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botan is acceptable
play idol showdown
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Still working on Gwendolyn's frames.

Roll/Air Recovery
(air) backdash
Escape/Extra/Final Roll
Falter/Daze/Armor Pierce

To do:
Taking Damage
Lie down for okizeme
Getup animation(front/back) for SKD/HKD.
All standing normals and command normals
All crouching normals
All jumping normals
Throw (ground/air.)
All specials
All supers
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Only Clayton can talk about stuff like this. It's hard for me to imagine other people that are posted here even going outside.
kys clayton
what is blades and beast supposed to play like?
Admit it you are jealous of him so much. How many years have you been searching his name, fantasizing about him?
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evens mahoyo
odds shadow of the ninja
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She will learn to love the Cheezcock
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1v1 airdasher, but with relatively short combos. (roughly 4 hits for an average combo)
4 buttons, Light Medium, Heavy, and Spell.
Chain based system where you can chain A > B > C or A > B > D. You cannot Zig Zag 5A > 2A > 5B, but you can zig zag the next strength of button, like 5A > 2B > 5C
Half of the characters have a stepdash while the other half have a run.
Half of the characters have a roll while the other half have a spotdodge.
1 button throws.
You choose between damage, okizeme, or some other bonus effect in a combo, so you have to make decisions based on the current situation. For example, the character Gwendolyn is a mobile grappler that has a Drink Gauge that allows her to use her D button moves. If the gauge is empty, she takes damage when trying to use those moves. So occasionally, you'll have to end combos with a weaker special move that lets her drink afterwards instead of going for a hard knockdown since you'll want the option of using your D moves without killing yourself.
Stage choice actually matters, with them having slight variation like faster walkspeed, higher meter gain on projectiles, or chip damage on normals.

Movement speed is fairly fast.

Relatively easy motions, mostly just 214X, 22X, and 236X. You use the same motion, but with 2 buttons for supers.

You have two gauges, one for supers and one for defensive options. You don't gain super meter for being hit, but you do gain defensive option gauge on hit. Defensive options include things like a special "Supreme Guard" state that negates chip and gives you a frame of advantage (so no guaranteed punish from this, but the chance to go on offense), along with guarding grounded normals in the air. You can immediately get out of stun with it, too, by using Final Roll. This locks you out of the defensive gauge for the rest of the match, but then you won't get hit with a stun combo.

Or did you mean a specific game it was similar to? In that case, GGXXACPR x SFV.
Well really, I would say it's more like Nitroplus Blasterz mixed with Blade Arcus, but the other comparison I made is more immediately apparent to most people since those titles are more popular.
what am i supposed to do with my other two buttons?
Anyone know what the average combo hit length/time was in Darkstalkers 3/Vampire Savior?
If you wish, you can set macros to them.
No button combination requires more than 2 buttons in this game, but I know some players still prefer to have binds just to be safe.

The combinations you'll need are:

Extra/Escape/Final Roll - A + D
Mocking (Manually increase defensive gauge) - C + D
Derision (Force a special character specific bonus) - B + C

I've designed this control scheme so both stick and pad players can easily use this mechanic without having to use a macro.

But if you want, you can set one of those things to your extra buttons.

There are 1 button throws, so no need for a macro there.
You use motion+A+B for level 1 supers and motion+B+C for level 2 and 3 supers, but I've heard that A+B is more difficult on pad for some people, so I might as well add A+D as an alternate way to input level 1s? Well that's further along the pipeline, but I've written that down for later
Over the years I haven't been able to help but wonder, why is the anime FGC so fuckin trash? It's been bad for way longer than Strive.
how is blatant plagiarism supposed to inspire me to make a game?
There is a gamedev general.
Half of the indie games that come out now are just a copy of some other guy's game.
Like how Fez was just a 2d platformer and its unique mechanic was literally just a wholesale copy of something Mario already did 5 years ago lmao

