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Previous thread: >>492899909

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Qingyi - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)
Ice-Jade Teapot - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Reminder that if you can't S rank shiyu 17 it's entirely a skill issue because this guy can do it with solo Billy AND solo Anton.
I want to smell her rotten cheese farts
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made for belle
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Piper Wheel? I hardly know her.
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Rat has a nice butt, but I'll skip and save for King/ Idols
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I think im going to avoid this place for a week or some starting from Jane's banner
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It didn't take long but I am already exhausted with HZslop
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>Has an Ellen at W5
Holy shit, imagine showing me whales.
Fuck off dipshit.

Why during Janes banner?
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The scale of the world is weird
New Eridu is apparently the last surviving city, but it doesn't feel that big to have the thriving commerce and infrastructure it does, they even have enough leeway to fund marine biology documentaries
Do other proxies not use Bangboo? I figured it was normal to jack into a Bangboo and that was why they're called "Proxies" since they operate by proxy, but everyone acts like Phaethon being a Bangboo is some weird novelty.
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im going to have enough poly to C6R5 everyone when time comes around and it will be glorious
it was waaaay worse during the start of the patch...
Other proxies basically set up a map (Carrot) of the Hollow before sending Agents in, they're not experiencing it in real time and able to adjust for things like sudden distortions or portals on the fly. Phaeton can pull off bullshit like this cutscene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzKpKUycvBE
I mean we apparently have people in the outer ring just coming to the city to renew licenses.
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>caesar got nerfed
gg caesarkeks she's no longer a must pull I'll save my pulls and laugh at the brickeds
It's going to be a fuck ton of " Jane only wants women, sethshippers coping". mihomo wouldn't allow that animation only to say. "oh yeah Jane also likes guys"
I just cleared Abyss 6. How much harder is Abyss 7?
My Ellen Lawrence was kind of slow in her chamber but my Zhu Yuan + Qingyi combo was fast enough to get S ranking.
Should I upgrade my Anby or should I focus on artifacts for my Ellen Lawrence?
are you mad?
>flirts with literally anything that breathes in her story
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Still don't own a single Piper
I shouldnt be replying to you but my IRL stuff is falling off and I use a bit too much brain juice wading through shit here
probably wouldntve been so bad if I was rolling rat. jiggle is great but nothing else does it for me
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Please congratulate Burnice on her succesfful chemotherapy treatment and her full recovery.
*press ex skill to parry*
*press ex skill againt to parry*
*once again press ex skill to parry*
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I think she's cute so that makes her a must pull
Seth's bussy was taken advantage of when Jane wasn't looking.
uh oh shippers are crying again
ive been building pity and now im less than 20 rolls away from a guaranteed jane
im actually pissed they made her agent story an unskippable part of the main story instead of a side quest on the video shelf like everyone else. I purposely avoid playing agents I will skip, fuck your 20 polychrome for testing them
Who fills the third slot in burnice teams, right now my future comps looks like this
>burnice, piper, lucy

Should I pull jane for burnice or???
Oh so you're just autistic.
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You know, how does her kit even work? Giant megaphone and her backpack looks like an amplifier, does she scream enemies to death? I guess that's how gunners work in the game, only with bullets instead of words.
Imagine building pity on Billy and Corin bricks instead of getting Jane's BiS f2p option in Seth. It would be like rolling Anton copies to get Zhu Yuan without that skank bitch Nicole.
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Maybe, but the initial wave of seeing everyone cry about losing their 50/50 is always fun.

Its usually not a good idea to be off playing gachas if your mental health is at risk from IRL shit.
So good riddance and good job looking after yourself I suppose, faggot.
Jane + Burnice + Caesar is the ultimate premium team for anomaly.
Caesar + Lucy will be good enough tho, in fact it probably be good enough for 99% of teams lmao
Yeah, jane burnice seems like it would be a meta defining team for awhile.
Which happens to only be women, the mountain lion guys get insulted and that manipulative soft touch you see women like fujiko mine do all the time that 99% ends with nothing sexual happening. I played undercover r&b in jp am I missing something?
ZZZ for this feel
I wish ZZZ have the same artist as Genshin
Ellen joyriding in the Victoria company car without a license.
New Eridu doesn't seem like its the last city, since there's an "old capital", and New Eridu is the current one? If its just one city then you wouldn't call it the capital, right?
Plus there's rebels in the hills around the city or wherever they were in Soldier 11s story.
Imagine getting carried by emelie in sales.
I would assume it would work like Robin. She stays on field standing there singing, you can't switch to her, she changes the BGM, and everyone gets like 1000 ATK until she runs out of EX energy
im confused why would you replace lucy with jane and not piper?
Is Billy worth using at C4, or does he need C6?
>one peep out of her and she might get the "don't make me turn this car around" treatment
>letting a narcoleptic drive
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im leaning more towards yes than no just from this description. need more details desu
nah you're right but shippers dont want to admit it, im enjoying the futa hentai
See? Everyone knew those numbers would never last.
She NEEDS correction so bad
Ew he likes that fugly
You really like routine and hate anything that goes against your own plans.
isn't the point to run 3 anomalies, for faster disorder?

I don't think I have enough for caesar if I get jane

jane burnice and ?????, is piper third slot?
You can only focus on a few specific set goals at a time.
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>Ugly girl
/zzz/ had shit taste if they like that fugly Ellen Joe
God save us from the chinky banner.
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not mental health related(I think), just tasks are piling up
heh I avoid making plans that I cant complete in 24 hours and I live for routines. its over isnt it
But Jane is also chinky
She's kind of a bully but she's cute and funny so I forgive her. Why does Qingyi text like that though anyway? I was expecting her to type super proper since she's a granny
Not really, we don't even know her real name, there could be a real possibility that she is a double agent.
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>her ability is just to stand behind your actual fighters howling at them to keep her safe, buffing their stats by making them all work harder to get the fighting done so she finally shuts up

