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Previous thread: >>492927046

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Someone please use this next as OP
Its too good to not use it.
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Rodya LOVE!
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Shit. I actually wanted to use this too but couldn't find it.
Hopefully the next baker will.
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Sup fellas it's your old pal Ishmael! I'm so glad I have so many dedicated anons who keep my memory alive!
Gee Ryoshu! How come Carmen lets you wield *TWO* E.G.O.s?
https://x.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1830876641054335000 BROS?????
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>nerfed before release
its over
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gettin real sick of ur jfif.jpg files u little shit
tell me what they're doing
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>/our/ gacha system is absolutely garbage
how do we cope Limbabs...
>CHADclair buffed 3 times on release
>VIRGINshu nerfed before even being released
Blame Twitter
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Seems this was the only thing that was updated. It just didn't have The Departed reset
Anon it's you, please go to your registry editor.
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Ha, great minds think alike.
But yeah, I should have just posted it before and ask for it.
Not my fault.
No. Change your registry so that jfif saves a jpeg instead so it works right.
Please change the links to twitter rather than x so they'll embed.
Oh, is that how it works? I've just been using the 4chan randomizer to hide all of the .jfif stuff whenever Twitter switches to it.
Not that anon btw
Yeah Im thinking whalepiggies funds are covered.
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Yes, it's pretty simple. Just look up a video if you don't know where it is in the registry.
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>everything needed two images of explanation
literacy bros.....
Unironically, why does it matter? It's 5 extra characters on a twitter filename.
it matters when they get saved as jfif.
You will live to see gacha made horrors beyond your comprehension
It is inevitable.
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why do so many people care about Yuri? I wasn't familiar with the setting whatsoever when I first started out but she had death flags all around her and the apple thing was predictable once it happened. I just felt bad but nothing too crazy that hit me in the feels like other scenes in other Cantos did. when was the last time she was even brought up?
Yeah, but that guy has saved them as jpgs.
For me it was annoying trying to open jfif in most programs and changing the file type removed that issue.
It looks like he might have typed .jpg after when saving. because that's close to what I did before
Many people have read the metamorphosis so they likely feel even stronger for Gregor/her in comparison to not
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You think I would do that? This ain't some master1200 shit
This is only for Gregor? Yi Sang also has Living and Departed.
Ok, what did you do?
She's the cutest female naiga ever drew.
I think Yi Sang's info already had that.
Cute girl with little chuuni sister vibes who lost everybody she cared about, was betrayed by shitkins, lost the other cutie whose name I forget and then after experiencing some happiness with us and the sinners Gregor failed the skill check and her head was ripped off. A hell of a way to end the games first Canto.
She will be relevant in Outis's canto. Trust.
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Gregor can't have sex because of his bug arm.
But in every other id save for one, he has a prosthesis.
Does it count as NTR if Rodya fucks every Gregor excepts the basic one?
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Click, right click, save image, enter.
why wouldn't he be able to have sex, it's a bug arm not a bug penis
She was teased a fair bit before release, so there were all sorts of fanart depicting her with the gang, so I guess it stuck. Also what the other replies said.
>They don't know about Gregor bug penis.
You don't know that he doesn't have a bug penis for one. Secondly his arm could go haywire and kill the man he's with or something. Use your brain.
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Overstimulation makes him lose control of it apparently.
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Twitter does not have the Warp Don art I am looking for
instead it has
Now it's more confusing tbhdesu. The butterflies already a mess of the effect and it's literally gloom rupture/SP healing.
thats me
what the fuck
What >>492966568 said
I think it was revealed in canto 2 when Dante was asking for someone to dance to appease the Mexicans and Gregor came up with this excuse
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She cute
how did u find my account
Preparing for his second Canto I see.
How do you even remember that
Her boobs are not that BIG.
They are.
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I just like Yuri because she's cute! Her announcer makes her seem really stupid which is also cute.
He might just have lied since if dancing alone provides so much stimulation, that should have happened many times already.
Her ribcage being being smaller than his legs or arms is the funniest part
How many people have made it to level 112+?

Remember the portion where Don's voice dropped really low when the mexicans exposed her?
That was not the only foreshadowing of her putting on a facade, there was a DIRECT call to what she is through one thug of the Tingtang gang who threatened to sell Don's eyes and that it would go for a high price because of how it looked
A normal person should not have the pupils she has
There was also the moment with the pawn shop where the old fart mentions Heathcliff's ring, then there's also him mentioning about some expensive thingy which Hong Lu casually rebuts that one of his dogs had one at home
>"canto butchered Crime & Punishment THO"
Good, and I hope the game butchers it more
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>don't have any of the old cute announcers because newbab
Well you should still be able to buy Yuri at least pal. *smooch*
It's a solemn lament for the departed that Gregor had to lose that's also recent
It's not even really a canto 2 thing, I'm pretty sure his original bio mentions something similar
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I shan't be paying 1300 paid lunacy EACH. The director should put them into the gacha.
>got the second worst canto
>PM gave up on his main gimmick of having an out of control arm after only 2 cantos
Why do they hate Gregor so much bros
It's actually crazy how much they price them for. Would you rather buy the battlepass or 1 announcer? Even worse is that announcers have like 15 lines MAX.
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sinners for this feel
I don't get it
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Hopkins was just trying to survive no? it's ultimately how the city rolls. I don't think it's a case like Ahab where they rack up bodies for something as pointless as an obsession with an animal
>PM gave up on his main gimmick of having an out of control arm after only 2 cantos
It was never a gimmick in the first place. PM randomly just dropped that line in that scene so Gregor doesn't do a La Gucaraca
hombre culo caliente
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does he have it under control though? has he even been under any (serious) stress that would bug out his arm and have it go berserk like it did in his origin story. he'd probably get more screentime with Outis' Canto, smoke war intervallo or whenever they delve into organic prosthetics
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>rodya gets the QoH ID
how would you react?
Nobody asked you Shitkins. I hope you come back later so we can fucking kill your ass you cowardly traitorous bastard
During Canto V when they had to cross to the next water or get swallowed
"Wow cool. I hope I get her in just a few rolls and that she's good and fun to use." Repeat this for literally every ID that will exist.
Even funnier that most people with announcers eventually mute them
The yappening is fun to listen to once in a while, but not all the time
King of greed fits Rodya more than any other magical girl fits any sinner.
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>Rodya wearing a magical girl uniform that are a few sizes too small for her and looks like it's about to burst at any second while she has to constantly make sure her tits don't pop out inbetween attacks
yes pls
I hooe the skirt is short
Director would never. You now remember the threads flying into a rage when Roland got the QoH realization instead of Angela.
I'm fine with the announcers myself. I usually have the music turned off though since it's so damn repetitive. Obviously it's back on for new stuff though.
