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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous thread: >>492869326

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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The head censors all.
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General is S tier because of tourists btw
Let me start this off I think anyone who is not banned from PMCH is a tourists
Is the OP fixed.. I can't tell anymore
paus beautiful as always!
and trannymael chases after a real womans femininity
I'm a tourist.
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The vandals are mobile users because you cannot tell on PC unless you click links.
This OP is clean.
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I don't even know what PMCH is.
Sounds like you are a tourist and should be killed
>missing the upcoming don extraction
KEK you retards cannot do anything right.
looks fixed to me, thanks baker
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>S tier
made up tier by nips and embraced by weebs, A is the greatest letter
this is unironically true but theyll kill you for saying it
Trying too hard.
You are pure blooded
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I like this image
Do (you)?
Don isn't up on extraction for 2 more days. It's always updated the day of.
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Sup fellas it's your old pal Sinclair! I'm so glad I have so many anons who keep my memory alive!
>Ignore trannies/rainbowfags in the thread
>They multiplies
>Complain now
It's your fault.
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Should have watched your step in the tourist spot! KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEk
<It's a good image.>
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stop chasing away newfags or we will never get funds to turn hamhampang into chain restaurant
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I do.
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
>they multiplies
esl lol
ye it's clear
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Rodya LOVE!
I already have all the Don IDs and EGOs
>kick damage
the walpurgis is coming
I can taste it
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Newbitches should learn to CONFORM then and SERVE THEIR BETTERS (aka me)
No PM clearly hates Rodya.
Bwo... it's not the 5th yet.
everyday LC becomes more and more trooncore
That's entierely up to gooktards
It's LCB you dimwit
>complain about trannies for multiple threads in earlier days
>have shitters angry and claim I'm posting offtopic and to just ignore everything, remember one of them posting with a Meursault pic, might have even been that leveling autist
>thread quality did improve for a while
I regret nothing
>ishmaelfags try not to be homos challenge
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Please stop throwing around that detestable word used to describe such horrible beings. Do you not realize that by using it, you perpetuate the cycle in which we are trapped in?
Of course not. You would rather have those wretches live within the depths of your mind twenty four hours per day, for the rest of the week, until the very end of your miserable life.
Away with you, you repulsive mutt.
be careful about complaining about trannies on /vg/ lest you have a mod go through your posts across the site to look for shit to ban you for. Nothing like getting 3 dayed for a 12 hour old sfw image suddenly being deemed nsfw
>I was right about the flavor sinking they would add
>White damage = Sinking , black damage ???
Obvious ones but holy fuark
>Ryoshu is a bleed unit
Top tier ASAP, gives me a good excuse to use her
Now that we know tourists are ruining /lcg/ I would like to point out all Fausang shippers are tourists, all Heathfaust shippers are tourists, and anyone that dislikes Faust x Dante is a tourist.
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What a strange coincidence...
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My birthday is the 5th of this month
Heathmael nigger falseflagging
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Fitgirl unpacking my Library of Ruina. Soon I'll only be a kind-of secondary.
The thread quality improved because you got it out of your system and stopped talking about off topic shit
This but unironically
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I can imagine him saying this, this is excellent
Dare I say
>fitgirl pack of Ruina
are you retarded? That game isnt some huge AAA bloatware why torrent a repack?
Good post *cough*
happy bday. Or do you just mean the ryoshu ID. In which case good luck on the rolls.
Maybe the real Tourists where the /v/ threads we made along the way...
thankfully shitclairfags dont exist so they cant be tourists
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I-I'm not a tourist!
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I'm from the future;
Happy B-Day, anon! Don't eat that chicken sandwich, i warned you. Now back to the mines...
Bs, it's not like racism. I've complained about them several times and never got anything.
>futa cock
I know Don's canto is coming soon but you retards are unironically chasing windmills
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She may be the weakest sinner but she's my sinner.
Holy Based
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My cute Russian wife
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nah, ever since the first divegrass this place's been overrun
I've gotten 3 days for tranny hate before, only a question of which mod sees your posts. Same with racism.
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I clicked the highest seeded link and torrented away. You don't have to think too hard about it.
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>t-tourists dont exist! stop pointing us out- ACK
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It's time to go to sleep, /lcg/.
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Danteh... Stop concerning yourself with tourists and do your dailies, Danteh...
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Danteh... do your dailies before something happens....
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Dailies, limbtards. Chop chop.
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*eats my pza*
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And you can show some humility and restraint by not reacting to words, which also feeds the cycle?
I'm going to cum.
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Yo, fags!
Check THIS
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<Yes Sir...>
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you literally cannot deny the huge amount of tourists when even the most normalfag PM fan knows about divegrass and uses the memes and OC incorrectly while pretending theyre "with it"
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>TOURISM game with TOURISM abnormality
It's been over from the start.
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Ryoshu, Vergilius and Mirror World Vergilius got it. This means Faust can slack off today! Fufufufu....
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genuinely grim.
the truth: there are no normgroid pm fans.
get to work faust, you're farming the dailies in my bleed team today
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do not come
You can't over-sexualize Bongbong, she/he is a Pride symbol.
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A certain cat is missing from the dailies check
why is some nigger spamming twitter screenshots?
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why do so many 4chan general threads cause so much seething when at most we only have 19 posters here?
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>Pride x2
>Lust x4
>Envy x5 (+X2 if A-Syn)
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<Not the time to slack around, Faust.>
<Here, butter my clock's hands.>
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>Ask for an explanation of the “general”.
<Failed to parse question.>
The robot tilted its head.
While unable to lift and tilt its head in the other direction,
it displays a question on the screen.
<Did you not lurk in the thread, Dear Anon?>
It seems to want an answer.
>Tell it that you lurked the general.
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You should post more Tiphs if you really want to get rid of the tourists
Cunnies are the one thing they can't put up with
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Big Bongers...
<Ishmael what the SHUCK?!>
The gay pedo post was mine... wtf...
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>it's fairy gentleman day
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What's the best MD4 Rupture Team?
