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Gposing Edition

>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul >>492840928 #

Previous: >>493033103
Im so fucking annoyed how do you level dps before 70
do content that gives xp
hiii new thread pizza delivery is very slow today and i wanna get home to afk more,
Dungeons, POTD, roulettes
Nibba it takes like only three days of roulettes to go 10 levels. What are you in a rush for? Obviously not your main since MSQ EXP and story dungeons can get you to 100.
PVP mostly
Frontlines is a free level if your daily roulette match.
10 wins of Crystal Conflict is also enough EXP to level up, just don't be bad, EZ levels.
>if your
If you WIN your*

I can read I swear
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Ok hop on.
Thanks Joshua Graham. Can I have a Colt 1911 now?
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Only if I can plap on demand
I need 10 mil, anyone wanna grind accursed hoards in HoH/Orthos with me?
I think I somehow discarded several aetheryte
tickets today without realizing. Is there no way to get them back?
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>Not GT thread
Woohoo! No more fags!
If you're cute i'll give you 10 mil
You can buy more from the Hunt NPC near your GC HQ.
Lmao Dancer put in her fucking place.
I don't like getting things for free
>doubles down
hearty kek
Why do a Dancer cares where the boss is? Whenever I play Bard or Dancer I move around like a spazz. Sometimes I run around casters to spite them
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I am
a malera
still trapped in my office at work
3 hours after everyone else went home.
Just leave, nothing is physically restraining you.
i sympathize lizard boy well both be out soon enough
>It takes 1/10th of your sub to go 1/50th of the way towards max level
why is thread so dead
People are using the other thread.
this is the only thread i see in the catalog...?
D'aww... you're really cute so i would've gave you 10 mil but i understand...
It was made by a tripfag, so maybe you have his posts filtered. Anyway
oh for fucks sake
thank you anon
Yeah. I still feel bad because an anon drawing my character for free. If you'd like, we could hang out instead of doing HoH/Orthos.
I dont even know why the site allows you to attention whore with a whole ass thread
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What to do if someone questions my choice of dance partner?
Examine their gear and consider swapping if your current partner dies to a mechanic at any point.
Coeurl, in Gridania lower floor
I would come but if i did, i'd try and turn you into my eb.... no good..
How so?
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>MSQ roulette
>Tank refuses to turn on stance and speaks in broken spanish
Am i being trolled
/smooch /smooch /smooch
Are they from Primal?
I can't fall for another grown ass man again...
Why not?
I'm bipolar
I don't mind, I'm rather lonely.
Are you a grown man
/smooch smooch smooch!!!
Yes. I literally only play fiddie because BJD is too expensive as a hobby. If I could afford a BJD and stuff for it, I'd fanta (unless EB wants me to stay)
Top fucking kek he's been making threads for a full two days to prove he "belongs here" after getting outed as a groomer.
You're not on balmung...
GT idealizes being some kind of "insider" into 4chan, while spouting mental illness ideology from the perceived mountaintop throne in his head, and hes really just a moron.
We don't need to be in the same world to play the game together anon.
The fact that people chased him here from /v/ and instantly became better posters than him will never stop being funny.
What's a BJD?
bootyjuice dialysis
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Ball Joint Doll. The one I want is a Dollfie Dream doll (specifically DD-f3). It's $350 for the neck down, $55 for the head, and anywhere between $100-$1500 to have the head painted (called a faceup). Clothes and wigs cost about as much regular ones, but more expensive depending on what it is.
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I want to service this fulala
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Hello /xivg/
/pet all of the above
I aint moving to the attention whore thread
Why do we have two threads active? I know that Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is the most popular MMO with over 30 million players, but does it really need two active threads? Fortnite has 200 million players and it only has one thread.
I'm getting in early
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would you?
Would xivg like to help me workshop a potential femzen fanta
sigh...estradiol not coming in today...
get killed in raid? yes
Is there a certain term you like to be called during (e)rp? Or some word you like using at others?
balmung is like a south park episode 24/7
tall, min boobs
short, max boobs
>cant buy stuff from my self because of meme traveling restrictions
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Master, usually. Sir is fine as well.
throw in the woodchipper? yes
Cactuar, Aether!!!!!
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I'd love to, anon. Are you on Balmung?

Not particularly. I know some people like certain terms, but what my bun is called is not as important as what is being done to her.
turns 360 degrees and walks away
good girl
Call me Mistress, faggot.
The name alone makes me want to kill myself
Please for the love of god give me an option to revert to the previous graphics i dont care
Have you guys noticed that they made most DT NPCs ugly? Like way more so than usual. Like just compare the NPCs standing around in Kugane to the ones in Tuliyollal.
Of course, mistress...
I call others this one quite a bit
Just ran into a "system" for the first time.
I'm sorry trannies, you aren't the most mentally ill people in this game.
can you call my femraen like that...
Paladin is a fun job
Well yeah, they're all lizards
yea thats because theres no au ra in the dt msq
I'm currently thinking something like 60 height 25 boobs

what do you find appealing about femezen aka felves

this is me btw >>493056221
Gladly, post femraen
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dont forget to add her to mare!
Why do I feel like you're talking about those weirdos who pretend they have five or six """""headmate""""" personalities in their heads
They'd never uglify a grorious Nippon city
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good morning
thank god I'm a vanillafag
IDK man, I think she is kinda cute.
swift and brutal rape
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I need Beastmaster
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Because that's exactly what I'm talking about.
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its just that shrimple
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A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
A to the L, to the E-X-ander
Gobbies gonna rise up, boom like thunder
you rooka very asian today
Oh, you just wanna ask the thread. Go 80 / 80 on height and boob size. White hair, medium length.

