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Male midlanders own this thread

>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previously: >>492773213
am a male midlander
watching college football
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Ugh, males?
synchshell invite doko
balls full
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I am
a Fiddie

That's all, thanks for listening
Destroy malera
The paiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn! Aaaaah, the pain!!!!!!
Nice blank
I just want my lalaboy pegged... Is that so much to ask?!
put the Rori in the basket
redecorate it then...
not yet, i gotta gpose.
war core zoar moar
My femra really really really really really really really really needs her womb coated with a thick gooey layer of femra+ ejaculate
male anchor post
please post your male characters so that i may compliment them
worlo warlo
Is red a good color for a malera?
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>miss a dalriada again
it's not funny... stop it!
I shant fall for this a second time, no.
Transbians don't have wombs.
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Did Dragon's Dogma 2 make anyone else like hrothgals or just me?
Don't reply to my posts this thread you weirdo sexpest I've had enough of you for one day.
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Lalaboys. Now.
Worqor lar dor, get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur
cc doko
How much longer tonight will you be logged into 4chan
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ha ha
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What the fuck have you been doing in this general
I think red skin tones just look comically sunburnt
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idk probably not just you. beastmen were ok in dd2 but still waiting for the dlc to come add more shit to the game
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okay. Also those rings you had the other night were really hot, I'd like a pic with those too....
FACT: Anime is trash.

There's like two dozen anime worth watching in your life. And by that point you've seen all there is to see in anime. No one ever shakes the boat, nothing new is ever done, it's all the most safe and by the numbers shit possible. You think western AAA games are bad? Watch anime. It is the most creatively bankrupt artform in existence.
B R U T A L mogging
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Sell me your fucking bath water I am NOT asking
dd2 actually made me lose faith in games all over again. just another rushed overpriced triple-a game with microtransactions out the gate
which is ironic since back in the day, dark arisen reignited my passion for vidya
Can a male character tell my femra to go to bed? I'm just listening to Mor Ardain theme on repeat and trying to not think of anything depressing (impossible).
i want to reply with someone’s golem i found cute but people will call it a self post
smoocheron smoocherland
final fantasy xiv?
moonies fuck dogs
Being mean? I shan't
>got a bit too close to my gooning friends (in a friendship kinda way not edating or anything like that)
>they don’t send me lewd stuff anymore probably because it'd be awkward
How do I go back to gooning with them instead?
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>Is red a good color for a malera?
my + just finished squirting her goo inside a sunslut
uoooooh it's puffy !!!
this is literally rape
Stop samefagging, Atma. Nobody wants you.
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Go to bed, retard.
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I'm just going to farm level 70 dungeons I guess
tomorrow is a new day, kitten
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i am once again doing it myself
Crystal CC 3:00 E.T.
Atma's cute and not annoying at all.
chat where the FUCK are the cc calls
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write me a plot outline of how Zenos will be resurrected as a companion to the scions
I'd want Atma if she'd give my lalaboy some top
You bet modders would make smartschoolboy9 tier mods for this game
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??? did they AI generate this whole expansion?
Trying to do a headcount on thread femezens and I think there's a surprising number these days...
Okay this just proves there are no gay femras in xiv
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>prefer the aesthetic of dragoon
>prefer the gameplay of samurai
They're all gone. They got schizo'd out of the thread or had nuclear melties.
I have never felt that Atma is annoying in game.

i love this image
now kiss
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I might share my emulsified lala juice that I collected from the woodchipper if someone gives me an invite to the zivvgee Balmung linkshell/syncshell/whatev it's called pl0x (I have never joined a linkshell)
>"Somehow, Zenos has returned."
My max height femezen keeps stepping and squishing random lalas whenever she runs through limsa
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What race is this?
i think my femlala crush hates me bros...
I don't actually consider the majority of my OCs to be XIV characters. I just use XIV as a method of making them. They live in their own worlds with their own lore that are divorced from XIV and its lore limitations. Much more fun to create that way for me.
>whenever i tell a bunboy im going to fuck him in public
I'm gonna post my malera
stable diffusion propaganda
fuck the trojans
Post beautiful femroes, PLEASE
Atma hates everyone bro, especially himself.
Pretend I posted mine.
>fucked up nose
>dsl lips
it's a bunny
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Not gonna be a bitch, right.
But Manipulation shouldnt be locked behind the worst questlines in the game
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Yeah, actually.
All the plot beats for DT reek of AI writing. The first part especially, just felt like a Pokemon game. Literally go to each town, get the badge.
Pic related, me asking AI to write me a traveler story.
It is time
To start my 3rd playthrough of dawntrail
I hate life and regret making so many alts
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>it doesn't use venom
how the fuck do they get away with this shit
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i am not atma, it's YOU nobody wants
The Scions receive word of a mysterious phenomenon occurring across the world: fragments of corrupted aether are coalescing into strange, unstable anomalies. These anomalies, reminiscent of the primal-summoning rituals, seem to be concentrated in regions once affected by the Garlean Empire's conquest.
Alphinaud uncovers ancient Garlean texts detailing forbidden aetheric experimentation conducted by Emperor Varis. The texts hint at a final, unfinished experiment meant to harness the essence of a Reaper to transcend mortality—a process that requires the return of a soul from the Rift.
The Warrior of Light begins to experience cryptic dreams of Zenos, standing in a void-like expanse, surrounded by chains of aether. Zenos appears tormented, but there is a faint glimmer of something new in his eyes—desperation.
The Scions investigate the origins of these anomalies and discover a nexus point deep within the Empty—a desolate land once filled with Light. They theorize that the convergence of Light and Dark energies has created a portal to the Rift, where lost souls are trapped between life and death.
Cid proposes a daring plan: using the Resonance technology, they can stabilize the portal and retrieve Zenos' soul. The Scions are split—some believe Zenos should be left to his fate, while others argue that his unique knowledge and power could aid them against a new threat arising in the shadows.
The ritual is a success, but not without consequences. As Zenos' soul is drawn back, it merges with residual energies from the Empty, altering his form and suppressing his more malevolent tendencies. Zenos awakens, not as a mindless killer, but as a being torn between his lust for battle and a newfound desire to understand life beyond conflict.
Post some of them
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We do NOT like this. You see, Final Fantasy XIV is fucking hardcore. Where's your M4S clear? Have you maxed out Eureka? Gotten ALL of your relic weapons? Everything at level 100 across ALL your characters, including max ilevel? ALL ultimates cleared? Huh? Yeah, I thought so. You don't play the game until you get on my level.
The nose is fucked up
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My maliddie looks and acts like this
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I'm putting you all on alert. If you don't claim your malehroth now, for doing content and EBing them, I will. This is your one and final warning.
it’s a catgirl
melties about its venom, actually
So play both? Dragoon for glam and Samurai to raid.
I'm in a similar boat. I prefer WHM and Rogue IC wise, but I played Ninja and now play Paladin in pve.
>the first paragraph is straight up haggling in south america
Wasn't even intentional but still laughed.
Obviously a face 1 suncat
Viera being able to equip all hats when
Is this the thread?
i hope you're having a good evening husbandoposter
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The eyes

