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Previous: >>492941953

>Version 2.5 "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFu-eSscT10 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtlsurHkE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Jiaoqiu Trailer -- "Pneumanull Rice"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars

>Current Character Banners: (Jiaoqiu, Sparkle + Hook, Guinaifen, Arlan) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306326
>Current Light Cone Banners: Those Many Springs (Nihility), Earthly Escapade (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306419

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Robin is always worth it
honestly i liked firefly and firefly posting at first but you forced it too hard and now its annoying and her face makes my blood pressure go up in a bad way
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Hotaru rabu
>muh nike shoes
for me it's adadas
>no paglus
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My girlfriend is so cute
It's a few malaysian retards
Sadly they have no life outside of this thread and spamming the same images over and over
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>A nigger activist was getting paid good money by Hoyoverse
>Said nigger calls Hoyoverse names while still getting a paycheck from them
>Nigger gets fired
>"Nyooo, why would you side with a billion dollar company!!!! :((((("

Good fucking riddance.
Netorase with Cutefly
I hope i'm lucky enough to get the aventurine too
Feixiao Guide
4pc Wind Valorous >= 4pc Grand Duke, 4pc Eagle is only for 0 cycle.
Duran > Izumo = Salsotto
Signature > Dr Ratio Sig > Swordplay S5 = Hertacone
Signature is ~15% better than Swordplay and ~5% better than Dr. Ratio's cone.
>Relic Stats
Chest: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Boots: Spd / ATK%
Orb: Wind% > ATK% by 2%, pick based on substats.
Rope: ATK%
>Stat Goals
133.4 SPD+, >80% CRIT Rate, >140% CRIT Damage
Prioritise high Crit Rate over CRIT DMG since her BiS team and her relics already give her a lot of CRIT Damage.
ATK Boots only when using Bronya+Hunt 7th teams.
>Team building, pick 1 from each role.
Harmony: Robin > Bronya > Sparkle = Ruan Mei > Asta/Hanya (NT: Sparkle -1 SPD, not 160)
SubDPS: Topaz > Moze >= Hunt 7th
Sustain: Aventurine > Lingsha > Gallagher (Multiplication)
>How important is Robin?
A lot, Feixiao constant FUAs abuse Robin mechanic of added DMG during concerto, Feixiao performance drops by ~30% when not using Robin as the harmony unit.
>How important is Topaz?
Not as much as Robin, you have Hunt 7th/Moze as your replacement options, Topaz advantage over the others depends on the enemy weakness, as big as 20% and as small as 5%.
You need at least E2 Moze for Feixiao, Moze E4/E6 buff his personal damage but not Feixiao's.
>How important is Aventurine?
Somewhat relevant, switching him for Lingsha is a ~10% team damage drop, cope sustainer is Gallagher which is a ~15% Dmg drop vs Aventurine.
>What about Bronya/Robin teams
Workable but only sustainless, SP Management is a bit of an issue, you can also use Bronya+Hunt 7th+Sustain if you want a sustain.
>Vertical Investment
E1=S1 in terms of damage increase, If you have Ratio's cone get E1 first.
E2 is a ~30% Damage boost over E1 and a ~50% over E0, E2 is a good Eidolon but far from a hard requeriment, roll E2 out of love, not meta.
>E1 Robin vs E1/S1 Feixiao
E1 Robin unless you have no LCs to pick from.

Feedback is welcomed.
That sucks
They ruined firefly for me
I regret getting e2 on her now
The two self insert schizos are away I guess
she said nothing about it
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what are these two hags doing?
it's burger hours xis
you can't blame SEA for this right now
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Im here
Her twitter feed was just pictures with fans and some random clips, she was pretty normal.
why is argenti in the cuck corner
Hag to hag communication
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I'm here
He's with his lover, plant pot
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Yeah, totally normal
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Firefly is love
Firefly is my wife
>my blood pressure go up in a bad way
cut down on oily foods
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You called?
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I’m genuinely surprised you’re not spamming like usual
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I miss the days when Myriad Celestia Trailers were lore drops and not just higher budget characters demo. We barely learn anything new from the new one.
I don’t think this is the reason the EN VAs are being let go because the most vocal people who spoke out against Hoyo are still employed.
if you love her so much why do you spam pictures of her here? you know people will fap to the pics you post, you're literally NTRing yourself
where's the black swan self inserter
ywabbs (you will always be black swan)
I bought a new pc and am using a new disc drive and didn't transfer my image folders
Another day another malaysian self inserter melty
he wants to be a gypsy?
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>songs are in English
Robin's official voice is ENGLISH btw
Stay mad japcucks
>Literally the same screenshot
I'm noticing...
Do Americans really
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Ruan Mei I love
Wouldn't that be the Aventurine self inserter
That's kino though, we need an enka singer to sing JP in all languages too
>post Argenti
>/hsrg/ anons fap to him
Tits are beautiful, but I'm still not fucking a tranny with implants. It's not a language issue retard.
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I never left
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I've been loving firefly for more than 6 month now... Somehow I've been less depressed and life is going good
whens next drip
these english VA are so mentally ill at some point hoyo should just abandon this constant pain in the ass and stick with JP and chinese
>China view EN language the same way EN view JP language.
I always find it funny
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>I dreamed of a scorched earth. A new shoot sprouted from the earth. It bloomed in the morning sun and whispered to me...
What's with whole tree thing in Firefly trailer? Was that will of the universe buffing her?
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the west coast is our cesspool please disregard them all
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Yeah he just tried to kill millions of people just so he could satisfy his own wish of order and control over others, just a pure soul really.
I don’t speak Asian jibber jabber though. We just need an English dub with legit professional actors.
Am I the only Gook VA user itt?
point was random entranny va "boycotting" (and getting fired) doesn't influence sales in a real fashion
Is it truly this or is it because of their stupid voice actors unit in america. Hoyoverse prob just doesnt want anything to do with it
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Just say that you don't get it
British VAs don't have this issue, americans are mentally ill
westaboos are dying species, thanks to zog
So who will be the next VA to be replaced for EN next?
No, plenty of other EN VAs have done so much worse than just liking a few melanin edits, Sucrose and Acheron VAs have tweets directly addressing the Boycotts and supporting the cause yet you don't see Hoyo dropping them.
Whatever happened with Feixiao EN VA has likely to do with the ongoing SAGAFTRA strike.
Praying it's Paimon.
Oi I’ll jab u in the gabber m8
Ruan Mei
>Voice actors keep making a stink on twitter
>Voice actors kept getting outed as pedos
>Voice actors kept getting replaced
>All are American
So why do people play this game in EN at all again? JP is superior in every single way already and you don't have to put up with this BS
a surprising move given how bad the hu tao rap was
yeah but britcucks sound like fags
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>T4 MoC
Are they retarded? She 2 cycles Kafka.
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alright honkai star rail gros wish me luck i don't slip and die while showering
>all are american
gonna cry yuropoor?
go donate some more tanks to ukraine or whatever, yuropoor piece of shit
Yeah the JP voice actors are all drama free and also are not outed as pedos or are involved in cheating scandals or drunk scandals
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Heard my mom talking to my aunt on the phone about how they think I'm autistic.
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In lore? Probably Jing Yuan or Robin.
Community wise? Easily Kafka.
It's actually very simple, I just don't go on twitter.
I like repeating the cool battle lines the characters say, and it's difficult when it's not in English
>bong VA
why are you samefagging yuropiss stain
well, are you?
what's there to get about a guy that tried to trap millions inside an endless dream while you real self rots away to fuel it?
Are you retarded perhaps?
Yes? Did you even need to ask? Many other games laugh at prydwen's retarded tier lists.
go die of a heat stroke because you cant afford AC yuropiss piece of shits
I've always found EN dubs to be more colorful in these games, all anime girls sound the same and generic in JP. If you have a game with an actual budget like Yakuza, then the JP voicework is extremely high quality and each character is given a unique voice profile with the right emotional range, not this mobile slop waifufag pandering.
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im a mamas boy...
>>All are American
>He doesn't know
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Because a lot of americans are mentally disabled and can't read and watch media at the same time.
sex with (my) biological mother Kafka who gave BIRTH to me and BREASTFED me and RAISED me just for me to give her my DICK
we won two world wars back to back and own your fucking continent bitch
go cry about elon musk or whatever yurosissy
you're just jealous
yuro piss shitstain
From ziggers to malaysians and now yuropoors
What's the endgame hapabro?
>switching him for Lingsha is a ~10% team damage drop
Is that on Hoolay or not? Big wolf does a billion attacks so Urine benefits massively.
>The two
Holy projecting yuritansbian.
Shout out to my friends Takahiro Sakurai and Tatsuhisa Suzuki
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mom love is the strongest love
That meant she fucked your dad just to give birth to you, you fucking waifupag Alabaman retard.
>English dub
>legit professional actors
the "best" available can't help but shit the bed because of their own ego
Even Blade can 1-2 cycle Kafka, this first half is extremely lenient to make up for Aventurine in 2nd half.
My comment is a sarcastic one you idiot, I'm pointing out that JP VAs get outed for the same shit the EN VAs get outed >>492980212
But maybe you're too stupid to grasp the concept of a snarky remark.
all their dramas were something personal or something completely random, that have nothing to do with the product or company. It's usually cheating and shit like that
Why? There's an auto salvage function for trash marked shit. Why would you look over it twice?

