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Previous Thread: >>492273948
>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/
Pass: Notsanae
Reactors: A LSY, Rosaria, Frederick
>Rate ups
SSR: Morgana
All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo, RosariaPits, Lucklets(Rip?)

>Global Promo Codes
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first for ciel SEX
Gal sex
HildFriends are R.I.P after leader left.
Gonna RIP you a new one in co-op next week bwi
OWARI DA, the SLUTS have won...
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yes sweetie?
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If it's a A.Yuna skin, what if it's her grandma, May (at her prime)?
she is fine
yeah it's not like there is a bullet with her name on it flying around haha...
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stupid sexy renee
bwos i'm starting to like hags....
I want to be able to marry renee...
So, what the deal with Audra saying that the Antagonist's soul that Merlin bound herself to will eventually become a Demon Lord? Is that an actual future Audra learned as a Demon Lord?
its the fate of all antagonist, the only one who escaped this fate is yubin
so she's okay being a mistress on the side but draws the line at romance?
he is as salty as a demon lord before bieng one...
sexually harass renee
how about i sexually harass you bwo
only if you're sandy
Based namedropper striking every chance he gets, maybe if you do it a few more times he'll finally leave
autist pls
she's a literal MILF...
just give her a new kid
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geggin groggy wigh ge gragen
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awakened barbarossa when
just craft your s-prime ship schematics (limit 5 per week)
>same guy entering my kraken raids
>roughly same level as me
>squads shows a nice collection of awakeneds
>doing between -2 and 0 damage
How? Why even join a raid that you can't even touch? Even my first tries at kraken I could at least do some minimal damage.
I still get the tokens. It's faster this way.
Give me one good reason why the Kraken raid boss has over 15k health
because else it wouild have 20k health
Because it debuffs itself, so the "15k" hp (I'm assuming you mean m or kk) isn't actually that much.
I mean I was this guy except on inhibitor because It took forever for me to find a comp to get past the wall, so this is good that he attempts to fail more power to him.
0 or negative score means that he quit as soon as he started. If they're trying to get past the wall, you'd see the ship skills do some damage, like a few thousand.
Even with Inihibitor you can sneak some minimal damage past the wall with specials or ultimates. This guy is failing at the first set of tentacles, they're nothing really special.
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>check SEA players strategy battle defense team
Sorry but moving gear around is a pain, so I only use strat units that are just going to have the same gear on them forever.
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>m or kk
In what mmo someone would call kk to a million?
omg...I am so retarded....I've been using using Mordred for a week and never upgraded any of her skills........
It's kind of funny, when you first start you're starved for red books. After a year or so you just kind of forget the mechanic exists.
My kraken team kills 150 so smoothly now he doesn't even finish his ult. Just in time for 190...
My kraken team dies to 150 so smoothly now they don't even finish the groggy phase. Just in time for 190...
NTA european oldfags used kk plenty because a simple m in roman numerals is just 1000. while k (kilo) is universally 1000 and kk 1000x1000 is 1 million.
also see 1999 to 2000 into a new millenium, 1 thousand years or mm 2000 in this case.
that is the short answer.
for real though
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if your team isn't this it's not optimal, nice try tho
fr tho
the only reason i dont forget its because i got used to upgrading skills for pass shit
no cap
does mordred shaves
>Upgrading Plaga instead of Dorothy, Jia, or Sky
KR please.
was rosa the antagonist of hild world
She'd have some norse name if she was.
thinking about throwing some money bside's way, is there any difference between steam and mobile pricing?
i think steam is cheaper by a little
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thank, credere will be mine soon
she seduced one more...
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What gear do you put on ranger Jia?
maze aspd with cdr subs
Thanks, it just so happens I have such an oddly specific set for Gauen.
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I don't have that meme full ASPD Na Heerin, but definitely improves my clear time even without an operator proc.
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I just noticed that Jia skin chibi has the envelope between her tits.
You can't NTR a widow, but you can NTR a married woman.
she is a widow her husband is dead
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Na Herin proc only works for Mechs, she is there just for the passive aspd
>its the fate of all antagonist, the only one who escaped this fate is yubin
for now. he is trying to contain the demon lords power without becoming and it fucks him up acording to ep 11
>fucks him up acording to ep 11
i don't remmeber that,what does it say?
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night bwos,luv you all
That's right, a widow.
But why does she say "married woman"?
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Naielle robbed her Awakened form
You don't get a rearm AND ASSR unless you're the shilled protagonist.
>shilled protagonist.
Xiao days of being the pet character are long gone.
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we did it bwos, we're back to over 900 average
They launched Grand Fantasia on steam, the nostalgia is tempting me bwos...
Wasted $100 on gambling bros. I wish I spent it on Bside instead. At least I know Bside is winning!
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all me btw
Concord will never touch us.
If this Spencer is from after "Fallen Floor", she probably made peace with her husband's crimes and considers Shepherd her (second) daughter.
Is Ciel for (you)?
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why don't you shoot your shot and find out?
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You can still be a widow with a daughter.
The horror cometh.
Goodbye, it's been fun.
Ship hp is going up so much I think terror is dead. Even paper ships like Abraham will be tanky now.
>【 Monthly S-Fusion Core Package 】
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a-at least they're not unlimited
is it worth it to dump all of my random ssr for data then buy the core?
>The amount of materials spent during the rearmament will follow the original unit’s grade. ex. Rearming Rivet will follow SR’s table, instead of SSR’s.
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>Raid [Plaque Exchange] will now have a maximum of 70,000 points.
give me something for the pain bros
what happens with the coupons? Does the patch notes say anywhere?
no just the shop but just use them as it's all gonna be the same now anyway
if you just delete 5 SSR you get 10 fusion cores and if you put them into rearm stuff you get 100 prime data which is also 10 cores. there is a 1% chance to get 3 fusion cores extra. up to you if you think that is worth the hassle.
the only ones where it is worth it is for SSRs from tickets, the ones without "contract obtained" on them as they give 0 fusion cores from deleting but 10 prime data in rearm. so at least you get 1 fusion core from 5 of them instead of 0. possibly 4 if you hit the 1% 3 bonus.
I thought it was just 2 rearm data from a non contract obtained dupe
it is 2 for each, i meant all 5 gives 10 and with that 1 core from that special shop tomorrow.
I see thanks bro
