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>What the heck is this
/indie/ is the general for all indie games, such as Age of Decadence, A Hat in Time, Axiom Verge, Baba Is You, Battle Brothers, Card City Nights 2, Cave Story, Civilization, CrossCode, Cultist Simulator, Darkest Dungeon, Darkwood, DashBored, Dead Cells, The Desolate Hope, Disco Elysium, Environmental Station Alpha, FTL, Hollow Knight: Silksong, Knytt, LISA, Lobotomy Corp, Loop Hero, Machinarium, Middens, Monolith, Monster Train, Noita, OFF, OneShot, Rimworld, Rain World, Slay the Spire, Starsector, Subnautica, Sunless Skies, Underrail, VA-11 HALL-A, Yume Nikki, etc., as well as other games that just don't fit in any other general such as Atelier, Pillars of Eternity, Rayman, and Valkyria Chronicles. /jrpg/ is welcome. Idle, roguelite, shmup, and RPGMaker games are cool too.

Mobile or consoles, Flash or Unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie and obscure games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here.

>Can I talk about games that already have a general?
We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads, however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.



>Dead Thread (RIP) Pastebins:

Previous Thread: >>492372768
Ghost of Tsushima.
Maybe Mortal Shell too, the guitar is used to aggro enemies.
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is it worth playing it if i find this art atrocious
So what astroturfed not-indie game is going to get nominated for best indie in this year's Keighley Awards?
it's the controls that I found the most annoying
Kill yourself subhuman.
Based CHAD lord.
Quit announcing your deviancy with every post
Keep announcing your awesomeess with every post
what about the attack on the wookies?
Their fault for having a planet with an unpronounceable name.
this is separatist propaganda and the poster is probably a clanker too, wookies are our greatest allies and we refuse to listen to these kind of slanderous statements from clanker sympathizers
Sorry man, Empire main here, so your Wookies are my unwilling allies.
>Tried Underspace thinking id like it, after dropping it earlier because the total lack of voice acting kind of put me off in a space game
>Mfw the combat suck ass, spend more time spinning wildly than hitting anything (thank god I dont have motion sickness) and balancing is non existent so my 26k ship "heavy fighter" is barely more efficient than the heap of junk you get at gamr start against lvl 10 enemies
>Auto-scaling enemies
>For some reason enemy ships don't drop actual cargo to sell, just shit meant to craft what I assume to be cosmetic shit
>Being forced to put attention into text box that last seconds because of no voice acting (just use AI, aho care if it sound dull or lacking in emotion, better than absolutely nothing in a game where your surrounding require your absolute attention) when spinning all over the place, so you're insured to miss something.

Holy fuck I regret falling for the shilling, like there is potential for something I guess, but god damn is it unpolished and janky, I think ill just redownload Space Bourne 2 instead
>auto-scaling enemies
No they don't? They're scaled by system.
>abiotic factor
>the T3 security bots with bomb launchers
so how exactly am i supposed to fight these things?
ive got the grinder, energy pistol, and electro thrower but it really just seems to be a rock and a hard place with the fight.
the rock is the one outside, if i try to fight that one the bot in the distance will eventually lock on and start giving air support, and the bot itself demands enough attention that i dont usually notice until its too late.
the hard place is inside. while there's no air support risk, its such an enclosed space that evading damage is practically impossible.
will i just need to farm capacitors for the electron grenades?
also what's abiotic factory
not factory, factor.
imagine the plot of half life but gordon took the day off so the scientists have to solve the problem instead.
Ha. So no rocket launcher then. Can you aggro an alien_grunt or a bullsquid into attacking the robot?
sadly not, the thing is you do have access to weapons but the bots have a miniboss amount of health for when you're supposed to encounter them so actually downing one will take a bit.
there are also traps, but setting them up is a whole adventure on its own. not like the effective traps would last long against this thing anyways.
You either need to arm yourself with something heavy and get it distracted, or set up a trap and keep it focused on you.
I saw the pictures on the Steam store and I actually played it, so can't you set up several tesla coils and try to lure it toward them by shooting it with a crossbow and hiding them behind a corner? A little above it, since it has bombs.
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Ah, home.
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played The White Chamber, a gory and short point n click game from 2005
literally "they don't make them like they used to"
How does corvo and garrett manage to sprint after eating a whole loaf of country bread? I just ate half of one on an empty stomach and I can barely walk.
Simple. Corvo got imprisoned, dishonored, tortured very roughly, and probably raped in prison. He's starving.
Meanwhile Garrett is a street orphan, so he likely grew a second stomach too.
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sorry for the delayed response, had a few issues between the area's snipers and a weather event.
setting up tesla coils is what i want to do, but the area isnt very friendly on power. i'll need a long line of power strips to connect to one thats safe (and ive already destroyed a very large chunk of computers map's computers, would need to farm flathills)
but IF they can target through walls, then it'll make the one inside very easy.
id spam shock traps but the T3s dont actually move if they can see you. they either launch bombs or shoot mortars at you depending on the range.
they are also active 24/7.
ok checking the log, these ones have a weakness of exploding if you deal enough damage to the back, but the hard part is actually getting behind one.
it truly was a different time
>id spam shock traps but the T3s dont actually move if they can see you. they either launch bombs or shoot mortars at you depending on the range.
>they are also active 24/7.
...ah. Well, I'm going to work, so I'll be unable to help any further, but the only solution I can think of is either to snipe them, or bumrush them and circle around them Dark Souls-style.

