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I miss remote hooks edition
What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them (except for Jake, he will survive).

>8.2.0 | Castlevania
>Castlevania Chapter Trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0D4kUAjeHE [Open]
>FNAF Chapter confirmed for Summer 2025

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

>Official DbD poll:

Previous Thread: >>492598760
>[Open] [Open]
my bad
>1 gen completes during a chase
>no progress on any other gens
>killer instantly leaves
I just had sleep paralysis but instead of the typical faggot demon standing at the door of my room menacingly this time Nea teabagged me
I had a wet dream where I frotted penises with a girl that looked like a cuter cheryl on a park bench
I'm not jealous of someone who's still mentally a child and feels the need to collect action figures to feel comfort
i'm having a lot of fun with hux. basekit spirit fury on overclock is getting me so many hits, plus the haste, faster vaulting and pallet destruction and full map pressure, i'd almost say he had too much going on if not for survivors being able to cuck you with emps. the killer having counter play isnt so bad I guess.
Just dc'd for the first time in a long time from swamp map when everyone ran directly to the broken main building where you can just run in a circle around the window and I have literally no counter I don't know how that shit is still in the game
i am growing increasingly more frustrated with this game
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it's only bad when you get "counterplay" in form of completely shutting down your power when you can play around it even without doing so (aka disarming trapper traps when you can just use your eyes instead)
most of my games are decided on whether or not the survivors get an abusable main building and run there after every hit
that's why I stick to hit and run or instadown killers
take fogwise with the belmont perk
8 seconds of killer aura
good idea, I actually just prestiged my vittorio today so I'll check it out
is frank stone going to end up being the next oc killer?
when i first saw the game i thought it was trapper, could see it being a skin for him
>when you can play around it even without doing so (aka disarming trapper traps when you can just use your eyes instead)
I real a lot of stupid stuff
Most of it comes from here
it's such a good perk that it can both be a big part of a stealth/gen/no exhaust perk build
did we let the last thread die or something lmao
Just like your teammates leave you to die in the endgame for not doing any gens and lasting 15 seconds in chase. Gag it
>gag it
s-sister you can't be speaking like that here it's 4chan...
It was way past bump limit and ink_him forgot to bake a new bread cuz he was too busy pumping ink_her womb full of ink
Everytime I get hate on my Xbox messages I send them a voice note of me singing toxic by Britney spears
what are you running?
wtf do you do when the knight breaks ur pallet with a guard
fuck this killer
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>condemned to an eternity in the skull merchant queue
I want out
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Killer for this feel?
Shift+w to the next one because each map has like 20 pallets
stop being a faggot and play a different killer
t. hasnt played swamp with total of 7 pallets spawned
They're the only killer I'm getting
so glad I'm not an amerimutt and don't have to witness those people
down here in the south we call the law on niggers so they can turn off their bodycams and beat the shit out of them
>dried cherry blossom and mother daughter ring
metaphorically what is the counter
idgaf what color someone is but when someone is openly racist like that then they are not worth my time.
somehow it got accepted that it's alright to be racist towards whites lol
You'd be the first one to complain if bhvr released 8 black survivors in a row
Nah I wouldn't give a fuck since Trevor and Chris Redfield are already in the game.
Besides almost nobody plays black survivors
Gooning to Ada.
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I wonder if chaos shuffle 2 will include more randomised stuff like items and addons since a lot of people suggested that
Could have the option of getting a random killer too, not mandatory though since that'd annoy people dedicated to playing 1 or 2 mains
He could top me
skinheadta1ent beats up an arab and a jew
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tunneled the shit out of this kate once I realized what she was doing (it was a swamp map too)
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I main Rebecca so it doesnt matter since im cute and most killers give me hatch :D
Who's the most /fa/ out of all Belmonts and why is it Juste and Trevor?
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well, /dbdg/? now that the dust has settled how good is this guy?
Decent i'd say.
cuck spotted
Random survivor would be kind of interesting too but probably won't ever happen
good but Vecna is better
bat form is good if the survivors are injured or retarded
survivors are getting good at dodging the hellfire
wolf form is good around tight loops or long corridors

I find myself having to work pretty hard to get downs with him since my MMR has skyrocketed playing him
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not the stilletto wearing homo that’s for sure
is moment of glory locked at 60 or can you speed it up with botany?
Anyone else feeling suddenly a bit tranx?
It’s pretty obvious if you do a little digging into certain people and whatnot
fuck off bran
>/fa/ is straight
what is a man?
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I think you're in the wrong place if you do not adore vampire hunters' style of clothing

Why would you want to use that useless perk, a viable moment of glory came out in 2019 along with stranger things update

omg only when I play my wholesome slowdown knight and legion
>Why would you want to use that useless perk, a viable moment of glory came out in 2019 along with stranger things update

because it's funny healing mid chase
It's kind of like using self care instead of bringing the 5th perk that is ((the medkit)). Not to mention styptic exists but if you really want to waste that perk slot or take your useless flashlight then use second wind which is more convenient for you because you are actually doing an objective that progresses the game which is healing.
>bbbbbbbbbbbbbbut slop butcher
right so don't have the answer to my question. fucking retard
Do you have some sort of reading incapability? Second wind does the exact same fucking thing but you don't have to go through two chests and waste time for the rest of the poor survivors who are stuck in there with you.
I asked a simple question and you just keep telling me to use something else. please kill yourself
low iq take, your question was
>is moment of glory locked at 60 or can you speed it up with botany?
How would it speed up with the fucking botany, do you have like 12 hours on the game or less? Are you still in the phase where you believe it's a horror game?
I did you a favor by telling you to not use that perk because it's dogshit, a far superior version of it exists and it's called Second Wind.
Kinda american response from you idk, no wonder you were weird to talk to when you're filled with all those microplastics and fluoride.
Do killer mains really?
god you're so fucking dumb. holy shit
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you're the one just throwing insults left and right without any proper responses.
Once again you're fucking idiotic, keep projecting
Why is no one talking about this
Tomorrow, I will stop gooning to Susie.
a simple yes or no would have been great. faggot
Sex with Wesker.
Second wind procs when unhooked and you arent guaranteed that the killer will insta come back and tunnel. The guy wants to heal mid chase which moment of glory would allow
I think you might be able to speed up the heal with vigil, try in custom or something.
hmm that might work. Thanks friend you are helpful unlike that fag that has Americans living rent free in his tiny brain.
>Whenever your aura is revealed to the killer for a specified amount of time, that time is decreased by 1/1.5/2 seconds.
How about that? Because I for one am sick of bringing aura reading perks and never reading a single survivor's aura throughout the entire game.
it doesn't work
cute kittie :3
stop judging me varg
Not as much as transil
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this game is called dead; BY; daylight
so why the FUCK is coldwind farm set during the daytime?
distortion is fine, it tells you who to tunnel. I'm just pissed that ultimate was changed to be auras for a time, screams were fine. It changed up distortionfags
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who upset the local sperg?
Its not.
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look retard
4cuck Pol variant act ultra religious one minute then get horny and jack off to the most degenerate shit on the planet and take all the drugs
What’s happening
ratjewnd spotted
#to the gas chamber you go
Our local transgirl Lisa b having a meltie due to a larger than usual dose of hrt
posting a few gay images for a day doesnt make up for years of jacking off u will always be a degenerate
polcel got post nut clarity
>Offerings that changed light levels show that the entity can alter the trial
>The entity spawns in darkness, even in 'light' while actual light from a flashlight has historically counteracted the entities (blinds, lightburn)
>The object in the skybox, when examined as an asset, is a glowing moon.

>It was never morning but a bright, recoloured moon, lore masters have known this for years
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#dark triad energy #through the fucking roof
idk what the perk does
gen pops = u see killer
also +2 seconds to any time you'd see the killer with an aura perk like fogwise.

