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>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previously: >>492773213
Honest opinion on Male Elezen?
do you look bangin' and do you cook
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me and your EB
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can I watch
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Say goodnight
With each bite does your sanity die
Sucking the life out, letting the dark
Say a prayer as the light leaves your eyes
Or scream all you like, your gods can't hear you
You might also like
Gucci Prince
タイムマシン (Time Machine)
Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
Taylor Swift
Say goodnight
To the weakness that you hide behind
Believing the lies, feeding the fear Inside
Never once were you truly alive
So scream all you like, no one can hear you
I think I'm going to cry.
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>playing melee in 2024 vs blm mch drg whm
we like this
queue cc 11:00
Serious question:

How can you just sit here 24/7 for years? I play for the MSQ, and drop FFXIV for 6-12 months at a time and do other shit with my life. But whenever I come back here to check in I see the same people posting the same shit. What gives? How do you never burn out or encounter existential dread?
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I don't think i can contain my mental illness for much longer.
Pink haired ffxiv player characters are __________
I'm going to cry. I can't stand how much people schizo me in these threads
I'm afraid to join the content meetup in fear I might screw up and look like an absolute tool
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I'm on Aether
When doing M4S with my static and Wicked Thunder went "Electrope has many uses! watch and learn" I almost said "-Grows a horsecock-" on VC.
I am
a chubby femlala who needs to go work out today
but i keep putting it off ...
a lot of people do leave, but they keep posting here
many have houses and feel anchored because of those, but they don't actually play nearly as much and just take breaks without dropping the game
my lalabull and your EB https://files.catbox.moe/s0qune.png
im queueing cc right now
>gays and lalas in the other thread
good to see we've all made the right choice
i want to fuck them
>How can you just sit here 24/7 for years?
im addicted to making other grown men cum
Is there a content meetup coming up?
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Femlalas = Consent
I pretend I don't browse/post anymore but here I am
My femra on left
your femra on right
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i have cool friends to do stuff, cool friends who want to do stuff with me i have a house, i have an apartment, i like crafting and gathering, im still looking for an eb. i love cc and i love hanging out with my FC
Losing interest in my thread crush fast
Behind each of those femlalas is a grown ass asian man.
ragequitting mid-match over losing in casual is interesting behavior!
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Into the dark of an endless night
Where the pulse of the land offers no respite
In spite of the blood that was spilled before
You whet your blades, you thirst for more
Now kneel overdweller, your lord commands
There's no salvation for the sons of man
The skies will tremble and the earth will quake
From the crumbling walls no one escapes

Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (In hell I wait!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
Bow down overdweller!! (Under the weight!)
My EB is a bpd disaster and I unironically would be happy if someone would just fuck her if it means she calms down
>die once
>hit good match and leave
why do they do it
The Une Clone was a woman irl
>no SAM
Damn....not even a mention....
The meme about this game being a retirement home for millennials is true. I don't really care about playing the new FOTM video games anymore. I log on each day and do a little bit of content, hang out with my bros, and attend any meetups that catch my eye. I enjoy every day I play this game
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ok but post tummy's
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wtf why do I have to have the randoms on my team
I keep considering if I should avatarfag since I already get the downsides of it without doing it.
Ugly clones
Hey... post her
I will be queueing up for CC now
Please look forward to it!
name and shame
you know what they say about characters with pink hair.......
Garlean Fiddie.. my wife
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>You might also like
>Gucci Prince
>タイムマシン (Time Machine)
>Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me?
>Taylor Swift
I don't remember those lyrics, is this from the extended cut?
Extremely based
Please explain me the appeal of the left one. I know some of you are lolicons and pedophiles and whatever but that is not even a child, it's a traffic cone painted with skin-colored paint.
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some catgirls have no right
She's the salt bae, i literally just figured that out
she is wife
so you can relish in the glory of hard carrying 4 randoms against tryharding xivgers, it's fun
I really want to have a full BPD meltdown over my EB but I'm a grown woman who exercises self control.
>meet anon from here
>we hit it off
>hang out for a bit
>i slowly realize they have nothing else going on in their life
>lose interest
>fast forward a day
>wake up, tired
>log on
>instantly get a tell from them
>physically cringe
its at the point where i avoid logging on because i dont have the heart to tell them
I've been playing since arr and never had an eb.
Une Coulle is literally "uncle" and that's an asian man's idea of name humor (probably vietnamese)
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I am finally off heal duty for the next Ultimate...I am going to eat so much paint...
Isaid the clone, there's two unes
I bought the five pack fanta on sale but can't bring myself to fanta off
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I'm going to deep fry them
I'm going to deep fry them all
I seek nothing less than total lala deepfrying
unenthusiastically raping this flat fuck bun
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Ugh, males?
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all lalas should be deep fried and thrown into the woodchipper
Deep fried poop?
built to hug and headpat femra
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thats french
and rape them
synchshell invite doko
sorry but i just have to cast spells and burn everything to the ground right now
nothing hag about this
Pinning my veena down on the bed? I don't think you have the guts for that..!
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Another straight day on a lifelong straight streak.
reverse rape
I actually retired very young due to luck, and you misread the situation.
Yes, I know. That's why I said probably vietnamese, retard. Too retarded to connect the dots? Fucking stupid nigger.
I have never seen a face sculpt that looks good
this version is actually the forge ahead cover by the primals


