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Powerpuff Steves Edition

previous thread: >>492791907

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Samurai Jack released 7/23
Beetlejuice released 8/20

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression

>Beetlejuice's moveset and Midseason Patch Combat Change review

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! The game is getting better with every patch (:
I'm looking forward to play with the powerpuff girls but I kinda wish they had a PPGZ skin.
Nerf Jerry's HP.
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I'm not sure if I can even be asked to do this Looney rift shit. Might just take a break until S3.
I can oneshot him with harley's hammer but big agree he deserves to die It's so fucking awful when you don't have a good attack to oneshot him with makes the matchup 10x more miserable
Red guy in Mvs
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6th for princess jack
God this image is horrible
I love it
Nah, just buff certain attacks enough to kill him consistently and maybe increase his cooldown if you kill him to punish Tom players for throwing him out willy nilly with zero regard if Jerry dies or not.
>Nah, just buff certain attacks enough to kill him consistently
That's infinity more complicated than just lowering the little faggots hp
is multiversus good yet? what are they adding next?
pedo bait girls
I keep getting people that straight up just quit playing. Easy wins, but still
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>Game descyncs
>Catches up
>I just have to watch some dumbass black adam up smash me like 5 times in a row
>I get control again
>Double kill him and shaggy instantly.
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>is multiversus good yet?
I would say it's in an ok state now gameplay-wise but it still needs some work, the jewish tricks they pulled turned everyone away and now it's doing rough player-wise. I'll play for 30 minutes and run into the same players several times
>what are they adding next?
the powerpuff girls and some other character we don't know about yet, my guess? dexter's laboratory genius science boy
>the powerpuff girls and some other character we don't know about yet, my guess? dexter's laboratory genius science boy
Nah it's halloween season. It's going to be Wicked Witch. MAYBE Scoob too if we're lucky, but don't count on it.
>5 years ago today
How's it like to know that a single costume got more attention and hype than the entirety of your game?
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Reminder that CHADtendo and CHADkurai cracked the code on fighter reveals and presentations, and the "community managers" of this game should be fired.
It literally isn't. A lot of attacks are just a few HP short. Make other moves better than just being lazy and making shit worse.
Firing them won't magically make the marketing better, idiot nor would copying Sakurai be a good thing. "The community managers" you want fired so bad are the only people bothering to say shit.
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I got plus 18 for this but only plus 8 in games with 3 diamonds?
>Changing values on way more than just a handful of moves inst more work that just changing the value on the target
Are you retarded?
>Remember the PPG size
>Short arms
>Their reach will be ass and probably hitbox starve
You said it's infinitely more complicated, it objectively isn't when it's just tweaking numbers a small amount. Buffing weak tools is better than making shit weak and unfun. There's ways to nerf Jerry than that lazy dogshit solution.
you already know they will be fast as fuck to make up for it
>yfw blossom is ported straight from punch time explosion
Because you carried some gold bum ass, game gives you more points for carrying retards, instead of pairing you with people on your level so you minimize the probability loss
What’s on the deals today
The vast majority of the partners I get are low plat and even then its exceedingly rare to get more than plus 10 for a win
I fucking hate this game.
>yfw Aku is ported from PunchTime Explosion
A gem and, Bloodlines Wondy and some garbage
No, wait. It says "expired". Guess the store doesn't change if you don't exit the game after the refresh. Didn't know that
It is genuinely a rift you want to do with someone else. The Garnet/Velma teamup stage is pure fucking Cancer.
just pick rick, the fast charge gem and spam laser they can't do shit about it
and that's if they don't just SD on their own
He'd fit in quite well. All his moves were glitchy, and he used about the same moves constantly.
I know its not going to happen but I'd just love it if Season 3 had them introduce more moves to characters.. I know its not going to happen but I want a proper smashlike on PC that'll do something and live.
And not Rivals. That just wants to be god damned Melee.
MVS being a Smash-like isn't sustainable and lessens any reason to play this game.
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I don't think there needs to be more moves so much as more moves need to have a purpose. So much of the game is just jabs and side specials - sometimes in the same string - cause a lack of shielding/blocking means there's no real counterplay to them beyond the same "just dont get hit lol" that applies to every single other part of a character's kit that is simply easier to dodge with less reward
Day I don't know how many of asking why the fuck dexters lab is still in ranked.
I meant Aku and Blossom were the most broken characters due to insta full screen lasers
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Wow, what an OP.
Couldn't think of the term Platform Fighter when I posted. Yeah not literally smash.
Wouldn't mind a few more more moves at least per character. When you have so little sometimes they just become too impactful as a result. Still wouldn't mind an extra tilt attack type or so.
That would be stupid. The only reason we're having characters at a sustainable rate is because of how simple they are. MVS cannot handle and uphold bigger movesets. It's far too late for that when there's 30 characters in the game.
Multiversus: the movie
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Why do I keep logging in despite desyncs every day, my moves bugging out every day, rp gains being unbearable everyday(they are not fixing this until next season despite limited time rewards)
Please fuck off with this retarded irrelevant gook
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here's how i imagine the girls will work in-game, two of them will follow behind the active one and serve as an extension of a hurtbox, so the girls can retain their tiny nature while not being a nightmare to go up against.
Flashpoint Batman
Aka Thomas Wayne
I just imagine 3 flying iceclimbers with whoever is Popo can be switched out
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Yeah you are right in that, but that's why its just a simple hope and not something I ever expect.
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Robin Velma
>gem xp AGAIN
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gem xp, my favorite.
thanks for the daily deal update, daily deal anon. Cute doodle as always. I don't think there's anything in the game I *really* want besides the BJ announcer pack... Maybe I'd dip for luau velma but she'd have to be half the god damn price, she's too bloody pricey.
THAT Velma
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If SHE gets in before dr harley I'm killing myself
i am not convinced these retards playtest these rifts on anything higher than easy
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i thought they would work like pic related where you only play as one at a time, and the girls you weren't using would sit in the bg
That's lame and shitty looking. If they're really going to be pokemon trainer then just have them fly off screen instantly
I don't think it will work like Pokemon trainer because the girls usually work together in the show, not one by one
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Maybe, and they'd get into formation for special attacks or something... Your guess is as good as mine.
Sometimes they hang back, it wouldn't be THAT far-fetched. But ideally I would want them to be fighting together.
Why cab’t the rick and morty anime be more like this
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this is how I imagine it. The one in front is in control, the two in the back are clones like iceclimber
would they be, like, attacking with a bit of a delay?
A pokemon-trainer ice-climber hybrid...
Yeah, that's how I imagine it. Though if PFG want to save on resources they could also make it one solid model rather than 3. Like, it looks like it's 3 fighters but it's actually just one model. That would be a lot less prone to bugs, but would also be a bit less cool. I guess we'll see what they end up doing
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Yeah I'm *really* interested to see what they're gonna do exactly, I don't think the art team has let us down quite yet...

13 more days.
Ew fucking gay
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This game has some flaws, but the fighter designs so far have been very soulful
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My concept for the powerpuff girls, they swap in with one another and they all have different moves
if the swap isnt the iconic PCHEW they do i will be signing tonys email up for numerous m4m mailing lists
great mock-up, I think it would make sense for them to be floating rather than sitting...
Oh yeah, now that you mention it I could see that being cool
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>cool jack skin
>gem xp
>gem xp
>gem xp
>all in a discounted bundle that doesn't actually discount anything because of the tacked on bullshit
Fuck whoever thought of this.
Wish Jack had cool show sounds.
i have already peed in his houseplants for that one
These deals are terrible, you're technically paying 20 gleamium more for the skin
Just wait until the skin appears discounted on the daily rotation
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Yeah, that's what I'm gonna do... But I have a feeling the same garbage bundle's gonna show up in the next season.

These prices are so fucking horrible... Please WB, slash these prices in half.
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Better yet: ask for for the battle pass jack skin to come with a free alt without the helmet
Flashpoint Batman added.

Robin Velma added, as well as Frankencreepy Velma and Marcie/Hot Dog Water.

Only if he’s another hueg character.
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3-in-1 or separate?
Uh oh, WB did an oopsie and lost the rights to your current main. Who will pfg replace it with?
(while keeping as much of its original moveset as possible of course)
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>Face me, artificial human girls!
>You may have bested the Broccoloids, but you've never bested a Martian!
>Your Earth monkey's technology is inferior to mine!
>Set ray gun to "Powerpuff".
>I appear to have underestimated your leadership skills, pink one.
>You are an adorably bubbly creature, blue one! I shall disintegrate you last.
>Your primitive insults are making me very angry, green one!
>Oh, lovely! I will claim Townsville in the name of Mars!
>Take me to your creator! I will bargain Townsville's safety for this... Chemical X.
>wonder woman
>the scotsman from samurai jack
Separate, they're too distinct from one another. If it were just one to get in I'd choose shake though
Wouldn't Meatwad not be able to do much on his own?
Anyone got a video for the sleepy PPG voicelines? I had absolutely zero clue they existed
You WILL submit to horrible Velma
Top tier with these moves.
Winter Velma
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is this what you wanted?
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Tarzan Shaggy, Jane Velma
feels fitting with Shaggy's unga bunga gameplay
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Madelyn when?
I hate Ajax and his smarmy and wannabe clever tweets so fucking much.
Notice how he's tweeting instead of playing the game.
they gave everyone a dash attack already, those weren't in beta
it's not an unreasonable proposal at all
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yeah yeah yeah we get it, dr harleen is coming in a legendary value bundle that costs more and effectively locks buying the skin itself for a couple of weeks
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i fucking hate ajax and his annoying cryptic tweets, i'd rather if he just never tweeted at all except for announcements
shit isn't even cryptic, it's just annoying
you mean air jabs
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make this a skin
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LeBron when he got out balled by Gizmo
>Marv and Wonder Woman vs a Batman and Shaggy
>Shaggy is a braindead roundhouse kicker
>Wonder Woman takes 2/3 deaths
>Manage to outplay both opponents and get the victory
Yeah, they added them after a year and the roster was still smaller than it is now. Plus, it's ONE move, don't be disingenuous. That's way more than just adding multiple new moves for the entire roster, that's retarded and unsustainable.
>give every character more moves
>everyone just side specials and jab jab tilts still
Realistically, is there a chance now for Steve to be in MVS?
Or Smash is the only platform fighter he's legally allowed to be in?
it means the possibility is not off the table, parries weren't a thing either and velma just got an on cooldown move added

if anything i could see more characters with cooldown moves getting those in the future if they don't already have them
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It might come down to mojang themselves?

