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Undead Edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Crusader-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless Season, CoA+Wrath Alpha/Beta invites going, V+ server after CoA)
Everlook - https://everlook.org/ (Vanilla+)
Felmyst - https://www.felmyst.com/ (TBC no changes)

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)
TBC5man - https://tbc5man.com/ (TBC content scaled down to 5man groups)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>492221714
worgen males. hnghhh.
daily reminder that if you're making TBC/WotLK server you should make profs/leveling at least x3 until last expansion
GD had x7 profs 1-450 because they understood that nobody likes leveling professions, and the server was all the better for it
stormforge does not care
god I love kigs
>erp server
>no draenei
when is twow getting the one race that matters (and worgen for friends and family)?
twow has hold a grudge for over 20 years that Horde got blood elves, they're never gonna do that.
blizzard just did what had to be done...
god if twow got worgen...
so, back to turtl?
like flies to turd(le) dump
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Why would you ERP in WoW when you can ERP in gachas now?
can you erp your fellow gachaers?
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Of course, why do you think MMO's are dying? All the ERP'ers left for greener grounds.

Once RP'ers leave you're just stick with the tismos and boomer "I'M A BIG PVMPERCHAD P-PLEASE LOOK AT MY B-BIG DICK P-PARSIE!?!?"
ain't gacha singleplayer or at best instanced? (the main reason is that it's free AND you can strip your characters)
sorry not interested in anime girls and cartoons
just stinky animals and animal folk for me thanks
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They even come in twink furfaggot and bara furfaggot edition these days
too few legs and too many arms
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>you can strip your characters
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idk but i'd have guessed mmos die because they're too expensive to make, there's too few games that get all the numbers and mobile market is draining all non mobile games in terms of marketshare while being way cheaper to get into since selling jpgs to non-mobile retards is a bit harder you know?
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>siren naga casts circle of frost or whatever on me
>the circle chases me as it's casting
>2k dmg easy clap
1.17.2 SOON BABY!
i be dripping
will twow progress to tbc once it reaches 1.99.9?
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be fully honest
if i play turtle wow, will my computer turn into a malware machine
and is there any requirement to spend money
one of the schizo spambots from the last thread has me concerned
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Go to bed Alex
there is nothing to enjoy about it beyond
>new poorly implemented content I CLAPPED
faction balance is also one sided
no and no but make sure to not use your real email and password and don't give them any money since they're too retarded to keep your data safe it seems
stop being such a boomer and just play the game old man and its completely free
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dis be real mon?
people have been saying twow is a buttcoin miner for five years with zero proof
there is no requirement to spend money, but if you want stuff like portable mailbox/bank you either have to level characters challenges like half kill xp or only grey/white items
I got 60 and prebis in turtle. now what?
go agane

Raiding and endgame is filled with faggots. Leveling = the true wow experience
>not skipping leveling with boost
raiding and speedrunning is the only interesting thing in wow
ill blacklist you in server discord right now
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Is the turtle wow pvp realm a total care bear server as well? Are there literal tranny jannies there too?
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>never finishes the book
>skips straight to the end

Both faggots. Wow is the composite experience, warts and all
>noooo you have to read the entirety of the book what do you mean you only read the bits you enjoy?!!!
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>book analogy
>read book fifteen years ago
>decide to re-read it now
>for some reason i cant just read the book in the way i want, i need to read one specific edition, read it in one exact time of the day and need to complete it no longer than in one week
also you can read book completely alone, while in MMOs you dependent of other people therefore the way they play the game affects you directly
>tfw ERP as fat dwarf/orc with a tiny dick
how to troon out without family finding out?
don't just stick to being a closeted AGP fag
are you on turtle and interested in being sexually assaulted by a female(male) night elf?
i don't bottom, sorry
You didn't read the book.
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Me a mage, walking into the dungeon to immediately give 20 stacks of water to the healer.
anon please don't be retarded, if someone likes the fresh level chaos it's not argument to pontificate like a dumbass that said person did not experience the rest (and that if they did they would like it) just because you enjoy it
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instructions (very) unclear
one day ill find the singular guy thats into getting raped and having his tiny pp made fun of
hey that's me
but only if you are a worgen or tauren male
Has anything been announced for Tauri Legion to include it in the op?
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it has never been more over for me than it is at this very moment
hey that's me
no, just really slow progress as usual
couple of zones got completed, shitton of open bug tickets are ignored
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where can i find you and your cute little pp?
i hope you find him for me, it's the female (male) that will just faun over my small pp even if her completely "dwarf"s mine.
Another day without a worgen male.
actually I haven't played on turtle since december last year but I will make a new character this weekend or next week
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me but I'm more specifically into being forcefemmed
just run it in a VM
it's a bit funny how all vanilla and tbc servers can execute arbitrary code in your machine without you knowing a single thing but the one server that makes use of it openly for features gets the bad rep
Instant max pvp server?
im just getting back into it as well, made my erufu last week
i look forward to pulling your hair and calling you names anon
naturally once you're under a certain size you no longer qualify for manhood and will be made to wear the appropriate trappings - frilly skirts, heavy eyeshadow, glossy lipstick and so on
RP is for faggots and faggot burn in hell for eternity. Dont be a faggot anon.
hey anon RP and LARP are both very cool, ERP is the culprit
You are not entirely wrong, this teached me how to play ele shammy. https://youtu.be/j_ekugPKqFw?feature=shared
Definitely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPlnHw7MfME
Damn this kid bad man is that a fucking open ambush into 1 combo point evis into vanish. The only thing dying here is everyone around him from cringe. If i was the teacher this would be a D(KP) -
>thread becomes tranny/erp friendly.
>booms within a day
well how about that
And now that ive gathered them here is time for step two. Reminder that suicide rates of transexual self mutilating pedophile faggot freaks is on the rise daily! Go join your kin today and keep them company! You will never be what man woman attack helicopter lawnmower or airplane you wanna be!
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what about spic friendly?
pearl would have saved us but we did not listen
>he doesn't know that despite my tranny/homo erp tendencies I'm actually just a regular straight dude irl
if pearl would have saved us then why doesn't he post in the thread with the answers we so eagerly seek? I'm losing faith by the minute
the answer is in the silence
Does he mean? No way...
>naturally once you're under a certain size you no longer qualify for manhood and will be made to wear the appropriate trappings - frilly skirts, heavy eyeshadow, glossy lipstick and so on
a great proposition but I must not aàaaaæâ...
>hunter melee cleave
Decent enough. It's instant weapon damage as well so worth spamming even against single targets.
>shaman get a talent that gives their totems a bit more threat
Utterly pointless. And it looks like it's linked to another talent so you're going to have to waste two points on garbage to get something that might be good. Otherwise it's just a complete loss.
>more stable slots
This is actually impressive and it's weird how mushmouth glosses over it.
>plague priest armor
Reddit tier creative laziness.
>another island
That will be the fifth island they've added to this game. Why? There are still unused zones on the map, like the zone east of the Wetlands. I guess it's just easier to slap in a new island but it's also really boring and repetitive.
Sounds like they're nowhere close to finishing up 1.17.2 and are still unsure what to do with the future of the project. At the same time they need to get something out quick because it's been a long time since any new content has been released. Really, if they were smart they'd split these into separate content patches. They could do class changes first, then add in the new zone, then add in the raids. It's what Blizzard did. Hell Blizzard split up its big class change patches into different parts where two or so classes would get changes in one patch and then the other classes in the next patch. I guess they think a big patch will draw players back in who have left while smaller patches won't, but I'm not sure if that's really going to work for them.
They're scared to touch anything near Grim Batol because lore nerds will be disappointed no matter what.
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Turtlewows bugtracker just got hacked and someone changed every single bug report to "nigger". Despite saying they spent weeks hunting bugs and "hiring a security consultant".