a underrated one that i never see get mentioned around here
I shant, not to an anchor like this.
Stick with the Raen.
well hold on now
Why don't you fuck her?
This lala has feet…
>I don't think you have the guts for that..!
this is the veena who is too shy to meet up btw
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But what will FFXIV get out of this?
my hrothgal? she's a hag
I want to cheat on my gf really badly but I love her so much idk I don't want to fuck it up
its correctly rated, athena's theme is doodoo butter
hag likers are so fake. you are literally the same as "draw it a girl call it a boy" trap likers. draw a 18 year old woman but give her a more mature hairstyle and glasses and call it a hag. you are not a real hag lover. you will never like hags. this is not your turf. get off of my turf.
what's your name on balmung i'll dm you the details
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your favorite theme is doodoo butter
Sis, I said I was going to run today and I did so now you have to keep up your end of the bargain...
Future you won't be happy if you skip...
I broke up with my EB because she was way too BPD and I just couldn't deal with the constant meltdowns every single day, she was great when she was okay, the sex was great but FUCK BPD
Thanks for the education, but the relationship between vietnamese and french is entirely unimportant to know
Like congrats you'd be good on Jeopardy 20 years ago
another garbage armor set
OFC it'd be fatalis i mean who else?
my territorial hagwife
what if my favorite theme is athena's theme
A monster made into a mount
An ugly glam from monhun
Some orchestrion rolls
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just having a bit of fun....
I just hope they fired the retard that made the Rathalos armor on XIV, should had been a 1 to 1 port exactly like the DRG Armor in MHW.
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they are spreading gay propaganda to the poor amal'ja

Guilty Gear, i could not think of a good name
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my thread gimmick? wearing socks in water.
I am once again asking
Does Aether (any world/location) have it's equivalent of the mung's futa bench? Asking for me
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queue cc 3:00
probably last one cuz I eat dinner soon

1. that isn't even the name pun I was going for
2. I'm white irl
>magic dragons and shieetttttttt
we have enough of that in the normal mh game, and fatalis is based for being the og magical fire breathing dragon but not retardedly wizard-like and casting elemental spells

keep your gay bullshit out of it
my femra? she gets called a hag but it's just her being dead inside adding on extra years
>some schizo's erp lala alt
no thanks
wow you like athena's theme too? that's cool sis me too
They're never going to ask to EB me and I just know it... what's the point...
True they are all hideous
Fuck em, MHW2 is gonna be so lit this time around.
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The lala version
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>Does Aether (any world/location) have it's equivalent of the mung's futa bench?
yeah my house
anything from ported from MH would be soul. What SE did to rathalos armor is a fucking disgrace
ill call for u til u get back
I don't have any new tummy shots...
sweaty veenas
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I am
a clean femezen
that smells of lavender
I want them to notice me
thanks BRAH
As a modest prude, I visited a friend and am hopelessly in love with their overly lewd character to the point where it's very clear that it's a debuff that I can't Esuna off of me, but even if I could, I'm not sure if I would want to.
our favorite theme is doodoo butter sis... what do we do
I'd assume cactuar/jenova limsa, I have no clue how many of the limsa cats are plusses though
thanks for the calls!
Every time I talk to my normie friends and just hang out with them I feel a million times better and I start to reconsider making friends with people from here. You guys are really negative and mean, it's unhealthy to be like this all the time.
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Mayhaps my destiny truly lies in tanking
is it me?
horny ravas
Hey can someone go check on my character in Gridania? I left him online but I'm not home so I'm worried someone might be mean to him.
post the rest coward, you won't
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i like this one on twitter i see sometimes
I'd really like to be forced to kneel at someone's feet, especially at the bench.
>I'm white irl
Wait, futa bench? Does that mean I can go to the bench and suck some xigger dick?
every hundred years someone comes along who's both capable enough to lead but also naive enough to think we're worth it.
built to be filled with reform voting malera rape gunk
Location? I'll go give him a hug
present washed, clean feet for assessment
ah, the other tb. let our battle be legendary
I assume every lala player is a pedophile
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a fiddie did lewd things with my eb and i asked if i could watch
You missed a spot, there's still some blood on your nose.
and you would be right 80% of the time.
that one's custom made for her! i love seeing when the artist posts this middie omg. all the little custom modding details they made are just chef's kiss.
Horny femraens
Where is my hrothgal EB
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well i'm not a pedophile so you are mistaken
Because she needs something to break her out of her shell and stop being afraid, anxious, and angry at the all the silly mostly harmless people around her. Unfortunately I am within her metaphorical shell, and at this stage I no longer have the power coax her out of it.
get on the bed
You're right. I'll go... I'll go....! In a bit...
Do straight futas exist?
He's at the aetheryte plaza on Balmung sitting on a bench, just make sure he's okay, I get worried about the old boy.
I want to cum on her face
You mean women with penises who only want to be fucked by men?
My femraen has two horns
the only thing that can do that for her is years of intensive therapy
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Did we ever figure out who the Une Clone was?
i do + or - but enjoy being + with male characters more because obviously i am a grown man in real life
Alrighty, I'm trusting you...
Good luck!!
Server/location? I will absolutely go sit with him while I work out.
oh ok going
Sorry this was meant for you, I'm just so worried for him I can't think straight.
AGAGUUGHH even literal toddlers could be able to do zeromus ex meteors
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It's not every lala, it's only the ones in Kyoppi's CWLS and maybe a few that aren't.
I'll break her out of her shell
Does anykitten like deep, dark mysterious malera?
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*joins your m3s party*
its the skinwalker himself
Waiting for 30 minutes for MSQ roulette to get Ultima makes me want to rip my dick off
Dont you have the manually save them? if you closed the game they are gone Jim
kitten in the literal sense or can my femra apply
I know where they are saved but I will save that poor soul from knowing shit was saved
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yum yum yum we love this!
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Ah, a rapey malera. The wonders never cease. What next, a sunnie with loose morals or a rava girl with a penis? At least he's not doing me the indignity of trying to flirt.
The downside of using Hingashi blades. They turn people into little fountains. Don't get me wrong, I love the splatter, but it does make the laundry a chore and I no longer have staff to handle that for me...
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Oughhth why did you decide to level crafters
I just like cute things, it's not that deep. Not everyone wants to fuck their character. I do want to impregnate all femezen though.
I'm not going to share them, I want to use them...
Stop using the term bpd to describe any time you feel remotely angry or depressed.
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he's doing fine bro
hey honey
I made a free trial alt for shits and giggles and I'm having a surprising amount of fun playing on it, especially grinding for glams.
Just make sure he has food and water!
If you don't want to do cutscenes. find 3 other anons who have the cutscene skipper plugin and finish it in 5 minutes.
There was a RDM that joined earlier like this. He cleared the first 2 fights 5 times and didn't get above a 0 in any clear.
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lagged at the worst time might kms.

