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Katawa Shoujo General #4005

Fall is Coming Edition

Last Thread: >>491675590

Official Website: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/x6tv3
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: http://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: http://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: http://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://archive.org/details/katawa-crash-V0.8.36
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
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Emi love!
I love you lilly I love you katawa shoujo please help me get over this pain
Good image. It being Hanako in the corner is a nice call.
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And she did fix that, if we're following the Hanako route that is.
My sweet girl.
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>I’m not a lillyfag but I actually don’t think she’s a Mary Sue. She’s actually quite manipulative.
>She knew that she would leave for Scotland as early as Act 1. Think about the foreshadowing in her cinematic, how she and Hisao are broken up as the camera pans to a plane.
>She knew she was going to leave and was just playing with Hisao and Hanako. It took Hisao having a heart attack to change her mind. She was using you and Hanako and she had the full intentions of going to Scotland and never seeing either of you again.
maybe. I get the feeling this was done in order to accentuate that hisao is this stiff, unemotional dude that just doesn't get the hints he receives from women and therefore doesn't get lilly's cue that she needs to discuss with him whether she should go to scotland or not. and so once she kinda realises that hisao can't be bothered to be invested in her emotions, she makes that decision silently. not that solid of an explanation, but I can't come up with much else I love Lilly I don't know what to do
>Yeah, I felt the same way. I cried for a while and had crippling anxiety for about a month when I first finished her route. She's the love of my life.
you poor thing. did you try talking to people on here and discussing the game so it wouldn't feel as unbearable? holding your emotions in is a nightmare. hell I made this thread and am still having a hard time managing it. perhaps you at least left a comment on the wiki page to ease the pain
lilly.. my eyes are wet again
>yeah, kind of cruel of her, even tough she displays herself as caring, elegant and pure, she really is quite manipulative/selfish and pervy, maybe Suriko wanted to make a contrast since her disability is blindness, she's also the most physically attractive from all katawas (according to 4chan survey) this route focuses on Hisao and his heart problem more than her, other routes focus more on the main heroine's problem and Hisao "fixing" it, but it also makes Lilly's run a tense emotional rollescoaster, the wheat field scene, the airport scene, the hospital when the music box starts to play, this shit is really gives you feels.
>Also the ending feels more like an epilogue from all the other routes, a satysfying farewell, when I played Hanako route I was suprised that it ended so suddenly, I thought there will be more to it...
dude it doesn't just "give you feels", IT ANNIHILATES YOU EMOTIONALLY. LILLYS ROUTE OBLITERATES YOUR SOUL ;_; AAAAAAAAAA ITS UNBEARABLE HER LOVE STORY IS JUST INSANE. you are right in saying that her route feels like an epilogue for everyone else because it's really conclusive and wraps everything up in a soothing way. but Jesus Christ am I still in pain over this I don't know what to do this game hurts my heart and soul please help me I'm begging
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does this game make you cry
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Goodnight /ksg/.
>On one hand I want to replay KS to see how it holds up and how I feel about it 10+ years later. On the other hand, I don't want to get immersed in the idyllic, youthful fantasy only to remember I'm an adult pushing 30 and those days are gone forever. I shouldn't be this sensitive but KS has the weight of nostalgia behind it.
katawa shoujo has the weight of a giant brick slamming right into your face because God knows I am in pain over this game's melancholy and have been crying for days now. if you do replay it, it's going to sting dude. you will probably have a breakdown like I did, so it's best for you to be surrounded by compassionate people that will take care of you and try to hear you out and calm you down, should you decide to complete it again
played through summer's clover last night, the writing's really nice. seeing hisao from the outside he is a pretty loveable guy, but the suzu route is definitely the kicker. warms the heart seeing those two together...
I finished Lilly's route last night and some tears did come out
So that's 2 routes completed not sure who I should do next and so far I have only cried a little bit
Does that mean I can still feel human emotions
What's the other one? Emi?
I may have ruined the entire experience for myself by looking up a guide because I wanted to read Shizune first because I thought she was the cutest
I didn't cry during her route but it was fun I did enjoy it
Someone in another thread said I would enjoy the other routes more
Hey, if you had a good time, that's what matters most. Hard to know what, if anything, will resonate with you, but it's defo worth giving them a shot.
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thanks for reply, I was posting in that Lilly thread on vee, when I finished her route I was so emotionally attached to her that I started to make posts and one particular anon on /c/ (https://desuarchive.org/c/thread/4307378) said (picrel), and I was so depressed and wanted to cry when I read that, I knew I had to take a break from this game cause it has a great impact on me.
But yeah, Lilly's run makes a change in you, it evokes feelings that you haven't felt in a long long time.
you know what I think? I'm not defending that guy or looking for excuses, but if I call him a cocksucker or a troll, I won't deliver anything original since any of us would consider someone like him a total prick. however, I have this guess (because I've been having similar thoughts since childhood despite hating the thought of hurting anyone) that sometimes people are so compassionate and caring that they.. uh how do I put this... your mind sort of loses balance and tips over and, in an attempt to offer infinite love to someone important to you, you begin to daydream about negative and cruel scenarios of what could, God forbid, happen to them. maybe that's the case with this guy? I mean I know chances are slim and it's most likely he's just trolling or a genuine prick, but since I also sometimes catch my mind drifting off into daydreaming about such cruelties SPECIFICALLY because I love someone, I thought I'd share that ._.
okay, now, as for the other points I'd like to discuss, first of all: thank you for posting in that thread ;) I haven't missed a single post there and carefully went through everything that each poster had to say. now that you're sharing your feelings on her and this game with me, I want to tell you that since we're practically both suffering from the same depression caused by lilly's route, I would gladly hug you and hear you out and be compassionate about your feelings because I know how painful and torturous it is.
and your assessment is pretty on-point -- lilly's route does precisely that -- evokes feelings that you haven't felt in a long time. hence the cathartic reaction you just break down and cry and feel weak and feel nostalgic and your heart is just tormented over it all. say, how long ago did you complete the game? have you fully moved on or are you still melancholic and depressed over lilly and the game overall? is it true that only time helps you move on, or did you try something else?
will you agree that lilly's route is the most sentimental and touching one?
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thanks for the feels man, but I think it's too early for hugs but you're really nice, I haven't seen anyone so passionate, emotional, sentimental and empathic on 4chan, I'm glad I found this general.
After I completed Lilly's route, I got these warm and positive feelings, shit made me feel alive, I remember playing her route in late january/early february, and I couldn't wait for sun to set, get dark, jump on my comfy dekstop, run the game and experience the story, that was so addictive I had to restrain myself to play at least 1 hour a day to keep the feels longer, before completing it.
But I not only felt positive emotions - I also became depressed because I was compromised with such a beatiful love story that 's not possible to achieve irl. I also kind of wished to be in the same spot as Hisao - I became so jealous at his circumstances but also happy for him.
Even tough I didn't cry that much in any of the routes I played, I experienced strong emotions towards every situation in the all katawas stories they were presented to me, I'm so glad I found this game and managed to read it all.
I finished katawa shoujo last week, but I started playing it in december, I wanted to go with slow pace because I wasn't hurrying anywhere and get a better insight at each route.
Well, desu I'm not that melancholic but I will never forget Lilly's story, because it's so beautiful. I did move on, but I wasn't that affected in the first place, I felt strong emotions but they didn't knock me out that easily.
Thanks for posting anon, remember, Lilly's unconditional love will never be replaced by anything.
"Can you see what I see?"
will reply in several hours
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goddammit........god dammit..............
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>Shizune first because I thought she was the cutest
She is, glad you enjoyed her route.
imagine if they also included a dance scene in the restaurant
ok, waiting...
I can't remember the snooze's or Hisao's personalities in that much. Wasn't she kinda grumpy and resentful about stuff all the time? I did like it a lot and was glad there was more KS to consume, I was just totally transfixed by beautiful, beautiful Miki's Mikis.
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It's my first time reading and I haven't read the rest of the girls yet so I am not qualified to answer that question
Why is glasses short hair such a good combo
Enjoyment is very individual for each route, but Shizune's is widely considered the least likely to generate tears. It doesn't have as many moments that are strongly and acutely emotional. How did you think those two routes compared; did you like them?
Also, I don't think you should use guides if you can be strong enough not to.
This is a great image. But the linked "half-scottish half-japanese" made me realize for the first time that Lilly's physical existence seems deeply improbable IRL. I don't believe I have ever once seen someone that was half-East Asian and had blonde hair as an adult. I am somewhat skeptical it's genetically possible outside of extraordinarily rare instances.
What would each Katawa's halloween outfit be?
There's already a "canon" one for Hanako
lol cute. who are these beautiful people that keep making art for KS?
Great afternoon KSG. Woke up just after 12:30 today, had a shower with Lilly.
Lilly bros not like this. You need to wake up. She's not real but the love you feel for her is. Use that love. You're where you are now because of a series of events both in and out of your control and it's your job to pick up the pieces and push on through. You can't keep going about like this. If you love her, you will keep living for her.
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She wants you to be happy, anon. She'd want any of us to be happy, if it were us instead of Hisao. I know things hurt right now, just give it time, that's really all you can do. No amount of closure can fix what you just went through.
what you're saying is definitely true but it makes me cry even more oh God.. Basil I can't even type this post up I can't see anything because my eyes are wet. I'm so weak I'm actually fatigued. Jesus Christ lilly's route just knocked out the 25 year old me. this is an actual breakdown and somehow it's been torturing me for days. please promise me you'll stay in these threads same as other posters so I don't feel alone. if I have no one to cry to regarding lilly and katawa shoujo I don't think I'll be able to handle the pain and function, it will be too much
I'm here for you brah. I'm not as regular as I used to be but I'll be here. I'm a fan of Lilly too, so I know how you feel. That's just what it is. The pain of losing that small romance with her should compel you, not hamper you. It'll get better.
Now don't make her cry, either.
>shower with your Katawa
How lewd yet very much desirable.

Dont take offense into what im about to say for i am nothing but honest and i'd have no benefit into driving people away from this general.

Initially when i saw your posts today i thought it was an on-the-nose attempt to do a lil bit o' trollin'. If you're been honest, first of all, my apologies for the suspicions and secondly, as much as i'd be contradicting myself from two threads ago, i feel the need to tell you that you need to see the bright side of it. KS is laxative for emotions yes but once you're too occupied by the bad side of it, its not gonna do you any good. If you focus on the good stuff like: Expressing your love for your Katawa in a health manner, sharing fanart, geek out over your Katawa, the game, the devs and anything in between with others, you gonna have a much better an enjoyable time.
>How lewd yet very much desirable.
It was a wholesome kind of shower. Putting on the shampoo, handing her a loofah, seeing her lather up and rinse, then massaging her scalp with conditioner and drying it off gently. I really love my wife.
I find this kind of activity pretty intimate and i can imagine that tenfold with the girls.
I agree. Each one has their own style of doing it. I feel like Lilly would take a very long time putting herself together since she cant see what she looks like, but with me there, I'd just comb out her hair, make sure it was silky, put whatever product she wants in it, then give her a big ol smooch on the forehead and let her get dressed. Maybe spank her butt on the way out. For fun.
>Hanako would be flustered both due to her scars and her meek nature so tender actions would be in order
>Emi would probably be playful, splash you with water, maybe something lewd to boot
>Rin naturally would want you to wash her hair for her as she gives out her signature ramblings
>Shizune might be a bit on the shy side yet would follow a strict process on how she washes herself
Hanako is such a cutie. I'm not overly fond of her personality, but I understand why so many people like her. Emi is a favorite of mine, too, and honestly I like Shizune a lot. She's not cute in the conventional sense, she's more of a woman than a girl if that makes sense. She's more mature than the others in some ways.
As i've mentioned before, Hanako has a personality that speaks to me on a great level so no doubt im crazy about her.

Emi is the exact opposite with the fact that very active girls and people in general are not my thing and feel like i cant keep up with them but i applaud her thirst for life.

Lilly is without a doubt a woman with a very sophisticated and calming aura which i would definetly hang out with and i wouldnt want to be on her bad side, calm people snap a lot harder than most...

Shizune being in the Student Council really speaks for itself, much like Hisao when choosing routes other than hers, i'd stay clear, i dont want to be forced into responsibilities of which she seems hugely adamant of.

>No mention of Rin
I feel like i'd get along with Rin because im guessing we'd have a similar sense of humor so it would never be a dull moment.
man that picture is gorgeous..
well, since I like attention (which is obviously not the main reason im going insane in these threads) it warms me to see you call me passionate and emotional.. yah, that's what I am and that's the kind of people most of us are!!
for instance, look at how cute YOU are for savoring every moment of the game and trying to play as little as possible so your mind has plenty of room for brooding :) it's a smart way of doing things cuz like you both progress through the game so it's not like you're not doing anything AND have so much time to change and adapt accordingly. your mind is active all the time and by simply stretching out the experience you give your subconscious side so much opportunity for forming new thoughts in the back of your head without even realizing it. as such, the story permeates your personality on a bigger scale.
and I'm glad that YOU'RE glad that you found this game.
something I'd like to add is that the melancholy doesn't just come from the fact girls in real life don't act the way she does, it's also caused, like some people have stated before, by introducing these long-forgotten thoughts and emotions to you once again. I may be projecting but this game makes you either pity yourself and feel miserable for not being worthy of lilly OR pity yourself and value those around you. perhaps you'll cherish your loved ones more after completing this vn, knowing you may lose them at some point. but yeah, it's mostly knowing that you can't reach out and talk to the characters from the game. they won't ever come real and caress you or hang out with you -- we can only fantasize about it. reading your post made me smile a little. you're a good person. but God that music box scene at the end.. oh God I'm not sure how I got through that I was weeping and wailing non-stop that was too much. thankfully the good ending is actually happy but it sure messes you up
will reply soon ^_^
Rin is just not my cup of tea. I dunno. I thought the ending for her route was beautiful but I'm just like Hisao. I don't get her. I think we'd be friendly in real life but I can't penetrate beneath the veneer of weirdo she puts up. I'd try to match the freak so to speak, but I think that would only make us more confused about each other. She's the kind of person that needs someone to sympathize with her, since she can't really be empathized with, and that's something I'm pretty good at.
cute drawing
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hurt my foot again and cant run Im going to KILL myself!!!!!
Rin seems like the kind of person who speaks her mind first and think about it second which is rare in this world and admittedly it can be daunting for others. You could also argue thats just an artist being an artists but in a lot more lovable way, she doesnt get caught up in her ego and just goes with the flow, regardless of what people think.

Reversed personalities makes everyone so lovable/cute
>Rin seems like the kind of person who speaks her mind first and think about it second which is rare in this world and admittedly it can be daunting for others. You could also argue thats just an artist being an artists but in a lot more lovable way, she doesnt get caught up in her ego and just goes with the flow, regardless of what people think.
That's not really how I see it. It's hard to explain. She is someone who just kind of acts without thinking much, which can be charming in it's own way.
emi abs
Succintly, both routes are quite similar in ways, with introverted dweebs growing more resolute and confident through their relationship with Miki, in turn helping her believe in her ability to change.
One's about a plucky well-meaning nerd learning to be a person again, and the other's about a depressed nerd learning to actually seize the day even if it might sting.
I think I just have a thing for cranky nerds opening up and that's why I like Suzu.

I don't know if I could be in a relationship with Rin irl, but there's something about the way she talks and sees things that draws me in. Maybe it's the tism. It's nice being with someone who means what they say even if bluntly.
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Happy Monday, /ksg/! I was ill over the weekend from medication side effects but I hope you're all feeling happy and healthy. I've managed to keep up a few hours of artwork in my sketchbook or on my tablet every day since I started replaying KS, so my spirits are high despite my ailing body.

Take your time and rest it well, anon! It's better to deal with the frustration and get back to it when you're properly recovered. Do something relaxing in the meantime, maybe.

Rin's probably the closest to the kind of girls I date in real life, personally. I love Lilly to bits but I like being with someone who pushes me out of my comfort zone and balances out my mellow energy with a bit of eccentricity, if that makes sense. I usually date artists too, funnily enough.

I could see Lilly doing an angel or something else cutesy. Emi and Misha would be the most into it, something super elaborate. Rin would wear a costume that made sense to her and nobody else. Hanako likely wouldn't want to dress up, but Lilly might convince her if she can wear something covering with a mask.
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I like how you're pointing out at my savouring every moment of the game, I don't know if it's because of my perfectionism or maybe that's how just I process feelings and memories, but I don't do it exclusively in ks, games, seasons of the year, books, films, special events in my life - all of it I just hold tight and let go after some time, I just like sticking to something without jumping to another thing after.
Picrel is what I did for Lilly on Valentine's day posting it on /s4s/, it seems silly but I liked making it.
When I was playing Witcher III, I played it basically how I played ks (from december to august) and not only I completed every main, side, and hidden quest, I also explored the whole map to look at the beautiful sights of the game's world and listen to ambient and music, it caused me to have over 200 hours on steam, while normally the game would need around 50h to complete, it gave me comfort I didn't want to detach from ingame world that quickly.
It's really good to hear that my post made you smile a little - your posts did that to me too, I just like having a discussion and see that the other person really cares about what shit I type, you're a good person too, don't change, but only if for the better.
Also idk how long have you been participating in these threads, but if you're one of the oldfags, as a new user I respect you and others for keeping this shit up, this general has over 4000 editions, god that's a lot.
Also, have you played other routes or only Lilly's? I suggest to take Lilly out of your mind right now and play the rest of them to get a better grasp at the game, if you haven't done so.
happy to see you alive tea anon. is it your heart medication? i missed you.
>I don't know if I could be in a relationship with Rin irl, but there's something about the way she talks and sees things that draws me in. Maybe it's the tism. It's nice being with someone who means what they say even if bluntly.
Nah, she's good people. I just don't really care for the characterization in game. It's one of the things people criticize about Hisao.
>Rin's probably the closest to the kind of girls I date in real life, personally. I love Lilly to bits but I like being with someone who pushes me out of my comfort zone and balances out my mellow energy with a bit of eccentricity, if that makes sense. I usually date artists too, funnily enough.
I have never had a real girlfriend in my entire life. I don't really think I'm capable of having anyone love me the way that love is depicted in KS, but I hold out hope and date Lilly in my head. I'll summon her one day.
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Good to hear you're truckin' through. Dont know about where you're at but here tempretures are finally starting to drop so tea season soonTM! Once the cold settles i might actually look up for something other than storebought tea since i do like having some either during my morning day offs or during the evening. I just hope i dont have to shell out a lot of cash for a few grams because "le quality" or whatever.
an image that's clearly never been posted in this thread
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Tea Anon, that's a cute little moniker. I was only gone for a couple of days, dummy, you don't need to stress that much about me. I'm not that delicate. The medication change is fine too, being monitored and all that. You realise I'm text on a screen, don't you, anon?

If I recall correctly, you're a tad young to be making those sorts of dramatic statements. You have more than enough time ahead of you, you'll find someone who makes you happy. It might not be the sort of person you expect, either!

It's still been awfully muggy here, but I'm waiting with baited breath for Autumn to descend in full force. My cutest sweaters are waiting for me.

Hm, quality tea isn't that expensive, anon. You should look out for proper loose leaf from a reputable merchant in your area if it's at all available to you. The difference is very much noticeable, there's no need to do yourself a disservice by drinking something cheap and stale. I'm enjoying a cup of Dancong Oolong right now, perfect for the season.
I liked Shizune's route because it was like having fun messing around with your friends at school. There wasn't any real crazy drama either. I think what im trying to say is that it was comfy
Also I like Misha she was fun too
Lilly's route was definitely more emotional and more like romantic too. I can totally see why people like her route so much
Also I love the soundtrack
>If I recall correctly, you're a tad young to be making those sorts of dramatic statements. You have more than enough time ahead of you, you'll find someone who makes you happy. It might not be the sort of person you expect, either!
Ah, you're right. I'm just having a really great day today. I didn't mean it in that sort of way. I was moreso saying that I just need to keep living as if I was doing it for LIlly, and one day I'll find a girl like her.
>I'm only 19, 19 is still young!
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I looked into the one place i know that its relatively close and it doesnt seem to have a huge variety or extravagant options so im guessing i'd have to go downtown for something more unique, i could do it during my leave which starts in 3 days from now but if i bought any now i'd start drinking it in a month or so, so keeping it around might lose its oomf.

A good 4-5 years ago i used to make simple black tea, put it in a thermos and bring it to work which looking back on it sounds off considering how that job was anything but relaxing and/or with down-time but i always managed to drink quite a bit, when things turned into a slog i just didnt bother making any. i've been slightly leaning towards energy drinks as of late and yes i kinda wanna cut down on them so i guess tea as a substitute is a great idea
what's each katawa's favorite season?
Lilly seems like a Spring or Summer girl. She probably likes to listen to the birds chirping and bees buzzing.
Shizune probably likes Spring and Fall since they are transitory periods and she enjoys watching the changes.
Hanako Winter so she can bundle up easily and comfortably.
Lilly says she prefers Winter in her route, so I'll go with that.
Rin Spring for flowers and new growth.
Emi seems like the kind of girl who prefers whatever season it isn't. When it's Winter she wants it to be Summer so there won't be snow on the track, when it is Summer she wants it to be Winter because it's too hot to run during the day.
>all this posting about Satou Minor
For me? It's Satou Major.
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she would want all of us to be happy it's true but even thinking about that hurts me because of how kind and perfect she is. how did you deal with the pain? how did you personally manage to pull through? I thought closure was supposed to be helpful in resolving this sort of situations ;_;
thank you for being a regular and offering me emotional support. everyone is so kind and sympathetic here. I love you Basil and I love everyone else posting in this thread. the reason everyone is so understanding of each other here is because this game is so intense you just can't get on with your life unless you help each other through the suffering. I don't want to make lilly cry, I'm sorry. are you an artist yourself? what did you do to ease the pain? is time the only sentinel in this horrible battle?
no-no I'm not taking any offence it's okay :) but please realise that.. I am in great pain and I'm not kidding! can't you see I keep crying out to God in every other post and I can't stop running my mouth? that thread on /v/ was made by me yesterday so yah, I'm the same person.
don't apologise squire it's okay I'm not insulted, in fact I like you! you're right about channeling the pain into positive energy, in fact you're so correct in that that I, for instance, have been scouring pixiv and danbooru and tumblr looking for cute images of lilly, but i can't draw myself for instance :/ do you draw? did you cry when you beat the game? was it easy for you to not tip over into the bad side of the melancholy and actually not get stuck in this permanent state of grief?
actually, okay, look, I'm going to try to make all of you (you, basil, that other guy that I'm about to reply to and every last of you in this thread) happy by announcing the following: I did my best to reach out to all the devs and thank them for katawa shoujo! ^-^ I messaged everyone on twitter that I was able to message. I told them many sweet things. this is positive right??
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They support one another, and so to should Akira and Lilly fans find strength in our bond. The thread has been Lilly dominant lately, it seems like a lot of the new posters enjoy her the most. It used to be all Hanako and Emi fans back in the day.

Oh, well, it's good that you're having such a lovely day! That's the right frame of mind to have, she'd be proud of you.

Online is always an option as well, but there is such a charm to going into a tea merchant and getting to smell and taste the teas they have on display, having a wee gab with the cashier. You don't have to worry about tea expiring that quickly either, it keeps for about a year, and can last two years if kept in an air-tight container.

Tea makes every day a bit brighter, that was a very good habit you had. I did the same thing when I was waking up at 5am for work and getting back at 10pm, kept me going! Energy drinks are so bad for you!! Think about your poor heart, anon.

I agree with everything >>492903064 said, I couldn't say it better myself. I always loved the touch of Lilly preferring Winter, I wish we got a scene with her smiling as the first snowflake of the year flutters down onto her face.
I don't drink.
I don't smoke
I don't like going out.
I'm not catholic.
We'd probably have noting in common.
She's my favorite.
dude you post on the esforce? AND YOU MADE THAT EPITOME OF CUTENESS? it's me - crudehumour guy! listen I will give you a thorough reply in like ten hours okay? I haffta doze off now but when I wake up I'll do my best to compose an elaborate and thoughtful response for you. stay safe and I wish you a careless and happy-go-lucky life... I will be back soon I promise
>They support one another
yah because I feel like first of all everyone should support each other in this thread cuz otherwise the melancholy will take over! we need to offer each other sympathy and are, all of us, because that's the only way to stay strong enough to hang out with the katawas. I love you and I love everyone in this thread. I will offer emotional support to anyone as long as they need it
>I am in great pain and I'm not kidding! can't you see I keep crying out to God in every other post and I can't stop running my mouth?
I see, well, i believe one can misinterpret (like myself) your posts as something else since, text online can sometimes be seens from a different angle and you got some strong wording on your posts but regardless, its good of you to express how you feel so dont fret

>do you draw?
Unfortunetly no, i dont have the skills or the patience to acquire them. I do think drawing is cool from the fact that you can give your imagination life in the literal sense and thats pretty good

>did you cry when you beat the game?
Long answer: >>492558668
Short answer: I havent done all routes but doing Hanako's alone was enough for me to trigger that for me

>was it easy for you to not tip over into the bad side of the melancholy and actually not get stuck in this permanent state of grief?
Boy thats a tough one Like i said i'd be contradicting myself if i said "No no, im a very positive person and so you should be!" But ima be real, that 2nd playthrough gave me the bad fee-fees A sense of loneliness that seems you and many other people feel after their Katawa's route is over that seems incurable. Some people get over it sooner than most and vice versa

For me specifically, while i have grown a thicker skin the last few years im not devoid of such mood swings either. On one hand i could be sulking over my loneliness as i had many times before but letting that become the majority of your thoughts it eats you alive. As for what i do about nothing specific i suppose, i just go about my routine and literally try not to think about it or see it from a better POV. I've had some real downer moments in my life as early as even a year or so ago and while it still stings i try to put a funny spin on it and not make a huge deal over it I've grown to realise that whatever happens, it happens so best i can do is accept it and do my best with that

cont. >>492908620

>I did my best to reach out to all the devs and thank them for katawa shoujo! ^-^ I messaged everyone on twitter that I was able to message. I told them many sweet things. this is positive right??
That sounds nice. Its a good thing the devs are still sentimental over both the game and its fanbase so im sure they appreciate it.

Yeah i wouldnt mind going to the store myself, i'd also have a better feel of the product and be certain to what i'd wanna get. I might look into it during my leave, see whats what.

