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Previous: >>493004203

>What is this?
Blue Archive with Katanas but officially has nothing to do with Blue Archive

>Where can I get it?
Not announced yet.
Comiket 105 might or might not have a VN and art books.


>Official Websites


>namu wiki
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What’s the project for today, /kvg/?
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taking /bag/'s sensei
>Anon the main game doesn't have to have the main story finish and can continue with updates along with adding side stories.
How is that any better than gachashit? Who's going to buy a games bits and pieces at a time?
it’s so fucking funny seeing people be mad about being slaves to Nexon while being slaves to gacha themselves
Nice gameplay bro
Infinitely better since it doesn't lock out content behind a slot machine and potential FOMO (Limiteds). As a writer you'd want everyone reading every single detail, right?
>already registered as a mobage
>desperate for funding
it's a gacha, cope
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even with a subscription based monetization, somehow dropping 5-10$ monthly on a game is worse than 200$ every month to spark all the new banners
market gets what it deserves
Nah, with a game/vn you'll miss out on players only doing one playthrough without talking to all the NPCs/Picking all the options. If he's a REAL writer, he should just write a book and the readers will read everything without missing out on any details for sure.
>kinetic vns
but muh choices
not like BA had any tho
>Infinitely better since it doesn't lock out content behind a slot machine and potential FOMO (Limiteds).
Yeah, paying for something is definitely better than getting it for free
>As a writer you'd want everyone reading every single detail, right?
A lot more people are going to read it if it's gachashit than if it's some Frankenstein's monster of a game and I doubt most anyone reads every single detail of anything anyways
>two choices
>acts like I picked the other one every time
>can never figure out if top or bottom is the canon one
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I feel inadequate as a sensei whenever that happens
kek and who do you think wrote those?
trannylators maybe, dunno if nip/kr has separate choices to begin with
it's the same
Is KV the futa game now?
isn't this what deltarune did
yes and it had less than 1% of undertale's impact because of it
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Shishou get in the middle and stop your students from fighting!
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>official art
Up to a great start
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How f2p friendly will it be tho
Surely with Nexon out of the picture it won't be too greedy
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I see katanas, but where are the ninjas?
I am not the only person who is mainly excited for the vn am I?
I can't image being interested until I can actually see and play it, I've been burned too many times by creatives thinking they were the only ones that mattered to a game and then their first output after leaving was some of their worst work. I don't know about this anger at Nexon(never cared about them because Maple story was shit) but it is funny to see the people going "This is going to be the masterpiece of a decade. What do you mean it's just a blank canvas, look who's name is in the corner." calling others dicksuckers and bootlickers. It reminds me of my own days as a kojimadrone
I can only partake in two gachas at the same time so if I pick this I will need to drop BA
with nexon in the picture they could've gone in the negatives with the revenue and it wouldn't have mattered as long as it was a short period
now they have to be extra greedy because no safety net
>a glorified commercial with no significant plot
i'll fap to it if it's r18
the real writer was the unnamed localizer at yostar anyway
all the subtle themes are missing from kr/en and nexon slaves are gonna rage at you saying jp is fanfiction
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why did she fail
should she try being a slut
Looks too much like a boy
She's kind of ugly...
Looks like a Mihomo afterthought.
How do you know it wont have a significant plot? Do you just hate vn's?
>toki without a mech appeals to no one
tokiniggers forever destroyed
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>r18 vn
They still make those? May be I'm out of the loop, I remember a time when it was a thing, but I'm under the impression everything is mainstream nowdays.

Liarsoft, Lilith seems to not release anything anymore Nitroplus gone mainstream eons ago and Alicesoft barely releases one product each millenia
I'm rooting that their next step is recruiting dorontabi as a fully fledged staff member.
Didn't they say the things on C105 won't have anything to do with KV?
That's a boy
No clue, can't say I have heard of that. But do deflate my excitement with the source if you can find it. You could have otherwise heard it from a typical doomposter
I don't like m*les
>put something significant in and you'll spoil the main game
>put something significant in and have to leave it out of the main game, making it required reading in spite of being """"""""unrelated""""""""
at best I can imagine it being shishou bedding kohane after she ran away from home and is on her way to enroll into kapila's school
something like that
The plan was to release a R18 VN on C105 to advertise the upcoming game but they fucked up with the bit in which Comiket doesn't allow material produced or otherwise related to official publishers and creators.
>R18 VN
Never happened
There's the mx2j's tweet in which he expresses excitement over drawing something lewd again. Could be an R16 ecchi for all we know, point still stands.
can't wait for the inevitable censor and you cucks rioting just like what happened to BA. They're gonna overstep the bounderies and be forced to submit like every other gacha. face it, you can only show so much in a gacha, especially in gook/chinkland.

kek they can't even do porn themselves lmao stunlocked by comiket, stunlocked by cencorship policies(eventually, watch).
but my reading between the lines tea leaf divination with dowsing rods collective conciousness schizo headcanon voices say otherwise???
that rule is looser than you think, but them using the d1 corpo to promote the circle has a good chance of pushing it over the edge
That's a very narrow, limited view on the options. Creative freedom to a single IP spans far wider than that. Spinoffs can be amazing too. I would go in more detail of why but I am phone posting rn.
Pretty sure they do allow it, you just need to register as a corpo booth and they have a different section. Instead they choose to still register independent and tried to rewrite the narrative that the circle is not related to them
did he change his pixiv account or something? I could swear I had him followed but nowdays I can't seem to find him on my followed artists
Yes, korean feminazis were attacking him, so he deleted everything and disappeared for a few months. He's back with another name as always
his pixiv is the same
you can find his new xitter through the usual places if you bother looking
Corpo booth probably costs a ton more if they didn't just do that. If that's the case then they might actually have very little funds and not even a game being made right
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>/kvg/ - Project KV General #6
are you guys for real?
Is this one?

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yfw Kisaki expy is released before actual Kisaki
For real for real.
>one of the biggest KV communities in Korea is now memeing futanari so hard
>that pale girl having the largest dong
No these are the same guys who shelved her. Expect Koito and whoever the Hoshino expy is shilling.
they only have a fixed number of corpo booths available, d1 doesn't have what it takes to push someone else out
doujin booths are lottery from what I heard
Thank god I can't read korean
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>how are we gonna bring down this game, bongdae?
>we make lots of porn fanart, gongchang
>brilliant, and lets out ourselves as gay while we're at it!
koreans amuse me greatly
>bringing guns to an sword fight
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the japanese dream of student cocks too
that one anon from last thread is retarded for not realizing how gaas stories are worse than standalone complete products
this also applies to manga and ln series
So this is what you get with a game already popular with artists without establishing a sensei-like equivalent..
They retweeted his art so they love all his shit
I'm sure you can find similar art for games with self-inserts too
liarsoft has a new release this month
that happens all the time even with a wel stablished mc.