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>drop the lvl 120 change in the first week of the month
>we're doing it this way and don't care what you think
bside really did not want to argue about this.
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"new" PD ain't making friends on arca with this patch
you flew too close to the sun hopesharts
if I get lucky is should be able to do 190 raids in 2 years, but by then there'll be lvl 250 raids and lvl 150 units which I would need another 2 years for. it's literally infinite content
Trucks imminent.
>Trucks for a dead game
Lol, Lmao even.
eat shit nigger
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They're pushing it already? Fucking hell, I thought it'd at least be another two weeks away, assuming they didn't cancel the rollout to readjust it.
It takes them months to make changes to the PVP ups and bans but they rush this shit through immediately without any concern for the backlash? I hope someone resigns for this.
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>▣ New Challenge - Kim Hana’s Key Talent Cultivation
>1. The new challenge, Kim Hana’s Key Talent Cultivation, will open every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
>2. CEOs will have 3 entries per day, and a loss in the challenge will not deduct the count.
>3. Clearing the challenge successfully will provide 2 [Fusion Cores].
Guys, look! They listened! Now you always get 2 cores from it, instead of 1-2 like they announced initially!
They probrably had this ready for months
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fuck yeah they buffed the sedan
and barbarossa
I a lot of times feel homogenization is a worse sign than the jewsih greedy
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Abraham with over double HP is kind of horrifying.
Machine gods wont be stopped even with bside hating on them
That's just confirming the rearm costs. They're still going to fuck up and make everyone rebuild their R and SR rearms to save cores.
>6 fusion cores a week
>not even enough for a single limit break on a lv100
Yeah, but a widow calling herself a married woman implies her heart will remain with her dead husband for the rest of her life. It's the same as saying "I have a daughter" instead of "I had a daughter" even if you outlive your daughter: the former keeps your daughter's memory alive.
thicc duck
ntrbwis we keep on winning
>weekly buff is discounted Salary Negotiation
Data Transmission is also going to be removed, liquidate Rearm Data from your non-Gacha SSRs, too.
is alex useful/used anymore? for pve since I already use kaci.
yes, but for the exact same thing as kaci so you only really need one unless one of them is banned in pvp or something
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Honestly I'm glad I managed to hit Challenger 1 before this shitty patch hit, because as an f2p I will probably never reach it again in the seasons to come. This is it for pvp.
I'm not sure what to even do outside of pvp in this game. Probably gonna take a break soon.
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>half of /csg/ is going to quit from this patch
quit already so I can quit too.
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my vow is eternal
>【 Monthly S-Fusion Core Package 】
>【 Weekly S-Fusion Core Package 】
Celebrating post-1.5 anni with Origin 2.0
guys, im trying the game but i felt like it was plants vs zombies the rpg but in 2d, does it gets exciting or its niche game?
Then we are here forever.
what you mean exciting?
thanks thats all i needed to know
It has PVP if you're a numbers autist.
>they just shotgunned the 120 change with no wait
Out of ALL things to just rush out the door...
go back to your exicitng genshin then i guess
They want to sell s-fusion packs right now. This was their only goal with the patch.
For my last 110 before the change, should my ranger be rosaria or laika?
i'm biased toward rosa
an intruiging argument
I rearmed them all except for big sis
and I am lacking 50 rearm data to rearm her
I am sorry, big sis...
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she forgives yoiu bwo
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>when she sees the special fusion core cost
When are we going to Mars?
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ack ack ack!
must wait for the asimov arc
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When it's Awakened Rivet time.
I just realized her cleavage window is bunny-shaped. And that she actually wears a bunny suit to tempt mercenaries into wanting to rape her.
when she awakens from the death
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Looks like the Pres whale spent enough money to be 'appreciated'
>huge change that people are complaining about
>send out a gift pack to every gigawhale
the timing is impeccable here
any f2poors on that list?
prbly not as its a list of top 3 DC and PVP
Need to butter them up so they'll drop 10k coins on the s-fusion packs.
that one guy with default name
Kek these paypiggies obviously didn't spend enough, considering they still dropped the fusion core shit to boost their revenue. Gotta get on those packages and that new prestige skin to show bside your appreciation, oink oink!
Fund project star, goy!
truely a man amongst men
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imagine if she used an actual weapon
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I remember when Counterside was hopeful.
yo-yos are weapons bwo....
it is still hopefull
trust the plan™
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You mean if her yoyo turned into a sword?
I love it when live action is more ridiculous than anime.
why can't games be like this?
i fucking love when shows go full autism like this
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how are my favorite negros doing today
my teeth is in pain
that is the price you pay for being in this general
i thought the price was getting sucked dry by your mom... guess that was free
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very original yes
It's not original like your mom
Use your s-cores on Hild, trust me.
i believe in hild
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a.rosa or a.sigma? I'm building for swift trimming
Is rosa used for swift trimming?
isn't stage 3 is for flying unit, she seems good for that
A Sigma. She makes the mech floor way easier.
Is there any guide to trimming that is not a fucking video?
nice its not only me that hate using videos as guides
>inb4 these changes are to prevent the Jack0 cheese on Dives
just 120 her bwo
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Aren't the ships something like 500k hp already? They aren't using our ships' hp values, so they shouldn't be increased as well right? Right?
shouldnt since they are already level 130+
Name the last story in which no new characters died
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Used my ASSR selector to get Cold Case Horizon
the ones set in the present and not in dead worlds
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Theorycrafters, how will full power HILD would look like?
this looks like that dead game that was shilled super heavy for like a week for being unique and then forgotten about by everybody
thats from the prequel
Tons of civilians died in the last main story chapter.
1.5m tall
So, most gachas?
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thats their problem lmao as long my waifus are alive
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Astra is still alive though, it's in its Schrodinger's state.
night bwos,luv you alll
dream with the fusion cores
Sigma's treasure cruise? it literally just happened
*dream without any fusion cores
That's a limited event.
Prime data autoconvert into fusion cores?
No, you have to do it manually before they remove it from the game.
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▼ Rearmamemnt Data Exchange Center Available Schedule