queue cc @ 6:10
Ribs and wings are overrated.

You get such a paltry amount of meat and the taste is nothing special. I think the "hype" is a result of poverty stricken subhumans screeching like poverty stricken subhumans are wont to do. Especially in America, where the predominant poverty stricken subhuman is the negro who even by the standards of the lower classes is escpecially dumb, loud and ignorant.
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Patiently waiting for you to confess in game.
>wait for leveling roulette
>bowl of embers
>top damage that match was a DNC
i could lead but the ends don't justify the means
All cheeked up and ready for spreading
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Kinda sucks how shitty the Empyreum ended up being bros
Yeah, still no.
I use it to describe when my bpd makes me swing from having a good time to wanting all of you and myself to die.
>I just like cute things, it's not that deep.
>impregnate all femezen though.
Why would I have an m3s party? I've been cleared and have my parses already
>crumb of IV armpit
Thanks I finished
Overtime means people stack together
DNC can pad damage really hard
I just went 0-2'd twice in bracket, I'm gonna kms
hrothgar ass(male)
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Any woman or pretend woman may apply
dnc is unironically op
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I am
a Korean femlala
what about it
Wait scarmiddie has a dick?
That is the full, it was a cropped image initially
post femlala
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the pld I posted is just like that, actually. he has multiple clears of m1s and they're all grey
please send HHPP merch, arigathanks
nice feet
I don't mind cutscenes, I want more EXP
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there is literally nothing wrong with saving erp logs
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Scarmiddie wife...
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Bring that to me. It's time it met God.
미안해하지 마....
Oh thanks... you left him fresh water right?
Why are you communing with the colonizers...!!!
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Do you like catboys.......
Why did you go back to your autism helm
I'm curious as to what xivanalysis says about those runs
Guys, get real. If you're in PF week 5 trying to clear floor 5 then you're not exactly any better lol
>transfer off Balmung cause all friends went aether
>Balmung opens
>All Aether friends go to Balmung
Guess I'll be alone here cause I will not be transferring to that shit hole again
I met up with someone to ERP and it gradually developed into a cute couple thing with an overarching storyline and that's nice, but there's stuff I really want to try RPing that only makes sense as one-offs where our characters don't know each other that well...
I think the point anon was making is that MSQ roulette isn't actually good exp per minute unless you use the highly detectable hack. You're better off doing highest level dungeon.
AYO this nigga does not have shoes on at the bench!!
What server?
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my moonie did this and got a 99 in m4s
Leave Val alone
i just really like it OKAY
I know EXACTLY who this is
I had my WoL smooch Fordola.

Please make sure my original Oreo o's cereal reaches me in good condition.
explode, lucker
Please help my femezen get clean too
yo wtf this is really good i wanna make a native middie now
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of course. he's happy and has his favorite songs playing too. you can relax bro.
I've learned what "Busy" means in the search info window. I've learned to put it on whenver I have no time for socialization.
You play tank so it's not like parsing is hard
can we get ebed and elope to korean mmos together
You could say I am a connoisseur of sorts
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Educate me, /xivg/!
then do it
what's the logic here
not everybody can put in a lot of hours but they can still be purple parsers or above
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Data collection is very real
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He actually got worse over time. This is the one for the most recent clear
just press button lol
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I don't want you to say one more time that FFXIV is "for playing other games". No it's fucking not. FFXIV has more content than any other MMO, including Eureka, POTD, Diadem, Anima weapons, Hildibrand quests, Squadrons, Guildleves, and so much more. I bet you haven't cleared the latest tier, and even if you did, where's your 99 parse? Exactly. So stop gooning and get back to work. What do you think this is, a Second Life clone? That's just a shitpost. Everyone knows that FFXIV is for gameplay.
wait, with plugins, can i macro shit so i change jobs and use their gapclosers for when i need to run a lot
so i essentially would have like 4-6? sprint buttons
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Fiddie like this for my femra?
Thank you! Tell him I'll be home in an hour!
that's incredible honestly
Get a job, Macchi.
Faust more like Fraudst lol
You don't. If you namedrop the wrong lala you'll dox them.
if stepping on me is too expensive, i don't wanna know how much the bathwater costs
my sunnie will be queueing down for now
For sure, but praetorium is quite comfy since it's less than 10 minutes of total gameplay and I can do other stuff during cutscenes, meanwhile a regular dungeon is 20 minutes of nonstop game which I didn't feel like at 2am
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If you're playing FFXIV for the gameplay, why?