Paid announcers are just there to give people already willing to spend money on the game something to spend money on. That or if you're a really big fan of a particular character.
there not enought rodion fan in the world to even take that much effort into fanservice her
I could see both working
QoH needs to go to an attractive sinner, so either Faust/Don/Ishmael
Obviously Don is the most fitting here
That ugly bitch can have KoG instead
>attractive sinner
good joke anon
get that stinky gay whore out of here
Ruina is just gay tho
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Yeah but that doesn't excuse them costing the same as the BP.
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You want to whaaale, anon
You want to drop $3 and wait a month, anon
This is free lunacy though, it won't work.
You're right but not in the way you think. BP costs too little for all the benefits it gives, a fair price for it would be 20 dollars or so.
1170 + 130 = 1300
>a single 10 roll costs $3
what the fuck
Anon, a single ten roll in other gachas would cost something like 50$
why would you exaggerate this hard? who would actually believe that?
this is a scam dude go buy the pass
>BP costs too little for all the benefits it gives
This is what gacha does to brains.
>Yi Sang has ammo
>Its potency is called "The Living", and its count is called "The Departed"
>Yi Sang also has a status debuff
>Its potency is also called "The Living" and it scount is also called "The Departed"
Okay I can't understand this ID anymore, bye.
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I need to come to terms with the fact that with my lunacy stash, I will not be getting gebu ryoshu. I don't want to look at the truth, but I must.
If you want to whale, you're best off paying for the 80$ package since you'll get enough paid lunacy to pay for every future BP and get the announcers
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Just manipulate luck bro, ez.
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That's only if you're patient. The instant buy for 1k Lunacy is $12, the 2k for $24, so a 10pull is priced for people looking to drop money at $15~.
>so either Faust/Don/Ishmael
>QoH needs to go to an attractive sinner
Well. I wanted Alruine for Hong, but I guess QoH will do.
A season also shouldn't last 6 months either. They make plenty as it is apparently and charge a shit load for everything except the BP so it's whatever. Much better this way than trying to equalize everything.
>faggitors suddenly coming out of the woodwork
>Regret Faust has self tremor
>Its called tremor
>Regret Faust also applies a status to the enemy
>It's also called tremor
Okay I can't understand this ID anymore, bye.
One day...
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To be fair, tremor takes a very large IQ to play.
sorry but ish and don is the most redditor sinner and secondary pick the blogpost the newfag form a week ago play limbus entire because of ishmeal
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Is this doable or should I reset back all the way? The RNG on winning clashes and having the enemy outspeed no matter what feels like ass.
tremour went form a genetic charge clone to 7 unquie varient ,but only 1 really relevent copy of sinking is sad
did you have a stroke
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>swears like a sailor
>could probably hold her liquor
>best friend looks like a man
>severe OCD so she'd plan everything out
only retards wouldn't dig her
who knows bro u gave next to zero context about what ur asking about
RR4, node 3. My bad, I swear I typed the context for it out, but I guess not.
sounds like maintaining the butterfly effect is a massive bitch if the departed is reset to 0 every turn
me neck killing me because of self exercite
This is why no one should run monosin teams in railway
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But they are?
Considering how low your resources are you can't really spam any of the ones you have. I'd say if you haven't beaten it before then don't worry about turn count and just use what's best. You seem to be using a poise team but for Section 3 it isn't that great.

Based on what you have there I'd run:
Sang/Faust/Ryoshu/Kim/Hong/Ishmael or support in a better ID for someone else. The really shitty thing about node 3 is they hit like trucks and spam Egos back with their insane speed. I usually make my slowest sinners clash the fastest enemy they can but if that will end up bad I use an Aoe Ego to stagger them first. Sorry if it isn't the best advice but as someone who has everything it's hard to put myself in someone with less' shoes.
go rest.
Who is this supposed to be?
Because of yesterday's thread I dreamt I was kick from the 4chan discord for telling someone to fuck off. What an unpleasant dream.
>gets picked up by limbis right after the krooming
>was still in school
So Sinclair's underage, right?
The Head.
>gets picked up by limbis right after the krooming
We don't know that.
The Living gets converted to Sinking and also gets converted to the Departed. So long as both status exist on the enemy Butterfly won't go away. Should be pretty simple to upkeep.
Yuri (Mirror World variant)
Yuri if they took a profitable job when L Corp went under (vtubing to appeal to A Nest incels)
Sinclair says that graves we're digged out. That means some time gas passed by and he visited his home to bury his family.
People who dislike Ishmael, dislike tomboys in general. Like those people who say that they are gay for liking tomboys.
I have almost everything, just not levelled. I think all I'm missing is the two painters, oufi heathcliff, 7 Faust and uh, I think its an 00 of Rodya? And all Egos bar Wailing Frog Hong Lu and Fell Bullet Heathcliff
>Completely unable to tell this is Limbus related if it weren't for Dante
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When the fuck is don's canto director
>people who love ishmael love boys named tom
>people who like ishmael are gay
fact checked: true!
I miss Grinchcliff.
I don't have a particular dislike for Ishy, but she'd be around the bottom for me if i were to rank the sinners. Big fan of tomboys.
gn /lcg/
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I’m hungry where my breakfast?
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When the fuck is Meursault's canto director?
Honestly, I'm pretty hungry too. About to order a sausage egg biscuit+hashbrowns on my Burger Kang app.
Ishmael has a good design, voice, Egos and IDs but as a character she's very bland. It says a lot that she was at her most interesting as a ragetard. Doesn't mean I hate her though. Oh yeah also her announcer sucks so bad but that's pretty minor.
in one limbillion years
Cook it yourself nigga
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I've always been interested in the order th sinners were recruited. How the fuck do you go from Yi Sang and Faust 2 of the brightest minds in the city to fucking Don Quixote
Charon was driving randomly and they just picked them up using darts
He's at least 19, old as 23 I'd suspect.
I assume something along the lines of "Wow shit these brains are weak as fuck we need someone who can actually fight"
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2026.2 more year i can't endure man
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I'm on Section 3 for a turn autism run right now and this is what I'm running.
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I have been warming up to Ish recently. I like seeing her ramble about the trivia off the latest pamphlet she read. And she is being nicer and nicer now.
I never marked her, or any of the sinners really, as tomboys. Maybe Outis once upon a time was, but nothing really marks her as one.
>hired the smartest 2 sinners first
>hired the strongest 2 sinners second
Shrimple as, rest were picked at random.
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I like these odds.
>Hire one the strongest floodfiends lurking around the city
I dunno anon, sounds like a sound deal if you can manage it, which Don's usual personality does pretty well (not counting her justice autism moments)
I think Donqui would technically be by definition, but something about her makes her not seem like one. But she's brash and she has a "male" hobby in fixer idolization and action figures.
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But Outis wasn't hired in the first 4 and she's the smarted AND strongest, Executive Manager!