I do hope there is human males npc this time though. Im the first one that enjoys selfinserting as sensei and I do not want cuckshit, but feeling insecure about males merely exciting is excessive and a setting with no male human beings at all feels weird
A lot of nips think KV will be an eroge so they aren't trying to hide their degeneracy as much as usual
are you retarded? do you think if you use the gangbang tag with blue archive on a booru you get no results or something?
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hifumi game
Your katana is longer than your student's katana r-right?
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girls' are always bigger hun
the meme definitely started out of spite but many guys are aroused by that so it went viral in dcinside
Are you? Any game can get any kind of degenerate porn, but while some communities welcome it all, other have standards and shun particularly putrid shit like NTR or bestiality
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i-it's sturdier!
I'm glad people like this anon will be filtered from KV. He doesn't even realize he's the toxic fanbase that the devs fled from, sad!
Where is this shunning, then? Do show
>an actual pedo that uses irl references
that's the last thing the game needs.
your dumbass actually thinks BA is special huh
>he doesn't know
oh boy wait till you find out where loli artists get their references from
holy shit guys the other biggest community, arcalive is also memeing futanari too it's now officially a futa game korea

not if they go the h-gacha route and have their game on dmm/fanza/nutaku lmao
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Can't wait to froth with my students after our "sword"fight
I thought they resigned because they could no longer endure the work environment they were subjected to by Yostar.
nobody truly knows why and we will probably never know
you know, you can only train your pupils' swords with your own sword
Lame. If it were chinks they would've spilled the beans by now.
Bro r18 VNs are endless, they will never stop making them
will you play this if it's actually a r18 futanari game?
How upset will you be when this thing isn't the eroge you think it is?
if (You) are a normal female then sure i'd try it
not into futa x male(or futa x futa) but futa x female is fine.
ofc not, but its not gonna be that lol
kids these days...
Its over, the girls have "swords"
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Fuck yeah
Sales will instantly beat nikke
Everyone is transmaxxing now oji-san. Get with the times already
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yeah, there's a lot of them for a reason:
>cheap coding (most part)
>cheap art (most part)
>someone who writtes good stories (now with AI's help)
>if sales are bad, just make another one until you hit a jackpot and make series from it

personally, I hope they succeed and don't face legal issues with Yostar/Nexon.
these kinds of things are not easily forgiven in corporate environments.
you have a special kind of brain deficency
arcana is futanari
Farfie the GOAT telling it like it is
you joke but you have no idea how insanely popular futa is
if vanilla is the baseline loli is 1/10x and futa is 3-4x in terms of popularity
people are already upset it's another gacha so lmao
I find it so retarded how this whole drama would have not happened if the artist just worked like a profesional for his las 5 arts for BA, if they hired a single competent web dev programmer, a single jp translator and if they didn't decide to draw the halos in this one kek
uhhuh. where is the dick, then? >>493110959
My cock inside her tiny womb once the servers go up duh.
tourists that is
/bag/ settlers know it was gonna be gacha and mostly hoping for it
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based Arcana enjoyer!!
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shes mine bro

ofc its gonna be a gacha
i will never understand those koreans they were dissing this game like 8 hours ago and then now they are memeing futanari archive so hard and legit want it happens
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tucked between her legs like any self respecting tranny
>koreans are a hivemind
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10x girlier than pic related
why would a tranny that has self-respect tuck?
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/bag/gots is she popular enough for a KV expy?
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to achieve to most fem presenting image possible
>have to deal with farfaggot now
KVbros, you told she was pure...
>self-respecting trannies tuck instead of getting a vagina
Nice thread faggots
get a trip
not everyone falls for that snake oil
you have to be particularly desperate to go through bottom surgery
Ok I will now spend 30$ on day 1
I hope it's an eroge but can they even sell those in Worst Korea?
they are explicitly targeting japan it seems
you think anyone would be buying in corea?
mx2j already ruined the game with a hag, no reason it won't get males too
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Very nice.
Now let's see the gameplay and not only the fanart.
so it could be surmised that they arent really dedicated enough, huh?
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male kanna expy!?
Official account should retweet this one too
you just know she's got the smallest futa dick
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what the fuck
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Gacha is just a form of live service game and the only reason I picked up BA was it was famous for the writing. I love its story and its world builders, so I am counting on KV. As a freeloader who doesn't spend a dime in gacha it is a great thing to enjoy the world and characters for free isn't it? And fuck Nexon, you have tons of reasons to hate big Korean game companies, obviously they won't work with Isakusan in the future to revive BA or something considering the history that the mega corporation in South Korea has never reconciled with any individuals peacefully AFAIK, so I side with the followers of otaku dream and vision, not the shit corporation and its minions.
Latest meme on gook forums.
>futa game has futa art
that's something natural.
>the only reason I picked up BA was it was famous for the writing
>not the character designs
confirmed gay
It's over...
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now it's officially futa game in korea
gook spammer doesn't know you have to be logged in or something to see that link
That's what happenes when Hifumi is the main girl...
>actual gook
How many are here, I wonder
cause im gonna go to some korean board anyway
were all just funposting. keep it in mind
imagine having THAT /lit/ taste...
BA's writting is basic anime tropes, nothing special.
hopefully there'll be some good doujins this time
mika gets some but i want them for girls i actually like
Glad to see them enjoying themselves. If they had nothing to blow steam over, another Kyoani was coming soon.
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Are we really going to be like this until december? Just let the threads die.
w-what how is kv a futa game
Sorry, you'll have to deal with this tranny talk until the end of the year
I thought most of the retarded shitposts in broken english were from SEA, but upon reconsideration some might actually be gorean.
A girl will have a katana and no sheath, this is foreshadowing the cg where it is revealed she is circumcised
has futa art but game...
no. that shit is not here yet.
Just leave and if there's not enough demand for the general it'll die out
Hope this has a friend and clan system, would love to play with my boy Farfie again
GenderX has invaded.
i hope it has club pvp this time, and/or mock pvp, instead of just random 1v1
sis, I love the art, can't wait for the game!!
You were always great at PVP, can't wait to get some tips from you again
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it's funny seeing gooks larping as japanese or english speakers to make it as if non-korean fans are joining their anti KV bandwagon
>hates girls in love with girls
>loves girls in love with girls WITH DICKS
what can be said about these people that hasn't already been said about op
More Nichika NOW
there are absolutely anti-kv jps
that doesn't mean much though as there are shittons of retards regardless of nationality
The real issue with the c105 plan is that if they don't have japanese people manning the booth tons of people will just pass by without even looking. They're super racist against other asians so having Yostar handle all the publicity and live events was a good decision back in BA
>They're super racist against other asians
and you do know Yostar is chink right?
I mean yostar paid japs, like for the livestreams, to do any in person events
I've never been so idk what it's actually like but if I saw Kohane on some banner they've got set up I assume I would take a look
I feel like they're have their bases covered for that. Korean devs would know better than anyone to not send hired proxies.
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Futa on female is literally the straigthest porn to fap to if you're straight male. Jacking off to "normal" porn makes you 50% gay since you unconsciously fapping to male butt. Also regular female x female means they had to scissor to have sex which is gay.
Futa is also a great self insert option for those who hate ugly bastards on their porn.
They have nip friends in the industry
They will be fine
god i love farfie so damn much
most don't do that.
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that's futa on futa though?
>Jacking off to "normal" porn makes you 50% gay since you unconsciously fapping to male butt
yeah and also a cuck because you get off to other man fucking an attractive woman
at most they have some trendchasing artists willing to invest time into a startup
yostar acted as a condom for nexon to not infect the japs with aids
bros i really hope Isakusan know japanese well enough that he write things in japanese FIRST not translation of the korean scripts. Last time BA did "faithful to the writers" translation they fucked up so bad and became laughing stock of japanese gacha community for weeks. Yostar was so underappreciated for this.
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Her cock must be huge
>know japanese well enough that he write things in japanese FIRST not translation of the korean scripts.
pffttt hahahaha
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lmfao gooks really went unhinged
this is our game
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holy shit
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And it is also funny that they think their self-fulfilling narrative and damnation-voodoo ritual will somehow affect D1 by any means LOL. Isakusan is clearly giving zero fuck about the underground dwellers and determined to chase his vision like sensei.
Futachad game
The actual straightest porn is 1st person POV
it's over futa artists started NOTICING