You have to stop posting because
long ears, pretty light eyes, brown or black skin
why does Big Dog do this to our beautiful trans girls. why do they all have to be dogs now
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Maybe she had the right idea
i love face 4 femlalas with NO EYEBROWS!!!
Immediate sex with this lalaboy
spray this thing with a mini gun
>femme only
Oh so it's one of those "transbian" incels. Every single time.
I pressed enter too fast, but don't post. You're too precious for this thread, my friend.
Is there a mod to mute Miqo'te emotes when I'm not in a party with them?
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is it hard to use act
I set it up once but forget what i did
there's a plugin for it now, inact
>floppy ears
get over here, you fat titted slut
>talking in VC with some FC friends about how shit dawntrail was
>We're all ragging on all the plot holes, characters doing shit that doesn't make sense, lukewarm conflicts, and wasted plot points
>Start talking about how i fucking hate Wuk lamat because she's treated like she's perfect and right the entire story, even though she's supposed to be an immature, idealist teenager that's learning what it really means to be a leader, and it'd be a better story if she had to come to terms with harsh realities of leading an entire country. Instead she's depicted as the perfect leader from the get-go, is somehow always right about everything even when serious conflicts need to abandon logic and reason, then boil down to "yeah but what if we can be friends instead" just so she can be right about them, and she literally never learns anything or grows as a character to the very end,
>Get called sexist and racist somehow by the guy who only types in text chat.
It's just so tiresome. Twitter was a fucking mistake.
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I like the white hair idea honestly, don't think any of my characters have that

I always go max ear length
Do you mean light as in like grayish / white or light as in like just a light shade of blue or green or something? I think dark skin with light blue eyes could look nice
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>post your character with that mod on then
I am only a few minutes late and the thread is dead already...
I really really like Juno, even if it is very porn-portioned
we like this
rape rape rape
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What Jobs need a rework for CC?
Another simp orbiting the shit snacker. Sad.
only trannies like and defend wuk lamat
4 is my favorite femra face
My male midlander needs to plap female characters with big tits
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Post Lalafell!
>I'm currently thinking something like 60 height 25 boobs
builded for my rava+
Post cute boys
I never reach out to people I meet. No matter how nice a time we had I always feel like a nuisance.
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Would you?
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One day I will be good at CC.
straight to hell
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>not now sweaty
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holy moly
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Random question but does anyone know where this exists as a mob?
So all those posts were you too? Sad.
someone on twitter made a self-ship lewd image of him with my NPC waifu and i was actually a little upset about it
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It was the most watered down, family-friendly take on a cowboy/frontier setting I'd ever seen. The voice acting was terrible. The good guy gang are just 'power of friendship' personified. The cat tribe were such stereotypical representations of Native Americans that it was comical. The investigation to find out that the town deputy is actually evil and a gang leader was dumb. And then the fucking duel with rubber bullets where the participants draw from back slings instead of any sort of holster... Ending with the bad guy predictably being hauled off to jail while the good guys friends are released.
It all felt like it was ripped straight out of a low-rent theme park or a roadside attraction for vacationing families. And then we spent almost zero time there. My expectations were low yet it still disappointed me immeasurably.

Remember when we were saving literal sex trafficking victims from insane pirates? Or when we were following an adventuring party that tragically broke apart because the tank died brutally in the depths of a dungeon and the rest of the traumatized party hardly made it out with their lives?
moonies fuck dogs
any job that can bypass guard or has uncleanable CC
>red nails
Paladin needs a 1% nerf for cover
DRG needs Roar nerfed but a damage buff
SAM needs a new LB
NINJA needs a new lb
I wank it every single time I see a female viera wearing 2b bottoms
post her ponis
you swap to this ugly hag and i will never post punutiy ever again
Same here, even if I have a good conversation with them and they reach out often, I always feel like I will bother them if I initiate first or feel like there won't be a good conversation or just anything, my mind will just do anything to make me not reach out people and that makes it so hard to get close to people, but its okay I'm already used to it...
kiss it, bite it, can i fit it?
vantablack is worse than playing as a black person
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anything on the far left side of the bar looks really nice on them, and i dont think every race can pull it off.
...bite it?
do not bite my cock
What posts?
I just had my first melty in CC. I finally understand why people complain about people jumping in CC without hitting a pvp dummy in their lives.
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I might get nooders
I'm almost done, I just got one schizo to take care of
gm elf friend!
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can we have a miqo'te only cwls that i talk in all day
Double XP is worth the world lock in, right? There's no census data for the new Dynamis worlds so I don't which are most likely to become populated :(
PLD is the main one because of Cover, but most of the other outliers just need number changes(especially effect durations). CC in general should be toned down. NIN might also be too bloated because it basically has everything.
Need a full nude pic of your fiddie
I have the urge to anonymously shitpost my friends here. Not out of malice, but because I have the impish desire to mess with them. I don't do it, but I keep being tempted to. I'm tired of pretending that I'm better than you guys when, in reality, I'm just holding my shitty behavior back. I'd post my character if that wasn't too much information.
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do u like miera
put it on please, i have a need
Nice hag saggers sis
how often do you get those tits freely used as you emotionlessly stare up at the man using them? And where can I get in line for it.
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That looks like Coquecigrue, the B rank in Kholusia.
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I prefer okaa-san way more but I'll still use this outfit
I plapped this whore at the CC meet
>Remember when we were saving literal sex trafficking victims from insane pirates?
We only saved some of them. We fought the rest in Sastasha(Hard) after they were drowned, tempered, and reanimated.
miera only likes other miera...
There are some.
Generally I like my intelligence or strength etc being insulted ("stupid girl" makes me blush hard), and similarly belittling language. Misogynistic ones are pretty fun. Words related to in-game races are also strangely hot.
For partners it's usually master, sir or whatever they prefer.
Of positive ones, good girl is always there, I don't have strict preferences. I like them both in genuine and sarcastic manner, depending on the context.
Why the FUCK do I need a fanta to change eye color?
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I don't have anything new
thanks bae
not a lot lately honestly, in fact I don't think I've had a titfuck RP in awhile, it's usually just blow and go
I got too deep in the femra RP and lost my marbles there, sorry bros.
it's juno, the "successor" body to okaa-san that doesn't have the same belly or thighs
I am miera
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i did it for the double xp and then wasted a month of it not playing the game
I'm rather upset about Magnai's treatment in the game's writing and probably won't be doing the role quests with him due to that.
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Looking forward to it. Love this fiddie
Those were just the pirates, I thought
Only included with another femezen... I never intended her to be a futa when I first made her, but + makes everything more fun

