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#6206 Grass edition

Previous: >>492802276

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-04-15/ (Apr 15/Next Banlist: Late August)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●Structure Deck: Advent of Blue Eyes (Sep 7)
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 10 (TBA, probably Sep 15, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
>buy bulk of shit about to be unlimited for 200e
>spin them for 2000e profit
do this for a few banlists and youve made decent extra money
Why don't you play with us anymore?
You really thought they're not giving us a banlist timeframe because they're "pissed"? Everything they do, they do it for money
no one saw grass coming and someone casually bought them out, sure sure
Julia herself probably bought those
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>newest summoning mechanic, link monsters, was introduced 7 years ago
why is this card game no longer getting any updates?
Toon support doko
Tin leaks doko
they fucked up updating the banlist page and now it still reads late august for the next one
they're the gift that keeps on giving
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20 players:

1st. Snake-Eye
2nd. Ryzeal
Top4. Snake-Eye
Top4. Maliss
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They (Konami) should just take Ls on some of the product desu

Distributors force LGSs to buy product already anyway, they can't just pick and choose, they have to buy everything Konami throws at them, it's either that or you simply can't purchase YGO

Therefore KoA should simply stop designing side sets around whatever card costs 60-100 a pop that also happens to be meta relevant

It's their retarded rarity spreads that fuck up banlist decisions because they KNOW Snake eyes is broken but they also know that they HAVE to sell those reprint sets in September (Tins), November (Bonanza) and April to make money and the only way to sell those sets to retards (TCG playerbase) is to reprint expensive cards (that they themselves made expensive) which leads to the TCG not hitting expensive decks hard enough

Of course making terrible sidesets will hurt stores in the end, and that only leads to more stores picking up Lorcana/OP and dropping this game

So Konami can't really change the way things are but keeping the game this expensive seems unsustainable

>but muh investors

The structure of main sets is designed to make cards expensive, when you spend 800 on a case and you can't even pull a playset of every secret in the set it means the rarity system is beyond predatory

Right now they have a perfect excuse to never give the playerbase an actual date ever again btw so this will continue
>Lorcana shills in full force
Keep rimjobbing that rat.
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20 teams, 40 players:

1st. Snake-Eye, Maliss
2nd. Chimera, Maliss
Top4. Exosister x2 - https://i.imgur.com/Ij52y3q.png
Top4. Snake-Eye, Tenpai Dragon - https://i.imgur.com/brrJsi5.png
So how long will S:P have after the Tin comes out?
Feature creep was one of the biggest issues cited by a lot of players as a hurdle with getting into the game. Whether or not it's true, it seems Konami believes it to be the case.
Also the Extra Deck mechanics have been getting so muddled because the game's speed and power is so high that they need to be of a certain similar level in order to keep up with each other.
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>Fagcana shills
The game is already a massive hurdle to learn and an over-complicated mess, so they have put the game on basically maintenance mode to do all their updates for Rush Duel instead.
You could maybe squint and say the MR2020 revisions were an update to the Master Rules worthy enough of a Series, but the fact we got just Illusions was the nail in the coffin for Master Duel as a game.
Mr. Tewart just really likes Grass and wanted to own 50 copies of it, what's the problem?
>Therefore KoA should simply stop designing side sets around whatever card costs 60-100 a pop that also happens to be meta relevant

why should they stop when retards keep giving them money? konami act like shit because players let them get away with it
Bro you need better bait
Electrumite went from $9 to $29
That anon is full of shit
>what's the problem with committing fraud?
reposting this as it is important
shartfa presenting the most recent evidence on livestream that 2 corrupt KoA cockroaches did massive buyouts of Grass within the 2 days before the list dropped, put this into the OP of the next thread and spam this literally everywhere until it gets big
>Therefore KoA should simply stop designing side sets around whatever card costs 60-100 a pop that also happens to be meta relevant
Lmao not when people like >>492822885 exist. You need a whole change in player attitudes to get that done.
There are 4 reasons

Reason 1, Links when they started were powerful as hell to the point some of them will never ever come back unless eratta'd into trash, like Firewall and Summon Succ did
Reason 2, the general gimmicks for Links were lining up the arrows for effects and creating mutual links for even bigger effects and getting a 7th monster
Reason 3, Links were not positively recepted by players, they only used them because they had to
Reason 4, Konami thanks to Links have ended up creating a power creep so ridiculously high that they've trapped the game in an unwinnable arms race and introducing yet another new gimmick would fuck it up even more.
Reason 5, the Rush spin off is extremely popular in Japan along with the show thus they've focused most of their effort on trudging that along while leaving the TCG to rot in hell
Reason 6, There's nobody left that has any real passion for YGO the game anymore at konami, Kaz is dead, studio dice is kaput and they shoved Yoshida into writing crappy non canon lore stories about the cards along with that other guy who makes a manga on OCG floodgates

This game is dying>>492868967
and they either don't care or just do not know what to do other than the same thing and hope something works out.

I find it really telling how Yugi is here but not anything from the two spin off manga, no Shouma and no whoever the main is for the next OCG stories

I also find it telling that Anya is the centerpiece, it really shows just how little to few hits JUMP has anymore, almost all of those characters on this poster have ended their manga or are in final arcs, I think it's even more telling that Naruto or Boruto aren't there at all

I'm still not gonna read spy x family tho, not my style
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Would you rim her though?
>Reason 5, the Rush spin off is extremely popular in Japan along with the show thus they've focused most of their effort on trudging that along while leaving the TCG to rot in hell
Everytime with this cope kek
>the Rush spin off is extremely popular in Japan along with the show
Note: This is what RUSH players actually believe
Im going to just clip these up and try to do a youtube vid with a big description on this so its easier to spam everywhere, if someone else wants to try to work on a thumbnail then go ahead. Probably going to be ready in 2-3 hours since i want to do it properly
Absolute fucking moronrs both of you
You just had to set him off
Tell me your honest feelings on this card.
Why does Joshua keep bringing that story that you can't play OCG cards in TCG?
It's been like quite a few times this month alone, it's like he keeps saying it because he knows Konami told him to
it exists
I don't even think the idea of feature creep is the problem, the problem is that Konami is stagnant and sucks ass at teaching people and providing the resources to teach.
The reason why the Pokemon TCG can shit out mechanics as frequently as we did before but not actually need dedicated massive rules revisions is because they put down the mechanics rules on the cards themselves.
The reason why MTG can shit out a new keyword that fucks with the game or makes you track a small dungeon minigame is because they go through the effort to have cards that explain them, have rules that explain them etc.
I remember ARC-V having a joke about Yuzu putting her Fusions in the Main Deck because she didn't know any better but that is unironically an actual problem. How the fuck are you meant to know?
A casual glance at our card frame layout and given information just straight up tells you nothing. A Synchro doesn't tell anyone where its from, how to make it or anything special about it. Nothing about Synchros screams addition
>b-but the +
The same text also appears on Fusions. You could literally put "1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters" on a Fusion frame and it would be entirely different method with the exact same text.
You could pretty easily fix a lot of these issues by changing what information is given on a card (e.g. maybe have a symbol on monsters that denotes ED/MD, maybe put explanations of rulings in empty spaces of cards or even having a dedicated explanation as to what their method is on each ED monster).
But Konami favors uniformity within their cards above all
not doing a thumbnail since idk how to do photoshop but whoever does please make it at least 3 yugitubers soifacing and have big red text that says "KONAMI IS SCAMMING YOU?"
>Atem for YGO
>Nothing for Stories or Structures
And /dng/ will still have posters that want YGO to cut all ties to the anime when that's not happening ever
>extremely popular in Japan
RUSH makes it in top 10 once and we have to deal with another round of shilling. You get mogged by a Detective Conan TCG released like 2 weeks ago and a One Piece TCG released 2 years ago btw
Put the horse as thumbnail
>Why does Joshua keep bringing that story that you can't play OCG cards in TCG?

because he's a puppet?
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i feel personally responsible for this happening, i started posting my schizo theory about KoA card inside trading that i've never seen anyone think of or bring up before some time ago and suddenly this happens

I QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
forcing you to play an extremely inconsistent deck to hope that you open and can resolve a 1-of is extremely funny to me, any retards who actually try this shit deserve the 1% WR they'll get
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mogged lol
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>Absolute fucking moronrs both of you
>seething so hard he can't even type right
Sasuga rushtrannies
If Yugioh's fundamental mechanics are good but the problems stem from shitty management by konami, why has no fan ripped off the game and made a better TCG based on it?
vast majority of TCGs rip off MTG instead
It needs to be something bold, but I want a massive description for the vid detailing the entire OCG/TCG disparity and with a paragraph about insider trading/ the corruption at koA. While I work on the vid someone else can start to shit out the text here if they feel capable of doing it justice
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>Link Disciple/Devotee
Doesnt Devotee lock you into Link 1-2 only? What is the combo?
just quit the game, it's over
Yugioh is no longer fun, it hasn't been fun for a long time, the last time it was fun was the Arc-V era 10 goddamn years ago
Go shill your faggot tcg flops somewhere else
>Arc-V era 10 goddamn years ago
oh god that's painful to read
>Shart V
>why has no fan ripped off the game and made a better TCG based on it?
Because creating a TCG is a fuckton of work and even with dedicated massive monetary support, many people are stubborn and won't switch?
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The only reason I'm even still here is because of all the monsters I want to plap
Silent Magician
Dark Magician Girl
Apprentice Illusion Magician
Chronicle Sorceress

Every night I dream of them working my dick with their pussy until I cum inside
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Meanwhile, GX will turn 20 next month.
creating any game is a shitton of work. even in the golden age of digital card games no one could get any company to make a yugoh-like
Because you have a pretty conventional guide on how to rip off MtG/DM by those two and literally every other successful TCG in existence. They even talk about design philosophy. It also doesn't help that by in large Yugioh's popularity stemmed from the anime which is something you can't account for, or the fact that Yugioh started out as this boring literal vanilla beatdown where Konami didn't know what it was doing vs what it is now.
GX being old as fuck is fine to me
Arc V still feels recent...
>the last time it was fun was the Arc-V era 10 goddamn years ago
Seethe cope and rope, pendnigger
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I ordered my third Engraver + 2 more Tract. Now we're gonna be GAMING.
You children should not need an anime to sell you cards.
TCGs are especially difficult though. You have to keep shoveling new cards in people's faces to maintain interest, you have to make them equal or better to existing cards otherwise people won't buy them and you will never have the same capacity to test cards unlike your playerbase.
All whilst people will drop your game on a dime if you lose their interest for a second. The reason Yugioh has held on so long despite being a shit game is pure nostalgia in action
pend decks weren't played in early arc v, we were playing shit like BA, shaddolls, and masked hero
based shotachad
Hm, nothing but bitterness, anger and yearning for days gone past. Yup, you guys finally did it, you've become just like the Sonic fanbase, all you need now is shipping and constant warring with each other on how your headcannons are much more validated than official material and you'll be twinsies, congratulations on making it this far, but there's still a ways for you to go before you become the pokemon fanbase in both bitterness, anger and degeneracy but I have high hopes for you, you'll likely make it there in another 10 years.
So you are a fucking nigger?
hairline status?
full head of black hair unlike you mummies desperately keeping that disgusting turf of grey fur on the back of your heads around.

Just fucking go bald already, keeping that shit up there reeks of desperation and immaturity
Not sure why you're asking but it's doing pretty fine.
hope you really like the current format it's gonna be here for a while
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>Digimans and Butthole Spirits
>Masters Duel and its sister franchise
>Yugioh R under the idol agency Bushiroad
At last we don't have sonic OC's or rampant furries like in pokeman
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What went right?
Vanguardsisters...we are irrelevant...
A woman drew that BTW
making a list of games that are better than yugioh?
That's what
>Yugioh R under the idol agency Bushiroad
Means anon. Vanguard came from the mangaka for R pitching his ideas to Bushiroad after R's run ended.
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hey, would you look at that
Holy cope
only thing shit here is your taste
goku not being at the centre of this is complete bullshit
Our heroes and Yugioh.
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I like her so i have several questions

What's her lore
Why was she on the ban list in the first place
Will she work in a Dark Magician deck
Is there more art of her
i fucking hate loreshit so much
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they fixed it
don't ask what a few months from now is though
Atem looks so out of place among all the moeshit
>structures manga
Nice of them to remember that it exists...
it was during the fight for Dragon Ball copyright
>why banned
summon from deck
>will she work in a dark magician deck
>is there more art of her
Where are our mage and monk penguins.
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Raye is the real face of the franchise. None of that anime slop bullshit.
>What's her lore
She has none
>Why was she on the ban list in the first place
Generic Link that let you access basically any monster in the game, especially when paired with Halqifibrax climbing into her
>Will she work in a Dark Magician deck
Probably not, on account of the fact you need to get 3 monsters out AND have another monster. You could definitely run her but good luck getting her out
When is this out? Going to be in Japan in Dec and want to get a Roze Fumo.
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Why disrespect Kazuki like that?
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>Raye is the real feces of the franchise
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our heroes
why don't we make our own bootleg yugioh with blackjack and hookers???
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Raye feels like the type of character that the Simpsons were making fun of with Poochie.
I miss studio gallop.
He'd need a much longer list for that.
Soul vs Souless
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Got it, thanks
kind of odd how the TCG choose to just skip her errata reprint while reprinting plushfire
I bet the animators hated having to animate and color Yugi's three haircolors and layers so they simplified it for the Rush kid while still giving him silly enough hair to make it obvious he's a Yugioh MC.
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Very raw so far, someone suggest adjustments and help me write out the OCG/ TCG rarity/ box model section
no, that would be Diabelstar
I still waiting for time travel arc
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The Ryzeal support that looks dark and edgy
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>to make it obvious he's a Yugioh MC.
Lmao no? He looks out from a Beyblade fanfiction
yeah why not
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All the MCs after Yugi are just 2 colors/layers except for Playmaker.
>Even the jap sick of Snake Eyes storyline
Because the ones who are doing that are probably invisible and not getting very far without successful TV shows and comic books to prop them up. Others who care to do something along those lines probably figured there'd be better things to use their creativity on.
Uoohhh Yugi armpit erotic
this last one cant be real. he looks like glaceon from pokemon
The biggest problem with the snake eyes storyline is that literally nothing is happening.
At least the abyss storyline felt like there was some progression.
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Yuga is Ape Escape.
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But even edgier...
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Beyblade character's hair is kinda normal for anime standards but of course you wouldn't know.
weird how after yugi the only one to wear a choker is yuya
Jaden is the only one not wearing a belt.
Yugi is into leather, Yuya is just gay
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It's very real.
>Yuya is just gay
he is literally the only canonically straight protag
We never got raye draw by kaz
kinda sad
>Jaden is always open to put his pants down instantly
thats fine
the actual problem is that only 1 deck from it is getting enough support to be meta
if gobs and white woods were meta nobody would be mad at it
instead we have a perpetual snakeshit format
Kazuki Takahashi was far too dignified of an artist to ever be disgraced into drawing Raye.
Yuudias is an alien and it was decided at some point in production they wanted him to look at Rainac and say, "omg he's literally me"
I think his design is better in his UTS outfit.
The GO RUSH Female MC canonically has sex and is Yuga's ancestor.
Already did it.
>Kaz has never drawn waifutroon bait
Based as fuck
because raye is trash
Was shogun steel not that well liked or something?
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Fuck Sevens and Go Rush
Idk why but this promo art makes him look better. does he also have the same dragon every other main had?
How does this prove it was Konami/A Konami employee though, this is what gets me. How do they know if the seller has ties to Konami? It could be that a dude just got massively lucky, as unlikely as it might be. It just seems like a massive danger to put yourself into jail for a couple hundred
Do you really want Kash Tearlament bullshit again
Or Spright Branded Tri-Bridage again?
Asuka is massive god damn, she's the same age as Anzu but like twice her size. Aki is older and wearing a corset.
we're making a youtube video here not filing a lawsuit, we don't need the evidence to be concrete
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>Kazuki Takahashi was far too dignified of an artist
It's ~technically~ a Galaxy type but it's the dragon thing that shows up slightly behind him in all 3 posters with it getting new forms as the story goes along like Utopia's 10 forms.
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I miss when YGO had lewd heroines would mating press all of them tempting this old man like this
must be lucky to have drawn grass at 1
They should limit last turn
literally thousands of new anime girls are introduced into the world every month, why do you specifically need one made by KONAMI?
>rayetranny cope
Lucky guy indeed who bought 21 copies of grass as a gamble a day before the banlist
We have Romin and Yuamu to make up for it...
They're complaining that only one deck of the lore has been top-tier meta, not with the story iself.
The sinful spoil lore is like half the length of the abyss one either way and Snake Eyes are just the tutorial part of it, which Diabellstar defeats in AGOV
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anything else I should add? Ill start to edit the actual vid and work on the thumbnail in a bit
Not even, but didn't the guy use his art to promote political messages and propaganda?
Dignity is the last thing that comes to mind with that
I don't care about those 12 year old jailbaits tho if I wanted that I'd go to Pokemon

Because I discovered masturbation because of that episode where Anzu had to duel that penguin guy and her being cold and Dark magician girl warming her hands so she could still play awakened something in me
>Do you really want Kash Tearlament bullshit again
no but multiple decks being good is healthy for the game
right now we're in a year long snakeshit format
The MCs don't even usually have Dragons as their boss monster.