>t. never used rupture before
the fact we have an ID that uses two different ego weapons
I wonder if we will get a Sinner ID using 2 aleph/WAW weapons
look what you've done.
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>it's skip thread lux day aka every day
post road home
post servant of wrath
My Dante is not a tourist. He may be a latelet, a tertiary, a hack and fraud, a tourist, but he is NOT a limbab!
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who the fuck picks this pack?
Anyone else just stays in the main menu to listen to the music
Cunny is a normie repellent, gore is still the only real insecticide but jannies voted verboten on it a long time ago, that is the primary reason normalfags were able to nest here.
>My Dante is not a tourist.
>he may be a [...] tourist
That is neither Road Home or Servant of Wrath you tourist fuck
let's leave this website for another, without tourists.
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no, only laetitia
Actual tourist AND zoomer holy shit
It's Golden Apple day!
frankly this is what we get for letting leftists in the community. i told you all but you wouldnt listen, and now you must reap what you have sown.
What will Don's windmill be?
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my gay chud husband
You never warned anyone.
We will make our own PMchan, with cunny and hags.
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Why do all these retarded niggers keep coming here if they hate it so much?
I'm gonna jack off to Heathcliff again.
He is the Sinner I lost the most liters of cum to for some reason.
i did but you werent around to see it, tourist. go back
her bloodfiend self
There was District23 board.
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Tax time!
Lying is bad.
Another reply and your posts will be hidden.
The tourists are only surface level
I'm a tourist and I only come to this place because of wholesome bongbong memes :)

That's not true, we have adapted to water and usually travel in submersibles.
Her boot'd self.
I warned you about trannies a lot of times.
I see shockingly little pedophilia in these threads, gay or otherwise. Its actually very unnerviing how little loli and shota smut is in here.
You're retarded. The only way to filter a specific group is to have every portion of the community doing it, including places like Reddit and Twitter, which is why Blue Archive isn't popular among leftists. The work and the community both filter them out. You had ZERO ability to influence it and you have the brain of a child for thinking otherwise. What did you expect us to do? Go on Twitter and Reddit to drive people away? Dumbass
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Rupturebros...please...at least one more ID....I'm parched and starving...
That doesn’t make sense. Don mistakes/schizos a windmill for a giant. How the fuck do any of those replies fit that.
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first turn wohoo
Spicebush Yi Sang
Rodion Dieci
Seven outis
can i rr better or i settle
I hate that fucking fish.
Go back to the threads when kid Heathcliff was first revealed.
I think that's a great start to a sinking base for your account, farm a bit of MD to get enough shards for Wild Hunt and it seems solid. But i don't really know anything so listen to someone else.
shes a bloodfiend, she wants to be a normal fixer
>he cares about packs
I just go for the one with the best gift
And always pick the best gift no matter the Mounting Trial
And always winrate through every battle
the city itself is pretty much a testament to why capitalism is shit.
leftism is limbus core.
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I still fondly remember the "Oh shit a cute shota, time to use it for sexual relief" post with this image
The culture war hinges on the bimbus bompany general.
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Teaching friend to play limbus right now, soon you will have even more tourists to worry about
can i have a crumb of twitter news?
bwo your loli cathy reveal?
Shota Heathcliff just uses Heathcliff's normal VA.
Pip is much better despite his weird muscles.
Who’s the fat genki girl of the series?
>he doesnt have tomorrows fortune
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I want to make lots and lots of babies with Moses!!!!
Yi Sang is only into selfcest though...
Don mistake a windmill for a giant in a bout of pretend heroism. Her pretending either version of herself is a monster or some kind of roadblock to be vanquished in order to be a fixer somewhat checks out.
She's in denial as to what she is and pretending to be something else and needs to wake up and actually acknowledge what she is.
*pees on you*
Your response?
'sault thoughbeit
<She HARPOONED me...>
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leftists genuinely thought fallout was a critique of capitalism. they are the most surface level retards imaginable
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Sinclair is neither fat nor a genki.
prove it
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That's because Limbus doesn't have any good lolis. The even haggified Don.
The term Lolibaba exists for a reason
4chan was impenetrable for a long time for two reason(and couple of side ones)
>Hardcore autism
>Freedom to post anything
As time went by autism stopped being so intense and what you could post got restricted. It's a vicious feedback loop and you directly see this by the lack of OC in all departments.
To that you have to add internet becoming accessible from mobile phones and sites dying off so now most people frequent like 5 sites, 4chan getting more and more fame, /b/ dying more than a decade ago and no longer a gauntlet to first lurk in, pozzification and policing of the internet in general and few other things.
And you could've gatekept /lcg/ if on the first appearance of faggotry everyone ganged up on a redditnigger, but that didn't happen, so we are here. To all of you discordfags and twitterniggers, go kill yourselves you failed normalfaggots.
The city is what happened when one Corporation take over a country aka SK and Samsung
The PMverse is a critique of capitalism THOUGH. Fallout is completely different because it was the communists who were responsible for throwing everything to shit
wrong, i posted that
post your cum tribute cumanon
so fxcking TRVE sister!
just like how awakening ego is like cracking eggs! When I screamed at my dad for doubting my new identity it was just like when Philip awakened ego in ruina
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what do you desire brazilkun
>And you could've gatekept /lcg/ if on the first appearance of faggotry everyone ganged up on a redditnigger
NTA but I blame the americans for this
I go to sleep, wake up
and boom, plebbitors in my backyard taken root like weeds
>I have struck but one of your vital points...
He is so cool...
Heath, Meur, Paus, Greg, and Yi Sang have to be my favorite sinners. They always get the coolest IDs.
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>Don's canto will include lots of children, including the return of Pip's VA
>Already got one in her pre-Canto Intervallo
>The PMverse is a critique of capitalism THOUGH. Fallout is completely different because it was the communists who were responsible for throwing everything to shit
Except the city was literally saved by L. Corp (a company) and Ayin (a capitalist).