She will forever be just an alt... but I am considering making her into an actual character.
Same.. Okaa-san also had really excellent + options.
Not to mention the Native American section, I honest to god believe that was cut content from the story because.
>We need wood
>Go to natives asking for wood
>They say ok
>We leave
For how often Dawntrail had us getting to know the people of each place we visited, that whole place seemed like a massive afterthought
Can my highlander fuck
Hey. You've been posting for quite a while, you know. Why not come into the alcove with me and take a break? Tell me what you've been doing so far and what you've been thinking about.
Who didn't?
please bf the scaling isn't too important just put it on and take a picture
oops misclick
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I'm thinking femra
post your favorite gundams
wait i have the wrong person i thought you were the fat au ra, who are you
Yes absolutely, you also get a guaranteed house while you're there. Just have to be ok with DC traveling for everything which isn't really a big deal.
Your poses are always really fun and good. I'm a fan
Derp... meant to link this for the second link https://files.catbox.moe/ad9l4x.png
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I know that Christ doesn't want me to think those things but I genuinely hope Hiroi and Kate get fucking shot. Also I'm the Ryne ERPer and I'm an actual girl irl who is often described as cute and I think I'm above-average looking myself. I have long since accepted that I will never have a boyfriend because I'm socially retarded and a coward. I'm a bit drunk right now but nobody will believe any of this anyways so who cares.
Transbians ruined a character because of his non-existent threat to their imagined yuri fanfiction
I think the naga(?) in the depths as trash mobs were previously enslaved women, but I could be wrong.
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I want to tribute Saran Miyake. Does she have an album?
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I am
a sleepy white girl
tequila gundam, since you asked for gundams and not mobile suits
rape? sex? we love this?
>m1s reclear
>dance partners picto
>picto doesnt die, i get a snapshot DD
>i still defeat the picto, even with LB
what is this garbage picto even doing
Can it be a zeon unit or other mobile suit? Or does it specifically need to be a gundam?
Final Fantasy XIV
Based Ryne lover. Do you use mare to become like Ryne? I would plap your Ryne character.
my femra is like this

I thought you didn't ERP, Ryneposter. Or did you find someone in /trash/?
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very good. i am now petitioning you to make more with her large futazen ponis
based rynepedo
>xitter """humor"""
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ok I finished eating
queue cc 7:30
I believe you. You are on an interesting life path. Anyway men are pretty forgiving of social retardation...
check on XIV analysis
okay smarty pants, favorite mobile suit
mobile suit, ffxiv
Please marry me
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>who are you
Just an anonymous femezen appreciator.
I will, as soon as this hairstyle gets updated. She's just not the proper hag without it...
I'd come ask you about how your msq progress is going but I doubt much has changed.
Bear my kids
I'll raise them myself if I have to
my sunnie queued for a dungeon but doesn't really feel like doing it anymore but spent so long in queue that it's kinda wasting it to cancel now right
hjow the fuck this lil fatg ass nigga do thiaut shit godf damn look at him
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can a mobile suit suffice?
Nice tard helmet
How would you nerf cover?
What would you give to PLD to compensate for the nerf?
please bf i am literally shaking and about to c
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adding you to the exlusive futazen linkshell
40 year old man-coded post
I love Ryne
he's grown agile from witnessing cc
delete it
give them clemency instead
there has never been a more squishable and pinchable face holy fuck
very pretty 'zen
The damage transfer is mitigated by Guard, correct? Remove that.
what is it about war players
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bend over
Kraken appears to be the most popular of the four new ones going by search hits in the DC Discord at least.
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body mod?
Dom: Daddy
Sub: Pig
He's the type of person to double down and go into ragepost mode and start posting more than he should do when it's clear he's not wanted.
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We love Ryne!
>feel like erping
>jerk off my +
>continue to raid
I love femezen so much it's unreal
based pic
Imagine getting this angry at video game writing. You deserve a life of loneliness.
bf i am literally about to blow please take a picture in it
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Have a femezen then
I was wrong, he died twice. Truly degenerate stuff
i have no friends and never will
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>CC tards think PLD cover is broken
>No hate for people who use DRG
Excited that I'm gonna get two sub FCs going now, this time with a buddy that can share the workload
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Model kit never ever

Is that yours? It looks super nice!

I really like the Turn A, as well as some weirder ones like the Zanny and the Pixy.
I also really like the Hi-Nu when they give it the elongated head and don't try to bring it closer to Nu proportions
In terms of designs not counting specifically mobile suits though I really love the Knight Gundam and the Nisegundam

This is a final fantasy related post, see here look it's a final fantasy character
half of the posts asking for pld rework also mentioned drg retard
what kind of stuff do you like anon
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Two sides of the same coin
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eb like this?
Trolling is a art.
raping that fiddie
good idea ser, thank you
I'll see what I can come up with
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>DRG needs to be nerfed!
>No stun or CC
Ok retards
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Bibo Uranus (That's really what it's called)
Need to cum on your face
nothing and no one
cute fuckin elf
Report to the barn for your milking session
how did you get uranus to not have those god awful porey textures?
I hate DRG too but it mainly just needs numbers changed, not a rework. Nerf Horrid Roar's damage reduction, nerf the duration of the LB's jump, nerf the Elusive cooldown, adjust potencies, whatever.
are you just saying that because ur feeling down or youre too emberassed to share something or feeling hopeless?
DRG is actually one of the more fair and balanced jobs of the pvp, since their toolkit is just based on a high burst damage rate but they don't really have any CC
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I didn't say that.
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thnx u
my femra is somewhat like this, also lammy my wife
not sure what texture the oiled up mod uses

