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Dyeable No Armor Edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

Janthir Wilds released
WvW Warclaw reimbursement
WvW Restructuring
Gate/guard-tapping removed (git fukt)
AFK Farmers get kicked faster (git fukt)

New leggies (spear and backpack)
New Raid Wing
Mastery Updates
Homestead decorations, including personal statue

Janthir. It's here bros....

Update history: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-janthir-wilds-launches-today/

Latest Patch:

Latest news:

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Previous wipe: >>492814120
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first for death to rats
fuck this made me laugh irl
blizzard fears the /gw2g/
see u all at convergences
reminder getting gud is for faggots
>fromtranny meme
skill issue
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based my brother
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im glad that willbender is such a meme, it's opened my eyes to realizing im actually a DH enjoyer
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>festival of the mad king is the only thing my buddy likes about gw2
>dude will literally redownload to race car, beetle race and clock tower jamp only to delete the game as soon as the festival is over
>hes done this for 3 years now
why delete a 75 gb game when you can keep it on a storage disk for few shekels
niggas be retarded
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>Possibly Seitung+Kaineng+Echovald
>Sniffing+Mats+Hearts in Janthir
>Winterberries+Chests, possibly on multiple characters
There is way too much shit to do every day.
your friend sounds based
we rly need a reset cause u named like a small fraction of the stuff u can do every day lol
You don't need to do all of that every day
convergences are profitable? I haven't done them since they were released...
i mostly get trash but u have a good chance at a few gold for a pretty short event. just did one now and got like 5g or something
WvWvW ©™

Cloud flare capcha
Please wait a while before making a post
Cloud flare capcha
Is it true that FHD players masturbate to their own characters?
child coded
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>no Soo-Wong
You dont even need to do all of that
Just stick to the dailies
>T4s (if you're up for it)
>Strikes (IBS5)
Infusion Dailies (Pinata>Gerent>Octovine> Dragonstorm/DBS)
Thats it. You can use your extra time to do Weeklies (Wizard's Vault or EoD/SotO strikes too.
Open World scrubs dont wanna play with noodlemommy anymore because the risk of failing's too high, at least on NA.
Sometimes a discord will organize a Dragons Milkers run to see her though.
I failed her once on EU when I was playing through the zone for the first time and the map just organized without a commander. We had a full map by the time we reached her but ran out of time at 1%
All the runs where I had the sense to join a map on LFG pulled through (although the sample size is still pretty small and the last one got really fucking close)
yep, I even see at night fhd players log in on their alts to masturbate to their lower level fhds, which are typically barefoot and now the cosmetic preview further proves they took their shoes off to blow their loads over their fhds faster and more efficiently
it's pretty cute desu, I don't think they should use alts but sometimes they do it so they can get 2-3 fhds to masturbate to, which is a great idea
all in all, probably all hardcore fhd players you see have done it or are doing it
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>decorating homestead because bored
>accidentally hit the max delete button while trying to delete something
>destroy like half my furniture in my house
Why is there no 'undo last action' button anet?! reeeeee
You never know. Maybe you'll find new inspiration now that you have to start over, not to sound facetious.
Do the homestead weekly mat limit increases increase the amount you can buy with a certain mat (like mithril ore) or do they just increase the total limit?
>enter wvw
>badger tag for entry, succeed
>comms are unhinged shitposting
>fight constantly for 3 hours all over the map
>can't focus long enough to hug tag well anymore
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK I'm not gonna get a hit like this again for a while
I'm so satisfied I couldn't even pet an Asura
your friend is based, you are cringe
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>Make like 30-50s/hr in WvW unless you're in a deathball which is constantly winning and online 24/7
I know you're just trolling, but still.
>ranked queue
all you need
>30-50s/hr in WvW
jesus christ, no wonder wvwers are always whining, theyre poor as shit
a little, you get 2g guarantee, you get 15 greens maybe a couple yellow gear, and a bunch of essences which you can convert the red and greens in tyria defense seals for boxes, and yellows into trophy boxes
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post your fhds
Fairly Hidden Degenerate?
This game doesn't have a picture mode?
>Why is there no 'undo last action' button anet?!
Because, like everything else in this game, homesteads are half-assed.
Closest thing this game used to have was camera offsets, but those were removed years ago due to being exploitable in PvP.
So, as with many things, blame PvPfags.
You could try limiting it to the more rewarding instanced content and wizard vault.
>T4 (daily)
>EoD+SotO strikes (only once a week)
>Raids (only once a week)
>Wizard's Vault weekly objectives

Then if you've got more time on a day after all of the above is done
i prefer marauders to berserkers
cum on me bro
Fuck, why is Guardian pistols so bad. I'm fine if they want to do another condi set or even hybrid, but the mechanics are so fucking bad
Wdym? They make perfect sense to me.
In case you didn't understand that part, if you stand in the symbol and shoot with your 1 and 2, the symbol adds burning stacks to your projectiles.
the 3 is garbage, it puts a seal at your feet that you need to shoot, so you need to be in melee range for beam pistols which is retarded, and the 5 is utter, utter garbage, I shouldn't even need to explain why, you're retarded if you need it explained to you
No I mean if you stand at range, place the seal and then shoot while still standing on the seal yourself, it will apply additional burning stacks to the target even if the target isn't in melee range. Think of it as like that circle that NIGMages in XIV need to place that makes their casting faster.
But then you have the 5, which at full charge no longer explodes on target, instead it explodes at precisely max range, or if you press the key again, which in a real situation with lag and a billion graphical effects and repositioning and all the other shit going on you may as well just not use it. It's poorly designed, COULD be easily fixed, but they refused to do so. In the end it's a useless weapon set.
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>camera offsets, but those were removed years ago
the fuck are you talking about, they're still there and have always been and work perfectly fine
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I have no idea what's going on
>jackal skin I've wanted for a while is on sale
>right after it got powercrept by warclaw
I know what's going on. And you should be telling those two faggots TO GET OFF THE FUCKING TURTLE!
Why is the SMC lord always and exclusively male?
It's not called "SMC Lady" is it?
Still feels like the fastest one to me.
Warclaw is technically the fastest now, but the difference is minor. I still use raptor despite it being "the worst" of the three land mounts, the instant acceleration jump is still really good imo.
finally a good op!
Why are you using either when the Skyscale is better than both, [be sure to buy the Skyscale skins in the cash shop :) ]
I only do my pvp weeklies and meme around in wvw and I guarantee my account is more valuable than yours
not that it matters one bit in a game with no eternal hamster wheel
>character models not set to low
Ohnonononono... newb bro... not like this..
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I need to get on with finishing the SOTO storyline and move on to Janthir before they need the new gold farming methods.
The only "gold farming methods" in Janthir is still pretty inferior to most gold farms, you're not missing anything. You can make more per hour for less effort fishing in kourna.
really bums me out that they didn't make a new best in slot fishing spot somewhere in Janthir
sick of looking at that shithole
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best/most fun heavy class to main for all content ?
What's with the difficulty spike in HoT? I'm not doing the story in order since I'm juggling a few characters, and I know can mash a little and solo a champion in the crystal desert. Against mordrem it's like every fight has to be a group effort, and the maps aren't the most populated, or I haven't found the right timezone yet.
Your post is funny because it's severely nerfed since release and you having mounts trivializes everything since it wasn't designed around them.
Auric Basin and Verdant Blink consistently have people doing the metas.

Good luck with Tangled Depths and Dragon's Stand
>unlock spear with wvw npc
>still have to unlock the mastery pve for the story
anet ffs
What are the modern gold farms?
Yeah, same. Homestead fishing is okay but it requires mackrel as bait, plus there are no 24/7 99 stack parties in personal home instances so it's incredibly pointless. I was super stoked when I saw that someone made a decent homestead fishing guide, only to have my hopes and dreams dashed by the mackrel requirement and the fact that the gold/hr is heavily reliant on completing a collection, not individual catches.
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it's still more geared towards parties and less forgiving than PoF you faggot, stop being a retard GW2 boomer
revenant is horrible to play and war is often a bit boring so probably guardian
depends on what you find the most "fun". Rev if you want easy boon distributions and like voices in your head. Most rev's I've talked to absolutely love their class, and some even refuse to play anything else since rev can pretty much do most things.
Guardian has fallen off a little bit, but a lot of parties like having a guardian around. Guardians can pulse a lot of stab so its very useful in pvp/wvw too. Also, blue thief and willy bender memes.
>Most rev's I've talked to absolutely love their class, and some even refuse to play anything else since rev can pretty much do most things.
This is me. I've played nothing but Rev since HoT
holy crap these "dragon response missions" are boring
god damn my little nibblers i just want to farm some rifties janthir is lame
It's the most agile, it can use its dash to change directions without rotating, this actually gives it an edge in some raptor races. not that that matters.
>tfw haven't started EOD cause I want to it in order and haven't finished icebrood yet
I'm really feeling the pain though, i hate this so much.

This I really don't get, HoT mobs are WAY easier than PoF now. Maybe you just got rock paper scissored with builds
they should change wvw so one dont get the timer reset if they kill someone not in combat
Charr Revenant is kino tho
dragonstorm, convergence, octo, chak
eternal ice
>muh gold rate
typical poopsocking hylic scumbag pveasier
>Dragonfall map is shit
>Dragonfall meta is shit and also a braindead loot pinata
>Skyscale is cancer
War Eternal really was the worst update for this game
who's the best player in /gw2g/?
I don't know anyone else here, but I'm going to say me.
every objective critical npc is always a static set of race, sex, class, and cosmetics
keep lords are female charr warriors, for example, don't know how you haven't noticed this by now, aside from you must be retarded
subspace femcharr
lord hizen
Dragonfall isn't even the worst LWS4 map
rollerbeetle is the fastest, braindent
subspace femcharr is just an inferior product of subspace mcharr
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your build is poopsocker shit, hot was designed to punish poopsocking pveasier retards in order to force them to learn how to actually play the game
naturally, this only caused shitters like you to seethe and rattle your crib until gaynet nerfed it, and it still filters you retards
idk but >>493254745 is the worst player
>kill someone not in combat
pveasier poopsocker brainrot on full display here
i'm the best player in the entire game, by far and away, hands down, and it isn't even close and never was
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Seconded, and worst /gw2g/ poster too since that tripfag left. Although I believe that xhe/her/them may still be posting among us, avatarfagging instead of tripfagging. I'm still gathering evidence.
me because im still the #1 gold medalist of 4chan since nobody has posted their times in webm format yet
stop being gay immediately
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post your salmon run time and I'll acknowledge your superiority over /gw2g/
this. salmon run south time NOW north is ezpz so its gotta be south
I have this vid of me getting gold but i dont remember if this was in the adventure or the race event. A time didnt show up nor is there event info on the right, so idk wtf is going on here
fuck forgot to post it, not like it matters
So is there a dedicated discord to Harvest Temple CM that ISN'T void longue? The people there suck and I'm positive most of them just bought their titles.
This is the event, and it gives you more time to get gold, post under 2:30
they're okay if you turn on all the challenges
it scales to a single player too

you did turn on all the challenges right?
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I did in one but then I couldn't find the challenge guy in another? do they not appear in "public"? I did most of them private but I wanted to try switching it up (no one joined anyway)

