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Previous thread: >>492871765

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Qingyi - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)
Ice-Jade Teapot - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Seeing that look on her face and recently getting to see the inside of her head confirms it
She's the ultimate airhead
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Zhu Wife...
rat's slow ass banner is killing the game, real men only want cute retards like caesar
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>he's planning to waste rolls on Jane
lol. lmao.
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>no batteries
>not even IK45 and already struggling bad with EXP
burnice is so pretty
Ceasar is a brick now.
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Why is she so dork-ish looking? I love her...
Based and true
>what's good, faggot. We heard you needed help s-ranking some shit.
How do you respond?
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I'm a brick and I'm going to smash your skull.
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>almost hit hard pity for my first s-rank bangboo
>get my second one in the next 10 roll
rape them
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I need high quality fanart of Piper and the other gremlins, NOW.
I really don't, I have you at min investment and have 2:10 clear on shiyu 7 this cycle
let them rape me
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Why did ZZZ flopped? I've already invested $20 on this game.
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>saves your game
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Why is ZZZ so fucking DEAD? I've invested 67 eurocents and a bubblegum wrap on this game.
Is Caesar still a must pull?
Caesar kisses
sons of calydon probably stink. they probably smell so bad. they probably have stink clouds around their armpits and crotches. haha gross!
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her name is Big Sis
Why is ZZZ so fucking DEAD? I've invested 20 Yuan on this game AIEEEE.
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I'm really disappointed in Qingyi's wallpaper. It looks unfinished. Why is the room she's in floating in a void? I like her animation and pose in concept but it looks janky.

Why does shitwen even bother making tier lists? It's always just
>limited = t0
>support that's good for limited = t0
>everything else is bad no we haven't actually tried or tested them lololol
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Jstern just said that Pompey pissed himself and sailed off to Alexandria
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They need to remove hollow zero, its the most soulless thing out there.
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Are w-we really dying? How long d-do we have l-left?...
Was the previous month going to be our regular revenue or will it go even lower?
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i've should renewed my star rail welkin instead of spending money on this wasteland of a game
Now I want a pic of Lucy ordering her boars to construct a bridge across the Rubicon as Caesar watches.
Is ellen/soukaku/Lucy better than Ellen/soukaku/anby?
I don't have a built Lucy so I can't test
It's rover...
bwo... why pay attention to tier list sites? Just bee yourself
Jstern just said
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How is my Grace Piper Disorder team looking stat wise?
It's a graphical bug. Switch to a different anti-aliasing mode to see the windows being rendered properly. I think that's what fixed it for me
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Nicoles wallpaper is literally the only good one out there.
What team does Soldier 11 go on...
I love Ben Bigger, I want to marry Ben Bigger, I want to have loving gay sex with Ben Bigger. Ben Bigger is always on my mind, I log on daily just to see my future husband.
It's ZZZover
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i can't believe our game is fucking dead bros... how did we flop so hard... its over
I put HUGE money into this game I always buy the monthly pass, this is BS if it goes EoS before the end of the year they better refund me.
>only 5 posts not hidden by filters
What the fuck is going on? Is it the WUWA gore spammer again?
>S11 Piper Lucy
>S11 Koleda Ben/Lucy
That's pretty much for now, pick which ever you like most
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maybe try the other fire units in the game
its over bro, we just got the EoS announcement. Pack it up.
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I wish I was gay cause lycaons actually looks great
Project Mugen please HURRY UP
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Thanks for the heads up, that fixed it. Looks a lot better now.
I also think the wallpapers in general are pretty disappointing but personally I find Ellen's & Corin's wallpapers to be the best. I like the cozy atmosphere of both.
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la rata ____
>wuwa out of nowhere
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i wonder what 'super OP' characters will be like in ZZZ. y'know the equivalent of GI archons or HSR emanators. i'm thinking tons of party buffs, full screen ults and teleports on dodge or some shit. some real DMC devil trigger type stuff
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1.1 is kinda shit, here's hoping 1.2 saves us
they make the full wallpaper here..

U Poor LOL.
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>started an entire campaign on Reddit and TikTok to get SHITsar nerfed
>mfw it actually works
Zoomers are so easy to manipulate. Enjoy your useless BRICKsar xD

*This message was funded and endorsed by the Soukaku Gang
The last dot is Billy's S-rank alt that releases in 1.6 at C0
isn't this level of falseflagging bannable? everyone knows the doomposting is dishonest unless it's their first time in a hoyo thread, this should be readable without half the posts filtered
I know about one, would you like to meet her? her title is Void Hunter
who cares about this chinkslop that'll get eos by the end of this year
la rata for belle
Qingyi drank all my hot water...
mibibi is shit lmao
I'm waiting for the agni & rudra equivalent agent here, so far we have beowulf (lycaon), yamato (miyagger), Pandora (kinda Nicole), but funny enough no rebellion.
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Burnice will save ZZZ
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Uhh this is just porn???
Entire game is just the interns using spit and duct tape to keep it all from falling over like a house of cards. Look at Caesar, and Defenders in general where they STILL have no clue what they're supposed to do 2 months after the actual fucking release.
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wait for her ZZZ expy. time stops, insta kills and full screen slashes everywhere.
>Pigtail headbands say "FIRE" on them
Why do most of the designs have to get ruined with some cringe element
same, if they can't do anything too special with the 3d models they should just be l2d. Do what blue archive does with its recollection lobbies
Bros when are we turning into Punishing Gay Raven?
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I wish coop existed, so one of you faggots could do my hollow zero runs as I relax and don't do shit.
more like... BALDnice
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>janes story
>new missions cut off TV gameplay
unholy cringe
>current event
ok would be better without hints. Overall shit.
>Golden Week event
Fun shit.

This update might end up killing ZZZ...
She's a blonde white girl with a german accent wielding a flamethrower and if the leaks are true her conflict with Caesar will be over letting an "inferior thiren" join the gang. This is the LEAST of her problems.
BASED BASED BASED the full ver is on kemono btw
wym its just the animated version of his wallpaper anon..
>gentranny babble
didnt read
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This was supposed to be star rail 2

ended up beign honkai impact 4th
I for one am excited to play both this and GFL2:Ex when it comes out
She sounds based. None of those are problems .
Yea a weird patch to release this close to the game's launch desu, should build on momentum that lead from 1.0 not imminently put a filler patch out.
I blame the gameplay requirement of factions because they basically had to release all the cops to make Zhu better.
Clear to see that it won't make as much as HSR or Genshin if we get shit patches like this.
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Newlet here, so when am I gonna see the 65 soldiers in-between her and Soldier 76?
ZZZ is my first gacha. For those of you who've played Mihoyo's other games, will it get easier to raise characters up in the future? I'm constantly strapped for resources and it sucks the fun out of the game having to focus everything into one or two teams instead of experimenting.
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It's over. There is zero hype for Jane, they completely destroyed and censored Caesar and Burnice just gives me the ick weird ass Playmobil uh looking weirdo