We don't allow lalafell in the xivg shell
How long has viera been in game for now? 5 years?
you say that like there's any chance they'll be taken
Make sure to wear heels when you do
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She was my beloved for the meeting with the dragon which was strange since I had barely any interaction with her, but I did do her quest.
But they are all gay
He is in the threads.
Sir, I don't think you know what that word means.
I wish there were more straight malehroths...
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sounds like you being a bitch.
anon.. i dont have a penis irl... they dont like me
Who do I talk to for a pvp syncshell invite?
I did it again, I need to stop this and stop trying and just accept the cold hard truth and move on. I am so stupid for still trying.
Crafting quests are better than most of the MSQ
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Literally never. 1.0 Spaghetti code prevents it.
If it filters more lazy fuckers that are just gonna install artisan, I'm all for it.
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I am, thank you! Hope your weekend has been nice, anon.
Making an alt for getting hypnotized, humiliated and plapped. Which race should she be?
think of it as free crystals
Fantaing to malehroth posthaste and plapping the hot single hrothgals in my area
>have like 10+ alts
>don't do anything with them anymore
>happy with my one character and just keep making glamourer golems out of them
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middie like this for my femra…
mtf hrothgal
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>go to chatgpt
>ask it to write 7.0
>it comes up with multiverse drama
>post-patch quests have a new villain that's utilizing scavenged garlean technology
>the gang is powerless to stop them, even cid and nero can't provide help for whatever reason
>wol and co go to garlemald to look for help, they find aulus mal asina's old notes but they're locked inside a node that will self-destruct if they attempt to break through it
>only aulus himself can open it, or a garlean royal
>all legally royal garleans are gone
>wol remembers that since zenos died far away from Hydaelyn, it's possible his soul has troubles returning to the lifestream from there and might still be hanging around
>they go to ultima thule
>how will they reach that place wol and zenos fought at though?
>wuk lamat cuts a rift in reality without breaking a sweat, the gang follows
>they find zenos chilling in the nothingness
>since the way back to the lifestream was too long, his soul just crawled back into his body and he's alive again
>says he's done fighting after losing twice and wants to be left alone since he can't apparently even die properly
>wuk lamat gives zenos a taco and listens to him speak about garlean culture
>zenos agrees to join the gang and they beat the new villain with his help
>post credits scene has wol, zenos and wuk lamat having a threesome
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Nah, I'd be super casual

Crystal CC 6:00 E.T.
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Femlala, Plainsfolk. They are canonically weak to mind control.
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true once you see pic rel you never need to see another anime again
im not sure, im kinda tired today. a few hours or whenever i finish my roulettes.
these ones? i almost lost them last night because every mod has a weird unrelated name
What's the name/repo for the plugin that auto update portraits?
time to get sweaty
this retard needs to install reshade
Your femra is a face 1 with a hime cut , isn't she?
>Literally pedoshit
this is kyoppis best friend btw
>with microtransactions out the gate
You didn't play it.
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Isnt there a modder that has nearly 100% of hats working for viera and hroth?
different simper
Okay I'll catch you around if you post here tomorrow night
t. trib anon
the volcanic heart is soon
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My cat boy looks like tihs
There's no way that's true..
What mod for them?
you really don't know shit huh
I play WoW. Is this better than Wow? WoW is kind of gay
I wish Atma liked lalaboys.
what event is active atm?
I see.
i didn't know this lala was lewd.
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Stop samefagging, Remus. Nobody wants you.
just search the archive for "MSS-"
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my male middie looks and acts like this
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Give me a few more minutes to finish making dinner and I'll hop in to run it down on a job I barely know how to play and only vaguely grasp the intricate mechanics of.
>You didn't clear
>You didn't queue
>You didn't play it
>You didn't cum
I love this stupid meme
God yeah, I'm in love...
toku-enjoying men
>playing msq
>keep running into weird words or big words that make my head hurt
>feel bad if I'm not understanding the msq
Rising. You get a Wind-Up Krile.
I actually didn't do any of that.
What game?
Oh look another pedophile in xivg
Every /xivg/ lala is lewd.
Yes, please.

you've got time don't worry
>Zenos died
>he went into the lifestream but kept picking fights with the souls there
>he was kicked out for being too bloodthirsty
>time is different in the stream, so his body hadn't decomposed yet and he was able to get back inside of it
>he gets up, goes shinryu mode, and returns to our world
>sees us playing second fiddle to wuk and rushes her
>wuk's all like "and that's why i want to preserve my father's peas--" and then, suddenly, there's a hand where her stomach used to be
>it pulls out and wuk topples over and zenos is just standing there smiling at us like a lover whose spouse just got off a flight after being gone on a 3 week trip
>our wol stares at him, no emotion
>and then smiles
>the villain arc begins
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would but he’s zero owned. also that dodo definitely pooped on him
Remus post
Thanks for letting me know which femlalas to sexpest now.
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I am well-loved.
>Joy Sazu is online
>lalas are getting schizod
like clockwork
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More for me then. You had your fair warning.
Not after I'm done with them.
The few that are straight are going to get taken for that very reason, if not by someone else, then by me.
Do you know if Mery or Lucy Lime have one? Maybe Seishen?
>that dodo definitely pooped on him
He would never.
does she like malera with bwc
what would actually happen is that zero would bring him back somehow
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If Wuk Lamat dies, I want her to die as a statistic. Like, there's an explosion in Tuliyollal and we find out she was among the dead in a line of dialogue. No death scene, no dramatic send-off, nothing.
It really is quite obvious too.
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I think mine is cute, does that count?
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hmm, I bet a certain fiddie posted this
ploughing this cute lala like shes a full acre field and i need to give every single sperm in my greasy highlander balls a chance
Keep em coming boss
Post your Lala crush's initials!
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Fuga Melodies of Steel
They all do.
No. I don't think I will.
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>Even JP fucking hates the story and says Yoshi P should step down
I need the full now for scientific analysis.
what about it...
i hope you saved up
you should be, i'm amazing.
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Please be nice to me.