Yugi: Spellcaster
Jaden: Warrior
Yusei: Dragon
Yuma: Warrior
Yuya: Dragon
Yusaku: Cyberse (and depends if you count Firewall as a dragon and his boss or Codetalker as his boss)
Yuga: Spellcaster
Yudias: Galaxy (Dragon)
If anything it feel like the reverse
Honestly if you cut out the filler from Abyss there's more being done with Sinful Spoils.
Without the filler, Abyss is just Dogmatika -> Despia -> Bystial -> Conclusion. With the current 4 archetypes in Sinful Spoils there's barely anything happening but White Forest is backstory and Azamina is actual progression, the goblins are more or less pointless but with Crazy Beast at least they do ONE thing relevant to the plot progression.
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If the main deck was full and still had no means of summoning things from the Extra Deck, how many of you would report me? This deck is against the rules but I'd like to see how authoritarian the playerbase is.
Also, what should I fill the rest of the deck with? No handtraps or blowouts please, I'm making this deck to play with new players and/or weaker decks.
still getting reported for running the gay chicken
Yudias was introduced with Rainac and Oblivion as co-aces and while being a 1600 beater means it can't close out games as much, a lot of the writing treats Rainac as more of his ace with how whenever there's the "Ace and Ace Fusion" it's done using Rainac. So in Yudias' case Oblivion is more his "Junk Warrior".
>only the two worst protagonists had dragon aces
What does it mean?
I would report you just for the chance of getting the free win on the round
>art isn't political
Dumb waifutranny
Where arf thou
i just noticed that go rush started over 2 years ago, and both vrains and sevens also lasted around 2-3 years
they'll probably make a new rushit anime anyways
Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl
Flame Wingman and Neos
Junk Warrior and Stardust
Yuma and Yuya had no secondary monster to rely on it was always Utopia, Odd Eyes spam
Decode Talker and Firewall before it got banned
Yuma:number 99
guess jaden is the only one with no dragon?
Yuma had Excalibur
Stuff like Flame Wingman and Junk Warrior were just copium until they got they were allowed to use their actual boss monsters.
Drawing Atem voting for whatever party or whatever is very different than drawing him dueling Kaiba, you walking blowjob
just like the rushiann invasion of ukraine
Yuya used Dark Rebellion alot.
How is Rescue-ACE looking like after the list?

MTGchads are making fun of our game again...
They still have their best card limited.
they are the equivalent to summoned skull, a minor boss monster that the MC can use
every single MTG player is obese so they really can't talk
nurture wins...
>They think the art is bad on grass
Most of their art looks like slop
2nd and last one no but the rest are plapable
Pokemon's full illustrations mog transgioh
>no space for 15 handtraps
sorry this deck is Certified™ Poopy® Poo©
just sounds like seething
And sometimes you do theirs, what goes around, comes around. Now, what'll really rustle your feathers is knowing someone like myself enjoys both and hangs out in both camps, rolling my eyes at both sets of xenophobes.
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>what a hideous game
reply with a picture of kotton
The MC's "minor boss" monsters were usually better or at least more interesting than the main boss monster anyways.
Summoned Skull > Dark Magician
Flame Wingman was cooler than Neos
Junk Warrior was cooler than Stardust

Even for side characters like Joey, his minor boss monster of Jinzo was much better than Red-Eyes Cope Dragon.
>Now, what'll really rustle your feathers is knowing someone like myself enjoys both and hangs out in both camps
that doesn't bother me at all actually
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>waifutard acussing others of faggotry
wtf creeps let my nigga sleep
>his minor boss monster of Jinzo was much better than Red-Eyes Cope Dragon.
Funny how both of them had 2400 ATK and weren't originally his own cards.
it's over even MBT left us...
>art to promote political messages and propaganda?
You mean
as political message?
Yuzu got pushed to Sora, all the other counterparts lost their girl as well and then went inside another man. Even in the Manga he gets cucked by his own dad.
jewart just needs to give him a bigger paycheck
and the kike won't be missed
He doesn't even really have a boss monster before Red-Eyes unless you count Time Wizard or Flame Swordsman.
He doesn't get Gilford until much later.
Would they even allow you entry to a tournament with an illegal deck, don't you need to put in a list? Or are you just hoping no one ever asks whats in your extra deck.
does this game have yugioh mechanics
then he's a simp/cuck but he's a straight simp/cuck
you are genuinely embarrassing, how do you write something like this without recoiling in cringe? and i don;t mean because lol idort i mean because you think anyone gives a shit and want attention bad
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Yuya's a lot of things but straight isn't one of them
>LGBQT+ pandering troon left
Fucking based. We got rid of Benjica and now him. We're in the deep of it boys, soon enough the dawn will come and save us all from these trannies.
what exactly does snake-eye have going for it at this point? the deck's strengths have always been it's consistency, non-engine potential, and resilience, rather than its endboard, and the banlist just nuked its resilience, while also further weakening its endboard. so since this general seems so adamant that snake-eye is still by far the best list, could any of you possibly explain why it's the best deck despite consistency and non-engine potential being its literal only upsides?
Judai has his trans demon dragon
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I believe. I believe that this deck will get more cards before this year is up
Holy rent free
slifer is a divine beast
99 is astrals monster not yumas
firewall is cyberse
idk, I don't know the details, feel free to correct me
Please let him fuck off forever
Because the point is to get the exact kind of reaction that you just gave, except the unspoken rule is to not explain it.
if it has dragon in name it's a dragon bro
yugioh card names arent metaphors
Can you guys stop schizoing/hornying out and talk about something more grounded in reality already? This is /dng/ were suppose to be better than this
>if it has dragon in name it's a dragon bro
That's never happening, he's chained to this game until its death.
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This is the Controversy art piece
What's that?
I could do. Thanks.
I forgot you have a decklist forum in big events. Never been to a big one, I was thinking more in a local setting and just forgot there were big events. Sorry.
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Keep horny posting, I'm almost done, I'm pumping my hips into this fleshlight as I post just edging until you post something to send me over, don't stop now
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>this last one cant be real.
now you're catching on.
ok now add an anime Trump picture in the background
Can't believe Kaz shot Abe in broad daylight....
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>t. 0 divine favor
>r-rent free
No one wants your kind tranny
>using the horse
Make it vomit, it's the only appropriate response to your kind.
he's not even stating who to vote for, he's just saying vote
saying this is political is like like ground up ice is a flavour of ice cream
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do you have an humiliation fetish or something?
why the fuck are asuka's tits so big? She's 15
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Elestrals doesn't exist outside very specific parts of the US and is just a shit game in general. It will never amount to anything other than a tool used by disgruntled yugitubers mad that konami doesn't want to put them on their payroll.
>the man who openly stated to vote against Abe isn't telling you who to vote for
For those more well-versed in the Azamina stuff, are Moa and Sol played a lot? Or is it just the other two and the spells that are part of the snake eyes package?