Now I really want her
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Why the fuck isn't this shit available for all regions at the same fucking time.
What kind of backwards bullshit is this.
This just reminded me I never bought the shop Piper. FUCK
>Xhe's gonna skip the king and gigabrick xer account
Probably add in a buffer, either caesar or lucy, but piper does buff physical too and jane would buff piper.
Ah, autism isn't really as bad as people make it out to be as long as you accept it and work with it instead of trying to fight it. It's not like you're fucking bipolar or schizophrenic (like unironically schizophrenic).
Post some rare kots
>stuns slower than Anby
>basically same buffs as free A-rank Soukaku
>if you use her on-field she eats all your assist points
this signature engine needing brick is such an easy SKIP.
>Why does Qingyi text like that though anyway?
"You are just a little cheater, aren't you?" reminds me of something a grandma would say to a youngster. Like when they're talking to their grandkids and going "you are just a little gentleman, aren't you" when they're acting timid and polite.
Probably "it is more efficient to type without wasting time using punctuation" or some other such nonsense, I'm almost surprised she even capitalizes her Is instead of using lowercase (but maybe the excuse there is the phone autocorrects that for her - I'd expect it to autocorrect in some punctuation marks too though)
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its pretty official then, thanks ZZZ MD bros. ill be back later.
But enough about Quinky.
Good luck bwo, get some councilling and you'll live a mostly normal life.
here's the real question: what is the % chance that some poor bastard is going to get raped in jane's demo?
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Why is Burnice's chin so big?!
She probably uses an Android phone where it does capitalize the first letter of a sentence, but doesn't autocorrect spelling or punctuation shits
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Why are gacha players autistic?
Why can't you all just be fucking normal.
when will qingyi slow ass banner that killed the game finally be over? these pedocucks couldn’t even pull out their cards to support their whore. i hope idol faction is scrapped after this. more tits and ass.
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Anomaly is so cringe
Why did you have to point this out? She looks old now because of it and I can't unsee it
I am so happy they fired waterkuma, this is a huge improvement
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they need to relax with these npc's holy fuck
>android doesn't autocorrect
At least update your shitposts iSheeple.
Fuck... I needed one more week...
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The face models in this game suck ass.
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She has moonface
Baldnice to chinnice? Oh no no no bwos how do we cope?
I guess I'm not rolling for Burnice after all...
Should I buy the $10 or $20 battle pass thing?
Will the Overlord be Big Daddy or will it be another guy that Big Daddy failed to defeat so Caesar has to avenge him?
Lol no. Unless your Waifu got a BP icon and even then, no.
This amputee was made for me
In a Rina, Qinyi, Corin team which Bangboo should I use?
I Love her voice and she has cheerful personality.
On top of that she's hot.
Idk why she's not that popular.
Built for gangrape.
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ive been playing since day 1 and i still can't get above b rank in critical node 7
She... is though? For porn at least
post kot pussy
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I'd like to cum in Rina's ass. Thoughts?
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Bully 11
Half of your post is right. The other is some weird crazy talk.
She's sexy looking but doesn't act sexy ingame
Not even gap moe.
>Finally get new Qing Yi porn
>Artists gave her non-flat boobs
>Can't get hard
Why must qing yi bros suffer so...
>Finish clearing Shiyu, no fuss, 1:30 minute clear
>want to try a team I saw on Youtube
>bretty good but my current one is better
>check it again
>Critical 7's preview shows my fastest time (1:30) but with the slower team I used most recently
Motherfuckers, so this is how you were getting these solo Piper or Anby clears or whatever.
With enough power you can rekindle a dying star. That womb WILL be made pregnant.
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Nyo my baldy girl
when are we gonna get sexy brown agent
this bitch is so overrated
Uhhhhh your nekomata?
You all are madmen and I am disappointed you didn’t take more snapshots of Burnice unobscured ass when you had the chance (I can’t currently play).
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You called?
uh oh she's in heat
*triple agent
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Did you forget the kot?
*pisses on your bangboo*
Her body is like a pencil
What does that even mean
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Why is she so chuuni?
Imagine him pissing his pants when you pull on his tail...
Why does Belle jog like that?
I envy Genshin players for having a top tier design
Kot is not sexy thou.
Now Post her in game model
She's cute but not sexy
0%, it's gonna be zhu yuan or some other named female character.
>>>noodle arms itto
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LANKY CAPITANO
go kill another cat while you're at it
>not sexy
consider suicide
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kot but not
what's going to be burnice's cope engine?
I've seen people from norway browner than her.
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gonna buy the bp to get another onahole copy for Jane
Is the "Waterkuma" in the room with us right now?
Why the fuck are gachas called social games?
There's nothing social about them.
We are talking about them on a social media platform right now
>play as wise
>belle runs off and gets trapped into a hollow
>play as belle
>belle runs off and gets trapped into a hollow
this bitch mad retarded
oh shit I need to make a second team for shiyu defense I can't just use the same 3 units I've been using for all the other content. Uh...what should I make? I have every A rank except anton and seth, and my only S rank is lycaon.

Also, I have billy at c3, nicole at c2, ben at c3, and piper at c1.

