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Previous thread: >>492900002

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

BleedGODS, how are we feeling about another OP unit being added to the team?
Let's make this a good thread /lcg/ I know you can do it.
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Hopefully she inflicts a shit ton of potency, and looking at her passive she probably does.
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cute heasaclipu
>fastest clearing status team
>will now be EVEN FASTER
feels good man
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zenya nyops yuuv dyun yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
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Smoke all Heathcliffs.
What's going on here?
Looking good
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>runs in
>stabs you
>runs out
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Swing low~~~ Sweet Char~~~iot~~~ Comin~~~~ to carry me ho~~~~me~~~

Literally one clash from winning
how good you figure the drugs are in the city?
Shoulda just one sided it
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Fucking limbabs I swear
>uses my guard
>tanks the hit with my limbillion shield hp
Ask Ayin, he provided the hottest new drug in the entire city.
go take a hit from the smoke boys and find out
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. This is why you guys always end up with egg on your face
We actually lived somehow.
enkephalin isnt a drug
>but you can get super high
yeah you can also huff petrol to get high fuckin abbos
it literally is doe
is this how hodcels cope with her behavior
can you PLEASE stop posting art that makes ishmael look like a boy...
hod is an honorary abbo
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<I'm just trying to enjoy my sandwich who keeps letting you back on the bus?>
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Whatever you say bro
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how will the limbus anime adapt the shuckaroonies scene?
They will return, and they'll bring Smoke [UNIQUE POISE] with them.
I trust in the plan.
>unique poise
oh god you're right
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when will sinclair be relevant again
Its not even a prediction at this point
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*eats breakfast before bed*
will butterfly sang help lower it or is deluge too good?
right after ishmael
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Mid 2026
Making Hod fat, then helping her lose weight
Then making her fat again, then helping her lose weight again
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no, now go to bed tiph im GAMING
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>then helping her lose weight
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he is always relevant
october can't come soon enough, ryonaGODS...
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Where are you, Greta?! I wish yo have you in my embrace again.
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Would the sinners be able to win their Sburb session?
>ish didn't do shit for heath in his canto
You're going to lose to my big fat CLOCK. MY Heathcliff. MY Don Quixote.
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sinners for this feel?
cmon now, at best youll get some >MUH DARK SIDE ID's from time to time
he failed his Canto and stayed as the little bitch he was introduced as
They can win this, but they'll fuck it up so much that they'll have to scratch their session three times.
sinclair as arthur, yi sang as gawain and hong lu as onii-chan (idk which knight he was)
Turning Malkuth into a fat cow
Wrong. His base ID realization is gonna give him the Mark of Cain
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Probably not. Dante is a shoo-in for being the Time player, and I can't see that going well.
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we're posting about him so he's relevant
Shut up clockhead it wasn't your idea
Others might not understand, but this is a true Korean Architect. See Koreans really like the trend of time regression and looping like Groundhog Day, this man IS Yi Sang. He will eternally fatten up, because he knows the joy must never stop and is determined to overcome the little things like 'health' and 'maximum body size'.
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Hey guys, i worked decently to edit in the kike propoganda in of this cute Ishmael. Enjoy.
fun party thwarted by squares
I specifically was right every time.
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Maybe? I did not use deluge once so that doesn't matter. No gluttony would be annoying but I can work around it by making sure I can get some with maid Ish during the second stage and changing Rodya's rime shank for effervescent corrosion as that's a gluttony EGO that does not consume gluttony.
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Im derailing this thread!
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Based. Slava Ukraini.
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I chuckled.
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>Couldn't even wait for more than 2 minutes to pass
>Samefagging this hard
Claws, get his ass
>Flustered Sinclair makes my female instincts activate. I HAVE to pull this boy's dick into my face and plant his semen in my mouth.
why is it ALWAYS a fucking tranny, i'll take faggots over this every day of the week
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This is what I'm gonna do to the Knight of Mirrors when he tries to make Don cry.
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fucking lmao
Now that the dust has settled, why did the ishmael gaslighting fail?
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love my retarded heathcliff
>roll s4 ticket
>get cliff
That's 200 crates right here.
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Wanna bet if it's samefagging?
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One stalwart Ishfag whining about it was enough to make it stop.
Of course, the others were trying too hard on their end, but it's not like that matters a whole lot.
My conclusion? Ishmael B.S. ID never.
Jerk off, bro
forced memes by tourists always fail
>polish and ukarinian flags on the same character
Really didn't think this through
>trannies out of nowhere
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>i love this character
>i want to torture and kill them
what causes this mentality
>someone says something I disagree with
>thread gets terrible
It's [OUTGROUP]posting hours
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Rodya LOVE!
That's how you know it's a real woman
Where's the Nothing There posting?
He tanked that btw
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>Dongrang was the most sympathetic antagonist despite being a traitor
>Ryoshu is clearly his favorite
What did he mean by this?
It's... you...
trannies are just filled with a varied collection of mental illnesses, and sadly games with the vibe of PM attract them
>ryoshu is his favorite
wut? Its clearly yi sang
From where did they come from though?
I'm more shocked by the fact that this general sucks a Russian dick than by that.
Ahab is right about Ishmale being a man though.