Maybe V-jump stuff? I am hoping too, brother. Do the Japs like these cards? If so that's always a good sign
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>>the man who openly stated to vote against Abe
Azamina is engine sloppa, only the stuff for Snake-Eyes is played and they'll be secrets and ultras in ROTA
Kill yourself kiketuber shill
If that's all, then I retract my statement.
I was under the impression he was shilling some political power, but if it's not, then it's just a cool piece
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Token heroine coomfuel.
Can we change the general name to /ppwr/ -pokemon pocket waiting room?
sex with aki and asuka
/dmg/ - Duel Master General/Dark Magician Girl
Aki bouncing on your dick, Asuka riding your face, one anon has cum already might as well see how many more end up doing it in this thread.
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Take it to fucking trash coomer.
In a way, you're right about it being a sort of attention-seeking behavior, but it's so easy to collect negative attention on 4chan, that it just becomes another form of low-effort entertainment to engage in.
why does konami hate DM, every deck he has is fucking dog shit, they seem to love blue eyes way more
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Truly the main character of an animeless generation.
Very gay post.
How many super poly targets do we need before they ban it?
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Video done, spread it around like the gospel. ill upload a better thumbnail and make alterations to the description if people actually contribute and make better ones
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I bought my friend a full purrely deck as a birthday present
man, you guys are in here talking about cumming and making each other cum? the other card game generals are gonna laugh at you even more when they find out about this.
why does Zexal have designs that wouldn't be too out of place in a hentai? Did the lead art designer do hentai?
Is it on the panda yet? I'm still locked out of xitter....
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Follow his advice, /dng/.
We won't laugh because we also do it too.
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Don't cum /dng/ don't you dare cum!
That's really gay.
Mating press.
I'm gonna cum
you should get a better hobby
and i don't say it mockingly, i genuinely mean it, start drawing or whatever else that is productive
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Can somebody explain Branded in High Spirits to me like I'm a dumbass (because I am)
I don't get the lines for it
Add a big red arrow pointing to the vomit like in those clickbait thumbnails
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I kneel...
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ending slide needs a big red circle around grass
you have to treat your audience like they are 5
you use it to dump something from your extra deck + search
is ash blossom gonna be played in 10 years
I feel like putting Dragon Rulers together again. I know they're not gonna be good but does anyone have any ideas on how I should go about it?
Done did, this place is just for mild distraction and taking breaks.
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run a shit ton of level 3 tuners for dis pater turbo
Veiler still sees play after 14 years, make a guess retard
Run an armed dragon engine for ploooooooos
hopefully it'll be banned by then
the reason veiler sees play is exactly the fact it hasnt been future proofed via OPT
Is Albion the best search
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come on ,/dng/ it's not like you can last must longer, go ahead and disgrace yourselves for all the other boards to see!
can't say, I don't play branded
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>hopefully it'll be banned
shitter detected
Even if it was HOPT it would still see play. There's only a small pool of cards that works turn 0.
Anyone have a dummy reddit to post this onto the yugoyoh pages?
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>buying 2 cases of RAGE and going to my local YCS! this week!!
You all killed the game.
>There's only a small pool of cards that works turn 0.
91 by my count, not exactly a small pool
>we now have a weird ERPfag with a humiliation/AGP fetish
Add Farfa's name to the title

You have to play into YT's algorithm
we've had worse, I'm numb to it at this point
>>buying 2 cases of RAGE and going to my local YCS! this week!!
nobody said this
hi whats you favoritre deck my friends good morning
is trap booster a real card
I literally said this.
Not at the moment.
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No because it would be too based and Konami still fears Temple of the Kings.
>has all the same phases and spell/traps as yugioh
>the evolution of pokemon
>a resource system that combines energy cards and life point
It's pretty much if yugioh and pokemon had a bastard child together
I look and act like this
I feel like a lot of you are pent up and need to go handle that before posting here, I don't usually mind horny posting but this is starting to get a bit weird.

Now then, on to the overlaying problem of this game dying. Konami seems not to care because Rush is doing it for them while angering me, I don't like seeing iconic ace monsters being used by litteral whos in Rush it pisses me off to see that
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The REAL reason this game (and MTG) has no future

No kids investorfagging and stealing cards
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someone get me a good pic of his face to add to the thumbnail
Yugioh is arguably the worst card game to invest into.
You could steal a case of cards and still barely make anything.
Playing other card games, do you prefer when a card game has life points(ygo,mtg) or uses cards as LP/resource(duel masters, pokemon, digimon)?
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>that guy with the Ampheros dolls
Mental illnessu, I can tell by the way he's clutching it that he ain't right in the head.
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you gotta game the algo bro
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I just realised something
The average pokemon player in the junior league makes more money than Jesse Kotton ever will playing professionally
Anon most mcdonalds workers make more then kotton.
real, after the farfa clip ends you gotta do a fucking 1 hour video essay on the topic where you basically just repeat the description and what the clip said
I like resource management and strong fundamentals.
That's just because Kotton is literally paying their salary
I don't get investors, they get happy and brag about making a "huge investment" buying out before a price hike, and then you found out that they only made $70. Do investors have jobs or are they broke?
This shit is so gay and retarded. There's not any evidence of konami doing buyouts
They're just gambling addicts by another name.
>Rent free response to rent free allegation
i still dont understand how there's 20 year old anime cards that they still havent adapted. literally free designs and nostaglai bait, wtf is konami doing?
yeah I'm sure the people who bought out grass just had psychic powers or something
Based and friend piled
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>debuts in the video games before the actual manga
>stays a recurring character in the DM video games and was only retired in the GX era
Are you fucking retarded? The farfa clip you faggots linked showed electrumite had a buyout. Did electrumite come off the list? If you're an investorfag why wouldn't you buy every banned card that hasn't had a reprint in 7 years?
Shut up faggot twink and go back to your trannycord
Seems about right. I guess it's the same logic as someone who sank thousands into slots getting happy when they "win" a hundred dollars back. they often try to cope that investing makes the hobby of playing the game pay for itself, but it just sounds like such a miserable time pretending to be a stock day trader but for trading cards
Limited space.
Life decking is an awful mechanic to deck build for and it feels bad to lose your cards to random chanc. I get that your average deck probably won't see all 40 cards in a yugioh game but you put cards in your deck to use them, not to lose them.
bro u a fool...
electrumite had people buying singles....
the grass investor bought like 30...
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good to know kevin, you still have time to escape from the country

perfect but im getting lazy already
Pretty much everyone who contributes to the data that gets aggregated and put into an article for us on TCG sales admits Rush isn't even really played in their stores. Kids will open packs and then not play. It's not really a player's game which is pretty common in Japan since most of their market is dominated by Pokemon (which has a large portion of pack crackers and collectors) and product crossover collectable games. There's a pretty clear delineation between the games that people buy and the games people play there. Pokemon is so massive it has a lot of both but you're in one lane or the other for the most part. Rush is in the cardboard crack for kids bucket and Konami is fine with this because they purpose built the product to get that segment's money again after the flagship product stopped being appealing.
Wow, I sure am glad we wasted 30 cards on reprints when we have thousands of unprinted anime cards
Yugioh rules always felt like the most "sensical to me", like it's weird to think most card games don't do the classic attributes + LIGHT/DARK, I find cards having levels more intuitive than mana costs.
oh performages sick...
There is no more anime left, so they will slowly take time printing anime original cards at a snails pace until they go bankrupt. Just cross your fingers and hope that the next animation chronicle will finally print out Living arrow and those armor cards from that filler arc
I don't get it.
>have space in deck for 10 hand traps
>suddenly every test hand is dead from opening too many hand traps
I fucking hate this shit bro.
>The farfa clip you faggots linked showed electrumite had a buyou
no it doesnt and no it didnt

grass had an actual buyout and it was accompanied by limiting branded fusion to incentivize using the card even more
i want them to print all those gba monsters as illusions i NEED illusion packfiller
>Rush isn't even really played in their stores. Kids will open packs and then not play. It's not really a player's game
lmao, do you have some articles of them stating as such?
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Reminder that the old video games consistently portrayed Ishizu as an antagonist and this depiction of her predates her manga debut.