Too fat, slim her down a bit for "thicc", Pierce.
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>the dicks have halos too
I'm dying
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>sinensian is a gook
checks out
The otaku ideal has always been slapping big futa cocks with each other. You all just lacked the insight.
so this is what they meant by "to reach otaku idea"
>suddenly turned into a futanari game within a day
How else are they supposed to swordfight?
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>futaloons already out in full force trying to kill the game
You disgusting trans freaks couldn’t even wait for the game to come out? Are you shitting me?
>entirely community driven
there's no denying it
futa cocks touch our hearts
The gooks should stick to sensei cucking shishou's girls
>they're going to cancel kv not because of the drama but because they don't want their characters to be futaslop
>making the futaslop themselves
how is that helping their cause?
Wouldn't that mean he also cucks BA's girls
No because reverse ntr isn't ntr. Ui said so herself.
If sensei fucks the equivalent of BA at the same time may work, am just joking anyway
The only straight thing to fap to is solo female
This is the last futa art I'll post. Smell you later.
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PV can't get any more obvious.
Futanari game confirmed.
We just need shitting dicknipples for maximum 2000s otakuness.
Newfags will never understand how futa and trap are otakucore
>elongated german empire flag
Futafags need their own containment board like Ponyfags have.
More like they should all be shot
They already have one >>>/d/
Weren't people memeing that QMarina had a giant futa cock? Kinda funny Kaoru got this kind of art... or not funny I dunno.
Bro, your /d/?
just wonder why korean communities suddenly went full futa
who gives a shit about korean communities when the game isn't even being made for them
Probably because they know normal people don’t like that shit so they’re doing everything they can to alienate them and kill the game before it’s out.
like two days ago there was a JP account that said some shit about two students being hypnotized to fight with their cocks thinking that they're swords
idk if its the same person who drew it but I guess they took it and ran with it to run other people off
So this is /bag/ but with yuri and futa?
But for whomest is this game?
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They should really reveal Shishou soon. The last 2 support illustrations were yuribaiting shit.
Oh no, my weakness
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I want to be molested so bad.
Korean communities basically hated project kv because they mostly side with nexon so they started making fun of project kv with futanari to ruin its reputation

but it somehow "backfired" as famous artists started drawing futa fanarts
>enter futa general
>cry and piss your pants when people post about futa
Shitposters not sending their best today I see
>girls in the same club/dorm interact with each other
>incels instantly seethe about yuribait while drooling and shitting themselves
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meant for >>493133697
Lmao, coomer nowadays are so weakminded... do you think coomer franchises ever shown the male in their promotional arts? Or maybe you're a closeted fag?
>all girls sport bandaids
>small hitbox
>doesn't tear even if cut
logical and reasonable
You will never be a woman and this general will never belong to your kind.
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I'm glad the writer who gave us picrel is back with a new hit where he won't be held back by N*xon
Is futaxfuta considered yuri?
no idea but this is definitely yuri
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no, it's just plain gay
and I'm into that
If you like dicks, you're a faggot, it's that simple
Good thing no one here actually cares about this
Or else I'm sure they'd be incredibly annoyed
Why are the most fucked up people blessed with the most talent?
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me on the right
I’m rapidly approaching a “fucking furious” state.
because normal people have few reasons to cultivate a talent like this when they can simply enjoy life
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did they know that futa memes is one of the main reason Bocchi The Rock became this popular...
no idea how long will this futa meme last but korean communities definitely went positive to this game after this
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Any fanart of the KV girls fucking BA students yet?
Yes but do you really wanna see the art of that weirdo dinosaur guy?
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>cums in your onsen water
what are you gonna do about it, faggot?
if anyone wanted to draw one, NOW is the best time to do it
>weirdo dinosaur guy
what do you mean?
Sword lovers
wouldn't make a difference except you literally cummed a bucket
>girls BUILT for losing to goblins
We need Ankoman...
Isakusan is Dongrang, kino
Dude in pixiv, drawing kv recently. Again, you don't wanna know.
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if customs doesn't slap me with a 1k bill for my doujins I'm gonna start commissioning
this shit is hilarious
>BA students coming for isakusan
>stepping into a dorm full of hostile futas
there isn't much futa art.
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>tfw if the students cock length is measured by the length of their swords, Kohane is packing the biggest one, Kaoru second
like 1/4 of r18 kv arts are futa on pixiv
what does dual wielding mean?
the "forcing futa" shit is only a thing in korean circle. The futa fanarts so far are drawn by actual futa artists (non korean) drawing the new hot thing with cocks for likes and subscription bux. nothing unusual.
she takes dick extremely well too, because idk what she needs two for
>claim to like females
>add cocks, the symbol of masculinity, on all of them
Why are futafags like this
closeted homos
my dick has been unreasonably hard for kohane for 3 days now
lmao this is how koreans enjoy the meme right now
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you were right
i didn't want to know
which kv is the tightest
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Koito, obviously
How can sensei ever recover
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Sensei's a slut
>persona of the main writer is a tagame gengoro meme
yeah now you know why this happens
there are a lot of things that will kill this game before futa
I want to know more about the motorcycle girl from the promo poster. What's her name?
They haven't revealed it yet
She's a mob
I thought they were supposed to be smart, futa isn't a deterrent and is actually. a bonus to some people. Dumb ass gooks stepping up to bat for a big corporation.
I guess it's one of the problems with making the halos so generic, you can't differentiate the mobs from the actual characters
>an actual futa gacha game
Finally, was getting so tired of FGO and their soft futa
hate clouds one's judgment
yeah they really hated this game for betrayal shit and sabotaging BA
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not really. they actually made the halos harder to draw.
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how can koreans be this fucking retarded. using futa to make a game fail? are you shitting me? thats a sure fire way to make the game popular with artists.

hell it's already fucking happening.
why is this place so fast
stop drawing
stop reposting art
stop discussing
you heathens
You think people are going to care about this? Artists are already drawing Kaoru's sword hilt wrong
Is this artist retarded?
>female sensei
>”sensei” and new girl swap places between panels
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Literally what's happening. They're so bad at this.
If you don't like futa you're a seethint gookincel.
jerk you off
you know how some people hate futa right?
then they would sure think "futa-ridden franchise=giga failure"

they just wanted this game to be a "giga failure"
>yuri is for trannies and faggots
>"girls" with dicks are okay though
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>Futa is actually a good thing
I can't even tell who's shitposting who anymore
Just nuke this shithole already, it's only going to get worse
Don't make new ones until December
searching the games name with the futa tag only brings up 13 pics with 6 of them being poorly drawn ms paint dinosaur transformations, that isn't futa fans going out fall force.
>General for a game that won't be out for at least 3 years
It's everyone. Everyone is shitposting here.
I like futa ironically
Hence I fap to it ironically
based ironic futa fapper
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Exactly. The subject matter was s still terrible but at least now it looks the way it should.
futa is based but is should remain niche within any fandom or else the fanbase ends up like like touhous.
straight>futa on female>yuri>garbage>futa on futa=futa on male
shame 99% of futa is the latter two types
What’s actually a shame is people liking futashit at all, but I digress.
What's happening?
I'd suck Farfie's dick if he was a futa
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tfw /kvg/ dying = /kvg/ going back to /bag/, but this time loaded with futa values
I agree
this >>493135056
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I want to be fucked by Itokonoue's massive futa cock so badly
Who has the smallest cock? I bet it's the red one
I’m sure you do, troon.
red one is made for sph and domination loss
smallest girl always has the biggest one, hasn't futabu taught you anything?
smuggest is usually the smallest
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should be this one
t. anime pro
You jest but this isn't just gooks
American TF2fags did exactly the same against a known cheating bot hoster... Making gay sfm porn of his OC...
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>precognitive powers
>can see me laughing at her small penis before she even drops her panties
It's such an ironic drama like
>futa is so bad i fucking hate futa especially in my game BA
>I fucking hate Project KV too because it shamelessly copied BA and they betrayed and sabotaged BA for project kV