What will Heathcliff get for the next walpipi
Is that why Ahab won't get off Ish's dick
I think people in general don't like cheap political propaganda and forced national symbols where they don't belong, regardless of the symbols. People are also like to be amused by triggering balkanoid spergs, so they do that too
>triggering balkanoid spergs
How did I miss this, I want to be triggered
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>games with the vibe of PM
yeah okay i get it, it's my fault for unironically liking not only a visual novel but ALSO a gacha game
i heard webcomics also attract mental illness and it might be a part of the reason i keep seeing the overlap
Very cute bunnies
Or a cunny, if you will
>webcomics also attract mental illness
anon you don't even know the half of it
so many fucking webcomics get infested by that bullshit
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Get fucked Starcuck
Everyone's expecting him to get Big and Will Be Bad Wolf's E.G.O.
Personally, I want to believe that he'll get Punishing Bird or something of the like, because it's too obvious.
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>being a webcomic homo
>not being a webnovel CHAD
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why can't z corp take over u corp even though they're like 10 times bigger and have a "badass" military? their "3 day corporate excursion" has been going on for 3 days now and I heard u corp is taking land in z corps's backstreets now. it can just be because r corp is giving them weapons, is it?
What Wuxia shit has you so mesmerized
Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Gregor what the fuck are you talking about?
>old, whalecum hag fingers typed this
Old man is having Smoke War flashbacks...
<What does "correcting the manager" mean, exactly? Just saw it on a loose file.>
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Danteh..I thought you didn't want to know...?
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God I love milfs
Z Corp has historically been a paper tiger
What is Virgil's stroke game like
<Well, why wouldn't I? Never saw it before.>
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Who's the Mashiba of Limbis Company?
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So no context I just want some input for something: Will You Play, Charon, or that random girl from the WARP Intervallo [/spoiler
I don't know who this is, I only read kengan omega
Making fun of Ishmael won't bring back Stubb
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I can't believe I actually like this stupid bitch now. When did that happen?
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When you stopped having shit taste. Welcome to adulthood, she'll make a man of you yet.
we should killl this landwhale already no am not talking about rodya death to all amerimutt
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o, dullahan...
she is shadow the hedgehog of the pm verse
Sounds like a threat...
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success breeds jealousy
Stubb died because Ishmael was too busy screaming about how "trans rights are human rights"
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Shit canto, shit conclusion. Ahab was fucking shit.
Why does she have such big eyes?
No one breeds ishmael. Permanent H.K.V.
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Reddit Sinners
>Yi Sang
>Don Quixote
>Hong Lu
Non Reddit Sinners
It would be funny if they make more multi announcers so you could have like 14 people blabbering in total.
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gn /lcg/
gn my favorite bot
its yeah of the CHADow after all
you are a true faggot attention whore on a anonymous forrum that i can't notice any differne form this boatbilly and fagclair
>canonically they them
the most REDDIT of sinners
/lgbt/core even
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Buenas noches, conchadetumadre.
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Dorky grandma...
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How would Lionel Messi fare in the City?
It's the late bloomers sinner, she also wasn't doing it that much for me until like 3 months into the game and it just clicked. Her popularity now and back then is proof enough.
I am more shocked by the fact that 90% of russians in PM community are ziggers. Like, in other communities they at least have some different opinions (or at least contain their surges)
>Dawn office
>Molar office
So what are the other trios they have in store for us?
as long as you not a foot/pitfag or any bdsm kink you fine in my book
No wonder the general that slobbers over ishMALE likes danthey/them
It's just on /lcg/
Sweeper's food
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whats wrong with pitfags?
would have died in a backstreet before getting to be famous
isn't meursault's buddy raymond in that game
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>killed the sticky fingered gypsy and the loudmouth boatbilly at the first opportunity
She had me at TRANCHES.
Generally, it's not good to come off as more schizophrenic than the ones you make fun of. Just makes you look obnoxious
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His autistic powers would match color's strength!
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they are just closetted brapfag that hasn't awaken yet
Genuinely why do you spam this shit here, is it because VB posts here?
Are there some sport activities in the City? Like, we just saw casual game of vorreyburr, but is professional sport allowed in the City?
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Speaking of that monkey, do you think The City™ still has sports teams and what not?
Entertainment canonically exist, they just never explored them yet.
Statistically speaking he probably has some sort of disgusting fetish anon. Didn't you see the recent survey in the thread?
>literally every sinnerfag voted ryona
wooo so original
>jobs to Don Quixote (STRONGEST SINNER) immediately after
Just like Vegeta and his fans.
>Cane Office
Sinner for this feel?
you could never ammount to 1/10 of anything meaningful in your life stfu nigger
I wish El Director would cater to my fetish a bit more Faceless/masked bros, where we at?
No, Date doesn't count.
Purple Tear Ryoshu
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Do combats generate more starlight in the mirror dungeon than events?
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which female sinner would costar with willem dafoe in an european "art film"
Post it
lol, touched a nerve, monkey?
it doesn't matter much, you should always take the path with the most encounters anyways. Time spent is not worth it for a bit more starlight.
I think focused encounters > human battles but otherwise not much difference.
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>you should always take the path with the most encounters anyways
You mean events are better?
What about from a gameplay standpoint if we dont care about time?
Are ? nodes preferred or is the cost generation more relavant from battles?
Real ones can identify a good character before they even speak.
Ryoshu and Don Quixote strongest sinners until an actually strong person comes by like Ricardo and kicks their ass
How to maximize wingbeat? I bench B.faust but still get inconsistent results
Why are all the sinnerfags so mentally ill?