>Yi Sang was needed for the mirror tech
>Faust creates hivemind with mirror selves
>Miguel de Cervantes the Second Kindred kicks down the door and says "I tire of this charade, take these Timberlands and make them suppress my bloodfiend powers so I can stop earing children"
>Ryoshu fled the fingers
>Meursault was broken out of N Corp jail/saved from execution by Verg
and the rest were low stakes hires
I just read the Yi Sang and Gregor one earlier. It was surprisingly funny.
teach what
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I don't get it
we know you don't
>off to masturbate for the first time in weeks
wish me luck limbabs
>low stakes hires
I'd say that Sinclair being marked, Heathcliff being strong and from Wuthering Heights, Ishmael with her knowledge on how to properly survive the lake is pretty important too. Did you forget how she drifted the boat away from crushing everyone and how Heathcliff himself can become as strong as Erlking?
im hasn't for month feel derpress the wetdream make it worse
Who has the highest account level in this thread? I'm at 112
Do you grind MDs?
am only 95
>by the end of Canto XII we'll have identities needing 3 pages
I'm sorry but ryoshu and yisang have too many words for me to be excited. I hope director finds a way to cut everything down to keywords or some shorthand soon.
That makes me think
Can someone summarize how Yi Sang/Ryoshu should be played in 2-3 lines?
What is the highest level an account has gotten? It's probably a gook or a chink, but I doubt they've made it to 200
I see. I'm day one and still at around 80 because I only do one weekly.
ryoshu it just unique charge and bleed that heal sp and infict bind
>Open Limbus
>A voice I swear is Don but not shouting says Liiiimbus Cooompany
Explain, is this one new
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I never get it either.
Gain Red Eyes and Penitence while skills 1 and 2, once you have enough, use skill 3
>Yi Sang
Regularly use skills 1 and 2 and If you run out of ammo, use guard or skill 3
All of the Sinners are necessary to the plan of Limbus Company. I almost want to say that the company doesn't even want Golden Boughs that didn't resonate with the Sinners, and through them Dante. The Boughs might be secondary compared to growing Dante's mastery over them. It's just that none of the Sinners after Meursault were saved from immediate life threatening danger or greater circumstance like Meursault or Ryoshu might have. They are low stakes in that it could have been recruited one week or the next after. It didn't matter, as long as Dante was recovered in time.
I wanna try Middle Don solo. Ideal support passives?
Ryoshu's skills might look scary, but she's a basic ass charge ID from season 1, as in, use skills 1 and 2, then nuke with skill 3
As for Yi Sang, fuck if I know. I'm a Ryoshufag, not a Yi Sangfag
>Hong Lu is from one of the most influential/rich families, and his sparkling eye is supposedly dangerous
>Outis and gregor are smoke war veterans
>Rodya's tits are big enough to fit my massive dick
she has 2 separate voice lines
Bruh Ryoshu is literally the most braindead ID we have. You just hit shit until you hit shit super hard with full stack S3
I changed my mind, I made quesadillas. Took way too long though, I need to figure out how to speed this up.
But will she replace W Ryo?
MD or what?
If MD, then bench LCB Heahtcliff, Nclair, Reindeermael, G Gregor, BL Outis, LCB Rodion, TT Hong Lu, LCB Meursault, Chef Ryoshu, Zwei Faust and either Painter or LCB Yi Sang
I'm gonna take a guess and say she has less burst potential than DDEDR but overall better clashes and skillset + support elements.
If her numbers and damage modifiers are good, then I wouldn't be surprised
Against slash resistant/blunt weak enemies? Of course yes.
In general? Depends how better is skill 1 compared to W corp's dogshit one
The more you do it the faster you'll be at it. Enjoy.
I'd swap R Ish for Shi Ish for the counter boost, but I'm not sure because I never use Middle Don.
MD yeah, thanks.
There’s no actual reason to “maintain” Butterfly, though, is there? Or rather, since both Living and Departed only last for a single turn, the point of the last line is only to clarify that, even in the instance of having 0 count (Departed), potency (Living) will be maintained and can continue providing its effect (providing SP) before it converts itself into sinking potency and Departed on the next turn. Upkeep is meaningless since they’re essentially two different statuses, they just share the same spot on the status bar.
R Ish is a flat 10% damage boost. Shi Ish requires you to get 6+? Envy Res to trigger her counter as Envy
2 for envy res.
No I meant her counter. You need 6+ Envy A-res to turn her counter to Envy skill 3, otherwise it sucks
Im still mad the amount isn’t different in focused encounters
As soon as you have that many skill slots you just turn them all into counters and use them. Her counters are envy. You have on demand envy res.
Thanks, is using the chain reserve actually necessary, or nah?
She'll be Blunt WRyo
I’m gonna fatten Hod and Malkuth up then carry them to bed
Butterfly helps Yi Sang do more damage as well. I was under the impression that while Departed goes away, Living is still there so Butterfly is too which helps him. Since both of them have to be gone but Yi Sang and Gregor can apply it he constantly has Butterfly on the enemy to buff himself.
Nah. It's pretty much just spamming Egos and coin reuses until the Sheep where you cheese it with Rodions Time Moratorium.
Middle Don, much like the season 0 IDs, are cursed for being the first in a new archetype, where PM had no fucking clue how to design them
No. The counters don't turn to Envy if you chain 6 of them back to back, they'll remain as Pride. You need to chain 6 A-Res Envy THEN the counter turn to Envy once combat starts
In short, you can't turn the counters to Envy or change them to skill 3 if you chain 6 counters back to back
Yi Sang wants to use his S3 at full ammo. His reload restores him to full ammo.

Ryoshu wants charge for her S3 nuke. Aside from skills, she gains Penitence charge from having SP above X amount and getting hit, and Red Eyes charge from attacking enemies with X amount of bleed.
>Yi Sang wants to use his S3 at full ammo.
Don't you mean at zero ammo?
Anon the counters are already envy.
Oh fuck, I messed up. I thought skill 3 was Envy and counter was Pride. My bad
the counter is envy
the counter is replaced with her s3 painted envy if you abs res it
>Butterfly helps Yi Sang do more damage as well.
Ah, fair enough.
I think you misread? Or can you explain what you meant?
You said he wants to use skill 3 at full ammo, since reload restores his ammo count to full. Does this mean he empties his entire clip on skill 3 and then reloads after the attack?
No ammo=no coins. He full reload after using S3 so by that point you better using guard skill. If he runs out of ammo mid skill he will also cancel coins and force reload.
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He reloads after the attack. He also uses any L/D on the target and consumes his own to inflict more on the enemy and do more damage.
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A whole 4 (quatro) stagger level raise!
Limbus design is a joke.
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Getting uppity? Not on my watch, Ishnigger.
Honestly though fuck the busted ID envy pecca.
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It's great! I love useless garbage!
seriously what the fuck were they thinking with this ID?
>faust gets busted shit like crackfaust and fluid sac
>ishy gets this
Why do they hate her?
>He full reload after using S3 so by that point you better using guard skill.
Are you saying you want him to use guard before his S3? Since there’s no point in using guard after his S3.
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>Play the remake of Lobotomy Corporation
>There's a new mechanic where nuggets have a low chance of resonating with an E.G.O, allowing you to give them a second weapon
>tfw Lobotomy E.G.O:: Red Eyes & Penitence Ryoshu was foreshadowing all along
your reaction bwo ?