I seriously don't understand what the heck you are trying to say. You look at it once, you mark it. Trash marked things will automatically be sorted at the bottom if you look at relics, so they aren't in the way if you want to build a char or whatever. And when you batch salvage, you simply auto trash them by telling the game "salvage everything that's marked as trash".
spreadshitter comparisons are done using some slow ass bosses every time
my grandma just died of a heat stroke
i wish we could afford AC
im european btw.
He just wanted them to sleep forever.
fuck you mfker european fuck you bitch fuck you mfker
go make another world war again your favorite hobby lol
Would you suck Kafka's cock if she had one?
>liking schoolgirls is pedophilia now...
>is a shitskin
>promotes shitskin propaganda
>this is somehow related to star rail
>critically missing that it has only been male voice actors like argenti, moze and sunday who have been replaced that literally nobody uses
idk why you find them relevant to usage, they have never been relevant apart from poor huohuo caught in the fray that had to be redubbed
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>She 2 cycles Kafka
yeah "she" 2 cycles kafka haha
these are the same type of people that will call you a pedo for liking yunli
being pedos in japan is okay and cheating/drinking literally does not matter, that's the vice of most adults
Just don't bite the hand that feeds you, how hard is that to get?
The stellaron rots away your body as fuel for the dream, he knew this, yet he proceeded with the plan, he wanted to entrap everyone in his dream knowing that it'd kill everyone involved.
Eventually those corpses would just exist in the shared dream much like the famous dude who lived inside the dream only.
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Burger melty?
I want to hug Aventurine.
Yes, but she's fictional so in that fictional world I could be a billionaire too
I have this same autism, I like memorable combat lines, it's a lot harder to commit them to memory compared to JP stuff.
Specially when you have some stellar deliveries like Blade and Aventurine.
anyone else hate elon musk, american voice actors, tesla, nvidia, and monopoly go
im european btw.
also its really hot i wish i could afford AC.
anyone else love regulations on tech companies btw?
reminder there's at least 1 ENfag itt that seethes every time we laugh at the state of EN dub
A billionaire cocksucker
Post gojo
>Sustain: Aventurine > Lingsha > Gallagher
>only have gallagher
>he's not only glued to firefly, but the cope option even if he wasn't
This sucks ass.
I don't want aventurine. And I can't get Lingsha if I get Feixiao.
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how much better are follow-up teams with robin? im 100% gonna roll for her on her rerun regardless but i've been coping ok with sparkle instead so far
Who are you talking about?
So if you want to be a billionaire, you also want to suck cock?
Compared to EN stuff, EN combat lines are easier to internalize
It's not like Sushang is the only character who can use Robin.
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can we talk about normal things again, such as how much we want to fuck certain female characters from the hit mobile gacha game honkai star rail?
>based off random data statistics
No, the players are.
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Feixo theme leaked bwos!
Hotaru wa
At this point I'll take the Japanese VAs also providing the English voices; it'll be so bad it becomes good.
Did you see my late feedback from like two threads ago or should I post it again?
you can't fuck an android xueyibro
Condolences bro…
Uh oh Hertaschizo melty
She's made for FuA. Robinkeks pretend like she's the best in every single team, which is definitely not true, but she's actually really good for FuA.
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How come Sushang can't visit the Astral Express? How am I supposed to have sex with her on March's bed if she can't enter the Express?
Tureibureisa san, purise herupu us
>Not the better susanoo theme
>Not Must Die
Hmmm? I thought I had already revised based on your feedback, you're the guy that replied to a lot of my points yes? We even had a back and forth...unless you're someone else, last time I posted the guide I just went to sleep so chances are I didn't see it.
Sushsnag doesn’t know what sex is
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Hertashizo coldy
Sunday did nothing wrong, and neither did Miquella btw
I don't care if she's a brick, I'm getting her
Must die is for Hoolay.
it's not based on statistics lmao
they ignore the stats when the stats don't fit their agenda
Miquella is just retarded, the plan was good but he ended up just becoming Marika 2 even though his journey began to be better than her, it's meant to be ironic.
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british voice actors won in withering waves
wuthering waves has better movement and combat than genshin.
Call yourself a stupid bitch
>I like repeating the cool battle lines the characters say
are you 14 or something?
Same guy, and indeed saw you edited the guide when I woke up. But had some really minor points, was just wondering if you saw it or not. >>492959027
I'm giving Topaz another chance. If she comes home in 30 rolls I'll get her. Otherwise I'll skip a third time.
pompom has very strict requirements on pets that can be brought onboard, her cock is simply too big to fit inside
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Here's my wish list for Elio
>tall rich ikemen
>shill him with stel for months
>reveal that he's not for (you) right after his banner ends just to fuck with yumekeks
>reveal that he has a canon female love interest whom he's devoted to
>Cheerful and bubbly on the outside but cold, depressed and lonely on the inside
>we get a patch dedicated to a love story between him and his love interest to hammer in how much he loves her
>his white day art is him giving chocolate to his love interest, not Stel
In my mind, it made more sense to use Howling Moon for Hoolay.
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I had no idea star rails could blush until I saw this cutscene
He's being sarcastic
NTA, but I suspect you have autism and I wouldn't fault the other anon for ignoring those points.
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uhmmm.. i called "yourself a stupid bitch" but no one answers.. are you sure it's the correct number???
gojofag woke up
just great...
Fixed your link bro
Hasn't that been disproven as a lie already?
Oh no, I fully admit those are very minor autistic nitpicks. Feel like the guide itself is already good enough. So if that anon doesn't want to edit the guide based on that, I won't feel bad or anything. But my autism did force me to want to nitpick those points
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>gojocuck melty ensues
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Ruh roh!
Who's having a melty this time?
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gooks translate it
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why are you talking about yourself in third person
Mommy's already great as is, no need to improve her further.
is feixiao or lingsha the first banner? and is lingsha even good?
Feixiao is first banner
She's an improvement to Gallagher in the superbreak team, not by a whole lot though, pull her if that's what your dick tells you to
>Bleach is better than JJk
>Gojocuck keeps posting blacked edits
i look like this and i love Black swan.
Something about not being able to plap them and a handy is the most he'll get.
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>Blade is the shadow the hedgehog of HSR
fei is 1st, lingsha is 2nd
Lingsha at e0s0 is like 14% better than an e6s5 gallagher with perfect stats
I don't think any burger is awake as of now so it's probably just a falseflag
Not everyone has e2s1 supports with all 5 roll double crit pieces, bro.
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why didn't the elden ring bosses just run away?

the tarnished cannot run very fast or jump very high, and torrent is easily defeated by a building entrance
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I wish that was me
>Blade isn't voiced by Keanu Reeves
His VA needs to be replaced ASAP
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I 2 cycled with E0S0 Robin.
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It's fine, just use Guinaifen's bed.