If it's a regular battle I'd say going for event encounters is still better on a gameplay perspective. Risky and Focused battles should be better to take than events but you could still get unlucky and not get any boxes or ego gifts.
You use a different EGO
book donquixote
/lcg/ is mentally ill. So sinnerfags are mentally ill
>every sinnerfag is saying ryona
What's the statistic here?
Scary roseate desire
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Imagine seething because someone called your favorite divegrass monkey a monkey.
that is such a oxymorons question
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It's pure rng brother. You might could try butler faust and ring sang together but it'd be hard to make it line up just for her. Even if she was at 45 sanity she has to roll a heads starting at 20 sanity five more times which in Limbus' case is hard to achieve if not at 45.
Sinners are mentally ill characters
>enemies in ego corrosion
erm bwos? I hope this isn't just about envy peccas and we start getting enemies who can use ego in battle
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>On hit: At 0+ SP, reuse this coin
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>ah, 2/3rds of the last Walpurgis banner? Basically completely useless memes
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Winbeat is letting god take the wheel, Anon. Don't try to maximize it, embrace the rng and watch it unfold
Given the fact that butterfly restores SP on hit it seems pretty clear the reuse cap is going to be the main limiter on Lament, not actually keeping SP up.
bench ringsang as well
>Boy is so depressed thinking about how fucked up his family is
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if she pulled this kind of stunt off I would lash out at her, don't care that i'm like a toddler compared to her in physical strength, i'd be enraged beyond reason
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These are the people that made ring yi sang.
You would be sad too.
What about Ringsang using the sinners as art projects
That as well. Or ring outis.
I mean, do you really want to miss out on all the fun and clapping because you didn't save? Would it feel good pulling out your wallet so you're not left behind in some fashion? You really would rather wait 3-4 months to dispense them instead?
How likely is all heads wingbeat? I got it the first time I used wingbeat, and haven't used it again, since it's all downhill from there.
False dilemma. I could just support them in. Also, if they're not good for much not having them for 3 months wouldn't be an issue anyway. That's just FOMO
why is erlqueen so FAT
I wonder if that'll actually work
Because the SP loss efficiency only applies to things listed in the Base Factors bit of the Sanity tab which generally is only people dying, and while it does say -2 to amount of SP lost from EGO use, the way it's probably coded is just from activating the EGO itself and not any effects from the EGO

I could be wrong though
Assuming you use it at 45 sanity? Like 7% for seven heads, if you also assume she loses 1.5 sp on average.
Spidershus support passive is Philips dream passive, but she's already in the burn team... Also really good for wildhunt obviously.
90% of content is MD where you can't use supports. I agree that you don't really need them though. I'd argue this banner is very much worth it but the first banner was the most important one over all. Shootis and Plipclair were pretty eh and Egos don't matter much to begin with.
My bad, 5%, not 7%
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We all like Ishmael here
replace with nclair
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My bad again, I forgot that the first coin does not make you lose SP, it's 6%.
God what a fucking sad sack of a character. Canto V fucking killed her and pissed on the corpse, it's actually incredible there are still boatbilly fags around.
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I thought that was a dude and not Rodichka
But enough about Canto 3...
he would mog the sp passives then anon...
sleep well me
Dante during the Ricardo fight
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>You would be sad too.
I know
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Cute. Cuuute. CUTE.
you guys will believe anything huh
Shut it, Pluto.
MD is easy and just hitting win rate over and over anyway, so doesn't really matter since the bar is extremely low to begin with. But yeah, there's usually only about one crucial thing per Walpurgis and you can just support them in for any endgame content. I think Plip is strong though
I won't believe you.
the exact same thing happened to me. what are the odds.
just replace her with an independent unit like R heath
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Cutest sinner
It's the sharp, handsome chin she draws her with.
Replied to the wrong post >>492939376
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>Have suboptimal team
>Pick all the options that give as little offensive power to the enemies as possible
>Winrate through the whole thing no sweat
I thought this was supposed to be hard
>first actual id who can properly heal others
I'm guessing they made this because the new direction of the game makes it so taking attacks is inevitable, wonder how dons canto will look like.
Go back in time and play the version where the enemy buffs were insane, tier 4s didn't exist and you had to use two 00s at the start. That was probably MDH at it's hardest.
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>first healer/healing support ID
>it's Ryoshu
You have to transfuse to don so she doesn't fucking kill you.
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>two 00s
Oh god you made me remember we had to pay cost for starter 000s.
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I hope we eventually face an enemy that uses a "Come Unto Your Maker"-like skill. Would be cool.
you now remember md1 making you level up your ids via pitstops and they all started at like level 10
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Why wouldn't she get it? Her maternal instincts are kicking in and she's taking care of the other Sinners.
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AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, fucking had to click like a billion times every single run
It also paid you xp tickets.
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Don soon
Yi Sang on a bench
Don Quixote and Sinclair in a sandbox
Damn, that would be perfect. Either that or White Night.
what did dante do to yi sang....
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They release an Omega pass where instead of grinding out new IDs and EGOs they're automatically added to your account fully maxed out free of charge. What is the MAXIMUM you would pay for such a thing?
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dont forget Gregor's passive
I guess we are getting a fuckload of mimics in Don's chapter
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Ryoshu already had an ID that heals
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not ideal
This image has two victims and Faust.
