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Tips for being a good taichou:
>Summer on its peak
>Swimsuits everywhere
>Hope you have lots of suntan ready...!
>Careful handling the sirenians! Asphyxiation may occur in some cases
>Training ongoing with the rat, remember to save your stamina
>Mid-summer swimsuit event still going until the 29th, don't forget to use those tickets!
>Kingdom still kicking somehow... ongoing maintenance

>Kemono Friends Kingdom
>Official Twitter
>Kingdom Mate Codes
https://pastebin.com/E83JZa8Z (embed) (embed)
>Spreadsheet of KFK Friend skills

>KF3 PC Version and Mobile Version
>Chokotto Anime
>Official Twitter
>KF3 Friend Codes
https://pastebin.com/Jjh09inL (embed) (embed)
>Guide and Skill Sheets

>Model Viewers
>Moose-Taichou's Repository
>Moose cache backup
>Another backup: https://mega.nz/folder/h9UWSILS#sW4IzqVGVLSwNsky2B6zbw

>Previous Thread: >>490724776

>Tip of the day:
Love the sneks
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Taichou really needs to work on surviving things
That's a dangerous Friend to have around that boy
She's harmless, look how flustered she is!
It's because she's already thinking about what she's going to do!
You're ridiculous.
He's safe with her.
I wish I could be him...
The thing that's ridiculous is what she's going to do...
Handholding, even?
Tail wrapping, maybe
Simply imagine
Would reptile Friends give live births because of their human form or are those gonna be weird mini-taichou eggs?
I don't know if there's any canon about it.
I would assume live birth.
That's what I'd assume too but who knows how strange sandstar might be
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Cute coon
Of course she's cute!
Friends with the sharpest claws!
That seems really, really dangerous for taichou
the most dangerous handjob friend
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Silly bird!
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It only cements Taichou's desire to be Friendhandled by these Friends
I guess the danger does make it more exhilarating for him...
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>Just realized I still had the 10 tickets to buy any friend from Peach Panther's shop
>So many friends I still don't have
It's so hard to pick just one
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>Friends with the sharpest claws wins!
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Friends play with Friends
Imagine if the bat or Hululu cosplayed as Nue and Rairyu.
Silly Rairyu!
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Imagine them dressed as the demon king
Bat as Rairyuu seems dangerous
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What does it say?
>smell my fards Taichou, they are stinky and wet
>Yaaaasssssss my queen!
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kenzoku-tachi should love her as she is
You got lucky in timing, I've got just enough time to get this done real quick with it being an easy one.
>Alright, today's training is over~
>Cap, let's go home!
>Uhya!! (Just misc scream/surprise sounds, could be flexible if you want to think of an English equivalent but that's what it is direct)
*Rock hard*
>This is for once we get back <3 <3 <3
*wiggle wiggle*
*squeeze <3*
I don't know if it's just how the artist draws their own puffy stuff or if that's a big ol' bear sausage, but regardless, that's one squeezable bear bottom.
Definitely just their way of doing puffiness
Brown Bear is certainly a succubus
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plenty of sneks give live birth
>Standing splits
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It really is a nice ass.
Big bear butt...
you could even say it's "beary nice"
Why does she have Dead Pool arm blades
Nicest bear?
Kodiak for sure. She’s so kind to her rubber ducky.
She is a sweet bear for sure
Polar Bear. She looks tough, but like her habitat, she melts easily.
I don't know, polar bears also seem the scariest too
The scariest animals become the friendliest friends. Look at Lion, for example.
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Hi-res D-Hole
I don't know if you can really say that's a universal rule in the park
Woof woof
telling Dhole you want to try it with the cookie instead
What does this mean for taichou?
Try what?
What cookie?
I don't understand at all.
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We're almost at KF3's fifth anniversary. We have a 5th Anniversary Eve event rolling now. In addition to the login bonuses, we have:
>Rerun of Serval and Dhole dojo outfits
>Double stamina recovery speed
>Paraceretherium and Greater Bird of Paradise now have Oktoberfest dresses
>More friends have a 5th wild release (not stated which)

