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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>492929228

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Post your clears or attempts at clearing
I have the most massive crush on a caseal...
post your character
*cums on ur thread*
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Sure thing!
Toblerone a global alliance clears first again! Toble #1 Global #1 baby!
>number 1 on a dead region
Try again Globalkeks
Post your dalion 2 clear
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Post your steam sharts
Which one?
Plapped my wife for 3 hours and then got my Dalion 2 clear. Gonna plap again later on tonight. NGS is a great game.
I don't remember making this post...
Based Global enjoyer.
I hope you're not the same girl who makes these posts every day and at least erp instead of repeating these jank poses.
Does this game also make your GPU memory run super hot? Gddr6x hit 101c today.
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I can't even run the game without immediately crashing. Am I free?
Works fine on mine. Zero crashes
post sliders please
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thanks hun
get a real orcs gun camo with some DAKKA like gravil almati
>clear dalion with my wife
>celebratory clear sex after
I love my wife!
>cant clear dalion with wife
>i solo pug it to clear
>clear with anon's wife while he pugs
>cheating sex after
I never even bothered doing the first dalion.
rank 2 is much more engaging but you need at least 260 potency to not be a leech
I'm not even at 200 lmao
how are you today yomimokokokoko?
wtf that's me
cheating sex is hot...
I'm disavowing my wife
>completely ignore dalion
>continue to plap my wife without pulling out
>mfw can't feel my legs after 6th hour
This but unironically.
I want to mating press a caseal until she bluescreens.
I want to cuddle with my dead wife
bro you have no wife you just unloaded into a onahole you bought from aliexpress
I'm that onahole!
cheating cunny...
loyal onahole cunny!
I want my wife to have cheating sex behind my back!
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poor broken wrists
show ass
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My wife is a slut
I'm a slut for my wife
I'm a bigger slut for my wife than you are for your wife!
i just came to milocc
My wife is dead
what are one pa weapons that dont need multi?
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I'm running late but here we go. Ezpz
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Post butt for me to coom to please.
Toble superiority
My cute alliance mates are such sluts bros I'm losing it
is it me...
Post ass to confirm
Tell Kayou she needs to post on /aco/
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Yay I did it!
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Check out >>492974193
I would like to take more screenshots with that camo, but NGS continues crashing itself after running the game for few minutes. Started since the Nameless City expansion update. I'm tired.
Then yes I'm trying to get in your pants
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Out of curiosity I went to aco and discovered the... alternative pso2 general...

The pics are good.. I have some too but I'm not sure if I should post there..
what the
but I don't even wear pants
And you won't be wearing panties soon...
You should 100% post them so you can get better.
But anon.. I actually have more nude pics than clothed one, and I'd be easier to spot without clothes...
Post them!
Sounds perfect. We are waiting warmly for you to post them in /aco/.
If you already have nudes then you'll fit right in
I'll do it when I'm awake then.. I hope the thread will be alive.. But please let me cover my face, I don't want people to find me I'm here..
just put a tiny black bar over your eyes, that's enough!
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I want caseal
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So what's the baseline Potency and DPS needed this time to clear Dalion?
if you don't maintain at least 10k dps in the first phase just abandon
i just wanna hug man
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240 is more than good enough if you can get to the turret phase with more than 8 minutes remaining
>couldn't post his clear without faking a post to respond to
who's the hottie between the two creatures
>repeatedly embarrasses himself
>ragequits toble
>causes a scene and drama after
>still comes here posting getting ignored
Do I post "it"....?
??? You somesort of pussy or something? Just reply to the image like a normal person instead of a passive aggressive asshole.

Anyways, where's your clear? No clear? GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE INFERIOR CREATURE!
I hope you find an alliance that appreciates T1s to the level you deserve
did this nigga really think he had a chance with one of the holy seven? LMAO
Thank you, my friend. You too deserve all the happiness in the world.
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Why does content always come out on the busiest days...
Lots of thoughts and prayers but you sure didn't approach and befriend the dude when he was in toble
mentally ill... cant believe i used to respect you just months ago
Again with this bullshit, who even cares about your respect. You certainly didn't respect me enough to strike a conversation. Anyways later loser.
We all saw the flirting... nah bro
This conversation is one step away from entering Chris Chan territory and claiming that it's every faggot's right to government mandated girlfriends
This is what you get for crossing the Toblecouncil. Once you leave, it is over for you. There will be no corner in the thread that you can hide. You shall become fair game for targeted shitposting like all other pariahs and non-tobles.