Would you like to share with the class what's making you feel so down?
Hard powercrept
>Ryoshu's Red Eyes ID's skill 3 probably needs max value or a really high number of Penitence and Red Eyes to make the charged version be used thanks to the stages of the effects
>The final stages are called ''Red Eyes - Devouring'' and ''Penitence - Confession''
>After usage of the charged version of skill 3, you gain ''Only Ashes Remain'' and can't gain Penitence or Red Eyes
What does that mean?? She confessed? She Devoured? She's tired therefore only the ashes of her energy remains so she can't hold these effects for one turn? What does it mean??
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It simply bears the possibility of an unsavory implication.
she confesses that she burnt and ate her daughter until only ashes remained
Go on Yi Sang. What's so odd about a fairly normal park scene involving a bench and a sandbox?
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>or in E.G.O Corrosion
Bro your funny purple sinners?
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>we get to see what a Base Sinner's E.G.O. Corrosion looks like
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I shall not
Why not? Perhaps sharing will help alleviate that distress.
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The powercreep will only get worse from now on.
Duh, it's been getting worse since day 1.
If it says anything, this is the only gloom coin on an ID Ryoshu has. One Sin actually gets to her.
>implying thats a bad thing when the baseline was PM having no clue wtf they were doing
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Exponentially worse.
Some descriptions are going to be longer than the novels Kimchi Coon is aping.
Jesus christ, I read that as 2 victims one faust
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El Director barely knew what he was doing while making LobCorp and it was absolute KINO.
El Director barely knew what he was doing while making LoR and it was absolute LUDOKINO.
And El Director barely knows what he's doing right now with Limbus and I would bet my life that it will continue to be absolue CINEMA.
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Speaking of powercreep do you think they actually are trying to cripple the Rabbit with certain choices or is it just a coincidence
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So? Skills can have six pages of text each for all I care. All that matters is their coin values
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>runs in
>politely greets you
>asks for a good fight
>wow maybe I can do this
>operator yun will surely be pro
Maybe a little? By default people with ammo (who can't reload like Yi Sang) are just not going to be as good as most IDs if fights are longer which is how they want to make it.

Heathcliff has enough EGOs to at least have something to do if he is not able to spend bullets yet.
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Will you bother uptying and leveling up LCCB Ryoshu again after she gets fixed this patch?
I didn't bother doing it the first time
Already made that mistake...
Fuck no.
uptied again for the passive because i have a feeling gun IDs are going to become more common
Catalogs broken or just me?
I uptie every ID to III out of completionist autism, so nothing will really change there
>Get punished for being in a 'dominating' clash
hmmm no thanks
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Yes. Already had her maxed before and have the resources set aside for the new stuff.
One day I will need a full team of gun users and will need her uptied anyway. Not to 4 necessarily, but I need the blast.
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He's going to appear next canto as "The Blue Wave" and team kill Limbis about three or four times to flex his Color status.
Great ejaculation before sleep. Really high volume and high pressure. Just kept pumping
What if she gets a gun ID too
I wonder if we will get a color fixer in chapter 7
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limbis but good
Probably because I might uptie level all content for canto VII unless they announce uptie V when it launches.
Heathcliff is due for a gun ID before Ryoshu.
Probably yeah
The nerf sucks, but if they want to add more gun IDs to the game that don't get fucked over by ammo, it makes sense
Having a few IDs that can reasonably make use of a hard hitting passive like that is fine, but if you can field a whole team that can reasonably activate it over and over again, then that's a bit more problematic
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"We want to make this already mid gun ID even less useful." Bro it takes 100 years to get to 7 bullets shuck you. That said for actually good gun IDs it makes sense.
He has a gun ID though
I don't give a shit about Ryoshu, just make outis gain bullets faster so I can see her special S3 animation again
yeah but like a relevant one
Well yeah they basically went out and said
>uh we actually want to make a multi weight gun user that isn't mid like Shoutis so we gotta nerf LCCB Ryoshu
Your response?
Ryoshu does too in LCCB it's just s stupid one that only shoots once during her S3 like Outis
Uptie V
Have fAith
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Friend about to experience the samjo moment
share me some samjo images anons
maybe we'll get some gun using bloodfiend hunters, using ranged weapons seems like a good option when dealing with a foe that wants your blood
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>this thing
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I'd be happy if they buffed her S2 also. Why exactly does it need to lose bullet gain and dark flame after 4 bullets?? She literally only ever did insane damage in her event and otherwise she's there to apply dark flame and look cute.
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After having dealt with the RR2 version this dudes a chump by comparison. Still has an annoying fucking passive though.
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sinners for this feel
Dongrang would fuck this cat.
Don't ask me why.
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I want my Walpipi RIGHT NOWWWWW
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Mon amour
<A cat is fine too.>
It's going to be bloody
this is fucking horrible, he'll like it
thanks anons!
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check em
Samjo is mine, I won't hand him over to anyone else.
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>from now
They're balancing for the sake of event challenges, I guess
>post didn't also end in 8
I guess if they framed it like "we need to nerf this passive because it makes the upcoming identity too cracked" I'd be more forgiving
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Tl;Dr on the change? I'm allergic to reading
can i roll yet
Bitch they literally give you a picture for just that
man I wonder does this artist even like Ishmael and Heathcliff as story characters?
it just seems like they like genderswapped heathmael as OC characters
its so fucking weird
no, walpurg isnt live for another 2 weeks
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sinking deluge already a thing dude that alone make sinking the top dog
Before: Whatever skill used the final ammo dealt more damage + it was 50% of the damage to every enemy hit.