For me, its Meursault. The STRONGest sinner. My FUARKing HERO
if they were going this year they would have announced it by now. summer comiket and the ruina concerts are their big events this year
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Is it though? How many of the problems in the PMverse stem from some guy wanting to make as much money as possible, no matter the cost?
She’s not genki
Why would a bus be considered staff
Next banners:
000 Devyat Rodya + 00 Devyat Sinclair
000 Zwei Ishmael + 00 Zwei Don
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<What a week, huh?>
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my little linty winty, my little breb, my cute coughing dough
my baby boy, my pookie, my frail prince, linton my beloved
Dante, it's a Monday. And not only is it a Monday, it was a holiday.
I hope to do this with my bf/husband someday
Gonna be hilarious when they release UT5 and people have to go through dogshit UT4s to get to the good stuff.
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It all began with a snail.
please marry me
Huh I remember his shota version having a different more high-pitched voice. If that was the usual Heath VA then he is amazing.
Nelly raped shota Heathcliff
inbetween election tourism and covid tourism
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Would she?
want me to be your bf?
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She'd immediately try unbirth
them new ego images if would you please
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>8 years ago
do it little bitch boy.
splurt all your resources out right now.
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mmm that was good
I love heathcliff...
>UT5 becomes the norm for what they show new character's kits being from now on
>500 thread and 150 character shards to uptie V one of them
I fear for it, limbabs...
dont roll
keep saving
wall burger is almost here
None. Rupture sucks in MD4 unless you're just doing md4n.
A shit ton of them? U-Corp prohibits trading secrets about the lake so they can make more money and many die as a result. K-Corp is K-Corp. T-Corp runs their poor like slave drivers while the rich get to enjoy the benefits of having more time in a day. Almost every corporation is shown to be extremely abusive and engage in extremely shady tactics for the sake of procuring more capital.
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the longer you have to wait the more you get to roll
Do you think Dante is going to throw himself to take the hit more times in future Cantos to lead the rest of the sinners in the good path like that time he took the harpoon in his shoulder so Ishmael couldn't kill Smee?
Trannies might not like capitalism, but it's the only system they're able to exist under :)
They're YOURS.
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The Paid Daily Rolls unironically satisfies my gambling addiction and the constant source of AT LEAST 9 random shards per day is pretty good.
Not to mention most of my EGOs were luckshitter from them.
what are you even going to spend your current rolls on,anyon? Surely you already have wildhunt heath and captain ish
>Limbabs Edging their lunacy for walpipi
If Rodya was flat and never ate anything, you “fans” wouldn’t like her
>for the sake of procuring more capital.
this is all the heads fault. R corp wouldnt need its hatchery shenanigans if the head didnt impose an arbitrary 1 week clone limit on them. angela said it clearly, all suffering in the city stems from the head. they are not capitalist villains, but instead ideological villains
to be fair shotacliff ended up being much smaller than expected so he spec'd into the cute zone rather than the "uoh" zone
here you go buddy
hope things get better there soon
Post something to make tourists mad.
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>Licking feet is gross
>Licking armpits is ok
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I'm doing daily Ish rolls, it takes the edge off.
no, neither of those are ok. Your original premise is mistaken.
If you try and downplay the bus, Charon and Faust get autistically upset and at least four of the sinners suspect that Faust is willing to burn the entire operation down if her work isn't "properly recognized."
i have never understood the appeal of bottom heathcliff
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maybe i should get into daily paid rolls...
>Corporations ruthlessly exploit the people for profit
>The Communists are getting their shit together, beating the Corps, and saving the people
WTF is this a commie game?
Your armpit does not come into contact with whatever the fuck is on the ground
If Ryoshu was busty and never spoke the way she does, you “fans” wouldn’t like her
>local straight man doesn't understand the appeal of a man taking it up the ass
I wouldn't be surprised if they did like other gachas and added a new limited currency for UT5, something you can only get one or a handful per week + events.
We have egoshards right now, so they could introduce something above that.
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armpits are sexy and feet are not is why
I was sexually assaulted by an anon. When I first started playing the game, I posted "Hey guys, I'm new" and he smooched me without my consent.
I have them all
the base banner just to gamble...
no bros scarcity is a thing that exists in the setting so it HAS to be a capitalism critique!!!1!
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I am so sorry that happened to you. I hope the perpetrator is found and puni- *SMOOCH*
Wasn't ready for Bleed Charge(?)
i have a womb
sorry anyons i'm too autistic to get along with flesh and blood humans... but i wish u luck in finding a gf to squish you tightly or softly in a legheadlock
Is it more efficient to run the final mission or MD normals when farming event currency?
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Are you trying to summon Tiph posters? For me its Road Home
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Neither does your feet in civilized countries you fucking SEAnigger
I'm still shocked that one anon predicted it...
>Organization is full of infighting and people jumping the gun
>One guy distorted and put 13 of his buddies in brain jars
not so shrimple, is it
>jannies cleansed the thread
tranny jannies must be hanged
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>i'm too autistic
No way! Me too! We should meet.
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No shit faggot
I would assume that the story stage is faster but it's also pretty much objectively better to run MD so long as you have modules and time because you get pass levels which are equally valuable.
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stop smooching the newbabies
I want all the posters. One linked smut image every 5 threads is tame compared to almost every other general.
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tbfh the main reason i know this general is twitter/tourist central is how much white people are hated on.
like literally every single thread has people being racist towards sinclair for being one of the few white characters in the game.
Okay Anon, next time you go outside wearing boots to do some yardwork, ask your woman if you think your feet are still sanitary
Or consider if you'd want to suck dem toes after she's done some gardening. The average footfag absolutely would
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>I want all the posters.
What are you going to do with them?
Charonfag, why are you like this...
anon, that's not verga
because I'm evil, duh.
>smooch them
>add them as a friend
>kick their ass to the curb once they hit lvl 40
but no one is ever racist to faust? explain that chud
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Both things aren't okay for the normal eye. The explanation is that one thing may be your 'thing' or not. That's pretty much what the answer is truly reduced to.