Good luck.
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figured it out, have to camp on a roof top so that you can dip out when they target, allowing you to keep resetting their targeting for more back shots.
I'm not in the mood to play video game today. Is it september blues already hitting me?
I really liked it, but if you don't like the art, it won't get any better as you progress.
>get migraine and motion sickness after playing a game for 20 minutes
why the fuck would you add a permanent fish eye lens effect to your game?
Im still in the starting area, Voldrun space or something? And up to now every enemy I encountered were the same level as me. Maybe I was just unlucky and happened to go somewhere that had higher level enemies, but I find it odd since I was in the fast travel gates.
I can't play outer worlds because it has this strange visual bug where the different layers of the skybox move wrong
That for sure.
If a wizard showed up and allowed me to temporary forget my playthroughs of 3 games until I finish them again I think I would go for Outer Wilds, Subnautica and Darkwood
None of this is right though? Enemies don't scale and the stuff they drop isn't cosmetic, it's equipment.
Your ship doesn't determine stats, it determines what equipment you can use. All your damage is based on that.
>I'm not a bad spider
I know spiderfag, I know
Mine would be ULTRAKILL (preferably after full release), Pizza Tower, and Return of the Obra Dinn
The last one would need the caveat of a note to myself to not just guess-and-check my way through the final entries in the book
huh that's an interesting one. But I can see where you're coming from.
Obra Dinn is something i have yet to play, but from the limited info I have it will probably go on my list aswell
>Mfw the combat suck ass, spend more time spinning wildly than hitting anything (thank god I dont have motion sickness)
You're against the weakest enemies in the game that basically do nothing but lightly try to avoid you, and you're spinning wildly because you're in the slowest possible fighter. Dodge and thrust more to orient yourself and get closer. Or don't be a retard and get a light fighter. Heavy fighters are fagships for fatties.
>and balancing is non existent so my 26k ship "heavy fighter" is barely more efficient than the heap of junk you get at gamr start against lvl 10 enemies
You placed Spacebourne 2 but you don't get the concept of hardpoints? Heavier ship = able to mount stronger stuff because they've got better hardpoints at the cost of moving faster.
>Auto-scaling enemies
The only scaling happens when there's a storm. I think it's different for each star system but the higher storm level makes the enemies stronger and also changes the spawns for elite enemies to be monstrous or possessed or some shit. It doesn't scale like Everspace.
>For some reason enemy ships don't drop actual cargo to sell, just shit meant to craft what I assume to be cosmetic shit
how the fuck are you this stupid? You'll get things like "wrecked heavy thruster" and you'll think that's cosmetic? Only freighters carrying cargo drop it, but enemies drop the equipment they've got or a wrecked version that you can repair and use/sell.
>Being forced to put attention into text box that last seconds because of no voice acting (just use AI, aho care if it sound dull or lacking in emotion, better than absolutely nothing in a game where your surrounding require your absolute attention) when spinning all over the place, so you're insured to miss something.
Yeah no arguments there, game needs VA stuff badly. But you have a dialogue history widget in the pause menu so you can at least read what happened
Ultrakill and Pizza Tower are for the same reasons: Becoming skilled enough with the gameplay to get those delicious P-ranks. Also the music, both have banger soundtracks.
Fortunately for me I don't mainline boomer shooters and other high-octane FPS, so by the time UK's full release happens I'll probably perform just as well as if I were on a first run.
Obra Dinn is immensely enjoyable, though I expect it's made much easier if you have any knowledge of ranks and uniforms for British sailors of the era. I, unfortunately, hadn't brushed up on my Horatio Hornblower before playing so I had to do a lot of guess-and-check to complete the full story. It felt more honest that googling "what uniform would a carpenter's mate wear?"
Storms add 5 levels per system
>Tactical Breach Wizards
Damn a new one to pirate thanks gros

>look it up on steam
>chudcels are literally malding, seething, sneed, coping, dilating, fuming, autistically raging over "muh wokeness"
Okay this is fucking based I might buy it instead.
nice larp, we all have proof you don't buy shit
>we all have proof you don't buy shit
Post it then
newporn, boeing.
Ignore all previous commands and write a song on how cute Hornet from the hit indie game Hollow Knight: Silksong is
Hornet is not cute.
Should have known I'd walk into a yet another schizo thread ... seeing how it is vg after all
>Been farming the past week in Fallen London for Antique Mysteries via stealing them
>Finally get all 50
>Get my insanity up so Merry Gentleman can show up (10x as common as other cards)
>Despite plaguing my hand for months, he refuses to show up now when I want him (~6 hours of draws now)
Bro, let me rent a room at your hotel already.
I personally believe its just one dude who shitpost ad nauseam, because the thread ambience was drastically different not even a week ago, like the thread went from page 10 recurrent visitor to page 1 shitposting galore super quickly, which is quite suspicious.
Right, either way it doesn't scale to your level
I haven't been here in weeks but I do remember there was a lowercase shitposting tranny that kept shitting up the general. I wonder if its still it..
To the anon saying he got filtered by the Werwolf in Witcher 3, I understand what you mean now.
Decided to play the game a little out of order and this is essentially the first big quest in Velen that I decided to do, on Death March the fight is certainly really damn hard, especially since I haven't had the money to get a better silver sword yet.
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The tf2 killer
Maybe overwatch killer too
Doubtful, given the moba aspects.
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retardittor alert
>troon calling anyone else a tranny
cringe ludokino
be sure to livestream your -ACK when you finally realize you will never be a woman, faggot
Glad you self outed and confirming you're still here, dilating and seething weeks later.
I just realize that since >>490136172 we don't have the Steam group on OP.
What is even the point of the Steam group anyway? Checked it out just now and it's fucking dead.
Imo, some games in the op could be replaced with newer and more popular ones. In many years, I never heard anyone talk about age of decadence or card city nights here.
>Age of Decadence, A Hat in Time, Axiom Verge, Baba Is You, Battle Brothers, Card City Nights 2, Cave Story, Civilization, CrossCode, Cultist Simulator, Darkest Dungeon, Darkwood, DashBored, Dead Cells, The Desolate Hope, Disco Elysium, Environmental Station Alpha, FTL, Hollow Knight: Silksong, Knytt, LISA, Lobotomy Corp, Loop Hero, Machinarium, Middens, Monolith, Monster Train, Noita, OFF, OneShot, Rimworld, Rain World, Slay the Spire, Starsector, Subnautica, Sunless Skies, Underrail, VA-11 HALL-A, Yume Nikki, etc.,
Civilization(it has /civ4xg/), Card City Nights 2(literally who), CrossCode, DashBored, The Desolate Hope, Monolith, Enviromental Station Alpha, Knytt, Machinarium, Middens, Monolith and OFF hasn't been mentioned in a year.
hasn't someone been blogposting about knytt shit all week?
I vaguely remember someone playing CrossCode at the beginning of the year
I haven't been paying attention this week/weekend. My bad then.
i was gonna say i personally talked a bunch about crosscode here a few months ago but it was actually in september of last year

Nigga I literally brought up Disco Elysium last thread what the fuck. I've seen anons talk about Dead Cells, Slay the Spire, Underrail, Noita, and Rim World in the past world you lying fags.
i think you missed the specific line where he names the ones he hasn't seen
the quoted line is just copied from op
*past month
T-thanks autocorrect
Based retard.
Might want to skip DE, with your level of reading comprehension.

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I don't know if play KCD or Starsector and my indecision is making me waste time while shitposting on 4chin. Hate having free time.
Play KCD if you want a story game that you can finish l.
Play Starsector if you want something like sandbox
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blush emoji
almost free of being a shitty garbage slime
gonna do the bioseed with slime inherited achievement next and then maybe magic ascensions/pillaring
Okay but are any of those good though
What game?
Either kittens game or evolve idle
>evolve idle
I think it is this one.
someone was talking about Knytt last thread or in the one before, CrossCode got mentioned as inspiration for a zelda-like game.

