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Previous thread: >>492964726

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

Only post good sinners. Don't post bad ones. You know who I'm talking about.
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I don't need to worry too much about deck building in Ruina early on right?
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Pick the best dice power/light available
This lasts you until late game, where it's still perfectly viable.
Not really, no. Just equip new cards that sound good and don't think too much about it.
No. Not really. You can slot almost whatever and it will work. Just make sure enemy don't resist specific dice type.
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No, just update your shit with the highest rolling ones you have. I think it's around the Tomerry fight or QOH that you kinda need to consider somethings.
Sweet, I can coast until I find some fun builds.
Hopefully I don't get filtered like in Lob Corp.
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Berries n' cream Ishmael..
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So this is the Limbus threads on Walpurgisnacht?
>no KK banner in sight
Well. Since ID tend to scale with season. That means last two IDs is not going to be a total fuck up. Right? R-right?
Faust loves Dante
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I need more IDs with shields
Do not question El Director
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
Faust loves...
Hey /lcg/ I've been busy, what are we chimping out about today
Okay fine.
Ishmael is the second hottest sinner.
<Faust is always looking at me weird whenever we go to sleep at the end of the day.>
<I wonder what's up with that.>
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The lack of Ishtent
If you use a shield bullet an a nuggie before they enter a containment chamber, does it carry over?
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Rodya LOVE!
It doesn't carry over. Shield bullets only work when they're outside the containment chambers, not within.
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>new PM game releases
>stars an in over his head grade 9 fixer sent on a suicide mission to investigate a golden bough
>trudge through the worst and most miserable early game imaginable
>finally somehow reach it
>It's the sinners, except they're all color tier after finishing Paradiso
>"Hoo, looks like someone beat us to it, CEO-bud. What's the plan?"
>get bullied out of your bough
>mission auto failed, fixer rep down, zero payment and the local syndicate wants you dead now because you don't have the cash to pay their protection fee
It would be kino. Suffering... is kino
It breaks.
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Unless she pulls shit like this Faust will always be number one. Sorry.
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Wait for them to short circuit and rush in to damage them. They're way too high damage for how early you unlock them, and even HE armor struggles tanking their shit. You kinda just have to let them wander, and have hit squads at the ready to deal with them.
They have guns too if you're far away, they have higher DPS on melee range, but the gun is dangerous too.
No problem. Good luck out there, Manager.
everyone else makes fun of paus... only durante takes her seriously...
How would you fix counter?
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Also, remember, if you shield a nugget but the damage they recieve from a single hit is higher than the shield, not only does it break the shield, it ignores it.
E.g.: Nugget: 100 HP and 100 red shield takes a 101 damage red hit (after resistances) = That nugget is dead
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Who's your favorite sinner?
Who's your least favorite?
Yi Sang
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Wild Hunt did a pretty good job of it so that I guess.
Don but I don't dislike anyone.
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Also Outis
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why are women cute while men are ugly?

limbus ocmpane
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Yi Sang!
I like all the sinners.
cuz men are dollar store copies of women
lambos copane
do not dislike sinners
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why are Dons cute while Sinclairs are ugly?
Sinners and ego they use for this feel?
I have to confess anons
I haven't finished Lobcorp
Faust with her base ego
You called?
Rodion's my favorite.
As for least favorite. I dunno, Sinclair I guess? Only because I've never been a fan of characters who are "soft and timid" on the outside but are actually "super serious bloodthirsty killers" or what have you, be they male or female.
goodthing sinclaid isn't a "super serious bloodthirsty killer" and is actually a "bloodythirsty racist"
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>eslBITCH is a sinclairfag
You know what I meant
Point being I've never liked those kinds of "secret killer" type characters
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Maybe you should try getting a drink.
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>Suddenly run into a decently informative video on rupture, and which units are good, and so on
>It's a roblox channel, with a roblox avatar user to present the videos
When exactly did PM get popular with Roblox anyway? I always saw videos of it here recommended here and there, like that one with Roland as a unit for some PVP mode, but surely it started somewhere?
This is why you have the sippy cup...
Sinclair, I suppose
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Yi Sang remains my top favorite, though I can say that I like Heathcliff and Don as well.
Least favorite? Sinclair, I suppose. Maybe Outis as well, but she has her moments.
Now that we all agree SHITclair is the worst sinner, I think it's time to petition Director for his permanent removal.
It's pretty funny how at launch Sinclair was that character a lot of anons thought they would hate but came to like after playing Canto 3 compared to now.
Noted, more Sinclairs will be dispatched until you like him. Please enjoy.
Why is Don so ugly while Sinclair’s so cute?
what about soft and timid characters who are soft and timid on the inside as well?
I believe it started in a pvp place "Item Asylum". One of the creators is a pm fan who added some pm stuff into it, popularizing it among roblox community.
BIDF is active today huh
>Super fighting robot
Sinners for this feel?
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It's about Sinclair today? huh.
>224 KB
>Who's your favorite sinner?
I don't know
>Who's your least favorite?
Faust, Ryoshu, Don
>"All that remains in the fog of my memories... are these words that someone had once conveyed to me."
So, what were those words? "The mirror is full of lies"? Something that CATHERINE said?
Do you think reusing a line said once out of nowhere as a joke from fucking canto IV over and over again is funny? Holy shit.
>bweeeehhhh I'm a shy little crybaby but I'm also a TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH
Nice character, sinclairbabs
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Sinners for this feel?
I honestly can't remember when this wasn't side character who gets OBLITERATED in some grusome way to squeeze some emotion from reader.
That PPG episode with Bubbles going hardcore had better depth than Shitclair
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>>224 KB
goodjob limbab
>So, what were those words?
Literally everything Cathy said anon, not something specific
Outis, Canto 3
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>bweeeehhhh I'm a dumb little wagie who quit my job because I was bored and I got TRAUMATIZED at sea abloo abloo
Nice character, ishmaelbabs
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Sinclair is also trans
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Okay, that makes sense now.
Dante, cause Dante is (YOU), and (YOU) aren't (ME), but (YOU) aren't visible to (ME) in the anonymous Korean picture book forum, so maybe (YOU) are (ME) and I just don't know it.
Is it possible for limbabs to talk about the things they LIKE instead of the things they hate?
>bweeeehhhh I'm a shy little cockroach-childsoldier who got traumatized by the SMOKE WAR
nice character, gregorbabs
Recency bias is strong.
Limbabs can't remember what happened in the previous canto
I LOVE (you).
shitclair hate is how you keep the tourists out
Don't get it twisted. I didn't particularly like Sinclair but once Hell's Kitchen showed up and he was surrounded by the women I knew I had to become a generational hater.
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It is easier to HATE than it is to LOVE
No worries.
I really love how Cathy's erasure made Wild Hunt Heathcliff's uptie story more, "touching" for me, I suppose. The way he lashes out in anger at the manor residents and at the end feels so empty, knowing that there's something that's missing.
No sin in that
...unless you mean you are not actively playing it
Be better, hisuclipu.
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Which is which?
Because Sinclair is back to being a little bitch after it. The only notable "brave" thing he did after canto III was in canto V where he mustered up a threat to one of the twinhook goons.
Do I have to actually finish the day to keep gear if I mem repo, or can I finish research/buy EGO and instantly do it?
tourists are the sinclair haters thoughbeit
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Because he's regressed near entirely.
There literally aren't any here. He got 0/90 votes on the poll
He's barely been shown afterwards, hardly a regression. SHITmael on the other hand is the punchline girl
Anon are you having a stroke or are you ESL?
The top ones the knife or whatever its called
>bweeeehhhh I'm a fat commie bitch who killed my landlord BUT I GOT EVERYONE KILLED and i'm not special
Nice character, rodyababs
I think you don't need to finish the day to keep the gear...but I might be misremembering it
I missed the poll so it doesn't count
Would cathy want heathmilk from the source
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>bweeeehhhh I'm actually retarded
Nice character
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>Y-y-y-you better tell us where your boss is... o-or else...
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If Rodya's not special what the hell does that make Ishmael?
Hence the brave in quotations. I can't believe the twinhook pirate got threatened by that.
A whore
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Bros... Project KV might kill Limbus Company
I don't understand how anons call it bad progression, when he had to get bailed out at the last moment, he tried to stand up to it, but it was too much for his current self, so while the fear of Kromer is gone, he is mostly still gonna keep acting like usual, why would he suddenly start acting different? He is still an inexperienced dude, who is partaking on dangerous jobs.

