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Heterosexual Miera Edition

>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previously: >>492823543
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post you're hrothgar
post hypnosis
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its not popping
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Post lowlanders.
I am queuing too
I despise avatarfags but an unable to figure out which one is the most unbearable
I'm starting to feel discouraged I'll ever get an EB.

If you like Lalaboys, can you tell me
>favorite job
of your WoL? Please? I want to know who to approach...
If evens go to sleep drowning in my misery, never to wake again
If odds get some ice cream first
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my femlala does this to all biggers
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gonna get my lif etoethegetr tomorrow anyone want anythingg
Thanks for going back to malera brother you're so hot
nice tail, sir
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I love Halo
I am
isekai'd into a strange world
hearing a woman's voice tell me to "hear, feel and think"
some weird forest catwomen hauled me back to their village and forcefed me a blue potion
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you too, huh
WHat is the jelly tail from? Is this a ER reference?
sleep well
What lvl do I have to get conjurer to for raise on my Paladin?
What keeps you awake tonight, /xivg/?
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>Heterosexual Miera Edition
oh cool my miera golem is perfect for this edition

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Still on vacation until koro updates young faces
ask him, retard
So you fucked your ex and didn't even get back together?
This fat fuck is always talking about food and snacks
hoping to meet someone who likes moonies on balmung
The fact that I am brown, if I was only a few shades darker I would pass for a black man and then all white woman would give me attention and excuse to treat like whores
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I'm not quite sure, honestly. Call it a vague sense of unease
do you like malezen?
nigga are u seriously about to eat ice cream when u have a cold/covid
NP bro *kisses u on the lips*

Slaps you in the chest with it, breaking your ribs
actually i was about to sleep
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Its him
It's 6:30pm
The fact I don't want it to be morning for I have to wageslave yet another week.
Seeker of the Sun.
is the best way to get rid of schitzos just ignoring them?
*i counter, deflecting with my own tail*
tch, back off......
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got up to pee can't fall back asleep

mad that this cool ass mod to give me cute little shark teeth includes some hyper detailed mouth
Rerolling again because people are being mean
i am
a gay hrothgar
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face it, the lalabull gets the woman in the end.
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We've been saying for eons do not feed the trolls. This saying exists for a REASON.
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there is no t in schizophrenic
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They're updated but he decided to put them on Miqo'te for some reason.
Sorry bro I was playing Monster Hunter. Still need me?
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my femlala has a weak bladder and will pee herself when you fuck her she will apologize profusely and get embarrassed every time
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holy fuck you're ugly
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I get mad at bad things happening in cc sometimes and then I remember I can just log out immediately after the match concludes
this is my xivg life hack
I've had this one level 1 catgirl ERP alt hit up my lalaboy multiple times now despite me turning them down and it's weird. If it's somehow someone from here: do it on main if you want to get bvll'd, I don't plap alts.
*hits No*
Hi, Kyoppi
Go to bed, sis
Usually yes, however I am currently being a schizo for several NA avatarfags and will not be deterred no matter how much they ignore me
mad cuz bad lmao
one more match
Only if they are wanting to upset you. Some schizos are fueled off the hatred of their target and will never cease as long as they have the ability to continue posting
the goat
You've selected "anal anyway", please enjoy
more like "one more snack" huh fatty
Holding out hope he just hasn't gotten around to it, the face I use on the garlean isn't available on the miqo'te update he did
Sigh, I guess it can't be helped. Just a few bites won't hurt
Excuse me did I say that???
I am NOT.
It's okay, I feel better now! I still feel dizzy and a funny throat and messed up tummy but I'm not sneezing or coughing a few hours after waking up!

I was hoping to do that impromptu movie meetup at my house tonight but I went out instead. Hopefully I can do it tomorrow!
Anyone wanna do anything?
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Theres a real graveyard of shit that exists.
>It's Sastasha
>everyone except me is a first timer
Ah, ding it.
I'm about to simp
Think of the WT second chance points bwo
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just one more roundstart int and then I'm off the stuff for good

I started growling at my computer when I got a paladin on my team with cover unbound and no oasis buff (I just now got him again in this game btw)
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Unfortunately, I woke up
why are you telling us this
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>went out with covid
You fucked him a few days ago and now you're talking about killing yourself
Bratty plapbait bitch...
Did you like the post I made a couple threads ago?
oh ok thats good, what movie and when r u gonna do it tomorrow u think?
vocaroo your growls and i will consider covering you
sorry bro i play for fun not trying to sweat lol take it easy
Who is this?
will she pretend it's squirting for my malera
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Be careful or you'll be shitposted and schizo'd for weeks for daring to point out some people are retarded in cc.
dont give them attention even if its negative
we need the westtards to be sad and gay
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I am a femra who has been hard at work suffering in Eureka... Level 48 now. (I did the reflect farm), Granted I finished Pagos in about 2 days time and got to Pyros this morning.
Cute femra *pets you*
Hi effy
koma go to bed... what will your wife think..
Missed seeing this femra naked reflect farming....not like I havent already har har har...
disgusting tranny
>post-sb eureka
You don't get to call it suffering. You're playing the baby version
quick gpose then sleep
Do you have any new stuff?
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its not that hard
I'm me
Hi I'm not Effy call me Effy one more time and I'll melt
I'm a homosexual male playing a catgirl (with a pussy) online, how does that make me trans you brain rotted troglodyte
:( Sadly not, any suggestions? I might pose her getting beat up next
My favorite is watching the enemy pld covering left and right and sandbagging your kills all game long then watching the friendly pld figure out how to hit 111 in real time.
can i pet ur moonie
Hi effy!!!
Blue Effy
Not including Raya-O-Senna in the first batch is a crime in and of itself
And they wonder why she hates savages so much
Sure thing buddy
DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE, we call her Rei-coded Effy here
where cc @!!!!
i will plap her only in the shower then
We have not confirmed that! And besides, I already feel 60% normal so it can't be something as devastating as covid
No I didn't Mr. KNOWITALL, all we did was kiss
I didn't see it, I've been out all night. Lemme check the archiiiiiiiveeeee nope, don't see it
I want to watch the new sailor moon movie! It's on netflix though and wondering if there's a way to integrate that easier than downloading and uploading it forever somewheres...
how would i go about doing this
All the cute xivg sunnies and moonies are offline... guess that means it's time for sleep.
Peeps out here joining Chain Deathmatch 2 prog when they can't even figure out how to rotate for Quad Lariat.
I'm online
>I'm a homosexual male playing a catgirl (with a pussy)