but that might be why
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queue cc 11:30

this but unironically, it needs all of its cooldowns increased by like 50% including its lb for the amount of damage it deals
who are you
yep that's a wife
theres a whole slew of responses to that question, how vague or specific do you want me to be
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This counts, right?
It's a Nundam
anyone wanna do some rouls on primal
Make it 99% damage transfer rather than 100%
The bullshit part of it comes from the fact that PLD can enable someone to elixir in the middle of a fight
SCH badly needs buffs. It has too little influence on the focus fire target for how little overall group fight influence it has and is FAR too vulnerable to being chased down and killed.
I would change its DoT to deal intermittent direct damage (so it interrupts elixirs) and add a snare effect to its cone attack.
>durability and sustain entirely reliant on if its in melee rage
>brings nothing to the table other than being somewhat bulky and doing a lot of damage
>this shocks the average xivgger
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>It's a Nundam
a male midlander who loves Ryne
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Thanks, have a pit and tummy combo
its over
post your character is the best way
ya sure
>durability and sustain entirely reliant on if its in melee rage
>That FAT fucking range on Dragon roar
>Melee range
>somewhat bulky and doing a lot of damage
that's literally the two best qualities a job can have in CC lol
somewhat bulky = it does not ever die if you get hit by its 50% uptime 50% mitigation
Careful, she'll insist that nobody unironically likes fiddies
I haven't heard of that mobile suit, you'll have to show me
Not again.....
Goonie (grey moonie) and goonie (moonie that goons)
yep, that's a smoochin
actually nvm this pf filled
All you can grope buffet
is there a reason why some m1s reclear groups make you go to intercards for the first quadruple swipe rather than just doing cardinals like the rest of the fight?
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That's illegal.
*Bountiful harvest II*
i am a suncat that is drinking water
Votoms is better
I'm dying anons
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i am

a 0 bust femra
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Respect women. Unironically.
Seriously not only is this behavior unhealthy but it is also disrespectful to the characters, the game, the creators and females for treating them as nothing more than sex objects.
Seriously, you people aren't real fans if you're only in it for .your own dark needs And on top of it all you're derailing the thread into off topic coomer BS. Lust is a sin, one of the seven deadly sins, for a reason.
Seriously, i expect this behavior from /v/, but /vg/ is supposed to be better than this.
Imagine thinking there's just one schizo. You spam your ridiculous modbeast on cooldown, you realize that's disrespectful to everyone else right?
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Thank you for carrying me. I knew I placed kardia on the right person.
It's okay, you had fun right?
hector said so (cardinals are so much better)
I am a sunnie that is drinking Dr. Pepper
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join this pf
may i rape
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Would anyone be interested in watching The extended cut of Gladiator in the near future?
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i miss you so much HIHIMI-SAMA!!!!!
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I want one
ok but also be sure to drink water too
This is the same thread that has a "post your favorite Gundam" anchor. It's FFXIV, what the fuck do you expect, an actual MMO? LOL
I did, thank you anon.
Walk away
Yeah. I’m still waiting for a football meetup as well
oh, it's a hector thing. now it makes sense.
>you'll have to show me
.....fuck now I really want to
We all are, it'll just take a few more years for some of us.
Hell yeah
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>VPR troon trying to use the "Sprint away from the drg arguement"
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Nothing will ever happen. Because you don't actually believe me and because I'm too cowardly to do the necessary steps.
I don't do anything in-game, I just pretend to be Ryne sometimes over in /trash/. Finally found someone to fuck my tight butt but he was gone like 20 minutes later and never appeared again.
It's not a matter of being "forgiving", it's a matter of me not leaving the damn house or going on a Discord to actually talk to men.
Nah, fuck them. Especially Kate that dumb fucking whore. Stop butchering one of my favorite methods of escapism.
can we change that
Good to see the cute Anilala posting again...
my femezen
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you're welcome! love femra
4 is one of my favorites, and my future wifey is a femr4r
>switch to smn again
>no dots
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queue cc 3:00

high jump is on a 10s cd and drg has more range than ranged jobs doe
is full of unhealthy thoughts
it’s the way i am…
Finally have a chance to post this again
do you like femlalas
Thank you!
That sounds like fun, if it's real!
i want this elf
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Specifically a Gundam? Nu or Wing Zero EW. Schwarzette is a competitor as well.
Mobile suit? Really tough because there's like...Jesta Cannon, Silver Bullet Suppressor, Kampfer, Barzam, I don't even know man it's a tough choice
Overall mecha? Evangelion Unit-01, no contest.

"Good boy" is the most powerful phrase in the English language.
Pick-mes should learn to be fucking quiet. No one cares about your actual opinions.
okay fine can i use you as a washboard (endearingly)
the unhealthy thoughts in question: always thinking about fantaing to a f3mra but then she would be short
DRG main damaging skills are range attacks
post something in /trash/ and ill drop a discord for you to add
xivg, tell me your
>and that's when I realized we can never EB
moment you had with someone
Damn, I would fuck your tight butt. Do you follow any Twitter that has nsfw or Ryne?
My femlala serviced that fulala
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thank u so much for updating the horns TUT
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gundams are cringe
this is a zaku house
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>Bins u
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Good boy
"sorry anon I'm already EB'd"
>All those Unicorn suits
>>Unit 01
Oh I know you're a bottom without even looking at your picture
oh mb i didnt see that.

sorry anon im just another male midlander that you wouldnt recognize...
I'm used to it at this point...
I don't feel anything for pits but the rest is appreciated bless you
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The fact you are trying this hard just makes it so obvious, especially watching you queue for stuff ingame and you being unable to reply properly