It was the same in the book, except his family is actually alive there. After Demian bails him out from Kromer, he just keeps being the same for a while, until life itself just starts putting him into situation where he questions who he is, and what he wants.

She similarly has no reason to change much from how she was, she is looking to figure out what she wants to do, but besides the need for revenge she had, she is a little less neurotic (not by much, she still stresses over potential issues like on the warp).

I think you guys are just too used to most media having to showcase the effects of growth in some substantial way instantly, when most people are not gonna change their habits even if they had a revelation or a change of mind, that type of shit is gradual, and slow, and unless you were someone who was shutting yourself out like Yi sang, there's not much to showcase differently.
He didn't have to do it, no one was telling him to, but he did out of his own accord. It was a poor attempt yet an attempt regardless.
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a speck of dirt barely noticeable in the deep trench
whores are meant to be pretty on the outside, so thats clearly not her
>whores are meant to be pretty on the outside
Ugly whores exist.
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Is that Loli Geb + Taiga?
I don't expect Sinclair to become a chad after canto III, but it should've made him learn what to expect in future cantos.
Fair, it is a start.
Regardless of whether you like him or not, Sinclair is kin.
Was Wild hunt laughing at how bullshit the story sounded, or is it mad jealousy he had a baby Cathy?
Even those who know what to expect to an extent, get caught off guard by shit though, so obviously the dude who's more timid in personality is gonna display a lot more of it.
He may slowly become more jaded as it progresses if he goes through a similar personal arc like in the book, but it's gonna take a while.
You should be liquified by now Spaghetti
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>15-20 minutes was including MD
HOW, please tell me which team can winrate ALL of the hard MD so fast. I FUCKING HATE GRINDING.
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Incredible how many cheap knockoffs spawn that try to replicate Geburas amazingness.
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Were they even talking about MDH? Even so spending 500 to get GoF would probably be the fastest possible clear. You could also just avoid the packs with shitty enemies/bosses and not worry about pack items that could give the enemies much higher offense level + base/final/clash power
Normal MD is around 20 minutes with bleed.
Burn is 15-20 but you need the funny meme rock out the gate for that, otherwise around 20 minutes too.