The Toblecouncil sends its regards.
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Why did he do it?
Humiliation ritual or wet dreams
Wet Nigger thought he cooked
Choukai won, he really won
>turd worlder
>unable to comprehend what just happened
>posts it thinking he had a gotcha
>completely backfires
>is made fun of even harder
This isn't the burn you think it is. You probably didn't even try talking to your crush. You expect everyone to engage while putting in 0 effort
The shadow toble cabal working hard to put down their excommunicated members as always. Once you leave toble, they backstab you and treat you like dirt in the thread.
It's so much more funny once you realize he also probably put in a lot of thought on how to screenshot his character and line it all up, thinking he had a epic smug moment.
The CIA wouldn't be able to torture this type of screenshot out of me even if they tried LMAO
To be fair they treated him the same way while he was in Toble. No one wants to be friends with a no rizz sliderlet
The text box being halfway scrolled up is a nice detail, you just know he tried thinking of a comeback
This is proof that nobody in /pso2g/ is your friend. Once you are out of the clique, it is all over for you.
i like azrice
>Once you leave toble, they backstab you and treat you like dirt in the thread.
once you join* toble
Azrice posts once and this nigga whips up an entire conspiracy lmao
>yfw the Toblecouncil and the Toblecult is real
i hope the toblecouncil targets me next....
Azrice would get groomed instantly if he mained a T2.
No one wants to plap a man (male)
I don't know why you're trying to gaslight him shitfingers
He's not going to run to you lmao
There is a reason why toble members dicksuck each other so much is because they are afraid to get cliqued out and then booted from the alliance. Because once they are out, they get targeted by toble in the thread.
Because he knows that retard takes this place seriously. Where do you think the cliques came from
What the fuck is this new lore that brady keeps coming up with
Why is the thread controlled by groomers and cringedoms?
>SDD thrown into obscurity by toble
>Cat stolen by Toble
>Chu and Zekken's alright tyty exposed by Toble
>Oyasumi eventually went night night thanks to Toble
>Boxy bullied out of the thread by Toble
>Now its Azrice's turn
The Toblecouncil sends its regards.
Salty toble is a top list alliance and supplement imploded again
Why do you think Cracky is here? The ultimate groomer
I don’t actually mind t1s… I’m just afraid someone will think I’m that thirstposter if it becomes known…
If you're here, you're either a wallflower waiting to be groomed or a groomer.
I'm a wallflower waiting to be groomed!
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>Supplement imploded thanks to Toble
Another one for the toblelore >>493154672
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How deep does the toble iceberg go?
bout as deep as your drug addiction
t.oblecult member
>supplement imploded again
lol fuck those pillheads and their crackass pharmacy
>SDD thrown into obscurity by toble
>Cat stolen by Toble
>Chu and Zekken's alright tyty exposed by Toble
>Oyasumi eventually went night night thanks to Toble
>Boxy bullied out of the thread by Toble
>Supplement imploded thanks to Toble
>Now its Azrice's turn
Truly toble is playing 5D chess
>mfw Fall won the poll because toble flexed a bit of its power in the thread
QRD on the SSD implosion?
Sign is an idiot.
All part of Toblerone's plan
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Not even axewoundofthestars' troon banwave could defeat toble.

Toblerone, I kneel.
It's really funny how inorganic the topic changes are in this general
Always been this way.
Never forget when he talked shit about toble in area chat
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Oh great this asshole.
Now shitwiz is no longer CM.
Toblerone sends its regards.
Cracky gave barney a blowjob? ZAMN!!
Funny how the tobleconspiracy deniers are the toblecult members themselves. What are you gonna do? More targeted shitposting?
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*destroys your alliance*
What happened queen? Where is the supplement dalion clear?
Cat then proceeds to join toble.
Coincidence? I think not.
All according to Toblerone's plans as always.
he's been posting for a while already
I think azrice is cute
t. og toble
>toblerone's face as it successfully destroys its rival alliances one by one and puts down its thread enemies via targeted shitposting
If Boxy, Blint, EMV, and Kritt were all cute characters, they would have been groomed instead of being shat on via toble's signature targeted shitposting method.
this larp is embarrassing
Why didn't you talk to him then?
I wish I knew what more of you sound like, so far I've only heard 9 pso2gs
Finding someone cute or attractive does not mean you're obligated to contact them
All this "I like Az" is funny as shit. You literally don't care because he is a T1.
It does according to azrice
I don't think he gives much of a shit besides the leaving bit. I wouldn't do it, personally, but I know anons are prone to feeling lonely and "testing" their worth to others with stunts like this. It's why you see goodbye posts in every mmo general, most of you can't help yourselves.
Who do you want to hear the most?
Better yet, Top 3 voices?
He went on a thread long melty about it he cares...
I think you're just addicted to drama.
Meanwhile At is still snaking around even after all the drama he's caused.
See if Azrice was a cute T2, toble would fawn over him like they do to the other troons they worship in their alliance. Toble destroys what it cannot groom, and it always has been that way.
The difference is Azrice had a good personality but played a T1 in a game that prefers T2s.
Boxy blint emv and krit all have terrible characters and equally bad personalities. They need therapy.
At is a low iq monkey, I dunno what to tell you
We need Jonathan Frakes in this thread man. Just nothing but made up shit all day.
>He thinks its all made up shit when the toblelore >>493156036 are all true events over the course of Global pso2.
What's next, toble's gonna deny their targeted shitposting shenanigans too?
Nigga you know full well what you're doing.
Maku Jiggu and Maru
nta but Cappu, Sopmod, Sparrow.
During MPAs, toble would divide MPAs into multiple parties, usually the slower one gets laughed at ("I think MPA1 sucks!").

Cat immediately showed up in Toblerone right after leaving his alliance, even doing Christmas maintenance photos with the tobleclique without any remorse after ghosting his old alliance.

