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Anet hire this man Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

Janthir Wilds released
WvW Warclaw reimbursement
WvW Restructuring
Gate/guard-tapping removed (git fukt)
AFK Farmers get kicked faster (git fukt)

New leggies (spear and backpack)
New Raid Wing
Mastery Updates
Homestead decorations, including personal statue

Janthir. It's here bros....

Update history: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-janthir-wilds-launches-today/

Latest Patch:

Latest news:

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Previous wipe: >>492386265
first for fucking stop using fast farming in ops
That idea of theirs got shut down though.
Did they really back off the pay-to-use bullshit?
"anet hire this man"
>man proceeds to make some goofy ass shit with clipping, floating items and forgets to un highlight his stool when taking the screenshot
lmao sounds about right
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Ok give me the MEAT and givit tome RAW!
What's the deal with them old guild decos dropping in metas n'shit and trying to use them in muh cribb
when the FUCK are you faggots gonna give me hot babes in the OP again, its been too fucking long im about to riot, give me the cute fhd with the white dress and freckles shes the only one left SHES ALL I GOT FUCKKKKK these threads suck now, make gw2g great again
yeah, like a day after they came out with that. looks like anet took control.
Ah yes.
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>laughs in dagda
who are the ugliest female npcs in the game? besides blue shrek
that one firstborn broccoli-headed sylvari cunt who betrayed the pale tree to join the nightmare court has to be one of them, if you ask me
When you fuckers start posting quality FHD pics.
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>which claw skin do you want
One that's not for sale when the warclaw expansion launches.
HA! You wish!
ugly enough for rytlock to have sex with
unless...he was raped
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>GW2 general full of faggots
Part of me wants to buy some home instance nodes and garden plots, but I also know that that's retarded and just a waste of money
since launch I had only the event nodes and some harvest ones from BL key farming
got me the LWS3 ones just last event

maybe waiting so long was a mistake,
but forgetting to farm the damn HI daily wasn't a big deal at least
not anymore :/
Reminder Snargle Goldclaw is a war deserter and PTSD coward who writes degenerate slop fiction because he couldn't handle real duty
He was sort of a funny joke that ANet's run into the ground, like they did Faren back in the day.
All you had to say is he's a gladium
I don't think female Charr have sex (with male charr) unless they absolutely need to. Remember, barbed penises. Excruciatingly painful.
Meanwhile FHDs....
I literally cannot think of a single thing Joko did wrong and basically the sunspears and turai ossa are fake and gay.
>this is a thing that exists
still kind of blows my mind, gw2 always seemed super niche even back then, though looking back I guess it isn't really that hard to just film a commercial

a pity SAB is the absolute worst content in the game
>tfw everyone else is a cactus but bitches go for your brush
>Remember, barbed penises. Excruciatingly painful.
6-9ft tall cat beasts which stand on two legs and speak common tongue are also not housecats driven solely by instinct.
It's entirely possible - even probable - for a race of fully sapient cat creatures visibly showcasing human-like intelligence such as the Charr to appreciate sex as a semi-recreational act, rather than strictly a hormonal-driven series of decisions. Although the social ramifications of such would probably be tough to quantify, given the heavily militaristic structure of Charr society.
whats fhd?
me on the right
all charr should be killed
It's a charr that we should be farming for pelts.
>reading guild wars lore
>glint is this ancient 10,000-year old "scion" le special dragon of free will that created magic prophecies and is basically the most important thing in existence and the only thing that can save Tyria from complete annihilation at the hands of the elder dragons
>glint died because.. *holds up paper, adjusts glasses* "Logan Thackery left to help protect Queen Jenna from the Ogre Revolt"
>*lowers paper, looks directly at camera*
Glint was destined to die that day regardless.
She saw her death, unless you ate a Lich, you won't come back.
Nothing, what's fhd with you?
These nasty bears
Wrong, the canon death of glint was me killing her as a bonus objective to steal her egg. So if you're wondering who killed her, it was me.
How does the Ogre Revolt fit in to this?
The ogres are revolting!
many such fucking cases
>did the new meta almost every day since launch
>not a single fail
>random unorganized groups killing it easily with spare time
>seen it fail 2 time in the last 3 days, even when it succeed it's always very close
It really took 2 weeks for the shitters to reach the second map?
Inferior human seethe
Yeah, I'm pretty sure Logan would've screwed up one way or another. It's even funnier this way because he sacrificed Glint, Snaff and his friendship with the rest of Destiny's Edge to "save" the chick who's the strongest mesmer to ever live and who barely gives a shit about him. Truly Tyria's biggest cuck, he should be made a honorary asura.
Logan's effort to save the Queen ended up with the largest human and charr alliance the world has ever seen, you stinky seperatist
why do the barefoot boots have to be so expensive bros
not to mention split into three skins
it's not fuckin fair
just farm TM once per day bro
Into my basement
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fuck this shit entering combat every 3 seconds
im surprised Anet didn't add any of the new warclaw abilities to wvw, I thought they would be that incompentent
give it time
we dont want your pveasy powercreep in wvw
what's your thoughts on solar beam, pveasy nutcase?
Bring him back, the game needs more chaos
lol, if that was the case then fags would always be using core and never use cashgrabspansion-gated stat combos
the reality is that shitters in wvw (which makes up the overwhelming majority of the playerbase ever since cashgrabspansion powercreep was introduced in 2015 and everyone with a brain and fidelity rightfully abandoned this dead shit game) absolute LIVE to CRAVE cashgrabspansion powercreep, they beg gaynet to ruin the game mode more and more with more powercreep cashgrabspansion, which was the entire reason why gaynet made the first cashgrabspansion in the first place, because they knew mouthbreathing no skill shitters would absolutely chomp at the bit to get the leg up over anyone who didn't pay gaynet to ruin the game
>done dragonstorm so much i can recite the dialogue verbatim
Yep, time to kill myself
It's even worse when you've got tagging autism and don't want to leave the mob behind in case it dropped something good
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>Head this way to discover Amphibian's Knot
>tfw trick or treat bags this year
>50 people on warclaw, tagging and killing every mob by dashing
20% energy and jade booster REQUIRED
erm just get autoloot lol!
They gave you 2 lances, a shitty sniff sidegrade so pveasys know where the breakables are and an utterly laughable 'buff' to chain pul
>spend 1 supply to do n
1500 damage and 0.5% damage taken debuff
>20% energy and jade booster REQUIRED
you mean le cheat engino memory editino
Bro, Anet couldn't even be bothered to fix the mount-action keybind bug that affects EXCLUSIVELY Warclaw (and skiff) in the Warclaw expansion.
>warclaw is now just free* in wvw
maybe i will try this dead gamemode
>Anet finally addressed button bloat by making it so your buttons don't work
Thank you Anet
Cry about it
i am sick of scholar runes costing so much
reduce the price of that shit!!!!!
>warclaw doesn't have double jump in wvw
Make your own and see why they're so expensive
Or make legendary runes, rune cuck
They did and anet immediately nerfed it
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Yeah, the fucking thing is too op now!
Don't even have the expansion, just the WvW one and it obsoletes the lizard completely. Even in canyon jumping.

They really fucked this up, if they wanted balanced rides.
If they wanted people to buy the expansion to have the best land mount, then congratu-FUKN-lations.
>rune cuck
what does this even mean
do you not use runes too retard?
yeah, that was actually retarded

Does the autoloot loot shit completely out of range? I used to turn it off thanks to it being nicer to see the chests on the ground when something rare dropped, but I recently turned it back on to play with a controller
Free? Did they remove warclaw collection?
the collections just gives you a black lion weapon skin now
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I can show you why they cost so much.
>seething runelets
I always found the chain pull retarded.
>try chain pull on a gate
>it does fuck all damage, nowhere near comparable to a ram or catapult
>"It's okay, they had to tune it way down because it's a mount skill not limited by supply unlike siege weapons. And would be op otherwise."
>it costs supply to use
What is the point of this skill existing?
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Doind 20 supply of chain pull would get you 30k
2 people with 40 supply of chainpull would do 60k damage
A blue ram build for 40 supply would do 60k damage in 4 hits, and also apply 8 stacks of that fire shit for 8% increased damage

Catclaw chainpull does a 0.5% debuff, that lasts for about 5s, a single person is barely a benefit
>runelet cucks coping and seething because they cant afford runes and too stupid to pick a cheaper slightly less dps option
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>my old guild is matched with me in this world restructure
>last thing i said to them in discord was "see you fucking retards never again" when the leader decided to have the entire guild switch servers a month before world restructure
>mfw zerging with a few of them just now
People told me I would regret buying an Endless Upgrade Extractor as it becomes useless once you get full legendary gear.
What has actually happened is that for six years I've enjoyed 99% of convenience of having legendaries, of which I've crafted 0 that I didn't sell, and instead have spent that 30,000 gold on: endless bank, TP, and hair contracts, every lounge, 18 bank tabs, 2000 material slots, more build and equipment templates than I've ever needed, multiple characters with 400+ inventory slots, more alts than I can be bothered to log in and open the draconic mons chest on most days, and literally any gem store item I even kind of like.