You could probably clone SF2 with minimal changes and new tumblr cartoon art and the average zoomer would think you did something groundbreaking and fresh
meant for
there's a big difference between remixing ideas and just going "here's kingdom hearts, but Sora is now Shakir"
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>You could probably clone SF2 with minimal changes and new tumblr cartoon art and the average zoomer would think you did something groundbreaking and fresh
Finna clone SF2 and put in wobbly fur BBWs, NIGGAAAAAAA
sakurai literally went "here's kof with nintendo characters but as party game"
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lol, just.... lol
is an indie game inspired by kingdom hearts to new meta?
One of you should make the ghetto version of Kingdom Hearts, but you instead play as a bisexual nigga from Atlanta
this is true for every game except killer instinct
nigga thinks I'm going to watch an hour long timmy essay defending his NPC indie rehash slop
more combos = less neutral = less strategy
this is why you dumb ass fucking IDIOTS cant play smash as its 100% neutch
is atlanta actually the zestiest place in america in 2024
smash has many combos thoughbeit
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Hello I am the developer of GigaMaidens and I am transphobic
Probably not when LA exists.
another screenshot added to the pedojosh folder, enjoy releasing your game to the public bro I hope trying to farm based replies was worth it
How do you feel about indie games that are heavily inspired by one specific game?
Things like Bug Fables (Paper Mario), Freedom Planet (Sonic), Pizza Tower (Wario land), Celeste (Mario), Casette Beasts (Pokemon), Unsighted (Legend of Zelda) etc
Player interaction e.g. educated RPS and reactions are the heart and core appeal of fighting games. Combos are just stakes. And I don't see the inherent appeal of higher stakes when it sounds to me like it just makes it closer to gambling (just look at how okizeme works when you combine it with ADHD movement and faceroll strings), and especially when this reduces the minutia of fighting games that requires closer attention be paid to things like spacing on individual hits or getting a simple knockdown that make them far more engaging than the pavlovian conditioning of mashing out button sequences when you get the opportunity.
no trip, he can just say it's a rando impersonating him like /adgd/ timmies do if a mantha tries to expose them on twitter
>Casette Beasts (Pokemon)
Cassette Beasts traceappas pokemon's aesthetics and digital devil saga's mechanics
the character that looks like thugnificent in concord is really a tranny LUHMOW
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Remember that time the creator of Freedom Planet cut his dick off?
Even if Smash has combos, they are not the focus. You are forced to play neutral in Smash way more because there are less guaranteed situations after a combo ends.
My offstage game is ass but I had fun convincing myself I could go all-in ground game with Terry and didn't do terrible.
...what's wrong with that?
theres alot less neutral than you think, offstage and ledge game cut out the neutral that combos dont
>Bug Fables (Paper Mario)
Benzodiazepine game for depressed trannies
>Freedom Planet (Sonic)
Good as hell, story sucks though
>Pizza Tower (Wario land)
I was supposed to have a character cameo in it but that never happened
>Celeste (Mario)
Benzo ass game
>Casette Beasts (Pokemon)
Pokemon is trash, never playing
>Unsighted (Legend of Zelda)
Good as hell
What am I even looking at? I have no idea what is happening.
I could beat the 1000 hour ballpark players in Smash but couldn't touch the 3000ers for the most part. Maybe a stock or two. Don't think that was terrible though.
nigga said benzodiazepine
I don't give a fuck trannies are lame as hell and the vast majority of people think you guys are weird child grooming freaks (they are correct) and I am never going to be down with you shitheads
Smash is too hard because you can't just kill with any move and have to plan around KOing with a slow specific move
I remember someone on gbvsg said that the nezu person was less annoying than fear or any of our other namefags. I honestly don't see it.
that only applies to low tiers
a timantha pissed off coachsteve so he's exposing xher's pedoniggatry
I LOVE my cute robot WIFE Sethanie! <3
Mind if I +1 to her?
was it a secret before this? looks like they retweeted those things already.
He admitted on discord to liking 12 year olds. It's over. All of this happened because xhey were mad Steve bought GBFZ to play Soriz and not a little girl.
i mean that video already existed and no one cared, just looks like some twitterappa drama over nothing
it's already known but she's a 'mantha so no one cares
why do they even post things like that on discord? isn't it basic common sense not to do things that will get you in trouble if you are about having an "esports career"?
No wonder all of these trannies are terrified of going to Saudi Arabia, they can't go 5 minutes without doing something retarded and using common sense.
>anime players
Not even once. Word to the wise anyone lurking this thread, stay tf away from those weirdos, in the US at least. Even the ones who aren't deviant have something fuckin wrong with them.
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netease presents... MARVEL RIVALS
nigga posted a gundam talmbout marvel
Ellie keeps getting bodied, doesn't she?
Does anyone remember this glorious moment that made Ellie quit the internet?
Or this moment that was sadly too epic for jannies to handle?
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Kawayol was too based for Ellie. All she could do was spam the report button like the tranny bitch she is and claim Bridget is a tranny but Preecha, whose model literally has implants and tranny flag hair and bio literally states she left her family due to disagreements and misunderstandings, isn't, and also claim Mai isn't censored despite developers saying they will never use her classic costume again, not even as an alt
>Mickey Mouse party game tier mechanics for a 1v1 fighting game
Hard pass
Is Ellie going to only Bridget from now on?
Don't forget Preecha is a male name. They made a tranny on purpose while insisting he's a real woman. A lot like Ellie
/fgg/ sisters... what happened to our based magnifique fighting game renaissance?
he said mickey, not timmy. there's a HUGE difference
whats wrong with that???
im not the bot i just find these strings of words upsettingly retarded
Retard anon needs to see an optometrist, spent too much time looking at a computer screen that their eyes are starting to fail LMAO
>low IQ indie monkey can't take criticism
You people never produce anything good
Enjoy your flop with zero players I guess, lol
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COTW... sweetness. Everything I've ever wanted in a fighting game.
Preecha is androgynous and just more popular for boys, kind of like how Ashley or Leslie are androgynous but more popular with girls. I can't imagine the shit fit you'd throw if 3S came out today and Makoto got revealed.
what if somebody doesnt want to be the next street fighter 6? what if somebody just wants to have their ideas realized with little regard for monetary gain or player numbers, and caring more about their passion than the numbers?
what's upsettingly retarded about them?
I'm gay and retarded (this is the real PsychoJosh)
>tfw actually indonesian and know girls named Preecha but timmy looked up the name on google and thinks only boys are named Preecha and is going on some imaginary tranny hunt
Bad example, SF6 is the peak mickey mouse party game
Soku has variable weather and y'all touhou iggas talmbout mickey mouse mechanics smdh
I don't even care if Preecha IS trans at this point. I'm all for owning the chuds now. How I see it
Don't believe in it, goes against my personal principles of self acceptance, probably wouldn't be friends with any but that's about it
>these triggered rightoids
Fuck you, fuck off, you're retarded and a little bitch, eat shit
Can confirm
That's just the fault of people not going past the ladyboy meme people think SEA is known for
What if you make something good instead?
who tf are you quoting schizo?
well whats exactly "party" about airdashing and chain combos? ive always taken issue with people using the term just to describe things they dont like, instead of something thats really fucking stupid but also really fucking fun
im just talking in terms of the numbers, not everybody wants to be the next top game at evo next year or whatever else
thats not even to say i disagree with you either i absolutely hate sf6, more power to anybody who can get any consistent results in that dumpster fire
ive been making music for this idea of mine, and i know somebody who works in coding, i could probably drag them into something in the future
the chuds crying like the ess jay dubyas over trannies in their heads
GigaMaidens is based on what I think is good. I'm making it for me.
I never think of the audience.
let's be honest
a fighting game with a bunch of half naked furry bitches with giant titties is never going to be an esport anyway, so you might as well make it the wackiest party game possible with insane mechanics for autists

That's going to be the audience anyway
faggotsol still crying and talking shit about amour
isnt that flaggable
man does every new fight gotta consider esports.
Why the fuck would anyone want their game to be an esport?
I'm not making a game for suits and shareholders, I'm making it for people who like fighting games and think they're fun.
Firstly, the concept of mass appeal and fighting games just do not mix in the first place.
It's only multiplayer games that feature many interactions, short ttk, and simple n easy to understand controls that even get popular in the first place (so stuff like COD). Anything that has a relatively simple concept and low skill ceiling of entry can land a spot in the casual mass appeal market and fighting games do not have that.
This is why, on a shorthanded explanation, 2XKusO is going to flop hard
If y'all designed marvel, it would unironically have Wolverine and Storm doing the slow tranny wiggle on the ground all day
is he seriously still seething about that shit? i thought he calmed down
Just admit you're just a consoom slop NPC and move on with your day
he's showing the vod to perfectlegend lmao
Will Broski and SonicSol be sponsored to play Blades and Beasts?
Why would you not want your fighting game to be an esport? You get a dedicated audience built in just like that.
Are you one of those people that seethes over live service as well? How do you think devs make money?
>let me just skip ahead the part where I argue with chat and self-victimize
>The name Preecha is noted to be a masculine name in Thai. The proper feminine counterpart to the name is Preechaya. Preecha in Thai means "wisdom", "ability", "discernment", "clear knowledge", "insight", referring to her geek and scientific behavior.
Total tranny death
i look like this~
Your low IQ monkey brain can't even explain what constitutes as an esport game, why should I even hold your opinion to any value
i played with diaphone once in the dnf duel arbys tourney you stupid bitch
>tranny character in preecha
>zero jiggle physics
>censored mai
>censored hotaru
>Why would you not want your fighting game to be an esport?
Because esports are fucking dumb and gay and destroy the spirit of fighting games by making them an advertising vehicle for trashy goyslop food and uncomfortable gaming chair chairs?
four lies in a row, impressive.
show boobs
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The televised esports tournament where one guy picks the the buff roided out tiger woman grappler and then his opponent counter picks with the BBW bear zoner with the jiggling tits

The crowd goes wild during this match and the winner is given a check for 300k

This could have been your future if you planned your mechanics better...
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Your proposal is not compelling.
SFV got on national TV for ESPN and there was Mika and Cammy being picked during that tournament as well
Esports World Cup grand finals and Mohammad is screaming at the top of his lungs when Beatrice the Bat gets the counter hit on Olivia the otter with 5 seconds left on the timer
Bloody Roar bros....
you can see them in the op
Broody Row
Why does this nigga think he understands the japanese fgc after interacting with it for a few days after gooning at a nikke convention and taking selfies with high school girls?
Dev interviews state Mai's classic look is locked only to her super. They have no plans to add alts for everyone. You sound like the asshurt tranny who lost to our based champion Kawayol
im not a child grooming freak and i think we could have been really good friends in a different life
>he likes sf4
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the latest DSP documentary was boring
are they really pretending they were going to play a fighting game with big butt dog girls stabbing each other with magic swords if it had a pro tour?
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Okay this is something that has always irked me about Shuma-Gorath in MVC3.