▷ September 4, After the maintenance ~ January 8, 2025, 14:00 (UTC+9)

▷ September 4, After the maintenance ~ January 8, 2025, 00:00 (UTC-5)
The conversion shop is until January 8.
Bside got so greedy that they've stopped giving a fuck about QC.
>Bside got so greedy that they've stopped giving a fuck about QC
They never gave a fuck in the first place.
Why are you shilling your mixed toilet slop on /vmg/ of all places?
>5 cores
>1910 coins
I still remember when the Global banner announcement for the first Employee Pick-Up showed Awakened Yuna before bside quickly edited it. So they did care at least once.
The Weekly S-Core deal is 800 Coins for 2 S-Cores, so 1910 Coins for 5 S-Cores is a legitimately better deal (but not by much).
not even an event for a start up on cores
there are no black tickets in my mail??
>Didn't get a bunch of porn of this onahole
Veda's greatest failing
these fucking devs really want to push whale playstyles huh, garbage ship hp buffs to ruin any rush team.
Fuck you bside no one but whales like playing tanky defense comps.
So with abraham buffed does that mean we can use goliath rhino comps again?
I guess we'll see. The buff percentages were all over the place.
horizon stall comps with healing received is the future. If i can't play terror anymore i'm going back to the most cancerous mech heal build I have.
Be honest with me countersisters... its nyover for real this time, right?
>Even if you wanted to swipe the S-core price is horrid
My sides
It was never over, doomsister. Counterside is more ALIVE than ever. The real players dont give a shit about muh heckin' powercreeps, they just have fun with the readily available not-tryhard content.
My built momo + asy eating good
>readily available not-tryhard content.
there's content beyond pvp?
pvp never was content, it is only for tryhards.
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okay but why cant you craft 25 s-f-cores per week, I wanna 120 my big sis NOW
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Oh but you can get over 25 a week.
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you did save up core crystal shards thingies, right rabi?
So realistically your best 120 candidates are all-powerful strikers like hahaman and yuna I guess?

Then secondly ultra-broken tanks like Ecclesia?
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Hild's not very tanky these days, so getting her to 120 is your main priority.
>trying to brick anons
is it a prydwen psyop?
please 120 rearm yoom you get a special r18 cutscene and a signed letter from yoomdog
yoom a shit but i'll do it for yoomdog
Unironically this
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Ragnarok Online players.
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The only ragnarok player who used kk that I've interacted with (in iro chaos) was a brazilian guy who only played full support healer and eventually told me he was going to the US and has never logged on again since.
One guy. Everyone else that I've met used m.
angry that your shitpost is so obvious that even /vmg/ didn't reply to it?
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me ragnarok player bwo, if your playing the renewal with the 3rd class shitting out billions of damage this is an obselete term, if pre-renewal, still relevant
I'm not BR though
extended for another hour
>update actually killed the game
Old MMO players, Sadly mostly uses m nowadays
I use k and kk at work still
I only use kkk
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>have to beat up fenrir squad for cores
a-are we the baddies?
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Wow bside actually did something non retarded. Rearms cost as much as their base form to limit fuse above 110.
>1.2GB update
For what?
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That's a whole lotta nanomachines, son.
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Some kind of new squad UI button that doesn't work properly
I'm pretty sure it's like the dimension trimming CP wall in reverse. You get buffed for each tier you pass.
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if anyone was wondering about ASSR stat increase from 120 here is a comparison. forgot to take a pic of my 110 but bullet's will do fine.
will be even more for units that go ATK+ATK gear.
real whales that bought all monthly and weekly s core packages got 1 120 and 1 118 unit now or 1 120 SSR and 4 S(S)R rearms at 120.
be safe out there pvp bwos.
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lobbies are on kr
gravity is probrably one of the most retarded companies i know, they keep shitting ragnarok with those retarded endless spinoffs
a bunch of KR thought they could reset the fusion core farm with quartz to get 36 cores a week. they now realised that its a challenge and can't be reset.
unrest is growing!
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is it time to invest in truck companies?
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why dont the s-cores packages allow me to 120 3 units ???
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That wont stop me from smooching you though ?
PresChad here i already bought all those new packs and used them on Eve
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bros... the 70k points for raids is too much....
Sandy did it first
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how does his semen taste like, slut?
why ? It's not even as many raids as we had to do before they gave the double amount
>you get quartz for each of your rearmed units as if you already 120'd their base versions
what you mean? Trying to dismiss a rearmed employee even at level 1 give quartz?
no bwo you get the progress quartz from their base versions for the level 120 milestone
how do you clear this
did they fucking lower the chance of cooldown set gear appearing or something? wasted gold bins and even fucking wasted 2 mil credit for just ONE N cooldown set
time to open the wallet broski
welp pvp's gonna suck for a while cause of the whale gap time to just do npcs. dumping my first batch of s-cores onto naielle
i forgot to check the mail, and i didn't read the patch notes or whatever, so i got nervous as fuck when i didn't see the original cores weren't in my storage. i thought we were supposed to exchange them manually, like the rearm data
Using overwhelming Numbers!
>the stars on the limit fusions unit don't change color/there is no new animation
>one pack of 5 s-fusion cores is 19 bucks
>the fusion core quest is totally overtuned for it's level

bruh jewside you for real?
bside had enough of 300k per month
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this is more true then ever, we'd better get some slutty naielle outfits.
Don't care about it. If they're not going to throw in more tokens along the way I'm sure as fuck not grinding another 38 raids.
Imagine new players getting insta-bricked because they can't do the core stage that was supposed to help them.
Wow they actually didn't fuck up the rearm costs. Time for level 120 Irie.
i thought that stability was something they planned guess not lolz
so kim chulsoo's like the best unit in the game now forever huh.
Until the whales get around the 120ing the others defenders. Right now, yes, he's the best PvP tank in the game.
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just be yourself
Did we actually get (Prime) Rearm Data compensation for dodging the new "2 Fusion Core" Rearm tax? I claimed all of that mail without jotting it down.
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i'm sure awakened trash will be very slutty
No, there's an exchange shop where the other seasonal shops are.
>Craft s-fusions before doing the new stage
>Now I can't advance the missions for a week
Fire whoever comes up with this shit. The missions should all be active at once.
i hope its just a switchable powerup like seo yoon, would suck to lose the goofey buttmonkey naielle and have her personality change like regina did.
I swear to god i'm nearly making an arca post making the planning for them to make more money since they can't give two thoughts on how to raise their revenue that isn't copying nexon strategies
You can't just make a post telling them to sell lewder skins.
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behold season 6's last stand heroes!
ecclesia/tank - chinatsu - ayuna with full defcdr - 5 healers
I'm not talking about our existing Rearm Data being auto-converted, I'm talking about bside GIVING us Rearm and Prime Rearm data for Rearming our units before the new costs.
might honestly be alternate world trash, ours has no business to switch to roy's chains. the armor bits prbly hint towards elysium yet again.
so switched personality is prbly the case.
You mean the only two people in /csg/ that rolled Mordred.
>costs went up
>do I get compensation for buying at the cheaper rate
i got her in 10 pulls
pretty much nyes. will be the same story for this DC as mordred should rape soprano (C.O)
Hildbwos, where are you?
I'll try going for top for Mechwarriorbwos
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We're so back bwos
I haven't seen any /csg/ in DC top 100 for months. It's impossible without def pen gear, and the only whales left are PvP mains who aren't making def pen gear.
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To be fair, the update didn't say compensation mail was happening. The mail itself was also nondescript.