FUCK legendary items lmao. Goddamn.
>runelet pveasiercuck posts his own retarded face in the thread
you're dwavo and you ended up on a team with shitdo? also it was 2 weeks before world shitstructure that shitdo abruptly moved his shitters to maguuma after getting hilariously wiped in record time by smaller numbers in an smc that they themselves owned and thus had guild claiming buff for, not a month before
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>come in for the janny syntry bosses
>join full meta map
>sit in queue
>the meta fails
I have 7 legy runes and I too think you are retarded.
Watcha gon' do now, boy?
I love the new 'meta' so fucking much
>meta starts
>commanders pop up and instantly fill
>leeches are too slow and stupid to get in and have to wait queues
>stopped giving a shit about the 'meta' after the first time
>tag up and run a bait group
>leeches join my map
>i run around doing hearts by killing 100 titan dudes or w/e
>leeches now have 0 chance of getting into a successful meta map
leech tears are the most delicious of all tears
The fact that they have unique events running on around the same time really means that the bosses should scale better, but no
>start hitting decima with 5 people in a different map
>HP bar barely moving
They just expect to have a full map doing the bosses and ignoring all the other shit in there
based pveasiercuck torturer
doing kodan sacrifice and the camp defense event should provide either buffs to the people who did it or debuffs to the bosses for having done it
not care what retards like you ````think''''
>every lounge
but why though
They cool
yes, you are ESL, we already knew that, RETARD
It's genuinely scary that there are people IN THIS THREAD
that aren't fully equipped with
-full ascended or better
-food and utilities
-buff stacks on weapon swap, especially as ele and engi
I just came back to this game after 10 years. I absolutely have no idea how the game works. I have a level 80 engineer. I absolutely loathe the UI. The icons are too small and I can't read anything. Is there anything I can do besides getting glasses?
why does this gay general have so many us vs them fights lately?
>human vs charr
>pveasy vs wvwasted
whats next? forks vs spoons?
pools vs baths?
wiping standing up vs wiping sitting down?
yeah you can increase the interface size in options, grandpa.
Thanks son, since Cata came, I didn't really feel home at WoW.
spoons are a child's utensil, a white man uses a fork and a knife, to cut his steak
baths are for children, a white man doesn't have time to lounge around in his own filthwater like a good for nothing woman
>wiping standing up
no one does that, not even retarded children and retarded nonwhites, nice try, retard
zogbot mentality is spreading
>The icons are too small and I can't read anything.
Are we talking about the same icons, the ones that display the skills? No, they're usually very big, impossible to miss or mistake.
How colossal is your screen? 16k?
it lets you feel like your helping
>another day of dumping woads on pvelets
Check the settings, you can set the size for the UI and show/hide some elements when in battle/out of battle.
Have you purchased any expansions? You may want to unlock elite specialisations and/or new weapon skills in that case.
Sitting down is the best way to wipe. In fact, it's the ONLY way and anyone attempting anything different is pretty much an evolutionary dead end, including all standlets.
what do I do with a spear as elementist...
cast 5, mash your other buttons, cast 5 again, attunement swap, repeat
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It's fucking time
This makes WoJ a required purchase for all the mount race fans and griffon enjoyers, a sneaky move
>Am currently exp capped and need to focus on mastery points
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That's me on all mastery lines
Except soto, I don't even play those maps to cap on exp
...said no gaynet employee ever
It's kind of annoying that excess exp doesn't transfer over but also not a big deal
iirc once a mastery is full on xp excess goes to spirit sharts regardless
I didn't know that, well that's something.
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Are you sure about this Anet
if you finish any mastery but don't buy it yet with points, the xp you get from there will go to another track you have incomplete until you buy the current one/set a new active incomplete one. if you are fully done with the masteries of a region, the xp goes to spirit shards like on core maps instead of going to a mastery line in a different region which is stupid. they should at least let you get xp for any region across any map of the game, but maybe at a % discount for being in the wrong region or something.
No, and I had to read your retarded post like five times to even have a vague understanding of what the hell you were trying to say. How about next time you do me a favor and type like a normal human being and resist the autistic urge to replace words? Thanks. Anyway, no, they were fags but they weren't faggy enough to switch to fucking Maguuma. I forget where they went.
It's okay since you're going to get bottlecapped by mastery points in those other regions too. I didn't know that you got the spirit shard exp even when capped. Now all this tryharding to complete the masteries has been for nothing.
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how? I already got all mastery points but still have 5 or 6 tracks to complete
just do the maps and you'll get all the necessary points, it's not like there's a lot of content anyway...
no, it helps filter out ESLs who cannot parse advanced english
y-you aint the same guy that scream ESLESL since the 1st gw2g thread, r-right ?
balanced, like all things in GW2
Should I pick this game up purely to try the PvP bros?
>trying to capture camp
>faggot mesmer camping it because im an easy kill on a new build
>on 3rd attempt get a +1 from a necro and kill mesmer
>siege him + do the sheathe weapon and stand still bm
>change map
>put status to offline
completely and utterly destroyed little rat piece of shit get fucked
yes, best pvp out of any mmo by far and extremely high skill ceiling
whats the skill floor? can i expect to get stomped by people for a month or two or can even a retard contribute a bit?
Why is that one spear warrior skill so damn strong? I just get stunned and lightning spears rain down on me and i die
you will be a cocksleeve your first 100 games
I can be your cocksleeve for free
I'm starting to really enjoy sPVP. I'm only silver tho
you enjoy pvp because you are silver and have not run into the bots the perpetually plague gold or the wintrading required to get through plat
>he didn't sip coffee bm
try dodging
I can't even imagine how bad you need to be silver when gold trash can barely even breathe
I just started in the mode. I'm having always top atack/def at the end while playing P/P condi thief, spamming the objectives and winning almost all my 1V1s, but it's still a slow grind cause my mates are braindead (they don't play the points at all) and often afk
woad armor grind made the afk issue much worse
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welcome back fellow vet
I was there at launch 12 years ago when Anet fucked up the launcher so bad us users had to fix it and left 2 years later when the woke got insufferable.

Good ole times, came back 2 years ago and don't regret anything,
especially not paying shitall for all the expansions and LWS'.
How the fuck is it even working after the weird rework?
Does the server I once chose have any function left?
How the heck am I supposed to choose sides now?
>stun is literally a line
>anon cant fucking dodge a thin straight line
can I get woad armor without doing wvw?
>How the heck am I supposed to choose sides now?
become friends with the devs or anet partner and you can move between servers and tiers where the rest of us hateful plebs cant
Tbh this is exactly how it should always have been. Players should have no control over who they're matched with other than 'I want to be in the same team as my guild". Even better if its different every week.
How do you even comfortably afk now. Last time I played you got a lot of time from shit like repairing or trebbing walls, but now they give you like 1 second until the meter starts degrading again.

Feels like you'd just get a nervous breakdown from trying to afk without getting kicked or losing your progression.
you will do woad armor in wvw (only to recieve a single piece and not the entire set)
How would I know. My server was dead last every match before the rework and we're still dead last every match now. It might actually be worse now.
I miss having a server identity and defending it in WvW. It doesn't even matter what tier you're in anymore since you just get thrown in a random team in a random tier with other randoms.
sorry, only marxist gaming allowed now. everyone must have an equal 33.33% chance to win 33.33% of the rewards, everything must be equal outcome regardless or skill or tactics or teamwork
yea right lol. more like you get thrown on the losing side while anet's butt buddies all get stacked on the winning side.
>server identity
this is cope for guildless shitters who are upset about being thrown into Pugatory where they rightfully belong
>muh community
>muh identity
>muh leeching off zergs that always win
>muh just log in, follow ebg tag for 7 hours and collect 800 gobs
In the 16th update or whatever, yes. Oldchads who stocked up on Badges of honor before the achievement rewards rework will get to buy them without ever setting foot in wvw
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>log in, follow ebg tag for 7 hours and collect 800 gobs
Nah server identity was never a thing, at least not in a positive sense. It exists only in the form of
>I hate [our server] now, we are collectively world transfering away from it so we have a chance to kill them one day.
I've paid for world transfers twice now, only for some drama to happen in my absence where one guild collectively transfers off of it and all the bandwagoners follow them, turning the high pop server I moved to after quitting wvw into a low pop server before I even got to touch it.

The alliance system is unilaterally positive because the whole "We only keep losing because our server are retards" cope is nipped in the bud. When you're put in a team with different people every week and you still lose week after week, you can't claim it's everyone else's fault without immediately looking like a massive faggot.
are you just going to let >>492901489 say this about you
>t. shitter faggot who was on a shit server the entire time
i'm glad you never got to experience a server with a community, you deserve to never know what it was like
Do you not have reading comprehension? There is no such thing as a 'server community', there's only people developing grudges against their own server and eventually transferring off in hopes they get to fight them. The longer people play on the same server together, the more they hate each other. There is no 'sense of community', there is no solidarity or any kind of faggotry like that. The only 'sense of' there is, is a 'sense of' hatred between people and it only grows stronger the longer they are subjected to each other.
As someone who roams exclusively I always have a chuckle at how upset boonballers and PPT autists constantly are about... everything, and how literally none of it ever affects me or my enjoyment in the slightest.
you're not a real roamer if you dont take camps and towers.
you're a glorified duelfag which are worse than an indian
this kid is PISSED
Making more comfy stuff, it if makes some random anon uncomfortably angry it's all the better

Do (You) have anything you've built to show off? Edgy or not
>play against willbenders
>retarded faggots that only know how to burst and run away
>if you beat them they act like turbo fags with the most fragile egos
>play with willbenders
>retarded faggots who only know how to burst and run away
>they scream and cry if the enemy gets away because they have 0 roots or CC's

nobody likes you
play a real class unironically, the skill floor for willbender is so slow it's amazing you don't die from fall damage.
super cozy!
Aren't solo roamers a dying breed? Most roamers I ever see are groups of 2-5.
why would you self announce that you're a shitter
if you can't 1v3 at minimum, wtf are you doing?
I went to Alpine borderlands and there were a bunch of solo stragglers everywhere just running around and flipping camps/sentries while fighting similar people from the other team. Thank god the EB queue hit pretty shortly
Oh you misunderstand, I ALWAYS am in a squad, stealth or otherwise, when we steamroll over roamers they are almost always in small grounds of 3-5.
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>see willbender running away
>switch to heal vindi
>put on tag
>spam shortbow 1 and phase traversal
>40 leechers/roamers come running
you have brain damage, just because your shitter faggot ass was never on a server with a community doesn't mean there's no such thing, you absolute retarded faggot
>Waiting Sorrow's character model isnt wearing anything underneath her robe
even charr have the decency to wear SOME kind of underwear
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Imagine playing pveasy or spending time decorating a homestead that nobody cares about when you could just be playing WvW. I cant believe these people exist
easy access for shrek to go down on that bearussy. ps need rule 34 for shrek and waiting sorrow please thank yew
Underwear was made using evil magicks and the lowland kodans will not tolerate that
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Im still trying to figure out how to allocate the main floor. I think Im gonna make this corner the kitchen/dining area for my characters. The homestead is basically just one big compound for my player characters. Gonna wait for the rest of the decorations to drop before making any huge commitments (cant wait for the jade technology decorations).
he's right tho
especially the poo part
>play easiest build in the game
>need cheats to play it for you
Looking nice, I thought the reset already happend, maybe it's just eu yet.
I will not disarm any more relics I REFUSE
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Are any of these worth getting?
the teleport to friend is pretty handy
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Y-yeah for all those friends I have...
lol, you can use it on party/squad members as well
Do you not understand? If servers HAD a community the way you imply, they wouldn't just shit the bed the way they do. They would hold together because the people on them have an investment in continuing to play with the people they're used to. Intra-server drama and mass migrations wouldn't be a thing, but they are. The fact that servers just implode by themselves is proof that muh community is a meme.
Because there is no sense of community, people just blame their server for their own failures. The 'community' only serves as a scapegoat. And in the alliance system, there is no scapegoat. If you lose in 109 consecutive matchups, it's not the others that are the problem, it's you.

The only community you actually CAN have in wvw and the only one you need is your guild. If you need to stay in the same team with people outside your guild, you are a shitter. You are one of the aforementioned bandwagoners. If you weren't, you could just join one of the big zvz guilds thus you wouldn't need consistent world servers.
But you can't because you are a shitter.
your brain damage is terminal, and you reading comorehension is abysmal, reread my post, slowly, or have someone else read it to you and explain to you that your experience is subjective and doesn't apply to anyone outside of yourself, and stop eating the lead paint chips
>engi running full bunker builds
>literally has 0 kill potential
>baits people into chasing him
>rocket boots away when pressured
>emotes when you walk away
>always alone
>does this all day right outside our spawn
crazy how subhuman creatures like this exist
wish I could get the news of their suicide when it inevitably happens
>nooo you have to assume that this thing that you have never seen evidence of is true
The sample size for your claim is exactly zero. Why would I assume one thing that I have no evidence for, when I do have evidence of the opposite? That makes no sense.
No, server community is not a thing. Servers are a scapegoat and a vehicle for leeches, nothing more. Non-shitters lose absolutely nothing from the alliance system.
>want to roam?
Just keep roaming
>want to have good zvz squad members?
Just join a zvz guild.

