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Dream Match edition

previously on /mvsg/: >>492333224

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Samurai Jack released 7/23
Beetlejuice released 8/20

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression

>Beetlejuice's moveset and Midseason Patch Combat Change review

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! The game is getting better with every patch (:
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>Giants characters
>wasted potential
Maybe.. I think characters like iron giant can still WORK, they just gotta understand them better.
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I don't care how broken Iron Giant is. They can stop once I get Kong.
also, complaint, don't make threads starring AI art. It's trashy. There's aLOT of good art you can use, lots of good art you could've MADE, don't use crap. In fact I would not mind you deleting this thread and trying again.
I hope to never see a giant character again and I wish they would take iron giant out back and disable him
If this game is supposed to be a team game, there isn't any reason why landing a parry shouldn't put you in guard frames.
ai fags won't stop spamming their garbage, doesn't matter how rude you tell them to fuck off or how politely you ask them to stop because they don't care
>in the middle of the stage at moderate percent
>eat a shaddy kick
>die because it sends you vertical despite being a completely horizontal kick
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>giant characters are wasted potential
How about the complete opposite, a Jerry sized fighter?
>Team mate gets turned into a Reindog by Mojo Jojo
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It's literally fucking facebook-tier it's so trashy.
OP, please, make another thread, I beg of you.
alternatively for the ones who hate the idea of pickle rick, what about Speedy?
christ anti-ai fags are such massive autists
take your meds
the small characters in this game can already low profile attacks standing, we don’t need smaller
Yes we do. To scale Osmosis Jones now!
>throw sandwich with Jason
>flies over half the roster
it’s especially annoying when you get bugs’ sammy from his safe and can’t hit him with it
classic donkey kong problem
I wish people would just take the L and leave if it's obvious they won't win a rematch. You're just wasting everyone's time.
I agree. No AI shitters and no tripfags.
Nobody likes spam except niggers and kids, it's very simple.
Yeah this. Feels like I've had plenty of times I wanted to rematch but my teammate conceeded and I lost points. But I fucking NEVER goddamn get the enemy team conceding even when we completely fucking steamroll them.
So? Steamroll them harder
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>Nobody likes spam except niggers and kids, it's very simple.
Why the fuck are you on 4chan if you can't appreciate a simple funny shitpost for what it is?
is it gay if you want to lie tom on the bed and feel his fur all over your body
I'm not saying that it's hard to steamrol them, I'm just saying it would be nice if they didn't have to postpone the inevitable and just let me have the free win because we both know you're just wasting time with a rematch.
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I didn't mean to leave the link in but at least it's an appropriate post
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I'll bump
Anon the best you can do is ignore them, they are quite literally subhumans, any human with a functioning brain can tell what’s visually wrong with AI art and will find it disgusting, the brain of AI fags is under developed they just can’t tell the difference so they just see it as a funny image
>STILL, FUCKING STILL getting lag spikes literally every game
And I do mean literally in its intended definition. This is insane
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Post em.
Cyberpunk R&M, formerly EVO 22
Space Jam
the Pride Month one
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Yo, that's racist.
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who is the most op character and why

because I said so
Is Bugs the most racist in the cast?
Iron giant
>the real reason Bugs get in fights with Daffy and Marvin
you have to explain why
(i know it’s his instakills)
IG kills you at 0
You kill IG at 240
He has an entire button that just punishes you for putting him into hitstun so he can mash out a lingering hitbox iad nair or just jab
Plus his entire rage mode is just a fucking war crime
and why
jab upb
And jab jab stomp and jab jab reverse upsmash and jab jab rage neutral b and jab jab side b fair (burnout punish)
Shaggy's got one of the best jabs in the game maybe only joker is better
If they reworked the bolts and just kept it as a "hit Giant and get some small damage w/ knockback" reversal, Giant and Rage Mode would be better balanced.
MAGES AREN'T ZONERS. They CAN zone but Bugs Bunny literally spent the entire fucking beta running in and nair comboing and Velma was intentionally given more combos tools. Mages aren't supposed to be zoners without much of anything else, they're characters that space control more effectively than others. It's why Black Adam isn't a mage since his attacks are more melee/projectile countering rather than doing the same space control Joker and the other characters are doing.

Black Adam's bubble doesn't effect him or the opponent like it should if he was supposed to be a zoner, just projectiles. Adam's projectiles are either hyper committal or made to help him move around and close the distance/combo with them. Joker's specials are gimmicky and discourages his opponent from staying close to him for too long.
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>Netflix live action adaption of Looney Tunes
Joker and Bugs are similarly designed where they could space you out and zone you out with disjoints/gimmicky specials but could also break the distance and fuck you up.
Bugs I get but not Joker, he only has one explody card thingie and two ranged attacks that only go forward
black adam. his entire kit is usable, has insane advantage, can just fucking fly and disengage whenever he wants, side special gives him insane burst movement so good luck fucking touching him if he chooses not to fight, heavy, massively stupid hitboxes, easy projectile confirms, anti projectile shield, down tilt reaches anywhere on the map, piss easy combos. he has literally fucking everything
This, I fucking hate Teth
Joker's specials are gimmicky and more defensive than offensive for the most part.
Taz spotted
I don't mind AI as long as it's on topic/funny/coomer image, anti AI people need to chill
Looney Coons
Blackface Bunny
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Niggs Bunny
All things considered Aifags are slightly less annoying than trannies, namefags,tripfags and paypigs. Just slightly.
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WHATEVER, the actual game's doing us so much worse and I'm already over it.
I still think it's stupidly trashy and should be contained within ai threads but WHATEVER.
nobody thinks ai images don't "look like ai", it's a god tier shitposting tool and you should just accept it as that
aifags continuing to be pathetic and annoying
All those shitty fanfics about Multiversus crossing over with Smash Bros and Nickelodeon were omens...
It is very much shitposting material, I just think it's trashy. Let's just talk about something else.
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This. It's not that I can't draw myself or that I think AI art is superior, it's that it can be used to make high effort art of shitposts no rational human being would ever put effort into
I think there's also some humor in getting it to do this kind of shit at all
Speaking of ai, we should feed the balance changes from the previous patch notes to an ai and have it generate a patch based on those. It'd be funny to see how close they are to the next one and who nerfs Jake the most
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or watching it fail spectacularly
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>tfw it randomly writes "nigger" on things
i do miss when you could use dall e 3 to make lewds though, that shit it'd spit out was nuts
>fighter whose balance patches are entirely handled by ai
holy shit
this would be fucking amazing
mfw spamming adam down smash
Behave yourself
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>press 1 button
what now
Black Adam bag shitting
No one talks about Morty pissing himself anymore. Guess it wasn't a good enough joke to contest with Black Adam shitting in plastic bags and Superman fucking Reindog.
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the bag... is calling me... my bowels rumble.... I'm having too much fun playing this character to get up and go to the bathroom...
I wish they would add pvp back in so i can do some dailies but unfortunately the queue never ends
stop playing 1v1
But I needed FFA and 2v2
my 2v2 queue times are always 5-20 seconds, maybe your internet sucks
>Luna playing Adam
You'll never be Eternal Jobber. Your rank will never match his. Your skill will never match his. Your combos will never be as good as his. Your videos will never be as good as his.
There's something wrong with your connection or your setup, faggot. I've had maybe one lag spike in the past sixty matches, all against different players.
Another sub 1k night
that's the thing for me, the events are too grindy to bother actually doing them (or it actually, it's not like they have multiple events running at the same time) and if you don't do them then yeah, there's nothing to do
i do rifts though if that counts
Those jokes aren't good either.
it's forced shit for the sake of having "a joke", embarrassing really
the adam one is kinda funny if only because "bag adam" is worth a chuckle but the rest is forced, inorganic autism instead of actual good memes
it is the one thing i don't miss from the beta period of the game, that guy was a constant presence here with that autism
Dedicated anons that really love Reindog are a little funny, the Superman/Reindog thing is forced.
i still don't get where it came from and i've been around since the fucking beta, i think it's just more autism
also i main reindog he's cute
How the fuck can I tornado a black adam who's at 120+ damage on the side of the map on dexters lap and still he doesn't get rung out what the fuck is this character's weight? Why can he just mash buttons and be all over the place and damage you from miles away and fly still get to be a tank?
His drawback is having a stupid voice and face
his drawback is if you play him and i meet you irl i will murder you and defile your corpse
WHY is morty dirt+upair just free like that
He needs it.
Hooray. I got Taz to Masters... In 2v2. Kinda hardstuck D2 1v1 but it's more due to the fact that everyone is a fucking pussy who keeps running away, and chasing them the entire match as Taz is a pain in the ass. I don't have the endurance for that kind of degeneracy.
jack is still fucking overpowered but damn the nerfs make it a little bit less obnoxious i guess
>post something low quality nobody likes
>nobody likes it
>"wow what's everyone's problem?"
social skills as well developed as artistic skills
Just had someone deny a rematch after they won. Dont know what to make of this but ill take the 19rp
i have lost an entire fucking rank through retarded allies that leave the match and cost me points
through no fucking fault of my own i am getting utterly shat on here, this shit should just leave my fucking points alone
when they do this to me I LOSE THE FUCKING RP ANYWAY
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Reminder that if we can’t get king kong we can definitely get titani, it would be lame but tomato tomatho
as much as i want king kong and godzilla we are never getting another giant character after the nightmare that balancing giant is
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Name a character you want in the game that isn’t owned by WB i’ll give you an alternative that is actually owned by WB
I want Spawn. There is no alternative.
>inb4 Buttercup
Blackrock symbiote Batman
Does that Batman use guns?
your mum
>14 days left on BP
That was weird, i remember that in last thread someone asked how many days left was in the BP and it was 14 days left, days have passed and it's still 14 days left?
That anon was retarded. Every Season is 8 weeks, dawg. Just remember that.
You'll get gorilla grodd with his giant ass bucket helmet
Updates are coming so slowly that it's still the same day.
He was my main in Injustice 2 kek
>pass is still completed
>i'm not doing it
>you can't make me
I still need to do them though so get queuing
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I think this is the 3rd time they've said they patched the garnet star blast zone exploit. Just has to get more creative each time.
Welcome back superman's flying up throw
any new change in multiversus?
i have never played a single FFA match in this game at any point and i'm not going to
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Anon garnet is already in the game
Anon's mom has got it going on.
reminds me of all the times they said the fixed the lag causing me to walk off the stage issue
>mfw bumping the thread with AI art again
Actually is fixed right now. I haven't seen happen once since the latest big patch.
BJ and Velma are actually decent now, BJ event extended, last reason rift tomorrow and another upcoming event for this season leaked, but no firm details on it. Power puff girls all but confirmed for being the first season 3 character.
What do they plan for s3 other than new character?
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Guild bosses
New stages and new rifts are pretty much guaranteed.
More cg cutscenes than this dud of a season.
it happened to me after the patch
S3 leaks