current main team is lycaon/soukaku/corin, so I can't make a second team with them.
Piper/Lucy is very popular
No he's fired.
Is the firekuma in the room with us right now?
mulatta gets mogged by designs from fucking pokemon so i'm not sure what kind of flex this is
I think this general warped your perceptions.
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We need more kot agents
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That's not fair, Rosa and Hilda are the sexiest girls in fiction.
Is dirtkuma in the room with us right now?
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>get into model kits
>too scared of fucking up to try this kind of customization
Based pokemon MILF pfp
This general is all that matters.
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Didn't you just disprove your own argument with your own evidence?
>77% Ellen, 67% Zhu
>huge gap
>17% Piper while other DPS are below that
average gigger
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Reminder to sit on your sibling
cunning hares comp should be good enough
do you have any A-ranks on c4 or c6?
>burgerfag character
>promoting obesity
What did they mean by this?
if my little sister did this to me I'd throw her across the room
>Super popular
>get the hollow zero lost item event where some girl wants to sell one for 2500 gear coins
>have them already but can't buy it
>she says she'll show up later
>she doesn't, happened twice already
what the fuck is up with that shit, how do you do that goddamn purchase.
grace or rina for a jane seth team? i have a level 60 grace and a level 40 rina that i’d be willing to level up to 50.
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That's a bit rude anon
rina if you can use her well. It's cumbersome to use her well however
based belle THROWER
imagine the THUMP when she collides with the wall
if that’s obese for you then rope anorexic troon.
what do you mean by use her well? don’t you just use her for her ex and ult? and the way rina jane seth work with their quickassist it should be easy as hell to tag her in quickly and back into jane to refresh her buff.
>people kept claiming that seth was going to be core for anomaly
>not a single team actually wants him
third most popular is very popular, specially for an A rank.
what is your threshold for very popular first and second only?
usage rate don't matter in this case because you cannot really know which people had both zhu yuan and Ellen, if they only had one, there's a high probability that they were using another DPS and the next most popular thing is piper.
He has soukaku's problem. He's too fucking SLOW.
Probably better if you want to use anomaly in disputed, but even then Jane wants in and out buffers more.
sethpags are delusional
nope. my dupe luck outside of billy has been pretty bad, the game wants to keep giving me generic w-engines instead.
>She's popular because.... she's slightly higher playrate than the two lowest usage characters in the game
Good job proving you're too retarded to interpret empirical data when the answer is literally right in front of your eyes.
>just realizes Rina's BA1 and 2 only sends out Drusilla
>Anastella only follows on BA3 onwards
>core passive says it only works when both of them are out
>but doing BA1/BA2 makes the buff indicator appear anyway
Rinabros, which is it?
Asked yesterday but no one replied, didn't want to bump my own post but I'll ask again and see if I have more luck now
Who's the most important character in a team, if I have Qingy YZ and Nicole in one team, should I just stun someone with Qingy then swap to YZ since she easily kills stunned enemies or use YZ until I run out of ammo then swap into Qingy for stun chain so I replenish ammo
I think he be fine if you're coping with shock anomaly like me but the problem is that grace+rina passives are the only reason why it isn't complete garbage so you can't replace either
>self-submitted data by metafags who only ever play Ellen and Zhu Yuan teams
The fact that Corin and Billy, fucking free units, are low in there should tell you this isn't a proper measure of popularity but you're too retarded for that.
Calm down burnicefag do you know what a joke is, unless you’re a butthurt fat american yourself
Also first one obviously.
I hope idols come before obol squad so I have an entire patch to save polys
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>scum of the earth will be rolling for Jane before me
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Give this guy pigtails that have FIRE hair ties
Yeah me.
An Australian.
rat sex
cat sex
shark sex
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Go back to breakdancing.
you don't use her ult and don't completely ignore her until she has ex. you want to swap her in for a single auto almost everytime her buff falls off. not that that is cumbersome like the original retard said
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The angry quote tweets from this are a gold mine
are takis unhealthy
Isn't jane's best team jane/seth/lucy?
Test it out and let us know.
sex with kot in heat
People are going Jane Rina Lucy instead.
idk if it's better than grace/rina
anyway are you really going to bother building him when burnice comes out 2 banners later and permanently benches him
>she's slightly higher playrate than the two lowest usage characters in the game
>Good job proving you're too retarded to interpret empirical data when the answer is literally right in front of your eyes.
aren't you the one interpret things WRONG retard? She's the third most used DPS in the game, you can only have 1 dps and limited were obviously going to have a higher usage, supports and stunners are usable on every comp, so them having high usage rate isn't something unusual, they do not compete for a slot like other DPS do.
now call yourself a stupid bitch.
no her best team is jane/seth/qingyi
Physical and Ether stunners please
according to who? Pokke? the retard that tested against a phys resistant and electro weak enemy while playing every comp like it was a stun comp?
yeah sure.
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same but a rank
Sex with Qingyi
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i haven't bothered because I can't be bothered to put together a second team. Maybe with Jane I'll start?
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Which one of you is this
cope, every cc says its her strongest team.
I got the full buff no matter what I do as long as I did any attack. Is this a bug or?
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la rata ____
la rata for belle
>Throwing a shitfit over a fucking fish
Western Genshin hate-players are so batshit insane that it's a new form of entertainment to me, so far ZZZ only has the generic "muh lolicon" and "muh sexualization" ranters. This game is still new am I'm sure these people will come up with at least one reason why ZZZ is destorying/genociding an entire culture/race/people.
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Reminds me of the old joke of how we have "worksafe" boards when no one has a fucking job
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Incest. Wincest.
Having sexual intercourse with my BIOLOGICAL SISTER.
you forgot your anime avatar, scatschizo.
la rata puta
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Qingyi wont hog all the field time or something?
Implying (You) aren't the anime avatar schizo by how retarded and not self aware it was.
why isn't there more art for soukaku? i need that little blue oni pussy
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i ate chocolate chip pancakes for dinner
fat fuck
me on the bottom
People have doogshit taste. We got Lucy, soukaku, piper. What art do we get? Fucking gay furry shit and the most plain dogshit art of the Bait s ranks.
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what percentage of chocolate chip were they
i dont know how good c3 billy is for clearing shiyu
pretty sure ive seen s-rank clears with c4 billy, not c3 though
billy is pretty fkin strong with c6 provided youre skilled enough to dodge everything
the cunning hares comp should be good enough for a b-rank in shiyu 17 even with low dupes
>c1 piper
i did manage to s-rank shiyu 17 with a c2 piper(not that much stronger than c1) but that was with c1 koleda and c2 lucy
you dont really have a team composition for piper right now
>Nicole's defshred doesn't affect Lucy's boars
>Rina's pen buff buffs them
Yep, Rina won.
>I will miss the first day of the new updates due to a trip

This is gonna annoy me for a while
erm, your phone?
90% is the perfect ratio.
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no after jane passive runs out she wants the boss stunned immediately so it can reset
she owes me sex
Is SethJane the one time a gacha fanbase didn't sperg out because of a popular het ship and canon teasing?
source on this? this is actually pretty interesting for teambuilding, don't have rina but this could enable some fun stuff if i do get her
My phone is old and I haven’t bought a new one yet
Yeah cause they both suck
zzz's fanbase is a lot more mature
I just tested and it does work
Yeah...Until we get out ZZZ's equivalent of Firefly.
me, I tested it when I checked if Rina's buff activate with only 1 doll out
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>endgame "difficulty" is just giving every enemy five million HP and letting them hit for a fifth of your HP
wow, how fun
Most popular ship is Wise x Belle, no one cares about who these random side characters fuck
goodnight /zzz/
can't wait to wake up to Jane demo sexo
I can't believe incest saved us from gacha incels....
I don't really care about Caesar but I feel obligated to pull her at least 3 copies and 5* engine because she's beoken as fuck, she's the leader of her group right? Is she something like an archon? Is that why she's so broken? Because all previous limited characters aren't at that level of broken at all.
because its headcanon and forced, i laugh at the seapags shippers desu
Skill issue (real)
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>Burnice confirmed to be in a Yuri ship with piper
Yeah OK I'm out.
Enjoy your furry Yuri cuck shit game zzziggers.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night.
uh oh shipper melty

female cops be like
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>people will get Jane before me
Life isn't fair.
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uh oh selfinserter melty
do you think she's ever turned a speeding ticket into a death sentence
I just started playing today. Am I bricked already?
Wait is this real?
Fuck I guess I'm skipping burnice. I wish I could burn my piper copy as well.
she's broken because defenders are the worst class and nobody would pull for her if she didn't have crazy numbers
what's wrong about that?
Why can't you get Jane?
>they ruined piper with a yuri ship
I should have never trusted mihomo.
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I'm not on the asian server.
those ears are awful on top of
burgers are second-class citizens in the hoyoverse
I usually get annoyed by yuri in games but if it keeps people like (You) out, I say open scissoring sesason.
It's over
They really did fire waterkuma
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>samefag shipbait schizo
try not to be so obvious about it next time
Defenders are generally jack of all trades with a shield gimmick.
Defense is a joke in a game with a shit ton of iframes on an abusable dodge button, so the only way to make them useful is for them to be some other class instead.
wait until he starts with the gay porn kek
If the game was at all skill-based I could do content underleveled rather than it taking five hours and requiring zero mistakes. Instead it's just a stat check.
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She's "broken" because she's the first S class Defender so no one has anything to compare her with beyond A rank units.