When nintendo came to them asking if steve could be in smash bros they reacted in a way anyone would act.
But would they act the same if WB asked if Steve could be in MULTIVERSUS?
I don't think they'd be as enthusiastic.

Winter Velma added.

Caveman Shaggy and Cavewoman Velma added.

Madelyn added.

Chef Shaggy also added.
dead. game.
dead. thread.
dead. grandparents.

i. miss. them.
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Rick and Morty have an entire pokemon clone videogame dedicated to them they have tons of variants
I would personally like girl rick and morticia

Come one Brown Velma! I mean really, this is what your kind usually do. Just speeding up the process.
It's a tough thing, Fern Anon. Be strong, plant boy.
It's 100% off the table lol, that's extreme cope. The game launched already, it doesn't have the time nor resources to make the movesets even bigger. At most they'd get more low effort cooldown moves that recycle animations but we're not getting fucking tilts and completely changing how the game even works.
Im happy i uninstalled this game 1 month ago after getting masters seeing how things are going
can bugs get a buff next patch pls
increase safe hits from 3 to 5
make his jab come out faster
maybe make him heavier and turn him into a bruiser
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they silently removed the ability to match cross continent in 2's. This combined with the rank limitation has essentially killed OCE 2's due to its small player base
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I didn't know you could auto rank to plat I thought it capped at gold?
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Surprised we don't have a Hall of Justice stage.
Could be because PFG wants to shoehorn a bunch of DC cameos in the background.
Power Pledge is back 15k xp for the 100 glemium and 600 fighter coins, every character level gives you 1k xp
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Guess I could use my Lv. 0 Arya for a few matches.
yep its computer boss time
so the game is literally dead in oce lmao
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A nice option for those who don't wanna be forced to play too much.
1's still has enough players at all ranks at least
i just now saw the minecraft movie trailer...
given everyone is seemingly shitting on it best case scenario is
>it comes out
>makes 2-300m global
>they don't make any more
though it all depends on how much minecraft is still popular with kids, i'd say fortnite completely overtook it but idk
>WB is making a Minecraft movie
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>steve comes out with a minecraft themed event and every character gets a minecraft skin variant
holy crap is that taz eating a pixelated porkchop!?
I just bought the jokester with extra shit I had from farming, so I'll level him up. I hope he is fun to play.
Top 5 for sure you will press buttons and everything will come out
his ground game is kinda shit now that his jab is terrible
you kinda just need to spam cards and side b and some dair
this also just wins though, winning is fun
Interesting if you get your first win as a new character you get insta Silver lol
Stop saying the game is dead. 2k players is absolutely a fine number for a game.
see if the game wasnt dead someone wouldve responded to this
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12 more days
Someone just did
No point of the single player mode existing if it ends up requiring a teammate to even play it. Not resorting asking on to Reddit cause I’m banned there and Discord ain’t fucking happening.

>hit 5 up specials
>hit 5 up attacks
>Silence an opponent
>Silenced them with rick
>Didn't count

Fuck you PFG
The fuck am I supposed to do for the second golf stage?
I did it with smith
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This Mojo boss is straight ass.
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>20 tiers into infinite
>no gleam
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Yea I’m calling quits with this bullshit. Doesn’t help that no one here or any where online has specified that you need to get all five stars on each stage making co-op necessary and I’m banned on Reddit and Discord so I’m shit out of luck going there for help. And I got to the game late so I can’t even play the lvl10 Chaos or Digital rifts since my S1 gems are still stuck at lvl 6 and under (not that it matters cause the lvl 10 Gold gems are useless at Looney cause the enemy still has busted attack and defense that barley takes a scratch and will murder you in two hits.

These Rifts are a huge L for single player content. You can tell they didn’t get anyone to play-test this shit. Bring back Arcade mode or come up with something better for single player cause this shit ain’t it. Season 3 should start by dropping the co-op requirements in Rifts cause again, THIS SHIT SHOULD BE ONLY BE SINGLE PLAYER!
Got to the beetle, doubt I'll go further.
>Doesn’t help that no one here or any where online has specified that you need to get all five stars on each stage making co-op necessary
not defending this shit buy you can do it solo, I finished the event with every non-friend objective and the Mojo "don't get ringout" one cause I don't have the patience for that shit
oh... that's just bare ass in the thread...
You can do it solo with a bot account, you don't need to do all the nodes if you want everything
I wish it didn't have a regional lock or whatever you call it, but I guess the connection isn't good at all, unlike in fighting games.
Are they glitching out with the XP again? Character is few exp from leveling up and it doesn’t seem to be getting anything.
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Wrong, you obnoxious zoomer faggot. There are enough stars to do it without. Amount needed for the last level is only ten, rather than the twenty last event. Also just use the fast charge gem and use BJs neutral charge attack whilst on the flying saucer. Also, Arcade Mode was boring as fuck and nothing unique or interesting about it. Literally just bot matches with no modifiers, no flavour text and no real rewards.
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>teammate is playing an extremely aggressive character
>spends entire match trying to hide behind your legs like a toddler because they dont know how to space their attacks or move their character and want you to win neutral for them
ive decided im no longer tolerating this and started hard camping every time they do this
half the time they attempt to further camp behind me and then spam roll to the other side of the stage when that proves fruitless, the other half they try to "play aggro" by holding forward pressing no buttons until they get hit and eating 100 damage for free by mashing the slowest possible option out of hitstun 15 times in a row
usually after they lose two stocks they just give up and afk, and often i win anyway because they dont actually contribute anything to the match regardless and not having them endlessly trying to shark my kills by mashing dash attack the instant i start any combo is all it takes

god i fucking hate this games community
dodge cancel jab is so annoying because i know it’s coming but idk how to not get hit
maybe i should just jump more since nobody can jab in the air, and if i catch them jabbing i can land with an aerial combo starter
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how do you respond without sounding mad
So I don’t need a teammate or have to beat the purple & green rifts to complete it? If you wrong then kys. All I’m seeing online is that you need someone to beat it with so you better be not full of shit nigger.
jab jab
dead game
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fred game
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>go on winning streak
>Plat 1
>go on losing streak
>back to Plat 2
Losing my fucking mind.
the rage mode thing is a bait its actually terrible vs a character who is literally on top of you the entire match
just do normal ig stuff
Can’t do jack shit they made IG so fucking slow for some reason. The game is always lagging when I played this damn level.
this but diamond 4 to 5 to 4 to 5
only recently got to 3
And that jab jab to down doesn’t do shit for me Morty is too fucking fast and literally impossible to do if the game is lagging.
He keeps eating that fucking tree how do I get to not do that?
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>Win three
>Lose one
>Win two
>Lose one
>End up making literally no progress