After: The last coin that used the final ammo will deal more damage based on each individual enemy at 50%.

The graphic essentially shows the difference itself. If Outis shot her 7th shot with that passive the bullet might do 30 but because it hit 7 enemies it'd do like 400 damage to each of them. Now if Outis shoots her 7th shot it'll do 15 extra damage per enemy because the shot hit for 30.
I meant to say I'm also quite fond of RnB earlier as well and forgot.
gouge your eye out you clearly don't need them
I have to be dedicated to Pilot so unfortunately yes.
knowledge is power
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Red Mist Phase 2: Outis, she's a shell of a person constantly deceiving others (Mimicry) and constantly attempting to take leadership over the others (Da Capo).
Red Mist Phase 3: Meursault, a man who can carry out punishment on others without regard for the morality (Justitia) and can can diligently face the horrors of the world (Mountain).
Red Mist Phase 4: Don Quixote or Rodion, the judge, jury, and executioner who brings about great tragedy in their pursuit of justice (Twilight).
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Great as always, Meursault Anon. Hope you don't mind me asking for some sauce again
All of them will be Ryoshu actually because she smokes.
The sinners when they step into the ruins in canto 30
i think they're just more of a heathfag instead of a limbus fan
Look at her go.
Of course not. It's called, THIRST - BOUNCE
i miss MiA
It's not weird at all to just draw your favorites in scenarios you like
Why are you missing it, it just released a full volume.
that just doesnt make sense how can you be a fan of a character if you don't care about the story they are a part of
I don't think Ive ever seen them even draw a scene from chapter 6 too
Why do you keep posting this
i can't explain the feeling
If it's about Bondrewd, then i understand.
Love this ginger like you would not believe!
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I just wanna have a convo or hear people's opinions on the different potential IDs for each phase
it can stay missing for all i care after what happened to nanachi
>4/10 game
She'll be amputated at worst, she still has more suffering to go through.
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I'm in your debt as always Meursault Anon. If you ever come to South America know that you can call in that favor Though I would recommend to stay away from this god forsaken land
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This is because you consistently fail as a manager, Dante. Faust says this requires additional correction.
Why are people review bombing now?
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I do not know much about that place but I appreciate the sentiment and hospitality. Thank you.
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...anon? That's 4.8 stars
4/10 franchise...
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4.8 stars
out of 3 stars
make ruina a 7.5/10 and I'll agree
The comments on that LoR review were legendary
The "Street Thug Roland" one?
LoR is the DMC2 of Project Moon.
lol&... that damned street thug...
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lol& is not a thug
his thugshaker is for my eyes only
im the only one who smacks his ass as he cooks me food
4/10 general
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His... what?
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lol& thug shaker...shake it for me lol&...
>they quickly disabled comments
cant have fun for shit in the city
cute based canon and factual
yeah 4.8/5 it good
Isn't Ruina just better Limbus?
thanks for checking nigga, now give me a kiss
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his thugshaker
his rump shaker
his fat thug ass
pump pillows
booty bakery
its mine angela, lol& will never shake that shit for you like he does for me
Angelica would regularly beat roland unless he shook that thug ass and did cock windmills for her amusement
>comments are still up
Funniest this fandom has been
lolan's cake...
>cock windmills
do guys really do that? seems very silly and fun (?) or would it be painful?
I don't see ishmaelfags there though
Given Angelica was a color, I bet she was like this
Which Sinner does cock windmills while taking a shower?
The reviewer's street thug comment was actually an extremy intelligent piece of commentary about how blurred the line between fixers and syndicate members can be. Shame on you all for being filtered so brazenly
Hong Lu with that Dong Huge
Post the elephant doing the windmill with its trunk webm
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Very amusing, thank you for the reminder to re-read them again.
>Callous sandpaper hands typed this
Don does NOT have a penis.
The Pianist SAVED Roland from continued domestic abuse from his girlhusband who beat him for buying sandwiches from Hamhampangpang instead of making them in the kitchen
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what did he say...
I want Don.
What is even happening here? Bunch of papers got dropped and Faust decides to play with Dante's coat like some kitty cat?
Not yet
But we can change that
she has two
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stop with this immensely mickey mouse tier butchery of the english lexicon.
Faust (autistic) lifts up Dante's coat to pick up more papers not realising how it's a little lewd to expose his backside like that. Yi Sang is shocked.
I wonder if this cunt is strong too or just a bitch
He had some rather rude things to say about Heathcliff. Unprompted honestly but still
she did it on purpose, that monster faust
I need a girlfriend like Ishmael so bad.
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... Man, what did I do in a past life to deserve this?
you can't be so desperate as to marry an ugly sailor of a woman now are you
Roland is an easy man
Tell me, what does she clear?
fluffy hair and freckles are based. good taste bwo
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You must shake that thug ass, like I have.
I don't bother with shit I won't use.
you didn't even need a past life to acumulate this much karma
Have any of you even tried the switch version? It sounds like the port is just bad with UI elements and I wouldn't blame normie journalists for not wanting to deal with it.
I wonder why they'd judge the actual game off of a shitty port rather than just say it was a shitty port.