At least caledon forest was saved by the sudden appearance of best boy
Yeah they don't appear in public. The public instance also only has the first 4 minutes to get other players so you barely ever get any.
You can turn on all but the time limit if you're afraid of wiping and fucking it up. The difficulty varies between the missions, like Lake Doric is fucking free and the Fields of Ruin one barely has any time.
>see core spear warrior tanking 4 ppl
>teleport on him
>slam my face on the floor in 0.01s
>12k + 3k3k3k3k
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>anon seeks out the route designed to circumvent and avoid the story
>then tries to do the story anyway
You played yourself.
what is the consensus on ele spear?
I think it's about time you got legendary rings. Then you can just attune and salvage all that shit without worrying about it.
but anon it also gets you 5% experience gain in janthir!
Barely even doing the Vault daily now, because revisiting Xcom1&2 again.
Having a blast blowing evil Asura and Cyberdiscs to bits and saving Earth.
after 12 years I still accidentally click "kick from squad"
this fucking UI was always retarded
>go to enable editing for friends
>wipe my entire homestead
still pissed of I wasted 50 marks on that fucking thing
can't see SHIT!!!
What do yall think is the biggest scam?

I think it's swim speed infusions and the vendor gear she sells
this made it all worth it
Bloodbound weapons
Can I play a pirate in this game?
or something close to a pirate, like swashbuckler or buccaneer whatever other name you can think for a seafaring traveler with a sword and a pistol
There are enough pirate themed costumes and bits of equipment for you to be what you want to be, then you just pick a class that can have both swords and pistols, Mesmer, thief, guardian, and you go from there
lil bro just missed the pirate cosmetics from twitch drops
Yeah there JUST was a twitch drop event where people got 3 pirate cosmtics, including iirc a peg leg and a hook hand.
Okay, I started as thief and did find a pistol, I suppose this will be nice enough for me, thanks
well damn. I guess just roguish gear isn't too bad of an alternative until I can find something else
Sword/Pistol thief is quite pirate-y, and there's plenty of pirate and scoundrely cosmetics
Is the mistlock sanctuary passkey worth it? I do fractals but I feel like it's kind of pointless nowdays to have a lounge pass when I already have access to Wizard tower with rest bonus and there is the PvP lobby for emergency bank access from anywhere
your reaction time and overall awareness/strategy is terrible, you do not res a downed when you have so few and there's literally a mapqueue blob standing 2ft from you, and what's worse is you didn't even stop ressing when they were clearly moving on you and you see the animation of thenwarrior leaping into you, are you mainlining xanax too like molasses is and that's why your reaction time is so fast and you have to slow down all your replay recordings in order for you to parse what's going on? and these are the kind of retards with hot takes on players, lmfao
>missed pirate themed drops from a twitch event by a couple weeks
is this supposed to be a 'no you cant play as a pirate'? Whats the point of telling anon this when he very well still can be a pirate? Who gives a shit if he just missed twitch drops back when he wasnt even playing the game.
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This is true but I'd probably also say Lord HIzen, he was fun to roam around wvw with before wr
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>got the southern salmon run gold by the skin of my teeth
>screen recording was off
FUCK lmao and now the race has started so i cant just go back immediately and record it
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God this fucking thing sucks
Ascended crafting recipes for the expansion stats
i cant see the fuck happens even if i record at 120fps and slow it down
I would put my money where my mouth is for best elementalist but I'm probably not outgoing enough to be overall
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>Want to post exhaustive feedback on Janny Wilds on anet forum
>colossal walls of text ensue
>and this was just the story feedback, not even touching on homestead, overworld and shit
Should I do it, or should I shorten everything to very brief bullet points?
it will get deleted for hurting the devs' feelings with barely anyone having read it first
new unranked game mode
are you excited, unranked sweats?
Oh god oh fuck
Yeah you should condense it.
they're beta testing it in ranked starting next week, it's replacing the usual 2v2 miniseason
>we’re developing Push as a fun, casual alternative that simplifies gameplay
sounds like unranked to me
I have 3 more classes to play at 80 which one should I do next?

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what would you do in this situation
this is actually fucked up, choco is one of the few good things NA has going for it
Run with him for awhile while he roams. When he realizes I'm a competent teammate he'll start taking more and more risks until he retardedly dives into 4+ people alone expecting me to back him up as usual, wastes all his mobility, then I wave and leave his ass to die. Deserved for being a class carried shitter.
>0 0 0 0 0 0
>2 dead
>4 downed
i get weirded out when i see someone at like 30 mastery rank in JW zones.
i get weirded out when i see someone enjoying the game
i get weirded out when i see someone on a skyscale
many such cases
captcha: p2yap
i get weired out when i see human/human erp
i only do vault weeklies and dailies now because i took a big break during SotO and i want some of those cosmetics.
Report the guild name for inappropriate content
The weird and funny part of this game is that outside of roaming guilds, random groups of people in wvw basically adhere to the law of ninja conservation. Anyone running on their own is probably a competent player, people who group up and zerg are either lesser players with their brains turned off, or they're organized players with builds designed around pushing and group fighting, not chasing and training down singular targets. As long as I'm running a build that can't easily get cc locked I unironically feel pretty safer diving into groups I can identify as hodge podge randoms compared to going after 1v1 or 1v2s.
weird fantasy you live in. someone roaming alone is someone to get their shit pushed in
only people who escape are bot user
Ok ESL, sorry you were born mentally disabled. Try speaking English next time if you want to be understood, although I don't think you had anything intelligent to say anyways.

i imagine this is average willbender player IQ
"only people who escape from me are bot user"

same logic as >>493285565
>anyone who disagrees with me is an esl and retarded
>people talking about their experiences
>ACTUALLY what you said is just a fantasy because...I SAID SO!!!

You sound fucking retarded.
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>try to defend home
>go attack keep held by enemy
>with chatmander tag
>enemy comes out
>deletes everyone
>Formerly Chucks [SFAS]
I'm so tired of memes
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>getting deleted by Formerly Chucks [SFAS]
>comes sneedthes about it in gw2g
just because YOU get YOUR shit pushed in when roaming, does not mean that everyone else does, pveasy braindent retard-くん
I did condense it so now it looks more serviceable. But I can't give feedback on the homestead system because I never tackled the homestead system. I kept putting it off, because I thought
>I need special new materials for all that furniture anyway, might as well put that off until I have more
i play on 30fps and see shit happening BEFORE it even happens, the overwhelming majority of people are predictable as fuck npcs and all too easy to bait and draw out and then lockdown as punishment for them overextending, but i'm also the apex of human evolution, so
>never tackled the homestead system
>need special new materials for all that furniture anyway, might as well put that off until I have more
youre boning yourself because the materials are timegated weekly. You arent 'building up' anything unless youre exchanging for these mats (and upgrading the stations for more mats per week/less cost per mat)
Good to know, but I wasn't talking about the 'processed wood/metal' shit, I was referring to the flowers, titan amber, titan metal and so on. Also when I made that decision, I didn't have enough bearcoin to get the efficiency improvements.
>call out willbenders
>willbender internet defence force comes rushing out
i get weirded out knowing people chose not to play femcharr
shut up retard
>be me
>check log
>my spear 5 hit for 318
>willobendo spear 5 almost 6k/hit
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defending on ele spear is very fun
it makes them SEETHE
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Hello gamers, I'm currently slightly bored with my braindead cele harbinger in wvw and would like to make a zerg support build. I have both a firebrand and a chrono, which would be more fun? Thanks in advance.
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Finally noticed this salad NPC, i must have walked by her a thousand times.
I like the femcharr pc a lot (mcharr is nice too) but not many like playing anthro races. It's disappointing that the femcharr VA changed over the years even if the new one does a decent job, when new voice lines are heard from new elite spec skills alongside old ones it's kind of jarring.
Chrono would be more fun imo
I honestly kind of hate firebrand, it's strong in a way that feels really nebulous to me
Also how come one of the fhd's is just in her underwear? Why not put em both in the bikini?
>rushing in
dont know if this was intentional but it gave me a good chuckle
man happy coffee sips to you anon
Because underwear anon is my key farm and she's being deleted on Monday, I will waste trans charges once my harem expands. >:)

But yeah I was thinking the same thing, I rarely see support chronos over firebrands and I enjoy playing chrono a lot so...
Haven’t played since IBS. Been getting the itch lately to jump back in. Last time I fell off while grinding for that legendary trinket and trying to slog through the IBS story. Ended up bouncing between 3 different classes and suffered choice paralysis. Worth pushing through the story and focusing on one character?
I also tried to learn raids and strikes, but didn’t seem like people had the patience in LFG to take on a newbie so I gave up on that.
>Worth pushing through the story and focusing on one character?
I think so, EoD is a satisfying run through now a days, SotO is a mixed bag but it's short and the extra weapon options for each class are quite fun. JW has been great so far but im sure anet will fuck it up
why are willbenders played by fragile ego little bitches? any criticism is treated as a personal attack and they always react like this
>criticize WB
Raids are really easy to learn and get through provided most of the group is experienced, but the problem is getting into those groups can be weirdly cliquey.
Strikes on the other hand, as long as you're just doing IBS strikes should be cake to learn and get into. Most of them all you need to know how to do is stack with the rest of the group and spread out when it's obvious you need to spread
i was just commenting that it was a funny choice words considering how many tools WB's have to literally rush in.