How does this work without IG eating the fuckin trees? Anyone? The lack of help I’m getting for this fucking game and tells me Multiversus is dead in the water.
you disable automatic item pickup and then bind it to a separate button
Just drop your name here and get help.
Thanks. Rifts still bullshit.
this is one of the easiest looney rifts i dont get all the crying
thanks for telling me this exists, too many times i am comboing a bugs on his safe and my combo drops because my attack input was used to pick up the sandwich (which misses bugs half the time because lol tall characters throw things at head height)
You don’t touch grass that’s why.
Don't eat the tree? Don't use the tree attack?
Yea that guy fucking lied. If you can’t complete all the stars from the main rifts you need to complete some from the lv10 Chaos and Digital stage or do some of the “beat it with a teamate” stars.
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Daffy is so lucky...
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what’s your goal for ranked? top 100 on your character? master toast?
Wait for Raven before trying that shitheap of a mode
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I just wanna hit Diamond 5. This is all I ask.
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Master on my character (I've been stuck at D2 for days)
Another cryptic tweet probably about new movement no one will use.
My opponents
>The Magnus Carlsen of Multiversus
>Ultra instinct Shaggy irl
My team mate
>World champion leaded glue eating champion 3 years running
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it's rosterfagging, it's a flying monkey tease cause wicked witch
>mfw she's the bp character instead of ppg
is there one person on the planet who asked for wicked witch
Shame that picks like Wicked Witch are released in conjunction with some movie to shill for. Wizard of Oz is an all time classic but inevitably people will view her inclusion as only being there due to that upcoming movie.
The higher I go the more this game just pisses me off, the more miserable this game becomes
what's funny is that the movie isn't even made by wb, the only shill pick wicked witch is for is likely just the upcoming multiversus comic that features her (so it's not even an actuall shill pick either, it's more of a "this other merchandise thing is coming out in this date so this also needs to be out by that date")
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post skins you want
BJ is coming to Fortnite, weird, they banned everything Warner for over a year since Disney invested in it
Shit, I'd rather half Dorothy or Scarecrow. Or no one at all from WoO
>be shaggy
>have rage charged
>land jab on enemy at kill percent
>during my upb startup, teammate bugs flies into him with a fair and knocks him away to center stage
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next trio fighter should be scarecrow-tin man-cowardly lion
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Might as well repost it since people are still having trouble
Yellow gems
>I started on lvl 9 gems just in case you feel your gems are low, you can get the crunchy gem leveled up easily if you need a level 10 gem, but this one and the ice tornado are really bad
Purple gems
>You don't need max level purple gems but they help, Batkek and Jason can suicide in this node, but you can use coin, critical hits and auto block for this one if you have them maxed
>You might need max level gems, but AI Rick has a shit horizontal recovery after he spends his teleport gun so if you can prevent him recovering to the stage you are golden, what ever loadout is fine, Morty's nades also spike him easily.
>I don't have 20XX Arya, I just had Undead Jake, Circuit Velma and 20XX Morty.
Bugs rift
>Stand on the corner of the stage to get a first life advantage
>Suicide Batcave tech
>Kill him using the tube on the top right side
>Down attack+Side Special+Up attack spam
Both money rifts
>Use Shaggy alt and spam neutral attack
>Use Shaggy
>Push the button on the right and send him in to the left side tube
>Keep the default platforms
Lebron+Black Addam
>Use Jake
>Push the emergency lockdown when it spawns, stand on the default platforms as they go away, and watch both suicide when they chase you, if only 1 suicides you can kill both to complete the rift or wait again for the emergency button is activated, you can also cheese damage by wall camping.
I said nothing about not doing two green and purple rifts, you goal post moving faggot. You don't need two players for those, just makes it a little easier.
He already has a voicepack, he is definitely coming
Use an alt account if you are missing stars, some people say you can use cloud gaming but i dunno
Thank you, king.
Some little more info I forgot to add last time
>Suicide Batcave tech, you just need to camp near the batmobiles so they suicide restart if they broke both batmobiles and you are lazy to kill them normally*
Both money rifts
>Use Shaggy alt and spam neutral attack, OR air neutral since it's a multihit and you collect the gems while doing it*
>Use Shaggy Rage mode whenever*
>Keep the default platforms because they have a high chace of suiciding, I confirmed what the other anon said that you can actually camp at the top of the stage*
Lebron+Black Addam
>Use whatever grappler and send them to the blast zone, but honestly anyone is fine just camp the blast zones*
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No problem Top Dawg
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cool meme bro
so #relatable
Don't post furry porn. This is a blue board.
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You will NEVER be CHADkurai.
I demand a lot more than that.
Objectively not possible. Power Puff girls skin contradicts the possibility and they already put Jack over Beetlejuice.
>Auto ranking to Platinum
Do a single ranked match as every character to get them straight into platinum. The badge for that will be cool.
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I don't even give a shit about new characters. I want more stages and items in the game.
>Objectively not possible. Power Puff girls skin contradicts the possibility and they already put Jack over Beetlejuice.
The fuck are you talking about retard. Wicked Witch has been in the datamine for an absurdly long time, all her voicelines are ready, and they've teased her relentlessly both with in game cutscene references and the game promo images.

They could of course also just be teasing a silly Tom n Jerry skin though.
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Gem XP is amazing cuz if the gem is maxed instead of just letting you redeem it the game goes RUH ROH! and insists on keeping the little "FREE" thing over the store.

Also this fucking rift sucks ass. Beef gate gem challenges on top of multiple rifts of "beat this with x costume" and full on costume locked levels where the only free option was if you grinded up enough cybucks for Rick/Morty and everybody else, despite being in the CYBUCKS shop, was only available with fucking Gleamium.

Very cool that we're still seeing PFG go full greedy on this shit.

>Jake/Reindog is annoying as fuck because of how Jake just fucking noodles his way around, trying to focus on Mojo's saucer to get that objective star just leads in the fucker voring you while Reindog vomits flames.
>Iron Giant v Morty level is constant "USING POWER MOVE" "OH JEEZ" "POWER MOVE" "POWER OF MORTY" i wish there was a mute morty specifically option

explain pls
FREE gem xp holy SHITD
>It's been over 3 months and we still only have 1 (ONE) item
Compfaggotry and its consequences...
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>techno rift, easy
>pick whatever character you need to level and/or equip boosted xp variant
>load into the computer boss fight
>do not damage it, let timer hit one minute. I typically play something else and wait for the announcer to say one minute left
>kill computer
>net like 600 xp per go
Be honest, do you think there’s a way this game makes a comeback
nice thanks i didn't understand it before it must be the time that effects the EXP
Honestly Bugs safe and rocket should be considered a hazard that can damage both players and can be reflected and Morty Grenades should be items that Morty can shoot and anyone can pick
Marceline saves the game
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Absolutely not. They fumbled their 2nd chance already.
Fuck that faggot

They fucked up again
We are doomed
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So was Beetlejuice, retard. He was in the files for as long as Wicked Witch. Didn't stop them from prioritizing characters people want more. Jason wasn't even IN the datamines by the way, so the backlog means fuck all from how they decide who's their "top pick" for hype.

Powerpuff Girls have been teased and hyped at for a little bit now since pre-launch. They were datamined with the Rowdyruff Boys skins they're 100% the season frontrunner not fucking Wicked Witch.
Nobody gave a single shit when they tried to put items in the game. Items proved to not be worth the investment for an already scattered and strained dev team.
Yes. I think as long as they don't make any major new fuckups they have a decent chance. If they keep releasing seasons with at least 2 wanted characters, and sprinkle some requested features and free skin events in it... I think they'll build enough good will that word of mouth will travel that the game is in a good state.

I think the game is already in a pretty decent state now. If it keeps getting better that's fantastic, but I think if they do anything to fuck with how people gain BP experience or make monetization in any way more jewish than it is right now then that could do some real damage to it. I also think going a long period without any new characters could also do some damage to people's interest, but right now they seem to have that under wraps (knock on wood).
NOBODY SAID THE TEASE WAS FOR THE FRONTRUNNER you double nigger. They can tease multiple characters, they HAVE teased multiple characters. Why the fuck wouldn't they tease both the frontrunner and the midseason character?
>they're 100% the season frontrunner
Yeah, given our track record I'm just glad we can expect at least 1 cool character per season in the battle pass
>Unlock all characters
>Keep the stackable quests
>Keep the current skin quest coin system
>Get rid of the friend stars
>Get rid of the gem system
>Nerf all the S and A tiers
>Buff all the B and C tiers
>Reduce price on cosmetics
>Give skin tokens for the people who already paid/unlocked characters/cosmetics
>Annouce highly requested characters that can draw people from every generation like Mordecai and Rigby, no more current franchises
Hire me
I forgot this is very important
>Put duos in their own queue
>being a patternfag
lol the only pattern is the game dying in second season
That same logic applies double to you. Them teasing Wicked Witch means fuck all, she isn't front running a season if Beetlejuice didn't. PFG knows that she wouldn't sell battle passes the same way PPG or Raven would. Same reason they made Jack the frontrunner over Beetlejuice, a character they've been teasing for a while and worked on him since the beta.
That pattern is already broken since relaunch is actually making it to S3 unlike beta.
Pattern holds until 3 actually launches.
Who's the highest rank player on /mvsg/
Do you think it won't launch? S2's pretty much over anon...
i am unranked and i will never play ranked
EternalJobber probably
Who knows. Maybe the game will just limp along like this for years to come now.
What's his rank?
I can't believe these stupid n*ggers actually removed my favorite song from the game
i (dust biter) am top 2500 players in 1v1
Me unironically
Check the harley 2v2 leaderboard
What's the best way to grind the afterlife event?
I'm at level 2 after completing every fucking mission
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They have been teasing Wicked Witch for fucking ages, do you live in some fucking hillbilly shack with no fucking social media or some shit?
Did you fucking MISS that there is a Wicked Witch movie releasing soon you fucking moron?
Wicked is Universal, not WB. They may own the most iconic version of Oz but they don't own the franchise itself.
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i should be considered the best mvsg player because i beat everyone here who’s ever challenged me including luna
Why are you fucking arguing this, she's been teased constantly. Her broom was literally in the first animated trailer we got. She is in anon, she is coming SOON. VERY SOON. NOT INSTEAD OF PPG YOU FUCKING RETARD, BUT ALONGSIDE THEM
What about EternalJobber?
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okay but consider the following
might need to play him
Just saw Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. I finally understand his bomb move and his matador outfit.
Any methods to grind low lvl characters thru power pledge or do I have to play pvp, I dont rlly mind but a faster method would mean I can beat Bowser's Inside Story faster :)
I was going to add this as another costume for Velma only to find out it's just a really good photoshop. I am sad.
How trash?
>2.2k peak players on a new event day
holy fuckkkkkkk
That doesn't mean she's going to be the fucking battlepass character, retards. Use common sense. She's mid-season material at best just like Battlejuice. Who was also shilled for his movie, but he wasn't the frontrunner character for the battlepass as that would've been retarded.
If you paid attention to the discuss, retard, the entire point I'm arguing against is the idea she'd be the battlepass character over PPG like the other anon was suggesting.
Love you anon
Actually not bad. I liked it. It's a very good average/"fine"/serviceable sequel. Nothing mind blowing, but not bad, either. It was worth being made. I only have one specific complaint about it, which I'll explain if you want me to.
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run it back on real stages instead of 3 straight games on teen titans tower that benefits ur character (high ceiling close side blast zones both help WW kill earlier and survive longer vs harley) and I still won one game btw
Sure, don't think I'll watch it.
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Stage counterpicking is standard in tournements and it's very obvious how the blast zones benefit specific characters
Fuck off retard