>a new stage somehow even more cancerous than your least favourite
>battlepass character is op and not nerfed until midseason patch again
>event that requires you to sell your soul and grind 24/7
>jake's bite is removed and replaced with brawl wolf nair
>marvin's down attacks have reduced range and active frames because redditors cannot recover against him
>jack's side special is given an anti-cooldown (after using it once it becomes the focus version permanently for 5 seconds)
>iron giant is taken out the game for another 2 weeks because of a niche tech abuse scenario
>reindog shakes his ass
how many people would you say there are actively playing ranked 1v1, not people who played it day 1 and aren't on it now
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>marvin's down attacks have reduced range and active frames because redditors cannot recover against him
It's a shitpost but I guarantee that shitty video of Garnet getting edge guarded is what they'll use to balance Marvin since we know they never actually play their game.
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the way that deals grey out when you already have the subject is so funny to me, looks like a fucking funeral
RIP Rick
Killed himself after everyone but Marvin and some other Ricks shat talked him. Bullying is an epidemic.
>short characters can low profile moves at point blank range while in hitstun
puts these devs in prison
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whats a character so piss easy that even a shitter like me could get to master with them
wonder woman has no weaknesses whatsoever so if you lose with her you have nothing to blame but yourself
Shaggy is designed to be 'Just exist and you'll win' tier.
stop rematching me shitters please take your -3 from a loss instead of spending another couple minutes just to lose more please
Any DC character or Shaggy
a baby could get to masters with WW
>Be me
>Hitting that ranked mode
>Win a match
>Decide my partner wasn't up to code and needed to do better
>Decline a rematch
If a Shaggy ends a match with less than 300 damage dealt then they are a 3 year old
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>battlepass character is op and not nerfed until midseason patch again
Considering the leaks say the next character is PPG, hell yeah dude let's goooooo
the fact my moves can miss short characters is all the proof i need that these devs have never played a single minute of this game
it's been 3000 years since I've seen a beetlejuice win
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issue stems from their hit/hurtbox philosophy being summed up with pic related
Would main Jack the Ripper in Multiversus.
Despite Tony saying anyone can get in, I don't think they'll add a notorious real life serial killer in the Bugs Bunny smashy.
Did they make Dexter's lab more common or something I swear I see it at least once per set now
Wonder Woman
You WILL play on Dexter's Lab 2, you WILL endure one of the worst maps in the game, you WILL not have an iota of fun, and you WILL be HAPPY!
Anon, she IS Jack.
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new rift
13 days from now
new season
Does black adam really NEED a map wide downsmash on no cd?
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Interesting Sakurai says Smash is balanced and killing what echo chambers consider high tiers only depends on the skill of the player, what does he mean by this?
Im pretty sure they made Bladdam broken due to the Rock
Back in the beta, you almost never saw Black Adams. For whatever reason making everyone bigger relative to the stage just over-powered the guy.
He was a convoluted mess with a billion cooldowns
BA is a frametrap character, Beta was not a frametrap game
And now he has no cooldowns despite having an attack that can spread across the entire map.
You only need to look at smash tourney results to see this does not hold up at high level play. Games in general will always have top tiers just due to the nature that unless everyone plays exactly the same one character will be better in more situations than the other. Ideally that should be minimized as much as possible though.
I think Sakurai is a hack and nintento fans will buy literally anything regardless of quality or lack there of.
And he is a nigger for what he did to little mac in ultimate.
i think he's basically saying "let it play it out for a while instead of calling for nerfs day 1"
>D2 with plat partner
>Lose to a master 1 peak Diamond V Diana Jason duo
>Lose max RP
>Get a runback with a different rando
>Don't get anywhere near what I lost
In an actual game with decent balance and proper mechanics, he's right. Everyone who plays Smash seriously will tell you that Peach is a top tier and Ganondorf is low tier, but if you asked a casual or an online warrior then the incredibly precise tech/combo heavy weaving character becomes ass while funny forward smash kills at 30% man is broken. And obviously that's an extreme example but it occurs at every level, a character like Ult Wolf or Melee Falcon is way scarier to a mid player than the actual big threats.
The problem with MVS is that the balance is so wack and the mechanics so extreme that it doesn't fucking matter. Jab on pretty much every single character is fast, free, spammable, not that risky and can be cancelled into other moves. This means for a casual, yeah they're gonna spam jab because it's easy and it works but a competitive player is also gonna spam jab as a combo opener and kill setup that they can get lots of use out of. There's a reason people call the game Jabversus.
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[In a Smiling Friends Alan voice] Come here mr mousy I just wanna kill you to make killing Tom easier.
this. the patches feel knee-jerky.
Is Morty a bit absurd in 2s or am I retarded?
ur retarded
That's what a friend who plays fighting games was talking to me about. He's only played a little of MVS but he's noticed everyone keeps getting buffs and nerfs every single patch instead of letting people form a meta.
What is "broken" now people could figure out how to circumvent in a month, but MVS is such a dumpsterfire that nobody wants to bother studying it so extensively not even myself.
I think the patches have barely done anything and they need to change more if im honest
>What is "broken" now people could figure out how to circumvent in a month, but MVS is such a dumpsterfire that nobody wants to bother studying it so extensively not even myself.
You're joking right?
it feels the opposite to me, feels more like they're too afraid to make significant changes than anything
in no world at any skill level was Jack ok but he was untouched for several months and when they finally did they didn't actually address what made him so absurd (at least in 2s), they just made it slightly worse like putting a sponge on the tip of a sword
he still has that stretchy ass jab that lets him do everything, he can still spam side special for free, he still kills absurdly early and he's still a nightmare at the ledge - there's a reason he practically shares an overall pickrate with Shaggy who is literally designed to be easy to win with and is given to you for free
remember when their big nerf for launch WW was giving her the lasso cooldown back, something which they reverted any ways? crazy how she's still an insanely good and easy to use character huh
btw morty earth is 33 frame startup you can literally just dodge cancel jab on reaction
>whiffs and flies half across the stage with his dodge
well now you have him in the corner so he can’t even use it again safely
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well there's something I haven't seen in a while
Dodge cancel jab shouldn't even be a thing, it makes balancing more retarded
I haven't got suicides this patch but now if I use my non etherenet connections it constantly pauses and my character stays in place, its not gamepause but at least their retarded rollback doesnt use the last input you made
I definitely won't lie that they are afraid of touching Shaggy, WW and nerfing Harley.
I know for a fact that they're waiting until after the season is over for them to nerf Jack to the ground.
It's more that for everyone else it happens too frequently while the larger problems are ignored and they're not taking their time on that. Exception being IG who actually was legitimately broken as opposed to side special spam that can be countered until the nerfs start dropping.
Not that I don't think Jack's side special spam isn't braindead and overpowered though.
I think letting jab be converted into other moves is the bigger problem. Why the fuck should Shaggy just get to kill you at 50% with jab jab rage upb?
>not that I think his side spam isn't retarded and overpowered*
I did not type this post right.
I'm ok with jab into normals but jab into specials is retarded same goes for Jason jab into teleport special
They nerfed WW multiple times over down to reducing her kill power quite a bit. What's wrong with her still being top tier? A lot of these demands for nerfs are nonsensical since it feels like you won't be satisfied until the character is gutted.
all recommended tier characters should be gutted
anything that makes morty worse is fine by me
hey now easy on the garnet guys they earned it
i completely forgot garnet was recommended
There should be no top tiers, a good healthy game is balanced just look at SF6 EVOs top showings, it's always very varied, currently WW is super braindead
>Huge Knockback
>Armor install (with no damage like normal armor)
>Can combo
>Spammy disjointed very active safe moves with no recovery frames tha can be cancelled
>Can skip neutral
>Can Absorb projectiles
>Can Break armor without punishment and combo from it
>Good recovery off stage
she is a mess
Is the only way to deal with armored Jason just to run around until it wears off
do more damage than he has gray health, use an armour break or grabbing attack, chip away at him with projectiles, wait for him to whiff a move
many options available
simply pick ww
SF6 has top tier characters, like Luke, Akuma, Bison and a few others depending who you talk to. The difference is that every other charcter is also good and there are only three or so characters that can be considered ''bad''.
But you are right, a good game should be balanced, and that includes their top tier characters.
if you jump i don’t think he can get much as long as you’re not kill percent
I think the funniest thing is that every single WW plays the same, the only real difference being whether they prefer to side air or side special
Capcom has the trend that if theres a new character they wanna push they intentionally make it broken at the start so it sells then they nerf them to make way for new dlc, it happened with Luke, Kim, Akuma, Bison, Ed, Rashid so there's always a new FOTM but at least they keep it balanced after a few weeks, my guess same happened with Jack here, but keeping WW/Harley top ever since the beta is a crime.
You forgot nAir since she can ctually combo and break armor from it without repercussion
at least in Beta WW was the free character and had dailies attached to her so it made sense to be a good, easy character people could pick up
but this time around it's just obvious fucking bias
Specially since they actually nerfed to the ground Jake/Velma and tried to balance the others except for Bugs/TJ due to streamers
There will ALWAYS be top tier characters, that's just an inherent fact of life with fighting games. A completely balanced game would be boring, they should prioritize trying to close the gap rather than making already good and fun characters unfun and boring. WW is fine and is countered by the game's very own mechanics (her armor shit is meaningless with the proper quirk and armor breaking move). The only overtuned characters that specifically need more nerfs are Joker and Giant.
Jake and Velma received their comeuppance for dominating the entire beta. Bugs Bunny got nerfed to a healthy place right now.
is this nigger playing that my hero academia fighter or something
>get matched against the same players multiple sets in a row
>fuck them up each time
>get them once again and extremely fuck them up 4-0 with them not even getting either of us to 100%
>they still rematch
I appreciate the tenacity but please
I meant perk.
same here. I had the same Joker three times last night and then I had the same Jason just now
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Im ready for the rift tomorrow every rift has been way too easy compared to season 1, the looney fights against smith were some real intense bullshit
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out of morbid curiosity I got every character into gold
only 2 stars lmao
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playing any other plat fighter makes me realize how much this one fucking sucks
Well yeah there’s a good reason why you don’t see a lot of live service fighters, it takes time to test stuff and get characters right, when brawlhalla does collabs is just a skin for an existing fighter