Anyone playing on that server is fucking retarded.
But they're adding a Grim Batol raid. Honestly makes more sense to do that zone along with the Grim Batol raid than it does yet another island.
so glad wall gets paid for his brilliant contributions to turtle
Oh it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes.
I would play even if hackers leak Shenna's botnet management keys that allows RCE through the turtle client.
Mine is running in a sandbox with throwaway credentials anyways.
Okie I'll admit it. I'm a tranny.
literally who?
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The shaman totem talent gives YOU 60% of the threat they generate, not boost their threat.
Nova -> Stoneclaw -> Magma and you'll be doing more aoe threat than paladins with full sp consecrate+ret aura. If they give them anything else besides this, shaman tanks are back on the menu baby.
plague doctor armor
>copied from real life without adaption
>leather armor as cloth
>breaking priest color scheme and wows
I don't know where they find these artists, but if they cannot immerse yourself in the art style they're trying to imitate and take good note, they should stop wasting time and do something else because they are clearly retarded.
goodbye /wpsg/
enjoy legion
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the dual wield shockadin on azeroth at war is real
i miss hanging out with my pserver bros on irc
everything was better 10 years ago
ppl are already getting bored with retail!
you heard it heard first!
Shh, don't tell the tinfoil faggots that they could have been exploited by literally every fucking server they've ever played on because they're too retarded to actually learn how to track the evidence of malware themselves.
is CoA out yet?
What's the most degenerate private server to ERP on? Asking for a friend.
bump :3
cya friendo
I'm starting to think epoch isn't releasing this year....
Thousands of years ago when I first started playing on turtle anons told me to just wait for sleepoch it'll release soon bro I promise
Why the fuck are you monkeys waiting for legion when there's literally no date announced, It could be as long as two years from now? Also every tauri server has had massive pop problems and there's no reason to believe this one would be any different.
legion be bussin fr fr best expansion since wotlk no cap
>Doesn't take a picture
Still a funny thought.
hey sweetheart you wanna go on a date? i'll let you rub my belly for good luck
ffs you niggers will just kill the server and i will have no where to paly
just play the latest expansion "The War Within"
it is just this good :^)
are you a worgen male?
witch elves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idj2X9vJXg4
>jap title
>gook description
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Why so mad?!
>he doesn't know
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worlo warcrack?
mage gnomes
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.....dwarf male.....
With the right setup and gear one could make a dwarf male look like a chonky worgen...
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Any good pservs?
turtle is great
wallcraft and pearl are e-dating
>paycuck version turned some of these into men
loving every laugh
they rightfully transed
i like mtf better than ftm dicks are cute
turtle wow
I don't like ftm at all if they don't larp as femboys and don't makeshift a penis but who cares
>he spends more time in CS than the average raidlogger
Sad little man.
Still malware and can easily be hacked again. Shenna/Torta themselve's got hacked with that hack.

Twow was hacked to the highest degree. It is basically malware. It can easily happen again. On the website it say's your ip unless your throwing it away good luck hiding that.

Your credit card info, and ip might as well be bye bye. I dunno why people want to play on a server where the biggest raiding guild covered for a pedo tabc themselve's who go on about being based. Covering for a man who molested a thirteen year old boy, along with help from Shirah who hang's around goldshire.