Good point, Galahad Roy's chains have bladed tips. Maybe she's an ally of the Knight of the Lake from his original world.
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She won't, Curian + Warden have doubled attack so it's all on them. Also imagine going full homo and spending money on a dude because you want a higher DC score.
the one that did end a few days ago had one hildbwo at 98 or 99. retard me forgot to post it before it ran out, as i don't usually check DC beyond 1 auto hit for 12k rewards.
I have no motivation left whatsoever for this game, was going to push in the last few days for last stand like usual but then those patch notes happened...
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wyell she seems to work for the 1st place
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homochads we fucking won...???
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it's all gonna be alright bwo. bside will apologise in about a week or two and change the pricing and overall special fusion core conversion rate towards something more reasonable.
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>Also imagine going full homo and spending money on a dude because you want a higher DC score.
looks like the majority of the top 10 did it.
How are your catalysts?
Love and Deepspace fags quivering in their boots.
They all got converted
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not even close to enough. pic related is just 220 fusion cores conversions which is one full 120 unit.
>Lv120 Chulsoo for just 12 Fusion Cores
He truly has awakened.
He almost has as much defence as 110 aJake. Might actually be worth going tank ASPD on him now.
I throw Dino at everything. Literally no reason not to.
tank/ecclesia - chinatsu - ayuna with cdr - supports
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local korean man shows his devotion to AKARIIIIN
Are ranked battles glitched? Its stuck at 89%
i had that happen in strategy battle seems like bside fucked the code a little bit too hard. first problem with forced alt f4 since late 2022 for me.
ah, yes. Fuck me, gently
>>493121621 (me)
worked after a restart btw so its a new but rare bug.
It's time to cash in all those worthless partner cards to catalysts.
I haven't even 110 most of my units so do I even make s-cores or ignore them to complete my 110s?
i would say you 120 your waifu and/or your main tank and then ignore them for now
they're limited to 15 a week so you might regret it later when you want to go for 120 as you will be timegated. i'd say get enough for 2 120 units and then keep focusing on 110.
>5ch at top 16
4chan has fallen
Bwos, the bots posted in our dead game general. Rising!
>She is canonically hired.
each 10 pull gives you 3 average.
is there a reliable auto team for this guy with all medals?
teams for the s-core challenge?
No, you have to forward deploy aHilde immediately or your ship may get hit. If you drop CDR aHidle and a bunch of ASPD debuffers (rLaura leader, Ministra, CDR Jin Bora, Glep Pod S1) you will never need to redeploy your defender. That's the best you can do.
Throw meta ASSRs at the problem like everything else in PvE. Have a tanky backline unit to keep Yoom busy doing nothing.
>Not the Yandere version
supposedly these
i already did my hits and can't test any of them. the AMaria one is prbly more reliable though cause of the teleport.
Second one probably works fine, but they're making it harder for no reason by turning ults off. After the initial three units you can probably just drop an ASPD debuffer instead of Alex, and CDR Hilde should never die at that point.
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Actually thinking about it more the Hilde ult may cause her to fly past the boss and fuck you over, so you probably have to do it that way.
>ntr smile
Just be aware that if Tyrant targets the cat first and aHilde gets a pixel ahead of Tyrant detection he will start walking.
Eh, I've never had this set up fail so I'm going to assume it's stable if you forward Hilde immediately.
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>revenue printer goes brrrr
I'll laugh my ass off if this is the first time we get a number over the made up 180k->300k->180k cycle.
It just happened to me when I deployed Laura second, so the next time I deployed her last.

Estaque new meta for pve
Huh, I usually drop Laura back so that's probably why. You can just drop Estaque instead of her to completely eliminate that chance.
Yeah they can fuck right off then. Not worth an hour of raiding for two relic set rolls.
>more gold bin from raids
BASED, I can finally 1 shot more raids bwo
skill issue
even 190 raids?
Even if we do, was it worth killing any chance for new players to join and still catch up? This growth is not remotely sustainable since it entirely relies on cannibalizing existing whales.
Looking at what top 10 is throwing their first sfusions at (upgraded/upgraded to 120):

aYuna (3/1)
Kot (3/2)
SSR Rosaria (2/0)
Veronica (1/1)
rLiz (1/0)
Spira (2/0)

Looks like everyone decided Terror is back on the menu.
Apparently Global can barely even damage 190 without Swan. Might be a month or two before the whales get enough 120s to kill it.
>+100 million hp
yeah fuck that. wtf is even the point of doing 190 raids is it just higher points compared to 150?
What new players? Even bside is admitting that's a wasted effort.
If we ever get powercreeped to the point where you can one-shot it, then it's faster points than 150. For now it's a waste of time.
well as far as bside is concerned this was a pretty logical next step. they are notoriously bad at getting new players and from the looks of it abandoned that idea a while ago. milking the playerbase for a short term cashflow is good enough for them.
new origin is still the grave of newcuties and bside never took those changes that targeted them specifically back. and nyes that means we are already dead, beyond the end is tongue in cheek for bside. its only a matter of time now.
>inb4 she chances upon a possibilities crystal, and gets hypnotized into awakening as a larp
great, i just upgraded all my world map nodes for it. back down to 110 it is...
Yeah thats my point, until they fix the new player experience it's still just be a slightly slower death and we will never be saved.
haha, I got raped, twice. Time to change 190 raid teams...
>even sandy gave up
it's over countersharts
People will still leech a few of them because of the mission.
>one minute to get past the first tentacle
Fuck that shit.
The regret I have for not grinding a pvp title 6 months back will likely haunt me into quitting
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finally the true kraken experience. imagine britra 190...
Uhhhh what's this about limit fusion cap being increased to 120???
Everyone shares the same apt cores now?
This is a pretty massive game changing update to drop so casually
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everything changed so quickly...all PVE and PVP achievements now unreachable.
s-stay strong bwi
>all this hype for 170 raids
>110 is still best
They're going to nerf 90-110 raids soon lol
I don't get it
Why didn't the new administration just hire all the old administration employee? are we retarded?
They brought this up a couple months ago, saying it was the only way to add new PvE content at this stage. Which, I'll be fair and agree with them because even on Global you had people with absolutely nothing left to do.