If they didn’t have a roster full of beloved WB characters no one would play this
Fucking hell I canNOT beat Jason as HQ
literally how
not only is he combo food but you don't even have to interact with his buff since any explosion move breaks armor
Just stick a bomb in jason he is huge he can’t do shit
It's the armor, really for me. and the armored grab. Maybe I'm telegraphing too much, and just not being patient enough to wait for openings. Next time I'll try to be more aggressive
Just don't dodge to the side after upsmash lmao
Bomb invalidates his existence and once you got him in the air off slide kick upsmash it's very easy to follow him with fair and catch his big body after he's dodged
Just dont try interrupting his jabs the hitbox is retarded and it's easier to hit whatever he does after (side b teleport endlag, slide kick the dodge away)
And don't overextend to frametrap him his armor grab in the air is gay as shit, just be patient and threaten him into dodging then rape after he's in burnout or uses both dodges in the air, once you get that it's very easy to juggle him off the top because he can't dodge ur upb and kill you with his anymore

Just play against him like you would ganondorf he's the same gimmick slow ass retard that kills with three moves so just don't get hit
Its easier to nerf than buff
>several months
>Stopped playing after Beetlejuice patch
>Not even in the mood to grind dailies for cosmetics or battle pass
Did I miss any news or is this still the same shit
Did they add local co-op for online 2's? The beta had this feature.
>WW is fine
>Proceeds to ignore an entire post as why she is not fine
WW main I presume, armor breaking against her is just a small point to her entire kit, also currently the armor breaking perk system doesnt work on almost all the cast against WW due to her disjointed attacks range and everything she does being safe plus the other things I listed, specially the green perk and slide attack perks being a no no against WW.
Some moves that can actually contest her safely are Bugs Rocket, Bladam clap, Jakes fully charged stretchy punch on the armor breaking perk charged attack , and somewhat Marvins gun, but as i said its just a small point to her entire kit, she doesnt revolve around armor.
And no balanced fighting games are not boring in fact they are the most succesful as stated as other posts, and this being a F2P game not being balanced its actually worse since casuals expecting balanced games just leave, I also agree Joker and IG are broken
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>I try to spend money on this game
>The transaction goes off without a hitch
>I try to collect the free daily reward
>"Ruh-roh! Purchase error!"
Every single time.
What gem xp is it this time
you can't get the rift gems because our gems are already level 10 meaning there's no exp to give
instead of explaining that the game just says error and they add yet another rift gem the next day
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get ready to say poggers anon
Can't relate, all other platform fighters feels like ass to me which is why I like Multiversus. Maybe you're just not the target audience?
Communication seems to be one of the biggest cons for this game, even down to the in-game explanations
>>I try to collect the free daily reward
>>"Ruh-roh! Purchase error!"
Because the daily reward is gem xp for a gem you've already maxed. That's the only reason you can't collect it, you have nothing left to gain from collecting it.
how much dev time went into the mojo jojo bossfight in tomorrow’s rift that coulda gone into anything else
It'll be like the dexter one. Something done in 5 minutes and not playtested at all.
Probably not a lot, the rifts tend to be pretty simple
>3 daily and 3 weekly FFA
i did it, it's finally completed. Can't wait for another set tomorrow.
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doing a new playthrough because i'm afraid it's been 9 years and got curious
an almost decade old unfinished game had a higher peak than multiversus today running purely off an anniversary
when does zaslav decapitate tony for botching this game so badly?
If anything it's Tony who has to decapitate the kike. I know Tony is far from perfect and I wouldn't even put him in charge of a rock, but I'm sure the game would've been in a far better state had it not been for the wb execs
yeah, in the end, the worst things about the game come down to the WB execs...
the cosmetics are selling like hotcakes, I don't think you need to worry about multiversus champ
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i don't think that's the case
yeah cake is pretty hot but i wish she was more viable
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I like these posts. Now I really don't need to open game unless an event shows up.
how many people are playing as jack ranked, since literally every single one of those would have had to pay 10 dollars for the pass at some point
mmm soft reindog fur in my face
I have not paid a single penny and I have a masters jack
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>every single one
I have my Gleamium from my free Jason Pass.
Isn't the Jason total damage badge the one in the BP? They really need to put a filter on that stuff
Not a main, sick of this lazy balance idea of just gutting any good character just because they're annoying.
>Balanced fighting games
They're boring as fuck. Homogenized garbage that guts anything interesting and is a pointless endeavor since there's ALWAYS a best character in a game of unique movesets. That's just a fact. Casuals also leave when characters they like are constantly nerfed and gutted btw, that's what happened in the beta from how nerf happy PFG was in beta. Everyone hated how they were too quick to gut shit without letting counterplay develop.
if you played the beta you got jason pass for free and that gives enough gleam for jack pass
source: i have jack and i never spent a penny on this shitass game
>just because they're annoying.
You are actually retarded.
if jack/arya/finn is running back and forth waiting for me to approach so he can dodge cancel jab what do i do
Wonder Woman is manageable and you're a retard to argue otherwise. Not even a top 3 character, stop living in the past of Season 1.
i got the s1 battle pass for free because i played the beta, and all the battle passes give you enough gleam for another battle pass
t. maxed out s1 and s2 battle passes, will max out s3's if it's ppg, haven't spent a dime on this garbage
wait for them to nerf dodge camping
camp yourself
or pick one of the like 3 characters who can actually cover dodge back jab on approach
yeah i guess i’ll camp them back lol awesome game
maybe i’ll pick wonder woman so i can approach with down special and camp until i get it back, putting pressure on them to approach me before it comes back or else be perpetually at a disadvantage
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Fair enough, at least you've proved PFG has made their game incredibly addictive though since you're all compulsively completing every single battlepass while complaining how much you supposedly hate playing
>PFG has made their game incredibly addictive
i stopped playing as soon as i hit level 70. haven't booted the game up in weeks. cope
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I can like this game and still complain about all the shit that they need to fix. Just like I do with other games.
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we're ALL HERE because we PLAY THE GAME. We KNOW what we're talking about when we complain.
>people who like something complain the loudesr
yeah that's normal
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gee maybe i wouldn't hate playing if the game wasn't dogshit at its core
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good point
If you really believed that you wouldn't care enough about this game to be spending time in its general complaining about it

but why bother getting all the stuff from the battlepass if you don't care about the game, is it because you actually have hope for the game and you think it will eventually catch your interest again`?

Anons, you're all so tsundere for Multiversus.
>If you really believed that you wouldn't care enough about this game to be spending time in its general complaining about it
i complain because i want the game to be better
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I think the game is great, but has flaws. I think the game's flaws is not enough to make this feel like a bad game for me at all, only like a good game that could be a lot better if some of its flaws were handled. I really can't relate to all the people saying Multiversus is terrible compared to other platform fighters, Multiversus is literally the only platform fighter I have any interest in playing so clearly it's doing a lot of things better than other platform fighters.
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i think the game is more flawed than good right now, very little skill expression and you get rewarded off of way too little. most moves have barely any whiff so its impossible to punish them. balancing is also an issue because characters like jake exist as they are but joker and arya are still top tier. i really want to like it but there are too many issues preventing me from fully enjoying it
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>Stopped playing after Beetlejuice oatch
>not even bothering with dailies
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This actually made me curious enough to play a couple of Ranked games with Jack for the first time, just to see how many people have played Jack in Ranked. And as of today, it sits at just over 54 thousand different players.
So, if we hypothetically say that every single player did buy the $10 Gleam pack just to get the Battle Pass so they could play Jack, and we use a calculator to math out $10 times 54K players, then on the BP alone PFG would have made roughly $540,000.
But since obviously plenty of players have gotten Jack for free just from playing the beta or otherwise, let's be generous and say that only half of those 54K players, 27K players specifically, have paid for the BP. This would mean that PFG has made at least $270,000 just from people buying the BP.

Obviously we don't know the real specifics, but based on general assumptions, PFG has made a pretty decent chunk of cash the last two months just from the Battle Pass. Nothing to be ashamed of, I'd say.
And that's money they made ONLY from the battlepass. But I see people with unique skins all the time, I saw people who bought the Beetlejuice pack. I myself caved and bought gleam to get the Harley skin during the cyberpunk event. The battlepasses are just the tip of the iceberg.
>Play Ultimate
>”Holy fuck Multiversus and Nick All Star Brawl feel so much better”
>Multiversus is an omega kike game and Nick is even more dead that multiversus
At least I have fun with King K Rool
>very little skill expression
Do you mean player expression? Because that's the thing that gets me. I never feel like I'm fighting a person in this game, just their character, and honestly if the game had an option to hide names I probably would not be able to tell a lot of people apart.
It's why I feel like Reindog and Garnet are the only competently designed characters in the game (at least in terms of this launch), because they're the only two where I see people actually developing their own approach towards their kit. They're both easy enough to pick up and understand without being braindead or overtuned (i.e. wondy/shaggy) while having just enough freedom to where you can be flexible, they both actually like to use a good chunk of their moveset instead of just spamming the braindead optimal moves over and over like everyone else and they both have obvious strengths and weaknesses that actually feel like they play a role in a match. Everyone else is just going through the motions.
that’s because the characters in this game have very few moves compared to smash and nicn all stars brawl
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>Pigeon (Norm McDonald) from Mike Tyson mysteries announcer pack never ever.
>Mr. Myxlplyx (Gilbert Gottfried) announcer pack never ever.
im just very tired of most of the cast having safe as shit options and not being able to punish them, every arya is the same. every joker is the same. every steven is the same. i hate it
Oh. Well that'd be nice to have explained to me. Fucking PFG.