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charonfag HATE
Leonardo DiCaprio anon...
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how many rolls you got nigguh?
We hate NIGGERS, clerks, and NIGGERS clerks even more here
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Invariably false, would still like her
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So many tourists.
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faust is a woman and not a person you can be racist to
shit is bad, I want ryoshu for my bleed team.
>negative lunacy
Yes anon that was the point I was making the appeal is not for STRAIGHT MEN like (You).
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yes, and?
>every populair faust ship on /lcg/ is interracial
>faust is constantly painted as a retard who's only good for sex
yea no, kys redditor///trash/fag/discordkek/twittergroomer. interracial porn is a direct attack on white people.
sanest anon in this thread
you discredit yourself by trying to push a false narrative because you're JEALOUS of a gastropod u lil retard
and then try to blame all your melties on your tisim
You are a villain.
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>started at Season 3
>now close to my day 1 player in level from all the grind
>still don't have everything
It has nothing to do with his race. It's more because he's a male crybaby milksop oxygen thief
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Beautiful heafclip...
thanks, i shall cherish these pics
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And you missed the point of being a fag
woah buddy calm down WMBF is cool
Cute thin Rodion
I don't like Heathcliff but thanks for projecting bwo *smooch*
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howd he miss the point of being a fag if he sees the appeal
>one of the few white male characters in the game is depicted as a loser kekold
yea idk seems like this enitre game is just racist..
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skill issue tubby
He should have already killed himself, just by posting he is missing the point
ok tourist
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You are now under attack.
Go away GREGOR you filthy COCKROACH KIKE
The True Brick
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God my brain is broken, I immediately started imagining jewish people getting shot out of the canons waving around chickens to slam into the ground
now say that without worms crawling out of your asshole
Tears are streaming down your face
>first they took over /b/
>then they took over /gif/
>now they're trying to take over /lcg/
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This looks like shit.
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Cute Binehrs
I have to confess anons
I spent money for walpuris
your meursault bwo
SHITclair is SHITclair and needs no further explanation
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that without worms crawling out of your asshole
>spent money on the game
>has 5x less lunacy than me as only a passfag
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you're kicked from the gesellschaft
HOT and JUICY drumstick or DRY to the BONE breast? I'll be going with the drumstick, thanks.
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THE whalepiggie...
Only fags and "women" like bottom Heathcliff.
My crack theory is that Ryoshu is Michelle’s mother
She doesn’t know her daughter is happy in the outskirts…
nigga how did you get in debt
You cleaned up, good boy. Maybe there is hope for you yet
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That's a good Binners right there
its faggot shit
unlike futa on trap which is 110% straight
Every time I have to lie and say, "Chicken's chicken, duh." a little bit of my spirit is tarnished.
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>Barely enough for 200 pity
Post Moses...
Gross, get your aids-ridden dick out of here.
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Trying to chargeback on a transaction usually does this for every live service game
I assume that's what's happened to Anon
I remember another Anon lamenting how someone has hacked into his credit card AND his game account, and spent a shit ton only on Limbus for some schizophrenic reason
I know this is bait but futafag actually believe this.
A man and woman having sex isn't straight.
But two men having sex is.
They're that brainrotted.
>barely enough
bro thats not even half pity lol
that is completely true however
>futa on trap
>110% straight
oh no no no no no no no no no no no
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>enter mirror dungeon
>press win rate
>exit mirror dngeon
>entermirrod ungeon
>enter mirroredsasadun
>get exited =D
>enter mipipi
>exido! xD
>enter dunndie
>Guaranteed 000 ticket
>10 10pull tickets
>30 1 pull tickets
>8400 lunacy for 60 more pulls
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Finally, someone I have more lunacy than...
Good luck anon.
>9 ten rolls
>30 tickets
>8400 lunacy which is around 6.5 rolls
Unless I'm fucking up my math he should have enough with the upcoming apologems + 300 maintenance.
I command death.
i comea ina
i kissa da charon
i kissa da snausa
i kissa da pausa
i kissa da heasuclip
i kissa da yi sanga
i kissa da donqui
i kissa da ryosha
i kissa da hongers
i kissa da meursalda
i kissa da ishamaela
i kissa da rodya belly
i kissa da outisma
i kissa da sinkulaira
i kissa da grega
i kissa da veragiliusa
i kissa da dante
and i kissa da limbaba
bene bene
we eata da pasta ana da pizzaroni
*molests you* X3
Stop ERPing you fucking SLUTS.
The only good post in this thread
You only have 185 pulls. That's not even an Ideality. Bricked.
In my past years of experimenting I managed to
>cum with a vigainah
>cum with me hand
>cum with my prostate
>cum with my nipples
>cum without touching myself at all

At the end of my journey, doing it with my hand was probably the best.
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CUTE heasuclippu
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Stop rolling outside of Walpurgis.
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Ruina music is really nice.
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it’s just water weight
Walpurgis gives pulls, he has enough
Not to worry, there's still this monthly extraction tickets I can buy to cover the gap
I don't roll at all. I grind and refill.
WAIT, Yisang means "Ideality". And there's a sinner called Yi Sang...
I NEED to do pulls. Or I wont feel normal.
The sheer amount of connection issues I've had daily since this season started is staggering. Limbus used to run perfectly before, but now it's borderline unplayable at certain times of the day.
How sad is it that you have to respond to your own posts?
Hongers and Rodya at da bar

when will the sinners eat pizza
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This bitch came after Yisang
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Guess we are posting our lunacy-pp now.
I like to post these images with my most vile shitposts
I need to do a 10 roll on every banner to feel alive
That's on your end, the game runs just fine here. You might wanna check with your internet provider.
Can you point out who you think is doing that? I'm not schizo enough to guess.
>Doing charge run
>Get the Gloves, the Fuse IV, and Nebulizer on one floor
>Get the Lightning Rod on the next floor
>Get Clear Water on the last floor
>Cassetti gets fucking nuked
If you are the only one complaining maybe the problem isn't Limbus you know?