When he activates his level 3, he says "Welcome to...!"

When he grabs the opponent, he says, "you're mine!"

and finally when the super activates, he goes "THE CHAOS DIMENSION!"

Obviously these lines are out of order and he should be saying "you're mine" on the activation, not when he grabs the opponent. This completely ruined the game for me. Unplayable fucking trash. Capcom has been bungling their shit for over a decade and a half.
nigga if there was enough money on the line punk and tokido would be grinding that shit
snk shills is sweating this far from release......
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Them's Fightin' Herds had a pro tour and you all love that game
They have nothing on the greatest American ST player.
I seriously doubt that even with saudi backed 4 million dollar esports, Tokido would be grinding some random gaijin furry party masher.
What, he's gonna quit his job for half a year to go "Ahh yes. I am playing the pawg rabbit because her okizeme is the best in the game"
Nubi bros…
Everyone and their mom was grinding dnf duel the moment that awt prize pool dropped
They can't into English.
The made Magneto say WELCOME TO DIE.
They're just guessing on how the language is supposed to sound.
Speak a little Chinese for em brother
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Who is Go1 gonna play in Blades and Beasts, bros?
Uhmmmm you’re Chinese.
this nigga is so ass at SF6
I have never seen any of you talk about the furry game mechanically, just about what kind of vore fetish mexican sugar dancing characters it will have

keep up lil nigga
that's just him replying to himself
how to say "fuck drive rush"

Remember that time they put terry and benimaru in xuandou zhiwang?
do y'all really trust anon from fgg to make a fighting game that is fun to play?
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the continued existence of demoralization and propaganda is a testament to you perceiving the game as a threat
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Ono will save fighting games
parrying as a mechanic is a virus no matter the game it's in
i say its only okay if like one or two characters have it
parrying and iframe dodge rolls both
what if the roll has huge recovery?
I Parry Everything
they made a third strike light novel!?!??
left looks better
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wh*tes always win sadly
is this the future of fighting games? just shillign for e-celebs?
if basedjam can go from being banned to being advertised by capcom then so can infil
I hope GigaMaidens is extremely unpopular
I thought you were banking on Gigamaidens being a huge success that you could then spin off into multiple games
I'm planning on doing multiple games anyway. Its success matters not.
that's the mentality that the dustborn developers had and they're going to lose their jobs soon
>PsychoJosh writhing and screaming in agony as GigaMaidens becomes the most successful and popular fighting game of all time
I just +1'd to her too, that makes us Eskimo brothers
that's because they got bankrolled by the norway government and now their mafia is gonna shoot em up for a floppa
If I made a fighting game, I would ban all of you perverted freaks from the community on day one.
They'd open their own discord.

I welcome perverts into my community as long as they're not trannies.
>makes game starring 100000 foot tall trannies
>bans trannies from discord
for what purpose
idk why pj hates us so much now
i din do nothin
Biofems only, both in-game and in-community
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what kind of people would play an anime furry game?
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still corny
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But you won't get your mass appeal poggy audience if you don't have it
you say that, but all the parry indieslop is unpopular anyway
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Kamone said his favorite games are GBVS Rising, SF6, and Idol Showdown.
he came here and thought we'd all love his vaporware fetish game and is upset that we don't
GigaMaidens seems to be popular except among trannies, I wonder why
we know why. next they'll start telling PsychoJosh that he should appeal to the mythical "fujos" by including shit only trannies would want
turd strike outlasted sfv lol
...what, pray tell, do "trannies" want?
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homosexualslop and woke ESG Fink injections dumb tranny freak dont reply to me
sounds like gigamaidens is right up their alley
normal attractive young female character that you cant tell is trans at all and has no signifiers or themes to indicate they are trans
but they have a hidden move where you can suicide on last round if your life is under 41%
ESG jewish nigga slop that looks good on Twitter but doesn't sell LUHMEOW
holy fuck lmao that is disgusting
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Some timmy already made a game where the whole game concept is built around le epic blue flashing nigga parry mechanic, and no one cared about it
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Why is he so mean to us sis? Does this egg need to be hatched???
probably for the same reason you're making this about yourself
I hate parry so much.
did daisuke explain why the gears chopped of this man's penis and gave him breasts? what's the lore behind that?
stop noticing
the west has fallen
nothing ever happens
There's no ESG shit in GM
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A jappa went from making VNs that looked like this to a new Silent Hill. What's your excuse again?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exBT0qziQfE Justin is out here teaching(grooming) a PAAG egirl sf6
>PAAG egirl
post a pic or fuck off lil nigga
Should've emphasized on the "P" in PAAG
I just finished my placement matches and why the FUCK are there so many niggas on wifi in gold?? I can't play this shit if I have to decline 10 matches before accepting one, NIGGA.
>wants me to unleash upon the world another WEG
Why? Making games are hard af, lil nigga. I'm not a dev at all I'm in HVAC

Finna slam that Asian piggy with my BBC jr
Pure footsies
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lmaooooo niggas was giving thousands of dollars to this porker.

this "society", man...
in asian countries, a large belly symbolizes wealth
Hey buttmonger
Wealth in diabetes maybe
I think 3s parries are actually the best rendition we've had of them and the tighter the parry window gets from there the worse they become as a mechanic because it essentially becomes rng
In 3s there is no other bs, only parries and maybe whiffing normals for meter build, (OP chars ig but thats a staple of old games)
Perfect Parry in SF6 is far worse because it parries both ways and due to the 2f window involves a lot of luck, when it happens it feels like the game was stolen from you
Parry in 3s is an option that you can easily bait, never feels like it was BS, has to be done low or high, etc. You can beat it by delaying your move anyway.
so this is how cheez affords his gacha addiction
>parries are luck
2f windows are luck yeah
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>a tighter window means less random
b r u h
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When Cheez was 9 year old, he was playing on a Sega Saturn, a console that came out in 1995. That means he's 38 years old today.
He gambles with his parent's money.
Oh wow, last time he told that roman candle story he said he was 3
He also once said he first started playing Morrigan when Nightstalkers first came out. We asked him how old he was and he apparently suddenly realized his mistake because he said he couldn't remember how old he was in 1995.
Is it confirmed that he's 38? It's possible he may have been playing a Saturn after 1995.
why is bamco still stuck 2 generations behind?
no crossplay or roll back for sparking zero
and tekken has no crossplay and the worst netcode out of all the modern fighting games.