I think most WB's dont give a fuck and people are just projecting / playing it up desu
>dont give a fuck and people are just projecting / playing it up desu

they unironically do. same with thieves who flame if you if you manage to kill them. maybe we only have these tarded kids on EU though.
>JW has been great so far but im sure anet will fuck it up
Uhh, Janthir Syntri is indicative of what we should expect, and in that case they already have fucked it up.
i dont really mind syntri, it's worse than lowland but it's not even in the top 10 of worst maps in the game imo
squad of 5 willbenders just wiped me and my friends
they all spam laugh emote while auto attacking downs
no, this isnt an exaggeration. The weirdest fucking niggas play WB
okay this is pretty funny though
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>sunspear armor has full booba
Since fuckin when???
yeah i'd laugh if it happened to you too.
We were killing them individually so they got all their friends to form a gank squad
might as well have been at a strip club, all the blue lights and fhd coomers spinning around
Absolutely yes it's worth to jump back in. Against my expectations things turned out for the better. The expansion after IBS veers off into so-bad-it's-good territory, but there's at least a lot to do in it. And to summarize what happened after
>anet decides and announces that they're basically doing Canthan living world, except if you bought EoD you get it for free even if you bought it too late
>2 episodes in, suddenly something drastic and extreme happens internally at anet, nobody really knows what happened to this day
>Next thing we know they're announcing that they're dropping the post-eod-content idea and are switching to an annual mini-expansion model. In fact they are pretending like the post-eod-content idea had never been a thing
>on the same day, the same boss that was obviously meant to be the final story and strike boss for episode 2, is implemented as a fractal, for a week after that fractal releases, it internally acts like a strike, most notably fractal buffs do not work inside it
>also they're ditching the old 'boons should be exclusive to 2 or 3 classes' philosophy for good and shift all the way into "every class can now support and provide both boons"
>also coomskins are being introduced all of a sudden
>after they had a few months to make something, they put out a trailer with some reused assets and a title: Secrets of the Obscure
>It's a mini-expansion based on a tiny sidequest lore thing from GW1
>expansion begins with an obviously improvised home instance-instance where you hear one recording from each of the shitty characters on why they have no time for the coomander
>turns out the story completely ditches all the characters from everything up to EoD and replaces them with completely new ones
>tumblr shit still exists but is dialed way back, to the point where you need to go into optional dialogue and lore text to find it
In the end, things do get better.
>my old yolo rev build is inusable now
very sad times
just play willbender it's a better rev
The events are atrocious and the world boss being tied to certain events popping up is straight up retarded. Visually it's fine but that's it, the design is one of the worst as far as maps go.
i used that build for like a year to 2shot willbenders
now gs 3 do shit dmg and sword 5 never land wtf
Most of what you said in that post sounds like a regression except for the reduction in tumblr shit tho.
Hearing that the storytelling improves is a huge boon though. I played the game at release and actually thoroughly enjoyed the base story despite the differences from GW1.

Can I pub some of this instanced content? Or is there a site/community/discord I need to join to find groups that’ll teach me? I’m a much bigger normie nowadays so I can’t really commit to a consistent schedule of a raid group unfortunately. But I love the puzzle nature of mythic+/Savage raids in WoW/FFXIV.
I think I’ll at least get through IBS and play EoD then at least and see how I feel. I always end up coming back to this game, but never consistently or for a consistent span of time.
it got nerfed
willbender doesn't get nerfed
just play willbender
Honestly GW2 has been such steep down hill trajectory that it's weird to be in a "We're so back" phase.
I consider Lowland to be one of the best maps in the entire game and I am baffled that the same expansion gave us Syntri
you can pug basically all strikes and raids desu
But not before I get my damage up right? Fuck, man. I remember trying to get all Vipers gear on my Chrono and trying to master the rotation. Always felt like I was at the bottom of the dps.
It's not really baffling, it's pretty par for the course for ANET. If you think of the past three "expansions" (EoD-SOTO-JW), the best map is always the first one. In the case of JW it's just way more evident.
is it racist to play an elonian character?
Strikes are way more lenient but the difficulty is also all over the place. All the IBS ones are free except for the Boneskinner one where you suddenly need to know to dodge a mechanic. The Cantha ones are moderately harder except for the Harvest Temple one that's suddenly actually pretty tough. The two SotO strikes are about the same as the easier Cantha ones. The challenge modes are generally harder than raids with 1hits everywhere (or that's the image I got from getting repeatedly raped by minister Li the CHAD and his big fat katana sword)
wtf i kinda wanna make a black human character now for rp purposes
like I'm pretty sure it's not racist except to xitter SJW's because there's not really any racism in GW2
the greatest risk i'd run in GW2 rping an elonian character is some polfaggot calling me a nigger
and that's more likely to happen here than in game
now that i think about it i rarely see dark skinned non-npc humans in gw2.
there's a lot that can be done with this information...
so what you're saying is I should make an elonian fhd, to increase diversity in the game
ye we could do some blm posting or something idk
>we could support the jews
no thanks
just some visual diversity is fine.
>Most of what you said in that post sounds like a regression
I don't agree. All the changes were positive. And they were so abrupt and extreme, it's whiplash inducing. To me, it feels like someone at anet had a massive come-to-jesus moment. Like someone was in some kind of partial coma and then suddenly woke up and realized
>Wait, everything we've been doing in the last 5-7 years was completely retarded, I am fixing this shit right the fuck now

Another popular theory that I may or may not have helped spread, is that NCSoft got spooked by the post-eod-content shit and sent someone to take the reins. It would explain so much if that were it.
You think anet would willingly ditch Taimi, Rox, the dykes and Braham? People have been begging them to shitcan those for over half a decade and they insisted on keeping them through all of that. Obviously they WANT to keep them, why did they suddenly change their minds?
Since the yawn emote removal Anet was strictly against adding anything that might objectify women, but suddenly they're adding one piece of slutwear after the other.
As for the boons and class balance stuff, yes they've already been moving away from their past retardation by adding a bunch of support options with EoD, but they went from a small step like that all the way into "yeah every class can provide boons now". To whoever was in charge 5-7 years ago, this would be pure blasphemy.
Also necro being subpar and useless for all things group content used to be an immutable aspect of the game, the same way that events are. Suddenly they buffed all 3 specs to the point where reaper and scourge were on even footing with meta builds.

It's like the entire company changed hands and was taken over by a somewhat reasonable person who also mains necro.
ye but it would be rly funny
how about I make a fat fucking jewish girl instead
I haven't played SOTO, but Seitung from EoD is pretty unremarkable.
that would be funnier, like an "ally" to join the blm posting
hey cool it with the anti-semitism
>being in an absolutely delusional cope phase after the bottom falling out is weird
no, it's actually quite predictable human nature playing out in a completely predictable fashion, which is completely as expected, sorry your iq is below room temp
jesus fucking christ what the fuck harbingers hare way worse than willbenders
soto and jw story have been so fucking annoying
everything is fill a green bar, press f, listen to endless dialogue
and i expect janthir wilds episode 2 to be a lot more of that
you can always tell the people that have 1 character because they're dumbfounded that people are calling it yapthir wilds
it's called ncshit's bottom line was impacted enough by dead mobile tranny gacha's rapidly dwindling sales to make them smack gaynet upside the face, all the faggot shit from forever ago could have been circumvented if the players had the intelligence enough to put two and two together and not give faggptnet any money until ncshit stepped in a fired every fucking faggot idea kike and made the game turn 360 degrees and walk away from game ruining homosexuality, but since the average gw2 player has an average iq of 50, it has taken this long for the chickens to come home to roost
how exactly?
go on
i'll fuckin wait
literally a l2p skissue, neither of them are any good, you're just incapable of understanding the game, guaranteed you have never made a build yourself and only use shit builds from some shitter faggot website
just... stop responding at this point dude. i've already thought of you as perhaps the most pathetic person on this board, but you keep digging yourself deeper. i just pity you at this point. you'll get no more (yous) from me, sir, so enjoy this last crumb. good day
I don't think about you at all
time to time there is one that facetank a fucking party and do 6-7k/hit aoe while almost full hp
Why are you even doing the story on multiple characters
usually playing with someone else
Harbinger isn't nearly as bad once you understand his limitations.
Unless he's using swords, all his (real) mobility comes from his shroud, which he can only keep up for a limited time. Obstruct him with terrain until he cancels his shroud.
If you outrange his wurm, he can no longer use it to catch up with you, only to escape.
Also avoid ever standing his melee range, because that's when he'll use his elite. No matter how fast you think you are, you won't be able to walk out of it. Your best bet is to block or cleanse and strip it.
shut up faggot
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>turns out vagaryfaggot is a harbinger main
how to beat WB as tardbinger?
>this is easy
>that's easy
>wah wah wah
If it's so easy then why don't you play it? you clearly have no skill to be on anything else. quit kvetching and just play the 'easy' shit
guys someone come roll a black human with me so we can larp as sjws
what's stopping you?
>finally decided to do janthir masteries
>anons werent kidding the events only spawn during the meta
what in ass-backwards dumbass game design is this? do they want people doing the dogshit meta or not?
i am 1 person and i dont wanna multibox
>dodge f1
>dodge spin
>whatch wb confused
What's the best way to get ascended accessories I don't want to spend 50 ectos a piece at the Laurel vendor
farm LS3 map currency until you can buy shit
Bloodstone backpack is the best piece you can get as you can reset its stats, its the only one you can reset the stats. A resetable backpack is god tier until you have lege
for everything else just buy w/e in w/e zone
ingnore ascended acqurie legendary
unless you do fractals
I would also try to work on the rings too until you get leg rings. You can reset all blood ruby gear at once.
Underwater spear kills count for the wizard's vault task. Guess what I'll be doing this season
so which leggies should i start first? armor or trinkets?
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when the fuck does this event start, it didnt pop up anytime before, during, nor after the meta
I have no desire to add to the continuous demoralization and I certainly won't be doing it for free
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How often do you guys creepshot ingame, and why do you always do it?
>vast majority of players choose white/tan humans
>females are always in the sexiest outfits
>bikinis were by far the biggest selling cash shop item in the game's history
Hmmm... curious...
I had issues with the same shit. As far as I understand it only starts at XX:20
>As far as I understand it only starts at XX:20
it did not. untested on XX:20 the hour of the meta though
>the playerbase is 100% human
>irl humans are sexually attracted to hot female women
i almost convinced someone that identifies as a dog to play the other day, so the playerbase would be .99999% human
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>females are always in the sexiest outfits
femcharr players are based
alright how am i lookin so far
>that booba
Yup, I'm diamonds thanks
why are you choosing a non-human race?
Thanks I'll look at Bloodstone stuff

Haven't focused on anything legendary yet are accessories easiest to get for gear?

