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Scoops edition

>QRD Lore video

Previously on /wowg/: >>492789130
Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan too seriously
First for stinky night elf feet
If you could add ONE additional spec to any class you want
What would it be and how would it work?
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Best possible post ever
QUESTION: I just spent an hour doing war mode world PvP at the Priory, and I don't think I got any "sparks" or bloody tokens. Have they not gone live already?
tank shaman based on earth shit
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rate my mog
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Thanks bros :)
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>mfw farming NPC craft orders and hunting for +1 skill point books on every single character i have so i dont fall behind on crafting
And I have to do this shit EVERY WEEK?!
Make demonology a fully fledged pet tank
healer death knight based on earth shit
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/wowg/ guild WHEN???

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you don't have to do anything
Second tank spec for Death Knights returning them to their glorious early WotLK days. Focused on dual-wield, lots of parry/dodge more than just regenerating a fuckton.
If you're still hunting this late, you're behind and will never catch up. Better off just making public orders for the gear you need.
Remove arms and give me blademaster
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how did you guys do in the last thread?
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all me
I want these niggas as an allied race
14 for me
i used to be a real farmer, i used to get triple digits
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*leaves dungeon after boss doesnt drop my item*
not my problem dpscucks dont get insta queues
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Not my best performance but it's aight
Is Epsilon good for you?
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>stuck at 97BS for the past 4 everburnings.
Time to get compressed.
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>leveling up havoc demon hunter since ive never played demon hunter
>queue into dungeon
>our blood death knight is very slowly walking up the hill to get to the fight
>ok whatever, maybe his computer is bad or he is distracted by something while playing. i can work with that
>grabs mobs for first pull
>we all wipe slightly later because all the mobs he "pulled" started making a straight shot for everyone else
>check the blood knight's talents
>12 points not spent
yep, thats my confirmation that yet another player checked a role for queuing that they had no business playing. i usually see this with "holy" paladins aka ret paladins who checked the healer check box in order to get queued faster, but this was on another level. usually i can salvage the situation, but this situation was an absolute disaster. the healer instantly disconnected after we wiped. i was the only one to stick around, and the new group of people cleared the dungeon just fine.
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Caster necromancer for death knight. I don't give a fuck about reusing affliction/unholy spells. It's either this or add a summoner spec to warlock that uses undead minions instead of cringe demons
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>price of herbs already halved
its fucking over
What magnavox odyssey game is this from?
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Gunslinger rogue.

The spec swaps your combo points for bullets. You get 6 bullets which are consumed by abilities. Bullets can be reloaded with a generic reload ability, but more often with other abilities that chain into your rotation.
Anyone who is broke or doesn't know what to do, just learn skinning and do laps around the outside of the city in Dorn. Avoid the sheep, the ramoliths or whatever, and some of the yellow crocolisks, pretty much everything else you can skin. All the birds, the Pegasuses with the corkscrew horns, the red crocolisks and the yellow ones near them, the mudskippers, the red gulls, all of it. Spend 20-30 mins skinning and you'll have 5k-6k in mats that will sell almost instantly,
*writes your name down*
*post on the forums*
*your server reputation is tanked*
No problem bro
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>Do a rumor thing
>It gives you fuck all
What is the point of these
>not skinning in the ringing deeps, in that quest hub where you have to transfer ores across the bridge
step it up
This never happens
>Arms clipping
Imagine paying for this
Are dungeons the fastest way to go 70-80?
>leaves dungeon
>get 30 minute que ban debuff instead of finishing in 10 min and queuing again
This doesn't happen they changed nothing
>here's your 50 spider coins bro
There is an achievement for doing it a certain amount of times.
Soul Reaper DH Support spec based on that one demon hunter we see in Azsuna

Instead of augmenting party members it'd be about weakening enemies by ripping their souls away, creating a copy everyone can hit for extra damage. This would make the spec pseudo-ranged as well as the gameplay would revolve around you placing these ripped souls out of harm's way and then move them whenever needed. While a ripped soul is up the affected enemy or enemies suffer different debuffs based on what talents the Soul Reaper DH picked.

It would be a squishier spec than Havoc and Vengeance by a large margin to compensate while retaining DH mobility
if you aren't at least 590+ then you're just not getting invited to M0's or Normal/Heroic. It's just that simple.
Imagine how that would pillar humpers in arenas make seethe.
Flying carpet's /mountspecial is kino, has it always had this?
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>Female Night Elf Warrior in full heritage armor
You may not like it, but this is what perfection looks like.
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Support DH. Empowering fel magic and shit. Maybe add in a SPRINKLE of 'positional' things for the DH to do to gib buffs (since mobility is kind of their theme).