The fact that you need to rely on servers tells me that neither of the above is an option for you. And the only logical conclusion from there is that you are a shitter.
that engi sounds painfully based and (You) sound like a crybaby faggot
yes I know people like you and him live on people like me giving you attention
I'm sure he was smiling as I told him to kill himself
but trolling people all day like this is legitimately a path to suicide, not human happiness
you think you're trolling me when in reality you're self-destructing
this (You) I'm giving you is merely an illusion of success, a short dopamine hit that I am fully in control of
just like that engi, you've been conditioned to live only for (You)'s
but one day, the illusion will be gone and that's when reality gets checked
mucho wordo
not surprised you speak mexican too like that engi
that changes things a bit because in mexico life is miserable already so you suffer
these nasty bears
holy fucking hell you are beyond retarded, you are negative iq, there is tons of evidence, you are just too retarded to recognize it, the sample size of all the people on the official borums lamenting the loss of their server communities right now is a sample size that is infinitely more than your single non-sample non-size which is automatically made irrelevant all because you were too retarded to move to a server with a community
>antisocial schizos whining because they can't figure out a fundamentally social game mode
Huh, who would have thought.
yea everything is fine with wvw guys
its those heckin anti socialism peepos crying again
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>Bring Bounty-glyph infused tools to Bitterfrost berry run
>"Grants a 33% chance to gain an extra strike while gathering"
>Procs 4 times in about ~50 nodes
Something ain't adding up here...
keep being a schizo retard! it keeps the thread aggressive and angsty and pointless, which is what we all want
You realize that KD ratio is EXACTLY what you'd expect when you have one team with superior tactics/organization/communication stomping two teams of disorganized pubbies, right? Has nothing to do with "cheating".

You know when a group of 10 goes up against a group of 12, it's not like checkers and they don't just subtract 10 from each side until they're left with 0 and 2 respectively, right? You know that, right? That isn't how it works.
>/gw2g/: I don't want to join a guild, I don't want to socialize or communicate ever, guild joiners are cucks, i just want my bing bing wahoos and be a solo private player forever
>he doesn't want to join the femcharr coomer guild
yea matchmaking is unbalanced
who said anything about cheating I just joined the thread lmao
completely unhinged
this is why I'll never join a guild and never turn on chat and never talk to anyone
>paranoid schizo mass replies, constantly feels like he's being attacked/gangstalked
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I know you're just being sarcastic, but fucking hell I hate how like 80% of these threads are just the same 3-4 gigaautists bitching and whining and sockpuppeting arguments about WvW.
Shit is beyond old, and makes posting here unappealing in general when you know whatever you bring to the thread is just going to be drowned-out by more ESL schizo ramblings. I'd rather these threads be coasting along Page 9 on the regular, than coming back to 100+ posts of barely-legible melties every single day.
Would you like some pornographic screenshots or mayhaps some imagination-provoking female (male) posts, my dear ChatGPT corrected poster?
I am equally in accord with you on the subject of gameplay-related posts being unacceptable. They must be purged immediately and I'll get the jannies on the case pronto rapido.
Still have one and a half stacks of port2friend and it's in my shared inventory.
It's become almost vital if you want to arrive on time for rewards.
The garden plot seems to be very useful too.
>angry schizo babbles because his schizoposting was called out and is now trying to play the "victim" by pretending his schizo screaming is "gameplay related"
i miss the gw2g spam bot
i just bought the complete collection soto and janthir im ready bwos me and my friend got beer and pizza we're gonna freaking GAME
>go on 4chin
>complain about schizoposts and esls and low effort and shitposts and ragebait and
do you realize you fags are even worse than all those? what are you even doing here
I can scroll this fucking thread and my eyes will naturally filter out anything unimportant, why can't you do the same?

I never learned how that even started, was it just one angry nigga?
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the computer RNGs are currently borked on planet Earth
>reason unknown
why the fuck would we ever do anything but the opposite of what you fucking redditfugees who need to go back want? fuck off back to rəddit already where you belong
>retarded gaynet jew with his retarded straw,an pilpul tries to imply that tiny gay little guild cliques are socialization, yet massive server communities aren't
on brand for the kind of retardation gaynet has engaged in for the past 12 years straight
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Got my second GoB this week!
>be pve player
>hop on to comm's discord
>loud music blasting
>comms' going crazy in vc using vocabulary that I have never heard
>the rest of the guild is basically shtposting verbally while we take smc
>We eek out a win after a difficult back and forth between the three
What a fantastic game mode, I haven't laughed this hard in this game before. I think I understand why people like this game mode now.
none of this happened. you just flipped camps for 3 hours.
Is there some hidden source of T7 trophies I'm forgetting? Material promotion isn't profitable for most of them anymore, but I got all these laurels and spirit shards and karma and god knows what other currencies
Why would I even lie about that? Like, what's there to gain from lying?
It was really fun, most of the times that I have been in WvW WAS flipping camps for more than 3 hours, but this time it wasn't.
how utterly ironic, and completely retarded
good, fuck off then
he was very clearly always right
>human vs charr
Charr exist to sate human lust
>pve vs wvw
Engaging in any form of pvp (even hiding behind your betters) will statistically elevate your skills above the average open worlder.
>fork v spoon
Each has their purpose, but I'm not eating soup everyday. Forks superior.
>pools vs baths
What? The sea vs your indoor pool? An actual shower vs an outdoor pool? Even Janthir bears know how to take a shower
The only reason for wiping standing up is when there's absolutely no level of trust in the sanitation of that toilet seat. The worst nightmare is accidentally shifting those paper covers from a sitting wipe in such a place.
So it's literally your very first time actually playing wvw in a group? fucking lmao
glad you enjoyed anon
>New player to WvW actually has fun despite the odds
>Still get butt-blasted about it
Why the fuck are you here, man
don't mind him, he just seethes whenever someone enjoys wvw for any reason, because his shit dead game mode (spvp) has been deader than a freemason lodge for the better part of a decade because people correctly opt to play wvw instead
You think yourselves clever but forgot one argument proving yourselves as deTHEMerates and not an USchad.
>poopy bum havers are in this thread
Bros, your fiber? Even after the most violent, splattering diarrhea, I dont need to wipe.
I bet the skirmarks are the ones having stupid Vs discussions. How foul
>I never learned how that even started, was it just one angry nigga?
I'm also curious. How long did that bot even go on for?
I noticed that there is always one permanently sour poster who has SOME fucking problem with SOMETHING on every thread on /vg/. Like no exceptions.
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>out of currency
>want to gear character
>let's try ascended crafting!
>farm ten bajillion map currency and time gated materials and vision crystal and
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Lads, I've somehow been invited to an actual WvW guild, despite only playing roaming specs up until now (and not even very well at that).
I have ZERO zerg/deathball experience under my belt. What the hell should I play? Alacrigade? Condi!Scourge? Support!Scrapper? DPS!Berserker? Something else? Have read Firebrand is a pretty high-skill/gamesense pick which can make-or-break successful pushes/holds, so I'll probably not be playing that one straight out of the gate.
Honestly not even sure I'll stick with WvW once the Anniversary bonus fades out, but I might as well take this opportunity to see a side of the mode I've yet to partake in, assuming I can catch a guild night or two.
Blob builds are so easy to play that the biggest danger is falling asleep.
nothing feels as good as landing a 10k rain of spears that perfectly tracks the stealthfag trying to run away
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absolute chad
Spear is a true Warrior's weapon.
You either play
>power scrapper with shredder gyro, blast gyro and flamethrower
Your job with this build is bursting enemy blobs as your zerg runs over them
>heal firebrand with stand your ground, wall of reflection and one situationally changed utility
Your job with this build is two fold. On one hand you need to heal and boon your allies, on the other you need to spam as much stab as you can, constantly. There is no redundancy to stab stacks, the more the better.
>power or celestial revenant with a hammer
Your job with this build is to stand ready until the comm says to rev spike a specific spot. When he does, use your hammer 3 on the targeted location.
>power- or heal scourge with well of corruption, ghastly breach, spectral grasp and some other punishment. If power, bring a staff
Your job in both cases is to aoe-boonstrip the enemy blob. The other task is secondary, you can alternate that as needed.
>Have read Firebrand is a pretty high-skill
you heard retardation, it's the polar opposite of that, there is nothing more braindead than boonbotting, and they don't make or break anything, real classes in real builds with real impactful kits played by real skilled players do
>fails to name any specific build
Is that a hint of insecurity I see?
apparently it was because he was some furfag and no one would furfag erp with them (shocking)
supposedly it went on for a year or two, a shame he stopped and now all these fucking redditfags think they're welcome on 4chan
Maybe he realised part way through writing that no such build exists any more.
i don't cast pearls before swine, i merely state facts, your job as the player is to learn how the game works, learn how to play it, and figure out what the obvious answers to such things are
>spoonfeed me!
yeah here you go: go back tọ reddit
Nah I know exactly what it is.
He knows that if he lists any specific build, people might call him a shitter for not describing the newest version or on grounds of there being another build that does one specific thing slightly better. He's scared, that's why he won't commit to naming any build specifically. The muh spoonfeeding shit is a cope, as you can see above.
yeah, dude threw out both spoonfeeding and reddit
he's just here to fling shit
a spoon can eat everything a fork can
a fork cannot eat everything a spoon can
spoon wins
no, what it is is you faggots need to learn the actual fucking game for yourselves, stop using builds you didn't make yourself and know inside and out, that shit is what makes you easy pickings for people like me
you're a herald, just give out boons and shit.
you would be surprised how sometimes there's barely anyone else giving out boons.
I can't imagine how short would be the story if we can't skip dialogues and remove farm events to advance, plus fucking housing removed too.
Seriously this game needs that because it encourages to have more than one character and i will kill myself if I have to run the janthir wilds story again with the bears talking in asmr mode.
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what happened?
what did i missed with memories of battle?
why did it happen just when i need to buy 5 stacks for conflux?
who is responsible?
how do i find him?
Recommend me an Elementalist WvW roaming build a brainlet like me can play.

They announced adding some armors to vendors that are currently exclusive to reward tracks.
celestial cata is the popular brainless option, celestial weaver is not much harder
>the story would be shorter if i could skip all the story
Can we have less retarded people in this general?
guys, i need more alts to park on stuff
which race and class combination should i make?
Asura engineers
charr, femcharr class
>chase and shoot a ranger on a warclaw
>invulns for like 5 seconds even after running out of stamina
i have one as my dedicated bank slave

i wouldn't park a femchar even in a trash bin
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Come on now, I know you want to park a femcharr in your homestead
male human or charr for a thief?
Then I guess you might want to plant a slyvari right next to the chests. Make them thieves.
should i make my 3rd legendary armor set which is heavy or should i make my first weapon ? was thinking aurene hammer for my scrapper/untambed or gen 1 greatsword got lege back trinket and amulet already
It's really not that bad, especially compared to legendary crafting. Something like 38g per weapon/slot.
Having GW2 as my main game is suffering
so whats the point of legendaries if ascended is cheaper even for multiple characters?
not having to get my magnetite exchange and/or go through 2+ loading screens just to get my shit set up
>opens wizards vault
>clicks ascended weapon/armor
Hmmm curious
Legendary is bad because you cant share runes and gear across characters like with ascended
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wealth issue
You cant share those across characters
If i have a set of ascended gear with runes, i can move it to any other character with no issue. You cant co that with legendary
Retarded mutts have woken up..
I have only stated facts and you meet me with insults. The fact is legendary is pointless when you have ascended
Saying charr is faster
>You cant share those across characters
Leg. gear is shared at all times, for an unlimited amount of characters. Literally just open the equipment panel and it's all there, ready to be equipped instantly. Having to click the UI a little more is still way more convenient than having to:
1: find which of your characters had the item you needed (have fun with that if you don't know off hand)
2: log into that character, wait out the load screen
2.5: TP to the nearest bank (if you don't have leg. gear you're guaranteed to be too poor for the bank pass) and wait out the loading screen
3: run to the bank NPC and drag the gear into the bank window
4: relog to the recipient character and wait out the loading screen
4.5: potentially have to TP to the nearest bank, again, for another loading screen and jog
5: open the bank to equip that gear, manage the old gear
6.5: TP back to where you were in the first place (another load screen to wait out lmao)