It was toble who came up with the benched prank and even took a photo to solidify their targeted shitposting against Nogxy. Hint: one of the officers did it.

You can't prove me wrong.
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My nigga had no game, his flirting was CRINGE for any type, he is T1 Asuka. Only upside is that he knows English and doesn't type like a pretend zoomer or mentally deficient "human"
>he is T1 Asuka
Damn, you could have held back a bit
Do you believe thirst posts in the thread are meant to be taken seriously?
He was just based enough to attach his picture when he did it.
Oh boy, I checked in just in time for another crackhead fanfiction thread
what's wrong with larping as a zoomer
how else am I going to get groomed?
I say with full confidence that's its gonna get so much worse for Azrice in the thread because the targeted shitposting is real. It happened to every pariah since base pso2, it will continue to happen to him now.

Toblerone sends its regards.
Who are you talking to?
yeah im thinking its crackhead hours
>toblerone damage control
He's so excited that he has someone new to shitpost about that he can't contain his schizophrenia.
All the pso2g anons who live rent free in his cracked mind
Based picks and good variety.
>what's wrong with larping as a zoomer
see cappu
See Revy for cringe larp typing.
Howdy partner. Ready to wrangle that rascal Dalion?
Cappu IS a zoomer.
A handful of people here are actual zoomers and not 30+ and balding.
>toblecult damage controlling now that their targeted shitposting has been exposed yet again
Got another three hours before I get to walk out the door five feet away from me, thanks tho!
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i haven’t even been on i am gonna attempt into clear DFD live in just a few minutes. i’m driving home now
What's the title for clearing R2 Dalion 30 times?
Hurry the fuck up so everyone can laugh at you dancing for us.
i didnt care either way.
t. real og toble
Toblerone switched targets from Azrice to EMV again. Targeted shitposting, right on cue.
150 height is a fake, censored gremlin.
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Is this the chopijun body?
How does chopijun make this and think it looks good?
Damn. Azrice really became one of the big pariahs.
God that looks cursed as fuck
At least put the x, y, z option
Help. I can't stop cumming to Firegreen.
Anon it's a troll
How? That head is too tiny and the jaw is more than twice too wide, it looks ridiculous.
Body is 10/10 and made for sex.
>He looked at the face instead of the body
Anon I have bad news for you
Wanna glaze her together?
Well fucking excuse me that getting my dick sucked is the hottest part for me?
For me the best part is sucking the dick
And riding the dick
Or double paizuri with a friend!
Now that the dust has settled
Why was FG friends with benchy's discord alt?
I want this with Firegreen and Tsuna.
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My future wife...
I came to your /aco/ pic...
why does rinka ghost me?
Stop falling in love with sluts
Nigga been yapping for nearly an hour now and still hasn't even started DFD.
>turns shitty 1 viewer stream on
>azrice posting stops
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I will NOT participate in beating purpleslopus V2 R2.
The only one that thinks it's a toble posting about him is azrice. Everyone with a brain knows it's brady
wrong skin color
Holy shit EMV's alliance is dead as fuck
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Me on way out after doing NGS and PSO2 dailies.
EMV playing the easiest class in the world with literal training wheels and dying to Dalion.
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this is embarassing to watch
Is there anything more cringe than typing what you say out loud?
>Actually giving Can't Afford Handsoap any kind of attention
in 3 hours its too late to say that you beat r2 dalion
Sorry bwo been too busy playing revival...
a clear is a clear
hoping he doesn't go out of his way to whisper me about the clear again
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come on you should at LEAST have the 30 kill title by now
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Thanks for backing me up, these dudes probably think my incel arc storyline was real too.