>hey what if we force futa memes on KV to make it shittier than ever?
>yeah let's do that since they will never recover from this

So, yeah, ironic shitposting to ruin KV ironically called for futa arts.
did it work? at least I see less bots now and Valve is also working on them
Oh how the mighty have fallen
The crazy thing is this bunch of creatives don't have nearly as much success as a nasu or kojima to even warrant such an ego. They got one hit and suddenly it's "story by isakusan" and that was Vol F.
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Is that it?
take your meds
It's pretty funny how all of the shitting on Isakusan stopped immediately after they found a new shitposting angle
lol am I wrong?
No, there are less bots because Valve actually started banning them.
The objective of the gay porn was to harass him enough to make him stop hosting bots (which didn't work, obviously).
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aw shit
A BA doujin artist got in trouble in Korea for an Alice porn in a gook con
So of course not
An attempt at a Toki expy that fails to capture the essence of the character.
In fact, it misses so much I'm hesitant to even classify her as a Toi expy and might not even meant to be one. Just reusing faces I guess.
Why is DynamisOne sabotaging itself?
It's actually just a Nexon plan to boost the attention of BA, there was never any Project KV
The futa craze is going to spread to blue archive kek
Isakusan is already working in Project FV as we speak
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Oh god Kaoru's giant futa cock
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the gooks have no idea what they have started
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That one was amazing though.
I always knew Reddit was retarded, but they reached a new low there.
Was he right or wrong about this? Never got into TF2.
are you saying Korean KV futa memes predate https://x.com/C_Usui_r18/status/1830831915349557667?
1 book doesn't make a trend
If you think futa is fucked up, wait till you see https://exhentai.org/g/2639202/390ae5b9a4/ https://exhentai.org/g/2780266/2c5bca9b02/ https://exhentai.org/g/3036449/9e9f09b8f1/
Unrelated but being able to draw nicely isn't a talent, you could learn it too if you were willing to put the time
Kind of want it to happen now with how petty kimchiniggers are being about this whole thing. NTR futa soon.
>All the girls are futa which is how they reproduce
>Shishou is a normal female
Your response?
Granblue Fantasy
I'd be fine with this, I play feMC h-games. The girls would still be usual cute girls outside of sex scenes and in sex scenes the MC still fills the role of cute girl.
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>can't engage in defensive shitposting
>you have to lay down and take like a lil bitch
wrong neighborhood sensei
>I play feMC h-games
Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltear Mamotta Ningentachi Ni Uragirarete is my favorite one
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dudes be saying she lookks like taiga, but coitus gives me more of an Eris vibe
Where's the cock?
>No bulge
defensive shitposting in your own "gen". Cool approach.
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so this is the futa dinosaur fucker
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I'm in the middle of that one (well, I'm stalled in it). I don't like the hag and was happy when the hag route diverted into the ojou-sama route and had her work at the club, but it ended up focusing on her dad's employee instead of her actually working there, so I was disappointed.
Their previous VN was good though. Looking forward to their new VN that's this month or next but it seems super linear and presumably shorter. Should still be fine.
forgot link
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Peak mental illness
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poster I was replying to talked about kv futa spreading to BA, which I am 100% in favor of
let our girls have a little fun with the archives
how old are you? my default assumption is it's just a boomer vs zoomer thing
What are you talking about?
Pretty much this.
I'm sure you could share the most obvious copy of Haruhi on twitter and zoomers wouldn't be able to recognize her.
to be fair, if you only watched toradora when it aired and then mushoku tensei now you'd be more likely to associate koito with eris, since it's a closer match in looks and is more recent too
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Whoa, watch out guys. We got some "prehistoric gamers" here. They watched toradora
if you only *watched* it sure
if you were part of anime communities talking about it and read doujins and so on you'd have a much stronger impression of it than isekai #428
You've been crying for 3 days in this thread alone now. Move on.
What the fuck is with all this futa posting?
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>unironically defending futa
Maybe it's for the best that you faggot didn't come back to /bag/, this is so embarrassing
Faggots posting.
Eris, has a more similar colour scheme. That's it. Everything else is literally Taiga.
It's just recency bias.

I can't "come back" to a place I've never been part of. You can enjoy your toy gun game with an ED protagonist while I enjoy kino samurai battles and clothing damage.
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gooks mad
lmao you retarded anon. I know that you feel proud of being in some discord anime server but that's not a need for me to enjoy the taiga doujins. koito legit looks more like eris, you are free to disagree. But you really took a retarded angle on the disagreement
Why will I leave. I'm here for KV discussion. Just waiting for some. Anytime now.
and futa
that you decided that meant some discord server instead of fucking 4chan basically confirms the zoomer hypothesis, thanks
Holy shit....
>I'm just here to discus! I'm not seething at all! :))))
KV has been confirmed to be a futage with a feMC.
a KV fan that isn't also a BA fan? Lmao, what even is there to latch on to? Talk about being a blind fanboy.
especially the futa
by the way, for anyone interested here's the hifumi pack I nabbed while visiting the gooks: https://files.catbox.moe/aff5pe.zip
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Oh shit, I am sorry anon. You meant le epic underground 4channel board /a/. You are are a true boomboom. I kneel before you. Toradora is so oldschool! I don't think any anime can predate it
putting a lot of words in my mouth there lil sis
These are h0y0posters aren't they
imma start putting inches if you don't wipe the smugness off your keystrokes
since they are hung up on "zoomer" boomer" terminology, no doubt
>mushoku tensei
That explains why I don't know it, dropped that garbage 2 chapters in and never looked back
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I just hope a mod kills us soon.
Cute Asuna.
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What is with people posting in a thread they want to die? Do they not know how this website works?
If you're a KV anti just let it fall off the board instead of propping it up with "this thread should die" posts.
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you don't understand, zoomers MUST share their point of view, it's crucial in the shaping of the world
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>These two characters look alike
Where else would I shitpost about KV if not it's general?
You could just not shitpost at all
But anon, both are red!
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I guess her standard hair is not too similar. recalled the bed scene and made the association. the face itself is pretty close however.
Oh and also the white tights as well, is something they both wear. I will stop now before the other anon that takes great pride in his age and his extensive experience in "old" media
>mushoku zoomers
Nice thread /kvg/fags
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i'm taking collateral damage from you calling toradora ancient
I love Eris, but I see Taiga more than her
at least we don't have limbabs here
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you are so fucking sensitive lol
fair enough
Say that to this nigger >>493155105
at least there's no zenaposter nor seiaposter here
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>You are a zoomer
>You are sensetive
Okay bro, chill out. Whatever I did to you, I'm sorry
She is definitely a Taiga expy.
>shorter than her peers
>School uniform
>"Strongest" archetype
>Bandaid on face
>Yankee/Buchou vibe