Of course she's going to seem strong as all fuck when she's the only one of her kind.
Jane teases Seth to frustrate him, has a surprised expression when he defends her... nothing else implying sexual/romantic interest (so far, that might change this week) and neither on the two prior moments do that either.

Jane flirts with that ML driver, Belle and that cop chick in that recent video.

At the moment she's only into cunt. The two VAs being botw link and zelda means jack shit at this point.
This so much.
Bye losers.
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Grace just visited my room and now my room totally stinks, it's been an hour what should i do?
I'm not attracted to Jane so I won't roll for her
>Jane lesbo cuckshit
>Piper cuckbait with burnice
Never trust honkai devs.
Based and same
air that bitch out like you shit in it
Jane also flirts with Wise so idk what you're on about.
This is how I know the twitter freaks and you guys are the same people.
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I wish I was Piper to motorboat Burnice's tits all day
stop or the tom and jerry fags are gonna commit mass suicide tomorrow
Is there a way to refund piper to get my materials back? I hate dykes and it's frankly false advertisement that they revealed it this late into the game.
I just realized why I dislike self-inserters so much. You're all the type of guy that would get really envious and mad if a male friend got laid before you did.
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I can't even clear node 7
>Honkai is filled with shipshit
>Future games are filled with shipshit
>Never trust honkai devs
Doesn't seem like they changed much to me.
>piperfags got cucked by burnice
>janefags got cucked by tomiya
Holy Kek.
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i feel like i don’t know enough about jane even after playing her story and watching her trailer. is this intended?
Your fault for investing in someone who doesn't have trust events or a profile
Lucy could have a fiance for all we know
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I've not seen any proof of that
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So I should roll Qingyi or wait for Caesar?
>shipshit suddenly starts
discord tranny raid lmao
Yeah. Easily the worst part of any fanbase.
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fucking GOD imagine having your face sat on by Piper while Burnice rides your dick like it owed her money
the almost soothing, gentle rubs of Piper's vagina on your sensory organs contrast with the absolute animalistic jackhammering of Burnice's hips against your unwillingly hard dick, milking it for every single drop
Not rolling for lesbians.
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is this some kind of discord raid?
You've never ridden in a car with your sis, sis?
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>Two girls sitting next to each other in a car
>"This is literally cuckoldry" - self insertfag
Roll for who makes your dick hard
I mean, she's a femme fatale secret agent, their whole shtick is to be mysterious and seductive.
I'm not pro or anti SethJane, it's just that trying to discredit or prove it through which characters Jane flirts with is pointless.

She's a femme fatale infiltrator, that's the whole fuckin point of the archetype, she's a seductress, of course she's going to flirt with a lot of characters. Flirting does not equal romantic attraction.
what do you think? they got tired of /gig/
More like dykes of calydon LMAO
the schizo got unbanned and is alternating between here and /gig/ again
So Caesar won?
Women should only be lesbian if you're playing Belle, full stop. Otherwise they NEED to be CRAVING Wise's COCK.
Wise just simply isn't on her radar
If she needs Phaethon she just needs to seduce Belle.
she's a criminal psychologist that works with NEPS and uses her psychology skills to go undercover
also she likes fucking with people
there ya go
I'm no self inserter I simply hate the constant yurishipping. I used to like it but certain people just insisted that it be a part of everything, they complain about current anime seasons having no yuri when they get at minimum 2 yuri anime per season. Can't imply for a second that Belle might want to fuck anton nope zhu yuan only!
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Piperfags deserve to get shat on to be honest, obnoxious little shits.
Bro you're not gonna believe where the Sons of Calydon name originates from...
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uh oh
>suddenly turning my piper into yurishit
This but also with males
Every character should solely be for my self insert of choice
i cant wait anymore im gonna do a 10 roll for fun
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Since we're back to this topic, can someone answer me this?
What makes Wise/Belle a self-insert?
They have their own names, backstories, personalities, and goals like any other character. You can't even name them and your choices do not matter.
If the only criteria is the fact that you control them, then wouldn't that make Jane a "self-insert" as well?
You control her for her story and she has her own name, backstory, personality and goals.
>>filtered yuri and piper
>suddenly the general is much less dogshit.
By that defintion no Hoyoverse protag is a self-insert.
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Umm......based Otome gamer?

Still funny that picrelated game's official forum literally banned any talk about homo shipping.
>first Jane
>now Burnice
I fucking hate yuridevs.
incoming KOT just for you
>girl talks to girl
>yuribait shipshit
>girl talks to male
>ntrbait cuckshit
>male talks to male
>gay (furry)shit
>male talks to girl
>schizo shipshit

You literally cannot win
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she did nothing wrong
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Ah, I was wondering where our resident schizos went.
Those are ours, I am so, so sorry for the mess they're causing. Please ignore them and they'll come back home eventually.

Burnice is pure sex btw
Why is everyone saying Burnice and Piper are Yuri? I don't get it. I will hate it if it's confirmed but all I see is a dumb picture.
I'd say a "self-insert" is more about personality than story relevance. Plenty of RPG protagonists have backstories and motivations but they're still self-inserts.
Wise has a very bland personality, so he's easy to self-insert into. I'd argue it's harder with Belle, though, since she's more bubbly and outgoing.
It's why you don't appeal to incels. They're too mentally ill and unpredictable.
>Zhu Yuan
yurishit with Mibibi
cuckshit with compensated dating
yurishit with Burnice
>yurishit with nameless NPC
It's fucking over
A girl talked to a girl so they're clearly in lesbians with each other.
Anyone else dropping this game? After jane and 1.2 it'll just be a Yuri shitfest where no males are allowed.
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> Play Boring Irrelevant Game (Only Relevant For One Month)
> Play THE Game