<I said this.>
Rodya tummy very good
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I WILL fund Director's mukbang streams
You are a furry artist
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Everything but Limbus runs perfectly on my machine, THOUGH
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Hellooo nurse
adult in red
Works fine on mine as well.
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where did you get that image of me?
She already was a mother at her 12, anon.
The Money Wasting
lil timmy can't handle that black booty tho
have you considered verifying the integrity?
then reinstall
holy poorfags
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Are those drinks the Tremor Ego gifts
In LobCorp, does memory repo lock in before or after you pick the first Abno for the new department?
(You) take it up the ass now
Corporationism and jews, yes.
Capitalism, no.
Communism, wait until it's raped by El Directo and Monzo as an ideology that will never works during Rodion's second canto II.
Lolis, when you stop being a faggot.
Femenists from worst korea, already raped by us after El Director raped Velmori and threw a chair after the act.
Trannies, still seething and dilating in their discord and reddit shitholes.
Me, trying to get a 4.
>1 off
its about capitalism chuddie
I tank it (0.25x fatal to anal).
But who is getting the Iori ID?
Thank you for the canto name anon...
Director's pet Ryoshu
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Faustbro here. I don't understand at all how the new Yi Sang and Ryoshu work. Can someone explain it to me
hongalia when
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nuh uh
just press win rate nigga
none of this shit matters anyways, another fucking sinking id it was supposed to be rupture fucking faggot director
she has bleed so she can use bloody mist
>yi sang
pew pew pew ammo id that can reload
>Both of Ryoshu's top tier IDs are going to be charge
What did they mean by this
Not according to El Director, wagie.
Shoutout to stardew valley bros.
(you) are me and I am (you)
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>boot up the game
>run down stairs quickly to the kitchen to make tea
>can hear sault's baritone voice on the second floor clearly due to how deep it is even though he's not raising it
w a o
If you cum in her she'll use your semen as a battery
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>tremor burst
>tremor burst
>tremor burst
It's over for you
the event is here to make you understand how this shit works, like philclair and shoutis
More Butterfly = Good
Reload here and there for the big nutty S3
(You)'re heterosexual now.
my penis is of a humble 6.5 inches
*rapes you both*
Faust does NOT have a penis
<Faust penis is...lacking to say the least...>
>Corporationism and jews, yes
>Capitalism, no.
Delusion of the highest order
faust has a 2 inch pecker
This cute dogboy will be CORRECTED by ME
I am going to hug him and ruffle his hair.
They actually added a reload ability, my god
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But how do I reload?
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wait, "him"?
is this true chat
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You must fund the theme park, like I have ...
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always was
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Now that the dust has settled, what do we think of the event? Personally, I feel like it was underwhelming, sure we got nice bits of Faust characterization, yet the previous one managed to give us that for Rodya AND Hong Lu, while presenting a relatively interesting villain and an interesting CEO + more world-building. I'll wait until Don's canto drops to judge her reveal retrospectively.
>it took them 1.5 years to add a reload ability
holy shit
He's gay, shoo-shoo
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Paus pecker is the optimal size for reproduction...danteh.
it was cool
top 3 intervallo
go back to /trash/ you fithly porn obxsseessed losers

NTR event unlucky
Yeah TKT shits on it in terms of hard hitting writing but at least it picked up near the end with Don
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>Get lobcorp Ryoshu
>Put her in a bleed team
>Hit win rate
You didn't know el director was a guy...?
Dices eso mientras posteas Don Quijote narizon judio de mierda, cuyo autor le hicieron el equivalente a nuestro "swatting" al acusarlo de judio, cuyo país de origen tuvo su epoca dorada al exiliarlos junto los mulsumarrones.
Dejame adivinar, eres un catalufo de mierda creyendo que es inteligente al criticar al gringito sin ver quienes son los que lo dominan, gran hijoputa mameluco socialista.
What do you mean? We always had a retry option
Ye duh just not his vtumor dog sona
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If I memrepo do I still keep the abnos I chose on the first day of that memrepo, or do I get to pick them again? I'm at day 21 and all of the choices suck.
i guess you could pretend he's a girl if u wanted
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I liked the Faust stuff and will hold judgement on the Donqui stuff, but I liked the introduction to her. This event was a bit too lacking in terms of depth outside of that. There's the T box and the missing W corp employee but that feels so very minor and forgettable. World building was pretty weak, all we did was just spend the time killing bloodfiends, without much interesting sinner stuff outside of Faust.
I posted Don because she is delusional like you are, which you proved by this deranged schizo post.
Aside from Paus being disconnected and the Donfiend reveal, pretty underwhelming. Sasha is a nothing character and Cassetti is meh. At least it showed more stuff about Bloodfiends I suppose.
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Limbabs for this feel?
Why the fuck there's no much PM tracks in h-games?.. And i mean more than just free royal tracks
>Angela wearing Angelica as a skin suit
When he wears the dog filter he can be whatever you want him to be bwo
This meme is cute, but this version is cursed.
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The ending made it better than TKT. Not biased at all.
I think you get to choose again, but It's been a long time.
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I suppose
More of a cat-person person anyway though so sorta eh either way
Thanks for the clarification Limbuds
He's not specified and KR doesn't used gendered pronouns so I think its up to (You) just like Dante.
Anon, that was Roland. He did notice Gregor's furry bug arm from the Smoke War. Also his legs were gone just like the beginning of LoR, and he is known to fuck over Don Quixote according to bookfags.
Respect the spaniard anon, you don't deserve to donpost according to google translate. Anyone who badmouths the great capitalism while ignoring kikes like (You) can't be taken seriously, tourist.
Look at the fucking posts and tell me you are confused why tourists come here
Was cool. Also looking forward to more long battles.
I still don't understand how this chapter supposedly killed Don Quixote's character.