That's not even going into the visual/artstyle similarities.
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Both of you are pathetic
Nta but there is no /kvg/ without shitposting
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Did she also suck her raging erection to completion at the same time?
that's phase 2
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All of them should be naked if their clothes constantly get so shredded
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>I leave the general for 1 day
>It's full of futafags now
What the fuck happened here?
gooks decided to be honest about their homosexuality and set aside their hatred for kv
Really curious about the setting and source of conflict
Surely it's not just literally Kivotos again right, with just as much of a GTA vibe and everyone having katana because they'll get ganked by sukeban if they don't, except it doesn't matter if you're ganked because you don't actually get hurt anyway
gooks mad
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The game better be good...
>hate something
>attack it with porn
Porn addiction is a blight and it's so normalized people don't realize how much brainrot it creates.
Just kimchi things.
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AI songs incoming
watch it be something really cliche like x students have the greatest katanas of all times and now kohane is set on climbing her way up the katana ranks to get one/all
Raid by /u/ niggers and unironic Cuckreans, I know understand why their woman prefer to fuck shitskins and fat wiggers
I like yuri but I have futa so don't rope me in with those subhumans
With the headbands and everything
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same for /u/
imagine thinking women can be truly satisfied without cock
There's no difference between yuri and futa
If you like one you like the other
that's why our students need cocks themselves
just use shishou's cock
Shishou doesn't have a cock.
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yes I do its right here
that only applies for gooks, you aren't one, right?
The MC in this game is female, sorry chudcel.
I mean, I would enjoy watching Kohane grow as she fights stronger and stronger opponents, more than I enjoy BA where characters are always exactly as strong as they were when the story started. The only exception is Terror which only one character has had happen(Shiroko Terror was Terror from the start) and it got Doesn't Counted and honestly didn't even seem that impressive anyway.
Obviously isakusan wrote that chapter but it's possible he was told he's not allowed to make it permanent in case it hurts her popularity.
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Sorry, park
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can't wait to see them
d1 better embrace the will of the people and give us canon sizes
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>Day 1: Announcement
>Day 2: Apology
>Day 3 Nothing(bonus futa flood)
So are you guys speedruning eos or...?
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shishou-kun is so cute~
Lesbian conversion is the best tag
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Nice reruns and shitty alts seiabro. Any exciting NEW student recently?
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We got art today, they can't reveal a new character every day until December.
Gonna rape the girl on the right on day1
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Shut up, slut.
I don't hate Abydos but this definitely seems like a more interesting main girl group. Feels like they would fit in Kunoichi Tsubaki.
We know literally nothing about them
It looks better for the contrast with her mega pale skin
like >>493165737 said, but the onsen setting makes for much better opportunities
No, it doesn't, its shit.
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It's over for BA.
Racists and anti-futa bigots are NOT welcome here. Go back to /bag/.
>Kunoichi Tsubaki
based beyond belief
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Based, I let Africans fuck my wife for the contrast too
This isn't true, we know about Kohane. Character designs also tell us about the character, a picture is worth a thousand words etc.
Korea speaks
"I like hot springs" isn't really a very interesting character personality
are the gooks gonna start spamming blacked porn hoping we don't like that too?
Like, Ayane Serika and Nonomi are all exactly the kind of character you would expect them to be based on their character design.
okay I will simply start making kohane porn to fight back.
i need that girl like I need air
That's Okinawan
i think koreans like black sensei porn so it won't happen
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taiga my wife...
i read some of their threads and the next thing on their list is furry porn as they hate furries
some of them were hoping for kemomimi characters so they can start the fire

saw they call wukong a furry game too
We need a momoi before more black skin gets posted
Go back to /bag/ bigot, we love black men here
say it in a less korean way
Don't fall for the ntrnigger psyop
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Let's be honest, they won't show any gameplay for at least 4 more months, there's no point in having a general now.
I hate dedloration with handholding. Please don't make art of the KV girls with defloration and handholding.
is yutokamizu still with BA?
or he quit?
We already got the only people that matter so who care?
He isn't listed on anything KV so far.
Technically mx2j and doremi didn't leave either but they're listed as KV staff sooo.
sorry but what is this? i been playing elden ring and just came out of the cave
but he designed the rabbits so he is the most important
>Technically mx2j and doremi didn't leave either but they're listed as KV staff sooo.
You mean they're involved in a doujin circle that has nothing to do with the company, right? Surely they wouldn't lie and really be releasing a company's promotional material out of an independent booth at c105, right?
A passion project that is surrounded by drama because it is being worked on by a lot of the creative talent behind BA and gooks are freaking about it because they want to keep drinking nexon corpo cum through BA and call this whole thing a betrayal. That's the short summary. Nothing actually has been made yet though. potentially a VN by the end of this year but we will see.
koreans love drama so much they think the making of a game itself should be dramatic too
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its always them or the chinase...can't have nice shit because there is no one nice out there
nice 1
Wait did they really reveal nothing today? Maybe that guy who said they already showed off everything they had was right
How much are you expecting from a group that managed to fuck up a Comiket registration?
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I hope its a cute sol story
>paid artists clearly have access to info on kohane's dormmates
>we have not been shown that info yet
>"surely they've showed off everything they have" - /bag/gots seething about the devs not sticking with BA until they retire
If there isn't enough gookart like this for project kv to fill an entire thread, it's dead on arrival
So why did they reveal it this early if they don't want to show the info yet?
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Only he can save project KV
They're giving us one thing a day. Today we got new art. But you already know this because this is the fifth time you've made the same shitpost.
did he save limbus company yet
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When will they work on an actual game instead of another shitty gacha?
I need more Ruinakino
Don't you know that if you want to realize your true vision you can only make a mobile gacha game?
Honestly I'm fine with it if it allows them to have more time to cook more kino, development cycles are crazy expensive now especially prolonged ones
I fucking hate Granblue the gacha but the one thing I will credit FKHR for is that he made some real ass video games out of the IP, not the shitty cashgrab kind of game most gacha get.
Project Troon fanbase is the complete opposite of the type of fanbase KV is trying to appeal to.
Too small
I don't want art I want news. I want to know how long it will be before we can expect anything, I want to know how much of the project might be ready so we can have a general estimate of when we'll see the game, I want to know more about the setting, etc.
need character introduction for genki blonde dual wielding loli so people start drawing art of her
That's the one thing I am hesitant about KV. I'd rather it not be a gacha but that seems extremely unlikely. Especially when gacha is usually the comparatively "easy" ticket to fund everything else. Cygames being example #1.
you're going to get paid artists and like it
>one thing
lol. lmao.
We already know how long it will be before we can expect anything, December. We're not going to know "how much of the project is ready" before the VN drops so you can stop thinking about the game at all until then.
Shishou and koito
I hope the stupid gooks meme futa, blacked and ntr into the game. BA played it way too safe with the fetishes.
Porn being illegal really did things to you, huh, kim
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>futa art from the sword fighting pun
I will now play your game
Wait what? I thought we were all on board the futa train?
Whoever started the memes should neck themselves
kimchi samsung?
now that everyone knows there's such high demand among the fighting schoolgirl gacha audience i hope we start getting ba futa art too
It already does though. Just that it doesn't have a spotlight so there's no meme around it.
If you want some vanilla fag game like BA just say so. Not me though.
buldak pyongyang
your favorite dorm?
not gryffindor
>blank canvas
But it isn't blank, it has a landscape and style. So what if that landscape is the same as his last painting to the point it looks like a copy paste?
Well we have three girls from onsen and only one from the others so...
Onmyou dorm could've been good but the first girl they showed is not appealing
I just need the girls to paint their pussy juice on my cock
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you mean their cock juice
hahaha. glad we finally agree
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He's done with grub
His schedule is clear for one more game
Man this is just /kvg/ - Gacha Drama General
Lmao, this really is the shitposting general huh?
shitposting site
project futanari
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not like it's exclusive to here
but /gbfg/ is just a BA colony and gacha war battlefield anyway
what does /gbfg/ got to do with anything? I don't go there
it has to do with the claim this is a gacha drama/shitposting general when it's some retard spamming the same thing all over the place
It's honestly impressive how KR is pretty much the only community throwing a ginormous shitfit tantrum over all of this
Makes you wonder what the hell went wrong with that country
Actual JP / EN communities meanwhile are majority supportive of Project KV by contrast
errr ok. I still don't get what your image is supposed to convey but ok sure.
they are mostly BA fans who think they ruined BA and secretly afraid that KV will bring the EoS of BA
not a drama general btw
just checked /bag/, have they even found out about this game yet?
Doremi retweeted https://x.com/nako775_/status/1831271088220930381 so I really don't think he has any hard feelings toward BA (also since he still has Alice as his pinned tweet)
Pretty sure it was just creative differences.
Yeah? This entire thing started on bag
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Wish the gookeks started drawing ntr instead of futa
>still hasn't announced what it is yet
match 3 incoming
Errr... Don't know where you have been looking. But everywhere I have read about KV has been neutral at best. Everyone seems kinda deflated over the whole situation to put it lightly.
>Creative differences
You ppl need a history lesson.
I mean when they just show a video flashing characters and places people don't know how hyped can you be?
nexon was soul with their original 4 mmos but after that it's just a clown factory
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Well yeah. So I don't get the "everyone is supportive of KV!" thing is coming from. Don't go to the youtube comments if you wanna remain positive.
Fuck those micropenis fuckfaces, may this game or whatever lead by Korean Ken-samas sell gangbusters while they all hang themselves for a corporation.
Yeah ultimately it's like. "The girls are cute and I like the Japanese setting with swords, hope it turns out good". There's not much more for someone to tweet positively about.
Meanwhile there are a lot of tweets about traitors or whatever.
But ultimately nothing matters that much until the VN actually releases and we get a better idea of what to expect from the setting.
But it's by HIM, don't you see HIS name on the box?! Now clap!
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Sooo... Why is this gen hyped again?
Oh and appreciating it being lewd so far
God I want to suck her cock
why does kaoru look like she is suffering Tuberculosis
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I'm interested and hopeful, not hyped. I don't think anyone is hyped.
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It's such a shame Anonymous killed himself with 12 self-inflicted gunshot wounds to the back
project rx will kill project kv
This place is for shitposting
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All this futaposting will eventually manifest itself into something real.