She owns Sushang for all the pain she caused her
ATK boots or SPD boots for Feixiao if i plan to use her with Robin+Hunt7th
I skipped fofo the reddit
it's night and day if you pay attention to cycles and av, fua and robin just feed into each other really well
Id rather them release supports for bricks than keep making supports for the strongest characters.
How good is Gallagher in DOT?
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I decided to throw 10 rolls into Sparkle's banner since I'm at 0 pity and still don't have E6 Gui
I guess if there's ever a good time to get kinged it's at 3 pity
her speed got nerfed to shit so now you need speed boots
HSR is reddit making (You) and everyone else in this general anons of reddit
Mainly good for his SP generation because DoT is not very conservative on them.
cum in clara
Is Acheron dot team a meme or actually legit good?
E2 Robin (Already at E1) or E0 Feixiao? (Started after the free ratio)
Very nice.
I'd say spooks at 30ish rolls is still worth it.
It hurts at 40+ rolls.
Automatic 100% next banner, pretty good.
nobody can give you any advice if you refuse to post the rest of your roster
chicken girl is so strong
he's only good if your DOThags are starving of SP other than that fofo is still better
DOT in general is a meme, not to mention costly
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>E1 Vs LC
Assuming you have E0 Robin and E0 Feixiao, you should prioritise E1 Robin unless you have no LCs for Feixiao and your Hertacone is being used elsewhere is what that means, so if you have S1 Swordplay and no Hertacone (or can't swap it for feixiao) then S1 Feixiao > E1 Robin, else, E1 Robin is superior
>Inconsistencies and typos
Yeah I'll fix the consistency with Ratio cone and fix the typo later, I'm esl sometimes grammar mistakes slip here and there.
As for the E2 commentary, I'll leave it there, some people here (and the community as a whole) really believe some 5* characters are useless unless you have E2S1 so I just wanted to clarify that E0 is really good and while E2 is an obvious jump in power you won't need that power 99% of the time (I have two E2s and several E1s and the game is just piss easy), investing vertically past E0S1 is done for your favourites since powecreep will eventually reach to them and having vertical investment prevents (or delays) the moment they become less useful (and even that is subjective, clearing within 5 cycles is good, 0 cycling autism is bad)
E2S1 DHIL is still 0 cycling imaginary content, E2S1 Acheron still rapes this game, E2S2 Firefly does the same, etc.

Thanks for your feedback, here's a cool picture of my Blade doing a Bladiellion damage.
E2 Robin isn't that strong whereas Feixiao would be an entirely new character that would open your team diversity, if you have no wind DPS I see feixiao as a good investment even at E0S0.
It's alright but it will be outclassed more and more as new supports are released that making proper teams for those characters better.
Brand new character is generally better than just Eidolons.
My T0E0S0 Firefly needs 3 cycles...
As good as Feixiao support Ack
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>It hurts at 40+ rolls.
70+ rolls is where it hurts.
especially on a fucking cone banner.
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Hotaru love!
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>>It hurts at 40+ rolls.
>not going to soft pity every time
couldn't be me!
>Open thread
>All about retarded xitter drama
Never change tourists
only get e2 robin if you have some autistic 180spd setup that needs her e2 so you can squeeze in another turn inside her ultimate

her e2 actually generates more energy for herself than her sig but it won't increase your damage so it's pretty low value unless you SERIOUSLY cannot get her to ult consistently even with her sig
it works because acheron and kafka+BS are strong it synergizes well for acheron but acheron doesn't helps out DOThags other than applying it on her universal break
It works for now but eventually they just won't be enough
How do you build your Sussy and March? Are they both running at sonic speeds?
It's not bad, but it's just not as good as pure Acheron team, Acheron + DOT is just a way to use Acheron while the AS/MoC/PF has a DOT shill buff.

I have her but I don't really want to pull her away from the Yunli team.
Is her LC really only 15% better than Boatcone?
it will increase your damage if you swap gear to accomodate for extra speed
Post build...
Was Firefly the last good Myriad trailer?
Topass, Aven both E0
Acheron E2 BS E0 Sporkle E0
Got Bronya from my 300.
FF E2, RM E1.
>if you have no wind DPS
Only reason I'm really asking is cuz generally bosses have more than 1 weakness and wind is covered by a lot lately.
uhh bwo you're supposed to use firefly team on side 2
this is why you dont vote green party my Condolences bro
15% Better on team total damage, for screenshot (personal damage) her sig lc is ~25% better.
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I can’t get a fucking circlet or boots for yunli man PLEASE
no? side 2 has no fire or img weakness. side1 is img weak so hmc contributes to breaking
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they're sleeping on Sampo
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Nope that was the stonekino trailer
>some retarded xitter drama
en dubfags are losing another voice actor and your are laughing
gotcha, still gonna get it probably, cuz i don't even have Swordplay and i'll put the Boat on March 7th in that team
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Seele's cone is reduntant, especially because I overcapped on crit rate. I just didn't want to remove S5 Swordplay from Topaz.
holy shiet is that a sampo and a (gasp) 10% better sampo???
eh just try for e0 fei then, i wouldn't go past the first coinflip. or roll for e2 robin for that matter
What would you guys say is the priority for a clara team?
I currently have sparkle and tingyun
Is it Robin > Topaz > Sparkle > Tingyun for supports? Also is it worth while to invest in that without adventurine?
Just get Feixiao

>wind is covered by a lot lately.
It's just their shill season.
It was the same back when DHIL and JL just launched, everything's weak to Imaginary and Wind.
That said Feixiao is in a bit better situation since she can ignore types.
nta but is the better play to use swordplay till ratio cone rerun then just get that and run it for both ratio and feixiao? or did they buff feixiao cone now?
Definitely get Feixiao then E2 Robin if you want. You already have her best team (Aventurine/Robin/Topaz)
and no, you can use fofo or lynx just fine
Jingliu ice shilling ended in 2.x but holy shit the Imaginary shilling has extended into 2.x for DHIL, every other moc has been imaginary weak, sam/sleepy/kafka/gepard are all imaginary weak...
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good fucking riddance
the pendulum is swinging back
With who would (You) have sex in March's bed?
>FF14 uses bongs
>EN is reversed as high quality
>FF14 added Amerifat VA
>Immediate drama
>Troon voice acting
>Trash voice acting in general
>Star rail uses Amerifa VAs...
I feel so sorry for you lot sometimes
I'm gonna roll for JQ's cone as a F2P.
i think ive seen like 60 clears from this thread about the new moc and i might be the only nigga who still does not have a limited sustain and just uses gepard and gallaghar
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March's build.
Im f2p and got it and e1, you can do it bwo.
March herself
Good for you anon, but limited sustains are top qol. Try out a friend's aventurine sometime and you can feel the difference between him and Gepard.
Pretty sure her sign is still BiS, Ratio's sign is just nearly as good if you already have it.
I doubt you will use Ratio much once you have her anyway.