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i prefer him as a guy, since he speaks like a guy (his normal self) but yeah it probably doesn't really matter
director forma dog and dante are guys to me
Hmmm, we need more gatekeeping and lolis. If worst comes to worse then goreposting their troon stuff will send the message.
Something something Don was a normal girl and now she's not. Something something muh normal characters in a strange world trope.
twas kino imo
Why the fuck would you watch a guy with a fem vtuber model instead of just a guy or girl with a matching model.
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I'm jobbing to a headache as of now.
Sinners for this feel?
Why don't you share your discord server link before saying the most asinine shit in this korean basket weaving site?
>a [HEADCANON] vtuber model
go away coomer
Yi Sang
to be pierced's image should get replace with a pic of pequod faggots because it's the only thing in this fucking pack holy shit
Why do you keep trying to push this?
Porn has rotten your brain.
>we need more [DOGSHIT] and [DOGSHIT TWICEFOLD]
Tiphniggers and cunnyposters already make the threads unusable enough. I don't want any anon in here turning into a schizo who spams gore.
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I have no idea why either of you mentally ill retards even brought up jews into a conversation about Project Moon. You're so caught up in your schizophrenia that you don't realize that you're the one pushing everything off topic and destroying the thread quality
>Scared of a little gore
>Also doesn't like loli
Well of course you're a faggot.
I don't know why anyone would, even less why you would watch vtumors in the first place.
Trannies sure got mad by this random post.
Meanwhile in the IRL version of The City
>I don't want any anon in here turning into a schizo who spams gore.
Why you don't say anything when they do post gore?
Why is it always these faggots?
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Well it certainly raised the Fausang stocks real hard
>goreposting their troon stuff
>which is an automatic ban on a blue board
Lol no wonder, this tryhard faggot's a tourist
>>Scared of a little gore
You have to be 18 years old or older to use this site.
>I have no idea why either of you mentally ill retards even brought up jews into a conversation about Project Moon
The Kabbalah, Bible and other esoteric themes the games use? Holy shit way to out yourself as a tertiary.
>he had to reply to himself
goreposting to get newfags to fuck off is the oldest trick in the book do you seriously think this being a blue board would stop them?
don't know why you brought it up but I agree
blue board = reddit
I think the choices remain the same
Reminder that you keep the EGO gear during resets, sometimes it really made those early days much smoother
I'm not going to be replying to you. This acknowledgement, however, will be the only thing I will give you.
There hasn't been a SINGLE gorepost in this general. Not a single one that I know of, at least. The moment I see it, however,, it's getting dogpiled upon.
blue board = downvote blue :(
orange board = upvote orange!!!
why shouldnt i buy a hoard of lunacy with my first time offer? im going to need paid lunacy anyway
People were talking about if Director's model was meant to be a girl or not and it just reminded me that in general that's a thing people do and it's weird. Chill.
Why would you need it?
*mad at
Not mad "by".
because everything that isnt the pass is a scam lololol
I'm going to gorepost
A friend of mine wants to try Lobo Corp but I don't know if I have the right download for it.


Does this look like the right one?
>The moment I see it, however,, it's getting dogpiled upon.
You must be 18 or older in order to use this website.
>There hasn't been a SINGLE gorepost in this general
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It was alright, Faust characterisation was pretty good but it's a fucking shame this Intervallo wasn't voiced because Don's moments during it would have been fun to hear, especially given the fact that they dropped the Bloodfiend reveal on us.
There was a gorepost here but it was a long time ago.
It's not. It's just what butthurt schizos do.
People used to spam gore all the time in loli/shota breads on /b/ to "get back" at the sickos and everyone just ignored them.
You're too new to know what you're taking about.
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I don't know but I am feeling like buying one too. Can anyone who does spend money on non-pass stuff tell me your experience? How much you buy, what you use it on, your feelings of regret or happiness. I'd honestly like to know.
>The Kabbalah, Bible and other esoteric themes the games use?
...are you retarded? He was referring to Jews being criticized in tandem with corporatism, not themes of Judaism being used in the story, which actually hurts the idea that the PMverse is meant to criticize Jews in the first place considering the place that uses its structure is meant to save humanity from its mind sickness.
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Arigato anon, in my defense I rewrote that shit twice. Keep up the good fight.
>t's a fucking shame this Intervallo wasn't voiced because Don's moments during it would have been fun to hear
It really would have been. Donqui is my favorite voiced character.
>goreposting to get newfags to fuck off
>i.e. shit up the thread because not enough people agree with you
>get reported
>posts deleted and three day vacation
>thread continues as normal
Excellent plan, retardbro
GL. ENG is tricky.
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This shit will never be finished
I think I probably remember it.
Well, I remember a few other things, too. Some faggot that was spamming uncensored loli for a thread straight and another anon who posted actual cee pee.
Your mom's calling, Jose. She wants you to sit down at the dinner table for once.
>three day vacation
do you seriously think gore spammers serve their time when vidya butts can dodge bans several times within 10 minutes?
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what the SHUCK faust
>People from District 23 are coming
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No you are bricked.
Mem rep day is always the most important day.
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>We didn't hear Faust's anxious voice
>We didn't hear Don yelling at Cassetti
>We didn't hear Don's bloodfiend voice
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at least don's got me...
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Director then
>we're making a gacha to get the funds to start making what we want!
Director now
>ah actually fuck you faggots, we're just doing Limbus for TEN YEARS and maybe a collab or two if you're lucky you dirty shit eater
HMMM i don't like that bait, make me another.
>stuck with queen bee
Are you? The parallel between The City being a corporate hellscape being purified by Kabbalistic spiritualism, and the jewish divide between ultra religious and secular factions is easy. You could link it to any secular v religious conflict that we had in history. It doesn't even have to be religious, a purely materialistic cityscape that killed all hope in its people that requires a spiritual reawakening to have chance for a change is present since LobCorp.
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I would forsake it all just to hear "Rocinante to me... I beseech you..." Even without voice, it felt so painful.
>We didn't hear Faust's anxious voice
I don't mind it as long as we get a realtime 3D combat game out of it.