Whoever it is, just know that I think they fucking SUCK!
Stop falling for bait and replying you retard.
The cringe flirting in toble chat wasn't fake
>I was just pretending to be retarded both in thread and in game
it clearly was come on
this but unironically
Coming to this general to laugh at you terminally online retards is a guilty pleasure of mine
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Pariahs pretending they're just dropping by lmao
Trying to save face
Funniest shit ever as if kitsune isn’t living in this thread.
Do you like tributes?
pso2g hunger games tributes>
Opinions on your former alliance mate A*rice
what does this mean
I really hunger for tributes but I'm a huge bitch to ask for them...
I still haven't cleared... I'll never recover
>general too obsessed with cumming on screens they don't appreciate the value of 12 districts battling it out for survival in an all out battle royale
I do just accept people who have already cleared carrying me for a clear
I don't know anyone who hasn't cleared now
As long as you're doing 10k dps and not carting, it shouldn't be hard.
Why didn't you let him plap now he's a pariah...
I was able to solo to cannons by like 7 minutes...
but there's nobody left to first clear with
I haven't cleared but I'm playing other games...
I guess I'll throw myself into the pug crucible
I'll be a day 2 gamer...
I'm still trying if you want to party up
grown ass men erp'ing as girl characters is weird and embarrassing, you should instead do it with male characters so it's hot
Shut up fujo
you know i'm right
no clue who that is
no one is gonna fuck you azrice
I only let cute T3s plap
This desu
It's okay, q is dead, it's over, I accept defeat
I left it because I was waiting for you reply lol
A literally left because it was not true...
People want chads, meek shotas or depressed boys, not jokesters.
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Good morning anons...
Goon morning slut...
*grabs you by the coochie* good morning
You just grabbed my hairy, sweaty balls
They're small...
has fg finally realized he's a cuck yet? does he enjoy being one?
he hypes himself up, just filter
Smell your hand
if he was I would tease him
i must apologize to fg. i keep cumming to her lookbook i ended up giving her way too many views and not a single like
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I am not ready to post on the other thread yet.. Maybe I should try finding old pics for now...
Do it, it's pretty lively today...
Biofems hate T3s.
>koishi is a nigger
No shit
no shit sherlock they'd rather use a strap-on
At last bros. A game I can play that's not NGS.
Now I'm interested...
hey.. not true..
i want koishis big barbed c*ck...
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MASS Builder was a thing for years, anon
>look up koishi
>la creatura gremlin-tier character
Make sure to do your part and report the space.
Wet cuck knows first hand how ineffective reporting is
which pso2g do I do that to?
imagine a gremlin on your dick
Do what?
drop the space id
>EMV: I love my mom
Loves her so much he hit her
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It's quite old but hopefully still good enough..
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too based
into the trash it goes
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It's quite old but hopefully still good enough..
*smooch* love ya
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It's quite old but hopefully still good enough..
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kisatroon and wetcuck have got to be the worst thing about this gen
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>kisatranny behind the tributes
failed male
the eyebrows get me every time
show your cock if you think you're better than him then
my cock is for my wife's eyes only
Cool like the dark lord intended.
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which kda should i try to cosplay next yall
You don't belong here.
yeah i do ive been around longer than you
My favorite T2 is online. :)
post on /aco/
Evelyn. You would make a good succ.
get on aco
Post butte.
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Solo shot or me getting railed :3
holy fuck lol
okay but only if you dont make me wear the blacked. . give me something good to wear!!
yes yes i would. okay i will next. thank you~
lol i dont even have mod manager on my ssd and my groomer left me. i even bought a cube for him for like 100m. and didnt get to use it.
she doesnt know any better. but holy when she said that i almost kicked her on the spot. that'd be the 2nd time too but she keeps coming back.
Hopefully he brings up a joke about you hitting your mother you vile human being.
Letting your emotions dictate your actions isn't very alliance leadery.
yeah i know so i didnt say anything at all. its whatever nbd
thats a girl. and i doubt anybody except a creep who lives in this thread would ever even attempt such a thing in my presence.
Solo, I want to keep my illusion alive you whore
let my nigga azzrice plap
Where is the day 1 clear queen...
Not pso2g he has zero chance now
I dont get how anyone is willing to join that pill alliance
name your price we have to stop azrice from going full incel
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>The minheight limit will never be removed so I can cosplay Poppy and Tris
i'm willing to help with 200m from my own pocket
You're hurting more than helping.
T1s are pathetic lmao
>finally sold my rare cutesy collab item after it was sitting in my shop for a while
>the arks id/lookbook of the buyer shows a creature that will never be able to use it properly
feels kind of sad
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i’ll plap him if he carries me through DFD2. .
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let me watch...
stop grooming and post the sex
Are there biofems playing this game that actually and unironically RPs?

No E.
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Based crazy is still going
>No E
uh oh he’s kinda right
he's cooking tho
you could do a yordle to scale but you’re right it wouldn’t be the same.

i would make Lulu
Hunterchad won, axewoundofthesharts keep losing.
syberbolt alt #999
Super late but whatever
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So when it comes to gambling expensive augs on gear, I know people generally use SG aug protects. But do people apply the augments one by one in this method or do they shoot all six with the augment protect and gamble like that? Does it saved succeeded augments even if the others failed and refund those capsules? I'm not entirely sure how this system works
People do it one affix at a time. If you do multiple affixes and even a single one fails you will be refunded for all of them.
When you attempt to add multiple augs, they all must succeed. If one fails, none of them get added.
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I see, sanquu.
>boost campaign is only 5%
Part of me wonders if I should even bother.
Some say 99% is still 0% but others say every percent counts.
A 99% will fail you when you least expect it and your disappointment will be immeasurable.
I know that lesson all too well from affixing shitty GAME units to sell in base.
I really miss item science. the new system works but it also means gear is worthless for making money.
I just had a dream where Maku was chasing me around trying to shoot me with wooden arrows
>log in
>open doppels lookbook
>goon for hours
>log out
where do I download this mod? I want to try it on
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pso2mod dot com

