. its goofy as shit.
i just think wotr is mediocre which is fine, medicore games come out all the time. but people literally just make up stupid bullshit >>492927538
to own bg3 and suck off this game which isn't really that interesting after a year of discussion.
>She has aids
proof? sounds hot
WotR would really benefit from easing you into the game. Like I felt absolutely bewildered by the amount of build options and information it threw at you in character generation my first time through. This is made worse as Owlcat puts in a ton of noob traps into character building. It’s to the point where the auto leveler will pick feats that conflict or that you character can’t even use because they’re malicious slavic DMs.
>stuffs her bra
pathetic. Can' even embrace her skellydom
you can’t even say shit like “I admire larian’s sandbox approach to crpg design” without some schizo spamming a bunch of crap at you, contrarianism can be fun but now when it gets in the way of actual discussion, like cmon guys
because not all of us are illiterate and we'd rather the money went into something that actually makes the game better
i adore larains sandbox approach. divine divinty was a early 2000's eurojank rpg and it still let me fuck around with the environment more than most modern games. ultima 7 is a good game, more games should follow its philosophy
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As Halsin and Shadowheart fall deeper for each other, he takes the lead as the MC running the party. His team rarely includes you so most of the game is sitting at camp with Gale and the pets and Withers asking about your relationship.
Cut scenes with them sharing a tent, laughing and playing all through the night while you try to sleep next to "gassy Gale".
The game proceeds this way where you get to hear about all the things they're doing in the world until they solve the crisis and live together in marital bliss, hiring you on as a caretaker (since you weren't involved much, you aren't entitled to much of the spoils)

>"I'm.... I'm really happy for you two" you manage to get out with a weak smile at their wedding
>They smile politely and look at eachother
>"Oh, Astarion! Ahh, please do excuse us" Shadowheart says, leading Halsin away as you try to look casual standing by yourself
>>Skeletons should get free lockpicks
>>Skeleton Key
that's actually funny, what is your problem?
see what I mean?
this is not my power fantasy
Do I really need to watch a 2h video before I start playing?
than why is their less reactivity? owlcat didn't have to deal with calling in voice actors and paying them to voice more options so what is the excuse here anon? if they didn't have to voice the companions commenting on cam death in wotr, why do they not react?
>you have to pick extremely specific options and pretty much consent to being cuck to have the girl get romanced by someone else in bg3
>in owl cat games shes already in a poly relationship or activity states how much she wants to get railed by any man you meet no matter what you choose.
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Shadowheart and Halsin were written by the same person and he admitted that Halsin is his self insert so it's no wonder he cucks you (actually cucks you since she disapproves if you don't want her to have sex with him when you romance her)
nah just go enduring soul on buffers and prebuff. the game's difficulty completely falls apart. only small brains think it's this complex
>look at these dozen options
>all of them that doesn't give spell dc or attack roll or damage roll is fucking worthless
No. I never did and it (well Kingmaker, but almost the same) was my first crpg really.
The complexity is REALLY overblown, but on the other hand, there are some shockingly stupid people out there I guess. Still, my answer's a firm no absolutely not.
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2024 ladies and gentlemen
>shadowheart seductively looking at Wyll
wtf is wrong with Larian seriously
>everyone preggers mod
Kinda based in a morbid sort of way
they made a popular game which caused certain mentally unwell people to have a meltdown and make discussion of the company impossible unfortunately
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Lord of nothing is pretty underrated
He said Divinity has better reactivity and more choices, dude is a complete shitter.
Can't stand these people, they lie blatantly to your face, they insult your intelligence, i really despise them.
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They really went full dark souls with this one
speaking of reactivity, does RT still make you ask what a psyker is if you are a psyker yourself? lol
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Yes, but it's not an rt-specific problem. It's universal for all crpgs.
>Seelah charge that enemy!
>sorry, commander I cant do that there's a pebble in the way
how about off yourself
>black people are lazy
Is this what they've been going for?
Maybe, but it was really fucking bad in RT. Unless I’m misremembering it was literally, like “what strange magic is this?” when I’m a sanctioned psyker
Zeeeeuuuuup, daaaat juuuuuuh haaaaapaaaaan! *starts walking like jive turkey*

Sheesh, tone it down Owlcat!
At least you're sometime called out on it
>cassia's chimping out
>heinrix, wtf is this sorcery?
>stop asking stupid questions, retard, that's a navigator
Which is pretty weird in hindsight, since her chimp outs aren't normal for navigators. Guess he's seen some shit being an inquisition
>that screenshot of asking what a synth is, while your companion Nick Valentine is in the background with his half-machine face
We need to stop forgiving this, that's why it's so universal
I also need to review from a class I took years ago and learn more Russian, I fear I'm missing out on many memes
Does Clustered shots still not work?
to understand memes you'd need to have a grasp on the culture that birthed them, knowing the language isn't always enough
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>tell sosiel not to kill the cultist
>retard acts all smug
>kill him myself instead
yeah, i can be a law kike too, buddy
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that only makes it more appealing!
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Have any of you anons ever have this bug where minor non-story realted locations on the map, as well as roads simply don't show on the world map? Not sure if it's the mods or something. Can't really check, since switching them off make the save non-loadable
sounds like some karma for cheating
>not repeatedly telling soseil to kill him and then kill him only because soseil is too pussy not too
bro your mindbreak% run? I can't bring myself to mindbreak ember, plus its kinda nice having an optimistc retard thats surronded by everyone else being completely miserable/evil
Reminder that ascended Areelu+KC are Pharasma tier.
>get racismed by a paladin for being a "feral" race
fuck you just for that I'm helping the dozen. (unless I can take both organizations down)
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NWN was the first CRPG I played. You know I made a deal to get 1 dollar every time I wash the dishes and eventually bought it, it was an incredible experience, though I never was able to get out of the tutorial area(couldn't read english). Half the time I spent in the character creator.