Now, if only it was programmed so that if all my Yellow Gems were maxed out, that XP would then go to my Red/Green/Purple Gems. Oh, well...
they made a chunk of cash in the short-term but if they want a consistent stream they've gotta be better... They gotta actually encourage people to put money into the game by giving them more bang for their buck.
'cuz shit like pic related is too fucking much
I will never buy a bundle cause I do not want to waste gleam on fucking banners and shit
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>Play Ultimate
>Bowser feels pretty fun now at least
>King K Rool was fun at first but turns out he's actually shit
>Online is hot garbage
>Friends all tire of the game because online is garbage and it doesn't feel enough like melee
>Have some fun building stages but eventually tire of it too, especially since the creator feels so limited and Nintendo keeps deleting anything funny
>maybe battlepass will make things fun and bring me back
>jrpg anime fighter
>jrpg anime fighter
>fightan game fighter
>dead mascot fighter, neat
>jrpg anime fighter
>jrpg anime fighter
>fightan game fighter
>meme fighter, urgh
>fightan game character
>jrpg anime fighter

Yeah nah, I'm having WAY more fucking fun with Multiversus. Nintendo doesn't even add fucking alt costumes to characters. Every single fucking fighter they've added to Multiversus aside from Black Adam and Banana Guard have been complete fucking bangers and hype have been through the roof, and I'm even starting to forgive them about Black Adam because he's actually fun to play.
When are they bringing co-op vs AI back I miss it
Black Adam gets a pass from me because he's a sick DC character and would've been hype 9 times out of 10 as a deep cut pick. If only he wasn't shilling a flopped movie...
We just need them to finally add Shazam to the game and make Adam's presence feel retroactively normal.
any tips for a hardstuck diamond?
You might wanna refer gutting anything interesting to gutting anything broken. And yes casuals who use broken characters leave when they stop getting free wins but at least the other population of casuals actually get non miserable matches. The beta died because the game state was bad in every aspect, content, balance, gameplay, and not because they nerfed characters nerfing characters who are broken is always healthy
que duo
Dont play on weekends or at night. Play on american non work hours. You get less chance of getting premade duos
good aim on that little fucker... shame it was cute asian girl
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late reply but here's a webm
That's how I've been feeling with Beetlejuice, especially when the dev team and the marketing has been shilling the movie alongside the character in an even more egregious way than they did Adam. Sucks because he's pretty fun, but I have feelings that he was prioritized simply for being a playable advertisement over any substance.
can confirm as reindog main i really don't have shit i can do as a safe approach or poke vs like half the fucking cast, plenty of characters just ignore projectiles even because they have a zillion ways to dash around them while attacking

if finn just fucking stands there and stares at me he can literally beat anything i throw at him on fucking reaction
why does shaggy have no ammo count for sandwiches when every other fucking projectile gets one and/or is objectively worse than his
Like, Zoinks man.
designated top tier
Because they suck their entire utility is sometimes your enemy accidentally picks them up and throws them for 2 damage instead of smashing you in the face
yeah man they're so bad they do no damage or knockback and they definitely do not heal your ally
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as someone who has only played 1v1, explain how my strategy should change going into 2v2
Yeah all of those things are true
Beat up on one guy with your dude and if your dude is getting beating up by two guys you gotta run in there and get him out.
if teammate off stage then run and save them
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this is bad advice
this is a very good way to get double killed when you let the 2nd opponent have stage control for free
did we get any cinematics after s1 ended
i think all we've gotten is gameplay trailers for jack and beetlejuice, i don't recall there being anything like the jason and agent smith cinematics for this season at all
They showed off a couple seconds of Beetlejuice rendered in the cinematic style and I thought this was going to show at the beginning of The Ghost with The Toast but no, they just created it and it had little fanfare.
Piranha Plant's reveal had more impact.
I didn't play yesterday and I didn't play today and I don't even feel the fomo regret of "oh no, I didn't do my video game chores!"
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Same here.
I was playing casuals again after who knows after getting master and man casual players are a whole other level of retards, and i called retards platinum and below players

If you are grinding ranked and you feel bad about your skill or are stuck below diamond, at least you are not a casual player
It wasn't a cinematic style. Just a mini animation in-game.
Me on the left as the dumb blonde bimbo
I've literally never played against a finn that wasn't a massive fag
>an almost decade old unfinished game had a higher peak than multiversus today running purely off an anniversary

Aren't people still trying to achieve total disarmament even though it's practically impossible?
My BP is complete, infinite tier has never given me gleam not even once so i just don’t wanna play anything that isn’t new in this game
dead game.
alive game.
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3 more hours til da new rift
limbo game.
3 more minutes til I jerk it to velma getting fucked by dogs
I wish i had the power to travel around the multiverse so i didn’t have to cope by playing this shitty game, i just wanna help save the multiverse but i was born in a shitty earth with nothing cool going on
Hope it's decent.
anon you would fucking die in the stupidest, most embarrassing way conceivable
literally some noodle limbed scrimblo would pull a fucking gun directly out of his own asshole and blow your head off in a non cartoony fountain of blood while cackling like a retarded chimp
>Ajax teasing air dash
Welp time for more casuals to drop the game
Has he ever teased anything that actually got added?
Can't imagine how much more broken some characters might get with it.
Hows that different from air dodge? also ba with more air movement will be so fun :)
Probably won't cost dodge
The dodge shit.
there's like 3 wars currently going on, are you not entertained?
Remember anon, there's a universe where Warner cared about this game as much as Nintendo cared about Smash Bros.
>next week's friday is friday 13
Likelihood of literally anything happening for Jason?
if these retards had any sense of forethought we'd GET jason on the 13th and it would kick off a halloween themed season going into october where we'd get beetlejuice and wicked witch too
uhhhh best I can do is a tweet
Carrying on tradition and being removed from the game after another crazy licensing issue
Would any characters aside from the ones that already got it look particularly cool with Jason masks?
In that universe MVS would be perma shut down by now for tax write-offs.
Not how game development works, retard. Characters and negotiations happen when they're ready, especially when when Jason's rights and negotiations are all kinds of fucked it was either happening at launch or not for a while.
you think they have a contingency plan for lebron going on a rape rampage or locking kids in his basement?
>a circuit drone, a beetle and a gold trophy token
Legit pretty good rewards for the last rift, might actually be worth torturing yourself through Looney for
>He doesn’t know
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>300 Gleamium
A stealth skin drop of Baghead Jason would be nice.
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he's fucking in
I'd get this and Savini Jason.
this is what all the events should've looked like, i will now play your game
source of the webm?
>kr only
i can take it don't worry
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what would multiversus look and be like if it was made in korea?
>now is the time for revenge

Why no is Wondy written so bad. It’s such a departure from how she actually is
Muh warrior persona
There is nothing quite like clutching out a victory over some salt spamming teabagging faggot finn.
I'll admit, it was embarrassing to be driven into the corner, but knowing that he definitely spiked his controller into the wall afterwards does bring a smile to my face.
Starting to think the mojo jojo boss is not possible on solo looney difficulty just because you have to wait for him to cucle through every fucking attack every time, the 1st phase isnt bad but as soon as he moves to the left you gotta wait 40 seconds for the next set of bombs and he does the anubis head attack instantly after the bombs so you do not get any time at all to be near enough to attack him (thanks for locking character selection to fucking BEETLEJUICE AND SAMURAI JACK CANCEROUS DEVELOPERS)
Are we gonna have to force our boyfriends to play it again to finish it?
meanwhile in reality
>meh woulda womped you before the nerfs gg go next
>How she actually is
How? WW has been written so differently throughout the years that she's whatever the writers want her to be. She's still playful or whatever you want in certain interactions within MVS is.
I usually see her as a sort of compassionate motherly figure who defends the weak. Here she’s a generic spunky fighter who likes beating people up. Doesn’t even really feel like it’s coming from a place of honor
>New rift
>Looney difficulty
>Rift quests are bs that make you play the same stage 3 -2 times

Once again PFG show themselves are being the useless fucks they are

Also wedding garnet on sale for 1400 jewmium lmao
Silly question. If I invite someone to play rifts just to get the last star, and I already have all the other stars, does the guy I invited also gets the 5 stars or just the last one?
If they don't have the "play with another player" star, they will get it
They have to complete the challenges too
Ooh you didn't buy the 20xx arya skin??? Do the rift again, retard
yeah too bad the rift is impossible to complete unless you already have the skins and even then it's the usual "you do no damage even with all 10 medals, better find ways to cheese it"
i love boobs lol
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This but ass
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yeah fuck this rift, the rewards are nice but you coincidentally stop before getting to the tokens if you don't have all the skins, and also coincidentally the only blocked paths need cyber and 20xx skins which i never got cause i didn't like them (and the grind to get them was obnoxious)
whatever, i got a bj skin with last rift's token cause they'll probably use the undead tag again in whatever halloween event and i'll stick to that
>down two entire ranks because retard allies that suicide and quit
i fucking hate this game
That's one interpretation out of many, also WW only says that quote when she's getting beaten up and "killed". So there's no weak to protect there. Every character gets peeved when it happens.
Is this game actually good?
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you know who ELSE is an alternative that is actually owned by WB?
>play ffa matches, 3/10
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finished the rift, done with this shit game until they get added
As bad as things are we at least made it longer then 11 days
And Batflek is also a different interpretation of Batman. Doesn’t mean he’s a good one
The only way I can see Rift being saved as a mode is if they keep the current balance, get better Looney bosses, and make the reward for getting them all a new character
They can start by firing the faggot that designed the giant mech Morty & Banana Gaurd money rifts.
Not the same case.
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the bosses this season sucked the only one the aku bettles were kinda cool but you can play on the easiest difficulties and the only looney boss is just the same mojo ship everyone is already sick of seeing

They could have at least re skinned the giant dexter robot fight into a monster or dynamo
holy shit guys if you complete the looney rift without losing any lives 300 times as velma you unlock the PPG!!!!!!!!!111
I like the Solar Powered man
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>log on for the rift
>event description still mentions ALL WILL OBEY MOJO JOJO and mentions experienced difficulty
>rift is called Crisis in Townsville and only Looney is available
Holy fucking shit they can't even do this right lmfao
I’m having less fun with each update.
>make actually fun rift modifier (no cooldowns)
>make the star missions for those rifts require characters that don't have cooldown moves
lmao even
i think ajax and nakat should be forced to stream a looney rift taking turns doing it solo and not cheesing them while smiling and not complaining the entire time :)
Jason neutral special
Mojo is the worst boss I’ve played in a long time.
at least multiversus lasted longer, am i right fellow MVPs?
their fans also used the "steam players aren't counting console players" cope btw
Fortunately WB is way more retarded than PS so no matter how bad it gets, they won't give up on Multiversus
This game wont be safe when WB pulls the plug on Suicide Squad.
can we get these rift lab layouts as actual stages please
they're not exactly amazing but at least they're something different
MVS didn't have sub 200 players in any capacity.
Guess we have a year left then
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>Solo q 2s
>Against a Duo (they had matching names)
>One is master
>Only gained 10
>Would have 100% lost the full 19 if I lost