>Project KV becomes Project Gock
project f91 > project rx
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onsen for kohane
They should have kept mx2j in BA so I wouldn't have to see all this hag spam.
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what the fuck is RX
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They're acting like histrionic, entitled basement dwellers but they're not wrong KV being a thing implies BA being absolutely gutted in the upcoming years. Losing your original team and having NEXON take over is just, like no fucking shit BA is done.
Nigga dorontabi bought several gb of child gravure off darkweb most loli artists uses 3d models or just learned the fucking ANATOMY
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>dorontabi bought several gb of child gravure off darkweb
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I seriously want to know where all these braindead retards are coming from who don't understand what nexon is as a corporation. Everything they touch turns to shit yet you have so many people going surprise pikachu face when nexon reveals themselves to be yet again a dogshit company that treats their employees like human trash.
"creative differences" fucking lmao, either underage or just a dumbfuck who's been asleep for the past 20 years
all these images look the same bro
Okay and?
The assigned model number of all major Gundams in the early parts of the Universal Century until the company developing those Gundams got too jewish so the earth millitary branched out to other companies to develop other Gundams with their own different model numbers.
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Imagine seething about Nexon for two decades because you lost a sauna robe to a 30% scroll
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You mean the YouTube comments being brigaded by the same butthurt gaggle of kooks with a side of MTL engrish and Japanese?
Look at actual EN / JP communities not infested by KR nonsense and you'll see far more people looking forward to KV. The huge amount of fanart it's getting from JP artists already alone speaks volumes more than any ineffectual copypasted schizo rants from a bunch of microdicked crybabies simping for nexon instead of the people who actually made all the stuff they cared for
Probably just because the Nexon team involved with BA hasn't done anything too obvious to sabotage it. Combined with incentives data being public and it's easy to pretend that they were being paid and treated well but were ungrateful. Entitlement usually doesn't result in so many critical people leaving for something high risk, so difficult to envision just how badly Nexon fucked up by failing to retain them.
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>MTL engrish and Japanese
Damn, didn't know they were Dynamis One employees
What killed the hype?
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HUGE amount
Well like you said about them all leaving at the same time, I'd say that mere fact is itself a giant warning sign that nexon, yet again, for the nth time in its decades long history of fucking up, has indeed fucked up once more. But people have brainworms and would rather defend garbage corporations because they're addicted to some shitty gacha game.
For a game with less than a minute’s worth of marketing that’s a lot.
Project KV isn't even fucking out yet and it already has close to 10% of BA's total art numbers after nearly 1 year of BA existince since official release
Like, my guy, the vast majority of games much less the vast majority of anime today would kill to have these numbers
it has these piss numbers living off of BA's fame lmao
kaoru won
kohane won
koito won
ayo lost.......
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>has barely existed for less than a week as an announcement teaser
>already has hundreds of fanart made of it
You sound like a butthurt BAfaggot to unironically think this is a bad thing lmao, tell me honestly, does pic related make you shit and piss with rage?
fuck I love pubes so much thank you for posting this one bro
I'm curious to see, what makes you interested in Project KV? The only real reason I could see is Isakusan's name but all he's wrote is part of, as you, said shitty gacha game
whoops ayo is the name of the artist for >>493111795
i couldn't even be bothered to memorize her name
>If you state that KV is nothing but a lazy BA clone you're Nexon dickrider
lmao, even
nta but the girls are cute
>I don't care about KV I just hate Nexon
This general really does just exist for no reason
Wouldn't be surprised if a lot of JP was ready to put BA on the backburner after getting enough closure from Vol F and the end of V1. No clue what they were waiting for with holding back Seia and Rio though. They may have some emergency button characters but it doesn't hit the same if the main story quality is screwed.
Didn't they say V1C3 sucked?
The same things that made BA interesting which is the art, the aesthetics, the storytelling, from the same people that made BA interesting, except now unrestrained from nexshit's grasp.
You need to get it out of your head that nexshit had anything to do with the heart and soul of what made BA appealing to anyone, the guys who made BA a success did so in spite of nexshit, not because of nexon and their insane corporate and monetization policies unrelated to all of that.

Look, I'm not dumb enough to think that KV will be immune from being a shitty gacha game mechanically but with nexshit, it's a guarantee that it'll be bad. With KV it has a chance of being even better without such a negative influence
Lol why does this have a general.