Then last week they showed the ridiculous costs and everyone panicked, and then bside went in dry a week later without changing anything. Best we can hope for at this point is that KR trucks them hard enough to increase the fusions from the new stage.
just grind it anyway whats actually stopping you? You wouldn't pass the whales with full gear either
You must have a lot of sissies on your partner list if people are still doing 110s.
Kraken are Inhibitor are more efficient to do 150.
Britira is much faster to 110 for now, but once we get Swan that will change as well.
this would be a good time to announce a co-op rework, bside. top 100 giving special fusion cores from 1 in the low to 10 in the top 10 consortiums.
also a new boss, being able to skip arenas that you cleared once already and the rewards being extended to a 300k score. those too would give a few special fusion cores, 5 would be good enough per season. or keep it 150k and make it weekly score rewards, giving 2 special fusion cores a week from that.
what about pvp? which is all I care about. pve getting a higher cap is cool but if you can bring those higher units over into pvp, which is already a whale landside, then that's bs
>what about pvp?
bwi...it's nyover. 120 is everywhere.
Just use multiple units 110+ instead of going for a single stronger unit, it's purely meaningless the excuse of "gap is wider" if you couldn't beat them before to begin with
>1 in the low to 10 in the top 10 consortiums
Lets not give the whales even more advantage thanks.

Adding some to the seasonal reward is fine, and there should be s-cores in various weekly/monthly shops now.
either 120 one or two broken assrs and just play when they are free, or you'll have to get fucked
you're retarded. before it was actually pretty possible to beat whales as long as you had a few decent gear sets but nobody is beating 20% all stat difference on almost every unit
well the problem is there has to be some incentive for the top 100. giving the whales 10 cores more wouldn't really matter at that point as they're already ahead anyway and f2ps will never catch up. it would make their own life easier though to get something from the top 100, as a bunch non whale consortiums score high enough to get more than 1.
Now that 120 Dinos are going to be a thing I'm glad I pulled Mordred
I really doubt PvP players are going to 120 a permaban unit. Some PvE players might go for it.
Who the hell have "almost every unit 120' they have one 120 and one 118 at most
I really don't like the idea of 'more co-op incentives' as it leads to elitism and making life even harder for new players; but there are no new players left with these changes, so fuck it. Design everything for longtime players and whales.
I still run into that thing regardless of being banned
elitism would've saved us in 2023. bwos that are attached to the well being of their consortium and bwis don't leave. we lost so many because there is nothing to do and no attachment because of it. something small like being able to use squads from friends would've unironically attached more bwos too but bside took that away as well...
pacifists or casuals don't lose anything from elitism as we would have enough active players to give them their own space where nobody cares. i will give you in advance that burnout is a thing but in this alternate future bside might've added more stuff to do that would've switched things up. but nyo, all we got was pvp focus and stagnant pve. also new players are not a consideration anymore we got 0 from 1.5 anniversary. would need some major changes to get them back + money for ads which bside is unwilling or unable to spend.
>>493134135 (me)
also prbly worth to add that said pvp focus wasn't really content either, just juggling around of numbers and inflating ASSRs stats to pretend something changed.
So, the rate is 5 weeks to raise 3 units to 120, considering you have Fucking Cores.
They didn't touch Simulations, seems like they're giving the same amount, I'm still in awe of the credit difference between runs. Gonna do more calcs...
I heard snipers are better with the 120 changes since everyone is going to 120 their strikers/defenders first, so their overkill hit is needed
These new cores look so fucking ugly couldn't they have picked a better color
they really should've revamped coop, made it ACTUALLY coop instead of yet another shitty generic raid boss
they already have the left and right deployment and live pvp, how hard could it've been to let multiple players attack together at the same time from both sides and see what each other is doing? they can buff each other too. would be way more entertaining but bside doesn't like to actually work on their game
Kinda tempted to roll mordred at the last second since if I really want to pvp ill need every gimmick I can think of
Dino stomps.
enough with bwo this bwo that your time is over
now its time for the bwis to rule
i guess with a co-op matchmaking that would've worked. biggest problem would be getting the bwos in the consortium to do their hits at the same time to use that feature. unless the whole server gets included. which is another thing that bside could've done a long time ago. why do we not have a god tier boss that the whole server fights for rewards? a billion hp or something and everyone hits it. the same feature of doing it together via matchmaking would've worked here too.
bside could do so many things but as you said they don't like to work on their game. only skins and new characters i guess.
Finally they fucking fixes this shit
Before 190 raids you'd probably be fine but now it's looking like Swan is a genuine "must pull" character
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come at me bwi
Good thing I don't give a single shit about raids then
Chifuyu, Ciel, Agnes or Rebecca?
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fauna save us please
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nobody can
At the moment 190 raids seem pointless to me anyway, I already have all the britra/inhib gear I want.
what if this was the whole reason they flattened cubes?
it's time to return to nature
I genuinely think people will just ignore 170-190, unless they drastically increase the incentives. It's just going to be way faster to crush 150s and lower with the powercreep.
don't worry t8 gear soon. only a matter of time till that gets expanded for a cashgrab.
the only thing that is holding bside back there is the storage space which they struggle with bandwidth wise.
170-190 gives a new token to craft T7 SSR Brita/Inhibitor. Would have been better if they let you choose Mech/Soldier/Counter.
I can't S clear the core stage.
Yes and every week the gap is going to be bigger since Bside is just going to sell more and more S-Fusion packs.
I just deployed dino
i stacked awakeneds and cleared pretty easily. a shiyoon, ecclesia, chinatsu, rivet, a yuna.
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I run something similar to >>493114830 and the idea is to block Hilde and Shiyoon at roughly the same spot Yoom would drop at so you can concentrate firepower on all three at the same time while your support keeps everyone alive.
KR players can one-shot 190 Kraken with no 120s.

We need all the remaining unreleased units apparently.
I still don't understand what even the point of 190 raids are. Just a bonus challenge?
You get a guaranteed SSR relic, which is meaningless if your gear is good enough to clear 190.
>that full dmg phase
what the actual fuck. i know swan is crazy but man, we can't do that here i don't think.
You know that raids are a coop thing right? You don't need to 1KO them, you just need to participate in one with a team of partners so you get the rewards.
>you don't need to hit raids bwo
>please hit the worm bwa
>please do your arena hits bwi
it's a downward spiral sis... it has never been so nyover...
Is Swan the first must have ASSR since Eve and Dino? Are any of the other future ASSRs must pulls?
tip: stop adding /csg/bwos to your partner list and they will hit your raids.
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listen to mors
Shes only pve must-have.
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swan is must have for extreme debuffs and right after her surya is must have for extreme ASPD buffs
they'll just get powercrept in a month or two
nyes we entered the powercreep spiral of doom
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Who should I pick, bwos?
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bullet has one too
RKing for TU
Speaking of Maestra

If there was EVER a time to release philharmonic reactors to bait forgiveness, right now would be perfect
I've never seen a gacha so anti-raid like this one.
>Lv. 152
Are you ready to get 20 Counter's CDR Sets?
Imagine if you couldn't just insta leave 0% raids for participation and are required to do a minimum of 10% dmg done in order to get points
This should've been a real skin
Seems like I'm missing something...