Also I guess not many people around or maybe going to rest. Here's a small gift and have a good night anons :3
I'm still awake, fortunately too so I can call you cute.
do you know where to get the mod that increases breast size in all basewear?
I'm reserving judgement until you reveal the face.
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thank you but you should rest too :3
same site iirc, but it's tied to an outerwear. it turns the outerwear invisible and enlarges the breasts
here, another. if you recognize me, don't be shy to DM me :3
If I see you around, I just might.
how do I install mods on steam? do I just click and drag them into data folder then start the game?
PID: Merkucio , i want to segg
He's on JP dumbo
I know, I had the same reaction.
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cutest pso2g minheight on the left
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Please be nice to me
filled up the pink cat again…
where did you get this image of me?
This game infuriates me. It blows my mind that people can not only be okay with but defend the horrid state this game is. Fucking Line Strike has more interesting mechanics than this game. We haven't gotten a new weapon in what, ten fucking years now? We have the same 5 ranged weapons we've had since episodoe 3, one of them is functionally a melee weapon that punishes you for being at range, and the other has been FULLY transformed into a melee weapon, the classes all feel the same, there's still no loot,, LTQs are awful, god, fuck everything. Fuck Sega. And fuck the peoplewh don't think there's anything wrong with the game.
There is nothing wrong with Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis ver. 2.
You cheeky fuck.
no one gives the game a pass theres a reason it lost 90% of its overall population
what's the deal with this guy ?
full of crack
saddest part is he won't ever understand the issue lies within himself and not with the hundreds of randoms he has added and removed to both his alliances and blocklist
sometimes i cant tell if emv is just a yall silly troll fully aware of what hes doing and every word he says is calculated with the trolliest outcome because he likes any attention, or if hes actually insane
and he could have made that all up knowing it would rile people up
He could have but I don't think you can make up having a rap sheet.
He makes Ako looks sane lmfaoooo
none of this is true btw
I pray you mess with the wrong person and they gun you down in the street
vita did nothing wrong
Lmao everyone just rolling their eyes like “oh it’s this nigga again”
>randomly surfing the net for new rpg type games
>stumble upon this
why does this look so good?
reminds me of pso
That looks and plays nothing like pso.
wow anon your right it looks exactly like pso.
I can see some similarities but only mildly like pso.
how does this not look like psu to you?
Get outta here
Bro there are better places to shill your furfag game than this dead general lol
h0ly k1N0!!!!!!
rip NGS theres a new GAWDGAME in town now
>thread got quiet because everyone is now downloading atylss
pretty based
No i’m just getting fucked.
Even EMVs own members make fun of him to his face, kinda sad.
>1 troll
>"hurr hurrr his own members make fun of him hurr hurr"
shut up
enjoy atylss its a cool game im glad u downloaded it it should remind u of pso cause its alot like pso
Yes emv you are never the problem it is always those silly little trolls.
AquaTan is based
No it happened the last time you got kicked out of supplement too, there was like a half dozen people who were still in the guild just openly shittalking you in the populated blocks.
im not emv and im not even on good terms with emv but im so tired of seeing people post lies here
What's atylss?
imagine nameless city but with way better character customization and combat and netcode
I always remind people they can report his rambling rants if I log in to one of his crack episodes
He's honestly got to have some sort of connections considering he's been saying this unhinged shit for years in area chat and not getting banned or at least muted for everyone else's sake
random schizo posting doesnt break any rules
he doesnt cuss
he doesnt use racial slurs
and he never personally attacks anyone

so why would he get banned?
Tons of evidence has been posted time and time again.
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>and he never personally attacks anyone
You directly shittalk people constantly for mostly imagined sleights all the time in area chat, shut the fuck up crackhead
>precedes to post no evidence with his post
keep making up lies u LIAR
>easily fabricated .text. "logs" from 2021
youre so retarded its insane
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>failed alliance leader
>failed youtuber
>failed twitch streamer
What's next for EMV?
Uh oh, methhead meltdown!
AquaTan is based comment lol ty xD came here to see if emv is QQing over being a douchbag of his own making lol I refuse to accept another apology of "its my mental health" when no its called you're a self-absorbed tool
>actually has so many friends he was able to buy a top of the line computer through donos
>was the record highest most watched PSO2 NGS streamer when he did his pso2g tier list LIVE on stream
>talks to more real women in voice chat in a single day then you have your entire life through text
>has heralded and lead mutiple alliances to rank 1 on ship 2 multilpe times

what have u done? played on the japanese server for a decade and accomplished nothing
>played JP for 10 years
>no friends
>played JP for 10 years
>doesnt know a lick of japanese
>has to hide on anonymous forum for a dead game
deadbeat nobody bow down and know ur place u have been DISPATCHED
That's the funny part of his alliance boasting.
He doesn't realize nobody cares about whoever holds the banner (to an extent.) People will congregate, and make friends. Circles will form and people will ride it out alongside eachother even if they realize they're stuck with completely awful people. Just look at lazy neets, They stuck together for like a year before the crazy tranny started to kick people as a haha joke and they finally had a schism.
People stick together in spite of him, not because of him.
who was the leader of lazy neets that kicked ppl?
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>crackhead thinks being a beggar is a flex
based 4090 enjoyer
EMV is QQing here pretty much every day since he's too poor to afford a therapist
Orihime had 10x as many viewers sis
is shitfingers really going to sit here all night babbling about himself in the third person
>lying on the internet
many such cases
You dont need to go that far, just go to Kisa for daily lies and manipulation.
I don't see him bragging about beating his mom up, APOLOGIZE NOW
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Sorry Brady, you could never compete with a biofem
emv > some vtuber troon
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Oh, sorry, I lied. It wasn't 10x as many, it was more like 30x.
t. ranny
minheights? doko?
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Good night /pso2g/
Its the dev shilling his game here.
which game?
Go to sleep and don't read this post
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Goodnight my cute cute cute cute cute cute cute cute adorable dorky wonderful amazing and lovely and genuinely friendly and heartwarming and beautiful and cute and awe inspiring cute and lovable wife who doesn't know she's my wife yet who I love love love love love love love love and adore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you have a nice sleep
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made for shotas
But I am le tired...
>toblerone doing their targeted shitposting again
You cannot make this shit up. It happens every thread.
Saying Galama is good with shotas is hardly shitposting.
I don't think Galama would care very much for a Shota. She likes men who can stand up to her.
yeah i’d cuddle with galama and let him tell me everything will be okay.
just get the shota a stool to stand on