I have rings from the laurel vendor, but I also have a bunch of extra random currency crap that I may be able to use, I'll have to look up what's available.
There's way too many damn currencies in this game.
>ATTRACTIVE poc with Caucasian features
nonono NO! WRONG! fix it now!
I know they sag
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>allowing 'identities' to take precedence over physical biology
i mean i know what game im playing and all but still
>Haven't focused on anything legendary yet are accessories easiest to get for gear?
one is "free" with achievs n shit and you can use them on all classes
>in the streets
keep blowing my cock, you fucking faggot, i don't give a flying blue fuck about your gay ass faggot milquetoast opinions, kill yourself
im totally blanking on a black sounding name
that's because you're a party of pveasiers who never learned how the game works, which makes you easy pickings to mouthbreathing grognards running meme faggot builds that are specifically designed to farm retards like yourselves
and it won't happen and no one would play shitbender or fagbinger
simmer down, cupcake
by rolling a real class and learning to play the game
>real class
cope and seethe
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Is this dark enough? I made her like a forest elf.
do bitterfrost reward track in wvw 6 times and you'll have enough for 2 of those
thinking i might do a french (cajun) name since shes gonna be a swamp necro, so i came up with Jacqueline Gautier
meaning "supplanter, ruler of an army"
literally illegal army of the dead lol
stop sucking dicks, fagface
femcharr harem is best harem
yes it is
and so begins the adventures of jacqueline gautier!
keep playing jobber shitter classes while not understandingnthe first thing about how the game works all you like, it's just more free farm with less challenge for me
surely you can better than that
not for trash like you, you get what you deserve, swine
>the homosexual chad energy poster has taken my response to him and made it into a copypasta
what a time to be alive
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>it WAS XX:20 hour of the meta
fuck all the events before and during the meta
Armor if you have multiple professions/alts of that weight
Trinkets if not
not that guy but it was a pretty funny spergout lol, and it's already baiting the retards by the looks of it
selfie with the white devil
>white devil
>posts a chink
chinks r yellow tho
niggermancer kek
so far this is the blackest person ive seen
also divinitys reach is extremely white, i have seen like 3 npcs that werent white and 2 of them were clones of each other
>n-no i'd beat you in a fight!
This is VERY problematic.
sexy little rat
needs correction
i should post this on the forums they may actually do something about it lol
like half the hair presets for humans are afrocentric theres no way they only used them for path of fire lmao
Did I get it right?
>try to look for a build for guidance
>already updated to abuse spears
>The contents of this box will not move when inventory is sorted
Why is this effect on any container that isn't Invisible?
>using the new weapon is abuse of it
get a load of this faggot
Looks good. My big concern is it would end up looking like shit in 90% of the lighting in-game.
>spend 1000g on homestead wood
the whole "blob" fighting or whatever it's called needs to be removed
quaggan ass name
zerg vs zerg and no one die for half an hour
try to cloud around to kill the tail, the whole zerg stomp you
when roam either 5 ppl kill you alone or the other way round
on dead time one server have a wole zerg running in circles capping all the map
Are any of the jade bot upgrades that turn junk items into other stuff worthwhile?
why does gharr leadclaw in EOTN have a "crystal desert bulk exchanges" tab but no heart of thorns one
>limited time to play wvw
>its been fine until the most recent shuffle
>the times i can play ebg always has 25+ queue
>no other tags on other maps
>if there is a tag on another map, they're in the queue for ebg and will leave as soon as they get through (seen this twice)
>if i do get on ebg, its usually private tags
What the fuck did puggers do to deserve this retarded ass decision by ANET? Does anyone actually like the restructuring?
It took me many years but I just realized the PoF musical themes steal some riffs from the Stargate soundtrack and now you will, too.
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the new chair is VERY nice
>Does anyone actually like the restructuring
not me i miss my server
also just login wallrun when you come back no queue magic
It hasn't really changed my experience because I mainly just run around with a small group flipping objectives and the occasional small skirmish, but I miss the unique mix of autistic meltdowns and coomer discussions that TC has going on in chat.
>no pussy edit
You know what the fuck you did.
>refise to join tag, just want to cloud
>refuse to join disc, be rallybot instead
>refuse to join guild, gibs me dats content
>refuse to use a wvw build, muh 40k dps raid build
>refuse to participate, flip camps once every 15 minutes
>refuse to acknowledge the secret discord cabals plans for the week, ppt or feed enough to disrupt those plan
You are in Pugatory, where you belong. Your tears are the most delicious to me especially since you arent in my link.
Your crybaby posts crying about how all your sins have finally caught up with you makes my dick harder than a thousand beautiful women
>no sloppy photoshop job by some braindead dipshit coomer
im just a necromancer with a gun
pretend its hidden under low quality fluff texture
it's because shitdo, whose cock several gaynet employees suck, kept getting his ass handed to him for 11 years straight by blackgate, and despite all the other things they did to try to bring bg down, the only way they could get him a win was by killing all servers so that shitdo and his shitter simps could chase after outmanned unorganized uncohesive pugs completely unchallenged and completely unopposed, since even if he gets matched up with one of the two mag teams he can just run on his myriad of alts that were made specifically for that purpose, which is what he has been doing
am I the only person who plays this game who doesn't deck himself out with retarded ass particle effects even though I could
no, there's an entire game mode full of people who don't engage in sparkleshit, but since you are a pveasier that means you are always in the home of poopsocking sparkleshitters, try playing the real game you retard
lmao particlefag seething
>Sign into character after a year
>Check meta builds
>Ascended accessories are all wrong
Does the difference between Berserker and Assassins really make that much of a difference?
if you need the precision to reach 100% crit chance, but it shouldnt that much, because youll do more consistent damage
good stopping point for tonight. the adventures of jacqueline gautier continues in the morning!
I play a power Mesmer. I’d like to supply boons as per the guide, but right now, I’m just working on Return To Achievements for the legendary trinket. The rest of my accessories are berserkers and they’re a pain to get different versions of.
if youre playing virtuoso it shouldnt matter that much because you get extra crit chance from fury
Gotcha. I was a virtuoso before, but now it looks like Chronos are back at the top. Not like it matters I suppose. I’m not hardcore raiding just yet. Thanks for the replies.
>asuran dickhead wouldnt cough up the mechanical frame without giving me a pop quiz
are all asura like this? disgusting creatures
>bro join a guild and a discord to listen to some overweight boomer chain smoke and yell out commands and shit, thats how you get a good wvw experience
No, I don't think I will.
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>street rats
Alotta that going around apparently.
don't listen to backpacker shitter faggots who say that kind of retarded shit, they're pveasy shitters who are infesting the game mode and dragging down the overall quality of play with their shitter mentality, shitter builds, and shitter trooncord boonballs chasing doown lesser number unorganized pugs, always do the exact opposite of what they tell you to do, because they do everything they can to take the wvw out of wvw, play like a white man, not a subhuman like they do
it's impressive how hard people seethe when you say "I'm not joining comms"
I've had that happen a few times and I just ignore it, then they kick me so I just follow them out of squad. WvW elitists truly are brainlets of the highest order.
They're afraid of seeing someone not in comms do well because it proves their comms are worthless. I once had a tag try to throw a fight by muting his mic and not doing any of his usual retarded manoeuvres and it ended up being the biggest win of the night. He also learned absolutely nothing from this.
It feels strange to know that the Boomer Dragon Saga is over.
its reminds of multiplayer fags in total war, they think theyre some high skilled player because they know they have to click a million times to get units to actually follow commands, when theyre smaller than small time compared to sc2 players. and they seethe constantly because nobody wants to play their ded gaem mode with their shit community rules
brow angle needs to be more neutral and eye angle has to go down a bit
You can do all the calculations they do yourself if you know what to aim for, then you don't need to worry about what specifically snowcrows says to do.

The key thing is to (try to) hit 100% crit chance whenever you're actually in an endgame instance and stacked. That means you need to check several things
A: How much crit chance does the 'fury' boon give you? (it's not the same for every class/spec. Virts for instance get more because of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quiet_Intensity and revenants CAN get more because of https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Roiling_Mists)
B: Does your build have any other crit-increasing traits that will be active in an endgame combat scenario (I'm talking about stuff like https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/High_Caliber)
C: How much crit chance does the food you are using in endgame content give you?
You add all of the above to your base crit chance, and then you tune your precision so that both together get as close to 100% as possible. Between hitting it and not hitting it, the former is a little better. If you don't get anywhere near it, you can use sigil of accuracy, which gives you a big crit chance increase. I use it on a lot of my power builds.
Good job. She looks really good. That fucking eyelash placement...
This shit is going 100% in my feedback thread. I really need to make an entire 'overworld issues that are not bugs but are still a problem' section and it might end up bigger than the bug section.
When I tried to do the 'distribute supplies' event the first time, I spent almost an hour hanging around the spot where it's supposed to spawn, only ever leaving briefly to do one event and then rush back. With frequent use of the personal waypoint to get back.
Then at a later point I played again and just did other stuff since I gave up on that and at XX:20 just like that, there it was.

Using meta style timers for regular 'dynamic' events was fucking retarded when they did it with the jade maw in DE and it is still retarded now.
Who are you talking about?
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Bro you need to go into the facial features and adjust them to make it true to life. Flatten and broaden the nose, dial the lips up to make them as frog-like as possible. I did a much better job when I pondered making my ranger a nigress.
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And I thank god for it. Not a single one of those fights felt like fighting a dragon besides Kralk, and they went and ultimately made it retarded anyway by having you go in his mind Mordy style in the end. Don't even get me started on the rock em sock em robot ending for Jormag and Primordus, I'm so glad it's ogre.
that's because their homosexual trooncord cliques in a dead mobile tranny furfag p2w gacha shit game are all they have in life to feel as if they have any sort of power over anyone, since they sure as shit don't have any in the actual game itself, as they and their entire gay boonball fagzerg get effortlessly torn to pieces by me every single fucking time
I find it weird that Phantasms still work the way they do.
What would the actual downside of making them stick around after their original target died, other than just making Mesmer a lot less finicky?
omg r u going to join me on my excellent adventure!
anyways ye u CAN go for the broad nose big lips thing but you could also go for jew nose and pretend you're ethiopian like in path of fire
you also don't even need black hair, a lot of black people have naturally ginger hair
/r/ exp farm spot for afk in genital wilds maps
If a black person actually told you he or she is naturally ginger, I have bad news for you. It's hair dye. Being ginger is not only EU exclusive, it's also recessive, meaning even if someone has a ginger parent, he is not ginger at all.
that is incorrect, my friend's sister has naturally ginger hair and she's gambian
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i must have checked the vendor for a month until this shit went on sale
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>visual infusion
>stoneskin infusion at that
being a stonedude is cool
that said the infusion looked like fucking plastic when i tried it out
might look better on a big plate dude
one more for the infusion bank tab
Whats the point in getting this upset before reset
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Forgot the picture as per usual, wvwratte making people rage for nothing, this little fishie got clapped trying to defend a tower foolishly
wvwratte is just the most skilled player in /gw2g/
Only rage I've ever gotten in WvW was when I busted up what I can only assume was someone's attempt to lock out the enemy team from sieges by hitting the siege cap by building 30+ unfinished catapults outside Durios.
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>he doesn't have a dwarf alt
purple outfit to kill the purple boss
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>1h queue to play
>always lag on the green side for some reason
>get d/c
>20 queue again
the male asura jumping animation when standing still reminds me of angry basedjak jumping, I greatly enjoy it
last night I had a big unhinged rage episode in wvw
kinda feel bad about it tbqh but it unironically made them leave the map
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I think an mcharr would find this too animalistic.
the rise of the elonian army begins
were you sperging out about engineer?
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I have a statue alt, so imagine my dissapointment when I found out that not only do homesteads take away infusions on parked alts there, but that they reset their position every time you leave. Mite b cool once they add personal statues I guess.
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>using tranny charges on a key alt
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Always make sure to have your wvw meltdowns in /t so everyone can partake and enjoy it
reset day, everything will be better this week i can feel it, people will get bored of willbender, war spear will be nerfed, ele will be meta again...
fuck this friendly fire cheevo and fuck anet
Much better.