Nothing huge, but it's still nice. We've almost been alive for 5 years. We're nearing the average lifespan of most gacha.
High Dholfinition Gameplay
Did you skip biology classes that Mirai gives out every week? For shame, taichou, Japari Park is supposed to be top of the line so all employees should be in their best shape too, including mentally.
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Little whitey
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>nani sore
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Hey. Been little bussy with stuff but I will typeset those for sure.
For now I just wanted your opinion in this font I choose for the title (will be the same for all the "Moose vs ___" titles of each page). It is literally the naruto font by the way lol. I don't know, I just liked how it looked, kinda has a resemblance to the japanese font used by the author. Let me know what you think.
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>you want feet m8
>Let's do the free roll!
Well okay, that's a first for me.
Sad it didn't happen on my Nue attempts though, I want that no-thoughts Friend.
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>no-thoughts Friend
Nue for me is in her own tier of empty headedness.
Just look at her.
It is a pure void of intelligence.
I want to lightly shake her head and hear the rattling of whatever is inside that empty head of hers.
No worries at all! That looks really good, and I'd say it really suits the intent you had for making it fit the big title fonts he used!
isn't Nue a kind of chimera? there's probably not empty silence in her head, if you press your ear to her you will hear so many noises they drown each other into white noise
>for once in Nue's life, all the voices said one thing:
>plap Taichou
I mean, that's all any Friend needs right?
>I want that no-thoughts Friend.
Well you're in luck we have many many friends just like that!
Yeah there’s even a well known anime design house called Studio Nue that has their own chimera critter for a mascot.
Depends on the friend some are more needy than others
have you ever thought about how flat sensei is?
Of course not. Who would fantasize about a flat, curveless chest on their teacher? Nobody would want that. There is not a single taichou who would look at Sensei and think "Damn I want to be the teacher's pet!" or "I wish sensei was my girlfriend". Nobody, and I mean nobody, would ever look at her in any way other than respect due to her tutoring assistance with younger friends. She is a values member of the park, she plays a pivotal role, and god damn look how flat she is. That's hot.
Real roller coaster of a ride to self discovery here.
Taichou, wake up
But I'm playing geimu with the fox
Does anyone have the art of
Sanmoto Gorozaemon when they aren't in Friend form?
Well they are still running ADs for it and it gets collabs still so I hope things are going good.
Only furries call them that though.
what even is it
I still don't know
I remember there was a screenshot last thread, I doubt it's very big though since it was just one of those face images
Five more minutes, Dhole
Is there really no dumb that can match this level of dumb?
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three fake Servals
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Correct. All they changed was the portrait. She's conveniently taken the form of a Cerulean boss.
There is absolutely nothing under the serafuku... Just untie the bow and you'll encounter the wonderful new universe of Nue's Undefined Fantastic milkers...
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>Dreamed of playing KF3
>At the end of the yokai museum collab, they gave out a single ticket that guaranteed rolling Sanmoto Gorozaemon
>On the banner, it showed a normal monkey friend
>She takes her yokai form as part of her miracle. Her miracle involves her growing her fuzzy arm to immense proportions and slamming her fist down on a single target.
Would've been neat if it was real. Oh well. Arairyuu image unrelated.
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scary big deer...
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Bird day!
I really don't like birds
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don't do it kita
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Smug pumpkin
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gun friend...
Now I'm just thinking about how devastating it'd probably be if we got a cerulean that was just straight up a gun
Spooky season has come and I am glad
Those are some huge biceps.
Gotta be strong to carry what that bat does
I like the bat wing trigger.
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Nue bird!
I am not falling for this catbird's tricks
This one you can trust, she fights for freedom
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Unwrapping your Friends!
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Spot the 15 differences taichou
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>spot 15 differences
I thought I had but then I cheated to confirm and it turns out this was only supposed to count as one.
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I'm doing my part.
I don't get it, why are they wrapped up if there's no present underneath?
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Top row, left to right:
>Atlantic Puffin grabbing the candy
>Australian Devil becomes some other friend with an eyepatch (can't recognize her)
>African Rock Python's hood loses its eye
>Tanuki's accessories
>Bottle on the roof under Nana
>Shape of the doodle under Nana
>Missing feather on the hat sticker (doodle?)
>Light behind Jack-o-Lantern
Bottom Row:
>Box of crayons/juice next to Kyururu
>Chapman's Zebra disappearing
>Poster behind African Wild Dog, Professor, and Mimi
>Unknown friend crawling out of the box
>Taichou's expression
>Dhole's expression and hair