problem solved
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How the hell did you take that so fast, what the FUCK
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PC seems to be fixed, I'm happy.
Fix your face first nigger
Why the long face?
Downie looking mfer
I like them like this and it fits the aesthetics.
where are your sunglasses?
I sat on them by accident.
Then take a nap
Looks alluring what’s with the hate
I want to let you know I am cheering for you anon.
It's always jealousy
Jealous of what? Kisa's constant tranny meltdowns during base pso2? Imagine being jealous of a lolcow like Samurai Jack.
>unable to gain twitter clout
>no rizz
>bad sliders
>bad fashion
man is closing in 40 y/o with that face, burnt from life
but enough about brady
>log in
>open blenders lookbook
>goon for hours
>log out
why is it never my lookbook...
>log in
>check my lookbook
>10 new views but no new likes since I last logged in
>log out
try to look good first
>log in
>open tsunas lookbook
>goon to that fat bubble butt for hours
>cum all over my keyboard
>type this
>clean it up
This but completely unironically (and for real.)
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God I love brainrotmaxxing.
*cums on u*
Reminder that it was Toble who has been shitposting Kisaragi/Choukai since base pso2.

Targeted shitposting. Toblerone sends its regards as always.
Who are you talking to?
*CUMS on you*
>Tobledrone damage control again
>wake up
>shitpost from my phone
>get up
>make breakfast
>eat breakfast
>its friday? ah hell no its thursday
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
>get online
>open krittenings lookbook
>close krittenings lookbook
>do daily tasks
>open cappus lookbook
>nevermind nigga been hiding for years
>open gpofs lookbook
>close gpofs lookbook
>open squibs lookbook
>take pictures from all angles
>close squibs lookbook
>go to salon and copy squib 1:1
>go to central city a2 and la little finger pose in front of the personal shop
>watch emv have another public meltdown
>laugh and beat my meat to my perfect squib clone
>get bored and open nhentai
>goon to monster girl doujins
>cum buckets
>silently thank squib for motivating me to cum
>go back to my own character
>emv is still crying in area chat
>log out
>play zzz
Who are you quoting?
Got done gooning to T...
Got done plapping my wife and recording it.
Is your wife T? Based...
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>No casl
I slumber...
A cucumber...
krackaragi does this every thread though
based post
would the one on the right ever consider running with someone outside pso2g
You shouldn't be here.
you got the best T1 would you ever consider posting on /aco/ with a T2 slut like me?
kracky why are you STILL here holy fuck i will block Choukai again
But I just logged out aaiiieeeeeeeeeeee
You okay EMV?
well above average i don’t like blondes
wtf do you want from me leave me the fuck alone faggot (you)
u will be 40 someday
we all will be.....
the boomer years takes us all.....
a toblerone just flew over my house
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was up all night. i had to make some executive decisions. i don’t read these or waste as much time here. just caught up i can’t even enjoy Toble cannibalizing my thread enemy anymore. idk what’s wrong with me that one anon is right i require therapy
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For me, its

Nigga really having a mid life crisis because someone made fun of him on NGS.
DFI happening get the fuck on. Not you cracky you go apologize to your mother and get a full time job.
Why didn't they add R2 Solus to UQ rotation
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i’m turning 37 i think next month

that’s insane to think about. we are going to be able to login via synaptic connection of the ai assisted central nervous system within the next 20 years right
Imagine being 37 and your claim to fame is thinking you're bruce lee and using a phone charger as nun chucks against your mother.
Imagine not knowing a single thing about me except what gets shitposted here
The lack of self awareness is staggering
Guy lies as easily as he slammed the charger down on his mothers head.
wait why did i slam a charger on my moms head lol
that’s crazy. did you see proof?
Yeah the criminal record for domestic abuse.
Stop posting this list NOW
those charges don’t tell the story or show any evidence. nice try.

so you don’t have any proof. so you made it up or assumed false information. you’re an idiot.
I turn 37 at the end of this month

We will be in our mid to late 40's when PSO3 comes out.....
can you find proof of me telling a lie?