Pedos,futas, and hacking. It's a degen pedo server, and it's worst then moonguard/second life combined.
dude i don't give a crap about all that shit i just want to play wow and turtle is the best server.
no one cares about this tranny discord drama shite besides tranny discorders
why does the name shenna sound familiar? weren't they involved with some shit back in the elysium days? why are they still fucking up pservers?
short summary
>Nostalrius goes down
>Nost hands over the reigns after presumably unfruitful negotiations with blizz
>said reigns land in Shenna and Crogge grubby little paws
>said couple got caught repeatedly selling server gold as well as gear, acting innocently when called out
>server slowly dies out
>one 4chan/reddit autistic investigation later both parties deduce it is her, namely the matching birthdays and various online handles.
>inb4 reddit
>bonus evergook autism decide for yourself
if only they added draenei into the game all of those things would be redeemed
which one? how's commiecraft pop?
Why didn't you assist? What's your excuse?
Now that Valanior is dead, I guess it's time to try Nyctermoon
i'm sorry pearl rejected you bro
>wherein they demonstrate their native fluency of the English Language. If a single mistake is made during the test, you will be ostracized on the server
does he know?
Hello, im herr_Lykanthrop and im an altoholic. Im a fairly new player on turtle, but i made to many alts. I have a lock,hunter,rogue,mage,druid,shaman and a warrior. But i cant decide what to main. I dont have the time to play them all. I need 1 or 2 chars max to play, make some gold so i can setup alts decently. I know questions like this are stupid, but i really need help. Cant remember what was goid in vanilla. Long story short: wich class is most enjoyable at 60/ will get a spot in raids. Is fun in pvp? Wich class should i main.
Play them all until level 20, then you have a decent input in what you like.

Because what you like to play is different for everyone. I like to tank, or heal, dispise rogues (just cant play it), and this is different for everyone.

So play some classes, do a dungeon or two with each. Then you probably have a good feel of what you like.
I guess I count as an altoholic too, however im less interested in alts because of the classes and more because of the sweet sweet professions. Soon I will become profession master to make whatever I want lol. If only some of the artisan stuff wasn't in hard (for newb) areas. Will tackle it eventually.
Hi herr_lycanthrope

I'm Meryl and I'm also an altoholic. I have rogue, a warrior, a priest, a warlock, a druid, and a hunter. Last night I had a moment of... weakness. And relapsed. Ive now got a level 10 Orc Shaman and I don't even know how to spec her.
hey can i get one of those too please? please... >>493063279
woah, thx!
>ESL and a darkie to boot, just as God intended for his children to be
>loves anime
>everything he says is based and true
god i wish i could be more like juan..
>page 9
man i hate having functioning ears
I hate being an autist who is too much of a pussy to ask nearby players to help me with elites
what's the story of the guild drama you mentioned?
paying 1 bitcoin to the first person who exterminates turtle wow
I'm not. It makes me laugh watching Pearl's former "friends" meltdown when they were warned he was going to do this to them and spent months defending him.
did what? pearl begrudgingly led the guild until it died a natural death at the end of ToT
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is time? yes it is.
>credit card info
nobody gives those to turtle, all payment is made through third parties. are you so uninformed you have to come up with fake headcannon or do you unironically think daniel hacked paypal as well?
Cope like this is funny too.
I didn't use to be like this but it's so over now, i don't even wanna party up for dungs
why didn't you answer the question schizo, are your delusions about him doing literally anything wrong too hard to turn into words?
>do you unironically think daniel hacked paypal as well?
wow that daniel dude is cool, how did he do it?
Is there any addon for 2.4.3 that adds mouseover functionality for spells without you having to write a bajillion macros for every spell that needs it?
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What's the best class in vanilla to put in zero effort into your character and still get raid invites?
shaman, i guess? just put totem down.
i know that feel...
make time to play them all
Wall said Shenna can tech
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paladin healer
spam 1 button to heal your assigned tank or spam 1 button for your addon to heal the lowest hp member in the raid, and you never run out of mana or pull aggro
all the other healers are more complicated
all the other roles are more complicated
I had fun there for a few months, the bots are really well done. You'll have to grind a lot though if you want to solo raid, I levelled one class of each so I could run 40 mans solo (4 bots per char on your account) but I guess not everyone has time for that. At least running all 5mans and UBRS is pretty easy.
if the guy hacking turtle sent out warden payloads as well it's entirely possible
stormforge is tauri too
and the pop was fine
wotlk died because it was dogshit and early evermoon had 200 players because no english player knew about tauri
Is there even a single decent pure Vanilla private server that is exactly like it was back in the day without any additional content or changes? Or have they all been perma-purged ever since Classic released for retail?
theres literally nothing anon just wait for epoch
We're playing on Epoch™ right?
yes for 4 weeks and before we all move back to turtle after the fresh hype dies
I wouldn't interact with any of you obsessive mulattos outside of this website
tauren husband to keep my belly full
same but worgen
same but night elf futa amazon goddess
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a troll shaman randomly ran past me in a sick transmog and now i want to create a troll

do you want to play the game or do you want us to play the game for you?
im just trying to make conversation man
feel free to go back to talking about tauren and worgen cocks if you're not interested
So, Wallcraft, is Wall okay?
His trailer with Liveleak clips was confusing to say the least.
retard lmao
No trolls are too ugly to play
what is wrong with being ugly in a game
yeah trolls are ugly but they are rip your head off and fuck your corpse type of ugly which is actually kinda cool
>like it was back in the day
maybe anon doesnt want to fuck corpses
i'd rather fuck forsaken
but maybe he wants to rip off heads
trolls are top 3 coolest race in wow and tied for coolest players next to tauren players
i have never met a tauren or troll player that i didn't like
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*smokes BIG weed to gain more polygons*
before was better
the new running animation made me quit my troll shaman
The sharper features on the before really make a difference, looks like he smoked too much weed and got fat
cataclysm ruined the map
wod ruined the characters
shadowlands destroyed the lore