my femra acts like this
I would do lewd and loving things to AA and I'm not even joking
can i get a qrd on why xivg likes to afk on the side of the road like a bunch of streetwalkers?
We meet his shard in Solution 9 along with a reborn Emet-Selch and Hythlodaeus due to time dilation within the dome before it was broke and synced with the flow of the Source. They are researchers and arcadion fighters that all want to be our friends and go on adventures with us and introduce the wonders of electrope to the wider world. They do this by meeting up with Cid and Nero to trade technologies and achievements to ensure good relations with foreign neighbors and make sure there is no imbalance of power due to Alexandrias sudden presence on the star.
You're in cat hell now kittypet
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Every job plays the same what do you mean
I doubt Mery has one they're such a prude and rigid lala
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hate normies like you wouldn't believe
Crystal CC 8:30 E.T.
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Rather than a compliment, I'd like your thoughts on my armor. Do the different metal textures blend together well enough to be hardly noticeable or not?
d-did they just walk off of the crystal?
I hate you for having made this and I hate me for having read this.
i was looking at the belly dancer, he does futa i take it back
>what about it...
You're playing the game wrong.
donkey kong???
Its always so funny to see this and think back to how Yoshi P quoted Asmongold saying "Do the developers even play their own game?"
Lately it feels like Yoshi P hasnt been playing FF14.
femra with freckles. based or finna cringe?
Stepping down is a bit too much, but it is annoying how tone deaf he has been in the recent interviews. However what he said in one really gave me an idea of his intentions, he said he was training the team to work without his input, and while I know he has other projects, that sounds like a huge "I want out"
My femroe is not that, sorry...
>didn't see this call
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I played it.
I actually enjoyed it enough. My feelings on it are just complicated. I don't think capcom really knew what direction to take the game in. Less than the mtx (I don't think any game costing this much should have a shop at all, even if the items in it are sorta whatever), my main issue was the longevity of it, and the way its postgame felt so short lived and "accidentally" tossed me into ng+ before I was ready to go back. The caves and the world suffer the same issues as the first one; when you've seen them once, you feel no reason to go back. The world's bigger than ever, but the caves are often tiny. And for whatever reason, you can actually take less skills out into the world in this one than you could in the previous game, so the classes feel even more limited than before.
I shouldn't have led with the mtx shit but I really didn't feel like typing out all my actual issues with it. I beat the game, entered post-game, had a blast, and then accidentally hit a beam of light (that perfectly resembled other beams of light I'd hit before without issues) and got warped into ng+ with no way to even reload my old save. From there, my options were to either play through the game all over again to get back to where I left off, or just quit. I chose to quit. It also didn't help that the game ran like shit on all of my friends' PCs, so I couldn't even play with their pawns because they gave up trying to make it work. Like, as a fan of dark arisen it fucking sucked watching them make the same mistakes that they made with dd1's initial release, literally learned nothing after all these years. So much lost faith. Fuck modern gaming.
Female lala plainsfolk dancer

am i causing enough mental damage
Things happen, could've been a spider
For me the crystal ticked to go past the checkpoint and then just zoomed forward 4-5 steps in an instant for the loss leaving me and someone else stood at the checkpoint
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Why'd i die
Was it simply a matter of ping
Hiring him to serve my femra wine 12 hours a day.
It's an act. Mery's very lewd.
Not in those games but I regularly get confused about if stepping off the crystal will lead to a loss or not. I know its to do with the checkpoint and all that jazz but in the middle of a match I can never really figure out the rules.
built for rape
>microtransactions out the gate
Yeah that's Capcom.
I thought DD2 was suppose to be what DD1 was meant to be, or at least Itsuno's vision. I heard the game is supposedly getting a DLC but I'm worried because Itsuno is leaving the company.
This thread is so shit
Other generals actually play their games
This general just talks about how hot a catgirl or femra is
Proof? Mery is unironically somehow more boyish than most lalaboys it's hard to see them as cute or lewd
Recent? Hes been acting out of touch for years. Remember when he was asked about healer changes and asked them to be more engaging and basically told them to go fuck themselves?
Yoshit Piss needs to be replaced. FF16 and FF14 in recent years has shown he has no interest in his RPGs having soulful game mechanics.
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Your """meena""" looks like a girl!!!!!
Nah, you don't see the charm in a tomboy then.
Its not an act, you can have a personality that doesn't project lewdness while being very lewd, you just have to be smart about who and how you choose to distribute that specific information.
what should i do then
you wear 2b bottoms...
Hey, some months ago we did a couple alliance raids
Hope you've been well
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May I see eyes
I was gonna say.. was in match
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ah fuck me, the two boys i find the cutest are sitting next to each other in maid outfits, going to die now bros thanks for the fun.
Not that anon but please don't open that can of worms here, I could rant about that shit forever. But god this game alone made me go from "Capgod is so fucking back" to going back to no longer preorder their shit thinking they cannot fuck it up
Well fuck it, I am opening that can, DD2 is a carbon copy of DD1 in almost every way except graphics and having +1 pawn, in fact, in many aspects its a whole step back, it really didn't innovated in the slighest.
> I heard the game is supposedly getting a DLC but I'm worried because Itsuno is leaving the company.
You don't gotta worry about that since Dark Arisen for 1 wasn't even handled by him
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Here's your proof that Mery is lewd as hell.
Was still in match for both, will catch the rerun.
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They promised DD1 gameplay with some new stuff and a good story/characters. They did not deliver that. They also butchered customization with less armor slots and pawns were overly simplified and made worse.
am I really that blind...

Got my hopes high for something
It's been alright, I hope you're alright as well!
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Well met! Unnamed Neko @Jenova!
Can I join your Free Company, Good Night?
What do I have to do to find a pretty cat or bunboy that'll shrink me and keep me as his pet until he decides to have me as a snack?
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we love our sunnies, don't we folks
neat, that's me
We won't know until we see her
This dudes catgirl looks so shit why are you losers simping for it https://x.com/JMFFXIV
She is pretty cute
capcom is perfectly back