Great game.
Either way, PFG should be taking notes for season 4.
Who the FUCK approved of this Joker Jason rift
>enemy slips out of Jason grab/Taz eat at high percentage

It's like these tools never even played Smash once. They just need to take out most of these moves and give everyone a dedicated grab/pummel/throw button.
Guess what time it is? Time to fight a duo-Morty!
retards who dont play the game
i just picked rick and spammed full charge laser
Is this boss really just hoping you have good RNG while you continously ring the dog out?
That's gotta be the lamest rift boss fight so far
they played enough smash to want to make this game different than smash but not enough to understand how to do it correctly

smash without a block button only works if you don't fill your fucking roster with characters that can advance relentlessly while completely surrounding themselves with lingering hitboxes that deal high damage and can ko

this shit would be easy to counter in smash because you could just fucking block it, but in this fucking game it's usually your best fucking strategy
The spanish version of the game says the stars can be gathered in experienced difficulty, but only looney is available, is this a fuck up?
It's like that in English too
They are using the old rift event description because they just do not give a shit anymore I guess. Note how it still says "ALL WILL OBEY MOJO JOJO"
it does a set rotation, its like laser -> magnet -> bombs -> anubis or something like that, and it stays on bomb until you break the shield once
but you also have to time a dog kill to get the bombs in without it just hugging your fucking face and making it impossible to not kill yourself because the thing literally just spams dodge in aerials the entire fight
also spam beetlejews neutral b to kill mojo it does a retarded amount of damage with the charge speed gem, you can 1-cycle every stage if you do it right
Yeah I was doing Juice at first but then went Jack thinking I'd have a better chance but I think I'll just cheese it with Juice's neutral B since the entire thing is so unfun anyway
>break mojo's forcefield
>he decides to do the reindog tf attack so you can't attack him
>instantly brings back the forcefield and decides not to bomb for another six attacks
I see Oh well time to boot up the bot account, oops I don't even have level 9 gems even tough I finished every rift
I can't believe they nerfed jakeciding
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two fucking weeks until they get added
>PFG twitter tells us to hang tight
what the fuck do you think we've been doing?
I'm going to easy mode fuck the looney difficulty boss it's not worth stressing out over a broken ass fucking game
Doing that, getting my last battle pass tier and dipping out until Season 3. Holy fuck I hate this game so much
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Yeah this is pretty good.
300 gems... Not bad.
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How about fixing the present? Like the ranked mode with limited time rewards and broken progression?
>Incredible stuff

More season shops that lock you out of buying items unless you got the right currency/enough gleam?
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last time they said this the game went offline
why would they say this
Oh joy, more Reindog skins? Pfg, thank you so much
If it's not a complete economy rework then I'm not interested
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it's more currency
it's always more currency
we are grinding an exp currency to get an event currency that we can use to buy a toast currency that gives people fighter currency

this shit is legitimate fucking lunacy
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this is the most sadistic thing i have seen in a plat fighter
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what could it be? MORE bullshit perhaps? Are you gonna introduce a NEW thing that we can spend money on? Is it a new "spend money" event?

>it's real

Your gleam transactions in action, /mvsg/.
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>the fighter currency can unlock fighters you don't play but are necessary to clear rift missions for THAT event's currency which you can use t
>Rise through the difficulties
I can't, because certain rifts just don't have certain difficulties available to play even if I want to, and the ability to play higher difficulties are locked behind these gem things, and these gem things only increase if you get the right RNG.
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>Got at least the circuit credit
>Battlepass done
>Events are basically done
Finally...freedom...until season 3 decides whether I stay or I uninstall for good
>finally did the jason joker rift because batman randomly decided to lock in and ladder combo joker
>forgot to taunt so I have to do it again
Did you hit masters though?
I settled on Gold because I was already getting tired of the grind and the Bo3 got patched back in..
Hard for me to get serious about multiplayer games in general these days let alone one that's broken.
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good man, fuck ranked.
How do you beat mojo?
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>I settled on Gold
>kill an opponent in FFA to get 4th ko
>they get the win
Someone bapped him after you hit him.
read the post again
>have all 10s for once in time for the new Rift
>Looney is still a pain in the ass and have to use cheese/ladder methods against the AI
Yeah I'm not going to be able to finish the star count required solo.
Do whatever the fuck you want, my BP finishes tonight and the only thing remaining after that is to say goodbye to my characters.
How far are you into it? We could duo
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This Looney shit sucks.
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Fucking Anubius Crystal man...
>make CPU more likely to pick up items in previous update
>add Rift that spams items
>CPU so dumb it'll pick up one item, then go afk over another item
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Mojo's totally the next character they'd go for if they wanted another PPG rep.
Iconic monkey
>get to the Iron Giant vs. Morty rift
I'm doing what all the smart people did two months ago and uninstalling this crap off my computer.
Seriously, fuck these bumbling retards that design bullshit like this. It's literally better to not use IG's Rage and just try to up air Morty into the blast zone. They obviously don't play test these on anything outside of Easy difficulty
When I play PvP games I don't want to fucking waste time with dailies shit or battle passes. When will people learn?
Apologize to World of Light.
Apologize to The Great Maze.
Acknowledge Clockwork and Vlad Plasmius for giving us kino.
Reminisce on Punch Time Explosion and how its characters and levels were more competent.
What I did was just jab stomp loop him to kill percent the AI can't escape that combo
It's a terrible rift but it's not hard to clear if you can land one jab, you can even get all the challenges by popping rage and spamming the up attack at the end
I'm just going to do my usual and do what I can, then wait a week for them to nerf either the difficulty or the objective requirement like they always do.
Fun fact about Reindog! If you use his crystal near a destructible environment, it simply won't work for the entirety of the time it's out. Use it on a batmobile? It breaks. Use it on a Rick and Morty speaker? It breaks. Use it beside the treefort trees? It breaks. Use it on half of fucking Townsville? It breaks. Sometimes you don't even need a destructible environment, if you use it near a ledge or if it spawns too high it will still decide it just doesn't want to do anything sometimes.
The very own dev original character has a broken mechanic on half of Ranked's stages.
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This shit was so easy only took me 2 hours after work

You can definitely do it solo Top Dawgs

Just use an alt account to get those stars and I really hope you have the cosmetics and previous green and purple gems maxed
I would accept this.
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>you can definitely do it solo
>just use an alt account
Part of me just wants to install the game on my PS4, and co-op with myself......plus some easy trophies on the side.
>toppdawg WON
Bro I finished it 3 hours after the rift was availible ur so slow lol imagine taking over 10 hours longer than a tranny to clear some baby mode PvE
Oh, good, I thought I was doing something wrong/going crazy.
Not everyone on here is a NEET or lives in America, ACK-san.
The characters were not more competent there stop lying.
Just because I play multiversus all night until 10am doesnt mean I'm a neet
Nice that we finally got that Mojo Jojo boss fight the rifts mode trailer showed off like five months ago.
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2 weeks
14 days
until the PPG
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5 little Reindogs bouncing on a dick
One fell off and crushed Rick
Morty called the doctor and the doctor quipped
No more Reindogs bouncing on a dick!
I don't understand how youtubers are saying that Morty sucks, the hell am I missing cuz he still is oppressive as hell
I still haven't figured out how to out maneuver him
Did the finally add back Finn's "GET READY TO EAT MY SWORD" line? I swear I heard it for the first time since the beta just now.
A lot of lines are weirdly missing.
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I think the voices in general are still borked.
They've got to be playing him as if he is a smash bros character.
every comp player downplays their main while saying everyone else is busted, morty players are just the whiniest faggots that do it the loudest
His up air is as oppressive as Bugs Bunny's.
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i hope they are perfectly balanced when they come out.
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TopDawg back again giving a guide BTW i Started on lvl 9 gems just in case you feel your gems are low, and I also don't have 20XX Arya, I just had my Undead Jake, Circuit Velma and 20XX Morty.
Bugs rift
>Stand on the corner of the stage to get a first life advantage
>Suicide Batcave tech
>Kill him using the tube on the top right side
>Down attack+Side Special+Up attack spam
Both money rifts
>Use Shaggy alt and spam neutral attack
>Use Shaggy
>Push the button on the right and send him in to the left side tube
>Keep the default platforms
Lebron+Black Addam
>Use Jake
>Push the emergency lockdown when it spawns, stand on the default platforms as they go away, and watch both suicide when they chase you, if only 1 suicides you can kill both to complete the rift or wait again for the emergency button is activated, you can also cheese damage by wall camping.
I have responsibilities and a loving family to tend to Loony T.
theyre gonna be untouchable gremlins with way too much kill power and you know it
they could just be totally underpowered too... you can never tell with pfg...
They are gonna shut our game down after season 3 and everyone is gonna make fun of us like concord i can just feel it
It will come back and then get shut down after 4 more seasons then
yeah but we hate the devs instead of sucking them off so its fine
Do it man you don't have to subject yourself to jewish schemes planned to make you play mindlessly
Even if they did shut down right when Season 3 ends, at least that would mean that MVS lasted six months instead of LITERALLY TWO WEEKS
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Concord had like, ~100 people playing it. It was absurd how poorly it was doing.
But still, MVS REALLY needs to fix alot of the shitty grinding and monetization soon if it wants to survive.
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The game is dying but it seems at it's peak it had around 40k gold players
If you have PC/Xbox Game Pass Ultimate you can use Xbox Cloud to play with yourself, theoretically you could load up a virtual machine if you only have 1 pc too
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Thanks, bro.
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They won. There's no other way to spin it. There's no reason to cope. They won. Nintendo won. Not Nickelodeon, not Sony, not Aether Studios and certainly not Warner. Nintendo, the very people who saved the gaming industry, they will always win. They know that games are meant to be fun. They know that trying to pander to the nichest of audiences won't make the game better or more fun for the commoners, the ones buying the product. They know that complexity isn't just slapping a bunch of advanced techniques lazily onto a game to try and add "depth". This game was doomed from the start.
And yet, no good online.
You really think this game can't last until the end of the fucking year man? Come on.
You're trans, so surely you work in IT then alongside furries.
Jesus himself could give us a new Smash game that's factually the greatest game ever made, and I still wouldn't be bothered to play it considering Nintendo's online.
If its not on steam or PC it doesn't exist to me. Simple enough.
Nah he has a boyfriend who pays all his stuff, it was a known fact back in the Fortnite general
A sugar daddy? Straight up?
Erm... she's a woman
Really cool how shaggy is allowed to not only fish for free kills with sandwich and kicks across the map, but can also combo jab into an up-special for more free kills. What a super well designed character.
You know it's a scrubquote when the shaggy complaint is jab upb and not jab reverse upsmash or jab stomp
Literally what fucking difference does it make? Actually just kill yourself already.
>crying about the easy two button combo you can escape with DI & doesnt kill until past 100 without weaken/rage instead of the true zero to death that takes skill to preform