What Is It Gonna Be Zoo Freaks?
you brought this yourself, it's all your fault.
Luckily it seems like zzz is steering away from self-insert pandering. Adopting POVs like HSR did was a fantastic decision too.
THat's certainly what /u/shippers think. Just look at everytime they infest /a/.
shipschizo got tired of JaneSeth so they invented a new ship to get mad about
just ignore them
The town's bicycle. Fucks old men for money.
Nicole fans like that though
Anyone else gooning this game? After jane and 1.2 it'll just be a sexo spermorgasmfest where no males are allowed.
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Jane only likes women though.
wormvillette and shipschizos, yep they come fron gig
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So...who wants to roll as soon as the banner goes up?
Can you contain it?
Yeah you're right, I'm dropping this yurishit. I'm going back to the game for straight males.
>It's why you don't appeal to incels.
Way too late for that, the only female characters that show interest in men are the npcs not any of the important female characters.
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I don't have enough polychromes to roll all banners
Look, just give me a girl as good as Ellen or Zhu as the Firefly equivalent and I'll be happy even if the other literal whos get shipped off.
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next, some faggots will be up in arms because they got "cucked" by H2O due to the character having an art of them drinking water
You are just as mentally ill as the incels you complain about ship shitter.
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please wrangle your schizos better /gig/ they keep shitting everywhere
keep replying to the schizo retards
Kill all lesbians
Im going to roll as soon as the banner is up.
No I'm dropping this game seeing that it's starting to get infested by yuriniggers like dykerat.
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I'm also quitting this game along with 70℅ of players already. Didn't know this was for faggots. Back to Genshin, I guess..
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Retard, no one here has enough rolls to guarantee El Raton.
Everyone wasted it on Qingy.
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Mybi is your Firefly
trust the plan
I will not waver... I am devoted to my king...
People don't ship JaneSeth because Jane flirts with him, they ship them because they have a nice canon dynamic in the story and it appeals to the Dommy Mommy x Pathetic Twink niche.
>making up retarded shit to get mad at
why are they like this?
mental illness and chronically online
>everyone dropping this game
This is why you don't appeal to yuriniggers.
I only play games with big sweaty brappers sorry.
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god i hope they add her as an agent
i was like you thinking her c2 is busted and a must have but think about the noombers
lv 60 attackers with shit disc rolls/too many crit rolls has like 2.6k atk, 3.6k vs 4.1k is only ike 11% more increase which becomes less noticeable once engine and 4pc disk buffs kicks in
so her c2 value only noticeable in anomaly teams because they have lower atk but better just wait for dedicated anomaly buffslut if you want to dupe chase
How do I refund the $200 I spent on this yurikusoge?
if you dont like yuri you can simply uninstall the game and move on
>new filter: ship
wew, why nobody told me it was this easy.
Oh damn now I realize what the Seth/Jane dynamic reminded me of.

>Verification not required.
Just ew.
Stop posting that ugly shark girl
Tell me you don't know how self inserters work boy. They want their target girl to not sensually/sexually interact with male characters, now lets look at the female cast of ZZZ... none of the important ones violate the above rule, only the unimportant Heddy. Girl on girl is considered ok to them.
Too late, they bait people in with Ellen and Zhu only to do the Yuri suckerpunch with jane, piper and burnice. Fucking disgusting. It's downright false advertisement.
This but if they don't like males/furries/etc.
>No way fag
>Eceleb sees trailer for idols
>starts calling everyone pdfiles
SEApag hours
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Please keep your schizos on a leash, this has become a daily thing.
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So Caesar and Burnice are must pulls for me. As for the third member, should I get Rato now or Lighter in the future?
>zhu yuan
who is the assman on the dev team
Difference here is Ada actually flirts with Leon, Jane teased Seth to make him act dumb.
the skip faction.
>release sex designs like Jane and burnice
>make them dykes
For what reason.
Obviously this was a failed attempt by MiHoyo to extend their market towards mentally ill furries, Gen Z, LGBT. Look where that got them
You do get to name Trailblazer though, and even in Genshin, everyone but your twin addresses you with the name you gave Traveler. Hell, even in HI3, the captain has no given name so you can headcanon anything you wish, and you do get to name the APHO MC which again, everyone address him by.
No one addresses Wise/Belle by the name you chose, since it's not their name but their new account.

If we're talking about backstories, then every other MCs have vaguely defined ones that doesn't really matter as their goals are set in the story. Wise and Belle's backstories are pivotal to their goals which are even hidden from the player, we only know they want to look into hollows, but not why.
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M6 Anby soon Anby won
The similar thing is that Seth and Leon are both acekings who don't understand how sex works.
always were and will be
Nicole is my girlfriend
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Is Ben/Lucy/Piper actually decent? I guess at this point I might wait on leveling Ben until we see what Caeser actually looks like.
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JaneSeth is based.
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good raid bwos
Ok I'm kinda bored about fake schizoing about Yuri now
I don't understand how schizos can keep going for so long.
you forgot your troontao image
The rat's banner will be up at 12pm, is that 'murican time?
>if I win the rat 50/50 I can guarantee Burnice
Dawei please
>schizo raid ongoing
>nobody replying
>thread still dead
God, it's over isn't it?
Personally, I think we need more self insert pandering from Ellen so that they make big waifubucks on her rerun.
We know Wise
Ben is shit even with Koleda, forget about him unless you really like him
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I am so sorry. They've been like this ever since Natlan dropped and WuWa sank into hell.
Just endure it until you get a good patch. They should move either back home or towards /hsrg/
>how schizos can keep going for so long.
that is you answer there
Imagine the smell of Ellen's fishy armpits bros...
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I'm itching to ROOOOOOOOLL
im literally Wise
Decent? Yes and very good with dupes
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the call her "the polisher of swords" wonder why
God dammit man I wanna build like eight different characters but I don’t wanna fuck myself either it’s not fair
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My account is all Phytsical. Wtf is the point?
Do invest in Anton? Or is he not worth it
how do you have double the amount of rolls as me
thankfully they're easy to indentify, i feel sorry for /gig/
Bro your dps blue oni?
Don't worry it's not just you, nobody wants to fuck you etiher.
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Agent story + school uniform alt outfit.
Trust the plan.
Bro what characters are you saving for if you didn't bother to roll for Ellen or Zhu Yuan?
The game isn't that hard. I suck and this is my first gacha and have been playing for three weeks and I'm almost maxed out
Anton’s a brick
Agent story will just be about her saving her school friends through her POV
honestly yeah, as it is you kinda get fucked by the robot enemies that resist physical
there's a reason why the first 2 5* characters they released were attack characters
jane build guide doko
actual date events when
If you like him go for it
same as piper
i don't want them in /hsrg/ either, that thread is only usable when the game is dead. just keep them on a leash
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Ben is currently my only c6 unit, entirely by accident. People keep saying he actually does damage but it's all shitposting and misinformation with these sorts of discussions. I'm maxing out shiyu anyway so maybe I shouldn't be thinking so hard about this.
Literally never ever. Not that kind of game.
2pc Freedom
4pc Fanged
420+ AP
i dont understand why they didn't make an agent story for ellen
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>enter thread
>half the posts are hidden
Aw neat, another schizo raid!
With WHAT fucking rolls???
You have none.
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chinky not even once.
>yurishit with Mibibi
I can't win.
Honestly this game is so generous that I got chinky AND her weapon and still have enough to guarantee Jane.
Mostly because weapons aren't mandatory in ZZZ unlike HSR or Genshin.
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You have 24 hours to claim your waifu
does she want 4pc fanged/2pc freedom over 4pc freedom/2pc fanged?
>they aren't f2pmaxxers
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Why? What happens after 24 hours?
Yeah, assault is where her damage is.
bwo, your interknot subscription?
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>I got chinky AND her weapon