Just to repeat, I said a SPRINKLE Blizz.
No, for the most time, it had no special.
>Sneak into spidersville to place bugs so we can spy on them
>The bugs are actual beetles
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This is the exact same piece except I don't suffer repair costs?
Why does this exist.
Dragonflight was a Goodâ„¢ expansion so this one is a Badâ„¢ expansion, we just have to make it to midnight bros and we're eatin GOOD
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cute, right back at ya
>Why does this exist.
Because mythic raiders cried too hard about warforged gear so now we only get pointless "upgrades" like this.
>Using someone's transmog mount
>They dismount
is this reportable?
send them an angry whisper
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Isle of Dorn is actually so comfy.
Sorry for posting my dog so much...
people do it on purpose
Mastery: short CD on damage spells, lower healing on healing spells
Literally everything is instant cast
Same Holy Power building/spending gameplay
Holy Damage vs stunned target is 100% increased
Gameplay loop
>Spam Judgement+HS in range
>Divine Storm in melee
Burst window
>Hammer of Justice+Avenging Wrath+Judgement+HS+Divine Storm = epic numbers, moment instantly cut and uploaded on Jewtube.
Just get your own you cheapskate.
sex with gnomes
I'm free to play
Mog mount is like 120k, needless to say it's still available on regular basis.
AH mount was expensive as fuck and now only available via the black market.
This makes its owners feel very superior and they don't like to share.
Nothing is funnier than chase these fuckers when they try to run away from you so you "don't leech off them".
i wish this game had more content for us poors
let me level to 40 geez who cares
Give me a gnome to draw
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I'm so annoyed. How could you not post her more often
You should really think about what you've done and post more of your pupper
Get a sub you cheapskate.
I had millions in BFA and didn't buy the longboi

and they're playing you every time, freely
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Stopped reading there.
why is the ear so low rez compared to the rest of the face
art team carrying?
buy one month, spend the next 3 weeks grinding out enough gold to buy 3 or 4 wow tokens for game time and you're set. then you can play for free from now on.
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Have a medic.
Don't notice the jaggies around the face marking
Or the low res scar
Or her cock (off camera)
Why? It was the most fun play style in TBC
what is your favorite class so far with hero talents?
I love ele shaman
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>helping friend pretty new to wow level to 80 in normal tww dungeons
>get in a few shitshow queues
>end up in the dungeon that sends you into the church type area
>this tww dungeon seems to be where all the retards get queued up with me at
>boss fight 1
>win while busting my balls to hold the front line
>3 players die
>ok, probably still manageable
>walk up the steps to wait at the entrance to the next set of fights
>everyone is about here
>go in
>start clearing mobs, going smooth
>15-20 mobs come pouring in from behind us
>end up wiping our dps guys because most of them were constantly standing in the high damage static enemy aoe circles
>one of the dps guys leaves as the evoker flames my healer friend for "not healing him enough" while the evoker is the retard who couldnt manage to not bring 15-20 mobs to kill our squishiest players
>let it slide for now since there isnt much further to go
>new guy joins
>immediately starts flaming about everyone in our queue
>flames the evoker for standing in everything while he continues to blame the healer
>the new guy leaves after the second boss fight because the evoker is bitching again
>get another random
>clear our way to fight 3 with the evoker and his friend now both bitching while standing still in the area of effect circles
>evoker and pals decide to kick the healer because they cant figure out how to run out of a stationary aoe circle
>go sit on a bench at a fountain on the edge of the map for a few minutes until they kick me
i genuinely dont understand what the hell is with people and flipping out so hard in such a casual queue. do i want you to stop having dogshit dps numbers? yes! do i complain about it constantly in instance chat? no! i sit there and get through the dungeon without complaining as a tauren player should!
i wish i could play a gnome but the racial is so fucking bad
How on earth can I grind that much without buying current expansion
>her cock
Who goes there?
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Draw me like one of your Goldshire girls
Dumb name
But why.
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will it go down anymore than this? I feel like in dragonflight I waited for raid to release thinking it would go down more and it didn't
>muh racials
spotted the hordecuck virgin
The level scaling is so aggressive you can do everything in this game.
T. I've done it. I've done nearly every bit of available old content and am doing DF now
good question. But the cheapest version PLUS a month sub then you're set. Or e-grift and beg for someone to gift you a version,
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You if you are lucky
some stuff shows up as level 35 though, can my level 20 really beat it? or is the trick to lock down the level to 10 to get maximum scaling
Can someone here pwease give me enough for a wow token and or TWW
>Evoker Tank Spec: Nullification
>Uses Black and Blue spells
>Black spells passively build shield charges (like aug's but actually granting proper shields/armor)
>Blue spells to inflict spellfrost and slow enemies down
>Blue spells also expend shield charges to inflict additional debuffs
>The gimmick is that the spec works by reducing enemies' damage output as opposed to just toughening themselves up
what class is the easiest to faceroll with in pvp at the moment?
I bought one yesterday morning for 199k
>painted on pantsu and bra
>ohh the racials I can't stand the racials
I didnt make the model bro
>have a 2 man advantage on votekick
honestly? outplayed my guy.
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the ah is working again bros
any mage caster
know any semi-famous streamers who can hook you up?
Oh so that's the problem
No biggie, call it Inquisitor
never stopped working for me
Sex with shadowlands owls
Prices tanked and people aren't accidentally buying me purposefully overpriced shit anymore feels bad
i do that and look like that
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wait 1.5 months before buying
No I don't have any friends.
i prefer the pure nerubian
I only bought it because I wanted the 30 days game time for next month
we /biz/ing
there's no way the price was still going down 2 months after launch
Can you buy TWW with gold bought tokens if someone gave me enough gold for that I'd be their slave all expansion to pay off the debt by selling shit.
prot spec with sentinel's tower shield and blade of elune
Would love to let her tend to my cock.
Cause it's all she can reach.
buy high sell low?
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yes you can
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>Use my yak by the mailbox in front of the auction while I collect my gold
>See some scrub talk to MY vendor
>Dismount and switch to invincible
> /lol at him
time to get my character ready for season 1 where i'll get to mythic raiding as soon as possible then burnout after wiping on the first boss for a week, whereby i'll promptly unsub and come back next expansion to do it all over again
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If someone gets mad just post more.
>legion prices