eternal wrathchads rise up
Just need to develop wrath+
wrath ruined dungeons
>Wrath ruined dungeons
>TBC ruined the exclusive class balance
i get it bro
i was against RDF at first
but now that the game is populated by 80% third worlders, not having to be social to find a group is a blessing
walking is good for you fatties
also Gayscore was from Wrath so raiding fucked too
>exclusive class balance
i dont know what word you are looking for but balance isn't it
Why did they add badge gear when professions and rep items already existed?
I mean Horde =Shaman
Alliance = Ppdin
RDF didn't ruin dungeons in my opinion, but they are far too easy in wrath. They're all braindead cleavefests with the exception of maybe Halls of Reflection where you have to LoS to safely cleave
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please stop arousing me
legion is the thinking mans expansion
can't you go and be gay somewhere else
I've thought about fucking forsaken a lot
>brain damage and the nature of undead raising magic can make them dumb and obedient, if not directly controlled
>their senses are terribly dulled to the point they don't feel their own body rotting so they wouldnt get much out of sex
>any "damage" to their bodies can't heal on its own and necessitates death magic and/or harvesting body parts and attaching it to themselves as replacements
>this leads to a need for constant upkeep unless you want to stick your dick in a hole full of maggots
All this leads me to think the only undead gf worth having is a borderline non-sapient living sexdoll customized with different women's parts until she resembles a bimbo caricature that would make brazilian plastic surgeons blush
Another option I envision is an exaggerated analogue of a gold digger. Maybe a player character that, rather than waste the bodies of her countless victims, picks the choice parts when she runs across an impressive specimen and attaches them to herself. Then she uses her fresh look to seduce men into doing whatever she wants until her parts get worn out and the cycle repeats.
Or just a psycho that gets off on "raping" other women's bodies by putting parts of them on and using them for sex, for example taking a face that had fat, juicy lips and spending a week blowing guys in alleys.
The moment somebody claims that RDF ruined dungeons is the moment I know that person is a non-functional turbo autist. You have to be very far gone to enjoy the same slow trek to the same place for the thousandth time in 20 years.
Hell, in any place that doesn't have RDF, it's literally a game of patience to see if anybody is going to bother going to the instance at all, or if everybody is just going to sit on their ass or AFK until they get their summon. Having groups disband purely because nobody but the host (and sometimes not even the host) can get arsed to travel to the meeting stone is a rediculously common sight nowadays.
whats stopping anyone from running to the entrance and then queuing up for RDF
RDF is bad
>with RDF
>que in, run dungeon
>without RDF
>can't do dungeons if you're not playing meta spec cause we need exactly 2 more fwars and a dwarf priest to optimally run deadmines
RDF = matchmaking queue + in/out teleport + gold item exp reward (compensation for not questing)
you should stop generalizing you're bad at it. im playing tbc rn without rdf and everyone just start to going to entrance the moment the grps are ready. all flight paths available and free mounts , reduced hearth cd all help with the journey without enabling mindless spam and banishing of players form the world. matchmaking is the best aspect of rdf and teleporting the worst.
You don't get it pleb. Running to the dungeon is part of the journey. That's what it's all about, the game is supposed to be a grand and wonderful journey filled with obstacles you have to overcome, what's what makes it worth playing. Getting teleported to where you want to be by clicking a button is extremely gay and honestly completely destroys immersion. However, I understand if you cannot see this, you need to be an individual of an aristocratic taste to appreciate fine game design such as this.
This but unironically
>grand and wonderful journey filled with obstacles you have to overcome
Obstacles such as clicking on a flightpath, going afk for 5 minutes then holding down W until you reach the dungeon?
nigga it can't be "grand and wonderful journey" when you're rerunning the same dungeons on the same classes for the 15th time
especially in 2024 when people will kill your entire family for playing fire mage when leveling
i-is that a tool that will get you to actually run dungeons instead of having to spam global chat for 4 hours for a healer only for once you get it the tank will drop out and the whole thing falls through? IM GOING INSAAAAAAAAAANE
>for the 15th time
that's on you for not moving on
>people will kill your entire family for playing fire mage when leveling
only if you play on toxic servers
You forgot the part where you have to run around an enemy factions settlement which has a flightpath much closer to the dungeon.
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>that's on you for not moving on
instant travel flightpaths would also be nice
>no RDF
>1x rates
Things that people who don't actually play ask for.
yeah and also being able to access your bank and trading post from anywhere instead of having to go to specifics locations
>doing something 15 times is too much
Real MMORPG player here.
poopsockers do play tho
>>no RDF
>>1x rates
things that people who truly enjoy the game ask for*
"I truly enjoy the game"
-guy who only played once before (probably retail only) and quits after a week
umm actually I have only played it once before but it was on turtle pvp not retail and I only quit after everyone else did
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why is early game turtle wow filled with absolute retards
trying to group up with someone in goldshire is impossible, with one person clearly using his keyboard to turn and not accepting quests for the goldshire mine which we were in
i don't think i can put up with this until level 60
>likens leisure activity to work
you were a defeated slave before you even began
That sounds fun.
boyfriend just bought an attachable that makes him more worgenlike if you know what i mean
anyway when is legion wow server coming out?
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i just fucking hate dungeons and raids
play everquest
how do i mod everquest to give it wows control scheme
play fallout 76
Play RO.
I kind of wanna play these two...
>No one will notice I have a small penis
Literally me.
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t3.5 priest, shrimple as that
>leather armor as cloth
plague doctor MASKS were leather
everything else was cloth
Noticed. Now what?
I'm going to cum buckets that you noticed.
Thank you, Anon.
true. the 'eyecatchers' are leather.
>hat mask gloves boots
>hood ,coat
waxed linen or goat skin

>Reddit tier creative laziness.
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It was uh, my pleasure to assist... "dude". Anyway, any good servers?
Yes, I'm a dude, Anon.