Hard is always gonna take more, even with the most busted comp, especially depending on the type of debuffs you have to take.
Bloodfiend Hunter Don Quixote
Bloodfiend Kindred Sinclair
Would Angela be into Ayin's feet?
Bloodfiend Hunter GODlclair.
It'll go for Meursault, actually.
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sinclair would be a pretty cool bloodfiend hunter
everyone likes him when he's mentally ill like with nclair so just have him blindly obsessed with the hunt
It's a VN why are retards still acting like it's another gacha?
Certain abno fights will have a gimmick if you want to fight them as soon as they unlock but otherwise early game is just spamming 3 cost cards to kill shit, around Olga you might build better decks and then once you reach love town you start spamming wrath of torment until mid sotc at which point deck building really opens up
It's fucking not. They re-uploaded the PV making it clear it is a gacha, and the VN is just a side project
Ezra > Don
Bros... Concord might kill Limbus Company...
anon the VN is only an introduction and a way to get backers
they already registered themselves as a gacha game maker on the internal company listing
He already has religious racist ID. Now he needs vampire supremacist ID. Make him post WNDD one too. You get same amount of mental illness.
You think people will ship Knight of the mirrors with Don when he appears?
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i need to gamba.. i cant wait 1 more day for gamba... i NEED to gamble.. NYOW.
Oh. Wow gooks seething over them making a BA knock off while working on BA feels a lot more justified now.
cute edit
Yeah same way people ship Ishmael and Ahab... Or Yi Sang and Dongrang. So unless he is hot in some way. The answer is no. Maybe.
Head turns into a butterfly. On fire.
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I'm going to ship Sanson Carrasco (female) with Demian. I'll commission steamy, chip-munching sex.
The team USED to work for BA, they left a good while ago.
I think all the seething is stupid when the mentality is that it's "betrayal", when at my view, it just means BA has competition, and we get more cute girls either way.
In the tempest...
>stagger sound x3
... You shall slumber in burial.
>stagger sound x2
... You shall scream...!
>death sounds x4
... You shall be torn apart.
>gets staggered
AGAIN! Again and again, until the storm sleeps...!
>mounts dullahan (the wolf)
>recovers from stagger
people did ship Yi Sang with Dongrang and Ahab is ugly hag so it doesnt count
Recency bias this, reddit that. I shall suck every Heathcliffs' dicks until there is nothing left
>yi sang and dongrang
Does he know?
stupida facking boatbilly
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at least they put out one good design
GOD I want to FUCK Ishmael...
<We know it's you samefagging.>
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>Yi Sang and Dongrang
Fujos are all over that though
Loli geb and she is great, the other 2 were pretty bad though.
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I'm a KV if you know what i mean
If Ryoshu had a futa cock, I'd suck on it
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>Guys HSR will kill Limbus Company!
>Guys Reverse 1999 will kill Limbus Company!
>Guys Wuthering Waves will kill Limbus Company!
>Guys ZZZ will kill Limbus Company!
>Guys Project KV will-
Nothing ever happens.
>ugly hag
Well. It's like ugly bastard (female). Very rich coming from so called "hagfuckers"
She is not even ugly.
I see more art with Gubo and Sinners (male). This is why "Maybe" is here.
These are new to me. Thank you for them.
I do not harbour negative feelings for any Sinners.
I will call outis turkish
And you wouldn't be wrong.
I remember the retard trying to push a 1999/bimbus rivalry
I don't know why, but xe definitely tried
thanks for telling us ig?
Dongrang x Yi Sang was more common when Canto IV came out, now it's mostly Dongrang x Samjo for Dongrang and Yi Sang with the characters you mentioned. I mostly miss the Yi Sang x Dongbaek pairing though.
Every [ROMAN] born after 1453 can't speak [GREEK], eat [KEBAB] and [COPE] about losing everything for the Nth time.
Futafags are disloyal outside of being gay. Bet if it was ishmael he'd run even faster for it
Limbus will kill Limbus Company.
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No. I'd only do it for Ryoshu and only Ryoshu
This. But with every female character.
>>493023584 (me)
Ishmaelbro here, sorry I typed this post in a moment of hysteria.
As soon the next "big" gacha has the same art style as any other gacha nothing will kill Limbis except El Director himself.
i'm not going to do my dailies today
just telling you all in advance
What's very good. The EGO club is for losers anyway.
Could this propaganda be any more blatant? Nobody bought Samjo bro.
can you stop being fags
>Peccatulum Invidiae are here
You AREN'T me and will NEVER be me
What do you mean you're not gonna pay $11 dollars to hear someone eat a sandwich?
Director could've made more money with dollar store Hod but he went for the meme pick instead.
Sinclair's balls aren't gonna empty themselves
Samjo is still better than Angela at least.
But what if we get something borderline experimental with the same level of autism and passion behind it? And really unique style too. Who am I kidding. Most of this game designed to siphon money.
File deleted.
How do you save deployment order for teams, specifically for MD ?
Some of my teams have it saved and some others I have to pick every login, or they're all jumbled.
I recall there being a way but forgot.
the leaks should be coming soon, but apparently your tencent backers got talked back to and you troons kept putting ntr when they said not to lmao
anyway, hope more femoids like your own get their asses beat
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>done the black silence raid 13 times now
>still no grade 9 fixer suit
>every other run takes an inordinate amount of time because faggots keep killing our damage using fucking Dieci to tank instead of Rhino
I'm gonna scream
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The other monster like peccas can evolve, but do you think envy ones can too? How would they even evolve from perfectly mimicking someone? Non purple bodies? Literally (YOU) memories and all?
oh that's women being beat
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Samjo is INCREDIBLY cute and I got him RIGHT AWAY.
Goddamnit fucking Greenshot took the screen from SadPanda instead of the game
I don't believe you didn't fuck up on purpose.
nice guro doujin bwo
Hey Angela was free for me so she's ahead of him for that alone.
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. . .
>Oh haha guys, p-please don't feed my humiliation fetish, gosh that'd be so awful
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I’m hungry, rub my tummy NOW
do nuggets have a maximum training limit per day?
The sole reason Limbus survived canto 5 on two occasions and the sole reason they managed to kill the Pallid Whale. So... pretty damn special.
So what's up with the schizo posting chink internet links
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>Wakuwaku Shotaland
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>no funny tabs
So thats how Exhentai looks like, looks like a shittier Nhentai
Just use windows snipping tool you dum-dum.
*pinches index finger and thumb together*
Your response humiliationfag?
We'll never know
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if you'll get out of the way so i can GAME sure
Some GFL nonsense. Kinda fucked up. Games for windows live is dead.
No, the only limit is hitting their stat caps, but that's impossible to see during normal workdays, you can only check base stats when work hours end.

There's a mod called "More details" that adds a little stat above the regular one that shows base + how much you're going to gain at the end of the work day stacked up. I'd personally use it just so you don't waste your time overtraining agents.
kek what is this cope
He literally only schizos here because of VB
Panda is clean and organized with multiple ways to browse. "Nhentai" looks like a shitty site made for itoddlers
nice guro doujins limbtard
God i hate film adaptation. It butchered book so badly i pity those who watched it and didn't consider reading original.