Doesn't work with key
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i don't give a shit about your fanfic faggotry. I want my old coldwind back
You know what bitch? So do I, new one is soulless
I want nightfall removed how about that
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both are good
>>It was never morning but a bright, recoloured moon, lore masters have known this for years
pic related

You realise both of those are me right?
one of two wolves inside of you are based
need to prepare my dark triad boy johnny for the new game mode.
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you’re new here and clearly don’t know the person posting is a proud trans woman of color
i enjoy playing killers that people consider to be trash. now give me my validation and appraisal that I clearly deserve.
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I prefer Julie ass
calm down nancy
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*boops your snoot*
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Don't mind me, just giving you a free win.
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I have it on good authority that Art the f Clown will come to dead by daylight in Q3 of 2025
fart the clown
*haunted grounds goes off*
breed all Neas
>does absolutely nothing but leave u with 3 perk slots if u dont get to 0 gens
>is still the reason you won according to survivor
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How can Hens respond without sounding mad?
They should just let you rummage in the same chest 3 times
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>Its just a trapper guys hehe lets bully him!
Every fucking time.
All distortionindividuals were bringing calm spirit too
>Two clowns
Supreme doubt
thats two wasted perk slots on stealth. Less genrush and chase perks. I am fine with this.
dogshit perk. And I read they made it even worse which is hilarious
Yes, survivors can see its aura for some dumbfuck reason.
It should just go back to being always active in the end game. Survivors spend too much time fucking around and need some actual fucking reason to be forced out.
Shart the clown is never happening, especially not when we still don’t have the most famous clown in horror yet - Pennywise
>Killer clowns
Supremely based
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>Survivors send me to RPD
>I'm Ghostface
>They get so spooked only one of them is even doing the gens
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can wretched fate proc multiple times like two can play does?
can someone make a killer penis size tierlist
Why? Sadako is 8+, everyone else is micro.
Nea has the largest cock of anyone in DbD though
nuh uh
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>survivors start convincing themselves they won
just how mindbroken are these people?
Well there's your problem, you're going against a bunch of ziggers. Of course they have no concept of loss.
My mate does this and I've realised there is no good response from the killer except saying nothing.
>Smart ass comment from the killer = oh they're mad.
>Arguing that you lost = lol he's mad and doesn't get it.
>Calls him names = mad, doesn't get it and I can report the killer.
>now you bee bee see me... now you don't
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Convince me that this isn't the truth.
If they feel like they annoyed you, they won. That's how their mind works.
They also seem to not understand that if only one hatches out, but 3 died, they lost as a team.
You're pretty gay if you take the time to tier the fantasy sizes of mens cocks.
Go be a faggot somewhere else
mad cuz your favorite killer is in micropenis tier lol
>60% of assg is statistically standing alongside bubba
karlo winstreak
where is skull merchant
penis cut off in an accident with the claw
big argu ment
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sounds pretty believable in all honesty
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im so sorry im sorry for u i apologise i m sorry
Speaking of SM how do you think they will manage to make her even weaker?
need those thighs wrapped around my head
That would require you not to suicide or rage d/c the second you realize you're against one.
fags and womens are ok with this killer, so what's stopping bhvr from making all womens look like this or better , instead of 2 d ass no breast mutant face freddy kreger face
Anger and lust are basically the same physiologically. If skully can get you mad enough, you're over halfway to gooning to her.
Women are too weak you can just break free anytime you want
Her drones should tell her where survivors are and that's it
i escaped from a skull merchant on sandwich elementary school.

she's not that hard to fight
thedifference between womens leg strengt h and man leg strenght is much smaller than differences in upper body strength. so when u see a women with strong legs there's a decent chance they can match an average man or even be stronger in lower body strength
But I have to try against a SM and I don't want to try.
im guessing there gonna lean into the weird stealth part of her kit but remove the haste and hindered effects her drone gives so she just becomes a worse ghost face and myers
so is there a chance skull merchant can really crush someones skull with her thighs
i mgonna smash this piece of shit keyboard every fuckign time it doesnt put a space and when i go bvack to correct it the space doesnt work then it comes back late r to put a space randomly
i didnt even have to try, i just shift+w'd when she chased me.
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this is why chun-li uses a kick focused style
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>be dracula
>last surv finds hatch
>starts spam vaulting the window next to it so that I'd come and watch him leave
>go bat mode
>teleport to it and close the hatch
when will killers have to try...
>I haven't ever actually played killer before
dracula's pretty high tier in the hatch closing game, he can actually do it in bat form
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I have it's super easy and practically a free win...
which killer should I play for the "dude trust me it's totally hard" experience
Then buy a new keyboard you fucking retard
I'm honestly surprised how few restrictions there are for Dracula that a lot of killers have to suffer.
You can switch between forms and attack almost immediately, meanwhile Legion has to go AUGHH and walk at a snail's pace for like 3 seconds to switch to M1 mode.
Nice low mmr gameplay bro
troon fan fiction
faggot fan fiction
That's going to get nerfed when sales start to fall off. No more just lunging then going into bat to try and body block a pallet or window.
>sissycuck: holy fuck my qveen that’s poetry!!!!!!! gimme the bee bee see too please!!!!!!
he’s brown and poor im afraid that’s not possible
I mean yes, the legs are naturally stronger than the upper body, but no, the divide between men and women is definitely not “much” smaller”
its still good for gaming with space actions binded to mouse buttons, i have boughted a shitty wireless keyboard for typing only
Love to see transgender women of color posts
much is a poor choice of word, i still said the women has to have strong looking legs just to beat the average man
>couldn't even think of 1 hard killer
Is there even a market for skulls? What a stupid fucking bitch
typing on my shitty wireless keyboard rn are u mad
>venom snake survivor
>altruistic oriented perks with stealth
>prestige makes his horn grow
>quiet cries
>Quiet skin (not happening because le sexy)
>Kaz skin
>All other snakes skins excluding solidus
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>mfw killers dodge me for 10 minutes before I get a game
Not horror