>Tea makes every day a bit brighter
The fine art of warm beverages never fails, especially for winter persons such as myself. Now i recall how back during my mandatory service i also used to have tea in the morning, it was rather basic and i was obviously in a rush but it was nice to have that before summer came by.
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I will reply to you as soon as I get up because I want to give you a good post in return. I haffta hit the hay now I'm so sorry. please stick around I'll be back in ten hours =* bye-bye!
>how did you deal with the pain? how did you personally manage to pull through?
I got better over time. I realized the ending wasn't for me, it was for Hisao. Ultimately we are reading a story and we're seeing the life of the main character. There's a Lilly/Emi/Shizune/Rin/Hanako out there for all of us, and while KS can give us a glimpse of that kind of innocent pure love, with all it's ups and downs, we are our own Hisao.
>Are you an artist yourself, what did you do to ease the pain?
No, I'm not an artist by any means. I would like to draw some more Lilly soon. But like I said, I just kept living. That was the message of KS - to keep living, not to just live as a bystander in your life but to actually live it. Take every day as it comes, as a gift, no matter if it's good or bad. The katawas lives are all harder - Hisao could die at any moment. If they can live good lives, so can we.
I agree, she would be proud of me. I hope. I enjoy looking at her. She calms me.
>capable of having anyone love me
Good news! You aren't the one that would be dating you, and there's no accounting for how other people feel. When someone falls for you in the future, you probably won't understand exactly why she likes what she does about you, and you'll probably be surprised that she's indifferent to other traits of yours that you would have expected to be your best.
The lack of predictability in life is probably the single biggest lesson I've learned so far, so like "tea anon" said, you'll possibly be surprised by what she's like.
>baited breath
It's actually "bated breath", if that wasn't a typo. I'm only saying this because your writing quality is so high, that there's a chance you'd want to know.
The soundtrack is amazing. Which tracks are used more frequently varies from route to route, so each one will get its time to shine.
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I finished reading Katawa Shoujo a few days ago, it was my first visual novel and my first steam game where I got all the achievements not counting Counter-Strike 2 which only has one achievement so far.

So yeah I basically did everything there is to do and completed it 100% and I loved it very much

I hope I can have my own Emi Ibarazaki one day I'm in desperate need of physical and emotional intimacy

I feel like I can relate to Rin a bit even tho we're both very obviously different from one another and she's so unique and one of a kind and Rin-like

I'm just dumping my thoughts here because I have no close friends to talk to, not anymore.

I need a hug
I just realized that Lilly and Rin wouldn't be able to ride a bike. Makes me a bit sad.
>Good news! You aren't the one that would be dating you, and there's no accounting for how other people feel.

Ik this wasn't directed at me but I really needed to hear this rn so ty
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Often we're drawn to people who have qualities we admire, but lack ourselves. Maybe Akira has a boisterousness to her that you admire? I think the best kinds of relationships are formed from two people who slot neatly into one another's strengths and weaknesses.

Take care of yourself as well, you can't over-extend yourself and try and support everyone else. You're very right, though, it's important to lean on your community, even when that community is an online general thread for visual novel that's over a decade old!

Let me know how it goes! I wish you good fortune in your tea pilgrimage. Goodness, mandatory service, though? I hope that wasn't too hard on you. Such a foreign concept to me.

>I'm only saying this because your writing quality is so high
Oh I would call it overly wordy and self important, but I'm enormously flattered you think so. I'll simply blame the typo on the painkillers I'm taking for my recent headaches.

A fresh Rin-kinnie, hot off the presses. Happy to have you, anon, feel free to share as much as you'd like. What's your favourite thing about Emi?
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I'd like to slot my strength into Akira's weakness, if you know what I mean.
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Go wash your mouth out with soap.
Lilly could probably ride it, just not for very long
> A fresh Rin-kinnie, hot off the presses. Happy to have you, anon, feel free to share as much as you'd like. What's your favourite thing about Emi?

Ty anon ily for that

Just one thing? I can't say but I can say my favorite things. As soon as I saw her I thought she was cute, physically ofc and then personality wise when I read her first dialogue.

I love her lil cat face she always has on almost constantly, ig it's her default face it's so cute I love cats :3

I think I'm more into tall women but her short height is adorable and i love how she looks in her gym outfit and i love blonde hair always have

I like how she acts so cute and pouts when she's upset, ig I have a weakness for those puppy eyes like Hisao

It's like I can imagine her making a cute pouting noise whatever that's called I forgot (maybe I am Rin)

I like how she's so happy-go-lucky and energetic and friendly and I love her banter with Hisao and she's def rly funny and has the funniest route in the game it was very enjoyable

I think running is a cool sport I like being fast and feeling the wind I'm considering doing track cause of her altho it's more to find a irl Emi sort of how Hisao kept running because of her

She's kind of a dork it's cute

She just makes me smile.

I got her route first and her good ending first by just playing the game as if I was the mc and not Hisao but ofc Hisao sort of adapts to whoever the route is about so ig I can relate to Emi and Hisao in that route a bit with the stubbornness and like Hisao I just wanted to help her and I was afraid when things went wrong that route more than any other I think

I don't know what else to say I'm gonna leave it here.
I did not realize I wrote so much I'm sorry for the wall of text and yapping and being sorry for myself ig I'm not in a great place rn bwomp
these two posts feel in character for akira and lilly
Just finished the game
how disappointing
What route did you play and what did you find disappointing?
>Tea Anon, that's a cute little moniker. I was only gone for a couple of days, dummy, you don't need to stress that much about me. I'm not that delicate. The medication change is fine too, being monitored and all that. You realise I'm text on a screen, don't you, anon?

This gives Lilly vibes and is weirdly a turn-on but also feels intimate and nice to read.

I feel like I should've liked Lilly more than I do but playing the game naturally gave me Emi so ig I don't know myself as much as thought I did not that I know myself that well anyways
I did the lilly route but the whole game was just so predictable and uninspired. The whole time it felt like it was building up to a payoff that just never came...
I feel like the Lilly route was kinda generic but I personally still enjoyed it regardless

Try another route anon, maybe play it as if you were the mc assuming you didn't do that but if you did then that's interesting ig lol
I do think the game is predictable enough at points that you have to suppress the instinct to do that, but I don't think it's particularly uninspired, and I enjoyed the payoff at the end of Lilly's route. I'm sorry you didn't get what you wanted out of it.

I think if you're still digging for something to value, you should hit Emi's route, and if it's not clicking, then you can just walk away knowing you gave the game a real try.
I'm sorry, I didn't actually play the game. I was just linked here and wanted to be a turd. You folks seem nice enough and passionate about this game
A bit too obvious with your baiting, but I still wanted to engage in good faith. You should play it regardless.
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LMFAO it's fine you jerk
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My, you like her a whole lot! You don't have to apologise for writing so much about her, it's awfully sweet, Emi is a special girl. Everyone has their own way of approaching the game, and the extent to which they immerse and insert themselves in the story, there's no right answer as to how to go about it.

>This gives Lilly vibes and is weirdly a turn-on but also feels intimate and nice to read
Hm. I'd prefer if you kept that sort of comment to yourself in future, Rin-anon. I appreciate the Lilly vibes part, at least.

You get locked into Emi's route by pushing yourself on the track, almost everyone does it their first time. Which I always found funny, but I knew not to because of my own heart issues. Lilly isn't for everyone, though, she has a very different energy from Emi.

I must say, I respect the honesty. Nothing but love of the game of being a hater.
>Good news! You aren't the one that would be dating you, and there's no accounting for how other people feel. When someone falls for you in the future, you probably won't understand exactly why she likes what she does about you, and you'll probably be surprised that she's indifferent to other traits of yours that you would have expected to be your best.
>The lack of predictability in life is probably the single biggest lesson I've learned so far, so like "tea anon" said, you'll possibly be surprised by what she's like.
No doubt. One of the biggest lessons I've accepted in the last two months is that the best parts of life are often when we abandon comfort and controlled chaos of everyday life and embrace new things that we're a little afraid of. It's what makes us feel alive, really.
>This gives Lilly vibes and is weirdly a turn-on
tea anon is cute right? but i already claimed her sorry
psychologist op anon theyre erping in here where are you brother
kenji somebody please
>My, you like her a whole lot! You don't have to apologise for writing so much about her, it's awfully sweet

Yes I love her a lot she was the girl I didn't know I was looking for but now I do and ty for your kind words btw <3

>Hm. I'd prefer if you kept that sort of comment to yourself in future, Rin-anon. I appreciate the Lilly vibes part, at least.

Heh sorry I figured on a site like this it wouldn't be too weird but I forgot ppl can be, for lack of a better word, normal on here too

Yw btw I love how you talk so much :3

You get locked into Emi's route by pushing yourself on the track, almost everyone does it their first time. Which I always found funny, but I knew not to because of my own heart issues.

Yes I'm aware and I also think it's strange and I can only guess why they would pico that option as well

Me personally I didn't think Hisao would push himself too far to the point he'd suffer another heart attack so I decided to go for it as it's something I would've done in that situation

Not sure what you would call that trait I feel like there's a word for it (wow look at me being Rin-like)

But anyways I love how natural that route felt to me with the choices I picked and how Hisao acted like me in a way.
What would you buy your katawa if they asked you to pick up a sweet treat on your way home?
Yes they are very cute how are you so sure they're a girl huh? This is the internet anon there are no women here!

I feel like they would deny your claim..
It's just one simp, ignore them and stay on topic
Calling Kenji for help sounds like a horrible idea kek
Welcome (?) and congratulations on joining Team Best Girl.
>no close friends to talk to
I do suggest you put some effort into changing this, or putting yourself into a new life position where it's possible. As great as /ksg/pals are, webfriends can't scratch every itch. But this is a place for thought dumping, nonetheless!
She could ride a tandem bike with you and enjoy the wind in her hair. She can trust you, right?
Yw. Honestly, just work on (or continue) being a person that is someone you would feel proud of being. Someone will recognize your good traits for what they are, even if they aren't the ones you were thinking of. Love isn't as logical or cause-and-effect as movies and stories portray it to be, so living life and putting yourself out there to where you can meet someone is more than half the battle.
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Same and
this one is not, because I think we all know Lilly can ride it for longer than Hisao is comfortable with
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>It's what makes us feel alive, really.
I couldn't agree with you more, Basil. Looking into tomorrow and stepping forward without hesitation is one of the most important things a person can do. I've always enjoyed change, myself, I get a little stir-crazy when I'm in one place or doing one thing for too long. Life is meant to be lived!

It's best to assume people have the boundaries one would expect them to have until they state otherwise, even in a place like this. But thank you.

The way an arrhythmia like Hisao has functions is there isn't a set limit that will trigger a health episode, but whenever you push yourself at all you're rolling the dice. It certainly gets worse with the moreso you exert, but Hisao hasn't learned enough about his limits at that point.

Oh vanilla ice-cream feels so obvious it's too easy, so I'd get her a slice of cheesecake as it pairs beautifully with a nice flavoured dessert tea.
>webfriends can't scratch every itch.

My closest friends were online friends I've had for a decade or just about but I feel like I should move on because we keep having in-fights.

I do plan to find company irl soon but I feel like it's easier to find like-minded people online but it being online is an issue in it of itself imo

>Love isn't as logical or cause-and-effect as movies and stories portray it to be, so living life and putting yourself out there to where you can meet someone is more than half the battle.

Ty again anon and I know that for sure being a hopeless romantic myself who falls for anyone easily

I will def try to put myself out there and see who's eye I catch while trying to be the best me that I can
You should do track. You are right that it is a place where you can (literally) run into spunky speedballs like Emi. Worst case scenario, it will keep you in great physical attraction, which will make the girls on the team you aren't into recommend you to their friends that might be more your type.
Your bait was good because Lilly's path is relatively "conventional" in some ways. It's obvious we're going to say this, but you really should give the game a try. I think a lot of the biggest fans went into it with reservations or low expectations and came away total converts. It's a largely unique experience within the realm of video games, so you're really missing out if you don't give it a shot.
I'm currently looking at tomorrow right now, ironically. not looking forward to doing what I must do, but I'm also excited to experiment with a new schedule. It's your life, you have to make it yours.
>It's what makes us feel alive
Definitely, well put. The human brain needs new experiences to be happy, as well, even for people that think they do best in controlled circumstances and predictable routines. That lifestyle is a silent killer, and it takes a long time to notice.
>It's best to assume people have the boundaries one would expect them to have until they state otherwise, even in a place like this.

Ah you're right sorry altho I feel that also depends on who you're talking with but ig I like to gamble a lil and don't care for social norms to an extent but I will respect your boundaries because you are very nice

>The way an arrhythmia like Hisao has functions is there isn't a set limit that will trigger a health episode, but whenever you push yourself at all you're rolling the dice. It certainly gets worse with the moreso you exert, but Hisao hasn't learned enough about his limits at that point.

Ah I see yeah i tend to do things until I can afford to anymore so I would roll the dice in that situation until I get that heart flutter and then Emi takes me to the nurse and yk the rest

I need my life to be a beautiful love story ;-; but no use in wishing for the impossible (improbable?) ig
I like Lilly more in the other routes than in her own.
>You are right that it is a place where you can (literally) run into spunky speedballs like Emi.

The issue with that is it seems to be separated by gender but maybe there's a way I'm not aware of yet

I should probably do it for my own health but I am curious how an anime club would turn out and if I'd find anyone there.. and also new friends

>Worst case scenario, it will keep you in great physical attraction, which will make the girls on the team you aren't into recommend you to their friends that might be more your type.

Huh I didn't think of that sounds, great idea thx lol
she types like a girl and she said she has cute sweaters it's obvious. ksg has had girls before.
Could be trans unless you count them as women or they could be a femboy
Seems like everyone online who types cutely or like a girl is one of those two from what I've seen

This is my first time on /ksg/ so I wouldn't know but I question the validity of that claim and how you would verify it but ig with some things you can only take someone's word for it

>This is my first time on /ksg/
Don't forget, you're here forever.
>I think we all know Lilly can ride it for longer than Hisao is comfortable with

I'm certain you'll do amazing tomorrow, just make sure to get a lot of rest first if you're having a big day.

I did the same thing when I was younger, it took a good few hospital trips to learn to be more sensible about my heart. My cardiologist still treats me like I go out cage fighting every week and it's been years since I've done anything silly.

You should always try to have the exact life you want, nothing less. If you want a beautiful love story, keep your heart open and make a lot of friends! And please don't speculate on my identity, I'd really prefer to be some friendly floating words on the internet. It also makes other posters grumpy with me!
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Yay ty
I think this is the first time I've socialized on this site as well and probs the longest I've had it open
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>Don't forget, you're here forever.
If you don't mind me asking do you have arrhythmia like Hisao? I don't think I would've been that reckless with my health but while I don't have a condition like that I feel like I'd be similar to you in that regard. Earlier I more so meant that I put things off until the last minute, ig it's easier for me to understand things when I experience them which should apply to everyone but maybe I have it worse or something

Sorry for the speculation it's hard for me to be sensitive to others online, probably relates back to what I said about experiencing things myself and having it put into perspective.
It's so alive in here, is this because of the steam release?
American wageslaves have been granted the day off to daydream about katawas as they see fit
Yeah, lots of new people coming in saying they played it for the first time
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>still can't display achievements
you realise half the ks dev team were women right
No I've sadly yet to look into the VN's history too deeply but that is diff from the audience or can be

Interesting to know tho
So you didn't lurk around before? I see
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I don't mind at all, I'm not shy about my disability. I have the same condition as Hisao, I was just diagnosed younger, at 11 years old. I even passed out when a girl kissed me for the first time just like he did! Although I got better in about half an hour and it wasn't a hospital level incident, but she was awfully worried, as one could imagine.

And it's alright, you seem perfectly nice, just a little young, maybe.

It seems that way! I came back for it after a years long break, I think a lot of other anons did too. I haven't bumped into anyone I recognise yet, but hoping to see a few familiar faces over the next few weeks.

I want emotes and profile decorations so badly. I know it's harder for free games, but surely with the number of reviews it has, it should be verified?
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No, while this isn't my first time on this site I've only been here a few times prior and only for like a couple min or so since nothing rly engaged me

My first time here wasn't that many years back either so ig I'm a bit of a newfag in that regard
Well it's pretty comfy these days, kind of dead, but maybe it's better than the dog episodes/Tripfag drama
Emotes and profile decorations are probably outside of their wheelhouse, I don't think they plan to do it

Achievements are based entirely on the game passing that verification check, which it simply has not for some reason
>I'm not shy about my disability

I didn't think you were but i ended up overcorrecting myself for my lack of sensibility as I suspected I was, I'm a bit of an overthinker and oversharer. Over. Hehe.

Really interesting story Tea-anon, the part about passing out from a girls kiss is rly cute! Ignoring the passing out part ofc lmao

>And it's alright, you seem perfectly nice, just a little young, maybe.

Ty I hope my..can't think of the word rn..the word for when someone isn't aware of social cues or social something.. doesn't end up causing you to inform me of my wrongdoings too much you seem very nice as well.

Yes I am pretty young but not underage so that leaves you with one option maybe more. Now you come across as older, I mean no offense, especially with that image file name

Like an onee-san.
I have no idea what that is but now I'm curious I will look into that

Yes this thread in particular is pretty comfy the rest of the site is about what I expect
writing erotic poetry about making love with lilly
>but hoping to see a few familiar faces over the next few weeks

Is there anyone in particular? I was around in old KSG too.
>I'm not shy about my disability
Same, though given enough time you might be gifted a nickname in the form of a prefix.
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I swear I saw Suriko mention that they couldn't because of the verification, and not that they couldn't because they don't want to. I think it'd be doable with existing assets.

Oh goodness no you were very much right to check, some disabled people are more comfortable discussing it than others. It's an entire learning curve for Hisao in Act I, remember? I'm relaxed about it largely due to how long I've lived with it, and how unavoidable it is to talk about with people who know me for a while, as I get flutters and chest pain with an amount of regularity.

It's very cute in retrospect! Very embarrassing at the time, but she still decided to date me. I'm not surprised my age shows, either, I'm approaching 30 faster than I'd like.

Gosh, a few people, I suppose? I was close with a number of the old writers and artists, and even collaborated with them at times. There were anons I spent time with in group-watches as well that I hope are doing well. It's a bit like my old high school year, and wishing the best for classmates I'm no longer in touch with.

Luckily I got Tea Anon assigned to me today before Arrhythmia Anon could catch on! Did you get a nickname too?
ksg has a lot of "lore". I wasn't here for the golden years sadly, but it seems not much has changed
>Oh goodness no you were very much right to check, some disabled people are more comfortable discussing it than others. It's an entire learning curve for Hisao in Act I, remember?

Ig you're right and yes I do remember, it's another aspect of his personality that I can relate to, I do like how he has a bit of his own personality for what could've been a self-insert altho maybe he still is, sounds like a gray area you could argue about.

>I'm relaxed about it largely due to how long I've lived with it, and how unavoidable it is to talk about with people who know me for a while, as I get flutters and chest pain with an amount of regularity.

That's good to hear, I like to think life would be much better if we were like that with everything, can't say for certain but it's not a bad attitude.

>It's very cute in retrospect! Very embarrassing at the time, but she still decided to date me. I'm not surprised my age shows, either, I'm approaching 30 faster than I'd like.

Well at least it didn't turn into an Iwanako situation (even tho Emi is better) ((I mean probably we barely know Iwanako but I'm confident in my claim))

I think your age only really shows because of your comments on how young people are or seem to be but yeah that's about the age I expect someone to be when they start talking like that lol
Were you able to see Lilly on your sleep deprivation? I would like to see my katawa if that shit works
Not surprised but that's good to know probably
I just played the game for the first time on a whim, i never had anything against the game or you guys i just never really had much of an interest to it.
I sort of fumbled the first playthrough into an Emi good ending by just choosing what felt like the right choices, it was nice and Emi definitely surprised me a bunch of times, i really appreciated her by the end but i kind of wanted to go the Rin route because she left the biggest first impression on me.
I don't think a character has made me switch from chuckling to crying and vice versa this much, the whole second half i felt like i fucked it all up super hard probably harder than Hisao thought he did, even through the sex scene i was convinced i was watching the bad ending and when she said "let it go" i just turned into a puddle man, i'm sincerely sorry if i'm sounding like a gigantic faggot right now, i just wanted to get the thoughts out of my head and this seemed like the right place.
you should keep multiple replies to the same post to avoid spam
>Luckily I got Tea Anon assigned to me today before Arrhythmia Anon could catch on! Did you get a nickname too?

Surprised you didn't have one before today unless you did. How long have you been here? Seems like it's been quite awhile.
I think it'd be cool to be assigned a nickname but it could be something you don't like which is worrying and I kinda like the name Rin especially with the slight kinship I feel with the character now.
yeah you do sound like a gigantic faggot, imagine crying over some pixels on the screen, couldn't be me haha..
Dw I don't see you that way and I don't think anyone else here will either

It's a great game that really makes you feel and go through various emotions.

I'll keep that in mind
Yeah, I saw a vivid realistic portrait of her face before I woke up.
Damn, I would love to try some sleep deprivation, but I have epilepsy..
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>I even passed out when a girl kissed me for the first time
I know it's a serious medical issue for you, but that parallel is amazing
>it should be verified
Weird, I thought on Weee's artist stream the other day one of them mentioned it finally was. Probably I misheard, or perhaps they were mistaken.
At least you know the term newfag. Your posting style definitely makes you stick out, though. Not a criticism, and I'm not saying you need to change anything, it's just an observation.
I'm going to go on a rant here that you can safely ignore. Back in "the old days", people online often lurked a long time before engaging in communities, so their initial posts would fit in more. It's a pet hypothesis of mine that modern social media sites/apps encourage much more input from users, and to be as fast as possible in generating it. So younger people don't lurk, being mostly familiar with the newer places. Which makes them stick out in places like 4chan that aren't cutting edge and "hip".
>let it go
A painful scene. We all went through what you did. It's common to come into this game not really expecting anything and wondering why you're even bothering, until that feels train comes down the tracks. Thank you for your post, and be sure to try the other routes. Each one was worked on by a slightly different sub-team, so they feel rather different. The Rin route is quite a journey.
Take care of yourself, anon. Don't be like me. Some nights, I stay up late on purpose. Just to make myself suffer. I had a change of heart recently and I'm trying to be more positive, but deep down, I think I'll always be a self-loathing pit of apathy. Don't take that step. Don't indulge yourself. it's okay for some things to stay a fantasy.
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It's not at all unique to you, lots of people get a little awkward around disability. I've had every sort of experience one could imagine when people find out, from overbearing pity to accusations of making it up for attention. "Invisible" disabilities can be difficult for that reason, it catches people off guard.

>Surprised you didn't have one before today unless you did.
I'm very old fashioned in how I use 4chan, so I've never used a name or a trip. I also disappear for months or years at a time, so people have called me different things over the years when they've kept track of my posts. The most consistent was when I was posting fan works, but unless I add people on Steam or something we eventually lose touch, as is the nature of an anonymous imageboard. I've been around since the game officially released.

The comedy of it wasn't lost on me when I played KS. I'd also gotten out of heart surgery right before it released, so it spoke to me on a very deep level. And I haven't finished the stream yet, but checking steam, it doesn't seem to be?

Your rant there was immensely refreshing. It's what caused this site to really decline about ten years ago, there was such an influx of new users who didn't respect board culture that had carried over from 2Channel etiquette, and eventually they drowned out the regular users. It's a large reason why I'm so glad for this general, it feels like a living relic of the old days.
>self-loathing pit of apathy
On some level, probably. But that's also the product of a feedback cycle. When you're down, you have low energy, low enthusiasm, it's easier to look at things from a negative perspective, you're at risk of doing (semi-)self-destructive things, or suffering such things due to apathy. But if you can manage to work positive things into that loop, you can reverse the direction and feel proud of yourself, have more energy during the day, naturally tend to perceive situations from a positive light. Hell, even your own body will perform better, including at resisting illnesses.
I'm rootin' for ya from the shadows, Basil.
>site to really decline
We also lost some cultural control elements. People stopped being able to sagebomb garbage threads, mods stopped publicly shaming low-quality posts, things like that. With few mechanisms to try and retain The Old Ways in the face of an ever-growing Eternal September, our fates were sealed.
>so glad for this general
Yes, it's like a vacation cottage for me. I like to come here and see who happens to be passing through and enjoy the respite.
>Did you get a nickname too
I think I've got about a dozen, mostly related to going blind, but not all.
>At least you know the term newfag.
Probably the bare minimum but yes.
>Your posting style definitely makes you stick out, though. Not a criticism, and I'm not saying you need to change anything, it's just an observation.

It's alright I'm aware and I do want to change it since someone that I know irl knew who I was while under a pseudonym and I don't know how they figured it out because they were vague but I don't want that to happen again but I don't know how to go about it.

>Back in "the old days", people online often lurked a long time before engaging in communities, so their initial posts would fit in more.
I'm aware about how one should "lurk moar" but I've been deprived of enjoyable social interaction for a few days so here I am
As for the rest of your rant I can't really tell you if you're right or not even in regards to me and my particular posting style but it's something to think about so thanks for sharing anon

>It's not at all unique to you
Oh I'm aware dw

>accusations of making it up for attention
That's awful

>"Invisible" disabilities can be difficult for that reason, it catches people off guard.
If I had one I'd definitely be very amused in doing so.

>I'm very old fashioned in how I use 4chan
Makes sense

>as is the nature of an anonymous imageboard
As is the nature of (social) life.

>I've been around since the game officially released.
Hag >;3
>On some level, probably. But that's also the product of a feedback cycle. When you're down, you have low energy, low enthusiasm, it's easier to look at things from a negative perspective, you're at risk of doing (semi-)self-destructive things, or suffering such things due to apathy. But if you can manage to work positive things into that loop, you can reverse the direction and feel proud of yourself, have more energy during the day, naturally tend to perceive situations from a positive light. Hell, even your own body will perform better, including at resisting illnesses.
No doubt. I think my problem lies deeper than that. I don't know. I hate to be going around in sympathy for myself, I feel like all I've done in the last 2 threads is just whine about my life but it's so hard. So, so goddamn hard to be positive. To put on a fake smile and just say it's all worth it. Because you really don't know. But it doesn't matter. I must live.

>I'm rootin' for ya from the shadows, Basil.
Thanks, anon.
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What the fuck and I thought i was obsessed. Hope you at least become better people from it, pick up running or art or some shit
return of /ksg/ VGL team when?
>With few mechanisms to try and retain The Old Ways in the face of an ever-growing Eternal September, our fates were sealed.