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are we just going to pretend that molar ish and cpt ish and blind obsession don't exist?
I don’t understand this. We didn’t even have functional tremor IDs at the time who could reliably apply count on the enemy either, never mind potency. How is it did this get past the design phase?
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>you're better off losing clashes
>but make sure not to use guard!
Nuggets canonically can NOT wield 2 egos, they hired them BECAUSE they couldn't
You didn't play the game
>only 2 good IDs (and they're mid amongst the other good IDs)
>only 1 good EGO
SHITmael has nothing...
Why did they hire someone like Ryoshu?
I'm saying that ISeeTheDyingButterfly will force reload him. Which is moot point, because I genuinely forgot how ammo works. Uh-huh. Good one.
>>mid amongst the other good IDs
>>only 1 good EGO
At least bait better next time

What were they thinining. Too bad cos id looks kinda dope. I don't think it would be good even if lose effect was 5potency+5count because you just can't lose.
LC world forma Limbus doesn't make any sense and only exists because muh clapbait
It's the whole point
And it's why it sucks
Yet she can. Preemptively kneel to El Director's genius planning, limbab.
they can easily buff her to godlike by letting her apply rupture and tremor on all skills on hit, count aswell
>new mechanic
this word does not mean what you think it means
They were hired because they had aptiture for egos actually, it's just that it wasnt required to have combat training so they hired regular shmucks and have EGO teach them to fight.
If you ask why didn't they hire someone who both has aptitude and knows how to fight then i just gonna pretend thats gameplay limitation needing to make some extra special version of nuggets, and lore wise it just do be like that sometimes.
Aren't they saying in this hypothetical that this new Ryoshu ID would be foreshadowing the remake of LobCo allowing nuggets to also wield 2 Ego?
No it just looks cool as fuck.
They’re fucking retarded. The idea was probably “oh once tremor is useless they can transition into another status”. Except they never made tremor useful and the status gain isn’t even better to make up for the fact you’re theoretically sacrificing something for those gains. Even now a year later their solution to tremor was just to make it deal damage(after like 4 other worthless colors that still don’t enhance tremor’s purpose)
be careful dude you might get this anon's head to explode or just reply "10 years"
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Solution to tremor was releasing Tcorp don who just deals limbillion damage with time moratorium.
Oh and tremor or something who cares i can't even trigger any resonance 99% except on bosses and even then usually not because it requires minimum amount of tremor on target which is retarded.
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Whoa there Pal. Don isn't doing the damage it's her stealing everybody else's actual damage and calling it her own.
tremor should generate stagger thresholds and I'm tired of pretending it shouldn't
have stagger thresholds at 0% and -15% HP that only become relevant on tremor builds that can pull those threaholds out from the depths
It takes everyone's damage and applies 20% tip on top, thats still tonns of damage considering she herself still does tonns.
That’s just how T Corp’s government-mandated tax works, limbab. You’re not calling that stealing, are you?
And you're going to be seething during all that time
Unreal how someone would sit and write this shit unironically.
She definitely doesn't do tons brother. Hell her Moratorium is worse than Rodion's even. She isn't weak by any means but I've yet to see her do any meaningful damage on her own.
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>she herself still does tonns.
I don't think she does. She only has ONE tremor burst outside s3, to boot.
Weren’t there already hidden stagger thresholds that anons found since way back?

Fracture and Everlasting do complement tremor’s main purpose, though, since they concentrate on the stagger aspect of it.
>tremor should generate stagger thresholds and I'm tired of pretending it shouldn't
Everyone was thinking that, PM went the retarded route and now you can generate one treshold if you resonate the enemy and dance with drums and tickle don. By that time boss with even 1000000hp will be dead.
She is cursed to be """tank""" ID. Tho her S2 and S3 deal decent amount of damage. Also no count. Even Yuro Hong inflict some. And fucking Chain. I kinda wish it scales to something like -5 clash power, even -9 if they felt super generous. But nah.
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I feel like she does so she does.
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Oh yeah? I feel like she reeks of sex.
They really went overboard with the Tremor flavors in my opinion. I'm sure I'm missing out on something but they released like 5 new types and everybody ignored the others after piss flavor released. I don't even remember what Outis' does or the white one.
Thoughts on UT4 Sunshower/BO?
Aren't they recommended (once you get to the point where you have the resources to UT4 egos)?
Yeah. All of that SEX? It was me.
>He didn't UT4 sunshower when it was still a HE EGO
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She doesn't reek of sex! she smells of it.
I don't even look at what u3 does just uptie all my shit to 4. So i guess it's good.
can we all unanimously argree to ghost and ignore all ish post cause im sure it just pure bait not single one pic of ishmeal has any redeeming quality
I can post a random other anon's UT4 tierlist if you'd like to see it.
2 Atk weight is already worth the uptie so any other benefits are a bonus.
Anything that gets attack weight is worth it, pretty much.
Full context of the 10 years statement?
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Speaking of ghost, ghost pirate Ish would be a cool ID/EGO. I guess it might be too similar to Cpt Ish/Blind Obsession, but it's still cool to think about.
Please do, I'm now getting comfortable with my resources after sharding pretty much everything on the store.
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I honestly love that we finally got an ID like Red Eyes, where she's simple to use but not worthless
She reminds me of the early season IDs where we got skills and effect, not from the point of balance, but for the fun and 'why not' factor
>no Captain Hook Outis
They fuck it up.
10 years of gacha so no real games will be made
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Yeah, a seafarer outis ID would have been cool too.

Why did she not warn our Faust about W trains?
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im trying to come up with a faster exp lux team, what support traits should i be using? im just running blunt dps and aoe units
I mean, we didn't meet Hook so why would we get him.
I have no suggestions, but I would also like to know this too.
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Dante you fuck-up, how are you so useless jesus fucking christ you should be ashamed of yourself.
< :'( >
Move that ass to my face and repeat the question.
More than Gregbud
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This is what I use. Mostly passives that activate Faust quicker or enhance blunt damage.
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Why doesn't Faust know how to use a zweihander?
>see skill SLASH
>look inside
What did she mean by this?
Faust uses tard strength to wield it, no need for your ridiculous "forms"
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I'd clap if Dante said something like that in-game, preferably in front of all the Sinners.
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My dream
My ideal
To uptie IV and max level every ID and EGO. One day.
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Hopefully faust gets replaced by another faust that's a relentless cunt.

You wouldn't get it.
t. Ryoshu
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One off IDs kinda annoying. Also salor ID for Nemo would be nice.
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Don't ask questions Dante, Faust will not answer them.
The sooner you reach your ideal the easier it will be to upkeep bwo.
stop making fun of faust
I'm going to kill myself. Brb.
What do you mean by one off ids?
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Sadistic, cruel Faust is bottom tier.
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Remember when REM drew faust?
No you don't.
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Answer the question Faust or you going into Faraday wage cage.
limbus company.. .is.... a tranny game...