Giving Maestra a reactor to debuff <bosses> just to bait people wasting cores in her. My evilside can't be this cute.
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soon bwi
How does this guy see the gear and stats on the same screen? Is this only in KR? Or I'm missing something.
He's looking at them through the match history screen
>match history screen
Yes, the "recent battle record" button
We'd all be fucked since there's a 190 on my list right now with about 10 people that hit it and the highest is 5m.
Eh. I prefer the dark.
doesn't the sky become a bit brighter just before the sunrise?
Yes you do, because nobody hits raids after the first few days.
>'we need to increased the level cap so we can make harder content'
>release harder content
>People immediately clear it anyways
So it really was just bait for PvP and DCfags.
Looks like everyone's going to have to buy the pass for the new supporter.
What the fuck are these piss cubes? What happened to my apt cores?
It's pretty funny seeing Chusloo at the very top of my unit page.
It's a reminder of the state of the game from bside.
Looks like almost 50% to 170 If Ciel doesn't decide to spread her legs to the Kraken when he pushes everyone.
Forgot to say: Lin Xien cloning program required with at least 30% CDR or wipe.
>Only one core type
>Still give us coupons instead of directly giving us cores
Bside please.
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Well, if you were to completely abandon gear and devote ALL of your eternium to cores (yes the shitty core supply mission) and catalysts i THINK you can make the weekly craft limit...

You just have to have gear so good you feel no need to get anymore upgrade mats!
>lin xien and Kim Chulsoo cost nothing to 120
Based true frontliners of the game
>lin xien
HUh,mine ost s-fusion cores
Lenore and Laika have a special interaction in the dorm despite never meeting.
dino soloed the stage for me, he ults before the snipers kill him and he just chews through hilde and shiyoon
dino forever
>put sonya and dracasia next to each other in the dorm
>no interaction
not while you're looking
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i wish kraken was a unit we could put on the lobby,iamgine it grabbing the pirategirls interaction
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I'm back!!!!! After ten thousand years I am finally free. I have missed you bwos and bwi's so much. Have no fear, we may have taken a temporary blow from bside but we are strong, we have weathered fiercer storms. Together nothing can take us down.
were you are back from bwo
From a very dark place where no light ever reaches. In the tongue of the ancient ones they call it your mothers basement.
Where is the new map to farm fusion cores?
>The new challenge, Kim Hana’s Key Talent Cultivation, will open every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
its challenge
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Leader just did his arena hits. Hildbwos we are so fucking back.
where is code the with 50 free s-cores?
Don't worry eventually you'll catch up after a year with a 120 team and then do it all over again for 130
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>after a year
>he doesn't have access to the information
It's coldest before the sunrise, but not darkest.
Rearms now use cores instead of rearm data? A good change, farming the data was a big pain in the ass. Alive game confirmed.
it is loudest before sunrise
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night bwos,luv you all
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What a chad.
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welcome back bwi
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sweet dreams, bwo, luv u too
>keep bankrolling dead game so bside knows their new whalebait mechanic works and they add more
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Okay guys seriously

I genuinely have no idea what to 120 first, suggestions please?
If you find out please let me know. Pve only, there's no point in even trying to keep up with pvp anymore.
if you want PVE assuming it's danger close and last stand then Curian might be good overall
she is the pope so correcting her is heresy and heresy is punished by death... where the pope can't see it as to not hurt her feelings
I would assume ecclesia first for PVE. You use her literally everywhere and she benefits from all stat gains.

Though if you care more about winning DPS races this is def a good suggestion too
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>three pvp matches where im using yuna/yoom cheese
>Run into mordred users every time
>okay fine I deserve it
>THEY'RE 120
I can't believe this pope became a demon lord!
because strikers go boom
The people made her the pope, and in the end she was still a paladin in nature.
where was maestra and her goons during the events of avenger?
they were busy sucking my cock
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Bwos, I'm gonna become Bside's antagonist
sorry for the late reply, but yes
For Mechwarriorbwos
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bwos, new code
Considering I pretty much have to stop farming upgrade items, this is nice.
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>Core cost from 100-110 hasn't changed and better core conversion with S-APT being universal.
>APT cores are now universal instead of class locked and can be converted into more fusion cores per farm.
>110-120 level up gives shitters a chance to complete the current main episode and other power-gated important episodes or gear acquisition modes.
>100 Prime Rearm Data cost for SSR replaced with a 10 fusion core cost. Rearm Data cost for SR's removed. No longer the need to purchase or sacrifice SR-SSR dupes for Rearm resource.

>PVP is topped by whales over level up for the first months, I.E. non-issue.

You don't play the game as it is to complain.
>No longer the need to purchase or sacrifice SR-SSR dupes for Rearm resource.
so what do we do with dupes now? Do we just dismiss them, like we do to Rs when the main units are max TU?
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codes, link the OP
Do you not dismiss them?
I'd keep them for when bside introduces tu12 and appends like fgo
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the only way to save this game now is to awaken chloe (this is a real book by the way)
who do I pick from the selector? A. Chris or Nequitia?
ah maintance is incoming
>first real update in like a year
>people complain
whatever change to shake things up is a good thing
The only people complaining don't play the game.
A. Chris
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So how many ultra cores can I get with this?
Fun fact!

You can add new content WITHOUT fucking up everyone's accounts and railroading the entire server into swiping.
>>PVP is topped by whales over level up for the first months, I.E. non-issue.
PVP is going to be topped by whales forever. You thought Last Stand was bad before? Now to even stand a chance at ranking in Last Stand you'll need to get the relevant Awakened unit and have it at level 120 in the first week.
i use SRs for rearm mats when i had a lot because why not, realistically i got cores in the end anyway, since i exchanged the rearm data i had, and i got some occasional role bonuses too.
For SSRs, i have only max TU'd 2 SSRs, and they are Orca and Sol Badguy
There's a few annoying posters here who claimed "pvp was always pure whales" because of gear, as if getting a single swift and volcano set was literally impossible or something

Basically pvp and pvefags are going to be at each other's throats much more than they used to be
about three fiddy

>as if getting a single swift and volcano set was literally impossible or something
With the right latents, yeah, pretty much.
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>raid interrupted by maintenance
I was locked in Bside...
Is it considered a brick to get Senator Armstrong to lvl 120?
He costs fuckall bwo.
no that's currently somewhat of a meta pick his rearmed 120 defensive stats are close to A jake's 110 for way less the cost
I don't think that's true for last stand. You need the awakened yeah, but I don't think 120 is required to rank. We'll see next season.
>bside bootlicker
lmao didn't expect this
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>Correction on Type-O's.
It's probably the first hint of Laika's backstory since she once helped the Northern Union. She's named after the Russian space dog, after all.