itsuno is a past-his-prime hack in the vein of inafune and yuji naka
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You miera looks like he would suck any cock touching his nose
What do I need to do to find a normalra itt?
meena that looks like a girl but plaps like a boy
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why do some of my reshades come out looking different than the preview? this one has a shitty green filter instead.
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I know that, but the problem is pic related, replacing system with general criticism about the game. Now that the MSQ was mid at best, people are escaping the maze, and realizing and vocalizing the negative shit about the game more, which before people kept under wraps because "well at least the story is good"
I'm not going to apologize. This is 4chan.
Who would replace Yoship? I'm worried ngl, i'm a newfag but i don't want this game to die i'm having big fun
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couldn't be mwee
Yeah I was sad when I saw that Itsuno was leaving, but then I thought about my time with DD2 and realized they just have no fucking clue what to do with it anyway, so to hell with it. All my blathering on didn't even begin to touch on the story for dd2, which actually managed to be worse than the first one. It felt AI generated. There were threads that just went nowhere, like I don't know what the fuck they were thinking. I hope Itsuno does something magical wherever he goes, and I hope capcom fucking burns.
Yeah but they'd been on a roll recently, so I just took a step out on faith and bought the game day 1. I NEVER buy games day 1, but I bought this one on the first day. I was willing to make an exception because it was dragon's dogma. And man... idk, man. It's complicated. The actual gameplay was enjoyable, but literally all the old issues with the first game were still there, and the postgame was basically nonexistent. It's weird to be like "I played for 80 hours and overall can't recommend it" but that's where I am with it.
Yeah I'm sorry I opened it.
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Thanks for the link bro
Lewd for femlala x femlala, as with 95% of the thread lalas
you got it the wrong way around the water is shit story and the dam is good gameplay design
Sunnie that needs to take more (sfw) gpose shots..
will extend to an hour and a half igt after mine then
ghostcrawler DID just leave riot games...
I know they turned around their rep, and I will still buy their games, but instead of preordering, I will wait for it to be out for a week before hand and know what I am getting into, DD2 was an okay game but it was NOT a 70$ game.
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I don't think people read filenames unless they are really OCD or whatever.
Don't make me unsheathe my blade.
You're too used to our cursed modern society gaslighting tomboys into FTM trannies... girls with a boyish charm... profoundly rare these days.
holy moly
I am a fiera
You go fuck yourself, freak
Half of this thread comes from twitter these days, somebody put chen back up.
We just had a really long queue for the follow up game (~3 minutes) and went a few minutes into OT too, don't worry too much about it.
check that your shaders aren't applying twice, I was having some weird issues and it turns out my presets were using two multiluts for some reason
Still just thinking about those hands wrapped around me with those rings on. Mmmph.
Its about being in overtime, whoever is losing has to have one person in the crystal at basically all times, or a little 3 second countdown will begin (yellow bar that moves real fast), and if you stay out longer than 3 seconds the enemy team wins. Eventually the yellow bar will not come back, and you can't step out at all, not even once. Unless someone is there. Maybe.
im right here anon wtf
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How do you see this and think "yeah, this dude's a kiddie diddler"?

He specifically modded her to look even more womanly. What do you want from the dude
its a golem that you wont see unless you're in a shell with me
I looked through the Aethy post from before and checked each account to see which are the /xivg/ profiles and which aren't. These are 100% for sure the sex pests of the board
Sigh.... Wish there were more straight cute lalaboys...
It's kinda surreal how /xivg/ feels so different from 4chan as a whole.
hello wife, I will treat you to some jamba juice after your band tightening appointment on tuesday
Too many bad actors
The MSQ has always been mid at best and the combat is abysmal. The social aspect is the final pillar the game stands on.
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Crystal CC 1:30 E.T.
>these days
Haven't been here since SB huh? Welcome back.
Give me your mare, right now
>how do you see somebody with an account on a pedo site and think yeah they're a pedo
Don't go to chen's old address, the site it redirects to has lots of adware now. No idea what happened to the original owner.
fuck pedo niggers. total lala death
You messed up bro, you gave them the attention they wanted, he doesn't actually care about what hes saying
honestly man who cares
let the pedos do pedo shit in their pedo containment
show armpit
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>Unnamed Neko @Jenova tried to reply to me with his shitty music
>Filter deletes it
Life is good.
new accounts to follow, thanks
But I'm strai...
i dont want to do anything explicit i just want to rub our warm ponchos together on a comfy couch and drink high quality creamy hot chocolate and talk about how wonderful it is that catboys look old and young at the same time
If this mmo dies what the fuck is left
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>Yoshi-P: "DT is the start of a new arc, so the story doesn't have to be good"
>meanwhile, the other game's new arc
Why do we get the short end of the stick?
this nigga really spent his sunday evening doing this


I haven't seen any compliments so I shan't
>let the pedos do pedo shit
No nigger.

TWW unironically has a worse story
Riot's MMO.

Yeah I know I laughed too
that ugly femezen that does horse porn has account on here? color me surprised.
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>Cecilla is an XIVG profile
What when?
Reported you to the FBI for searching through all this stuff
Three different possibilities in my experience
>you transferred your gshade folder wrong and are having what anon mentioned happen
>different location/light/you are just not actually aware of what the original shot would look like without the preset
>you're missing some shaders and so the preset is not displaying correctly for you
I'd make sure to guarantee the first isn't happening since it'll follow you to any shader that uses settings you have two copies of. If everything is correct then it's either the second or the third.
hi guys :B
>better gameplay
>better girls
>equally cringe story now
ngl wow is looking pretty good right now
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>He specifically modded her to look even more womanly.
nyello =w=
kill all pedofels
>2 first time pvpers on my team
Even do M1-3 once to see if i get loot. Odd h*ck it for the week and do something else.
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So you prefer a furry tranny over two hot lesbians, one of which is barefoot 24/7?
she posts here every now and then
I like xivg it's very accommodating to all sorts of people and players :>
my bad
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Well met! Unnamed Neko @Jenova!
Can I join your Free Company, Good Night?
Normal raids are dead content when savage comes out except for the 4th one
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I am loving this shit, as someone who's been critical of the game's many issues this entire time. People were outright refusing to acknowledge the worse elements about this game for YEEEEEEARS but now all of a sudden, in dawntrail, NOW it's an issue that the cutscenes are wooden and stiff. NOW it's an issue that the jobs all feel the fucking same. NOW it's an issue that a majority of the cutscenes aren't voiced. NOW it's an issue that the quests are repetitive. NOW it's an issue that most of the msq is just running back and forth with no actual gameplay.
God I love it. I'm so glad dawntrail was bad. I hope 7.1 is even worse. I hope the alliance raid makes Euphrosyne look like peak Orbonne in comparison. I hope the story features more Wuk Lamat being louder and more voiced than ever. I hope she makes us talk to 100 people. And I hope so many people quit, and leave, and unsubscribe, that they have to throw the whole formula out and finally do something different for the first time in 13 fucking years. This game does not deserve the hefty player base it has. It's shit and it needs to change.
oh they're transbians?
nvm then fuck wow
skipped and arena changed to volcano
bad map!
Wuk Lamat is not trans.
holy moly
WoW does not have better game play especially when it's buckling under the weight of the awful systems they put on it
no compliments so i shant be posting my face 1 middie
Gockano is top 3 maps
no it's the best map
I have literally never seen her post here, at best I figure it was someone doing a UOOOOH and posting her.
>the combat is abysmal.
You mean you dont like the built in 300ms lag?
I like xivg. The people here make me cum many times per week