Those happy days are gone now.
You're supposed to skip the RTS shit and focus on the companions and kingdom decisions. Luckily, you can auto resolve every combat.
Here you go then. A naked skeleton. Are you attracted to it?
This was last year btw, looking for a new job now to save up for nwn2
>paints her teeth with lipstick
just stop. ywnbaw
Serves you right
I wish there was a way to save Yoshimo, feel bad that he was such a nice guy even til the very end
>paints her teeth with lipstick
I think it's kinda cute. And much classier than that one skeleton that stuffs her bra with fruit.
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I need more.
Only classic games before sjw faggotry are good.
only wotr and kingmaker are good
Unironically the best way to play, theres just too many good companions in BG2. Makes me wish itd get an actual remake but keep the spirit of the original or combine 1 and 2 into a 100+ hour game
Typically, I have a guest spot that I'll cycle through. Once I complete the companion quest for them, I give them the boot. Most of the characters I keep are characters from the first game and SOD: Viconia, Jaheira, Minsc, Imoen, Edwin, and Sarevok (eventually). I've also used the Xan mod in BG2 (one of the only companion mods worth using in my opinion). In this way, there's a sense of continuum, like these are your true bros. I did the same in Mass Effect and other games with returning party members.
>that reasoning
>those choices
Wtf are you literally me? I also mainly keep Aerie around and Amoen since hes a bro if you do his quest stuff
i defense of wotr, nobody likes camelia. If you killed her it means you didn't like her either so you probably weren't taking her along a lot, so it's no wonder nobody noticed.
But yeah, owlkek games have almost zero reactivity
Same. Pillars was the only series where I didn't load my party with returning members because they were all so bland I couldn't give a shit.
>disliking eder and aloth
I don't like you. Die!
Havent played Pillars yet but its on the ever growing list of backlogs, probably shouldnt replay BG2 but I enjoy it quite a lot.
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That's how I like it as well. The sequel companion needs to be incredibly based for me to consider replacing one of my old guard.
Why is Aerie bringing my son along to fight Demogorgon?
This seems like a REALLY bad idea.
Charname Jr. as part of an archdemon-killing party means he already starts life bound for greatness
I don't even remember who the companions for me3 were aside from garrus. Garrus might be the only good thing to come out of me
Fighter/Mage dual class at lvl 13 for BG1+2 let's go, I always went for it at lvl 7 or 9.
I'm intrigued. I love the party banters (I'm a filthy banterpack mod user), but I'm concerned how it would effect the games balance?

>keep the spirit of the original or combine 1 and 2 into a 100+ hour game
Would be too good to be true, anon.

>Typically, I have a guest spot that I'll cycle through. Once I complete the companion quest for them, I give them the boot. Most of the characters I keep are characters from the first game
Based and same. Most of the characters from SoA are interesting and likeable enough that I want to do their content and help them out. But like you said, there's just something about adventuring with old friends.


My next playthrough is definitely going to be,
>Me (fighter mage)

Once Khalid dies in 2 I'll use that spot to play through the companion content and probably end up taking Mazzy on permanently. I love her so much bros. .
In Underrail, what happens if I keep exploring in the Black Sea instead of saving the professor? I really can't decide which faction I should side with. Do the kidnappers just execute him or nah?
There should've been an option to turn Aloth into a REAL woman.
He's an elf, he's already more womanly than actual women
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It's a swarm eat swarm world
>imagine all the banter interruptions on your daily quest-solving activities
honestly that should be classified as self-harm tendency
some days I feel like life is the lord of locusts, and here I am, just snapping my jaws like a mortal gnat
Is the Worldcrawl mod good?
I don't feel like finishing Underrail desu. Maybe I should start a new save...
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Ranger/Cleric can't use bows in IWD? Might just keep my ranger as ranger then, I have enough Frontline. 0 clerics but hopefully Druid and Paladin can be enough for healing/buffs.
Also have a Bard for healing *
this but with wotr
got up extra early, going to do some exercise then spend some time playing a role! I can't wait!
>going to do some exercise
Good on you, anon! Keep at it! I'm gonna do the same thing later, after I'm done with my chores
>went into wotr wanting to play a gnome for the first time
>they get extra DC on Illusion spells, so may as well go all-in on that shit and see what happens
>Greater Spell Focus and all that shit
>6 hours later finally realize my spellbook is fucking shit
I appreciate having 5 different ways to make myself elusive, but I'd also like to have an actual impact in fights other than running around like a tard
Does it get better later on or should I just drop it and go back to less "enlightened" schools that just beat the shit out of people with actual magic ?
Sister, wizard at early levels is a buffbot/CCbot. You'll get Phantasmal Illusion and Weird later to actually kill stuff.
Wizard til lvl 10 is just sitting back and casting their 3 spells a day while everyone else does shit it's pretty cucked for a while
I've played wizard plenty and all other schools offer some degree of utility even early on, that's what shocked me about Illusion
I'll stick to it and hope I don't get bored before it's too late
I think anyone who wants to play a magic user should be required to play the first 2-3 hours of BG1 as a wizard before they can open their mouths.
Color spray is really good for its spell lvl. Same for phantasmal killer, phantasmal web, phantasmal putrefaction and weird. The good illusion spells are in general the best spells for their spell lvl
illusion gets low lvl control spells tho. Like prismatic spray
I think I wouldn't be able to play these games if I played just for their mechanics.
Wizard at level 1, level 10, how many spell slots, etc... That's very much secondary to "who my character is" for me. I can enjoy being a wizard who can't do shit, relying on my party, for instance. And my enjoyment doesn't simply scale with how many spells/abilities I have and how strong they are. I didn't enjoy ToB for instance, and probably wouldn't play it again.