She most likely started out as a villain but the editors had her changed but the video games never caught up
bro....does anyone have a reddit account? we gOTTA post this epic shit to reddit !!! lmoa
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>finally print out Living arrow and those armor cards from that filler arc
Or printing Roll of Fate as a chase card.
"rush duel" what a horrible name, i if i play a game i want it to be fun not feel like i need to be in a rush
>Yugioh needs anime shit or else they won't print cards anymore
Dumb nigger
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its afraid

I wonder why. furiously reporting the video too I presume?
The only thing sexier than a woman telling me that she can see the future is an evil woman telling me she can see the future
She became a villain when she tried to kill the game in 2022.
I'd really appreciate it if Konami would hurry up on the archetype imports currently in anime/manga hell, and all the archetype support locked in anime/manga hell, and also the type support too
>anime shit
Shut up Rayefag
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>no it doesnt and no it didnt

>grass had an actual buyout and it was accompanied by limiting branded fusion to incentivize using the card even more
Completely unrelated cards. Branded isn't going to suddenly start running grass in order to hopefully mill an albion lock when you have a dozen ways to get to brafu and granguinol can foolish him without brafu at all.
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He has a very good point here, let's bring back that Arc V kino with brainwashed Irene titty bouncing
Don't forget all the cards from the old video games. They opened the floodgates when they created the Illusion monsters and they have got to see it through
Oh, whoops, I speed-read the question. For "do X to win the game", I don't have a preference, as long as it's flexible on how long it takes to get there.
The key here being that grass was bought out by actual insiders since there were 2 massive buyouts on it either from 2 people who knew what was going to be on the banlist or one person who made 2 separate transactions (the first being 21 near mint copies and the second being 11)
If Yugioh weren't too busy being megapozzed we'd start getting corrupted mind controlled versions of waifu cards
Oh that too, hurry up on the DDS cards Konami
Yeah coming from yugioh, the first time I found out about shield zones, I found it really strange that a card you might build your strat around could pretty much randomly get banished faced down before the game starts

After a while you just get used to other card games using different word for similar mechanics, like calling the zones by a different name, or random attribute names that fundamentally do the same thing. But I really got too used to monsters having levels instead of "cost requirments" to summon, along with "summon sickness" that they use to slow the game down
She'd be Pegasus 2.0. It's a step up from being Shadi 2.0 but they never really did much with her character anyways.
>ntr crap
as expected of dbp waifuslop enjoyer
Are you fags really fussing over an insider who makes like $300 profit for every banlist?
it only takes $1 to make it illegal
Japanese players have the most specific scenarios in mind.
>brainwashed females is a Yugioh tradition
>no archetype for it
That is kinda weird, huh.
>we'd start getting corrupted mind controlled versions of waifu cards
>Winda, Iblee, Cartesia, Darklord girls
>>no archetype for it
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what is with this nun and degenerates
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>Are you fags really fussing over an insider who makes like $300 profit for every banlist?
you can stop trying now, the jig is up. if I were you id be scrubbing hard drives and profiles as we speak, because once this gets big and it gets a few thousand views its all downhill from there. Someone with a memeddit really needs to post this there
Life points in simpler numbers that can go above the initial starting life. Shield cards are a development on Pokemon's prize cards. It's trying to fix a system that's overall kind of shit. It's like how a lot of games try to make their resources too much like lands. You have to scrap the whole mechanic and do something else. Randomly removing a few cards from your deck sucks in the same way mana screwing sucks. You can't refine a shit system until it's no longer shit. LP instead of prizes/shields and turn tick mana instead of lands.
it opens the floodgates to other scummy shit, the most notable one being hand-off printings of expensive cards
like imagine if some dude at koa could get away with getting 100 copies of S:P to sell, that's 6k and it was more on release
>roll die and for draw + mill
What a hilariously ludicrous card, its an instant win if resolved. Why is it so hard for them to make actual coin/dice decks that offer a good effects without being broken(like 6th sense) or complete shit(like the rest of them). Id actually want them to print this card out unchanged as a chase card, they have nothing else to lose.
The point is that it really isn't worth your energy and attention
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Those sure are some tits worth getting suffocated by.
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It is a mystery
shitting on konami in any way i can is always worth my energy and attention
Says remove which may imply banishing instead.
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she should have had a better effect
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>yes goy...dont notice anything, its not worth your hard earned time and money...those are for my products
kill yourself fucking vomit inducing goblin before someone else does it for you
Why does he look like that
pov: you pulled out yuor cokc
The number of copies sold only goes by the number bought from the seller not number bought by one buyer. Electrumite and spright elf had buyouts but because not all copies were bought from the same seller at the same time, the tcgplayer buy metrics show 1-4 copies at a time. Nothing here indicates prior knowledge since the ban list is public knowledge and banned cards have always been the way to make a quick bit of cash and the fact the several banned cards like electrumite have been bought out every list previous to this contradicts the claim that an insider is profiting off this.
Yeah, I think LP is my favorite scale for a win condition, instead of tieing it to hiw much you can summon/getting more resources as it goes down. I think the main downside of LP is that if not carefully designed, it can lead to a "LP doesn't matter" situation where unless there is a time rule, people don't care if there's even 20,000LP if they can get out enough damage in a turn or 2
malik vs bakura full duel remastered when? that was hardcore af
Nuns have always been fetish bait and she has big tits.
Ah so it's just a much better version of pot of desires then.
unless you roll a 1 I guess
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Bakura's a sensitive DnD nerd with crowds of fan girls in his off time.
yugibabboons can name 100 things wrong with the yugioh but not one thing wrong with communism
Bad guy vs Bad guy battles always go hard for some reason. I think most other series at least had 1 or 2 battles where different antagonist duel each other but it never anywhere as good as this one
Fujo game
Fujo anime
Fujo series
it's gay and retarded
that's 2 things but I'm an overachiever
LP not mattering is one of its strengths, since it means there's not a point where you're so far behind that you can't make a comeback. In a game using some form of lifedecking there might be a point where it's irrational to consider the game worth continuing because your damage isn't on the right curve.
The game that makes LP matter the most that I've played is SVE. Since resources are limited healing for 1 or 2 from a starting life of 20 can be game determinitive. There's only one deck that can really assemble 20 damage in a single turn but that's not technically true since it's a deck that sets up for around seven turns (the game usually goes to turn seven-nine) to gain an extra turn to swing for 21 over two turns. It's to the point that 1 cost 2/2s with no or just okay effects are considered great because they can untap and swing for 2 unless the opponent snipes them with a 1 cost 2 follower damage spell.
But yeah, this is just an example of how card stats need to be proportional to starting life totals. Yugioh threw that out a long time ago.
>Irene has the biggest breasts
Proportionally speaking, Maiden of the Aqua still has the largest
>Come in to post about the retro games account but >>492878558 already did
>Not a single person reacted to it
Never change unplayer general
Go to Reddit if you want hugbox, tranny. No one cares about that old garbage
What if they change end of match procedure from comparing life point to deck size
I'm gonna hug your tranny box
What if they measured cock size?
You can already play all those games for free. Besides I physically own all the ygo games that I want, and have no need for this collection.
>A Visas fujo and a diaperfag
Really makes you think.
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>don't blame bakura. blame satan himself
very believable.
The Early Days Collection is implied to be like just the handheld games up to Expert 2 and maybe Sacred Cards/Reshef.
So basically before the Yugioh video games started being good
I legitimately have zero (absolutely zero) interest in twitter
I do not click twitter links. Its that simple.
BRs can't open twitter
I don't use twitter or anything like it, so spoonfeed me the news.
It's not just for the Early Days Collection, it says retro-themed product as well, which implies more focus on supporting old formats
Yeah it's funny because ygo power crept to a point where anything functional can swing enough damage for game turn 1, and the opposing player is just expected to have enough of their own board/interuptionnto stop that. I guess winged dragon Ra/heroic challenger/early 5Ds era psychics tried to be the archetypes that were all about paying huge LP for power is the closest thing I can think of that maybe comes close to what other games try to do.