I like volcano
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>WoD for alliance roulette
>everyone somehow wipes on the first boss
yeah i think i'll eat the 30 minutes
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looks like you lagged, i think the proteans come out faster than that
why is Warlords of Draenor in the roulette???
Patches being formulaic is literally the reason at least 90% of the playerbase stays subbed. Mixing it up would unironically kill the game.
I can tell they're a pedophile because you're defending them.
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Kind words man
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wow thanks
I only have a malelala, gomen.
Seasonal* anime is trash.
Good luck.
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So where are the actual interesting people hanging out these days
she posted here a few times, one of them was her asking for help with something. Me and some other anons went to help her with some trial
the textures are w/e but the model of those grieves don't work at all there
Every /vg/ thread develops its own culture. /xivg/'s moves particularly fast. Its definitely spammier and more avatar-prone but that comes from the fact that taking screenshots is honestly one of the more fun things to do with the game during the time between patches.
WoW is coming from being bad to middling to okay and has like 4hrs of story with cutscenes that when viewed out of context are a fucking laughing stock. Otherwise gameplay wise its more DF, which by a lot of accounts is fine and what people want. People calling the new story 'good' are dealing with a really unfinished piece of work that has plenty of time to fall apart. TWW goes nowhere at the moment. It has one big shock moment, the villainess has no stated agenda beyond trying to fuck Alleria, and everything is still in that nebulous wow vibe of 'oooh im bad and doing bad things for mysterious reasons that could be anything'

If she wasn't fuckable and looked like the Jailor I think people'd be bitching again. Its the same shit, except instead of DOMINATION MAGIC its VOID POWER that shall consume all.

DT is off the back of Endwalker which in 6.0 terms people largely ate up. A downward swing. Think once people are back in the M+ cycle and realise TWW has like... one major patch coming that probably won't go anywhere the honeymoon phase'll really end hard.
you're all dumb and its the worst map!!
too many options to line of sight casters
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My glubra has a calming, reassuring smile
Nobody likes you
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The netcode is good, gameplay is dog shit
Wuk is literally the only demerit, and that's only because of the blemish that is their english va. Character is fine without them
god forbid someone try something new
was it a ranged
WOW's been full woke mind virus for years now dude. They retroactively made many important NPCs either transgendered, gay, or gay and transgendered.
At this point, the reason 90% of the playerbase stays subbed is to textfuck each other or keep their house. The routine patches allow people to unsubscribe for a year, come back for .3 like clockwork, and then quit again until it's time for the next .58 --> .0 sequel.
what if i don't have a poncho
Post miqitten
Not on Balmung, same as always.
i'm a caster and it's my favorite
eat some power pellets and commit murder
avoiding you obviously
This... is a femlala...
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Holy fuck that was a quick one.
Crystal CC 5:30 E.T. should work if the other group(s) got overtime or not.
why is 'roe cumdump' in green
>it’s the worst map because it offers counterplay to ranged jobs which are all supremely strong
no one unironically likes male characters
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it was the full enemy team while we were regrouping
not sure what happened desu
I like your bluera, she's cute
my femra looks and acts like this
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Still seething about P1S? Where's your clear? Have you finished Eureka? Where's your Necromancer title? Exactly. Plenty of people like the game as-is, and if you don't, you can just unsubscribe instead of constantly complaining on here 24/7. No one wants to read all that shit. Now fuck off before you start raping someone's kids again.
>taking creep shots
you fit right in with them faggot
NTA but I will compliment you. Your armor looks very nice I am a stickler for full plate with no-face helmets. Very handsome
I do
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We are so back...
some chad on your team baited all of them
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are midlanders even real?
Didnt helped our Viper literally sat in spawn
False, the ear tips are a give away.
Ah, I can explain.
WHM and MCH forgot what WASD were.
Are you an orbiter for someone who just tolerates you, xivg?
not with you lol
yeah this guy is right ur game desynced
>"Hey, yoshi P. Can we have something like Mythic+ WoW ha for harder dungeons and more random damage?"
Stop projecting, lil bro.
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Me too :3
LMAO Effy went crawling back to core after getting dumped by Appal that's funny
That is the single scariest femnznbebrn I've ever seen
nobody likes you
everyone likes macchi
>At this point, the reason 90% of the playerbase stays subbed is to textfuck each other or keep their house.
That's the demographic. Yoship and SE never gave a fuck about simon says slaves.
Macchi Ato is a confirmed and self-admitted pedophile by the way
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Nice! i made my shota not so long ago too. Ill be playing as him now since balmung is open.
i hope the parse gods hear my prayers
If it isn't to the queen's liking, I will save up twice as long as punishment.
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>try's to shit on people
>gets shitted on instead
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>Patches being formulaic is literally the reason at least 90% of the playerbase stays subbed. Mixing it up would unironically kill the game.
Macchi Ato is internet dating Kong
I am so-so at best, but here's a picture I took a little bit ago. I was seeing if there was anything I wanted to make a webm out of, but I couldn't find the inspiration at the moment.
Away from you
Wait wtf why am I a sex pest?
I mean I am, but how do you know?
This, which is why NOTHING he says should be trusted. We like Dawntrail. The gameplay is the best it's ever been and this expansion will be Stormblood 2.0. Everyone who is complaining is just too bad at the game to attempt savage and play all the other content. All of the whiners will stay subscribed because, deep down, they know that FFXIV is still the best MMO.
PG is cute! Cute!!!
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no they're not
good mornyan
my femra is disgusting!
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>Basic fucking feature even the most bumfuck turkey sandwhich budget MMO has is touted as a big update feature
What the fuck is this game?
tch, you.. /pet /dote
what are you doing tonight?
Thank you thank you! I'm sure you're very cute yourself. Enjoy the rest of your night!
Literally everyone knows you're a sex pest Spooky
I hate that I have a name very similar to one ebin everyone talks about all time so I constantly glance at the thread and think "why is everyone talking about me"
Yours looks a lot nicer with DT.
same thing i do every night
hours and hours of cc
Staying AWAY from furries
Why are you still here despite being a self-admitted pedophile?
rapeplapping this goonhogged gyatpawg
the nearby bunny boys are dote-ing the cats but not meeee.....
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my beer just exploded all over my keyboard and hands as the cc queue popped
my male midlander is listening to this while partaking in CC
Imagine thinking you're interesting playing a mmo
Do you like hung femraen-?
I know Moonies don't have feet, but I didn't know Sunnies don't have hands...
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Not anymore...
this whole thread is a raceplay thread
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Hush swys your femroe is pretty, but I feel you on lacking webm ideas to make
Change your name Macchiato.
If you meant this, you'd say it to Atma in game instead of schizoposting
owned lol
Cope XIV is dead. WoW wins
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I got my sword today, it was a good day.
>making your character look ugly on purpose
Yep, that's a schizo red flag if I ever saw one
Many such cases... Thanks
It was only a 5 minute wait. People still run it! You overestimate how many people care about savage.
My Male Midlander is a race realist.
Atma is a schizo so who cares
>mfw I left and didn't get included
Stop thirsting for the miera Spooky
femlala ...
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To that one anon that told me hunts were extremely good for tome capping, thanks, literally tome capped from just a single train.
>making character look ugly
no that's a biofem trait
No... no lol.... mine is DISGUSTING. Like... actual disgusting y'know? Like, idk how to explain but she's super super disgusting we are not the same ok
not pictured: my malera naked (she is staring at his large cock and balls and sketching him)
I want to plow this lala with my male midlander
lower, please.....
Well this game doesn't have a wow token so doesn't that make it better.
I'm just sick of wow and its expensive for nothing
Thank you both as well!
Surely the webm ideas will flow again soon. Very nice punching loop though!
Its dead content in that it gives nothing
I want to play with the barbed race, personally.
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Pale glint, those silly legends they die today.
Is she like covered in femra slime or do you mean like covered in body hair and garbage and poop
My male midlander doesn't care for lalas of the fem variety
Hunt trains are the most mind numbingly boring thing you can do in the game tho. Even worst than FATEs
>wow is bad now
>xiv is bad now
>both are old
I feel like there's just nothing to jump onto now. It all feels so weird as a new player to both games looking for something to play
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This game literally consists of grown ass men flirting with each other and having cybersex. There's hardly any gameplay worth mentioning. FFXIV is basically an overpriced PSO2: NGS.
my fiddie wants to be covered in femra slime
hop on darktide
My femra's personality is that she cleared The Epic of Alexander once
Anyone else in their 30s
I'm 35
Stalking anally addicted femezen (all of them)
I'm GLAD you asked. Hear me out!! she farts a lot, and she almost never wipes. not to mention she almost never change her underwear..... and yeah, baths are like once a month and it's not even always. also she's super bushy and she burps in public.