Anyway, I'm okay with BA dying as long as we can import Asuna, Wakamo, Nonomi, Hanako, and Rio.
I thought Nexon was just the publisher?
If both Seia and Rio are emergency buttons, then they should think about pressing them right now.
Yeah and who do you think wrote that?
Look, all corporations are evil and bad. Creators, writers, and artist can do no wrong
Initial reception to it was fine. Even if they found issues with it later, it ended with some finality. Don't see a lot of threads left to follow up on, it'd be contrived as fuck if they tried. BA desperately needs some new likeable characters to stay relevant.
BA hasnt even been good for more than a year anyway, it dying is not a huge loss. People just have sunk cost so they feel the need to lash out and go "omg fuck u BA is dying!!!" which is like, yeah who cares dumbfuck, have you seen the state of BA recently? A few new KV characters people know nothing about yet is already infinitely more interesting than all the combined slop BA has been shitting out for the past year
Why? KV isn’t out for another 3 years at the very minimum.
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You see everyone needs to drop BA now because... They just do okay
Are you retarded? Who do you think is supplying those slop for the past year?
retarded strawman argument, but you already knew that.
I'm just waiting for Churro, Seia and Kisaki to become playable.
So this is just an anti-BA thread
>Who do you think is supplying those slop for the past year?
Considering nexon ultimately owns BA, it's ultimately their responsibility. And they can't even course-correct BA with all the vast resources and labor at their disposal.
But this level of nexon incompetence has been known to anyone who isn't a total newfaggot. It's like placing your trust in fucking konami to think otherwise.
When the futaniggers are here it’s an anti-KV thread.
What makes you say that? Is it that most discussion here is about BA instead of Project KV?
I have /bag/ open in a neighboring tab thoughever
Oh fucking please imagine thinking the fucking creative director isn’t the one responsible for that ESPECIALLY with the fact that the ever present Hina and Hoshino wank still present which they seem to love. Nexon being a shitty company is true but thinking they’re the one responsible for the release of characters is ludicrous especially when they have to work closely with Yostar for merch and brand deal to advertise in Japan.
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It can be a project KV thread without incident so as long as worthless /bag/cucks like you stop insisting on shitting up the place with offtopic garbage.
Nobody mentioned /bag/ until you
>content drought
>NPC helldom
>chinese/2chan shitposters
>dev drama
all started with the anime btw
OK, I won't stop you from continuing to suck nexon cock if that's your perogative with choosing to ignore exactly how nexon is responsible. Hell, suck konami's cock too while you're at it.
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No one gives a fuck about being anti-BA or pro-BA in a fucking project kv thread except /bag/gots who concern themselves with this useless shit. Expose yourself less harder next time.
>Anyone who calls out my metaposting is the same person
Take your meds
I didn’t do that but sure. Imagine thinking someone in a company especially in one of the highest position is free from responsibility from all of this. I guess I can just be hired for a high position and do jackshit and it wouldn’t be my fault since I’m not a company lol
I bet you actually think BA will suddenly rebound now that all their foundational staff is gone and nexon is now fully at the helm lol
I literally, unironically believe the following:
>Company bad, creator good
>Normie bad, otaku good
>Korea bad, Japan good

That's why I'm supporting Project KV and there's nothing Nexonfags, BAfags, and Koreans can do about it.
But koreans are making project KV
I self-identify as a radical centrist. I'll supoort anyone at any time when they deliver content that is of interest to me.
should be in the OP for all threads going forward
They are weebs and they hate Korea and Nexon's Korean company culture.

They can speak Japanese, draw in a Japanese art style, and have a doujin booth at Comiket. There new game is about Japanese girls in fantasy Japan wielding Japanese swords. They are honorary Japanese.


Honorary. Japanese.
>speak japanese
Better than you, EOP
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don't forget they also believe korean pleasure slaves were based
>They can speak Japanese
Now that is fun bait
>no localizers
>no PR rep
>no comiket booth because they can't read japanese
>They can speak Japanese
A true underdog story
Abydos Taskforce is Dynamis One and Hoshino is Pikachuman.
They successfully applied for a comiket booth, manage a Japanese language twitter account, and even write letters in Japanese.

Yeah, their skills are not perfect, but they're still smarter than you. And they have the courage to study, fail, and learn from the experience.

Meanwhile you're on here talking shit about creators who are literal gods compared to you. Go suck more Nexon dick and buy more Pyroxene. Oh wait, you just lost the core of your game's staff lol.
Is Yostar picking this game up? Feel like all the cool merch is coming from their side.
>They can speak Japanese
There's no game yet
>Successfully applied to Comiket
>They can speak Japanese
Genuinely don't get why people get hyped for any kind of anime adaptation of gachashit (Not just BA). It's always cheapest bidder slop that gets trashed by everyone.
Meh, let be honest. They fumble a bit, but it's not the end of it.

The best we can do is wait for a story or introduction and see how close the plot will be with BA (the second shitstorm).
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Thanks for the baking but you don't need to post the link of an utterly irrelevant mindless shithole zoo next time. (n*mu wiki)
this game will be full r18 yostar won't pick
fanza and steam will be its only publisher
I remember when some people tried to push this as some 'neonazi white power' symbol kek
You aren't fooling anyone here. Fuck off to /bag/ where your ilk belong
I think the chance isn't slim. At least it can invest in the project just like it did to Hypergryph.
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>So this thread is just for hating /bag/
>So this is just a drama thread
>This thread shouldn't exist
Bitch maybe you shouldn't exist if you're not gonna post KV
>Still randomly bringing up /bag/
Take your meds
you know now that I have time I should really play senran kagura
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>if you are interested in this game similar to Blue Archive made by people who worked on Blue Archive then you must hate Blue Archive!
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There's nothing to post about for KV, so this is the shitpost thread until there is something to post about.
>just remember senran se7en never ever
what I still don't understand is why Koreans immediately jumped to sabotage accusations by the dev team who walked out
They know more than anyone else that nexon is trash so why suddenly so many bleeding hearts defending nexon's honor by dragging project kv through the mud? The only thing I can think of is that they got manipulated by some KR grifters posting sources they chose to believe in because you don't see this shit elsewhere, it's only kr
>what I still don't understand is why Koreans immediately jumped to sabotage accusations by the dev team who walked out
It probably comes from the doujin circle name. But among the big three names, you can only build somewhat of a case for mx2j.
>post KV
Theres like 2 dozens worth of official illustrations and 2 pvs with one being solely made up of text and another a powerpoint presentation?
Okay? Post about what interests you from the illustrations or PVs, the text, the powerpoint presentation, the desriptions on the website, etc.
If you get nothing out of that then you can fuck off to wherever you came from. You don't need to post in a general where literally nothing is interesting to you!
Why don't you take your own advice instead of metaposting?
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Did BA devs ran here to escape from feminist censorship and have bikinis? BA's sale on summer tanked hardly for 2 years for lack of bikinis and only having rashguards and one pieces.
>the guys raging for weeks before the circle got announced would've calmed down had the name been something different
yeah... it makes sense that an unironic nexon bootlicker would be braindead enough to believe that
I do all the fucking time dumb bitch.
You can still fit some trash here
Just push down a little
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>suddenly big "swords"
managing both BA and KV would be a shitshow and you know it
I don’t understand this image
No you don't. You only know howto metapost.
>responding seriously to bikini schizo
strong correan ip has to be mangled before its masters
Everything that was there to discuss was already talked to hell and back, even the limpest of 'dramas' and 'concerns' thats why this place got littered with the troll among other things, until we get something like the "totally unrelated to the studio" vn or a beta of the game there wont be much worthwhile discussion, only endless baiting and shitflinging