how about instead we get some cool shit, there is nothing that people will get hyped for that is horror because all the cool shit has already been added and gutted (Saw, Nightmare on the elm street, Hellraiser(no map btw))
rainbow six
Gooner Pseudoscience
there's plenty of horror stuff that hasn't been added to the game yet, you would know if you weren't a south american sony playstation owner.
Mgs fans are so fucking cringe
That was a cosmetic
Julie has both bigger ass and tits if you look at her party crasher outfit
Ok namefag, tell me one cool horror license that won't get gutted like Alien did. Nobody gives a fuck for your niche horror movies anymore that feature some pSyChOtIc antagonist who murders his family or something.
People on Twitter slandering my sister Kate saying that she'd be a Republican cause she's from the 70s and a country singer when Dolly Parton exists
>killers dodging nea with flashlight
They don't want an easy game?
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It's true and it makes me like her more
i want to impregnate this southern belle and make aryan babies
Not him but all of them will get guttted eventually. That being said, Dead Space, something World of Darkness adjacent, the Mummy, something from the Conjuring or the Exorcist, Hannibal Lecter, Pennywise, Jack Nicholson, Cthulhu, the Thing, the Fly, Candyman, possibly either Jaws or the first Jurassic Park to an extent (at least as a map), something from the Godzilla/King Kong monsterverse, Slender man honestly, yeah, those could all work and be added and be horror related. You are right though that most of the big ones are already taken up, so maybe you're right on everything honestly, I don't know I just wanted to list licenses
>a fucking animal carries people in mouth to the hook
I laughed thanks
Slender would be neat if he worked kinda like an inverted Unknown that punishes you for looking at him therefore making looping inherently more difficult and making stealth perks a reasonably viable choice to use
Why would anyone risk playing against a cheating scumbag?
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I need a cool build for a survivor
I really like this idea, but it feels like there's something missing. Maybe he'd need an additional anti-visibility mechanic, like the Dredge's but not as powerful in return for being on at all times? Or maybe you don't have to do gens, but find randomly placed notes instead, say 44 total, and bring them to a certain location or two? I don't know
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Wyd if you see this lobby?
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they are not prestige >10 so leave obviously????
not him but when i get truly angry the blood rushes everywhere including my penis so they pretty much are the same
Put in Lightborn and camp.
Those faggots aren't going to do gens.
Midwich offering since I'm a 10k hour comp Nurse main
>3 neas in mini skirts
Play the match and fap after.
I get off the twitch stream because I dont play nea is what I do
Yup. Tons of skin potential. Also very likely what with Cote and Konami having sex. Also MGS fans have a lot of sex and bully non-MGS fans
Craig I like you but when you say insulting things that hurt me it makes me really want to suffocate you with some fat bitches thighs like you always fantasize about
I would like 1 official Kojima skin in DBD please!
I want to get my dick teabagged by a quartet of pink hair Neas
This guy just owned you >>492920583
There’s also Predator who everyone is eagerly awaiting with baited breath
We’ve been over this. He can work and fit. Hell, someone has literally already made a good concept for him. Just pay the guy for this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=olocnAtL2AY&pp=ygUbZGVhZCBieSBkYXlsaWdodCBzbGVuZGVybWFu
She would be and that’s a good thing.
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I just rekt Lynn with skill check Doctor, ask me anything
i have been reading braham strokers dracula :)
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>he boughted a legendary skin of this ugly bland person from stranger things
Reminder that SWF's who are knownly abusing the flashbang exploit deserve to be hanged.
Good on you man. You should read more White people literature. Such a smart race of people.
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Seriously, if you are actually abusing that shit please for the love of god unplug your router and spend the next ten years jerking off to your collection of kiddie porn and snuff films you absolute fucking sociopatic degenerates HOLY FUCK FUCK YOU I HATE FUCKING EXPLOITERS SO MUCH I HATE THIS BROKEN GAME
what exploit?
i p100'd Nurse. i'm not even sharing a screenshot because no one should be proud of that.
There's a bug with the perk that a lot of SWF's are using at high mmr, throwing the flashbang makes no sound at all and gives the killer no warning when it's used.
less is more. I am also a socially inept pasty white boy just like him
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Found my old clip, so cute.
unfortunate how small their weiners are tho
Ok Scott jund
if its still just the muted audio I dont think its that big of a deal man
Meg's massive cock really would become quite an inconvenience for you.
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he said whites not asians
God is a woman and she has a fat ass and she speaks to me in my dreams and while im masturbating
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ok tranny
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There shouldn't be a d/c penalty for killer if the map is crows or springwood.
Penalizing killers who aren't intrested in getting kicked in the balls for 6 minutes is harsh and unreasonable.
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Another old clip, this time of bubba getting rekt. The best team i've ever had
>you lose play with your food stacks if you hit survivors on hook
How's this fair?
You should suck their dicks instead
>play with your food
How's this fair?
Don't hit them on the hook?
I like sable moans
More like uhh gay with your dude haha
who has the bigger BBC; doctor or wraith?
Your dad every day in his white ass, cuck
Massive homosexual jews who deserve death above me
doctor is based off some asian so its not him
no he's a black king you shut your racist cracker mouth
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How the fuck do you get a character like Steve Harrington and then completely butcher all 3 of his perks? Like all of his perks just suck or have been outpowered by new ones.
Perhaps I'd come back
Doc. Wraith's unfortunately has burn damage and then the Entity wood-ified him so it's questionable if it either works. Doc probably has refigured some medical equipment into an ultra cock pump jerkoff machine.
shut the fuck up Eric Chao Gardner
this is most likely true. do you think the doctor electrocutes his own dick for pleasure, or gets other people to electrocute his dick for him?
I bleed someone out for looping me for 3 minutes and I checked and he had 12 hours. How could I do this to a new gamer?
Killer had that new perk that slowdowns the obsession 33% and honestly 33% it's too irrelevant considering he also had pentimento so me cleansing it would've fucked everyone over with 30%. It should be 75% cause he still got genrushed
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erm buddy
I didn't play because of the map offering
simple as
>le 7 minute wesker name and cropped rebecca porn
yall'st've /assg/ fellers are too obvious
I arrive with questions because the fucking castlevania chapter was all it took for me to start this goddamn game
Is there really no like, practice mode or anything? Even if it's just like a solo map or whatever, because otherwise feels a bit odd you gotta throw yourself into a full game to even try out a killer or even just get to know the maps and shit
Also, how much of an investment is it to just prestige stuff to have perks for other survivors/killers? First impressions make it seem like you need to make a ton of effort to even get the most basic build going
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I don't know who this man is but I like his clothes. I'm gonna play him if they don't fuck up his hair (which they probably will)
You see, I'm so good at the game the only way the killer could have gotten me is cheating or exploiting and I'm not going to play with that.
suiciding on hook is the only way to protest dishonest players
>Practice mode
For killer there's custom match, you can play against bots
If you're a survivor you're expected to learn the counterplay to all 36 killers playing in normal matches
>how much of an investment is it to just prestige stuff to have perks for other survivors/killers?
It takes a long time but like for survivor you just need (besides the main 8 characters) to buy Kate Denson, Laurie Strode, Adam Francis and Zarina Kassir to have the best possible builds
For killer it depends on who you wanna play as
That's Dracula.
Thoughts on Blood Warden?

im feeling nausea
Damn she sucks. Her cheat subscription must have ran out. Lol
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Don't worry since you're a baby the game will toss you in with other babies for your first 40 hours to protect you from 10k hour sweatlords
i just ate a 100mg edible forgetting i had a month tolerance break i am already feeling some anxiety but im not a bitch i will be brave like william bill overbeck what kller should i play
double speed Blight with four aura perks
That’s some drugged up homosexual twink they found on the street and cleaned up and dressed up all fancy. His name is Dylan.
Next survivor is Dante but it's from the Ninja Theory DMC
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fuck you
i wouldnt know it was a man if you didnt put it in the post i thought it was another lesbian women
its soma cruz (dracula reincarnation)
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What the fuck is up with this games matchmaking recently
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There's never been actual MMR in this game
Any person with two functioning hands should be able to 4k as hillbilly anyway
it was RPD
What do you need those 4 for? Which perks do they give you that are so useful? And if they're that good, doesn't that mean they could get nerfed eventually?
There was for a brief period but the streamers shit blood and the devs loosened it up
be a good looper and loop the killer and hypnotise them to keep chasing u and never drop chase to go for ur shit team for 5 gen
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I main alien queen because I like the attention when people worship my ass!
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nice thread
Why tf is moment of glory 60 seconds when it could be 30 seconds
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I've figured out how to make killers stop dodging legacy
You need to have a skin combo with a nice ass and back like this to ensure their lust is higher than their aversion so they dont leave
Killerchuds would wrap a broken bottle around their necks and suicide
muslim women love donkey cock
Buff Finesse to 20 seconds
Buff Specialist to 8 charges per token
Buff Moment of Glory to 35 seconds
is the rate for alex toolbox from the bloodweb super low or something? i wish you can select a priority for what items you want. i have so many iri addons and like no purple items
white ones specifically
>lights out v2 just adds a lantern
shame. it'd be the perfect modifier to incorporate first person for survivors. hopefully they do this for a future modifier because it's been a pretty popular suggestion, maybe even second only to 2v8 was
how do I xenomorph
Newchud here who wasn’t around for the OG lights out, how does dredge’s nightfall work in that mode?
Babysitter isn't bad but besides the aura reveal it's purely altruistic, and mogged by OTR. It's not worthless but the same effect could be achieved by bodyblocking the killer.
Doc electrocutes other's genitalia for his pleasure. And sometimes his own yes.
Buff Poise to be an all-hide/mute and last 60 seconds.
I've had my game bug to be in first person as survivor.
It's not as fun as you'd think
He probably did more than that. Look at the shit he did to his arms. He probably stripped his dick bare of any flesh. Complete circumcision
there should be an option in the main menu to queue for backfill so you can take over a survivor bot after someone else abandoned their match
im being 100% serious here.
how big of a percentage of the player base do you think only plays this game due to sunk cost fallacy and/or stockholm syndrome?
>wood-ified him
literally why did she do this instead of just healing him
further on this point
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>twf your daddy is a masterful mechanic that could have bettered humanity but chose to be a murderous fuck instead
Kramers inventions aren't that advanced, bro. he wouldn't have done shit for humanity.
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i literally came back to the game after like 5 months of not playing it because i heard there was a new limited masquerade pig cosmetic. i didn't even buy it.
also i looked up limited dbd skins and found this french website. some of these killer names are funny in french. dbd is from montreal and people that live there actually play the game like this.
there should be an option to win a million dollars if you win a game and maybe a girlfriend
“bettered humanity” is exaggerative. We know that he wrote a well known book on civil engineering and was really gifted and intelligent in most respects. Even managed to teach other people how to make their own machines so he was a gifted teacher. Outside of maybe classes or something though I don’t really know how else he could have helped.
>Murderous fuck
Name one person Jigsaw killed. I'll wait.
no way room temp IQ retards like you exist.
>Can't even name one
lmao, now that its not murder whore Amanda or serial killer Hoffman you're struggling huh?
The machinations of Dracula cannot be compared to Jigsaw.
how about that one dude that stood no chance that Amanda was forced to rip open and kill for a key?
that was not a murder?
God, you people are retards.
what about that old smoker dude that got his lungs crushed because he had the audacity to
lets see here
ah, yes. fucking smoke.
one of the two are guaranteed to die because of a situation John put them in.
I know I replied to >>492958164 wtf??
His son because he was stupid enough to let his pregnant wife be in the same room as literal drug addicts lmao
Sounds like they did it to themselves. Don't smoke and he was there because he was a rapist in lore. Both had a choice to be better people and a way to live, they failed. You don't call casino owners murderers when the patrons make bad choices and fail to find the exit.
Based, John Kramer did nothing wrong
I’d honestly say retards like you are even more obnoxious for being such easily gullible idiots
he objected to it for exactly that reason though
it was jills own delusion that led to that
Forgotten Ruins may be the worst fucking map in the entire game, and that's saying something.
As survivor, its just a game of playing up top in a space as big as The Game but wide open with almost no tiles, trying to relentlessly recover the game even a little as the killer non-stop hooks people up there.
As killer, its survivor runs into a portal downstairs and wastes your time for 20 minutes as zero progress gets made towards generators or hooks and you are forced to play only top because its pointless to go downstairs.