Hope canto 7 wont inherit any of that bullshit and be based solely on the book
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waku waku shotaland looks cute
>Hope canto 7 wont inherit any of that bullshit and be based solely on the book
Yeah, I liked the part when Don Quixote turned into a vampire lord and jammed his feet inside Sancho.
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>'sole reason they managed to kill the Pallid Whale'
>'hey guys let whale swallow us to get bough from inside'
>everyone would die if ahab wasnt there
also Ishkeks bragging about hitting immobile object again
She's a fucking cunt
He's a fucking cunt
Everybody in this world is a fucking cunt
I'm not going to read or watch the fucking movie.
>also Ishkeks bragging about hitting immobile object again
To be fair, not even Quequeeg could dent it and she just does so because...?
Don't worry it stopped being about the book as soon Don turned into a 100000 year old Vampire with a foot fetish.
Thoughts on this?
She says multiple times she knew Ahab must have been alive and they had to get it as per their contract so yeah, it was absolutely the perfect play and something no other sinner would have been able to pull off.
Limbus isn't an adaptation series.
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>it's boys only
I will now read your doujinshi recommendation.
You should do the raid Solo, gokutard. You DID finish the Wuthering Heights questline at T. Corp that lets you summon the Wild Hunt, right...?
No thoughts. I'm not clicking that.
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He doesn't change his pastas that are meant for /gfg/ because he wholeheartedly believes that /lcg/ is solely populated by /gfg/ crossposters because VB is one.
tiph petting...
Sinners for this feel?
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>tfw my fuck up will forever be etched in the annals of /lcg/
>no one actually answered my question
Yeah if Ahab and Pequod Town didn't exist, Ishmael would've just gotten everyone killed
It was all based on a hunch and wdym no other Sinner would have been able to pull it off? All she did was make a suggestion to be eaten by the whale and conveniently Ahab was right there and not potentially literally anywhere else plotting her next attempt
Dumb bitch almost got every permanently killed on a hunch and should NOT be trusted
I'm pretty sure deployment order doesn't save across game sessions.
No one can fuck up this badly.
Open up exp/thread mines
Choose the tab with the teams for MD
Select deployment order in them
Alright. I'll give you a hand.
Deployment order only saves outside of MD, that is, when you're either running Luxcavs or doing the Story Stages.
What the fuck even caused this
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Anything is ok, im sure they know what they're doing. I just dont want Sanson Carrasco just show up and oneshot Don Quixote on the first try like nothing.
How come Heathcliff never said cunt?
He called Ishmael a right cunt in Canto 1 if you recall
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Another one for the ideal seating folder
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He faced the sin but jobbed and didnt save the e.g.o
Yeah, i know. But it would suck ass so hard if they take anything from the movie.
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isang is so cute...
CUTE fucking cute. Source?
So fucking cute...
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Those guys sure hate Ishmael based
>Dumb bitch almost got every permanently killed on a hunch and should NOT be trusted
No one had other bright ideas and Dante had the last saying since she says ''I'll leave it up to you. Well, to the manager, since their decision matters the most.''
Dante should be punished for allowing her idea to be executed, then.
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SEAnigger-like thoughts Im afraid.
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She actually managed to harpoon the whale to guarantee that they made it in while the other sinners were shitting their pants rowing after. And they were literally not allowed to abandon the mission according to their contract so she gave the best possible solution, which worked in the end. This is also after saving the sinners from dying to the lake earlier on in the canto and stalling Ricardo long enough for the Indigo Elder to arrive. Ishmael is the literal only reason they managed to get through every part of canto 5.
>She actually managed to harpoon the whale to guarantee that they made it in
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I saw this exact same format, but he was the only one speaking, cause there was just a grave at his side.
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Dante...you see that button behind your head? that's right, press it...
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He's not wrong, but it wasn't Ishmael's "strength", it was her tenacity instead
The whale didn't react an inch when Indigo Elder was trying to harm it and open its mouth
The moment Ish threw her Harpoon, the bough inside of the whale seemed to resonate with Ishmael and shocked the whale up
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Look closer, it's Angela wearing Angelica as a skin suit.
Dumbass. Reread the canto.
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>Compared to the old man's harpoon, the harpoon Ishmael hurled was like a needle.
>But once struck, as though its body was wracked by an immense, unbearable pain, the Pallid Whale's maw opened--and the air itself began to vibrate.
Proof that Ishmael is the strongest Sinner btw. Above Color tier.
>Complete and Utter Headcanon
Roland x Angela shippers are fucking deranged
>He's not wrong, but it wasn't Ishmael's "strength", it was her [FUCKING HEADCANON]
so it worked only because it was Ish canto and bough doing its thing, cool
doro doro
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I thought it was interesting when Outis mentioned she'd seen something like the Whale in person before.
>how to out yourself as a retarded nigger who never touched the game
Bravissimo. I have nothing more to say.
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>yeah bro, Ishmael's harpoon totally damaged the whale when the Indigo Elder, someone who railed Ricardo into chickening out, wasn't able to cause it pain

Like it or not, the Golden Boughs are a McGuffin
One that I like, but it is what it is

Honestly I don't even like Ishmael, but
is still the best scene in the game to me
>The whale didn't react an inch when Indigo Elder was trying to harm it and open its mouth
are ishfags this pathetic?
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10 years of bait...
>so it worked only because it was Ish canto
Unironically yeah. All the Cantos so far are obviously being setup by Limbus Company itself or someone else. Sinclair arrives JUST the day that Kromer is in his hometown again. Sonya just happens to be at the casino.

Dongbaek and her people happen to stage a terrorist attack at the exact moment Yi Sang is there. Heathcliff arrives right after Catherine kills herself for her will reading. All the events are planned.
>Can become stronger than a Color if you just use Resonance
Paus is never wrong
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Those are some tasty quads you got there...
I remember that
I think she somehow synced with Ishmael and told some kind of sea faring pronoun?
This honestly heavily implies Outis has been to the outskirts