We need husbandos and we need them NOW. At this point I don't even care if they're furries anymore we need hot sweaty goofy uh sexy uh guys FKING FIX IT MIHOYO DO SOMETHING THE GAEM IS DEAD YOU KILLED IT WITH YOU PANDERING TO WAIFU FAGGOTS KYS KYS KYS I HATE YOU STRAIGHT FAGGOTS SO SO MUCH
SEAmonkeys twitter shippers will save the game
S-skinwalker Bartender....
overwatch 3
holy fuck this hag is so sexy
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once you have 2 teams built enough to comfortably clear shiyu 17 you have infinite time to build whoever you want
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anby or s11?
Based. The Thirens need to be reminded that it is MAN who is made in God's image, not them.
Modded Anby
my cute smelly anby
Anby on face, Soldier on my dick
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Why does she just switch to Pyro (11) and spy check? What a noob
bros i finished all the content in the game
now what
>no physical or ether stunner yet
I will not roll for Jane
>buys burger
>sits at ramen stall to eat it
S11 deserves to win.
i occasionally fantasize about them doing something to save yanagi so she doesn't simply end up as grace+
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I hope we get an S Rank Anby soon. She is cute and it kind of sucks that she got benched so quickly.
My guy, this """game""" isn't even gonna survive after 1.3 just give up and go do something productive with your time instead. Like downloading Withering Wuves™ (available on Android, iOS, Personal Compiuter and Praystation 5 Exclusove Gaming Console) for free. Install now and get a free ***** (Exclussiff 5-star) character for FREE. I am having a BLAST exploring Withering Wuves giant map and SO CAN YOU!!!
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>M6 Nicole
>M6 Billy
>M2 Anby
I love both of these autistic beauties
Now spread your legs Chiori, I DEMAND sex from you, right now.
i hope we get a sex scene with anby where she tries to suck your dick and talks about movies like an autistic bitch
cute potato
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>Caesar leaked
>used as an instrument for the metafags to shit up the thread
>has no name card

>Burnice leaked
>bartenderbwos showed up
>baldtender meme crafted by waterkuma himself to boost her reach
>more shown skin than salad
>has a name card
>anons saying they will pull without caring if she is meta or not
Caesar bwos...is it over?
HSR gave the starting girl a second class and 5 star stats for it. It would be sick if Anby becomes an S rank Electro DPS in the future.
Once you clear most of the content in the game and have teams built to clear endgame content you're just gonna be hoarding resources, you'll only spend any once a new character comes out that you want to build. This is how basically every mmo works as well, getting to the endgame is gonna feel grindy but once you're there you just log in, get resources, log out and hoard
The hype was over when it was revealed she's a defense character
Holy shit, she fucks White men
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Caesar got nerfed into the ground today bwo.

Like shotgun to the head kind of nerf. She the ultimate limited brick now. Completely useless character.
physically supports when?
my Gato SEXO needs it
consensual sex while they are ovulating to get them nice and sweaty and exhausted and big and round and pregnant and married and pregnant again and again until we have our own biker gang of little rascals running around riding their little tricycles like theyre motorcycles and they wont go a single day without being filled to the brim with my spunk or my babies until we grow old and die.
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this is waterkumas retribution for making him destroy his original vision for KING
Wait for trigger to pull the trigger on every nigger.
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She's based???
This, defence is an instant brick
Quick question : when you recycle a max level disc, do you get back all the resources used for leveling or just a fraction of it?
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Here is your cow thiren bro
shit game. eos soon.
the parries that give a shield cost 1 assist point now
she can also no longer parry her own attacks iirc
around 66%
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brick this flop that
how about you flop on my brick
You're not getting shit back. This is why everyone obsesses over perfect rolls.
>hold normal, heavy and Ex Heavy all require a parry point now
>Daze and Damage multipliers cut in half
>can't parry herself anymore
She's unironically a shittier version of Ben
Its 80% of the dennies and exp used to level it. Not bad in the grand scheme of things.
Most level headed calydon roller

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I'll still pull her cause I think she is cute. I will also keep using Anby even if she isn't optimal cause I like her too.
kot! :D
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Please be a physical stunner... design looks like it could be Soukaku's bratty older sister.
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s11 anbys twinsister confirmed
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>thread continues to freak out over beta character that is still in beta and will be for another 21 days
I told you retards to fucking calm down a week ago when the 1000 attack buff was added.
They arent going to release her in a shit state so relax.
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
All I care about is getting to actually play Caesar on the field and not use her as a parry/quick assist bot
are you aware people can check themselves so spreading misinfo only works on retards
Every character will be called a brick and be an excuse for doomposting. Make good use of the word filter.
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Zzz has the worst community out there.
You're all godawful.
These interns have no idea what the fuck they're doing, the devs themselves don't even know what the fuck they want Defenders to be.

They aren't stunners. They aren't support. So what the fuck are they?
Why are the funny monkeys fighting?
well they completely fucked that over so youre welcome
He's shitposting. Ceasar did get a nerf, but all it did was make her gimmick take an assist point.
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Caesar is still meta though
One of them shipped Seth with Jane after 1.1
That's the problem. You pull her if you enjoy playing Neko for example. But not for Caesar.

This is why I want her over Burnice now. In theory, Burnice is much more appealing to me, but I have no team I want to play with her, and she immediately fucks off after ex.
Caesar makes my Ellen team better by kicking Soukaku, and allows me to (hopefully) do a Neko Piper team with her.
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THIS is the nerf we're freaking out over?
Jane won
I'm pretty sure it's just that one bricky pedo begging people to come back to the current banner.
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>The 2 anti-bricks

You rolled for them, right?
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is rat even good in combat?
Are they sisters or something?
Nobody is freaking out over, bro.
I genuinely assume that this would be how defensive characters work anyway. For brainlets who somehow can't time parry.
>Today i will go on the internet and be a huge fuckin retard
what drive people to do this?
does anyone know if the Z-Merits from the Bounty Commission count to the 900 weekly limit?
Caesar is bad, pull for Qingyi before it's too late!