whats up with that
I don't know where 38 comes from, but he's definitely older than 35 because for the last 5 years or so he's been vague about his exact age and just said "early 30's." Then two years ago he started saying 31, and if you ask him now in 2024 he'll still say 31. We don't know his exact age but we know he's not being honest about it.
Considering he been saying his age is in the "early 30s" since half a decade ago, it's a safe bet. Remember that Cheez was also spoiled rotten as a child, he definitely got a Saturn and probably N64/PlayStation right as they came out.
has he really been posting this same shit for 11 years
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yeah and he used to be talk about how much he loves morrigan and how loyal he is to her
now he doesn't even pretend to be loyal to her
kekken slop eaters eat all the shit
they knew they had an audience of slop slurping goys after they charged them for dlc and they kept riding harada
nigga who told you kekken 8 doesn't have crossplay
its only like that in shart fighter jive
jive derangement syndrome
why not?
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niggas played this slop trash for 7 years
remember when the trannies said you need rollback to succeed then harada sharted out kekken 8 with the exact same delay netcode and it completely mogged soive? almost like the dogshit teleporting netcode doesn't actually matter to anyone.
the vast majority of games that have rollback added retroactively do not see any long-term growth
KEKYFUNK troonback doesn't matter and the sajam cult scammed hundreds of small developers into wasting money.
no one cares about tekken 8, lil bro
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4 hour DSP kino just dropped.
DSP, the guy who beat Jwong at EVO in SF2.
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post the ryu cancelling his dp
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>4 hours
Lil TimTim has enough time to compile a man that used to play fgs. LUHMEOW
cheez did
until he got 20-2'd lol
Sakura looked so fine in jive, I NEED them jeet niggas to sculpt her the finest model in dix
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this nigga going nuts with the webms
Timmbot 1000 returns
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How excited are we for CvS3?
dont holy that
B-but everyone loved watching MvC3
Kengan Ashura fighting game
in Tekken style
but without the jank
what did he do?

also, thats what you get for playing 3 minute ads every 5 minutes
Oh shit not /ourguy/ SS
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they should ban LTG next
is it because he tagged that vtuber that banned him in his stream title then all his chat was talking shit about her? you dont fuck with vtubers
What did this dumbass do? Accidentally show hentai on his stream?
>that vtuber bitch's fans mass reported him
>accidentally showed nsfw
>had a melty and threatened to kill someone again
what's our bets?
It was def the Vtuber. A lot of users from her stream probably swung by and reported him.

Sucks. But you're a grown ass man crying about getting banned by a vtuber for more than 3 hours. Gotta get right.
He was having a melty this morning because he was backseat gaming in some v-tuber's chat (she is part of the sajam slam thing and diaphone is her coach.).

He kept trying to get her to do drive rush and chat was telling him to shut up thats its not that serious and he started arguing with the entire chat until she banned him and said she doesnt even know who he is and was weirded out by the whole thing.

Then he went on stream and had her Twitch handle tagged in his stream title while talking about how everyone hates him and all the usual shit he says.
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This guy is seriously mentally ill.
The proof that a lack of a father doesn't help you to grow into a sane adult.
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Why are they trying to get random e-girls to play SF6 so badly anyway? Is this their new strategy to make sure they sell enough copies to not have Matz get sent to the Gulags?
That'll show him. 5-0 me will you?
>almost at 4 mil sold already
i dunno but its working
Why do you talk like Dr Eggman?
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I have come to make an announcement
nigga bout to have to start flipping burgers because he couldn't stop crying about some random egirl not wanting to slime rush properly
Why does he always want to backseat? He tried with Punk, he tried with that random thot, who's next?
Thinking about a proper Naurto fighting game

I would main Konon
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miss me with that shit
Extreme narcissism.
I'm surprised he has not trooned out yet
nigga is convinced nothing he does is wrong and is unable to self reflect
it's problematic?
Which narcissist are we talking about. There are a number of them here sadly.
....we do? Since when?
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still mid compared to da alfa

this is a pretty high quality vlog, ngl
what is with cornballs and basketball
fuck this timmy
what is this meme
I want clayton to have my babies
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We have like 5 monkeys here that have never made a game but think they know more than professional developers.
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sonic ran through the hood like crack
aint this the bitch that got chrisG blacklisted
i'd fuck the fat muslim bitch with vitiligo from dustborn
And they're right.
Please stop posting this forced meme, the "third strike is bad" larp is beyond played out at this point.
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turd strikers really think its a larp
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this koreappa got niggas paying him for his mspaint scribbled and /fgg/ can't?
Hold up; Lily is a fucking grappler.
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I don't have asian jeans, so my various autistic flaws are not seen as endearing or noble.
That literally LITERALLY wasn't me.
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rollback netcode is a necessity in 2024
there is no argument against this at all
If your game doesn't have rollback, I am seriously not even going to consider buying it
it's really that fucking simple

Go ahead, make your shitty little argument in favor of delay, I'll wait.
watashi wa CHEEZ
Luigi, what are you referring to?
What will Blades and Beasts do to capture the fujoshi market?
Will Blade and Beasts have rollback netcode and crossplay?
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Will Blades and Beasts have a loli?
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I would be destroying Lilith's ass with my big greasy Italian cock, my nigga.
I still can't believe Obama wanted to play video games instead of picking up girls with Clayton in Japan. Is he gay or something? Maybe that's the real reason why Obama has tried to flip the script on Clayton after that interview. After seeing how much pussy was being thrown at Clayton while there he felt stupid for not going out with him and now wants to hide it to save face.
that drama was weird, why did he get so butthurt because clayton wanted to go out and do stuff instead of sit inside while in japan and play shitty fighting games
why does clayton talk about people to his audience instead of trying to squash shit in a one on one conversation? rooflemonger tried talking to him directly and he just put his private messages in a youtube video
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>nazi titter moved to bsky
They are sooooo going to get C&D.
hitstop again!
Waiting on unilunar's suicide stream.
He just dipped from the internet after that Frosty ban
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Oh, you're EU? It's afternoon here.
bzzt: /492946790 >>492949628
does he really think only one person would ever post deviantart noel on the 4chan schizoiphrenia generla?
It's two schizos, he's one'f'em.
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Tokido: Gawddamn, this fat roided out cow grappler bitch has gotta be the most disgusting character in the game. And then this motherfucker taunted me after that round, too? Y'all are lucky that Mohammad and his niggas are bankrolling this shit or else I wouldn't even be playing this.
Weebsubs: (laughs). Carla the Cow sure is an exciting character. She reminds me of Zangief. Can't wait for the Ken to Kemono World Cup!
damn I missed sonicsol getting banned
I will never understand watching a vtuber. They always have the most annoying fake toddler voice possible, how does ANYONE listen to this for more than ten seconds
it's just like watching a regular streamer
there's nothing to get
i think its like barney or mlp for gen alpha autists and maybe some chrischan-like adult autist weeaboos
they basically get paid to babysit these kids and teens on twitch instead of those kids being raised by tv show personalities i guess

and then of course you have simps and coomers
Funny anime girl screech at video games. What's there to get?
>big ass flat chest
GGGGRRRR THIS BITCH FINNA MAKE ME GO KOOKOO. Would shamelessly rip off if I was crafting a fg
They act like theyre the normal ones though. They dont seem to have a shred of shame
what is it with fighting games where one can be the most awful unplayable dogshit ever, but there's still like one guy on twitter that will go THIS GAME IS ACTUALLY SUPER UNDERRATED AND HAS A LOT OF ATTENTION TO DETAIL