we have to go back..
>She isn't ready yet
It's over...
why does the price keep rising?
how many level 80s do you guys have?
I'm working on my fourth
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>catch a stray queervoker in AV
>never 1v1'd one before
>leans back and barfs up some shit
>3/4 of my hp bar gone in one spell
different one
>root him up
>he does some fly-through while barfing up fire
>ends up about 40 yards away
>3/4 of my hp bar gone in one spell
Can't imagine how broken it must have been in is designated expansion.
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People don't like avatarfriends so I figured I shouldn't push my luck, but if you insist...
So I need 4 tokens worth of gold? I need a loan of 800k gold
Fuck em. Nobody has to like you.
>still gets assraped
Get good, freak.
anyone else having problems with world quests? i just completed one and it said "world quest failed" for some reason
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I wish I could find and join a social/friendly guild on MG and ya know, actually be social.
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just post whatever
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Go back to other game faggot. I don't even have my chat box on screen anymore
I wish I wasn't such an anxiety-ridden freak and actually had the courage to rp on my rp realm
im going to sleep
*flys to scarlet raven tavern*
>3/4 of my hp bar gone in one spell
how fucking low is your ilvl where evokers are chunking you?
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>People don't like avatarfriends
Trolling grifters cry about it but they don't actually matter (or play wow)
Have fun, post your character doing whatever, every other MMO thread does it and being "content policed" by some crybaby faggot on /wowg/ is the last thing I'm going to accept
Now post that freaking dog so help me goodness gracious
Hello I'd like to apply for a loan of 800k gold. In the space of about 5 days I have made 230k farming old content and playing the auction house. That is also combined with me leveling to 70 from 20 and not knowing anything about how to make money or play the auction house. If I had access to current content I know I'd make more and I'd pay you back and then some
I RP on my non-RP server all the time and people appreciate it generally. Just be witty/clever/funny/creative/etc and you'll get over.
why do you talk like someones retarded gay grandma
>~3 hours to get to max level
>do some heroics
whoa.. so much content..
This game worth getting into for a new player with 4-8hrs available a week?
Maybe she is anon, maybe she is
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impossible because the moment I talk to people my mind blanks
i'm not naturally funny
i do have cool characters but that's about it
Every streamer is now borderline suicidal, cruising around zones and spamming WQs.
boys have a penis girls have a vagina
About 4M.
Granted I know nothing about the class, might be an equivalent of ret pally blowing all CDs on a random 1v1 and then sucking for the next couple of minutes.
Just actually made me lol how dude flies away while fucking me up like that.
that's probably the perfect amount of time to devote to it. sure no-lifing can be fun, but too much is too much
>just made 700k in ~2 hours flipping BoEs