I know everyone plays in their own way and for their own reasons, but also they're wrong to be quite h
Other than armor and energy shields, how do you become "tanky" in Underrail? Con does nothing but add more HP, and I would rather just prevent damage instead of just soaking it.
>I would rather just prevent damage instead of just soaking it.
You prevent that by killing zoners before they kill you. The best thing to do is to use stealth/traps/grenades, etc to thin out the enemies before engaging.
You go all in on dodge evasion with uncanny dodge, evasive maneuvers and cloaking device, but you have to really go all in.
Next Larian games will be BG1 and BG2 remakes with the same engine, style, and scale as BG3. Screencap this post.
Would be kino but never going to happen.
would you rather play Skyrim in the BG3 engine, or BG3 in the Skyrim engine?
Color spray is pretty good early game, most enemies have shit Hit Dice so they get stunned for a long long time. Illusion does get better once you get the Phantasmal spells: killer, web and putrefaction.
They've already said that they're done with wotc
This unit does not experience the call of the flesh, laynigger. Cease your gooning
Do you have to be autistic to become an admech, or do they develop autism overtime?
>want to make camelia a duelist since she's already using a rapier and seems like this is what her theme is
>she doesn't have the int for it
dumb bitch
duelist is kinda useless aside from rp
>aside from rp
It's why I play computer role playing games after all
You mean Camellia Role Playing Games
Does wotr have good greatswords? I wanna use seelah as a dd since I'm gonna be tanking myself
Is mark of justice supposed to stack with smite?
>take knowledge (world) on all female characters
>put them on cooking duty when camping
back to the kitchen
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I don't think they stack in tt, but owlkek made a lot of retarded home rules so who knows, maybe it's a bug, maybe a feature
Eh I think the best one is finnean. There's numerian gs too but it might not be what you're looking for
>the best one is finnean
It definitely doesn't stack in tt it is also 10ft, doesn't apply to evil characters, team mates have to use a swift action to make use of it on their next turn, and unintelligent creatures like summons(looking at creeping doom mostly) wouldn't know how to activate the smite so yeah I guess no it's not supposed to stack
>doesn't apply to evil characters
W-what?... But that's the whole point of mass smite evil isn't it?
I mean if you have an evil party member they don't get the buff
>numerian gs
from dlc, or from that dogshit dungeon?
That's from blackwater you can get it with dimension door still after clearing only 1 room if you don't want to go through the rest of it
Oh, that's stupid
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>kiss jae
no, thanks, I'd rather let marzipan slay half of the ship or let Cassia get rid of servants' vocal cords. It would be also nice to look at some sacred augmentations again, but Pasqal is too cheeky and doesn't show them anymore
Daily reminder that you can brew/scribe with spells in your book that you can't cast yet.
Daily reminder that you can brew/scribe metamagic spells too.
a shame that DC bonuses usually don't apply to scrolls
They're done with DnD thought since they fucked them over or something. In any case, they did say they're doing 2 new games.
Tincan even on DOMINATING still works but it's basically the difference between shrugging off some shots vs. getting one tapped by near everything. Snipers and crossbows will almost always down you though.
Make her a Court Poet someone has to do it and she is very courtly and has a wonderful way with words
bitch has negative charisma and not an ounce of wit to be a court poet. And no, I don't care what her stat page says, i'm going strictly by how she's presented. I just switched her int and charisma stats with toybox. Gonna make her a duelist whether the game likes it or not
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You have a resurrection spell so it's fine. What's the worst that could happen?
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>raves about random unrelated things
she could be the court idiot. That's the best I can do
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Imagine how much more kino BG3 would have been if you were playing as Charname's son
>play an rpg
>but you have to play as X character
defeating the entire point of a rpg
it would be no different than Durge
>Trying to make sure I've cleared out everything in the area
>Get slightly close to the MMO quest marker on the map
>Forced into a cutscene
>Forced into leaving said area
Wow fuck you too game.
>charCreation is choosing who CharName settled down with
woulda been kino. Remember how viconia's ending was perfect for setting up an edgy half drow seeking vengeance because his/her mother got killed by drow bitch assassins?
the ONLY game I know that even attempted this in-universe was KOTOR 2 with you choosing Revan's gender and if he was light side or not, of course even there is was quite clumsy, better for the devs to just outright give you choices at chargen like you say
>play kotor 1 as a basic bitch light side dude
>start of kotor 2
>"yeah uhh actually revan was this goth sith chick"
I'm not sorry
>playing Pathfinder for the RP
bro, this is the game where the devs recommend you monk dip on every single build.
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>monk dip every single build
Late game powerhouse bros... is it our time?
Redpill me on Arcane Deceiver and how to use it for unfair.
>playing Pathfinder for the RP
Yes, I do.