what the FUCK were they thinking with this dogshit.
not cool, don't give the game away bud.
kill yourself
god i hate kikes and sandniggers so god damn much it's unreal
calm down, Kenneth.
Congrats. You have a functioning moral compass.
He still let her go after actively objecting to it
He's a mongoloid and got a dead baby for his lack of conviction
Yes I would have put my foot down and slapped her back and blue on this.
I like that part, that he low-key hates all the drug addicts and criminals. He's not purely acting out of some stoic virtue but revenge/resentment. Don't think they ever explain it as such, its treated more like Batman; using his guilt as a catapult for justice rather than self interest & revenge.
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I think dominance is a pretty decent perk but is too easily outclassed by Thrill of the Hunt. I think Dominance should also block hook sabotages and the hatch as well. That would make it a truly great perk.
Don't think the sabo blocking and hatch are too important, but if it blocked the gate switch for 2 seconds each time its touched, single handedly it would make it great.
>99% gate? Dead.
>Want to trigger NWO and run away? Delayed.
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pennywise would make a great killer. he already has a reason to not kill you instantly which would fit well with dbd hooks. easily have a fear mechanic that builds up too. fuck these gay devs.
>fuck these gay devs
ew no thanks
I also dilike that map but having a center boon that's also under the map in some random corner feels so good. It's a shame that the top is so barren and it's impossible to lose a killer in the dungeon area.
Uh guys, why is no one talking about DBD Until Dawn? It's out in 6 HOURS damn it
>Modern politics in the 1960's
Because its going to be shit
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sorry, new feng outfit coming out today is more important
See >>492973883
It’s good that it will flop badly. The last thing we need is Behavior expanding and getting distracted by side projects when they can barely hold one game together.
Because it looks like Silent Hill Ascension
thank you for removing dbd from my steam library. i knew i could count on you gabe.
and the gigacope cuck returns
dbd is an incel game
why don’t you go immigrate back to baseddit you coping dbd cuck
I just had sex with Rebecca
struck a nerve cucky? get back to clean up ink_him just finished with inked_her
does chemical trap count as a pallet stun?
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I win all my games without running slowdowns as a killer and yet /dbdg/ killers claim they need them.
What does that say about your skill level? Have you thought about ever challenging yourself to get better? I only get praise from survivor mains in endgame chat.
Cool story, bro.
t. bad at the game and crutches on slowdown perks.
Only if you are a killer main.
Most killer mains have tiny penis energy and pent up sexual frustration, resulting in them taking it out on innocent survivors.
This schizo had Gabe refund dbd every day for like 3 months now, alzheimer is one hell of a thing
dbdcuck cooe
my cromagnid wife has always been loyal to me. plus we have already banged in the weirdest places (high school class room, on the street, in car in a busy parking lot, with an oper door while her cousin nubbins was in the room next to us , in club bathrooms etc.), climbed in to a dormitory's first floor because the receptionist didn't want to let us in.
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Based! I also only play on 87 killer FOV since 103 FOV is a crutch. I also 8 hook every survivor and immediately leave the hook, I don't ever return to it.
We know ink_him, we know
Oh wow, this is weapons-grade schizophrenia
We need another schizo to make a Mikaela tulpa who then summons Sable, Nea, Meg, Jill, and Rebecca then make them futanari so they can gangbang sissy until she gets pregnant and make this retarded fr*nch schizo watch
fuck you niggers Im posting from the grave just to say that this sissy schizo is a glow in the dark CIA nigger brainwash subject
my belly is so excited for Frank Stone, might be the coffee swing i just took. i am super duper excited. i know i'll enjoy it. like this unconditional love for dbd i have, dbd never did me wrong or like upset me by anything they do. i can't all the balance issue talking, i don't judge those who talk about it. i listen to much of dbd on yt.
birdcel cope
sissy said she doesnt want to be associated with niggers and dbd characters
And what are these "modern politics" being inserted into 1960 that you speak of?
>$40 for a game you can watch on 2x speed on youtube for free and waste less of your time
currycel cope
inked_her and ink_him have been a happy married couple for over a decade
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The Dredge knows you are delicious.
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Soon we will see if Frank Stone Trapper is exclusive to the game or just free for owners.
More people are probably pre ordering for the 2 million BP than they are for the game lol
trapper will get a mask and maybe charm for all and that's it
Great bait, Kate.
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Leave sissycvck to me
Why is he reading a map
stfu I just had sex with my hand
I will not goon to The Huntress.
You can imagine being Nea fucking the Huntress with your cock while Sissyschizo watches
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>currycel cope
>inked_her and ink_him have been a happy married couple for over a decade
this is what your grandpa looks like now go dye your eyebrows to try to pass as white like troons try to pass as women (but never will) dumb currycel
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pyramid head drew a heart for me
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>this is what your grandpa looks like now go dye your eyebrows to try to pass as white like troons try to pass as women (but never will) dumb currycel
damn you look like that? you are going to need way more than just dying your eyebrows to pass as human, let alone white dumb currycel
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fucking based
my wife always gets scared when she sees a nigger because she thinks he’s gonna rob her or do a drive by
If this gaysss curricel approached the perimeter of ink_him and inked_her farm the dark triad bbc lord would destroy him in one hit
Not enough killers have instadown add ons
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projecting is very strong with you subhuman currycel. ngl i hope one day you will find a subhuman goblina to hold your hand buddy.
What would Nea's iridescent addons look like?
So is this general just a handful of people talking about DBD and one schizo having conversations with himself about whatever?
yes and the jannies won't do shit about it
yeah it's just one guy
currycel cope
you are literally a swarthoid trying to pass as white and so was your grandpa
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Ray & path tracing in DbD when?
frank stone is going to end up being the trapper - spoilers
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dbd is a curry game
you are the weirdo, likely subhuman and viewed that way by women. keep projecting your inferiority street shitter.
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What the fuck is going on here in my Dead by Daylight general?
Which DbD survivor would make the most money if they sold feet pics?
currycel cope
only weirdass subhumans need to dye their eyebrows trying to pass as white, you are basically a trannoid and don't pass
currycel cope
a dark brown dye looks good in contrast to my blonde hair
How do I use Medal of Man properly as survivor?
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>currycel cope
>a dark brown dye looks good in contrast to my blonde hair
Both you autistic schizos need to go to >>>/trash/
Yikes if this ugly ass currycel tried to harass mr and miss Ink he would be dead in less than a second
#dark triad giga nigga vs lightriad currycel
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lmao you're ugly as fuck
#no haircut for your subhuman face
I’m pretty sure it’s one guy talking to himself
Ink_him knows how to protect his hoes from creepy ass schizo curry's
This general has always been infested with schizos. Best to ignore them.
pronouns in stream and you still think this game likes you... lol
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his curry subhumanity cannot be fixed no matter what.
#projecting pajeet
could black folk be police officers in the 60's?