As someone who does not really care for tradition all that much, you and Tea-anon are making me feel a bit sad and sympathetic towards what you've lost
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I still don't understand why the admin staff made the decisions they did between 2010-2016, and I don't think I ever will. I'd stopped using the site entirely until the Steam release, and earnestly, I've never been able to find an online place that I felt as though I belonged to in the same way. Something about growing up with 4chan in that period of time really shaped you in a way that's impossible to entirely shake.

Vacation cottage is a charming way to describe it. It's a bit like hub area from a Fromsoft game, with new and familiar faces with every visit, gradually emptying out over time. But there's always a few who refuse to leave their post, and I suppose we're among them, aren't we?

Ah yes of course, you're that anon! I should have realised, I wonder if we've spoken before in much older threads. I do remember a couple of anons with limited sight. There was the writer with narcolepsy too, and the one anon who had a blind wife.

>That's awful
It happens! I don't look like people expect a disabled person to look, I put a lot of pride in my appearance and carry myself well. They'd rather reject reality than challenge their own misconceptions about the world. Tale as old as time.

>Hag >;3
I prefer "dignified and mature". Or "elegantly aged", perhaps. Kids these days have no manners.

I'm in school for art because of KS. Lots of us took "Do it for her" exceptionally seriously.
you and blind anon are helping build a new KSG with the ways of the old one. don't be so sad there could be a new golden age ahead of us.
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>They'd rather reject reality than challenge their own misconceptions about the world. Tale as old as time.
Unfortunately so, I almost can't imagine the world without it but it would definitely be better.

>I prefer "dignified and mature". Or "elegantly aged", perhaps. Kids these days have no manners.

Teehee. It's a compliment now a days
granny. Jk, oneesan >;3
>if we've spoken before in much older threads
I've only been here since late 2018 or early 19? Last 5 years feels like 20.
Welcome aboard, the easy part is finding which Katawa is for you, the hard part is, well you already know...

>Goodness, mandatory service, though? I hope that wasn't too hard on you. Such a foreign concept to me.
Yeah its a thing here, in all honest its a time waster. The lack of sleep and general ability to leave the base often the first 6 months was probably the biggest issues but at the same time things were lax enough for time to pass easier. Kinda wish we did more actual stuff though, those two drills we took part on were interesting.

I happen to be into creamy desserts so i'll probably get her a banoffee serving, i discovered it a few months back and it can put any frown upside down.

Im only an infrequent main cup watcher but im sold on this as well.
>imagine losing to a team of cripples
>the hard part is, well you already know...
I will never emotionally recover from this game
Ty for the welcome :3
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Did somebody mention hags?
Sag hex
Good night KSG.
>holding Lilly and cuddling with her for warmth on a cool early September night
Is Emo going to ever fill out like her mom or do I have to impregnate her first?
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No problem, at least you can look at it this way: You're not devoid of feelings which would be a darker path to take. Im not a regular here by any chance (although it seems that i fell into that rabbithole by now) but its nice to see new people discover the game and their emotions, people who werent in on it from the start (including me) get the real KS experience half of which includes its community itself.
Gn Basil sleep well
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
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Maybe it would be darker but sometimes I think I'm better off without them but that would also mean losing the good feelings too so I dunno it's all very complicated

I hope to attain (inner) peace one day.

I think I am here to stay.
>I hope to attain (inner) peace one day.
Thats the ultimate goal i suppose, to live your life without a care in the world. Rin definetly feels like she strives for that so thats definetly the source of your interest in her.

>I think I am here to stay.
I doubt you gonna regret it.
>Rin definetly feels like she strives for that so thats definetly the source of your interest in her.
Maybe it is, I'm not quite sure about myself really so I appreciate your insight.

>I doubt you gonna regret it.
Hope so, we'll see.
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Gn /ksg/ I had fun here for my first time
I hope to see you all again soon.
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
>it was my first visual novel
Holy shit, same, except I read it in 2016 and I was 15 back then. Out of curiosity how old are you?
>I hate to be going around in sympathy for myself
I empathize with your thoughts, at least to the miniscule degree that I've understood them. I throw stuff like that out there because I'm not very good at offering support otherwise. I just keep moving forward in the hopes that if I accumulate enough good things I'll find life more enjoyable, and I'm hoping the same outcome for you.
We're being slightly melodramatic, thankfully. It's more that the culture and dynamics have changed than that certain behaviors or traditions are gone. Hard to describe. There are still pockets around the web, but fewer all the time. Just part of getting older, and plenty of things have actually improved over the years. It's more fun to complain, though, since only so many people can commiserate with certain complaints.
>hub area from a Fromsoft game
That's a fittingly cute analogy. I move in and out of this general as well. But beyond this thread, as you stated, we've been shaped by this site and I haven't found somewhere else that scratches the same itch. I think I'd have to go back to IRC if I really wanted to dig deep, but even then it wouldn't be a perfect fit.
>anon who had a blind wife
Wow, I forgot about that. I thought I had some of his posts saved, but I can't find them now.
>hope to see you all again soon
Don't forget, you're here forever.
I should be asleep but we all know that was a lie
I find your amazement amusing considering a lot of people read it as their first Visual Novel
Anyways I am 18
Probably should be more anonymous on this site but oh well
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>It's more fun to complain, though,
Must be human nature.

>since only so many people can commiserate with certain complaints.
You're welcome
>find your amazement amusing considering a lot of people read it as their first Visual Novel
Is that so? Honestly I never knew that, or don't remember.
That's what I've heard. It's even in r/visualnovels' site for beginner novel recommendations, kek.
If you guys wanna channel some of that enthusiasm, /v/ the musical XII should start in 2 weeks
Had a nice lilly one last year
Funny, ig ill check that out if someone reminds me
VNs even back then were a rather niche medium. Even the average weeb doesnt happen to play much of them if any at all so combine that with catchy descriptions such as "Its made by 4chan and you fuck crippled girls" then you definetly have people completely new to the media dive in with KS. Its DDLC before DDLC.
Goodnight fellow rinbro
Is it weird to relate to Rin but have Emi be your fav girl
I feel like people usually have their favs as the character they relate to and also love them the most but that's not true in my case even tho I do love Rin
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Dude Meiko was halfway there before she even had the kid.
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Emo is going to take way more than a single pregnancy.
Not really. Emi is still a great girl. She's grown on me over several years and is my second favorite after Rin. That said >>492962304 I don't think Emi or even Emo (only one extra booba point) are anywhere in prime Meiko's league
Emo's going to consume entire nations.
Yeah I know but I've been overthinking it a lot as I tend to do with trivial matters.
This guy >>492963310 gets it. How can you have Emo get pregnant multiple times when she literally eats your unborn children like a semen demon?
hi I'm up and will reply to you in several hours
Emo isn't the best for me, but she's probably the best for Hisao. And her attachment issues are wholly justified, it's not just a girl with typical daddy issues.
I liked the discussion last month about this version of Emo, that she doesn't take as good care of herself physically as well as Emi, so it makes sense that she's a bit frailer than her.
I agree completely and that's ok we all have different needs mine just also happens to be Emi
>Emo isn't the best for me, but she's probably the best for Hisao
Meant Emi
Freudian slip.
Autocorrect slip, really.
Whatever you gotta tell yourself my man.
Is this BTGR?
Comfy tabletposting, it happens.
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Got work in a little over 5 hours, don't die while I'm asleep.
How can she play baseball without any non-autistic thoughts?
Needs more T
She plays baseball without arms and without thought
Rin with fat knockers feels wrong for some reason
>Rin with fat knockers feels wrong for some reason
That's okay.
I can feel them for you.
Three cheers for teamwork!
can you imagine if someone just drew the five katawas but as regular healthy girls
Rtil used to draw them close to on model
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It certainly feels a bit off but im not against the idea.
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If Hanako grew up normal I know for a FACT she'd be a bitch like PIC RELATED.
How so? Im not familiar with this one but i think Hanako comes from a good family and has that air of sophistication similar to Lilly, i think they'd still be good friends too.
Go watch 'A Silent Voice' right now.
I don't think we know enough about Hanako's parents to say that for certain
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Goodnight /ksg/.
I might be in no condition to run... but you are! Get up and go jogging, Anon!
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
>Weird, I thought on Weee's artist stream the other day one of them mentioned it finally was.
I didn't watch the stream, but I think it got verified for steam deck compatibility a few days ago. That's probably what they were talking about.
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at first I thought those were pastries laid around the chocolate chips and you are SO CUTE :> how did you even come up with that? dude maybe I should also try to channel my pain and grief over lilly into something creative like what you did? this is sweet and inspiring.
>I just like sticking to something without jumping to another thing after
which is a neat thing because if you really enjoy some piece of media, instead of overusing it to the point where your brain gets tired - for example listening to a song you like a hundred times and losing interest in it - you can just turn it into a ritual and only relive those sensations and the nostalgia once a year at the exact time you first got introduced to it. that way you'll get goosebumps over how potent the memories and feelings are. I also post on [s4s] perhaps you'd even recognize me.
what you did with witcher 3 is a clever way of approaching a game you truly enjoy in case you aren't just looking to beat it and be done with it. I can't vouch for witcher three cuz I've only played the second game, but if you and I both love katawa shoujo and you deem that game nice, then it will probably turn out the same for me. I get exactly what you feel because you and I are similar in trying to take in as much as possible and enjoy the game while it lasts. I still haven't gotten over katawa shoujo and I can't handle my emotions.
thank you for returning the compliments and telling me you like my posts too. I don't want you to change either and consider you a good person. listen you know what I think? since you're praising the locals for keeping these threads active for 4000 editions, you and I and everyone else should take part in contributing to it by posting cute stuff and discussing our love for the game like we're already doing.
as for your last question, I'm scared to even launch the game because I know I'll break down crying if I hear the menu tune again. I don't know what to do dude. let's keep hanging out!
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>but surely with the number of reviews it has, it should be verified?
Steam's pretty vague with the requirements for verification, but they specifically mention that reviews aren't included. I'm guessing that's because those can be botted pretty easily.
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She looks healthy here
Healthy adolescent etc etc
what's the logic behind Freud claiming children are sexually attracted to their parents? like I get that it's true but what's the cause biologically and evolutionarily speaking?
Cute, not sure how I missed this one
Mike Inel's art style is so immediately recognizable
That would explain it, I must have misunderstood what they were talking about since I'm not really a Steam user.
2/5 ain't bad.
Lilly's still lacking pupils, so 1/5 actually
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I'm the guy that's been crying over lilly for four days now. I just got off work and am preparing to give every poster in this thread a reply, even if they haven't engaged with me. I want to feel close to you and I thank God, as blasphemous as it may sound, for this thread being around. actually, I sort of believe I'm not acting sacrilegious by bringing God into this, because think about it: if I had none of you wonderful and compassionate people to share my emotional torment and breakdown with after I finished lilly's route, who would have saved me? (this doesn't mean I don't cherish my parents I love them very much). so in a way, since all of you help me pull through this hardship by hanging out with me and being around, I am rightful in thanking God because otherwise my health would suffer. I obviously wouldn't kill myself over katawa shoujo but man would the neurosis wear me down
Good morning /ksg/.
You know she's worth it if she can make a Japanese man leave grorious nippon and go to Scotland
If your waifu's route was as bad as Hanako's, what would you give up to fix it? Is having a good source material important to you at all, or is it just me?
SUP! I've been scrolling through the thread and noticed that you, despite offering me emotional support, are depressed yourself. and yet you had the energy and resolve to shower with lilly and tell us about it. I applaud your strength. I will never leave this thread. i may be late to the party but I won't ever ditch any of you or this game. it hurts, it stings and it burns, this visual novel is a life-changing event hands down but we will all pull through together
I remember watching that hugh mungus vid on YouTube and one guy said he'd give his left nut to hear the security guard say his name was also hugh mungus
I ran the 80s Emilly through AI and it gave her a purse? https://files.catbox.moe/7hw8pv.mp4
best time of the year
Posting AI slop should be a bannable offence
not a huge fan of ai, me
>SUP! I've been scrolling through the thread and noticed that you, despite offering me emotional support, are depressed yourself. and yet you had the energy and resolve to shower with lilly and tell us about it. I applaud your strength.
Ah, that's pretty normal for me. Don't take it too seriously. I've been much worse in a few of these threads. I wanna say I've been here since the 3900's? Around February.

>I will never leave this thread. i may be late to the party but I won't ever ditch any of you or this game. it hurts, it stings and it burns, this visual novel is a life-changing event hands down but we will all pull through together
Things happen and you might have a small lull in posting like I did, but overall, yeah, you've found a new place to stay. Enjoy it.
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The most lovely of afternoons to you all, /ksg/. The weather is cooler today and I wore an Autumn jacket for the first time this year when I went to the bakery a little earlier. I recommend a steaming cup of Masala Chai to accompany the last sunbeams of Summer mingling with the first cool breeze of the colder seasons.

There's nothing sacrilegious about thanking God for the things you appreciate in life. This is a delightfully special little community.

Ah, I see. That's an awful shame, because I'm not sure how else they can prove the game is notable. I suppose it would just be overall playtime, then? I'll have to keep annoying my friends to give it a try.
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I'm happy with slop because the slopmakers are giving me more images of my favorite characters. It's even "real art" to me. /ksg/ OC donut steels are not my favorite characters, though, so I ignore all of them.
well, I think Rin's would be fine with riding a bike cause there's people without hands that do it, so I don't see a problem with this, but Lilly would definitively have a problem since she's blind, maybe dexterity would be on point but without navigation she would trip over and fall.

>The thread has been Lilly dominant lately, it seems like a lot of the new posters enjoy her the most.
I also noticed that, basically yesterday it was all posting Lilly, idk even why, but that sad anon maybe made everyone sympathize with him.

Also questions to all /ksg/ anons:
>how old are you, below 20 or over? (because I sense a lot a new users (including me) but there are also a lot of oldfags since they keep coming to relive the memories)
>how long have you been in this general? did you just discover this now or have you been here since release?
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what do i do? who do i turn to? i have to function somehow. i have a job i need to do a lot to prepare for my doctors appointment yet im stuck with.. with THIS HORRIBLE EMOTIONAL TORMENT
by the way here's my to-do list:
1) reply to people on here
2) get in touch with the devs on twitter or some other platform
3) scroll through ksg archives and look up old threads about the game on archived moe or 4plebs
4) scour pixiv and all the boorus and tumblr and twitter to find and share the cool and cute artwork
5) offer emotional support and thorough replies to everyone hanging out here cuz i saw someone say this general was exceptional in that everyone acts like people in the old days of fourchan would and they follow 2channel rules and culture
i went on a jog because it's not as hot here but it rained. what did you get from the bakery neesan?
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wait, crudehumour... I think I saw that name on 4chan before, I used to lurk a lot /s4s/ some time ago so maybe I did see you in some threads.
I had some leftofers cashew nuts and chocolate so I thought why not make something like this, I was so alive after completing Lilly's route and couldn't make myself to sleep, so I did this. I'm glad that it inspired you to something, even a little, and well I'm not that creative at making things, but I'm pleased of myself for setting this chocolate-cashew nut themed heart.
The general also seems rather cosy as a thread on 4chan, I never seen that sympathethic and supporting place on an anonymous website, the Lillyposters constantly posting Lilly and try to comfort that one depressed anon (>>492873161) and I think that's beautiful, really good community.
Also want to ask what is your favourite ost from ks, mine is Lullaby of Open Eyes, (https://youtu.be/pRzpTZnzXWc?si=vMIa9R55HXdRVHk5), idk why but every time I hear this I want to break to tears, it's so soothing, calming, also mysterious and sad, imo this song really encompasses the whole soul and essence of the game, if I will have children in the future I want to learn to play this on a piano/or make a musicbox with this, so that they would be able to listen to this wonderful melody.
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Tea-anon's dedication to fancy up the thread is admirable, makes me wish all people out there were like this.

>how old are you, below 20 or over?
30 in 4 months and its honestly a mixed bag. It doesnt feel like im at the age of big responsibilities and the like, if anything due to how life is right now i cant really overextend with life altering decisions. As for my time on the chan in general, its plenty but not nearly as old as KS release date.

>how long have you been in this general?
Jumped in after the Steam release. I was aware of the general's existance and its "infamous reputation" of staying alive for so long and even losing count a couple of times which from an outsider's perspective all this is certainly a head scratcher. Regardless i felt the need to gush out my feels to people who would be interested and i figured this would be the perfect place. Im in a sort of lukewarm state emotionally right now but its certainly not leaning towards bad, im taking this path and see how it goes.
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I knew a totally blind girl (picrel) in college that said she rode a bike as a kid. It was one tiny road on a hill with sand on each side so it was easy to tell where she was. I doubt she was by herself, but still, that was neat to know.
by the way that one depressed anon is me ecks dee :P listen I'm going to put the lullaby of open eyes on now just for your sake and listen through it once again despite the pain
Anon, it's okay. Lilly loves you. You have to be happy for her. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because it happened. Seriously. Live for her, love for her, laugh for her.
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I'm not the anon you were replying to, but I absolutely wouldn't call it "real art". Art is an expression of the artist's soul through whatever medium they choose, it's a celebration of what makes us human and it carries sentiment and experience from the artist's mind onto physical images for others to see. It allows people a glimpse into one another's hearts and helps make the world a less lonely place. What AI produces are images, and their aesthetic merit is yours to determine, but they simply are not art, to say nothing of the practise of data scraping.

Maybe it says something about the times that Lilly is more popular now? Contemporary EVN's have a lot of challenging and emotionally intense characters, so perhaps people enjoy the simple romance story Lilly has to tell. I answered your questions in this thread already, but I've been around since before the first /vg/ thread.

Are you the Rin Anon from last night or have you just picked that up from him? My schedule is too full to adopt siblings I'm afraid. Regardless, I picked up what I would call caramel shortbread, I'm not sure what Americans would call it. It's exceptionally delicious from my local bakery, the caramel is thick and the chocolate is very dark and bitter, which compliments the sweetness well. I do hope your jog was pleasant, maybe the rain helped cool you after you built up a sweat?

Oh stop, I'll blush. Around 30 does seem to be the age where you make big commitments, doesn't it? I've taken on so many more responsibilities than I've ever had. Are you managing your stress well?
wait, so then you've also made this post?>>493017415
There's tea-time anon, Basil, some others posters and I'm kinda getting lost in all of this. I noticed that since sad anon's post have caps locked image title with something like "help" or "I am in pain", but your (crudehumour's) replies also have "tumblr" but anyway.
don't focus on what divides the lillyfags. we are all one.
ye your right, post Lilly then!
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Drawing Lilly (and the other girls) makes me happy.
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> Are you managing your stress well?
Besides the constant balancing act of one's finances, most stress if you can call it that, comes from more "first world problems". Not that everything is peachy but i guess it could be a lot worse so complaining/worrying (constantly) wont help much. Thankfully my biggest responsibility at the moment, after paying the bills is what should i have for lunch so i'd say im fortunate to be more chill than most.

My dread of being 30 mostly comes from comparison to other people. Its sort of similar to my previous rundowns here of which whenever i sit back and compare i usually end up thinking "Man, if i couldnt do X and Y before, what chance do i have now, at this age?" I know im not an old coot yet but i feel lonely and left out as one, at times.

Part of me has embraced this "lone wolf" lifestyle and if anything it has its perks, but on the other hand its not exactly the most upbeat thing to wake up every day with all this empty space besides you in bed or never get an unexpected phonecall/message that will perk you up or get a pat on the bad and a "well done" after a chore of a day. They say that people should make themselves happy first and the rest will follow but, what if its already tiresome to try only by myself ya know?
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So would you say photography is not art? The photographer has a concept for what they want the final image to look like. But to make it they are rearranging objects that already existed, capturing them with a machine rather than any bodily craft, and then typically adjusting the image through either chemical or digital means. They fully intend for the final image to convey something.
Is that different in any way from AI imagery? The slopmaker has a concept, rearranges data that already existed, generates a perspective on that data much as a photographer chooses their angle of shooting, and then also perhaps digitally touches it up. They can fully intend the image to convey something.
The attached image was made by AI. Imagine a person saw this bird and was struck by its inquisitiveness. They wanted to share this feeling, so they went home. From there, they had two choices. First, they could have made this exact painting by hand and taken a picture of it. Second, they could have sculpted AI output until they acheived what, for the sake of argument, is the exact same image for you to look at it. Why is the end result meaningfully different in terms of artist conceptualization or audience interpretation?
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seems to be a lot of Lilly love recently, heres one for you
>>493026993 its oddly calming to work on someone so.. calm
yah, both of those posts are me. sometimes I leave the source (Tumblr) in the filename, other times I yelp for help.
your little art project dedicated to lilly is heartwarming. I hope you don't mind me saving that on my phone just to occasionally marvel at it in my album dedicated to lilly :)
you couldn't sleep too? you poor soul. I'm pleased with you too for making such beautiful art and loving lilly.
and you're right -- this general IS cozy! people are so sweet and kind and caring and understanding and they listen to others and respond to their posts. I bet you had also yearned for such a sweet, friendly atmosphere in any community. most people are so angry and aggressive and cruel meanwhile everyone here is adorable and an absolute sweetheart. please stay here forever, same as others! I won't leave either. listen I've got a lot of ideas for the fun all of us could have here. in a bit, I'm going to post the YouTube playlist of one of the games composers original music. it's pretty in line with the katawa shoujo soundtrack. oh and also I just emailed that very composer too, I'll be posting a screenshot of what I wrote too. and my other ideas were present in that to-do listed I posted.
lullaby of open eyes definitely hits your hard. it's emotional and sweet. hell, it's like lilly's main theme or something -- I'm not really sure because I was going insane while playing the game :P
I'm not urging or forcing you to do anything, but what exactly stops you from learning to play a musical instrument? are there any circumstances that hinder that
yah I agree with you sorry I'm nearing the character limit I'll haffta make another post later
oh yeah? wanna know who I love? I LOVE YOU! AND EVERYONE IN THJS THREAD AAAAAAA
and I agree with you but I just can't reply to everyone in one post
for now, check out my email to the composer
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I started drawing almost all Lilly, but have been trying some different ideas lately and seeing where they go. She's still my #1 girl.
don't send him that, harass one of the guys who actively involved with the steam release
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but all I wanted to do was thank the guy for composing beautiful music for lilly's story! also here's a link to his YouTube playlist with his original compositions listed. I'd say they're somewhat reminiscent of the katawa shoujo ost but maybe you'll find it otherwise
I'm familiar with his other work, I'm saying an email like that is weird and unsettling for somebody who is generally disconnected from the game nowadays
A simple well-written thank you would be appropriate, not the email you composed, but you know that
Except she says she's dumping her BF to avoid a long-distance relationship.
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>someone screen capped my greentext
Y-you too!
if you drive me away from this general.. what will become of me? will I look up and gaze into the night sky dreaming about the times gone, or will I wait and bleed inside my shell?
>Are you the Rin Anon from last night or have you just picked that up from him?
That was not me

>My schedule is too full to adopt siblings I'm afraid.
If this applies to me too then I will say that I do not need to be adopted to consider someone an oneesan figure so I will continue doing so unless you don't want me to of course.
Dw anon I will keep you here but it best to save that email in the drafts or delete it if you care at all about social norms, if you don't then oh well I guess!
Sheesh, some of you guys make me feel like an oldfag for being on this site since 2007, and even I got in late.
That was 17 years ago ^_^
How could you say something like that about Akira our beloved?
From Lilly's epilogue:
>AKIRA: "Setting my boyfriend up with a passport took some time."
>HISAO: "You're taking him with you?"
>AKIRA: "Just for a while at first. He's a surprisingly worldly guy, so I think he'll do just fine."
Late? You probably predate 95% of the site at this point
I went out with a girl in high school that was almost definitely into that. but I was a kid and not on the internet so I didn't realize until years later.
Really? I haven't played since release so I guess I forgot. For some reason I thought i remember her saying she was gonna break up with her BF.
The one that you spanked?
I wanna spank a girl.
Yeah. I ran into her at a friend's wedding. She was already married and had gained a lot of weight. I wonder if it would have been different if I had just tied her up, spanked her raw, and prevented her from resorting to gluttony.
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These are really good, anon! You have strong draftmanship, it shows how much passion is going into your work.

It's harder than ever to afford to live, anon, there's no shame at all in feeling the pressure of bills and rent. I'm lucky to live in a country with reasonable disability support, I'd be on the streets if I was less fortunate.

I truly understand what you're saying about comparison, I struggle with that awfully, particularly with my siblings. You never know what's going on in someone else's life, though, and it's difficult to earnestly appreciate the triumphs you've had in your own. It sounds as though going to a few clubs or groups could do you some good. I made a lot of local friends going to a local life drawing studio, maybe you have something like that related to a hobby of yours?

Apples and pears, anon. The skillset of a photographer or videographer is varied and vast, requiring years of study and meticulous practise to attain a mastery of. Furthermore, those artists are human beings choosing their subject and tools, researching and gathering artistic reference to create their work.

Typing a prompt and selecting from pre-generated images is as much a branch of the arts as selecting painting to hang on your wall makes you its painter. Maybe you're developing an eye for aesthetic sensibility by looking at it, but you're doing so through a homogenised and by nature unoriginal lens, stolen without permission from actual human artists and mashed together into mush, greatly limiting the extent of your development.

You're very earnest, but you seem a little manic? It might be best to step away from contacting developers and focus your energy on the community.