>weapons aren't mandatory in ZZZ
Bro he already told you go 4 fanged, why ask if you won't believe it? yes
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I have 19560 polychromes and 20 encrypted master tapes though
How many dupes do you have on Anby and Nicole?
sorry, mibibi is for me (im eous)
I get so many more rolls in ZZZ and HSR than Genshin I hate exploration though.
i've got the theory that ellen is just the leftovers of a miyabi rework and they just sticked w that shit and made some insider design her
can you roll for rat yet
Nicole 3
Andy 1
I will not spend on any characters that aren't for (Me)
Not rolling on J*ne
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>gentroon raid
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That still isn't enough to guarantee her you stupid bitch.
Study up a bit on your fucking math.
Ive fapped to this girl before. forgot her name though
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I'll have enough to hard pity rrat but I'm holding off for the next two banners. What's going to be painful is the cointoss on Burnice after Caeser. Maybe loli idols are next and it's a hidden blessing.
Banner end
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How good is Rat's w-engine? I only have Piper's and some F2P one. I can buy BP one if it's good for her.
Nah fuck you, Im an 8/10 at worst
Main problem is I wanna build everyone at once so that I don’t need to use the same 2 1/2 teams over and over, but I also wanna prioritize said 2 1/2 teams for the Shiyu defence stuff. Can’t even decide who I want my 2nd dps to be
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>Im an 8/10 at worst
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>loli idols
>coming before section 6 and Obols squad
Why do you faggots say the DUMBEST shit in fucking existence.

Holy shit, like do you get paid to toss out stupid fucking statements like these?
They still haven't released the factions we already have in the game and you think they are going to release a new fucking faction randomly.

Legit stupid fuck.
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I am at 20 pity you lost, call yourself a retard
Good but non-essential. About the same difference as ZY's.
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im knot level 50 and i have over 60 batteries what should i use them all on?
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Cute robo
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It's a skill. Respect my power.
>need a whopping total of 86400 to guarantee the idols as a no-spender
Genuinely, how long will it take? Realistically I will only need maybe 50k to get them all (I got all Fontaine girls without ever getting higher than 40k) but I want to prepare for the worst case since I don't spend on principle.
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You're STILL missing 15 rolls you stupid bitch.
Can't wait to see you cry now for your failure and inability to obtain guarantee on her.
need Ellen nursing handjob where she orgasms just from me licking and sucking on her nipples
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I only respond to human beings, and bots with good taste in anime girls
If you have C4 Anby(C6 is better) or C6 Soukaku you can use them as budget DPS
You don't need C6 Nicole but the extra crit rate is nice to have.
Who are your highest dupe agents btw?
if you're planning on never pulling, assuming we don't get blindsided by them dropping early this isn't that unrealistic of a goal by like 1.5. keep in mind that this is the hard pity target as well, you almost never have to go all the way to 90 pulls for pity so the actual amount you need is a bit less. you also (probably) won't lose all 3 50/50s and we don't even know if all 3 of them will be S ranks
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>that chapter 2 music
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tfw no cop to watch porn with
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trailer doko
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smelly bitch
Qingyi? Yeah, she's my girlfriend.
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I will get more than 15 rolls till the end of the patch and will also win the 50/50, call yourself an ultra retard
severe downgrade, this looks like shit
What's with those disk drives?
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This pussy needs disciplining
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>ass hanging out
I started on day 1, but didn't really give this a fair chance and dropped it quick. Just now giving it a genuine try and I'm loving it. Heard that people didn't like the TVs? It's kinda comfy.
i think a taser will get the job done
How do I quickfarm trust for agent wallpapers
She's not a virgin btw
TVs get kino but it filters out adhd zoomers.
Cat and Corin. I guess I should pull for Burnice or King and skip Rat
Jane isn't even her real name, idiot.
I'll grab the spray bottle.
TVs are great when they actually do interesting stuff with them and keep the yapping to a minimum. I genuinely think if the TV sections were all more like The Prophecy or the Hollow event this patch, people wouldn't hate them as much. Unfortunately it seems like they're caving to the zoomers and just getting rid of most of them rather than trying to make them better.
Why is she like this.
Everyone in this thread really ought to jerk off before they start posting.
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Talk big all you want, I'll be expecting an apology out of you when the moment comes and you have no rolls to spend dumb bitch.
When did people on 4ch start hating yuri in media? Is this a tourist? Am I too old?
When gacha generals started popping up
well, many of us have different period during which we finally grew up. so it depends
I bet her breath stinks
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I like them for dungeons, but i would like to see more character movements and interactions.
The Jane Doe event was more enjoyable because of the small hub and interacting with characters, along with seeing those animations.
The TV section should strictly be used for puzzle/dungeon designs for long term gameplay and not for every single mode.
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>/vg/: hates yuri and prefers male female interactions
>/vt/: loves yuri and hates male female interactions
Which board is more mentally ill?
A tail this plump will not go unmolested
it's almost over bros. only one more day until we are free of the BINGyi plague. La Rata will rule this general.
>heterosexual relationships are mentally ill
Unironically rope yourself.
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My flower
her first time
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This is gonna be a tough choice. I kinda want to roll for fire units and Burnice looks perfect, but I also want to Caesar
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Not my watch bitch
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they're really gonna make me wait 2 more weeks just to get a third ball
Why did Asmongold quit ZZZ?
not him but I somewhat disagree. The TV stuff is really on-theme with the game, and I only realized how immersive it is storytelling-wise after the Jane Doe side mission. What even is the point of proxies/bangboos if they completely remove the TV minigame in the story missions?
Caesar got massively nerfed, she's completely fucking useless now, easy skip. Meanwhile Jane is a MUST roll AND her together with Seth is the most future proof couple out there.
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Cope and seethe when I get an early Jane
Not interested in Qingyi?
She's pretty strong.
wheres your anime avatar
>Caesar got massively nerfed
Asmongold quit Black Myth wukong for being too hard too.
When will they make shiyu harder. ZZZ is boring the fuck out of me
>Janefags are TV-hating zoomies
Makes sense, she's a femdom character for little FAGGOTS
/a/ didn't like y/u/ri when I was still lurking there 5 years ago
Dunno if thats still the case
Lost 50/50 to double Cat...
Holy fuck the Typhoon is such an annoying POS
He got filtered by the Hollow Zero tutorial. I'm not joking. He also wiped on the Ch1 boss because he tried to DPS with Nicole, couldn't figure out Anby's thunder mechanic, and didn't know he was supposed to hold the attack button with Billy. He also couldn't perfect dodge to save his life.
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We both know your luck is shit.
No need to pretend, I'm a TOP 1.5% when it comes to my luck, I can see your shitluck from here.