Expired codes
people who really hate shiyoon and yuna this week i guess. I'm surprised by the amount of people running her desu i thought she'd be a jaina downgrade since kang is free but she's performing oddly well.
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>>PVP is topped by whales over level up for the first months, I.E. non-issue.
>game has no content besides pvp and now whales run the show by making it p2w forever.
ftfu, also its way longer then a month idk if you took math 101 but 15s cores a week only gives u 6 lvls on an ssr.
1 month only gives u a whole 24 levels which is 2.4 units.
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>if you don't buy this week's s cores then you're permanently behind other whales
the arms race has already begun
Pretty sure she's spent most of her time banned in KR. A sniper that actually kills strikers instead of wasting time chipping defenders is pretty high value when everyone runs Sysop.
You don't play the game.
>Without fucking up everyone's account.
So many oldfags have cores backlogged that it won't matter. If you only think about PVP it means you don't have a life beyond the game.
the only people not complaining don't play the game.
>I don't play the game, I quit a long time ago.
Why are people pretending that only whales are the ones getting the packages? They aren't that expensive
thank you for your patronage hyung-nim.
let them eat cake
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best i can do, take it or leave it. if only we had all KR units...
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who have a 6 tu amy
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some absolute chads do
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i love hilda
This is the most retarded post on this thread.
when is the energy discount buff? is it fixed time every month or random?
I've seen no increase in people trying to clear raids despite the new higher score.
have to see if it will maintain
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>that pacman ghost watching the action
These posters are cute, smart and probably have big dicks. I approve of this message.
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whyh are there so much art of baby hild anyway lol
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She's just that cyute.
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Fake news, I always bust in the womb for the sole purpose of procreation. She has no need for condoms.
Alex don't swing a sword. She is actually swinging a gun.
I wonder if 120 makes her decent now. I stopped using her because she's a 3 cost that instantly dies to all random aoe, but maybe the extra 20% stats fixes her.
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i sshe talking about my semen?
why would that matter when everyone does 20% more damage?
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quite literally built for reverse rape and forced ejaculation
why dont we have umbrella girls
why dont WE have umbrella girls
Swan has an umbrella
this month
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i love that windy is so into mors. new art for her nearly every 2-3 days.
that's a term from Mors' world, Merlin talked about it constantly
>you (admaster) were the first one to say that word
Isn't possibilities what admin used to make chris asspull to be able to fight maestra?
any lazy auto teams for this week dc? all guides I've seen manual and burst her down. don't want a high score just something to get 12k on auto
Just Dinosaur on Hard then.
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C.O.s crave it
Possibilities is the name of the "pure possibilities", is an energy source that contradicts determined fate. Formally Alternium.
>contradicts determined fate
also called deus ex machina or bullshitium
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sorry bwi. was my first 190 and was still testing, i did hit the other one with twice the damage from just 1 run.
The only repeatable content worth a damn in endgame are competitive like pvp and dc. In every one of those you now need far more investment to keep up with whales or reach high ranks. There is literally nothing positive about this. You are clinically retarded.
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Once again, don't fuck with this salaryman!
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Powerfull family man is back
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if anyone needs a comp for fusion core stage still this one works
quick example video, you just need gear for the first three units, the rest can be whatever.
>People in KR whale leagues are using rEsta
What year is this?
The past is now old man
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Possibilities is CRF is Eternium.
Humans have the ability to determine their fate via the choices and actions made over their lifetime, creating possibilities in the future. Becoming a Counter turns this capability for free will into an actual reality altering power that they can massively spend at once. Running out of it risks killing them or turning them into a Demon-type Corrupted Object. What's left of their exhausted possibilities(CRF) is likely marred by regrets/failures, corrupted and condensed into Eternium. When a world itself is corrupted by the counterside, it also likely turns into Eternium. The Admin finds a way to purify Eternium back into pure crystallized possibilities, a source to draw on to once again alter fate not unlike the power of fairies.
Fairies being creature of possibilities, can grant possibilites to humans but become devils when they exaust all it. As Devils they then take possibilities from human souls via contract.
When Chris first showed up, Horizon mistook her wind power for Dash' and also commented that Chris can control metal now(something Rita does), essentially hinting that the crystal of possibilities(Alternium) granted to her must have come directly from Ministra and Spira. While it's not going to always be the case, Alternium responding to desires and needs in unique ways is not unlike a fairy.
Essentially, Counterside has been Madoka Magica since day one though there's no formal contracts with an Incubator. Watches take the role of their Soul Gem; needing to be refueled with the remnants of monsters they hunt(which they turn into upon running out of 'fuel' and corrupting). You can turn into a Counter without one, but we often see people mysteriously obtaining watches like it's some kind of fated encounter.
I wonder how many newbies will waste free s-cores on the SR fenrirs.
Lost 5 times in the fusion core stage trying different team then got exactly 1:30 for S. Fuck Mina.
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Inb4 (you) is the sole reason watches and powers exist to begin with then we will nearly be kyubey
huh, I didn't realize bullet started adding full play-by-plays.
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Well, there's Tammiel, so if we have to shoulder the blame for anything it's likely because of a contract between Admin and her.
I am very tempted in bringing Kim to 120, but not sure how useful he will be during this Yuna week
just do it, he doesnt cost s-core just fusion cores and not many either
Here, your lovely spreadsheet autist. They changed catalyst farm stage from 5 to 8, what an upgrade!
oh I did not know that, done
What about Irie?
Rearm follows the original rarity costs of the unit.
yeah but irie rearm is SR
What units are the best to 120? I think those with summons unless they're at a fixed level. I'm looking at Lucid, but then again, there is no gain when everyone 120'd their hand.