There's a million games out there with better gameplay. Even if you're in it for the sense of teamwork, there's still way better games to spend your time on.
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abysmal man
Put your trip back on, Kong. Oh wait, you couldn't bot the tier this time, could you? LOL
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message relayed. he is a happy boy
pretty sure it was null rinn or some other lala
femra don't actually lay eggs, but they do shed their scales every three months
this is so peak
im on sarg if youre looking to make friends
be nice
A DPS who hasn't cleared m3 in week 5 isn't parsing purple. High blue MAYBE if they kept up on their tomes and got some drops in 1 and 2
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Peak RDM gameplay
Because it's a MMO?
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I am going to reverse rape Theo Voloux.
a clear's a clear
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>01:12 between GCDs
My Warrior of Light has a gimmick geared towards lalas
not hard when you got bis weapon week 1 on tank
It's probably deaths that's the only way to explain 16k
defeated one of my cc enemies earlier today. feels good
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Depends. If you're a d*skie we can remove your stain, that's for sure. Some dignity, sister, not in front of the huddled masses.
You wouldn't. You would not buy that.
>If you're playing FFXIV for the gameplay, why?
For the feeling of achievement of executing the choreography and sticking the landing.
>There's a million games out there with better gameplay. Even if you're in it for the sense of teamwork, there's still way better games to spend your time on.
Such as?
Dungeons should be 10-15 minutes. You're playing with bad people or you're the one not pressing buttons.
I'm not playing it for the gameplay.
Aren't tank parses the most competitive...? It's the easiest job so the floor is high.
EB like this to correct sexually and turn into a purple parser
i got that today
Sure, I still got another hour till I can leave to go home though
I have one. but what do you want with it
Say less
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Crystal queue casual cc @ 10:45 et
What's good about MMOs?

I play FFXIV despite the fact it's an MMO, I'd prefer it if it wasn't one.
i might. . .
i know you're just schizoposting somebody but holy kek i laughed
I would do it but I don't know who you are or if you would even like my character.
too late i already did
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You've got the wrong person 남동생...
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Do you like malera???
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That guy always complains about people being dicks to him but then he acts like that all the time
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Well met! Unnamed Neko @Jenova!
Can I join your Free Company, Good Night?
theyre not from here dw about it
I am logging in for CC
yoshi pee said no on stage
tome weapon?
My Veena is listening to her usual playlist while waiting for CC calls
First my son leaves the tribe, refuses to hunt game for the lives of his brothers and sisters, but then he chooses to believe he is a woman!!!! Possessed of a demon of some sort, I now know...
And to Mr Happy on private
I am going to take Theo Voloux's virginity.
how do i make my mount run in gpose?
Man, today fucking sucked. Is it safe for a femra to drink strong alcoholic drinks?
Alright maknae. You don't address me like that.
>For the feeling of achievement of executing the choreography and sticking the landing.
It's literally just Simon Says though.
nyo i got the weapon on tuesday
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which one pays out the most here after doing the reward bonus? I'm at 10k gil...
I've always liked the face of the social nature of them, and you get to see people always running around. Stay long enough in one you can see regulars around and notice if they've done anything by gear and such. Though that's just me it's a individual by individual basis on why people like them
i REALLY REALLY like thighlanders
i am
a fiddie
and i have logged out to go to bed
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>falseflagged again
Alright, that's enough Kanchelle. Everyone knows that FFXIV is ACTUALLY made for gooning. In fact, it has more mods than Skyrim with over 30 million players. There are so many fetishes to goon to, I just can't stop cumming all the time. We like this.
I smoked dude for like the first time in a year last night and now I have a dude hangover today, my friends also kept making fun of me last night because I kept sending music in the group chat and talking about how great steely dan is
probably because you guys mess with him ingame and act like you don't.
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Level a gatherer bro.
We're getting RNG as the next range
Tank parses have always been easy to get. Not as easy as healer, but definitely easier than DPS
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source: i'm a femra drinking strong alcoholic drinks
why does yoshi hate ffx so much but force inferior ff games like 9 into our game
no one unironically plays FFXIV for the gameplay
because there is none
And I enjoy that, if you don't, then it's all good too, its a subjetive thing.
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Been doing autism grind that i forgot to tome cap...
I'll just give you 1 million gil if you're on Crystal and not a free trial.
ok fair enough good job mooners
>fellow sargatanian
*daps you up* my nigga
Just raped your post. Wondering why?

Please consult the criteria below:

>You made me want to rape you.
>You posted.
>You heckin' failed to check my horniness levels.
>Raping is my weapon of justice, and the seggs react my bullet. Pow.

So what does this mean? The amount of rape (reactions) on your post has increased by one.

>'Why did you do this?'

There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be worthy of a rape. These include, but are not limited to:
>Posting anything I deem rapeable.

>Am I banned from the board?
No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to rape you again, which may impreg or mpreg you.

>I don't believe my post deserved a rape. Can you un-rape it?
Life isnt that easy.

>Will I undo a rape?
No, if you attempt to appeal I will double rape you.

>How can I prevent this from happening in the future?
Accept the rape and move on. But learn from this mistake: your behavior will not be tolerated on boards.4channel.org/vg/. I will continue to issue rapes until you improve your conduct.

Remember: /xivg/ is privilege, not a right.
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This tab
I have recently returned from the game after having a gamer moment where I removed everyone 2 weeks ago, and I have no interest or want to connect with any of my old friends
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i'm a guy and i love to paint my nails black
Musknotizing Theo into dicking me down like the stud he is.
I don't remember making this post.
As an overtly lewd person who attracts modest prudes like crazy, I am sorry...
I want Atma Buster too, but if you win then no hard feelings.
Roulettes don't give good gil. Do something else.
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Bottoms up, sis...