If he does wvw on the reg, he basically has infinite. That's not even mentioning if he has any legendaries which decreases his consumption with each piece.
>your name fits though liam neeson, dies first
That makes it worse. That means not only did she gaslight you, but your gambian 'friend' never clued you in on how full of shit his sister is.
maybe u got gaslit by neonazis that want u to think theres no genetic diversity in africans, which is just factually wrong?
The bantu are very samey, and theyve replaced virtually all of the original African peoples. There is no such thing as a ginger nigger. Just because one is an anagram of the other, doesn't mean the two go together.
dam u rly did take the race "realism" pill hard lol
(You) are an actual retard please stop posting.
anyways if u wanna learn the anthropology, there is much more variation within races than between races, and this goes for every race. eastern africans look almost nothing like western africans or southern africans
tell me you have never set foot in wvw without teling me you're a poopsocking pveasier
traehearne gonna be very confused when i pull out his sword
>believing in completefiction
>when someone tries to clear it up it's all "Nooooo muh waycisms"
I don't care about your western sensibilities, they clash with reality here. Take that shit back to plebbit or tumblr or wherever you came from. Niggers do not grow red hair, this doesn't happen. Their genes suppress anything that isn't black for hair. Doubly so for gingers because - again - ginger hair as a trait is recessive. If both parents aren't at least half-ginger (and that means full-White), the child will never ever grow red hair.
>western sensibilities
did i not just say the person i know is gambian, that would be eastern sensibilities
The 'muh more variation within than between' meme was refuted thoroughly back in the late 2010s. You know how the study this argument comes from was made? They compared subsets of French people to each other and subsets of Germans to each other, and then they compared the French to the Germans. And yes, in that case you will find more variety within than between. But this is not the same as comparing the French to something like the Senegalese, or CARniggers. There are vast differences here, astounding even to those that expect them. And those differences are colossal compared to any differences within the same ethnicity.
I don't even know how this idea computes with people, the fact that it makes no sense should be obvious on its face. In fact this can be taken literally. Look at their faces and compare them, do those look like they are exactly the same to you?
french and german arent races theyre ethnicities
I want to try out wvw, whats the easiest class to play there if you have no idea? Pve I play holo a lot but I heard its not for shitters in pvp, I do have all the classes at 80 do I can gear up an alt.
anyways heres a photo of an ethiopian, obviously its not literally every ethiopian person but it shows off eastern african facial features that fit the stereotype of someone bred by jews
Yes, and?
Doesn't change the fact of the matter. The 'evidence' cited for the argument is fallacious because it only compares subsets of Europeans to each other rather than comparing Europeans to something vastly different, and then it assumes that the same would apply in the latter case because it applied in the former. I refuse to believe you genuinely don't see how this is fallacious.
>bitching about own problems
>doing nothing to solve it
get better internet
except germanic europeans aren't the only race and this idea applies to every race like i said
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>poltard melty in MY gw2g
bring back the bot
How are you not getting this?
The argument is FALSE, it was only created by comparing populations that everyone knew were genetically close to begin with and then claiming based on the result that everyone else was exactly as close. There is an obvious logical leap here and unless you have some serious investment in believing it, there's no way you can be fooled by it for this long.
>A is very similar to B, therefore A, B, C, D, E, F and G are all just as similar to each other as A and B are.
It's not just false, it's fucking retarded, how does anyone fall for this for even a minute?
i have a brownish rat does taht count
i do too but it doesnt count, must be black human
ive never played a human in my life thoughbiet
this is your chance! and you get to be a very niche type of character because nobody plays black humans in gw2
goddamn i cant actually tell if me standing in the greens makes a difference or not
waiting for the fiber since 2016
best one i can have is this 5g wifi thing and 90% of the time the ping is around 50 but sometimes the game *freezee* like that
i tried *forgotthename* tho check the connection was working fine even when that happens
have a service tech come out and make sure none of your connectors are damaged or worn away. alternatively delete all the hardcore pornography off your computer
>there is objectively no reason to play anything but guardian except for personal dislike of the paladin archetype
kinda sad to think about
class is just the best at literally everything even being a thief
gigabit over coax exists so u dont rly need fiber
according to shitters here, cele tardbingers or cele chudbender, the reality is there isn't one, you have to actually learn the game in order to not get your shit fed to you in wvw, and the only way to do that is to play it and get your shit fed to you over and over until you understand that everything you learned from doihg pveasy is the diametricnopposite of correct
it's not a melty when it's two retards yammering back and forth, and it's still better than coomershit posts and furfag coomershit posts, so go baçk to reddit and suck a dick
you shouldn't give a crab about it
tell me you exclusively play pveasy without outright telling me that you have never spent a femtosecond in wvw
The greens are only important for a story achievement.
In theory by the logic of what they do in the story, they should either buy you extra time or increase her damage taken, but ofc they don't do that.
>5g internet
an airplane flew between your cell tower and the satellite, or a truck or a train or some shit like that pass between you and your cell tower, 5g is shit because it's millimeter wavelength and thus gets completely blocked by anything solid
i'm in italy the phone cables are like 50yo here i had a 56kbps dialup until 2008 then the amazing 640kbps adsl till 2017 now a 20mbps 5g thing
WvWfaggots will spout the most hairbrained shit possible just to seethe at pvechads for having fun.
>if someone says guardian is the best class, that must mean they've never played wvw
Nigger guardian is also the best for most things in wvw
>best roamer, better than harb and deadeye
>also best support for zergs
wtf i thought europe was le based and had le high taxes for le good infrastructure
but it's the same in WvW
I saw several commanders literally begging for firebrands last night in /t
the only good thing is that you dont need 25k$ to reattach a finger if you cut it
no, it is the literal diametric opposite in wvw, otherwise everyone would be playing it you fucking absolute retard
>b-b-b-but muh pveasy trooncord troonball fagmander was cryin for memebrands in muh trooncord
so you mean people aren't playing the "objectively only" class? why's that, you pvebrained pveasier retard? fucking lmfao imagine appealing to a pveball fagmander as an argument, fucking pveasiers, i swear
i am in this webm
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>best roamer
holy shit, this is wha pveasier ACTUALLY believe
god damn, you retards crack me up
>wvweasy shitter is having a meltdown again
didn't read but I insist, guardian is the best class including in WvW
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>you pay for a game that you cant play
wvweasy doesnt work like pveasy does
>wvweasy shitter
go to the borderlands bro
Too late. I'd also prefer a term that emphasizes the masochism and wvwussy or wvwhiner would work in theory, but wvweasy is the thing that gets a reaction. Wvweasy faggots DO NOT like it when someone calls their game mode easy, so wvweasy it is.
ough im a hoarder
queue there too meh i went to do the story
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>Waste time running around Dragonfall multiple times only to find out "lol Skyscales are old" now go collect more shit
What dogshit
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2 things questions. Is the info on that shaman.com gemstore 2 accurate? Secondly, if I hold onto my lion chests and don’t open them, will the contents shift to whatever is in the next set of chests (ie is there any benefit to waiting to open)? Pic unrelated.
What are the question mark boosters anyway?
how many bank alts you guys got?
I'm at 3 myself
camera lag when move around in [Harvest Den Waypoint] wtf

I sure do fucking regret not playing during the month that Legendary Relic was on sale for 80% off.
every character I make that I stop playing becomes a bank mule
so 10 out of my 11
>they also offer legendary relic as a gem store item
Whenever I think their handling of the legendary relic couldn't get lamer, they find a way to outdo themselves. What would have been wrong with simply forcing people to assemble it like any other legendary? I was actually looking forward to it. Instead we all just got it arbitrarily for nothing.

Every character I made before I started making proper characters is a bank character now.
>my old Norn guardian
>my old asuran mesmer
>my old charr thief
>my old sylvari ranger
>my old charr warrior
The only exception is my necro, who is my main.
guardians are free bags for me in wvw, so claim it all you like, the more retards that fall in line with your particular brand of retardation (of which, no one who has actually spent any time in wvw subscribes to in the slightest) are just more free pveasy bags for me
>Needing bank characters
No occlusion culling + every single of those houses has lots and lots of little furniture inside. So whenever you turn the camera in the middle of the village, that's a metric fuckton of assets being loaded all at once.

Just because after 5 deaths to random willbenders you managed to kill one core guard, doesn't mean guardians are free bags.

I've gotten better with my booster hoarding btw. I consistently keep an exp boost running in the new zones, but I'm running out of masteries to level up. If I continue to keep burning through boosters, should I use them in fractals or in janthir?
here's your (You)
Hoarder seethe
whatever you say, little buddy
Not doing greens buffs the boss.
>war game
>work at hotspring for bears
you're the one seething tho
over something as inoffensive as bank alts no less
>join voice only squad
>spend 20min talking about what class to bring, builds, weapons
>spend 10min talking about how he forget about his marriage anniversary
>leave spawn
>enemy zerg buff and put VERY obvious veil in front of them
>no reaction get first pushed
this is some staged parody shit, there is no way these are real people
why do MMO players hate this game again? i've been playing for about a year now after quitting XIV (sort of) and quitting WoW. it's been really fun
>Still projecting
>still posting generic canned responses for (You)s
last one because you're horribly boring
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post mcharr
memebenders are by far the pveasiest of all the pveaurdians
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Keep seething
>join voice only squad
there was your forst andnfatal mistake, you were asking to get hilariously run over in an obvious veil while some 60 year old boomer cries about his wife's mulatto son getting shot by cops last week
>why do MMO players hate this game again?
because of gaynet, and ncshit
If the commander sounds like a stable person, that zerg will lose. Comms should either be constantly angry or shitposting
thats not very helpful
sorry you're too retarded to understand, then
now we're talking! look at that sheath!
>verification not required
more retarded than the person unable to elaborate? or are you just bitter and hardstuck here and cant really understand why anymore
Anet killed the aesthetics of this game with the shittiest cash shop skins ever to exist in any mmo, that plus all the godawful christmas tree backpacks/infusions.
isnt that every mmo though? WoW has bright ass cash shop cosmetics too, and random artstyles every expac. XIV has modern day clothing and cars and fall guys characters in their fantasy cities. if anything, i think gw2 is just par for the course in that regard. the only MMO i can think of thats modern and doesnt do that is ESO
Show me a character in WoW/FF14 that looks comparable to this
Also keep in mind that most of these shit skins have obnoxious extra particle effects when flying or doing other kinds of movement which further amplifies the eye cancer they induce.
heres a 5 million gil glowing golden monkey from ff14
and heres WoWs giant flaming chicken that has a fire effect while it flies
also the monkey in xiv drops bright coins as it moves
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Couple of reason, some of which are stigmas back from launch a decade ago
- it's dead
Applies to pretty much every MMO that isn't WoW of FFXIV (and sometimes those, too)
- there's no content
At launch the only "endgame" were the 8 dungeons, there wasn't anything else to do.
- there's nothing to do
Somewhat ties in with the previous point. Almost every other MMO boils down to "get the best gear until the next patch," which of course doesn't work with GW2's horizontal progression. People don't know how to set goals for themselves, and GW2 is all about that.
i see, the last one is fairly illuminating since ive always hated vert progression. I never really though about it like that, and it makes me equally sad how fried peoples brains are that they need vert prog to even understand the game. Well, it is what it is i guess kek
>- it's dead
you play 24/7 and have no life or hobbies
>- there's no content
you play 24/7 and have no life or hobbies
>- there's nothing to do
you play 24/7 and have no life or hobbies
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You sweet summer child
>mmo players
Practically no vertical progression once you're past a certain point.
>why do people hate this game again
There's a lot to love and a lot to hate about it