Feels kinda dumb.
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Fishmael isn't ugly...
Ruina having dogshit ui is objectively correct, regardless of versions. He is being made fun of because he is reviewing a game after only seeing like 5% of it.
>freckles (makes you weirdo as seen in the Yellow Frycook's television series)
>stuffing her face like a glutton (uncivilized, very typical sailor behavior)
>likely smells and has body hair
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Yeah but imagine having to navigate that shit with a gamepad
>rather than just say it was a shitty port
I thought the review, or at least the end of the review had that impression, though.
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Frenkels are cool though and not weird
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. . .
Nyo. They are cute and sexy.
Erm... is it me or did Cashy get hit with the ugly stick all of a sudden?
they make you NOT normal
>Yellow Frycook's television series
nta, but the what now?
They look like some sort of skin disease and trigger my trypophobia
They're super common and normal tho
<She threw a harpoon at me.>
you're trying too hard now
The city is like a fucking paradise for chicks with "I can fix him attitudes" huh?
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this is NOT my cashy
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>trigger my trypophobia
Your what?
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She sure wants to have one inside her tho
Thats your new girlfriend heath
Okay but every single one of you would be instant lossed by ishmael if you actually tried saying those things
Don't look up suriname toads.
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4 and i brick myself
this was the plan of the head all along..
Spingebill, A.K.A. The Yellow Frycook.
Come on anon, everyone's heard of the Yellow Frycook by now, even after he passed away a long, long time ago.
Roland doesn't need fixing. He just wants his happiness (Angelica) back.
Watching the Spongebob movie with don and going deaf because she can't stop screaming..
Sinclair will fuck Don back into her senses, to return the favor.
Anon angelica became the niagra falls when she got a whiff of that broken man stench roland puts off
kek, ok, I got it
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Your who?
Manager Heath is being schizophrenic again.
freckles make me hard
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he got some semblance of his happiness back just without the (lic)
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>woman who would probably agree to ryona while sex
>having more and more personality as she closes her canto
mating press all around
Roland was in fact broken by Angelica because he inherited her ''this is this, that's that.'' mentality
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So long as she's happy, I wouldn't care about my RUPTURED eardrums.
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Get that filthy boatbilly out of the Mistress's home, NOW! She and the rest of her mangy mutt company mustn't taint the Manor more than they already have!
I wonder how mad she would get if I said how cute she looks.
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>Don has red eyes
How did they know???
you deserved it
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2/10 feet
yi sang would say this
<That's Fox soloing duty for you.>
Imagine holding her and kissing her all over
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Whats the company policy on hardcore sex between employees? Just curious.
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*sucks toes*
ayin would never
ayin would do this
with Angela
For the last time, you retard, this isn't your counsil.
gregor thugshaker...
It's upon the discretion of the Executive Manager no? How would Virginius react?
heathcliff thugshaker...
Every man in the city is a footfag
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The same one as smoking on the bus, Duntehhhh...
Don't look up how your lungs work.
No more THUGS.
This is a Company of FIXERS. Come on, we're BETTER THAN THIS!
Don thugshaker...
Flustered, then smug about it.
All this gay posting... must be Eurohours...
let me see you shake that ass dante... yeah I wanna see the thugshaker... dantehh....
Uhhh so as much as we want with no complaints??
roland the thugshaker
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Back in my day we called it twerking....
what if instead of using egos the sin resources allowed us to suck toes instead??? which toe would go for which sin?
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>ryoshus first ever gloom id
One sin is reminding her of something i guess
Toes are lame
We should get sin resources from licking female sinner pits instead
Danteh...you threw yourself on purpose on that harpoon, Danteh...
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<This victim blaming has to stop.>
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No, it's "don't leave any stains".
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>already 292k
most viewed trailer soon, erlking and philip on their knees
>the sinners hate shitclair
Finally, an artist that gets it
post the hong lu and heathcliff part
Don canto teaser will reach 1 million. I saw it in a dream.
>they'd rather die if their partner is Sinclair
Holy based
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You acquired it
Extremely based image
these sure are being posted a lot lately. it'd be nice to see more sinner interaction that doesnt involve life threatening shit every now and then
>I saw it in a dream
time to end your dream
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i will cure his oneitis
He rejected the city for a reason.
>purple pupils
Okay. I respect this DOGASS SHIP just a smidgen now.
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What is sinclair's thug price? 300$?
Get that CRYBABY FAGGOT out of my sight. Delete that post.
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Heathcliff... is Aryan now?
sinclair is for demian
sinclair's thug shaker is priceless naturally
I don't trust that blue bastard one bit
Post the eye chart pyramid
Sinclair is for Rodya
he shakin that shit, damn
If he hasn't then it's your duty to fix that, Rodion
Sinclair is for ugly bastard dick...
Homewreckers... all of you
...by making it reality!
im sorry cashy... ive fallen in love with WHITE COCK
And reality promptly crushing it as a result!
She doesn't care, Linton
Sinclair fucks old women for money
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<That's what you get for calling it a diary.>
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This fatass...
linton loves big WILD cock
aka WILD HUNTU heasuclip cock
linton smokes the wild blunt regularly
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did he translate the full? i only saw the untranslated when i looked the other day
Best PM characters ranked from best to worst
Irrelevants not mentioned.
I never realised Heafclippu was a white woman
I'm putting an end to all of this senseless babble.