im not american
yeah he's that kind of giganigga
jim crow laws
i honestly dont give a shit enough about the game to know where it takes place but that shit would not happen in the south
Takes place in Oregon, pacific north west
My great grandfather was in the Waffen SS and he captured a black American soldier
He then would say that he was treated better as a POW than by his own country

I doubt that generation of black Americans would be so eager to join the police after they came back from the war
It would take another generation or two and only the remnants who ascended beyond ghetto culture would consider it
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REMOVE KILLER remove killer
you are worst killer. you are the killer idiot you are the killer smell. return to lobby. to our baby killers you may come our game. you may live in the basement….ahahahaha ,killer we will never forgeve you. killer rascal FUck but fuck asshole killer stink bligger sqhipere shqipare..killer genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead killer..ahahahahahKILLEROID WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget old ded hard .killercel we cleanse the NOED , killer return to your precious main menu….hahahahaha idiot and freddy smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KILLER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Nea+Ace+Nancy+Meg=kill killer…you will E/ Noob3 alive in DbD, Noob3 making album of Nea . fast rap Noob3 Nea we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of Noob3… you are ppoor stink killer… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in basement

Noob3 alive numbr one #1 in DbD ….fuck the killeroid ,..FUCKk ashol killer no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur charms and face. Noob3 aliv and real strong wizard kill all the killer farm aminal with rap magic now we the survivor rule .ape of the zoo presidant killer fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and nurse wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. Nea greattst survivor
How do we rebalance the game so killers don't need to run 2-4 gen slowdown perks without making survivors babbies shit their diaper?
remove things that modify gen speeds like prove and commodius/BNPs to start. hell, just make BNPs eat the fucking toolbox and I'll be happier
The only thing preventing Wesker and I from being official is my boyfriend Leon Kennedy. I need to get rid of him.
Just get Sable to fuck his bussy with her girlcock then
Yeah but these games have insane replay value though. For $40 you can get a different story and different ending each playthrough so it makes it worth buying.
If Sable is so perfect why is Wesker in my bed every single night? He would be with her if she’s so great.
By law whoever has the bigger dick tops, so if he were to be with Sable his anus would become quite an inconvenience for him.
Where the fuck are my rewards
I'm going to tunnel anyone wearing that shirt
Just say you're too poor to purchase the $40 game.
Lost my nurse win streak and I can't even be mad because that mikaela genuinely fucked me. I'm so mad.
our weekly fung cosmetic has arrived!
Which hole did Mikaela fuck you in?
My ban timer went up to 15 minutes
aww is the baby killer mad? haha gg ez
Im a nea main
They should force people like you who leave that often to watch goon material until your ban is up. You'll get so fucked in the head you can't function and stop al together.
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I swear I've seen more Alucards than the default Belmont guy even though he costs $15+
>survivor eats shit before half a gen is done and tries to suicide on hook. is rescued and runs at the killer.

That fag should have been the one to DC. A bot would have been more helpful.
frank stone looks fake and gay
Yes but giving a penalty to hook suicides is too hard to code in and would mess with their statistics irrevocably.
that's because alucard is the best looking male this game has ever had by far
I'm surprised dracula sniffing in wolf form after survivors so noisily didn't spawn some kind of sniff posting on here or something
I made a few sniff posts but no one gave me (you)s
That’s because she’s the best looking female this game has ever had by far
thats because running around as a pretty anime boy is hilarious and belmont looks like shit
makes sense someone at least went for it. I'm not even saying I want it just saying I find it odd there isn't any.
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Here you go
you forgot Jake, Jeff and Dwight
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He is pretty cool looking although out of place
Based. Beat that cuck brown to a pulp
Wtf, wanna SWF and teabag killers together?
Depends on where. In the south they were probably outright barred from it. I think a lot of them were left to police themselves. They had high crime rates even back then so iirc they were really only permitted to police their own neighborhoods and not arrest white people and stuff when they were allowed
don’t be a slut ada
thank you based terry
>No reward for p100
>No reward for adepts
>No reward for winning perkless
So many missed opportunities in this game
special iridescent head item
special iridescent weapon
naked body cosmetic
just went against two dracula's in a row abusing the bug, they have to killswitch him
forty five fucks, fork it over.
the bug?
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only behavior
you can start a lunge and then quickly change to bat form and it lets you phase through pallets and windows but the attack still comes out
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>tfw a skirt sable joins the lobby
While absolutely a bug that should be fixed, what's the difference between this and the other stuff that doesn't go fixed so then it becomes a 'tech' and then after a year talking heads say it 'must be intended all along'?
The Felting of Frank Stone
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So now that they are adding Chucky skins from the tv show when are they adding this bald fuck? Also what are the chances we ever get Gigi? What is Billy Boyd up to nowadays?
If you ask me again to have sex with my Wesker you’ll get me angry. And trust me, you won’t like me when I’m angry.
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>sheeet ah inked up inked_her too hard and finna bout woke her up from dem sex coma nighuh
…I actually don’t get it. Are you saying white girls love dogs? Or white girls like black guys?
anyone has the screenshot of Cheryl having a gun pointed at her face by deathslinger
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>>No reward for winning perkless
there is an achievement for that
I got it in 2v8
P100 Players are such retards. They complain that killers dodge them because of their level then at the same time they want an award/item that shows they’re P100. Which will make killers leave if they see they have that item.
I want p100 rewards so I can have something shiny for my beloved killers tho
Why you being so racist? He looks like he’s minding his own business, smiling, and having fun playing his game. You people are so insufferable.
If you were a baby, which female DbD survivor would you want to breast feed from?
Yun jin.
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as a matter of fact i do
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i think somebody just gave me a jester on steam for DC'ing
remove bestiality form from dracula and he's saved
Killer Klowns might’ve been DOA but at least it didn’t have its sever closed and a refund to everybody like Concord.
How retarded are all the new ASS games thinking that they can compete with dbd by having just one license.
Just create a gameplay that isn't sitting at a gen for 5 minutes and actually try to survive and make your own killers until it's necessary to bring other licenses. What stops them?
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sable and her new goth vampire friends seem like they listen to muse