If you get on your knees and beg maybe I'll be willing to grant some of my luck to a piece of shit like you.
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This guy captures Zhu's dork appeal nicely
with this small as fuck cast, not soon enough
Asmon is so deep in the closet, he won't play a game without sweaty shirtless muscular men in it
P-please Kroni, im a stupid stupid bitch! Please grant me some of your luck please please!! I'll do anything!!
What are the chances there are yumes self-inserting into Zhu Yuan with a kpop reject boyfriend?
For me it's pic related, getting filtered in SD because of him
because he's a faggot
ok but if he doesnt play, why does he keep reacting to zzz stuff?
i want to hire corin for a few hours
He was annoying but I'm getting filtered by these stupid fucking looter/firepower missions where the robots attack every 2 seconds and do 2000 damage if they hit you, meanwhile they are retarded HP sponges that take like 6 minutes to kill.
>l-level your agents
He does?
>because he's a faggot
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damn, i hadn't this image was cursed. Now its fixed.
>"Bro I'm doing like no damage to this guy!"
>*reads chat*
>"You have to hold with Billy?"
>*Holds button down and doesn't evade when the enemies swarm him.*
>"Well that didn't work. Thanks."
>qingyi is just an anby sidegrade that's allowed to dodge
>jane is just a piper sidegrade that's allowed to dodge
>gets filtered
>refuses to use the intended solution
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She’s not my waifu and honestly I’m wondering if she just wasted my rolls since plenty of people coped with Anby. I got her because Zhu wife deserves the best.
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>soukaku spinning her weapon in her back with no hands
this game's animations are godly
-pressure vs more coins which one is better?
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Holy. Fuck. Pure. SEX.
just cleared Eliminate Looter II with 3 stars, took almost 5 fucking minutes though
its just stupid, it's not fun, I'd rather have more TV than gay statcheck garbage.
There is literally no WAY Zhu Yuan has stinky breath, it’s inconceivable any part of her smells bad at all.
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>this thread whenever a new patch comes out
>then complain for the remaining six weeks there's nothing to do
There are three pressures that will delete your entire game so always go with money runs
Zhu Yuan looks like my college professor it's pretty off-putting.
Burnice EN va is annoying
fat fuck
>"You have to hold with Billy?"
>instructions unclear TAP TAP TAP
>EN va sucks
no fucking surprise.
a lot of billy damage comes from his dodge > counter shot, so u want to get attacked often as it really helps his output.
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I haven't done any 1.1 content.
Waiting for Jane
Burnice EN va is amazing.
What's the point of using bomb in hollow zero? enemy will always drop resonia and using bomb -15% of your team hp...
Why lyria such a fatass?
Me when I'm Obeast
where the fuck do you even hear it? all we have is a small voice clip from the drip
You fail to get an S on a gatekeeper?
The bomb will let you bypass the gate.
it's better than being forced to step into a corruption tile. also it's faster than having to fight the ethereal. who cares about the hp loss lmao
India and Southeast Asia ruined this whole website
saves time
in some places you can use it to break a locked door
you can also blow up multiple enemies at once if you get the write positioning
so for example when you do extremely high difficulty hollow zero you can blow up the first enemy box instead of trying to deal with it which is a guarenteed win, or if you don't think you can get s rank on the first level you can bomb the S rank door at the resting area.
>everyone else DMs me for a videotape
>have to wait for them to show up
>Qingyi DMs me
>is instantly in the store
>implying she left
oh no no no
she spooked me I thought I had to wait a day but I go to the store and she's right behind me
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>Her body is like a pencil
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jane is so fucking hot bros im pulling her
You can roll for an Anby dupe next banner, she should be useable enough at C2.
Just ignore daze/impact and build her for damage and crit stats.
You can also get a dupe of her signature engine at the shop for 1 dollar.
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i regret invest my resource for lucy lv60
wait the bomb can do that???
>I got raped by Jane
What the fuck.
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This has to be the horniest trailer yet
>that apple licking
Yum, toothpaste coffee.
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jane please rape me
>headphones recommended because it's partially an asmr video
also i fucking knew someone was going to get raped
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I'm pretty sure she sexual assaulted the interrogation subject
crooked cop
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Why is Jane always raping someone?
>POV shot
>it speaks
>it's a woman
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK ZZZcucks will never recover
Holy shit the quality of this trailer is so much better than the others
Are cops allowed to threaten suspects with knives bwos?
lucy banner is coming brother
she is incredibly useable at c6
have faith
Why didnt Qingyi get this level of love from the marketing team?
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I can't do it bros... I'm not gonna be able to save for bikersluts
>Jane demo
>Rape (again)
You can never deny the canon sexuality
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No seriously, look at her. I think she's going to rape the siblings soon
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ummm.. >///<
holy sex
>jane confirmed for serial rapist
ASMR POV with Jane's feet in my face. SEXOOOO.
Can't promote lolis
Just Belle
She's not a cop
She's unsafe horny. Same reason they fired Waterkuma
Who the fuck else would it be besides some random criminal? Why would Wise be getting interrogated by the rat?
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I am so sorry bro
Women cant rape males. It's against their biological imperative.
They aren't skilled enough to write different dialogues
she's old school moeblob translated for a modern audience
>watch jane trailer without headphone
guess I’ll need to watch again with headphones on.. for uh.. science
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Gracebros... She was supposed to be our feet queen...
Don't reply to the schizo retard you will just keep him here shitposting
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its not sexual because they're both girls. thanks china.
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This image alone is sustaining me
I am guessing this is the direct sequel to the previous trailer after Jane realizes there was still one gang member who got away
>random criminal
Random FEMALE criminal, don't get it twisted lol, only women are capable of crimes.
There's still one video left for Jane doe right?
just the music video in a couple of days
I want to see characters and environments if im doing Story it IMMERSE.
I can't immerse when looking at tv screens. Sorry dude, I do like them in story mode though, for the long term stages as i said. But it really is wasteful.
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Cool trailer, too bad I dont roll for sluts
just her song
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Ratbros may your pulls be blessed. I don't play analomy so Jane is off my radar since I got my buddy cops
She was an A rank that they changed last second to an S rank. Pretty obvious to anyone with a brain.
i need a safe word
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guys normalfags and ecelebs are going to make fun of us for this trailer like the last pv..
Firefly is the sluttiest hoe
Yeah, janes not beating the homosexuality allegations.
It's locked in, she's the lesbian one.
Qingyi was probably supposed to be an A-rank
Got promoted to S-rank to shill Zhu Yuan
Lesbian Porn POV vibes
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Jane is full blown lesbo
Good we need to gatekeep harder
Who cares about normalfags they clearly don't Olay this game
Overpowering Firepower III is hands down the most dogshit combination of enemies in the entire game.
>Why didnt Qingyi get this level of love from the marketing team?
She's boring. In all honesty.
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Ellen didn't even get a story mission and he seems like a better designed character so i don't know what their priorities are.
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Whichever retarded fucking dev is responsible for this shit should be shot.
Guys… wtf was that demo…
>he cares about normalfag opinions
i don't want this game to end up like genshin so let the normalfags laugh all they want
is it mental illness?
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Nice homo game ziggers lmaooo
No better than HSR now, and you still can’t jump kekaroo
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How fast will you fold when Jane starts interrogating you
>tfw unironically got half-mast watching the trailer
It's over for me isn't it?
I am scarroused
>trailer starts
>jane's nylon foot in my mouth
>guys normalfags and ecelebs are going to make fun of us for this trailer like the last pv..
I literally saw nothing but praise for the last pv.
Wisebrothers... we just keep losing...
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I'd cum instantly
not as fast as when neko kicks me in the nuts
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Giving my wife a foot massage after a long day at work.
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>the heel steps THX Dolby Atmos 9.4 gigahertz quality