1.6 had Ratio, plus he's free, that's why.
Rappa is Imaginary too, so it might just keep extending.
its brazilians now that they have been cut off from twatter
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JPBros are theorising that this new weighted Curio is based off Sunday's weekly boss mechanic where he puts up a shield for everyone so maybe this is his shill curio?
img shilling is actually for firefly funnily enough
March 7th, Chinese March, Crystal March and Elysia
Elden Ring also uses bongs
Then you get the kino that is Igon and his eternal hate boner for Bayle the Dread.
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didn't they say that if you just did DU weekly you'll get all the rewards? here I did DU 3-4 times a week because I was bored and still can't get all the rewards in time. what about the ones that just did 1 weekly
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How much do you think they spent this year on marketing alone
She looks so happy with her raccoon
Let's not be disingenuous, Robin is the carry here. Do this with RM and I'll actually be impressed.
It' twitter drama that's irrelevant to the game as a whole though.
Most people use JP voice anyway, only normalfags and weirdos use EN.
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>Jingliu is back next patch

Im not a sundayfag but he was stelleron'd just like cocolia.
Iirc robin memories of him differed from corrupted sunday's ideology
>use basic atk
>on allied targets
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It'd be pretty funny if the 26k crit came from Robin and not sushang kek
Any harmony can use that curio however.
Sadly, i hope Madam Herta's trailer changes things a little
Needs E1 Black Swan and S1 Kafka to justify it.
Technically possible if you fight Kafka
whats with the self esteem issue
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same shit applies to every r*bin team but no one bats an eye when it's premium characters using her
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pulling for DPSes is the best way to brick your account, you should pull for supports. Most of the DPS you pull will be a powercrept brick, or they'll make their main mechanic not work properly with new enemies.
elden ring has a reason for bong voices since the setting is medieval europe
Shame the trannylator butchered the JP translation to fit their own sparkly story
Yes, Robin is the one who enables Sushang. Because Sushang's unique fast attacking kit needed support exactly like Robin. Superbreak Sushang is also decent but not as good. But every dps is judged on the tier list with assumption of having access to Robin or any other support.
I want to drink the Scarlet dragon's menstrual blood
that just means his basics puts a buff on the team
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>tfw it just ends being a 1 second ptsd flashback from Hoolay
I want Susy eidolons...
Its going to be Yanqing using Jingliu technique and giving Hoolay ptsd isnt it?
I really enjoy seeing hsrg alternate between "Robin is worse than RM" and "clears using Robin don't count because she is so much better than RM" on an hourly basis
nyooo my troll guide
Would be funny if that's true and Yanqing ends up getting a win for once.
sir vidyahara have no reproductive organs
Who's the other 2.6 banner?
It's odd how they haven't done any drip marketing for the other banner, as if to not spoil the Tingyun reveal
Thanks a lot! Going to try this out myself later. Just going to farm a few more Hunt mats with the double drops and i'll be going in.
Not with that attitude
we already know tingyun is in 2.7’s second half
What are you even talking about?
I want Ruan Mei to lock me in chastity
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She no diffs the bug
it's just sushang's damage, r*bin's proc doesn't land if you kill and sushang does a 2x hit
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Why did you make the troll guide anyway? is the spamming annoying?
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I want this
I was thinking this too, but they didn't care when they dripped Robin when she was supposedly dead
I thought they're just almost sterile rather than not having dick/balls/pussy/womb.
bro i own 2 limited harmonys and broyna i am pulling for supports, i just need to get lingsha
ur a weeb, harry
When will pagfly spam stops? Getting real tired of it.
firefly being so garbage against aventurine makes me concerned her shilling phase is coming to an end and she's gonna end up in limbo like acheron
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Wait, the weekly bosses drop light cones?
no dickless dan is real and not a meme
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MHY should just cancel the whole EN voice on all their games to save money.
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no need to be shy anons
You're meant to use Firefly against Kafker's since Imaginary weakness matters as much as Fire weak for Firefly.
You need E2 Firefly to 0c Aventurine.
Americans are literally worse than indians.
Yes, and?
What does that have anything to do with a self esteem issue?
I have E2S1 FF, E1 RM and E6 Gallagher and still jobbed against Aventurine, it wasn't even close
Sure they are, Sukhmandeep.
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>E1 Robin is superior
Ah okay that is clear now. I kinda got the idea that you meant Feixiao cone, but wasn't sure since the subject of the sentence was Robin. But makes sense, so most cases it is just get E1 Robin.
>As for the E2 commentary, I'll leave it there
Yeah, like I said I have no problem with it. And I agree with eidolons being unnecessary, I just stick to E0. And it is that Acheron broke me, otherwise I would still be E0S0 on every character. But just wanted to mention the point, since you might get some troll reacting to it.
>here's a cool picture of my Blade doing a Bladiellion damage.
Cool pic, glad to see Blade is doing okay. Have my Scampo doing a cool pose in return.
>black edit
She deserves it. I hope her career is over.
anon, I...
it has nothing to do with that 100%
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I got it in 1 cycle using Gallagher, for 0 cycle you need to ditch Gallagher and use Pela instead since she helps with toughness on phase change (Gallagher can't) and she gives Firefly the 40% DEF Shred she's missing to reach 100% DEF Shred as seen here: https://youtu.be/ZvBRNClmo7c
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Hopefully more to come
i wouldnt go that far but it's pretty close
What are you talking about retard? She still 1 or 2 cycles him and easily win the bet minigame and get max energy to ult again.
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hello based?
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Star Rail VAs speedrunning the EN dub EOS
It's funny how acheron / sucrose VA's have done worse and gotten away scot-free.
Imagine directly supporting a boycott toward the company you worked for, being less offensive than *reads scrunched up notes*
a photoshop edit.
Finally got it. SOUND THE HORN!
Femoids are fragile. She probably got death threat over it and ran away.
>We're reaching the point where Harmony characters are applying buffs through basic attack now
SSS tier, never skipping Harmony characters ever again
>Vida Plana
You know what that means.
>no ATK%
>no SPD
Pray you got the upgrades mostly on the CR.
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1 into atk% and then 4 into crit rate
You're welcome
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i heard another VA got fired? hoyo are so fucking based bros
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Can I get your best Feixiaos, /hsrg/?
Spread your legs you infertile whore I'm about to defy biology
No idea about Genshit but HSR seems to be cleaning house, don't be surprised if Acheron gets replaced.
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Sparkle bros, don't feel pressured to pull the chicken girl we are still good to go...
at this point, they're just making black edits of anything, without any reason whatsoever
they're not different from blackedfags
looks about right
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I like this webm
>Shitup the streets with ads
>Can't add basic ass sitting animations for characters
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What games are /hsrg/ core?
She's so much cooler without her jacket.
Genshin va gets the boot if you're a sexpest.
Another one gets nothing for essentially fueling a boycott movement
HSR va gets the boot for a photoshop image.
Another one gets nothing for the same boycott movement the Genshin one did.
Dunno, it's just funny to me where the priorities are.
Would have been alright if it was 2 in CR instead of DEF.
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I love this dragon so fucking much
That reminds me, I never made the video into a webm and I should...
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Play in JP, return to tradition.
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>Dorīmu kamu to~urū!
>It's... showtime~!
Why did they make Stelle sound so cute and bubbly?
i don't think toughness is the issue considering firefly instantly implanted fire weakness on phase change in that video, it's probably just s5 ddd on hmc and the def shred
Collabros how's your saving stash looking? Currently at 230 rolls.
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Only tourist and americans play in EN.
your chakaras are off today anon, upgrade it tomorrow
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You may not like it, but this is what peak HUNT looks like
Finally Fortnite and TroonFantasy14 filth backs off from our comfee gacha community.
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Did they really expect to get away scotch free after shit talking the company that they work for?
Caelus too, harmony does that, really caught me off guard the first time I saw a video of him as HMC
>watch trailer
>still can't give a fuck about Fexiao
Anyone else? I really miss Firefly and Sparkle. Even Robin trailer gave me hype.
>jobs to Hoolay
Gallagher has to use his ult on phase 1 to help with toughness, just so happens that Pela low energy req. means she can Ult again during Phase 2 to help with toughness, I tried replicating with Gallagher and the toughness to trigger E2 is just not there, maybe with E1 Lingsha if you line up the bunnies with her ult for phase 2? idk
I never leveled my Pela so I'll probably won't bother replicating the strat.
Kneel to the king...
>Robin trailer gave me hype.
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>It's a BladeGOD MoC for once
I think she's fine but the fact that I need to get gayventurine and topaz makes me not care about her
So why was there no EN version of the trailer?
Robin can even save Blade even though she gives attack?
ERR% or BE% rope for Lingchud? My Post-OP is only S4 and I was thinking of maybe using Perfect Timing S5 instead?
Robin had a bunch, the best one was the animated one where she was with Caelus, technically not even a robin trailer
it's implied courtney lin got replaced for saying "your voices matter and I’m so proud of our community for using theirs" and advocating the boycott movement
peak hunt is sickly half breed fox with no tail and takes 2 dicks at once?
I literally said "this is Yanqing" the instant I saw the rainbow ticket at 0 pity
Firefly love!
Lingsha and Gallagher are good enough, the fact that she is basically the only character that can 0-cycle Hoolay without having most of her supports or even LC shows that she's not reliant on her premium team at all.
Not even Ratio needs RRAT to clear either, Ratio hyper can still 0-cycle even the current Kafka.
>everyone wants Robin now
How did people underestimate her so much on her release?
She gives CDMG and free turns first and foremost and also happens to deal 30k damage per ally attack too so yeah
The likely reason? SAGAFTRA is on strike and Feixiao VA is part of it, we know that MSQ recordings are done months in advance (or even year+) but PVs arent, so maybe the schedules just didn't line up and thats it.
The schizo reason?
Feixiao EN VA hates white people, hates mihoyo and will kill da wei for not making feixiao skin brown so hoyo fired her.
gallagher is in my ff team and i dont care about lingsha
I want to get Kafka more
she only need like 200 break and you can get that alone by cone and HMC/RM buffs
i was saving for Firefly when Robin was on banner
you say its schizo, but these people legitimately hate you
many here assumed she only works with fua like topaz and they don't use a fua team
During Sunday fight he sounds cool while Stelle still sounds cute
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The advance is that useful but Blade is good with this turbulence basically no matter what. With Robin, no eidolons and only Blade sig I can 1-cycle which is very impressive considering how bricked he is and that Jade isn't better than using a 2nd harmony.
He should also be good against Hoolay because enemies attacking so often increases his damage, and the turbulence does like 1/2 of that faggot's health anyway.
For some reason, everyone lacked foresight and didn't think they would make chars that are glued to her like Feixiao.
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>tailless freak
>ugly mutt
>has aids