He actually ran with the money this time...
Just...get smarter? And kill all clerks ofc. The ego gift is such a bonus in looks, makes the full armor look cool
dropping such a big reveal in an unvoiced cutscene is honestly fucking retarded
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Why is WH Heath's counter Lust?
Right, the city needs a Jewish spiritual reawakening and this means the work is actually about hating Jews because you're mentally ill.
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>orange board
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>Solemn Lament Gregor
Imagine if the entire intervallo was unvoiced like right now but it suddenly becomes voiced when Don's shoes drop
His love for Cashy
bad limbab
>We were blue balled of Vampire Don deep voice
I will never forget that Dog vtuber FUCK...
What the fuck are you talking about with these leaps of logic? Stop projecting your mental illness onto me.
how long must I wait for the best announcer chesed?
So delirious you don't even understand the natural implications of your own arguments. Must be fun being as stupid as you
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found a fresh limbab up for grabs
we will eos before we get that far, so never
Play LobCorp and you'll know
You are delusional, when did I mention hating jews?
Next Lob Corp Walpenis
I can't wait for Gloria Faust.
but you can expand welfare and disciplinary at your own discretion unless they go the ruina route and have him come after geb announcer
The entire point of the conversation was an anon thinking the PMverse was about calling out Jews. Follow along with the conversation you decided to join, dumbass.
Its going to be netzach > tiph > chesed > gebura
Not 100% sure on the geezers
Since Hod came before Netzach we can assume they are following Ruina's order yeah
>Netzach slacking off in recordings
>Binah demeaning my efforts
That was obvs going to happen since even in lobcorp you need to do hod's supression before netzach
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>pimple finally went away
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yesterday was my first time buying anything other than the pass
really wanted molar ish to complete my sinking team, bought a decaextraction ticket, rolled the ish banner, got molar ish plus a lucky faust ego
lucky, grats
Well the modern capitalist society that we know of is largely influenced by secular jews who maintain their influence and power through money, and religous jews use that to push for their religion. From the three biggest religions, world economy, communism and to capitalism, jews played a large part in all of it. If The City is our future, I can see why someone would link it to calling out jews.
How many years until we explore the outskirts and beyond?
only if you're poor
Scarecrow duty
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pls respond
>blah blah blah
It's a critique of capitalism from a Korean perspective where the wealthiest are other Koreans. Stop projecting retarded western politics into it
If you don't know how to pirate, you are underage.
Yeah it's just this. Koreans are just now learning they can speak out about how smothering and depressing their society is.
So they are through various forms of media.
Generally the monthly roll packs are decent value. Unnecessary, for the most part, but decent value relative to the rest.
Why is she rubbing her face against the glass
Watch your child Verg
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I can only contain my gacha addiction for so long
I need to FUCKING roll
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Woooo 45 turns with sinking IDs only.
>he's never pressed his cheek or nipples against cool glass
spending money on rolls is retarded but
>spend weeks farming exp to level 1 or 2 IDs
>work for 3 hours to buy 250 blue tickets + 144 gold and level a whole team
I know which one I'd rather do (if I wasn't a day 1 player with infinite resources)
use steam unlocked bwo
is pretty safe as long as u dont download the fake links at the start is cool

You stay the same team the whole way through?
Just don't bother raising everything. And use a bleed team to speed it up.
Its THAT simple.
W Dyon is NYOT a Sinking ID.
Sure, and that is why Kabbalah is so prominent in the games, right? Purely Korean mysticism.
And Korea got to where it is by being removed from the West at large, right? It's not like they are an amalgamation of the Western ideals, culture in market adapted to their own culture. Not like their closest neighbor is a communist state. Nor is their leadership composed of obscenely wealthy and powerful people who are into cults and mysticism. Surely Director knows nothing about the world outside of Korea. Surely.
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charon ryona
You need help, genuinely.
So what do we kick out of sinking and bleed teams for the new IDs? Pregor and Butler Outis?
underage b&
Bro I've been edging since the last Walpurgis where I got nothing, contain yourself.
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Have this cute and canon pic /lcg/
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Two girls got to have some fun during the second stage. I grabbed Ish, crossed my fingers, used wingbeat and she blew up Jun. Thank you, Ish.

WDonqui is the perfect benchwarmer with her passive!
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Meursault, restrain her. She is attempting to kill the Manager... again.
Well which is it anon, is the game about Korea and Korean problems, ideas and life only? Or does it go deeper and wider in its scope?
Good job!
Butterfly Sang
Molar Ish
Dieci Rodya
Butler Outis

Red Eyes Ryo
Ring Sang
Captain Ish
Hook Lu
Ring Outis or NFaust
Already addressed. Take your meds, schizo
Butler Outis over Dieci Hong? Not sure about that, he's really really good
Oh right, idk how I forgot about him.
This is what happens when you pick and choose what parts draw parallels from the real world for your own [Headcanon]. You are allergic to what the other's think. Unless the Director goes out and gives a 200 page essay on what everything is and why, you will have people making up connections where they see fit, you pitiful narcissist. The only one who needs meds for his delusions not being automatically accepted is you.
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>give up two good gifts
>get one non status shit gift in return
ha ha ha
You seriously need help, both mentally and for reading comprehension.
What causes someone to be like this
NFaust maintains her place. All is right in the world
>Once Inferno ends all sinners get a HE upgraded version of their base ego
>Once Purgatorio ends they get a WAW
>And when we're done with all of the story they get an ALEPH
Would it be kino?
Guys I just installed the game and I just got smooched by two random people...friend code is R036770582 btw
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are you lol&...
Aint no way Im keeping Nfaust when I can run Ring Outis
Blacklisted. I don't add attention whoring newBITCHES
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mmm nyes simking
my favourite
Moth and Tourbot are honestly pretty easy with whatever team I choose, Siltcurrent, I only go up against with a pierce-heavy team and that also depends on what enemy buffs I’ve already picked.