i have no idea what this means
It is literally nothing
As a rat mage yes, rats are good for combat.
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I'm getting the rat
yes caesar is fucking dead and useless now. literally a brick. roll for Jane.
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>planning to pull Jane
>give Piper a try
>she's fun
what do
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Not with your 10 rolls saved up, dumb bitch.
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there are other nerfs
her daze values werent halved but her impact buff was fucked over
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I really want to save for the Obol squad because their description sound interesting but I fucking hope they don't use another rythm gimmick like S11 does
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Dumb pixar face
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Rata Sexo is next
a lot of these are already known, and werent in 1.2.3
see you crying that you rolled 10 times and didnt get her in 2 days bro
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If I skip la rata puta can I get her bwos???
Play both.
piper is fun for half a dozen shiyu instances and then she quickly feels tedious
>Ugly Ellen
Get both. Jane is built more assault hyper carry teams. Piper will work better than Jane for disorder teams with Lucy + Burnice.
I have 150 rolls saved up
bruh, these changes were from like 2 weeks ago in the previous beta version. and as we all know thats where caesar got major buffs.
what mod
Remains to be seen.
Even rata works better than piper now for grace disorder teams.
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>not 180
Already going to witness your tears.
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Burnice will need both Caesar and Jane

you have been warned
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Wise is so lucky
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yep yep yep
I am rolling for Caesar
I think the term "Defender" is the real issue. Supports, Attackers, Stunners and Anomaly all have very clearly defined roles. They might approach the concept differently or rely on different parts of their kit, but you know a support is providing a buff and utility, attackers are the heavy hitters and are fully focused on self buffing and dealing huge damage etc.

Defenders right now don't have a clear identity outside of using less assist pips and providing shields. They provide buffs like supports, they deal relatively good damage like attackers and/or they have above average daze. They should really be called Generalists or something similar.
However this doesnt make them bad. Ben is actually a very good character, good enough to be a part of Shiyu S clears.
Once you get past their title being misleading, its nice to have characters that dont fit into the other roles.

As an aside, speaking of CCs being incompetent and defenders. There isnt a single fucking video of Seth being built to maximise the bonuses on his M6 alongside a build that maximises crit damage and attack damage even though on paper its incredibly strong. They literally cant see past the 100 prof buff and being a buff bot.
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mmmmmmmmm nyo
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I want to fuck ellen until she starts pouring caviar
Wise wouldn't bed any delinquents. Only his sister
Bottom Heavy Zhu

Belle (Futa)*
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Would Qingyi/Jane/Grace work?
Burnice for wise
Jane for belle
We're all happy.
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I love him...
I'll get them by the end of the patch dumdum
>Ben is actually a very good character
>good enough to be a part of Shiyu S clears like literally every fucking character
No, replace grace or ging yi with a buffer. This goes for most teams btw, not just jane. Stop stacking dps and stun without buffers.
stop making fun of cancer patient...
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>the beta FLOPyi, Brick Doe, SHITsar and BALDice kiddies are all fighting and eating eachother
>meanwhile the patient chad Miyabi M6W5 savers laughing at them from above
Your inept bickering and screaming amongst yourself is pointless once SHE arrives. Keep at it. Amuse us. Dance for me monkeys.
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Miyabis slow ass banner is killing the game!
>Miyabi gets "delayed" for another month
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Then you'll miss out on Caeser and REALLY brick your account.
>Burnice is already ntr shipbait with lighter
It's over.
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most sharks give live birth anon...
I was thinking Grace/Jane for disorder and then Qingyi for the stun. Which buffer would you suggest?
Nta but he's right.

I cleared all limits SD stages with a Lucy/Piper/Ben team. His ult is retarded.
just woke up did we win
Why would biker girls want to fuck a blockbuster owner?
>makes the survival shiyu a joke for one side
>despite being in a weird role can beat the highest level content
Yeah and the issue is what? Whats the metric for a good character if it isnt beating the hardest content? Rapeability?
Who cares? You can always hold hands and watch movies with the agents on her trust events
Does his ult do anything besides damage? I always gave it to Piper.
>seth (...)
Yeah, I'm actually going for max attack and crit damage for him, that m6 is INSANE especially considering that he has a really good chance of triggering anomaly for a nice disorder bonus damage with Jane. Definetily gonna go for balls to the wall crit damage and attack.
I'm not interested in Caesar
Defender can mean anything, but the main gist is that they can reduce damage taken.

Another game I have has defenders of all kinds:
-Defender that can fully absorb and block damage protecting the party
>Defender that buffs the party's offense and defense
>Defender that pulls aggro and deals big dick damage based on def and debuffs
>Defender that pulls aggro and builds token based on how often hit. Then nukes based on tokens and def.
>Defender that heals and cuts damage
>Defender that heals and reduces the enemy offensive stats /disables some of their moves

They all have in common that they help you live, but they do something else on top. From being also an offensive support to being the dedicated DPS, you can have everything.
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
Fuckton of stun, but mostly damage.

Piper's Ult is bad, like really bad. 90% of the time you are wasting Anomaly build-up and just wasting time. Ben's Ult is quick and if used after a counter shits out damage, one of the highest modifiers in the game.
Disorder teams don't use stunners. If you wanna play disorder, replace Qingyi with Rina or Seth.
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Call yourself a stupid bitch.
>Want Qingyi
>only like 10k worth of rolls
>Jane is hypersex and she's next
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how long until her banner?
don't answer that faggot
Who was in the wrong here?
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miss bartender...choking me with one hand...while french kissing me...punching my stomach with her other hand...blacking out...oh love...
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2 days
God damn I've been playing this team all wrong this whole time. I didn't even think that Ben's counter bonus alongside his Ult. Thanks, anon. Do you ult immediately after the block or do you go into the EX counter and then Ult?
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Do it, gweilo.
1 day
Would Rina not disable Jane's expanded ability?
I don't have her anyway, I guess Seth it is.
AI art all looks like shit, most of the porn is either gay shit or raceplay nonsense and it's just nabbing artstyles from other artists. All this on top of the fact most AI art shills are Indian make me dislike it outside of making random shitpost memes cause fuck paying some pretentious fag 200 bucks to make one for you.
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miss bartender just stabbed me with A KNIFE I'M DYING AAAAAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE
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I honestly don't understand what pokke is saying 80% of the time. My ears and brain are physically unable to decipher his gibberish.
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still fun to me
jane prefers to stay onfield rather than switch off to allow a disorder
the one japanese player who everyone touts as THE cc for jane grace rina rarely swaps to grace
yeah but artist lost
you only need 1 roll
dammit, I thought it was a matter of hours
You mean her core passive? No, Jane's is activated by having an anomaly or NEPS member. Grace already satisfies that.
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>been farming defender mats and physical chips for two weeks now
>they nerf my girl into complete uselessness
Im THIS close to quitting this game
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>Disorder teams don't use stunners
Qingyi is so strong she makes it work. In testing with M0R1 Jane you achieve sub 1 minute clears in the final stage of last shiyu and shiyu disorder
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well that's her dad..
her face looks like SHIT
I don't get what you're saying. If you mean that because of AI art people will go to them less often sure, that's likely true. But at the same time all AI art mostly looks the same and none of them get near the level of artists I like for my lewds. It tries too hard to be perfect so you don't get the level of detail someone like Jane deserves for instance.
Wait, was Caesar's atk buff nerfed
Oh shit, I thought it was only elements and affiliations that counted for that. Classes work too? That changes everything.
Thanks for the info bro.
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It varies from character to character. Make sure you're reading what activates them instead of just assuming.
Wait, so Caesar's only actual nerf was that assist points get used for hold attacks now? No impact/daze nerfs that weren't already there?
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I will now roll for Jane as the Caeser nerf benefits Jane.
Please, I don't even have enough for the 75 minimum rolls...
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New Eridu has fallen. Billions must die.
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I'm about to start chapter 3
how long until I can go on dates with anby?
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miss bartender...you are too cute...
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How can a robot be this hot
I think all the cops have a class passive so far
Welp, I feel so fucking bad after being able to save 16k chromes and trying to pull for Qingyi only to get Grace instead, if I didn't have a mom I would have killed myself. Time to uninstall.
billyfags are the diluc gaming of zzz
fucking obnoxious retards
She doesn't know...
Bwo they didn't nerf Jane???
>Don't have Piper so Rat is a must
>Skipped QingYi so Anby will evolve through the banner
>Will get slim catto as a bonus
nice as fuck banner.
That's it, I'm fucking the 16 year old JK
Enjoy your rotting eggs, Zhu Yuan
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You're right, that would be a lot better. They all just feel so lifeless which is in sharp contrast to the actual gameplay animations which are overall rife with great animation.
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Why would you roll for a brick?
you cant just blame everything on wuwa...
hello does anybody have the photo of ellen caviar? i lost it
Seth is electric or faction like usual.
finally did the Qingyi agent story
I have now completed every bit of content in ZZZ
feels weird
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Why does this place hate cosplay so much? I think it's cute.
bottom-heavy rat
I'll do that from now on. Thought it was just a global thing.