One of the kind? It's mostly things like Mariachi, Dead Rabbit, K-corp and Twinhook. Oh and LC Remnant.
I forgot the question.
Cock or balls? Call it.
You can use Faustcord lifeline for it.
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I prefer using Liu Ishmael than R, just because one time she mind whipped Rodion twice, otherwise basically the same team, but I go for: Faust, Sinclair, outis, don, Ishmael and rodion
Faust's cock and balls...
So like every seasonal ID? I mean yea would be cool to see more of some of them, but not really important imo. Some people are just random goons.
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yeah no shit that's a trans kween right here
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having read crime and punishment, i feel like rodion could've been a repper, mostly because i see myself a lot in the character, and
that don is DANGEROUS, that is a horrible face
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I think it's unacceptable that Meursault has the longest "holy shit you're so fucking stupid" verbal beatdown in the game when Faust was introduced as this stuck-up genius pre-preview.
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Seasonal IDs are bit more special compare to random mooks.
>but not really important imo
Not arguing with that. Just think it's wasted opportunity.
Boy do I have a thread for you..
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I know it's just a part of her dress but this seriously looks like a pair of balls.
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heh, you're right
Icon of Sin.
The day of retribution at the hands of the Frank draws nigh for the homunculus.
go back
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At least that intervallo was voiced haha. Could you imagine if they made a big reveal now and it wasn't voiced?
I slowly traced the road back. It’s the road you would’ve taken
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I’m kind of hoping Don’s Bloodfreind side is Bram Stoker’s Dracula. As ridiculous as that would be I wanna see some classic horror literature monsters in PM’s universe
Oh im stokering it alright.
What would be very lovely to see is Yi Sang relaxing on a park bench while Don Quixote and Sinclair play in a sandbox.
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You get Carmilla. No cool armor for you either.
>Yi Sang relaxing on a park bench while Don Quixote and Sinclair play in a sandbox
I... I don't like where this is going.
I wish that really horrible posts would get anons raped so that threads would be nicer
Old term that was used to refer to the French back when they were known as the Franks.
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The French?
So gypsy is the only one now without a Walpipi
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Sinclair is 21+
>You get Carmilla
Sapphic sisters, we won.
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Yes. THE French.
dink lair
his little dinky winky
what do you think they say to ryoshu?
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Guys, I figured out Dullahan!
Why not? It's just a cute scene. There's nothing unusual about it.
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Roland, what the fuck are you talking about?
>you gotta lobrepent
They forgot to add "The Departed will turn to 0 at the end of the turn" to the butterfly status description. The past one didn't actually have a way to lose the status effect yet it said that the status would be removed when both effects are at 0.
>smoking hurts your lungs and hurting yourself is a sin
>your cigarettes are causing harm to my children
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Sorry, I got carried away. This HHPP sandwich is pretty good, but it makes you think about some weird stuff sometimes.
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what im running rn
>ryoshu disregards one bro's advice
So she's totally getting WhiteNight's EGO in 20 years time, right? Why else would she reject his sage advice?
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VA said her lines are longer for this ID. So maybe hanging around weirdos actually has some positive influence.
I'm not posting my WalPENIS.
>Nuggets canonically can NOT wield 2 egos, they hired them BECAUSE they couldn't
Huh? They hired basically anyone
Woman or prude?
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my walpenis has atrophied a bit, as i've been on estrogen for nearly a year
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Neither. Had previous bad experiences posting the full word so now I just put an asterisk in it
Sinclair is 10
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I'm poor.
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bwo? the fuck?
I am... the hero of Limbus.
Dyon and Sinclair!
They actually converse with each other like stereotypical black women.
>why would you exaggerate this hard? who would actually believe that?
He isn't, play more games stupid zoomie niglet lmfao
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It's a rough life out here. I pitied Cpt. Ish. No regrets since I had no intention on waiting for next season for her, though missing gebu ryoshu will suck.
I love this fucking piece of shit abno.
I want to see more of it!
One Sin probably knows about Ryoshu's daughter
And Ryoshu doesn't want to repent

>Red Eyes
Probably random spider clicks that translate to "me hungry"
Why can't you replay older refraction railways? Kinda retarded that some gameplay is time limited, not even caring about the rewards.
lmao fomo is how gaas are done right? Fuck you, fund my theme park.
Just buy the battle pass bwo
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I didn't realize I could get the Murder WARP IDs from the Season 4 Dispenser...
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Where is he...
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El Director giveth, and El Director taketh away. Blessed is the name of El Director
>inb4 it's a surprise aleph
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>replaying rr
>>>fund my themepark
I have. It's up to the lord now.
He's with that fat bastard Sandolph.
Holy shit how are you this much of a brainlet? Kill yourself you waste of space.
>firebird deranged cousin
what is it about ishmael that generates so much hatred in this thread?
I didn't draw that connection at all but it seems to be rather accurate at first glance.
The wait for Ryoshu will be longer than the wait for Ishmael would have been.
redditors trying to fit in
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Tier list of the sinners by how good they would be as novelists
I like Ishmael but anyone who posts with an Ishmael image is usually a total fucking retard
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So true buddy.
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Greg should be at the second to last tier, no way in hell he's cultured enough to write well
Thinked about this for a while.
How the fuck Wayward Passenger exists? No one in the city knows shit about how warp trains work.
He understands the human condition
I'd read Ryoshu's artistic dark fiction snuff with a secret heartwarming theme novel
W Corp employees do.
With patapons
still havnt got around to adding anything resembling a proper bg yet.....oops
quick i need a decent id with gluttony, doesnt matter the sinner
fucking newfag
this is great
Autistic rage, unironically. She's the most popular so they seethe irrationally, poke at her fans, then shit their pants at any pushback
It's likely both fueled by the passengers and the Clean-up employees.
yuro hong lu
it's his skill 3 though
Faus7. (Seven Assoc. Fixer)
Genius, IQ soars to unimaginable levels.
zwei greggor
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based patapon enjoyer
I thought it was the dude who vanished at the end of the last intervallo
Which fight do you think went better for the walking eyeballs?
Leftover event currency should convert to Threads/Boxes/Exp Tickets
fairy festival
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You know how in Ruina there were people who literally sold their bodies and bought cheap as prosthetics that they could use to focus solely on wageslaving?
Why haven't we seen more of that?

You'd think these people would be everywhere in places like T corp where some people literally have less than 24 hours to live every day, and one of the biggest upside of the jank prosthetic prosthetic thing was you could ignore the biological aspects of your life
instead we just got some generic fully human poorfags for our obligatory hooligan encounters
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my wife
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>use Gebura Ryoshu in my charge team
>go for the charge MD pack
>enemies get buffed by bleed
>We haven't seen more of that
The bodies were cheap and terrible. So yeah. Not to mention where they going to find time for the procedure?
Red eyes keeps accusing Ryoshu of being a horrible mother while One Sin tries to make her repent
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chaptor 3 and multicrack office nigger stop asking to be spoonfeed you have eyes
>Yomawari crossover
Fucking how.
don is the most popular though
sounds like you never played ruina
Just an association with the people who avatarfagged her hard.