This is your last warning

You blocked me, leave me alone, and move on.
a gang of girls are gangbanging uchiki rn, the so called "gay cure"
This is excellent bait.
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I logged off for today. My focus is finishing DT lately so I've kept my nose to the grind. Excited about new Bozja zone.
Its such a shame you can't chatter in CC
That's my good girl.
What if 7.08 has no job adjustments and is only for the graphics update
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thanks to whoever suggested i have two xiv installs. fixed my stuff so my mods mostly work again
I bet she sucks dick like a demon
my fiddie likes to be called "puppy" and "pup" but
are good too
I want to trace her abs with my tongue and have her give me a handjob until I bust all over them. Sadly I'll never admit it.
I know a way to make them grow, anon... wanna try?
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Ryne Ryne Ryne!
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I still think that fanta was a mistake. I would queue CC just to get plapped by Huj .. i've lost my will to queue CC nowadays
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>face 2
you should always have a back up if you mod anything.
Learned that lesson the hard way back with Oblivion
Yeah but you're never gonna know it.
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No, you still have to participate in the housing lottery if you wanted to upgrade to medium or large.
Find me in /dft/ and I might...
would both of you retards shut up if I aint seeing names get a room.
Post race and what you ate/planning on eating tonight for dinner.
My male midlander is cooking crispy skin salmon with rice and stir fry vegetables on the side.
You will never be a woman. Don't forget, this is FINAL FANTASY XIV. Who the fuck cares about gameplay and story? This game exists so we can do other things like discuss Gundam. See >>493061442 for an example. We like this, we love Gundams and that's why we pay $13/mo for Final Fantasy XIV. So slap that ol' trip back on so I can filter you.
i almost wish i had it in me to be an asshole more often. i extend my hand to others in good faith only for it to be bitten. i'll never understand why some people want to be enemies when there is no reason for it.
yea i have my mods backed up but i think i was in the process of moving my game to another ssd for some reason but never finished but thought i did
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god i miss huj's femra....
dom or sub, you have no idea what being called "Good boy" does to a man
"daddy" shit is beyond cringe though, you call me that and your ass is grounded

/blush /squirm

ACKSHUALLY the Jesta Cannon is the only Unicorn suit there, the Silver Bullet Suppressor only appears in NT (which is fucking retarded but even so that scene was sick)
Eva-01 is the pinnacle of mecha design though, it's the perfect synthesis of human biology, Japanese folklore, and war machine, and the RG 01 is the best kit I've ever built even if the Rebuild design isn't quite as good as the original, I love the 01 so much you have no idea
do you think we could get an MMORPG again? or am I really just relegated to playing 20 year old games if I want an acutal MMO with RPG in it?
Gone in a second, ultimate destruction
can i cum mistress
That's because they were scared shitless of offending twittertards and bringing up even slight reminder of colonization and any other topic related to it.
That's why cowboys are uwu wholesome and indians are uwu wholesome and we spend like 10 minutes talking to them about trains.

Compare it to Yak'Tel where they had full on war, baby killing and gods know what else could be implied from their conflict since they didn't have to look over their shoulder when they wrote that conflict.

That said, this expansion doesn't need darker themes anyway. Adding cowboys who kidnap and rape native girls wouldn't add anything worthwhile beside teenage tier edge.
The general is turning on me.
Same but New Vegas. Lots of really big and inventive mods that are a pain in the balls to get working, especially together.
>watching you queue for stuff ingame
Sis, I haven't logged in for days. LMAO!
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My male midlander ordered Marco's pizza since its bogo today. I paid only 14$ for two x-larges, pretty sweet
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oh no its alive and moving....
My Fiera is going to be lazy and get fast food later probably because she's coming off a 9hr shift and going immediately into raid afterwards
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ooki haters have been real quiet this expac
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Which ebin is this?
Suppose if you're going to do it, you should do it right
I'm never opposed to that, that kinda thing is enjoyable to me
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raen or xaela..?
imagine being a pick me girl on /xivg/ lol
Oh this is just NB then
Woah, is that at the bench right now????
i gave everyone my love... but now... i have none left to give...
femlala btw
my male midlander had a new york strip with some waffle fries today. Didn't use enough salt on the steak but it was still pretty good
Peeking Ebin panties at the bench
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queue cc 6:30

we love this and we love huj knight regardless of what blob form he takes
i will make onigiri
You shouldn't to that
That activates me...
i cannot DC travel to crystal, primal or aether

guess materia it is
Love that dodo.
DARN, you mean like the NEW bozja-like zone? or like... advancing in the story to a new zone in bozja..?
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I need to instaloss a kunoichi femra...
LOL i posted this a few weeks ago, funny how it turned into a ritual post
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Based, I'm trying to gpose some ryne right now, if simple tweaks could just simply tell me why its not working
omw RIGHT NOW to put my face near those....
Who is NB you reprobate? Stop being a self-obsessed narcissist. Get your shit under control and read the Bible.
unenthusiastic handjob from a 10000 yards stare f3mra with a himecut
>That's why cowboys are uwu wholesome and indians are uwu wholesome and we spend like 10 minutes talking to them about trains.
Presumably also why the Indians don't wear any of the old Indian-inspired sets. One of the first bits of Tural world building was the New World set in Stormblood(I think) and there isn't a single NPC in Dawntrail that wears it.
now imagine me squriming while you're tightly hugging me and not letting me go at all sunnie+
huj femra is the only huj for me
spending 8-12 hours at work listening to love and breakup songs is not good probably
>just a hat
this is a blue board you slut
temptation rising....
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Macska Aranyos leave me alone
and by girls i mean maleroes
he built up cred by being a sexy goonra and then cashed in by swapping to melf
genius plan honestly
Unfortunately a new Bozjalike.
It's automatic I can't help it...
post some songs
i'm home from workkkk... mieras watch your back i will quietly find you hot from a distance...
>Macska Aranyos
Knew it was him, he does that same shit to me for no reason when he get's drunk
MMOs are a dead genre so you're stuck with either what's out already or playing private servers for old ones
i miss Huj's f3mra

my sides
>captcha: gag
I like to listen to christmas music year round
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males are just too generic to feel anything towards
im logging out now
Ah dang I just got done going through them all
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>NEW bozja-like zone
We are getting a new foray called Occult Crescent, located in a place called Shades' Triangle (basically Bermuda Triangle)
Probably going to release in 7.25, if we look to previous expansions
honestly... same
are u stupid? you were online yesterday MA
I want to hornypost more but I like the fact that I have a somewhat pure reputation and don't want to lose it.
cuck und bull torture
Breastfeeding correction until you stop squirming and throw a melty when I stop cuddling you.