Or you could just equip any gear, any stats and any upgrades instantly from the hero panel without having to leave the instance. EZ.
You clearly dont understand and are just being condimenting now. With ascended gear i already have stats and runes for another character. And its easy to move them.
What is going on with the meta in the second map? I'm from europe and at late night nobody was doing the meta of course I assume it was a bad hour but now I asked if someone was doing the meta and people told me they prefered to other things.
based condiment enjoyer
When meta starts a few lfgs go up and instantly fill. The only way you will get meta is if you host yourself or get lucky.
It's been 2 weeks since launch, the meta doesnt give much of value and the 'super rare' drop is just a spear so most people stopped bothering.
Sucks for newbs like you but too bad
They prefer to do other things.
What I meant is that the expansion would be a nothingburger if the story wasn't so stretched out by those slow and unskippable dialogue, the introduction to the housing and those events that are just filling hearts, if you skip the cutscenes of ffxiv you still have plenty of gameplay.
>the story wouldnt have story if it had no story
Please fucking stop, you and ascended ketchup are too much stupid to deal with
Except I do understand, because I didn't always have legendaries, and I had to shuffle my shit through the bank all the time. But now that I have fleshed out my armory, I can attest that leggies are in fact more convenient.
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Appreciate the WvW advice from earlier, lads. Ended up giving standard Alacrigade a shot, as I could repurpose some portions of the necessary gear for a roaming variant when not in a larger group.
Never played Rev in WvW or any sort of PvP before, but it actually went surprisingly well! Fairly straightforward buff application, Stability for days with The Road™ and great survivability in Dwarf besides, satisfying boonrip and a fantastic stunbreak/cleanse in Mallyx... Even had some cheeky pick potential via Forced Engagement. Felt REAL nice to actually be useful in large-scale encounters for once, rather than just picking-off targets on the distant edge as Deadeye.
My original intention was to set WvW aside after the Anniversary bonus had ran its course. But maybe I'll hop into the mode again every so often throughout the coming weeks, even without the bonuses running. Was unexpectedly pretty fun, gotta say. (Although I'd imagine a good portion of that enjoyment stemmed from lucking into landing on the winning team, for once).
how long does each leg armor set take between wvw,raids,soto,pvp
22 weeks, shortened by skirmish tickets you get attacking keeps/castles
3-6 moths, depending on when you start and how hard you work. Ie starting 1 month til season ends, doing mini, new season, second mini gets you all 300 league tickets. Then you just need the ascended shards, 400 pers initial byz chest, 100 per additional.
Wvw 7 week minimum, assuming you're clearing all 7 wings every week
Soto, idk i didnt touch that shit but the consesus i hear is how much you're willing to spend vs how much you're willing to play
if i grind hard i can do soto set in just over a month
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>using a journeykin in WvW
full armor and trinkets are way more valuable than weapons
>when the human cock is bigger than she expected
>when the norn futacock is bigger than he expected
Ash Legion Charr, no contest
But...you can. Ever since the legendary armory they're basically like masteries. If you have one legendary sword equipped on your necro, you can log onto your engi and equip the same sword as though it were two swords

>excuses excuses excuses
Bro all you ever do is getting ganked and then you headcanon this as you 'winning' to brag with itt. People see right through that shit. The reason you're avoiding specifics is because all your builds are shit that non-shitters steamroll solo with ease. And the moment you post any of it, an actual roamer will immediately call you out on that.
Go ahead, prove me wrong.

You could take the autist approach.
>show up in Janthir Syntri over an hour in advance
>tag up
>make an lfg "Janthir Meta XX:30"
>fill up the lfg as the time passes. Don't log off, don't leave the map
>by the time it starts you have capped out several times
I guess you could also call it 'the early bird'. Also it helps if you know what even happens in the meta.
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>Unironically using a wojak in [current year]
But you're not wrong, I do need to change that out for something else. Journeykin are too soft for the unending brutality of WvW.
Actually DO have a spare Warclaw skin I bought over a year ago, but it was specifically intended to be paired with my equally edgelord-as-hell looking Deadeye. Skullcat is a bit much for this character.
A lot of existing Warclaw skins just don't do it for me. Not a fan of Nians (why are there SO MANY Nian variants of this mount?), the mountain goats work great in Janthir and nowhere else, Grimalkin look like something out of a children's storybook, etc.
Vigilant Saberclaw and Savage Gladiator are really the only skins I could potentially see myself using for this mount, even if the latter's feathered helmet looks really damn silly. Or maybe I'll just go full meme, and use one of those glowing glamours like Luminous Raider or Starclaw. Don't have any over-the-top skins like those for my mounts yet, and they looked to be weirdly commonplace in WvW.
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>asura 'men'
The timegate is based entirely off LIs, which I think is based because it rewards improvement and learning new things. The more LIs you can get each week, the shorter the total timegate.
To get full legendary raid armor, you need 750 LIs total. 150 for the first weight class (because you get the precursors for the first weight class for free) and 600 for the other two sets.
How long it takes until you can get them all depends on how much end content you do, so I'll tier it based on difficulty, but also under the assumption that you do all of the content in question every week.
>You only do HoT raids (W1-W4)
15 LIs per week -> 50 weeks (1 year) this is assuming you DON'T skip escort and you DO go back to collect the LI after twisted castle during W3.
>You only do HoT and PoF raids (W1-W7)
25 LIs per week -> 30 weeks (a little less than 8 months)
>You do HoT raids, PoF raids and all the EoD Strike CMs except HT
29 LIs per week -> 26 weeks (a little less than 7 months)

If you include Dagda CM it'll be more or less the same as without her.
I personally couldn't be assed to do W5 and W6 every week, I was just happy with doing the HoT raids and W7.
The upside of raid armor is that it is cheaper and that you just have to do the content in question once and you're done for the week, so you spend a lot less actual time grinding it out than with wvw and soto armor for instance.
how does on join such a based discord
So if you only care about one set, at 15 LI/week that's just 10 weeks?
Doesn't seem too bad, but how does one actually get into a group for that? Are all those raid encounters easily steamrollable now or do you have to play guild kissup?
Just play on Mag, the guild is equivalent to 100 solo Andys clouding silently, without need for communication, innately understanding the power of cloud
Oh god no, getting into raids is an adversarial game between you and the raid community. The raids have been powercrept so the bosses themselves aren't the problem, it's the players and convincing them to take you along even when you don't have 50+ KP of all the bosses. If you can go with a guild, that's an absolute godsend, because that's basically free KP each week you run with them for.
But if you can't, do not expect any kind of cooperation, long-term thinking or for the og raiders to be in any way kind or welcoming to you. If you tackle it with this mindset, you will be disappointed. The og raiders are your enemy, your opponent. They will treat you as such and until you treat them the same way, you will not break into raids.

I personally did the guild route very briefly until I knew all the boss mechanics (but still didn't have nearly enough KP), and then my guild shat the bed. From there I took a much more convoluted approach where I used my commander tag to make my own squads, checked how to write an lfg that blends in with the others, put up LFGs that look like normal experienced FC (full clear) lfgs (of course with all the special roles for each raid covered) and then I basically tricked pugs into carrying me. I now have over 1k LI and hundreds of KP of each of the bosses.
Does anyone use the bloated ugly face options for asura
I did. I found he looks like a specific EU politician afterwards. At some point I showed him to someone and he said he just looks like an upset jewish grandma.
not only is that shit ugly, it's also free for every paypig who bought the early access, so both WvW and open world are flooded with people riding giant cats with downs
I want to mating press your femcharr
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it's over... asura is the pedo race
there is no comeback possible from this
tfw realizing the wizard vault shit is all kinda crap and there's nothing worth spending jizz on after you get the cash and legendary mats
its not even remotely human
>after buying all the good stuff theres only mediocre stuff left
No shit Sherlock
he's a willbender player, cut him some slack
It's designed so you either spend your anal acclaim on the current thing like skins or the gay spear quest, or you're forced to buy some crap so you stay under the 1300 quota.
You can always get the infinite bags of money, they're the least rip-off among the infinite picks once you've bought everything else.
love how there's a grand total of ONE item in the legacy tab that you can buy without having soso or milds, two tabs out of three are literally telling you to pay up if you want them shinies
back in the day we literally got nothing outside the cash shop so I'll gladly eat the vault slop
>after buying all the good stuff theres only mediocre stuff left
That's an incorrect interpretation of what was said.
Help!!! I can't stop doing Dragonstorm every day just since it's the only event I remember starting every even hour
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>login tuesday morning
>see i get a free 300 wizardcoin retroactively because anet kept track of my janthir event completion over the last two weeks
Sometimes they're all right with their programming capabilities.
even if you didnt have it, you can complete it in wvw
>4 honey flowers from one bounty pick
holy macaroni
>cant buy genital wilds
why can't I complete hunting in the grasslands OR hunting in the tundra
I'm missing the last boss in each, the valraven and the rampaging stranger and I swear I killed both but didn't get credit
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fuck you
I miss the old daily rewards like you wouldn't believe
I just did this valrun one and it has to be from a specific event that happens in one of two places
evidently doing the one up will shortly lead to the other one spawning, so i guess this event is going on constantly
ew wvw
Man, I sort of hoped that thief axe would ignore projectile blocks in WvW, but it's just a shitty weapon all around