feels good
Less people playing
>Just be good at it
I'm related to that one gross obese shit smelling autistic orc poster
just force it. pretend to be witty, clever, funny, and likeable and eventually it will come naturally.
fake it til you make it and all that
>Spamming something theres like 9-10 of
What tipped you off, columbo
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As much as I'd like to see someone besides Brann in delves for once, I admit its fun to give him his berserk idol and just watch him go apeshit while I heal him and let him collect craft materials for me.
Just needed to give him some hammers and let him be a Bronzebeard.
Hard fucking no
Your circumstances are the least appropriate for modern WoW.
Game is designed for mazed rats and whale trannies.
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It can be really scary and uncomfortable and think everyone's judging you at first. Would having a friend to write little RP one-on-one with you maybe help ease you into it and help develop a character or story?
it's that easy
good job anon
make your gold now in preparation for the lean times to come
The game is now designed for people like that.
I'm one of those people.
>one day I would do some dungeon(s)
>other day some pvp
>other day I dedicate to professions
Don't even feel any FOMO anymore.
kek just keep at it anon
>having a friend to write little RP one-on-one with you maybe help ease you into it
I wish I had a friend who could do open world rp with me so i wouldn't have to approach people on my own, but to make one like that i need to rp first
>that one gross obese shit smelling autistic orc poster
cringe groomer fuck off
what weekly profession knowledge do I have to get before the reset?
Just do it. If you can't be witty and funny then be corny and punny.
Just break the ice.

Hello my friend sir>>492822674
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I'm not even a fucking chud but this is getting ridiculous. First the kobold that doesn't use a candle because her will is just SO strong is a "she", and now the fucking tiny robot that's an R2D2 ripoff is a "she" as well.

So what do we have for female leads?
>The Mourning Rise Earthen that takes over
>The Earthen leader that became Unbound that you bring back to the Council
>The Earthen that takes over as leader of the Stormriders
>Faera (Mary Sue)
>Alleria (PTSD)
>Xal'atath (Mary Sue)
>The mother-daughter duo that run the Arathi base in Hallowfall
>The leaders of the Priory
>The Weaver
>That Undead Rogue and the Ascended that we sneak into the City of Threads with
>The Nerubian Queen
>Scrit (the kobold)
>Zee-Zee (the droid)

And what do we have for male leads?
>Anduin (depressed and PTSD)
>Stormrider leader (RIP)
>Dagrann (naive)
>Magni (depressed and PTSD)
>Marrix and Steelvein
>Thrall (depressed and PTSD)
>The General (cucked)
>The Vizier

Who am I forgetting? I know there's more but I didn't think to take notes until this fucking droid was gendered.
Thats it. I'm big too
Anduin and Magni actually get better this expansion and it seems like Thrall is probably gonna get better in a patch
2 points from the weekly quest in the building south of dornogal auction house
2 points from treasures in the open world
close to 30 points from NPC craft orders (but some will be impossible to do right now)
It is funny how quickly the mats sell right now, literally as soon as I click post on the auction I get a notification that a buyer has been found for it.
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avatarfag loony troony status?
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They haven't written anything for Danath yet so they can ruin him in the future maybe.
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>Turn all the cheap fish into fillets
>It's bought in actually one second
Bitches fucking love sushi I guess.
>Merrix and Steelvein (schizo)
So will earthen actually get more from mining or just more stupid ass gems nobody buys
>decide to level my hunter
>decide to redo my bars so I dont utterly fuck my muscle memory
>can't decide where to put everything because it's so different from my main
His name is Seki and he posts cuckold/rape porn on /mmog/
It's actually profitable atm to buy up any fish that's below 20G, cut them into fillets and post those back up on the AH.
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>And what do we have for male leads?
My priest! I am the main character
They can eat rocks. none of their racials changes how mining works.
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Honest thoughts on worgen paladins?
I am not the main character
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>sink the cost of certain mats by listing them low
>scoop up all the cheap mats that get listed by noobs not paying attention
>resell at proper cost

why is every avatartranny a fucking degenerate
Based if female
Cringe if male
You can still play the base game for free? Does that include any expansions? Full access to character creator?
>Moonkin nerfed
It's over...
ah shit, Dirty Mike and the boys got into the expansion and started a Soup Kitchen
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am i crazy for thinking blood elves unironically look better than night elves?
the whole game is full of night elves nowadays, but the stacies are so much hotter
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I guess this is why I will never be rich in wow.
I just fly in the zones, kill random rares and ponder what transmog to make, instead of standing in front of AH, investigating prices, putting shit in spreadsheets and plotting big money schemes.
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I wholesale anyway, I get instant gold and let the profiteers worry about their 20% profit
Okay but imagine zee zee and pocopoc interacting, so hecking cute!!!
>look better
They have completely different builds, not a fair comparison.
put it all there and click shit that's almost never used.
That's true but that's also a point of contention for me.
Anduin "getting better" because a mary sue that's never wrong just tells him to "have faith" is insulting if you're someone with PTSD irl.
Magni's walk back has been nice, but to make it come full circle Moira has to give back The Foehammer and I have little faith that the current writers will do that.
Thrall has been stagnant for ages and I expected more from him with the Stormriders but we'll see.