Some games try to make the game "come back"-able by rewading the player who gets their prize/shield/security cards destroyed, buy it feels weird because you end up more reluctant to do damage unless you can otk
Avida turbo
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Play her deck.
Brown spic general didn't react to it because twitter range banned brazil
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It's a new official account for retro content
Other way around
>I didn't kill shadi, I was possessed by the ring
>I call bullshit
>Oh no, my best friend is being possessed by the evil ring, this totally isn't his fault
That scene was weird and funny that he still kept bakura hostage after the fact
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Footy fans of /dng/, we will be playing in the VGL's New Thread Cup starting on the 14th, I hope you all come to cheer us on. Let me know in the poll below if you want changes to the roster, I can pretty easily add a Fiendsmith player if desired. If you're happy with our roster as it was when we played in the Spring, just select no.
>What is this?
>What's our roster?
>Why are we in the New Thread Cup as an old thread?
This specific NTC is being held for newer managers with little experience in PES17 as the VGL is switching the PES version they're playing on.
Christians have always been closet freaks on top of being evil. The Bible is some kinky shit.
Neat, more news to lurk for, assuming it gets dropped in thread like all the other things.
No I mean her looking into the future and seeing me going balls deep in her pussy while she's losing her mind becomes a lot hotter when she's an evil bitch
>on top of being evil
Christianity is objectively the least evil religion on the earth
yes atheism is a religion and is counted among those
>check TCGplayer history on grass out of curiosity to see what people mean
>it RANDOMLY gets 3 big buyouts of like 40 total copies over just 3 buys, when the usual per-buy is 1-2
>check other banned cards that might go free, none of them have something similar to that
>check eva, another banned card
>it also has a MASSIVE 41 card buyout on the 9th this month, and a few buyouts on the 31st (that might be after the banlist admitedly)
>cards that have a realistic chance of coming out like electrumite, meow meow mu or return from the dd have nothing even close to that amount, with only some 1-3, snd maybe 1 5-7 card buyout
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Religion isn't evil, its just stupid.
Ask a person to talk about anything religious related and be prepared to hear the stupidest shit you've ever heard, no matter what side of the fence they stand on.
farfa i know you're here
you're a faggot
Is it wise to play crossout for Dbarrier if your extra is primarily one type or is it cope?
more like fagfa amirite
farfa i know you're not here
i'm a faggot
Is there some method of also checking if people were selling cards like Apo, Sanctifire (+ Branded adjacent cards), Beatrice, etc?
no fucking way he actually took time out of his life just to go to your clip then comment that
did kevin "retard" tewart call him angrily?
Very cute.
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don't say it if you don't want people to listen
simple as
>meow meow
>6/21/24 NM 1st Edition QTY 33 $0.36
He said please
>2 months ago
means shit
We played 3 games and not much has changed overall, might as well keep it as it is.
I can't believe jewish faggot MBT AND muslim faggot farfa both lurk the yugioh simulator general thread on 4channel.
Fuck yes, I only want the ones that are played less, plus 1 spell. Diabellstar is also getting double reprinted, so I'm in the clear
>d-doesn't count
Pretty much my mentality on it yeh, I just wanted to gauge if people want a Fiendsmith player or not since I was able to find a usable model for him fairly easily.
Time to make a video explaining the buyout and insider trading for the LATAM audience.

UH OH someone just got a phone call
100% that puppet lurks here
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I like farfa he's a funny streamer man
Subscirbed just for this lmfao
Depend on your hand
If you already has Aluber or Kitt, yes
If you don’t, no
Sometimes you would even want Quem
best part is now that he's commented on it youtube will start recommending the video to farfa viewers, probably giving it more views then it ever would have gotten otherwise
Aigami is low-key one of the worst YGO villains period. He actually gets stupider the more you think about him.
I know you are here farfa
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>literally killed off at the end of the manga
>still influences the plot
That retard Farfa can't do shit about it because he is the one who brought it up

Now he is scared that big papa Konami won't sponsor him anymore
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Should have ended it with Allah be praised.
if there's indeed a mass sell before the list then it's clear (but we knew that already)
You guys doubted jewgitubers browsing here, they are Among us
kek nice channel name/pfp
That's what you get for hating on vaalmonica fartfa
Spotted the guy who unironically believes we're being watched by a metaphysical Santa Claus
yes it literally does not, they didn't decide on the list by then but the buyouts of grass and eva were both AFTER the announcement that it was going to be late august and by then they likely had most of the list finished
Because Yugi is a mistake
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Hi Farfa.
the only Arc-V kino was Shun screaming about how much he wanted to fucking kill Fusion niggers
What does it say?
Xitter is banned :(
"I will be konamis strongest soldier"
What does he even have to lose? They murdered his wife less than a week ago
Hello Farfa, you are Algerian, I am Tunisian, we are basically brothers! Allah be praised
did he delete the VODs already?
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The opps got him
Lol /dng/ you're going to get Farfa disowned. He will have to beg to Jerome.
Kys vell
now post it on r*ddit
before he manages to get it down
absolutely pathetic bootlicking behaviour
>channel actually went from 0 to 1 sub

try nitter.poast.org
>tfw only recognize 4 characters in that mash up by name and only really watched one anime, Yugi's.
Where's Naruto though? Did he get cancelled?
Hello Farfa. You'll never really be Scottish.
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I always knew they lurked here but i didn't know they lurked here THAT much, i assumed they were aware of our existence and that's about it.
I will never doubt /dng/'s power again.......
Boruto's anime is on hiatus until bleach finishes up at the very least.
His character was definitely an afterthought when it came to the writing. They wanted to focus on Kaiba and Atem and it shows.
>>channel actually went from 0 to 1 sub
says 3 when I check
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>description also details how TCG players get screwed over, especially re: core boosters
>farfa indirectly hits Konami's bottom line
They should let a duel decide. Farfa wins the video gets taken down, he loses it stays
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Never watch a single vid but he sounded like a bitch
All of the faggot posting is from MBT and co
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never forgetti
I am unironically down for this
but I think if farfa loses he has to make a post about it on twitter
I know for a fact drew's black schizo ass is laughing at this lmao
>be me
>look up the U2B clip
>0 subs
>anon makes his comment >>492893365
>check again
>1 sub
>later, you check
>3 subs
It's as shrimple as that
Despite the usual characters that shit up threads on the regular /dng/ is one of the few places where actual discussion surrounding the game and Konami's management of it happens.
nouhhh...i have to delete it..
Holy shit
This. Settle it in a duel, just like in our favorite chinese cartoon.
Put it on r/yugioh brother, they can't take it down because of the streisand effect
DPYGO is the only good yugitoober.
>Out of context
He literally says "predict a banlist by doing this" and one of the other guys flat out says insider info, what
LMAO troonsei
>diapers mentioned
one of us one of us one of us one of us one of us
this should be added to the proof >>492892615
>boot licking komoney for FREE
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>Maybe you should stick to diaperfur gooning instead
Alright anons here, which one of you made that comment?
Once you realize his schtick is being everyone's enemy he loses his charm.
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Maybe Konami is planning to release a collection of old yugioh games like they did with Castlevania?

Nah, that would be too much for them
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That shit had literally 10 views... Farfa is 100% a /dng/er (he's the one being horny at DMG earlier)
If we manage to check how many of the future banned cards were put on sale then we have full proofs
Please tell me such way exists
Probably this >>492887901
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alright, which one of you was this so we can excommunicate you.
If this blows up his inevitable stream on it will be funny as fuck
you dont need proof of anything, you just need to cause a shitstorm around the topic online
>Please tell me such way exists
The same way Farfa went for?
he had good opinions i just wish his content wasn't so lazy
I'm not the uploader, but when I took the screenshot of the comment it was my first time clicking on it and it had around 63 views. It's more likely that one of his goons browses here and DM'd him about it on Discord, but with the way Youtube works by him interacting with it it's just gonna get boosted even more by the algorithm.
How do you feel knowing that Kewin Tewart unironically posts here?
Not really sure why people are surprised by Farfa being here when we already know MBT and his discord are behind all of the 'GAY SEX WITH X' posts
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>he got ze call
Tewart you're a fucking niggerfaggot
>remembering the time mbt's editor flat out shilled the martha being a shotacon posts
Oy vey...
What's there is already proof enough, if other banned cards that didn't come off the list (i.e., Electrumite) had similar movements it could just be written off as speculation, but they didn't
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>>remembering the time mbt's editor flat out shilled the martha being a shotacon posts
i love ocassionally stomping meta decks with skull servants
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>it's a buyout but it doesn't count....because...BECAUSE IT JUST DOESN'T OKAY
>I KNOW konami didn't have list ready at the end of june, I just can't PROVE it
File deleted.
the actual reason he found the vid
>>remembering the time mbt's editor flat out shilled the martha being a shotacon posts
Oh I have GOT to see this
>All of the faggot posting is from MBT
Don't forget the time theofag got shitposted on because he laughed at mbt shilling himself here and kotton's fatass face and aderall
Is it really that surprising? Anyone remembers Pojo? The so called "most toxic yugioh forum"? It had tons of Konami employees and modern content creators like Mkhol40.
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If there's anyone famous browsing this thread, uuuhm please tell konami to release block dragon from the banlist please.
If the game survives until the next one that is.
He has hundreds of people in his DMs sending him stupid shit, it's infinitely more likely he just posts here with how fast he replied. It's barely been a hour. It's so funny, had he just ignored it no one would have cared.
Unsurprised that Konami employees and YouTube influencers blend in so well with the perceived misfits and savages of 4chan.
That's not happening remonke, just to back to MD like a good hue