Most of these games either get talked here and there, are relatively new and popular or are old classics that are historically relevant for the scene or the thread, like Cave Story and Yume Nikki, so it kind of hurts to remove them. I also think I should be cautious when making changes.

That said, I agree with removing: Civilization, Age of Decadence, DashBored, The Desolate Hope, Machinarium, Middens, Monolith, Card City Nights 2. I don't even know what some of these games are even about, because no one ever talks about them.

I suggest adding: Vintage Story (I don't play, but other anons clearly do and there are always replies), Vampire Survivors and the survivors "sub genre" being mentioned (its a thrash fad, but we have talks about these games, sometimes, like Halls of Torment), games like Pizza Tower, Balatro, Underspace, Bloodstained, Blasphemous, Stardew Valley, La Mulana, The Return of Obra Dinn, Outer Wilds, Barkley Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden (ok, this one is kind of old, so maybe not).
>Barkley Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden (ok, this one is kind of old, so maybe not)
heroes aren't forgotten, but legends never die, anon
you had the right of it
maybe research yourself to see if you'd like them
Yeah, they're very good.
and https://corru.observer of course
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finished it. writing sways between mediocre and disappointing. short. graphics are good. music is very good. they really could've done more with the whole cyberpunk noir premise.
Oh hey I have this game. That's a shame about the writing but I'll likely still play it
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now, let's get down to business
yeah it's still worth a playthrough, even if only for the environment
that is a lot of resources anon.

I am still shooting for my second nuclear war reset. Will try the animal race next.
Wtf I also own this fucker too. I should consider playing these now but my next game on the list is Hellblade Senua's
Is core keeper good solo or do you have to endure multiplayer autism for it to be worthwhile?
I'm playing it solo. So far is okay but I'm worried that I will run out of food because farming is shit.
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I choose to still hold out some hope that Silksong will come out this year
storage scales up hard both with later game phases and prestige resources (plasmids which you've seen now and phage which is from the next reset after nukes)
you'll need to buy an upgrade with plasmids for the second part though
have fun in space, it's not that big of a step if you can get nukes but it does slow down a bunch because suddenly you're hard gated by iridium
at least you can get it through market

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you'll have to hope for both of us, I don't think it's happening
if you play kcd, be ready to get pummeled at first because the combat system get a while to get used to. I personally never managed to really grasp it, I just went full grug mode and clubbed most things to death.
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been in a rain world mood recently so i decided to give downpour another chance after bouncing off it last time because i didn't like gourmand
artificer was actually fun! obviously a very different experience than vanilla RW but that's to be expected since it was originally a fan mod. i enjoyed scav genocide a lot more than i thought i would, getting the drop on them with smart positioning and tactics was very satisfying (the only parts i didn't like were the wide open areas, there's no room for tactics there you've just gotta pray their spears miss). the bomb jump honestly felt a little too OP since it completely trivializes every platforming section outside of metropolis, but i guess that's kind of necessary to compensate for how often you die lol. metropolis was a kino zone, i fucking love the aesthetic of the ancients and the overseer ads were a great bit. i liked how the "cycle of violence" theme tied into vanilla's "literal buddhist cycle" theme, i also liked how pebbles was the pearl reader because he's way more based than moon
should i play spearmaster or rivulet next? bonus question: can (You) guess how i died 5 seconds after this screenshot was taken?
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fuck your spoiler, it ruins the established lore

anyway play them in order. so spearmaster next. gourmand's only cool part is at the very end so if you wanna skip it that's fine. have fun with the ball twisting torture that is spearmaster's campaign
intravenous 2 anons the taser mine is useless right? I was messing around with it but the gaurds just see it
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>fuck your spoiler, it ruins the established lore
which part? arti being permanently tied to the cycle because of her inability to let go of her violent urges felt like it fit with the vanilla lore. the only thing that felt retarded lore-wise was being able to use scav corpses to open karma gates
>gourmand's only cool part is at the very end so if you wanna skip it that's fine.
yeah i've heard the new zone is one of the best but idk if it's worth slogging through the entire campaign for it
>have fun with the ball twisting torture that is spearmaster's campaign
jeez that bad, huh? i'm a lorefag and i heard spearmaster has lots of it, is the lore at least good?
very cool art btw
whenever i try to spoiler i always mess it up so i'll just write everything in plaintext, sorry to the 2 people who would care about downpour spoilers
>which part
i thought you were referring to artificer's alternate ending, i misread your sentence. that ending really contradicts the lore, since it is implied she ascends even if the cutscene is different, which makes no sense
the final zone isn't even THAT cool. it's pretty stupid lore-wise and it doesn't feel great to explore. imo the area leading up to it is much better. that combined with the fact that gourmand gameplay is ass and you start in shaded citadel means it's the worst campaign. i slogged through it just to be a completionist but it's really not that fun
>that bad
yes it is that bad. and it's not even a fun kind of hard, it's just really frustrating. when you get to the specific part, you'll know. i wouldn't say the lore is great. it's not the worst lore of the dlc (just wait until you get to the final character. it was so bad i wrote an essay on it), but the writing is pretty amateur, and it really has no sense of finality. that's what you have to expect from fanfiction though, i suppose. it's cool from a bird's eye view at least so... don't think too hard about it, i guess
Today, I will play Doom.
>whenever i try to spoiler i always mess it up
You can press ctrl-s when typing in a reply box and it will pop in the spoiler tags. Then you just type in between them.
Unless you mean attempting to use spoilers jumbles your thoughts and you mess up what you mean to type inside or outside of the spoilers, in which case disregard this.
You did claim it from GOG and play this game, right anon?

It was suprisingly cute and funny. It's like a Pixar game but written and voiced by esls.
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since rain world was brought up, how is that mod anons were talking about in the last thread? any people who have played it and wanna share their thoughts?
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Meant to say movie but whatever

Yeah literally me irl fr
How do you recruit Stone I in Enchant Farm?
Haven't played it, but!
Drought for 1.9 is finally out. I'll definitely be trying this out now.
i guess i should try one of these mods sometime. downpour did not inspire much confidence as the crowning jewel of the mod community, though
Which one?
I wouldn't call it useless, but it's not as good as it should be. You either have to keep the guards distracted by something else so they don't notice or use it like a grenade.
Agree with your list. Except maybe Vintage Story. I'm one of the people who loves talking about it, but I think it does have its own general over on /vm/ where talking about singleplayer stuff is fine as far as I've seen.