>monk dip on every single build
Never have, never will.
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The monk dip wouldn't even work by tabletop rules. It's because Owlcat misinterprets the way crane stance works to where you can use it with weapons. You want to know what crane stance looks like? Look at pic related. Imagine how ridiculous it would be to do that with a sword and shield in your hands.
>Lvl 1-9
You don't
>Lvl 10
Spam phantasmal web+boneshatter or -will/reflex/fort spells so someone else has better chances of a disable
I think you can also try to mass dispel with arcane theft+phantasmal web
>Lvl 13
Same as before but also add phantasmal web+baleful poly for mass dogs
>Lvl 16
Same as before but with greater dispel+phantasmal putrefaction and serenity+phantasmal killer which is supposedly bugged to bypass mind affecting
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I've seen enough chinese movies to see it working
>Crane style
>It's actually flamingo
A problem with having Monk as a primary class is that all varieties are badly front-loaded: after a burst of power, their offensive growth is slow and steady unlike, say, Sorcerers and Alchemists whose growth is better than linear. If you're going to play a Monk, you may be disappointed if you expect her to lay waste to her enemies. Fortunately, Wisdom substitutes for Dexterity fairly effectively meaning that you can focus on Strength and Wisdom.

The front-loading means that Monks are the dip class par-excellence. A single level gives you many of the benefits (AC bonus and, say, Crane Style) with little cost. Characters for whom Charisma is a primary attribute will want to take a level of Scaled Fist while those for whom Wisdom is more important will want to take a level of Traditional Monk (this is better because all saving throws are high). A second Monk level is also good because you get another bonus feat out of it.
>retarded ballet
weebs should have never been allowed into tabletop
>Playing DAO as a female city elf to try out new things
>Still romance Leliana because the game makes it too easy
>Now realising that Alistair pretty much has to die or I do unless he fucks Morrigan
So how do I get out of this bind?
Make him fuck morrigan lol. I mean he'll hate your guts but its funny
Even the monk portrait is doing crane stance.
Let him fuck you? Can I watch?
On the topic of monks why the fuck do they have exotic weapons unique to their class when the entire point of a monk is to chi blast or punch your opponent a thousand times?
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>adds shit like sais and nunchuks
>doesnt add hook swords
Sounds like a skill issue
>pure level 20 Crusader on Unfair
>inb4 "b-but merged spellbook!"
Dont care, cope and seethe
SEX WITH [popular video game heroine]
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>these autism pictures
lmao people unironically play this class?
SEX with [Popular video game maleslut]
>game has regional body damage
SEX WITH [vidya evil woman]
Genuinely cool though I feel like it's very exploitable. Isn't Underrail 2 Electric Boogaloo going that route?
This portrait is so ugly
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Two more weeks until Tamriel Rebuilt is finished bros
I trust the plan.
Youre one of those....yikes...just uninstall brother this game is not for you
not a crpg
They could delete crane style from the game and 99% of tanks would still dip Monk
What's it even about this time? What region I mean. I can't imagine redoing all that shit to enjoy the new content. I'll probably just cheese out an Alchemist """build"""" and run around at max speed.
Just finished Argenta's quest, and Jesus Christ, chapter 4 in RT is blatantly unfinished, almost every single quest feels like it has had its length cut in half. It's a shame, because chapters 1 and 2 were awesome.
yeah. I wish they didn't rush the game out for christmas
Only Pasqal's feel like it gets a proper ending since it's been slowly getting drip fed to you. Marazhai's also was kinda okay but it's a shame you can't kill him and the remnants of Reaving Tempest after the Black Heart encounter. Heinrix had... something? Cassia's was kinda fine but it was super short, too.
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>What's it even about this time?
Looks like Hlaalu submer areas, including Narsis.
>it's a shame you can't kill him and the remnants of Reaving Tempest after the Black Heart encounter
Just give him to the inquisition after you're done with him. Yes, it lacks the drama and the satisfaction of looking him in the eye and watch him realize that it's over and that he's made a huge mistake, but it's something. Also if he's dead then so is the cabal. Not to mention that you can just kill its remnants during the game instead of helping them like he asks (he seethes about it, but that's all he can do about it - seethe impotently).
>Heinrix had... something?
needs to be romanced for it to feel complete, otherwise it feels like it goes nowhere
>Cassia's was kinda fine
Kinda, but it was even shorter than argenta's. At least it didn't feel unfinished
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What are the best rpgs besides Pathfinder where I can really build a completely broken character, or there's really over the top prestige classes or anything?
Full Oracle team is pretty nuts
Literally can't get fatigued and can fill any role with 1-3 levels in Loremaster
And my interest goes out the window.
If you're just keen on running around being overpowered then any Bethesda games count I suppose. Gothic as well I guess if you can get past the janky combat.
Baldurs gate fighter/mage or fighter/thief is the strongest class iirc
I refuse to touch it until it's completely finished
I remember Arcanum being really easy to break
A lot of old RPGs are quite difficult at first and very easy after the midway point
The issue with this is how samey everything looks. I'm all for labyrinthine dungeons, but the rooms have gotta be kind of unique and distinguishable at a glance or it'll get frustrating very quickly.
It's an issue with Morrowind basically since everything just uses the same textures and such. It's ridiculous how many daedric shrines basically look the same.
Tarticcio/tartuk should have been a full blown companion instead of only being usuable at the very beginning and the very end
>it was even shorter than argenta's
>shooting this mirror is going to determine whether I become a zealot or not
I'm so pissed off man, at least the armor your get from it is bonkers, but the game is piss easy anyway.
It's an issue throughout TES.
I started playing PoE, when does it get interesting?
BG1 -> BG2 is the gold standard for starting as someone who would trip on a branch and die, up through being a demi-god.
My suggestion is of course play EE, and include a few select mods, the kind that use keywords like "immersive" and "balanced".