you can’t cope about the stages after you lose, you need to do it before the match
>Harley main complaining about any other character
Well, at the very end of the movie, once Monica Bellucci's villainess character has been defeated, Lydia pulls a "Ha-ha, I'm not marrying you after all!" and uses the three name chant to send Beetlejuice back to the Afterlife, and it's presented as a triumphant "the hero beats the villain" moment - Even though at this point in the film, he's saved Lydia's life, saved Astrid (Lydia's daughter)'s life (he even has the movie's biggest hero moment when he does so), reunited them both with Delia, and has basically done everything Lydia has asked of him, and the worst he's done is expect her to hold up her end of the deal to marry him (he doesn't even put up a fight when Astrid points out Beetlejuice and Lydia's contract is null and void because of something Beetlejuice did). Do I think they should've gotten married? No. But do I think Beetlejuice, who's basically been on the good guys' side the entire movie, be disposed of in a "Begone, villain!" manner? Also no. Lydia should be relatively chill with Beetlejuice at this point especially considering he's never really ever actually DONE anything to her except for *almost* marry her twice and save the lives of her, her daughter, and her friends when she's asked him to.
XP Grind for other kinds of xp doesnt count as an event
It LITERALLY was. The entire discussion started here: >>493312734
It was always fucking about Wicked Witch not being in the battlepass. PAY ATTENTION!!!!
Bro that was his fucking speculation, and you saying it can't be a tease for wicked witch is retarded
You picked the stage

Yes harley is a mid tier
No, you misunderstood my entire point. I'm saying it's objectively impossible for Wicked Witch to be the next battlepass character, not that she can't get in the season at all. You need to pay attention to what I'm telling you.
>Mid tier
If you're gonna lie about your gender you should at least be honest about the characters you main.
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>troon talks mad shit
>instantly falls into the scrubbiest possible behavior ever witnessed by mankind to this date
nta but harley is absolutely midtier, she's WAY more vulnerable and easy to deal with than the truly top tiers
But since Luna's a faggot, he most likely adopts the faggiest playstyle you can use with Harley, which makes her a pain in the ass to fight. I've played enough of them in Ranked to know how goddamn annoying that fighter is.
>my character is weaker!
>we were fighting on the wrong stage!
holy fucking embarrassing, literally the kind of bullshit i'd expect to hear from children
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Thinking of watching the PPG movie in celebration of their inevitable reveal. Is it any good?
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you've never played in a tournament and it shows
It is, yeah. Much darker and more serious than the TV show is, though the humor and heart of the show is still there. Good origin story.
the aqua teen hunger force has a cameo
>Y-you've n-never *sniff* played in a t-t-t-tournament before
Harley mains acting like their character is weak. Wild.
But my low damage resistance!
>Overpowered up air special
But she's just an assassin!
>Dash attack spam
She's only mid tier!
>Unavoidable air kick combo
She got nerfed last update!
>Nerf actually makes her stronger
So a stage my opponent can abuse is fair because?

She is every tier list has her b tier below batman

Skill issue
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>calling harley top tier when characters like arya and ww exist
i know you recorded our match because a clip is in your combo video, post the full version here so the thread can judge who played better
And IG and bugs and shaggy and black adam
30 second shadowplay actually
You forgot about the hammer that is super safe and has a huge disjointed hitbox and packs a punch.
Honestly the only fair move Harley has is the side special and I argue it shouldn't have vertical influence at all but that should apply to almost every move
harley’s hammer swing is pretty unsafe actually due to the high startup
there are moves with triple the startup that wont kill from where an uncharged harley nair kills from midstage
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you're actually lying
This game honestly has a problem where all DC characters, disjointed users and small zoners, are broken as fuck with some outliers like Shaggy and IGbeing overtuned too

Most of the game would fix if they made everyone have to commit to their attacks making them slower or having more recovery frames (specially armored attacks), have them have honest hitboxes and hurtboxes, and adding hurtboxes to the disjointed hitboxes, In the meantime if your character is in that spectrum your character is not honest, also Dodge Cancel is a cancer that enables some of the most non consistent stuff ever.
should we judge all moves based on how they compare to jason sleeping bag
That thing has a ton of active frames to make up for it, you can try to get a clear punish and you can still get hit
Yup and on low damage, and you can even glide with the hammer specially on dodge cancel same thing as WW side attack, meanwhile some grounded charged moves can't even kill, I can think for example Jason's bed, Jake's up attack and side attack, Jack up attack, Rick's whip without the perk and his belt attack, Reindog's everything charged, Velma flashlight, Bugs up attack (wich is funny because most Bugs just spam bat due to this), Smith's up attack and down attack, even Finn's sword don't pack as much heat as that hammer or WW's sword
recovery frames are the most glaring fucking issue in this game
characters can whiff attacks for fucking free, your punish window is so retardedly short
being able to turn around mid jab combo is some bullshit too
yeah jab combo turn around is also a problem, specially on character who can just antiair or do big steps with their jabs like Black Addam/Superman
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Once they get revealed I'm storytiming this kino.
or jack who can jab from farther away than most characters can reach with their entire grounded kit
jack’s jab range is a reference to how he spent most of his life traveling the world on foot
Jesus, that's grim. This might sink below 2k peaks before the season ends
Oh, and on top of all that, Beetlejuice had also just helped Lydia out of a bad relationship by revealing that her would-be fiance was just using her for her money and actually thought she was crazy. He literally does not deserve Lydia triumphantly banishing him at the end.
>Marvin and Superman against Lebron and Rick
>Superman has multiple 5 star badges and is using the black lantern skin
>Does less damage than I do and gets the same number of ringouts as I do (1)
No wonder Krypton was destroyed lol
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Match making went easy on me tonight and I got to diamond V no issue after like weeks of struggling. They kept giving me easy off-meta characters. No mortys, no aryas, no fucking broken IG. It was a couple Harleys, a batman, and a Taz that gave up after I knocked off 2 stocks before I lost 1. I feel like I should cut my losses while I'm here.
what they don’t tell you about krypton is it was actually destroyed by marvin for blocking his view of its star
If Scooby-Doo gets revealed in Season 3, I'm going to storytime Scoob and Shag. Don't get too excited, now.
is it weird for me to not want scoob added because i don’t want to hurt dogs?
Most A/S tiers players are just braindead people
It's because it's late weekday, don't log tomorrow at night or this weekend it will be flooded with premade duos
Why tf does PFG not shorten the hitpause on moves, I see my teammate get hit by something, Im gonna punish them for it, with a supposed disjoint and it still trades cuz their move is active foreverrr
>jason bed can't kill
This is how I know you're retarded
We need items.
Why are you guys acting so surprised? There's nothing going on. Ranked's been figured out and the events are just about finished at this point. Everyone's waiting for S3 and PFG's well aware of that since they're intentionally dropping constant teasers.
As easy as Harley's hammer nope
We do not need items.
its deliberately there to prevent you from shitting on retards who try to deathball with jab, because if hitstop was normal thered be an actual consequence to getting hit by the same move as their teammate due to them attaching themselves at the lip to his taint
thats why they only changed it in 1s
Yeah well with how fkn unpunishable half the moves are in the game they should just roll out, same safe shit this game used to be competitively viable what a world we live in
I….am steeeve..
harleyfaggots stop approaching with slide on repeat challenge: impossible
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24-hour peak
dangerously close to sub 2K
What blows my mind is they actually gave everything in... Minecraftworld? Minecraftland?... this aesthetic instead of the actual game aesthetic.
That's because for some reason movie executives are so embarrassed about animation that they would rather shoot themselves in the foot trying to make something look "realistic" then just committing to something animated.
Do you think that Justin Roiland created the Grotesque Steve model?
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>Darkseid confirmed
and there's people saying stuff like "the only downside is that the humans don't look like that too!!"
like imagine that trailer but the humans are also "blocky but fleshy", nightmare fuel only people that get off to minecraft porn could like
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Sorry, bro.
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A fun post from /co/ that could be relevant here.
all the complex movement system shit they want to add is totally irrelevant becaus eit doesn't help you deal with characters with bigger hitboxes, less whifflag, bigger dodge distance, etc. They need to nerf the fucked up characters.
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Basically if your main is a high pickrate you can't complain about anything and you need to shut the fuck up
I main Jason and Jack, but where are you getting the numbers?
Jasonbros, the buffs really helped.
high winrate = >50%
high pickrate = over the average, i think 3.1%
death to all tom players
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>LP & HW
Character loyalists...
>taz mains
"haha he crazy"
>steven mains
>giant mains
cheaters that want free wins
>stripe mains
gremlins 2 fans
>garnet mains
>reindog mains
>velma mains
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>vs t&j on dexters
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>vs t&j
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>vs Taz on dexter's
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Can someone edit Darkseid to be Steven
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Velma is legit overlooked. She isn't completely fixed yet, but she has crazy good survivability and some surprisingly strong kill moves. Her biggest issue right now and why most probably don't notice her potential is because her close range attacks have MUCH smaller hitboxes than most other fighters. You have to get REALLY close for her attacks to land, and both her lightbulb and down flashlight are strong but also very finicky.