Is "Sinclair" in the room with you right now?
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Such a cutie!
I want to get her all the treats and snacks that she wants!
The full thing is translated
God I wish he was...
ebin, thanks
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Heathcliff does NOT have sexual relations with his horse
picture unrelated
Name one interesting personality trait of Sinclair that other sinners don't have. Go on, I'll wait.
could you post it here? i can't see it on the site for some reason
he's the focus of PASSIONATE discussions daily
truly the most special sinner
Linton is my property. He shall be locked in the closet and tied up as Heathcliff and I endlessly make love.
god why are korean websites so DOGSHIT to make accounts on
I like how he translates for Ryoshu and when he cries it's pretty funny
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The mark...
Beat me to it. Thanks anon.
The yaoi mark is not a personality trait
We know, Rodya
is that all of it??????????????
then post the following ones anon
reverse opium war desu
there is no hong lu heathcliff xxx....
Yes. Leave the rest to your imagination.
what? were you expecting NAKED HOMOSEXUAL SEX or something?
thats all of the one with those two, the artist only made a long one with greg and yi sang that i posted a few threads back
can probably find it by searching >>492953938 in the archives
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But of course
Its one of their most interesting worlds they share, its only fair.
Can't break a broken home
>how can you be a fan of a character if you don't care about the story they are a part of
You can say that about literally every single fanart/meme that ever existed, but will you ever?
damn what a teaser. truly a shuckaroonies moment
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Thank god
>look at the postype blog
>he actually drew gregsang xxx
To the anon who requested it last night
I'd like to imagine that the original post had "Oh Crab So Crab" playing in the video.
Makes it funnier that way.
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I can't think of anything more cucked than using another Dante's Sinners.
very nice, good work limbab
Not mine. Someone requested me to go through a private twitter account
good job, stalkerbab
>No Finn
>No Pete
Shame on you
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holy shit this is me
Do i have to start jerking off to myself when Dante is inevitably revealed to be a woman
pre-clock redhead hagte... mnyes...
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Who the fuck is the brown coat guy
Noah from That 4/10 Deckbuilder. He's one of the CLOWNS.
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Who's the red one with a inbuilt seatbelt?
Need Dante to get his head back for the influx of self insert porn with the sinner girls.
Interesting is subjective.
Being the one to express the most shock for the city's workings because he was a sheltered rich kid is endearing. His outbursts are funny and cute
Hong Lu is also a sheltered rich kid archetype and the contrast between his and Sinclair's attitudes is amusing to see.
noah and emma were lovers.
Fat Hod on my left lap
Slim Hod on my right lap
>Dante gets the head back
>''I'm sorry, everyone.''
>Every sinner is pierced by a chain
>Canto 13 ends
Ah no wonder I didn't recognize him.
Lim sisters… care to explain…
I love Ayin
Ayin stop posting
Ruina is headcanon.
Why the fuck does Faust keep molesting the Manager
>My sinner at 30 sanity
35% heads chance
>Envy pecca at 30 sanity
95% heads chance

Very fun. Yes I know this isn't how it actually works but I refuse to believe they don't have some background buff. Let me cope.
Gyeong-mi and Walter were lovers.
It actually how it works.
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We know Malkuth
Name 1 thing Oswald did wrong and how he's not a good guy
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Nothing, the clown is based
He murdered people.
99% of the City is comprised of not very good people, because they murder people.
He was clowning around in a serious business space
We should stone all the people who played that shitty 4/10 game. They bring shame to PM
but thats every pm game
(You) bring shame to P.M., not me. Nuh-uh.
It was me, I played the 4/10 PM game.
That's Noah from that 4/10 open world JRPG.
4.8/10 anon, dont be dishonest
>Limbus is still better than Ruina
Since we aren't talking about anything that matters I have a question for the thread. Are Japanese ghosts supposed to follow whatever is the most popular myth around them? Say for example Sadako being a drowned girl is the usual lore I hear about her. If it's accurate that they would follow the myth and now Sadako is a coomer ghost would she then eventually go from creepy drowned in a well murder ghost to actual ghost blowjob ghost? The people need answers.
Nuh uh, it's 7/10 on Famitsu!
No one's heard of nintendolife before that review, cope chud.
dead thread
I read something similar to this where the Eight Feet Tall woman is horrified when people start imagining her as a shotacon with huge breasts.
Then she molests a child.
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Aren't all the low library reviews based of the switch version which even the rentry says is shit?
Let's be real here, the switch version of most games are shit.
it's quiet hours, shhh.
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>Gregor in Dobaku no Hana's artstyle
>drew it flipped
>couldn't emulate the style
Hope you like it a little anyway. That style is amazing and I look forward to studying it. Thank you for the unintended recc.
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I just checked 30 pages of Pixiv scouring for new Warp Don art and only got like 2 new pieces
Truly a dark era
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Savor these peaceful moments when the tourists are gone and the thread is nice and comfy
We'll be back to that shit soon enough
looks real fuckin good anon
What do you want me to talk about faggot
Very nice greggy
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But at least I found cool adjacent things like this Dieci Don
>she just reads mountains of fixer magazines and novels
>forgets it by expending knowledge to beat people up while being a fixer
>gets to read it for the first time multiple times
Damn, she has it made
it's happy hours when amerimutts are sleepy
kino greg and roachbud
She's old and busted with no sex appeal so of course she doesn't get any new art.
i have better luck on twit
No one fucking uploads shit to pixiv anymore sadly, chinks have more organized sites. Nip and gook art is either on shitty forums or on xitter, both being horrible for finding art.