As long as you don't get too parasocial about it, Rin-anon. Good morning, by the way!
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Thanks! I'd like to think I've gotten better over the past few years.
Ara ara.. That's my purse!! I don't know you!!
I mean, he just proved he doesn't know what making art is like, so there's your answer.
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maybe. I swear on everything I have that I act genuine when expressing my grief and hysteria over lilly's route. I keep repeating myself but that music box scene at the end is beyond bearable. I cried uncontrollably I'm sorry.
>Unfortunetly no
do you intend to learn then? do you feel like you might pick up drawing in the near future? the reason I'm asking this is because, if you're here, that means you're madly in love with katawa shoujo. and if you are, then.. the game hit you like a truck, emotionally speaking, too, right? and such occurrences display the emotional discharge proclivity, setting you on a path to express yourself to get rid of the pain. that's why I suspect you wouldn't mind learning to draw :D
>Long answer
ahhhhh so THAT is your post! I recall talking to you in that thread now. I just pictured you holding your emotions in and acting genuine and innocent and exposed when no one's around and it's endearing.
>A sense of loneliness that seems you and many other people feel
yes, yes, yes! this so much! thank you for describing our feelings in such an on-point manner. just know that even if I mess up expressing my thoughts properly, I do relate to you and do feel what you feel. thank you for comprehending my suffering as well.
>sulking over my loneliness
well I would hug you let me tell ya that much squire!
>i just go about my routine
so it doesn't incapacitate you? this depression and all the mood swings don't get to you in a way that shuts you down and stops you from functioning and going to work?
>accept it and do my best with that
I praise you for that. I suspect it's impossible to "teach" someone to deal with their problems. people arrive at those solutions through pain and personal experience. I'm guessing your mind subconsciously moved all those cogs and blocks around and made you a more adapted individual. I want you to be happy I want you to smile I want you to stay healthy. just know that I think about you
mkay goodnight everyone I just wanted to let all of you know that even if I don't comment on it, I keep saving all the artwork you post cuz it's all cool and sweet and cute and I'm filling up my lilly album with all the cute stuff you post. and even if I don't reply to everyone, I go through all of your posts and I read them and I experience the emotions you express and I'm on your side. I want you to be content with your life and I love you. I'll do my best not to cry before sleep tonight. stay safe ^-^
even if I'm manic.. will that grown man be disturbed by that?
>focus your energy on the community.
but hear me out please oh please! weren't the devs the ones who thought of all these possible scenarios where a legless girl does anal with you or Kenji pushes you off the roof? surely my messages of gratitude with nothing but earnest expression of my suffering won't upset them! they're people like us like you and me. the difference between us and redditors is that we know how badly extreme emotions can get to you and that's why we accept people and hear them out. please I'm sorry..
that being said, I love the ara~ara~! I save all the images you lost thank you very much I love lilly and would like to hold hands with her
thanx I've already hit send :P I'm no weirdo I just can't filter my emotions. you are cool though
I love you <3
I'm trying to.. and you're helping me in that. you are a lovely and sympathetic person. for your sake, I will live for lilly, I will love for lilly and I will laugh for lilly. I can't overstate how thankful I am. wicked :) you are a wonderful bloke. sorry for being hazy I haffta hit the hay
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I love you too, anon. no homo.
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Rereading after 4 years, Lilly route made me shed some tears, and the emptiness I felt back then when I was done is even stronger after all this time.
Though it's definitely a different "flavor" of emptiness this time round, maybe it's the acceptance of loneliness that I hadn't fully embraced yet, now it's a weird "happy emptiness", like having woken up from a nice dream.
I usually keep reality and what I do in my free time very separate, but this VN puts my body/mind in a state where I could say that I am experiencing something that could be real. I guess that's why this VN has this infamous effect on people, precisely because it's more plausible than most other VN's and games in general.
I love Lilly.
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Great photo. I do believe that you're right that she mentions that earlier on, but it's part of the "happy ending" that we find out they're going to make it as well. He better be good enough for her.
Ah, but anyone can pull out their phone and snap a photo. No special study required to produce entry-level art. While the best photography is helped by the sort of dedication you describe, the same still applies to AI imagery. I know that the person who made the image I uploaded spent quite a large number of hours practicing their prompts, learning which factors impacted the final image in what ways, just as someone might gradually learn the intricacies of their particular camera or lens. And just as a photographer can have multiple cameras and styles, AI prompters usually assemble and tweak multiple sets of model chains composed of various modules and tools, while also researching and investigating the best elements of rather complicated inputs. It's far, far more complicated than it might at first seem, and in particular for those seeking the best results.
I like your painting selection analogy! But I think it is an oversimplification for the reasons I outlined above. It is the prompter that is laboring to refine the range and substance of the output images they ultimately select from (as a photographer shoots far more photos than they need and culls the worst). While there are certainly people that take lazy photos without much artistic forethought or skill, and people that select paintings in shops without any particular effort of their own, I believe it is unfair to suggest that such artistically shallow actions represent the ceiling of what AI prompters can achieve artistically. I wouldn't denigrate the potential of photography as a field by telling a photographer that "all you do is point a camera at something and click a button". As for unoriginal/stolen, I would point to any combinatorial art, e.g. song mash-ups/covers or KS fan art.
>I struggle with that awfully, particularly with my siblings.
I can somewhat relate to that. My sister albeit a hard working person ever since she moved out, happens to be more successful ever since her marriage. Her husband is an honest and hard-working man so he more than provides for her and their two kids. I dont feel envy or jealousy for them but there's certainly a "Damn i got nothing going on in comparison" feeling looming over every now and then.

Im on good terms with them and i might not interact as much but its not on purpose. It doesnt help how if i plan to do something for say, my nephew, at the back of my head i think "Dude, this is nothing, his other uncles can do so much more" hence i feel like i shouldnt bother. However one moment that has stuck with me ever since was the following. At my sister's wedding, i had a dance with her and i notice her tearing up which was a shock since she's not really the emotional type, let alone cry so that makes me go "Hey, why you crying? Cheer up, you're now made!" to which she responds sniveling "I know, but i want you to know that i feel for you and im there for you, ok?" This was probably the only time something like this was directed at me from family let alone a person in general so it was really moving and gave me some solice that im actually cared for.

>maybe you have something like that related to a hobby of yours?
I tend to be active on a certain TCG that includes of dragons with varied eye colors and long story short there's a group of dudes i usually play with at a specific gamestore or even other ones on occasion. Its fun and meme moments are frequent and hilarious, place has been closed for the summer but it finally reopens on the 16th so cant wait to try not losing and pull some pricey cards again. Its omega wishful thinking but it would be nice to have a partner to be into that as well let alone my other interests and "activities" one can hope i guess.
the mental gymnastics on display to justify not picking up a pencil should be studied
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Had to make a seperate post after my wall of text on >>493046091


>I swear on everything I have that I act genuine
I have no reason to doubt that, however think of the following as friendly advice not hate or anything: If you keep using strong wording such as "depression" "hysteria" or acompany your posts with hyperbole claims and all caps "IM IN PAIN, HELP ME!" people might take the wrong idea or be scared off and im guessing thats not your intention. I understand you're under a very difficult time but as this is the internet, you gonna "give yourself a good image" so that people will take you seriously, no offense.

>do you intend to learn then?
I certainly could as much as the next person but i dont think i have the patience for it and thats ok. While i do agree that drawing is an amazing way to express yourself, sadly its not for everyone. I'll tell you that tho: i had unleashed my "creativity" before in writing, a very bad self-insert sort of fanfic thing exists and i even considering doing touchups nowdays for the hell of it.

>I recall talking to you in that thread now.
In that case i appreciate your interest from the start.

>well I would hug you let me tell ya that much squire!
I actually find hugs a very intimate thing so i take 'em a tad seriously when they do happen, but im not entirely against the idea when they come from someone i care for.

>so it doesn't incapacitate you? this depression and all the mood swings don't get to you in a way that shuts you down and stops you from functioning and going to work?
This is what exactly happened when i broke up with my then gf of 4 years. I was barely functioning and basically dragged myself to work. I can safely say i havent felt as bad ever since which is a very good thing.

>I want you to be happy I want you to smile I want you to stay healthy. just know that I think about you
I appreciate that anon, it might not mean a lot for other people online but this is nice non the less.
>As long as you don't get too parasocial about it, Rin-anon. Good morning, by the way!
Eh you don't have to worry about that, it's not like we really know each other, it's just for fun I suppose. Morning! c:

>thanx I've already hit send :P I'm no weirdo I just can't filter my emotions. you are cool though
Noo why would you do that lmao. Eh idrc that much but it's always good to think things through, I have the same problem so I get it. Ty btw, you seem cool too!

>that being said, I love the ara~ara~!
This wasn't directed at me lmao but I love it too!
My nuts in your mouth, get better opinions
I was expecting it to get emotional just not enough to get a reaction out of me, i may try lilly's at some point, she seemed nice, just not right away, Rin left me kind of drained also because of that one dialogue choice that gets memed a lot I'm kind of spoiled on Shiina's story so i don't know if I'm gonna do ALL the stories.
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Why not both? I hope this doesn't come as too great of a shock, but many artists in history were trained in multiple disciplines. You should pick up a book and read about them; your brain certainly needs the workout if a few paragraphs of text overwhelmed you.
Katawa Shoujo Art Talk! w/ Weee, Geb, Moekki, and Suriko
>oh yeah? wanna know who I love? I LOVE YOU! AND EVERYONE IN THJS THREAD AAAAAAA
>I'm trying to.. and you're helping me in that. you are a lovely and sympathetic person. for your sake, I will live for lilly, I will love for lilly and I will laugh for lilly. I can't overstate how thankful I am. wicked :) you are a wonderful bloke. sorry for being hazy I haffta hit the hay
Thanks man. Sleep well.

Class was boring as fuck today, fell asleep like twice listening to the professor drone on and on. I hate lecture classes for that reason. My other two are pretty good though, and those are the ones with the cute Asian girl so I guess it's not all bad.
>Class was boring as fuck today, fell asleep like twice listening to the professor drone on and on.
Would you pay attention to Professor Lilly?
Would you actually pay attention to the lecture?
Hey, I have that pic saved, too. And yes, I would pay attention to Professor Satou. I would show up like any proud husband with her brown paper lunch bag and wave awkwardly at all her Japanese students before giving her a big kiss on the top of the head and drive to my jobsite.
>Paul Harrel is dead
Not like this bros...
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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Goodnight /ksg/.
I don't think /ksg/ will be at risk of dying overnight for some time, but sleep well
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
>lewding lilly
why would you do such a thing
She does it herself with her healthy adolescent sex drive.
"L-Lilly everyone left 5 minutes ago"
does this look like a porn board to you? go to /h/.
Please stop.
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Which girl is most likely to /ss/?
You have two with her? Nice. I hope you are working on a plan to run into her and see what she's like. If you snoozoo you'll lose-oo and someone else will get her.
I think you have your boards mixed up.
Jeebus! even I can see that's pretty bad.
That Satou girl ain't right.
I approve this message
>You have two with her? Nice. I hope you are working on a plan to run into her and see what she's like. If you snoozoo you'll lose-oo and someone else will get her.
I mean we see each other pretty often, twice a week, and both are actually work classes, not lecture ones, so it's pretty feasible to get some chatting in with her here and there. I must admit I've never talked to a girl in my life so I have no idea how to ask her out.
Based 'n' saved
I wouldn't ask her out if you haven't even chatted with her yet, but that's probably obvious. I would go for
>casual first connection
Can be anything, like, I missed yesterday's class, you dropped this on the ground, etc. Being casual is the easiest way if you don't have experience, because you'll come across as innocent and nice rather than risk being creepy.
>extra comment, aiming for a brief exchange
If you just handle whatever you started above in the most curt, business-like manner, she'll really know there was nothing to it, but she'll also think you have no interest in her. So instead add something extra and share a few sentences back and forth. Don't aim to have a full five minute conversation, because that's also weird. Just like "oh wow, you're practicing ___? That's exactly what I hope to do as well" or "by the way, is your shirt from the band __? Because I saw them live a few months ago".
From there you go back to your space and reflect on it. Did she seem cool? Did she seem at all interested in talking to you, or was she just being polite (this part is hard to gauge)? At the end of the class you can decide to talk to her slightly more if you think you have another (brief) exchange in mind. But otherwise, I would just wave or say bye, acknowledge her in some way, and consider that the day's success.
Keep in mind that our (anti-)hero, Hisao, also was not scoring crippled bitches left and right. With all of them he had to gradually build, and while you don't have to go as slow as he did, for the beginning I think it's best. Other anons might disagree with me on this, though.
I think I might already have my answer now that you mention it. Maybe I'm misinterpreting things but on our first class I tried to show her how to use a hammer and she was kind of awkward about it. Maybe it's just cause it was the first time we met and I might be overthinking it but I'm not sure if this is something worth pursuing. Either way I see her tomorrow, so I'll see what I can do.
I also think she has some kind of social anxiety maybe? Or maybe she just really doesn't like me, I don't know. She had no problem getting up in front of the class and introducing herself but she seemed distant when I tried talking to her. Also to be honest she isn't really my type. I just don't know what I'm doing.
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She sells teaware and teaware accessories.

It's less that he would be disturbed by it, and more that it's largely inadvisable to email strangers when you're experiencing mania. I would wager that would be a generally agreed upon recommendation. I'm glad you like the Lilly artwork I've collected.

From reading this, it would seem we have fundamentally incongruent values when it comes to the creation of art, and I don't think further debate on the matter will change either of our minds. I hope you have a pleasant evening.

Your sister sounds like such a treasure, but I'm sorry you don't receive that sort of affection terribly often. Everyone deserves to be cherished and be surrounded by caring friends, I believe that more strongly than anything. You'll find your way into being more than just content enough, anon, I know it. You have a caring heart that shines through your posts, and any room would be warmer for your presence.

I'm a Gemini player, myself. But I have a fun little Red Eyes deck for sentimental reasons. Local game stores are a little oasis of community, aren't they? I'm glad it's re-opening! My favourite jazz bar recently managed to re-open and I'm horrendously excited to go back to it.

My, I didn't realise my file naming system would be so popular. I thought it was silly.

Girls aren't scary at all! You're going about it the right way, keep chatting to her and see if you can pick up on any chemistry. If there's a feeling of mutual attraction (if that's something you're able to pick up on!) just find a moment and be forward but casual.

Take your time and work out if you do like her, of course, but try not to overly worry yourself. Almost everyone feels as though they're a nuisance, particularly to pretty strangers.
If you want to be optimistic then maybe she has a crush on you but I'd take the other anon's advice, it sounds good, tho I wouldn't know from personal experience but worth a shot right?

>Also to be honest she isn't really my type.
Well you still think she's cute so why not pursue unless you find someone who is your type and is a good person?

Ironically Lilly is more my type but I love Emi altho it's not like Emi isn't my type I'd say she's the type I didn't know I had, I couldn't tell you my type really besides cute but now thanks to Emi I know the specific traits I'd consider cute.

Actually I could tell you my type, blonde, tall, and motherly like Lilly but Emi stole my heart and it belongs to her now, that's how life is I suppose.
Maybe she was awkward because she was insulted someone tried to show her how to use a hammer? It's impossible to know what she was thinking, unfortunately.
If she's the withdrawn or distant type that's tricky to deal with, but if she isn't your type it's sort of a moot point.
But you're doing the right thing anyway, it sounds like. Might as well keep talking to her, and just treat her without too much special attention. Maybe you'll become friends, maybe she'll turn out to be your type after all, but guaranteed you'll get practice talking to a girl.
Yes, you're right, one can definitely be surprised by traits they didn't know they were attracted to.
>My, I didn't realise my file naming system would be so popular. I thought it was silly.
Reminds me of something someone said earlier about how people will like traits about you you didn't think they would
I love motherly and oneesan vibes so ^-^
I think that's definitely the plan going forward, when I do eventually ask her out. Not too lax she thinks I'm asking her out as a friend and not romantically, but not pushy that she gets creeped out. Like I said, I'm just not good at talking to girls.
It was the way she entered the class, it was funny, but also sort of charming. She had this gigantic backpack and a keychain jingling her back pocket, came in with a coffee, and she pushed her way to the front of the class and sat down with the bag on, so she had to take it off all cumbersome like, and then she just kinda sat at the front of the class. Our teacher is an elderly gentleman and he was able to engage with her past her social awkwardness and it was kind of cute.
Again, she also has a pretty face, so that helped. I don't know, I have to get more acquainted with her.
I don't think so, she said she didn't have any experience in construction and I come from a carpentry background, so I was genuinely only trying to help her - she mentioned she was looking to learn more about the field so I was just trying to be friendly. Maybe she took it the wrong way though, yeah.
wouldn't say she isn't my type at all, but I tend to think in absolutes. Maybe that's kind of my problem. I don't know what I'm really looking for in a college relationship at this point. It would be nice to have that college sweetheart thing going on, but I don't know if that's actually a good thing in full terms. And yeah, I think I will just play it cool. They do say not to keep your honey where you keep your money in NYC, so if things don't pan out it could get awkward fast.
giving romance advice when you admitted you fainted when a girl kissed you by surprise. you seem like you've been hit on before so what usually turns you off someone?
>giving romance advice when you admitted you fainted when a girl kissed you by surprise
Hey now, they were young then XD (I haven't used that emoticon in forever but it just felt right).
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Ah, using my own words against me. Positively diabolical of you.

>so she had to take it off all cumbersome like
I see you too are a connoisseur of adorably clumsy women. I respect that about you. Good luck with talking to her, Basil, I hope you keep us updated! Cheering you on!!

>giving romance advice when you admitted you fainted when a girl kissed you by surprise
Okay. Just because you're right doesn't mean you should say it. I fainted in a charming and alluring manner.

>you seem like you've been hit on before so what usually turns you off someone?
That's embarrassing to just say like that, you know? You should have more tact. You aren't incorrect, but it's awkward to talk about. If you have to ask, it's untoward to be overly familiar when propositioning someone. Don't go for a hug or touch their shoulder or that sort of thing when you're first talking. I don't know, I suppose my advice is largely common sense? I'm not interested in very many people, so I think any guidance I have risks being awfully specific.

Once someone smelled me before saying hello, mind you. That I can assuredly say is a bad thing to do.

Exactly! I'm so much more dashing now. I've gotten heart flutters every time I've kissed someone I was harbouring feelings for, but I don't faint anymore. It's the best I can do.
>I see you too are a connoisseur of adorably clumsy women. I respect that about you. Good luck with talking to her, Basil, I hope you keep us updated! Cheering you on!!
I don't know if I found it clumsy, but yeah, man. I'm on the way there. Thanks.
>Ah, using my own words against me. Positively diabolical of you.
Yes that was totally on purpose and not a happy coincidence, I am very mischievous! Hehe >:3

>Okay. Just because you're right doesn't mean you should say it. I fainted in a charming and alluring manner.
Oh I'm sure you did. Getting flustered Onee-san?

>That's embarrassing to just say like that, you know? You should have more tact
I think you are!

>Once someone smelled me before saying hello, mind you. That I can assuredly say is a bad thing to do.
God..that's weird.. lmfao..

>Exactly! I'm so much more dashing now
Why, yes, of course.
That is so cute! (﹏)
>Getting flustered Onee-san?
jesus dude. there's better places to flirt than a visual novel general. they aren't gonna fuck you.
>Maybe she took it the wrong way though
Nah, you're good in this case, given the situation you described. You'll see how you like her as time goes on. Instead of absolutes, just take things one step at a time. As you two talk more and spend more time together you'll become more certain as to whether she's just someone you like hanging out with her whether you're really attracted to her. You don't have to decide up front.
>gigantic backpack
My first crush won me over with a strikingly oversized backpack as well. If only women knew about this one crazy trick that drives men wild.
>fainted in a charming and alluring manner
Smooth, hahaha
Ah sorry I just like teasing people I wasn't trying to attract anyone, although I guess by that definition I was flirting, although it's weird how Oxford languages says flirting isn't with serious intentions but isn't that why you would? Although people do it with friends too so I suppose not. That does depend on the person actually. I hope you've caught on by now from my rambling that I can be socially clueless so again I apologize for my behavior. That sounds too formal. Hm.
i should write erotic literature about lilly
I tried that once. I wanted to try to write something from her perspective. It was pretty tough to try to tell a story without visuals, and ultimately I decided it wasnt very good and deleted it without finishing.
I just want to write about how much I love her and would take care of her.
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I'm not a LillyFag, but i want the LillyFags to know i stand with you in solidarity.
I also like freakishly tall women. (Lilly is only 1cm shorter than Rider)
>Basil Anon's, "Lewding Lilly"
>Volume 4, "What Eyes Were Ne'er Meant to See"
>Lewding Lilly
I would never do such a thing.
>I don't LEWD my waifu, I LOVE her
>And if I don't LOVE her...
>I don't. Post it.
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>Everyone deserves to be cherished and be surrounded by caring friends, I believe that more strongly than anything. You'll find your way into being more than just content enough, anon, I know it. You have a caring heart that shines through your posts, and any room would be warmer for your presence.
Once again, your kindness and sympathy shines through, thank you.

My man! Among my handful of decks i own a chemicritter deck that i wish it got a lot more support because its fun to play but man is it powercrept.

>My favourite jazz bar recently managed to re-open and I'm horrendously excited to go back to it.
The Lilly parallels are keep on going huh? I never been to one myself but it does sound fun and something up my speed. I also happen to enjoy a bit of pool every now and even (wink wink) and that was the case even before playing the game, its a fun game.

How would you write erotic literature without the lewd parts though? I get how one would have pure feelings for their Katawa, but thinking anything lewd should not be out of the question. One big message the game gives is that these girls arent to be treated differently and much like any other girl, they want to do the nasty. Now i only have you Lillybros as reference but it seems that Lilly is down for stuff like this on a decent level so why not just pun unintended, do it? While sex my be easily seen as something vulgar, animalistic and sometimes devoid of feelings there's plenty of times where its the exact opposite. A way for two people to connect and feel one another in a biological and mental way where it can almost feel like a high or that time stops around them and for that brief moment, its them and them alone, together.
mornin /ksg/, just keep putting one foot in front of the other
Good morning anon.
>How would you write erotic literature without the lewd parts though? I get how one would have pure feelings for their Katawa, but thinking anything lewd should not be out of the question. One big message the game gives is that these girls arent to be treated differently and much like any other girl, they want to do the nasty. Now i only have you Lillybros as reference but it seems that Lilly is down for stuff like this on a decent level so why not just pun unintended, do it? While sex my be easily seen as something vulgar, animalistic and sometimes devoid of feelings there's plenty of times where its the exact opposite. A way for two people to connect and feel one another in a biological and mental way where it can almost feel like a high or that time stops around them and for that brief moment, its them and them alone, together.
That's why I specify love. Versus lewd. Lewding is a very 4chan virgin kind of way - the immature sort of thing that poorly adjusted chronically online men see sexual relations as. And perhaps, I have not depicted myself in the best light, but I don't care for it. It has a lack of tact and taste that I find particularly upsetting. When I say
>dont lewd the katawas
it means, don't do that shit the other anons were doing and posting ugly ass SFM webms with shaking fake plastic tits made to stimulate the most interior retarded reptile brain of the incel gooner.
When I say erotic literature, I mean what you said. Connected biologically and mentally. There will be tears, sweat, love, vulgarities, but most of all - connection. A lot of these guys just see a pretty anime girl and go "oo peenor sexy" but I think I speak for us all when I say girls from VNs are not depicted that way - and by design. Yes, you have your autistic weeb types who will go out and make body pillows yellow and crusty. But when I say erotic literature, I mean a romantic journey.
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Hell yeah, anon. That's the way.
I wonder if someone with my disorder could be considered a katawa of some kind. I thought about it the first time I played the game - it seems like it's both physical and mental conditions that are permitted at Yamaku, and Missing Stars (Formerly known as Mentaru Shoujo) depicts the opposite - a high school for students with mental disorders, but I've always wondered if someone with Bipolar Disorder would be allowed at Yamaku. Just food for thought. I think about how Lilly would react if she'd heard or "seen" some of things I've done in a manic state.
Aha i understand. Is just that the way you worded it feels like you were against any lewd content, and when i say lewd i mean it in a more broad sense, not just the aformentioned purely sexual side of it. Lewd can be Lilly in her lingerie, or without it, or even fully clothed making a suggestive comment. So at the risk of sounding like a nerd, i'd say the better way to word it is similar to your reply to me, that you're not interested in the "Something to jerk off too only" category. Either way, there's no shame in adding a little spice on things to get heated because like i said, all girls want a lil something, the difference is how they show their interest in that.

Kenji doesnt seem to suffer from bad eyesight alone and since Hanako is, well, there, i'd say Yamaku definetly accepts students with mental issues.

>I think about how Lilly would react if she'd heard or "seen" some of things I've done in a manic state.
That would entirely depend on the context of said things so as long as you (hopefully) never done anything outright wrong, im sure she'd be understanding.
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>it seems like it's both physical and mental conditions that are permitted at Yamaku,
People with physical disorders who also have certain mental disorders are permitted, as well as some who don't have either, like Misha.
People with only mental illnesses are not.
>Aha i understand. Is just that the way you worded it feels like you were against any lewd content, and when i say lewd i mean it in a more broad sense, not just the aformentioned purely sexual side of it. Lewd can be Lilly in her lingerie, or without it, or even fully clothed making a suggestive comment. So at the risk of sounding like a nerd, i'd say the better way to word it is similar to your reply to me, that you're not interested in the "Something to jerk off too only" category. Either way, there's no shame in adding a little spice on things to get heated because like i said, all girls want a lil something, the difference is how they show their interest in that.
No doubt. That's kind of what I was trying to convey. Lewd, for me, has the more 4chan incel, "trying to sound spicy" kind of label.

And no, I've never done anything actually heinous while manic. I'm just... not me when I have one, you know. As is obvious. I guess it says more about my fears IRL. Lilly is obviously a conduit for my unspoken romantic desires, so not just her, but, anyone, really. I feel like I've got this terrible alter-ego that embodies the little boy inside me. I know that sounds disgusting but it's just this ball of energy that is entirely uncouth but still somehow fiercely loving toward his friends. It's terrible.
Hanako is the glaring thing here. She obviously suffers from severe depression and generalized anxiety disorder, and her burns aren't necessarily a handicap insomuch as a physical inhibition but moreso mentally debilitating to her.
Still, I concede that point. In my reply above I was more forthcoming with that line of thinking.
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I wish the other routes besides Shizune's had scenes like this with Kenji, it really adds more to his character for me. Also, if I were Hisao, I too would have a hard time looking him in the eyes. I mean, look how hot he is.
I like Shizune's route for different reasons, but yes, I think Kenji was somewhat underutilized. He is mostly comic relief, sort of like Hisao's own Misha, but in Lilly's route he also has a lot of surprisingly insightful dialogue.
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I guess you can argue that this word along with many others actually, might have lost its true meaning. In this site of all places is easy to parrot things mindlessly and get misinterperted often.