literally true!
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MMO is a dying genre
Then Square needs to start acting like it. ERPers are the ones who stick around once the content runs dry (aka through 80% of an expansion's lifespan), so we should be getting regular quality of life updates to the socializing side of things. Housing space shouldn't even be a thing. We literally just finished testing cloud servers for them that were supposed to dynamically solve the server limitation issues they've been crying about since 2.0. Well, what happened to that? Did they just drop it? What the fuck?
Give us shit like speech bubbles in /say. Give us more dye options. More outfits. More haircuts. More hair/outfit design contests and then make the turnaround time be like a month at best, the fuck is this "it'll be here in 3 years" shit. Hell, you could probably have a player crank it out in blender for free, just slap their name on it to credit them for it and they'll be happy as fuck.

I'm so tired of this game straight up surviving off of the casual crowd and then acting ashamed of that fact. Most of the total player base doesn't even complete the hardcore content, and the people who do complete it are oftentimes not even doing it legitimately, but they keep wasting time churning it out and what does it get them? A bunch of hardcore players bitching about "balance" and demanding shit be homogenized even more so they can chase a fairer parse. Meanwhile the rest of the players get to be bored as hell because these stupid devs have gone and balanced their jobs around content that most people don't even do. They should just make the jobs play different in savage, like they play different in pvp. Let them be samey and homogenized in savage and then in casual content let them actually be fun and maybe a little chaotic/imbalanced since "it doesn't matter in casual content anyway."
See >>492797331
my male midlander's plans tonight?
world domination.
MMO is a dead genre for a reason.
"shell" is codeword for "circlejerk"
It's funny because that latest interview confirmed a 24 man Savage for 7.1 and instead of being excited for it because that would mean they are breaking the formula and introducing something new....I am more leaning to "It was clearly a mistranslation because there's absolutely no way they are breaking the FORMULA TM with something like that"
play baldurs gate 3 with me
No I don't think I will be posting my catboy
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Forgot my image
710 gear has a use for people that don't do savage or want gear for alt jobs
God this video is so sick, I love it every time I see it.
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I mean
Crystal CC 9:30 E.T.
imagine putting it in her arm hole nghhh
>gives nothing
You obtain a light-heavy holoearring.
Clearly wrong! Middies cant stop winning.
MMOs are a dead genre. If the world's most popular MMO, Final Fantasy XIV, is dying, then surely WoW is. Because WoW has less players than FFXIV, right?
I want give a shell to some fiddies
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See this, pedo.
It's not the first time we get savage content outside of .0/.2/.4 patches.
Crafted takes a lot less time to get. They're both 710.
Sometimes substats are better on the normal raid gear, but if you're that casual it is meaningless.
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my diaper-babycoded athletes foot having wife
love ur lala a bunch lk...
this roe looks like he gives good hugs

Guys come on
Yes but I would had expected it to be related to the Foray, which we are not getting until 7.2
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Cute Femroe
Male characters were posted, but >>492791492 did not provide any compliments. Curious, that
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My fiddie is like this every time I'm the last man standing on the crystal in overtime and get all my damage padding in before some RETARD marksman's spite's me from Narnia and a bunch of bricks fall on my head.
Why is the thread so hostile suddenly?
See >>492797802
these are NOT femlala activities.....
me on SAM against all the bullshit in CC
>tfw i will never meet with my femra wife to be
it's over, middie bros...
You know why.
that's why i didn't post my male character
if i wanted a nice compliment i'd send a picture of mine to someone from here so she can say "sexo"
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dont know famigo, im here smokin this blunt cus ya'll full of shit
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I'm having a PVP maining crisis
It's because I posted my male character..
i wanna go whm but i feel like swapping to a job another anon is playing is bad manners
We moved off coom hours to schizo hours
How is xiv the most popular
welcome to the club buddy
shut up bitch play the game
no one with more than two braincells actually believes anything schizos have to say. if they do then you should ostracize them from your cliques because they're probably a schizo too.
tranners often take their injections on the weekend so you have them in their mood swings right now due to troughing/peaking estrogen levels
I'm never posting my male char again
wanna do rouls? you know who this is..right..
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You should buy a fanta and make your character look less shit
I am from the future.

The Foray will have no raid like instances like Castrum/Delubrum/Dalriada because they are using the resources for the Alliance Raid Savage.