could you be lying right now and projecting too because you’re feeling sad or mad or bad about yourself? what happened to make you like this?
Or what?
>Methhead triggered hours
Crackhead really trying to spin that a criminal record isn't evidence of wrong doing lol.
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lol i mean domestic disputes are pretty shit

i have told everyone the story so idk why you guys care so much. it’s fine now
sex with everyone on this list NOW!
So what else you got going for you cracky?
Probably still living at home, smoking at cush.
Majority of people around you age are probably looking at housing and raising families, or doing something fun with their proper job income.
You gona moo, so moo for my boi
>VERY ugly
>VERY cute
shit taste desu
Did the update save NGS?
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yes that is correct
I know who made this list and he called himself cute lmao
>So what else you got going for you cracky?
>yes that is correct

lol, mentally ill at middle age, and counting
this but unironically
i told you i haven’t slept. i backspaced a few replies. because the truth is i have nothin

that’s why i thought i’d fit in here but i guess i have to go back to /r9k/ to get some respect for my lack of achievement on this site nowadays
i am one of the cutest ngs players top 1%
My wife is cuter than you.
It's just the crackhead
nah, anons wife here, can confirm
>i told you i haven’t slept.
>10:04 am in Mississippi
Nigger, you don't sign off normally until like 7am. Because as you say
>because the truth is i have nothin

>i guess i have to go back to /r9k
/r9k/ died years ago when it had fun posts and this fag still go there
ignore the haters this is what you have over them
>full head of hair
>still look very young for your age
>no health problems
>not overweight
If they didnt know your age most of them would call you a zoomer because you look like your in your mid 20's
this nigga really out here samefagging himself about having a hairline
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>full head of hair
So do homeless.
>still look very young for your age
>not overweight
He literally posted his fat face with a pizza slice

>no health problems
Emv talking to girls on discord LOL no the fuck he isn't, only girl that's active or WAS active in his alliance refused to get on voice chat because he made her uncomfortable. To say bunbun is a girl is a lie, it's a dude. To say hairguy is a girl is a lie. To say anyone who actually gets in voice chat with him, 3 at most any given day, is a girl is a lie.
>Not overweight
He has a double chin anon don't lie to him.
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pso2g for this feel?
I've seen emv post a selfie in discord, he looks like the fat kid from hotel for dogs if he was a middle school drop out and a ginger
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Name a bigger cursed trio.
>Easy mode: No boxy because he's benched and alone
syber just keeps taking L's
>not a top list alliance
>kicked the only member with a DFD clear
>zero confirmed DFD clears
>leader had yet another melty in area chat
>they don't show evidence
But they certainly prove that he was charged with domestic violence kek. Thanks for admitting to it yourself btw
Me on the right.
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no Ive seen a recent picture of him he looks like a young michael c hall
Nah, hotel for dogs kid on heroin, his own words he "used to" do it
I'm on this list!
What the fuck is his obsession with voicechat anyway? I'll use it to coordinate stuff with people in games, but not on fucking discord or random ass people.
your just jealous he talks to babes all day while your to busy conversing with hairy old men
He's trying to find a new woman to groom.
>hairy old men
don't call emv out like that bro...
He wants to hear a human voice as he strokes it to his mom
is this true?
What do you think nigga? Take a look yourself >>493263334
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>No punctuation
EMV, my boi.
im not emv
Im just someone tired of seeing you all bully him all the time for zero reason
ok it's cracky lol
go to bed crackhead
LMAO you deserve all the bullying you get shitfingers.
Prove it bucko, post a singular picture of you holding a fork in one hand and putting up 3 fingers with the other
>endlessly harass fucktons of people over years
>"omg why am I being bullied!!!!" when people ask you to fuck off for the 247th time
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bro kicked his only active member
Nigga really couldn't take a crack joke and kicked someone over it lol.
>I can be flirty
>And I can be bratty sometimes
No female wants to hear this. No wonder he had to groom years ago. What a pedo
no one wants to hear a fucking man say that, ever.
Yet me posting in discord was such a problem lol he kept saying it's dead but if I tried to talk on it "this isn't your personal blog" lol bitch i know you're here reading this, reap what you sow crackhead
Have you heard the way he talks? Has that gay lisp that lets gay men know hes dtf.
I give up
im not emv btw
Whatever you say cracky
>a young michael c hall
lmao EMV you fucking crackhead, you are already older than the actor was when this promotional picture was taken, you are not going to grow up into being a beautiful Hollywood star. You're gonna lose a foot to diabetes and then get glaucoma, and then your hair will turn gray, and that's it.
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You will never be Pellegri, EMV.
Hey shitfingers I heard you were kicking all your officers out of discord this morning? Having some trouble maintaining order?
I keep telling you assholes im not emv
also he was like 35 when that was shot so its basically the same age as him now
Black Whirlwind whips EatMoreVitamins
Then show us ur not with that picture I said lol would be obvious it not if u were black or some shit or had woman hands lol
Or easy enough, cover ur face with one hand holding out ur pinky, that's the one you do ur coke off of if ur having problems remembering which it is
If I posted my hands the thread would devolve into total chaos
this lol
>/pso2g/ - Crackhouse
Boxy means business
Did the meth make you this stupid or did you start smoking it BECAUSE you're this stupid?
The only thing the Pariah's can agree on. Shitting on cracky.
Well Mississippi ain't know for its apple pie lol
Aquatan should join enlighten
just clean out the poop from under your nails before posting this time
Was in and left due to princess snowflake being a bitch
he was born in 71 and that intro was most likely shot in 2006
Funny enough when I watched it back in the day I thought he was 40+ he just looks so good in the intro and seasons 1-4 but gets kind of ugly later in the show, I had a crush on him.
Toble wins again by doing absolutely nothing
never seen anyone truth so hard...
Never seen anyone do crack this hard…
who is the biggest slut in pso2g i'm pent up the last few days
Probably Peggy cc or momo, take ur pick but be warned they all got a yeast infection
who the fuck is Peggy
For me, It's Kelbitron.
Robohoe, leader of Thorny alliance, max gloss and max tits like if greased up naked deaf guy got a sex change
Oi leave my wife out of this
I erp'd your wife for 300k n-meseta.
thorny is not pso2g methbreath
mokku erdbeere sparrow doppel aiatar wakaba
>PSO2 NGS Accessory Scratch Be Like
stop. .
>PSO2 NGS Accessory Scratch moar liek Stealth Camo easydosh
I hope emv chris-chans himself
Who says he hasn't already
claiming erdbeeres lookbook and jorking
>not mentioned
im a slut too..
>not mentioned
and I'm an even bigger slut...
Dibs on Doppel
then ill take mokku
I'll take emv behind the barn
i got mentioned and i am not so you can have it.