Do not.
Ser you don't do roulettes for gil, that's terribly innefficient, what the fuck are you even spending your gil on
Saran already did that
do you want to erp for gil? but i will violently anally violate you
wen new patch
Holy moly the daytime music in the fringes is incredible. I need to come here more often...
I'd suck her futa cock if you catch my drift
i would also buy that
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i'm logging out
>You're playing with bad people
yes retard, that's how DF is
If Atma wanted you he would have made a move already. Make of that what you will.
how will this help me?
sadly, I am a trial plebian.
like what?
i am still farting
constant awful smelling farts
warm and smoky in flavor now though instead of the rancid egginess before
If not for the leg sleeves and colors, I would... this is close to not being that bad.
Elaborate. I don't get it.
I'm just letting male hrothgar know that their asses are appreciated
Remember when the time of day would reflect in the dungeons?
Why did they decide every dungeon must now be in the middle of the day?
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Its over.
forcing this maliddie into raping me
Total bungirl love
Are you a Cure chad or Smiths virgin
I have a similar problem where I can't stop loving super lewd characters while also wanting a cute, serious romance (with some lewd stuff) for my character
It's always setting me up for disappointment and I don't think what I want is ever gonna work out at this rate
logging in
gn ser
So soon after the last?
Same, bro
I hate that this autistic fag's posts are so recognizable.
how do i get a femra to rape me
t. maliddie
based unless youre one of those guys who lets them get chipped as fuck and ugly then cringe
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My femlala sneaks up on you like this...
Sulla, one of Republican Rome's most ruthless leaders, got his personal fortune from a wealthy older prostitute that left everything to him in her will.
List of things that are quintessentially FFXIV:
>working on a Sunday on Labor Day weekend
>"raping" a cartoon character in a video game
>grinding savage raids until you get a 99 parse
>grinding in foray content that's at least four years old (older than your lalafell fap content)

Things that are NOT FFXIV:
>playing the game casually
>playing only every so often while taking a break so you can play other games
>socializing in a healthy way (non-masturbatory)
man fuck femra
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manifesting a flat chested blonde fiddie's appearance
I falseflag people when I'm jealous
Okay? So don't use DF.
I like that you're mad
I know I would
>terribly innefficient
I wouldn't call it a waste of time either. you can get around 100k per day by just doing all the roulletes.
>going anywhere that isn't the bench
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Coming over
>Cock spurting cum, thick ropey strands, convulsing with each throbbing pulsation
>"Bro what the fuck"

>Girl cock spurting cum, thick ropey feminine strands, convlusing with each throbbing of her gock
ask wryx alonis
my femra raped him
Sorry but I just think au ra are ugly
actual retard lmao
i tried that and it just stays still
I close my legs on her like a bear trap and see how long I can hold her before she wriggles out
Thank you, kind colonizer!!! Chief Sit-And-Shit work very hard on leg day.
i like both of those things
oh you are screwed then, you realy cant make money on free trial, thats how they get you
Did you press the play buttons? which mount?
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do you like femlala?
No man you have to get a 4 man party to speedrun a dungeon at 2AM because it's efficient.
Just ignore Lorilee, he literally cannot stop himself from responding with retarded "advice".
I love you Pygo.
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crafting... I am now at 2k gil but I'm too stubborn to quit now before achieving my goal: all 70 jobs maxed at trial.
the issue is I've done all of them once and I blew it all on crafting. Not sure which one gives me the most gil if I spam it.
nvm i must have screwed something up, it works now, ty anon
are the blue archive halos solid objects? she'd bump her halo on the desk.
Robot race when
>replaying through Endwalker
>start Elpis chapter
>reach the point of the story where Hermes is crying over the death of the Murderbeast
How the hell did I completely forget this moment! It was hilarious
List of confirmed /xivg/ BPDemons?
Do you like hung femraen-
What kind of primal is he summoning?
ive been erping for 10 hours...
im running on fumes but god damn I cant stop
>join alliance dungeon on tank to remind me which one im followin
>tank has removed mark
why are they always like this
Can I see a cute lewd of you...
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Crystal queue casual cc @ 2:10 ET!!
stay poor
the game isn't worth buying AND subbing
I am a bisexual person demon
You're using autist as a way to try to insult me for being smarter than you. I won.
Yea it is a trial for a reason and also, did you beat HW? because you unlock powerlevel heaven for crafters and gatherers there and you don't need to spend a dime there.
I like bottom when it’s not 3dpd
I don’t like top ever
why can't i just ask you?
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why is everyone so big.
will i get astolfo on my team
The chad move is to admit morrissey and robert smith are both wackos and just enjoy both. The person who introduced me to the cure only do it after I told them about the smiths.