Definitely trans, no self respecting homosexual would pretend to have a vagina, kys
why are you gay?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
YOU KISSED YOUR EX? and im not sure i just would go to random streaming sites for movies
>all we did was kiss
he had you like a cheap whore and went back to that girl you hate
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I recorded them just now and cringed at my own voice so I shan't be posting them

I'm playing with randoms on primal it's ok

I was queued for cc like all day today, you missed the milk

that just happened to me just now, it's crazy
probably my own fault for my mmr matchmaking me with new players or something but I have no idea how casual matchmaking actually operates
either way the tilt recedes quickly anyway since I'm playing a poophead griefer job (vpr) in 0 stakes casual mode anyway
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May I get a catbox to cover in thick cum
I believe the command is /pet... but whenever I am logged it, it is usually at the Balmung bench. Good luck!
Reiffy, please.
I'm not pretending to have a vagina. Do you understand that a video game character is not the person outside of the game... right?
Look at this poor Seeker.
This is what happens to all men who carelessly wander into moonie territory.
Don't let those savages take you alive.
Just have everyone watch it on Netflix. Do you really want poors at your meet up?
Post your late night femra right NOW!!!!
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Yes you may, trib well
Literally builded for my aryanlander
What's your name?
Simple, she would be proud of me for getting thru all of this without making her carry me.
I've heard it was bad, but this really didn't seem too bad.
Joy Sazu is actually sweet and if you hate them then you're sad
no ive just been trying to learn RPR to be fair and boy golly gee am i a RAPIST ive kind of been getting the hang of it now though
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I fell for this yesterday.. you can have her vanilla look instead.
Your best character
link mod
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Where CC
When I had COVID I only had extreme fever and aches for one day, the next few days were just cold symptoms.
Effy Kibou?
initials and will do...
i will not cover you in cc until you do
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You son of a bitch
A.M, I'm logging in right now, actually
Why are you still awake you went to bed like 3 hours ago
Wrong I went to shower, never to bed, why are YOU awake
Affy Mibou
Should I change jobs? if so, what to?
Funny all these ebins transferred to Balmung the moment it opened and tons of alts also were made.
>Simple, she would be proud of me for getting thru all of this without making her carry me.
we're going to be doing orthos tomorrow btw, she wants to take me. come with :3
There's a dog barking
You guys are gonna make me get another serving of ice cream...
And okay, I guess I'll have to use another site. I'll probably be asking again for a tutorial tomorrow...
Heheheh, but I like the whole synced and live reaction stuff with no pauses! Like we're really at a movie theater!
Here I am again by unpopular demand
Really only one day?! That's pretty crazy. But no really anon, I think I'm fine! I've been drinking lots of water too for extra precautions
ok done thanks
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posting it

rpr is a lot of fun, I love spamming aoe so much
I used to think it was on the weaker side of melee dps but after playing it for a long ass time I think that it's probably pretty close to mnk in terms of overall value, maybe better
mnk's definitely better at securing single target kills but if you're allowed to play the game as rpr you can force recuperates and purifies while taking like 0 damage because of your broken ass shield and your broken ass teleport
I really wish vpr had a 12k shield on backlash

covering me is a grief anyway, I'm improving your play and helping the team by soaking every ability in the game
my world is popular, yours is not
I quite like being a teacher's aid, it pays quite well and I don't have long hours. If you aren't repulsed by children and have plenty of patience it's highly rewarding and sometimes it's even fun, and I've even had the opportunity to learn some skills, like welding
No problem!
very good hrothgar
I can't make my hair not clip and I'm in pain from it
holy moly
become an italian
hitting someone with max cap soul harvest feels really good but it sucks because you dont really.. want to hold soul harvest, i think im just used to how my other job plays
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why do you think I'd ever make a post like that, I don't even have sex
Sounds interesting, would be a bit of a career change, I know some people that do it, but I feel like it'd get a bit old too quickly for what I like. I feel like I want to go into sales of some capacity, high commission but cold calling sounds like ass.
Oh sweet mother of mia
>femlala that pisses herself
You know why.
This is the side of a fiddie's face!
Why is CC experience so fucking bad? I get like 1/15th of a level for a win at 81.
girls imo
Because it's not meant to be a levelling method.
iirc, 7 wins or 14 losses for a level, something like that from 80+
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are trusts even worth doing for leveling?
their absolutely god awful damage makes it so agonizingly slow
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we love lizard milk