Do these people get some kind of thrill from this?
how do I get a job
Walk into McDonalds
fill it out
return it
wait a week
Be a temporary foreign worker
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it's usually zoomers that grew up with bad games, sonic community has a lot of them too
I ain't 38 And I did gamble with money that wasn't mine, but doesn't mean it was my mom's. I would go to casinos with my friend who has a lot of money and he would front me cash to gamble with. And if I lost I didn't need to pay him back, And if I did make a profit I just pay him back what he gave me and I can keep my winnings or gamble it.
I was 8 years old in 2004...
If you were 9 in 1995 you're 38 dude
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sonicsol said that making a fighting game is a waste of time because no one is going to play it and it's not going to be good anyway since most of you are not as smart as you think you are and don't know how to design anything.
could darksydephil beat tru3ta1ent?
>making a fighting game is a waste of time because no one is going to play it
Hey take that back you son of a basterd bitc-

LUHMEOW fuck that gooning ass midget he doesn't know shit about anything. Finna make a fg that me and 1 relative will play
SonicSol spends 9 hours ranting to himself about on stream about how some random white girl banned him from her twitch chat, then got banned for a week from his "job" for doing so.

I wouldn't exactly say he's an expert on time management...
That's a man
you wish tranny
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all of you coons would chimp out if a fat white girl banned you from her chat, don't lie
it has her fault for not knowing sonicsol was diaphone's partner in DNF chipotle challenge
I'm scared for what sonic is going to do once diaphone stops tolerating him
and I'm not shitposting, I'm dead serious
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It's up
Legit will always be nice to Diaphone because he puts up and tries to help Sonic. He could insult me to my face and I'd still be courteous because he's already dealing with shit far worse than I have in the past decade.
I love watching Robert fuck her
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nigga got no reason, no obligation to be nice but he continues to not only tolerate SS, but try uplifting him by involving him in community events. he's a real ass nigga
Baron - Clayton/Cheez
SonicSol - Diaphone
Tenryo - Nick Fuentes
Shuckle - Brian_F
Lunar - ???
Kyran - ???
kyran isn't mentally illya
Lunar was that nigga shinobu who runs climax, but his pedoniggatry and hatred of troons lost him his caucasian ally. Kyran has a whole roster of timmies at his beck and call
swap shucks for robtv and give her alex
lunar - tubbynickel owns him
Why do all of you niggas have some random white guy as your tard wrangler?
Clayton and Cheez don't seem like very good handlers
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Shinobi is black....
>would go to casinos with my friend who has a lot of money and he would front me cash to gamble with. And if I lost I didn't need to pay him back, And if I did make a profit I just pay him back what he gave me and I can keep my winnings or gamble it.
this is the dumbest cover story for someone gambling with his mom's money
who's his handler? vicki? tabbynickel?
nigga thought a guy named SHINOBI was white
Baron - Michiyoshi
SonicSol - Rampage
Tenryo - Mickey Lin
Shuckle - Richard Suwono
Lunar - Illustroakun
Kyran - saitou0293
Lunar - RevSaysDesu
he was in sonic sols chat the other night
LTG - Rocks
SonicSol - Lopedo
Baron - Vidya
Lunar - ???
And now you see why he posts insane, embarrassing, cringeworthy, nonsensical schizophrenia on here all the time
Lunar - Troons
how do I get a software engineer job
learn how to develop software, then look for people that need software developed
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could you hook me up
upwork dot com where you compete with pakis that work at half of what you will
That never happened
Is it just me getting older or did people from these online communities get more retarded over the past 10+ years?
blame tik tok and twitter
People will pretend it was always this bad, but no, it got way worse. The permanent online phenomenon and the lack of a disconnect between online and offline made people far more willing to say whatever dumb thing in public as often as possible.
it isnt a conspiracy theory that people are unironically getting dumber and gayer
>and gayer

blame anime becoming mainstream
Autistic black men of the FGC and the people that serve as their guardian/babysitter so they don't cause more trouble.
the boomer anime players were straighter, no idea what the fuck happened with the millennials
>more penis enjoyers reveal themselves when its less stigmatized to say you like penis

millennials are boomers
you mean gen z
Yeah. She's related to T Hawk, so they wanted to keep some stuff about him.
homosexuality learned behavior? nah lil timmy just born that way
so this is why cheez is so infatuated with timmy...
its so bad the anime suite cant even be held anymore. imagine going back and saying shit got so nasty the dedicated nasty area had to close up
jiyuna saw the strive troons flood into the FGC was like naaaaaah
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Capcom vs SNK 2 is broken as goddess Ingrid


Before you had to be somewhat tech-savvy to get online. Now? Anyone with a smartphone and working fingers can do it. *sigh*
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imagine all the post-evo soive drama but it all happened in a single hotel room that was hosted by jiyuna. nigga dodged several bullets
I wasn't 9 in 1995
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When's the next Darkstalkers?
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can one of you pseudo-jappas translates the volumes of enomoto
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What you say?
Not even half the way to 4mil and still less than MK1
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i said translate the volumes of enomoto, onegai
What did you mean by this, sis?
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SF2movie artbook
battle queens has an ebw bros
>safe ebw
not interested
she's clearly indian chud
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VF6 tomorrow lads
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All the right moves.
ESG Mai and clown face B.Jenet
SNK save us from the Mantha menace
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preecha is thai for mantha
Imagine using her ass like a pillow
and she starts fartin
Iroha's sweater puppies aren't actually that huge, they're just stuffed with feathers
Officially has a more diverse roster than Genshit Impact
you now remember when league players confidently said that tesco would be the dix killer
lacari's the only league streamer that actively plays fighting games and that nigga didn't touch twixco for a second
>Sakura looked so fine in jive
only after they fixed her face
>league players
they don't care about 2kxo
SS got unbanned early...
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you really have to ad din your weird race fetishism on top of already jacking off to this perverted Korean slop? Do you have any shame or respect for women at the very least?
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make that fighting game
I can just buy a fat white woman, nigga, I don't need to make a game for that
lmao if there were private messages of Roof and Clayton, it would have been posted by now.


Are you really trying to come up with some sort of fake sympathy story for Roof now? The sooner someone takes this guy out and ends him for good the better.
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But you guys love clowns

peak just dropped
If I did that, you would all just call it a party masher because I don' t have a pro tour and then Sajam and his thugs would laugh at the game if it has even a single glitch in it, as they proceed to ignore me at Evo as I attempt to interact with them....
This clown is built for the Cheezcock.
I can kind of get it with the older games because you can blame it on nostalgia, but even with newer games, you'll see them do it. Like I remember when DNF Duel was actually unplayably bad when it first came out, twitter subhumans were going THIS IS ACTUALLY THE SICKEST SHIT IMAGINABLE, BRO, CHECK OUT MY GODLIKE POKE INTO 100% TOD MIDSCREEN
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I thought you would prefer Ribbon Girl
Who is the top middle one? She is pure sex, she is worth to be my wife.
Ribbon Girl, Min Min, Lola Pop and Twintelle will taste the Cheezcock.
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The only clown we like is Great Clown Luvcheez, who is not 38
cheez said being black is a major character flaw, so he wouldn't choose twintelle
And yet he still faps to Isla
That's just his version of Arnold Schwarzenigger fucking his maid
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>Nazi aesthetic
>4 black characters in the picture
What did Capcom mean by that?
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Ed is a safe nazi like the Empire in Star Wars.
It's akin to how the nu-Marvel villains are only allowed to give milktoast conservative takes from Donald Trump instead of saying anything actually offensive.
These aren't me.