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I live on the edge
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You got E.G.O., lil' lim-bud. Use it.
Rook of Gluttony
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On /lcg/, Ish is
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Sometimes. I pull on it so hard. I rip the skin.
>>4929least addicted pooler
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Director here, Walpurgis is getting pushed back a week due to incorrect text on Solemn Lament Yi Sang's passive. We will be sending a cock cage in the mail to all users whose accounts were made before 07/08/24. Thank you for your understanding
You don't need le human subconscious that much in the first place.
You can spawn abnos on your own
I blew my load on that redhead's face and she didn't give me shit. Just looked at me with those fuck-me eyes. You know which ones.
Never rolling on an Ishmael banner ever again.
Seems like the fault lies in you anon
the retarded-ge, maybe
SEAnigger abno ladies and gentlemen
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Yeah? Well, guess what. I'm beating the SHIT out of YOU.
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No one to blame but yourself
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>newfags literally, unironically roll on the sinner banners
jesus christ...
Remember when people thought Rosespammer Rodya & 'sault got this?
I 'member. There was a good influx of Thumb-related art for the Sinners.
Not Boris specifically, but people assumed it's Thumb in general. At least they teased them during TCTB...
but its better for newfags to throw some pulls, getting few okayish 00 early will get you further than hording and getting by with shitty team
No, run mirror with base IDs, or else
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>but its better for newfags to throw some pulls
sure but when you're a week away from walpipi might as well wait for it
Sell me on Ominous Power and Sword of Volition.
Ominous Power sounds good only if you really really need to clash and you haven't managed your resources properly, and Sword of Volition practically makes you either not use any other speed slots or only cheap 0 cost ones.
Am I retarded?
ominous power can be looped with cards that go +1 card advantage for infinite light to spam 3 cost cards. Sword of volition is ass
I didn’t really use sword much but ominous is pretty funny in that you can keep looping expensive as fuck cards as long as they have good draw
Yeah, I don't understand what the blind obsession with screaming at newbabs to hoard for Walpurgis at the detriment of the entire rest of their gameplay experience is. Like half of the actually good Walpurgis stuff are the 00s so far and the other half are 000s that you would never run on the same team so you can just support in.
They will make a boss that stacks tremor count on itself and Ishgod will be the key
Is that OSHARE in must upt4? Why?
original guy said because it's cheap since it's ZAYIN and because it adds another Fragile proc.
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Oh, was that the whole joke about Phobos? The fact that both he and KJH are known as the Director?
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This, newbab prio should be to get a good team first and pick up the current seasons good ids and egos because they wont be available for a while, save on the side (every other pull)
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woah an underrail image. rare.
you would want to refight a rr fight beside you would steamroll it because of powercreep anyway
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No you're not.
i read a lobotomy corp fic about this and still hasn't touch Madoka Magica
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Read the Case 575.
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And I am...
Most of these are regular /lcg/ posts. Did these guys just migrate here?
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Nice cock!
why bother really dowload discord join the hub so they act like complete retard and wanting to be banned
holy shit there's a cock growing out of her tit!!!
when did this place become so thoroughly infested with ESLs
It was made by one, anon...
Ruina is fun
...for a retard.
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>Morbidly Obese Ishmael Fetish Art
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The poster below me is a femcel, she smells very badly, you can say she stinks. Say something nice to her.
i'm fat and hairy
Hi, retard, i'm Joe.
it was not
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Before the day ends, produce 10,000 shit posts while playing a 4/10 game and submit them all at once
Why wouldn't humanity's thoughts and despair while warping not count? Humans all are tied to the river in some way, even if the connection isn't that strong anymore.
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I remember when I was a newbwo getting into season 3's MD with the base sinners, without knowing about upties, and getting rolled vs Ichtys. Unaware that you get your 3rd strongest skill at UT3
whos mama
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i love how we all instinctively shit on trashna it not help that angela is a terrible fucking protagonist with super daddy issue with a 12 foot stick log up her ass
You aren't dumb for that; it's just not ever explained.
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Is it really just a coincidence that Angela and Angelica almost share the same name while being the two women closest to Lol&?
I'm sorry, i don't speak brown people language, use google translate next time please
>think about how many opportunities I've lost in my life
>heart filled with overwhelming panic and despair
>spend the rest of the night trying not to break down
Sinner for this feel?
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seething because of a 4/10 game
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Unironically Sinclair
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Do not sex the hags too often. It might be bad for their health.
if you think back far enough you could have led an entirely different life. nothing's changed, you would have this thought even if you were wildly successful. that's just how it is, man.
you just lost an opportunity to not post some stupid ass shit on 4chan yet again
Do you know what a comma is?
uhhhhhhhhhhh i'm not gonna make it am i
Anon your post is just unreadable, it doesn't matter the content.
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Look better at that face, anon
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I'm not looking up anything for that game. It's quite fun though even if I've been getting block hard for a while.
Sinclair's massive uncut cock is only outsized by Don's
Oh.... well we have the same desires
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Sinners for this feel?
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Sinners for this feel?
Sinclair tiny bity useless pecker...
I've missed my chance to become a femboy and pick up some chicks in my city
When Don's Canto will be released?
Middle Don and Meursault
Get in the mines
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When the FUARK are we getting the Project Moon MMO? I want to fucking suffer as a grade 9 and work my way up to being a grade 1 fixer and do ALEPH raids with my /lcg/ bros. Classes would be determined by which association you decide to join and the top players would become Colors and be integrated into the game
The only non-virgin male Sinner.
I finally got lunar memory
Which sinner would do cocaine?
Gregor. Just to feel again
ryoshu for her "inspiration"
Don does the coco. Silly clown.
Rodya. just to forget.
I thought she the type to use LSD
Meursault dante told him to do as a prank
YiSang for the inspiration unironically
Rodya 100%
It's another dimension + Carmen is connected to all human consciousness, but no one is distorting during trip
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<Careful, my mirror Dante. Last time I tried to say that, those tobacco junkies beat me up and threw me out of the bus.>
The only virgin male is Heathcliff going by limbus
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Which sinner would watch King of the Limbus with me?
>limbus for 10 years
>we're already at grade 3/4/5 level
They're legitimately going to loop aren't they?
Which sinner would party with Dr. Rockso the rock and roll clown? he does cocaine
Heathcliff would try to crush his skull
Not really. The reason the sinners have been doing so well is because of deterrence that's been slowly wearing off. Their skills are eventually going to cap off at some point and we'll just be facing constant difficult ALEPH battles as the most elite distortion hunters in the entire city.
I sometimes indulge in looking at Erlking's story icon and his sprite. PM somehow managed to make the most hobo-looking man possible yet with a certain mystique that makes you unable to keep your eyes away from him and just stare at him in awe.