I usually use it at anywhere from 4-7 stacks after the initial fight, it depends how lucky I am with picking up assists and spamming soul slice on cooldown but most of the time I always have a reason to use it on cooldown anyway
I like to combo plentiful with lb when possible (not always possible doe), doing death warrant on someone and then throwing plentiful + harvest moon + LBing them when death warrant is like 4 seconds left can be a pretty easy kill provided they don't have some form of mitigation active
some people say it's dumb but I try and do as much aoe as possible rather than try and focus one person, I feel like your lb fear is more than enough to secure a kill as long as you use it like RIGHT when they start guarding so your team doesn't shift focus
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I don't bring fetish stuff into the thread where people don't want to see it, I'm not some pornsick futard ty
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Crystal CC @ 2:45 ET
Remider: no one liesk malers
they okay as a dps because you can pull mobs alt tab to watch something and let them finish shit off. Youll have to pay attention for bosses though
i have a really bad habit of button mashing from other games so ill spam my lb and get locked on gcd by using communio so it feels really jarring, and the fact that the shield feels like it just doesnt go off sometimes
who is playing cc, post scoreboard without numbers
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Rolled a 95 and lost to a 99.
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I wish face one fiddie had something else besides the nose scar
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Face it, your thread crush will never notice you.
Your thread crush will never ERP with you.
Your thread crush will never EB you.
Even if they did, you're paying for it (lol.)
smooching the blurred fiddie in the white top
pouring whipcream on Akemi's well toned abs and licking it off them
what kind of ice cream though BUT YOU KISSED YOUR EX?
That bigger is femlala coded
Femezen coded
Male hyur forma de elezen
I have an issue with communio buffering sometimes as well, especially because my dogshit at&t slopnet will eat my inputs sometimes
I generally like to just lb -> bind -> communio anyway most of the time when I can hit more than one with communio
Decoring my FC room. It's finally finished.
Cunny B Lovely...
She fucked her ex
wrong i'm talking to my thread crush right now
lesbian post
femlala post
Someone updated my Tomestone page
Now I fear for my own well being
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Could you please make a character that doesn't look like you skinned Mitsuru from Persona 3 and are wearing her skin as a suit?
That's more Tzimisce than Toreador
straight hroth
>breaks down that her man leaves her
>constantly hooks up with the same EX
>becomes depressed when he dumps her again
Akemi really is a walking stereotype
guys, I finally finished the Doman Enclave Restoration, where's everyone at the pavilion?
might want to work on your character's appearance next
She's very stupid and abusable
I have different hairstyles depending on the glam. This is the "canon" hairstyle.
Is Akemi BPD?
yeah big poopy diaper
She is a literal BPD whore
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most heterosexual hroth man
There's a voice in my head that already tells me this every day, but I don't listen to it either. My lalaboy will keep believing in love.
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I can fix Akemi, or make her worse, it's really a coin toss
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CC doko?
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none of you actually talk to the people you label
WHO is playing cc
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work and the kirby air ride ost
not hard
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wonder how xivg feels about futuristic tomboy moonies...
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She's just going to cheat on you with her ex
cc on primal
either play or don't quit being a weirdo
What top is that? Also anymore pics of the room? Loving the gothic aesthetic
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Crystal CC @ 6:30 ET
This fiddie looks like she collects legos and train sets.
i can't even tell if this is white glint or aru anymore since they are basically clones of each other
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>find a decent pf group but there's one weak link
>he blames others for his mistakes
>eventually leave and blacklist
>next day join a pf
>"unnamed 01" joins after me
>it's him
>leave and join a different pf
>clear within an hour
>check his tomestone
>the only time he ever got past phase 1 was the party I was in when he got carried
>now he's trapping parties beyond his prog point in pf
guess his race
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Do you think Venat is into Mommy play?
But those are femlalas though
was hoping to avoid throwing a random alt in queue and mostly afking a match to find out but sure have it ur way instead
Draining my goontube to this milked up slutra's fuckbags
I've already been pocketing my CC crush for years without them noticing me what will one more hurt?
Lalaboy with facial hair? (This is an important distinction)
The best kind of fiddie.
how does your femra manage to look worse and worse every time i see it
disable mods and undo like 3 or 4 fantas
Constant rejection
need EB who will carry me thru m4s(im good at erp and look good irl)
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aru aka seryu has red lipstick and different colored eyes
not a lalaboy at all
but I think I might know who you're thinking of if they're on aether
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I'm going hitler on your ass.
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I actually used to collect Bionicles as a kid, and now headphones/iems as an adult
If all her stories are true, then yeah 100%
t. My ex was a BPD femra
what hat is that? and glasses?
To who it may concern
You will be alone forever
No one likes you
so basically no difference at all
why would aru clone his appearance
why are you so mean 2 me...
Are you a fat Asian man irl?
Its very nice, isn't it?!
Have the garbage posters gone to sleep yet

Levi- >>492835995
but I already knew that and accepted it years ago
Salon Server's hat with the Varsity hat glasses (via this mod https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/113115)

I am not
Why is there a Garou in vampfiddie's bedroom?
Hello! Island Sanctuary question:

I reached the point where I can upgrade to level 3 workshops/granaries and discovered that some of the materials i need(spruce and garnets) can ONLY be acquired from granary expeditions.

So my question is, what other resources are granary-exclusive that I will need for future building projects? So i can start collecting them now...
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I honestly think it's more of a convergent evolution thing
hair 4 looks good on femra and face 1 also looks good with hair 4 so people put them together in CC
gooner trannies are creatively bankrupt
nta but you're triggering my autism, it's fucking lego just lego
>I actually used to collect Bionicles as a kid
which years? just curious
I am
A sunnie
Who is learning to play Bloons
no (You) haven’t
qrd on <<Core>> FC?
oh it's a mod, I thought it was a new facewear they added
The Jocore collective runs this shit
>hair 4 looks good on femra
maybe in an echo chamber of poorly designed femra piloted by grown-ass men like WG, ST and IM
The original clique, full of losers.
>What top is that?
>Also anymore pics of the room?
I'm going to take a nap now but if you want to look around, the address is Balmung Empyreum Ward 3 Plot 40, FC room number 9.
I can't remember which years exactly, but the earliest set I had was the 1st one, and the latest being the underwater sea creature ones/or the spiders, whichever came later.

praying one day we have them vanilla /pray
is it a malera
do you guys sometimes go through cutscenes with your headphones off? I don't know what it is, if it's sometimes the bgm or other audio, i just find it easier to digest the information in full silence.
>don't know what it is, if it's sometimes the bgm or other audio, i just find it easier to digest the information in full silence.
Unironically you might have autism.
All of em, so send for each zone per day
actually sacrilegious
I like the femra racial hairs
No idea, never been there
Whats that plugin that fixes your instant portrait.
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The original was <Saint> but only oldfriends know that
It's moonie monday where are all the moonies?
Just dropped a 10 bomb
Go the fuck to sleep so we can dream sync