>Merrix and Steelvein (based af)

can't see SHIT captain
to level 20
>Full access
poor fox
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I'll 1 on 1 adventure world rp with you anon, I've helped many people try out roleplay and enjoy it. The new zones are so good to explore and adventure in. Do you play on NA?
Whisper from Blilzzard GM: please go to blizzardunban.com.net and enter your details to avoid having your account permanently banned for manipulating the economy
Gazlowe is also a nale leader getting some attention and more coming in the undermine patch
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Just look up 'seki' over at /trash/ archive and see for yourself
His other alt on AD EU is Sepples
You need some gay ass RP name like Vusutellius
for me the process was
>do fishing for cooking skill
>spend about an hour fishing then filleting
>get bored, go to the AH and check fillet and bloody perch prices
>notice the price gap between the two
>check other fish as well, notice how a lot of them are 20 or even 30G cheaper than fillets
>buy them up in bulk, fillet them all then post them all
No excels, no addons, it was all just about me maxing out secondary professions
>to level 20
That bewildered me for one second and I, thankfully, remembered they condensed levels a while back.
Thank you so much.
tell him to install gentoo immediately
That was one I got recently, from Blilzzard the totally really GM. I was hurting his sales I assume so he wanted my account kek
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They both look shit post-remake.
belfs have horse faces (which they didn't have)
nelfs have manjaws (which they didn't have) and really weird abs (which they didn't have, they had a nice smooth tummy)
Can't get over how dogshit the remade model is.
Oh lol.
I've gotten hate mail before for undercutting but no whispers
I think nearly every new model and animation looks pretty ugly. The way this game renders skin now looks so weird like. It looks like rubber. Its so bad I'm considering male panda
I was just exaggerating, but still, the only times I did any AH biz I ended up with mailbox full of unsold shit.
Now I'm selling those hidden node flasks, which sell instantly, but that might be because someone just buys them and relists them for higher price for all I know.
i dont know how they did it
but they did
they made fucking 700% flight speed feel slow
>male panda
based as fuck, especially if you use a 2h
the new belf models can still look decent
nelves however are fucked, especially the face
classic is filled with pissy auction house goblins it's great
I honestly think a lot of my AH profits are from weird bots that have been left running buying my shit trying to do market manipulation stuff but ironically keeping a worthless item valuable
Some of the stuff I sell is so useless I don't understand what else could be happening
>Its so bad I'm considering male panda
i wouldnt armour just looks terrible on them, and you need to mememog them since nothing really fits
Yea it great. 8 hours a week is a perfect time of this game
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male night elves are cursed
I don't think panda models have changed since mop so maybe that's the reason. Everyone else got downgraded
Pandas should only be monks
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Yeah there's definitely something weird about the faces and overall body with the newer model. I used to really like playing female night elf, but after looking at it for a long while, I've kinda stopped caring for them as much as I used to. I'm not really even sure what the cutest face is for them at this point, but I can say the markings help the faces look even better and should probably be included rather than ignoring them entirely.
Just transmog them to be in the monk starting gear
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Not the guy you responded to but man I wish we could mess with body shapes in the BASE game and not have to mod. So many fairly simple options they could do (or just let the playerbase mess with and 'allow' mods of somesort to be added) but we're stuck with all these same body shapes.
*spanks you*
femworgs are blessed
Look at what happened to male Tauren. They lost all aggression. Compare it to WC3. Male Tauren just look like goofy cows.
Reminder that their ruined the glow in everyone's eyes back in a DF patch, most people did not like it, it looks bugged depending on the lighting and still they haven't changed it back to they way it was
male tauren look retarded regardless. imagine playing a race that is unable to look over their shoulders
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Can we turn this shit off or do I have to find a non-heritage goggle mog and/or not use oracle?
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Tall sin'dorei would be nice. Thicc kaldorei/draenei.
I like to do comp stomp but pretend they're real players so i feel like i am real good at the game(World of Warcraft)!
>beladar spawn in hallowfall drops a mount
>always groups for it when crystal changes to dark
>lurker of the deeps in ringing deeps drops a mount
>no groups for it ever
gonna assume wowhead hasn't made an article about this guy yet for all the lemmings to realize it exists
They have way more facial expressions now, including the angry one but they don't have a permanent angry face
They honestly don't look so bad while idle, it's the run animation that sucks.
Also they should get a proper beard already instead of this Amish shit, even belves have some.
they could hack it into the engine sure
but the end result would be even more armor clipping
Can't see gear of belfs sadgely
And the racial nerfs are so fucking fucked
Triple belf was godly era
>use a coffer key this week just to see what it was about
>didn't include any gear
>get a "lost item" mail with nothing in it
>have no clue what that was about
>checking unlocked transmogs
>game thinks I've looted the epic delve boots
>I'm still wearing blue 271s