I went out of my way to make it CLEAR that it was not Ishmael's strength, but a literal deus ex machina moment
Are you genuinely retarded?
they're so cute ;;
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This is why you match the colors...Danteh...
Cute. Thanks for sharing.
>Everything is staged
They're going to mindbreak Dante at the end of it all...
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Now that's comedy
What now
Super duper cute. I love how this artist draws Roland and Meursault. The only two french men I'll ever love.
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canto 7 will salvage sinclair's character and 9 will salvage gregor's. trust the plAn
you grind
If Ish's canto had been later on down the line she would have manifested EGO.
>ishfags actually read this shitty story
Not to mention that they as shown by Vergilius need the sinners to be as emotionally volatile as possible. Their contracts involve each sinner's goal and even the sinners now that every mission will personally involve one of them. The fact things are convenient is quite intentional.
>Supposed to be working
>Spend an entire day reading a chuuni manga instead
Sinners for this feel?
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The boatbilly did manifest EGO. It was a shitty little dinghy befitting her status
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You lock in your bleed time and winrate
>Ishmael is the only Sinner so far to be blatantly carried by the bough
>Everyone else either failed or succeeded by their own seething
Really cool.
Yi Sang
Gregor (different genre)
Rodion (different genre)
hong lu
just to not give an answer thats more correct (aka ryoshu)
What manga?
>Supposed to be doing stuff
>Instead just doing what you want
Ryoshu or Rodion
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Reading manga instead of doing work?
Don, Rodion, Gregor
Reading chuuni manga?
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Only an Ishfag would like this, this is fucking dreadful when compared to the original
Don't ever reply to me again
Cope harder
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I'm glad people are waking up to Ryoshu's cuteness. The chandelier scene still makes me smile.
The Eminence in Shadow
Fuck me, I genuinely think it's well written, but hides behind the trashy isekai tropes. Like the opposite of those stories that use "deep" and "mature" themes to cover up how generic that are.
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>>Everyone else either failed or succeeded by their own seething
Yi Sang failed or he was seething under his depressed state?
>That third pose
Mmmmm...gonna make her a mother again
Post the second part
>15 mins to dailies
time to nap
I wish I had a wife like angelica...
Hot (and correct) take no one wants to hear:
Painter Sang is still going to be better on Sinking teams them GunYang.
Don't waste your rolls
>Only an Ishfag would like this
It's not true. I didn't like it...
You don't use ANY yi sangs in a good sinking team
>b-but if the enemy has sp?
don't bring a sinking team bring a charge team
Don't have it saved
Cold (and generic) take everyone will parrot to one another:
Your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Replying will not undo this
kill yourself
Why are you using IDs to begin with? The game wasn't designed for it.
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You're ten years too early to be challenging us, Juniors
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Sinking is fundamentally broken as a status effect albeit
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I am going to rape your hole till you bleed...
not as broken as me rolling 31 with my skills and killing you now kneel okay sinkingcuck?
It's only broken thanks to sinking deluge
It would be pretty subpar without it
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Haha... She's already dead.
You must suffer more.
because i didnt get to the part where i can have full team of sinners with manifested egos, have to cope with ids for now
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the game meme is peak reddit
Nah sinking deluge is a crutch for single human boss fights
You literally don't need it for anything else which is funny that they don't want to give it to anything else
they know the only reason you gimp your team using spicebush yi sang is if you want to use deluge. You are better off just triggering multiple times without eating all your stacks without killing the enemy because you are not in md where you put 99x99 on them in one turn
There is no text in the game that'd make an ID that clashes poorly worthwhile
The Game? Reddit.
Don? Reddit.
Zena? Reddit.
Sinclair? Reddit.
Why would you need text to justify it?
Limbus Company? Reddit Company
Library of Ruina? Library of Reddit
Lobotomy Corporation? Good game.
Limbabs will try and tell you that clashing is the only thing matters when there are IDs that apply billion of debuffs
jerking off to ayin
>Don't win the clash
>Can't apply debuff
reddit post
What's "the game meme?"
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Haha but what about to claim their boners-
>wins hopeless clashes
Jerking off to the post below me.
Mildly pissed we didn't feed Casetti to Mephistopheles
Jerking my peanits.
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>dumb fuck thinks you need to clash to be able to hit
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kill the second poster below me with a KNIFE and sending them to HELL
>he doesn't outspeed unopposed attacks
the next post ending in 8 is Emil Sinclair
Look at her GO
>implying that being free to have someone else to take the clash is common
>But muh tanks
Very helpful.
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Killing the second poster above me withj my GASHARPOON.
They deserve to die for being a whale (PERSONIFICATION OF EVIL)
There is no hunger in the train
jerking off my micro limbis
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Yeah cause you can't get the real deal
What's the most efficient way to grind thread? Just MDs for crates? Is the thread luxcavation a SCAM?
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tyim tyuu dyuu yuur daiwies, wimbyabs!!
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Danteh... do your dailies Danteh....
mnyes sinclair
>>implying that being free to have someone else to take the clash is common
It is
>>But muh tanks
>Very helpful.
They are indeed
Maybe you just suck anon, ever though about that?
Skip thread luxes
you get less thread per module, but more thread overall per day
Doing MDs for thread is a waste of time desu
>The retard is the one to get it right
>My rabbit heathcliff taking 4 damage from the enemy's pierce and envy attack that I left unopposed
You are just a cuck who is bad at the game bro. Its okay
oughhh.. yeah... Dantehh... jerk me off... im your little limbitch Dantehh....
bwo... you're not a lucklet, are you? you're maxrolling your speed dice, right? cursedkeks aren't welcome in this general, you might track bad juju on my walpipi rolls
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Dailies time limbabies! Sorry I'm late haha
Danteh...stop jerking off your TINY dick and go do your TINY dailies...
How is it more per day but less per module?
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We posted the same exact image at the same exact second, but yours came a millisecond faster and got through. I'm glad it did tho, now I don't have to face the humilliation and public shame of missing my daily reminder for 1 second
sorry, but luckgods never get BoD'd.
Just outspeed your enemy, bro?
just use crows eye bwo
On time!
Sinclair coded post
Yi Sang is a very lazy man.
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zenya bwyeses yuu wyif dyis fyuur, myay yuur wawpyurgyisnyan wyows gyed yuu nyevweydyin yuu wan!!
nyan nyif nyids nyod nya fyuur zenya styiw bwyeses yuu!!
my fucking internet connection is fucking with me when I post it at 3:59:59
Bloodfiends and machines do not digest normally
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Faust will explain!
A lux thread at lvl 40 gives 8 thread for the cost of 2 modules
That is 4 threads per 1 module, or 4 TpM
Skipping a lvl 40 lux thread gives 12 thread (8 * 1.5 = 12) for the cost of 4 modules. 12/4 = 3.
That is 3 TpM.
Faust is certain you have already noticed what Faust will now reveal.
Despite the lower TpM, you spend more modules. As such in practice you gain MORE Thread than you would have gained if you did the thread lux manually. However you do so at a lower "efficiency".
Ultimately the question is, do you want to save on modules, or do you want to gain more thread per day.
the sole reason to do skips is to save time
simply run luxcav twice normally. not hard, not inefficient, not fast but good.
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Thank you very much, Zenya.
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Your lunashee?
How can you roll on walpingasnacht without lunashee?
>the sole reason to do skips is to save time
Faust will ask NFaust to doxx you and nail your entire family.
>angela opens her eyes wide to take in the full view of Ayin's feet
Why'd he make her? What's wrong with him? Why would you give a robot a foot fetish?
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what in the fuck is that thing even saying at this point
what sicko types that shit out and expects anyone to be able to understand them
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>started to see PM brainrot videos on meme compilation utoob poop
its joever
i blame trump for this
we could use more normies tho. el director might get so many funds he would pay for a anime