That would take over 10 years tho
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also heres mine
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I never thought it was possible that the idea of being able to do dmc style switching on the fly in a card game was possible but here we are
What were they thinking when they made this ridiculously OP page?
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lol&, get UP the baby needs their PAPA
idk but I had fun spamming Overcharge with it
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Tier List of how well each sinner would do as a tuber
they made it OP so that the gimmick of deck swapping could work. Except people just went all in on one deck and never swapped so it was pure upside
stop you'll make me cry
>why is a Color's page OP?
Rodya would be Obscure Channel with Dedicated Following at best.
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Do what must be done.
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just two happy parents
"this is a single player game it's okay for things to be overpowered"
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lol& is busy right now come back later
I was about to criticise you on Meursault being that low, not knowing his charm potential but then saw, "Cancelled".
You're right.
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angelica lost to robot pussy
kill yourself
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give me back MY lol&!!
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Quiet, you
paus would have a dedicated following
cute kot
Where would Charon and Verg rank on this? My guess would be Household and Dedicated
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uppity lol&...
you're 10 years too early to best me
>only ashes remain
Dare i say kino?
I'd listen to Vergil talk about anything.
I don't wanna see a silly avatar though, just him. If he had a channel where he just read books aloud that would be the best.
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Dramatuber who got caught manipulating things behind the scenes and gets smeared as a sociopath.
Variety tuber who states, matter of factly, that there were some good things that came from the holocaust.
Fighting game channel who gets shut down after getting angry and screaming nigger on stream.
Weapons channel. Ousted after she's discovered to have a gore fetish.
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Hey guys, i worked decently to edit out the kike propoganda out of this cute Ishmael. Enjoy.
What's the original
What propaganda
I would've thought vtuberfags would be into gore or chalk it up as a le funny character quirk
KEK that caught me off guard
what did it look like before?
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I went through the effort of scrawling twitter profiles since it didnt immediately give me the post
its just gay ukraine bullshit
luckily im not in the loop so i don't even know what the symbol means
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I don't even know what that means bwo
Good job, edit looks good
Why did you had to ask. Now thread will derail...
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>I went through the effort
>Indonesian flag still there
You didn't try hard enough.
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What the hell is indonesia?
google reverse image search just kept giving me profiles of people rt-ing it and not the og artist, so I went through their feeds of slop to find it since any result was someone that loved to post 24/7
most people dont even care about the ukraine shit anymore if they arent over in russia or ukraine, dont worry bwo
How do i get the bug that makes sinners attack eachother
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It's a trident which is on the COA of Ukraine.
hell on earth where god tossed the leftovers of actual humans. Eventually they reformed into a demonic race who now infest that region
anon that wasnt a bug that was railway 4
Looks like some generic clothes brand to me, honestly. It's like a Bethesda NPC turned into a flag
>I yield, I yield!
>Then pay with your blood!
very simple edit to do, searching for the picture is harder, gj.
Choose one
Nice job
Looks like some demonic pinhead with horns
This is cool. Source?
PollAnon wasn't kidding when he said Russians were the second biggest user base on here
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I just dislike artists putting propaganda on their fanart
Zigger pigs deserve death
Shhh don't speak ill of the child who shows his “hard” work.
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
what the SHUCK are my sinners doing?
We had a joke back in the Soviet Union. "Why is there no water in the tap? Kikes drank all of it". What do you think of it?
Nice one, low t twitternigger, you fags can't even insult other directly, always that bitchy passive aggressive. Post your "hard" word for us, please.
IshMALE holy fuck.
Imagine the """men""" who like 'women' like this lmao
don't encourage him bwo
please do not try to goad a russian melty. their persistence is incredible
Battle Royale, winner gets your dick
I prefer the Holodomor ones, fun for the whole family
No, edits are evil, the artist didn't give his consent.
she looks super cute wdym
Why does this anon have a hate boner for Ish?
why are russians so fragile lol
A woman trapped in a man's body, would be sad if it wasn't so pathetic.
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I mean this is just "throw a coin and they will pick it up" But for water. Also i agree with
Don't be an instigator.
The edit is made by me, i am from kharkov. Don't derail further.
with those boxy hips, 0(zero) tits and short hair??? it's just sinclair if he was ginger and had a vagina lol!!!
I think the best way to fix /lcg/ would be to purge anyone who brings up politics
>bait hours starting early
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You *cough* wish you were as free *cough* as me.
T. American
How do you feel about N corps local tax dispersion?
I thought that guy was British
Meursault, twist his balls.
George R.R. Martin leave my thread
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Understood, manager.
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sinners for this feel
As a day 1 limbusser, noticing a lot of dedicated ryo accounts popping up on the western side as of lately. The art is welcome, generally she only used to have nips as dedicated aritsts.
Political edits are low tier. (he just removed a color btw)
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Just *cough* hit this shit *cough cough*
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>he just removed a color
Holy shit, he is too powerful
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Thanks for the answer. The actual meaning behind the joke is that Soviet government had a massive jew hysteria, blaming onto them all sorts of issues. So people started making fun of said government in various ways. Here, idea is that of course "communal services" as they are called here are at fault, but those in power would blame it on the le kikes rather than recognize the issue and fix it. Think on it, little guy
>we run into another ring experiemntation center
>they tried summoning Argalia to fuck more shit up
>they miss or something and catch ideal quiet life Roland instead
>kick some ass with him
>he asks how to get back to his wife and child in time for his kid's birthday
>"Dante, we don't know how to send him back. We have to kill him."
>"Faust, if Faust does not know, then Faust will learn. I will find a way."
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The city is a criticism of all -isms because the whole point is that our problems can't just be solved by some perfect system and we need to work through them as humans.
The capitalists are murderous retards
The communists are backstabbing retards
The theists are lemming retards
The atheists are suicidal retards
They deserved it for creating communism
>the joke is that Soviet government had a massive jew hysteria,
The soviet union protected jews and helped "catalogue" holocaust crimes
how do they even manage to do this kind of shit
nigger it 2 day away am not wasting mine f2p currency

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