>Horizontal progression, combined with a scaling system for core zones, you can go anywhere in the world and it still feels like a genuine part of the same mmo unlike with visiting old zones in wow or xiv for instance. This also means you can visit and help friends with their stuff in a way that is more fun than in conventional mmos
>smooth and responsive combat system that combines soulslike hack&slay with mmo tab targeting, with heavy emphasis on projectiles and ground targeting
>no real gear treadmill, all character/account progress you make is a permanent improvement
>quests are replaced with a combination of story mode, events and collections, the vast majority consists of the former two which are entirely repeatable
>overworld events are a shared 'thing' between all participants, rather than a task that is separate for each like with world quests in wow for instance
>overworld maps are beautiful (except S3 and parts of PoF), later maps make increasingly heavy use of platforming gimmicks from past expansions
These aren't very egregious

This one is close, but still not as bad
>>493440293 (cont)
>For most of its lifespan, the entire game was balanced around smallscale pvp at the expense of both other game modes, one of which is 95% of the game. Providing boons - which are extremely powerful - to group members was restricted to 2 classes, then 3 and a half. 10 years into the game this has finally been fixed and every class can make support builds and also deal endgame-appropriate dps
>Most of the story reads like it's some fat femcel's cope fanfic, filled with overly aggrandized mary sue characters, vilifications of men and revenge fantasies against men, the rest reads like a tumblr blog in rpg form, complete with bashing the fash, agender engineers and nonbinary dragons (as over-the-top as those sound, all 3 of those are actually in the game). Every reference to the original game's lore is dripping with contempt for it, every character from the first game is actively assassinated (Koss doesn't count because he is literally dead)
>While having expansions and LW episodes don't let you reach higher character levels, it does give you access to different elite specs (think job crystals in ffxiv) and different stat sets, some specific ones of which you need for specific builds. Having bought more parts of the game does give you an undeniable advantage.
As shit as the story is, I don't think people hate the game for that reason because no one cares about MMO stories in the first place.
delicious sheath and plump balls how can human men compete (they cant)
>smooth and responsive combat system that combines soulslike hack&slay
What the fuck? lmao
wtf is hack and slay
I should make a male charr.
WoW/XIV players hate that it's not poopsock raidlog power grind treadmill cancer.
Guild Wars players hate that it's not Guild Wars 2.
ESO/LotRO/DDO/STO/Etc. hate that it's not set in the Nebula Aware winning scrimblo bimblo universe.
GW2 players hate that it's consistently not very good.
uh this mcharr looks a bit too young..
>Providing boons - which are extremely powerful - to group members was restricted to 2 classes, then 3 and a half. 10 years into the game this has finally been fixed and every class can make support builds and also deal endgame-appropriate dps
Permanent aoe quickness and alacrity should never have existed and the problem won't be fixed unless they stop existing.
>enter eotm for weekly shit
>run all the way to the north cuz the only thing i can cap
>troll almost ded
Maybe it's a good thing they don't exist, because the CRIMES I'd commit just for a CRUMB of a chance to be with one.
darkleshit > sparkleshit
Will literally never happen, it's too late to put them back in the box
Yeah that's the thing, there is no express 'correct' way to move forward. Once you've done all the story and gotten all the masteries, it gets very sandbox-ey in what you can do to improve your characters and your account. It's not that you can't improve your character or your account in general, there's a lot. I think it's just a matter of missing the forest for all the trees.
>progging or farming instanced content (you don't get better gear but there's sizable gold rewards once a week/once a day)
>farming gold to spend on gems for character and account upgrades
>building a piece of legendary gear (there's everything from weapons, armor, runes, sigils, trinkets, even relics. Anything you can think of, there's a legendary of it and building it is a long journey)
>doing collections and achievements
>collecting weapon and armor skins
>building a guild hall
>building a homestead
Oh and in general something that instanced-content focused mmo players probably don't like is that GW2's focus is very overworld oriented. With a few exceptions, everything you could want including legendaries was achievable without touching a raid, strike mission or even a fractal. The last expansion did away with one of those exceptions by adding a new overworld route for legendary armor and hopefully, the newest one does as well for the new backpiece and spear.
I just made a cum tribute of this
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I do not enjoy these matches.
Regardless of outcome they are not fun.
cry more
Is there any point in running the new meta? The gold per hour seems terrible.
stfu nigger
Imagine enjoying sPvP at all.
cry more
this thread is shit
bring back the gw2 spam bot
ffxiv levels of shit
If you can squeeze it in as a replacement to chak gerent during your reset farm at X:20, yeah, but that time slot fills up so fast there's a good chance you don't make it after leyline. Other than that no.
dont its full of cheaters and hackers waste of time that place is unless you need gift of battle
The only proper way to remove permanent aoe quickness and alacrity would have been if it was removed from everyone INCLUDING mesmer. And you know how invested people were in mesmer being able to do that.
But even if they went back and they tuned down everything to match the damage loss from removing those boons, could you imagine the outrage? You've got to remember how much salt there was when chaoschrono was nerfed. Could you imagine if everyone lost access to group speed boons INCLUDING MESMER AND DRUID? Holy fuck entire guilds would arrange exodi over this.
cry more
The spear it drops is untradeable.
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Cars in fantasy MMOs is almost a tradition.
Of course it won't happen. If we had a good developer it never would've been necessary in the first place.
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I realize that's the car from FF13, I think, but putting it in 14 still sort of fits the aesthetic. Meanwhile ANET casually dropping modern speeder boats straight from real life like it's nothing.
Are you sure the car isn't from FF15? I'm pretty sure this was the reward for finishing the FF15 event questline.
Probably, I don't know. I stopped playing Final Fantasy at 10.
The speeder has asura controls doesn't it?
>he knows
Right this way, book-uh, customer! We've certainly got more panels to your liking!
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>im gonna break you're legs faggit
Remove all non-personal Quickness/Alacrity from player traits.
Add Relics that apply a stacking passive 20% uptime of group Quickness or Alacrity, tied to individual skill types, that increases 20/40/60/80/100% based on number of slotted skills of the appropriate type before being modified by Boon Duration.
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>but im a girl Q_Q
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And this, lil Niggan, is how i met your mother
Maybe I would fuck the wizardbear. These photos are making me think
That wouldn't fix the issue, it would only change how the boons are provided. There's only 2 feasible approaches.
Either the one we have, which is that everyone can provide both, or alternatively, to remove both boons from the game completely. No group boon duration increase shit, the boons are just gone.
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god the qwetching of all the permanent uptime fags would be so FUCKING EPIC
but it would literally save the game and make it epic again

I'm already playing like that and hate that muthafukn zerg pile blobbing!!!!
i play like that too i hope people seethe at how unoptimal my weapons are (guardian mace + shield in pve)
>boons removed
>I seethe
>I download new builds
>back to normal
>pugs even worse
I might coom
>guardian mace+shield
Anon, you...
Most mmo players would suck anets cock if they knew this game existed
But big streamers don't play it so nobody knows it exists
It's like our secret club and I wish it was advertised more
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everything is literally melting too fast right now
Arenanet has consistently fucked up with this game at every turn in its history. Broken trust, broken promises, zero moderation, 6+ month to never response time on fixes, resurfacing exploits and bugs, >>>>>>>>>>story
Slap a commander tag onto spongebob and put a glowing army behind him.
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pretty much same reason it didn't take of 12 years ago

normie MMO slaves want their loot dopamine
and get fucked in the ass every 6months when the oh so new expansion trashes all their precious Artefakt level gear from last
>muh progression
how is that remotely optimal in pve?
who is this rabbit slut and what is his name
Holy fuck man who gives a shit this is literally the easiest game on the planet r u fuckin dying to pve shit
What's with the recent surge of Core Warriors in WvW?
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yeah kudos, literal trash weapons
never seen any Guardian rocking those

wonder how trash the Guardian transaspear actually is
Why do u care if it's optimal in pve unless u>>493453396
r running fucking cms
i dont, thats why im not playing whats optimal. did you read the post i was replying to? it was about making fun of people who care whats optimal. if you're drunk and or high, disregard
But ur running mace shield guardian
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I'm not sure to tell the likes of you..
>graphics options: lowest

*sips* yup, its gaming time
and im asking how thats remotely optimal for pve. i play it cause its fun, is there some meta build for mace shield guard that im unaware of or something
Anything is optimal for pve because the game is so easy
Anything else > barbed penis
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>wvw settings
>fps drop to 30 or less pve
charr are knotted, not barbed...
>verification not required
Is there sauce for this
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it's future-VR not isekai, retard
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Was this written by chatgpt?
fuck you
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heh, now its gaming time
wow everyone in the thread is in this thing
>>>>>Guild wars
>Guilds can have up to 500 members
>wvw maps are limited to mistery (less than 100/side)
>all 500 players are on at the same time
ratposters go away before I call the FBI, this is a mcharr thread.
>7888 8887 8879 88
The author of this got a C in their 10th grade creative writing class.
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go fuck me yourself
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God i even make my own team angry. A tag left to defend sm, from doing an empty ppt on a keep. It upset a person because they didn't see the tag telling his group to move and i called them a crackhead for their crackhead take on it being a trashy squad for the tag wanting to defend.