>implying the enemy gets to live after I one-side them
Thank you Faust. I want to have sex with you.
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>anyone to be able to understand them
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If an ID sucks at winrate gaming it's worthless
what's VB?
Technically speaking, this is still not truly correct.
While all of this is, in fact, true. This is just looking at things in a vaacum.
By saving the extra modules by doing the lux manually instead of skipping them you'll save up 6 modules, that's a bit over a MD, which is equivalent to either 3 or 9 boxes, depending if you have the pass or not, which are equivalent to around 6 threads without pass and 18 with pass. So if you were to have the pass, doing them manually and then doing a MD would be better
t. rodya
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>simply gain only 16 out of a potential 36 Thread per day because you don't want to spend lunacy on modules, anon
>simply lose out on 600 thread a month
I say this and do this
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Faust is... is always cor...
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nta, and that is indeed true. HOWEVER, I have shit to do, I can be bothered to run MD just because muh efficiency.
Outis after she's done with Gregor
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I skip thread lux and spend lunacy on refreshes and skip exp lux to instantly max out all my units because my enk income is so high I can do whatever the hell I want and instantly shard + max every new unit and don't need to worry about or grind for anything ever
>when everyone is acting as members of the League of 9, Gubo, the guy that drugged Yi Sang to have him make a way to kill parallel universes, is acted by Don Quixote
Excuse me?
Did not read, I skipped the EXP and Thread lux.
Dailies Done.
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I'm in the same boat but it's because I'm day 1 and did all my grinding in seasons 1 & 2.
Outis is going to give Gregor a slopster?
yeah I'm not talking about time efficiency here, if you want to skip luxes it's 100% fine, at the end of the day, unless you're really dumb you should have enough resources to eventually fully threadspin 5-6 IDs of your most used teams and a good couple EGOs
she's so cute
I don't even log in to the game anymore. I'm just waiting for any updates. I might still need to do my weekly MD. I don't care
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I can read it pretty easily for the most part.
>Zena blesses you with this four. May your Walpurgisnacht rolls get you everything you want. And if this not a four, Zena still blesses you.
Would be a great pic without the abnormally huge and detailed feet. What the fuck?
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bro it's 23pm
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This would be a good pic if the feet were just SLIGHTLY bigger
Any good pics? Where he's not getting raped by Angela.
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Clean your fucking links you dirty Backstreet RAT
This would be a good pic if the feet were just AMPUTATED
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Yes, indeed.
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Angela's design is great because even without knowing that she's a massive sperg retard, you still assume she's a bit innocent and naive from it. You just don't know how retarded she actually is.
Scarecrow duty
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Look at how cool I am
you're dead dumbass
Dantehhh... it's your funeral, Dantehh...
You're dead, Dantehhhhh...
<I would never look like this. I need to live on, for my FRIENDS.>
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So in the EGO gear mirror world, is Dante the Manager? Is he straight up Ayin/X, since the facility has the same Abnos from the game, or is he the manager of a different facility?
*closes the coffin*
*puts the coffin on my back*
Your response?
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<I lived.>
wha would a dante ID even do?
change the UI? screw sin affinity? change coin rates?
he'd limbus
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>if you keep loving others it'll be too late to love yourself
By loving them I love myself
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<I'd win.>
You get different sapling of light abilities that are still limited by being once per day
wouldnt that be an aberration?
I imagine he'd attack using huge fuckoff light blasts and time manipulation stuff, kind of like Pluto's animations but less devil vibes more angel vibes
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I'm ready
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>Presses Win-rate
>The enemy dies
>jiggle belly
>room shakes
>No longer labeled as WinRate
>It's just "Win" now
And so he fucking does. Just fucking win, how hard can it be?
hong lu...
He wins by causing LIMBILLIONS of DEATHS, just like in the intro.
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You are blindly obsessed with Ishmael.
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>Sets enemy speed to 1 permanently
>Every chain is Abs. Res, no matter what Sin
>Every Skill has Attack Weight based on Res, no limit
>Inflicts every single Debuff
>Passive makes him always flip Heads
>Fuels Fluid Sac
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I'm fine with that path.
bwos... dante is so cool... is... is it possible... for me to be literally him, someday?
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Place your bets. Will the Limbillions dead be something we failed to stop or something we had to do?
Your inner Dante will shine one day, anon
Hermann starts turning the entire city into dough at the end of Inferno, Dante manifests his ego and turns back time to stop her, starting Purgatorio back in the dark forest where he immediately stomps the three beasts
it will probably be something dumb like a bloodfiend feud
Dante gets tired of your sinners jobbing all time and decides to do the canto himself
IIRC, the month where that happens should align more or less with Hong Lu's Canto if we keep the current rate of time passed between cantos
failed to stop, i dont know how you justify this many deaths
unless its our fuck up
You mean 300k loss at the trailer?.. I think that Hong Lu will press the button.
Hong Lu has to sacrifice the rabble in order to gather enough demonic qi to reach the foundation stage of his heaven defying devil spear cultivation and strike down the arrogant young master Jia Huan
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China will grow larger moment, that's all.
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I build for China
>I want to see things change
>Whoops! :)
Yeah, I can see that
I can't fucking stop crying, my mother had a heart stroke a day ago and none even bother to tell me until now
always care about your parents because they can go, and you will sorrow til your last days
i love /lcg/
The Qliphoth suppression in the facilities is being weakened as we collect the boughs, so I assume a tipping point will eventually come where abnos all throughout the secret branches just suddenly break out and begin wreaking havoc.
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I love you too, anon.
Too bad i'm orphan so i can't understand what you feel
Best idea I've seen so far.
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I love you too.
And I know that feeling.
My condolences for your loss, always remember that time flows in one direction, but the memories that you cherish with your loved ones last until your dying day, make sure you spend the time you have left holding on to who you care about and know that your mom is still with you in memory
But sir that bug doesn't have a bug arm so would it even be bug milk?
Because it bugs you
Why does the city not take the amtter in their hands? Why do they let randoms take over facilities having something such power and risk?
>Bloodfiend Don has a meltie and goes rampage a whole district by herself.
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be well anon
go to your mom
its what ryoushou would have liked
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I am very sorry to hear that.
I like it when gregor is drawn with cute antennas
>none even bother to tell me until now
Go tell your brothers to go fuck themselves, be strong and remember the good times. It's what your mom would have wanted.
Fuck, man. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she at least died fulfilled. I'm sure she loved you.
Does Ryoshu status being "unique Charge" mean that we should bring Charge Support? I don't understand.
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Nyuh uh..
If she gets charge it gets converted into the unique charge she has, so you could bring charge support for her.
Angela is BUILT for domestic abuse by Ayin.
Post art of Dante being afraid
Is it written anywhere how that works aka which Charge it'll convert to since she as two, or do we have to wait for release to find out?
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I can BUILD Angela for domestic abuse alright.
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Wait for release I guess.
the man is fearless
he would be more likley to mock his sinners that show fear
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nyo. here's a sinclair instead
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Are those dante's organs, or did kraust just fucking lug a bunch of innards at him
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thats angst tbqh
thats him sucking his pp
Why do all the base sinner EGOs have them wearing/having concentration camp clothes?