It's hard to give a fuck about any of the gigashilled space chinks in general. They're just walking personality blackholes whose personality is CHINA STRONK.
Both did sound different but I can't recall how much, I completely forgot that was a thing
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such a cutie
Robin is BiS for far more cases than just Feixiao.
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I've seen some people claim Moze is actually Venti in disguise, as to not draw attention to himself
Any lorebros in here who can fact check that?
Its schizo because Acheron and Sucrose VA have done much worse than just RTing a brown edit of Feixiao and they're still hired and in Hoyo's payroll.
Hoyo doesn't really give a fuck, a good chunk of the EN VA cast is black/brown and gay/tranny and hoyo hasnt given the boot to anyone, hell, the one guy who was dropped recently (Argenti) was a white dude with a wife and it was down to schedule issues which actually affect production.
Its really just down to the sagaftra strike.
Ruan Mei fags were kings of propaganda.
Yunli and Fofo have personalities...
she was for FUA teams and 2nd best for DOThags
at the time FUA was only for homofujos and for the 8 clara mains
now, and going forward we have more FUA options and it includes waifus
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and she's not real...
>inb4 writer's gf
well, she's not with me so meh
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>Even Robin trailer gave me hype.
I'm surprised Mihomo doesn't just axe the EN dub at this point with how much of a shitshow their VA's were causing during the "boycott". Is there a single EN VA company that isn't full of wannabe ecelebs?
It's cool they make alternative voice lines for boss fight
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They fear the giga stacy
One thing I want to give credit to Mihoyo for is rerunning characters exactly when needed. They could have run Firefly without Ruan Mei for example, and Feixiao without Ruan Mei, creating a sense of fomo for every single banner. But they look out for players, so you don't get bricked teams just because you didn't pull for a character that was out 3 months ago.

Also Kafka and Black Swan rerunning at the same time I guess, they make a good team too. I wonder why they didn't rerun Acheron on Jiaoqiu's banner, maybe they're waiting for a better support for her
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ruan mei is still by and far superior
>not liking this
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Same reason why Aventurine isn't on 2.5: They're saving their rerun for 2.6 the deadest patch ever.
I don't care if it's a boy or not, I want to rail their star hole
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I want Aventurine to impregnate me
>HMC/RM buffs
I have Gallagher for that. I'm going to be running her with Feixiao because I'm not pulling Sigga and Fu Xuan is too slow.
yeah, for whales
for a f2p newfag like me, Kafka and BS rerunning at the same time is fucking hell
Yeah, helped me max a couple.
Hoyo will never axe the EN dub, someone posted it here but like 60% of americans just hate reading subtitles and won't consume foreign media unless its dubbed to English so they'll just keep paying for the dub regardless of drama in a small section of the community.
idk about Genshit but just wait until Acheron's next appearance, i guarantee they're being replaced as they go along.
>landing a role to voice a lead character showing that a china company does not racially profile over talent
>only to demand that they blackwash a space china character rather than offer to also voice another character
the strikes have nothing to do with it
they should go the AI way
Those two aren't the gigashilled faces of space china. For some reason it's the characters they try to wank that always end up boring in space china.
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It's okay bro. At least she's not Sparkle-tier.
No one would notice it so yeah
As a Caeluschad, the Caelus in the trailer sold Robin for me. The trailer implies we are close to her. That's not the case with Fexiao and Yunli. They don't give a shit about me, why should I give a shit about them? This is why I rolled for Argenti despite him being a brick. He cares about the player character unlike these soulless chink females they're trying hard to sell but shipbaited with someone else.
>burgers refuse to read
kafka and bs rerunning in 2.5 means that tingyun doesn't need them

on the flip side, that might mean that tingyun has some synergy with sunday....
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Will Rappa have FuA or is this a brick?
It's just because of what leaktrannies said, I don't think there's much evidence to confirm or deny it right now.
I needed a reason to skip her
At least Yunli has a companion quest with (you) unlike Feixiao and most of the chink cast. Argenti is myf a
rappa is a super break with an enhanced basic attack
>reunning characters exacly when needed
>huohuo took so long that her va was replaced
sir rappa is superbrick, crit dmg and dmg up do nothing for her
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>Robin turns out great
My dick never fails
Sister your Ratio...
Would be cool if the next DoT character has a summon that advances ever time dots tick or something.
There's also no guarantee that Ting is nihility right now, the leakers have been very wrong/unclear about everything since 2.2 or so. They didn't even say shit about Rappa until like 3 days before she got revealed.
The sigger will end up rerunning with Rappa then since this chink fillerslop needs both Robin and Kafka to carry Brickxiao.
So who is next to be recast?
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I auto battle all content with either my acheron team or my firefly team
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Would you?
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zeele rerun soon? i still need her siggy
...about to be retired by Feixiao permanently
Robin has more personality than Fexiao btw
the fantastic dub of iron chef japan is probably one of the reasons why people see value in it. its that much value adding.
Let's say i do another run, all my team survives but it's less than 20 cycles, do i still get 3 stars?
Are normies really ok with characters voices changing non stop in game? English voices seem to change all the time for American products while Asia normally won't change the voice for anyone outside of their deaths. They basically are that characters forever
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I will never forgive that EN VA BITCH who massacred Clara's voice line deliveries. She sounds like a 40yo. crack smoker trying to sound like a child. Unforgivable.
>b-but sounding like a cute girl is hard
March's EN VA is literally a man(woman) and she gave March a voice that's even cuter than the JP one. So there's no excuse. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE CLARA'S EN VA, NEVER
I don't think that they always run characters alongside supports but they clearly do it often (Kafka before BS last time, Dan before Brickle, Ave/Robin/Topaz around each other) but Huohuo did run in between characters she is BiS for (Yunli, Argenti) whereas she has little synergy with 2.x characters outside of Yunli.
Them running DoT now probably means there won't be a DoT in the next 2-3 patches, but it's not necesarily the case because Topaz reran very quickly and sometimes they will just rerun characters without any support or particular reason (Sparkle running right now).
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bisexual women(hetero girls that want attention) are so hot
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This. But unironically.
their no point to a woman that can't conceive
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I want Sunday to impregnate me.
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Scot-free, eslbro
wow that's bullshit, i should put that in my next feedback form to fix this oversight
Sunday belongs to Robin
When will Punished Sunday show up in the story?
Voice changes are seldom rare, it works the same way that it does in Asia where its one VA being their character, except EN has unions/contracts meddling in their way and if a company just doesn't want to hire from union workers the comapny will change the VA every so often whenever the actor joins a union.
Some VA get around this using pseudonims and fake personas to be able to work unionless but the cases are rare, this used to happen sometimes with Nintendo during the 2010's.
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TY, My Tingers got one shot by aventurine on the last gamble
I don't know what made people read "Give your units 1500 Atk, 50% damage amp and 20% crit damage" and not think it will be insanely strong. The extra 25% crit damage for FuA is just cosmetic.
EN's VA quality has always been mixed and the changes aren't as uncommon anymore due to how shit the industry is for EN especially with all the issues with AI and unions being needed.
sparkle is clearly supposed to be a yunli support and jq pullers can snag her if they intend to e2 acheron later