Good to know!
but...I maxed my trust with her...nyo...
He WARPED you.
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I love cosplay
modern cosplay exists to doll up salewomen whose bodies are the product
I raped Billy btw
yeah but he's a non-S rank faggot peon so nobody cares
I've never bothered to max out Billys trust because he wants me to send him to hollow zero.

Fuck him.
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That's very unfortunate, but you should see the positive side of things : the next S Rank is guaranteed to be her! And you still have a day to go on, who knows, a quick pack could get what you want!
>the best f2p team is Billy solo
he asked me for mats so I alt+f4d
I will have sex with Monica in front of Billy
>Disorder teams don't use stunners.
wtf of course they do
just wait for the genderbender mod
Because most cosplay is east asians trying to look white.
It looks really uncanny.
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I thought this one was funny and clever. Usually it's kinda boring though with the character just kinda standing there doing nothing but staring vaguely in the distance somewhere.
Grace... Caesar... Anby... Enzo...
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cute Anby
Billy isn't a person, he's just a robot
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>Because most cosplay is east asians trying to look white.
Incorrect, most cosplay is people trying to look like the character they are cosplaying as, the fact that your /pol/ brain can't look past race is an entirely different thing.
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When the touching begins?
since the /v/ thread was shoahed I just wanted to hop in and say I hate every single one of you faggots
reading through this garbage thread it feels like half of you don't even play the game and you just come in here to doompost
>this banner is ruining the game
>oh no don't roll that character that's a brick
it's just all so fucking stupid. you're playing the same game. you're still getting the characters you want. who fucking cares if someone else has different taste from you. why are you so autistic. why does this board attract the most insufferable people
Oh, no one cares then
Burnice reminds me of Stacy from Majikoi.
So fking lucky, fuck you.
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Anby eats burgers so she can fatten up and be unrecognizable when she encounters s11 in the streets
these bug eyes hunt my nightmares, what is wrong with chinks?
I'd imagine it'd be Anby reaching over to order so her 'tism can make sure the order is right
When will we get a scene of sisterly love and reconciliation between Soldier 11 and Nicole?
Would fuck this rat
Gosh she's just too cute.
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Some characters are pretty asian coded though, like ratwoman. Just look at those slanted eyes.
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I love women
4chan just fucking sucks, this site is nothing but shitposters, there is zero discussion.
I have never met anyone spouting the
>anime characters look like white people!
meme who also has a triple digit IQ.
this game ruined my life
Just anecdotal, but the Star Rail thread's been less bad (and slower) since ZZZ released. My guess is there's some annoying person or persons who just shit up the thread for whatever the newest Hoyo game is. Maybe they jump between the threads occasionally. It's just my schizo conspiracy theory though, so please don't start yelling at me....
>rythm gimmick
Since when is that a problem?
Just max qing yi in anomaly (she honestly doesn't need much impact) and then use rina or lucy.
>go on dates with Qingyi
>get rewarded by the acquaintancezone
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I agree bro, but it's just the way of things. You have to mentally block out all the shitters and try to focus on the few good posters. It mirrors life in general.
i want to bury my head in lycaon's chest fur while he hugs me
based belleCHAD, 2 days until we can fuck with the whore rat
Jane is going to be the first girl for (You)
>Asian coded
>only non-asian name in NEPs
Belle is for raping Wise ONLY
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jane 3d trailer tonite right?
It's definitely true. There's one (or multiple) discord tranny groups who have nothing better to do with their time than organize coordinated shitpost raids in the mihomo threads on here.
Kinda pathetic when you think about it.
Retarded, brown, or both?
>not her real name
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Brick your account
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>so please don't start yelling at me....
That depends, did you roll for Qingy
You will never be one though
like the discord group who raid every single hoyo general spamming shipshit
You get maybe a 2-3 hours of nice peaceful discussion a day. But yes 4chan despite its anonyminity, just ends up with the same retards spamming the same bait or shitpost or images over and over in every thread hoping anyone engages with them.
Theres no point taking any of it seriously at all outside of specific discussion chains when someone asks a genuine question.