Not that femra btw.
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bellryrubbing sleepy chubby lalas
I wish this Thighlander liked lalaboys.
You've won the ire of everyone who isn't a coomer.
Do we know the VA for Metem yet?
my moonie is weak to both
So no one relevant
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Can someone explain the item dying system to me, is it possible to dye this item to remove the purple for example? Do some items support having 2 dyes?
gl if u get him
I heard it's Thancred's
First time?
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thoughts on thoughts?
Where's my moonie wife...?
Not yet. You can tell if its 2 dye compatible because it will have two circles on the icon
i'm not actually queueing yet i'm still eating my food
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I'm simply really stubborn. I haven't even opened my job class quest armors because it would eat up 5 or so inventory slots. I'm back at 25k after a lucky roulette but I'm entirely sure what factors determine whether or not you get gil after the initial roulette reward. Lots of times I just get a measily 100gil if its the early dungeons. After selling everything greeded of course.
Such is the hobo life with my hobo knife.
Grim outlook, but unsurprising.
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none in my head
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So that's what the circles mean. Thank you!
cute hrothgal
This game is literally unplayable without the combo mod, and even then it's almost too much. I don't understand why more people don't complain about the amount of abilities. Shit's just unfun. Especially astrologian, who the fuck willingly plays that trash job??
taking this femra in particular on a romantic skywatching date
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Nah, FUCK thoughts AND thought thinkers.
play cc
my femra subs everywhere else but doms in pvp
she ended up with wryx's stupid face between her legs
Oh ew nevermind. You're still a boring coomer and should kill yourself for wanting to fuck teenage girls.
cursing u with
56k damage
>look like an obtrusive hamplanet
>zero repercussions
Aren't they afraid of being kicked out and blacklisted?
After dinner, I work on my gpose...
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Oops. Wrong version.
Did you like my post?
two dye channels is new and they havent updated all the old gear for it. please look forward to it.
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If it has 2 circles on the top right, it has 2 dye, if it doesnt, it doesnt. Simple as.
Does anyone remember the name of that guy who kept chasing and "e-dating" a new ""woman"" every other week
Xivg, is it true that cute BPDemons don't exist because only ugly people experience the kind of trauma that births them?
uh... i do main white mage, but i aint no sissy faggot irl
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that was me I love and respect women so much
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Oh nice job on that picture, makes your hrothgal look like a more primal/barbaric miqote rather than furry faced femroe
what dance is this
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Not true.
Your first reply was the most honest.
Also don't make things up. I AM a teenage girl.
You mean the guy that Rori has been velcroing herself to for the last month?
>”N-no one plays ffxiv f-for the g-gameplay”
>rabbit & steel exists, a game literally inspired by ffxiv gameplay
My wife ...
that is not true, im a known socially-retarded coward
omg i have fans
fucking kek
Basically every male character
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>call on the crystal of azem
>get 3 prostitutes
>2 potatoes
>a cowboy
>a bunny
All femlalas with this hairstyle are lewd succubi.
Which moonie?
but i'm bad at losing
>one guy makes a tall character
>everyone else follows out of insecurity/fomo
coop games? even mobas are better for teamwork.
Whats the deal with this dance? More zoomer slop?
Depends, do you think bad things only happen to bad people like you're 5 years old?
Yeah that stuff either only happens to ugly people, or the mental problems it causes leads them to getting fat and ugly
Venat isn't sending her best
Of course I know him, he's me.
Femlala Sisters...
What do you do when you've been caught using an ERP femlala alt?
Nyu's been on Dynamis all month and Rori's been playing maplestory
No one is actually sure of where the Japanese language came from
every other language has a relatively easy to follow "family tree" that leads back to an originating ancient language, but Japanese kinda just showed up
I've said this when mare first came out. that it would be a endless cycle of each one of them slightly getting bigger then the other. Look how tall beef has gotten.
Is it rude to click on people to check their plates? What if they ptom and get mad at me.....
Character and song?
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why would anyone care
weird that you know that off the top of your head unless you're one or the other
I stopped playing mobas after my duo partner passed away years ago.

And I play coop games with friends, you know you can play XIV and other games right?
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Ishgardian restoration? I did but now I have to upgrade my gear to meet the bare minimum of certain collectibles. Some collectibles require materials that I can make HQ, others don't or have prerequisite mats that are difficult to make into HQ materials. And to get HQ materials I need more upgraded gear, and so forth. I've mostly upgraded what I could to lvl 58 stuff and whatever I could find from the scrib guys? Those things where you hand in collectibles and get purple scribs. I got jewelry and gear from them and off-set the costs of some gear pcs moogle quests giving me moogle currency.

Right now I'm trying to max one profession to 70 to afford lvl60 crafter weapons for professions stuck at 60, so I can fulfill Ishgardian Restoration collectibles. Rinse and repeat.
Yeah we know you care a lot about people's ebin statuses lorilee
What race do you like the most
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Balalaika Fyth needs to be gunned down and killed irl
let me feel the power that can rip me to shreds
can't last one more, how soon will i meet my end
i can't return to those days that i've forgotten
but the memories fade, leaving me
Atma is made for my brown femlala stay away
You're the one implying that ugly = bad person
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cause I'm looking at them......
KOing my teenage thread daughter in CC and having my way with her ( she is wearing a skirt so is easy access)
either live with it or make a new alt
>people love FFXIV, which is why they play this other game instead!
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you gotta post garuda with it, anon
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I'm the latter.
Keep using it. If you figure out a lewd alt, you are probably looking for lewd yourself.
so its just their appearance that matters?
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Hot violent bloody gay sex with Killian
stupid pick me behavior
Nice job. Now were going to get aura cope spam all night
no one's truly immune to the 4chan erp drama, huh...
In that I don't care about it? Is that the point you're making? I can't see why that's relevant to anything.
But if your opinion is bad, your opinion is bad.
Right, gear, guess not being able to access Marketboard does makes things harder. Well not much to help with since me and 99% of the community werent on free trial when levelling their crafters, but good luck.
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I really don't get why you stick to that guy knowing the crap he's done, but hey you do you
she gets raped in this image
don't insult limsa cats by comparing them to that modbeast garbage
Crystal queue casual cc @ 6:15 et!!!
if you want it enough you'll find a way
No you can't. That's cheating. You're a great big cheater!
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If your lalafell has small ears
fanta off
If your lalafell is a plainsfolk
Fanta off your kind isn't welcome
If your lalafell is a male crossdressing
Fanta to female no one wants you.
If your a lalafell cosplaying as a "miqitten" kill yourself pedo.
If you didn't care you wouldn't use it as a put down
This post just singlehandedly turned me off from ever ERPing with a known or suspected xivgger
The gap is so huge because they keep dying. He's raising and then just Piano mashing his cooldowns instead of weaving them properly.
Kinda weird to post about yourself anonymously and in 3rd person.
CUTE rori i thought it was you.
modding was a mistake
I post gay femra posts a lot but I think none of the femras here are gay for femras
Are they all straight or do they only like catgirls or what
Why are you friends with someone who's a serial cheater and even cheated on Nanahi?
I voidlist almost any stupidly tall characters. Couple exceptions but nobody in that picture would exist.
i am
a 30 ear size femlala...
nice blog
but all the horse penises and other insane stuff hasn't. got it
Cats are cats. They're all garbage but some are recycling
I didn't. You just had a schizo delusion that I said something that I didn't like you usually do. You can not point out where I mentioned ebins anywhere because it didn't happen.
Don't forget he also kidnapped the president.
femlala, fiera, fiddie
You are the old man you made fun of decades ago
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I'm around if you mean me, but I haven't been to Ul'dah in a while.
I'm a straight femra myself, I occasionaly fool around with a female character or a futa but I prefer men.
Finally a based post from Sunana!
If you heightbeast or fatbeast I just pause your sync forever, simple as.
If you're a lalafell
It's too late
The FBI are already outside your door
Enjoy being raped in prison, pedo
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The way he types gives me the creeps
my cats like so different though. she has a scar
Do you have autism?
This plapbeast was trying to hide behind a wall in CC
I openly ERP on main so I'd invite them for more
I accept your concession.
How do you balance having multiple alts?
>zoomer slop
internet dances you see like that are only used by gooners and/or terminally online people, actual zoomer dances stay on tiktok or instagram
my 70 ear length femlala has been doing ear stretching exercises because of the traumatic and unrealistic beauty standards to have long ears
i get more and more erect the more ptom hits i get