That will cause people to bitch about Forays

That will cause Forays to be missing from 8.0
>she privated her lodestone
Yikes. Nobody thinks about you that much sweety.
woops meant to quote you

smooooching my lovely purple femlala friend who has a cute art style
That's okay, I don't care about compliments I was just bored and that's why I posted
These DPS only games are a wild bloodbath.
i fat fingered purify instead of guard...
I threw...
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this elezen looks like he'd tell me about how he doesn't need my tinctures of intelligence as he's already calculated his gold parse in his head (maybe a little more broil next time) and I would listen to every word of it
Yeah, Unnamed Neko @Jenova is pretty fucking cringe.
Apparently you do if you're bookmarking them
jesus wtf happened why
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nice emet selch face
Reminds me a bit of my threadcrush but my threadcrush is more handsome.
This is the only person I've met in this game that is genuinely nice
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Male characters have perfected the art of coping
Well no, PSO2 NGS requires you to gacha your titties and manually design it.
yup its lalafell hours
Good morning, I hate malera!
missed the queue...sigh...
nta but as requested, budget compliments

friend, protect at all costs
Do you have any idea how insane you look right now?
look at your higanbana debuff
it switches from 15 to 14 then back to 15 for a moment
you had a lag spike
Better than meeting one and then breaking up with her bro, it's okay...
me too, sis...
that's an interesting malera, don't think I've ever seen horns go straight up like that
water is wet
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i dont remember which one that is
clearly you do to notice lmao
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this post looks way more schizo
this is a deadlock general now
Why would I meet a femra and then dump her brother?
Stop posting about yourself
no... but you can inv me soon im almost out of my alliance
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thoughts on homemade beef jerky?
i just made some
Okay I'm logged on and can play CC now.
No shit, people go on about Kong but like 3/4 of the schizoposting this thread gets is Joy
There is a lot of story you need to go through to reach the endgame. It's cheaper with the sub but you'll still have to pick up the bundle with all the expansions I believe. I don't do many raids, most I've done is extreme and unreal and that's been fun for me. I mostly stick to bozja and eureka, both of those are more my speed. They both have fun raids as well. I honestly am not sure which gameplay I enjoy more and play both games so just give the free trial a whirl and see how you like it.
don't click on this it's a bunch of penises on a hrothgar
why tho
Abramsbros where we at?
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better be my pvp enemy

Crystal CC 1:00 E.T.
epic, nice job anon!
put those grippers away
What is the flavor
trannies cope and seethe and wish he comes back.
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my femra is exactly like this
I am logged in and going AFK now (that was my last CC)
(I am not the caller)
Nice gaslighting Joy
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I trolled M4S learning parties for hours and now I'm gonna relax and take it easy.
can i see yours
It's more like 1/4 Joy 1/4 Atma 1/4 Zirwad these niggas are mindbroken
this shit just makes me laugh now more than disgust me
mb bro
*flips your skirt and runs away*
why is she wearing a nappy
Could this defeat the Endsinger?
Don't be so sweet, I'm going to turn in to a puddle of mush!
Good luck to both of us.
That's a femlala
The hrothgar+++++++ is real...
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Yeah but I'm gonna be on YOUR team and throw the game because I still don't know what I'm doing hahahahaha
which one was your favorite?
So, just took a look at Aether PF for M3S, and I see both "No KB" and "No KBI" in descriptions. Is this "No Knockback" to immune the push and step sideways into second towers, and "No Knockback Immunity" as in ride the mechanic as intended? Or am I misreading them?
my meena could solo him
its him heiko hardcock
for me?
it's Ivy.
Well, I gposed...
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what made her react like that?
You have my attention
now this? this is sex
Selfish reasons, plus she cute
this is the anon from yesterday, let's see them. i'm expecting something good.
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Nadeko is femlala-coded though
Also doesn't she die I don't remmeber monogatari and haven't kept up with it
Thank you...
Do you need to buy every expansion or just the current one
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I dunno. Onions sauce, black pepper, and sugar?
I also put garlic powder and onion powder in there, I guess. And some salt. Pretty good. Better than shit like Jack Links
>face 3
>being that expressive
I should kill you swiftly
euros are waking up. Pedo hours commence
Just current.
a femlala would never take their shirt off and pose in front of a camera with their hands in front of their flat chest


hi anon-chan...!!
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femra eb like this?
Complete edition + latest expansion
but don't buy anything til you've finished the free trial.
I didn't even notice that wow
Cute boy, I hope he gets to plap a few hags.
It’s 4am in mainland europe
I want to edit them a little more before they're fit for the eyes of the public...
I love nadeko and femras but please let your hair grow again
Sounds good but my stomach wouldn't be able to handle it
surprisingly there aren't any obvious pedos in eu, both chaos and light discord servers shame people simply for being lalas.
Is this game that fucked now
We go to the doomed timeline that Graha is from, and Zenos is still alive there. Its been centuries, but since he can body hop like an Ascian that doesn't matter to him. He destroyed Garlemald after Black Rose killed the WoL because he was so goddamn mad about it, and has spent the last couple centuries moping in contemplation. He's honestly chilled out a lot and rethought things and emotionally matured since he last saw us, and when we show up doing reflection timey-wimey bullshit he's thrilled to see us and greets us as a friend. An actual friend, not just the object of his murder-boner.
>Hrothgar with 8 dicks being posted
>pedolala photo posts increase
Yeah def EU hour times...
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may i post my moonie
There isn't one..
Its a skirt/bottoms combo....
If you buy the starter edition you don't even get shadowbringers
I used to buy some from my friend when he made spicy beef jerky but it got too expensive for him
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>EU hour
>10pm on a weekend in NA
errrrrrrm listen here, buddy pal guy
if you're taking injections your levels never drop so low that it'd cause mood swings. the excess you have in the blood at the start of the week doesn't actually do anything since u have a limited number of receptors
if anything, people on pills are much more likely to experience that
maybe check ur facts before u start yapping u friggen noobl0rd!!!
Post those tall heels again pretty please
SEA is waking up
A lot of MMOs have gone under recently. As bad as it could be, BDO was always my backup MMO for when XIV got boring as fuck. But recently, BDO's developers made the bizarre decision to neuter its guildwar system and fuck its open world pvp setup even more. Since my only motive for gearing up was to help my guildmates when guildwars happened, I no longer have a reason to play the game. And neither do many others; it's falling off hard and there's rarely anyone around when I go back to it.
And then there's /that/ mmo, but it's so old and dated that getting anyone else to even try it is pointless. But playing it alone is so boring. I've been playing MMOs since 2006, and this is the first time it's felt this bad for me.
well im smooching u
I manifested this and am requesting more 2023 era LL
What the hell is happening on balmung
It's a shithole
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i am requesting more LL armpit
Yeah I get that part but why do all of this unless you're unironically getting into the baitcar
I posted my male character did you like him? :3
I walked up and gave her a compliment saying she was a very beautiful au ra.
And here I was thinking you weren't a pedo
He wants me to reply to him so bad lol
Just you wait I am going to make a grandma version of my character too
my femlala is heading there to give some footjobs.
i dont remember making this post
He's an honorary malera
I posted my meena
Every mmo feels bad to get into because they're all 10+ years old and I feel like I missed so much and usually they made themselves worse in that time for no reason. I dunno whats up.
accurate! my femra is weak to compliments and many other things
Someone with cute feet come to the bench, please.
Sorry anon, i genuinely can't find any good shots of them
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rare cute femraen
You are cordially invited to fuck my ass
Pedo (thats a good thing)
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>he's still at the bench
how does he get away with it
my moonie needs a foot massage...
I'm confused so I'd need to invest over $100?
I can't. I'm a moonie.
My hrothgal targets catboys
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what is the swimbait for
you're the most qualified, then...
>make new friend
>forget to ask what what timezone they're in
>don't seen them on ever when I'm on
Oops, now they think I'm a friend collector something ;_;
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catboy jumpscare
I didn't see him... where?
Nobody likes 2023 Leviah..
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Based FC tag
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>Unnamed Tranny spamming pictures because I filtered his shitty music
Holy fuck, I unironically won.
After you free trial enough. You can easily save hundreds of dollars by doing a lot of shit in free trial first.
how do I get better at not instantly dying in cc?
It sucks man. Riot's MMO was one of the last beacons of hope on the horizon and now it's dead. We're basically fucked unless SE decides to make FFXIV-2 or something.
spoonfeed because I am mad at an unrelated thing: You can keep HQ fish that can be mooched in the swimbait pile for as long as you're at the fishing spot. It's effectively stored Mooches.
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I hate that i'm good at this job
is it the accursed glam, maybe?