change REPLACE to S o y without the spaces
All the moonies hang out in Kongcord now
hrothgar healer
read that as femra racial slurs
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Crystal CC 10:20 ET
hey babe
i enjoyed chasing you/being chased by you even though nin cant 1v1 worth shit, fun game sis
When is snapper getting updated?
this moonie is sleepy, sorry
i couldnt kill u bro ur too fast...
my fiddie coded lala eb
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we love face 1 hair 4 femriggers here
my fiera has 5 on it
i never know what people mean throwing around that diagnosis on people. something something theory mind, something something sensory. I don't dude, we're all on spectrum; we're all a prism - the light bends and refracts different how you're holding it to the light. It's complicated.
is femra the new fotm????????
midnight really isnt that hard
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not fast enough to not get queue skipped apparently
Atma, do you like femra.
face 3 femra fotm has been going on for like 3 years
This just has bunny finder/ doze anywhere.
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damn i guess xivg HATES tomboys
should have known!
femra are pretty nice, yea
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putting this femlala on my lap
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uh, sis? Shit's taxed as hell over here. Gonna need that 15 dolla commitment, feel?
They've been running this shit for years
DYL Lalaboys
i wonder if theyll ever go back to the overmind stuff.
cute tomboy
they;re ok i guess. not my fav
The best femra hair is the himecut
Followed by the short racial hair a lot of femras here use
Those two are the top tier femra hairstyles
should i log in
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They should add a quick Action
That's it I'm fucking schizoing and skinwalking you until August 14th 2027
can't wait to visit you while my eb is away
Which is the short hair?
Malera stocks in hell
all femra is peak femra
It's just what happens when HE returns
If only i knew where you were i'd message you and make you mines
Where's my "Don't mash AoE the SAM has Chiten up retard!" button?
>Enemy limit break is them running through their entire attack mechanic rotation but 2x speed.
What is your favorite? Top 3?
please step on me
if i fanta to femra do you think HE will tribute me...
femlala, fiera, fiddie tied w/ femra
Anyone want to do shared fates or farm ex1/2?
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AoE can hit chiten, they just can't be the target
MASSIVE "cool girlfriend" vibes
*focuses you*
Very likely...
You are wrong
The only things that don’t are turret and bahamut
tickling femroes
the anons saying they'll tribute never actually do it..
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>had to kick cat out of room because i couldnt see my screen and now he's mad at me
I will take a break from cc, ty for the calls even though I was half afk (physically and mentally) that last one
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my sunnie has big boobs (and a penis)
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Picking flowers :3
That is a nice bed! Very vampire looking :p
Grats on your new place ^.^
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Crystal CC @ 3:00 ET
Incorrect. Fishing for stray AOE hits is like the main thing to do with Chiten once you're against people who know how to look for it.
As the thread ends nobody will know that I am a mysterious mystery poster who hasnt posted his character or talked of his race in xivg ever since using it for 2 years. All I leave behind is puzzles and very gay posting about liking women but in a gay and not really straight way
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my moonie rn
What defines a good tribute
I'll be there, anon of light!
You're why I need the button.
>gay for women
Taking a wild guess and assuming male midlander
he cute
can i see ur sunnie
it's a secret penis so you mayn't
Min bust min height femroe CRAFTED for bullying grunge twinks who are same height
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>Leave Chorrol to go help Valus Odiil's sons
>Game crashes
Guess I'll play CC.
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I am
A Meena laying in bed
The khaganate won't send Horse archers to India if you pay well
I will not respond to further guessing as it narrows rhe options but you are fatally mistaken broseph
No you don't little liar
would you like to cuddle with a lalaboy
Why do you use C+ to make your tranny look like she's been to Auschwitz?
Hello my friend and favorite garbage poster.
>trying to understand the mind of a shit loving beast fucker
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I am
a lalaboy...
genuine question, why are fiddie posters so insane
wtf bro i don't even want to do anything gross i just want to cuddle
do you like catboys
>lalaboy dressing like a girl
ugh throw it away
Time to edit WHM glam tops to be more revealing.
what body type
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Alright which one of you fuckers is this
>lalaboy dressing like a girl
holy sex
I think if you look at all the mechanics individually they all feel like extreme mechs except maybe sunrise. but they would each be the one "big" mech of an extreme fight that you have to learn, whereas M4S has several in quick succession that you need to perform. that mostly applies to phase 1 though, phase 2 is pretty easy until sunrise which is why you don't really see "mustard bomb prog" "twilight sabbath prog" etc. in pf. I'm surprised that people even bother putting chain lightning as a prog point when you just have to count. a couple times my chain lightning pattern was just 1-2-3-4 lol
cc doko?
I am
a femra
drinking beer in the morning
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Crystal CC @ 7:00
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I had to eat like 50 fly amanita and 25 rat meat because I was over encumbered after grabbing the iron armor from Jauffre's chest. Since rat meat causes fatigue damage I ended up falling over for like 30s and had to wait for my fatigue to regen
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my least favorite thing in savage is when the boss tell you what it's charging up a few mechanics ahead of time and you have to remember it for a full minute or whatever while doing your burst and other mechanics. my memory isn't that good.
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ruins the photo
What's wrong with Chicago
does he like femlalas
stole my tires when I went to visit a friend
i simply just play in a group where someone else is remembering it for me :3
That's an advertisement for Chicago the musical you dipped shit
he's a rapist
at least two times Italian players messaged me asking me about Italian FCs they could join because of my name.
A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
Duty pop: Duty Roulette
A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
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Rapists can still have preferences though?
Im getting ready for the canada intelligence morning shift at 1 pm local time
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>discord queue niggers
I shant be playing
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If you break the law, we'll have to come to some sort of agreement.
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the problem for me is when the other person isn't very clear
like in M4S someone will type "fire r"
personally I would assume that there's a point blank AoE on the right side of the arena but sometimes they mean the right side is safe... or maybe they were referring to the boss' perspective? in any case the only reason I get these right is because I spend the entire mechanic confused on why they would type it this way.
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Yoshitpiss said to play other games so you guys should get on Monster Hunter Rise
My male midlander will sleep now
Good night, /xivg/
I want to fuck those shrine girls extremely hard but otherwise no, I would rather play World.
Do goonras exist?
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tfw no femra for my femra
yeah but they only fuck male midlanders
World is dogshit
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But there's no sexy children in World?
>I want to fuck those shrine girls extremely hard
Same, good fucking taste
My favorite monhun girls
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yeah me
I figured the ones on primal did
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Ah fuck I didn't even see who I was replying to, now it makes sense.
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I’m a meena logging in
cc doko?
kek based
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What makes sense?
Fat Cat Fact #276

Fat Cats have 276 different facial expressions
i have the means to unleash an extremely powerful pasta. fortunately for them, i'm not a petty shithead (which is very unfortunate)
alphinauds pov.
My hung femraen-‘s pov
Mario because using his ultimate attack
wicked blaze is not hard
My bottom right skintone mhigger's POV
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wtf why would u repost me sir.
Crystal CC @ 12:40
for not joining the cc syncshell...
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>AF gear run
My hung fulala's breeding sow
excellent tits
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Logging in.
built for anal from lalabvlls
stroking my penis to this meaty goonra until i shoot ropes (cum)