I'm here to find out myself, trying to figure out what server I'd like to play on, I'm an RPfag so I'm torn between Turtle or Ascension, because I love the idea of making my own class, silly I know but, hey.
dumb frogposter
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>Yes, I'm a dude
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I'm not girly, sorry.
Just a fat fuck.
File deleted.
What's in it for me if I play Turtle WoW?
fun mostly
wallcraft is better................................
wallcraft is a just the delusion of a schizo
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Didn't Wallcraft get hacked recently? Why recommend it?
at least he doesn't hate his playerbase, treat them like cattle and pretend gms gone rogue are RMTing to select few chinese
esl bro...
wrath ruined everything
No, that was Turtle.
Wallcraft is clean and serene.
some of us may be interested if you two are ever LFM if you know what I mean...
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>Wallcraft is clean and serene.
But Alex has had many not very good things to say about Wall, though. And he's the thread's guardian, right?
frog retard lmao. back to retail.
In my experience, Ascension was fun to play around on but I eventually lost interest as the wild card concept added tedium to the game where I had to keep rerolling characters in hopes of getting the right abilities. I think they reduced some of that bullshit but it's still there. There's also just not a ton to do once you get your "perfect" build outside dailies and pvp.
Turtle Wow meanwhile has a small but wonderful roleplaying community. There are constant events and you can always just meet up with other roleplayers and do walkup roleplay. For me that added to the longevity.
One of the former Turtle Wow devs has a roleplay server that's classless and has a ton of races like vanilla worgen and ogres, but it isn't open to the public unfortunately and probably never will be even though it's in my opinion the perfect server. A classless RP vanilla+ server is basically everything I want to play. But for now I guess Turtle fills that void. I mean you can kind of roleplay as a different class, but it's not really the same.
>perfect server that will never be released
same fate as Epoch
Yeah kind of seems that way with Epoch too.
>Wild Card concept
Can you not just make custom builds anymore?
>RP Classless
Sounds great, but I understand, any videos of this server?
I haven't played in forever but I think you can on the legacy server where they dump everyone after the seasons end? At the time I was playing, the server everyone played on was "pick three random abilities" and we sat around using an add-on to reroll our starter abilities to get what we wanted, and then leveled to 60 only to not get the other abilities we wanted and would restart and try again. I had fun with some builds like I made a Demon Form build that was strong and a shaman-like melee elemental build that was good. What I really wanted to do was a Parry build but I never got it off the ground and even if I did it wouldn't have been very good since so many players do caster shit.
don't be shy
Alex is right
What server are people actually playing on I just wanna have some fun with some bros
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I am just here to chuckle each time people fall for the same freshie meme ran by same grifters
pure banilla F R E S H when???
>Group Finder (LFT) groups can no longer change loot systems or kick players.
And now LFT is beyond useless.
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It's been a long raid, without you my frens
And I'll tell you all about it when i /w you again...
I miss mistblade...
pearl is such a slampig
I also played that season. Dropped it when I finally got a good build (holy fire and penance with lots of modifiers) and it got nerfed a week later.
>Essential filters for wpsg
you forgot a few things like crusader storm, warmane and epoch
does this shit not have any form of regex?
anything like turdle, tortuga and other colloquialism will just spill through the cracks
the bot that spams off topic posts about fictitious people isn't that advanced
the schizo that spams filter lists isn't that advanced
ave true to cheesar
what ever happened to the new vegas themed WoW server?
>new vegas themed WoW server
I'm honestly happy that Alex managed to redeem himself when he played Turtle WoW. He's come a long way since the Elysium days where he made up boogeymen and killed a server just for the sake of gaining publicity.
I'm so sick of foxxo at this point it's unreal
nothing wrong with seasonal fresh
warmane is based
On what?
Can't be worse than the naruto WoW server.
Which way, human body type 1?
hey don't be mentioning shinobi story. my heart is still broken
Why can't we just have MoP+ already and do away with every other server? Gosh darn it.
>Can't be worse than the naruto WoW server
that actually sounds dope
¡Dios mío! El cuerpo tipo dos de las Americas.
one time i was playing a fem undead and someone asked me to stand on a barrel and lay down. they walked up to my feet hanging off the barrel, emoted /sniff and then ran away.
Horde Girls minus the Elf
Any guilds on any servers?
What would MoP+ entail?
pearl sat on my face to keep me in the roster
Will Turtle WoW ever have Delves?
On RMT and fake population numbers
Excuse me, "sir". I believe that's Turtle WoW and not Warmane.
Turtle wow has never lied about its population numbers or faked its queues
Crogge and Shenna are just that convincing, huh?
the population numbers you see are actually the number of users infected with their root kit that have their pc turned on. there's a reason for both why turtles open world is so empty and why 5000+ are online after a server reboot, ya know..
Get new material schizo
but I could think of a few ideas
>Flex mode for every mop raid not just Siege
probably absolute ass to code though
>Krasarang Wilds turned into proper PVP zone like Wintergrasp/Tol Barad or Ashran
>CM shit is account wide and tradeable, also you don't have to do all of dungeons just to get access to armors, birds can stay locked the usual way
>bring back Trial of Champions attempt system to mop, if you managed to down heroic bosses under certain trials you get more class tokens and a guaranteed extra trinket or jewelry
>extend the blacksmithing catch up system to other professions
>fishing challenge similar to booty bay
>tune up some specs, shadow priests,fire mages, frost/blood dks, make feral druid less reliant on one specific trinket from Leishen
>give pandaren the option to stay neutral, they can visit both cities but need to spend extra time getting reputation with factions
>make Blacksmith weapons scale with raid tiers not just be a ToT thing, as the content progresses the weapons can be upgraded
>Siege of Orgrimmar freebie Flask crates removed but everyone gets Flasks after killing Shamans
>Flex raids have a very rare change to drop certain items from Normal difficulty, incentivizing for more geared players to join if they got nothing left to do for the week.
>gold sink in a form cape quest shortcut, you can buy runestones/sigils with gold after completing said quest part with at least one character
fatter pandass
jiggle physics
is it too late to get into turtle
the server was released in 2018. what do you think?
It's never too late
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We're so back playTBCbros
>is it too late to play on a chinese rmt server where the owners hate me?
you tell me, retard
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>is it too late to join a server with additional custom prebis dungeon/raids where i can join any naxx guild that will carry my fresh 60 wearing quest greens through zg/aq20/kara10/mc/ony/bwl for breakneck speed gearing, or join a fresh guild still progging for the noob experience?
I don't know, you tell me.
I looked Brittany up. she's a fat
doesn't matter, the content phase is at the end. if that anon wants a real progression experience, they can't get it.
>real progression experience
nigger youre playing classic the progression is going from casting frostbolt until the boss dies to casting frostbolt until the boss dies
>uuuooooohhh the number got bigger
mental illness
do you mean elves of color or solo dungeons
solo dungies
Honestly I don't know.