It's an investment to get that far, but it pays off if you like that old style adventuring. If you just want to be OP right out of the gate, play a different game (and a different genre, please)
Eh later games get somewhat better at it. Morrowind has that "seen one, seen all" kinda feeling.
Interesting how, if combat then maybe mid game, if story, ehhhh. Maybe White March.
idira's situation is a lose-lose for her, either she puts on the xenos soul sucking device or she's back to square 1 of having a shortened lifespan and trying to endure the voices. Or if you a heretic making her a straight up daemonhost because fuck it. Atleast she can make some friends with the voxcaster/argenta/the rt and jae of all people
But the design principles for Morrowind dungeons make navigating a non-issue. They're rarely more than just one or two rooms, and have a kind of sense to them architecturally. As in, someone thought "what might this underground place have actually been used for?" So it's not like the madness of Daggerfall dungeon sprawl.
Mostly combat and gameplay. Having a good story is rare so I don't expect one at all
>can just murder vellexia
>can't just murder shamira
which retard is responsible for this blunder?
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this needy bitch gives me huge aruebro vibes
I bet you hated what BG III did to her
>large city has a place for their dead
>what do they eat
I think Morrowind's layouts for major dungeons are more interesting generally and feel like actual places. Morrowind's dungeons could sprawl, had some verticality, contained secrets, and had unique and powerful loot. Many of the non-quest dungeons were on the shorter side though, but these were sideshows to break up overworld exploration. They were short enough where fatigue doesn't settle in. Skyrim's dungeons, on the other hand, are one long, linear corridor broken up by chambers that loops around at the end. Makes some sense for draugr tombs, but doesn't for a dwemer ruin.
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genuinely don't know why we couldn't massacre every demon in chapter 4.
>Eh later games get somewhat better at it.
No they don't. Every Ayleid ruin, fort, bandit camp, cave, etc, in Oblivion looks the same. Every dwemer ruin, cave, draugr area, etc looks the same in Skyrim.
I've stuck with RPGs that have an intriguing premise and story with wonky gameplay much more than the inverse. For instance, I can mod Fallout 4 and Skyrim to have very good gameplay and mechanics. I'll still end up dropping them for something else in a few hours as their writing and world just does not captivate me.
Why would you want to murder hot demon chicks?
Typically because they're evil.
>I can mod Fallout 4 and Skyrim to have very good gameplay and mechanics
Whats harder in PoE2, a run without a wizard or fighter?
god damn owlcat artists need to go back to school
Playing PoE
PoE2 is pathetically easy either way. I guess maybe a run without a fighter, as the meta is basically
>aggro enemy
>block door with tank
>rest of party dumps led into enemy
which you can do without a wizard but can't without a fighter.
I think she's cute
>why are all aasimar brown?
the way deadfire is balanced you can almost always use a different class in the same role, like cipher instead of wizard or paladin instead of fighter tank. Although both have some broken abilities but you're not likely to abuse them without knowing what to do
if you reach the undead infested quarter in Defiance Bay and still don't like the game by the time it's done, you can probably safely ignore the game imo
>You'd expect a dragon hunter like Taash to be a jock
Wouldn't you expect dragon hunters to be cunning, not unga bunga retards?
BG3 was a mistake
>Remember how viconia's ending was perfect
perfectly shit, yeah
>level 30+ Cleric jobbing to poison
pretty much what >>493020881 said
>>493020504 on the other hand seems to be mentally impaired, you should ignore his opinions
In harder difficulties, without a wizard since not having an AoE DPS sucks.
Well you can also do that.
>Dragon hunter
Fucking qunaris man. Also, doesn't Harding hook up with Sera by the end of Inquisition?
Wait, griffin's are supposed to be extinct right?
but it was uuh it was poison made by Lolth herself
>cast resurrect
uuuuhhh no you can't since a goddess did it
>cast Wish
shut up
>petition another god
no shut up
>Also, doesn't Harding hook up with Sera by the end of Inquisition?
No. If you've been good to Sera she becomes your little sister and tags along with you and you do some robin hood crimes together in your free time.
They found some in one of the books.
No that was Dagna not Harding
is it just me or are their designs boring? like there's nothing striking about them? they just look so normal
Huh. Really went all Dwarves look the same there.
That's kinda dumb but okay.
I hate ghosts
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What do you mean? Black elf and asian elf are totally unique.
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not as unique as you might think
I'm not too sure how they'll explain or even point out how one of them is most definitely asian looking since there's no Asia in Thedas. Maybe the Executors but those are dwarves.
>Huh. Really went all Dwarves look the same there.
Harding was sort of your unfinished love interest which you couldn't seal the deal with because her story didn't finish.
>Her wife
oh god, please don't tell me they did that stupid move where they model the characters after their voice actors?
More like Imoen, Edwin or Aerie killed em. Timestop + Alacarity + spellbook dump is what most high level encounters turn into. Fighters, which is what Abdel was, really fall off at higher levels.
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Abdel Adrian canonically never reached high levels or unlocked his HLAs. He relied on his companions, who were all stronger than him, so you're probably right that he didn't strike the killing blow on any of the major threats.
>Boss is named Seven Keks
>Abdel A-ACK
>What's the worst that could happen?
Charname Jr. is a full blooded elf. Those infantile memories don't go away. They're permanently engraved in the soul and will start appearing in the child's dreams in a few years. For normal elven children, these dreams would be filled with loving parents, being spoiled by grandparents, learning how to walk, etc.