>I feel like I've got this terrible alter-ego that embodies the little boy inside me. I know that sounds disgusting but it's just this ball of energy that is entirely uncouth but still somehow fiercely loving toward his friends. It's terrible.
This isnt a desease, being compassionate, caring and romantic should be encouraged, not frowned upon. Us guys have a hard time being those things because society expects us to be tough dudes that can bend steel and move mountains. While this IS cool its also ok to sometimes drop the tough guy attitude and open up, share, express your most inner feelings. I know its hard to actually make it happen but once its done with the right people, they gonna deeply appreciate it and probably return the favor, doubley so if this happens with your significant other.
>that pic

Perhaps I miscommunicated. I was moreso referring to myself in manic states. I'm just this horrible sort of impulsive half-man that just jumps around and fidgets and dances and I feel perverted and angry at everything and I just yell at people. Maybe it's repressed feelings that bubble up to the surface because I'm not suicidally depressed. I don't know. But either way, you aren't wrong. I've never fashioned myself as a tough guy, I am rather seclusive though.
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If you're in control of those outbursts or mostly happen in private then you got nothing to fear, we all like to get a little "loose" every now and then, even with friends. So long as you dont harm yourself of others or being a dick, i think its nothing to worry about.

Sometimes KS maymays happen to both invoke a "Maaaan thats messed up" feeling but also be extremely hilarious.

I would never counter this.
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>If you're in control of those outbursts or mostly happen in private then you got nothing to fear, we all like to get a little "loose" every now and then, even with friends. So long as you dont harm yourself of others or being a dick, i think its nothing to worry about.
Thankfully they mostly occur in private, yes. They do sometimes seem to spring on me in public and I can manage by just trying to focus that positive influx into positive acts rather than high-energy negative (i.e we're so fucking back versus fuck it we ball, forgive the zoomerism). But still. It irks me, knowing I have that kind of burden in my soul.
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Like i mentioned above, if you manage to get a grip and maintain it to healthy levels, you gonna be fine. Understandable, we all want to be that expressive sometimes because being serious all the time can be tiresome.
No doubt. I'm seeing a therapist soon, maybe he can prescribe me some amphetamines and I can go off the deep end. Or maybe I'll get on mood stabilizers and lobotomize myself. I dunno. I'll see what it takes.
Its good that you take care of yourself
>Or maybe I'll get on mood stabilizers and lobotomize myself.
doubt you need to go to such extremes, you gonna be fine.
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I want to go shooting with my Katawa. PIC UNRELATED
>pic unrelated
That definetly looks like Hanako and Lilly!!!

What do you think each Katawa would be packing? Here's my guesses.

Hanako would go for something with a silencer for sure, less about stealth and more about how she wouldnt stand the loud noise. The classic USP perhaps but it might be a tad big for her.

Rin would use these tiny backup sidearms you get on your ankle, wonder if she can reload after mag dumping....

Shizune would be too tacticool and use the M4 SOPMOD with ultra mega ACOG x69 sights with laser pointer, flashlight and sidegrip and throw a fit after every jam.

Misha would opt for a heavy machinegun or a grenade launcher, easily.

Emi might go for something light, like a MAC, an Uzi or maybe a Bizon, gotta be agile! Im sure she practices reloads all the time.

Lilly.... wouldnt be too fond on the idea i believe....
Well assuming they each only get one, and only using the guns I own.
Ruger .357 revolver.
She wants the biggest one.
Remginton 870
It's my most tacticool one.
Winchester 30-30
I think she'd enjoy the tactile feedback of a lever action.
Walther P22 with Laser sight (I don't have a silencer but I'm tempted to get one)
Ruger MkI 22lr
Purely because It doesn't look like a normal gun.
8mm Mauser
She thinks the name sounds funny but immediately regrets it when she feels the kick with it's solid steel butt plate.
shotgun breacher
Would they get along?
They could commit war crimes together.
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Interesting choices.

To be honest i could go for something similar in terms of oddity but i also took accessability into account.

Accessability aside, i can definetly imagine her skeet shooting with a golden-engraved variant, wearing a sundress

That sounds very on point.
>Hiichan you'll never guess this rifle's name! :D

You know what, you're right, Emi is all about the buckshot.

Im not familiar with GF if thats where she comes from, nice girls but >gacha
for what purpose?
For your Katawa anon, its always for her.
I'm up and will start talking to people soon. by people I mean all of you, I'm going to engage with you. it's day five of my odyssey dedicated to lilly
>Hiichan you'll never guess this rifle's name! :D
lol that made me smile
and to think that guy kept telling me emoticons aren't a part of this websites culture or shouldn't be used on here
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>and to think that guy kept telling me emoticons aren't a part of this websites culture or shouldn't be used on here
That is true but i couldnt help myself since this is Misha we're talking here.
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I'd live for you
I'd die for you
do what -- you want me to
I'd cry for you
my tears will show
that I -- can't let you go
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Hey guys.
Good to see you're still standin'.
Don't give up.
Feel free to tell me how it's been goin'.
It did. Hanapats make me smile.
Is the anon who ran a Battletech campaign with katawas around? How did the crips fare?
Goodnight /ksg/.
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you cute thing.
does kenji push hisao off the roof or does he actually fall by himself
oh come on there's nothing wrong with emoticons it's not like they're *shivers* EMOJIS or something
ya reckon the katawas disabilities are just a metaphor? rin is armless so she can't do anything about her life or her future so she just drifts along apathetically and doesn't care about anything
emi is legless so she can't run away from her inner problems or the trauma of her past or the fact that she gets to attached to her lovers and is scared of being alone
lilly is blind meaning she refuses to see your flaws and is madly in love with you because she believes youre perfect in all ways
hanakoe is covered in scars and usually if you have skin issues it means you can't express your inner torment properly, you can't let the pain out and pour your heart out, that's why your problems resurface on your skin
shizune is deaf so she's stubborn and won't change her mind ever for anyone
mischa is clinically insane
>largely inadvisable
yeah.. look I'm obviously not arguing with you, but you gotta understand that this is sort of the definition of emotional unhingement -- you sorta just.. can control it. I can't control myself I swear if I could I wouldn't act like this. thanx for yet another sweet lilly image your taste is delightful :)
>Class was boring as fuck today
well.. is that okay in uni? usually the program you pick for higher education is supposed to be something you're actually into
> I love it too!
I KNOW RIGHT? the guys sister is so cute for doing that but I don't get it, like, he says his family never treated him with much sentimentality so why would she do that out of the blue?
>why would you do that
because katawa shoujo messed me up emotionally and I can't get over it. look I'm not kidding I'm being serious dude it's day five of this. you actually like me? oh wow~ *blushes* @.@
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
>oh come on there's nothing wrong with emoticons it's not like they're *shivers* EMOJIS or something
Its less about them being wrong and more about the aformentioned site culture

>he says his family never treated him with much sentimentality so why would she do that out of the blue?
Without going to really long boring details, lets just say i didnt win the parent lottery so i avoid them as much as possible for the sake of my sanity. My sister is an exception due to how she's nothing like them and understands the issues both me and her have with them so there's solidarity in that regard.
>because katawa shoujo messed me up emotionally and I can't get over it. look I'm not kidding I'm being serious dude it's day five of this.
You poor thing.

>you actually like me? oh wow~ *blushes* @.@
OH BY THE WAY DONT YOU FOLKS FEEL LIKE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN LOVELY IF THE GAME OFFERED MORE INSIGHT INTO WHAT KIND OF MEDIA EVERY KATAWA CONSUMES? LIKE WHAT FILMS AHD MUSIC AND CULTURE THEYRE INTO.. and more interaction would have also been nice like for example if you pick lilly's route, when you go on a date in the restaurant there would be a dancing scene and lilly would dance with you to some piano composition there in the restaurant.
ahhhhh so that's what's happening in your family. okay. yeah my distant relatives are horrible so I almost get what you're going through. but again, when I read your post and your story about how emotional your sister got and what she told you on her wedding.. it almost made me cry. I wish you well.
okay then I won't argue against emoticons not being board cutlture
good song. and I posted it so it must be ultra cool!
>Lilly.... wouldnt be too fond on the idea i believe
yah cuz she's motherly and caring
have you heard the song lobotomy for dummies it's from flat out 2
is it your first time getting an appointment with a therapist? ya haffta make sure it's a decent professional who's empathetic and truly gets you. suggestion: tell him about katawa shoujo and force him to complete the game and share his thoughts on it. unless your therapist is a chick, in which case ask her to blindfold you and push you off the bed
>And no, I've never done anything actually heinous while manic.
when you enter that state, do your hands feel tingly and numb
do you get tunnel vision
>being compassionate, caring and romantic should be encouraged,
I agree yah I agree very much.
tummy hurts
>o-okay so the thread's actually just done now. last bump
if only you kept it overnight while I was asleep. I knew the thread would die as I was making my last post that day :(
ok, that helped
>considering doing track
shoulda swapped that t for a c
>she acts so cute and pouts
she is cute.. and caring
>default face it's so cute
she is a pretty girl yah
>people who slot neatly into one another's strengths and weaknesses
that's true you're very much correct because people need to complete each other. but what happens when two almost identical people meet each other? why do those relationships not work out even though at first they're both happy to find someone who thinks and acts exactly like them and therefore gets them? the ara~ara you post is always beautiful
>you can't over-extend yourself and try and support everyone else
yeah.. but I want everyone to be happy and content and get the emotional support they need after completing this game. I got my share of comfort and warmth from all of you both in that /v/ thread I made and in this general, which means I'm going to reciprocate that treatment because I'd hate to see others suffer an emotional breakdown from katawa shoujo's emotional potency
>your tea pilgrimage
have you tried the vanilla tea lilly sips on
>the hard part is, well
yah the hard part is not coming undone and dying there and then after beating katawa shoujo. especially if you get a bad ending that's gonna end ya
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More like clitically insane
>shoulda swapped that t for a c
No, I'm good thanks

>she is cute.. and caring
Yesss, that's why I love her!

>she is a pretty girl yah
Gets it from her mom :3
no more roleplaying
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>Yeah, I saw a vivid realistic portrait of her face before I woke up.
>Were you able to see Lilly on your sleep deprivation? I would like to see my katawa if that shit works
your brain produces DMT as you're about to fall asleep. also if you undersleep and get disturbed and wake up suddenly you may enter twilight state for a short time
>Can you see what I see
>Lilly's physical existence seems deeply improbable IRL.
I dunno, several years ago I discovered that there are these half-japanese half white people that exist and there's a special term for them and they look European and some people on twitter are obsessed with them
say, have you been able to get in touch with weeeee? need to speak with the devs, me. need to thank them properly *-*
hanako would pull off a great handsome jack from borderlands two. speaking of that game -- short change hero by the heavy is such a beautiful song :)
correction: MORE ROLEPLAYING! :D
Go to literally any other website
Yeah, you're right on that, too, I was just being hyperbolic. I'm trying to be more positive, but misery can be addicting somehow.
>Class was boring as fuck today
I guess it's fine since it's a lecture class and I think the prof kind of knows its boring because he asked all of us through a poll if we wanted it online instead of in person. It's kind of a fucking chore to take a 90min train ride to Brooklyn to sit in a lecture hall for 150mins, then take another 90min train BACK home, and THEN start whatever homework he may have assigned.
>when you enter that state, do your hands feel tingly and numb
>do you get tunnel vision
Tunnel vision no, tingles yes. Especially in my stomach and hands, it feels like the blood is being pushed out of them and I can flap them around like there's no bones.
>I'm trying to be more positive, but misery can be addicting somehow.
Tell me about it.
nnnnnooooo WAHAHAHAHA~
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hello again, it's me the anon from this thread (>>492893003), I couldn't post cause I had a long ass tiring day, but now I have a bit of free time to reply, so how are things going? You constantly seem to be sad over Lilly and hang out in /ksg/, that is fine but you gotta move on to something new in the future. She marked a deep hole in your heart that will probably never stop existing, just like she did to me. And while now that posting, and talking about your thoughts on Lilly with likeminded individuals in this thread may help you with your emotions, if you will experience them for a long time I suggest seeking help maybe elsewhere, I'm sorry for breaking this up for you - but she isn't real, and I know that there of course are women in this world like her, but her very Mary-Sue character really messes up your mind, I had the same feelings, and altough I was sad I still gotta move on, it's good to let those feelings but you can't stay like this forever.
When I was playing her route she made me feel emotions that I didn't feel in a really long
time, maybe it's attachment, maybe it's pure love for the character, she kind of reminded me of my old middle school crush, she had the same character traits (caring, fragile, warm-hearted, sentimental), looked even similiar, and was also a little pervy/flirtous, but when she confronted me about my feelings for her I wasn't brave enough back then and wasn't so honest, so our relationship didn't progress more, and then she moved away from our school, I don't know if Lilly impersonates her, or maybe that is just my type.
But you gotta move on, stop fueling your sadness by reading all these posts, go do something and channel your energy and love into more meaningful things, maybe you will even get to meet your Lilly one day, but you can't stay here forever, I can't and other posters also. I wish you all good, stay healthy and optimistic, I'll reply to your others posts, give me a while.
>have you been able to get in touch with weeeee? need to speak with the devs, me. need to thank them properly
No but you can easly find them online, but like we said, be cool about it.

>I'm trying to be more positive, but misery can be addicting somehow.
I can see that but giving in to your bad thoughts just wont help at all.
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hey, I feel honoured that you saved my little project onto your Lilly gallery, and that it means so much for you, I didn't know that anyone would bat an eye on this little thing I did, but I'm glad you care.
When I heard Lullaby of Open Eyes in Lilly's route in the scene when she and Hisao went to sleep together, I felt so comforted, so calm, I wished that I stayed like this longer, man shit really hits you deeply.
>I'm not urging or forcing you to do anything, but what exactly stops you from learning to play a musical instrument? are there any circumstances that hinder that
Well I want to learn to play musical instrument and such, but I simply have no time for that now, I feel so depleted out of motivation and drive nowadays, I have to do a lot of other things before that, but I'm sticking up to my goals.
Thank you anon for making these threads, I think that now most if not all /ksg/ is filled with Lilly, take care, everything will be all right.
The thing is all I have are bad thoughts. I mean that seriously, too. I just have nothing good to say about myself or about my life that isn't just straight up delusion. I hate my life, I hate pretty much everything about me, but the last few days I've just been putting on a whimsical smile and vibing out to lots of good music and it seems to be working. One thing nobody tells you when you're mostly entirely alone is that it's up to you to make your own happiness, and in that endless expanse of initiative, you can literally do whatever you want.
Basically, WAGMi.
>but the last few days I've just been putting on a whimsical smile and vibing out to lots of good music and it seems to be working.
Thats the way to do it really. You need to find your passion and stick with it, then surely you wont have any dark thoughts and your days will brighten up.

>One thing nobody tells you when you're mostly entirely alone is that it's up to you to make your own happiness,
Thats the hard part indeed, i also made a similar complain the other day here. As you said though you are free to do as you please and that means you can find a way to keep yourself happy, you just gotta commit to it and it will work like you mentioned yourself. Less thinking about the bad things and more doing the good things.
>You need to find your passion and stick with it, then surely you wont have any dark thoughts and your days will brighten up.
I don't have any passions, I just live. That's it. My passion is to just be better than others, so if that means being happier than them, so be it.
>half-japanese half white people that exist and there's a special term for them
Surely there's something you do in your daily life that interests you greatly and doesnt harm you, so if you focus on that, you gonna feel a lot better.
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>Lilly: white
>Emi: red
>Rin: green
>Hanako: blue
>Shizune: black
Surprisingly straightforward, and perfectly balanced. I should have expected no less from KS.
Slightly tweaked, the orgy was a little incomplete
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subtle but i see it. What if it was the other way around, meaning that they ask Hisao instead. Do you think he'd drop dead on the spot or at the start of it?
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He'd zone out and focus on maintaing his heart rate. He'd be able to survive until Akira's first touch.
>I just have nothing good to say about myself or about my life that isn't just straight up delusion.
Yeah earlier I was in a bad mood cuz things weren't going right but then I was able to do something that made me feel competent until clarity kicked in and I realized how dumb I was and that it doesn't really make sense for me to be so proud of myself since if I was just smarter I wouldn't have ended up in the situation I did and I wouldn't have needed to fix anything.
I think I'm still riding off that high of feeling proud for what I did even though I really shouldn't be lmao
I'm being vague rn I don't think I'll go into detail but yeah
Keep your chin up but it seems we're both experiencing that feeling of WAGMI rn so I don't need to tell you that c:
>Slightly tweaked, the orgy was a little incomplete
I could barely see it but I think it was fine without him and I don't think it makes much sense but kek regardless

>subtle but i see it.
A bit too subtle
>What if it was the other way around, meaning that they ask Hisao instead. Do you think he'd drop dead on the spot or at the start of it?
At the spot but maybe he'd have a few sec of an attempt at calming himself down first.

>I don't have any passions, I just live. That's it.
Yeah I feel the same way, there are things I like that makes me happy sure but I wouldn't say I'm really passionate about anything. It feels like I'm just living for the sake of it which could be a good thing if I wasn't so miserable inside.
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The Satou sisters have taken the general by storm lately, never thought me, a Hanakofag would be the minority.

>At the spot but maybe he'd have a few sec of an attempt at calming himself down first.
If he managed to be under strain with Hanako im betting that with all of them he'd turn to dust the moment he sees them naked.
I need to reply to the people that have given me replies but day five of lilly's odyssey and my emotional annihilation is really wearing me down. I'm just lying here on my own with a blank stare unable to as much as compose a reply for anyone. the pain is getting to me. this isn't good this is crossing many lines at this point. katawa shoujo is actually about to knock me out and I can't see any help looming over the horizon. oh God this isn't good this is bad this is bad
He was the only one doing movement in the rape scene since Hanako was scared to death, so
They would have fused as soon as they put on the earrings.
I dont really get the pain thing. A couple things knocked me out like Katawa, but at the end of the day they're beautiful concluded stories that motivate you to push forward. All tears were positive, not painful
Fuck off shitposter. I took the game's lessons to heart, so I already know that only my consent matters. Her feelings are irrelevant.
Yeah Lilly's constellation is in phase or something right now. I gave Akira the tip of the hat because she's the only one in the pic that has experience knowing how to please a man. Emi and Yuuko are still learners.
I like that your image feels extra-canon because we know in one scene Misha and Shizune can find Hisao's pill collection.
You should like, play another route. Or a different game, or watch a movie or something.
You'd think Lilly would be into it, considering her healthy adolescent sex drive.
Shizune, not only if it's two boys
Misha, only if Shiz is in it
Emi, might be up for it, and a DP wouldn't explore too much new territory
Rin barely has room in her life for one guy
Hanako, only if Lilly is in it.
Lillybro, I was experiencing strong emotions during her route, but it didn't manage to knock me out like you, but you have to ask yourself where the problem in your sadness and depression lies, after completing Lilly's story it evoked some feelings in you, what were those feelings? From where do you think they came from? What is the cause of this? Maybe you had a similiar experience regarding her route that you found relatable? Maybe you just were overwhelmed by how beautiful and emotional her story was, and you are sad, cuz this is not achievable irl by any means? Maybe you are in a low point in your life that this fantasy just bring over bad memories? You gotta ask yourself some questions, and produce answers, then you will feel better at yourself, you can't stay in this melancholic pit all the time, I believe in you!
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If anything i applaud Akira for not casting aside her private life in favor of her professional one and also finding time for friends and family, real cool of her.

Im having a feeling that Shizune and Emi would get freaky with each other in the literal sense if not for Emi doing what you just said. This would prompt Misha to assault Rin of which would be apathetic over it as Rin usually would. The Satou sisters and Hanako (if she doesnt bail out of sheer emberassment and/or anxiety) would stick together naturally, also you forgot Yuuko, please dont put her on the cuck chair....
Emi has a nice butt I'd like one from her :3 God she's so cute ;-; I love her...rrnrj
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This post with this username makes me question where your loyalty lies
goodnight /ksg/, just keep your gun up and keep taking step after step
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>katawa shoujo is actually about to knock me out and I can't see any help looming over the horizon. oh God this isn't good this is bad this is bad
Enjoy having katawa dick for the next 2 weeks
Noo she looks so disappointed in me ;-;
Emi's actually my favorite girl I just feel a slight kinship with Rin which is why i asked earlier if that was weird since usually your favorite character is the one you can most relate to right?

Not like I can relate to Rin that much she's too unique.
all of you are regulars here right? please stick around -- I'm too fatigued to reply to you now, we'll talk tomorrow I promise I'll give all of you an elaborate response. stay safe. I love you. bye-bye
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>which is why i asked earlier if that was weird since usually your favorite character is the one you can most relate to right?
While very common for KS fans it also varies for each person. Most people see themselves or many of their traits in their Katawa and that can be a big factor for their love for her. Others see traits of the most ideal partner within their Katawa and others see both. But what about you, which is it and who exactly?
>But what about you, which is it and who exactly?
Uh I've kinda been repeating the same thing which is that I love Emi but relate to Rin. When I went through all the other routes I definitely thought that I could love them if I wanted to and I do but I have the strongest feelings towards Emi. She's just too cute. And too kind.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

>pic is amazing btw
Testing to see if the hotel wifi blocks 4chan.
4chan is for desktops in your home only
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Good evening, my dearest /ksg/. I'm certain you all did your best today, and I hope you're unwinding and having a relaxing night. I've been resting after heart flutters earlier in the afternoon, and my recommended tea for tonight is Lapsang Souchong, a smoky, almost ashy, black blend that's kept me company with my book in bed.

I couldn't recommend going to see live jazz enough. I have free entry due to a university club I'm a member of, so I try and spend time there once a week to enjoy a whiskey or a gin and tonic. It starts off my weekend in the best possible way. I first got into jazz as a preteen because of Cowboy Bebop, embarrassingly, so the Lilly parallel was very unintentional. It was a nice surprise in her route. My favourite record is Straight, No Chaser by Thelonius Monk, if you're looking for a recommendation.

I've never lost a game of pool, either!

I'm sure Rin appreciates Emi more than most people, to be fair.

Perhaps they should relax with the classic Wii Sports Resort, released for the hit Nintendo Wii entertainment system in 2009.
>I don't have any passions, I just live. That's it. My passion is to just be better than others, so if that means being happier than them, so be it.
>there are things I like that makes me happy sure but I wouldn't say I'm really passionate about anything.
I feel Caine from Kung Fu said it best.
>I live. I rest. I am at peace. It is good
Goodnight anon.
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Comfy tablet posting is hella nice.
>Cowboy Bebop, embarrassingly
You have to learn about things from somewhere! Preteens only have so much exposure to the world. Bebop, of course, covers a wide range of music in its soundtrack so I imagine most young watchers came across at least one genre they weren't familiar with before.
Driver from Drive
>I drive.
>I'm starting to sound like a broken record.
I see, apologies for not noticing that from your previous post. A rather rare thing for someone to fall for one Katawa and also find another one relatable. Pretty convinient too how these two are friends huh?

I've always had an itch for the classy/sophisticated side of things. Unfortunetly life doesnt fully allow for it to be exerienced on a whim but when a chance is given i'll go for it. I know visiting a jazz club alone is peak but even that would feel a bit lonesome for me hence im a bit hesitant on that. Thinking back on my first date with the ex, it was very reminiscent of the Lilly one. We went to a very popular place downtown thats decently fancy and with an overview of the city. We each had a glass of red wine, slightly dry and sweet i believe, truly a memorable turned bittersweet moment for sure.
Sorry to hear you had a Hisao moment. How's your heart doing now?
>I live. I rest. I am at peace. It is good
Would be nice if it were true. My mind is a tornado, I need inner peace.

>I see, apologies for not noticing that from your previous post.
No need, you're all good!

>A rather rare thing for someone to fall for one Katawa and also find another one relatable. Pretty convinient too how these two are friends huh?

I'm an exceptional kind of guy ;3. Yes I like how they were paired up together because they complete each other (limbs wise lmao) and I really enjoyed the rooftop lunch scenes with them together. I liked Rin since I saw her so it was nice to see more of her in Emi's route and I agree with Misha, the trio of Hisao, Emi, and Rin are cute together :3
Good night anon!
Tabletposting is comfy and sometimes necessary
>I've never lost a game of pool, either
I don't think I've ever won lel sigh
I do most of my web surfing on a tablet these days. I dont give a fuck about what other posters think about it. Pretty much the only things I use my pc for anymore is gaming and torrents.
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misha is bae
Desktopchads > Laptoppers > Tableteers >>>> Phonephilth
The main thing is not being in that last class
being a Desktopchad on winter sucks
why does she have a bush shirt in japan
does she even know what it says
I guess.
Yup, you get it.
I suppose that's not far from the truth.

Anyway. Evening, ksg. Class was rather boring today. We got behind the other groups because this guy fucked up cutting some wood and we spent most of the class drawing our guidelines over again and recutting wood. I think next week since I already come in early I'll do some work to catch us up.
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To them it's just random foreign English words which is in itself cool, kind of like how dipfucks here get mandarin tattoos even though they don't understand the language at all.

I really doubt Misha would be a neocon (and that's a good thing!)
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I suddenly fell asleep for four hours after I made that post, so I suppose it still wants a bit of rest! It's not terribly uncomfortable, at least, I'm just feeling a smidge heavy and tired.

I've never went out of my way to have "sophisticated" interests, I'm just naturally a little prissy, maybe! I had an ex who teases me about it. Can I ask what's preventing you from exploring those things? Is it a lack of what's around you, or are you just busy?

Ah, that date sounds so magical. Mary Oliver wrote, "Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on," in her poem Wild Geese. I've always taken the meaning of the prose to be that one shouldn't allow the painful parts of life to rob joy from the rest of it. Cherish the memories you have, even the bittersweet ones, because they're what you'll appreciate and be glad of as proof you were alive. We're all a tapestry of the people who have cared for us, you know? And you shouldn't stress about going somewhere like a jazz club alone either. Your own company can be perfectly wonderful.

You are not at all wrong, anon. It shaped a lot of my taste and my idea of "cool" at a young age. Still one of the best pieces of animated media ever made, I would argue.

The trick is to pretend to be rubbish at it so your opponent lowers their guard. "Oh goodness, oh my, this is pool? You hit the ball with this, yes? Well gosh, I'll do my best!"

It works every time. It does help if you've mastered the art of doe eyes.