also who is that infront of the summoning thing?
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More flesh, more human
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The REAL Faust.
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My guess? Dante.
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Paus love
They are prisoners
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Because our sinners are not sinners but prisoners or so... translation stuff
That's his MAD sound. That's the sound that makes his ENEMIES afraid before he GETS them.
What if REAL Faust is Beatrice and our Faust is Faust?
Pre-clock Dante if I had to guess.
That's your little bitch boy manager pissing and shitting his clock because he sucks at tard wrangling
note that faust does not wear the clothes and has no barbed wire around her ego because she is the one who imprisoned them
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i love finding characters that look like sinners
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Not possible due the law.
I bet your ass that the Head won't allow two or more the same persons exist even if they have different personalities.
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<Oh yeah? How about I just take out my cool gun (paid for by Limbus Company as a performance bonus) and shoot you, then? Huh? What do you think of that, tough guy?>
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cute heasclip
what if our faust was made using the dough, and the real faust is the one in the summoning area here >>493041183 and also >>493041320
what if those two other fausts are beatrice
or our dough faust is our beatrice
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they are very cute together
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I'm really looking forward to more details about Dante.
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Yes, indeed
That's just rape.
Would the Head have intervened had Wolfcliff remained in our world for longer?
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What is this expression trying to convey?
For me it's
Whales could be here.
With an EGO you can define anything you want!
Also how am I not dead?
It can just be an imperfect clone, or creation named the same as it's creator. The head bans cloning yes, but what if she was born from a vat or something, and not made to be a perfect copy, but just to inherit some things?
love rape*
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At worst it's sexual assault but who would deny Paus?
It feels like losing a dominating clash because you rolled double tails at 45 SP
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I think he would even if it's a faker that imitates the real persona trough mirror tech.
Thats sucks.
That's the face of determination returning, amidst confusion on how that's even possible.
that doesn't make it any better or justify it..
can you call limbus as franchsise? are all PM games considered a franchsise?
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A woman like you wouldn't get it...
>Faust waifufags hours
Zzzz wake me up when someone posts something interesting
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>last spoiler
she is exactly that (and she is Dante's rose)
Faust looks very cute in this pic
...you mean PMverse? I guess
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I'm not a woman
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Faust is often cute.
>A media franchise, also known as a multimedia franchise, is a collection of related media in which several derivative works have been produced from an original creative work of fiction
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A server error has occurred.
Please try again in a moment.
>final limbus bossfight is a chainfight where dante corrodes into various abnos sort of like floor realizations
you like?
Change Dante with Heathcliff and heads will roll
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Faust getting teacher Dante to acknowledge her...
Paus had sex with Yi Sang
<I had sex with Yi Sang.>
Paus had sex with gnomes
We all had sex with Yi-Sang.
That was Rodion
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Duh. Heathcliff belongs to Catherine.
Yi Sang-ome...
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<Even if Yi Sang did have sex with Faust it wouldn't matter because I have sex with him too.>
Why is Faust doing this? Why is Ishmael looking in disgust like it's Dante's fault? What did Dante even do to trigger this
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Faust is in heat
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Rodion had sex with Paus?!
I waited a minute and managed to get through.
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her personality even matches. it feels like getting a free stash fanart it's kind of awesome
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No one had sex with anyone, we are ALL virgins here, Dunteh.
<This wasn't in the contract!>
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*Paus had sex with Rodion.
<If that's the case... then how are BABIES made, huh?>
<Answer me that, Vergil!>
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Peak sexo
When a boy and a girl really love each other, they get P.ZA
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When the seals are broken, they fall from the sky and devour everything around. It's that simple.
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Same, but PM characters in general.
Test tube babies Dunteh. Are you a fucking retard? Do you really think the City isn't advanced enough for that? I'll impregnate you Dunteh so you'll know what I'm talking about.
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You order them from Z corp.
>ntr body
>ntr facial expression
>ntr sweat
>ntr outfit
>ntr artstyle
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<Faust is mine.>
>can draw ideal Rodya
>instead draws dogshit Outis
why are artists like this
<This reminds me that I didn't tell Ishmael that her chest was smaller than Heathcliff and Meursault's today.>
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When are we getting crossover IDs?
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Why would Angela make this?
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I have two teams. Tremor and Burn, most EGOs are UT4, all IDs used are UT4
Is there anything else I should start going for until the next canto and during it?
What collabs could actually easily fit into City lore?
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doesn't matter to her
Anything from this season that you might want because you can't shard them next season. Walpipi stuff is also good to get since that's only available for 2 weeks every 3 months.
Like 75% of the good Sinking IDs are from this season so if you plan on using Sinking ever for the next like 7 months better get those bums.
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The Head could handle that
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get Butlers, Wildhunt, Gredgar. Maidshu is also good, you can ignore Maid Ish (although she's nice if you don't have her other sinking IDs)
Notes during a black screen was diabolical
Maid Ish is essential for the homescreen meta
<Fucking weirdo.>
Madness Combat. Hank is pretty much a fixer.
I have most of them at UT2 or UT3 already, just need to shard Outis
never really played sinking desu
I love you Ishmael
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What are the realized base IDs going to look like? That is, the designs the sinners are gonna get to coincide with their buffed base IDs to reflect the amount they've grown throughout the story
Gregor since he reminds me too much of myself.
>No mention of Dieci Rodion and Rime Shank
What is wrong with you?
Fem Chesed milkies…
Sinclair gets one (1) chest hair
>never really played sinking desu
it's really fun, you get to force your enemies to roll tails 24/7 and if they don't have SP then it's basically rupture
because she's a season 0 ID you dumb fucking retard
I do believe the implication is what anon needs to get before the season ends.