also FUCK warrior spear 4
>also FUCK warrior spear 4
you mad deadlet?
1v1 me out of the zerg and see what happens
i still have i 4 or 5 stacks of dat shit, i use them the last day to have 100% on the events track
you still die because im not shit
I use them to get gifts of battle for legendaries, but I'm running out of them
shit was easy af to gather
This is it.
I can't believe they made worse villains than the ones in Soto, spider rock golems, really?
And they act the same "we are so powerful, look at these ants"
I don't know if these expansions are for make money for GW3 because are totally unnecessary
come back when you fix your english and learn what the titans are
>I don't know if these expansions are for make money
>because are totally unnecessary
k keep me posted
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>spear 4
>make you use your dodges to avoid some of the damage
>spear 3 for root/stun
>spear burst for 20k
nothing will bring more pleasure than seeing warrior spear damage get nerfed next week
t. willbender main
Thief axe and spear are both shit, ANet should've made them with a specific role in mind, not this retarded "can be strike, can be condi" kit.
Who the FUCK plays GW2 for the story after IBS, EoD and SotO?
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so how's your under the map base coming along, gw2g?
good power ranger open world pve/main story speedrun 2024 epic meta elite S tier build?
Charr are cool but medium armor sucks on them
kyoryured-based build
*raises paw*
HEY, everything up to Drizzlewood South was kino okay
Not really no
this, it's retarded that warrior is OP at all.
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the build up was honestly really great
shame on how it ended
>keep my sons name out of your mouth
Paypal? Serious offer, I'd buy it for you with your account info, but I feel like that would seem even more shadow. Cheers
Word. Somehow I've made a pretty good look for my ranger but it wasn't easy... Luckily, some of the new chest pieces either take the tail into account or aren't trenches.
Rytlock's wife's son betraying Scar was also pretty cool, unfortunately he became a joke right after that and the story had already gone full retard with
>the spirits of the wild trapped in fish tanks
>Sohothin failing to melt ice, but a stronk independent charr womyn succeeding
>Smodur being character and physically assassinated because MEN BAD! and the hinted-at subplot of Malice playing both sides being dropped because YASS KWEEN!
>the fucking popsicle legion, I swear
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if you are not trolling you can buy the key on the gw2 shop w/o an acc :O
Unless you want the ultimate edition, you can easily buy it from a reseller. Thar is, unless you just haven't got the money, in which case you can only wait!
What exactly is the issue? They have a whole range of payment methods set up.
is there any use for proofs of heroics besides free hero points?
>had to close the bank account
>dont have a prepaid card
>work time to time when i'm lucky
grow a brain, and then learn to play the game
sure we can, starting with you fucking off, retard
defending towers and keeps (especially smc, which gives tickets for even t0 defense events) is more and faster skirmish tickets than flipping them
retards like you who abjectly refuse to learn the game are truly the only creedence to the claim that the game mode is braindead, because it's filled with so many braindead fucking retards like you, it wasn't at all like this back when this game was alive though
Okay, I'd still need some kind of info who to send it to.
being able to use the spear early, just a measly 500 of jade heroics, goy
it says I need to login to continue, I'm not sure if this will work lad
>piggie smiles
another rare instance of a character getting posted here that i recognize
>another rare instance
they dont sound so rare to me anon, better downgrade them to masterwork instances
>more vagaries, more excuses
Put up or shut up nigger. Let us see what gigabrain build you're running, and it better not just be celeharb, shitter.
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this is my discord
there was a post on reddit that if you buy it on anet site you get the key in the mail
>he's in Germany
I have two questions
A: Why was your bank account closed in the first place?
B: Why do you not just go to a store and get a paysafecard?
>in the same breath: "hurrrrr durrrr cashgrabspansions aren't the p2w powercreep killing the game, ur jus pore"
I'm pretty sure the krautanon is the one offering to buy the game for the other anon
That sounds really bad. If krautanon puts his bank information in pooranon's account, what's stopping the latter from going on a huge shopping spree with krautanon's money?
learn the game, learn how it works, make your own build with that knowledge, until then fuck off
Put up or shut up nigger, if you know how to play so well surely you can come up with a good roaming build, ANY good roaming build
Of course we both know you can't, because you are a shitter and all your builds are copypaste stuff that roamers wipe the floor with.
Allright, just to make sure this is actually you. Will an EU code work for you?
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Post characters!
>buy milds on anet website
>get activation code in the mail
>send activation code to other anon
>anon activates code and gets game
>no bank info leaked
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went down to 0 they still asked for over 100€ random fees
yes im in eu
you can literally stay in fire, spam autoattack and do massive dps
if you spam your abilities it's basically god mode except against the best players
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Get ready for an hour and a half of talking until you actually get to do something haha. Cheers
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My human mesmer
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my futasura necromancer
i don't give a fuck about gw2 lore, i just want to see cool enemies and these ones for sure they arent.
that's actually really cool
nice job
Ranger Spear is shit.
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>material storage sale gone
I didn't even see the timer on it
Oh well
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that seems unnecessary
>asura players only know 1 hairstyle
You linked the wrong post your character one but even so cute asura

Thank you it's some kind of powered suit getup and it ended up really good
Do as anon said and either go back and play prophecies or read through the lore on what the titans are.
Also the fact that decima drops generic 'look at these ants' lines and greer tries to sound as edgy as humanly possible is potentially a hint at what's really going on. Because the OG Titans usually didn't bother talking to people. They COULD, they were sentient and there was a sidequest where a Charr ghost confronted the titans, but they usually didn't bother talking. In contrast to that, Decima and Greer never shut up. I know that's probably not what it is but I still think It's the Mae twins. They weren't trapped inside the bloodstone, they were tethered to it just like Waiting Sorrow said and the explosion really just dragged them back for a brief moment. The awkward dialogue is because the titans have been extinct since GW1. The Mae twins have no idea how a titan is expected to act so they're basically just larping as what each of them THINKS a titan is like. The result being of course that one sounds like an edgy teenager and the other like a generic spider boss from a wrpg.
made twilight today
was using black lion red and black gs before this so this fits my reaper aesthetic nicely
yeah im still talking to npcs >_>'
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subspace sip
imagine if a femsura splashed you with a shrinking potion and then swallowed you whole lol
riddle me this batman
you've saved the fabric of reality several times, slayed a god, and have a bank full of wealth
yet everyone else in your guild is getting laid and you are sorely devoid of simps
imagine if a femsura splashed you with a shrinking potion but you managed to escape only to be stood on by Queen Jennah lol
My subspace charr and his r63 clone.
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she reported me to the guards saying i was following her to close
That would be clever, so I'm sure it's not going to happen.
do you only take pantyshots of FHDs
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last week's keyfarmer
rip in piss (will be forgotten)
do u think our GLORIOUS new anet employees and writing staff will make a skibidi guild wars 2 trailer for the next expansion?
Skinwalker limbs typed this post
No. But I still want to see a janny wilds version of those zoomer brainrot videos.
>You tried rizzing up those titans twice and they're still gooning all over Janthir Sigma. If we don't nuke em with the scepter, they'll fanum tax every bloodstone up there.
>What? That's cap, right? We can't use the scepter, that's some sussy baka shit right there. Everyone who's used it was cooked. Alphas, betas, sigmas, doesn't matter.
why are you making male asura for key farming?
at least go humie so you can stare at some fhd bum while you doing the mind numbing first story steps
zoomer with the broccoli fade pointing up at text that says "THINGS THAT ARE $€XI€R THAN PEITHA" and then it cuts to a jpg of a mirror
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>woke leftist anet criticizing communism through based Ivan
hangon im calling pritch to narrate this
To be fair, this could just be a new person misunderstanding the vanilla Dredge lore and accidentally retconning it into something more based than it was previously.
>orignal lore: The moletariate is a generic soviet ethnonatonalist group and the 'revolution' movement is just the ex-moletariate generals that overthrew it in Sorrow's explo
>new lore: The moletariate was itself a revolution and muh equality movement born from revolting against the stone summit and the post-SE-story-mode revolution was just a newer iteration of the same thing
>this could just be a new person misunderstanding the vanilla Dredge lore and accidentally retconning it into something more based than it was previously.
anet needs to hire more pajeets i guess
>Wayfinder...I can't let you jelq deeper inland without spearmaxxing first.
>reaper with reaper hood and twilight
Wow, feeling daring today, aren't we?
learn the game, learn how it works, make your build, or fuck off retard
educate yourself, retard
>shitter's copes have reached samefag levels now
Let's see those gigabrain builds, shitter. It better be something really good because all that self-hype is looking really fucking fake and gay with this glaring lack of specifics.
u cant see it but i also have prosthetic hand and leg!
Also his death metal skirt with the reverse silver cross is actually just the spearmarshal pants from PoF repainted.
heres my wvw outfit
Would be cool, but then who is Ura?
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*sweat in wvwish*
Buy the ball of charged mist essence from the tp you dork, you can get 3 for like 1.5k or less
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>alt tab while waiting for reset
>open gw2
>creepshot anon is standing right next to me
prove itrat
but i need the gold and i have no idea what to do with the tickets
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Trees take so much fuckin homestead wood
everything* takes so much fuckin homestead wood
wtf why my warclaw is so fast now pve and have all the wvw skills
>tfw it'll only get worse once we get walls and floor tiles
I refuse to buy them on the black market. Im okay with adhering to the timegate for now since not all the decorations are released
have fun, pveasy ni**er
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idk what/where the black market people talk about it but ive made good prog on my forest without it
it's kind of annoying that in order to browse the world map from my homestead i have to link to a random POI and click it, then it lets me view the map like normal
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is my msura cute enough?
disgusting little gremlin
That was the entire anniversary week? That's all there was?
wait my boost is gone!?
A team is working on gw3, B team is too busy with the next xpac, C team is still finishing janthir wilds. There is no D team for events ever since NCSoft trimmed the fat last year.
now that face is pedo-coded
>cargo pants
>rift hunter shirt
>gay cat ears that takes away hair style

delet and start over
you need to go back
schizo meds: taken
pepto bismol: taken
hydration check: failed
posture check: obscene
yep, it's gw2 time
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>the willbender icons
>rift hunter shirt
What's wrong with that
>NOOO you cant just point out the truth!
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>that looks like a sexy child, therefore you are a pedo!
the projection is real
what is this, a video for ants?
>sexy child
uhm only you said this
>no u
nice try pedo
when someone pedo-coded, it just means child-like features

a bit bigger was 8 mb with vp8 compression 30
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Not bad
A bit gay though
how is the heavy woad coat gay?
Ah shit maybe I should get it after all.
>sees goblin creature
>childlike features
you're not helping your case
touch grass
>face is child-like
>n-n-no its not! ACK
go 41%
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>19 second video
I kneel.
>face is young looking
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It cuts off at the collar. You'd need the kind of shoulder armor that wraps around the front or the Woad Helmet itself to put a stop to that.
aight which 1 of u is this
hello gayratte
closet pedo
yes, you are.
i have no idea how to comrpess a video for 4chan
>no u
nice try pedo
Just use webm4retards
moralfags always end up being busted as actual pedos
Like you?
i got a lesser vision crystal from mawdrey today, i think its a good day to try some gambling
aww dangit
I have all the mats to craft either frostfang or twilight, im kinda tempted to wait for next season and see what the legendary starter kit brings.
Twilight is a no brainer
bro your roots?
>out of currency
>wizard vault requires currency
no, more like you since you started this whole shit by moralfagging "pedo-coded"
someone condi cleanse this man, he has been taunted and dazed by obvious bait
>pedoanon has been caught and now is trying to deflect via obvious samefagging
i tried that, it looks like cube fight 2 and it cut the video cuz is too big >_>
>Who the FUCK plays GW2 for the story after Living World Season 1
ftfy newfriend
>I kneel.
On his neck.
Oh great more retarded arguments
What next? Flush virgins vs looking at your shit before you flush chads?
>he isn't an autoflushGOD
its always shit and piss with you faggot
Don't bully the subspace or you'll be answering to me, pal.
>out of all the subspace pics posted on /gw2g/ he focuses on the only three of fifty+
That says more about you than me, scat enthusiast.
Subspace guardian will not escape my superposition device. And even if she does, I'm certain it'll just summon another in her place. According to my hired asura, those types work like that.
>enter homestead
>there's a room in my own house i'm not allowed to enter unless i spend good boy points
>bond of vigor doesn't cool down while you're clinging to a wall
lol these absolute niggers i can't believe they cared enough to nerf that
>cared enough to nerf that
bro its always been that way
no it wasn't, newfag. you could cling to a wall and wait a minute for it to refresh and pop it again, now the cooldown literally freezes in place.
>no it wasn't
oh? im confident you can find the patch note where they nerfed it then as proof of your claim
I don't give a shit about proving anything to a retarded newfag who wasn't around when skyscales were first introduced. You can waste your own time, I've far more important things to do than coddle retards.
>long string of profanities
>cant prove shit
skyscale wall clinging has always been that way and youre mad and emotional that I (unlike you) have actually been playing since LW4 E6.
>schizo desperately needs to arguing for the sake of arguing
Nope, not wasting my time on retards.
>needs to arguing
good morning saar
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>I have actually been playing since LW4 E6.
I have been playing since beta 2012. Little children will learn to sit down, listen, and learn in the presence of their elders.
>been playing since beta 2012
>didnt know that skyscale endurance and bond of vigor dont regenerate while wall clinging and always hasnt
youre the kind of old faggot whos memory is slipping and needs to live in an assisted living home (nobody respects them)
>retard newfag admits he's a newfag
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>uhhh newfag!
beta weekend 1, april 2012.
skyscale's endurance has never regened and bond of vigor has never gone off cooldown while wall clinging
ty for vindicating me anon.
The other anon is right though, you could cling to a wall for a minute and wait for bond of vigor to recharge and use it again, that's how I got to the top of Dragonfall the first time before I found the "correct" way to get on the airship.
>take my word for it!
>dont mind the video evidence!
You dipshits just remembered it wrong, theres no shame in that. there IS a lot of shame quadrupling down on your factual wrongness however
>"video evidence"
>some pajeet shit from months later
uh huh, be upset at being a newfag harder
zero proof nigger has no authority on anything
>remembered it wrong
No, that's literally how I climbed Dragonfall. I remember because duhhh having to hold W to stick to the wall for minutes on end while waiting for the cooldown to recharge. The endurance bar doesn't recover while clinging but bond of vigor did.
>remembered it wrong
kek. the pajeet video literally shows its been this was far, far longer than what you're saying it SUPPOSEDLY was. believe it all you want, but youre objectively incorrect
just... stop responding at this point dude. i've already thought of you as perhaps the most pathetic person on this board, but you keep digging yourself deeper. i just pity you at this point. you'll get no more (yous) from me, sir, so enjoy this last crumb. good day
>retard spends all his time rooting around pajeet dumpsters
>wHeRe iS dA pRoOf
>you'll get no more (yous) from me, sir, so enjoy this last crumb. good day
I don't know what to tell you, anon. That's literally how I got to the top of Dragonfall. I don't care when your video was made, that's what I did when I played the game. I'm not sure why you're so upset that this is the big argument you need to have today. Have you tried just.. not being a aggrieved schizoid all day every day?
>That's literally how I got to the top of Dragonfall
and you are heckin valid to think thats how you did it. or that you did it at all. your anecdotes are precious to us
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this fhd is having a ball
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One of two other npcs from the same story instance. Both of them are also mentioned in texts found in the overworld. Either Rhea Ingham, or Manikaz the Mursaat. I'd lean towards Rhea, and that all of them are part of some experiment by Manikaz.
Another detail that makes me believe all this is the bloodstone shit. I don't remember the titans in gw1 being this fixated on bloodstones, but the twins and manikaz talk about nothing else.
was it fastcar?
Glyphnode is obviously >>493044195