xiv bros, how do we defeat the vr chat mod beasts?
Be nice to the femlalas or else...
Where are your hair horns
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Is this the new pvp discord?
wtf i don't look like that
I wish we would get the necromancer outfit already or any of the giant floating women outfits
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My sunnie+ is
Who the fuck is Lief Eksil?
Why not?
my goonra is fading out of existence. fwooooooshhhhh... *blip*
Isn't that the discord running the world championship of CC
Who even won? I was personally rooting for KR. And if they didnt win, it was the ping issue because everyone is playing on materia.
Real talk I am a goonra
Setup post just to same fag >>492838716>>492838971
you're a faggot and you should kys yourself
I fucking hate you. You deserve nothing. You’re pathetic and you will be alone forever you miserable loser.
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My xivg nonnies never show up to have their tiny and neglected little things milked and drained...............
How am I supposed to unwind after a several hour long session of shouting racial obscenities at my retarded Deadlock teammates and troglodyte m1s weekly clear morons if I can't even toy with my obedient and docile drones..........
Didn’t read post your tits stupid whore
I wanted to make a long, eloquent post making fun of the remaining shit eating retards still subbed to this garbage, but I could feel my testosterone levels drop at an alarming rate just by scrolling through, so I deleted it.
I'm rubber you're glue all the bad things you say bounce off me and stick to you.
I already did
I would play on EU just to fuck you silly
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I'll come visit you, sweetheart.
Hiiiii :3
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I have 4chan x too.
fuck off attention starved tranny
You can type emotes in /gpose so people don't see you emoting randomly in the wild
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be heonest xivg am I a goonra
my moony is
I'm so smart. when I do new savage raids I instantly solve them during the first pull. the difficulty only comes in teaching other players to execute them and building their muscle memory. that's just my INTJ brain for you.
My sunnie+ doesn't
Are you watching me? Do you want to get raped?
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Reminds me I should probably install that, I've just never felt the need for it. Also good morning.
omg a Tikaasi.
People like you never go for femlalas
I'm a gemini
This is fucking embarrassing
Where are you
Someone's son. Or what's left of him.
At the bench right now.
My male midlander woke up
>I had to eat like 50 fly amanita and 25 rat meat
I bet your breath smells so bad.
that explains why you're a retard
Bros how do we feel about maloonsters
CCers go to bed?
fat bald tranny
not hard
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Grab a brush and put a little make-up
good mornyan!
This general is such a stain it makes vg look worse than it is (which is bad)
"Doesn't follow the best practices". If you say so Google.
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i will never be a goonra
stop being mean to me
but why male moonies?
Get that slut away from open flames before she turns into an infern-ho.
I'll get my coat.
How long is the timeout for multiple incorrect passwords?

Don't let that schizo near you gooner cat
They're usually shy and cute
I think...
It becomes much easier to ignore that kind of posts once you realize that behind every one of them there is an obese man.
it's a medical term
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I went to the gas station to get a soda
What time is it in australia
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Holy shit just get a life
I am not materiac@

whoever made this edit fucking sucks nigger nuts
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>an obese man.
that's a transgender from lolg he has posted multiple nudes
Yet another CCer getting schizoposted after a CC meetup
>I went to the gas station to get a soda
what kind
Modbeasts all over the shop..
you'll be one of them, sooner or later..
can you prove that?
Tikaasi isn't a ccer they're just some retard who queues with us
Frankly after reading some of the posts that were his IP on chen I'm surprised anyone even talks to the guy. He's into blacked, used to harrass biofems, it's nuts
Was the flavor...
...CC doko?
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My malera is playing the Class of Hereoes 1+2 Remaster give me some names for my party members
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Please queue Frontline! Crystal DC
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building my femboy healslut harem rn
it wont pop for 5 more hours modbeast, go back to twitter.
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I only drink Doctored Pepper and Pepsis.
I used to drink Mountain Dew but it tastes too syrupy to me now. I wish I could still get pineapple soda, it's so good.
This song is so catchy.
>wannabe ebin posts
>betas simp, not knowing he doesnt put out
you love to see it
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I like to call it the Time Effect. After certain number of time people just don't give a fuck anymore except a schizo or two. You just have to stop posting in the thread so people forget. Just how Appal had his great meltie and then quit for a year comes back and everyone forgot all the shit he did and accept him. Samething with Tikaasi he did all these bad things years and years ago so none of the new ebins know his past besides ebin of eld or that schizo he burned.
How did people get his IP off 4chan let alone search posts from it? WTF?

>Just some retard who queues with us
So basically every /xiv/ger who does CC?
Nigga it’s 5 am
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Spooky Club is going to finish the cornetto trilogy and Paul this week!

We'll meet on Marilith once again this week, then maybe next week we'll try Famfrit again.

Be on the lookout for aliens...

>What is Spooky Club?
Spooky Club is a light RP meet up and meeting of Eorzeas leading minds in cryptozoology.

>Dress Code?
Not really but you'll be provided with a starter robe if it's your first time attending.

Don't be rude or lewd

• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul

chen was xivg for people who aren't normies from twitter / linked here from in game by magness etc.

it was a 4chan clone with 1 board for xivg.
too needy. i want to plap and log. not spend hours reassuring him his father was wrong for abusing him.
It's not 4chan, it was 'chen'. It was a splinter site used by cliquefags for a brief time. A lot of /xivg/ people went there and posted. The mod is the one who exposed tikassi's posts by mass deleting them all retroactively at the same time lol
Standard PvPfag behavior
When Jizzda started playing as a female viera he somehow attracted dedicated simps who rush to his defense to reply "BUT TIKAASI IS JUST A WHOLESOME CHUHGUS" whenever anyone criticizes him
I thought spooky club was on aether?
Wait that's Molly!!!! not Tikaasi!!!
Wynne D Fanchon
Hustler one
Fat man
me? love em
they're built for my sunnie
I've been here since ARR bro I just stayed away from cliqueshit and cords including boards like that
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I mean... I've always assumed everyone here, or on 4chan in general to be a dude, or "trans". Any actual female that has historically posted on this site is crazy as fuck or has some serious mental issues and is liable to do really fucking stupid shit for attention. Like I cannot legit think of a single sane woman who would think "Yes, I would like to spend my time on 4chan".
We usually run it on Famfrit, but congestion has been awful lately, which is odd cause I don't feel like Famfrit it more full then usual
Who even showed you this site, back to twitter nigger.
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whenever someone got banned on chen, it was an immediate highlight of the day
Stop drinking au ra drinks.
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Ok bro I'll use these I'll quote this post when I blog about how one of them got turned into dust or eaten by a monster cause this game seems more wizardry than anime
The only server that has been inaccessible since the patch is balmung
My moonie only has a single cosmetic mod that gives her fluffy tail a HD texture instead of that plus-screwdriver shit.
Does that make me a modbeast or am I still pure?
No you can't see her.
I think it's because most of the people who remember or were affected leave and get replaced by newfags that then regard the warnings from remaining oldfags as schizophrenic ramblings until they too get burned.
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try again in a few hours sis, it's dead hours
I hate this dude so much
I need my grey Tikaasi back!! do not like!
Weaber seems like a loser but Tikaasi is 100x worse
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I am a femra
who is now off to sleep.. Almost made it to the level cap but It's almost 7am..
Still haven't touched normal raids or DT extremes or savage so I guess I can't join any parties since everyone restricts ilvl
Oh, well either way we'll be back to the normal club house next week
I rewatched my M4S clear vod and I realized that my second pot didn't get used despite spamming it like 50 times. I thought noclippy fixed shit like this. oh well, the DPS check was apparently lenient...
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I was going to name a name but then I remembered she likes malera so yeah pretty insane.
Are we playing cc or no because if no then I'm going to go throw this container away and return to oblivion
i hope that sometimes in the future this will be an important lesson you look back on
Address the chen allegations
Yeah I'm expecting Appal to come back for round 2 sometime next year just how he left the first time. People can pretend to leave but they always come back.
He's on meds now chud!
bumpin' carti rn.