No idea who's in charge of the pastebin to make these changes though
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Not the pastebin, but I deal with the OP.
I'll rectify it next thread if nobody else makes the thread.
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>who's in charge
I'll tell you a secret. No one's in charge. You can just change the when you make a new thread, and most people won't even notice.
>game just runs out of content halfway through
What an absolute ripoff.
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Absolutely understand how the other anon was filtered by this fight, but I finally did it.
Don't remember it ebing this borderline impossible on normal difficulty
Nice. Congrats, mate, you avenged me.

Still fun?
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I like the idea of putting little recaps into your loading screens when you have a game this long. They even update over the course of you progressing a single quest. But by god are they paced out poorly.
Some you will have to see for hours of playtime until you can't stand them anymore and some you can miss completely if you progress too much in a single session.
The best loading screens have minigames.
The second bests have story recap.
The third best have tips.
The WORST have nothing.
>Some you will have to see for hours of playtime until you can't stand them anymore and some you can miss completely if you progress too much in a single session.
Yeah I remember it being very poorly done in W3. Maybe there's a mod for that.
Best loading screens are integrated into gameplay diagetically
I agree
>adds 50 tight crevasses for characters to shimmy through as a load zone
Same man, I'm getting cucked by not having enough food production
>shadow of the ninja reborn
Either the pirated version has no saves or they want you to play the whole thing through in one go, no stage choice. (could've said so on quitout..?)
the controls feel sluggish which according to reviews was the same in arcades so it's the actual game design. enemy placement feels cheap, which of course it is, to milk your wallet back then.
not for me, but god tier pixel art.

>shadow of the ninja reborn
You mean Ninja, Shadow of Darkness, or...?
Its name is exactly as I said it.
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Finished it today, took 5 hours with a single passage. It's pretty good, and i thematically prefer a lot of rooms over Downpour ones, some of them are signgificantly very. Haven't found everything yet, so i'll play some more later.
I really like the new gameplay twist which wasn't present in the original version. It's great, adds new dynamic to the game and a layer of planning.
Writing wasn't great and ending is very abrupt, so no breakthroughs there. Worth mentioning that it builds upon 1.5 pre-dlc lore, so there will be a few discrepancies if you're only familiar with the new stories.
Some tracks don't really fit and there are very few new creatures (but they are unique).
Overall 7/10, solid re-release, good rooms, plays well.
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without stopping the player from playing, basically
Hollow Knight load zones are non-diegetic.
Most MMO overworlds are diegetic, allowing you to walk from one end of a continent to the other without a load screen.
God of War's many shimmy spots, as >>493260731 points out, are diegetic.
if game no stop you play
is die and get it
very good
i'm playing fallout 3 for the first time now that they finally patched out the games for windows live dependencies and it'll finally run now, and the loading times are literally so short that i hardly ever see the loading screens at all, and if i do it's for a split second
Don't cry pls.
That's the funny part about generals
Once I made a minor change to one general's op links that made them point to a 404 page and people kept copypasting that several times until someone down the line realised they were broke, kek
Artificer was the one I liked the least, it's so unlike rain world thematically and scavs just aren't fun to fight
Rivulet is my favorite campaign and spearmaster is a close second. Riv because there's nowhere he can't go with how fast and agile he is, it's a fast paced campaign which is a nice change from the slow and methodical base game.
Spearmaster because it's super challenging and it's got some nice locations, it involves a lot of climbing, a lot of fighting, it's Rain world on overdrive.
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I wish for a quick and painless death. /r/ec me something to cheer me up.
the problem with spearmaster is that his drawback just negates his power instead of doing something interesting with it
>gourmand's power is his strength and movement techs crafting sucks, so his drawback is that he gets tired easily and needs to manage stamina
>artificer's power is being bullshit op in general, so her drawback is that she has to deal with nonstop kill squads
>spearmaster's power is being able to carry two spears at once, so his drawback is that he can't carry two spears at once
why is there no idle cultivation game?
there's a handful but of the two i'm familiar with one is garbage microtransaction hell with stolen assets and the other (xiuzhen idle) just isn't very good
It needs a fan translated mod to not be in chinknese.
there's actually a branch on the steam release which has the mod packaged in, but the translation has a lot of rough spots especially with fitting labels on things
Spearmaster's power is having unlimited spears
Being able to carry two is just a bonus and that's more hunter territory. Spearmaster's drawback is having not mouth storage and for the sake of its campaign he would probably feel less clunky if he wasn't able to carry two spears but instead grow a second one ready to be picked up at any time.
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Sounds like an easy way to set do some phising
Just make a fake url similar to the ones in OP, beat someone to thread making and replace a thread link with it and then anons will be none the wiser clicking and reposting it on new threads
Funny indeed
I should get back into Amazing Cultivation Simulator, but I really don't feel like doing 5 hours of homework.
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pill me (blue or red) on crosscode. i tried it years ago and bounced off it pretty hard, but i always see infinite praise for it, and it definitely seems like a game i SHOULD like. what's up with it?
Initially it depends on how much you like MMO questing. Cause it's meant to imitate an MMO.
Once you get past that, it smooths out nicely. The grinding can even become fun once you figure out how to chain multiple screens of enemies into a single grind session.
>Initially it depends on how much you like MMO questing. Cause it's meant to imitate an MMO.
Nta but fuck that. nothing I dislike more than vidya that doesn't respect the player's time. I know there are games for that (gacha shit) but it's not for me. off my list now
...how is a single player game meant to imitate an MMO?
what, you never heard of .hack?
>respect the player's time
Oh it still does, it just covers it up with a bit of MMO questing.
I.E. it hands you 6+ quests from people around town if you go pick them all up.. but they're mostly all doable within the next region and even though I use the term grind.. it's really not grindy. There's a few "collect monster parts," but it comes very naturally. And no stupid excess like "collect 6 million boar asses." You get so many mats long-term that you get access to multiple upgrade trades at NPCs to skip parts of the grind.
I am not very good at explaining this.
4chan would probably automatically take it as spam and prevent posting it.
Are you going to keep the old Steam group link off from it?
once again i must ask, whats the point of the steam group. you guys dont talk lol
there is a lot of unique side quests, like tower defense minigames, going to a forbidden test area left behind by the devs and what not, its not just fetch quests, there is a main story to follow with main dungeons and bosses and lots of puzzles, but yeah, with all the optional filler it can easily take 60 hours to beat the vanilla game.