Ribbon girl and min min are my favorites.

Isla is sexy.

What did he mean by this?
Cheez, why are you still like this at 38? You're almost 40 dude. It's time to grow up.
they're ceasing concord sales and shutting it down WE WON
i still don't know what concord is
Who's we? I never even heard about the game until people here started talking about it. I still have no idea what it actually is.
I'm literally not 38.
You were playing your Sega Saturn in 1995 at age 9 bro
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Ahnold bagged his spicnigga maid and they have a kid together.
He was just horny and wanted to fuck.
It's the same dynamic as you and Isla
this is why Sega cancelled Hyenas, by the way
They knew they'd lose more money by releasing it than selling it.
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spare a thought for the modern gaming audience
I wasn't 9 in 1995
Made for my 38 year old cock.
1995 are too old to be a 9.
Oh? Then what year were you 9?
But I also like isla as well as wanting to fuck her.
if cheez is really 31 he would be 9 in 2002
does he really expect us to believe he was playing a sega saturn in 2002
I'm going to remember all of these shitposts when one of you idiotic apes releases your game and it flops. I will make similar posts.

It's a 40 dollar hero shooter with microtransactions released in a bad economy.
For some reason, our local low IQ rightoid conservatard monkeys are convinced that the game flopped because of le evil twannies being in it and not the things I mentioned about it being overpriced for the current market. The funniest part is that they pitted it against another game starring a primate like them, which was bolstered by Chin and they think it's comparable for some reason, despite it being a soulslike shilled by the largest country on Earth.
I'm surprised he hasn't claimed that it was Shadowcheez with his dastardly time machine again
mk1 and tekken 8 is $70 and everyone bought that...
poor ass spicniggas play hand me downs all the time
I know a lil illegal mexican nigga that still plays on xbox 360
I thought ellie said MTX was good

I still have that very same saturn hooked up right now to a sony trinitron through component. Next to the dreamcast (which I have hdmi modded hooked up to an OLED monitor) the saturn is my favorite console.
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I thought you were an ally
why are you now an alt right trump loving poltard?
I was never an ally. Bridget is just my cocksleeve.
Ah, so Bridget was the Mexican maid all along
They did the worst thing you can do in these kinds of games, have unappealing character designs. Now, this is generally a bad idea, but a hero shooter is probably the worst genre in which you can have bad designs.
ellie...there were no micro transactions in Concord..... it was cheaper than Tekken 8, MK1, and SF6
the game had dogshit diversity checkbox designs so timmies are acting like the berlin wall fell
Would the fgg fighting game also have ugly DEI designs?
what the fuck is concord
Capcom buckbroke the FGC by releasing three ludicrously shitty games in a row and they've accepted being trash as the norm.
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You subhumans call literally any black person ever an "ugly DEI design" and my game would have a black woman as the main character, so yeah, it would. Enjoy your bigotry, I guess lol.
On second thought, don't. Just don't.
there's zero reason to have a black protagonist unless you're trying to push an agenda or your epic zionist masters ordered you to
What if the game takes place in Nigeria?
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Just signed up for Claytons only fans and the man is rocking a 8 inch long 6 inch thick cock. HOLY SHIT. I'm gay now.
i dont believe you clayton
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Turn A Gundam did that and you all loved it.
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Oh no I was just about to buy it too. What FG should I buy instead with my money?
Now I know why even his haters want to fuck him.
Kim does look a bit werid, personally I think she would look better if the game's style was either more realistic or more cartoony.
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Just make the black woman.... look.... GOOD?!?!?
Except she IS an ugly DEI design.
wtf i love Tenwhoeverthefuck now???
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>my game would have a black woman as the main character
LUHMEOW enjoy not having sales. If you finna put in a black bitch just model Halle Berry with a huge ass that most instagram black bitches have. Hard since ESG jewish niggas only 3d model the PRECIOUS fat bitch body type with no curves or Brock Lesnar in a fucking wig.
Bridget can't get pregnant...
It didn't save Remember Me though.
Can't believe these people went on to develop Life is Strange
Life is Strange has one of my favorite scene in fiction.
Ass needs to be bigger
Even 2b has a bigger ass than that and she's just some random white girl
I thought the French loved ass, what is this?!?!
Main characters that are black don't sell except GTA San Andreas.

>Remember Me
Her ass is not huge. Shit modern Korean games modeled a hot black bitch I mean look at this bitch. REALLY wish the West/West-adjacent like Capcom with Chimperly weren't retarded
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even black guys would rather have a white girl on the box, let's be honest....
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Technicals ruined the Strive community. We can't say anything anymore without fear of getting our faces put into one of his videos.
just...stop raping kids and he won't do that?
fighting gamed are the only form of action games where defensive options are more than parry and blocking
It was already ruined before he put a spotlight on it
What like burst?
How can that be true when the pro devs went to college for it?
bursts,push blocks, alpha counters, combo breakers, reversals, etc
I watch suzi to remind myself not all manthas are vile
I would tear isla's ass the fuck up with my BCC
If you live in a big city you can usually find people who aren't always online gooners and criers.
you niggas really jack off to tranny porn
what's wrong with that?
is there a link to unilunars discord.
pls be FBI
Most porn trannies are hot at. Nobody likes Timantha in his momma's dress mashin in Daisuke's sandbox
He's CIA
Just played sf6 for the first time in a year and lmao, just luhmeow
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Just read through this thread and I must say...

Some of y'all MFs need Jesus
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niggas in black cloaks, chasing you down. i command my covenants to go after you, left and right while i lead the charge.
Nigga got cooked
Umm actually I had 50.5% winrate, I basically slaughtered these niggas
One on the left would get it
Not a fan of Negi Kujo?
Don't know her. I just think left looks better and would rather fuck her.
since when do asian women have ass?
I wouldn't last 5 seconds...
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It's the only good thing they've adopted from the west
Ricebitch on the right finna catch my BBC jr
It's here!

This thread and discord fappy talk are indistinguishable
nutting on suzi's tummy
who has the sonic sol melty that got him banned today?
Using suzi as a cumdump
God I wish I could be one of their turds.
nigga that shit went on for like 8 hours and he sets his vods to subs only
>Japan good, America bad
Why are you a weeaboo communist terrorist now, cheez?
All the characters in SF6 are ugly as hell so I don't think it's right to single out Kimberly.