I need a needy, spoiled lapcat.
let me be horny at you in game instead then...
A Ryne thread is a good thread.
The Cornetto Trilogy would be peak if Paul (2011) was the third film instead of The World's End (2013)
smart, it's the only way to truly be safe...
jesus christ she never talks talking
it's always in her kermit the frog voice at full volume too
Should I start to do some CC calls? Feels like whoever is calling is taking forever.
My favorite is Ryne in high heels
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Apparently he's done it to a lot of people
he accidentally showed me this post >>491822190

I vented to friends and they bring up his name unprompted too
im a grey moonie and i have to request that you dont call the rest of us goonies please
so divorce her
I need to release my GAM inhibitors and indulge myself more... it's all just for fun anyway, right?
my femlala is the opposite of this
yeah... wanna...?
i used to be fine with them but im slowly hatting trannies more and more as time goes on
Please and thank you.
>unequip all my gear
>proceed to get toasted by the boss
>repeat on very easy
Yep, I'm gaming.
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I'm stuck on a dead empty server and can't transfer...
My male midlander will eat some salad....
Not like that anon... and that's far too sudden...
I just wanted to confess...
my nigga rick dom
i fucking love pvp femras they owe me
Is there any Phys Ranged on Crystal able to join a M1S reclear party? M.B. on PF.
i can come to you then, anon
yeah go ahead
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The silver bullet suppressor might be one of the stupidest designs in gundam but it's stupid in a very funny way so it's kind of alright
Unit 01 is a fantastic design and I'm never gonna watch the rebuilds but I'll still tease you for having her as your favorite

Final Fantasty XIV
Very cute pic!
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I can't travel anywhere right now with DC travel, is anyone else seeing this?
i mean who knows may be good may be bad i think ive come to learn i play xiv for the social aspect and wow for more like... gameplay stuff
New world set is from HW.
Even cerulium mining is uwu wholesome despite blue mage quests saying that uldah's oligarchs were running that shit on cheap labour and local population abuse.
They sanded off all potentially insensitive topics.
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I wish we had weird monster swords for Samurai.
Why would you lock roles to phys ranged of all things?
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CCC 10:10 et
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this guy like feet or what
>MCH Locked
I am a spirit of temptation. A devil on your shoulder nudging you towards great misdeeds
It's the technical term, like how blue moonies are bloonies and black moonies are coonies
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Look forward to an announcement within the week
the other 2 phys ranged are bad in all content
I'm a simple catman with brain damage, what can I say?
Wrong group? MCH is open in ours.
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Man this poor cat needs a break
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do not ever say that again sis
Chief Sit-And-Shit still wear tradition. No cowboy man will change Chief.
can i see ur moonie
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Paladin, and to a lesser extent, Monk, SAM, NIN, DRK.
my maliddiewhomper ate a ham sandwich
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whoops you found me
What I meant is that id like to see more bozja bozja. Doing bozja and CC netted me the most new friends.
I just want to headpat Ryne, not fuck her
It doesn't have eyes, but you can cope with something like the Genji Katana or some flowslop like the Monstrorum Katana.
i am still
a male moonie
I am a femlala who took a 6 hour nap
and just woke up at almost 10 pm confused and disappointed
UH OH DRAMA at the bench
that game didn't happen btw
good morning sleepyhead
oh! that i can agree. i still have yet to encounter you in CC though... (id like to!)
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this game is so fucking ass, i just login every half a year to do new cantos. when will el director go back to making lc2
Well good thing I'm safe from your misdeeds here on seraph
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CCC 12:20 ET
last game didn't count
nvm, we got one
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They wanted to be so respectful toward the North American tribes that they removed them from the setting.
Man. The image there dredges up super degenerate nostalgia. I miss sex starved single moms fingerblasting themselves on voice for me and ignoring their kids while they do it. Shit was so fucked up but goddamn it was so fucking hot.
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thanks bros very cool love this dc
Okay I'll call you a grey moonie specifically, but everyone else is stuck with the genus names
Only partially. My suncat's fel influence still lingers, she hasn't been gone from Seraph for long . . .
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indeed, that you managed to discover that fact so easily is a testament to my growing power, im starting to become unable to conceal it from the average peasant........
ok thanks but i still dont like it
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currently being held hostage by a drk who wont stop greeding in m4s
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Same but dark knight
my femezen will not be a fat retard
What happened?
Damn those some crusty toes
>healing this seems hard for some reason
>look at pt list
>lalafell has 8 vuln stacks
wait so are you the not murder mystery moonie that is not hunted and the other moonie that i am still curious about

mack and tzera arguing with each other.
can I post my malezen
>no reply
I like the Zudah.
But the moonie isn't on seraph as I'm preparing to queue for castrum, I'm not in any danger
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the former of course.
My femra is listening to Godfather Don while waiting in PF for M3S.
builded for full nelson
Are you winning, anon?
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You excited for Walpipi Limbro?
I"m about to fucking have a melty
I'm honestly glad I'm not on Balmung. I had a terrible fight with my friend recently and I doubt I would have been able to apologize if dozens of bench dwellers had been watching it from the sidelines.
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Don't get too excited. It's way more fun in the moment rather than being a spectator after the fact. Just funny listening to a grown woman try to explain to her 8 year old wandering out of their room and asks why mommy is "crying" and naked on the ground.