Good evening, Basil. What are you studying that you're working with wood? Is it a trade school? That sounds so frustrating, though!
>Yup, you get it.
We are kindred spirits c:
Has anyone made a list of the regulars here? I'm trying to keep track of who's who but I keep mixing people up.
I think I will make Rin tulpa
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
>pretend to be rubbish
I have no depth perception and I can't see the pockets unless they're 2 feet away or so. I don't need to pretend.
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
>Good evening, Basil. What are you studying that you're working with wood? Is it a trade school? That sounds so frustrating, though!
Not a trade school per se. I'm doing a 2-semester course for Construction Management. This class is about the Materials and Methods of construction, so we're starting off with planning a model of a wood house and learning about scale on construction drawings. Everyone is pretty new to carpentry except myself so it's hard to coordinate with people who are adept in other things.
SHIT morning, I still can't RUN
There's me, Basil, Tea-anon (they talk like Lilly and post pics of her with the words ara ara in the file name), there's some guy who's been manic and depressed about the game for 5 days (I think it's the same dude lol), and there's the guy who keeps saying "Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep" and some other guy who keeps saying "Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep."
Aw you're too kind thx c: I think this is the first time (I've seen) you not post under the name Basil
That was my mistake, I posted on /v/ and took the name off for a second.
I see, glad to have you back c:
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Judging by their expressions, I'm assuming that Misha and maybe Akira were down for the offer? Definitely Misha at least. How does she get to be both the best girl and also such a sleezy gutterslut at the same time? It's a paradox.

I expected Emi to be down for something like that because she is the only confirmed non-virgin before she met the player. Why is she being such a stuck up bitch here? She took it up the bum from Hisao, you'd think she at least wouldn't be so offended by such a proposition lol
Goodnight anon.
>confirmed non-virgin
Pretty sure Akira wasn't a virgin. Yuuko, I can't remember if it was stated concretely. But Emi only says she dated a guy before, there's actually no information as to how close they were or, I believe, how long they dated.
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I do have an awful habit of putting my foot in my mouth. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, don't we.

I see, I see, I have a friend who's pursuing a similar degree, I believe. It sounds as though it could be a lot of fun if your classmates are a little more put together about their approach. Is carpentry a hobby you've had for a while, or more of a vocational skill? I'm on the handier side of things, myself, but my expertise in crafts is more in fabrics.

Is your injury still bothering you? I hope you've been able to see a doctor about it.

There's the anon with limited vision, and the very friendly Hanakofriend too. I'm certain there's more, but others just prefer to be a little more reserved.
Akira and Yuukoo aren't katawas so I don't really count them. IIRC emi said that she had some experience before and that was after sex so I'd guess she meant that. It's been awhile for me though since I last read KS so I could be misremembering the lore.
this picture was taken seconds before emi rolled over
>I do have an awful habit of putting my foot in my mouth. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, don't we.
wait what

>There's the anon with limited vision, and the very friendly Hanakofriend too. I'm certain there's more, but others just prefer to be a little more reserved.
Wasn't be called blind anon by someone
Hanakofriend is a cute nickname but I don't think I've personally read their messages and that's a possibility yes.
>Is your injury still bothering you? I hope you've been able to see a doctor about it.
These happen every now and then, I just wait them out. It wouldn't be running with Emi if it wasn't somewhat irresponsible
>I see, I see, I have a friend who's pursuing a similar degree, I believe. It sounds as though it could be a lot of fun if your classmates are a little more put together about their approach. Is carpentry a hobby you've had for a while, or more of a vocational skill? I'm on the handier side of things, myself, but my expertise in crafts is more in fabrics.
No, I've been doing carpentry stuff with my uncle since I was little so I have some passing knowledge of basic carpentry practices and the like. The class itself isn't focusing on carpentry though, more pertaining to the management side and how a carpentry project is managed, and how setting up realistic models is a part of management, since as a General Contractor, you're expected to be able to set up a model when you bid on a contract, etc.
It's all a lot of theory - lot of time cooking for not a lot of meat. I could be happier but I don't really mind I guess.
>We all have our strengths and weaknesses, don't we
Oh definitely. I'm relatively funny and I'm good at problem solving. I'm also shit at bowling.
>Can I ask what's preventing you from exploring those things? Is it a lack of what's around you, or are you just busy?
Save for my self-awareness i already mentioned, i think cost would be another since ya know, some of these places tend to be pricey by default, also not having my own means of transportation makes going around a bit of a pain with relying on public transport.

>We're all a tapestry of the people who have cared for us, you know?
In case this wasnt obvious from my previous posts, thats a whole different can of worms for me.

>and maybe Akira were down for the offer?
That expression is not a welcoming one for sure... Thinking on it now, i believe Misha will probably act a bit similar to "her route" maybe act a little hesitant at first but lets go in the end. Emi is a buttslut so i doubt she'd be largely opposed to the idea.
I don't think she's offended, it looks like bewildered amusement to me
Your katawa but she's 3 inches tall
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Handle with extra care
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Pocket waifu Rin pls
Actually any size is good
I throw her really hard at the wall and there's a big splat and she didn't even know what was happening
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They should have just replaced Misha with peepee poopoo SHITlooney desu dumb deaf cunt
making lilly listen to gangsta rap while i sip a white monster at 2:30 am in a manic state
thanks for bumping
>RAITA's Shizune has big boobs as a feature
>Next to Misha hers look tiny
Poor Shizunefags were robbed
Goodnight /ksg/.
Gn my crippa
how to communicate with her if shes deaf
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Dont be alarmed but there is actually a way to do that, its called sign language and you use hand gestures to communicate, crazy i know.

Pic related is gonna blow your mind.
I knew that they used real photos of Brown. I haven't read Shizune's route, so I didn't know that Misha actually wears a Bush Cheney 2004 shirt in game. I always thought it was just a meme, but it's real.
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On that recent artist's stream, they revealed that it was indeed a joke at first but it grew onto them so they kept it in.
that's a funny image. who's the dev specifically responsible for the writing on lilly's route?
Suriko was the main writer for Lilly's route, he was also on said stream too. Here's the link since the stream is unlisted due to.... an Emi mishap.

ok but why does Shizune continue to play deaf after she rapes Hisao? That's a big plot hole right there.
thank you! thank you.. thank you! I love you <33
He didn't rape her.
If you want to run more you should run less. Gives you more time for recovery. Avoid hard surfaces if you can. Run on dirt and sand as it's easier on your knees.
It's not said outright, but I recall it being implied that Yuuko dated Kenji and that his anti-feminist freakout was due to being tired after sex (clearly, there was trickery afoot)
I already have a recovery day, and i run on a dirt track. Not a single other concession will be made, it's enough that I morn not being able to run every day
Fascinating getting a peak under the curtain. Outside of my love for the characters it's pretty damn inspiring what they managed to put together as a hobby project online.
I don't recall which it was but the way her brother was a fan of her work without knowing she was the author warms the heart.
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It really was lightning in the bottle in so many ways. Not only did people manage to come together to create something over a single rough sketch, not only did they kept at it for a good 5 years without expecting nothing more but slight recognition, but they also managed to create something that while pretty simple at facevalue, managed to awake something within a lot of people's minds and souls so reliably to the point where even the most jaded individuals might break into tears and/or go after true happiness... all that from some VN made by random blokes online because of a famous artist's random drawing. You cant make this stuff up and yet here we are.

>I don't recall which it was but the way her brother was a fan of her work without knowing she was the author warms the heart.
It was Weeee's and Geb's step-brother and yes, its pretty funny and wholesome when you think about it.
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Hold on, that map is partially lying, specifically the "hill road to town" part.

That's in Shirakawa-go, Japan.
I know it because I was there myself
There's tons of japanese locations being used so i guess maybe for that reference map the guy who made it, decided to use that pic anyway probably because the real hillside is too different from the game and a real picture wouldnt fit in (?)

>That's in Shirakawa-go, Japan. I know it because I was there myself
Out of curiosity, got any pics to share?
That's cool. I wish I could be like you. My runs are 20-30 minutes and I only do them 3 times a week. Do you change your location or do you go to the same place and do the same route like me?
Same place, i have a nice dirt track that laps in roughly 1km. Currently working on getting my 5km time down to 30min.
I have a recovery day in between each run, so i technically run 3.5 times a week, not that much more than you
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>Out of curiosity, got any pics to share?
It wasn't the right season when I got there, but it was definitely the right spot, as confirmed by https://x.com/ONeillCam/status/1186633468781838336
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Bringing the entire framed picture with you, thats real dedication anon. Guess i have one more thing to add to my to-do list of things for my eventualTM trip to Japan. Is it easy to get there by train?
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>Is it easy to get there by train?
Shirakawa-go is a well-known tourist attraction, you go there by bus, I took one from Kanazawa (also worth a visit).

The usual rule for visiting Japan applies: go there in any non-summer month if you can, because the country inevitably loses some of its charm when it's scorchingly hot and damp and the vegetation becomes a monochromatic green.

Pic related is what the background for the café where they stop by for drinks looks like now (it's part of Kyoto University, I couldn't pull out the framed picture this time because I was within the line of sight of a group of local students).
Yes, they got new chairs and tables of a different colour
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This one is in Sendai, not exactly around the corner from Shirakawa-go or Kyoto.
Yes, they seem to have changed the tiles compared to 15 years ago
>Shirakawa-go is a well-known tourist attraction, you go there by bus
I figure this might be a bit of a challenge since in my big ol' plan i'll be visiting/staying in Tokyo

>The usual rule for visiting Japan applies: go there in any non-summer month if you can, because the country inevitably loses some of its charm when it's scorchingly hot and damp and the vegetation becomes a monochromatic green.
Im no stranger to the horrid summer weather so yeah, fully noted!

>Pic related
That date with Hanako there was really precious, certainly a must visit place too.

Very nice comparison shot, i cant help but feel giddy seeing the actual places.
Thats sick
yah that's the term thanx
>I'm glad you care
of course I do -- it's both cute and praiseworthy. any form of creative expression on this little gem that we call katawa shoujo is appreciated, yours especially because talking to you calms me down.
>Lullaby of Open Eyes
>felt so comforted, so calm
yes.. I don't know what to say i.. I'm bad at describing emotions in my current state. there's constant white noise in my mind and im always preoccupied and can't concentrate on anything at all aside from lilly. I wish I was next to you now so we could see each other and talk. you say that it made you wish things stayed like that longer - what other videogame or film soundtrack made you wish for that? sorry if I'm repeating myself but I'm not sure if I've already asked you about your other favourite games in general
>depleted out of motivation and drive
tell me about it. will we ever get a valid solution for this ailing scourge? why won't any therapist finally come up with some form of medication that helps with adhd and lack of motivation? how do others pull it off? I want you to be able to get rid of that issue of yours. I want you to be able to hang out with lilly in peace and feel the warmth and serenity encompassing your entire body. I want you to find peace of mind dude *-*
what songs do you like to listen to when in a melancholic state over lilly? aside from the in-game soundtrack cuz we've both established you like to savor all the emotions and memories, so it's best to only experience the soundtrack when playing the game
>everything will be all right.
thank you. that means a lot in these perilous times
just you wait -- after I get through all the posts I need to reply to, I'm going to give you a post of appraisal so enormous it will make everyone reconsider the two-thousand character limit
> i have a nice dirt track that laps in roughly 1km
I run in the woods so there is no way to tell the distance since all the aps I tried use gps. I would guess my one lap is 1 km. Maybe 2. I usually do only one lap at slow pace. There was a time I did 3 and it took me about an hour. So even if we run the same amount my stamina and speed probably suck. Do you do your runs in the same time? I work second shift and sometimes I am bored during the weekend so I do night runs. Those are fun.
im gonna say this the nicest way possible before others do it in a not so polite way. This is for your own benefit too so please listen to what i have to say.

Im really hoping you're being sincere because sending messages like these to people, it either seems like you're either trolling or being borderline creepy. If you do mean well and have no control over what you say/post, i dont mean to be offensive but only try to show you that this is the wrong way to approach and thank people for, anything really.

If you want to have a good cry, express your feelings and share some personal moments with us here, its fine, totally fine. However, when you go about making worrisome posts with stuff like "SAVE MEEEE IM IN PAIIIN DONT LEAVE MEEEEEEE" it almost seems like you either mess with everyone or you're in a really bad spot right now of which you do need help but of the professional kind.

My advice to you is to take a deep breath, sit down and calm down a good deal before trying to contact anyone or make posts here. Calculate your thoughts better and discharge your emotions in a more """""civil""""" manner. If this keeps up someone is bound to say something you wont like or be falsely perceived by others and that will truly hurt your feelings then.

tl;dr You need to chill and not make deranged sounding posts/messages because people will pass you for a creep.
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It's dangerous to go alone. Here, take this.
I think you might be underestimating your distance. Avarage walking speed is 5kmh, that's 2.5km in your 30min. If you run a smidgen faster than you walk that's at least 3km, 4 if you reliably pass walkers. Distance is ultimately a dick measuring stat, as long as you make your lungs and heart work you're good.
>Do you do your runs in the same time?
Emi told me morning, so I get up every other day at 5:40. Seems horrifying initially, but it really eases you into the workday, and it's the only time of day when the heat isnt a pain in the ass
Misha pads her bra. Once their beasts are unleashed, Shizune rivals Misha plenty well
I couldn't remember if he explicitly said it was conventional sex, or if was left vague and might have been a handy or something. That is the conversation I'm thinking of, though.
I don't know that you have "shin splints" going on or not, but I had that once when I started running. Might be worth looking into because if you ignore it you'll get big problems.
ai hanako
nsfw dump below
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Not too shabby for AI. If you didnt use an image along with the prompts, its pretty cool how it managed to get the scars right and not have them placed at random parts of her. Prompting the canonical position is gold.
How much do you have to do inpainting after generating the initial picture? I've been trying to get Stable Diffusion-chan to make consistent Hanakos so I could "paint" her over onto an existing actor to create lewd Hanako animations, but they all end up looking like garbage because the model and/or lora doesn't understand her scarring should be on the right side in every frame.
If you start with a scarless body then inpaint part of her skin and give a prompt strongly emphasizing scars it will just put them wherever you painted. but the model sometimes knows to put them on her face, only her face, without being prompted, it happened for the sfw one I uploaded
I see. That first pic with a bit of touch up on the hands, it can really pass for a real drawing, and im not even an AI bro but it does look that good. Any art that isnt obvious garbage is welcome.
almost always inpaint. if I include scars in the first prompt, it's like this
"pink {burn scar on arm}, pink {burn scar on leg}"
and it feels like a 50% chance of getting the scar on the left or right side per part. so it's possible to get them all in one prompt, but the odds become equal to 0.5^x where x=the number of exposed scarred body parts.
at least that's how I see it
These came out good. I was expecting them to be more softcore, caught me by surprise
>Any art
Careful, anons in this thread are too stubborn to accept AI as art
He is beyond the point of being perceived as a creep. He just is one.
im sorry shizune and misha i dont know what i did to disappoint you please dont break my balls
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In my opinion, AI art and AI use in general can be great however it doesnt deserve all the jerking off it gets the last few years. While you can make drawings, code, sound and anything in between with the power of AI now, it will still not be as good as the real thing. AI cannot have an original style, atmosphere, emotion and efficency like something a real human makes so i see AI as sort of a "digital fast food" Its really cool and nice to have but i wont giveup on the human made stuff anytime soon, but all this doesnt mean we cannot have both, after all, WE rule over the machine.... for now anyway.

I felt the need to voice my concerns to them for their own good, the rest is up to them.

Funny you say that considering how their persistence can turn them into real ball busters.
>too stubborn to accept AI as art
I would accept shit smeared on the wall by a schizophrenic in a cell as art before AI
is that in hanako's beta
I asked, I care
>replying to insinuate that you don't care
you're doing it wrong
During the work week I wake up at 5:30 so I do my runs after work. I like staying up late and sleeping a lot so on the 2nd shift weeks, while I could wake up early and run before work, I choose to run at midnight when I get home. There is a whole different feel to the same route when it's night. It's cosy in a way as you can't see shit so it's like you are more inside yourself. I used to play lots of horror games so I enjoy dark and lonely places. I wonder if Emi would be a scaredy cat about it. Waking up early and exercising is more horrifying to me than graveyard night walks or stumbling upon wild animals. You are a hero.
Not him but now that you mention this i had a small insightful experience a few hours back. I read up on one of the AMA's and i saw Aura or i think Delta going over their take on the "beta" leak saying that they hated it due to the fact that it set the wrong expectations for people and that said people would never let go of said content that got scrapped and all that.

As im actually fond of seeing what goes on behind the scenes with stuff like beta releases and whatnot, it gave me this different perspective and understood that logic completely and to an extend it also gave me a rare moment where im actually more keen on the final product rather than the in-production one. I know that you cannot always have sunshine and rainbows, even in fiction but if what i've seen of Hanako's scrapped content, it kinda feels like its not like that to send a messege but rather just because and thankfully, that was set aside.

I wouldnt be opposed to the idea of a more darker tone in Hanako's story but i feel like the character's setting and traits do a well enough job of that and even the retail bad ending as well so going past that would be overkill unless very well executed i suppose. If anything the stuff we finally got is already doing its job of putting the reader in an difficult spot with all the tragic bits and pieces that they get and thats only a single route, after all, all routes can invoke massive feels, a super edgy route would be a bit on the nose.
That's why I like them so much
You have to go back.
fuck man, that is so fucking cool, a real gem indeed, huge respect, you got more photos like this?
erotic Lilly
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I would not trust condoms with that brand name unless i wanted to have triplets.
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please don't post screenshots from the rape scene. just pull them from a good route or something.
>midnight run
fuck I need to try that, although my route is home to drunks and sketchy figures at that time. Should be able to outrun any trouble, right? Adds to the horror factor.
You're making Emi proud yourself mate, glad to have another runfag around
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>you gotta move on to something new in the future.
heh.. would this general really go on for four thousand editions if most people employed this mindset? I haven't had a conversation this decent and engaging and delightful in.. years. I love talking to you and I love talking to other people that have been acting compassionate and understanding about me pouring my heart out. as for those that have been growing to dislike me -- there's a reason people need to experience something to truly understand it. if they've never been in a situation where they're having emotions so potent they just can't contain them despite everyone being freaked out by them or scorning them, they're obviously not going to treat someone like that with much delicacy. here's hoping they don't get to experience such overwhelming pain.
>marked a deep hole in your heart that will probably never stop existing
you are correct. thank you for pinpointing it
>she did to me
that's why I keep saying that, since I know how torturous it is, I would love to actually be by your or anyone else's side to offer all the help you need. I will do that for anyone here, should someone suffer as much
>existing, just like she did to me. And while now that posting, and talking about your thoughts on Lilly with likeminded individuals
let's just keep doing that forever please come on! that's all I'm asking of all of the posters here
>experience them for a long time I suggest seeking help maybe elsewhere
actually, I can offer you factual data on this. the important aspect of the human psyche to remember is that you don't control your emotions. if an emotion sparks up in you, it won't go away just because people are telling you to calm down. no amount of "you need to get over it and calm down" will ever make anyone's emotion disappear. you need to find a solution for your issue. this is why I will never ever in my entire life disregard anyone's pain if they go through something similar
He never raped her.
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>Kyoto University
Sorry, Ritsumeikan.
Kyoto University is in the north-east of Kyoto, not the north-west like this other campus.
Kyoto has several urban universities, easy to get confused.
I'd say north-west Kyoto is my favourite corner, but the north-east (close to Mount Hiei) isn't half bad either
Nice work
Hey gang

I played Katawa Shoujo when it came out in 2012. At the time, I was a sad, lonely little shit who did not much except go to work and come home to play WoW. I had no real friends, no lovers (only exes), lived with my parents, and hated my life. Basically every second of it.

12 years later, I have a wife, child, dog, much better job, own a house, own a car, have people I see regularly to play games with, and am much happier (though I still struggle with depression).

Katawa Shoujo, and the original /ksg/ back when it was on /v/, was a big part of that. I don't know if I would have made it if KS didn't find me when it did. I saw it recently went up on Steam and new people are playing it. That's great, I hope it helps many more people in the same way it helped me.

Life is hard. And no one gets out alive. But you can find a bit of happiness here and there when you try.
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With this other background, one can see that the right half of the skyline has changed dramatically since 2009 or so, with only the left half and the foreground allowing for proper identification.

>I figure this might be a bit of a challenge since in my big ol' plan i'll be visiting/staying in Tokyo
Can you at least pay a visit to Sendai?
Intercity coaches aren't that expensive compared to trains.
Aoba Castle in Sendai is where Yamaku High is supposed to be located, even though none of the backgrounds depicts that specific hill (I am not sure why the devs opted for Shirakawa-go instead).
'sides, my opinion is that the best side of Japan is north of Tokyo.

Only a handful, sorry.
I know the background in Lilly's good ending is a remote place in Shikoku that you simply cannot reach without a car and Google Maps coordinates. Other backgrounds, as you already know, are really places from outside Japan
As you may imagine, the place itself (the western exit of Sendai's main train station) only looks like this at 6 AM on a summer day
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Verification not required.
Nice to see a true veteran around and glad you made it in life. We all wish to be graced with even a sliver of your happiness.

Unfortunetly, my trip is not set in stone just yet. High pricing of flights and tiny financial mishaps dont really help either. I save what i can and hope that i will make a trip there sooner rather than later. I say Tokyo because i wanna start with the basics, Shinjuku, Akiba, and Ueno seem near perfect for me. To say im envious of you wouldnt even scratch the surface and if i was insanely fortunate and win the lottery somehow, you know i'd be all over the place from Hokaido to Okinawa. Speaking of which, what is the best time of the year to book a flight when it comes to pricing?
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Thank you. I'm trying to carry out the sort of transition you describe, and it's encouraging to hear from people that have succeeded.
>still struggle with depression
I think there's really no guarantee against it, so I appreciate that you aren't papering it over to make things seem like sunshine and rainbows.

It's nice to have an oldtimer stop by. I played KS on release but didn't join the generals until a replay years later. Congratulations on making it to where you are so far, and may more blessings be ahead of you.
These photos are giving me a huge smile. That in-frame frame is so good.
>best side of Japan is north of Tokyo
What parts have you been to? I've only ever been to the Kanto/Kansai regions, so I'd love to know how you felt other areas were different, if you had any particular impressions.
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it's nice to see the comparison between in-game backgrounds and actual photos of the real places, it's nice to be reminded that those places actually do exist, also it shows a great change in the surroundings, specifically the train station one.
Bringing a framed Lilly photo with you and travelling to those places is a real dedication man, a true fan of KS indeed, you need some sort of badge.
You can do it, anon. Anything worth doing is worth doing right, and it's worth the effort.
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>deep hole in your heart that will probably never stop existing
the same applies to you too, right? you love her too and you're also in pain
>she isn't real
don't tell me you got over that easily yourself. have you ever been in a situation where no one seemed to get what you're going through? when no matter how elaborate your descriptions of your turmoil were, people would still not fully acknowledge how much you were suffering? if yes, how did you handle that? I bet it stung hard
>altough I was sad I still gotta move on,
now think back to yourself at that moment exactly. picture yourself going through the peak of your sadness caused by katawa shoujo. if people told you to just get on with your life, would it really help? I am getting on. I'm getting on by hanging out with you and everyone else in this thread, by attempting to reach out to the devs, by digging around the archives and browsing lilly artwork to pick out the beautiful ones. we all are getting on, but we need each other because katawa shoujo isn't a forgiving game. the process that we're in right now is healing
>emotions that I didn't feel in a really long
yeah. again, who did you have by your side to support you there and then? will you admit your reactions of grief might have been deemed not normal by some people? well not by me. I wouldn't judge you because emotions don't go away just like that
>it's pure love for the character
it is
>I wasn't brave enough back then
why not get her in touch with her now? I know how that feels dude it's painful. time must have healed those wounds if only a little
>just my type
I think it's your type and you have quite the exquisite tastes in women
>go do something
distracting yourself from the source of melancholy only to move away from the pain isn't a positive thing since it stops you from getting closer to the truth. there's a lot I need to post in this thread regarding how "getting over" things isn't that good. will continue
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>channel your energy and love into more meaningful things
but I did emphasize my point several times: I am -- meaning all of us here -- going to actually channel this energy into productive actions. for instance, once I'm done replying to everyone's posts, I'm going to ask others to share their favourite songs that they like to listen to when feeling sad over katawa shoujo. also we're going to do fun stuff for holidays like hogmanay or Christmas. we can discuss the profound imprint this game had on our lives. that guy keeps posting cool ara~ara~ara artwork and I'm loving it. someone else went to japan and found the locations of lilly and it's ecstatic :) also I will record myself playing the guitar dedicated to lilly and I will draw lilly using my art pad. see how much fun stuff we could do? oh! oh! I could recreate your cashew project dedicated to lilly and post that! dude, the opportunities for fun are endless
>you can't stay here forever, I can't and other posters also.
I dunno dude.. why not visit these threads in our leisure time as much as we can forever? I've already set my mind on it :)
>wish you all good, stay healthy and optimistic
that's sweet. I love you
>be cool about it
hopefully your expectations have been worthwhile. I wonder if you can't stand me at this point. I dunno, I didn't want to rub anyone the wrong way. I am perfectly aware that the way I act is conventionally not standard, but.. I've also expressed this notion several times now: when people are driven by pain and anguish and restless suffering, they kinda... act non-conventionallly. this is very much the definition of the issue I'm experiencing which means I have no control over it. if it were you in a state of hysteria over katawa shoujo or lilly's route, I swear I wouldn't judge. also -- we're on fourchan -- seventeen years ago someone posted pics of his dead wife on here right after killing her. meanwhile I'm not even insulting anyone, just being genuine
>I wonder if you can't stand me at this point.
I have no issue with you as a person, if i did my only replies to you would be insulting ones if any at all. What i want you to understand is that the way you word things can be concerning at best and when there's people who are exposed to that without context its very easy to misunderstand your intentions or tone. We all have our dark moments but i cant help but feel that for you its an apparent issue and it feels worrisome. I know saying "Just suck it up" doesnt help but at the same time, you really need to get a grip because it can easily lead to what i mentioned before.