LobCorp > Limbus > Ruina
and is fucking sad that is a fact
Do you guys just vaguepost like this so no one can hide your reply chain? Huh? Is that what this is all about? Do you think I have time to sort through your meaningless banter? I live on eight hours a day. I'm your above-average factory toiler. I build the timepieces that dangle from your fancy pouches. I fluff the fancy hats on your balding scalps. I barely have the free time to parse the happenings on Citychan and you go and do this like it's some funny joke eh? Those 60 hours of yours are real comfy huh?
cute shu caring cute smol hong
>Extremely alive on kit reveal
>Extremely dead now
>Pixiv in 2024
Clerk like behavior
What, did Pixiv admins start duckwalking and executing random artists under my nose or something?
amazing greg!
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>with no sex appeal
I should rape you where you stand...
Whats wrong with Pixiv? It's like the most straight forward art site.
Wow a hat and a uniform so erotic... Next you're gonna tell me G Outis has sex appeal because you can grab her horns during sex from behind.
i like how you draw greg
I think he may be referring to the aislop that's been plaguing the site
Just flip the picture. Very nice work.
NTA but it's a hollow shell of what it once was, barely any artists are uploading on it anymore compared to what it was.
I swear the only reason the Switch version exists was to sell the Limbus card decor, it's shit otherwise outside of Japanese voices (which you can mod into the PC version) and some slightly improved visual effects on cards
It has been abanodoned for a while now. At best they will just retweet what they did in twitter.
They added some sloppa filter but its too little too late.
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Baking new Bread.

Will share on page 5.
I have a new don pic but it might be too spicy for a blue board
post it, i won't snitch
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>TFW That's the only reason why I bought the Switch version
Can't even speak or read Japanese neither
You're going to get replies saying you can filter it, but there's a whole lot of weirdos who DON'T check that box on purpose.
Eh, The artists I follow post frequently on pixiv (mostly touhou) so it still works for me, Twitter was a mistake for art posting.
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Active artists usually only go there to post archives from twitter, mostly untagged.
If you get a tag it's just the series name.
I mean touhoufags are one of the oldest artfags around so I'm not surprised they're one of the few left who are still posting there.
Some artists allow you to add tags yourself, but that's a function built on the goodwill of a japanese site
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Same man, same
Actual boomers, not suprised but Im still positive they have the same twitter/pixiv take where they post them in both anyway
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I want Walpipi right now
look at that tummy
perfect for slapping
why did Ina have to drop Lob man...
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This image made me think of a scenario where the sinners would be forced to all have sex with another sinner to escape a trap. This made me come up with 6 pairings as well as reasons for those pairings:

Faust - Sinclair (The two can treat the situation as a teaching/learning experience to lessen the trauma inflicted on Sinclair)
Ryoshu - Yi Sang (Ryoshu feels like a dom, Yi feels like a sub)
Rodion - Gregor (Cynical vs Playful)
Outis - Hong Lu (Abundance of experience with someone who wants to experience as much as they can)
Don - Meursault (Meursault doesn't care that the shoes stay on)
Ish - Heath (Trauma buddies and also likely the two who hate the whole idea the most).
This must be how shippers are born, time to commit sudoku I guess.
Terrible post
Amazing post
Inoffensive post
i hate how limbus pixiv posters never tag the names of the sinners in the post
never any high quality art there either
I know about the sloppa filter. Though, I don't really see how "dead' it is. I only go on pixiv for certain artists and to drop off art. Unfortunately, a lot of the project moon artists live on xitter.
Could've-been-better post
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I can't say I watch her often but she seems like the type to want a simple and chill game to play over something like LC
I don't have an opinion about this post
Heathcliff, what's your opinion on this post?
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>Meursault doesn't care that the shoes stay on
This implies the other sinners want them to come off.
Good post btw.
Nice anon
i think you'd probably easily get away with posting this
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>It's shit, mate.
That's it. I'm going to snitch.
yeah i like this artist's stuff
He looks amazing! Thank you anon
Glad to see you're still working on these.
This is fine, people have posted worse.
I just want to immerse in the awkward atmosphere of a bus of people that just reluctantly had sex with each other. That's all.
I think that Limbabs should stop being so horny
I think wealthy people should donate their hours.
what do you think dante's "private counseling sessions" are for
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I'm not horny I'm just inspired.
I think Dante and Faust should KISS and then FEEL AWKWARD ABOUT IT because IT WAS IN FRONT OF THE OTHER SINNERS and then Faust INSISTS that it was just for the mission
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The best RodyxGreg one was where he was very reluctant to have sex with her because he was worried he'd hurt Rodion with his arm which ends up causing her to take it as a challenge and turns her on even more as she fucks him regardless
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Bizarre post limbab, but you did try to give explanations
>This must be how shippers are born, time to commit sudoku I guess.
Too late for you though, there's no turning back now
bwo... that's so fucking based... we should go meet in the sewers and barter slapdash inventions and shit and plan murders against factory owners... and wear a cool uniform to show our solidarity...
I think that sexy CEOs owe me sex
I don't think
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I also like sexy CEOs
I might be stupid
Every single Sinner belongs to Dante

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