She has a cute and attractive concept, but SF6 beats all the characters with an ugly stick to make them into uncanny sleep paralysis demons. Kim's realistic face borders on racist caricature sometimes because of the in-game artstyle.
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Does this character from GigaMaidens have a better design than Kim?
(She's a supporting NPC not a main roster character)
I like the megaman gloves
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Just calling a spade a spade
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They're grill gauntlets because she's part of a team of magic superheroine fast food workers alongside this ice cream girl who is the leader.
Can't believe that PsychoJosh is the best artist on fgg
What did she mean by this?
nigga really crashed out over a vtuber he knew for ten minutes
She wants to be called Mrs. Howard badly.
whoops meant Mrs. Cheez
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The lesson we all should learn from today's news is that it's not about specifically who the character is.

The design has to come together. People say Ryu and Ken look boring but their designs just work.
why dat nigga so fat?
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have I just gone genuinely insane? why does sf6 get so much praise from everyone? you watch the game and its just braindead neutral skips, braindead throw looping, pro players yoloing wakeup level 3s all the time, endless monkey jab mashing, pros getting blown up by mickey impact, and on top of it all the game looks visually disgusting. am I just an old jaded piece of shit or what the fuck is going on man
I don't like it either
I'm 29
I think a lot of the FGC is actual shills, but also some people just have abhorrent taste
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living the dream
better than jive
they literally took their dev budget and moved it towards hiring vtubers and shills instead. the game has no support except for 10 cent indian made avatar pieces.
>make money playing fighting games
>plap paag wife after you're done
you niggas could only dream of this
rumbleverse lasted longer than concord
jive CE is the best fighting game thats even been doe
The package is decently put together even if competitive nature of the game is kind of sour at high level. Good thing most people aren't high level players so they can enjoy the game at low level (and there are alot of good ways to improve at low level that are included in the game). I do think the game looks ugly though and the music overall is not good.
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Jivers really forgetting that CE only became good after the balance patch 12 months later.
Jive was kamige since AE
every previous street fighter, the fags who played it act as if the later iterations were representative of how it was since launch
most jivies started playing it in 2021 or 22
SFV had a good launch
No one could beat my Ibuki because of 8f
cope reddit
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I still prefer SFV's overall looks more. Some of them arent executd well (ken's banana hair) but the proportions and looks are much better than Dix's attempt at realism
There's online training mode, functional lobbies and spectating good netcode but man the art direction is YUUUUUUCK. Luhmeow

I miss Sethanie
did pre-nerf seth really get memoryholed
SFV was horrible
Mika was a top tier in season 1
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I bet you dont even remember what made Mika good in S1, vappa
the 8 frames of delay
the midscreen wallbounce
the PS4 lag

I don't see why you would defend these things
gameplay over realism
Anyway, a grappler should NEVER be top tier. That is just pure bad game design. The entire point of the archetype is that they're high risk for high reward. Having a safe grappler that can just rape you for free is just straight up retardation.

There's a reason grapplers are bad in LITERALLY EVERY good fighting game.
it wasnt balanced "gameplay" to have a hitconfirmable safe on block launcher medium into full combo anywhere on the screen
I took medicine to repress the memories
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It's been 8 years, Emezie.

You don't have to go to bat for dogshit like sfv anymore, we have better options.
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It's pure cope to bitch about balance when Nemo made EVO Top 8 with motherfucking Claw
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>3 nash players in top 8
nash meta was the only time i watched this game
and that was fun as fuck
Tekken 7, now there's a game that got worse with each patch.
its still better than tekken 8
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>Timdem said better options
*pukes* EWWWWWW all the mods in the world can't make this FrenchMAN hot. Luhwoof
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none of you are even good at sfv, so your attachment to it is especially weird
16ers first fighting game
baron beat nuckledu
>laggy ft1 online in wifi KAGEMUSHA
wow, I am impressed
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thank you for joining the alpha academy
being able to dash at people and jump at people and hit buttons was the most important part of season 1
um I was DIAMOND RANK with honda sit the fuck down child the adults are trying to discuss the greatest fighter to ever be
FGC Pro Player | 2x Evo Milwaukee GBVSR Champion | Korone Respecter
Kappachino defeated this general
which ironic twitch weeaboo was that?
Jive only got decent when they added V shift.
I suddenly remembered that wacky GBVS shill zombmu.
Did he just completely fall off? Don't hear anything about him anymore.
Lunar - DEB
what about dyrus, doublelift and imacutipie?
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Sharting was so bad he quit to play some Touhou discord game
I was BANNED for giving unsolicited advice and shitting up the chat?
>i was just helping
please tell me he was backseat gaming and wouldn't shut up when people told him to
That is a fucking dude.
Manon was a fucking dog shit character from conception. Super tranny and doesn't even attempt to hide it.
>why does sf6 get so much praise from everyone?
Who is praising it other than '23ers? Everyone seems to fucking hate it and rightfully so.
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Just because she's ugly doesn't mean she's a tranny....
Baron's game will unironically do better than concord (a AAA game published by sony) when it comes out.
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jivies cant face the facts
lol? Concord at least released.
Baron can't even code a clone of super mario and we know he can't afford to hire an Indian for that either.
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did you miss the olympics? for chuds, it is now entirely based on vibes
I can't put my finger on it, but something seems unappealing about the little pictures sajam pays for. like he's trying to imitate rubberhose, but it just seems.... off....
Identity politics man.
why the jordans? nigga whiter than a pack of crackers
It released then very quickly unreleased. May as well never came out. In fact, sony would have been better off if it hadn't.
hes hoop boy
I was the former rank 3 honda player in the world in sf6 so I have the authority to say its pretty ass
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Are you giving him money for his game? If you believe in his project that much, you'll surely make money from it as an investor, right? It would just be another Vegas gamble for you.
I said manoff. This is manon.
Im really supposed to believe manon is a model?
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Some model have atypical physique, so yeah.
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You freaks launched a hate campaign on lunar based on vibes....
then you complained about his comments after you radicalized him
do you trannies have zero shame?
wooldoor looking ahh
Cheez is too much of a pussy to finance some furry mickey mouse party masher because he knows it would be a flop and he couldn't deny his investment LMFAOOOOO
I think my copy of SF6 is bugged. The man option is always set to on.
Is modeling a party job?
you would think that chudcheez would be the first one to bankroll a coomer fighting game being made by one of his fellow republicans and by his "best friend" at that. But no, he is pretending he doesn't exist now because he lacks the balls to put his money where his mouth is.
Typical "culture warrior" and a bad friend, to boot.

I'm surprised bumron puts up with him, lol.
This isn't me, I go by Big L now because of my 50-0 victory against that nigger in KOF.
Go back to waiting to find a match in concord

Oh wait
Mike Z said it costs 150,000 dollars to make one character in a fighting game.