Spread em rem
>Gura viewing diaperfag
Unironically repulsive.
spoiler that crap nigger
I don't believe someone inside actually went and bought Grass out at extra large quantities to be honest. That's too stupid. It's not worth losing your job/career over.
>Diaper posting was actually from Farfa/MBT viewers
Holy shit
now this is worth a vomiting horse response, jesus Christ
Can we get the Tactical-Try Decks for TCG plz.
The only one having some sort of influence on the banlist is Jewshua ((((schmidt)))) and he sure as hell doesn't post here nor will unban block dragon.
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>lolalulalooby (sweaty pampcat)
i'm so fucking sick and tired of this diaper shit. i thought it was just a forced me but turns out more than one of you niggers is actually into it. actually repulsive. kill yourselves.
most normal dng poster
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So, this is where our diaper shitposters actually come from.
Interesting but hardly surprising.
We just have to accuse Josh of transphobia and molesting trans players, done
Sorasisters? I don't feel so good
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Here's someone buying 94 copies of chaos ruler but it's only a konami employee when I say it is and market noise investorfags when I say it's not
They've probably been doing this for a while and let some retard in on it who didn't understand you need to buy in small quantities and not just bulk buy 20 at once
Oh, apparently the Exosister shotacon posts came from a latinx, and mbt's tranny editor talked about /dng/
>troon is a yurifag
Woah...what a surprise...
>diaperfags outed as modern """yugituber""" watchers
>namefags vindicated
2024 /dng/ truly is a soap opera
If there's any justice on earth Farfa went on your profile out of curiousity to then get hit with that shit
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HERObros............... don't look...........
Would be something if the ban-list really did come on the 31st because of the one anon that joked about it had his post seen by Tewart himself.
this is it
this is the thread that fixes our timeline
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Maze is a tranny obsessed diaperfag that's also forcing the unfunny horse meme and the konami insider schizo shit lmao. Someone archive that twitter account
>Chaos Ruler probably getting unbanned
SEXO if true
>anon vid: 2h ago
>your tweet: 56m ago
>Farfa's YT reply: 39m ago
You can't make this shit up
wow this plot just keeps getting thicker (and stinkier)
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Best thread all year.
Now someone infiltrate their diapercord.
Here's the real twist.
Sora and Mieru and Lidl are Son's alts.
>traptrix players aren't trannies, they said...
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What the hell is happening here
>traptrix spammer is also the diaper poster
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Not even gonna lie, I thought the fetish shit was just one or two mongoloids doing it to piss people off.
To discover that it was an actual human being that is into diapershit spilling shit from their diapers onto our threads brings a new kind of sour and bitter taste into my mouth.
Unironically legitimately by all that is holy, hang your fucking self off your doorknob with a belt buckle. Not even going to tell you to blow your brains out. They're not worth the bullet.
Banlist aftermath
The british, what else.
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this all could've been averted if they banned Flamberge btw.
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New altergeist cards when?
Now that the dust is settled, what the fuck was the diaperfags problem and why did they keep trying to frame Son? What was their obsession with him all about?
>Trust in Konami is at an all time low
>Konami approved influencers accidentally cause a shitstorm to brew
>/dng/ is the centerpiece of it all
2024 has been a magical year.
no matter how hard those trannies try to damage control and not go bankrupt it wont help them LMAAAIOOOOO
and the insider just came out with new shit: apparently those tranny devs are too uppity that tencents going to fuck them over soon LMAO
and the 416 cuckshit will be shown on september 5th, and its really fucking damning too LMAO. a whole file full of the shit that they tries to keep burries
their own tranny behavior is the reason i hate them so much, if it werent for how fucking smug those troons were i wouldnt be so angry at those fucks but guess what? KARMA'S A BITCH, HAVE FUN KEKOLDS LMAAAAOOOOOOOO
Probably never. I'd like an in-archetype Linkuriboh.
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He spams diapers himself
I think the ocasional dump is just to piss people off, but there are those who commission those pics in the first place.
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i was the one that initiated the KoA card insider trading schizo theory so when tewart gets arrested for children's cardgame insider trading and gets replaced with someone that is actually competent at running paper ygo remember who to thank
Uh, yugioh?
this like the tiannamen square copy pasta but for konami employees
>Still falseflagging after getting outted
If I was farfa, I wouldn't want this type of person associating with me in any way either
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>shitposters act out
>do nothing in return
>they knock themselves out exposing themselves in the process
I knew they would fuck up somehow but this was too easy.
I ain't clicking that shit
Where's that picture of him with the fat tranny axolotl vtuber?
Knowing how fate works, we'll get someone worse.
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He's the fabled Snowbreak schizo
>Snowbreak is a Chinese gacha that he claimed would never be censored
>It got censored so he went nuclear and is on shitposting crusade on the whole site
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The limits don't stop the FTK
knowing how fate works, nothing will actually happen
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>horseposting didn't pushed Konami to hurry the banlist but outed the bootlickers
>indirectly also outed the investorniggers
>now also outed diaperfags from twitter
>all of it because of shitposts here
Fuking insane
Alright grandpa, shifter in draw and flip skill drain.
>Electrumite's unban was cancelled last minute to cover Konami's ass
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Our god in heaven, Lenny predicted this.
>a fucking AI horse saved /dng/

I kneel
Yep. Nothing ever happens.

Nothing of value will happen
This nigger has posted these here btw
Honestly? All this shit does is vindicate one bit i said about /dng/ that if you are shilling something on a general full of ingrates and mostly unplayers, you're nothing short of a pathetic failure and seeing actual yugitubers put shills on this thread is nothing short of pure confirmation that EVERY SINGLE YUGITUBER, ZERO EXCEPTIONS, is nothing more than a scrubass scum that can't be productive at all even if your life hangs on it, imagine being outdone by dkayed's gacha brainrot.
Actually imagine trying to make a living out of being an influencer/content creator and failing miserably at it, that shit is just so god damn pathetic it makes the super low end salary i have moving heavy crates and other shit in a warehouse look like a rich job.

Honestly farfa, reconsider your life choices, youtube's not worth it.
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insane start to this week.
Musk is a faggot to allow this shit on his site
>OTHER GAME shilling is also from the diaper poster(s)
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remember this name
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>rambles about nothing despite only making 1-2 minute long vids
>has a permanent stick up his ass
>still a poorfag despite having 143K subscribers
>thinks he can rap like every nigger ever
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Put this together. Well holy goddamn.
>he scrubs the exif data off his photos
God dammit.
>youtube's not worth it.
The problem is that youtube is worth it for him, especially when he's making $7,000 a month from his channel from ads alone.
File deleted.
ive also posted this but i got banned for it lol

most of the time i just talk about gameplay here so if you think im one of the mentally ill spammers who constantly avatarfags or talks about porn then incorrect
maybe like 5 years ago when he wasn't an absolute schizo
ok but you are definitely mentally ill
Can you even get that after it's been uploaded to 4chan?
What people are failing to realize is that the three people in the Farfa clip (Farfa himself, Joshua Schmidt and if I'm not mistaken N3sh is there as well) are all EU fags on Konami of Europe's payroll. Europe mainly uses Cardmarket to buy their stuff, while it is Americans who buy through tcgplayer. This is entirely a Konami of America operation when it comes to doing the insider trading, which would explain why the three EU retards knew nothing about this and accidentally exposed it to everyone.
>the anti-Tewart/TCG poster is a literal tranny with a diaper fetish that spams the thread
they don't like it when he shits on Yusei that's it and he shits on Yusei because he doesn't like them but they like Yusei, so it's some fucked up full circle situation
Son isn't innocent in all this either, he's another basketcase of problems to this general.
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>the mouse game shill is a literal diapertranny
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im just making porn for money and looking for paypigs online to pay for cardmarket orders