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>Drugs are bad
>Feeds K Corp Hong Lu countless k ampoules (drugs)
I'm nooooticing
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It may be basic bros... But I still think this is my favorite track in the game still. There is just something great about how simple it is + I love Pipe-organs

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Basically picrel
You might just be a gay homosexual
Something of a leaderboard where you can take a color rank if you beat current one would be great to implement. However, don't you think integrating players into game would put in a risk both the color players and the company itself?
Take that dick out of your mouth when you speak.
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This is just Pete.
Pete is cool, right.
We know Ish
Pete (finger mirrorworld) will curbstomp the shit out of ishmael in canto V loop 3.
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>However, don't you think integrating players into game would put in a risk both the color players and the company itself?
The madness would be the best part. People would have a blind obsession with being the best while those who don't would remain average, just like in The City and real life!
That foot size comparison...
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This is on par with the Dieci/Udjat taking in orphans and raising them as their child Fixers.
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Heathcliff, what exactly was your intent when you wished for "everyone to be just like when I was a kid"?
Zena is bad... bad
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I had enough. Every post below this one that ends below 50 automatically distooorts
But then Zena joins the HQ
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Why did she do it bros?
I'm going to touch you, Angela.
For them to be innocent, joyful and don't feel the burden of regrets.
Shes so small...
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I want to punch her right in the kisser.
No arbiter content
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Stop posting years old pics.
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How are the sinners getting stronger if they canonically do the vast majority of their combat while using IDs? Dante specifically says that they're getting stronger the more they grind stuff like MD and railway, meaning that he's presumably referring to the base sinners since IDs are strengthened through tickets, but the sinners don't remember their time as IDs so they wouldn't retain the combat experience and their bodies are completely different so they wouldn't even be getting a workout so what the fuck is Dante (you)(me) talking about?
retard *rapes you*
Stomp her penis to oblivion
would be cuter if barefoot
Mine is bigger so nyo.
it's great isn't it?
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Stop asking questions and put a skirt on, slut
Sex with manager Dante
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So d'you think cannibalism will be prominent next canto?
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Hmm, no.
Just bloodsucking.
District 23 is W-corp.
I'm pretty sure Faust explains it in the prologue. While their system ensures they can't be influenced by the ID themselves with their morals and memories, they are still reaping the benefits of the battle tactics being used, or styles, and slowly letting it transform them in a sense. I guess it's sorta like a subconscious incorporation of training results.
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There will be a LOOOOOOOOOT good ol' sucking maybe even with vacuum
The next bus upgrade will be a wet dry vac
Don will be constantly SUCKING some poor soul dry
The only really disturbing moment of Limbus is Yuri's death, everything else has been pretty tame so I don't expect to see something as extreme as cannibalism
That poor soul? Me.
It will be painful. It will be insidious, and it shall grip my very being.
But I will like it.
>Yuri's death
Getting vored and having your head be used as a puppet is tame. Warp already happened so that takes the cake. And really, that's the only "disturbing" thing in PM games and no, off hand notes and "it was so bad I couldn't describe it" doesn't count.
Any particular source for the loop theories or is it just Dande is a clock with rewind powers?
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Wild gangbang outside of bus would be tame?.. Asking for future scenario
reddit london
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Come out and see for yourself, cutie.
this reminded me of that one guy who kept posting cucked dante rewinding the sinners killed in a snuff orgy every thread
The most disturbing moment of Limbus was Monzo's public execution livestream at 2am after the release of Ring Sang. But at least the director was using his cute vtuber model so it was less traumatic. I never seen so much blood before.
jesus christ
lets hatepost about a sequel that dosent exist
Honestly, i miss Faust is smart posting
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Those are some fucked up trips.
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I think there's a chance, but it's not like there's anything concrete, at the top of my head

>Head just suddenly got swapped out, and he slowly starts forgetting his current self at the start
>Despite that, he has immunity to memory wipe, which would be important in order to change future loops
>Big super death event is going to happen in just a few months, most likely during or after Faust's canto if this pacing is kept
>We're biting more than we can chew most of the time, big bads are literally waiting for us to grab the stuff they need so they can steal it all together
>Dante's clockhead moved after canto IV without any warning, and it's clearly leading up to something big
>Dante's time powers don't work in the regular understanding of time Hubert has, and he's the guy who invented most of the current time manipulation tech
>Looping or retrying again and again until you succeed has been a theming for every single one of project moon's games so far (LC has a literal time loop + rety mechanics, and rewind. LoR has the fact that receptions will be retried until they win, and then can be repeated to earn more books from the victims) technically death rewind is already a form of it, but there can be more aspects added
Fucking Dark Souls wannabe gookslop
I fucking HATE the Claws
Their parry attacks are BULLSHIT and their heal is BUSTED
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La familia....
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Lobotomy Corporation > Limbus = Ruina > Complete Garbage >>>>>>> [Sequel]
Enjoy your 20 years of sequelslop, sequelbabs.
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Nice trips
git gut
Sounds like Code Vein really. Has anyone even bothered trying remaking PM characters with their CC? It's pretty good.
Many such cases.
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Yeah, anons posted them already. And i think Iofag did something too, i think
>reset sinner character progression
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>Limbus = Ruina
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El Negro Silencio...
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True and Factual. Lobcorp runs this general.
Vergilius can hear dante
[Spoiler]Anyone can if they bother to listen.[/spoiler]
>dungeon crawler finally out
>sales across 3 months worse than one limbus banner
Shot in the dark but if we do have to loop like that then I'd wager Dante would get some kind of power to protect the Sinners from forgetting everything
Though we now have a new issue regarding all the other story beats now becoming irrelevant and not worth caring about until the loop unless people like Hermann and Sonya also somehow manage to carry over their shenanigans to the new loop
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Why DOES he dress like a convict?
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<You've ticked your last tock.>
Shame we never going to see Sweepers as IDs, because Director is autistic fuck. Only 50% of family spirit in this game. And no persistence.
Angela Hate
Machine Hate.
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Recognized as a human by the Head, on account of her massive tits.
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United Rats would be unbeatable, just like real rats.
He should've been Rupture
Rat kings kill themselves basically though.
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>most disturbing moment in Limbus
that would have to be Charon driving Mephi
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Her badonkers wont turn her into a real human being.
I see this anon started Ruina.
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I'll post some images I have saved in regards to your question
Mephi is on autopilot, Charon just pretends.
>together we're invinci--ACK
Name that MD gift and effects
How do people fall victim to literal hobos in the city?
The bigger the tits, the more human you are?
Someone needs to draw Paus like whatshername over there.
>Viscount of Vermins
>All Sinners on the field will receive +1 Coin power when attacking the same target
>Any damage taken by 1 Sinner will be inflicted to all other Sinners on the field
lobotomycorp>>>limbus>>>>>>leviathan=powergap>distortion detective>>>>>>>>trash>>>>dirt>>>>>>>ruina
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>people STILL seething that ruina is a better game
The PM mmo is real...
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>be me
>average backstreet dweller
>got some invitation from someone to drink
>got drunk
>passed out on the street on the way home
>woke up without my liver and my wallet
You forgot to add one more thing to this gift.