So how likely is it that I was supposed to have those boots in that coffer, got blocked because the season hadn't started yet, and my failure to loot the boots caused the postmaster to send them to me, but was also blocked, resulting in an empty mail, but the game still gives me transmog credit for looting the boots even though I never actually got them?
>new models, vulpera, dracthyr are so bad that pandas look cool now
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tired but here. was gonna do the others but i need to crack open another red bull, AND I wanna play level my undead warrior
I thought it was because the levers are always fucking glitched so nobody wants to deal with the headache right now.
i think dracthyr textures are oik
it is just their body type and armor restrictions
Since you have hoofs you don't need any boots.
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Tell him yourself
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I refuse to believe that it's even possible to wipe in tee normals.
>use a coffer key this week just to see what it was about
Oh no... Your account is bricked anon...
Nah dracthyr are clearly a step above animation wise in all levels, theyre just not transmog-friendly bc they gave up there
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Do you really think a guy who advertises his discord to write more smut like this gives a fuck about some puritan crying about it
Ninjutsu class added to Rogue for weeb ninja flavor.
You get showered with keys once the game is actually fully out.
>this retard acts like an internet tough guy and acts like hes a roleplayer on /wowg/ of all threads
is this mental illness or just par for the course for avatarniggers?
The animation is good if the goal was to make them look like retarded lizard chickens.
Like yes, from technical pov, it's good, but it looks stupid.

It's like all those modern AAA+ games with everything mocapped and facescanned, but then they make everything ugly on purpose.
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That's fuckin' sick all the same. Thanks heaps, love it.
I haven't started with professions yet, how fucked am I?
gonna have alch/tailoring on my priest and alch/leatherworking on my shaman I think
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Oh my fucking god she's cute as hell, well done anon!
I know he's saying he has 200k gold and just made a mistake, but I want to believe he was telling you he weighed 200kg
people say there is knowledge catchup this time around but I think they are lying
Still time for weekly prof quests before reset.
>Pandas should only be monks
that's, just, like, your opinion, anon
>make an orc
>random name roll
>get something that sounds like KILLNIGGER
I didn't play DF can you explain this to me? Does this weird stuff apply to gathering? Am I that far behind
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He *is* a roleplayer though, he's had an entire meltdown about how him and his rp guild are the only true roleplayers on AD
It was either here or over at /mmog/ where he's an actual namefag
The xpac just started this week, you'll be fine
>him and his rp guild
which one? Is he also the one randomly malding about the PCU besides joshua in these threads?
Speaking of Magni, was him un-stonefying ever brought up after the cutscene? I don't remember so and the earthern sucked him off 24/7 for being stonier than them.
he really did it...
chris really saved warcraft...
Hey, you forgot turn on warmode
what keybindings do you guys use for your offensive/defensive cds?
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>Pandas should only be monks
Gay, also Hunters and Warriors
proof that orcs are based
nah, he served his purpose to fool the Earthen with his mcguffin state for the sake of a single cutscene, afterwards they just forget about him
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Shortstacks, less weird looking males, shorter people, and on and on and on they could do but oh well. At least there are some mods out there.