Totally inappropriate. Can't say I recommend it looking back.
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post logs
can i post my fat modded whore
>why don't YOU do callouts?
If you need callouts for FFXIV PVP then I sincerely worry for your intelligence
surely if you see that message it means you can still prevent it, right?
I'm very excited and expecting to use my entire hoard to get both IDs and the EGO. I hope my luck ritual works well for it.
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my condolences
>Just funny listening to a grown woman try to explain to her 8 year old wandering out of their room and asks why mommy is "crying" and naked on the ground.
holy kek
It's Molly, they are known for being beyond retarded
Schizo cat from aether that uses the braces mod
RIP. Are you completely out of time?
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nothing crazy they went away.
omw to rape
same bro. i just decided to get drunk instead. he's not worth worrying about.
How many millions of gil was it?
okay no more CC for me too many bad players tonight
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ya I saved it, weird that you don't just get mail or something
it was close (i'm assuming), whew
not now i've been traumatized...
7 trillion
What is your favorite healer, xivg? Who do you want at your back?
Please dont do that, milking (me) and breastfeeding correction is too much for my poor sunnie to endure, and would die happy
You're one of them
>i've been traumatized...
and it's about to happen again
You will be alone forever you miserable faggot
i confused myself so are yuou tyhe murder mystery moonie or the other moonie who thinks im not interested
The trick is to realize you're really just a very mobile tank that occasionally has burst.
>log in literally every day
>forget to check your house
is it me
>Just got on
Owari da
you too
Don't bring in-game drama into this thread thanks. Don't be teenagers.
May I rape gently?
Faggot too busy afking in balmung
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ok queue cc 4:15
astro x2 rotating buffs on me
Ahhh.. I like this leggings upscale a lot.
Now if only they had better textures too.
>you don't just get mail or something
you get an email and a literal pop up on your screen when you log in
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the latter of course.
Where do you think you are?
nigga plays the actual game so little his house got marked for deletion
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As a WHM I like having a SCH as my co-healer. I'm ashamed to admit it's mostly due to how I still can't remember AST and SGE's whole kits.
>Don't bring in-game drama into this thread thanks.
reverse it was thread then ingame then thread.
to play scholar or white mage i dont really care which one if someone else is playing it
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when was the last time you talked to me
>Have someone blacklisted
>Refuse to talk to them
>They keep bringing it up in the thread and lashing out at random posters
What do I do in that case?
can i meet this moonie yet... i will break away from my cc matches for this sole purpose
>check your house
check it for what? leaks?
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I'm logging in
Ignore them here too. Any attention you give will only encourage them.
why is it raining on the mooglebeanbag? shit taste, should have let it been demolish desu
logging into my meenas arms
reclears are smooth so far

If I get the weapon tonight I'll be bis next week(she was forced to buy the tome weapon week 2)
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I glub but also bnnub due to phone posting and a lack of glub pics
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I would never let me sweet little bean die.
Once you drink the milk, the contract is sealed and we will be together forever.
some people just lose track of time (myself included since i lost my first house) or forget that it's required to enter every X amount of days
i made it part of my weekly to routine to just step indoors once, adjust the lighting or interact with a furniture and leave it at that
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perhaps another day im not mentally prepared for it yet
Hmm, looks like it's uhhhh Onsal time!
wow a gundam post that i didn't make curious as to who this is
Who is that character?
Where is he from?
How large is his cock?
Blud thinks he has a monopoly on /m/ posting.
That's crazy, who in their right mind would like that?
it's me isn't it...
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he thirsty
what's their to do in your house desu, i can't really deco it atm since i've been capped for so long
is there a popup? and who the FUCK checks email
i find this hard to believe
every time
solo it
If I'm not playing it, I'm hoping one joins.
what do you have to mentally prepare for blue archive moonie
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Anyone wanna do roulettes?
holy fuck i just did a castrum that took like 18 minutes because no one could dps properly jesus
>Haven't been in my apartment in two years
>Feel good knowing that no matter what it'll never be deleted or demolished compared to a house
Feels good man
ya put up a pf
I haven't watched gundam... can I post my AC instead?
Ms. Tortellini
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talking to someone
*twirls hair*
haha... your ilvl is really high isn't it? I bet that took a lot of hard work...
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eb like this?
I'm a malera
Who's finally using an electric toothbrush
Sisters.... ryne is so sexy
any as long as it isn't a sch and/or a catboy, viera, femraen, roe, or hyur. around them i'd be scared for my life if i got a papercut
Why was Delta so shit?
I'd rather watch AKB0048.
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Don't forget to do your Frontlines today.
It's disgustingly good and I find it the most fun out of any of the healers.
And if I had to choose either of the shield healers, I trust the player who is willing to play SCH over SGE more.
I'm prejudiced.
I'm a male midlander
Who usually likes femras but Ryne is really hot....
How come some people's /say chat doesn't show up in my logs? I can see their bubbles
Waiting for the next CC call
Go ahead, Raven.
oh thats okay head of calamity moonie, i didnt know it was like that, i suppose it might be some time before i see you again though it seems...
what job should i play
post your login art with the giant moonies
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Nice timing!
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People seem to really like Zero, but I didn't think it was that good. Some of the CG was atrocious.
Can you bruteforce E8S nowadays or do I need to refresh my memory on some of the mechanics?
ill be waiting for you
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queue cc 8:00
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Would this thing even be considered a lala?
Pictomancer for sure
nice rustbucket, homie
I need to make a mental note not to queue frontlines at 9-11 PM because that's when all the roulette players come out
sorry to my team, then
hopefully it won't be a disaster :^)
i should job lock WAR out of my PFs
My beloved White mage EB.
u gotta do the split into 2 light parties and soak the beams but thats it
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what's happening here, man?
>is there a popup? and who the FUCK checks email
You're literally retarded. The system tries to warn you when you havent entered the state for 30 days to notify you of the upcoming demo.
my moonie bought concord
Not a gundam.
Not a gundam but based
Maybe, but its not as peak asf https://files.catbox.moe/z3if69.mp4
you may.
>This World is experiencing congestion. Characters from other Worlds cannot visit at this time.