i don't think they ever intended acheron to be used with robin and also they're not rerunning tingyun to force yunli pullers without her to cope with sparkle
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>I-i had to save up for FF, please understand
I'm 100% F2P, never spent a dime, and I still managed to get them both. People that skipped Robin did it because they are retarded, its that simple
He's good vs Kafka will all her attacks and DoTs. The furry mech also does a lot of AoE
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Give me the old Fofo EN VA NOW!
You might not wanna hear this but I'll just say it anyway.
Your 0 cycle clear doesn't count if you used Robin or you cleared without sustain.
2.7 according to leaktroons and apparently he'll be the first banner before Tingyun promax.
>look at me, i've got it f2p
Just another reason to never listen to doomposters here, they tried to convince us Ruan Mei and acheron were doa too
Yes but the clear itself will say ** So your friends list will know you're a shitter that can't *** this MoC
Kys lucknigger but I agree, I had 60K by the time penacony rolled out, all you had to do was skip everyone in 1.X except SW, Fu, JL and fofo. Replace SW with RM for metaniggers
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>The trailer implies we are close to her.
Still don't know why did she risk taking a guy to her private dressing-room but I won't complain
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rumors are that it was due to contract issues for argenti and huohuo, so mihomo planted this mess to begin with. they were all openly fine to be voicing the characters.
If I had skipped Aventurine and Topaz there would be plenty of pulls for both Robin and FF, regardless of luck, and thats my point
How is Swordplay for Sword march?
She gets a hell of a lot of attacks on a single target when her counter is full, so it should be alright?
She has a lot of crit rate so I would have to get a good crit damage chest to swap to Cruising.
>all these luckshitters
>me: hit soft pity, lose coinflip, hit soft pity again for the guarantee
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3* is 3*, it doesn't matter how you get it
hope this helps, babe
How does Guinafen even have a streaming career when she allows males on her stream? Wouldn't all the parasocials get antsy?
Galaxy Rangers represent better the Hunt than the space chinks
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Pretty much all the good hunt cones are roughly equal on her so choose whichever you want.
Is Ruan(Bug) Mei the final boss of HSR?
I was saving for Firefly when she first came out and I didnt have any FuA char. Now I can slot her in my Yunli team.
she's busy working unlike the neets of the express
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>lore video talking about the strongest characters
>its always acheron or welt glazing, and they conveniently ignore the fact that Herta knows how to make a giga-nuke that can destroy entire solar systems
Do lore tards even do the sidequests?
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She got more female subs thanks to him
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it's actually scott-free, hertaschizo
clara was initially supposed to have geomarrow sickness indicated by a mark on her neck, so it only sounds like you are praising the delivery by saying she sounds like a chain smoker, that was the initial intention all along
Didn't she give an earful to that stalker fan of her once? She's probably shrewder than the average streamer
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>Always roll for Harmony units
>Always roll for Preservation units
>Sometimes roll for Abundance units
>Choose your DPS' carefully
Simple as
bronya is probably twice as busy as sushang and even she makes time to visit
Welt can just suck up the nuke into one of his black holes.
I think the new one is good too, same for Argenti, its their battle lines that sound weird for some reaosn
Lan is all about hunting Yaoshi, and the GR dont even do that, meanwhile the Yaoqing keep on destroying whole planets filled with them
Why is Hannya like this?
(You) owe Feixiao sex.
A hug too while you're at it
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>A hug too
>>Another Hag who's "needy"
Defend this.
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>duo dothag rerun
>Sunday joning the stellaron hunters
>will obviously be a harmony unit
Isn't it obvious? Sunday will be the DoThag support harmony we've all been praying for. Rejoice!
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Think her parasocials used this stream as jerking material more than anything else.
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When are we getting red head maids?
I'm getting tired of blonde, brown, black and white hair.
Sophie > Ryza btw
... Boycott?
Over what, evil chinese not trading with Russia or?
Mihoyo have been super generous and tolerant of these ungrateful wierdos they hired for english voicing. What could they possibly have to complain about unless it's politics?
No matter how many people may claim to like him, a Screwlium banner would flop horrifically.
how did you people know it's hanya? because of the raven name?
*not boycotting russia
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It's scorch free...
Xueyi and Hanya's online handles are reflections of their Japanese names.
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Me too
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Can Firefly clear MOC 12 with this build?
Railkeks, your games story is beyond dogshit and the story is supposed to be one of the main selling points of an RPG. Most fights up to the very late game are pretty brainless so if you are not in this for the story, wtf are you even doing with this game?
China number one
she's the boss, she can make any excuse she wants
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That and the in game file names confirm it. But it also fits her behavior regarding TB since she just likes kuudere goths (see xueyi). Also there's a weird aesthetic link going on with Finality that I've noticed where she's a writer, like Elio, and her aesthetic sensibilities happen to fit that path too from what we've seen of the goth thing in AS.
How is that Hanya?
The Hunt is about following your autistic obsession no matter the price, Yaoshi is just Lan's obsession. Xianzhou are more followers than Lan than actually treading on the path on their own.
Play Void Stranger if you want a real puzzlechad game.
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>completely linear story
>your choices doesnt affect anything except one single side quest that just allows you to skip it with no changes in story
this is not a rpg. Games like NwN or first Dragon Age are RPGs.
I completely ran out of rolls after acheron+aventurine and really wanted to save for firefly so I skipped her, 100% getting her on the rerun though
>Ratio wants to eliminate ignorance
>Topaz hunts down debt collector
>Boothill's looking for revenge
It makes sense
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If I, as a short life species, were to impregnated Sushang would the baby be a long life species or a short life species? Am I even capable of doing that? Is that legal by space china law?
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Numby's fatass tempted me.
There's plenty if RPGs without choices. All Final Fantasy games for one, hell most JRPGs.
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>play honkai star rail
>story is on rails
whats the problem?
her name literally means frigid raven in chinese
they are just labeled as RPG while not actually being ones
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Ain't she a hunt follower?
What does she have to do with Finality?
probably in between since its a half-breed
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>actually trail follower
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>Feixaio's signature weapon is a bow and arrow to represent the Hunt and her obsession with eradicating Borisin
>doesn't use a bow at all in any of her gameplay animations
>Once again because of the lineup assistant thing in Hoyolab I found out my Luocha had the wrong cone
And he still made my team survive Aventurine. Amazing.
China especially would ignore him completely
The Galaxy Rangers are just cooler in concept then the space chinks just because they're more like vigilantes that have their own moral code and go around saving the galaxy even if it doesn't benefit them personally.