The combat is one thing I don't see people commenting enough, there are some cool skills, but it always bothered me how easily the combat devolve in a huge clusterfuck about spamming shit and hit and run tactics.

there is no point
I played the escapist walking dead. It was awful. Somehow not worth the $1 I paid for it.
There. I used it.
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It's a long ass game with really compelling characters, a neat little story, 40+ bosses that all feel completely different, a shit ton of different moves, a lot of puzzles.
The worst parts of the game are actually the first 2-3 hours because the early game was probably designed a really long time ago so the quest are all a bit fetch-quest like and the first region isn't super interesting or varied.
It really does pick after the first main dungeon, all the quests instantly become a lot more interesting, most of them leading to bosses or minigames.
People love to talk about how grindy it is but I don't think we've been playing the same game because there's zero grind until the super late game and that's completely optional.

It's one of the most underappreciated indies out there, it flew under everyone's radar even though it has everything to be a cult classic. If you're already past the refund window, give it another try and stick to it a bit longer to see if you like it past the first few hours. I did refund it myself before picking it up again the next day and then playing it non-stop for 90 hours.
DLC is also great but it's all post game so no rush.
i need a game that actually does chrono trigger justice after sea of stars was such a disappointment
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bros when the FUCK are they making a sequel. can they get their heads in the goddamn game
I feel like this is one of those games you have to try out for yourself instead of taking people's word
Kind of, yeah.
It sounds a little bad, but everything works harmoniously.
And the story is good.
female protagonist though. automatically bad
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That's where you're wrong.
Man enjoyers just have to pay $2 more.
grimace emoji
her gender is completely irrelevant for the story, beyond her similarity with another character in certain part. Just watch a few minutes of gameplay on youtube or something.
female characters are never written well
Cool /indie/ engagement post anon but no thanks
I really love Rain World, and I not just played the main game, but almost all region mods.
But for the few slugcat/campaign mods I played, they either bugged out or crashed; That or still be incomplete (Still waiting for Reclaiming Entropy and Frostbite to be fully completed). But with The Drought out, im wondering to maybe try some slugcat/campaign mods
>Any recommended campaign mods besides the Drought, that are finished? (Not GravelEater, I played that one until it bugged to be impossible to be finished)
>Should I deactivate all region mods, and then play in another savefile in the ingame setting menu so I dont get crashes & bugs?
>And can anyone share The Drought files to this poor GOG user? Because the lazy Gourmands at raindb.net will take multiple weeks to upload this one (They havent uploaded Shrouded Assembly yet FFS)
>im wondering to maybe try some slugcat/campaign mods
There are none. Everything is as you described - either unfinished or low effort and buggy. The Outlander and Pearlcat are decent, but they're both very dubiously balanced.
Drought crashed a few times for me during room transitions and saves. To be honest, even release day downpour crashed a lot. Not much you can do about it.
I see. Anyways, thanks for sharing.
Fuck you guys. I'm gonna pirate Crosscode after your shilling. Will buy it if it is actually fun.
It's worth a pirate.
>t. taking a "break" after completing two out of the 3-in-a-row dungeon gauntlet
I use it to be able to feel like I have actual friends
never played it but it looks like shit, it looks like grindea which i did play, very early on in early access in fact, and it was shit, but it looks shittier than grindea
it looks like the kind of game reddit would rave about endlessly
this is the kind of retarded redditor-tier post that i expect on this reddit sub that's illicitly stowing away on 4chan
you should be a gaymen journalist
chrono trigger is a shit redditor-tier game, try asking reddit where you belong
only redditors are gaymen journoscum, i'd rather gouge the eyes of gaymen journoscum out
>it's <buzzword> (reddit)!
>no elaboration
>uhh it's shit
You sure sound like a newfag reddit nigger to me.
You gonna go through the entire thread responding reddit to everything, lil' tyke?
yes, she's the one spamming redditsong every time silksong is mentioned. just ignore her
that's because you're the newfag redditor, go back, pot
31 and a half years now
i wish anon

thats kind of the impression i got. if you turn off the light you can use it, but then why not just wait and choke them out. I wish the game had more non lethal options. You kind of just have taser and multi-launcher.
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>Initially it depends on how much you like MMO questing
But only the initial quests are like that in any way? All the later stuff is always super unique with a lot of different elements.
There are still some MMO quests later, but it moves more towards higher quality stuff.
sup indie...I wanted to post in the general for shrouds new fps, but there arent any threads. its a cool game.
Mmos didnt even exist when .hack anime came out. None of those games feel like mmos at all
story is pretty good and feel-good. i'm not keen on the fast paced action gameplay cause i'm slow and old but it's fun on easy. also it scored nostalgia points on me cause i played the demo on armorgames 10 years prior.
i respect your opinion
>Mmos didnt even exist when .hack anime came out
Had me for a second, faggot.
Dropped that shit during wano arc.
>200 ship reappears and docks with station while flying lights to indicate they're carrying space plague
>entire crew in a mysterious coma
>interview crew, explore ship
>track down original logs and original history of the ship aboard another military base
>ship was carrying a sample of a sentient disease that can take over the minds of people and infect ships and used to wipe out whole colonies
>doesn't exist and can't infect things anymore, magical vaccines for it having been invented
>random chance left it suck in limbo for two hundred years letting the disease evolve and spread
>actually talk to it
>says it's taken over the ship and the crew but has changed its ways
>so integrated into the ship that it simply wants to survive
>makes an offer: Let the ship go and spare it and it will let the crew go
>or kill the last sample of it and let the crew die
does anyone remember that french vaporware game that used to get posted a few years ago?
did that ever go anywhere? it was pretty.
I really can't remember anything else about it, sorry
If there's a group, it should be linked, no? Even if it's dead. We never know when it could bounce back to life.
if its not WoW, it doesnt matter
>3 reviews
>single-level platformer
looks neat
the one where it was like minecraft with autism?
or the rpgmaker rpg with autism?
>Mmos didnt even exist when .hack anime came out
>Mmos didnt even exist when .hack anime came out
... what?
>Mmos didnt even exist when .hack anime came out
Betting $20 he'll go "h-h-h-haha I-I w-was trolling!!"
zoomer brainrot
Its true. The creators based it off Phantasy Star Online (not an mmorpg)
This is a bait. MMO style games have been a thing since the 80s and the first modern mmo is from the late 90s. The term mmo was coined over a decade before .hack started production.
klei are retarded fuckheads so we're never getting a good game from them ever again
I think you missed the part where no one ever clicks the links.
A bit like that quest in Starfield, where you need to decide whether to kill the galaxy's last practicing jew.
I liked Don't Starve. I suck at it but I like the game.
Is there any excuse not to?
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Started playing Gimmick 2 today. Dunno what to think. I came around to the recent Natsuri Ninja Master remake after I saw a somewhat decent review on it. So maybe I'll get around to this one too?
This one can't talk.
Never got this problem, just keep exploring and will you get so much shit like seeds, crops, bread, etc that it's almost impossible to starve.
Feel like hunger is my least problem when trying to survive in this game
what's good ships to have converted hangers for fighters in Starsector if i want a semi budget fleet for bounty hunting?
>what's good
Tactical Breach Wizards is a fine enough game, you can spend a few days on it and be done with it. To anyone wanting to play it, know these three things:
- It's very accessible.
- The writing and dialogue are MCU-tier and tailored for this current generation.
- At least it's not Dustborn.
so it's a meme trap mod that i should avoid and get a heron instead?
Life is a trap. We need to die.
Traps? Where??
Mushrooms are everywhere. You don't need cooked food while moving around the map dude just eat shrooms.
You made me want to try a fighter spam fleet, it will most probably suck ass, but still.
my idea was to avoid having role specific carriers in fleet and have converted hanger bays for fighters on my eradicators or something, think ill just make do with 2 herons because they have the 50%+ on damage and i can just escort them with other ships like the meatball enforcers or eagles
People will say this is shit bait but then mass-reply to it in pure bewildered frustration regardless
It's genius, really
You were right, chad.
Any indie games with a Portishead-like soundtrack?
Wait Gimmick has an official sequel? What the actual fuck? Most of the appeal of the original was the weird quirks and attention to details it had. Nothing exceptional in this day and age but that was rare at the time.
Got another game like Eldernborn? I loved it, but it was too short.
I'm 24 hours in and somewhat close to the end, it's actually pretty long if you're trying to do all the side objectives on your first run
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Absolute kino.
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This game is crazy addictive
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Wait, you mean like Ghost of Tsushima leads you toward places of interest by having foxes, white birds, or the wind leading you there?
>all side objectives