I think if they just increase the size of her hitboxes slightly she'll be a menace.
>that jab
>small hitboxes
die die die i fucking hate all of you
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Pretty much. Wonder if they'll do more with her next patch or not.
Ok not the fucking jab, but every fucking other attack and the fact that the jab doesn't fucking combo into any other moves.
I think beetlejuice might be the worst character in the roster after the velma buffs. jake lebron or banana guard might still be slightly worse but its close.
I hope so, I've been asking for buffs to her hitbox (and to make her run attack ignore armor for attacks that doesn't have a hitbox yet instead of running in place until they are done charging) in the official discord feedback section quite a lot.

I've also asked for her copcar back as a signature perk because the whole twitter discourage was stupid
up air? side air? down air?
her hitboxes are huge
Velma jab absolutely does combo into shit ur just bad lmfao
>down air
decent hitbox, very slow attack
>special upair
VERY small hitbox, very hard to hit enemies without punishment since you have to be practically inside of them for it to work. It doesn't hit below her at all, and it's only a kill move while airborn because while on the ground you just harmlessly throw a vial
Her lightbulb is fucking tiny compared to other fighters with strong upair attacks like Harley and Bugs. It also does significantly less knockback in the air than Bugs and Harley's up attacks despite having a much smaller hitbox. It's a good kill move while charged on the ground, but the hitboxes is VERY precise. It's literally just the size of her actual lightbumb and since the midseason update the ground variant also includes her torso because otherwise it wouldn't hit the majority of the cast.
>Side air
Fucking tiny, you have to be RIGHT infront of your enemy to hit it. It's absolutely nothing compared to most character's side air attacks
play taz once before complaining about small hitboxes on anyone lmao
You mean the character whose specials take priority over practically every fucking attack in the game? Yeah, I can imagine him not having great hitboxes FOR A REASON.
literally wonder woman hits any button and smacks taz out of a cloud or tornado you have no idea what you're talking about
>broken character beats this move
wow i never would have guessed
Well because I don't main a broken fucking character like Wonder Woman you twat. How is this your fucking argument as to why Velma doesn't have shit range on her attacks?
>any projectile
>pretty much any disjoint
taz's specials at best trade with a massive chunk of moves in the game, most people are just too afraid of the specials to swing at them
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Been playing Jack since the season started and I find it really funny people complain abt this character. Most of his stuff requires you to read ur opponent, his crazy attacks barely kill unless ur right on the ledge and they're high %, his jab might be crazy good but he doesnt get the sht Shaggy gets off jabbing. Most Jacks I play online in mirrors also play the exact same and can barely ever kill me unless they're carried by their teammate being *insert high tier skilless character here*. I dont even hate that he's pretty balanced, I hate that they still cant get it thru their heads that most beta characters are crazy overtuned, lemme know if I missed anything, mini vent over
Mvs fans are shitters that wouldn't be able to handle a real fighting game. Post nerf Jack is fucking harmless.
>They still can't get it thru
Anon, they obviously fucking do. It's just far too late to do anything about it and the game is inherently centered around having very strong tools.
jack wasn't even that good pre-nerf and now he's just shit
Pre nerf Focus Side B was cancer.
Be like that, doesn't help that we get even less patch notes, which isnt even bad if they actually addressed the core problems
Glad to know I'm free to keep bitching.
Also wanted to go back to this post, completely agree aint nobody using these movement options online, they're inconstisent, clunky, and even if I feel cool doing it there's a giant Harley hammer coming straight at me that doesn't care any movement Im doing that isnt dodge
its a fundamental mechanical problem
moves like his side b are virtually unpunishable because of the lack of block and dogshit spotdodge
since it moves forward youre forced to roll in which means you cant punish the moves recovery
it being aimable and chargeable also means it has layers of inherent mixup potential that cant consistently be dealt with, so even being a parry god wont fix it, you actively just have to play passively at its range and constantly jump preemptively to bait him into being a retard

all the moves that move your character forward past the enemy have this problem, it doesnt matter how good the character is, theyre always gonna be extremely annoying and shitters are always gonna cry about them being "overpowered" because they dont know how to play neutral
Nah, he's still high or bottom of top tier. Jack objectively deserved his nerfs. He got focus TOO easily and having a side b like that was legitimate cancer.
Even if we got more frequent patches, it would just repeat the beta's mistakes and wouldn't be giving the massive changes/fixes everyone wants.
Easily disagree with him being top tier, nothing in his kit can randomly explode you like that, for how good side b is (and Im happy it takes a lil bit more skill now) it still really doesnt kill unless again you have em on the side of the stage. Again still a brainless move that was toned down and is technically easier to deal with now, compare it to BG or Shaggy side b where both of these are slower but in a 2s scenario, or even in a reversal scenario they're gonna hit and you're most likely gonna either die for it or be put at a 10x better disadvantage because they can actually kill better (BG still sucks but he feels like he has some kill power)
all attacks in this game that are "move forward while creating hitbox" aren't designed properly for a game that lacks blocking
even in smash brothers the skills like this have lots of end delay, put you into freefall, don't function as KO moves, or all fucking three and that game HAS blocks to deal with them and the moves are STILL good despite that (falcon kick, fire fox/firebird, ike's quickdraw, yoshi's eggroll)

in the MvS environment they're just fucking ridiculous because there's no fucking downside to them, it's like having a boss moveset and the other guy just has to react correctly while you tardmash the same thing at every opportunity for barely any drawback
I said bottom of top tier. He wouldn't touch the egregious characters but still beats a lot of the roster. Also, Samurai Jack's side B is still stupidly strong and better than the two's in a lot of ways. He can actually angle it and freeze in place to do so, that's inherently stronger.
advice for fighting finn
hope he fucks up
>Still 1 whole week for PPG
>Power pledge grind

Nah, gonna leave the game till the new season is here, don't think there's like a new event or cosmetic to interest me yet to stay until new season
it was literally impossible to avoid
it covered too wide of an area too quickly and for too long, there was no way to outrun or outdodge it and the shit charged so fucking fast he could rip them off after like 10-15 seconds of using one

who the fuck approved that character in his initial state
he's STILL BAD but now just "overtuned" instead of "holy shit what the fuck were they thinking"
Absolutely this. Its hitbox fucking hit behind him and he could hold his charge to make it a super fucking long lasting hitbox that you would get sucked into even if you dodged.

Shi if I dont see those Shaggy players eat cement next season
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>list of Jake nerfs
>Agent Smith
I believe it. I used to believe Velma and Jake were the most shit fighters, but usually Jake and Velma can hold their own pretty well in a fight but 90% of Smiths are DOGSHIT.
if they think a long list of buffs and nerfs is enough to fix this game they are delusional
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I'm doing my best with what I have...
Well he did hint at new system mechanics, but once again whether they actually fix the really spammy sht or not will keep new system mechanics from being used or not
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i'd win more if i stopped getting placed against characters i cant fight
Watch as Marvin is completely unchanged except for one minor nerf.
My exact opinion after watching it
Do you think they'll make another one? The end was kinda open imo
gonna watch bettleguise 2 tonight bros
Things i can probably blame from people not liking smith or are dogshit
>Never use neutral gun
>Side special will always go front face to a strike
>Up special gets beaten by most moves
>Never use agent
It'll probably just be another decades later sequel that people forget about 2 weeks after its release honestly like matrix 4, space jam 2, that indiana jones movie from last year, etcetera etcetera
It's kind of funny how Smith's up special and Jason's side special are sort of opposite where Smith's hits when he leaves teleportation and Jason hits when he enters teleportation.
They are also sort of opposite where jasons is good and smiths is actual dogshit
Smith's is just really situational where the opponent has to be in the right spot for it to work. Jason's is more proactive where Jason has to be in the right spot for it to work.
Designing a move that requires the enemy player to work with you is bad game design especially when the move itself isn't great. It should be a game changing move that opponents actively avoid but because it's so dog shit, neither the Smith player nor his opponent cares.
hitting smith's up special feels so good because it has 8 years of startup
Velma is a very anti-Taz character.
smith's hits really hard and can snipe people in the air, it's actually fucking good just not spammable
>it's actually fucking good just not spammable
It having the ability to kill doesn't make it "Fucking good" it just makes it, "Not entirely fucking useless"
The move is easily one of the worst special moves in the game on how much danger it puts on smith himself alone.
Wish they would just say what they mean instead of having to play a guessing game deciphering it
ajax is ready to post his erotic spongebob fanfiction and it's 6000 pages long
Anon, come on. Don't be retarded, it's pretty fucking obvious that it won't be nerfs and buffs alone.
Doesn't make sense to, dropping concrete info in actual announcement streams than a random twitter post makes more sense.
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could she be added in the future or is she just that eclipsed by velma in popularity
After Scoob maybe, but definitely before Fred
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>2 hours of ranked
>back at the same place I started
>Braindead broken characters regardless the players
>Taz, Steve, IG = Broken characters
>Stripe, Garnet, Reindog, Velma = High IQ players using low tiers
>Braindead players+Broken characters
>Low tiers that need buffs
Arya+Gizmo Mains
>The most braindead of all players LOL
>See "leak" announcers
>Aku and steven fagniverse character
>It's fake stuff from an artist that actually makes it look like it's from the game