The fact that the Rangers took out a galaxy destroying Lord Ravager while the space chinks are fighting plants and dogs already makes the Rangers sound infinitely better. Plus the space chink lore is really boring because of how one-sided every confrontation they have with the Abundance is, the only time they nearly got gigamogged was by Shushu.
she used a bow in the latest trailer kokotroon please keep up
the archer class really is made up of archers
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OP said gameplay
Oh it's not official lore at all, just a weird coincidence I noticed. I still see TB as related to the finality because of Elio
Fofo is literally me
Guns are pretty much modern bows.
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why are you like this
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She dropped the bow for the gun.
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she should have been like a Foxian Van hellsing then.
>Release Robin
>Only FUA DPS is Ratio
>No one really cares about or needs Robin
>New DPS who is all about FUA is coming out
>Why do people suddenly want Robin?
Look at the people who pulled Sparkle for the SP hungry character MHY was going to make. With how fast characters get shoved aside why would anyone pull for characters for future investment? Look at Kafka.
Fuck, so Feixiao is pretty much useless without Robin.

Well, I will have to pull her first, I have S2 Bronya LC as well for her.
please explode
i had to go balls deep for acheron, aventurine and firefly
>Sorry, wrong room, meant to visit Firefly's room.
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What are Hanya and Xueyi's real names?
Nah Stelle would say something more autistic than these options
Is the Hackerspace relic set THAT universal that it's on most supports, or is it mostly only for the 2pc bonus?
i love stelle
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>same for Argenti
I don't know about that one chief. He's fine at best, but his new va just doesn't have the same graceful charm the original had.
>bronya LC on Robin
is this the average hsr player i've been hearing about
Why did Jiaoqiu flop?
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Stelle won the dragon cock, if it exist
I have no other 5-star LC for her.
2pc is what makes it so strong
he is a male
I prefer her event cone and a ERR rope, it's more than enough even at E0
Defenses is more or less unnessecery with 5* healers beeing what they are, so the 2 and 4 piece Hackerspace just have comparatively much value when the unit itself can't do damage anyway.
the 2pc bonus
the 4pc bonus can mess with your speed tune
But if you don't care that much and want to have much SPD as possible for your party, go for it
>we still don't have a hunt character that uses a bow like Lan
such a wasted opportunity. I hope the fate collab does that
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He's about to surpass Topaz in sales
but you have the FREE 4* event one, right?
>defending giggers
nice try xis
Watch as they put Redman on Erudition/Destruction
I don't have any spare rolls after Firefly + E1 for Fofo, or I would had rolled.
I'm unsure if I'm rolling for Topaz or Feixiao though, I need a wind dps but Topaz just fills a niche several units I want to use lack.
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>There are genuine honest retards in this thread that skipped Robin
Just took my meds but one of the pill went down the wrong hole what now?
it tickles a bit
>only 3-4 months gap before rerun
nothing of value was lost
I'm gonna skip her again for sigga this time
Why did you put it in your asshole?
I didn't skip Robin also I am very smart and handsome
it went down the airways or wathever it's called
She got an Event Cone? Don't think I have it.
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IP3gods were the only ones that rolled Robin btw.
>only deals 60k ~ 80k damage
God damn this used to be a decent damage, acheron really made blade look like a brick
It's not even bad, the ERR is helpful and the extra atk from it beeing a 5* does compensate for the lack of a ATK% mod.
Effectively the err on it makes she play as if she had her sig, but without the atk bonus part of it.
The even is like having the atk part but not the ERR.
My units are kind of badly built and need every bit of damage they can get, so I stick with the event one, but Bronya cone is not a bad alternative.
I'm going to skip her again for Topaz Eidolons
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Men can't be inpegranated retard
Summon buffer that takes away HP and buffs dmg+HP based on healing
The only SH he is shilling with that is Blade
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I had my eyes on her since her leaked design because she was pretty and skipped RM at the time for her and sparkle. It also happened to be the perfect meta decision to make as a Clarafag, hate the IPC though
>based on healing
preservation keks oh no no no no ahahahahaha
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>Pathstrider of order
>Harmony unit
Will we ever get rememberance, finality or Order as unit types?
you got the sauce for that bwi?
Aren't they gentrified by IPC?
I rolled her for yunli/clara and for the dothags since RM in glued to firefly
IPCjews can rope
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I used to look like this
Order was eaten by harmony so it checks
>one of the pills went down the wrong hole
That is what you get for trying to take suppositories orally
Well you can do better. But he really lacks some things like dewdrop from SU so he doesn't need multiple meta supports to do anything...
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I can't wait for Luocha to be meta
The same dreams that said Sunday and Tingyun are coming out in 2.7 one after another
how the fuck do i make seele do damage this is so fucking pitiful next to my firefly comp im crying
Everybody loves Robin and her songs
I've seen some people say they'll get lingsha's sig cone to make him relevant again
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Robin's songs always bring a smile to my face (because of the connotations)
You give her sig cone + E1S1 Robin or E1S1 pinkfox minimum + E2S1 Sporgle or E1S1 pinkfox again minimum + slap Tingyun last, but most importantly... do all this on private server. You're welcome. That's how you play Seele in today's content just like how jewtube videos show you. Now your Seele to can 0 cycle/0 cost everything.
>Release character with bow
>Lmao why they still use bow on space XD
You guys will complain anything
Wallahi I'm finished. I just want to use my cute Hanabi in a comp I don't care how.
There is a reason why every single fucking showcase of Seele on those shill videos is being done through private server bro
good lord I fucking need an S5 DDD already, why do they never put it on weapon banners I care about
It's almost like you need 2 teams anyway so that doesn't matter at all
Ilya clara skin
Seele needs perfect relics and cracked supports to be even comparable to modern dpses
lmao gallagher is a far better user of that cone
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Play with me
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What happens if I don't do the March event before it ends? Will I no longer be able to unlock Hunt March?
Traditional guns wouldn't work in space (the vacuum part) because the oxidation layer on the slide or other moving parts would wear off and never re-form, then they would cold weld themselves in place
what are you doing and what are your options
Does E1S1 Lingchud provide a stronger damage amp than Pela?