why are their egos so fragile
>t. fragile ego seething on 4chan
I think it needs like 3 people in the green to count
If it doesn't count the boss gets an extra stack
Having an extra stack means you need to break an extra breakbar before the warclaw merry go round
The boss didn't get a stack in your webm, but the green had people anyways, so yeah, you didn't make a difference, but better sure than sorry right?
no further elaboration is needed, if you can't understand then you should stick with hello kitty online and asking your retarded questions there
>[ARMA] zerg in eb
>[ARMA] zerg in hbl
italianons play at the same tome
>playing nigger"pvp" nodecap wars
>If I continue to keep burning through boosters, should I use them in fractals or in janthir
Arguably the exp boosters are the most useful in WvW/PvP, since they give a significant boost to the reward track you get. If you don't want to play the minigames you can just blow them wherever or save them for the next mastery batch.
based veronica telling it like it is
the cheater anon was unironically correct
wvw is filled with brand new accounts clearly piloted by experienced users utilizing cheats
probably some new cheat that came out
be careful out there gamers
pming + instantly blocking isn't based behavior
This is why WvW is the only balanced game mode
>shit on anon
>block him so he cant respond
seems pretty based to me.
I can just imagine anon seething because he cant respond/get the last word
>ur parents are brother and sister
Veronica bringing the heat!
They truly had one of the more creative insults sent my way over the years
twice in a row posted this and didn't get deleted
how does he do this

i fucking kneel
The chest content is always current, they are not tf2 crates. The benefit to holding on to them is to sell them when the price goes up
you're retarded, all mmo players already know this shit dead game exists, and they correctly deduced that it's shit run by jewish fags and either avoid it or try it to see how bad it is and then see how bad it is for themselves and promptly NOPE the fuck out, big streamers don't play it BECAUSE IT'S SHIT, and PUH-LEN-TY of big streamers have tried it, hated it, and their concurrent viewership absolutely TANKED while playing it = they lost money
dead game 2 is a massive money sink, it's the reverse midas's touch of mmos
they're not core if they're using spears, they're janny milds, not core, you can't use spears as core
>60fps framelimit
retard alert
calling all tardwranglers
retard alert
we got a retard alert
retard alert
someone come collect this retard before he infects anyone else with his dumb
"core warriors" refers to a warrior without an elite spec you dumb faggot, not the player only having the core game. god are you fucking retarded or what?
>God i even make my own team angry
that's how you know you're doing it right
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>character model limit: highest
>character model quality: medium
>windowed mode
>none to low graphics
>low rez textures
Somebody help this man!
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I just logged in for the first time in a decade+, where does /gw2g/ plays?
I got 5 characters on some bumass world, and I have no clue what the birthday gift i got are worth
it's funny because it's very obviously projection, since he was too inbred to see the tag moving off from where said retard was derping and overstaying
thanks doc
no, core refers to THE CORE GAME, as in NO CASHGRABSPANSIONS, you fucking newfag retard
The birthday gifts aren't worth anything really, they're more personal and show you're an oldfag, there are only megaservers so none of us play together and will only occasionally see each other in the world occasionally due to recognizing characters but we'll never acknowledge one another, honestly its a ded game bro welcome back to its final death knells
gw2 works on megaservers, theres an NA guild and an EU guild (not really). link is in the thread for the ppl who run them. as for the birthday gifts, they're all good so just stash em in your bank until you're far enough to know what they are/want to use them
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just... stop responding at this point dude. i've already thought of you as perhaps the most pathetic person on this board, but you keep digging yourself deeper. i just pity you at this point. you'll get no more (yous) from me, sir, so enjoy this last crumb. good day
I need this in my life
nooo you cant limit to 60fps on a 60 fps monitor nooooOOOOOOO
imagine waking up next to a femcharr snuggling you on a cold winter's morning, her legs wrapped around you and her face nuzzling against your cheek, and she purrs into your ear and plants kisses and licks all over your face. gross haha
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msura are built for charr knots
you can't post this pic and tell me your asura isnt a faggot
that mouth gape looks like he blows norns
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That would be super gross totally...
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I don't think about you at all.
dead game dead thread is it samefag hours already?
Im trying to see if I cant just create new characters and it seems i have to paypig for more than 5 slots?
just farm gold
>i have to paypig
poor person alert
good morning sire, do not redeem
A grown ass man strips his virtual male rat down to its skivvies, performs emotes and takes multiple suggestive screenshots of this gay rat and posts it to 4chan. If you're feeling down or like your life isn't going too well, just remember this guy and you'll feel better.
I feel worse, dude can afford to waste his time buying the swimsuit bundle for that and taking pictures to piss people off on 4chan
I wish my life was going that well
Unfortunately yeah. Not a problem for people who have a routine of making gold (its less than 400 gold for a slot right now), but as a returning player it kind of sucks. You either fork out real money or you delete one of your 10+ year old characters, or you make a new account entirely.
he has the welfare bundle which was like 1k gems, learn to make gold brutha its easy
don't bother joining HOPE there is no hope left it's dead and gone
there's a reason it has BEST in the name.
it doesnt cost that much u know that right
>makeover kit
>expensive clothing
>rare colors
It's a richfag making you seethe
id like to have sex times with charr, fhd, norn, and salads. rats can get the fuckin ROPE
>animals at the top of anons list
Yeah, but like, a sexual rope, right?
charr can consent, charr are not animals.
lv 55 selfie with a cat dude
I seethe, therefore I am
>Engi is main
>Liking Necro spear more
Something as simple as abilities buffing your main single target move's damage goes a long way towards making the weapon feel more interesting to use.
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>log on to wvw
>k/d for alliance is .25
thoughts on the new "pvp" mode
farmed every time for that lil guy
unlucky lil bro
im sure you'll win the matchup lottery next week!
The fact that everyone this thread are so consistently BAD at wvw and spend all their time shrieking and stamping their feet and pooing their diapers over it makes me laugh and realize why I've always been so good at it.

enjoy your sub-1s kiddos
there are 2 ways to consistently have a good experience in wvw
1. play thief or willbender or mesmer and/or cheat
2. play with a group 100% of the time
silverwastes is the best wvw map
I dunno, I fear this will just fracture PvP even more when Anet realizes they have to keep supporting the new game mode if they don't want it to end like Stronghold.
Got me interested in PvP for once.
>retard opinion
>retard avatarfagging
oh yeah, it's real reddit hours time
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Fuck me I missed the bikini armor drops
i like how you not only missed the point, but missed it in the most hilariously wrong way possoble, this is the kind of nigger retardation that keeps me coming back to this nigger retard filled reddit sub stowing away on 4chan despite the fact that it belongs on reddit and nowhere else
>this is what pveasier retards actually believe
says a whole lot about why the current average level of play from the average player is as abysmally low as it is
>Check my Guardian after years of not playing it
>Realize I bought and upgraded Soldier's ascended trinkets
Fuck... why
A relic of the time when wvw was good.
so do we even know what mursaat runestones are for yet?
same, I will literally drive a truck through anet if they don't rerelease it SOON
do a summer vacation in winter kind of event fuckfaces, i need that shit
and it better be the whole pack with the bikini AND the alternate tropical wear skins
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i meant it as in
but oh well what an insufferable thread i go sleep
basedsomnia chads win again
>2024 and there's still no wardrobe save slots
that gold:gems ratio is looking pretty high, might swipe for a core legendary or two
>he doesnt have full leggy armor + weapons
>he doesn't have maxed equipment slots
how much gold is a dollar worth?
>do a summer vacation in winter kind of event
aussie christmas bikini hype
>he's too fucking stupid to have enough builds or enough outfits to run out of equipment slots even at max
so weird how you tried to judge him but you just sound way more fucking stupid
Do you?
I never understand why open world pvp in almost every game devolves into this coward type shit lol. Dogshit players that stack every stat advantage they can get, on top of every mobility and defensive ability available to them and then do nothing besides take potshots at people and run away as fast as they can if they feel even slightly pressured because, despite losing literally nothing on death, it hurts their ego too much to get stomped in a videogame even a single time to the point where rather than play good builds and get 300 kills and die a couple times they'd rather play a cheap shot build in the most cowardly way and go hours between kills just so they can avoid having their feelings hurt from getting killed. it's also funny to me that in games where you actually lose items on death people tend not to give a fuck about the ego shit but in pvp games where there's almost nothing to gain or lose these trash players get super fucking mad if they die. as an off note it's always glorious to catch out these retards in a full burst build when they expect everyone nowadays to be running celestial dps instead and they logout almost the instant you see their ass hit downed state.
not sure but it's about £80 for 2000 gold
Happens the most in high investment mmos. Imagine you're some shut-in and you spend your entire life at something to the point where you're inept at almost everything else in your life but at least you have this videogame that you poured countless hours into that you're better at than anyone else. Oh wait, if you realized you also aren't even better at anyone else at that videogame then you'd basically suffer an entire ego death. It's literally instinctual self-preservation for them to play a build like that. To you, you just pressed F and got a lootbag, to them, it's like you've attacked their entire identity they've based their life around.
>nooo frame limiter bad
>why do people try to win in competitive game modes
>why don't that just agree that everyone is equally valid and take home an equal share of the rewards
are you seriously a retarded communist
like, for real
What's the biggest bottleneck for obsidian armor? Is it this rift essence stuff? So do I just do rift hunts all day tapping that heart key?
You do rift weeklies and weekly convergences. What is really going to kill you are ectos.
ectos, its ~3.5k for one set, everything else is manageable within dailies of doing convergence, dragonstorm, eternal ice, auric basin, and tangle depths if you can fit that somewhere, any excess essence can be converted into mats or soto map currency
There really isn't a hard bottleneck in the same way that raid armor or wvw armor have hard bottlenecks. The closest thing I can think of is
OFC you can get ectos from all content but the amalgamated essences take 600 ectos per armor piece alone
>provisioner tokens
Used to be very difficult to get and a pain for all raid armor crafters, but they expanded the amount of faction provisioners drastically with SotO and they added even more provisioners with janny wilds.
>map completion/lanterns
You need to do map completion of SotO's 3 maps once PER ARMOR PIECE. So if you're crafting all 3 weight classes, that's lighting the lanterns 18 times
>case of captured lightning/pouch of stardust/clot of congealed screams
If you ever played the soto maps, you probably noticed that you're accumulating a map specific currency in each. 250 of that currency can be used to create the cases/pouches/clots. You also get one once a day from each of the map meta events. You need 5 of those per armor piece
>clovers and trophies
Obsidian armor takes much less of those than raid armor, but it still takes some so if you're short on gold, that can be an issue.
>higher tier essences (if impatient)
Okay this needs some explaining. You can get lots of t2 and t3 essences for free per week, simply by doing your weekly rift hunts and up to 3 convergences. You can get even more free essences now because the JW maps have rifts and rift hunt rewards as well. If the free essences are not fast enough for you, you CAN brute force it, you can get more t2 and t3 essences, but this will take an item called 'rift motivations'. Rift motivations are items that open t2 and t3 rifts, every motivation regardless of tier takes 5 ectos to craft and a varying amount of t5 claws, t5 bones and research notes depending on whether you want t2 or t3 motivations. And crafting t3 motivations takes t2 essences, so there's that.
Is this a response to the wrong post? Or are you seriously this fucking stupid?