Hm... mysterious riddle! Who could possibly solve this...
Jab into special only locked to some characters is actually stupid tough, same thing happens with Jason
The voice acting in this game is perfect. It alone makes everything else here worth it
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I would still prefer the other parts of the game to be better but yes the voice acting is indeed very good.
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please god let nintendo's next console have GOOD online
Based Top Dawg, I will add that you can camp to the top of the Garnet/Velma stage and let the Arya partner get Raped since it has no actual blast zone there
>Troona complaining about people complaining about her broken characters
Meant for >>493054971
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>got circuit drone stripe
>got circuit drone BJ
>got 100 gleam
feels good man
You know it will be portable console
Is anyone else bothered by the Cyberpunk Rick being tagged as Heroic? Morty too, but it's generally in character for Morty to do the right thing.
Not complaining, correcting a scrub quote with the ACTUAL broken tech if you think I'm downplaying shaggy by telling you the ztd combo you might actually be retarded
Maybe in that universe he's not a rapist
Tags are just fucked in general, Steven is one of the lightest characters yet he's a tank and not a mage. I'm glad they recognized beetlejuice as just a guy though and didn't tag him as a villain because he's not really evil in the movie
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today alone i was forced to run off the stage multiple times, so why is tony saying it was fixed?
Yeah, Beetlejuice is a jerk but he's not outright malicious and sadistic. He's a conman, he'll sell you a dream and give you a nightmare.
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>start checking Twitch channels whenever I fight against a TTV
>Black guy
>Black guy
>Black guy
>Black guy
>Black guy
Wtf, why do so many blacks play this game?!
that’s the fgc in general idk
Why is a white boy playing a smash clone? Check this guy's discord logs.
So, since once Multiversus introduces a franchise they can never stop adding characters to it (DC, Looney Tunes, Adventure Time, Rick & Morty), how long after the Powerpuff Girls are added are we going to have to wait for Mojo to be made playable?
I don't have discord. My wife's son does though
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I'm looking forward to whenever this happens... But y'know, the other problems... I'm just hyped as fuck for the girls themselves to finally be playable...
Steven's a tank because he can give his friends armor and shields to deflect hits.
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No one knows about this?
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Anon this isn't exactly ~breaking news~, we know dexter's coming to the game eventually, his stage is in for cryin' out loud.

We just don't know when, potentially if ever.
They already got the model coming from the relaunch trailer, but the leak said it was cancelled
That is all we know yes
the reddit leak? how do you know it's not fake? I'm getting real tired of jagoffs just lying on twitter or reddit and people here believing whatever they said just like that without any evidence.
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This is the only roadmap we should actually believe in.
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I wouldn't trust a leak as the word of god though. It could be a general vibe, something said in a meeting, something postponed, something assumed, or an educated guess. Generally it's hard to say what's true when something doesn't have more proof to it.

she also voices Granny from Looney Tunes
not really a roadmap but uh... info
I'd put Scooby a tier higher because the rumors about them working on his model seem very credible, we literally have a voiceline for him in game already (the scooby snacks ringout) and several voicelines by Shaggy and Velma speaking to him directly. PLUS he's in several of the comic promos. He's coming, he's all but confirmed.

I'd also put Tweety in "Less Likely".
Because Tweety's been featured in one of the comic images as part of a roster image, and because
>chrisxtophers and his shit beetlejuice
do these faggots ever get off of the game? i play maybe once a week at this point and i always play them at least once
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You know those badge things you get for your character at level 1 (the ones that all follow the same art style)? there was one for scooby spotted alongside the ones we already have for shaggy and velma in the public events for the relaunch where PFG let people play early, I'm trying to find it but I've definitely seen it posted here before
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I don't doubt scooby coming soon soon at all, he might even come next season... but PFG has hurt me before, no way I'm getting my hopes up for more than just two characters again.
Checks out with the rumor that he's in development but they're struggling with his hurt/hitboxes due to him being big and fourlegged
Scoobtober would be the perfect time to reveal him though
it WOULD. It would make SENSE, it'd be PERFECT.... But that's exactly why I shouldn't expect anything, because what if they just DON'T, huh?
Inspired by the talk of Mojo Jojo earlier, I decided "What the hell" and added him to my potential alternate skin list. Sure, who knows if he'll ever actually come to the game or not beyond the stage hazard, but why not?

Also removed Golfer Marvin and "pink battle armor" Steven (dunno what it's actually called) since they've been added to the game.
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how come reindog can stick his tongue out and wiggle his butt but if we ask for harley to do that it's weird
Yeah. I will hope, but not expect. But at the very least, I think there's good evidence that he's not forgotten or ignored, just "in the works".
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>stand on floor of arena on the side
>spam up-A to throw garbage all day
>Morty doesn't know how to deal with it
Good luck trying to get the 10 down-hits objective though.
>down attack
>repeat until the morty dies
it's very easy
I assume this node is really frustrating, thankfully someone carried me through it and I didn't have to do much. That joker and jason one must be impossible to do on your own though because that took us like 10 tries with us both having max gems. Also that iron giant skin looks pretty good
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Finally. Only thing I wanted out of the event so I wasn't stuck with a grade-9 forever.
I just side-B'd it as Jack no issue.
>It's the worst gem
See the Top Dawg anon guide everything is achievable solo
Higher att/def than the others.
the ice tornado is the worst gem
>Good luck trying to get the 10 down-hits objective though.
Switch to non-attuned gems.
Me when I drop Reindog and start maining another character
You can get some random cheese deaths with it but well its random
The problem is it has fuckall for knockback, and it'll always tag right after I hit a charge attack, making what would be a kill be a small knock.
yeah thats a problem
>Shaggy in FFA
>Mainly just getting the deal damage daily done
>Decide I'll try an eency weency little bit
>Win easily
Who fucking designed this hippy?
the changes to momentum and dodges put him like WAY over the top
all the fast characters with good dodge cancels are like head and shoulders above where they were a few patches ago
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I find Shaggy pretty fun after not playing him for awhile.
Isekai Harley
I'll edit the image again when the new season comes around, depending on whatever leaks we might get. So look forward to that in two weeks.
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I'm going to have all of the characters at this rate if the next season also has character freebies from event tokens.
So many great skins! What will we get?
Steven Universe skins and recolors.
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i think im slowly losing interest in this game
Add Barista Bugs
>uninstalled this hot garbage
kek, why does this even have a general? this game is legitimately awful, it honestly should be mercy killed. take this bitch out back like ol' yeller, only there's no mourning and pure celebration that this shitstain and PFG failed and will lose their jobs
>Build the game from the ground up
>It's worse than before
MANY such cases
Isekai Harley added, tying Harley with Rick for most potential skins thus far.

Barista Bugs added, you horny bastard.
Believe it or not anon, MVS has fans and the game still has shit going for it now and for future seasons. Yes, it's deeply flawed and needs some more fixes, but KILLING it instead of fucking fixing it would be pure retardation and just rob genuine potential Multiversus has. If No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk, games worse off than MVS at its time, could turn it around. Surely Multiversus deserves the chance to at least try to fix its shit. It's in a way better state now than it was in S1.
Problem is a lot of the shit MVS needs fixed are on the backend of things (especially the fucking UI), and we've not seen a single one of those issues addressed yet.
You're not getting that backlog issue solved by killing the game anon, that is genuinely retarded. Better for the game to exist in time and at least try to leave a functioning game so its legacy and chances to play it aren't a complete joke. Cutting it THIS short just forces Multiversus to be defined by its mistakes.
Reminder, Cyberpunk and No Mans Sky had significant more issues than Multiversus. MVS' issues are manageable and will likely be solved after a year at most.
No Mans was an empty game with a bland gameplay loop, that is now a slightly less empty game with a bland gameplay loop. CP2077 launch (on PC) was fine but a buggy as fuck technical mess. MVS right now feels like a No Man's situation where the core game has issues beyond the scope of a GaaS title (which usually just turn into content-production machines to keep the $$$ flowing after release).
The games were widely hated then turned their reputations around somehow. Those games are more dunked on and hated than MVS.
And MVS has solved, fixed or at least made a step for a fuck ton of issues, some more months from now at the earliest and this game will actually be fully functional.