25% + 18% vulnerability + 20% def shred should be stronger than 58% def shred, right?
How do i build Lingsha for Fei team?
still BE?
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I was saving for Firefly, don't regret it a bit since I can just get her now
No. Just her 3 eidolons that they give for free. And apparently there will give more of her eidolons in the next patch so you can E6 her.
Very kind of Hoyo right? Watch her be completely irrelevant in 2 months.
Tales of Xillia 2 apparently
What do you want to play?
Big events are perma
I foyu don't finish it, it'll move to the side with the rest of the perma events, the only thing you'll miss is the time exclusive mats like the resin
The catch is that a lot of metafags here rolled RM and Sparkle and are now very mad at the implication that the third limited harmony is better because it means benching one of them
The only multiplayer games I play at the moment are TFT and ffxiv
The two most popular girls..
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I asked for a game recommendation, not a friend.
Penacony killed the game for me.
march is a cope 4* so she's "irrelevant" from the get go
I skipped Robin because I quit playing League and wanted to play something super casual that doesnt require that much time. Seraphine is one of my most hated characters in that game because they shoehorned a kpop/cpop slut into a game for no reason. Robin is pretty much the same.
1) march is unlocked by the archon quest, not the event
2) if you don't do the event you'll miss out on the event limited rewards (primogems and mats), however the event will always be available through the main interlude function and you'll still be able to grab's march's awakening levels at any time
I don't have a single IPC goon, not even Ratio, and I still rolled for Robin. Only e0s0 tho so I'll be doing e1s1 this rerun if I get lucky with Feixaio.
Firefly killed HSR
BE% in that case only gets you stronger heals, you're better off stacking speed
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>march is unlocked by the archon quest
Heroes of might and magic III and Panzer General 2 with the Adlerkorps mod/addon.
You know, things that are popular with the kids these days.
March 8th is there so newfags can clear content without needing specific limited units. She's not going to be the best in any team, but you can drop her into literally any team and have her contribute in a useful way
Obviously they want units like this so new players don't start the game and immediately get told they need to wait 6 months for reruns of these 3 specific units to unbrick whoever they just rolled
I have the full quantum comp but i don't have her sig so I guess I'm just fucked. I hate rolling for cones so much it's unreal.
If you love one of them that much, you just e6 them. Like my Sparkle isn't losing to any old stinking RM or Robin in the teams I play her in.
Nigga what the fuck are you doing there coping with Seele in the year of 2024? Fell for that 1 bitch's shilling Seele videos that she only ever does through private server or what?
Just get any dps of today. Any will do. Even brick like Jade will be fucking better than Seele cope in 2024 that needs trillion broken supports just to still miss her crit and do noodle damage.
>Quantum comp
Use robin instead of SW
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Who said I couldn't be a game...
I want to go down on Pela
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Penacony unironically revive the HSR.
Unless you mean the game is Gensh*n
Look man I don't actually care about Seele I just like Sparkle and I don't have Acheron. Can I just slot her into a FUA comp?
playing with your tiny female penis does not count as a game
And space China killed it again. What's your point?
Isn't hunt March pretty good? Some Anon said she's comparable to ratio and doesn't even need his cone.
>tiny female penis
It's not even small you're just being mean now
Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing? I haven’t played multiplayer games in years.. but playing with an /hsrg/ anon sounds fun
the fuck is archon quest
Preservation March has the strongest single target shield, cleanse, taunt and healing in her kit
She's extremely underrated
She's not a main DPS, so she doesn't compete with limited DPS units and isn't supposed to. Her only big damage is in her enhanced basic and that's conditional on using her ult first
She's still good though, that enhanced basic hits hard if you set it up properly and she is 100% SP positive, so your main DPS can spam all they want
thoughts on my SP printing Luocha build?
Space china exist to be fillerslop before we get actual interesting stories.
>0 on all stats
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If she's not main DPS then neither is ratio.
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You won't skip topaz again, right?
>Can't beat MoC with Trend Gepard for Acheron
>Switch to Gallagher
>Beat it almost immediately
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forgot pic. hope we get another light cone that advances forward your action
How do you even come to that conclusion
March buffs another unit and then gets bonuses based on them attacking while she only basics, she is more of a strict sub-DPS than Topaz
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I skipped all IPCjew and I'll skip Topig next rerun.
Too slow
Pennacony was one of the worst excuses for the main story in any game ever. Only wannabe "deep" teenager retards think that Shaoji's writing in some next level genius shit.
Space China 2 is a light hearted fun event that should be the standard for these kinds of games. Take your convoluted honkai impact "deep" writing and shove it up your ass.
I would never pull for jews
I am pulling Feixiao, however
I'm replacing Ratio with E0S1 Feixiao, and she doesn't need the extra debuffs from E1S1 Topaz, so I'm keeping her at E0S0 forever.
Because they both do comparable damage. By your logic ratio is also sub dps because he does not function without debuffs that he himself can't supply.
There is absolutely no reason to not swap to speed set boots to get 160 speed, anon
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You're rolling for Sunday because he's the next meta harmony, I'm rolling for him so he gets reunited with his sister. We are not the same.
>When people talk about genshin they are able to compare patches to other patches, pointing out where genshin fell, the issues, etc.
>When people talk about HSR they never focus on comparing patches to other patches. It's always HSR vs Genshin.
>HSR's flop is better because look at genshin
>HSR's story is better because look at genshin
>HSR dropping in sales is good because look at genshin
Maybe when HSR becomes 2 years old genshin will finally stop living in people's head.
kill yourself analwormer
Doesn't change the fact it save the game from Loufu part I which almost killed the game literally
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i am not pulling until the collab
but i ain't rolling for males
It's the function of a unit's kit that defines their role, not their damage per screenshot
If you run March without another DPS she does 20% less damage because she has no hunt/destruction/erudition unit to use as shifu
Enjoy not pulling for like a year?..
I don't roll for male characters
If you run ratio without debuffs he does negative damage. Thanks for conceding your own point.
>can have a full team of IPC fucks
>can have a full team of stelleron hunters
>only 2 playable geniuses
>only 2 playable galaxy rangers
what thee fuck
Genshin - flagship
ZZZ - passion project
HSR - ???
Yanqing and his weapon are like e4s3 for me because of how much this freak is gay for me. Feelsbadman.
I mean, if you want to run March as your only DPS I'm not going to stop you, you can also run hypercarry Topaz or Jade if you really want to
That's still not how they're designed to be used and people are going to think you're weird for doing it though
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I did it weekly + some more and I'm at 49 only.
>they are adding more levels next update
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That's cuz a Waraxe and Gunblades are cooler
no other reason behind it
it's pointless to compare ZZZ to anything because it's handled by completely different people
Money maker
It was more interesting than space china in my opinion. Purely because it was novel. I was already sick of Space China after 1.2 and when they announced the rest of the patches before 3.0 would just be space China again I lost a lot of motivation to keep playing. Right now I'm playing daily but I barely touched the game these last 4 weeks outside of my weekly SU run.
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Feel good the be an IPC chad and be ahead of the curve. Now I can add the IPC General to the group, IPC can't stop winning.
Only downside is that Feixiao doesn't really look that "modern" enough to capture how Yaoqing is basically the Xianzhou + IPC lovepact.
Bitcoin-chan noooo
The comfy project.

Genshin won....
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Inferior to Gallagher SP printing, nice 4* downgrade.
That's not a win
we've known this for months
It's a huge win because genshin is still the top dog of Hoyoverse games and not honkai shart rail
literally why did they make a random 4* shitter the best healer in the game, how can you be this fucking bad at balancing your own game
>main dps
Deals the most damage in the team, often very greedy, selfish in terms of buffs/debuffs and/or SP hungry. Needs supports to do well.
>sub dps
Deals less but still significant damage in the team, often times offering supporting abilities like buffs/debuffs to the team or are more SP friendly. Generally worse when used as the only significant damage dealer.

It's not really that hard. It's also not a strict separation, some chars are relatively close to both categories, like Clara. Can be quite SP efficient and sub-dps suited, but can also be main-dps as her kit is selfish.
post your roster
floptlan flopped bigly
switch port doko
soo am I supposed to be rolling for Robin??
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sub dpses are not a thing in this game, either you provide buffs/heals or you get the fuck out from the team
I wouldn't run March as my only dps, but if I did eith say Topaz it's not a noticeable drop from Ratio teams.

Personally I think you're weird for running Ratio without debuffers, but hey whatever works for you.
>have action advance
>be t0
It's that shrimple (Jingliu doesn't count because of her bricked turns)
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Honkai Star Rail can run better on Switch yet they never release it, and it's all because Nintendo doesn't want to work with Hoyoverse to port their gacha over Switch.
Chances Feixiao comes out and she is mute.
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Wow anon, I'm jealous
Yes? Do you want to remain bricked by skipping her again?
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Nobody likes this Wardance arc. It's over
Huntmarch is literally a Subdps, no one is running her for the shoddy buffs when Harmony outbuffs easily, they run her to quickly stack her stacks so she can slam damage into the enemy in conjunction with a fast acting main DPS.
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Dozo kochira e
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shan't use
Pelageya Sergeyevna for you, knave
Make a proper one.
Genshin - Put MHY on the map and got everyone talking. Everyone wanted to compete against it. Every game regardless of genre was a competitor against Genshin
HSR - Road on Genshin's coattail and didn't have the impact genshin did. Already dying after only 1 year. No one talks about it 24/7. No console is begging for it.
If they care about that then I assume like most companies they're waiting for the next nintendo console they're announcing in a bit. Last thing a company wants right now is to have to support a dying console for a year.

Like I assume microsoft is throwing money at them to counteract the 5 players that will sign up.
He was a 5* when he first leaked. Originally his skill also buffed allies' ATK and his ult increased the break damage enemies received instead of debuffing their ATK but those are the only changes they made when moving him from 5* to 4*
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thanks guys, I didn't want that gross OP
we need more threads
Moze, Huntmarch and Topaz are all sub-DPS. They're not meant to be hypercarried, but they offer both substantial damage (more than a dedicated support) and some buffs/debuffs (less than a dedicated support).
you don't roll for anyone, poorpag
>the archon quest
What IS the name of the main story in HSR anyway? Trailblazer Missions?
Isn't HI3rd the passion project?
Just cunny and cool girls

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