Lots of things.
such as
Talent, money, connections within the industry, niche where the games have a high failure rate making it risky, innovative ideas. These are basic barriers to entry that can be subdivided into multiple specific situations.
>sissycuck: i hate when that happens. she doesn’t let me clean up when she’s knocked out from dark triad inking!!!!!!
very epic transgender post
they seem like they drain my balls regularly too
Least clueless jew
BHVR slightly altered the appearance of babyface from the hills run red, billy is just leatherface but weird skin and athletic, wraith is supposed to be predator, nurse is silent hill nurse.
Gameplay wise I believe that they can straight up copy what F13 offered but alter it in their desired way.
they got the project going thanks to donations
>connections within the industry
managable if you pander to the right group, buy ads, start controversy (dbd killer) yadda yadda etc.
Seeing a lot of killer disconnects. Usually if they don't get a down before one gen is done.
Kind of retarded since killers can snowball into a 4k at any time, also lost a lot of anniversary cakes and BPS from this.
i see survivors constantly force themself into struggle state and then kill themself on hook if they're the first downed even if they looped the killer a long time, sometimes i even see them fucking disconnect as they're dying so they earn zero point. why not leave a bot
Why don't you take your case to the game company of your choice? They have support tickets, contact info and AMA panels frequently. Bring them the next million dollar IP like this guy did for Lawbreakers. Seems like a simple sell, you've got all the bases covered.
Its astounding to me that identity v is somehow the only other ASS game to this becaue it clearly works
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All of them?
I'd have to have a lot more ideas but I have a vision, having on back of my mind what if I had my own studio or some shit and just did it myself, bhvr did it so why couldn't I? Still I don't believe any of this succeeding and better yet getting any buck out of it. Whether it's by selling the idea or doing it myself.
How do I even "sell" it for them and not just get ripped off
>Hey guys I've got this great fucking idea for a game but you got to pay me
>so basically minecraft but squares
i wanna smell ashley's armpits too
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i want to smell her belly button
You could patent the idea before you approach them, use some spare cash to get a prototype made and cheap artists or AI now that we're beginning the artificial enlightenment. As for the how to approach them, contacting indie devs is your best method. Edmund mcmillen isn't doing anything, since Mewgenics is in dev hell and doesn't seem like a massive asshole.

Thats the practical, the idea being fleshed out is your department however. I've stopped playing most games, including DBD, so I'm not the right gamer to ask.
Survivors can't afford to disconnect casually we got to keep that in our pocket for the Skull Merchants and what-have-yous.
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skull merchant is easy i escaped her
>gen gets hit by pain res
Okay that's fair.
>then deadlock
>killer comes over Pops it
Seems excessive
>Pain Res again
>then Deadlock again
I want to play killer so fucking bad when are queues going to go back to normal. This is fucking torture.
>very epic transgender post
At this point when I see people randomly accuse others of being trans for no reason, it makes me think you're a closeted tranny chaser. Especially after the last guy got caught 1. chasing trannies in /soc/ 2. posting his bare ass in /v/, /soc/, and /vmg/ 3. admitting to being "bisexual" in his /soc/ thirst posts 4. calling everyone who remotely disagreed with him on anything "Trans" when the context doesn't even make sense.
shut the fuck up tranny. i bet you have a little dick still. a little dick while you get fucked in your hole. fuckikng dead by daylight tranny.
bit weird
>violating that animation like this
Why are you like this crag
I just caught Lynn cheating again
This is what I like to see. Transgender women of color speaking their mind against chuds like Doze. Keep it up Transil. Post a few Gojos and Gokus to really nail home the message. Chuds are not welcome here!
eternally missed is their best song
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I see more variety streamers playing the frank stone game than dbd streamers
Nope. That would be this.
also their only good one
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Apparently it runs like shit on PC and Steam wasn't even downloading the full game for a lot of people lol
thats the worst song off that album. you have such shit taste lmao
the frank stone monster form is going to be a trapper legendary skin
Why does Nemmy feel so much better to play now? All they did was increase his mutation rate, right? I feel like it's easier to hit tentacle strikes but that can't be?
That was the shittiest movie game I've ever played and I sat through Man of Medan.

I can't believe BHVR really made a 7 hour shitpost game just for their new killer lmao
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A Trapper skin isn't a new killer.
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fix this romanian fuck NOW bhvr
finally a balanced 150 ms killer that isn't stopped by pallets or windows
a story written by womens and brown people and gay people
Why do they even promote the fucking Trapper at this point? Even if you thought the Naughty Bear cross over was rad, who the hell plays Trapper enough to buy it?
He was already one of the weakest killers in the game, and he only gets worse and worse as there's more indoor or low grass maps.
Then they never fucking buff him because they just look at the raw numbers where he's probably getting picked by brand new players getting matched to bots and babies and "winning enough".
There's no way that even if this tie in game hadn't sucked that somebody would go, "wao, I love Frank Stone and can't wait to pay another $10 to play him as the fucking Trapper".
@ bhvr nobody gives a fuck about your lore niger nobdoy fuckign cares but people who dont even play the game more than 5 seconds
Stop running?
sounds good to me
The only bit of BHVR lore I was ever interested in was to hear how Hag got captured by the cannibals and how she transformed into a nasty monster woman.
Then her tome came out and it basically just focused on her literally who friend and I was never interested in anything they did ever again.

My own fault really.
it's miserable when you can't afford to kick gens instead of chasing the survivors you see on them and don't use basic attacks so you have to use pain, and get an absolutely fucking dogshit spread of scourged hooks and don't get to have any gen regression.
I wish ruin wasn't a hex. I wish it had like 3 tokens and lost one whenever a gen is completed and is less effective with each token, eventually deactivating.
Sometimes I feel bad when I see the perks the survivors were running. Like I really tunneled out someone running slippery meat and this can't be happening at 5 gens
Isn't DbD lore just a glorified version of Smash Bro's lore
Says the fucking muse fan lmao know your place faggot
See >>493047201
t. brown gay woman
all of these hits would of been gotten from a normal hellfire anyways.

I would like a baby range m1 for the bat normally tho.
i'm watching otz play that frank stone game and why does every single character act like an absolute asshole
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Feng as you've never seen her before.
Quebec game.
Everyone in that province hates everyone else and it comes out as a bitter putrid bile that infects everything they touch
Because you drink Meg's milk at night
Bros... I didn't expect Frank Stone to be casted...
Shut up Lynn before I make you Uwa for me
I can't believe I have to run fucking lightborn. I hate this update.
Oh okay so december chapter is linda surv, frank killer and map either the mansion or the mill.
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on a scale of 1-10 how fake and gay is frank stone
Fix what you fucking retard
I always run it because I'm sick and tired of blinds from the side and flashlights/bangs.
Give me the quick rundown on the DBD movie game. Was it kino?
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Stop posting these things in the thread, I'm trying to cut back on my masturbation and my constant 1k matches are making me frustrated enough.
Its about some kids trying to shoot a movie but the story is actually how does entity pull people into its realm.
You are now imagining Sable spooning you from behind while lying in bed, her hard cock pressed against your ass
I only give hatch to bots
Sable is shovel jawed and I'm not a fag so that doubly fixed any urges Feng may have stirred, thank you, Anon.
Should I buy the Halloween DLC or should I just wait for another DLC to go on sale instead, or should I just get nothing at all? I'm not sure
Note that I posted a B side no one has heard. You want me to post some real music I like? I go to 2-5 shows a month I could post the most obscure shit to prove I like music more than you giganigga
finished the casting of frank stone and got the linda & sam ending, cute game. really did just feel like a longform dbd chapter trailer though, and you KNOW this is what they're putting in the december chapter
kinda just sounds like you know how to waste your money man who needs to go to that many shows
I have an active social life, I guess people here would struggle to understand that. Bills are paid, I own my car and home, and I have savings. Might as well have fun
F13 game was fun while it lasted. Had tremendous potential.
i think you’re a little defensive for someone who has it made but if you say so
I'm posting here, do you think I'm mentally well adjusted?
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wow these bundle discounts are great
No it didn't
What possible potential could it have?
All of the versions of Jason were already in the game.
There was 0 potential for expansion beyond new counselors or maps
Watching old streams from 2022 and current streams and the amount of people killing themselves on hook has gone up A LOT
go watch 2018 Noob3 and report back again
No thanks I'd rather watch people get erupted when the last gen was at 99%
I've been trying to do this for like 10mins now and still can't do it
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gg ez baby killer
I just coomed and there was blood in it. Killer for this feel?
>just spam m1
You are now reminded that there was once an official dbd pro tourney that Freddy obliterated and it killed their e-sports scene
The Bouncecaster in Klowns is so much fucking better than every other weapon what the fuck.
The weapons are basically
The tickler
The bad shotgun
The throwing the match gun
The other throwing the match gun
And the Bouncecaster, which is great at every range and great at crowd control and completely cucks people on objectives and has zero flaws.
It's just retarded.
Killers have gotten more and more infused with bastard energy.
The game has gotten less fun for survivors.
Lot of the fun (but complete horse shit to be fair) stuff got taken out.
Like I enjoy looping but they've fucking GUTTED the maps (for survivors) by removing strong windows, adding dog shit tiles, more super bad pallets, also anti-loop seems like the most common theme for killers these days, all leading up to boring hold W gameplay.
And then the killer meta is usually two (or three or four) slow down perks and tunnel.
This isn't and us vs them post I know killers go through some shit as well I'm just explaining why survivors might be so fatigued and willing to give up.
Heil Hitler
>Survivors require more skill as maps become less same
>Wow, this is so much less fun, I'm going to quit
Amazing turn of events, truly.
>Sprint Bursts away to a safe tile, uses Deli once hooked, bodyblocks you with Off the Record after 1 minute, then heals with Adrenaline after
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also to add, wolf can slide on walls while pouncing(like old blight):