do we have to plap or something so i can make you a famous slut or how does this work now?
why is koishi spamming my lb...? desperate lil nigga
Tell him he has a purdy mouth
. . .omg
why is emv spamming the thread…? desperate lil nigga
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please just shoot me. .
Who wants to bet some of the hate posts about emv ARE emv so he has stuff to bitch about lol
Use a 12g.
He's literally doing it now
just like boxy
yeah that’s normal
Gaslighting and astroturfing, on MY 4channel?!
Tf is astroturfing
ok but who are the purest in pso2g?
this some next level gaslighting yall stop fr

be nice. the next poster is a nice T1 oni-san
CAST players
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Ok but how do I trigger Pellegri's AGP.
Not the rappies, thems is evil little bastards
>tan babe who loves slurping on popsicles
>ninja elf babe who loves slurping on popsicles
>cheating public use whore who loves slurping on popsicles
>furry who loves throating and having her knot throated
>paizuri momma
>another cheating whore
shut the FUCK up crackhead
do this for >>493257247
yeah I'd mating press erdbeere while xevel watches
meant for >>493273427
>N-Meseta is the currency of the Planet Halpha.
so thats why we never leave
Yeah I'd destroy Pellegri's boypussy and send the video to EMV.
>cheating public use whore
blatant lie
wallflower tranny
>cheating whore
that’s weird just send me hand drawn lewds of my character like everyone else
shut up emv
calm down sparrow
You're going to watch me turn Pellegri into putty and you will like it.
meant for >>493274148
is this supposed to be sarcastic?
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yeah okay. . i will like it?
>and having her knot throated
You will like it a lot more than the time you hit your mother you little cuck.
What my odds of them sucking on my popsicle? T3.
None. Only T3s like T3s.
do not do this
Is Rikka not aware of the leaks?
they've all gangbanged with tobles
why won't the minheights leave me alone? It's like a whole family of cats chasing me while carrying a can of tuna, basically trying to trip me while circling me and howling at me!
t3 on t2 is the most popular plap option because no grown man wants to look at another man fucking his character which means you playing a t1 will never work either so its girl on girl and one needs a fat musky cock and balls
>fat musky cock and balls
minheights in heat…!
i like t3 x t3
T3 on T3 is the popular plap option one just disables the cube.
>disables the cube
thats not fun...
kill yourself shitfingers
Not true at all. I've plapped T3s and T2s as a T1.
I just thought about a certain minheight cat purring in contentment while I cradle her in my arms and I got really sad
That's me...
That's me!
Minheight breeding season...
That ain't Falco
That's not me...
how cubes per minheight?
asking for a friend...
Esl bro....
How many times to ensure pregnancy?
is mesetadom a thing
No, I was just distracted...
you mean findom?
but with meseta instead
never heard of it happening
heard of people "offering gifts" all the while requesting things out of it kek
what does it mean when someone gives me a cute everyday?
It means they're L4L farming
I would let a cute minheight findom me
find me…
It means I think you're cute, good-looking, or your cosplay/outfit is nice.
If it's a random person you've never seen before who sends you a cute every day at complete random, it's a lookbook like for like farmer.
If it's a friend or an alliance mate, It means they want to rawdog you apeshit style and hit it from the back while screaming.
annoying lb spammers, just block them
important question my fellow pso2gers
oppai or flat minheights
they broke up
The flatter the better
>xevel is without an alliance
looks like it
I'm going to make erdbeere my cheating wife!
what leaks?
That wasn't me, I know what I am..
ok wetcuck
on top of that, the guy was on dsp's chat
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h-how would one be both at the same time..
One of each!
does R2 really give anything good, or just one more cope from ngsers
it shits out exelios
>devs can't be assed to update the droplist on literally any rank up except for "current thing"
>minheight wife won't stop sucking after I've nutted
I have to pry her off with all of my strength. It's so tiresome man
i mean, min maxers basically are worth 20 sg a week at this point
Wingard Almati

*mods wingard amalti over another weapon*
now what?
I'm the oppai one!

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