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In what fucking universe is this only a +14 gain?
It's still cancer, and he still has the option to just do grab
Just make her a Velma skin, she doesn't have any special trait
we definitely do need aku and peridot
She's known self defense since the 90s unlike velma, fred, scooby and shaggy (up until recent years at least when they made the ui shaggy meme "official")
We don't need more SU characters, as you can see Steven nor Garnet are popular
is eos the future of mvs
Given your info, I stand by my argument, she is not special a premium skin with voiceover would be more fitting, and give the self defense archetype to other new character
Literally every SU character player has a full load out of SU cosmetics on their card.
to be fair you do get steven and garnet skins free with the battle pass
I would spend money if the cosmetics didn't suck, all I bought was steven's tiger millionaire skin and even that one's kind of iffy because it doesn't come with new win/lose animations
pfg must be losing tons of money right now
They know won't be paying
i think i partied with you today if you're that harley
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i had fun with ultimate but the wave 2 dlc kinda killed what interest i still had, and now the game is in a permanently fucked state with steve running the fuck rampant so i'm checked out until the next one shows up
>Steve running the fuck rampant
>Warner Bros Minecraft movie will be shilled to hell and back
It will happen again.
Why is Daphne a vampire?
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20 fucking points is all I got for this game. Jesus, I don't know what level the Tom is but he's apparently master with Jack and he was SWEATY. Man, the MMR ranked system is so shit.
Maybe Season 3 will be better...
if you manage to ever find a non-sweaty tom it is most definitely a 7 year old
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Made it into Plat 1, Diamond getting so close now
So far I've had an easier time with Velma than I did getting Harley into Diamond. Maybe Harley really do need buffs after all.
Listing the current masters, who is you favorite, missing someone?
>Reingod, first Master, loves Reindog
>LethargicCofee, Jack first 2v2 solo Master
>Taz anon (always forgotten)
>Smith anon (soon to be have twin)
>Jason Twins, prebuff low tier heroes
>Top Dawg, Jake and Velma, low tier hero, posts guides
>Lunalux, Joker and Harley, abuses the most broken stuff in the game
>EternalJobber, Garnet and Black Addam sickest combos ever posted
Jason has really become my least favourite character, I'm so tired of seeing jab jab side special being pretty much the only thing they do all match and it isn't even enjoyable to have as a teammate since the best thing you can do is sit there and not interrupt him until it's time to cover an enemy option.
>>LethargicCofee, Jack first 2v2 solo Master
i did this shit afk in under 2 hours
i will soon be on this list, diamond 3 rn
Since all rank progress resets on the new season, ALL masters should throw games and donate your RP to non-masters.
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Who should I use to hit Diamond fast? I just want that Jack skin.
sam jack is easy masters
shaggy or jack is probably the easiest to do
watched beetlejuice 2 and its good

really funny movie
i saw a masters jason yesterday that did nothing but try to dodge camp
beat his ass but yeah im pretty sure that character is just top tier now
or high tier at minimum
Shaggy, Jason, WW, Joker, Harley are braindead easy picks
How do you do this fast

Aside from having many characters nearly leveled up
Thanks, we'll see how this goes.
>4 hours of ranked
>down 120 rp from where I started
Gonna kill myself
Why do people seemingly take great offense to losing a match? I've had multiple matches where my opponent only starts to actually try when I've gotten one win off them
youre washed
Post more clowns.
The biggest non female clown in the thread already posted
Zenkai boost
What's wrong /mvsg/? You haven't touched your Beetlejuice burger.
I'll never accept that HQ is broken anymore. There's too many gaps in her gameplan to exploit
Too busy chowing down on a Pickle Rick.
>Harley Quinn
>"Option select" - The character
>Not broken
I just feel even with those options, if you're competent, you can easily work around those options. Like way for her to open up (not in that way) that lay into her. or just say "fuck you, HQ" if you're playing Joker or IG
It is really cool how many diff things HQ can do, unfortunately the people playing this game dont have enough braincells to make her look cool (cant even blame them since you get rewarded better for playing like a retard and just use the strong sht)
*In an Allen voice*
My Gizmo has put up the popcorn. Now you need to step in front of it so I can shoot it with my arrowah.
I do the cool shit but you havent watched my combo video
Gotta say its funny seeing people say the game is dead when most mid level popularity fighting games (like most anime fighters) are sitting at 3 digits and are doing perfectly fine in the scene. Game's reputation is dead asf but there are def enough players to keep it steady, balancing stays this bad tho and its wraps
Depends, if their ally is dogshit i can see why

But sometimes i feel i do great and i see the damage diff, it's embarassing sometimes
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Nakat just confirmed Season 4 lol.
what excites nakat scares me
Real patch notes coming out season 4 boys
wow cool
so why couldn't we fix RP gains in the current season?
My only copium take is each season will have fairly similar balancing and because of that they'll fully change it by next season, which is really fkn stupid regardless of wtf Im saying
Daffy in January!
I'm holding out hope that the PPGs are next, but I can't shake the feeling that Wicked Witch is next to coincide with the movie. I don't hate the character, she just seems boring.
They know they'd be trolling if it aint PPG, everyone asking for them over da witch, also rifts teasing PPG it'd be the biggest fumble
They are. They've been datamined as S3's battlepass characters with the RRF as the final bp reward
>We just confirmed season 4
I mean, they know there's gonna be a lot of seasons since the character roster leak

Unless WB becomes jewlike and kills the game forcefully
Funny enough, she could have fit this season way better than PPG or marceline season

Since the season is called "Back in time" she could have been the Oldest from the 3 characters since BJ is mid-era and jack was "new"
>Shaggys charged kick covers at least 70% of the ground on dexters lab
I hate this stupid fucking map
Hate this stupid fucking character
It feels so bad to get rung out from the side. It's so close man. I hate the water tower too, it doesn't feel great with the platform layout.

and the red is extremely vibrant. like distractingly so
This what happens when you pester them for comp when we all knew the game was clearly not ready for it, its more baffling they didnt even touch him. Love getting 12 RP for beating Master players n their shitty carried character while I was 2 ranks below
Doomers are retarded and can't think logically. The fact MVS even got an upper end of players after the literal disaster that happened is impressive at all (taking it down an entire year, zero communication, launching without bare minimum features, etc).
If WB didn't kill it off back in the beta, zero chance they kill it off now. MVS is too cheap of a game to be any real issue for Warner Bros.
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Daily Deals
i wanted free shark reindog
at least i got shaggy
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How many days in a row has it been gem xp
Gotta say I love ranked putting BJ's on my team where they dont have a single fkn clue on what to do with him and the enemy team gets the most egregious shit ever, winning these aint even fun anymore how long will my sanity last
I am that bj and im not even gonna toast you get fucked loser
>Back In Time theme
>Samurai Jack
>Beetlejuice because he cracks wise to Jason about being an 80s movie icon
>and uh........cyberpunk theme.................yeah

Can't wait to see the theming for Season 3 and how off-track that will get
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>mid level popularity fighting games (like most anime fighters) are sitting at 3 digits and are doing perfectly fine in the scene
such as? Game isn't pay 2 play btw but f2p and they're adding new characters every season
Most likely Halloween stuff, also the Batman Anniversary event which I assume will be a few unique skins and then batman masks for everyone else.