Bro he has you dead to rights, just compare what either anon posted to each other. One has an old youtube video clearly showing the bond of vigor counter freezing whenever the skyscale clings to a wall, the other only has "trust me bro".
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>events dont match up with the achievement objectives
cocksucking anet FUCKS how do you fuck this up? The wiki is only vital because anet cant code their game right
I have a whole list of other bugs to report when I post my feedback on their forum, but I keep procrastinating on it.
don't worry, anet also keeps procrastinating on fixing them!
interdasting. I hope you're right, that'd make the story a whole lot better than the "Titans" just being actual Titans with annoying monologuing latched on.
>gem store rotation is completely random
>want to complete a character's look with a black lion skin, have to wait until it appears on the store
>when it does, there's a 1 out of 10 chance of it being on sale
>same for mounts/skiffs/outfits
>jade bot and fishing rod skins are dead like dungeons at this rate
>some items haven't been for sale in years
>for black lion weapons I'm better off buying from scalpers on the TP
This company's greed is seriously ticking me off. How hard can it be to make me preview a gem store skin, display a "buy on gem store" button and just sell me the damn thing? I wonder how Grouch likes it when his fav buttplugs are randomly unavailable for 60+ weeks and, when they do show up on Amazon, they cost 200 bucks.
I vaguely recall them announcing sometime last year that they were going to keep a larger selection around and rotate items more frequently but it didn't seem to last very long if it ever happened at all
I like the statement of the new flower crown but it clips too badly with many hairs to consider using
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yeah, tough to tell on the in-store preview because it's a preview for ants, but I tried it on my character that has the same hairstyle as this promo image and it looked like it clipped pretty badly in the back
they can't do anything right
also, I will give 100 gold to anyone who figures out the sliders to recreate that face
Jade Bots would sell like hotcakes if they weren't so fucking annoying. Literally every single skin makes annoying noises and if you have the miniature up you're going to annoy the fuck out of everyone around you. I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking with that shit, and I'm equally perplexed at why they still make noises. I guarantee not a single person enjoys listening to those little fuckers.
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How much of a pain would it be to stat change an ascended weapon over and over to unlock every Antique skin, compared to just picking every variant on the Wizard Vault?
You'd need a lot of ectos but it is certainly possible. How about you just don't do it all at once? Maybe do one weapon type at a time.
It would take forever via the vault since you can only grab one per quarterly refresh. I'd unlock the celestial color via the vault and use swapping for the rest.
Cute fhd
it's just 5 ecto and some cash (between a few silver and a few gold depending on stats) per color, very easy and cheap to do
just remember the celestial inscription is account bound so pick Wupwup as the first version or you're gonna have to craft yourself
Now put her in a swimsuit.
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still working on replicating the face from anet's promo shot
it's not going well because my slider-fu is not strong
willy bender
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jan wilds... is real...
I'm 100% certain it's not greed that makes them do this, it's incompetence. They probably can't have more than certain amounts of items in their shop at once or else it breaks.
I really like how the poly and titan armour sets look the same for all weights, now I can give my light and medium characters a knightly look without having to buy outfits. SotO did pretty much the same thing, too, with light and medium-looking sets. This is probably as close as we can get to GW1 outfits...
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>stat change an ascended weapon over and over to unlock every Antique skin
mfw i found out i can do that the last year, after 10 years
not that guy but it did work that way
you could just climb forever if you had the time to waste clinging to a wall a minute at a time to climb a bit higher

it's a shame they fixed that but did nothing about the skyscale humping shit like a horny dog when you just want to land it to reset your meter
>remove mount/glider/skiff/whatever tab from store
>only keep the random stuff like mount licences and bundles like back + glider or glider + chair
>use only the "buy for xyz gems" button on the preview screen in the hero panel
>item is always accessible so I can waste my money whenever I want
>they're not cluttering their shitty little cash shop
This game has some terrible UI decisions in general.
Who the fuck is this blue shrek character and why is she so ugly
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The Wizards needed a diversity hire the Black Rock trading company wouldn't give them money for the attic in the tower.
>wild roar is already getting into the vault in 6 days

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>massacre a warclaw
>we frens
>femcharr are the least played race and sex
its so over
no i posted the screenshot, the 1 i was asking about is the person spamming trump stuff in divinitys reach
>Best race and sex combo is most exclusive
As it should be
Nasty bears
furfags don't generally play females, clue to why is in the name
GW3 will have a gender neutral race
even core warriors do 12k+ with a spear hit
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A lesser of two evils. :^)
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fhd intensifies
if they looked like cute catgirls people would play them
I'm going insane. I have a voice line "You're kidding, right?!" stuck in my head but can't remember which NPC said that. Help me out bros
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Gave a hand at it, got the sliders saved in a pic if you want them
dont say that around gw2 fans theyll tear u a new one for saying their throat ripping warmongering cat people should be furry-core
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>Convert 45k volatile magic to trophy shipments
>Spend all of those resources on two gifts of condensed might and magic because I'd just need the trophies for them anyway
>+500g to -150g in less than a minute
Is this what living paycheck to paycheck feels like.
Am I gonna be destitute until I'm done making Legendary accessories/armor/runes/sigils, and can finally start selling my T3-T6 shit instead of immediately finding a more pressing use for it? Every time I think I have more than enough materials stockpiled to start selling my excess, another step on a legendary recipe drains it away. It's all so tiresome.

Male Human Bandit in the Kryta region. Also one of the possible NPCs from the Thieves Guild elite skill.
as if any pveasy sparkletrash furry could 1v1 me
Oh you mean the trump derangement syndrome guy, he might not even be from this thread. There's a whole website all of which could be that guy.
Doing it right now is stupid anyway. You lose money forging the t5s because of how expensive the dust is. It's better to hold onto all that VM and do all that later when the price of ectos and dust is back down.
well this one is pro trump but ye maybe same guy
Wont happen
Spear in 3 months will probably have a retarded cost
Backpack in 6 months will probably have a retarded cost
ive built like 9 those its only taken 3 months of an hour per day and i blame the delay on festive of winds for making it worse than it had to.
heres the trick to grind mats, farm essence chest for eternal ice to convert into map currency for volatile magic
do convergence and dragonstorm daily, this only takes an hour
convert red essence into tyria defense seals for boxes
craft rare gear out of the excess t5s to salvage for ectos
then if you want to add tangled depths and auric basin metas to your rotation for more loot to sell or salvage
if you do the odd hours for convergence that should give you enough time to check out auric basin to join a map to be done before jumping to dragonstorm on the even hour, if youre doing the even hour convergence you hit auric basin, dragonstorm and then convergence
get a jade bot and get a scavenger protocol, magic one might be better because of dust drops, its a worthwhile investment
Take the EUE pill.
Free yourself from lego shackles.
>painting a single stroke in the painting event in the north of syntri is more progress than disarming a single mursaat relic in the southwest
I hate it here
That thing won't let me transmog my armor for free.
gem store items don't go to the legacy vault, they just disappear until anet decides to sell them again
i wish
Well I don't know what to do then, but the volatile magic route won't be it. Rn I'm selling all the ectos I get. I've put off making any more legendaries until the ecto- and dust price go back down. At this point I've got 150+ clovers with 10 more each week and 2 unused legendary kits sitting in the bank.
All my gold goes into gems instead. I recently dropped 200 on a storage expander but I got everything back and then some simply by opening and salvaging my yellows as well as attuning and salvaging my ascended rings. I'm accumulating stacks of greens and blues, those are next. I still haven't gotten that extra set of templates for my rev, but I guess since templates are not in rotation I've got at least a week to spare with that. All my gold farming consists of one round of fractal CMs and t4s per day, aside from that all I do is hunt achievements in the new zones.