what are you hoping to do
if you want to learn m1s there should be parties allowing 710 ilevel which is crafted gear
cap your tomes too
jizzda just samefags himself lol
They were both shitters who caused too many problems.
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I'm not interested in arguing with schizoids still obsessed with shit that happened over 6 years ago
I miss Appal but he hates me for some reason
You seem rather keen on bringing up useless information on oldfags when it suits you though?
he knows you ruined his reputation.
the appalcord doesn't mess around.
Appal has a program that scours the thread 24/7 looking for schizoposts
Nobody misses Appal lol
Appal is spineless you probably did something that made someone else angry and they hounded Appal about it so he stopped talking to you instead of telling them to shut the fuck up and sort it out themselves.
big hunky hung mroes
No clue what happened, but he's been nothing but nice to me.
damn that shit must be pinging him more than a geiger counter in chernobyl
dodging the ion cannon floor blast really isnt that fucking hard
Appal a real ass nigga, and he'll say shit to ur face he will straight up say no i do not like you.
Do you want a real ass nigga that wont like to you or a fake ass nigga that will lie to you
pick one.
Most of you prefer the latter and it shows.
People who make posts like this are hilarious naive.
it wasn't that long ago that you spammed gore and cp on chen.
Yeah pretty much, He kicked Kong for calling Kyoppi a pedophile in game because Effy kept calling Kong a schizo to him.

He will literally not say anything and just quietly ghost you instead of telling you the true reason.
people don't change, it takes a certain kind of fucked up faggot to do what you did.
Une go to sleep nigga DAMN!!
fuck off kong you rat nigger
Sorry anon but this is the mean girls club. You're not allowed to keep talking to someone who has been nice to you if the rest of the hyenas have decided this person was le bad.
it feels really good when I dodge every hit with my full HP intact. I feel like Goku doing an instant transmission behind the boss or some shit.
He kicked my friend from Appalcord for being Autistic pretty much
>Australia hours
The thread is going to get really toxic again soon...
I really should find a place to go to and leave /xivg/
are you talking about morgan? dude was a shitter who did nothing but make people dislike him.. he didn't get kicked until someone talked about a pet rat dying and he chimed in with a "rats should die sooner" comment
>going to get
>Post i don't like
Hello Zir
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>Kong calling Kyoppi a pedo
I name changed and fanta'd and now nobody knows who I am and my threadcred has reset but I miss my old character and my old friends I schizo out. I just wanted to schizo them a bit so they felt they could get closer to me and it did the opposite....
>All caps
>Irrelevant nigger nobody cares about
Change your typing style
does this morgan have a satania avatar? that guys in a discord im in and he seems
what in tarnation are you talking about
final fantasy?
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this has a real "the lights are on but nobody is home" vibe
this party will clear wicked thunder (not that hard btw) for sure
>Marilith, Goblet W16 P15
There's a bigger spookier house if you're willing to use it for this last week.
Halicarnassus, Empyreum Ward 28, Plot 38
You wish that was the story
It was just that Kong made Ooki cry in VC so Appal suddenly grew a spine and kicked him. Kong tried to change the optics because he was like APPAL WILL KICK HIS BEST FRIENDS BUT NOT PEDOPHILES
He kicked you because you're a 40 year old reddit nigger getting denied e-sex from grown men
make an anychest on aether and I will help
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This avatar? If so then yeah.
Kong did nothing wrong, Schizos hate people who can read them like a book
>Yeah pretty much, He kicked Kong for calling Kyoppi a pedophile in game because Effy kept calling Kong a schizo to him.

GJ spreading misinformation retard, he kicked kong cause his dumbass kept causing drama in the discord. First with calling marcille a schizo and posting schizoposts about him while marcille was in the discord and causing a confrontation causing maricille to leave it and it was pretty bad but appal didnt kick him, the kyoppi thing was just the straw that broke the camels back.
What the fuck drives people to behave like this?
>People defending Appal
lol, lmao even
>tfw have the original with the arm carving but i cant post it here o r ill get banned

Kong is like Tranchal lite but even more ineffectual.
christ, im glad i dont hang out with the ebins
how come we're clique posting right now?
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I'm on JP
Anyways which is it?
Is it lot from the left and leave or the priority system? Is it a trap party? Well I'm in here.
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You know the same shit is just going to repeat over and over, you can't magically change who you are as a person even if you "Commit internet suicide" and delete your online persona and try again from scratch due to doing something fucking stupid on your old handle.

Everyone does stupid shit from time to time and certain people can hold unnecessarily long grudges over it, or you have a tendency to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Even with the option to attempt to start over from square 0 you never truly do. Just learn to live with what you do, online AND offline and come to understand the flaws you are as a person.
You hung out with mithia and shota shitters like anastasia. You are a pedo lil bro
I mean that does seem to be the case
Dude was fucking mad annoying
>be doing stuff with the bros
>comes in talks about random shit
>doesn't stop
>doesn't stop
>talk about something else
>he comes in making fun of it or bullying you knowledge of it
Like Kyoppi being a pedophile, Marcille genuinely has schizophrenia so he did nothing but spread true information.
I don't know. I've seen who Kong hangs out with so I would say Appal did kick a pedo from his cliquecord.
But Marcille IS a schizo literally and Kyoppi IS a pedophile so I don't understand what the issue was?
Don't know who this is but cute avatar I'd groom them
i meant to say he seems fine
Because it's 9pm in australia and kong needs to let out his pent up anger after becoming a xivg lolcow
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excuse me but why are we talking about appal now I thought it was my turn to be schizophrenia posted about you can't just heel turn like that it's rude
Yeah but now I'm friendless and don't talk to anyone. Better than being my old me which people hated and my threadcred was ruined.