Even after over a decade of using it, its still a better place to discuss things than almost anywhere else despite the infestations of the mentally ill.
trannies BROKE you
We already have Nicole
>hsrg hasn't been shit since zzz released
Good joke.
t. Hsrg poster
Names do not change your genes. I've met a korean woman IRL with the name Sophie.
What the hell is "teamilk"
Fucking localizers not doing their job.
>using males
Belle dont see her brother like this
t. Example of hsrg still continuing being shit
You know how many Chinese men I've met named "Steve" or "John"?
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to be fair they might actually call it that in moon. I saw people complain about "hot water", but I switched to japanese text and sure enough, qingyi talks about drinking 白湯
Jane Doe is the female version of "John Doe", i.e. a common pseudonym.
fake and super gay
Caesar is for Wise
Zhubros we're being threatened
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Remember to dry your sister.
That's more so on the fact that not a lot of people know drinking hot water is actually a thing Chinese boomers do.
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Do piper's skill levels affect her anomaly buildup or can I just leave them unleveled?
the fuck is going on in that mirror
Psychopath Wise in the mirror dimension made me chuckle
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>no meme gimmick that benefits ice/ether
>enemies largely don't have ice/ether weakness
>still shred through them and get S rank with a shitton of time to spare
At this point I'd argue SD is too easy. Hitting 60 with maxed skill/core ability makes enemies take SIGNIFICANTLY more damage.
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I've not tested it, but I've seen people claim that only character level affects anomaly buildup when talking about jane
it'd be nice if they showed us anomaly buildup on the skill stat page since that's useful information and we shouldn't have to count pixels on a tiny little dial
No we don't know who you meet on grindr GOTTEM
I need more pureblooded furries. More Lycaons and Bens, no more Seths.
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I feel like SD has been becoming more and more easier and my team hasn't changed at all for a while. So my guess is they have data showing that most people can't even clear half of them
>I have two people inside of me
>degenerate siscon and crazy-eyed murderer who smothers his loved ones with a towel
>shitton of time to spare
>even has the meta ice team
apply yourself
I love drying my fully clothed sister's hair in the bathroom
>top metawhore builds
>crying about it being too easy
Like clockwork
I wasn't even doing any sort of meta planning like bunching up the mook enemies. Half my time was just chasing those fuckers around one by one.

Same. The only thing that really changed was going from 50 to 60. Only the first Critical was a huge struggle. Everything after that just got easier and easier.
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Sex with Coco
Belle want Wise happy with another girl
so Nicole is good for both ass cops?
>is the dedicated ether support good for an ether dps
Caesar won bigly
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tick tock
Nicole is insanely good for both of them to the point it's not even funny.
>Qingyi does her spaz dance which sucks enemies in
>initiate stun
>end chain on Nicole so it keeps the black hole fresh
>swap in for SAARlight with Zhu
>enemies are now nicely bunched up, with Qingyi's damage amp AND Nicole's defense shred
>promptly nuke them with YOU'RE SURROUNDED, FIRING AT WILL
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>whole lifetime till Qingy fucks off
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She lives with her parents
one of her trust events is talking to her mom on the phone and trouble supporting a bangboo problem and mentioning "the last time I was there"
she lives alone
>two playable characters with the last name demARA
>neither of them would be good at saying "ara ara~"

wasted potential
Teamilk isn't a real thing. It's either "Milk tea" or some other form of Asian tea like boba or whatnot but it's not "teamilk"
Hot Water is a straightforward Chinese culture thing and makes plenty of sense.
nuh uh she lives with me
Her MV shows she lives alone, she just visits her parents
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>48 more hours of SHITyi's eternal banner
Just let me roll on an actual character instead of this granny NPC
Anon its because she's out on patrol.
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If you think about it, it's insane how much shilling soldier 11 gets. Not only is she the only fire attacker available, the endgame has plenty of fire weakness. Also, her agent story is mandatory, and she's even tied to Inky's friendship event as well! And there's even more content waiting for her like her trust events. What the fuck! There's something going on here
She lives with Wise
Please for the love of fuck give us higher trust level events.
>once you hit level 4, you can go to 5-8
>Zhu has you over for dinner with her parents, leading to hilarious misunderstandings (and her mom trying to get you to date her) and you have to talk-no-jitsu your way out of it
>Qingyi has more recharge shenanigans
>Ellen has you go out for karaoke with her (includes guitar hero styled minigame)
>Corin and Lycaon have you moving furniture to help them clean for a client (think sliding blocks traffic game)
>Rina requires you to cook stuff so you don't poison the guests
>etc etc
she talks about how she's not been there in a month THOUGH
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>the endgame has plenty of fire weakness
The fuck are you talking about.
All of the Shiyu Defense the endgame was all ice, ether, and electric.

Fire and physical have consistently been the WORST elements in the game.
Wise is only for Zhu
only if we voicechat
Shut up and go out on patrol
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Wonder why thread quality declined?

Pic related has over 38 million views on TikTok. In a single day.
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m6 Nicole is unironically one of the best supports in the entire game, and that's true even outside of AssCops team.
She elevates ZY's comps like no other, comparable to what Lucy does to Piper comps.
15% free Crit Rate, great Anomaly buildup AND CC is no joke, she's a MUST.
>thong with short shorts
That is how the boner is made.
I'm not familiar with Hoyogames, how likely is it they ever add more of these?
you're asking too much for mihomo bwo
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Explain this
Those are the eyes of deranged murder hobo.
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This is a good cope weapon for Seth right?
0% probably, they like NTR
Yeah too much sexo. We need more women in hijabs.
Shut up I can dream. The Qingyi event could be at her house too.
>carry her to her house because she's low on batteries (for realsies this time)
>home is an infinite amount of random shit plugged into outlets
>drop her on her charger
>doesn't activate
>she starts talking in her monotone hyper fast talk trying to explain what to unplug/plug in
>have to get the plugs correct to activate the charger and save her
>also have a timer counting down
How can anyone like those thigh proportions. Looking like squidward when he ate all those crabby patties.
>All of the Shiyu Defense the endgame was all ice, ether, and electric.
There's been aplenty of fire/physical weakness but okay blind animeposter.
post the full image coward
>sucks enemies in
>40% defense shred
>15% crit rate (allowing a Zhu with a piddly 35% base crit rate to achieve a huge 80% after all the buffs and her core passive)
>one of the easiest assist swaps to work with starlight
She's great.
It will never happen but you may as well leave this as feedback in their support center
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Then call yourself a stupid fucking bitch you fucking retard.