I also honestly think you are a schizo for thinking it might be the case. I can't think of any precedent for this in other wow private servers.
Hate to break it to you anon but blizzard killed it dead
>killing fun custom naruto server
>leaving the biggest vanilla like servers
based retards
When will someone be brave enough to make a vanilla server with Draenei
Blizz killed the Naruto server as much as they killed Gummy's.
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I still don't understand what the fuck is going on with their mouths.
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Proto-redditjaks, always biting about being wronged and ignored by woman so hard they're invisible.
I dont wanna play retail anymore
I wanna play Ascension
holy FUCK
be my worgen bf
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It's Worgin' time.
Obviously I meant the sexy alien goat women and not those ugly swamp creatures...
canonically the worgen curse can pass through bodily fluids
in short
make me your worgen mr worgen player
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TBC is shit.
But fem draenei redeem it.
They're cute but I'll never forgive draenei for shitting up the lore with spaceships.
I imagined orc land to be a separate dimension with its own weird physics, a kind of netherworld with orcs serving as the lowest rung below demons.
Turns out it's all just planets in space.
that's just your head canon.
>he never played warcraft
Many such cases.
Outland was never said to be in the same dimension in WC2 or 3.
Outland was never said to be in another dimension in WC2 or 3. Furthely confirmed for having normal physics and a kind of normalworld with pigs and just different colored flora, since is just another planet in space.
so what is your point? if something is not established in chapters one or two, then it can't possibly exist in chapter four? that's some retarded logic.
Same dimension or other dimension doesn't really mater since is the fucking same than our planet, that guy is a retard and never played Warcraft games.
While it was never stated to be in a separate dimension, it obviously has different laws of physics with rocks floating everywhere.
WC3 also played very heavily into religious themes with names like Devil's Cauldron and in general making the whole place a fiery hellscape.
>has different laws of physics with rocks floating everywhere.
>general making the whole place a fiery hellscape.
After it was destroyed and settled by the burning legion, you dingus. Now check the wiki and read the entries about Warcraft and Warcraft II.
So you claim that Burning Legion invented new laws of physics just for Outland?
The place wasn't even established in WC1, no idea why you're suggesting that instead of WC3.
Didn't that happen because the entire place went to shit at the end of Beyond The Dark Portal?
yeah, orcs basically blew the planet's crust into outer space
the fact that rocks are floating while gravity otherwise works is never explained even in retail, but it's really just rule of cool with magic hand-waving
can minmaxbrain be cured once contracted?
im coming back to wow after like a 15 year break
i made a tauren hunter and when i went to the barrens i ran into 3 players that called me a retard for picking tauren as a hunter
like i know its not optimal but i like my taurens but now im second guessing myself wondering if people are going to be like this when i want to go raiding
like is the raid leader going to /who me and then ghost me?
i always go femnelf hunter with a wolf pet anyway 100% of the time
all my wolves are of age
stop caring and enjoy the game at your own terms, not the standards of others
That never happened.
dog years don't count
your screenshots look pretty good. what video card do you got?
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I don't have one.
I'm not though
This art is so ugly. I look forward to AI running these hacks out of business.
i wish you were
gays are often repulsed by the sight of a naked woman
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>would have gotten this version of outland
>got shit watered down version instead
Whites often dislike awful anatomy, bad technique and negroid pandering smut. You will never understand it tho.
post your tauren's name so i can preblock you
post your tuaren's name so i can add to the "wishlist"
you are a pajeet
terrible artist. most of those characters need a breast lift.
maybe if whitey didnt look at a girl with huge tits and hips and go
>uhmmm actually her elbows are too pointy that anatomy is bad
your women wouldnt be having sex with dogs and niggers all the time
It checks. You will never be white, my mystery meat friend.
lmao god damn
i love dogs!
Should I do the Bloodsail Buccaneers questline that makes me enemies with the goblins before endgame? I want to do the Bloodsail quests and go through the new content, but I don't know how long it'll take to balance my rep with the goblins.
Oh, Turtle WoW btw
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literally me
Do goblin quests first, then bloodsails, then grind southsea pirates and be friends with goblins and bloodsails at the same time.
we get it, you like obese girls
yes but the process is very difficult and archaic
i did it, but there i no method i can describe
whites dislike AI, which you worship
i'd say soul extracted but you never had one
>you dislike bad anatomy? then you must love AI generated pics!
Literally negative logic.
>soul extracted
a-ahhh... the pain...
I just force myself to get immersed by playing in first person mode with minimal overlay, no overhead names on any units etc.
now i really ponder why must have the white invented the funny cartoony proportions which are objectively bad proportions, and surely no one would end up fapping to cartoon
>now i really ponder why must have the white invented
umm dude?
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Still looking for so called good servers.
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the current reddit approved server
>reddit approved
>52 comments, 0 upvotes
At least it's something different, I guess.
invent time travel and go back to launch nost
Okay. What do I do if Blizzard inevitably C&D's? Do I accept the invitation to Blizzard HQ or do I change the timeline and stay the course?
You accept the invite and do what needs to be done
that's literally tbc every time for me. a tbc remix without drums would be very okay.
Me thinks many items from engineering and drums should be made usable by everyone much like every other pleb profession doesn't require skill either
that's both a good and bad idea. bad idea because that would make those profs more for alt characters. an alternative would be to give all professions something good. for items like drums, tailor could be given war banners, blacksmith battle standards, enchanter either enchanting totem or aura enchantments. basically a bunch of totems... yep..
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i did it
nothing but smooth sailing from here on out
wish I had played that server now
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there are actually 5 rats but they all decided to morph together as one........
>reddit approved
You should do the Bloodsail Buccaneer quests once you're finished killing them for Booty Bay. You can actually become friendly with both the Buccaneers and Booty Bay. You only become hated in Booty Bay if you finish the quest Making A Statement. That quest will also probably get you killed since you complete it in the middle of Booty Bay, so you really want to avoid it if you're hardcore. But as long as you don't do that one quest, you can do everything else and be fine.
Here's the quest you shouldn't do: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40180
Also, there's a quest that rewards a ton of gold. I think around 20 to 40 gold if I remember right. You'll need a Mithril Tube, four Mithril Bars, and two Jades which you can buy off the AH for cheap. Then it's a matter of going to Feralas. That quest starts here: https://database.turtle-wow.org/?quest=40356
And you also wind up getting a pirate outfit. Really there's just no reason not to do the Bloodsail quests other than that maybe you're bored of STV. There's a ton of them and they're good XP.
we going back home, to turtle...
on turtle i built my home and had 7 kids
If I mostly pvp'd over the years on retail is turtle wow worth trying out?
Retail PVP and turtle has as much in common as baseball and soccer
don't know if you post here anymore but you were the best erper i ever met
The PVP server is dead. The PVE server has some PVP on it but really I wouldn't recommend Turtle if PVP is what you want.
They really aren't that different.
I know I am.
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wew lads
Should remove that server from the OP. It’s dead.
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who was it
What went wrong?
i don't want to say
Going on a walk with my worgen boyfriend rn
has anyone played on ascension? there is no way the class thing is anything but an illusion of choice with how optimized wow is
Yes, there are always meta builds that are just better in every way.