femra btw
my femra is turbo gay for femras
the funny shadowy figure that follows me around everywhere is telling me to fanta to a fiddie
Explain further. Can you single out what exactly makes you uncomfortable? Not shitposting or trolling, I honestly want to know.
He does.
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Post WoL and favorite ben 10 alien
where can i find you to come spam click you
He's a groomer so yeah duh. Rori always seemed nice and one of the fairly more adjusted people here so I just think it's sad when I see people disregard stuff they've done because they probably feel they have nobody else
i like to believe that most femra players itt are more reserved and don't openly goon in the thread, but it's most likely just a "don't shit where you eat" kinda deal
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I'm fucking cooked.
Damn bro
Only got my main and my alter, not much to it, I just do a hunt train and an expert on both and I am capped on tomes, game is very alt friendly once you are caught up with MSQ. If I need crafter gear I ask friend to make some for me (I provide mats or I craft it and ask someone to trade it to my alt)
You don't.
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>be me
>be a story shitter since i was a wee shadowbab
>decide i wanna git gud
>learn rotation
>gear up
>no one is doing the DT extremes anymore
>everyone's on m3/4s
>there are never any practice groups and when there are they're not fresh or have the tank slot filled

xiv sisters..i don't feel so good..i just wanted to go manmode and parse like xeemo weemo
Status report
I did not find a single + in cactuar/jenova limsa
This is saddening
you gotta make your own party finder bro, then people will join
That explains a lot
i like big but i don't like this kind of big
i need more vanillaish big people
QRD on /xivg/ lalas?
alpha, light
Butting in to random reply chains. Typing out /pet constantly which gives off some weird forced positive vibes. It's even more weird considering he doesn't actively do anything in game except try to go after people he might suspect be a woman or desperate for attention. He was extremely pushy with someone i know even after one conversation.
Is it okay to want to fuck belly buttons?
DC? I can join you.
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Be 100 with me catfam, have you tried making your own PFs?
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>>no one is doing the DT extremes anymore
what the fuck are you talking about, learned the fights and been farming them the past 2 weeks.
There's learning parties on crystal for the Extremes and I am sure other DCs got way more. Make your own PF, even until the last week of EW I've seen PFs of Zodiark Extreme learning parties.
I am
a fiddie
who just made tendies
all biofems and all horny
it's over
this cat looks homophobic
Leviathan is pretty much the only non-Crystal world where I've seen a lot of people DTF.
my femlala likes to pretend to be innocent but is actually very lewd and will suck you dry.
all my wives
I shant be helping a future parse fag bottom
qrd on xivg femra
This is a heterosexual male right? I saw him hitting on a blonde femezen earlier
Thanks for humoring me.
Follow up report
I clicked on everyone's adventure plate in cactuar/jenova limsa and even sent a few tells
I received 0 targets back and 0 tells back
Such is the life of a male character
my femra is extremely gay for femra
All cats are (they sense evil (they are empaths))
your moonie looks like my moonie aside from the hair
I made 2 and I like them both a lot
>He was extremely pushy with someone i know even after one conversation.
With who?
yeah totallyby xiv, if youre a deluded faggot thatt thinks 20 years of bullet dodgers since touhou and like 40% of the genesis/master system 2 library didnt exist
fucking half of that era was ships with bullets being thrown at them
fucking zoomers
leviathan is full of horny weirdos for some reason
My beloved...
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OG is Ghostfreak, but if you count Alien Force+, Swampfire
when a male character sends me a tell, I pretend to be afk
They let me plap
They won't let me plap
I play FFXIV.