At this point, better late than never. Killing the game is retarded and leaves so much good shit in perma-backlog again just like beta.
*fully functional and a great game.
Reminder that the game launched with ugly awful looking 3D renders that were stiff and awkward. Then replaced them once they got around to it from fan feedback alongside adding everything else of significant note from the beta. They'll get around to fixing all kinds of shit if they're given a chance rather than doing the retarded solution of just "mercy killing" the game.
Hell, the ranked we have now was better than beta's ranked modes that were consistently alpha state, taken out for a while then eventually launched with it being just as much of a grindy slog if not moreso.
And unlike the beta, they aren't fucking delaying everything 24/7 anymore and are actually releasing characters/content with every fix and change for the game they make. That alone is worth not killing the game over since alongside all the shit they're tossing in and trying to fix, we're still getting iconic characters and constant cosmetics rather than nothing at all.
yeah it'll be awhile before they put a character with four legs in this game
That rumor is bollocks and outdated beta info at most. They definitely figured out Scoob one way or another at this point, he's just in backlog hell with Raven and every single character that wasn't immediately prioritized by Tony.
That same reddit rumor also claimed Nubia was scrapped and that Season 2 would have 4 characters. We saw clearly how nonsense that was.
Nah. They figured out way more complicated characters than Scooby Doo. He's definitely getting in the game somewhat soon for sure. >>493093316
sometimes i forget that autists have no concept of time and will parrot shit they heard years ago with perfect confidence as if it were still relevant and never consider how it could have changed since then, regardless of how inherently volatile or sketchy the initial info is
anon you have to make it slightly more obvious when you pretend to be retarded
That leaked info is only really relevant for beta where PFG was having trouble developing multiple characters in a timely manner. Especially when that reddit leak actively confirmed that a majority of info was beta shit and could possibly be outdated. A lot of the new stuff was flat out wrong or piggybacking Papagenos ("Arya and SU not getting content because they flopped" meanwhile they got some of the largest content banks in relaunch's files lmao).
I’m pretty sure anothe rleaker said the Reddit leak wasn’t reliable
Ok but still, it's been over a year for Scooby to have been figured out. Characters like Scoob are nothing new for fighting games, PFG can just plagiarize there like they have done with Iron Giant and countless other characters.
Papagenos himself said a lot of the info given outright contradicts his. Especially shit like character cancellations. Nubia and Dexter being scrapped was fishy and questionable looking back.
quite possibly the most retarded golf course yet. I though the minigames were supposed to be fun but pfg made sure to make even those infuriating.
Circuit Velma is non human evil now
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I fucking hate the golf give me more break the targets stages where the character I pick actually matters
the cart race is fun tho, the tank defense is horrible and I never wanna see that again
>you now realize that the only reason you use meeseeks in golf is he already had the animation and they didn't want to give everyone a new one for the minigame
I mean, hey, gotta recycle resources somewhere. Better for it to be in Rifts than waste considerable dev time making golf animations for every character including future ones..
>win 1st game
>lose 2nd
>duo leaves and toasts me
>no sells your shit
>carries you all over the level
>ai buddy floating slightly out of reach
>ring out with a projectile
>dash dash dash jump jump air special jump air special dash dash
Hey does anyone know what address I can send fan mail?
rubbing my cock
Hot, me too
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this game pisses me off way too much why do i still play it
Just find another daily chores simulator
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I stopped playing after the mid-season patch destroyed performance. Glad to see others are leaving too.
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maybe next season will be good
There's nothing to play right now, season's pretty much over and everyone already grinded what mattered.
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>Steven Universe has the worst Beetlejuice recolor
>He already has a suit costume
All they had he do was take his Tux costume and put stripes on it and it would have been one of the better costumes. Bet it would have been less work then coloring his default
Looking at this, it's a little silly that Arya's been alone for so long. She's the only one from a rich franchise of characters without having any accompaniment. Not really excusable like Samurai Jack or Beetlejuice is.
Yeah. It feels like PFG's plans keep getting interrupted.
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How do you respond without sounding mad
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I can't sound mad because PFG has made sure I feel nothing but apathy.
You still don't have a nose
Tweety isn't featured prominently in the comic, just a cameo on a cameo. It's been outright confirmed that just because you get a cameo doesn't mean you're going to happen otherwise we'd have to put Mister Miracle, Big Bartha, Brainiac and a fuck ton of DC characters in "less likely" too since a lot of comic characters are DC and going to be involved in the plot and events more than Tweety Bird. So yeah, let's avoid opening that can of worms.
Tweety shouldn't really be on the chart until we get something substantial like every other character has gotten from datamines/leaks, he would just be clutter.
Speaking of clutter... Can we remove the "constantly angry" quote, anon? It's clutter since that angry character is likely to be Jason for the foreseeable future. He even has a rage mechanic and using that kind of speculation is just not worth it.

I think you should update a little bit of it based off the Papagenos info too if you're willing to use Johnny Bravo and Ted Lasso info from that one iffy reddit leak.
>Ruby Rose (Less likely: 50/50)
>Mordecai (Less likely: Johnny Bravo tier)
>Meeseeks (Other: Up in the air and had characrer data)
>Mojo Jojo (Other or Less Likely. Has future proofing lines related to being playable).
etc. etc.
Because they are being interrupted. A lot of characters would've been in a long time ago, it's why I refer to what's going on right now as "backlog hell". So many chars that have stuff worked on and just has to sit in files thanks to PFG's incompetence.
*cameo on one of many cover pages
Johnny Bravo and Mad Max need to be moved down to other tier. All they have is guesswork and an extremely old leak. Characters like Mordecai and Harry Potter were recently leaked from credible sources while we've seen nothing substantial from Max and Johnny ever since.
Animaniacs also have no character data or lines directed to them. Just a stage, that makes them on par with Courage and Barbie unless Season 3 proves anything wrong. They need to be dropped down if we learn nothing new about them.
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I know you're probably referring to Reindog but you have to keep in mind Reindog and Scooby have VERY different builds. Reindog is stocky and stumpy, Scooby is long with long legs (comparatively). He'll probably have a very horizontal hurttbox while running and maybe a very large hurt/hitbox for some of his aerials.
It's so outta left field on the boss shielding before finishing him off but at least it's just a lucky bomb throw to get this boss on Looney dealt with.
>Tweety shouldn't really be on the chart until we get something substantial like every other character has gotten from datamines/leaks, he would just be clutter.
You say that while literally having a tier for "PFG OFFICE PHOTOS".

I think Tweety having a cameo on a roster in a promotional image, and the voice actor for Dexter (who also voices Tweety's owner the looney tunes Granny) confirming that she has voiced Dexter for a videogame recently is enough evidence to at least theorize Tweety might be considered.
Not gonna lie. Mickey Mouse would be kinda retarded to keep on the chart. If Steamboat Willie stage happens it'd be purely for the novelty of public domain. They can't get away with Mickey actually happening anytime soon if at all. Other 3rd parties are in the deepest darkest pits of limbo.

The characters that were considered for Harry Potter's 3 slots were Harry himself, Hermoine and Voldemort by the way if you're using old leaks. Dunno where you got Ron from.
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oh god this game's not gonna make it is it?
it's a fucking WB game, the monetization is only going to get worse
I didn't make that tier... It's not mine. But outside of that, Watchmen and Scorpion are similar to Pennywise where they were teased by the devs down to Ed Boon being spotted in their office. It's solid speculation. The devs even did an unsubtle wink wink nudge nudge to background details in their streams. It's a big part of where we got solid Matrix speculation stuff (PFG office stuff) way before Smith got announced.

The comic choices are confirmed not to mean anything. This type of speculation is weak since every other character on the chart uses strict PFG related shit. Speculating off Dexter's voice actor is weak evidence and not worth tacking on. Especially when, again, the minor variant cover was a cameo. Tweety doesn't have any insider info or datamined info like every other character has including Wile E Coyote, another character on the comics. PapaGenos actively spoke on him and he has a datamined stage. Tweety Bird's evidence is too weak to be tacked on the chart especially if Coyote has to be on the lowest tier. Tweety simply isn't on their level.
I just don't think it's fair that Green Lantern got insisted to be pushed out of the chart while fucking Tweety Bird is added who has zero teases in-game, datamines nor insiders.
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Iron giants rage mode is so fucking bullshit in 2's idk how they've let it go so long
>Most Likely
Daffy Duck
Wicked Witch
Pickle Rick*
Scooby Doo
>Less Likely
Ruby Rose
Harry Potter
Static Shock
Poison Ivy
Mr Meeseeks
Mojo Jojo
Ben 10
Johnny Bravo
Mad Max
Wile E Coyote
Ted Lasso
Craig of the Creek
i'd just flirt back
That green bubble attack just needs to be completely removed from the game
It's the kinda shit that lets you know the playtesters couldn't stop button mashing or concieve of doing an actual kill confirm when you get to basically freeze your opponent in place for free
Even IG alone can kill off the bubble easily it's one of the worst designed attacks in the entire game
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Yeah I guess I can probably make these edits for when we get to season 3
>Move Max and Johnny down a tier
>Add Mojo, since he has a whole rift based around him and Mordecai since he was in that leak
>Re-add Ruby and Meeseeks with little * disclaimer notes
>Take Ron and Mickey out back and shoot them for the time being
Other than that we'll just see what leaks with the season 3 update.
And maybe I'll consider some other shit to throw on there, but for right now idk.
Sorry for the autism, compulsive urge when rosterfagging speculation happens. Disclaimer stuff would be smart since Ruby has a lot of datamined shit on her to not be higher. I hope you remove Tony's angry character quotes, just kinda clutter.
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It's wild that this datamine leak has been around for so long and yet a good chunk are still not out and will never come out.
The literal only reason I'm still sticking with this garbage is the potential for Raven to get released desu
Why do they look like that
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I'm sticking with it 'cuz the powerpuff girls are coming literally next season
I'm probably gonna stop once I've had my fill of them and the game hasn't improved on it's problems.
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>tfw waiting for Mordecai and Rigby
They could talk so much shit or have chill interactions with Finn and Jake. Please survive until then.
Are you ready for the Minecraft Jack Black shill pick next year /mvsg/
I wouldn’t mind Steve’s presence here if it meant killing Multiversus meta like he did for Ultimate.
He was already broken with semi-competent people in Smash. Couldn't imagine him in MVS.
probably reworked into Jason/Samurai Jack
This games gonna get Concord’d if PFG goes forward with these exact choices before anything new and unexpected like Jason or Smith. Only characters that will generate some mass hype there are Gandalf and Godzilla and they’re the least likely to be added from that list.
I mean 11/23 if you include Scoob and Raven and WWW as obvious picks isn't THAT bad.
PFG not giving Mojo an in-game model knowing they would have to make him a character like Banana Gaurd. I kinda expect the stage to be updated with Mojo being visible once the girls are added to the game.
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Who gives a fuck about minecraft Hildabros we're so fucking back

Wait this isn't /co/ aw SHIT-
First time hearing of this craig of the creek infinity train ass cartoon
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I fell for /co/'s meme that this show was actually good when in reality it's pretty mundane, at least it gave us porn of the mom and the librarian
Once again the rifts are fucking ass