I don't know if Dhole having two differences counts as one thing or two, but her hair drastically changes. If Dhole's two differences count as one, then I only see 14 differences.
Amazing birds....
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Friendly teatime!
She has a disability.
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Bouncy kot...!
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Speaking of bounciness, Rairyu's boobies bounce a lot goddamn
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not a real cat
What's the stinker observing?
>Gonna have to kill this taichou, kita.
I mean, they have nothing supporting them. Of course they'll be bouncy.
This is why taichou needs to always stay with her and help her and love her and
That's an oxymoron
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I typesetted this cute comic. I like comics made by this artist but sadly not many are translated. This one seems to be part of a doujin he made some time ago.
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And also this one that was requested last thread.
It looks like the keepers have become the kept.
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And finally that one. Love fzr's work.
Nice to know! From now on I'm gonna be uploading the pages I finish into this mega folder so you can check progress, and also, to make corrections if you notice mistakes in the editing, or if you want to make some changes to some dialogue, or whatever else. Please let me know.
Hope I can finish it next week. This week was rough so I couldn't make much progress at all.
Thanks for getting those done! Very nice to see as always, it's fun to see some of those random comics being put together and such. The random ones you grab are very fun finds too, I really enjoyed that one with Nana.
I'll keep an eye out on the progress of those pages, it's definitely very useful to read back on things a second time so if any parts end up feeling weird or something slips in I'll say something. You can take your time too, no worries if you ever need to have something to break up working on only that at any points.
If there are any things you want to see translated or picked up that aren't part of that potential plan I talked about in one of the previous threads related to picking up Akino's stuff or translating Ikkyu's other works just let me know!
what's this game about?
Bear buns you could hibernate on.
Cute animal girls in an animal girl zoo
Kemono Friends 3 is a mobile game where you take on the role of a captain (taichou) and manage a group of friends as you explore the park. Your main friend group goes by the title "Hanamaru", and consist of Dhole, Meerkat, and Common Dolphin. The story takes you across Japari Park, solving problems by beating the shit out of celliens (aka ceruleans) that are causing problems throught the park. Along the way you meet new friends unravel several plots that threaten the park's safety.

Gameplay is turn-based, and plays out by you giving orders to friends. Basically, friends have three commands; Beat, Action, and Try. Beat is raw damage output (some friends have bonus effects such as stuns or defense reduction), Action deals low damage and builds the MP gauge, and Try makes your next turn's attacks deal more damage. The more friends you chain with similar attacks, the more powerful those attacks will be. For example, using three Action commands builds additional MP for all friends who attack during the turn, three Try commands greatly boost the next turn's damage, and three Beats deal significantly more damage. There's a basic element of strategy, further detailed based on the friends you use. You'll need to read the JP wiki for who does what (via google translate, sadly).

The game isn't hard, but the power creep has hit KF3 years ago. Thankfully, many older friends got buffed to keep up with newer friends, so it's not as bad as other gacha games where old characters are just forgotten and left in the dust.

Also, the music is really fucking good at times.
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Silly nue...
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These paw pads on you
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Just. Don't. Look. At. The. Eye. Taichou.
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Did a quick typeset of that one. Loved that comic since I saw it.
For now, the only comic that I really want to be translated personally is a 5 page red panda comic waon made (I grabbed it when he released it, but never uploaded it: https://mega.nz/folder/Qs1ygYrZ#IIqYp7SYkAbMVs9nhH7VNA) It is lewd but quite cute as well.
For other stuff, as long as you're willing to translate, I will edit it for sure. We can do pretty much anything.
I see a lot of eyes, actually.
What's the deal with the eyes, is it bad if I look at them?
Do you have all your typesets stored somewhere?
*stares at the eyes*
Alright, I can get that done for you!
I guess for the other stuff I'll just let you know what it is if it's in the MEGA, and if it's not I'll provide the images to go alongside it
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Friendly birds...

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