>I do not talk to people
>I ignore people who talk to me
>I don't raid
>I don't do content more than once unless I'm levelling a job
>I only do content to see the story
>I have never enjoyed FFXIV's gameplay
>I am subbed 365 days a year because I'm not poor
>If I click on you it's to inspect a piece of gear for glam purposes, get over yourself
>Most of my posts are about shitting on the game, because I think that's fun, the fact is damages the mental health of people ITT is a funny side effect
Could any maleras use their wordsmithery to concoct a colorful description for a himcess kitten?
ty sirs I will on the hunt for futagock+
i will not tolerate this slander, this world is comfy
same but I pretend to be afk when anyone sends me a /tell
Does your femlala like lalaboys that also pretend to be pure but are actually very lewd and will pound you until you can't think anymore?
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NA femras are attention-seeking men pretending to be mean high school girls
EU femras are deranged trannies addicted to ERP
Can't believe I'm saying this but I much prefer the former
does anybody else see this?
Good taste, then. Proof, though?

it is comfy
until you teleport into limsa
I'm not sure why it is, but it's very noticable. It's the same as any Crystal world and people usually have better glams.
Especially cute fiddies and femra.
I think I can find a decent lay in Leviathan limsa easier than Balmung Quicksands.
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>>no one is doing the DT extremes anymore
*kisses (You)
The truth is I just hate Nyu because he fucked my ex-EB.
I'm not outing them.
>he forgot the opacity of pf window
sis, your name..
>willingly going to limsa
honestly its your fault for being a stormchud
What's his discord... I wanna reconnect...
femezens are for
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Name a more annoying prompt.
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I am a levi femra amd I approve this message
the truth is that every thread biohole has been fucked by him
Why wouldn't you have it if you were close?
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Crystal queue casual cc @ 10:40 ET!!!

last one 4 me
should have become a futa
that don't bother me I'm at the bench and been looking for ppl to spam ex1 or 2 with.
Which Candy are you?
the asphodelos set is full of 10/10 glams but the caster/healer tops show too much skin for my liking
bit weird that you won't even say who it happened to but alright
Holding hands with a femroe.
wait no i'm a cat
Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage
>Typing out /pet constantly which gives off some weird forced positive vibes
It's over......
skill issue, works easily for me
I am a biohole NA femra that refuses to tell you I'm a biohole because I dont want any of you to know
I liked it too, I guess they wanted dungeons to be more cinematic or more visible during night time which sucks since they feel so static now.
This is an elaborate way to call yourself a cuck
i don't like going there... but sometimes i have to...
the caster top with 2b bottoms is played out but idc it's too good
Obsessive EB like this...
He's trying to prevent other anons from schizoing them. Leave it be anon, not everything needs to be made public knowledge.
Maybe you should ask him in game then, because I'm not going to post it here.
Post censored logs then.
why would he out his friend lmao
especially in this scenario
too shy to post my moonie here :(
grynbros... its fucking over
>Typing out /pet constantly
reasons to play a female character+ #256:
you can type /pet and not be a creep
jesus what a cuck
It sucks that we just don't know for sure
I wish I can fuck thread bioholes…
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my femlala is like this
Fuck off Nyu you rat
If you're not a grown ass 35 year old dude spamming /pet into 4chan reply chains you're fine
me too
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yeah, you like it because you're a slave to your desires
Hsts EU femras EB status???!?!?!?
The /pet will continue until morale improves.
My femra is dehydrated
literally this
>flirting (female typing /pet)
>sexual harassment (male typing /pet)
I'd never tell that to anyone here either if I was one. Hell, I'd pretend to be a tranny (not that being one irl is fun) over telling a xivgger I'm a woman.
Because it never happened. He's just saying random shit that he can't/won't ever prove. It's a national pasttime here on /vg/.
Okay this sounds like she needs therapy and that getting slammed by a stranger won't actually help her.
is there a way to line up your hotbars
where can i find cool houses to gpose in on balmung
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>Typing out /pet constantly which gives off some weird forced positive vibes
>mfw I like giving out /pets just because I like being /pet
no she's for my brown femlala
Mines when i redecorate it
holding gently and telling it'll all be alright and listening to their highly autistic singular focused rants for hours on end
its literally just nyu
I could sunder you in two with a mere glance
>just post censored logs of that can be easily identified.
Fuck off nyu.
Reason #1952384 to play a male character: Sexual harassment is based.
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hands hands hands hands
I'm un-EB'd, at least. Don't try the AGP-HSTS thing on me though, I think it's silly.
>just post proof that what you're saying happened happened
>f-f-fuck off
Teach me your ways boss man
Recycle nerds!

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Mine's like this!
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fine here's the proof faggot.
dw about it bro, some people are weirdly schizophrenic about harmless emotes
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What's that precious?
Shit, I take it all back. Currently blacklisting Nyu.
Fuck off nyu.
hey... wanna shotgun that smoke with another femlala...?
use your femlala main to erp instead....
imagine being this mindbroken after nyu fucked your wife. you alright bud? sloppy seconds ain't that bad.
I'll reply in the old thread, just for you
HSTS means "homosexual transsexual" which is one of Ray Blanchard's categories of trans women in his studies of sexology (the other being autogynephile, AGP). The study is rather shady and relies on a lot of assumptions, the most glaring one being that it assumes the patients are lying about their experiences. Despite the unscientific reputation of the study, HSTS and AGP are commonly used on 4chan's /lgbt/ board, and it has spread somewhat to the rest of the site as well. Although the definitions include a whole bunch of stuff, people tend to use AGP as a shorthand for a trans woman that is into women, and HSTS for trans women that like men. I like men myself, in case it wasn't clear.
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining, anon.
Keep chasing my ex nyu, my cum smells like shit btw.
>sloppy seconds ain't that bad
gross self-report, cuck
Anytime, anon. See you on the next thread.
Anons, who are your favorite NPCs and why?
Where my beautiful Femroes at?
there's one 9 posts up
Would. You things are made for being pounded.

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