I haven't played it for years, but devs used to keep the meta in churn by frequent buffs and nerfs. Meta shifts were also lucrative for them because paypigs were buying reroll stones with real money.
>Meta shifts were also lucrative for them because paypigs were buying reroll stones with real money.
continually changing class just to metaslave doesn't sound fun
It would be fun if the server wasn't P2W that allowed people to instantly reroll with money.
Unstable meta is generally a good thing because then normal people will make builds they like instead of chasing a meta build that will be obsolete by the time they've built it. But that only works if builds require time instead of money.
Then again, I haven't played for years so maybe it's different now. The server ruleset used to change a lot between seasons.
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>bad expections
>the main strategy to getting new players has been spamming reddit for this entire time
>jay thinks servers go from low pop to big pop
>xp changes came in a bit too late
>professions are still at 1x (1-300) even though 1-58 is x3 and there's no economy, way too much time is spent farming mats that u'd normally simply buy out of the AH from the constant levelling supply
>wherever jay is a good developer or not he does not have enough time to solve player issues as bugfixes and updates have been too slow to come
Sidenote, mining nodes felt super unpar compared to karazhan when i played in there, i don't know if karazhan had boosted spawn rates but i went in expecting to be able to mine super quick in a dead server, it wasn't the case, at all
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Juan no se siente bien...
Come on! Out with it, sis!
who is wearing the leash? you or him?
>massive demand for low level mats
>literally free money on the table
>this is a bad thing
ribbit is back the way you came
>massive demand for low level mats
ah yeah the inexhaustible capital of the seven active players
no one was buying my leather/ores at vendor price on ah.
1400 accounts must mean there were more than 7 players at one point in time
Did the CS guild do any raids? Still going?
Starter zones having bugs didn't give the best impression. How do you commit to 70 levels when you already find bugs in Fargodeep Mine? The aggro range was weird as fuck too. It needed a bit more work before releasing, and still I don't think there's that much demand for TBC.
I doubt anyone cares about aggro range because it's fucked on all private servers.
All TBC servers are simply fated to fail, no matter how much hype there is.
It was worse in this one, also when you gather herbs or mine you, for some reason, aggro mobs, even if they are grey.
i think CS still only has one active guild
the /wpsg/ guild is pretty much dead and never raided by itself but raided with the one active guild
to my knowledge only kara has been cleared
It's not a bad thing for these mats to be demanded but there's essentially NO supply and it has been that way for weeks, if a lowie wants to sell their shit, sure, they'll make nice gold depending on the mats but they won't be able to buy what they need with that gold because no one is farming
Lots of people create account and never play or play a bit and then quit regardless, if the numbers had been more meaningful you'd see more chars have been made but that's not the case
I guess it's something, hope they managed to have some fun even if it's with some other guild. Can't really blame people for not rolling there, it's a shame still.
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do cm mode pugs happen in mistblade or ... ?
i wish we had a private server with gacha features
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>all items can have random stat rolls of varying strength
here's your diablo clone bro, enjoy
can i buy items from the cash shop and spend money to reroll stats?
Could be implemented through scripting but cash shops are lame
it isn't a true gacha if i'm not spending money and i will not have it.
Gimme, gimme, gimme just a worgen male...
why not a worgen female instead for a change?
easy fix
you can ""donate"" to the game and with donation points you can buy reroll currency
so it's not ""really"" a cash shop
otherwise you gotta grind it out with some daily quest to get reroll currency which is an absolute slog
all of those quotations made me nervous of sql injection. please escape them in the future, i fear my browser is at risk. that aside, thank you for the response and please, should you find a gacha server do let me know.
post tail
man that's crazy. that's like vampires biting and enthralling people with their dicks
anon vampires would already be able to infect humans by salivating and biting them, why do you have to add penises to everything
i'm sorry, i'm just a degenerate i guess. i'll try better...
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Any servers with soul collecting mechanics? I got that Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow itch.
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is this guy retarded?
I don't mean shitty mechanics like that where they're a basic resource. I'm obviously more talking about what Dawn of Sorrow had going on.
because worgen males have boy-busters
Synastria lets you permanently absorb 10% of an item's stats if you gain enough experience with it equipped if you just want to grind forever
It's the same with Magic the Gathering.
>player finds out a build is strong
>meta forms around that build
>everyone plays the meta
>people realize that you can counter the meta
>because everyone is playing the meta, playing the counter meta is a smart move
>meta begins to shift
>nerfs and buffs happen
>a guy discovers another build is really strong
>a new meta is born
Alternatively you just play what you like and sometimes you get trounced and go "oh well he's only winning because he plays the meta that means he's bad" and then sometimes you outplay and win and you go "I won even though he was playing the meta that means I'm good." The bonus being if you play outside the meta a lot of times people have no clue how to play against you because they don't know what you're doing, or better yet they prepare for something you don't even do and you do something else that completely wipes the floor with them.
But that's just how these sort of games go. And yeah like the other anon says the gamemakers make money off meta shifts because you have to buy more cards or reroll tokens or whatever the fuck.
>It's the same with Magic the Gathering.
Played mostly by retards who believe they're smart and a few people that actually makes money from it?
Boy-busters? Excuse me?
think about it
My worgen bf thinks for me
If you don't want to be a metaslave then find likeminded people and do suboptimal non-meta runs.
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loch modan almost finished!
Kipaku went to the barbershop
You run into the same problem as on all private servers though, where the 80% of people who aren't min-max autists are unbelievably bad at the game
>You run into the same problem as on all servers though, where the 80% of people are unbelievably bad at the game
>metaslaves don't want to carry off meta shitters
>off meta shitters don't want to carry jajas
such is life
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welcome to cooking with kemono
ingredients you'll need:
>an egg
>two slices of bread
>a slice of cheese
>sandwich meat (turkey or ham, or both!)
start by untying the little plastic thing that keeps the bread from becoming moldy, reverse direction if you struggle with untying it, maybe that'll help
then grab yourself a paper plate and set it on the kitchen counter
place the two slices of bread on the paper plate if you succeeded in untying the bread tie
then grab your sandwich meat from the refrigerator
place the meat on the countertop for later instructions
crack an egg into a cup of some sort, for better results find a cup that the bottom is slightly smaller than a slice of bread
whisk the egg into a fine froth
microwave the egg for 30 seconds
forget about the egg in the microwave for now
then place the sandwich meat on one of the slices of bread, I prefer the bottom of the sandwich totem pole
place the slice of cheese on the opposite slice of bread, this means the top of the sandwich
retrieve the mustard and mayonnaise (I prefer hellmann's™) from the refrigerator and place it on the countertop
unscrew the top of the mayonnaise jar with your hands, you can bundle it up in your shirt for extra friction if your hands are too smooth or the lid is on too tight
grab a butter knife and dip it inside the now-open mayonnaise jar, you might have to 'scoop' it out at an angle to get more mayonnaise on the knife
take the knife and spread it on top of the slice of cheese
take the mustard that you previously retrieved from the refrigerator alongside the mayonnaise and squirt some sort of pattern on the sandwich for maximum flavor in every bite
take the egg that you nearly forgot about from the microwave and place it somewhere in between the cheese and the sandwich meat
then carefully fold the two decorated slices together to make a complete sandwich
take the sandwich and place it inside the microwave for another 30 seconds