Cheez can't afford to just max out his mommy's credit card like that
I'm more surprised that baron hasn't publicly humiliated himself begging for cheez's money yet
A model for monsters in a horror film. LUHMEOW
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That nxxxa came crawling to me on IRC and begging at my feet for a 500,000 loan. I laughed at his desperation, walked away, then went back to +1ing inside of Isla.
I swear to god they probably actually intended to make Manon trans, but then walked it back because they're cowards, so now it's just this inexplicably extremely mannish and ugly piece of shit calling itself a woman.
For fuck's sake her outfit 1 even has the transflag colors (pink, cyan, white). Just admit your intentions you dumbass cowards. Or is that what you were going for? That she's an obvious tell, just like every tranny in real life? Can't tell if based or extremely cringe but either way this bitch has a fruit bowl.
This isn't me
So you didn't +1 inside of Isla?
I wonder if her colour scheme isn't just a nod to the french flag, but they didn't want to go ham with red hair instead of pink. Though, knowing Capcom USA, you might be right.
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It doesn't cost that much. It cost HIM that much to make characters for Skullgirls because they are wasteful dumbasses.
They could've made 3 characters with the budget they used to make one of them but these idiots absolutely NEEDED to buy an office in the most expensive part of LA, and they also needed their daily $15 lattes. Please understand gamedev is expensive you guys :(
Evens isla
Odds yuri
Zero athena
Dubs Bao
Trips. Too bad, shadowcheez.
Wasn't me.
This wasn't me. Also, trips are dubs so I won.
Even if what you're saying is true, do you honestly think baron and cheez have 50k for a single character?
Given their IQ, they'd probably spend half of that on just trying to figure out how to cash a check
2k for hitboxes what the fuck lmao
Tips aren't dubs, they're trips. No amount of gaslighting and saying they identify as dubs will change or whatever mental gymnastics you come up with will change that, shadowcheez.
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Very talented and smart, yet keeps practicing regardless. VF legend, won EVO for SF4. Placed high in SF5. Still a beast in SFL. Has hot model wife.
Fuudo is the perfect FGC role model.
The only thing that identify as something else is your mother as my dog when I +1 her.
You can make a game with $0.
You just admitted to beastiality, timcheez...
I identify as a bull with my BHC.
Call your axe wound whatever you want. Doesn't change the fact that it's a non working mutilated nub.
You can easily tell this isn't >>493045510, Cheez dosn't understand half of these words.
sometimes i dress like a girl and kiss my friends to make them mad i dont like doing it but it works
So Cheez did +1 inside Isla
I'm gonna give SS the benefit of the doubt that although he was indeed backseating, alot of the time when it comes to vtuber esimps, they aren't really the smartest birds of the flock and are shitters themselves. Put in the fact, that many players online are also bigger retards than you can even imagine.
Also, only a small hint of sexism to add to this, women in general always think they're right and are blockheads when it comes to fighting games. If people want to fail, let them fail I guess
Didn't ask, CuckG
What makes you think that?
why is the second half of the video titled "asking perfectlegend for advice"
furries are a very gay community, and baron is a chud. I don't see it succeeding among furries unless the game's hypetrain massively eclipses him and his chud behavior is reduced to post-release drama
>tfw when there's no black commentator that's better than saint cola named RC cola
marvel kuso out next week
theres literally nothing wrong with cutting your penis off, seth did that and you all love her
most furries are more bi than gay, so he still has a shot
thats still gay, and why are all of those niggas so freaky
Bumron is so irrelevant, no one would even know who he is enough to get upset that he's a racist, sexist, homophobic retard
Unless someone showed them the inflammatory things he said...
hm... I wonder which one of us has a folder ready for that....
reminds me of when that leg lengthening surgery clip was making the rounds and most normal replies were mocking the guy for permanently fucking up his legs and the troon replies were "this is literally gender conforming surgery" like its a positive thing. niggas in their own world fr
"we're just trying to exist"dem when an autistic person exists
>unless the game's hypetrain massively eclipses him
how would that even happen? I can't even imagine a universe where that would happen seriously.
What, Pewdiepie does a meme video about it where he yells over the supers?
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That was a prank by Juri not Timantha cutting off his willy and larping as a female, lil troon
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Why did the gay furries let Blazing Worldstar's kickstarter fail twice?
I thought they had a million dollars in autism bucks?
Pick one character to be your favorite from any fighting game. Can be mains, a cool concept, good theme song, any reason.
kotaku made multiple articles about the black myth wukong guys being chuds and they survived, I don't think anyone cares about 5 trannies complaining about some random guy that made a game
Timmy said no one reads kotaku and that's why they couldn't cancel the monkey man
wukong appealed to normal niggas, a furry fighter exclusively appeals to furfags
Son Wukong is a furry THOUGH
Do Indie niggas just start listing the games they ripped off in their headlines now? Seems little tacky
No, he's just a monkey man. There's no half naked furry woman in that game, so it's made for regular people.
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The advice: “kys.”
They also failed Drag Her.
>make a game for pedoniggas
>you're entire playerbase are troons
why is this phenomenon so common
Drag Her isn't furry and its kickstarter succeeded, they just fumbled the bag after they got the money
sonic niggas......
reichan's dry coochie resting on my face
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a game such as UNI is not an outlier as to why the looney tunes fanbase plays it. It's entirely based on the fact that it's anime, so it attracts that type of audience in the first place.
Vicki will definitely be busting out those baron posts to get rid of him if the game's kickstarter gets too high
>Anything that's anthro is now classified as furry
I bet your retarded ass thinks HS footbal mascots are yiffing behind the bleachers before the HT show huh?
the town inside me
>the town's bicycle
how many drinks would it take for you and vicki
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the secret to having your indie fighter succeed is that you don't market to the fgc nerds, as they'll buy it and complain about how busted it is anyway

You market it to normies. Put some cool shit in there for them or mention the story/characters.

Only the biggest autismoids are gonna buy the game based on the combo system you advertise. It's the equivalent of making a COD trailer and just talking about the game's tickrate for 2 minutes. Which is basically every indie fighter trailer where they just show moon gravity bounce combos for 2 minutes.

Try to get other people interested if you want a success, it's really that simple.
you cant even call niggas freaky for being "painslut pups" without troons coming to their defense
bitch smells like seaweed
>You market it to normies
I'd do it like https://youtu.be/wdzZ5oZwq6c but I'm broke, NIGGAAA
I was in band and can tell you that they definitely do
Unless you have incredibly ornate designs in your game, I don't see why you can't just hire 3 mexicans on fiverr to cosplay and splice that into your commercial.
Algorithm hit attempts because he's a well known fighting game player / content creator and it's vaguely related since he was in the chat for the video.

Also how successful in general are people who use Metafy? I feel like it's incredibly niche probably for making a business out of it.

Also regarding the reason why he gets dunked on in any kind of fg chats, it's because he doesn't know how to practice temperance on his passion for the games he play.

The most hilarious story was went he had a meltdown over his friend teasing him claiming he got DNF Duel early (he didn't actually get the game early but the damage was already done).

Finally, the EVO ban was unjustified.
Blades and Beasts commercial where you get 2 chicks in fursuits yelling at each other in European accents before they start fighting
whats the tagline
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knowing baron, he'll lean way more into the anime part than the furry part so he can capture the beastars audience

I could unironically see him shilling the game at some anime convention over a furry convention
unironically this
skullgirls (initially) succeeded because it pandered hard to newgrounds timmys
early but the op's ebw pit pussy so all is forgiven
how did it do that?
You're a loser and nobody knows or cares who you are
Duh. You think you're insightful because you realized this?
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Based on the 5 separate indie trailers I've seen where they just show off nothing but combos? Yes!

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