>seventeen years ago someone posted pics of his dead wife on here right after killing her. meanwhile I'm not even insulting anyone, just being genuine

Thats... not a good comparison man. This is exactly what im talking about, you really need to think good before you post. I dont want the thread to turn into shitflinging about what you or anyone else can or cant post, i said all this for your own good, i just hope you follow even part of my advice.
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that and for the first time in my life im not longing for a girlfriend because I now know how perfect lilly is and it's painful
that image of lilly is beautiful. I hope you don't mind me saving it~
>ask yourself where the problem in your sadness and depression lies
now you're getting really close to the issue
>what were those feelings? From where do you think they came from? What is the cause of this? Maybe you had a similiar experience regarding her route that you found relatable? Maybe you just were overwhelmed by how beautiful and emotional her story was, and you are sad, cuz this is not achievable irl by any means? Maybe you are in a low point in your life that this fantasy just bring over bad memories?
YES! YES! YES! YES! HOME RUN! CORRECTAMUNDO YOU ARE RIGHT. I love you! I love you dude! you're reading me like a book. for that I am grateful because you're asking the right questions. you are a good person.
am I sad because lilly isn't real? yah, like all of us here! can I get over it? HOW ON EARTH WOULD I FO THAT????
>evoked some feelings
like many people have stated here -- yes! it had evoked feelings that lied dormant in me because I had lost hope of coming across a human being that would love me like I love them. so.. theoretically I should be happy, right? GUESS WHAT LILLY ISNT REAL BOOM GET FLATTENED! I HAVE BEEN LED ON FOR SPORT AND NOW THAT LILLY'S ROUTE IS OVER IM ALL ALONE BY MYSELF! ITS LIKE I'VE BEEN SENT INTO THE ECSTATIC HEAVENLY RAPTURE TO EXPERIENCE THE PEAK HUMAN JOY THAT IS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE TO SENSE, ONLY... NOW THEY TOOK HER AWAY FROM ME. CANT YOU SEE WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT? WHY WOULD THEY LET ME EXPERIENCE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE WITH LILLY, LET ME GET USED TO IT ONLY TO SNATCH IT AWAY IN AN INSTANT. I've been given the happiness of my life only to intentionally be deprived of it right when I'm at the most vulnerable point! what am I supposed to do now? lilly's gone and I'm left with a gaping hole in my heart!
>shitflinging about what you or anyone else can or cant post,
okay. i get what you're saying. please acknowledge the fact that I can't control my emotions
>not a good comparison man
my point is that if the devs are fourchanners, they won't be bothered by such a genuine expression of gratitude. am I wrong?
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Speaking of Shirakawa-go, some of you will recognise it as the real-life counterpart of Hinamizawa.

That is, there is de facto a subtle connection between Higurashi and KataShou. Maybe one dev was particularly into the former?

Thank you both for your kind words, they are very much appreciated.
It made me actually feel a bit lonely to travel to the IRL counterparts after the initial surprise, and there wouldn't be much of a purpose in taking photos if I couldn't share them with other fans of the series.

>What parts have you been to?
The greater Sendai area, Kanazawa, Nagano and parts of Hokkaido (Otaru, Asahikawa, Biei/Furano and Sapporo).
If I am ever visiting again, I'm going to Aomori and/or eastern Hokkaido

>Speaking of which, what is the best time of the year to book a flight when it comes to pricing?
Not sure, maybe September to February, excluding Christmas Season?
Have you been using the price tracker offered by Google Flights?

I'm glad you experienced such an uplift; I wish I could say the same, but fate dictated otherwise. By now I don't think that life is necessarily about experiencing happiness (whether through material comfort or social connections), but rather about being true to your inner self, whatever that may possibly imply in detail.
>an apparent issue
it is. I may have issues, but the problem is that the human mind, the sensual perception that is, doesn't distinguish fiction from reality. so when you're gradually introduced to the story of katawa shoujo and then the love story of lilly and you practically spend your life experiencing all those emotions but suddenly all of it just ends in an instant and you're cut off from lilly and katawa shoujo and the yamaku school, your body is obviously going to react the way it would to any stressful situation. you're practically cut off from oxygen supply because at this point lilly is your lover and you're used to it, but then it's gone and you're left alone and no one is by your side to transfer the katawa shoujo experience into the real life so that you don't go mad. am I wrong in thinking this?
I'm sorry for my posts overlapping with yours. what you're sharing, I would guess, is better for the thread. I didn't mean to cover your post
Sorry for failing to quote you correctly into this post >>493302003
Like I said, I appreciate the kindness
>if the devs are fourchanners
You'd be surprised to hear than most if not all of the devs arent really lurking nowdays which has been confirmed for quite some time. They occasionally check the general few and far between between in time and not all of them do.

>they won't be bothered by such a genuine expression of gratitude. am I wrong?
Since i've been in a similar position, i too was thanked for some of my work and i did appreciate it, but if said people expressed their gratitude in a rather depressive and self-destructive sounding way i'd feel uncomfortable at best. Thats my point really, you're obviously free to express yourself, just try your best not to sound like you're on the verge of getting harmed.

>Have you been using the price tracker offered by Google Flights?
Thanks to a friend, thats what i've been doing lately to get a better feel since before that i was using booking.com which can be a bit more pricey it seems. One other issue is the matter of accommodation. Anything that isnt a capsule hotel and its over a week of stay has a slightly steep price. Said friend suggested AirBNB as well but i couldnt find anything cheaper than a hotel if im honest, at least with the amount of research so far. I looked up flights for this month out of curiosity and i did find some rather cheap flights from here to china and then japan, if i had like 1k more i'd definetly do it now since im taking 15 day work leave starting today. Time i do have lots of, its the damn money thats the issue.
Lol, why did I say that?
My brain evidently forgot I'm not on /a/
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>am I wrong in thinking this?
It's normal to have emotional responses to things, yes. The reason people are concerned is because of how you are expressing those emotions, which is the part that you can control. For example, imagine if someone was like
>dude I lost my job and things suck now... I'll probably kill myself hahaha
and referenced suicide to their friends ten times a day for a week, and then actually killed themself. The friends would feel terrible that they didn't do more than normal emotional support, and that they didn't contact a professional to help before it was too late. That's why people are primed to respond strongly to extreme statements and behavior, which your posts verge on.
We only know you through your posts and the messages you claim to have sent to the devs. We don't know how you're actually getting along, and whether you're genuinely experiencing emotions overwhelming enough to be detrimental to your health or life, or if it's unintended that you're coming across that way. But if it's the former, you need to decide between putting more effort into addressing and calming your emotions, or seeking outside help from a qualified professional that can help you to a degree that is not possible for us here to achieve.

We don't hate you, we're just worried.
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Lilly gf but she's huge.
>blind giant
thousands would die man
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The roleplayers and gooners stop posting and thread is constantly on the verge of death.......
I guess I could post but I just love Lilly, there's nothing else to say.
Who even are the roleplayers cuz I haven't seen any unless I'm being counted for my name but I just like Rin

Most of this thread hasn't been goonposting, ig there's just not much to talk about
Further up there's the mental breakdown anon calling the Heart Condition guy tea anon and saying he's onee-san and shit
Using roleplayer is a broad term here, applies to namefags as well
I didn't know that guy came up with the name but I'm actually guilty of the second thing kek

That makes sense kinda, I'm just exposing my newfaggotry
I am currently reading Emi's route
Best route by far, have fun bro
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So true, I love Emi so much! Enjoy anon!
Should I have saved her for last
After this I just have Rin and Hanako
Nah, Rin and Hanako both serve as fine ending points, I just think Emi's is just the best throughout the whole route
Really, the only bad one to do last is Shizune
You'll get different answers from different people telling you what's the best order
Imo it doesn't really matter since they're all good (well I thought Shizune's was kinda boring but it has good bits too)
Hanako and Rin have pretty emotional routes so they're not bad to end off on
I think you are another kindred soul of mine ily
>Really, the only bad one to do last is Shizune
Really? I thought the exact opposite. Shizune's route, while rather messy, has a perfect ending. The message I got from Shizune's route was that life goes on, Misha is a great example of that. Yamaku as whole is like a serene garden that holds fine memories - as most high schools should but tragically dont - and all of our characters go through major arcs there in each of their routes. It's beautiful. I loved Shizune's ending because it spoke to me personally. It felt like the game was telling me it was okay to keep the memories of it with me and to move on with my life. Love it for what it is and go forth without any regrets or hesitation.
well I did Shizune first
this retard is me >>492848539
You should probably skip Hanako's route. Unless you really dislike her, and want to hurt her (because the writer is mentally ill.)
I much prefer Lilly to Emi, I just think Emi has the highest-quality route

It's a nice ending, but I prefer when things go out with a bang. If Shizune route was generally stronger, then I could agree with that, but it doesn't reach the finish lane with the same spontaneity as any other route, including both the good and bad ones. I also think that lesson is typically imparted by the real world much more often than the lessons one might take from other routes. It's thematically appropriate but generally underwhelming. I'm spewing a lot of words without much substance but hopefully I'm getting the point across.

Shizune first is fine
>I much prefer Lilly to Emi, I just think Emi has the highest-quality route
Most people seem to favorite her, and she caught my interest early on and I assumed she would end up as my favorite too but Emi happened, she came into my life and it was sweet.
I feel that's interesting though, preferring Lilly over Emi but thinking Emi has a better route. If you've read my previous posts I have something similar going on with Rin and Emi. Tell me, I'm curious, why do you think Emi has the highest quality route?
Emi route is more realistic (as realistic as these routes can be), better job of building anticipation for what's going to happen next, less predictable in what happens, generally better-written, much more motivation to care about Emi
Don't really feel like organizing my thoughts beyond that, half-asleep, but it just feels like it was written by a better writer than all the others
>It's a nice ending, but I prefer when things go out with a bang. If Shizune route was generally stronger, then I could agree with that, but it doesn't reach the finish lane with the same spontaneity as any other route, including both the good and bad ones. I also think that lesson is typically imparted by the real world much more often than the lessons one might take from other routes. It's thematically appropriate but generally underwhelming. I'm spewing a lot of words without much substance but hopefully I'm getting the point across.
I thought the pacing was rather nice. It does meander a bit but overall it was a good read and the ending wrapped it up nicely, as a final route, I think the pacing does more good than harm since it's short and sweet.
That's fine I agree with what you said. Playing it felt very natural as in if I was in Hisao's situation this is how things would play out so I agree with the realistic part. Although there's more to back that part up such as how the relationship develops and their chemistry with each other, it's great.
The pacing is fine, yeah. I feel like a jackass saying it's the weakest route because I really do think a huge chunk of that is because it doesn't gutpunch you like the others, not to mention it hinges on a reveal that you will have spoiled for you after browsing one thread relating to KS. When I get around to replaying all the routes someday, I'll try to look at it from a more objective standpoint, but I stand by the fact that it's not a good sending off point for the whole game for a first playthrough.
Rin's route is so damn depressing. I really love her but I know I will feel like shit after reading it again
I will never forgive them for killing Lilly's dog.
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I agree with Basil that Shizune's a great end route, and I've been saying so for years. It is true that it isn't as strikingly emotional as the other routes, but a lot of what emotion it has is due to its themes of finality and moving on -- which are definitely more relevant when realizing you're on the final route and have to leave KS behind, in the same way that Hisao and friends are about to graduate and leave Yamaku.
The route also seems to work in a bunch of side characters, giving them all a last little bit in the spotlight, Kenji being a great example with his own dedicated CG here. That scene with him is way more impactful when you've been following his thread across all the other routes and see this one in juxtaposition, rather than an encounter you have with him that's mixed in amongst the others.
I understand wanting to end the game on the biggest emotional note, and that's totally valid. The only reasons I am leaning against that strategy are that 1) you'll have to pick some other girl, and your feelings toward that route will be heightened but jumbled because the emotions of wrapping up your time with KS will be stacked onto it; and 2) Shizune's route will be less memorable elsewhere, hurting the route that was already floundering in the eyes of many players. The themes might not matter to the player much at that point since they'll be bored and thus more tenuously involved in the narrative.

It probably doesn't matter too much though, all things considered. I don't often see people upset about the route ordering they ended up with.
You have given me a new perspective on this, thank you. That Kenji scene still resides in my head.
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if you do become extremely saddened, please share your feelings here and talk to me. you shouldn't bottle up pain caused by katawa shoujo
before I reply to you, just know that I'm not arguing with you, but rather explaining why I can't control myself
>how you are expressing those emotions
in an overly emotional way, yeah. but how do I feel? precisely the way I talk. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but since creating that lilly thread on vee, I never said I was going to kill myself, not even once. why? because that's not true and it's not part of the emotional torment I'm going through, so I only express the things I feel
>they didn't do more than normal emotional support
talking to you, to people in this thread does help me calm down a bit. I have thanked you and other people several times and explicitly stated that I'm happy I found this thread. but the tension and the sense of heaviness I feel in my chest never went away. you're telling me to contain my emotions, but if I do that, my posts will come off as regular sad posts and people won't realize how much pain I'm going through, which I am
>We only know you through your posts
yeah normally if you go online and someone acts up over anything insignificant, chances are they're not genuine. but here it's katawa shoujo we're talking about, I'm sure it's not hard to believe that I'd really suffer this much because of lilly
>genuinely experiencing emotions
I am. in fact the pain was so intense, I posted my discord several times both in the previous thread and in that thread I made on vee because I specifically need to be calmed down by someone who's completed this visual novel
>seeking outside help
do you know of any therapists that have completed katawa shoujo? if yes, I'm willing to pay for therapy.
>not possible for us here to achieve
you could tell me about your experience completing lilly's route or any route for that matter. I like these threads and I like everyone here
I definitely am a lot more open to the idea after reading that. I think I'm a Shizune route hater in my heart but your emphasis of its strengths is a very strong counterpoint that is making me reconsider.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
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>Your Katawa
>Your class/specialization
>Your Katawa's class/specialization
(Doesn't necessarily have to be DnD)
Night anon I hope you keep posting this and don't stop
It's a great scene. It's probably always great, but I felt like I remember it more strongly because I'd had the other four routes of solidifying my perspective of him before going into it. And seeing him with new eyes. A non-shaman's eyes.
I went harder on the topic than I needed to, but thank you. Really it's just something to vaguely keep in mind the next time you play it. It's not like I think Shizune's route is the best in the game or anything. You're absolutely right that it's also valuable to end the game on a gutpunch, so that the broader work sticks in your heart and mind longer. It might be more important to do that, we'll never know, but I wanted to add something to the case for Shizune as the omega katawa.
>It's a great scene. It's probably always great, but I felt like I remember it more strongly because I'd had the other four routes of solidifying my perspective of him before going into it. And seeing him with new eyes. A non-shaman's eyes.
Yeah I can see how it would be stronger if you do Shizune's route last since that's the only route where we get a scene like that but as someone who saw it on my second route it still had a lingering effect on me so yeah.
>im not longing for a girlfriend because I now know how perfect lilly is and it's painful
They all have flaws. I don't mean their disabilities. Each of them has things they need to overcome. Lilly plays the "this is fine" dog though almost her whole route. The gentle, motherly Lilly is part of the whole. Inside is an understandably angry and frustrated girl. I find her far more captivating than the "tea and manners" character she plays.
from sexual exhaustion
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
>I just like Rin
Same. The whole prefix anon thing, I didn't come up with it, but I roll with it, as some of them are pretty funny.
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It's fucked up that Lilly almost lost two service animals that way.
YES I was waiting for you

Rin is cute. Yeah its amusing but idk why you're bringing that up I must've missed something kek

Cute pic but stop talking about Lilly and the dog like that pls thx
You guys ever feel like nothing good was ever gonna happen to you?
I'm sorry for playing into negative stereotypes about white girls. Lilly only nearly killed her service human that way, not her dog.
>idk why you're bringing that up I must've missed something
If you don't have a name in here, if you stick around long enough, someone will give you one or ten, maybe.
Lots of times. But you can make some good things happen. Planning a trip helps. Getting in touch with old friends helps too. Find what makes you happy and good things will happen.
Yeah, you're right. I don't know what it is about staying up late that does this to my mood. Last night I was on top of the world, tonight I'm just... kind of sad. I don't know. I hate not knowing.
What ever happened to RinHasSexWithDogsAnon? I can't believe i miss that guy.
>about staying up late that does this to my mood
Might just be circadian. You fall behind and the next night 2am feels like 10pm, but you're still behind on sleep and it feels "wrong" because you're wide awake.
I had a feeling he was more than one anon, and one of them was the blackposter.
True that. I'm thinking doing a reverse schedule isn't working out for me. A night owl thing is nice once in a while but I can't live day to day like this. I think a 3-11 works for me, but any later and I feel liek shit and have no time to actually do anything.
>plays the "this is fine" dog
>understandably angry and frustrated girl
okay yeah you're right I kind of suspected that. does that mean she actually does depend on you and can't carry on on her own because she's blind and needs someone?
>she actually does depend on you and can't carry on on her own because she's blind and needs someone?
It's not really about that. Lilly's arc is moreso making decisions for herself rather than doing what she is asked or expected to do. Someone said it in the previous thread, and I concur with them - from Act 1, we know about Lilly returning to Scotland when the transition shows a plane interrupting a daydream of hers where she is going for a walk with Hisao, but she never mentions it, and he never brings up anything regarding it, so she goes forward with it - but once she realizes that Hisao cares for her, and that her relationship with him (and to a lesser extent Hanako) are something she chose, she ultimately ends up choosing to return to Japan for him because she's finally making her own choices, and Akira supports her in this endeavor.
Bad night.
Go run
Is it okay to add sugar to fancy tea? I always thought sugar is a crutch for shitty store brands, but Im not quite getting these leaves
I think so. If it's bitter and that fixes it a little, then why not?
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>she never mentions it, and he never brings up anything regarding it, so she goes forward with it - but once she realizes that Hisao cares for her, and that her relationship with him (and to a lesser extent Hanako) are something she chose, she ultimately ends up choosing to return to Japan for him because she's finally making her own choices

Lilly knew she was summoned to Scotland *before* she started dating Hisao.
She knew perfectly that her and Hisao dating would have only lasted a few weeks.
She could have changed her mind afterwards and told her parents she was not going to go to Scotland after all (or at the very least not for too long), instead it took Hisao to prompt her to actually say it.

Whether you like Lilly or not, Suriko's writing objectively makes her look like someone who wasn't as serious about dating Hisao as the other way around, until the last chapter.

>but she's just 18 and blind, she's used to following other people's instructions since she's helpless and inexperienced about the world
Doesn't take away from the fact that she wasn't fully open with the guy she was in a relationship with.

So ironically, Hisao gets punished for lying to her (i.e. you get a bad ending if you ever choose not to tell her all the truth and nothing but the truth), while she gets off scot-free (no pun intended) for lying by omission.

And this is made even more serious by the fact that apparently, she didn't tell Hanako either. The very same Hanako who has been dependent on Lilly's love and support for years.
Go ahead and try to justify this
People change, anon. That's kind of the point of the game. She wanted to do something shitty, and perhaps she would have, and regretted it. It took Hisao urging her to make her realize what she was walking away from. Is it a good thing? No, but that's how life is.
You can do what you want forever, but be sure to check you're not letting it steep too long or at too high a temperature, too.
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Anybody tried this https://characterhub.org/characters/school_shooter/lilly-satou-5c48658a96c7 out yet?
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>People change, anon. That's kind of the point of the game.
I'd argue the game makes multiple points

>She wanted to do something shitty, and perhaps she would have, and regretted it

This is never openly stated. Instead, she comes off as a bleeding-heart nurse-like figure who has to remain in Japan because she's oh-so-worried about Hisao (pic related). Conversely, he is genuinely convinced that he's the only one who possibly misbehaved.
This is what transpires from Suriko's own writing in the final version.
She's not at any point outed as having played dirty, which is unfortunate since that would have made for a fairer, more interesting and more mature final chapter.
Pre-Alpha Lilly has a plainer and somewhat uneventful ending, but at least this plot hole is missing.
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>This is never openly stated. Instead, she comes off as a bleeding-heart nurse-like figure who has to remain in Japan because she's oh-so-worried about Hisao (pic related). Conversely, he is genuinely convinced that he's the only one who possibly misbehaved.
I think your hateboner is getting in the way of things. It's a wholesome love story. It doesn't necessarily have to make complete sense, since love doesn't make sense either. Those tears while visiting him in the hospital are the same ones she would have cried after realizing what she had done in Scotland.
>She left the man she loved behind, and she knows she could not live with herself had she gone through with it.
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>I think your hateboner is getting in the way of things.
How original, dismissing all criticism as "hating" and "trolling". Someone on 4chan (a website that is prone to have an unfairly poor reputation) can and should do better than this

>It's a wholesome love story.
You want a wholesome love story with Hisao and Lilly, go play the repaired pre-Alpha. That's a normal love story. The final version is inevitably fishier as it stands.

>It doesn't necessarily have to make complete sense, since love doesn't make sense either.
Seems like you are suspending judgement to prevent yourself from reaching a clear conclusion

> Those tears while visiting him in the hospital are the same ones she would have cried after realizing what she had done in Scotland.
Doesn't change the fact that she never admitted what she did, even in that supposedly cathartic moment. And like I said, this was a missed opportunity to show that she had her own skeletons in the closet, and it's not solely the MC who can be a source of trouble by being insensitive or whatnot.
>Doesn't change the fact that she never admitted what she did, even in that supposedly cathartic moment. And like I said, this was a missed opportunity to show that she had her own skeletons in the closet, and it's not solely the MC who can be a source of trouble by being insensitive or whatnot.
I do concede this point to you, upon further thought. It would give some nice flavor to the route. I suppose I prefer KS not as a wide story but rather for the small moments I remember. I thought that Hokkaido and the hospital were beautiful on their own, even detached from the larger story.
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From a purely practical perspective, Lilly's parents should have told her to wait until she graduates to join them in Scotland. She had half a year of high school left, which she would either have to finish at a new school in Scotland or get whatever the British equivalent of a GED is. Being alone in Japan wouldn't even be that big of a deal given that she's at a boarding school and doesn't see Akira much anyways. They also should have waited until Akira's boyfriend could get a visa.
All fair points.

>Lilly's parents should have told her to wait until she graduates to join them in Scotland. She had half a year of high school left, which she would either have to finish at a new school in Scotland or get whatever the British equivalent of a GED is.

The exact same thing happens in one of Rin's bad endings: she tells you she's going to quit the school like six months away from graduation. This makes zero sense and is also not relatable for the average high school graduate: it would make a lot more sense for Hisao to lose sight of Rin or Lilly after graduation, not before.

Unfortunately this story is not immune from Rule of Drama, and it also shows that the authors, not unlike many Japanese mangakas, are unwilling to acknowledge that there is a whole life that starts after graduating from high school
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Just wanna jump in on this reply and agree on the drama thing, sort of. All the routes have moments where the reader will go "Nooo what the hell are you doing?!? You stupid kid, just say thing!!! aauuughhhh" and the like. I dont know if it was intented from the devs to really sell the whole "These kids have both their pros and cons, they're not perfect and this is what makes them human" thing or forcing bad interactions for the sake of having them so that you're not reading mary sue stories.

On an AMA with the devs i read up how in Hanako's bad end everyone is at fault and i agree. Lilly going away for good without saying a word because ????? Hisao being just a dumbass and STILL not seeing Hanako as a woman he likes instead of a daughter he must protecc and Hanako for flipping out on both of them over nothing basically. Its hard to admit that your Katawa god forbid has flaws but its very true and i think its something that one should consider with her and any other fictional or real person out there. What you make of those flaws is up to you, after all, CaN yOu SeE wHaT i SeE?
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nevr 4get
>We don't hate you, we're just worried
okay, look, I want to talk specifics with you and get straight to the point, so it's easier for us to understand each other. here's what's happening:
1) I complete lilly's route in katawa shoujo
2) after approximately twenty hours of heavenly bliss with lilly, it's all snatched away from me in less then a second
3) I scream and cry and wail and weep with no regard to anything in my life and I can't get lilly out of my head and I can't move on
what do I do?
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Kek, gem.
I genuinely like hystrionic schizophrenics more than milquetoast fanboys, they may sound worrisome but they're never boring

>scammed for thousands of dollars
I wonder who this guy actually gave his money to?
>On an AMA with the devs i read up how in Hanako's bad end everyone is at fault and i agree. Lilly going away for good without saying a word because ????? Hisao being just a dumbass and STILL not seeing Hanako as a woman he likes instead of a daughter he must protecc and Hanako for flipping out on both of them over nothing basically.

One thing I dislike about this VN is how it appears to imply that a tantrum is a world-ending event from which there is no recovery.
Yes, you can decide to end all contacts with someone following a particularly unpleasant confrontation, but it's not something that emerges on the spot, rather it takes months or even years to figure out that that was really the last time you ever interacted with person X. There has to be a looking-back moment in the future to have such a realisation sink in
Read a book bumass nigga, her writing isn't that special you've just never read decent romance before
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>Emi is actually a slut that sleeps around and validates Kenji's ramblings
>Shizune-Misha are a pain in the ass to everyone at school and being huge nerds
>Lilly is a stuck-up snob that thinks everyone is beneath her due to her heritage
>Hanako is an edgelord that hates everyone, implied bloodthirsty nature
>Rin gets high on bad quality weed all the time and gets caught half the time, sometimes she lets people do her for a hit.

Would you read this KS?

>There has to be a looking-back moment in the future to have such a realisation sink in
I think thats the issue. You cannot have a VN being triple digit long in hours to show that. If we're being real here, all interactions are rather hyperbole but i think thats by design since again, you gotta condense all of it in a proper amount of playtime, anything longer and you need to transfer it all in a different medium.
no I have that's the thing she's special and perfect and her writing is immaculate. don't worry, I'm sure someone will love you too one day. even if you are... like that
>I scream and cry and wail and weep with no regard to anything in my life and I can't get lilly out of my head and I can't move on

Anon, it sounds like you have unsolved trauma unrelated to the VN. This is somewhat normal, but it's important that you pay some attention to your problems and don't try to turn an enjoyable love story into your personal bible.

Speaking as someone who has known this game for a long time and is still hanging around in these threads
Sounds like you should go back to your favorite subreddit and praise 'Catcher in the Rye' for being 'the best book evah'. Hint: it's actually trash, but the likes of you believe that passes as quality literature.
>she's special and perfect and her writing is immaculate
NTA but I brought up this matter literally a few posts above yours:


>don't worry, I'm sure someone will love you too one day.
What are you, a tulpamancer? Because you seem to be heavily implying that you're dating this anime girl
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The girls in this game are cute and that is all that matters.
i never implied that 0_0 but yeah she's perfect and the story is heart-wrenching and sweet and it's agonizing
Fuck i forgot to tag you on >>493371446 but its still a general question for the class today.
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I don't doubt it.
I also love the OST and the backgrounds and the general vibes.
The only thing I sometimes have a problem with is the writing, the rest aged like fine wine.

>You cannot have a VN being triple digit long in hours to show that. If we're being real here, all interactions are rather hyperbole but i think thats by design since again, you gotta condense all of it in a proper amount of playtime, anything longer and you need to transfer it all in a different medium.

There are longer VNs than this one, although I'm fairly sure they were all made by professional writers.