10/10 servers
Ru Cain > Char Aznable
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damn this CC match has the cutest femlala i have ever seen in it
take your clothes off
>and who the FUCK checks email
everybody with an email account should at least check once a day even if its just mindlessly clicking on bookmarks
I should blacklist every malera
the gay hrothgar couple that you assume will suck complete ass but turns out surprisingly competent.
dont do that
need me a cute petite alt schizo bpd girl to take on cutesy dates with
char is a jobber and a cuck
>loses to a 15 year old
>loses every single mobile suit assigned to him
>loses to haman
>loses the neo zeon war
>gets cucked by amuro having brain sex with lalah
yeah its over for this nigga
alternate timeline where garma and char get married
welcome to the fucking club bro
Why not? They're groomers
Would still avoid, there's always a dynamic where one of them is an extremely whiny piece of shit with a victim complex
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You will be mailed a pipe in two days, faggot
>my pedophilic love interest could have been a mother to me!
What did Tomino mean by this?

Reminder CharMa was the ORIGINAL fujo ship. Literally.
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where the FUCK is my boyfriend
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My moonies has autism
me but im a m*id irl
alternate timeline where all the futas are female
please post cat and world, im begging
can i see ur moonie
There's a Fiddie in your house, rubbing herself all over your furniture! What do you do??
tfw have this and we're going on a date this weekend to see the new alien movie
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bro what
Why the hell isn't my retweaks setting my screenshots to the upscaled resolution? Do I also have to set my game's resolution to match?
i'm right here kitten
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Relentless anal sex with a lot of kissing and cuddling.
Whose house is that
lb her in cc on cooldown and get lb'd back as a result.

(it wasnt on purpose you just were always in the cluster)
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ok I am taking a cc call break
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oh, one of the few I didn't have filtered. thanks and goodbye again :)
no you aren't
damn bitch, why'd you break in to my house
do you know expensive it is to hire a locksmith
They say there's a femra paradise where pellets grow on trees and all maleras are kind and gentle and the sun never goes down.
Tell her to put on some proper footwear and stop being barefoot
Make her eat an entire bowl of eggs
how can i attach images to a shirt on ff14?
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my malera has been there before
whatever NIN combo turns me into a chair
to answer the shirt's question: no, I don't like Frontlines.
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tomino is lowkey based, dude loves his little brown girls and sister wives. Real ass nigga.
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>Macska Aranyos
>Meria Athera
>Macchi Ato
The fuck?
And this is why initials posting is retarded
Would you take my femra there?
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really wish the GMs would ban these pedos
but femra HATE malera
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I don't...
i don't remember how to get there, i'm sorry...
please teach me how do i attach an image to a shirt on final fantasy 14 online
they should ban anyone under the height of consent (max height roegadyn)
You haven't been around gay furry couples enough to know I'd imagine.
you have to get into textools and edit the texture data of a shirt
I did the pajama shirt
Damn, I wonder how I almost choked on malera cock multiple times, then.
It was fun to see you have a really good VPR match.
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Why would the GM's ban pedos? they gotta go kill zeeks.
Can you go to the store and get me a big bag of flamin' hot cheeto puffs?
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>Anno: I think so too.
give me your cc info
built for purple khagans
Why even buy a game with a race that makes you seethe?
>static is only going to do speeds once a week
holy fuck kill me i want to PLAY THE GAME!!!!!
there's no brushes i can get yet that look good with my picto glam :c
Wanna glub?
have sex with her
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QUP CC 9:30 ET
*takes ur runecrafting needle*
find another static then retard
get me a crunch bar

the king size one
it's currently 12:00 ET anon.
what does that have to do with the pf i posted
literally no one is recruiting for speeds or parsing
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>3 ingame hours
vape time, then
Can you keep it in your designated shithole?
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thanks it happens infrequently
*cums inside you*
Shut up leo
Least of her problems. She thinks she is a hrothgal!
make one yourself and stop complaining
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is Tallgeese a gundam? I like that one
Name one moonie that doesn't have autism.
my femra's gimmick is never recruiting so that's not gonna happen fuck you
Yeah but sometimes they say my initials and I can fantasize that I'm relevant
How do I prevent reshade from applying a filter when I start the game? Is there ANY way to prevent this?
Then I'll assume my dnc partnering gave you the power to do it.
It's over....
clicked on wrong post to reply to meant to reply to >>493066768
My EB is a moonie who does not have autism
it was
i dont want to and cant because i like my moonies autistic
what is the emote for sucking cock
your people are all retarded
i am
a gay hrothgar
Das a good glub.
my initialsister from NA...
ok heres a micro bpdtism playlist
No, the Gundams in Wing are Tallgeese.
I don't think I'm autistic. Just really anxious and scared of any downtime in conversations because it's my fault and I should feel bad and they hate me
You could try logging off with an "Off" preset enabled that has no shaders/effects
MA for all purposes is Macska. Nobody else treats Macchi as MA
i am
a femra who is really, really excited to see her husband in game again.
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from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me
pressing my femra's boobs against this femra's boobs
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No it's just a souped up leo which makes it even better desu. mogs all gundams in gundam wing (mid ass anime)
>No it's just a souped up leo
It's the other way around bro. Everything else is a nerfed Tallgeese because its dick was too big.
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You guys didn't even tell me which ones you wanted to do...
how big r ur femras boobs
When I started hanging out with them and got to know them better the idealized image I crushed on went away, and I realized that a relationship with them would be insanely hard. I still love them though.
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I was banned from any Malera meetups and so far my infiltration schemes haven't worked.

After I get 99 runecraft and after I stop procrastinating on it. Yes mining Daeyalt Essence instead of actually runecrafting is still progress get off my back mum

Initialsister from realms far off...
Not those anons, but I need an expert roulette.
But you're not banned from meeting me personally..
Pics or this one's cuter
hey i know this femrar

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