Just thoughts.
He's okay he's just Autistic and doesn't understand social cues.
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calling out a pedo is the straw that broke the camels back?
if they don't specify anything I assume you roll from the left and leave
i don't speak Japanese so idk
are game8 starts similar to hector/shaba?
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why not
I mean you're our fav poster anyways also pls make your character unprivate so I can creep you.
We are in there to hang out have fun, Why do we want niggers in there causing drama?
You want me to invade your comfy space and start shitting it up?

Exactly dumb nigger.
Either tolerate it or leave
i don't want to hear it.
Him schizoing Ooki was
You don't grow as a person until you accept to deal with your mistakes and your issues as a person, not everyone is going to like you, and you're not going to like everyone. By avoiding everyone you avoid growing as a person, even if it's around an extremely abrasive and vindictive community like semi-anonymous online spaces.
Why do you need pedophiles in your group to have fun?
You know he's still friends with Ooki right?
that's also true
uh oh kong (lina falke alter) having a melty again
Yeah but you trying posting your character and the only replies you get are hateful ones...
lmao fucking retard
ooki and kong are friends, they raided together and ooki was teaching kong
get better material
all of these posts just confirms that not getting involved with /xivg/ anons is the best choice
kong raided with lots of people but burned every bridge because he's a manchild still posting about streamers on reddit
Reply to me a third time. Maybe it'll make it true
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Good morning
people who defend kong here must be gigantic fucking losers or unironically from his discord. you know he schizoposts people. he admits to it. he doesn't like people who get (you)s and its as simple as that. he exists to ruin people's day. the only people into this are similarly dogshit posters who never get any (you)s.
>shitassi poopei, we wuz kongz, AND appal all getting schizo'd this morning
Hell of a thing to wake up to lads
There are crucial differences
Narrow/wide witch hunt has specific markers for the ranged guys and its precise. Lightning cage has the dps and supports flipped around because the relative north is actually opposite the safe spot. and the electrope stacks during that are 3s in the center row, with the TH 2 north and DPS 2 south.
Ion cannons is also DPS blue debuff going to the inner edge (towards center of arena) and supports outer edge
Midnight has prepositions and is just dodging to the safe spots (your partner may be different)

Other than that its similar
I just assumed those posts are him on his phone
I don't need them, i don't care about pedophiles.
I don't need to hear it, kyoppi doesn't air that shit out all the time dude comes in raids leaves, he doesn't talk about it, he doesn't push it. Its really that simple because at the end of the day its a fucking fetish but you're too autistic to realize that. I love giant women using me as a dildo but its just a fetish that i will never act upon just like kyoppi never will, dude has a gf and a house hes doing better than you.
that information was mostly contained to appalcord, are you so inept that you don't see anything wrong with publishing someone else's medical conditions on an open forum?
Well yeah. The circus is fun to watch but you wouldn't stick your arm in the lion's cage.
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crystal please queue or i will have to use trusts
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holy shit this is reddit
>i don't care about pedophiles.
this is code for "I'm actually a pedo"
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It's too late I logged out if you're going to talk about kong and appal and kyoppi and instead of schizophrenia posting about me then I'm clearly not popipo popipo popipo popipo enough for this thread so I'm going to face Jaraxxus
A femra has awakened from her slumber.
>belly seam
>unmodded glove item with vanilla lowpoly hands
>absolutely ugly combo of skin and hair
What's going on tzera.

Nah he has a discord of similar fuckniggers like NB and other literally whos that he grooms as soon as they show up to /xivg/. He gaslights them into being the victim because he's obsessed with this general and the idea that everyone else is a tranny (even though he crushed hard on effy, appal and all the people he shitposts and approached them for e-sex)
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Good morning, fiddie friend.
It's kong bro.
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If threadcred is what you want, just accept that you're an attention whore like a lot of us are, accept that as a part of yourself, and accept that people will attack that. But instead of bang your head against the wall and keep posting images of your character without someone reinforcing a positive reputation of sorts will just garner ire from others.

Think about it this way, you have to scratch people's backs, and SOME people may scratch yours, and the amount of effort you put in NEVER equates what you get back in return. And even then, not everyone will like you because by having a recognisable thread persona at the end of the day you are violating the sanctitiy of being anonymous. If you can accept that, and accept yourself for you are, you will have a better time on the threads, and in life in general.
nice strawman faggot
answer my question
Bro just ignore them ffs. Or schizo them in here anonymously like everyone does. These discords will always have a wide range of retards and fucked up individuals it is what it is.
There is a reason why you're a hateful and depressed person, You care too much about trivial things, things that aren't even true.
Seek help, get better, grow lest you get swallowed up and kill yourself tranny.
>wake up
>decide to check xivg
>more people defending pedophiles
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I wonder if their name was forcefully changed...
saku rozen@odin
better as a cat
im q'd as healer right now
Must be some schizo who just got out of his 14 days jail
But how do you reintegrate into /xivg/ circles again? Everyone that knows of your past will tell all the new players to avoid you because of the bad things you have done in the past.
I stay away from drama but QRD on Kyoppi? Were they just some Lalafell player or a legit pedophile / groomer?
It's not even a defending a fucking pedophile thing, its just a stop causing drama nigger talk about the game.
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thanks anon
yeah why would people defend kong
>Just accept that people want to fuck kids and jerk off to them