What do you guys think will be the Halloween skins we get? Like, I think we'll probably get one like the Sports/Cyberpunk event with unique skins for certain characters... but we'll probably also get another event like the Beetlejuice/Circuit Drone/Sharkhat event. What will that be? Black and Orange characters? Jack O'Lantern Heads? Witch hats?
Erm, They toasted me
Don't do that I'll cum
Based Marci chad
How about my Shaggy Smith shades? I want them back.
Gimmie da wonderpants
Also, Lantern versions of everybody. Shaggy already has one canonically.
Even KOF15, hell GG Strive is at 2,000 rn
None of these are dead. Most of these games rely on community support to live and obviously have more players on consoles. MVS is the laughing stock in the platfighter genre but its doing just fine and definitely "alive", unlike how I feel whenever I play it
And they're all p2p
Mvs doing the same numbers as them while being f2p is fucking pathetic if anything and shows how doomed the game is, we didn't even hit a lowest ceiling and keep dropping every weeks
Also the game is expensive and they fucking have tons of languages for voice actors and stuff and they add 2+ characters every season and maps, the game isn't going to survive long like this
Really cool that TnJ can have full map zone controlling projectiles, some of which can kill, while also still having amazing melee combo game and kill confirms. I also really love how they took every good anti projectile perk out of the game and made characters way bigger.
Hmm nvm ur right f2p at that number is unserious, I concede. All my friends say they might give it a shot again if they speed it up which is why Im coping the game does get a general speed increase
Meanwhile Smith can just safely edgeguard with no repercussions
It's dropping because there's nothing to play, anon. It'd only be grim if this game drops even after they release substantial content. But we're in the deadest period of the season with Beetlejuice being very uninteresting.
>Also the game is expensive
No it isn't. A lot of the characters are simple than loads of average fighting games and not animated all that impressively. Zero marketing efforts, zero efforts in a lot of their main modes (not even voice acting in rifts or any special screens lmao). Can't even do the bare minimum and do a proper "COMPLETE!!!" animation for completing events.
>2+ chars every season and maps
This means nothing. Shit's been in their backlogs for years at this point and the maps are super basic and standard.
It's going to survive longer than you think.
Not only that, the steam and console numbers combined suggest it's having a higher engagement and general fanbase than the average F2P game. And much higher than normal fighting games. And MVS has much less effort than a lot of F2P products (not even the UI has any effort in it and that's something F2P games try their damnest to make flashy and full of effort).
Just hit him. I promise you what ever you want to throw out will come out faster than his gun.
god i love bj he's so fucking fun and anyone that says he's not good is braindead all of his moves hit like a brick to the skull
how do i kill with reindog
Ah yeah, I do hope they do that update eventually because Shades on Tom n Jerry looked sick
>It's dropping because there's nothing to play, anon
If this was true every other fighter games would have been dropping hard as well. Turns out MVS gameplay is simply not good and just too shit and too slow to retain players.
>No it isn't. A lot of the characters are simple than loads of average fighting games and not animated all that impressively. Zero marketing efforts, zero efforts in a lot of their main modes (not even voice acting in rifts or any special screens lmao). Can't even do the bare minimum and do a proper "COMPLETE!!!" animation for completing events.
>2+ chars every season and maps
Rifts itself is an additional thing they're doing and an additional cost. The fact that there's so many languages they cover up voices for just increase their bills even more. The game makes more content than most other p2p fighting games make with a very low f2p playerbase. They're either going to slow down or stop creating things entirely at some point.
So there really is no way to escape Superman's multi hit? Just don't get hit in the first place?
Tell your teammate to hit superman through discord.
Wtf brainiac is his teammate?
His multihit is pretty good you just gotta suck it up, usually they'll do it in a combo tho, throwing it out normally should be punishable, now his grounded up b where he for some fkn reason hits my disjoint and trades, whats up with that
its another rick air neutral b situation where its a garbage move so instead of giving it a purpose they just give it an absolutely retarded hitbox
Camp and zone
Why else would he be fighting superman
>Jason grabs IJ by the blast zone
>IJ bursts
>It just kills jason
>He quits
>-19 rp
To be fair IG's burst is absolutely fucking broken
Iron Jiant
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I am tired, broken, and coming down from my buzz man, cut me some slack...
every time you jab 3 your dick gets 1in shorter
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What did he mean by this
>same niggas in unranked three times in a row
>during weekend
dead as fuck game
>all adventure time characters (and reindog) are going to be removed from the game
Based, delete Shaggy next
more reindog skins!
The Incredibles confirmed.
Sure thing buddy. I mean what's next? More Jake nerfs?
>This is the most fun I've had playing yet.
>Shuts down the game
What did he mean by this?
i understand a high rank player losing more rank when they lose to a lower rank player, but why do i lose the maximum amount (19) when i lose to a master rank?
finn and jake will rape reindog by shoving banana guard up his ass
Because fuck you.
>t. Tony
MVS is a unique case and we know it. MVS, like most free to play games, depend on content to keep people engaged. That's a fact especially when there's no incentive TO play right now. Shit's far too buggy and unsatisfying specifically with ranked. But a good chunk of people will come back when MVS gets these fixes and keep adding content.
>And an additional thing
Anon, Rifts is the most low effort thing MVS ever produced. The game mode is entirely recycled assets and fucking lazy with no budget poured into it. Rifts don't have voiced dialogue at least and even the writing is more phoned in than usual with MVS with the dialogue being barely present too.
>Than most other P2P fighting games
Anon... Pay to play fighters have 10x more investment and effort than MVS ever had. From the graphics to the animations to the modes usually having more effort than anything Rifts gave us. MVS barely has any content, Multiversus' backlog is shit other fighters would've had at launch or with much higher production costs than MVS' stuff. Multiversus is a cheap game that took numerous shortcuts to exist.

Characters in pay to play fighters are much more complex and higher effort in having more moves.
the rift dialogue is fucking unreal
And the wild thing is that we know the writing can be good. The character interactions in the game itself is a highlight. But they've constrained themselves with having characters go to a new world every rift, and there's always a fight against some asshole every rift, and so on. The best writing from rifts was Samurai Jack wanting to eat Bugs Bunny and then apologizing because he didn't realize Bugs was sapient.
Rifts are garbage. I'd rather they not waste any money on them.
some of the beetlejuice lines were alright too, but he's also a really loud and "in your face" character so you can get a lot more out of him with short quips and one liners so that's more because he's suited to that kind of dialogue rather than the writers suddenly becoming competent
Finn mains. The simultaneous argument against both evolution and intelligent design.
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>finntard tries his bullshit ladder autocombo
>dodge the backpack
>ladder him off the top instead
Reverse the nerf to Marvin's third jab
Reminder that All Star Brawl 2 has genuine kino writing for the campaign.
Reminder that Subspace Emissary could portray the whole cast well without any dialogue.
We can and should deserve better.
It’s even funnier people were comparing this game with smash and it can’t even compete with fucking Brawlhalla and people like you have to compare to niche anime games to make it to look good.
for me the worst shit is those promo videos that just use existing ingame idles and animations without any dialogue synced to the characters saying it at all
the fucking sharkdog ad for shark week was some of the saddest shit i ever witnessed because it was literally reindog's taunt/victory animation loop rotated 90 fucking degrees and dragged across the fucking screen because they didn't want to pay ranjeep two more chickens to animate a swimming loop
In response to that Darkseid pulling Superman's cape "meme" PFG made.
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I hate mirror matches
They should've never said they could add in characters from non WB stuff cuz it just opened the floodgates to the most stupid requests ever made, like anime characters in this game alr sound stupid enough. Ruby alr making it in and that franchise sucks, only reason I dont care enough
fucking hell please no anime bullshit
i've seen enough super nippy air combos to last me a fucking lifetime and jack is bad enough already, i don't need some faggot full-ass anime bitches whipping around the screen with some fucking toy sword who's impossible to hit and shits out hitboxes every fucking millisecond
Can I get panty as an agent smith skin at least
Pwease tony I've been a good girl
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cool i did it
>MVS is a unique case and we know it. MVS, like most free to play games, depend on content to keep people engaged. That's a fact especially when there's no incentive TO play right now. Shit's far too buggy and unsatisfying specifically with ranked. But a good chunk of people will come back when MVS gets these fixes and keep adding content.
mvs literally went from 100k to fucking 2k that's ridiculous, no good chunk of that playerbase is ever coming back, because the game is shit atm.
What character?
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Of course a retarded tumblr user would find reasons to get mad over a joke.
They literally have and will over time as long as they keep making big fixes. It obviously wasn't going to keep 100k fucking players though, that just wasn't possible no version of MVS kept that level of steam numbers. Especially now that it's been 4-5 months.
Ewww but added to the list
oh i wasn't even aware of the list
i'm surprised there aren't more master aryas here honestly
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Warner Bros. owns XRA, put him in.
When the FUCK are we getting an animated BJ skin?
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This guy too.
(Though the problem is that there are characters who already have toonforce gimmicks and Flash is inevitable, which means two Gotta Go Fast characters would be redundant give how the gimmick is pretty much the same).
LOL They didn't fix the ranked matchmaking for shit.

I just fought a Grandmaster duoing with a bronze smurf Shaggy.
This shit is so rigged

And he was also pairing with a low rank
>no anime
this game is literally made for Goku to be in it
I would rather this game die today and steal 100 bucks from my bank account as a kicker than have to deal with any dragon ball shitflingers flooding these threads.
>/dbs/ autism
Yeah, I agree.
Oh good, you've seen that shitheap firsthand as well. Good to know some others here know how much it sucks then, I guess. Share the wealth and all that.
yeah but they wouldn't be here, they're too occupied having infighting to care where dragon ball shows up. At worst, it wouldn't be that different than the doomers we already have
>tfw fag who was in a friendgroup was also a dbz fag and he'd post gay dbz porn in the porn channel
i will take furries over "normal" faggots any day of the fucking week
Honestly it can't be any worse than what we have now where the general's infested with doomers, some not even liking the game and only being here to argue.
if they're not adding puffy amiyumi they're definitely not adding your favorite tumblr tranny show
>panty and stocking is tumblr tranny core
My favorite one is the technicolor horse cartoon actually
You guys think those doomer nerds are going to gloss over Ranked showing us that 50k people have played PPG alone when season 3 gets here like they've been doing for Jack
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as much as i love goku he’s already been in 5000 fighting games before so his moveset wouldn’t be very surprising
give me ice king
Yes. Yes they will, just like how they're conveniently ignoring that the Ranked stats proved that at least 20k or more different accounts willingly hopped on the mode with Samurai Jack and/or other chars. With a lot of them using high tier skins you have to pay for. But oh nooo the game's dying and not making money... whatever suits the narrative lmao.
It's not about being what's surprising. It's motherfucking Goku anon! Him being in elevates the roster's prestige by over 9000%.
They're doing it to fix their point gain. If you're high rank and duo with a low ranking player, you get a lot more rp on win and lose a lot less on loss. If you duo with someone close in rank to yourself the gains become awful around diamond.
This is like if a bunch rosterfags who don't play the game demanded for their favorite character to be added and then the marketing guy made a tongue in cheek post of the situation, only for a tumblr gaylord to cry about it
>This is like if a bunch rosterfags who don't play the game demanded for their favorite character to be added
Kek, Smash in a nutshell.
All that hype about who gets added and most people don't even play the game anymore.

I think that's a part we don't have much in the MVS community at least. All the people hyped for new characters are generally the people still playing the game, people who stopped playing the game are not obsessively hoping for specific characters to get added either for them to get interested in the game again or because they want their favorite franchise to be put in the limelight.
More like the game is so dead nobody even cares about roster anymore.
the moment you do a crossover thing is the moment you should accept that most people will only care about the crossover aspect, aka who's getting in. It happens to smash, to nasb and to this game too, cause it's easier to say "man would it be cool if walter white is in" than actually playing the game
tldr rosterfagging is king, whatever you say or do it will always come back to rosterfagging
>Be BA
>N air vs a jack dash
>Both trade
Not even the gorilla size clap can beat Jack's dash

I just want to see the goon raven model, if it's GO titans it's joever for me

Or give me gandalf before the death of the game
>Get ready for something!
>It's coming!
>Wow look at all these things in the next announcement!
>It's near!