Ye, that's the whole problem. Small, general changes could work decently well but anything really noticeable and probably interesting would need a lot more work I guess. One can dream though...
Yes, but it's not as important for gathering really,while for crafter's it's matter of life and death.
They look bad in plate
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I mostly use Q E R F C Z with and without CTRL for my really important class abilities ones with cool down and such.
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Fuck if I know?
but he does seethe a lot about the PCU every time it's mentioned, that's a given. he also considers himself a really high quality roleplayer (and writer) yet he's actually no better than any other english major, just maybe more pretentious than average
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I've been playing every day since launch and it already feels like I've fucked up my professions. The system for it is overwhelming and feels really bad/unrewarding. I'm surprised people put up with this in DF.
>Fuck if I know?
was just guessing because you chronicled his avatartranny antics and posted the connection between his smut and his /wowg/ autist flexing
either way thanks, glad to know that every avatarfag in this general is a retarded freak
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Q for (self)healing
E for interrupts/stuns/CC
R for damage reduction
F for mobility
1-5 for fillers
Front thumb button for (ranged) single target attacks
Rear thumb button for (ranged) aoe attacks
Middle mouse for miscellaneous shit
(with shift, ctrl, and alt modifiers for 4 bars in total, with 2 50% scale clicky ones for toys and consumables and whatnot)
some plate looks alright
>the Nelf heritage quest is crawling in a veitkong hole and purging it so a sissy can get his dragqueen makeup
man what the fuck is this shit
My wife...
>saves the reagent that costs 3k+ twice in a row
>refuses to elaborate
thank you game very cool
I put iceblock on my (anal) insert
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he's a huge degenerate but he's also extremely easy to bait into shitfits (pic related). as it stands I only know his three toons though
>night elf heritage quest
>removes gender roles again from their society, making it the opposite of a heritage of their culture
>human heritage quest
>deals with fucking vanilla and cataclysm questlines rather than anything related to the gazillion human kingdoms and their history beyond WoW

Alliance got the short end of the stick when it comes to heritage quests
How much do tools cost how does that stuff work
Here is my terrible/perfect button scheme with the stuff I use most frequently.
I piano sim the main row and use the mouse to click the other buttons. It may not work for anyone else but I am so used to it it is ridiculously efficient for me, I'm always moving the mouse and doing stuff but it works for me.
any tips for Awakening The Machine? can't get past ten waves or so
T G R Z sX aF aQ 5 1 sT
Most of my offensives are on shifts for rogue lmfao
make sure your monitor is switched on
I am playing void weaver shadow priest, i will NOT be specing archon. I don't care what the streamers think of me!
Delves are dropping heroic dungeon level gear even with the key, don't worry about it
Draenei heritage was the goat.
Too bad the armor is an absolute insult in return.
>boots that use the shittiest model variant with stretched out dupe texture
>helm that hides horns
they're good for leveling
i was getting a regular quest's worth of exp for just hitting one every time i saw it on the minimap and they take less than a minute to complete, some of them all you even have to do is kill one npc
Kick is V rn I usually used C
Trinket is aR it was s2

But I'm playing Tekken, not wow
in dragonflight I mostly did my professions for guild orders and my own shit, but now since there isn't any content in the game except heroics I feel like everyone is sitting at 10 profession alts just churning out shit and I hate it
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try spinning, that's a good trick.
The fact you didn't vote kick the cunt while you could is on you.
respec to guardian
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>pandas look bad in plate
>their mogs are mostly gear
>Not skin
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>unlocking earthen will be the only new content available for all of next week
Do it once you reach level 80.
Other than that medicine bots drop an orb that heals the npc when you pick it up.
Be a guardian druid and literally just press buttons at random(Worked on my machine)
and this happened in a normal dungeon? it wasn't just a race to try to keep up with the tank while he essentially solos it?
Yep looks like a fat retard alright.

did they add a long bushy tail to body type 01 pandas?
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I wouldn't say he's a fat retard, he's pandaren what's a panda gonna do?
looks like a gay homosexual fatass
I bet you want to fuck firepaw in the ass as well
I still don't know if I'm even going to level one. Might do it just for horde dwarf meme.
more rage for ignore pain?
nah son, we ragedump revenge in this bitch
*strikes you with quivering palm*
s-shut the fuck up racist!
Melee range incap for 2 globals lul
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Do you feel sorry for Anduin? Be honest.