They are a lalafell player that jerks off to images of little girls, wears daipers and has their bedroom decorated like a childrens nursery irl
Kyoppi is a lalafell player here who’s f-list unironically has ageplay stuff in it
chad male characters vs the virgin females
no one remembers my past and im back in, though i never did anything bad
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I fixed the seam for this outfit
Good morning to you too fiddie friend
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No one actually gives a fuck about the schizo shit posted in this general.
So basically a pedo got it
Thanks anon I hope to never interact with them
>porn addict turns into a tranny
but whenever i posted my characters they would always bring up the past
>You care too much about trivial things
every person would say fuck you to the pedo, the only reason you'd hang out with one and call it "trivial" is if you're also one
Say Kyoppi is a pedophile right now.
This is true.
The only people who care are severely mentally ill, much worse than the thread average.
That guy is insane, so funny how he always says something like "Yea i haven't posted there in two weeks."
Bro you said haven't posted there in two weeks for months, it's so obvious what you're doing.
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I am
A miera getting out of bed to log in
I love how its "schizo" shit when people point out you spammed gore and diapers to kill threads while currently on meds to stop you doing said thing.
>You don't grow as a person until you accept to deal with your mistakes and your issues as a person
hmmmm..nyo.. i will continyo to make nyew alts
Kyoppi is a pedophile.
i don't care enough to go on a witchhunt for this tranny
I just don't care, crazy right?
imagine seeing something and not letting it dominate your life. Not that you'd know !
Did it already pop?
I'm Balmung / Crystal but it only shows me in the queue (I'm healer)
Also not to mention that NB posted for months that he wants a lalafell wife, I guess it was a 'bit' or something but it just seemed like pedo spam to me so it's a bit hypocritical from ol kong to be his best friend
You accept you've done shitty things in the past, you don't try to force yourself back into those circles, but you don't leave them entirely, and you attempt to address those issues. You don't blow what you've done out of proportions, and you accept some people will.

You also take a step back and wonder to yourself if you even want to be part of those circles or not, and don't restrict yourself to wanting to be in those particular circles. Running away completely from all kinds of social interaction or having to maintain a reputation will just hinder your growth as a person and bite you in the ass in life. At the end of the day almost everyone here is a social fuckjob in some capacity and by surrounding yourself with us you're not exactly in the ideal environment to better yourself, BUT it's not an impossibility.

I am talking to Ndja aren't I?
I like how he says nobody cares when it's posted when he rages and throws accusations at random world regions.
zesty ass nigga lMOA
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Only a few more hours. :(
Wanna help me with my morning wood?
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Which would be more expensive in the slave market? Miqo'te or viera boywives?
Which one would be more fun to rape, beat and starve on the daily?
theres nothing wrong with fictional incest
>all caps rage posting
LMAO it's actually kong
we can plap while you wait sis
i might be a bpdemon but at least im not a pedo, so theres that ig

anyone wanna goon
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I can't believe this only reason Kong schizos Kyoppi and not his other pedophile friends is because Kyoppi called Kong bad at savage raiding. It's fucking hilarious to me.
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what's your point
Don't forget Kyoppi beats women to
This is actually a point in his favor though
God I hate women
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the kong cord
Yeah but I want to play the game with /xivg/ again and nobody ever joins my pfs when I post and i have no friends i can ask for help and if I do ask the one or two friends I do have they never want to join. Also no i'm not ndja
i should have known
That's literally the case. Kong doesn't care about actual podesta's if they are on his side
the worst of the worst from all xivg eras
lmfao, it's literally wall to wall the biggest faggot losers from this general
Adding all these people to my black list
>Hora Hora
What a faggot lmao
What’s wrong with Mariya
>I just don't care, crazy right?
yes it's crazy you don't care that someone is a pedo, like you're okay with it
>the people that whine the hardest that /xivg/ is ran by cliques made their own clique to whine about it together
I've never seen such retarded irony
He's definitely into lala, and Kong isn't that as using a real reason to attack people, if you notice his posts, those kong posts are almost like calls to action for other anons.
>"This poster <does bad action>"
>"Don't we all hate that and that person?"
>"Why do we like ___?"

It's not the actual reason, he's actually attacking them because he just has a personal gripe and wants to feel justified in how he feels.
HAHAHAHA this is a losercord
actually nothing he's fairly based
wow, they even have the schizophrenic eu retard maro on there, what a gathering
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Monster Original: Chugged
Buldak Ramen: Cooking
Terminator Zero: Watching
I don't know why anyone would be friends with a pedo from here, let alone be on a Discord with one. Do you really trust that person not to be sharing shit in private channels on a Discord that could get the Discord and all its members banned / reported to NCMEC? Discord does not give a shit why you're on a Discord with a pedophile or how you ended up there. It's guild by association.
Eli oh no no no no no
Annoying lolsodrunk coomer faggot.
My femra would treat her miera slave kindly. She'd teach him how to do his hair and makeup, how to behave like a proper woman, how to do household chores, and eventually turn him into a full-time maid complete with voice training and a steady supply of estrogen.
In that case I've just had the same conversation with multiple people in this thread, in game and out of game, meaning you are not alone in your woes, and others have the same struggles as you.

When it comes to wanting to play with people in an MMO, people's willingness to do content, whether they like you or not, is extremely whimsical. If you ask them to do X content and they reject you, and then you catch them doing it with a group without you literally minutes later, it's not because they don't want to play with you, it's because they didn't feel like it at the time, then minutes later decided yeah maybe I want to, and you've put the idea in their head, and feel too awkward to ask you to join because they're also just as socially incompetent as you.

Keeping friends in an MMO is always fleeting and you just end up talking to whoever you meet, and never really end up with the same people for extended periods of time unless there is a core group or person holding everyone together.

I mean I've played this game for over half a decade and I still play it mostly alone and with anyone I bump into.
Yeah but I feel jealous when the cliques post their friend groups in the thread day in and day out and wish I had something like that. I don't want misfortune to fall on them but it hurts seeing others have something you will never have.
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Oh, mustard bomb doesnt have the tanks go to the guys who didnt have it. The guys have to go to the tanks.
They're not as close as you think they are, nor do they really interact as much as you believe they do. If anyone one of them get too close to each other their social issues usually make them hate each other and drive them away, leading to the lolcow drama shitposts in these threads.

For instance you might see my character in some screenshots with the other people - I barely know anyone here, and I can assure you barely anyone gives a fuck about me. It's why some people flock to content creators, not for the content creator themselves, but the community that builds up around them. HOWEVER this does come with the caveat of having to put your mask back on and behave yourself... at least most of the time.
my wife...
So does the average xivg just stand next to their friend all day and not say anything and just take random screenshots without asking them?
I am making an assumption for that being the case, yes. I wouldn't call it non-consensual given the person probably wants screenshots taken of them and are AFKing in such a spot to begin with.
I love cunny so much

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