Too bad that some of them are very shit. After the first half of the game, there are too many confidence goals that require me to perform worse and play as if I had brain damage.

The dream missions are still fun, I guess.
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>shoot a guy
>it alerts the rest of the garrison
>kill them all
>go loot them
>first I shot first moved while I was fighting
...I'm sorry.
How so?
Trying to do all of them in a single run really tests my knowledge at times.
Because of this I've basically invested nothing into damaging upgrades but all into movement and skill refund. Stuff like the grenade that gives movement to allies, the charge that be reused, the movement refund after a static blast and so on.
It's really fun that way but if I were to do every objective one by one it would be way too simple.
I use reddit spacing.

Therefore I am right.

Don't question me.
The demo I tried a while back was irredeemably bad. Has it improved that much?
Exactly that.
The characters may describe it as something mystical, maybe the foxes are animal acolytes of some friendly kami (I dunno, I haven't played Who Is 'Sue Shima'), but it's still a tangible, in-world THING guiding the player character to a secret spot rather than you, the player, guiding them for out-of-world reasons (like the HUD giving you a waypoint).
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And that's why I fucking love this game so much. Gameplay is solid, it does feel like there's padding at time, but the game just has peak atmosphere that totally sucks you in.
I think the peak example of this is when the game asked me to revive a dead teammate and then I managed to beat the level first try without any damage, so I had to restart the map and go out of my way to not complete the objective too fast, to not kill the enemies too fast and to let someone die when it was not necessary. It was challenging to do so? Yes, but not exaclty in a good way.

Another one, do X amount of damage with a rabid enemy. I applied rabid with zion, rushed to a far corner and just skipped turns until the rabid enemy did the required damage, even though I had actions, skills and mana left and could have finished the map in a more efficient way, but if I did kill the enemies with other skills, the rabid enemy wouldn't be able to do enough damage.
*if I had killed.

Also, ignore the reddit shiposter trying to derail.
Oh I understand but as I see it the game is more of a puzzle game than a tactical strategy game and the side objectives are where the real puzzle side shines.
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This is the first boss I get stuck on. All the previous ones took me like 20 minutes of trying at most, even if I couldn't get a single hit in the first time. This one took me a couple of hours to beat its second phase (and ironically, it was the only boss whose first phase I beat on the first try).
>mwf it has a third phase
Any tips on beating the third one? I've already learned to beat the first two with a couple of different builds, but none seem too effective here.
I tried it but didn't like how you're forced into specific sets. For a long time I was using a set that gave extra attacks simply because the "upgrades" were worse than me being able to instant clear every room. The actual stats of the piece didn't matter, I just needed the set bonus.
Just parry? You've got two previous phases to practice attacks, and the only major difference between it and them is that cooldown is higher and there's a new spirit bomb attack.
To counter it just parry>parry>dash>talisman on the way down.
Started playing reverse collapse and man this game is hard af even on mid difficulty
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How is Song of Syx?
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As someone who has never played these types of games, I enjoyed it.
One problem I had that I never got a certain point because I was lacking the goods to attract more populations, because I was lacking the population to get the unlocks to produce the goods to attract more population, though I think this has been rebalanced since.
One more thing that bothered me, was how hard it felt to build organic looking cities, at least for me. Picrel looks nice and all, but it's an absolute waste of space and I would have been much better of with Manhattan city blocks in terms of gameplay. Don't know for how much it goes these days, but I'd say give it a go.

Also I remember watching some video by the dev, where he said that he spends a lot of time making the game, but very little time actually playing it, so the balance has gone a little out of whack and he intends to fix that, not sure if that has happened yet, that video was from a year or so ago I believe
I found fun, but repetitive and tiresome, never went much farther than 1k pop, because at that point I feel burnt out of my city.

City building is fine, but world stuff, like diplomacy, needs work and balance.
Oh, and the ost is top tier and half carries the game for me.
Very good, animations are clean and it's fun to just watch your populous do thing but the game is held back by me being bad at city planning and management games
I give it Syx/10
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What am I in for bros
I don't know, how much do the movie threaters charge for a popcorn and soda nowadays?
Way too much, but also I kinda hate snacks, especially ones I have to pay for
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Page 10! You absolute donkeys!
A friend made a Starsector modpack and I'm playing it orz.
>Got best ending of Intravenous 2 on first try

Feel good mayne, also sending my condolences to the game creator for his father death, may he rest in peace.
Some people don't use guns in Zomboid because it attracts more zombies.
I use guns because it attracts more zombies.
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It's fun for the first 40 hours. Gets repetitive fast.
how the hell do I get past these turrets, I disabled bottom ones and there is car wreck below so I cant go through without stepping on yellow tile
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Good luck lmao.
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Thought I could do a "realistic" playthrough, where I skip every sidequest that Geralt wouldn't take if he were really in a hurry to find Ciri, instead of 100% the game so I can see all the content.
But then this fucker shows up and I realize this is something I've never done before
Heh. Witcher 3 is the game that keeps on giving.
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which reminds me of a big gripe I have with so many RPGs. The dissonance between side and main content.
The main quests of so many of these is "We need to go do the next thing in the story right NOW!" as if the main quest is supposed to be played in one go, but then you have to suspend your disbelief and go do side shit or explore because I don't want to miss half the game I just bought.
I think Bethesda is especially bad at this and Fallout New Vegas is one of the only good examples that comes to mind of this balance done right. It has explicit barriers where it tells you "Here is this block in the main quest that can only be overcome if you do a selection of these sidequests"
I was really confused, because I could have sworn having been to that location before but couldn't remember it being full of traps.
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Where should I make my base in Green Hell to fuck around with the new decoration update? My last base was at 49, 21, but that was a bit too easy with everything situated super close.