Except there hasn't you fucking dipshit.
I have Soldier 11 at C1 so I fucking know, you retard.
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So, when?
ZZZ is done by a different team from other MHY games, right? So far does it seem like they'll fall into the same trap/tendencies as their previous games?
the vagina module...
I feel like they do add some new trust events in 1.1 though. Like just out and about environmental trust events. No more corin sitting shouting about the purple bag 5 days in a row.
we've got the next like 5 months locked in so at least after that
A-rank on Lighter’s banner in 1.3
Doesnt Seth come with his own engine?
>Manager, I didn't think you'd like this kind of body
>Don't worry, I'll keep quiet about your...proclivities to Zhu Yuan.
>Soldier 11 at C1
Let me guess, her signature Engine too? Damn whales nowadays..
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Is 75/25 for the weapon banner good or is it bait? Is that extra 25% really enough to not be worried about wasting rolls?
yeah, but you have to roll on the weapon banner to get it
>fail to get it right in time
>Qingyi fucking dies forever
This idea is
Yell one more time and I'm shoving my bobblehead down your throat
It's still a gamble.
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I lost the weapon banner and got koleda ball but the next is 100%
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You stumble upon Qing Yi, whose battery is completely depleted. You need to take her to a charging station. How do you bring her there?
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You spent like $500 on the game
You fucking whale faggot.
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S11 BA Fire Suppression states
>Press BA at the right moment to activate
What is the right moment?
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I'm feral.
I mean statistically yeah, of course the odds could be 99-1 and that won't mean much if you're still that 1%.
Weapon banner can be nice if you want the A rank weapons however.
Losing on the weapons banner would be enough to make me quit the game. Good news is you can make strong use of limited characters without their signature
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you have like 1/5 of a second window. try it in the VR demo, burgerslurper
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Are (You) rolling tomorrow night?
ellen would actually say exactly this
>janes banner in a few days
>barely anyone gives a shit except anons trying to bait
DoA unironically
Weapon banner pity doesn't reset in this game?
I'm not the one with S11 at C1 and her Wengine. I'm just a humble monthly pass player with a rerolled Ellen. Got Lycaon, Koleda + ball and Rina from standard
Losing Ellen's weapon banner made me reroll
are her normal attacks (not after using her ex special) shooting out fire rather than being physical? congrats, you're doing it at the right moment
Use this as a metronome and practice. It actually works, I'm not kidding.
princess carry only option. back pulling is worth it
Yeah, Jane's quest made me really want that sex rat.
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I'll give it a go. Is there some sort of on screen indicator or is it just a timing thing?
Who the fuck is this?
is the skirt also missing as a bug or she has no skirt?
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Worse than whales, embarrassing.
High UID shitters is the ULTIMATE brick.
>people care more about the sexy biker girls than the ugly lesbian rat
color me shocked
i will somehow impregnate qingyi even if she isnt human
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yeah, I've got 160 rolls ready to go. if I get her early I might go for her weapon. I really should throw some rolls there for seth's anyway, so why not.
yes, i want her to have sex with my virgin belle
It's my fucking wife.
Had a sub 2500 UID account that I sold for $180, to this day I'll never understand people that cared that much
Tomorrow? Its not 2 days?
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That's awesome. You better not be lying to me or else I will never forgive you.
I will be rolling the day after tomorrow because I'm NA...
Probably #2 The Fireman's Carry.
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She comes out in 2 days not 1, retard.
Sell me on the Rrat. She makes my dick diamonds, but what does she do that Piper doesn't?
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hmm nyo
He said "sexy biker girls"
those are children
Her assaults crit.
No pity resets in this game. If you fail your first S roll (50/50 for characters, 72/25 for balls), your next S roll is 100% guaranteed to be your target. This pity carries indefinitely until you get a S roll.
zzzs audience is almost different than genshit and homo star rail idk why they thought she would succeed
NA server resets at 2AM, hes not wrong
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>bricked his account
What a fucking retard.
Imagine being happy showing off your high UID and showing everyone that you're a newfag faggot.
licky lick
its 2 days you stupid bitch
but lesbian sex is hot, literally in only pull for her to flirt with my belle
>he actually choose the NA server
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>one post with no replies saying no one cares about rat girl
>multiple posts saying they can't wait to roll for her
Who do I believe...
is the bug still in? i just arrived ad lumina city
can i see the bug myself until they fix it?
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sexy children
>She makes my dick diamonds
That should be enough
>what does she do that Piper doesn't?
Her assaults are nukes, around 1.5m hits against Phys weak enemies during daze, 600-800k is casual depending on who you run.
In other words, if you like big fuck off numbers she's nice
Piper can still easily clear everything though just like everyone else, which is why you should stick to purely sick rolling
all me btw
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>this is a tough and strong male police officer of new eridu
it was me samefagging
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Ehhh what do I get for a low UID?
The limited weapon banner is 75/25? I've lost both Zhu and Qingyi weapons to that 25, wtf is this shit
She makes my dick hard and I have her, so it's okay.
out of 10
I want to fuck that rat so bad
But with Burnice and Caesar coming out after her I don't know if I'll have enough. I'll have to wait for the reviews.
Piper, Burnice, Lucy

The white man's team
Office Pisspants came off as downright grating to me. Nothing about him stands out as fun or cute. All he does is yap about the rule and his ridiculously naive worldview.
the rat is so ugly
How do I get my game to look like OPs picture? Nvidia filters or?
he's a wigger
Is there a single girl in this game that doesnt make your cock sproing?
is spring embrace good on caesar?
Does what makes him fun.
Fun to bully.
it's not rape, they consented to taking big daddy's big boar cock when they joined the gang
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ive rolled Zhu/Qinyi the and lost on Qingyi. that shit hurt so fucking bad, now its worse learning this
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Recognition and fame.
People bow to me when they witness my UID as they know unlike you newfags I've been playing since day 1.
>give extra water to the cat
>make him piss in a litterbox in front of everyone
S11, boring personality that's way worse than Anby, with a worse design. Every single girl shown so far is several tiers above her
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>not posting the color-accurate profile picture
Fake Sjal fan.
you get to act like a monstrous faggot in this thread
>Ugly Ellen
She makes me puke
But.. I don't see anyone bowing..
Damn maybe I shouldn't have sold it
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Then start bowing, stupid bitch.
>piss myself as a joke
>everyone treats it like it's serious
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>piper is like in her late 20's early 30's
yeah... children
But why? I started day 1 too, I'll bow if you bow at the same time
Everyone crops out their UID anyway
Why is that shit plastered on the screen 24/7 anyway?
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I’ve got a 5 digit UID and these spergs still say thats too high. It doesn’t matter.
sadly I'm a burger
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I've been added by one of you weirdos and he talks to me on Zzz.
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>Project Mugen
>Azur Promillia
>Girls Frontline 2
>Arknights Endfield
>Uma Musume
the idea is so you can be doxxed and banned if you post an image that the Chinese overlords don't like.
So that snitches can report anyone unfortunate enough to not crop their UID whilst posting pictures of mods
Wut, I'm on NA and it says 1 day 17 hours. It wouldn't be 2AM
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still sexy
It's her best alternative if you aren't getting her signature.
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ahhhh I guess new agent drops arent the same time as server resets, my bad
>Open world slop
>Open world slop
>Open world slop
>Tactical slop
>Open world slop
Talk to me when more games like ZZZ or PGR get announced so I can try them
Anby (forma de Obol), it's coming
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>always pull limited sig on limited banners
>360 pulls required every agent I actually roll on
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that's only $1,300 every 6 weeks bwo what's the big deal
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>hag in young child body
even better
thats the ideal hag body
Literal f2p+ status, maybe even f2p++
It's kinda weird how they have Ellen put in life or death situations when she can barely stay awake thanks to school and other shit.
So what is the point in defense characters
I figured out Rina's age through the side story. People's been saying the same about Piper. Where do I find that out? Correct me if I'm wrong.
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ZZZ is definitely the closest to what im looking for so far. if someone can outdo their formula im all for it. ZZZ has finally made it when BILLYGODs cant solo content without fucked up gimmicks, I tihnk
Retards, anything less than £1000 per banner is f2p
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He's a piperfag so he's trash
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to stunt on the hoes
>ZZZ has fucking ghosts in it
>Nobody in the world gives a shit
shields are comfy and they can do a decent amount of the work that a stunner + support would do
most obviously useful in disorder teams
rina wasn't one of the sweeties though, we don't know her age.
Barachads.... I kneel
>no one
I regret pulling Qingyi
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Is she fixed yet?
say no one ever
What is the black man's team?
Where? Unless it was just some literal who on Interknot or some random NPC nobody I've seen even mentions the fact that ghosts are just fucking around in the Ballet Twins. Wise and Belle sure don't seem to care since they instantly went from that to being giddy over their business license.
Strong believer that if you regret pulling for anyone you 100% deserve it. This is what you get for not entirely dick pulling
zhu, jane, nicoal
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I finally fucking did it. I'm so bad at this game FUCK
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bros I like miyabi bros
nekomata juicy pussy
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Zhu, Qingyi, and Jane escorting him to prison
Too many people laughed at her chrome dome
She's gone now
She's finished her chemotherapy now, get her some time to get a new wig, should be back to normal in the next 5-6 hours
why does it feel like kot is a lot weaker than billy?
I hate soukaku gameplay so much
when you talk on phones on 6 street, you can hear and talk to people who died from hollow zero.
the people on the line act like everything normal and shit fine, when they're living in a loop and they don't know it.
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>parry on field
>shield, crit buffs
>comfy HZ
>the inevitable critical disputed node
I like her too, bro. You're saving up for her too, right?
Because she is. You need her C2R1 to compete with C6 Billy. She's a quickswap DPS if anything before that, swap her in, dump your resources and fuck off
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how juicy are we talking?
she needs a lot of set up
>c1 -min
>her engine
>physical anomaly character
>and a lot of crit/crit damge