Crystal CC 5:30 E.T.
Last call for a bit because i'm hungry.
can you link the filter?
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Its almost Monday.
But I'd still have to spend over $100? Thats nuts
I named my chocobo after a Babylonian god because.... idk
Most tranners take pills because insurance covers them and we're too poor to spend $100/month on injections
Pray teammates are using their buttons to pressure those trying to instantly kill you.
Nice job anon. Hopefully it stops entirely, though, because it's still cringe
Giving you a /pet if I run into you at a Crystalline Conflict arena. Crystal, right?
moonie monday
That depends on your countries currency, but give or take you can end up spending like just 40.
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I will be queueing
M-Middie monday?
pov when I get a loving femlala wife and come home from a bad day at work
Milala Monday
find a name you recognize from thread that doesn't die a lot, then ask them.
Starter edition is $20, which has the same content as the free trial but without the account restrictions.
Latest expansion is $40, you need to have the starter edition to access it.
Complete edition is $60 and gives access to everything.
There is a subscription fee on top of all of this.
my hrothgar pretends to be gay so he gets invited to the girls sleepover
Someone said Unnamed Tranny is a janny which wouldnt surprise me.
I want you to full nelson destroy my anus
It's AI slop. Don't bother
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learn not to overextended into 10 people and know your classes value against theirs.
practice the art of heterosexual gay sex since you're a pvp player now
>tfw i was here for xiv arr beta
>remember old /vg/ fun
>people chilled and hung out more and did dungeons slower they were harder
>didn't touch the game after beta
>came back just now
>i missed everything
>people just speed through content so fast and pull entire dungeons in one go
>nothing matters anymore
>haven't chatted or seen anyone say anything at all
>heterosexual gay sex
I joined a few months ago so I wouldn't know, but this is an exceptionally beautiful picture
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If you really want that, I wouldn't mind...
man this game is fucking bleak after the leves stop working after 50 and youre on a character other than your msq one
the quests only give like 1% each mobs less
for the 15min between dungeons its just fates? i guess
why in the fuck did they remove battle leves, theyre boring but it was at least something . Now im just like a blue mage killing overworld mobs just to kill them without the xp buff for being blue mage
Aether but I am visiting Crystal and doing pvp for fun
But no one likes malera
I'd be lying if I said I didn't...
is there a plugin that has common waymarks saved for every fight?
i don't know where you're getting $100 from unless you live outside of usa
you can play the free trial up through stormblood then just buy the complete edition (which includes every expansion up to dawntrail) for $59.99
This game seems more expensive than WoW. I need to buy it for $60then buy the expansion for $50 then subscribe?
It will be a fun experience finding out what else she's weak too.
I try to talk during dungeons. Waiting for the tank to corral the mobs gives plenty of time for some quick chitchatting.
maybe you're too retarded for xiv
Same... wanna wistfully reply back and forth to each other, indulging in our wants but not actually ever meeting up to make them happen...?
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>”man the thread sure is extra shitty tonight”
>remember kids have an extended weekend
/smooch from 2023
I named my chocobo BOSH because of big john
She's weak to assertive male dominance~
If you're this retarded that even me breaking it down for you doesn't help then maybe you should stick to your blizzslop.
The game costs $60 plus sub. There is a notably generous free trial.
I mean we could meet up, I'm a bit shyer in person until I get comfortable
may I know the name of it please
I usually queue in crystal when there are calls in the thread but I'm also from Aether and play CC there too - See ya around maybe
We go back to ultima thule to see if metions soul bubble can do anything for the endless and shale wants to tag along for reasons she can't explain... stuff happens shale gets wounded and zenos soul is flying around hops in hers and you find out shale was zenos shard and they share the body so now we have a cute schitzo elezen where zenos fight boner takes over in combat or aggressive situations.
>15 minute between dungeons
it's not 2014 anymore they pop in like 6 minutes max
bro is acting like mid 20-30 year olds here dont have a highschool mindset
while training: perform heterosexual gay sex with your training partner, and make sure they're strong!
Never allow your partner to finish you in heterosexual gay sex, the goal is always to finish them first
if you have successfully edged yourself in the gay sex and made your partner finish: harness the unspent energy into cc where you will preform better.
I get top 100 every season with this method.
O-oh... well I didn't think this far so um... sorry...
I don't like blizzard stop being mean to me
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moonie monday is in a few hours! woo hoo! I am so happy about this information. moonie monday just a few hours away. oh wow! can you believe it?
In his defense some retard further up the thread told him he had to buy the complete edition and the expansion separately.
The complete edition, which includes everything (hence why it's complete) is $60, and also includes a month of sub time iirc
i think its called waypoint or something
erp with this moonie
Just meetup. I'll even pick a spot.

Seraph, in Fallgourd Float, on the second floor of the Bobbing Cork Inn.
showing up to plap this moonie and getting so nervous i pass out cold and she has to tuck me in and call me an uber home
May I plap Mi'qitten then Mi'qote back to back?
Damn, take more in the future then pretty please with a cherry on top
For cheating yourself out of the experience of catching Ruby Dragon legit

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