wtf does that even mean, what language is that?
I never thought I'd be siding with Tewart.
>northern EU
yeah but to be fair so are you guys, I'd prefer if it if the whole lot of you fucked off
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>diaper tranny
sounds like a fucking parody
tranny for male
What's going on? What post did this all start?
His twitter posts.
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Jadenbros.... how do we recover....
>but to be fair so are you guys
Nah, not to the level of shitposting as Son.
>mentally ill troon is mentally ill
Woah, who could've seen that one coming??????
agree to disagree
We know Son spams diapers but there's always been more than one fucking diaper spammer. Son's diaper posting revolves around Sora and Mieru. That's it.
Why in God's name is it always fucking Europeans man? Like im legitimately surprised that somehow the one faggot who confirmed he was a diaperfag is the one with the least or no drama.
room is far too clean for it to be lidl
>shitting up the thread
seems more like people flipping out over epic soc shit are "shitting up the thread" when none of it originated from the actual person
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it's sad that this thread is ending soon
>pretending only one person is against the kike giving us clown banlists
Next thread should be more on topic so that's good.
Get a job
Lidl seems awfully quiet...
wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on
isn't this
isn't this Iara ?
This is the end of /dng/
>xe already reported it
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>he wants the quick Runedown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back
>in tongues you shouldn’t recognize
>for light’s comforting lie
>Gaze fixed above,
>but truth comes creeping in from behind
>a stirring from within your bones
>through flesh into the great unknown
>When the ruse fades, you’re whisked away…
>Trembling mouths proclaim
>how knowledge leads the heart astray
>Like the carving of a rune
>Beckoning to forsake the moon
>Black rose blooming
>Pursuing the dark
>Bearing every mark of an evil thought
>Black rose musing
>A new dream
>Consuming again
>All they dare to keep
>at bright corruption in disguise
>now privy to the lie
>Stars gleam above, soon to come crashing down from the sky
>a power wrought from thought alone
>confinements of a wayward soul
>As the rules break they pave a way…
>A promise to forgive
>in turn for repenting from sin
>But like unfurling a scroll
>you learn what only hell should know
>Black rose blooming
>Pursuing the dark
>Bearing every mark of an evil thought
>Black rose musing
>A new dream
>Consuming again
>All they dare to keep Forbidden

>What’s the worth of a soul…in the face of all the power knowledge sows.
>Rune scroll glowing
>So lonely
>Concealed in the dark
>Waiting to take root in an open heart
>Rune scroll showing
>So lovely
>How deep it can grow
>Luring moonlight in like a black rose!
>Pursuing the dark
>Bearing every mark of an evil thought
>Black rose musing
>A new dream
>Consuming again
>All they dare to keep
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why is Drident so sex?
He's in therapy right now.
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This is why we had the "no repeating usernames" mantra back in the day.
Bad opsec. Doxxing retards since the advent of the internet.
>EU diaper troon

Western Europe was a mistake.
this general has too many bored rabid pseudo detectives desperate for drama
I mean this goes further that using the same username everywhere. You should never post fetish shit online.
>diaper, mtg, lorcana spam all came from a single tranny
Jesus Christ
And yet somehow /dng/ is NOT the worst thread on this board.
>if it weren't for the tranny being a complete fucking idiot and using his fetish twitter account to link the video to Farfa we would have never known this
Terrifying thought
No fucking shot
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>We had a drawfag who drew Roze shitting in her diaper pic
>He also posted a diaper Traptrix pic with the exact same artstyle
>this diaper tranny said Xe likes transtrix
see both here: >>492798865 and >>492798635
it's all coming together
I mean, you can, just use a fucking secure alt and keep it well segregated from your personals.
You should always look to girls when it comes to that stuff. They can open an account where they post themselves sucking off dogs and keep it secret for however long they want.
We don't even have worse diaper posting than dragon ball super general
Look at what you have done tewart

I literally posted my own handle as a joke but I didnt anticipate a flipout of this caliber, probably kevin desperately trying to shift attention. no clue what people think theyre "discovering" here like some epic 4d chess

>drynites is a british only brand
nope and even if they were id have no clue since ive always ordered everything online. I dont "spam" about diapers exactly because I did it like once or twice as a joke after browsing this general (for the first time) for 2 weeks and saw people doing it, and then it also started to annoy me to see it 24/7 so I literally never bring it up

neither of those pics were made by literally anyone from this general
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>traptrixpedos are never going to beat the tranny allegations ever again
imagine being the anon rn who woke up and decided to make that YT video out of nowhere

@mkhol40 what do you think about all of this?
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I have never seen maze/son play traptrix in all my years here
But I know who the real diaperfag was all this time and yes he is also british like them
The real culprit is most likely cunnyseur, he is used to play in /dng/ tournaments back in 2020-2022 and it seems he still lurks here
>They can open an account where they post themselves sucking off dogs
Got any examples?
>and it seems he still lurks here
he played in tags on banlist day, he is very much still here
Lmao Maze on damage control. Post your hair next to a blue eyes card + time stamp
>come back after half a year away
>immediately get a thread with jewnami and lidl getting btfo
Absolutely cinema. Keep it up /dng/.

its literally me

>yes he is also british like them
>Sorafag is still the only diaperfag with no drama or leaks
>worst thing about him is Son stalking his ass to fuck him in his Ze Amin cosplay
How is the fucking Californian the sane one?
He is also a massive pedophile if you couldn't tell by his name
Wrong tab maze
Doesn't the deleted reddit post say they've only been playing yugioh for a year at most?
welcome back
t. eyefag
wasted quints
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Cunnyseur is Australian and is just a regular pedophile.
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isnt junk the trannytrix diaper poster?
Europe is just worse California these days
Maze not beating the faggot twink allegations
you guys keep ignoring the only played for 2 months part of the reddit post.
he's not any namefag you know.
just a run of the mill diapertroon.
Here's a challenge for you dng. I'm the Troonseiposter. I'm not Son. I don't have any social media. You will never ever find out who I am. Do you accept this challenge?
Sexy boy
That guy on the right looks cool too
tier 0 raizeol meta will save us
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The diaperposter could be any one of us... it could be you! It could be me! It could even be...
A true Duelist settles his issues with a Duel, not his fists.
Diapercord getting do**ed as we speak
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Maybe a bad time, but this art is really cool.
Apparently, a True Duelist shits his diaper.
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What in god's name did I miss? This has been a total mess.
This is why I never click on twitter or youtube links that you guys post here
Still you'd expect a Califag to get caught or something. He's a diaperfag manlet in California openly wearing diapers all the time. How is he the one with minimal drama.
it's all falling into place...
I have archived every single post ITT
archive this
*spreads ass*
here let me solve it for you, the Diaper poster is [poster you don't like]
hope this gives you closure
Now, can we get back to discussing things that actually matter, like the very real and serious issue of market manipulation.
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>these past few hours
This franchise is utterly fucked and so is the fanbase, my god.
Diaper Posters are a drawfag, Son, Sorafag, this Eurotranny and some Sky Striker poster. We have at least 5 of them.
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the duality of man why am i bullying myself
If yubel was on the tcg banlist none of this would have happened.
>Insider trading conspiracy leads to doxxing one of the thread's diaperfags
Not even Kojima could write this shit
Make it stop
You niggers asked for an episode that doesn't feature Honk, hope you're happy
>That second image
Holy kek
I didn't.

that shit ain't made up tho
guess people will focus more on these kind of large purchases in the next banlists
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burn this IP to the ground
It is, nice tights
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Fucking faggots ruining traptrix
>faggots vs pedophiles
Let them fight
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i've been playing millennium for a while.
a trap card version of this would be nice.
if we can't get good ways to protect the exodia, summoning another one on opponents turn is the next best thing. maybe even the next better thing.
What does farfa think about all of this?
herobros are fine, /a/ has had months of normal threads without any drama or shitposting for the GX rewatch
Millennium is a big nostalgia bait archetype so it's bound to receive more stuff in the future. We might even see something revealed in SUDA
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They didn't ruin either.
Imagine letting faggots take things you like from you so easily.
Cunnytrix and Heros are both still just as based as ever. It'll take more than some diaper troon playing them to turn me off an archetype I like.
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Imagine caring what others think or say.
Still playing Traptrix. Still the most soulful archetype.
Nah, Traptrix are a garbage ass deck whose only redeeming quality is little girls with exposed tummies, but of course this attracts trannies (read as pedophiles)

And HERO are for faggots so of course that one goes without saying.
HEROtards already ruin themselves
i don't like lolis and play traptrix, i'd play tellarknights if i had access to the cards but traptrix is the closest archetype to them
>this is what Maze showed up for
How curious.
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instead it's a throwback to /a/ threads from 2008 where a guy posts a bunch of images and fan art of the show.
Meds? Not taken
Born? British
Skills? None
Oh yeah, its /dng/ time
Any chance getting the sky striker anime from the ocg stories manga
I'd take that over this cesspool any day of the week
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God I want to plap her and illusion so badly
Especially hero.
>the only yugioh product is a small pack of cards that have already picked out
It's extra funny because those things cost as much as most other card games full decks, and are just full of common bulk that had all rares picked out already
>You will play for another 100 hours of the writers sucking him off every time another game is churned out
>Laat game flopped because rean wasn't the main character

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