but once you get the she rapes when enemies are stunned
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should a chain attack always end with a support so that you can quick assist the dps in? Or is it better to start with a support so their buff/debuff is activated for the dps's chain attack?
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Will we ever have a disputed node reset or a mode like it? I like the idea of a mode that isn't just LOL DPS
you want a whole ghostbusters faction for it? maybe in a distant future
Which funnily enough, C6 Corin does just as well during daze
kot's core additional ability isn't that important
Isn't it like ky-tzar
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>needs C1 and ball
>billy needs C6 and his ball
She needs more milk before her value shows
she can squirt a lot
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There's an obvious empty slot on the screen for it, bet they release it to shill Caeser and defense units.
>My Abby
But that's just more of the same problem where it's YOU, the player encountering and reacting to the ghosts. Nobody else in the game seems to give a shit.

I mean if the ghosts actually are building up to something important, maybe.
>core ability is no important
to put it in gamer terms, she's a burst mage
do ya combo, once behind do her ex and do HUGE amounts of damage since by then you'll have it at 100% extra damage
C6 Billy is just strong as fuck, people are soloing shiyu 17 with him. Actual skill-gap character, you do tons of damage if you never get interrupted.
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hey that's me
God I love her
Depends entirely on your team and what discs and engines they're using, there's no definite universal answer. Some teams even want to skip chain attacks.
>go up an inter-knot rank
>Notorious Hunt is now literally impossible
amazing game design
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You can pick the lower level stages anon.
im not the right person to answer this but you want to end Zhu/Nicole's chain with Nicole to get that 3.5s defense shred -> Zhu mag dump/special. cant speak for other supports honestly
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i want to penetrate her tight butthole
lower its level then.
it can never be at double damage, only 170%, and isn't worth having to run p*per or jane just to set it up compared to stunner+support, or more likely caesar+support
I want to suckle on her nipples all day long like a hungry baby
Just level up your discs, I was still using blue ones when I reached the highest rank.
Lowering level is a trap, don't do it.
Just install an incubator.
>Nobody else in the game seems to give a shit.
the proxies are just chalking up to hollow shit, like a monster who acts like a ghost like in the tower
maybe the siblings have an idea and it could be that somewhere in their past they've encounter it before
as for the phones
they think they're just distasteful jokes over the phones
yet the siblings may know they're ghost and just don't say anything or go along with them cause they feel sorry for them who live in a constant ground hog day and the ghost don't even know it
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I'm bored, I need a game to play
Yes. Sometimes you get the S after the fact though.
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Will she reciprocate my advances
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Freak 11
People need to stop drawing burnice tits as gigantic.
She has nice perky premium mediums, and artists are drawing hers bigger than Caesars.
Remember /zzz/, the sea is always right
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Don't overfeed your rat
Farm more echoes on wuwa
But I got bored of it. I got Changli and deleted the game since I won.
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I've been playing old flash games I remember from my childhood
top right you see the selected level. press whatever button is displayed in that selector input
Imagine the jiggle on that
seethe, twitard. I will keep posting Burnice with tits twice the size of her head like she was drawn by Melon22
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My Jinhsi has perfect echos already
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Burnice's face looks better here.
Guess I'm rolling for her now.
>white girl
each to their own anon, also thought her anomaly bonus was 50% each time it happens not 35%
but all i know is imma get the rat and have the cat and rat work together
don't you love how mihoyo recognizes how shit gacha is and how it's only good if you can trade your unwanted shit to someone else who wants it yet they'll never implement that in any way into their game
Same, deleted it at the start of this patch
I have her, Yinlin and Changli. Jinshi was my least favourite to play since it was brain-dead, at least she's strong
jane / seth / neko?
no wonder sjal is broke
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I need a fucking game to play, Qingys banner is shit and I"m so tired of witnessing her, she is ruining the little enjoyment I have with this shitty fucking game.
not the best, but not awful. neko will help against shit like nineveh's tentacles and when a boss is just about dead but would need another full combo from jane to do another assault
if you've already got neko built up then go for it. if not, you're probably better off with lucy
there could've been a better cover story, 11...
It'll just be a Jane Seth team with the occasional Neko coming out for 4 seconds during stun, to MAYBE do a bit more damage than Jane would? If Neko is C1R1
Jane Seth Billy?
I jerked off with the jane's teaser about 30 times, how the fuck do I stop?
Why do you play this game? Honest question
You know blindboxes precede gacha games right.
He doesn't.
He has never shown a single build of his nor any SD clears.
my account is kotted and i have neko c2 with weapon
you got banned?
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I am TOP 1.5%.
So clearly the game wants me to even if I dislike it since its garbage.

Its probably better than Valves shitty game.
I draw better than that.
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Is it that easy to get you to play daily
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anyone else getting constant freezes for about 15 seconds on pc?
I have this since 1.1 update
Go back to wow
Show it
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here you go anon, hop on koikatsu
>replying to a 2 hour old post
definitely not seething btw
I don't have it that bad, but I've had really bad stuttering since a patch about a week ago.
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Being better than you is a good motivator.