And yes, I'm not changing this policy. I'll just continue to accumulate legendary kits until that price drops and until then, I'll just get character ugprades. It's still a long way until I have 9 characters fully upgraded. I even have 140k+ volatile magic sitting there, waiting to be used. No, I'm not using them and selling the trophies, that feels like a waste to me. I'd rather have them lying around and ready for when I actually craft legendaries again. But I can afford to be like this, because it's easier for me to count the (non-useless) legendaries I DON'T have than the ones I DO have
>under water sigils
>spear (up to 2)
>maces (up to 2)
>axes (up to 2)
>daggers (up to 2)
>harpoon gun
I have everything else.
Where do you even get endless tools like this?
Just hoard your VM, ive noticed value of T6 dropping too.. wait until november, shit will skyrocket again with the next kit and legendary spear
prices are not going to drop in any significant way, when they really should, the fact they havent recovered to before eod or soto levels shouldve told you that
i need to make 2 leg spears now ?
not being able to use 1 legendary in multiple slots is the biggest cuckery I've ever seen
not surprised the cuck playerbase in this game didn't get them to change that though
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Better get it whilst it's here, only 176g (at the moment)
Cute but you're nicer with your breather
Four, don't forget the two underwater slots :^)
I just find it so confusing, why are the ectos staying at 40s so consistently? Those things used to be 13-14s at one point. A THIRD of what they are now. That was the whole reason why trophy shipments for VM were such an efficient way of getting t6es. Without forging the t5s, the t6s you DO get are negligible.
Are there really so many new players who are all making soto armor and gen 1 legendaries?
If yes, I might have an idea how to fix this situation. But for that I need fingerpointers. I need to know where all those new legy-crafting-level players hang out. If I introduce them all to dragonfall and get them to farm it, the ecto price will go down.
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anet got my extra gems
Does it require you to drag your shit on the message window one by one to take off your shit or does it have the quality of life to just automatically extract stuff when you change sigils on the equipment screen? Since if it's the latter, I'd get it.
You think its a big group anon? Its the gold barons, the jews of gw2. Ectos went up because people at a mid wealth level (any amount where you can buy 4k gems without becoming a normie) were buying 4 winds ecto boxes and normies were 'convinced' to sell their ectos for easy profit. But barons put in buy orders for those and then resell them at a higher prices.
Ectos only went up to 30s previously because of the obsidian armor rush
>Are there really so many new players who are all making soto armor and gen 1 legendaries?
Honestly, yes. Welfare Gen 1s and open world legendary armor has created a means for the vast majority of the playerbase -- open world shitters -- to get legenaries, and the market reflects that.
>soto armor
I didn't play soto, is it really that easy to get legendary armor from open world?
reddit told me it takes a shit ton of time
Based, turtle and gryphon are the only non-cringe plushy mounts.
Warclaw confirmed bear plush
It does take a shit load of time and a stupid amount of resources, but you have to remember that the average open world shitter is retarded. It's not hard, it's just very time consuming. WvW is a million times easier but most won't touch best game mode.
>most won't touch best game mode
>oh no people arent having a tard war over game modes, better start that shit up again
Probably because them looking at 18 weeks of wvw and thinking it's too much of an engagement
they really went on to make her both cute and gave her fat tits too
pretty based they have been recently tbdesu
18 weeks of flipping camps, at unranked/bronze, its 20 hours per week of wvw, for 18 weeks
>WvW is a million times easier
also the best (least ugly) medium legy
It takes a lot of time, but the big advantage is that the progress towards them is 100% other-player-proof. With other legendary armors there's ways for other players to slow down or even prevent you from progressing towards them. In wvw things can always go really badly (and even if it all goes great, the grind there is so long you might as well skip it and do soto armor anyway) and with raids, people can - and given the option, WILL - prevent you from getting LI by refusing you to take you along for raids.
The worst people can do with obsidian armor is failing SotO metas, or refusing to do t2/t3 rifts together. But even that can only slow you down, it can't stop you completely. Every soto meta item you're missing from a failed meta, you can assemble from currency farmed via smaller events and VM orbs.
Tbh if SotO had been a thing when I decided to get legendary armor, I would never have bothered with raids to begin with. I would have just gone for obsi armor. I can't blame the new players for thinking the same way.

That may have been a factor, but it's not what I was talking about.

WvW is cancer and the tick-timegate makes it more time consuming than obsi armor ever could be. I know how mindnumbingly long the grind is and I have the gloves to prove it.
soto medium looks good
i'm kicking myself over crafting the raid medium
Raid medium is great, i kick myself over making raid light and pvp medium
I didn't say that I think it's a long engagement, I did my 3 wvw sets back to back, but yeah plebs might look at the time engagement vs other sets that are quicker to get
>looks like you're wearing plastic blocks while out of combat
>explodes in to a trench coat when you enter it
>can't properly erase the white glow
I'll give you that I never even gave it the chance and fucked around with the dyes, but it's just bad. Definitely the worst of the raid ones.
raid light has cute mask
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I want to try fractals out
What's expected of you? I figure exo gear at least, but do you have to look up guides? Do you need a dps tracker? Can you come in with off-meta builds or is it just full Berserker all the time? How hard is it?
>I know how mindnumbingly long the grind

It's only mindnumbingly long when you don't just play and enjoy the game mode, but I get it. A lot of people share this philosophy, whereas people who enjoy WvW will look at the ticket time gate as a bonus, not the main reason they're doing WvW.

I do think you described why obisidian armor is more successful than my original post, though, to a certain extent. It isn't ENTIRELY other player proof because you can sure as hell lose time doing the most rewarding source of essences with Corvergences, but yeah I get your point.
Only in combat. Everywhere else its just a bead
You need ascended to slot agony infusions. Try having at least your freebies from wizmart
>WvW is a million times easier
>~360 hours over 18 weeks minimum for a single armor set
A single set of Obsidian armor takes maybe 45 hours of grinding.
WvW is objectively the slowest way to get legendary armor.
based choco enjoyer.
>What's expected of you?
T1 is pretty easy and builds don't quite matter as much. You can go in there with experimental builds (in fact, a lot of veteran players try out their new builds in T1) but be up front that it's your first time in fractals. The players, especially in T1, are likely to help you out.
>I figure exo gear at least
Exotic is fine for the vast majority of T1s, but it's a good idea to have a few pieces of ascended with agony resistance, because the higher level T1s do have agony in parts.
> but do you have to look up guides?
Hell no. Don't do that shit.
>Do you need a dps tracker
It's not a bad idea for self growth, and it becomes incredibly helpful if you intend to push forward with end game content.
>How hard is it?
T1 is braindead easy. T2 is easy, not quite as braindead. T3 is the hardest tier, because by now you SHOULD understand the mechanics of each fractal and your own class and build, but unfortunately many players don't. T4 is designed the most challenging but the players, on average, know what the fuck they're doing at this point and so it's arguably easier than T3 on average due to player skill.
Thats the essence of the problem, time.
You see pveasies going on about 50k dps. Pve is a time engagement, as little as possible time spent engaging in pve. Imagine now, you're someone with speedrunner brainrot, forced into a game mode you literally cannot speedrun, a lot of wvw very time kept. You only earn pips every 5 min and such. If you dont levelfast you will spend 20nhours a week in wvw, when you get to 10 pips(including wood box and team position) it drops to 8 hours or so.
You cant speedrun diamond, you cant force content to appear, you have no skill to fight the enemy if they decide to deny you being able toflip csmps at all.
To the pver who has pved so hard so as to engage in pve as little as possible, this is actual hell.
Just use a blue, it doesn't matter really. This better not be about spears though
>wvweasy shitter seething over open world chads
Fair point. WvWers enjoy the journey, PVEers want to get there as fast as possible. To each their own. For the record, while I do gravitate towards WvW as being my favorite game mode, I do get burned out on it from time to time and return to PVE. My legendary armor reflects that; it's mostly wvw but I do have one piece of obsidian.
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Thanks, I'd better get some more ascended gear then
We call it ascendies, my dear fracpal
Step aside, that catloli is mine
too true, this is why pveasiers poop in socks, because they can't afford the time to shit in the toilet or else they'll miss their dailies
Are you sure you enjoy the journey, and you havent been beaten down into accepting it? PveChads have mastered their domain. Even when you tire of wvw's abuse, you still come back. W w isnt even a virgin game mode, its a VICTIM game mode.wvweaklings should be pitied, and the attempt made to bring them to a more comfortable and loving game mode
>wvweasy cope: the post
Being the better man doesnt involve stooping to the lesser anon. Wvwvictims just need to be shown the light
>retarded pveasier doesn't know that you get skirmish tickets from flipping and defending objectives, aka actually playing the fucking game
a tale as old as time, tell me you've never played the real game mode without telling me you've never played the real game mode
This is a recent change, i got my original wvw medium when it was 22 weeks and outnumbered gave +5 pips.
Stand down, newfag
there is some immortal holosmith build that vomit condi worse than a necro
quickdie doesn't play engi, and he doesn't do shit without at least 3 of his simps with him waiting in the wings to jump on whatever retard is retarded enough to chase after his retarded ass
Yeah, i have it. You want it?
I should get out of bed anyway
l2p skissue
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quick ANET give me tickets AAHHHHH
It's just Celestial Elixir spam
do you need healers for fractals?
whenever I try them people just keep dying and respawning over and over again until we eventually get through them
>losing too a build? lol l2p
>it's just vague X
yeah fuck you wvw shitters, that's why everyone treats us like retarded losers
you can also play core with firearms over holo as 3 1 2 but you lose a weapon swap so you'll need to supplement that on w/e you're placing over holo arena. and your elite skill becomes turrets because the elite toolbelt is a god amount of healing and cleanse
When I used to do my daily fractals I always ran as the support (Chronomancer) for that sweet quick/alac provided, the rest as dps and I never had a problem, you don't per say need a healer but then you have to run it without shitters that know how to dodge and what is going on to have the more smooth runs.

If you keep ending up with shitters that die randomly because they won't dodge consider making your own healer

TLDR, no you don't need a healer but it makes things easier for sure
delete this
stop giving noobs good build, they need to git gud like the rest of us
>be near the south sm corner
>pulled all the way to the shining door thingie on the west side
Dear GWies, could you recommend me the best newbie guide? I am fresh level 80. I would like some basic gear and learn how to play my class.
>basic gear
play the game
>learn how to play my class
if you somehow managed to level all the way to 80 without figuring this out on your own, please uninstall
Boosted or did you level your own way up, either way.

Play the game, get the gear and if you are completely lost, youtube up a guide on what to do after 80 such as basic gearing or getting started on your ascended gear, play different game modes, find what you like and go from there
Alacrity shouldn't exist
i'm going to pick a pve guild to get into raids, i was thinking about some big shit with a lot of people, any guilds to avoid EU bros?
Any guild that allows the gays to have a say, you'll see them, they always advertise that the homos are welcome
>when you managed to escape the tard wrangler
I had the anniversary xp booster on. I play a guardian with a greatsword and shiet. Should I just continue to do the story lines until I have finsihed them all? I am still at killing the undeads. I mostly want to do world content, I am not into raiding. I just want some basic gear to make it easier. I don't even know what stats I need for that.
unironically and in the nicest terms possible: google it. the saltslingers are all active today being massive faggots
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Yeah you can do whatever you want really at this point in the game, if you want to do the story and open world, you go girl, nothing can stop you from doing it, if you're gonna be buying some gear pieces off the trading post make sure you use these the filter settings by the cogwheel so you don't get completely skimmed clean
you can buy gear for karma in the orr maps.
And as for stats, that depends on what you want to play, as power damage (greatsword) or condition (scepter etc) and pick the stats accordingly, if you're new to builds as well make sure you give metabattle a peek at something basic for you to use, they have builds for all occasions, and from there just work on it, understand the stats and what you need and keep progressing.

And as the other anon pointed out, if you have 252k karma you can buy some gear pieces in the Orr maps ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_armor -Vendors)
>anniversary booster pushes newbies to 80 so fast that they don't have time to learn their class
What a gaem.
Do you have the expansions or are you just f2p? Either way looking up open world builds on metabattle might help you better understand the class
at no point did you ever have to learn your class to get to 80
>you can buy gear for karma in the orr maps.
only the Grenth temple armor has zerkers stats though
>cele durability
>git gud

Pick one
literally and?
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lol you can tell anet is ran by women with all the different cat and dog skins added to the game since EoD and how they put them all over the newer maps
>advocating newbies to have shit attribute combinations for the sake of having le orange texted gear
theres a reason >>493143386 specified power/precision/ferocity stats while searching the tp.
I bought the game in 2013, leveled an enginner to 80. Left the game. Went back to playing WoW. Heard a lot of good things about GW2. Leveled a Guardian now. Still hasn't decided wheter I wanna buy the expansion, I am genuilly trying to understand the game and put my toe in the water.
Why is the northern renown heart the only one in Janthir Syntri that can be completed in a reasonable time frame. What the fuck was Anet thinking?
Do the unlimited gathering tools not come with their usual perks? Like do the unbound/volatile tools not give those magics?
Gotcha. Personally I don't feel that the free core and the free LWS1 is a good representation of what the game has to offer, as they're pretty dated, so keep that in mind if you're on the fence and feeling the game is "so so".
It should say on the gemstore
some have no glyphs, some have glyphs already in them, some come with selectable glyph containers
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Behold a relic of an ancient era.
>Bought the game and leveled up
Yeah I did that too way back when, bailed for some 8-9 years to play wow but then I gave up on wow and came to Gw2 and haven't looked back since this is just a better game over all, more enjoyable, and it has the best gamemode of all, WvW

It will take you a hot minute to understand the mechanics and how to go about things, especially stat combos and whatnot.