For Charname Jr. these dreams will be about constant exposure to supernatural demonic fear, fire and brimstone raining from the skies, beholder rays disntigrating them on contact, being resurrected a dozen times, and hearing the ear splitting sound of Aerie's Crom Fyr caving in skulls through steel helmets.

This is how villains get made.
>Your a queer fellow
>I care not
>Mutton-mongering RiffRaff
>I've done have enough of this
why was she such a brat?
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speaking this way to an adult...!!
AA is noncanon. He doesn't factor into the story at all.
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>acktshully his name was Abdel Adrian and he was a lvl 1 white male chud human fighter who became Duke of Baldur's G-
>that dialogue from cuckquean viconia telling imoen she should be fucking her half brother right now
>Jubilost went back in time just to interview you and give a fucking toad
If we ever get another pathfinder game hopefully we will meet gold toad again
I like owlcat sense of humor
Hear me out, subterranean elves but pale white and Asiatic facial features
best i can do is subterranean elves with mesopotamiam features
Why the fuck was Merrill Welsh anyway.
Are you... Are you talking about the award winning roleplaying video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?
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Is Cassia the best RT character?
Anything in Pathfinder as OP as BG2's timestop?
No abelard is
Definitely in the top 3.She is definitely the most OP character in both gameplay and lore.
>Princess classic romance but GRIMDARK
Ehhh. If she stopped bitching with her combat lines I'd have liked her more.
The game? No. But Tabletop has Time Stop as a skill.
The only reason WotR didn’t have it was because Owlcat couldn’t stop it from bugging out.
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Kibellah comes out the day of my birthday
>jump down a pit on level 2 of a dungeon
> get an achievement for clearing 5 levels of the dungeon
Nothing OP about timestop. A good wizard doesn't need multiple rounds worth of spells to delete/disable encounters.
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This fucking manlet.
He's lying. The game can bug out sometimes and show you their true naked forms. Orlans naturally have small ones.
Orlans make up for it with their ferocity
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You know, the first thing I did after visiting the bathhouse was checking if the characters can be completely naked in Deadfire.
The bath house still put them in swimsuits but they do have actual nude models with modelled penis and vagina. I think it's for the other people in the bath house but somehow still applies to the characters.
How much angelic pussy is the death of one Demon Lord worth?
>mr no sex sawyer has modelled penis and vagoo in his games
what did he mean by this
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Strange. Not that it matters so much, probably why they didn't bother to fix it.
He meant to tell you that Pallegina's and Xoti's brown tits are temporary, but soul is eternal.
You can actually look it up on Google images easily enough. They did Aumauas dirty lol.
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Oh no
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what do you think of the somewhat randomized loot in pillars of eternity? I have mixed feelings about it, its cool that you can get different stuff on different playthroughs, but it also makes it a pain if your looking for a specific gear that can be found early if lucky or late if not
I don't like random loot in any game except roguelikes where it makes sense.
what do you think
Doesn't matter that much honestly, thanks to balanceman
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In a crpgs what are the most important things to get right?
What is better, classless or class based system?
Is class diversity more important than class quantity?
Is the main story or are the main companions the principal narrative draw of the game?
both diversity and quantity
story and companions i don't give a shit it's just fluff for trannies
Depends on what you focus on, Numenera I would say is a pretty good if short crpg that focuses on the world and interacting with the world in different ways, it doesn't have much of a focus on classes or combat in general, with combat usually being able to be avoided either by interacting with the environment or talking to some folks beforehand. Strong (characterwise) companions are generally a plus I'd say, but if you have strong companions you want to make sure they have reactivity to whatever you decide to do and have input on scenes that aren't just "instert replacable banter here"
you can set yourself up to always roll 20 on initiative, cast a spell as a swift action, one as a move action and one as a standard action.