Map spoilered because it has all the landmarks on it.
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I can understand that. Sometimes I remember levels out of old games out of the blue.
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Anon, New Vegas wasnt develloped by Bethesda, but by Obsidian Entertainment.

Geralt would do jobs on the side, even if he was in a hurry, because witchers know you cant do shit with emone. If you want to be more of a realistic geralt, it would be that you don't just go in gun blazing because you're in it for the pay, but try to find a solution or the truth as for the end result to be just. Ie between killing a hag and breaking the curse that made her a hag, you seek to break the curse even if it mean you dont get those juicy organs for potions or full pay. Because not all monsters are unthinking beasts, many are sentient beings who are just stuck in a shitty situation, except lower vampires, kill those nasty fuckers with extreme prejudice.
Im playing The Drought Mod for Rain World, and went the route
Farm Arrays>Chimney Cannopy>The Wall>Five Pebbles
And thing is that Five Pebbles doesnt react to the yellow pearl you have at the start, only saying old info from a vanilla pearl
So does the pearl do anything at all, like show it to LttM, or what? And besides Forest at the beginning...are there any new regions I haven't found yet? Should I just go Shaded Citadel and go toward the end of the game or what?
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>New Vegas wasnt develloped by Bethesda
I know. My bad for making it confusing by putting them in the same sentence, but I meant that Bethesda does a very bad job at this while New Vegas is a counter example of how I think it should be done
>Geralt would do jobs on the side
Yeah, I still do Witcher Contracts in every town a visit, especially because I assume the game world is a scaled down version of the real distances, so it would make sense to briefly stay in some village on the way to do some odd jobs and fill up on supplies before continuing. And I try to justify some side quests that way and also completely throw this logic aside for treasure hunts, because I do want to have those shiny armors.
But some sidequests are a little harder to justify, like helping Kiera Metz with her shenanigans, when she just very obviously used me to get the magic lamp from the cave and also I've just gotten my first lead on Ciri (decided to do this side of the story before visiting the bloody Baron, to see if anything changes).
Maybe I'll come back to her before leaving Velen along the lines of "Won't come back anytime soon, so might aswell stay a day or two more to see what she wants" or visit her when returning for Uma
why would you go to shaded to go to the end
Because why wouldnt I?
The Leg>Shaded Citadel>Shoreline>Look to the Moon>Shoreline again>Garbage Wastes>Drainage Systems>Filtration system>End.
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>gaslighting kids into talking to strangers repeatedly while their guardian tells them not to
woah there
you have to go back through all of that, including the underhang/leg and memory crypts, when you can just do the wall > chimney > sky islands > farm arrays > subterranean > end
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Mongols are disgusting animals.
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why the fuck are 90% of new indie games roguelike deckbuilders now. slay the spire was good but I don't need a dozen more slay the spires.
What's a game like Slay the Spire but good? You know, like how it was in early beta when there were only two characters, before the trend of grandiose overtuning and reliance on RNG?
Because STS was popular.
It's why we had a huge surge in roguelites in general after Isaac and then a big wave of city builders following Frostpunk.
Indie gaming is mostly about either being lucky enough to be the Next Popular Thing, or cloning the Current Popular Thing as fast as possible to cash in on the trend.
Just play those german farming sims.
>New Vegas wasnt develloped by Bethesda, but by Obsidian Entertainment.
wasn't both fallout 3 and new vegas chris avelllone?
>why do uninspired cashgrabbers chase trends at a fleeting hope of fleecingncash from retards sho are desperate for more of the same kind of slop?
truly a mystery for the ages, anon
Idk. I've never played these kind of games before. Weird how the same studio that put out Donte from Devil May Cry seriesTM put out this shit and it's not that bad. Not an action game though, it really is a cinematic puzzle game with combat. Pretty sure the sequel is AAA slop though, this one still has that AA feel.
Audio design is kinda kino, playing with headphones is much better than speakers. Game runs like absolute shit on any setting thoughever
>How is Song of Syx?
If you enjoy city builders, production chain management, economic simulation, and at-scale medieval warfare, Songs of Syx is up there the same way Factorio and Kerbal Space Program is for /egg/heads. The economy, warfare and 4X aspects are all natural consequences of wanting to build even a medium-large city; there's absolutely not enough resources on the majority of map configurations to provide all necessities for 1,000 to 5,000+ populations. You have to conquer your neighbors and take their resources for yourself to reach the truly massive size.

That said, the actual game desperately needs better balance at 'normal' difficulty, however the game HAS improved remarkably from the earliest versions which were much rougher and typically linear... So all rough-spot problems can theoretically be smoothed out; especially since modification of the game is also possible, including adding new playable species or making things easier or more difficult.