why my pp hard
How is jane futureproof for anomaly? seen some comment about it.
FootGODS won
Stating that facts.
Ellen is just ugly.
Can't wait for Miyabi so everyone will forget that ugly Ellen
>Stating that facts.
No wonder, your opinions sound very brown-skinned
Dont have a Qingyi, Grace, or even a Anton?
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I remember when people got horny over THIS:

Man, hoyoverse has come a long way since then. I'm proud of them.
Most people chose to pick belle, she’s canon
they don't do any fucking damage at all
the "electric" weakness is a fucking meme and the enemies are ridiculously fucking obnoxious to deal with
Ellen and Zhu set our expectations too high for this game
We're just gonna have to live with the fact that this is just another mihoyo game
well based on burnice's disc set being updated to add shock, it's highly likely that yanagi will be like burnice and will be an off-field anomaly character. so for a disorder team you'd want to pair either burnice or yanagi with either jane or grace. jane can pair with either of them, while grace has to be with burnice. but beyond that we can't know what'll happen in 6+ months so who knows
This shit is so fucking safe compared to jane's demo lmao
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God damn it, now I’ve gotta deal with the foot fetish allegations because I’m rolling for Jane.
That girl is ugly
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Why is our trailer not as kino as zzz?
Zhu is the only wife I need
Jane isn't future proof for anomaly in general, she's future proof specifically for physical anomaly.
Her passive let's physical anomaly crit with fixed crit damage of 50% and crit rate which scales with AP capping at 100% at 375 AP. It's hard to beat a multiplicative 50% damage boost with no strings attached.
imagine the smelle
>more electric anomaly
more reason to skip soulless 6
>literally wears the same outfit
>Gang members apparently don't recognize her when she previously attacked them
Jane is the fat ugly bastard of the setting
Assault is crucial for disorder teams and anomaly teams have great team flexibility.
her greatest weakness is her requiring a lot of on-field time, which is still a problem for every character with the exception of burnice
Even then, she will still have a place in disorder teams simply because there's no other alternative and there won't be for a long time.
The trailer reeks of desperation.

Can't wait for Jane to flop.
I love children
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shut the fuck up miyabitroon
i wanna kiss stelle
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it was dark out
who is the tingyun of zzz
Need webm of 0:12 to 0:14
She's like batman, she kicked her asses to fast and it was at night.
or anime logic, is not that deep
You guys mind if I post some dumb shit like "Jane's slow ass banner is killing the game" 10 times every thread once her banner comes on?
Lucy or Nicole.
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imagine the absolute STENCH
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It's a couple hags so it's about as safe horny as you can get. If anything I'd imagine a lot of CC's will make reaction videos with gaping mouth thumbnails.
EN dub is so much better than the JP dub in this game, it's not even close either
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she has a big tail and fucking dies (sleeps)
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Jane REALLY needs to be straightened out by Big Daddy
Bears are being recommended to me
No, it's ok. We're all waiting for Caesar anyway.
This was probably made months in advance what the fuck are you talking about
>Fully horny inuendos
>Female with Female
Yeah fuck this kusoge
why are you already seething
this but 100% serious
not one hint of irony whatsoever
not joking at all
im a jp only guy but EN jane is pretty good desu
Jane will be a good housewife
They were never gana make it a man or it would be too sexual kek
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I give up. This shit is fucking impossible. I'll come back to this fucking abortion of a level when all of my shit is level 60 maxed out perfect stat gold disks. It's 30 fucking worthless polychrome.
She really does have rizz......
Yes they should all be in arranged marriages and hide their faces with hijabs till they are married off inshallah.
>off-screen interactions
>when on-screen she basically flirted with seth and the mountain lions gang
it doesn't matter bro, she's just a slut.
As a normal male I can’t play ZZZ anymore
This is going to filter millions
Whoever is in charge of marketing should be shot
oh no i walked into yuri gaming company and found yuri,
Bro, I cleared it with my level 50 team. Are you using the noodle buffs as well? They helped me personally
She's so weird looking in all her animations
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C4 works as well, but C6 is his biggest power spike, you can definitely still make him work though

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