Haven't played that in DECADES
Fuck are you spouting wacko.
Eous look away!
I rather generate AI images or chat with AI bots
nope the wording is wrong you need to be under the time limit not within it
>new belle porn
>it's just cuckshit of her fucking other agents
I'm so tired bwos...
So, tomorrow are the seapag roll hours right? going to skip those threads
Love this fucking hag
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Me finding Jane's used sweat rag in the NEPS locker room
>not replying to the post with more AI slop
Cope and sneed.
>retard didnt choose the asia server for early stuff
what the fuck is this dumbass lingo
How is Belle fucking other agents cuckporn?????
I'm glad that I'm part of the reason that you'll happily sit there and keep slurping something you don't like on a daily basis
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wisepags are really insecure
You're not my son, shut up.
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Just like I'm glad you'll get on your knees to slurp up this DICK, faggot.
Incest is wrong
You should exclusively have sex with family-oriented 24 ye- 25 year old women with stable careers and a healthy lifestyle.
The same way Jane fucking Seth is cuckporn for wisepags LMAO.
do you have the catbox of this one?
if you used koikatsu to get the pose you want and then ran that image through stable diffusion, your ai images might not be such sloppa
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The only hag I fuck is Rina
I still don't know what a pag is
You're just rewording what he's saying
Just take the L lil' bro
I'm not a fag, thanks for the offer though. Don't forget to log in tomorrow
based on your posts, you seem like the type of person who'd never admit to having a penis desu. this is a very surprising post
the difference it's that belle fucking with jane is canon so they get more insecure
Bitchposter really needed to change his angle lmao. How about (you) kill yourself already
is short for Pagman, the famous twitch emote
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So why doesn't S11 synergize with Anby?
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>giving animeposter the attention he craves
S11 probably wants to kill her
is there a hidden level modifier on stun like there is for damage?
/gig/ lingo.
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how high should I level up Seth? 45?
>craving getting bullied
>it's actual troon general tourist lingo
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>mention my dick
>all the faggots instantly pop out instantly wanting a lick
Self insert cucks behave no different from shiptrannies
might as well get jane c2 and her weapon
seems the most worth it
also ceaser and her weapon
and maybe burnice too
Why do the cops all have massive butts? Even Seth has a big ass.
nope, nothing of the sort. I've seen videos testing it out
That's the thing, you shouldn't.
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Did they fix Burnice?
based paypig
i self insert as belle because she's a cute girl
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I gave the cat kid a hollow entry permit. It seemed like the right thing to do
Squats for leg day, tight pants and probably their diets.
He's too fucking slow as a switch in buffer for me.
Thankfully she bought a wig.
What's the point of paypigging if you don't go C6W5?
What happens if I do all the overworld events?
60 so you can max his core skill
But high leveled enemies have a hard coded higher daze bar.
Similar on how weak enemies receive higher daze, anomaly but that doesn't that if you low the res of an enemy they will take more daze/anomaly
You run out of things to do
You take a shower and touch grass.
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Nice gonna do the event
you start shitposting here
I'm rolling for the rat and I need a 2nd team for shiyu anyway
s11 is my only s rank atm
the action for this game is definitely going to get powercreeped to high heavens and it's going to be so boring.

>remember circle impact
>remember hsr equivalent
>remember hi3rd if you ever played that shit

done with this shite.
>he skipped the best GYATT in the game
Retarded faggot
5-6 months at the earliest, unless one of the characters in the pipeline has issues so they start reruns early
Ok, bye.
When did Belle's room open up?
As long as they don’t force a bunch of homos in that hog all the screentime to the point the MC isn’t even seen for an entire arc it will be fine
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this game's winner is
>the action for this game is definitely going to get powercreeped to high heavens
Not really difficult to do to be honest. I'm here for the waifus, the moment the stop delivering cute designs. I'm leaving
I started a week ago bwo...
I always find powercreep arguments to be retarded.
>Yes I want this game to remain in the same state for eons, that will surely never get stale
No fuck you let the game evolve as time goes on, no I don't want to play with Eula's bland ass kit forever.
ive put money/time in the game so im here forever even if it becomes pure trannycore that makes Deepspace Impact look tame
(I want to) Fuck Cops.
games only been out 2 months though and already characters are being thrown in the bin
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ACAB? More like All Cops are Baddies
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if mihomo wanted they could put the past banners as secondary ones, more income and it inflates total sales but theyre homophobic to money
Numbers are not fun.
powercreep is all about numbers.
More varied kits should be what players want.
Why do you faggots still respond to him. The moment he stops receiving (You) he'll fuck off like clockwork.
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>5 star characters are better than 4 star characters
No it's not, stop being fucking retarded.
Doing it this way enforces the FOMO effect, ensuring you'll whale to get the character.
But that's usually how it goes.
Acheron is powercreep hell but she has a different kit ALONGSIDE bigger numbers.
Qingyi makes every other stunner in the game irrelevant and Jane completely replaces neko so nyo
The most brilliant hoyodrone
he'll start dumping his gay black porn stack. I rather have the latter tho, we need to learn to ignore him
it isnt any different from now
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but introducing shiyu disputed was something new and enjoyable that didn't invalidate teams you spent weeks gearing
you don't need to make old units dogshit in order to keep things fresh
slopcop already loses to lycaon so... better luck next time
that's how it goes by design yes.
but its not a rule.
it only happens that way because mihoyo does it for popular characters so they could achieve the maximum amount of money.
>Lycaon: Ice teams forever
>Koleda: still stuns faster without taking a billion on-field time
>Jane Neko: fucking completely different roles,
mmmmmmnyo, you lost.
Brilliant argument.
No, they gay porn spammer is the yuritroon/shipfag. He starts posting after getting ignored.
Lyacon only works in one team while Qingyi and caesar work on any team.
Koleda stuns fasters but offers no buffs, so she's no better than anby in that regard.
Neko is good but nowhere near comparable to other options but to be fair, neko has been a brick since release, S11 will suffer the same fate as soon as a new fire DPS come out and even then burnice may just be the nail in the coffin for her
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ah, I havent been keeping up with our schizos accurately enough. I swear ive never seen both at the same time but that makes sense
I have C1 Lycaon and C0 Qingyi and you can tell which one is the overpowered limited stunner. It's not the wolf
Literally built for sex. Literally fucking hand-built, from the ground up, for sex.
>build a hooker robot
>put her in the polices riot squad
whaaaaat did they meme by this?
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So tomorrow everyone is going to be here crying about failing to get Jane.
Is Billy worth using at C4, or does he need C6?
no, because I have enough to guarantee her
but also I'll get her early and then get her w-engine as well

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