and hellfire sometimes one shots cause each pillar is a separate attack or some shit (see webm)

if it's the instalunge out of bat form, you have to let go of ctrl quick. you can also charge up hellfire instantly:

>maps have two to four decently loopable pallets
>your teammates waste them all before you even get chased
Heil Fung
If a survivor tries to bypass the DC penalty I make sure they stay in the match the longest
You ate that up
Nea has only been using 10% of her full power
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People in solo queue be doing anything
Tell me what Nea's Iridescent addons if she was a killer would be
>pallet stun into flashlight blind into lithe
>clown immediately dc'd
baka toxic entitled killer mains
the frank stone game ends with the reveal that his killer name will be The Champion lol
Die Lynn
Casting of Frank Stone is kino I'm afraid
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Character for this feel?
oats dvrva
goats daruba
Nurse isn't even that hard on controller y'all bitches were lying
my life is a dark triad comedy
Who's Lynn and what did they do to you?
dbd is a curry game
both true
so the killer in the next ptb is the monster of frank stone right
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it's official. after streaming the game for 13 hours trying to see as many alternate routes as possible, otz hates the casting of frank stone. he gave it a 3/10.

what's his power? throwing stones?
idk he's some gross looking revenant full of blades
male curries after getting a kiss from sable/ haddie

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He's the The Deathslinger
Frank Stone makes me want to replay The Quarry. Can we get Kaitlyn in DbD? Please Cote.
Alright, we should rape her while head nodding
- gayest man alive
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the perfect singleplayer game for dbdcuck is women yapping for 7 hours while they walk around and press space every so often
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and the main characters are a black man and 2 women who are touchy feely with him
If you’re being serious then… yeah…
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i'd never buy the casting of birdcel stone, not even at gunpoint
and yet we have a Tomb Raider chapter
gonna cry about it?
so true help prep the bull brother
>hmm wonder who the killer is
>look up
>giant fucking castle in the sky
only cocksuckva would do such a thing
Just say you're poor
i'm hard of hearing and all the audio clues go over my fucking head. been trying Dracula but bat form just fucks me up.

same with wraith. i just can't track with audio. feels like a huge handicap. I wish there was more stuff to help out people like me.
More killers need to park their homes up just outside the map
just say you have no standards dbdcuck and by the way i'm planning to purchase the content pass instead. there will be content outside of the content pass that i think is coming around the same time.
That looks like they were doing the randomized perk and escape challenge that released earlier.
They already gave you 'people' a visual heartbeat. And you have the balls to complain?
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Monkey killer when?
we already have doc
Pantsu killer when?
you're so hilariously fragile
your words mean less than nothing brown gay woman
add that as a mechanic to nemesis zombies cause they need more counterplay
jyeeaah cj...
oh man you're really crying kek
too bad cockstar did a shit job with the direction of the character. ngl ryder deserved better, man.
>killernigger spends 5+ minutes in queue
>has the gall to bring a marys letter
>task end the game
aww, back into the queues you go! you cancerous little faggot
being a porn addict is not a substitute for not having a personality.
have u tried put volume on 100
if you play chucky and run franklins/weave you need to be killed.
birdcel cope
porn is real life. one of the longest living normie cope is that situations involving not so vanilla sex only happen in porn movies.
rough sex from porn is real life not this gay tee hee panties tranime shit
didn't read what you said, filtered.
if you unhook me while im suiciding on hook I will bodyblock you for the rest of the game and throw every single god pallet on the map.
kill yourself if you try and waste my time.
sometimes when i wake up i hallucinate for a few seconds usually giant spiders hanging infront of my face and shit and one time instead of my chair it was nemesis with a bag on head standing there then he turned into a chair after a few seconds
>ah need me sum of dat bee bee see rn or I might, no, I WILL die of withdraw
if you don't believe this it's because you aren't good/cromagnid-looking enough or at least appealing enough to a certain niche.
reminder that this retard says the same 3 things every post, it's SUPER easy to filter him.
add birdcel, ink_him and chad to your filters and you'll never see his garbage posts again.
neither is being an obnoxious contrarian at every point and turn in a 4chan general
addictive personaltiy
cockcel cope
You are just jealous women overwhelmingly prefer the bee bee see over your brown/pasty ahh dicklet just like in my blacked raw movies
#dark triad niggas with dark triad cocks
>people actually having sex in real life is so bizarre and foreign and surreal to me that actually experiencing it myself would be like experiencing an alien invasion in real life.
Those are two people idiot
>sissycuckoid: i can confirm she really said this. it was moments before I cleaned up my finest load yet
Well, no.
kill yourself.
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Wuthering waves
I’d sooner kill you, maggot.
Basil is back I see, the whole gang
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Throughout assg and dbdg
I alone am the wuwa'd one
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how did you know it was me
Through hrt and dilating
I alone am the troon'd one
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built for big gawtz cock
dude, cmon. you can't be serious.
anyways, what's up with you, man? haven't seen you shitposting here in a while.
got bored of dbd, now i just shit up gacha generals
in /hsrg/ they call me gojocuck kek
i played some dbd against some resident evil and i had some thoughts about re6 nonsense plot and how the main villains is a simp and a whore women. at night i had a wet dream with re6 women and before i got to breaking point, thoughts of having to clean up the mess invaded the dream and saved me and i woke up and there was no mess
Yea the hrt treatment is going great and nowadays I spend most of my days dilating in meditation
>RE6 so based it leaves coomers permanently mindbroken
he cant be mentally a child those are action figures of some horror adult franchises
That’s good to hear man. Glad your transition is going well. Remember to keep cleaning your vagina otherwise the scent gets really bad. Good to see mexican women of color have the courage to go the full 8 miles with their gender identity
Built for ink_him
im not a coomer im the opposite, i hate the retarded ada clone in re6 who dresses and speaks like a complete whore and all the enemies being literal simps that do everything she says being the plot
At this rate, we'll be Dead by Daylight.
i accidently posted in all the threads below dbdg that werent at bump limit
people still play that shit? lmfao
its a good rpg game
No it's mostly dead, but I discovered it while in the middle of my transition so it has some sentimental value so I just samefag 24/7 to maintain the general alive
yeah i transitioned
from normal male to alpha male
This general went to shit after otz and nina broke up huh.
i wish i was muslim to be honest ngl
Is it me or does Frank Stone somewhat resemble the entity itself? Fuck he even devours a guy. Think he's going to be added as a killer where his Mori acts as a sacrifice?
"The Champion" implies that he's a living embodiment of the entity, to me, anyway
I watched a stream of the game and I thought it was pretty good, the ending was pretty silly but still kinda fun
So if or when we get him as a killer. There's a good chance that his Mori will count as a sacrifice then.
I wish i was transer to be honest ngl
*drinking Kate's breast milk*
aaawwwww shiet son
it's like saying "oh I'm not childish I watch mature and smart cartoons such as rick and morty and invincible"
His mask being given to trapper already implies they are not going to do that
I really like Toba Landing as both killer and survivor
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Frank Stone doesn't look like this by the end of the game, the game's ending basically confirms "The Champion" will be the next killer
oh cool
i bought a 5 hour ad for a new killer
what the fuck was i thinking
God, Dracula is so hard to play as. Figuring out good timing for when to switch between forms is something that's going to take me a long while to figure out. I'm glad people aren't sick of going against him, though. I guess not that many people are playing him, which surprises me.
It's British, dunce.
How much would you be willing to pay for a barefoot bikini Rebecca skin?