2 Fusion Cores per level.
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Took me a few months to get my own A. Karin, but I finally beat 3-15. Man I suck at this.
congrats bwo
thanks bwo
You will never get back the time you spent trying to "interpret" this shit lore that not even Bside bothers with anymore.
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Wonderful patch bside, look at how happy and active your playerbase is now.
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we have a playerbase? I thought this was an ARG
I only play because I'm waiting for a good gacha game to come out.
I didn't notice there were weeklies in the dive shop, thanks. I still think bside should have just thrown people a little bit of a bone and removed catalysts and conversion tickets, if they're going full jew on fusions now.

>They changed catalyst farm stage from 5 to 8, what an upgrade!
And they only did that much because they increased the rate from ownerless cards. It's probably still better to just farm some random side-story stage that drops R trash than do catalyst challenge.
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>good game
Pick one.
you are here forever ythen
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>king face when in the middle of fighting he hear "ding ding ding ding snap"
Ahab seems like it's not a meme anymore? It's only problem was low HP, and they doubled it. I doubt that saved Ent Carrier though.
Is RosariaPits dead/full? I can't seem to find it while searching. I'm looking for a /csg/ guild to join.
we're alive and not full. the search is just janky as heck.
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Me too brother, me too.
It's still there. You need exact spelling, including capitalization, or the search doesn't work properly. Join HildFriends instead.
Sheeshbwos we are forgotten...
>Some of the old SSRs only have 2 new lines when you marry them
What a rip off, I want a divorce.
How the heck do I apply to RosariaPits then? Can you invite me instead?
I actually got kicked from HildFriends for not doing my coop hits
Sometimes even when you have the exact spelling and capitalization the search will still fuck up. It's been documented multiple times and they still haven't fixed it. The only thing you can do is wait until it goes through, sometimes taking up to a week. Or get invited.
Pretty sure Pits will kick pacifists too. You want Pres if you don't want to do co-op.
It's a bug, wait for an hour and restart the game.
I think it's just the arenas that get you kicked. There are loads of people who just send a suicide team in pits.
Even as someone who does my boss hits properly, that's fair. Changing it to 5 boss hits was absolutely retarded, and serves absolutely no purpose other than enabling solo consortiums to get their 150k.
night bwos,luv you all
all that erp finally got them shadow banned
ded game
its nyover
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3-20 went pretty smoothly. Damn A. Karin was so good for those stages.
>double karin
a song related to mina is called watch 001and Tammiel grants wishes to demon lords so yeah probably
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ccb is ass
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Tainted by /e7g/
/csg/ is a Fauna thread. Maybe Bae.
for me it's nakadashi mumei
i still see no application so i guess you gave up, tried elsewhere or there never was anybody who wanted to join and it was just a shitpost. also can't really invite you without knowing who.
>I think it's just the arenas that get you kicked
this is correct. no point anymore to kick bwos for small or no hits on the boss when we get 400k+ into the extra worm/gigas. arenas make the life of everyone easier and refusing to do even that little bit of help is a dick move towards your bwos and gets you removed after multiple fails.
>gets you removed after multiple fails
I hate arena 11 I hate arena 11 I hate arena 11
and if you're in Pits then you know that you were able to hit arena 9 instead if you didn't like arena 11.
fails to do any arena hit btw not to fail the arena run because arena 11 rape. big difference in trying to help and not doing anything.
Where is the 120 backlash?
everyone just bought new lube and bent over for bside, they're enjoying getting fucked now.
honestly it's not that bad. for me anyways because I got tons of fusion cores. I just think that weekly craft limit is stupid thats it
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The Korean whales like the update because it lets them flex more. So they have no reason to complain.
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aHilde, Ministra, Arius, Estaque (or Laura).
Kim Hana and Lake are bonus. I did it with T3 Welfare and only got silver one time.
Credere is so wise, bros
/csg/ has battered wife syndrome
There's no problem with survivability. aHilde keeps going behind him. The best I can do is send esterosa out first, then wait a few seconds until he engages est and stops moving before sending hild. Even then it's rng if hild decides to dash a few pixels too far and end up behind him.
>Did a 170 kraken for the quest
>that sheer spike in hit count requirement let alone the other shit
I still see 0 point in the new higher level PVE content, most day 1 players are straight up done with Raid gear
our numbers keep going up bwi. doomniggers are awfully quiet all of a sudden.
Try changing the game speed. You can also try deactivating auto ults.
Arius and Lake can shield the ship in case something go wrong.
Seeing all the 170 Krakens in my support list at 90% health make me assume everyone will resume 110 raiding shortly
I hit a 170 that a few had already hit, did about 20m, left it on under 20m but no one finished it off.
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Does this ever disappear? I've been a 'new user' for 7 months and while I knew it was a noob trap I accidentally summoned once so now I'm tempted to get the SSR and be done with it rather than be reminded of my shame very time I hit the summon tab
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I still have 0 idea what to spend the new S-cores on.

PVP is even harder because you could give it to some busted unit like Yuna sure, but then she gets banned.
well there is also the problem that most already finished this raid season and don't really care to go up to 70k for a pitiful amount of bins.
this might be better with a new britra or inhibi season.
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What would you choose from this?
Curian if you have the gear for him, if not rosa
yeah, it goes away if you hit pity
I know that! I mean without wasting more quartz is there like a period after which it times out. I want to know if I wait more or if that's the only way (pity)
nta, but I play since day 1 and still have it, so...
Not a shitpost I just applied to RosariaPits. I was able to find your guild after restarting the game.
aRosa for Worm COOP
Dino for Volcano
Chris for COOP/Raids
Chifuyu for PvP
aMaria for Volcano
I don't see any content requiring Lyudmila, maybe Last Stand...
Maestra will be core in 190 raids
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it all worked out in the end, even bside's horrible spaghetti code could not stop it
>Chifuyu for PvP
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This is now the most stressful screen in the game
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small survey for you pvp bwos
RIP New Ohio.
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so... Nostradamus bros, are we getting a total rollback? or nothing?
IF everyone saying that they dont like any of the changes sure i guess
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They can't at this point because people have spent money on it. Best we get is they drastically increase resource drops, but >>493358214
Dolphis spend also enough to get all of the cores,even relatively lower spenders can get it, and the thing is that it puts the people with lower incomes against each other,they won't be so mad because they will win against their own.,i wonder if bbside hired someone to make this idea because for a short-term/medium term i could teorically rise their revenue a bit
>What are you satisfied with?
>List bad changes
Once per season is fine though I guess.
>That final question
Are they seriously asking the campers if they want to camp harder? Lets have 3 minute staring contests because deploying first is bad.
Of course it will make money. The addicts will keep playing no matter what, while the people who were already going to quit weren't spending anyways.
get fucked terror scum
It literally lets you pick “none” right there you literal amoeba
Bwiside HATE
what bwis did to you

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