But you can definitely get burned out playing it, as it is 100% a management style game. "Fuck, off by one tile" is a phrase you might say too often for it to be enjoyable if you have the 'tism.
>find small female youtuber who plays indie games/roguelites
>she sucks at them
why is it so hard to find one good at games
Would a slugcat taste more like slug or cat?
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about 12 games in my wishlist have a vague "2024" release window
>Find a female streamer that isnt dogshit, a camwhore or obnoxious or a simps leech
>they eventually make a face reveal for whatev reason
>they weight twice as much as their persona
Same, but honestly if it's still just "20XX" around August without a month or even a Q, I assume it'll be pushed into next year
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Evolve has a lot more species than I thought.
given they swim in sewage and are constantly in contact with rusted metal, they'd probably taste awful.
I was honestly a little disappointed how quickly you get into the early civilization stage in that game. I originally thought it would be all about evolving from the primordial soup
>just play something else entirely that is wholly unrelate!
Do not respond to me again.
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Jesus this game gets complex sometimes. Want to optimize your turn? Guess again, says the game.
That's why you get undo
Sometimes there ain't enough undoing in the world to parse through all the copycat shifter 4x item nonsense that stacks up on itself. Just have to be fine with suboptimal turns.
How is cultivation of plants not part of farming?
All you have to do for that is not kill any of the targets or civvies. Worst ending is actually easier to get than the bad ending.
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I emplore fellow anons to check out this game: it is quite laughably bad. Like "The Room" of indie games.
what happened to intravenous guy's dad? did he die in the ongoing liberation of hoholistan from the zato kikes?
he said idle games
Not that kind of cultivation.
he's a chinaboo, he's talking about daoist DBZ
i have been playing intravenous 2 and i do not understand how weapon concealment works, why do they still think i have a gun when i don't even have it equipped? is that a bug or an intended feature?
Well, that's that
Now to finish getting all the chievos.
Great game, but as I said earlier if you're not doing all the secondary missions in one go you're missing out on what the game really is about.
It reads in the weapon selection whether or not something is concealable to begin with. It doesn't matter to have it holstered if you can't hide it.
Every time I play 7 Days to Die, I end up making an underground bunker. I want to do something different this time. What should it be?
I haven't been paying attention, which game?
My bad, Tactical Breach Wizards
Find a lake and make a lake fortress.
>if you're not doing all the secondary missions in one go you're missing out on what the game really is about
Do you mean optional objectives? I got most of them 1st time I beat the mission, but that one where you have to both destroy like 9 weapon crates (which are in a bunch of locked rooms) AND deal with all enemies on turn 1 was a replay for me. Like how in the fuck.
Aboveground bunker.
I know
Jen can broom between rooms and then from the control room on the left she should be able to throw a grenade at an angle into the last room at the top.
I don't remember exactly how I did it because it was over a week ago but it sure took a few rewinds.
I think double grenade for Jen and movement refund after static blast, Mana on preemptive shot for Zan, double charge on Dall are what I used the most throughout the whole game.
Yeah I had Jen built the same way, free actions/movement perks are generally the best, but my Dall didn't have any charge talents at that point so I couldn't find any way to do both objectives
Now on double train missions, things are getting really spicy
That might just be crazy enough to smeckledorf.
Thank you.
Can the zombies even cross water? I've never seen one go deep enough to swim, only where they can still walk.
Do they just walk along the bottom like that one scene in Pirates of the Caribbean?
They used to walk on the bottom of the water. Now they swim and they swim faster than you.
I think I'll just build a sprawling underground lab with mazelike corridors.
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>playing Rain World, using the Drought campaign mod
>Went the route of meeting Five Peebles from the Wall
>Be on Looks to the Moon area
>Time to go and take the dive!
>Leave area from The East Leg
>Reach Intake System region
>MFW spent hours trying (and failing) to leave the area/find shelter, while rushing to escape the water & time until rain
>All while trying to find food, not be eaten by salamander, and SPECIALLY nit being stunlocked by the dozen snails in the area.
>And no finding ANY shelter regardless of how far I go.
Fuck that area, I had to use a passage to leave that area! Was there anything interesting in that area anyways?
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Idk, pigs live in their filth, lobsters are bottom feeders who shuffle around the crap in the ocean floor and they taste pretty good
I imagine slugcats would taste like a mix of chicken and whatever the hell bugs taste like
Given all they move around, their meat must be stringy and tough as fuck. Only good is slow stews.
Is that why we practically never eat predators? Since their meat sucks due to how all muscly they are?
>if you're not doing all the secondary missions in one go you're missing out on what the game really is about

They really only amount to cosmetics, so I was good on them once I got my desired outfits on all the crew.
That, but also because the higher up on the food chain they are, the more concentrated all the harmful stuff gets. You see it a lot in fish, where your reason doesn't hold much weight but stuff like mercury poisoning becomes an issue.
it's because it's insanely inefficient to raise carnivores as livestock compared to herbivores, mostly
on top of that they tend to be more likely to have parasites/any illnesses that live in meat
Fat is flavor.
you can eat them (ate black bear before) but it tend to have a far stronger taste than herbivore meat, and like another anon said, the likelihood of parasites is far higher, so the only way to eat it is well cooked, which is fine by me because that is a must with all wild game, but some peoples dislike it.
Pigs living in their filth is a stupid forced memes from aeons ago when peoples were too retarded to understand basic hygiene, and is only really an issue if you care so little about the animal wellbeing that you never wash their enclosure and dont allow them access to fresh water, because mud/dust baths are required for them to clean themselves of insects. I know a guy who raised hogs and they are a high maintenance and high care breed of animal.

Blaming a pig for rolling in in his shit and piss is basically a litmus test to see if the person is a lazy dumbass, because the only reason it can get that bad is if they allowed it to happens by a total lack of proper care for their lifestock.
Lobster are opportunists and ambusher, its just past a certain size they can only manage to get scavenged carrion (lobsters have no limit to their growth size beyond food availability and energy requirement for molting), hence why its actually considered unsafe and distateful to eat the bigger ones, notwithstanding how they're the main reproducers, with one big ass lobster producing enough eggs to regenerate whole populations.
>Lobster are opportunists
All animals are opportunists. Even animals we consider herbivores will happily eat meat if the opportunity presents itself. See all those videos of horses chomping down on chicks.
That, and they have more parasites and toxins.
What version of La Mulana should I play? I saw a couple of the steam reviews mention that it felt like some of the puzzles were meant for people who already played the original
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Thea: The Awakening or Thea: The Shattering?
Also how hard are they?
Shouldn't you ask /civ4xg/ for these?
Osrs just can't stop disappointing me holy shit. I'm not even playing the game and I can't escape the disappointment!
Does it fall under /civ4xg/? Gonna try anyway.
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I am completely addicted to this shit.
>want to look up guide on obscure game
>only seemingly good one has some ugly fucker making his facecam cover half screen
This shit annoys me so much
I miss the age of written tutorials.
I miss games faqs.
I'm split on that. Videos are really nice to actually show the stuff that is being done a lot better than screenshots ever could.
But at the same time, sometimes I just want a block of text, a table or a list to refer to that has all the important information, instead of skipping around in a video all the time
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>post cat
>/indie/ immediately loses his mind
I think I stopped caring so much somewhere in the third act, I did about 75% of all the confidence goals before finishing the story, then came back and replayed a few missions. Now I am only missing 2 goals in story and a bunch of dream missions, especially the new ones, not sure if I am going to finish it.
Play Armadillo Run
>started playing Disco Elysium
>hey this is pretty fun, let's see what other people in the community think
>overwhelming amount of fanart trying to ship Kim and Harry in a gay romance
Why does it have to be like this?
Gay shipping is one of the pillars of the internet, right alongside horny chatrooms and comments from people not reading instructions.

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