I disagree however with the idea that implementing my suggestion would have necessarily considerably increased the length, a time-skip can be relatively simple business if it's just the MC looking at the clouds or the landscape and realising this and that
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You gotta consider things from the POV of 4LS of which consists of first-timers with 0 experience in developing VNs at that time. Remember, this took 5 years to make and it has both regular and long ass routes with variable quality in between. Even the fact that this VN came out and not end up in the backburner is deserving of its praise. If it had to be any longer you'd wait for a decade at least given the above factors.
The nicer way to put it is that, if there's some flaw in the final product, you may as well blame the entire team rather than the single writer, since there would have been plenty of time (3 years from the release of standalone chapter 1 to the release of the final product) to reassess the final product with multiple pairs of eyes
I see your point but a first's timer's work should be critised accoardingly, not with positivity alone of course but with the fact that they're just that, the work of an amateur. Saying there needs to be "a blame on the entire team" feels a bit more rough than it should.
>The thread has been Lilly dominant lately, it seems like a lot of the new posters enjoy her the most. It used to be all Hanako and Emi fans back in the day.

In seasonal waifu threads on /a/, we have at least two Lillyposters every single Christmas and Valentine's Day, as well as at least one Hanakoposter.
But I haven't seen anyone with an Emi, Rin or Shizune altar, certainly not in the last few years. They may have been there in the early 2010s though

I think the Satous may be nothing more than "culturally" Catholic, if that helps

As for the "not drinking" part, that's actually good, you could be her sober driver
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Genuine question: how can you all post on a daily basis in a general where several other people have the same waifu as you, without getting jealous of each other?
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Fair argument but i see them less as rivals and more like bros with fine taste. It feels nice to be in solidarity with others that have similar/same preferences as you, there's mutual understanding and its easier to geek out over your katawa with a person like that. If we're talking people IRL or close friends then yeah i would be more adamant of the "Hands off my wife" rule at least for me personally.
They're fictional characters, I have no expectation of anything in return for liking them. Like other anon said, it's more a matter of shared taste than of competition over someone's affection.
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>You should like, play another route. Or a different game, or watch a movie or something.
in my opinion, when any type of media or any piece of art makes you experience such potent emotions and opens up new horizons of thought and causes suffering and melancholy, getting distracted by doing what you're suggesting is actually detrimental. because, see, I believe that when you enter this state of great turmoil and your heart is being torn apart and no one is around to help you or ease your pain, this is when you get closer to the ultimate truth.
it's like if you intentionally get distracted to get your mind off of something, it will help you suffer a little less, sure, but at the same time it moves you away from the truth that you're really close to while suffering. this principle obviously doesn't only apply to katawa shoujo and lilly, but she is the prime example of what I'm outlining here.
okay, so you complete katawa shoujo you finish lilly's route and get the good ending and now you're in pain. suffering, in fact. this is not a hyperbole, I'm not exaggerating, since, ya know, it's pure anguish. now, instead of diverting your attention to something else just so you can forget about lilly and katawa shoujo... stay fixated on her and look for answers! firstly, you need to find someone more prudent and clever and mature than you. one definite prerequisite is that that person has to have played katawa shoujo. and now that individual just needs to tell you what to do to actually get something good out of this ordeal. lilly's soundtrack is so cute and emotional, she is an absolute looker and her story is outlandishly touching and tender. the wheat field scene, the first music box scene when she smooches you, the last music box scene, the farewell scene -- these destroy you. and now you just need answers. someone that had been through what you're going through needs to tell you exactly what to do to make lilly real and stop suffering
oh this is just too much I love you dude
>she had her own skeletons in the closet
okay first of all thanx for posting that pic I dunno who made it. now I've been thinking about that too cuz initially I couldn't comprehend why hisao blamed himself for not being caring enough, but then again he did act cold when he talked to her on the phone. and also instead of acting all cuddly and offering lilly physical contact he acted reserved. also he didn't say cute things to her. but actually wait no he bought a friggin music box for her even though they weren't dating then. and he took her out for tea and coffee in the cafe. maybe it is a plot hole but hisao does seem like the kind of guy that's not emotional and tender enough and doesn't get what chicks expect from him. so the canon explanation for lilly never revealing to you that she's leaving for good is that apparently she thought you just didn't care enough, but why date someone who doesn't care enough? I'm still crying and obsessed with lilly here dude and the in-game soundtrack that plays when she's around is super cool! so how can we get in touch with suriko and straighten this out?
>rather than doing what she is asked or expected to do
ohhhh but she's not stubborn at all~ she is a complacent and lenient girl :3
>plane interrupting a daydream of hers
wow I don't even recall that and I finished the game like six days ago
or seven :o
good artwork thanx
>like you're on the verge of getting harmed.
I'm going to ask you a question but since we're communicating exclusively via the text medium, I will preface this by saying im not being aggressive or hurtful. say, have you ever been in immense, insurmountable pain over something similar? perhaps after a breakup or after losing someone you cared about deeply? how did you act then and did those around you treat you in a way that wouldn't worsen your pain?
>have you ever been in immense, insurmountable pain over something similar? perhaps after a breakup or after losing someone you cared about deeply? how did you act then and did those around you treat you in a way that wouldn't worsen your pain?

Having been in such a bad spot before i can safely say that yeah, it sucks big time. It really was a dark time for me and in my case, i did consider self-harm among other things. The main difference here is that despite all this pain i didnt put this massive strain upon others by making such bold statements around them, let alone to complete strangers IRL or online. I know nobody handles grief the same way and we all got our baggage, what we're trying to say to you is not control how you feel, but control what you post and say to other people because much like you said, if the average person online is reading something like "I am in agonizing pain all the time and there's no way out, i feel like im suffocating and nobody is there to help me!!!" just screams trouble. Its your choice of words that make you stand out, not your feelings, just think twice before you share how emotional something gets you.
>control what you post and say to other people
okay. is it ever appropriate to post such things online? to tell complete strangers that you're suffering and yelling out to God and in great agony? is there ever a time when it's okay to act like you're telling me not to act and speak? if yes, what would the circumstances of that be?
>i didnt put this massive strain upon others
will you tell me what helped you and how exactly you dealt with the stress?
these are beautiful and you're so cool for visiting all those places especially with a framed picture of her. wicked.. I dunno how to communicate my feelings on this. you're awesome. I never expected to see something like this. what was your experience completing her route? what did you feel when it all concluded? have you ever reached out to any of the devs?
This thread is probably fine as far as "telling complete strangers about your inner turmoil". Ideally you'd want someone you have a pre-existing friendly relationship to confide to, but we can't always have it all.
Big difference with sending twitter DMs about it is that here, it's both pretty much expected and trivially easy for the uncomfortable to disengage from.
>is it ever appropriate to post such things online?
Let me circle back and say that IRL is not vastly different to Online, here's an example: Would you walk up to a random person on the street and say all those things with such strong wording? If the answer is "No" then thats how you should act online as well. If the answer was somehow "Yes" instead then i believe your social skills need some work, no offense. This is what you must understand, there's a time and place for everything and such impactful words are certain to cause whiplash to people no matter how sincere or hurt you are.

>will you tell me what helped you and how exactly you dealt with the stress?
Like i said above, not everyone copes with bad times the same way so unfortunetly there's no sure-fire way to deal with it but i guess the most common advice and "reliable" way is to both appreciate what you already have and preoccupy yourself with that. Constantly thinking of all the bad things and sulking over it will never help.
>This thread is probably fine
I'm thankful for that.
>someone you have a pre-existing friendly relationship to confide to
none of the people I am friends with have played katawa shoujo, so it's either confessing to strangers that have at least experienced exactly what I have, meaning all of you, or pouring my heart out to those who have zero clue what it feels like to suffer from loving lilly.
>easy for the uncomfortable to disengage from
why disengage from someone clearly in love with what you love and clearly having no malicious intent? honestly I see people making death threats and posting vile things get less flak than me :DD
I think you may have noticed us going back and forth on this, and I sort of get why. you keep telling me I shouldn't act like this while I keep telling you that the definition of being unable to control your actions is just this -- being unable to control them. if I were able to harness my emotions, I wouldn't have acted the way I am. the entire reason that's not the case is because my emotions are too over the top to contain them. this is a signal from me, showing I need help and sympathy regarding katawa shoujo.
>walk up to a random person on the stree
I might get wet eyes and tear up in the process, but I would try to calmly explain that this whole katawa shoujo deal means a lot to me, therefore it affects my life and my well-being, therefore I have the right to act so serious about this visual novel because it's a critical issue. but yes, I get your point, just so you don't feel like you're talking to a brick wall. I too want you to get what I'm telling you. at least I have you. and hey, I never said I was going to act productive about this. like I've already outlined, I've come up with many ideas on what to do with all of this. I just need to feel connected with others that have been as melancholic over katawa shoujo as I have
just be kind to people please! pay attention to everyone's issues and try to help them! I pledge to do that
Enjoying some delightful jasmine green tea with cake! Floral flavor really adds to it.

>why disengage from someone clearly in love with what you love[...]?
As I see it at least, it's a two factor thing.
1. When someone messages you out of the blue telling you that they like your work so much they're in pain, it's generally unexpected and concerning. Feels nice to know someone likes your work! Feels bad knowing they were so touched by it they feel terrible.
2. Hard to articulate, but there's something about high emotional intensity that may be difficult to receive if you don't "match" it. If you're not clear on your interlocutor's intentions it can feel threatening for them to be very passionate from the outset (and tone is famously easy to mangle across text chat)
>honestly I see people making death threats and posting vile things get less flak than me :DD
My two cents about that is the average internet user is used to them and phases them out, whereas someone who seems touched by your work and unwell is harder to write off.

I personally feel it's better to be too toned down when expressing your enthusiasm about someone's work and turn it up depending on how they respond, if they do. But we all know this isn't easy. Just take it slow, don't worry about it too much, try to be nice and see the other's perspective, and things should be fine.
>never said I was going to act productive about this.
I forgot she was a hafu but ty anon that's true. Your Pic is so cute.

Yep makes sense



I think for me it depends on what I'm thinking so I try to think happy thoughts although they're kinda delusional but whatever works
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You are forgiven.
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Is that you Tea-anon? If so excuse me while i bombard you with questions and insights.

I've done some tiny research and found a few places downtown and another a bit closer to me that have some decent variance in tea so i'll probably visit them soon. For starters i notice that the least amount you can get is 50g which i honestly cannot tell if its too little of an amount. Thankfully it didnt take to long to find out about these brewing "capsules" and it seems that you put a tiny amount of tea in them but im still a bit on the fence if 50g is enough to last for say, a week or so if you have a cup every day.

Im also wondering about the shelf life. Say i buy some tea and even put it in its own tin box, how long will it take before it loses its kick or dries up complete? Wouldnt want to get some now and by the time i can drink it, it turns bland.

Another question is versitility. What i mean by that is, can you have any tea both hot and cold? Should one brew some tea and then put it in the fridge to drink later or is it the equivalent of cutting your pasta with a pair of scissors?

Lastly (for now) i think i'll be getting me some Oolong, it seems pretty straightforward and the milk variant sounds interesting despite my dislike of actual milk. I also had no idea Macha was so advanced, its almost coffee tier different.
I'll keep goodnightposting for as long as I'm around.
Not Tea-anon, just another tea afficionado! Hopefully they'll respond too since I'm not that knowledgeable. NEVERTHELESS,

>if 50g is enough to last for say, a week or so if you have a cup every day
Depends of course on how strong you like your tea, so you'll need to test for yourself; 5g is pretty solid for a cup, so 50g should cover a week with no problem.

>shelf life
Shelf life will mostly be about keeping your tea in a cool dry dark place away from air as you probably know. Green tea keeps the worst (few months), black tea can probably keep forever, for the rest it's safe to assume 6 months to a year.

>can you have any tea both hot and cold
Interested in hearing Tea-anon's thought on the topic. I've heard of making extremely strong black tea then refrigerating and using it as syrup for ice tea, but with how much sugar this tends to involve, it might be best kept to the cheap stuff.

As for oolong, really don't know much about that. Have fun!
Hope you're around for a long time then!
Oh i see, still thank you for your input.

>50g should cover a week with no problem.
After some experimenting and if i did it right, i found out one of my cups is about 320ml in capacity so im guessing that 5g would suffice for this much right? I also find the idea of using said couples a work of genius, no mess with the leaves and stuff, just plonk it in your cup and then remove it, awesome.

Thats amazing actually. I will certainly have a cup during my morning on the weekends and probably during the evening so if i neglet i dont lose out on it, neat.

I asked about getting it refrigerated since if i get some now, might as well start drinking like that before the climate changes. Iced tea is good but it can be rather thirst provoking ironically enough, hence i dont really get any.
>Hanako raped Hisao
Extremely funny image, how old is it? I assume no more than a few years
>Emi, Rin or Shizune
Fans of these girls disproportionately succeed in branching out to IRL love and success, that's why you don't see as many waifu altars
I can tell that she likes me more than them.
I think it has to do more with what each girl provides through her route. The ones you mentioned maybe with a slight exception of Rin, it feels like dating just another girl albeit with issues unique to each one but the sort of "drama" and heavy atmosphere Lilly or Hanako have in their route is not so much there in comparison. Thats not to say that this is a wrong way to go about, its good that there's such varied options for readers and no route/girl ever feels like its similar to another.
>here's why Hanako's route being subverted is a good thing
>I can tell that she likes me more than them.
Kek, good one

>Fans of these girls disproportionately succeed in branching out to IRL love and success, that's why you don't see as many waifu altars

I remember someone saying on the official forum that the (quasi-) normalfag players would go for either Emi or Lilly.

I cannot really offer my opinion because it is definitely unclear to me the relationship between one's waifu and one's personality.

Do opposites attract each other, or is it the similar that attracts the similar?
Maybe one's waifu/husbando represents a genderswapped, undeveloped or underdeveloped side of oneself?
Personally, I found Rin's route by far the most emotional. The romance I felt most keenly was with Emi. I didn't have a (very) emotional response to either Lilly or Hanako. But I agree with you in the sense that I think the majority of players do respond most heavily to the latter pair's routes.
I was mostly just screwing around, Emi/Lilly are certainly the normalfag katawas.
>relationship between one's waifu and one's personality
It seems to be as complex as relationships and attractions in real life. All sorts of combinations pop up in /ksg/ and I'm not sure I could point out any trends that seem consistent. I for one feel a personality kinship with one katawa, but am more romantically attracted to at least two others.
guys, what do you think is the best place in real life to meet caring, elegant, calm women alike Lilly? I thought about libraries, parks, garderns, churches, maybe some art galleries or operas/theaters?
I guess Rin's can be rather emotional once she sheds that eccentric exterior which can take you aback and think "Man, i thought she was just a weirdo..."

Bonus points if you're borned rich so that you can take that classy act to its fullest but then again, if we go the wealthy route, most women of that field arent really all those things Lilly is or tend to lean to an older demographic.
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I have a Rin tulpa, I need no damn altar
Bad morning.

hi anon
>I think for me it depends on what I'm thinking so I try to think happy thoughts although they're kinda delusional but whatever works
Whatever works, indeed.
This guy gets it.
Can confirm. Second best girl spent a lot of time on an argo.
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Feeding Rin
meanwhile I'll be composing a reply for
>>493392296 (you)

Posted this before but I like these songs for Lilly:
Life is fine, not good not bad, just fine. Getting ready to leave for class now.
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Paturday tomorrow. Prepare accordingly.
but i want to pat her now...
>these are beautiful and you're so cool for visiting all those places especially with a framed picture of her. wicked.. I dunno how to communicate my feelings on this. you're awesome. I never expected to see something like this.
Heh, thanks, you sound pretty cool too.
For the record, I also explored Japanese places related to Higurashi and Fate, but finding the KataShou backgrounds was probably the most emotionally intense moment.

>what was your experience completing her route? what did you feel when it all concluded?
Her route made me feel like shit, pardon my French. I did not experience the feeling of catharsis and awakening that several people appear to describe in reference to their favourite girl's route, in fact I'd say the main feeling is the heartbreaking awareness of being in love with someone who simply does not exist.
Yes, there are some Lilly-like girls in the world, but they don't make it past 18/20 with their aura of purity left intact, for one reason or another, and they are rare in the first place. Almost 12 years later the scar is still there, and it's probably never going anyway.
Unironically, having a waifu (and being serious about it) is a good reason to believe in heaven or reincarnation to another plane of existence where you can actually meet her.

>have you ever reached out to any of the devs?
Fun fact, it took me years (until 2018 or so) to figure out Suriko is a guy. I had simply assumed they were the only female writer, on the basis of his name. That aside, not really, although it has been interesting to play the pre-2012 versions of the VN and figure out the could-have-beens that the devs had in mind for the various character.

Lilly aside, I also like the other 4 characters, in a very platonic way, although Shizune can be a bit hard (not outright impossible) to love.
And my first was Emi because of, you know, that one crossroads where you get locked on her path if you decide not to give up early while racing against her
suriko pretends to be a girl so you were close
good evening /ksg/!!! I am wasted and im going to draw katawas tonighjt!!!!!!
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Dont pass out before posting it here man
Are you bad enough dude to pat her before paturday?
You forced my hand
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day seven of lilly's route destroying me wowsers
i haffta go to bed now ill talk 2 you tomorrow you have my word (which is a good thing) and my therapist won't alleviate my suffering (which is a bad thing) so I'll never leave this general ever (which is kind of a grey area)
will reply 2morrow
the same applies to you....... ;) ;)
It can't be that bad, look how happy she is! Such a cutie
You see right through me
Suriko is a troon? Kek.

Has he written anything afterwards?
summers clover (female pov)
the most recent one he tried shilling (fantasy setting, female pov)
at this point i assume whatever came in between was also female pov
summer's clover was pretty good
>the most recent one he tried shilling
Is this the title?
it's either "a tithe in blood" or "tithed in blood"
Yes I do. She's so cute :3 ;-;
As much as she emits raw "must protecc" energy which makes her incredibly cute, i still see her as a woman and after all, this is what she wants too. When there are moments where she opens up and acts with confidence is what makes her irresistible.
>try to show confidence
>guy just says he'll protect you (from unknown forces) and ignores it
>violates you later proving he couldn't even do that right
So deep, so subverted. I clapped.
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I don't think they're mutually exclusive but I can see why she would have a problem with it since it can come off as infantalizing and might even turn into that if you're not careful. But yes I love how she just wants to be treated like she's, for lack of a better term, normal. It's pretty inspiring desu since she comes off as someone who's hand you would have to hold but she's trying to better herself instead and I love her for that!

Her expression fits her so well in this pic, I think she would start off with that face but then she'd have that smug grin on her face that she also has when she's mad so you think you pissed her off but then she starts teasing you. Cute!
Opposite. I want to bully (purest form of love) her.
Which girl(s) would have sex in a piblic bathroom?
Futa Miki
Don't they all have scenes where someone could've walked in on them or they did it in the vicinity of someone else? So I dunno all of them?

Actually I think Hanako, Rin, and Misha all did it in a room with a locked door but I'm not quite sure about Rin.

Emi and Hisao did it in a shed but ig no one was there but still feels risky. Lilly and Hisao did it in the living room, and Shizune and Hisao did it in the student council room and Hisao's guest room with the door open I believe. Hisao even makes a comment about someone could walk in and they would get caught

So to answer your question, I guess Shizune, Lilly, and Emi. Maybe even in that order? kek
A bathroom, I don't think any of them.
In public generally:
Emi and Shizune are both nonchalant about getting caught in their scenes so I think they would be up for something risky.
Lilly went for it knowing Hanako was just in the other room. Maybe she would be more hesitant if a stranger could spot you instead of a friend.
Rin is a tossup.
Hanako would take a lot of convincing, but I could see her getting a thrill out of it after trying.
Good point about Hanako
Can I just say that a girl in only thigh-high legwear is peak
We'll have to convince Emi.
Maybe she only felt that way because she didn't have her legs on? In that situation I wouldn't kept whether I had them on or not as long as she had hers on (her socks I mean but obviously the legs would have to be included too)
I wouldn't have cared whether I had them on or not*
oh wow
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How does that even work?
Still waiting for my robo Rin.
Feel like a tulpa Rin would work better than a real Rin
misha has sex in the game?
Alright buddy, time to go finish all the routes, good and bad. Get on it.
Okay so i went through everyone's routes now, i apologize for not realizing Misha didn't have a route earlier, i only realized she didn't had a route while i was on the middle of Shizune's route, speaking of, turns out that one dialogue choice isn't actually that misleading, in context it's kind of clear what you should be doing.
I was also slightly relieved that Rin and Emi's routes where the most emotionally tumultuous although that may be just me being the most emotionally invested on those two, still the other girls were rather nice, i was a bit adverse to Shizune at first but she definetly changed my mind about her during her route, i liked her passionate about being a "heel" approach and her own reasoning for being the way she is.
Lily's is just nice, she's by far the girl that helps Hisao get his shit together the most even if it's at the expense of him having to do something extremely retarded to prove her that he learned, also the ending is a little bit fairy tale-ish but it was cute enough to give it a pass.
Hanako is a cinnamon roll, i've seen a bunch of stories about shy characters overcoming their shyness so i kind of saw a couple of things coming but it was a pleasant ride, the ending was a little bit abrupt, i would have liked to see the couple acting more confident around each other even if just for one scene.
Emi is a stubborn asshole but in a good way, i really liked how determined she is and made me want to be just as stubborn as her to make her get her shit together.
Rin is still number one, i actually had to stop myself from thinking about her during he other routes a couple times, i just really like a girl that means what she says and speaks her mind even if said girl has trouble communicating it, her route was easily the one that tugged at my heart the hardest, but she was worth it.
Anyways, feel free to call me a faggot if i misinterpreted a girl i just wanted to get my thoughts out.
This was a nice game i don't regret playing.
just look for a guide bro, it's easy
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lol. but I still haven't gotten over lilly, that will be a torture. also it's important to reply to all those posts above we need to do it I love you lilly I love lilly so much we're going to pull through don't worry and all the cool people will get replies despite how hard all of this is :)
I think playing the other routes would help you rationalize your love of Lilly in a way you would not on your own.
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Yeah, Hisao and Misha have sex if you chose to comfort her in during the 3rd act of the Shizune route
>i apologize for not realizing Misha didn't have a route earlier

It's cool man, I think it's just natural to assume she has one considering she appears as much as any of the other girls, although that's really due to her being Shizune's translator but she's a great character in her own right.
>turns out that one dialogue choice isn't actually that misleading, in context it's kind of clear what you should be doing.
Yeah I thought it would be less obvious too, it's still kinda crazy tho

>she's by far the girl that helps Hisao get his shit together the most
I disagree with you on that, Emi helps Hisao get back into shape and actually care about and take care of his health. He'll definitely have a longer lifespan in this route compared to the others, even if it's just an average lifespan, which is still good, especially for someone with his condition.

>Emi is a stubborn asshole but in a good way, i really liked how determined she is and made me want to be just as stubborn as her to make her get her shit together.
Yes, you get it! Personally I already am motivated to better myself when I have someone I like but more so with Emi considering how determined she is, it rubs off on you and instills with your own sense of determination. She makes you want to better yourself and help her better herself too, you both end up helping better each other. That's why she's best girl in my heart.

>Rin is still number one, i actually had to stop myself from thinking about her during he other routes a couple times
I was always thinking about and excited to see Emi on other routes but Rin is a great character too!

>i just really like a girl that means what she says and speaks her mind even if said girl has trouble communicating it
Don't we all? That's an attractive trait for anyone to have really. I can relate to the trouble communicating bit but not to the same extent.
>her route was easily the one that tugged at my heart the hardest, but she was worth it.
Yeah her ending was very emotional and amazing

>Anyways, feel free to call me a faggot if i misinterpreted a girl i just wanted to get my thoughts out.
Nah it's fine man speak your mind let it all out

>This was a nice game i don't regret playing.
Same here! Welcome to the club, glad to have you anon ^_^
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Night man, hope no one kills you in your sleep.
Night anon I wont

I love you guys
Evening, guys...
Evening man, how are you, anything good happen recently?
No, not really.
Just spent 3 hours slaving over a Construction Drawing for my class that does not adhere to basically half of the requirements of measurements between line spacing because I genuinely can't seem to draw straight lines within 1/8th of an inch of each other to save my life. It's going.
Drawing straight lines so close together sound tough man, I've always needed a straight edge to draw lines straight at all. Hope you're able to get through future work more easily.
>I've always needed a straight edge to draw lines straight at all. Hope you're able to get through future work more easily.
I'm using a straight edge. It's just tough. I'm gonna get a shit grade, I'll honestly be satisfied with a C. I could always revise it later this week but I hardly ever have the time or the drive to do so. I just don't care. But yeah, here's hoping. This is assignment 2 of 6 that are physically hand drawn, then we switch to AutoCAD which should be easier.
AutoCAD is definitely a lot easier than drawing by hand man. I'm sure you'll be fine as long as you focus on getting through the hand drawing stuff, it will actually help with understanding CAD as well.
Is it just me or do her arms-in-front pouting sprites look off somehow? It's like her arms are too long or something. They don't seem to be, so maybe it's that her torso is disproportionately thin? I can't figure it out
Bottom-left and bottom-center are great though
>I think playing the other routes would help you rationalize your love of Lilly in a way you would not on your own.
NTA but that didn't work on me, and I played the thing shortly after release

Not a single one of them, including minor characters.
Private bathroom, however...

God won't let me off so easily
>God won't let me off so easi
>didn't work on me
>I was mostly just screwing around, Emi/Lilly are certainly the normalfag katawas.
Maaaaybe, maybe not.
I wouldn't be surprised if some extroverts were attracted to Hanako specifically due to seeing her as pure, whereas some peculiarly shy guys could find Emi's friendly and genki aura to complement their own strengths quite well
I honestly wouldn't consider anyone who plays this game a full-blown normalfag.
And if you are in this general you cannot be one even partially.

>It seems to be as complex as relationships and attractions in real life.
I guess so, although relationships in real life are conditioned by a good dose of, well, realism, that is simply not present in waifuism (where the business is 0% realism and 100% idealism).


>Lily's is just nice, she's by far the girl that helps Hisao get his shit together the most even if it's at the expense of him having to do something extremely retarded to prove her that he learned, also the ending is a little bit fairy tale-ish but it was cute enough to give it a pass.

Then you realise the skeleton-in-the-closet detail and the ending inevitably feels a bit different

new thread is up wow
what's the lillys skeleton? that she never warned you she was going to leave for good?
Goodnight anon.
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Last for Misha.
Last for Paturday pats
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Last for Misha.
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Don't do this.
Misha is always last.

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