Why would you shard either? That's 800 shards plus tax to fully uptie them when you can just use a support
outis's "betrayal" in canto 10:
They will all get red suits
Dieci Rodya has high coin count
She's going to consume a lot of sinking count
>Drink orange juice
>Tastes like cheap beer
Uhhh... Sinners for this feel?
Troubleshooter, pretty much you work in a District as PMC and manage your own Fixer office.
Hehehehehe... hey, Paus, remember that one time when i accidentally pressed the suicide button on my head?
>flashback of Dante pressing the button
>his head explodes
>nuke background
Why bother sharding anything if you can just use supports?
Doesn't matter, high coin count lets her trigger her EGO passive the maximum amount of times consistently
both remind me of Highfleet Tarkhans and Valerian Mengsk
this is just a family guy clip
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Yay, I got Wild Hunt from the paid roll.
>it gaabe me OWWWange
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pudgy Tiph tummy…
the men are too sculpted
the only ones I can see being even close to that are roland and yesod but even then I dont see either having a six pack
>That Gebura
>That Tiph
>That Hokma
>Extremely detailed bodies
>Relatively basic faces
But it's funny because the implication is outis gives dante a routine physical exam
Ego is better than partially dissolved metal
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>sinners vs the sephirah
Are you saying that Sunshower Heathcliff is bad?
OUR HEROES...and Angela.
Tiph is so small and cute...
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I had a flashback from this art style
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Sinners for this feel?
>Verification not required.
Anyone got that Oswald corrupted Tiph pic by Kankan?
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What if we left Gregor behind? Just drove off without him on the bus and then never came back? I think that would make for an excellent prank, Executive Manager.
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Fatfags need to be ERADICATED
I don't recall have we actually seen mention of mirror Dante's? Going by the fact that the ID system needed to trick the N-corp gang into thinking the clock was a mask I assumed there weren't any.
Vergilius after jobbing to Iori and losing literally everything he worked towards.
Yi Sang
Yi Sang on bench
Don Quixote and Sinclair playing in a sandbox
Angela’s tits aren’t big enough and her ass is too big
Malkuth’s ass is to small
Hod and Tiph are perfect though
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You can't just post a random picture and ask "Sinners for this feel"
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I have dedicated folder named CLOWNED
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LCCB Rodion's story mentions a mirror clockhead
Malkuth's the right size
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Say that after Rodion eats you for dinner.
Tiphy… it’s time to go on a diet.
I would beat the shit out of Outis if she tried this. We are Limbus Company, no one is left behind.
>transparent ayin
Shootis is now jobless
Don Quixote on the bench
Yi Sang and Sinclair playing in the sandbox
What is that?
She’s too small here… Tiph looks bigger…
Sinclair on the bench
Don Quixote building a sand castle around Yi Sang.
Want to be reminded about Fluffies instead? Or would you rather Yukkuris?
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Hear me out, why is rape taboo but goring someone to death isnt? Like, if you posted a pic of Oswaldo raping Tiph, you'd get banned for nsfw. But posting an image of Oswaldo and a dead Tiph is ok. Why is rape > dying? Both are wrong, but the last one is the complete cease of living of someone. That should be the ultimate taboo, no? This applies to Limbus as well.
secondary clerk detected
If Yi Sang is into dumb girls why hasn't he made moves on Donqui?
Sex is sacred.
This is why being a SLUT is looked down on.
He sees through their guises. Paus is actually retarded. Don is somehow, just pretending.
Western culture. If 4ch was japanese you could post cp without trouble... oh wait
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gluttonous BEAST
Faust will attain her mega level Digivolution after accepting herself and learning that it's okay to be a midwit.
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I imagine Roland is decently shredded at least if he can hold a Wheels Industry greatsword with one hand.
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He already has. Yi Sang has frequent private chess practice sessions with Don at night.
>But posting an image of Oswaldo and a dead Tiph is ok
I've been banned for posting anime guro before tho
>Shootis is now jobless
Since when weed is a sin?
Fine, fine. We can leave Sinclair behind.
Isn't the greatsword specifically with tech that adjusts its weight?
...and I'm only being semi-ironic
Muscles are just an aesthetic thing in PM, usually to reflect their personality/general disposition. Otherwise you may as well ask why Yan isn't more buff than the Stray Dogs.
I don't hate anyone.
<Shuck yourself!>
Since stoners never fucking shower and always smell like weed
Fills me with joy when I see anons post something I made
I'm sure he's jacked, but it's probably leaning more towards like mma fighter built than body builder, most aren't going for those fully defined abs
could also be using augments like eri said she got to wield her giant chainsaw sword, but I dont doubt he'd still work out to a degree
Tiph is so fat...I can see her belly from here...
>But posting an image of Oswaldo and a dead Tiph is ok
KanKan got bullied into deleting that image so clearly it was not considered OK.
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I wish I understood some of the things you guys talked about. Why the bench joke? Is this something I missed out on?
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>no one is left behind
>no one
F-Funny you should say that, Executive Manager.
bench joke?
>Being an internet quinternary
>Actually asking for it
Why not ask about Yaranaika as well? Or FunkyTown?
if you're refering to putting sinners on the bench, its refering to not having them on the field for combat so you can use their support passive
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I don't get the bench joke either. But I don't get a lot of jokes here.
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Post more negative-coiners fucking up their rolls
>a pic of Oswaldo raping Tiph
Does a pic like that even exist?
I have some of Tiph getting clowned but it's always consensual
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How many newfags are here?
It’s a wonderful belly though
You just wanna rub it…
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I want to hold this hag and tell her everything will be ok.
This one: >>493048059 >>493048360 >>493048520
I don't know every little joke..
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This will happen next Canto
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>Does a pic like that even exist?
It exist. One day, i'll find it and scan
>that Hod
>nice slim body with nicely sized tits and a nice butt
>not too big or small
Why do they never make digital versions of those
Even like a year later, to avoid it being available for free too soon
I'd absolutely buy it if I could
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Killing is something you could justify as a "necessary evil" so we've shown it in pretty much all our media since it's a fact of life that people of all ages need to understand. There isn't such a thing as a heroic rape so we haven't been desensitized to it
>There isn't such a thing as a heroic rape
Ancient Greece tried as they could
>Every single dude looks shredded
>Not Gebura though
Artist is clearly biased.
you are posting an edit I made, so you tell me. god it has been that long already? It feels like yesterday when we were talking about which board was which red ranger

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