If you're a max level wizard and can cast three spells in one round before anyone else does you have no justification for ever losing a fight
>both diversity and quantity
The bigger the quantity the harder it is to mantain diversity anon
So cool. Sounds like a good sequel hook.
I enjoy it since it can encourage creativity and trying out new things, but I can understand why it might annoy the min-maxing build autist.
Everything is important
Not enough story and roleplay will get you a tactical strategy not an RPG
Not enough gameplay, classes and so on you get a visual novel
Gameplay because it's a fucking game. If I wanted to read a "good story", I'd read a book. In truth, and ideally, both. It's inexcusable to not and try to have both.
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>average Sword Coast peasant has better living conditions than the average American today

That's terror.
That's a nice living room, it will be 1500 a month (water and electricity not included)
Yeah but at least americans don't have a gang of 6 murderhobos randomly entering their home and stealing all their-
>you know remember that dude on the docks of baldurs gate rambling about the irl new world
I just wish NPCs properly react when you steal from them. It's either
>Absolute indifference
>Immediate murder
No one ever just asks you to please put it back
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>please don't take my things
>Lord of nothing and Through the ashes companions don't say a word about you in the Dance of the Mask if you sacrifice yourself
What a fucking niggers
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whats your [Glass him] moment in crpgs anon? when you misinterpret what should be an obvious dialogue choice
Haven't encountered anything that's blatantly the inverse of what I wanted but DAIs shortened dialogue sometimes adds in shit that shouldn't have been said.
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Total Principi death.

Video games are a unique type of medium that allows the player to engage in entertainment in a different way than with book or a movie, which here is interactive and provides opportunity to not only watch compelling stories unveil, but also allows to take active part in the unveiling. Relatable (not always agreeable) companions can be learned about on a level that in other media would be difficult to achieve. But there's more to it. In cRPGs you can immerse yourself in the game on a different level since there's a special focus on interactions which differentiates the genre from others. The typically long story with tendency to be continuous best underlines this feature best, and also allows to 'ground' the player by providing constant companions with personalities, since while the game can be long it can never replace reality to which one is exposed constantly. Therefore companions which interact with the events are arguably the most effective and, frankly, lowest hanging fruit to make the game engaging. However, game cannot be complete without a working system which cannot be ignored since we're still talking about a game. For instance, I've found the fighting sections of Planescape Torment particularly lacking due to poorly designed and tedious encounters, which felt not made for the system they were working with. In other words, let's focus on the highlights of cRPGs but do not neglect what makes the game a game.

Thank you for reading my blog, this post was way longer than I had intended.
Didn't happen to me because I'm not a retard, but I immediately think of anons asking Sosiel to draw a portrait in private without realizing that it's start of romance
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>Thank you for reading my blog
Don't worry I didn't read it
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That's fine
I don't like monks, it's just a fighter with gear restrictions. every "unique" monk ability like flurry of blows or stunning fist can easily be furry strikes and stunning blow. if you absolutely need a fist guy just roll that into barb, the whole monk get up doesn't even fit 99% of fantasy settings. it's like typical Tolkien Europe shit but randomly one nigga is a buddist monk
i think wizard is the most overpowered tank and dps is it not? wasn't the super challenge run the game had which if you complete obsidian put your name on a wall done practically only with a wizard sublass?
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>if you absolutely need a fist guy just roll that into barb
I've been asking for this since the dawn of time and so far only Deadfire managed to deliver, and by way of multiclassing.
I'm about to play Baldur's Gate 3 for the first time. What's the most evil thing I can do?
play a white male human fighter
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Play Dark Urge
In act 1 like 5 hours in you can provoke a snake into biting and killing an 8 year old girl
That's just the beginning, you can do worse.
You can play dark urge and make him a male human fighter too
stealing the white diamond and going to house domnel to give them the letter and give them the biggest whiplash ever was great.
I hate OC Larian playable characters
It's a waste of time and resources, nobody fucking plays them
I'd say dark urge is the actual player character of the game since it's the closest you'll get to charname
Finally done with ascension ending and what a fucking chore
Cool endings though
Really liked Wenduag (good now and romance), Regill and surprisingly Sosiel. Him becoming a god of soldiers is pretty interesting
There's really zero reason why Dark Urge can't be your basic character, generic character is too boring and literally has no main story
Just leave it in and cut everything else out, maybe then the game was at least somewhat complete
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post kino spells
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storm of justice is better
Yeah but it's Wrath of the Righteous, that's literally the name of the game.
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Gale's magic trick
You either hate cats and magic or you're getting fucked in the ass, such is writing of bg3
they patched that before the game awards thoughever
It wasn't a bug
Wait, did they really change that? How?
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>It wasn't a bug
it was either a bug or they added in the voice lines real quick
He still raped me
>Genuinely cool though I feel like it's very exploitable.
Not any more exploitable than any other crit stacking mechanic.
Monks should be DBZ characters.
Why am I getting a 11GB patch for WOTR out of nowhere?
Lmao I have and probably never will play bg3 but i love that the options range from "make out session" to "head on pike".
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Aloth was completely bewildered
I hated the removal of Spirit Healers in DAI and didn't like how there were 50 different variants of bald or balding in the character creator.