Mecha morty beating my sorry slow ass iron giant and Mojojojojojojo fucking spawning the fuckdog for every single second while he never uses the bombs

fuck PFG
Jack has mostly the same moveset from punchtime explosion you doingus
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Don't know if I should get garnet to master 1, get BA higher on the grandmaster leaderboard or get Jason to master next.
getting farther than master V seems to be too much of a god damn chore.
It's gotten much harder after the ranked changes tbf cant just beat gold players for free rp anymore
Usually a won match is what? 15-19 RP?
in master? like 5-10 usually for me
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I’m barely excited for them anymore.
I stopped trying to climb when the victory gave only 5 and losses 30. Not sure if the numbers are still fucked but it felt like a waste of time.
devs said that your hidden mmr affects your rp gain allegedly
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Have they teased anyone else besides the powerpuff girls? I gotta say they're really being anticlimatic with these character teases, I hope they have something coming these next few days because teasing them days before they release is terrible for keeping a community engaged
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the entity
also does anyone know a combo that ww can do on short characters off jab that deals more than 30?
steven has the best BJ one, those skins should be horrifying and ugly and he's the only one that leans into it
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>steven has the best BJ
probably not
her combos are kinda shit
Pennywise was teased in the Age of Smith stream with a pop seen behind a mallet and the "Mean, Green, Big, Bad" and "Nasty customers" is obviously teasing Audrey 2.
i just learned that heavy characters take less hitstun, so a ww upsmash nair is true on shaggy but not on superman
take from this what you will iron giant mains
>Warner Bros is making a Minecraft movie
>More 80's horror classics
Hell yes I'm aware beetlejuice, little shop of horrors and the gremlins are comedies but they were scary to me
good morning uncle grandpa
Iron giant was specifically nerfed to take more hitstun than other heavy character like 3 patches ago
What could have possibly happened to my hidden mmr to only ever give me 10 max but always lose the full 19 despite my w/r never being below 57%?
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>We get another round of Steveposting
I can't wait.
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maybe his checklist at the end of the steven universe crossover was teasing him in this game 10 years early
guess superkeks and jasongods can rejoice
Do those numbers Harley is holding mean anything?
Cocks she sucked to get her degree.
Made it into plat 3 with Velma, make slow but steady progress towards Diamond
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Good job
So the variants are different versions of the same character from different universes, as established by the cinematic trailer.
So how is there a cyberpunk Arya Stark sharing a universe with Rick, Morty, Superman, and Tom? Is Westeros a place in that universe? Did she time travel?
They're all from different cyberpunk universes
If there isn't a cinematic trailer for the PPG, fuck PFG's lazy ass
you mean like the rift intros? I don't think that's gonna happen, there weren't any cinematics this season
this lore tidbit gets very funny when you consider reindog is supposed to be the last of his kind
one of our reindog variants is fucking dead
I mean, it's going to be a new season, they have to "show off" right?
If by show off you mean a livestream with ajax going
>uhhhh the powerpuff girls are uhhhh coming and uhhhh they're cool and uhhhh there's also a second character coming later this season
then yes
>alright guys we're going to showcase what the ppg can do
>now if you watch this, as i do a side attack, the girls attack to the side
>pretty cool right?
>there's so much cool stuff you can do with this you guys have no idea
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Those videos of streamers explaining the game are lame but to be fair the powerpuff girls will probably be the most complex character in the game, their leaked voicelines imply they'll have some sort of switch mechanic
write posts from season 3 mvsg

>holy fuck whoever designed ppg’s side special should be castrated
>harley gets a slight nerf
>gets two big buffs in compensation
every time
>rest in peace tony, i didn't actually want you to kill yourself i was just shitposting
>new rift has multiple typos and non-functioning objectives
Good ol' PFG
honestly I'm more excited about seeing the Jake balance changes than anything new
I want to see how badly they fuck it up after putting it off for so fucking long
>1K8 players
holy SHART not looking good
Rift is ass and we have two weeks before...something.
Ben 10
Harry Potter
Walter White
Godzilla (maybe?)

These are the emergency draws, if the game is dying you know these will spawn somehow, the gandalf fans are now turbo boomers and I doubt it will draw
>nerf startup on her slide kick and neutral air
>which don't matter since she charges both anyway
>reduces after attack frame delay on hit and whiff for both
>also on everything else
walter and jojo's wacky adventures are a no-go
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Why would JoJo be a no-go? They even used WB stuff instead for Part 6 because muh Disney.
Never doubt bullying Tony
She's pretty mid
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from their official twitter...
wow what a masterful piece of media
it must have taken them weeks to put this together
lmao the budget is really empty
It's like I'm back in the sprite comics age.
I mean it's not bad, but man it's kinda depressing
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They'll be holding a stream where they go into the process on how they made it, the inspiration behind it, and of course a full 20 minute long tutorial by NAKAT on different ways you can read it (e.g. upside-down)
Looks like some shitty edit I did for middle school, they really don't give a shit anymore, either that or they don't have any money to spend on this dying game
If nothing else, it's funnier than that one webcomic.
the joke is actually good
but the execution is fucking lol
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13 FUCKING days
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these seasons are way too long for how little content we get
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>game crashes when match starts
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yeah, characters with switch-out mechanics just have more going on in general, huh
Been waiting for the PPG since launch but like for the most part I just want more older Cartoon Network characters, hopefully we get more soon
this reminds me the powerpuff girls will be the second classic cartoon network character(s) to join the game
Why does it still seem like Lebron is the worst character in the game
Even with the ball infinite I feel like there was nothing wrong with him. Just give that back to him and make him a mage at this point because he's still so slow that he can barely hit anyone on the roster with anything but the ball
because all his normals are atrocious to compensate for the fact that his neutral b (and down b) is an absolutely disgusting move thats borderline impossible to deal with for certain characters or on certain stages
if he could consistently get his ball back and combo you off it hed be GIGA cancer
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Yeah, Dexter, Deedee and Johnny sound nice.
Grim, Mandy and Billy...
Ed, Edd and Eddy...
The KND...
Courage.. Mac and Bloo... Franky? She'd be a fun pick.
We're getting Raven eventually...
I'd say they're horror-comedies, just like Ghostbusters.
Can see why a kid would be scared of BJ and Gremlins. Little Shop not so much, but whatever.
why are all the people with default names either the most retarded excuse for a human being youve ever seen or like literally god with 5k hours played
compfags think they're cool for having names that are one word or under six letters
Lebron would be a dumb mage, nothing about it suits him, his entire kit is shit up close normals with a ball gimmick.
Yeah all sick options, I remember as a kid being hyped for the Punch Time Explosion roster, they really could put in most of those characters here if not all
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It makes zero sense putting all of those characters in this game. Especially Franky or "Mac and Bloo". Multiversus isn't Punchtime Explosion 2 nor just a CN game.
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I'd be hyped for captain planet and the scotsman. But rather than the adults I'd like all of sector V to be playable, just a personal preference. Banter between all of the main operatives would be god-tier.

Although it's all quite the pipe-dream at this point if WB doesn't fuck off.
>It's great to finally have the PPG on the roster, but why in the fuck did they have Chloe Bennet and the other two actresses from the failed live action show voice them? Their voices don't fit the original cartoon designs at all.
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it's the OG voices
Imma listen to this again actually, because it really is a thing of beauty.
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>Especially Franky or "Mac and Bloo"
Foster's is definitely overrated, probably my least favourite classic era cartoon aside from the one with the monkey. Or the sheep.
What is a default name in this game? Genuine question.
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Ever notice Tom is kinda....
!. You hate fun
2. We have characters like Gizmo and Velma and you telling me these two wouldnt make sense, alr
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cute kris
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Or the one with the squirrel, or I am Weasel, Or camp lazlo, or mike, lu and OG. On second thought It's far from the worst
Been rewatching it recently, it's pretty laid back but still a fun time
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Yeah Foster's is iconic but not the best CN had to offer...
God yes, there's so many... mid to bad shows. You'd see those characters all the time on the network though, through bumpers.
Like as much as everyone loves classic cartoon network no one really looks back on cow and chicken or mike, lu and og fondly, or at least as fondly as the real hard-hitters.
they all look like NounAdjectiveNoun999 or something like that its the wb account default
>Absolutely struggle against a LeBron and lose
>Win the second round, I do NOTHING but put the controller to decompress
>Dude gains advantage next match and teabags on every stock
Sometimes I wish I had a mind set like that so I could understand where they're coming from.
>"Stop talking about states"
Like the state of this game, amirite?
Who were you playing as?
...It was a joke, anon.
>sleepy voicelines of the girls complaining about having to wake up
we're getting an epic/legendary skin of the girls in Pajamas with sex hair, nice
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The legendary skin are the rowdyruff boys, they were leaked a couple months back. Speaking of legendary skins the one they gave us for jack is awful, I really wish they made a secondary style for it without the helmet because then it'd be ok
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It’s not over till the fat lady sings, brothers
>The legendary skin are the rowdyruff boys, they were leaked a couple months back.
You don't understand, that just means there's more than one
Yeah... doesn't really mean much though considering they think beetlejuice wearing a matador suit is worthy of legendary status
Lmao whats going on with play count
As cool as playing the Rowdyruff boys would be, I very much appreciate having a cool legendary skin that still lets me play as just the regular girls but with sex hair
It's a strategic dip in preparation for the meteoric rise season 15 will bring. Trust the plan, two more weeks, one billion more Reindog skins, blah blah blah, you know how it goes
adding the powerpuff girls will certainly make something rise
my penis, the joke is my penis.
reindog fits better for the punchline
Do you think they'll sell
>1 of the powerpuff girls as the announcer
>all of them at once as the announcers
>each girl individually
>miss bellum as the announcer
It's not about making sense as a fighter, that's not my point. A lot of those choices are simply uninteresting and unneeded. Especially now that the niche of toony or non-combatant characters has been thoroughly covered through other non-CN characters.
Random niche CN picks only work if MVS was a Cartoon Network focused game. Adding a protagonist from something as successful as Gremlins isn't unreasonable. Adding Deedee or Franky or Mac n Bloo is just retarded.

Dexter, Johnny Bravo, Courage and the Eds are the only ones that might be worth prioritizing for a while.
In terms of classic CN characters anyway. Ben 10, Gumball, Regular Show, yada yada. All of that shit goes without saying.
mayor announcer
I'll agree that reindog is the perfect fit for my penis
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>Dexter, Johnny Bravo, Courage and the Eds are the only ones that might be worth prioritizing for a while.
Cartoon networks website lists cow n chicken as one of the classics too
Personally I liked it, it was Cartoon Network's Ren and Stimpy more or less.
This show was absurdly mid but the aesthetic was god tier
Unfortunately that show is not appealing and not really worth the dedicated resources not even among other niche CN picks like Fosters or Billy and Mandy.
New thread
question: is it possible to finish the rift event without a 20xx skin if i have a partner? or do I need a 20xx skin
Your partner with the 20xx skin can be the host for the party and start the nodes that require it, otherwise you'll be fucked out of several stars.
Sure but I liked it, so I'm going to hope for it more than whatever niche pick you'd prefer.
Just saying the facts anon... My taste is basic anyway, I want the obvious shit everyone wants.
I want Courage and Johnny Bravo and Dexter. and Cow and Chicken. I was never really into Ed Edd and Eddy

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