Tldr making a general this early in a games development cycle is a mistake
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Masters? Y'meant for feminist overlords?
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Boo nigga
I ain't the original poster of that image, but US,CN and JP are looking real smug in front of the kneeling KR
Which of the onsen girls do you like the design of the most? What does the blonde girl choosing to dual wield tell us about her as a person? Are there any dorm concepts not shown yet that you think would be cool? Do you think there should be external enemies like Gematria/Deca or should it mostly stick to students fighting students? Do you have literally any fucking imagination at all?
For Korea getting bikinis banned by feminists. Spite China shall be changed to EU. And president's face should changed into president Yun or Shin Chang sop(maplestory dircector who normalizes maple)
Nobody cares lil nigga, pack it up
the bikini schizo, if that's not you, keeps saying that they banned bikinis
but in concrete terms, what laws or measures has the korean gov or regulatory bodies have taken to do so?
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GKmas lost... for having not even one pieced swimsuits and only having rashguards and shirts as swimsuits due to DEI initative, spite only Japanese gacha can have bikinis while Korean gachas cannot. I thought GKmas as Korean gacha for having burkas as swimsuits.
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Acheong law by female and family ministry. That's why DFO didn't got bikinis since neo awakening. Maplestory lost bikinis from cashshop since adventurer renewal....
gakumas had like 10 swimsuits
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I like the supercub girl, she seems quiet and down to earth
Can't wait for musashi wank
Everyone is here!
All ugly shirts or burka parkas. No pure bikinis or one pieces.
you're gonna be a bit more specific in than that, I ain't gook so I ain't gonna find it by a nickname
even then imma pass it through google translate to read it
Considering how safe and sterile BA designs have been for the past 1-2 years due to nexon DEI intervention, I wouldn't even be surprised if that's the case. KV's official art they've been posting on the other hand has been a complete return to form to how BA used to be.
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>unironically replying to thomas
dual wielding means the girl has two dicks
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Was FD and BA from different team? FD gets bikini while BA gets burka as swimsuit. How can it happen?
eh I'm curious if the guy is right even if he himself is insane
Sad that Jap and Western weebs don't know that BA is censored by feminists sadly. Did recent weebs' brain got neutered by DEI mind? Koreans realized that BA is feminist shit.
>Which of the onsen girls do you like the design of the most?
>What does the blonde girl choosing to dual wield tell us about her as a person?
Valuing her own input more than whatever the crowds shouting and not buying into memes about dual wield being retarded
>Are there any dorm concepts not shown yet that you think would be cool?
Hime cut lady using a daisho or a odachi with a matching shorter blade like a daisho
>Do you think there should be external enemies like Gematria/Deca or should it mostly stick to students fighting students?
Dunno about should or would but the likelihood of that being the case is very high given whos involved in the project
>Do you have literally any fucking imagination at all?
Im going to rape and kill you
She does but I bet she probably loses her composure and/or gets involved in antics too. Not in the angry Ayane table flipping sense but maybe more like Mio or Umi where she's a bit choroi.
Is Korean feminist overlord DEI too?
Schizos also breathe oxygen. You should stop breathing if you're worried this much over banal death by association fallacies. Point is that he's not wrong with regards to gachas like BA playing it safe recently.
Address the actual substance of what people say for once in your life.
You wont belive but yes even Hoyoverse
they only get away with Zzz becaus its cuck coded and genshin appeals to fujos
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is swimsuit hiyori and hinata playing it safe faggot? Is that why youre too scared to reply to me? Come out of your cuck shed and face me like a man you failure
Hinata is. Who the fuck faps over one pieced swimsuits? Need bikinis like Nikke and FGO did.
I mean yeah? Your image is an example of literally playing it safe. That shit is conservative as hell compared to what you can find in gacha games these days.
Bikinis are overused
Koreans realized this first by the term "Bali launcher" on Mihoyo. They are good at spying..
>using burka this loosely
That game by shift up, the studio which bent the knee to snoy and actually censored their magnum opus stellar break? Also fgo, lol
i like seeing girls have sex with each other but mashing pussies together doesn't look right. thus, penis.
Cocks are aesthetic
please don't make new thread
Let this "general" die
Nikke is so cucked out either way the story is just about you licking the boot of your superiors.
While the swimsuits in it mean nothing if the main story is that cucked out
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Is FGO not coomer friendly either? They never censor swimsuits for body type B sabas. Dobryna's NP is hot in bikini.
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No the fuck you didn't just call females "body type b"
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>That shit is conservative as hell compared to what you can find in gacha games these days.
Most big gachas are chinkslop which is censored to hell because its chinese, so unless youre referring to something thats super niche or was a thing 10 years ago youre wrong and think that midriff not being exposed is somehow 'dei feminist meddling'
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Because Takeru, Nobu, Tolfo exists. And french enby knight too.
>Is FGO not coomer friendly either?
I guess its the most friendly one considering it appeals to netorare enthusiasts
Mihoyo devs are revealed to be feminists tho. By Korean chuds, since Hoyo poaches some Korean devs. Bali launcher is term for mocking Mihoyo.
Not my fault you've been living under a rock and haven't heard of a little thing called azur lane. They were able to get away with so much shit and that was with the literal CCP government breathing down their necks. BA has zero excuse other than the suits being pussies and encouraging censorship to appease a bunch of nobodies
Yeah. Does China have feminists too? They have low female population due to 1 child policy. Mihoyo seems infamous for feminists.
not a shitpost general btw
Azur lane doesn't have underage characters
you joking, right?
netorare is the most normie jap friendly fetish
you think they can work the hours they do with stay at home wives while not being at peace with the idea that countless men pass through their houses?
Holy shit this person knowsn.
It appeals to netorare and netori both.
I hate it so much lol
Never understood the simping for Nikke shit when AL does it better and doesn't pull back to appease normoids.
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AL is too expired to appeal to anyone now
they should reboot it with a story or something and it would kill the market
As a snowbro players yes it does we litterly had mutiple one trying to sobotage the devs and the game after it started to appealing to player harem fantasy
We litterly had one stealing cake and other one drawing secret marks for anniverssery as a "secret about male character for the girlies"
>The only thing he could muster up is 3 gachas, two of which are going down the drain and other is made by a censor studio
Wow what a norm kill yourself
Because AL's story is nonexistent as is the development of most of the girls
The problem is i cant launch azura lane on pc Nikke is to cucked out for me and has to much of a schizo setting with game trying to appeal to player while the story makes mc a cuck
you ought to be able play anything on pc with an android emulator, are you not?
>d-doesnt count, that goes against my narrative!
Clowns like you would be funnier if you weren't also so pathetic at the same time
this remains unanswered...
It does count except its not the majority or the norm, like youve implied before, go cry about korean games not being allowed to have bikinis somewhere else emasculated gook faggot
hey the trash is overflowing
empty it and put a new bag in
Wow guess you really have zero faith in BA if your answer is that it should be like the majority of censored garbage instead of the niche, based studios that gave the middle finger to normalfags
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yes. this is the general for those who loved story with stakes, yuri, and
>literal CCP government breathing down their necks
CCP censor department are a bunch of fucking boomers. They wouldn't be targetting Azur Lane without any reporting and currently Snowbreak is more popular on the masses especially for the CN roasties that keep reporting lewd female characters right now compared to AL. AK CN faggots are too busy fighting with Homoverse faggots now to care about AL
Not only do you keep twisting my words but you also keep ignoring hiyori and grasping at straws by saying that a one piece swimsuit with a huge cleavage is somehow 'playing it safe' and 'feminist censoring' but also somehow implied that something which has tons of fanworks made continously is developed by a 'based niche studio'
Hop off a roof
sHiyori is nice
but what the fuck is with the Atsuko diaper and calling sSaori's literally ordinary outfit a """"""""swimsuit""""""""?
sHiyori is the exception that doesn't prove the rule. It doesn't change the fact that BA has 99% stuck to safe and sterile designs for years now.
>calling sSaori's literally ordinary outfit a """"""""swimsuit""""""""?
ill admit this was a terrible move on their part, fuck whoever decided to call that a swimsuit
The sole exception in question
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Is it finally over?
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It was a fun ride
hifumi sex
not until we have a poster taste their own cum because of /kvg/
Post disciple cock sizes
This is on topic
>/kvg/ - Schizoing over other gachas general
non fantasy sizes:
Kohane:17cm - country girls ought to be bigger than average
Koito:22cm - biggest
Kaoru:18cm - big to match her looks
Rei:12cm - smug city futa is made for small penis humiliation
The only good post in this thread.
No it isn't, tranny.

Fuck off.
No, I don't think I will :)
young cock is best when its ripe
File: GWo2Suab0AA2VZ2.jpg (73 KB, 584x900)
73 KB
QT Kohane
She's Shana

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