That said the companion writing was fine when it wasn't fan servicing over returning characters (Cullen, Varric, Leliana). I think Blackwall and Vivienne had some of my favorite writing was good, and the Orlesian civil war + side content was fantastic.

I'm neutral on DA4 but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried from the mage gameplay release
Any interest I had in Dragon age 4 got obliterated by that wannabe marvel trailer stuck in the wrong decade
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>mages in D&D/PF vidya and tabletop
>dies instantly if a peasant or goblin gets within arms length of them

>mages in D&D/PF books, movies, cartoons, etc.
>webm related

Why is this always the case?
Magic casters where "originally" meant to be extremely fragile and weak at ealry game to compensate for them having arguably the biggest ramp up in terms of power compared to a fighter who's gonna hit things good at lvl 1 and will hit things gooder (like 50 times a round if BG for some reason) at lvl 20
Can I just say it?

I just love playing roles!
a real D&D/PF mage in webm related
>ignores all physical attacks because of stoneskin
>confusion/hold person/web/any number of CC spells on everyone
then waddles away slowly since their physical stats aren't that high to twirl staves like shaolin monks
Probably looks less interesting though.
mages shooting basic lasers is so boring and uninventive
I see. How much combat is there in the final act, and is any of interesting?

That's the problem; I don't think you read my post very closely. There's no longer any decision making, it's just buff up and then mongo mode everything. Easy, but boring as hell.

There's a ton. Different companies, so different official settings. D&D has more versions (8ish), and each version is very different. Pathfinder has two versions, but the second doesn't seem to have been very successful. It's also difficult to gauge though.
Pathfinder (first edition) is almost a carbon copy of D&D 3.5e, although with a lot of focus on fixing some of the worst errors. It was made with OGL, and is a direct derivative work. Gameplay-wise, someone can transition from one to the other nearly seamlessly, but character building is different since the options differ. Pathfinder eventually surpassed 3.5 in popularity, but only because they kept publishing stuff for like a decade or more after 3.5 stopped getting official content.

Mages fall into two categories, broadly speaking. The 'learned' and 'natural'. The latter involves both D&D sorcerers as well as analogues like wuxia shit where they train to up their power, but basically people are just born that way, they have a training montage, then they're strong. Learned wizards and the like just don't translate to visual media well. You can't really show someone just studying for decades in an exciting way, so they instead do gimmicks like "Jarvis, invent time travel!" Then on top of that, mages just fucking blasting all the goons from a hundred feet away and walking through the ashes removes the sense of danger, so they make them all CQC based to make it seem more interesting then "I cast cloudkill, then wait five minutes until they're all dead."
i have no idea what is even going on in that webm. so much flashing and constant camera cuts
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I shouldn't need to explain this but the original 'idea' going back to the earliest days of D&D and tabletop was that the mage would start as useless and viable to get killed by a stiff breeze but through diligence and perseverance you'd end up a god. It really was about the struggle to get there and the eventual rewards for perservering.
I found the other orland... He doesn't help beating the stereotypes thats all I'll say.
Has there ever been a single character in history of fiction that became god and then proceded to actually do something fun with his godhood? Or is it all just "wekk, guess now i'll just sit and brood in my tower all day"
Me on my trickster run as I proceeded to prank Regil into immortality
Man, why does trickster do nothing for DC casters? This is really shit.
D&D Kelemvor tried but the (((system))) pushed him back down to being the cuck judge like Pharasma
>making a 1080p 40s webm
do retards really
Yes, it is. Your worthless dogshit opinion is irrelevant.
It's going to sell more than Inquisition (the best selling game in the franchise) and you will mald uncontrollably.
That's one way to bump a thread, i suppose.
>this post was way longer than I had intended.
don't worry I've read it to balance out the other anon who didn't
basically agree with "game needs to be a game"
>Sir Reinhart of Kenabres was a decorated Mendevian crusader who attributed his successes to a spark of divinity in himself, and left the Worldwound for Absalom to take the Test of the Starstone aiming to become the God of Chivalry. When trying to leap across the chasm to the Starstone Cathedral, both Reinhart and his horse fell to their deaths.
that's why Pillars class system is so good
class specific resource management makes monks stand out
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skill issue
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>typical Tolkien Europe shit
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Golarion is a hot mess, also you should have posted this one
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>Little Asian Angels
Hey, i've seen this one!
back to your containment generals, troon
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Where the snooty foxgrils at?
>Cayden is gay for a dwarf god
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Trying to play Wrath of the Righteous and I barely got out of the prologue and seem to be stuck. It's the inn right after you climb out of the dungeon, fight a demon lady, then wake up in bed. I already exhausted all dialogue options with every NPC in the building yet I can't leave. Can't go into the basement either. Tried saving and reloading. Tried booting out all party members.

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.
You should be able to leave the inn regardless of whether you've talked to anyone or not? There are only two possibilities: either the game received a new catastrophic bug or you're a cheatranny.
>expecting reactivity in an owltranimal game
It's canon. No matter how hard you seethe, WotC have made the entirety of ToB non-canon and #KEKNAME was canonically a jobber.
>furnigger wakes up
>baiting and shitposting begins
>the game is recycling the plague plot from PoE 1
It isn't. The """plague""" in Pillars 1 was no plague at all.
New thread:


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