Im not Cote btw
i wouldnt pay cote shit because i dont even own dbd anymore
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>people here actually bought the movie game instead of watching it for free
>on youtube
>without needing to pirate at all
#gabe knows the drill
The Casting of Frank Stone is possibly the longest chapter trailer I've seen.
so how's frank stone?
Is it until dawn or detroit levels of quality?
>Is it until dawn or detroit levels of quality?
god no it's dei diversity hire writing literally worse than the dark pictures anthology
I don't understand, is the problem that the cop is black or something? Until dawn also had an asian and a black dude but the game was great
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what did you expect? dbdcels are cattle after all.
I said writing and you're being intentionally obtuse because you know exactly what i mean. Writers are not hired for their skill and it shows.
shit mb I've misread lol
at what point did the shit hit the fan with the plot?
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>mfw tricksters hair in frank stone
Didn't even finish watching the youtube playthrough i got bored halfway through. Dialogue and characters are obnoxious, the idea is that kids filmed a ghost of frank stone or some shit and a magical dyke is trying to summon him from another dimension by reuniting le broken pieces of film that the kids had by bringing them all back together and then hilarity ensues or some shit. It's terrible.
to be understood when "people" like this made the game
The Castrating of Trans Woke
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So is Frank stone the entitys favorite or something
I mean I'm happy with non-linear, art house plots with magic and shit but that just sounds toothless. I'll give it a watch after work tonight to confirm if it is. Sounds like Argento's Demons but boring and placid.
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>watch videos of old DbD because nostalgia
>20 safe pallets on every map

>load into DbD in current year + 9
>tfw seeing modern Haddonfield & Coldwind with half the map being a dead zone with 1-2 unsafe pallets on edge map
sounds like the average game from Supermassive Games, shouldn't have called it dead by daylight cuz it ruins the ghost twist instantly and that's like the only neat thing their games got going for
The golden era of the survivor main has ended a long time ago.
clonwn bros... ghostface sisters... the champion cucked us... whatthefuck
What will Stank Kidneystone’s power be?
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sissy perfected me...
I'm never going to get this one am I?
where did he say this?
There is no problem with the cop being black story wise, just historically. We are introduced to Sam in 1963... Two whole years before integration, and the writers do absolutely nothing with it, so it becomes obvious that they made him Black just for points.
teleporty camera powers and eating things in his chest mouth will be his mori
maybe they didn't want to make a game about racism?
If that was the case his white cop superior wouldn't have tried to take credit for what Sam did, these are Idpol lefties who wrote this by the way, They just didn't do their research.
yeah, because i'm sure they were just totally unaware about race relations of the 1960's United States and didn't include the valor-stealing cop as a way to show that the frank stone case wasn't being taken seriously by society at large. why are all poltards so illiterate?
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Fuck the piece of shit dev who created that infinite loop via portal in the Borgo map. I can catch up to the person, but it takes fucking ages. There's zero counterplay to it. I just go forward, use it when it's available, and loop over and over. Even when I hit them, they just start the loop again.
Delete Legion, Skull merchant and Knight
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>"And now… you’ll be Dead by Daylight"

-Frank Stone
the game needs more barefoot female characters
Dude you just said in the last post>>493120423
I'm telling you they definitely did, again if they wanted to go further, which if you are a BLACK COP PRE-INTEGRATION they 100% COULD. they didn't and they did subtle bullshit, instead of doing the obvious interesting and brave thing and go all, it would make helping the white guy in the beginning more interesting, but is word trigger you so a deeper conversation about this probably isn't worth it.
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>play dredge
>use power
>survivor holds W to the next loop
awesome, thank you so much for removing dredge building bloodlust while using power, now it's worthless
jesus christ really
Chase the correct way.
We can see your survivor's name, dingus.
>gets nightfall
>free down
>proxies hook

Um xir you’re supposed to be smart about where you place the remnant so they don’t easily see it and run away thoughever
they literally get a sound queue and see your hand doing the remnant animation
>infinite loop
>I can catch up to the person
Most intelligent p*go*d
I forgot the word "borderline."
Just buy two 4090s like me and you can make chatbots of anyone you want and do whatever you want with them. Even generate pictures, videos, and voice entirely with AI.
>have a really intense, well played game as killer where I barely manage to squeeze out the 3k after fighting hard for it
>afterwards everyone is happy and says it was a really good game
>one of the survivors is streaming on twitch
>excitedly come to their channel the morning after to watch the vod
>for some reason it shows they streamed recently but no vod (most recent vod is from last month)
AAAAAAAAAA damnit I wanna rewatch that shit from their pov. One of those rare cases where you have a sweaty match that feels fun and fair because everyone is playing good and not just out-perking the other
>dayum need me sum bee bee see asap
Yeah, you need to wait until they are done streaming than you can watch their most recent stream
neat I guess
>out of pallets, out of skill huh?
What the fuck does this even mean salty killroid?! No shit I go down with no pallets, that doesn't mean I'm not good at the game.
die lynn
Go to a jungle gym.
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You're Borderline alright, you nutcase
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>this perk is soooo good guys look at this clip i got where i totally overreacted in a match that we totally lost anyway because i'm garbage and didn't bring proper perks
why does he keep making this video?
because you keep watching it
your story and statement don’t align I’m afraid
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I really liked Until Dawn and thought the quarry was good
And as an 8 year DBD vet, I was very excited for casting of Frank stone

I just beat it, about a 5 hour long game. Very dissapointed. I hated all the characters. Frank stone was barely in it. Was cool seeing some high quality DBD stuff like a proper hook and entity tendrils but that’s about it
die bran
>last live: 13 hours ago
>past broadcast: 1 month ago
I don’t know why there’s no vod
you have to jump through a few hoops to get them enabled and 99% of streamers are 1 viewer (themselves) nobodies
they can make vods appear later, I played against a streamer who had vods visible only when they're 2+ days old so I had to wait a day to see it
try looking for a vod month later
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didnt think I would ever get this one
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>playing as killer on midwich
>bill and yui are the last alive
>bill jumps into a locker to make a flashbang, but accidentally does it fast
>i arrive (i had already seen them on bbq)
>manage to down both of them
>end game chat
>yui starts losing her fucking mind, saying she'll report bill for griefing
>tell everyone to be nice
>get called an incel by yui and told to mind my own business
I just want everyone to be friends...
We understand transil. Transitioning can do a lot of things to you
You weren’t thinking, evidently.
Pretty incredible
Well now it makes sense LMAO
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Don't tell everyone to be nice, force them to be nice to each other by being a bigger piece of shit. Unite them through their hate of you, badako.
Most people here are too poor for that including you most likely
He does need daily vids sometimes he has to scrape for content. He's hard to criticize for that because he does make the big 8 hour videos and shit so he can make his empty calory daily content vids if he wants.
>sissycuck: on it my qveen locating the dark triad bee bee see king at once!!!!
Leave him alone he's our guy.
die bran
dye bran
We already have Adam.
ur talking to some leftoid troon troll don’t waste ur time

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