tadaaa! perfect sandwich
i thought you left /wpsg/ to "work on other projects"
thank you for the recipe
when do i add the futa elf cummies
is there a turtle wow addon pack that has all the essentials so i dont have to go through a big ass list digging through dumb addons?
I'm not playing turtle
I'm playing Visions of Mana
>I'm not playing turtle
why not?
its the best server around by far
this nigga thinks he needs a personal shopper for addons baka
vanilla UI already has the essentials
>keep stumbling more and more on groups of 3 people running around doing quests on turtle
are those all multiboxers?
how prominent are those, are there like programs to automate it or something?
sounds like it would be ass to control 3 clients individually
you're only allowed to box 2 toons. PVE only, no HC boxing allowed. no key broadcast software or automation allowed. if you suspect 3-boxing or automation, you can make a ticket and sometimes a GM will ban them right in front of you. say what you want about troondle wow, but their GMs don't fuck around.
thanks for the tuskarr porn
>say what you want about troondle wow
does that means that i can call the gms niggers in global
yeah you can do that once per IP
can you log out in a tent and still get the rested xp bonus?
why is everything in nagrand kill 30, kill 25, kill 15, why...
No, but it only takes a few minutes to max out and tents stack to make it even faster
It's the Stranglethorn of Outland, just like how Sholazar continues the trend in WotLK. The Nesingwary quests are unimaginative but they make for simple and fast leveling.

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