The best resource you can use in game are other people, this games population can be helpful to a fault so you run into a problem or don't understand something, write a message in the /m (map) chat and you'll most likely get a response or a whisper explaining something to you, excluding gw2g because that's just the shitpost central.
>spend all their time perfecting lowlands
>start working on syntri
>ohfuckohfuck our deadline is coming up
Syntri may be the worst map ever created content wise, just standing there waiting for fucking pomegranate events. And the fact that some of the events are tied to the bosses being active is so hilariously retarded.
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Everybody who bitches about renown progress: do you have this mastery? Yes anet took back and sold proper renown contribution rates as a mastery. Yes its a slimy game design decision and I criticize them for it. But it does exist to ""fix"" your renown gains. Havent actually seen this posted yet but now you guys know
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>physical disk copy
Hell yeah
if you can't, won't, and don't craft your own build from scratch, then yes, you are in fact a retarded loser
It changes the token turn in from 20% to 25%, so you only need 4 tokens to turn it in. That doesn't change the fact that Syntri barely provides said renown tokens outside of 2/4 of the food collection events & the corpse cleanup, meanwhile lowlands shits them out from almost every event you partake in
congratulations on escaping your tardwrangler in order to make this retarded post, retard-くん
Syntri fucking blows even with the mastery.
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do you guys have any novelty lighter apps on your phone
>It changes the token turn in from 20% to 25%
It cant only be that, either they buffed rates in general or it also affects regular progression. I used to not even see the bar move when doing the overworld options but now they feel 'correct', and I'll do a single event and seemingly complete the heart automatically.
>"bro have you just tried to use the tokens that take just as long to get and drop at like 1/4th the rate that lowlands drop?"
Fuck them for nerfing the cloud adventure, I should have grinded more but it was just so boring.
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You can find this info very easily, it is only that.
>this is what post-hot newbies actually believe
man, i miss the original game so fucking much, god, these fucking retards got properly filtered by the original game and kept them out, now they're the overwhelming majority
please make new screenshots of your ass!
consider the skyscale riding animations, broom, emotes, swimming, skritt holes in SW have nice dive animation, etc etc
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if you have enough badges of honor, you can buy stat selectable exotics from a vendor in wvw
you did play a sufficient amount of wvw before you quit, right? you're not one of those pveasy shitters who only played pveasy and then erronepusly assumed you had seen the game at all and then left because you were underwhelmed at how bland and easy pveasy is, right? ....right?
>implying anet has ever programmed things correctly (see >>493090995)
It aint a hill worth dying on since I cant run any pre-mastery tests myself anymore
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>bring out the wrangler we've got one loose
who are you quoting? :^)
you mean guild wars 1?
nice femcharr
quickcry =/= fastcar
fastcar is the greatest player NA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_c5me8szrav_8syKKweGew
If you're not cheating in wvw/pvp you're actually retarded and likely have a submissive personality because you enjoy abuse.
why does everyone play warrior in spvp
wrong, quickdie is retardcar
spear is broken
it does willbender levels of damage but from a 900 range
it takes elixir gun instead of the holo utility, I also preffer explosions for daze+blind spam with explosive entrance instead of going the cuck mode route with 2 defensive trait lines
truth is you can take alchemy relic of vass and play anything else and it will work because wvw players are retarded and bad, and cele stats are busted
>cuck mode with 2 defensive
that's where the seethe comes from
and bunker down is offensive
>I'm too le chad to use defensive gayshit! I only play full offense
are you retarded? I just said I play thst build, how is playing cele offensive
>two weeks since janthir launch
>zero maps doing syntri world boss meta
>map chat consists of even the normies hating on it
Grim. Are you guys hopeful for the rest of the Janthir, or do you think it's another case of an expansion being frontloaded with the best content and the rest being half-assed?
Syntri was made by korean interns
>plays cele
>are YOU retarded?
>game for 12yo
>wvw filled with 40+ yo screaming in discord
just roam
roam with cheats
girl your arms are...falling off
all the good wvw roaming builds are on guildjen already
I know wvw losers pretend that they have the secret keys to god mode in WvW because they changed 1 celestial piece to some esoteric stat no one has heard of but that's a meme
>Dear GWies, could you recommend me the best newbie guide? I am fresh level 80. I would like some basic gear and learn how to play my class.
Tbh I would rather type you up a brief guide myself, tailored to what you're asking.
I'm going off the assumption that you want to play guardian for the paladin archetype and that you play with core specs.
>full berserker gear, all exotic, if you have a 2nd template, slowly fill the template with celestial gear after you figured out how to get/make celestial gear
>you can buy berserker gear off the trading post for ease, make sure it is lvl 80 exotic
There you go, you can figure out the traits yourself.
>Should I just continue to do the story lines until I have finished them all? I am still at killing the undeads.
The zhaitan/risen undead storyline is the core game storyline. If you bought Hot+Pof you should probably play through those before you go into other stuff. Like with basically every part of the game, the story introduces you to a lot of the overworld maps that it takes place in.
I mostly want to do world content, I am not into raiding.
Holy fuck if thats what you want then this is absolutely your game, especially recently. Basically the recent expansions were designed to give people paths to get certain things through overworld content that was previously exclusive to specific instanced content or pvp (legendary armor, legendary backpack). Dont rush to buy them now, it doesn't matter to you yet.
>>493153686 (cont)
Once you've gotten comfortable with a build and can focus on other stuff, here are some ideas for projects for you to tackle.
>fractals (massive gold source even at entry level)
>core masteries and mastery points (your exp bar after you hit 80)
>crafting professions - best if you have at least one weapon profession (blacksmith, huntsman, artificer) and one armor profession (armorsmith, leatherworker, tailoring), they will be very useful to have later down the line and when you're limited to core, they're one of your only ways to get ascended armor

Everything above is doable in core alone without any expansions or other dlcs.
Thinking about coming back to GW2 after a long break (bought SOTO but just played other games). Is there any gem-store only things the home instance NEEDS to get the full experience or can the $25 edition work wonders here?
>Is there any gem-store only things the home instance NEEDS to get the full experience or can the $25 edition work wonders here?
Did you mean the homestead (which does share the nodes with the home instance but is a separate thing nonetheless)? The answer is no in both cases. There's no special node or furnishing you need to get the full experience. There's no gem store homestead furniture as far as I can see, all the furniture can be crafted and learning them either requires learning a mastery or obtaining a recipe from an npc.
yeah the new homestead, but glad to hear it. thought I would need to buy a bunch of gathering nodes or something to take advantage.
for the homestead you need the breezy bikini and either the bunny ears or the new flower crown for the alts you park there
unfortunately the breezy bikini is currently not available
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No they said that was psoriasis
There seems to be a confusion.

There are home instance gathering nodes, but those have absolutely nothing to do with janthir wilds. They have been around since core/vanilla. More importantly, they don't give you anything you can't get elsewhere. Home instance nodes are just
>Here's one (1) node from X, it will appear in your home instance (specific instance located in all the race capitals) you can mine it once a day
For example
>Here's one mithril node. You can mine it once a day and it will give you 3 mithril and maybe if you're lucky, one gemstone worth 1 silver
And in the mithril example like with everything else, you only get the one. There's no 'second' node of the same type except for garden plots. So autists like myself spend large amounts of gold accumulating every node. Even though the actual profits from the nodes don't outweigh the costs of getting them. And on top of that, you don't even need to have the nodes yourself to mine them. You can just visit someone else in their home instance (or homestead) and mine theirs.

And yes, the end result is as silly as it sounds, you raid a home instance and end up with 1-3 of every material and every map currency in your inventory, provided you even have enough space to hold them. Including several completely worthless ones like that S5E6 ore.
me on the right
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Never forget or forgive them for what they did to Nika.
The way the tail lifts the skirt just does it for me.
Femcharrposters INTO my basement.
Nothing necessary and nothing that makes sense financially. Only reason would be for some sick sense of completionism or aesthetic/roleplay value
nice view
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Not my Nika
why can't I buy marauder trinkets with laurels
Marauder isn't core. You can grind for blood ruby trinkets tho. They'll have every stat you've unlocked.
I'm getting so sick of willbender players
the enemy ones are shitter retards and my teammates are shitter retards
>no cc
>no roots
>no heals
>no rez power
if your burst is dodged, it's fucking over you useless cunts
>Fx have heal also heal and the other heal
>sw gs hammer bow have some cc and root
>tardbender defense force
rarely are those skills used in service to allies and always used in service to yourself or your burst
>sword 5 root
is a shadowstep, so part of your burst
shadowstep that gives stability and other boons so it's part of your burst
poor healing, also an evade, used for yourself
>GS pull
it's too long and too short to be generally useful
you can dodge the cast, you can stab the pull
never seen it use to actually CC, always see it used to BM downed players
is so fucking telegraphed if you get caught by it you deserve to fucking die
ganking simps trying to join laranity in wvw
man I can't go back to picking fucking berries and shit
literally me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap_mEm8m0HU

I'm just gonna keep running berzerkers
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Finally finished the story, I liked it a lot. I hope the patches will turn out better than they did for SotO.

Also, Caithe's a cutie
I came back around to liking Caithe a lot post-HoT. As the adoptive co-parent of my elder dragon daughter, she's welcome in my home anytime. This was a nice touch from the devs.
Nobody simps for you Mr. Adamsapple.
*jumping puzzle with wii board video*
someone compliment with "he's good" on reddit
9001 replies with insults and death threats
I only simp for ayin
well, she had a full squad with her Mr Meanbully!
ʰᵉʸ ᵍᵘʸˢ ᶦᵗˢ ᵃʸʸᶦn
I only simp for femcharr
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This but Malice in particular
>ywn get squish-fucked between crecia and malice
why live bros
that would be hot as fuck
mini malice into cum jar
just imagine their warm fur up against your bare flesh as they purr against you.... wouldnt that be weird haha.... unless....????
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reminder that I am baking
hag that doesn't care about her children
pussy aint haunted boi, she waited til that lil nigga was a grown ass man before letting him get got so its all good
ill stick with virgin Malice or just the local thread's femcharrs
i just replayed the beginning of eod and caithe told me to leave aurene alone i was like WTF DO U NOT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED IN LW2 U SONOFABITCH
im expecting them to make the real meta in the last patch like they did with soto. but by the time that meta came out i tried it once and never did it again, so i really wish they'd do an expansion every 2 years instead of this bullshit release 1/3 of it now and the rest of it months later
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Erm... what do i train?
until 80 the game is so easy you can pick anything and just choose random skills/build
even if you do literally 0 hero points by 80 youll have maxed out everything so don't worry about it
The shadowstep and the signet with the knife picture. Preparation seems cool but you never get to use it, same with venom
thank you
for low level PvE stuff, just choose anything that looks cool and mess around with everything
thief can be tricky for new players since it has many unique mechanics and build options, but it's also very likely you'll die if you dodge poorly and get hit by a big attack or get stunned or something. once you have a lot of hero points and have more experience, you can try making stealth builds that utilize Smoke Field combos to generate more stealth attacks
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Working on getting all the new exotic armors, woad seems the only timegated one for obvious reasons but I like wvw so whatever. Got polychromatic already and the titanplate recipes but god damn I don't really want to pay for the mats or to buy it off the tp outright (150g for all of it? shieeeeet). Is titanplate even worth it for a light armor scrub like me
critical strikes
equip pistols

you might have trouble switching out from god pistols to the lesser (but better performing) weapons later though

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