Well? I'm waiting, Maye, Castelia/@DogAdjacent/Cutepuppy, Lunathepanda/@Luna_MTF_DOOM/Corejo.
>Do you feel sorry for some guy who has his own castle?
Blackwashing? Ofc
Metzen will redeem
You look hot as fuck anon I'd take your fat bear dick if you were on ad eu :3
No, not at all. His writing is infuriating.
I feel sorry that the writers keep forcing him to go through his LE SAD arc for the 1000th time yes
Somehow I'm not even surprised.
How much is a token selling for these days?
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Remember when there was an option to use classic char models?
They took it away because..........?
I can't use raid for party frames anymore... Because.........
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rate the dragon
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Here you go, peak fat retard just for you
Make him coal black and he'll look alright
are you laughing at a particular post anonymous ?
I bought one yesterday for 199k
Are the Seasoned Adventurer's Caches worth opening already? I have a world quest that'll last over the weekly reset, dunno if I should save it until then.
Yeah lol
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How is this better than mining or herbalism
Short offensive CDs like 30s CD attacks in my rotation are on 3, 4, or 5
Longer offensive CDs like 1-3 minute CDs are on alt 1-5
Main defensive CDs are almost always on v, alt+v, and shift+v so I can hit them with my thumb quickly no matter what I've doing.
And then he runs forward and and his entire stomach morphs
...Why did Ion remove the ability to create trial characters?
So this is why we only play half the class before 70...
they probably couldnt figure out how to prevent people from using them to constantly find ways to exploit things
especially with the whole warbound items thing now
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Whats the best race
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Actually found something useful on plebbit
You just add in your name + realm and it shows what you didn't do yet this week of rares, quests etc for the renown
How does it feel to be hated by every Panda/Worgen/Vulpera/Human on the server Hmofa/Pandagoddessx
Why is TBC and WOTLK so much more of a comfy zone that draws you in? NPC's showing emotes and having their own dialogue, quests showing different parts of the conflict, moral ambiguity from both sides of the fight, and cool world building. Also Orcs are so cool, I didn't know why I didn't make one until now. Maybe it's because of the Conan books I've been reading.
even in alpha character models had better run animations
i dont get it
You're not crazy. Nelves only look good in art because their ig model is disgusting.
this creates mustard gas
>throwing stars
>shadow clones
>smoke bombs
Subtlety is literally already a ninja
pretty high effort germanic orc post desu
oh rares are weekly
for some reason my brain thought they were daily and thought nope not doing that
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mog check
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yea seems like it, also didn't know it
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>you can unlock thunderclap at lvl 12 now

uhh fucking zased???!
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You losers join discords and guilds?
Sheep looking for a herd.
Not me, I have only known the PUG life. A true lone wolf, who accepts no guild or friend requests
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Sure, a bit. Luckily that set design hides it through design, but when walking backward is when it's really noticeable.
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EU wins again.
just go play the game rather than beg to be demoralized more by people who wake up thinking they need a catchup for the 8 hours of breathing they missed.

it's long term kind of rewarding where not everything is good to craft today because of a run down market or even this patch and you have to build things up beyond 20 minutes in town running from the ah to trainer. if you understood how well work orders managed to spread around gold rather than having a very low number of cancel scanners sell everything on a realm you'd really be asking yourself why people put up with the previous shit so long. it's a huge improvement for anyone who wants to feel involved in the wow economy/professions outside that very small group of people.
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That's cool.
I've done the Chew On That quest on my alt, will I still get rep?
Cause I don't think I will, otherwise that would mean doing this shit on as many characters as possible the meta, which would suck nigger ass?
I have a hard time accepting guild invites because they all have shit names
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>token price grossly inflated because of subhuman balkanoids and orcs unable to pay for a sub with actual money
>still haven't done the fucking campaign
what am i missing out
>I'm an autistic sperg who can't make friends so I cope by pretending it's intentional

There are weakauras that track all the same stuff more accurately and in real-time.

No, anything that gives you rep is account-wide.
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>Didn't farm my 10 plumes for a weekly Alunira kill
How bad did I fuck up /wowg/?
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>There are weakauras that track all the same stuff more accurately and in real-time.
im not installing any more weak auras
fuck that shit
Fine by me. I have geared three level 80 chars with tokens and I'm not gonna stop until I have at least five.
your statement is logically inconsistent
it implies you're trying to pay for a sub with gold too
but in that case you're part of the problem you were just complaining about
I hate the new sound of thunderclap and smite. The vanilla versions of them are far superior.
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Hunting this fox on AD EU for the sole purpose of mating
>grossly inflated
It was over 400k at the end of DF.
Imagine buying it now, actually wasting irl money.
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Is Marksman fun or cool at all.
I want to go home and play wow so much hhhhhhhhghhhhhh
I hate wageslaving
yeah its cool because i said so
fun dunno i just played it during remix
>Presses push to talk
>Anti-presses push to talk
In NA a token is 100k cheaper. EU token is always way more expensive.
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Hell yeah it's really fun and cool as fuck
I wonder what the other characters will say when they find out that actually I'm responsible for Xal'atath being on the loose lmao
Would be nice to be in an expansion where all the main characters and factions turn hostile on me
i cant even tell what race that is

what chest?
pvp bros
is sub doing okay?
i'm not buying this shit otherwise
I enjoy shadow priest, they're comfy and easy to wear!
>Racism outside of /b/
goodbye frogshitter
Whats the best hunter pet i don't understand this at all
Wow normal dungeons are ass.
shut up monster!
God highmountain tauren male's voice is so fucking SEXUAL
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>announcing reports
where does it say that i reported him?
You're not even on AD EU silly
you can kill it if someone else uses theirs, just cant get mount
I find it to be one of the rudest specs in (casual) pvp

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