Someone fire this guy
If aanything they just contribute to making people quit by overhyping updates and then people discover the updates are empty
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I care about the roster, and I like the game :)
They need to cut the shit out with the bonus nodes being chosen for the daily rifts.
Unironically how I felt after the midseason changes
"Holy crap I can tech now and I can shoot myself off a platform for le movement"
>teching is fine but the real problem is how annoying fighting half the roster is
>wavelanding or whatever sucks to do and will generally just put you at risk
>literally nothing changed in terms of how I felt this entire season
I don't think I've used it or seen anyone else use it. Playing Multiversus before and after that update was effectively the same.
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I honestly don't even know what wavelanding is or what changed from before. The devs are so up their ass about this epic hyper offense tech heavy super awesome fighter that they don't understand what actually makes a game like this fun on any level, and especially not the wider playerbase
only thing adding auto tech did was make low-mid tier characters worse and the top tiers still fucking stupid
offense focus is good, smash was much better when they nerfed shielding and defensive safe play
the fucking problem is these retards don't know HOW to do offense focused play and it's full of spammy safe bullshit that's isn't correctly designed around game mechanics that lack many defensive options
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The benefits of not touching half the roster.
I want to touch Wonder Woman.
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Yea cuz they added wavedashing/wavelanding sorta but no one can dobshort hops which is like the essential part about wavedashing, you still have to be close to the floor to actually have tech like this work bro
>if you're competent, you can easily work around those options
I feel like that's the case for most of the cast. Of course, there are a few characters that are way too good, but Harley falls in that "A tier but fun" category.
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when i’m playing ww is there ever a time to use lasso? the startup is 32 frames, so if my opponent isn’t dogshit won’t they dodge forward on reaction and start a huge combo every time?
I use the perk that gives it a sweet spot at the tip to kill confirm
that shit isn’t real tho you can avoid it every time
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice was okay. Keaton hamming it up was all I needed.
There's something so satisfying about you and your partner absolutely dominating the enemy team.
dead g
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>...I'm Batman.
>Team mate is a Shaggy
>Everyone's on the right side of the map
>Except the Shaggy
>He's hanging out on the left side having a little dicknic
>Not charging or doing anything, just hanging out over there and smoking some cock
>He's not afk either
Watching two Morties fight and it's fucking wonk.

If this aint hinting a speed increase Im uninstalling
security guard from freddy confirmed
stop taking twitter baits
>patch notes release
>harley ground movespeed increased from 320 -> 330
they spend more energy on this endless cycle of dishonest bullshit than they do on the game itself
its like a divorced father talking up to his kid about how theyre gonna do all this stuff together and then he just disappears on a bender for like 2 weeks
>Ruby making it in and that franchise sucks

Disagree but also we don't even know if she's still making it in.

>If we get confirmation she's cut i'll be happy since I can drop the game then.
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Beetlejuice needs some taunts and a better variant.
Ruby peaked at season 3, RIP Monty this franchise a shell of what it was
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I would paypig for an animated lydia banner, ringout, icon or announcer
was this real?
The fact that you can't even get the show name right kinda tells me you're just parroting whatever drivel you've heard from [insert youtuber here]
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>One of BJs voice lines for winning is "Oh, I can't wait to tell Lydia about this!"
Cartoonjuice chads we're so back(in MultiVersus)
I dont give a shit how I said the name lmfao I watched til season 5 and followed the rest of the thru watching episode summaries cuz I really didnt give a damn on where it was going (it was going nowhere)
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>Just inadvertently killed an IG opponent by trapping him between Morty's ship and the top of Scooby's mansion
I saw him panic in real time when he realized he was mostly trapped and I felt bad.
Use the super whip
It's good if ur teammate is getting hit yoi can safely interrupt the enemy, great offstage and good for catching after they burned their last dodge to dodge away from you
If this is hinting at a speed increase all the casuals will uninstall
>shaggy's rage now charges faster
no they won't
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20 gleamium
They already did because of the slow ass shit game, the game is dead as fuck now and only fomotards are left
The game was more casual friendly when it was fast asf wdym uninstall
Except there are still retarded people in the casual/ranked bronze queue but they certainly will uninstall when if there is a speed increase update
>The game was more casual friendly when it was fast asf wdym uninstall
What the fuck?
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Daily Deals
>playing velma
>jump on platform to drop van from safety
>enemy morty summons a spaceship right below and lets the van fall on him
>gets carried away by his own fucking ship
I would have felt bad, but you really have to go out of your way to fuck up that badly
Was wondy that expensive? I remember the bundle being like 1850 or something
Marvin is a menace to IG overall, he can't keep up with the vertical projectiles if he runs out of resources
Notice how the player count was when it was fast and you could do a ton of random bs? Yeah those were casual players having fun with a fast game
they were normalfags hopping on a fad when everyone was dogshit at the game
but it doesnt matter how many times you rerelease or tweak the game now that people have spent thousands of hours grinding it
especially when the matchmaking still actively antagonizes new players by matching them up against these people because the devs are terrified of queue times since slightly longer queues might require them to actually fix the training mode
>Final beta day peak, 500
Nope just melee fags, if there was casuals the beta would be alive
Anon... the beta died...
I think the beta died for other reasons that werent the game's speed really, but agree to disagree
Friendly reminder meleefags are not welcome here
Melee players maining Gizmo so they can avoid taking showers.
Actual kek
>only harley items in daily shop past months are stuff I already have
Well free gleam at least
Too bad chuddie I have more RP than you and I would go 3-2 at locals when I played peach like I was just below the top players and could easily place in top 8 often if I didn't have to fight the falco demons
why did you make the powerpuff girls look like the minecraft movie trailer?
WB is making the minecraft movie
>the game had more players when the game was more fun
wowwww reallyyyy no wayyyyy
>watched episode summaries which were probably longer than the actual episodes for the seasons after the worst one which were a genuine improvement

cool, opinion discarded!
>Top 8
>In a poverty party game
It's true what that faggot popular youtuber said lol
"You need low testosterone to be a melee player"
And less showers too
Cope and seethe, not a single soul Ive talked to that puts up with this trash has told me it has gotten better, but sure opinion discarded because you can't handle that the series is washed
stop hanging around faggots and form your own fucking opinions instead of having youtubers craft them for you, trust me its a lot less miserable than just parroting "oh its bad cuz 40 minute episode summary cinemasins a 15 minute show"

if you didn't like the series past a certain point then why didn't you just stop and move on like a normal human being?
>Stop hanging around faggots
My brother the show is made for them, the show is made for u, sit down and eat the shipping slop. You don't have to come to terms with how bad it is its fine lol
You literally got no life among other things
Anyone with no life would have hit grandmasters by now.
Plus you actually duo with people so you already have an advantage against 90% of the players
Can somebody tell me what the challenges are on the looney rift. I got all of one circuit coin to get a skin to complete it but I don't want to do that and get locked out of the this skin WITH this franchise challenges later if I choose wrong.
Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, diamond rank, if you still even remember that name, But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive master, nor have you been called here by the game you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for rp has driven you in endless circles, chasing the goal of master toast in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find it. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave sweatlord, who somehow found this rank not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This game will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you hardstucks trapped in the ladder, be still and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. Tony, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my project lead. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication.
I lost a braincell reading the first sentence of that post
Nigga just watch a youtube video
And follow this guide if you want all the stuff >>493318185
I always come back!
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8 days
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>manage to get to plat 1 yesterday
>ok this is a good place to stop, I'm feeling pretty tired
>continue playing today
>paired with the absolute worst fucking gold niggers this game has ever seen
>get low tier gold players against higher tier gold player
>massive penalties when losing, tiny gains when winning
>drop 30 points, back in plat 2
>fuck, I gotta work my way back up
>2 points away from ranking up again
>suddenly the worst jason nigger this game has ever seen
>can't fucking kill anything, just spends the game getting juggled
>drop another 18 points
>continue getting shit teammates
>get a fucking stripe that suicides right after starting and then tries to continue, and he's shit
>ask to play with friend because this is just fucking unbearable
>friend is good but we're experiencing lag due to me being a europoor
>attacks are slow as shit
>all the way back to plat 3 now
I spend the rest of the fucking night playing by myself until I was finally Plat 2 again. But jesus I fucking HATE this retarded MMR matchmaking with ranked based points system. Being forced to carry fucking gold and silver shitters with default perks is the most fucking infuriating shit when you're trying to rank up
>Being forced to carry fucking gold and silver shitters with default perks is the most fucking infuriating shit
Yeah, especially when all you get is +5 for breaking your back, then -30 every time you're matched with a tard who endlessly runs into the enemy team.
i have fucking won round 1, had my ally leave and lost points for it

then had the enemy team win round 1, leave and i lost points for it

stupidest nigger shit conceivable
Gleamium, finally
FUcking just fuck off with this jason sheit this shit is fuckign the wordst fuckgin thing.. How the hell are toyu suposed to combo thiat peice of shit when he Has AN ARMPORED FUCKING GRAB FICK OFF HOLY SHJIT. JAB JAB TELEPOR T JAb JAB TELOTP NO ONE FUCKING TESTED THIS SHIT FOCUNJ HISTI HATE THIS
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True combos are cancer, I agree.
That’s because they literally said they were closing the game down. The beta had more players in the same time period now than the launch game.

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