>average dogshit roamer response
>im only winning if i never lose!!
>therefore ill win as little as possible but at least ill never lose
The conversation was about "roaming" 1vX which isn't something that happens on actual wvw servers, everyone is grouped up around actual objectives on servers that care about ppt and there's nothing to roam for when there's 3 guys defending any camp you might try to solo at all times. Maybe you got unlucky and got linked to a shit server but in that case you're not actually playing anything competitive, are you?

>Why don't you just agree that everyone should take an equal share of the rewards
What the actual fuck are you talking about? That's literally my fucking point. Are you capable of reading or do you just think if you call out other people first that they won't notice you're the one that's severely mentally disabled?

>play build that kills tons of people but gets killed in return
>get lots of loot
>play build that runs away as much as possible and just focuses on not dying
>get less loot
>retards like you prefer this one
stop wasting time in the literal clown gamemode and play the real PvP where running away and hiding actually makes you lose the game
Add pips to EotM, make it server/alliance non-specific, and have 10 of them running at once.
the "rewards" in his post are literally just a reference to not dying lol. if anyone gives a singular shit about "rewards" they're not doing solo roaming at all in the first place. crazy how so many people on this board aren't even capable of basic english, i need to get off this board
>gigantic walls of cringe seething because wvw is "hard"
>"waaah why are people kicking my ass and winning, everything should be equal"
amazing how much mental damage some people have
Solo roaming is just tacitly acknowledging that constructed has been unplayable for more than half a decade.
I don't roam because WvW is more fun, less fun, easier or harder than PvP, but because in WvW I'm not going to have 2/3 of my playtime be wasted by people Anet doesn't have the balls to permanently ban.
I played solely pvp for almost the first year of the game, I wish I could but I don't like where balance has gone. Part of GW PvP for me has always been developing crazy new builds that counter everyone else, the fact that stat allocation, sigils, and rune choices have progressively been made more and more restrictive is really sad. And the PvP balancing team seems to only care that every class has just a passable number of viable utilities and that's about it. Like the disparity in PvP between some outdated utilities compared to the new powercrept shit is immense, and there's only so many skills to pick from at all in this game. At the end of everything you're more or less just picking a class, taking what are literally obviously the best skills with no competition, with maybe just a couple fluff choices, and that's it. You might as well be playing TF2 or Overwatch at that point, why play PvP in this game specifically? It doesn't do anything super unique, so tossing out the buildcrafting part of PvP is retarded as fuck.
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Which specs are meta for Fractals? Want to be sure I'm putting my best foot forward for T4's/possibly CMs.
Don't give me a "LOL PVEASY IS SO EASY JUST RUN ANYTHING RETARD ROFLMAOLAOLOL" response which I know the WvWschizo is already writing up. Give me a real answer, please.

lol i just realized this nigga prolley read the single line about stacking stat advantages in your post and immediately got heated and ignored the rest of the post. either some zoomer that never played the og wow classic griefing mode or some mouthbreather who got naxx carried and is defending his honor right now

either way u guys keep it up i like it when the thread gets new posts lol *eats popcorn*
I seriously wonder what went wrong in your life. Like seriously. I'm genuinely fascinated, from a psychological point of view, what has to happen to a person to turn him into that much of an obsessive. You've got NOTHING going on in your life but wvw? Go outside and breathe some fresh air anon
Any of these work really well. Pick what you like
>being so obsessed you obsess over who's laughing at your obsession
make eye contact, talk to girls, it's not scary
Adding to >>493502072 , some of them havent been updated for the latest expac, so I'd say to pick any of their builds and use Snowcrow's variant of the same thing if their listing for it has been recently updated
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>thread suddenly becomes 4x more active when the topic of "wvw roaming" comes up

real willbender hours in here
wvw was only good at launch
Someone even asked a question I asked a few threads ago and got no response to and they got like 3 responses right away to their question. Although to be fair I also sort of just browse the top of vg and I don't have any particular general saved.
is gw2 as easy as ffxiv?
It's adderall-addict tier fast-paced, but the skill ceiling is a lot lower.
janthir? sniffed
Classes are harder to play correctly.
Actual content design is a joke that maxes out around ARR hard mode primals in terms of complexity.
90% of PvE difficulty is having mechanics obscured by the game's overwhelming visual diarrhea (which you can't turn off because that also turns off some boss indicators:*))
>legion jetpack
>citadel assault pack
>sorcerer's cape
>back pieces for legion pack and citadel pack aren't dyable
>sorcerer's cape has a hole in the back of the neck for no reason
why does everything have so suck in some possible way
I'd say HT has more mechanics than a savage boss in XIV, but that's an outlier.
femsura by the hips and slam her like a fleshlight deep dick style
>Kodan say "Jeez"
Kodan worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? They truly are the noblest of Tyria's races.
Its sad to hear Tyrians will never experience horse pussy
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>Pugs still failing normal Convergences in current year
>that feeling of relief when you get demon knight and know that its pug retardation-proof
Is there a better feel in gw2?
bought 13k mithril to make research notes
fun ensue
I hate research notes so much it's unreal
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what do you mean?
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it's not even that many...
I love research notes. They evened out the values and prices on a lot of previously worthless items. I wish they would add more eligible items with worthless materials. Imagine something researchable made of eyes of kormir for instance.
Pve is deserving of your respect anon, in what other game mode do people go so hard on that they dont have to play it. Minmaxing 50k dps so your hour long raid takes half an hour.
fuck, i have the buyer's remorse
the sorcerer's cape sucks, i should have got the shrine guardian back and be a particle clown
What was the question?
Unless this is to support the developer and the gems/gold is just an ancillary benefit
>swiping for gold
>to skip assembling a legendary
Is this the beginning of what leads to people claiming 'there's nothing to do'?

When you're at the point in the game where you care about legendaries, building and grinding for the legendary IS the content.
People have been swiping for legendaries for 12 years, calm down
Wasting your limited time on the earth to mindlessly grind the same boring shit over and over again for pennies/hr is not content
>he can't carry a normal 50man convergence to success
Bro, if you were properly prepared, this would not be an issue. Go with a character that has the following builds set up
>boondps power build
>boondps condi build
>heal build (preferably mech, scrap, scourge or specter)

Here's what you do
>start with any boondps build, systematically kill all the side bosses, solo if need be. People will usually join you half-way through each but be prepared in case they don't
I guess I need to add the caveat that you do need enough sustain to survive and kill champions, but there's options here.
>return to zojja to turn in essences every 1 or 2 bosses
>when final boss phase starts, switch to boonheal spec, blast barriers and heals at max output as if it were damage
>if you have gigastabs like with guard, mesmer or revenant, spam those
You will be surprised how much easier one support can make it.
It was retarded back then and it still is now.
>waah waah there's nothing to do in this game
There was, but you skipped it.
I miss Norm
Calm down.
>Swiping for gold
>Swiping for character slots to alt-park and also passively generate birthday boosters, statuettes, and experience scrolls
>pug retardation-proof
i had one run almost fail because retards kept not leaving the group when they had the meteors
>one year to get your rewards
this nigga really thinks hes the michael jordan of coomvergences, like anything he does makes even a miniscule difference among the 49 other tards in the instance
Socratic wisdom intensifying
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>tfw Tekkit's module for Janthir's resources/caches is so wildly incomplete you feel compelled to learn TACO/Pathing just to make a better version of his own work
Spite-induced studying can be beneficial sometimes.
the adventure continues momentarily!
just retardian things
>I never understand why open world pvp in almost every game devolves into this coward type shit lol
because you somehow fail to understand basic human nature, people are cowards, that's why they play pveasy where there is no challenge and no threat of dying or losing face
I've never seen one fail, and I never did the 10man version. So if they usually do fail on the reg, you're damn right I'm the michael jordan of convergences.
Take michael jordan's advice and bring more boons.
Lose the glasses, they don't look piratey. They look more like you're about to impart some wisdom upon Neo and fight the agents.
roamers win a lot more than your headcanon copium would have you believe
wvw is the only competitive mode in the game, just because you're a retarded pveasier who doesn't know the first thing about competition, doesn't mean that competition doesn't exist, all it means is you shit in your socks
yes, please do go back ťo reddit, and stay there for good this time
i need to do some eod map completion and i wanted to use that time to look at spec i never tried, is bladeworm fun?
>wvwshitter thinks he's more competitive than me, pvpchadder

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>p-please play my deadest game mode full of hackers
i solo roam because map queues take less time than spvp queues, and with less hackers and no forced downtimes whenever arbitrary number goes up too much
pveasy? sure
shitpvp? dunno how ff14 pvp is
wvw? don't think ff14 has anything remotely comparable
so overall, yes?
>why does everything have so suck in some possible way
i see this is your first blush with gaynet, welcome to the suck
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>failing pveasy
really says a lot about the average iq of the playerbase
Get the Legion Jetpack
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cant even switch to the other one to finish the story
goddamn anet you dumb fuck
>canned stats nerfed traits incomplete runes and sigils no food or utilities nodecap wars hacker filled dead mode player thinks he's competing with anyone
How? It was everywhere

imagine needing any of that to win LMFAO
>gooners are actually completely fucktarded retards and can't even manage the basics of human function in order to feed their gooning addiction
like pottery
imagine needing to cripple the game as it was designed in order to win, and then wondering why nobody plays your gay ass cripple mode wannabe league of legends shit
>coping wvwshitter cant play the game without his food and utilities buffs
>coping shitpvpshitter can't play the game without handicapping and removing everything that beats him handily
i play wvw and I still win fights without food and utilities, sounds like an unironic skill issue if the other wvw player cant live without his buffs
>coping because no femcharr wife
i always win fights by using only provisioner food and utilities, while everyone else is using broken ascended shit, but you don't see me seething or coping about ascended shit and demanding it be removed from the mode, unlike shitpvp retards who wonder for 12 years why no one is playing their shit mode
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the sleek design of this helmet helps scoop up warclaw feces
>landmine tequatl map
I have never been more disgusted in my life. Your cowardice to only post this when the thread is dying, and the disgusting content of the post itself

Verification not required
It's the end of the thread so no one will know that I love mcharr a little bit too much
>seething this hard
why does it hurt you so bad
I want all of this FUCK
cool projection bro, i'm glad you missed the slutmog and are hopping fucking mad about it though, truly brings a smile to my face, you fucking retarded faggot
Hello fellow Domain of Torment anon

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