>[Cannot Sell.]
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if lobocorp was so good where is lobocorp 2?
Right here
How's Nclair, equipped with Faelantren, against Fairy Long Leg in Luxivation? Is he faster tham burn team vs KQE?
can you please speak english, thanks
I want to know how fast is Nclair against FLL if he's equipped with Faelantern EGO. Is he faster than burn team+Dark Flame vs KQE?
>running thread lux manually, ever
Do you enjoy sabotaging yourself?
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well this is fun
I still love ruina but limbus' method of storytelling is so much better
It made me realize how much of ruina's story and characters are droll and pointless, and pretty much only good for the lore books you can read after killing them
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>paying double for half the rewards
>retarded take
>Whorgela poster
Just like clockwork
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Super cute
I hope her ID has her hair tied up in a ponytail
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>taps sign
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I miss having sex
>Anon is now sexless
Wow, a machine.
Shitty argument given the existence of daily bonuses.
You're always gonna need more thread and skipping 3 is the best way to get what you need at the right price and the best pace.
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There isn't a way to get the full 36 otherwise so it's just straight up better unless you want to spend time running MD to get the thread
Doing it manually is more efficient
>But the le hecking 1.5 rewards
If you actually play the game and use your modules on MDs, as one should, it's more efficient. Anyone telling people to skip threadlux is a tertiary
Faust would never be sexles...
[CENSORED] raping and breeding the nuggets to death is something described in its logs tho and it's worse than Warp
>the right price and the best pace.
It takes me 40 minutes to do an MD, 5 EXP and 3 Luxes.
What hell kind of pace are you talking about?
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>literally doesn't understand yield
This is why machines will replace you.
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>turns Faust into a plain doll
What now, limbab?
Blue Star is chill and just needs a nugget with huge temperance and prudence
[CENSORED] is not so chill, but very manageable once you get its weapon
Paus is femcel
>What hell kind of pace are you talking about?
The long term pace, you're wasting 3 daily rewards on normal thread luxcavations every day to save a few modules you're not gonna use unless you're a no-life spamming 10 MDs every single day
kill yourself bablim
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I thought it was literally reconstructing the poor saps.
...but with DICKS
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My nugs are very undergeared but I'm currently cheesing them using THIS motherfucker by timing it properly and working them both together. Gonna grab all of their gear then memrepo them both + the train.
Holy shit man you're gonna give yourself an aneurysm juggling the train just to live through their work.
Do NOT post DOLLS.
Dollposting is FORBIDDEN in these PREMISES.
>retarded take
>Faust poster
Okay, dumb-dumb, let's do some math
Skipping 3 Thread Luxes gives you 36 Threads at the cost of 12 modules
Doing 3 manual runs gives you 24 Threads at only 6 modules. With those 6 modules, you can also do an MD run, which will net you 18~ threads/shards, for a total of 42 threads (sometimes more) and you still have a module left
It's not a 'few' modules, it's literally half the cost, which you can use on an MD run to gain an extra 6 Thread while saving 1 more module, which equals another MD run for another 18 threads/shards
Skipping makes you lose on 60 threads every week, which is a lot in the long run
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...and that's the fun part!
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...can i post joints at least?
... Sure.
Uhuh damn that's crazy
>Skips 3 thread luxes
>Still be positive in module production
>Go and do literally anything else besides waste time doing things the slow way
Damn that's crazy
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>I will spend 40 minutes daily for 6 thread
Haha holy shit. You know if you're ready to work daily for not even a fraction of minimum wage you should do a bake sale and buy some paid lunacy instead, that way you can get even more thread for ZERO modules.
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Easy stuff, if you can work on Blue Star without lowering itd qlipoth counter, you are set
>2 works on [CENSORED] in 1 cycle?
Courting death
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>spend the almost the same amount of modules
>waste 15 to 20 minutes of your day for the sake of getting 6 extra thread
I'm good
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I love Dante so much I want him wearing other protagonist's outfits
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>work 8 hours a day
>this nets me enough money to buy paid lunacy and do daily pulls every day for months
limbabs HATE this trick for easy thread!!!
>spend 40 minutes
Nigga it literally takes me 8 minutes to do all 3 runs. What the fuck do you people do that it takes you 20–40 minutes on 3 Lux runs?? My MD runs don't take me more than 15 minutes
fucking her spare bodies like they're onaholes
...why did you reply to me, retard? I literally said it takes 15-20 minutes
Get a job, retard.
Yeah, and I'm asking why the hell it takes you more time to do a 3 Lux runs than it takes me to finish and entire MD
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I love me some sexy but stupid women
What happened is so small
What are you blubbering on about, dumbass? The 15-20 minutes was including MD
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>>2 works on [CENSORED] in 1 cycle?
>Courting death
see >>493008294
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Glad someone still loves Ishmael here.
>My nugs are very undergeared but I'm currently cheesing them using THIS motherfucker by timing it properly and working them both together.
I did that with Flesh Idol. Works wonders.
>Gonna grab all of their gear then memrepo them both + the train.
A wise move.
As long as he rushed it is gonna be ok.
I hit level X of qlipoth meltdown level the first day I could work on WhiteNight
>contentless behavior
Guys, it's less than 48 hours.
For the love of God, behave for once in your pathetic lives
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You dumb motherfucker I didn't even state a time
Learn to read because that'd be a better use of your time
Anon said sexy.
I have flesh idol too but honestly train is enough. Maybe I can squeeze out a 12% work with both....
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>he was right
Anon said women.
Walpenis isn't fucking content, it's a "you rolled" lap with twenty lines of unvoiced text attached. Give me the next canto or fuck off monzo.
>if i take off that mask will you die?
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Don't be mean to the ugly and manly boatbilly..
>tiny feets
Never noticed that huh
>Rolling and 1 hour of missions, then its back to the usual.
Amazing content.
I think Ishmael is really cute and she's personally the third most attractive sinner to me.
It would be extremely painful.
>You're a bug guy.
...for (you).
>Reading and 1 hour of boss battles, then its back to the usual.
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Cunnish LOVE
First time playing Lobcorp, any tips for Green Noon? It's the only kind of ordeal I really struggle with, especially when they sit in elevators.
More Ryoshu to jerk off to
That's content
>1 hours
Don't worry, it's actually 2-3 since it's an RNG shitfest where the boss must die to getting cummed in or something.
Get a gun
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Get abnormalities that can give you BLACK or WHITE guns. Green Ordeals often tend to resist RED while being weak to BLACK and WHITE.
They deal RED damage, so getting E.G.O. that's highly resistant to it helps quite a bit.
I want to see Yi Sang Ryoshu.
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If she isn't first then she's last.
>Green Noon
Make sure to get red resistant armor and just shoot them. They scary in mele range.
She's very beautiful but I'd be lying if I said Faust and certain Don IDs are prettier.
White damage.
Da Capo.
Mimicry can tank it too.
Magic Bullet

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