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Modding Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul >>492840928

Previous: >>493154302
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Pick your onahole
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This thread shall be blessed by the Matron and only contain good and entertaining posts.
>Who is paying $30 for 'moonie' Macchi Ato's bath water?
it's me
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femra love
me? i call my himcess queen "babe"

She's not in here for some reason...
>nta but genuinely what's the point of pausing a pair? is there a limit to how many people you can be paired with?
Because I don't like looking at their ugly mods.
xivg is trying to cancel grey moonies… they’re trying to oppress us. is this true?
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>my femlala wasn't included in the onahole competition

maybe i am a hag after all
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Blacklisting everyone in this den of pedophilia.
Seryused goods Meryphilia Mordigian
How many (You)s is the equivalent of a /pet
is it me?
Ryne and Gaia sure look different from what I remember.
>xivg is full of weebs who still watch their anime with ENG subtitles
>they shit on ENG dub
>while using JP VA and ENG text
>because they can’t actually speak Japanese
Hmm curious
Glad my femlala didn't join this
Good afternoon, I love CC.
meow meow?
>uh oh, is someone calling out DT's shit writing and Kate's retarded ideology poisoning?
>quick, make bait posts about how shit JP is!
Holy seethe lmao.
I'm a pickme tranny and I want an EB
me otl
this picture is so fucking cringe and ugly
Holy cute
Posting here bc new thread
me itf
meryphilia my mexican lalahusband
QRD? I though MM was EB'd?
Is it alright if I queue for those PVP things that are posted over here sometimes or you guys expect good players only?
Hey, do you like femra that aren't +s?
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My meena looks like this
/xivg/ is the reason why I made a femlala alt to ERP with instead of ERPing on my femlala main
This happened to me earlier!
Anime fans are the worst gay nigger cancer on 4chan, twitter etc. FF14
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you said what? xivg is trying to cancel grey moonies?
Waiting for my wife pinklala to post more ass
do you like catboys
I too would like to know this.
Hey thanks!
they want noobs to queue so they can get easy kills
Anime website, tranny.
Despite the responses you might get, as long as you actually try to play the game mode instead of throwing a tantrum and afking/spamming quickchats, people don't mind you being an underperformer.
I ERP on my femlala main.
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Mines like this
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Mery is a mexican?
I like when new players queue so I can target mark them, interrupt all their LBs, farm their alliance for my Seal Rock coat, and shitpost them relentlessly in thread.
me, not my character, ME on the left
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CCC 1:00 ET
Depends on the catboy
Fuck off Wookie Feet @ Malboro
You exposed yourself being the CC schizo after someone called your WAR gameplay suboptimal
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You're a fat ugly transexual that pretends to be a little girl for random losers on 4chan. You watch anime in the hope to become one of the little girls.

>anime website
Not anymore, cry about it or just kys with a shotgun lol
we all start from somewhere
people are generally nice unless you afk or don't bind recuperate
No I just like to tease them about their lala being brown
Despite what others will tell you, you WILL be shitposted, whether here or in Discord.

Why is this guy pretending people play FL?
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phlemzen anchorposting
What kind of catboys do you like?
i dont understand this picture
Me otr or otl it doesn't really matter.
I just want to pin her down and hatefuck her until she has to go to the ER
But 3 of those are cats?
>Seething because no one is buying your drivel
i hope a sunnie forces me to eb them one day
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hello my fellow negROEs
what's popping in the hoodie?
are we keeping it corporeal?
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please post tails
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Seryu has been run through by almost every fulala who posts here
Jeb acts and looks like this
Trying too hard.
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middies should be with middies
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femra anchor? femra anchor.
I haven't been shitposted on here and I couldn't care less if people gossip about me in their private little server
me interacting with xivgers and they cold open with something sexual, expecting me to match their freak
Hurry! Confess to your lala crush before it's too late!
Consider it a huge blessing
may i plap
>you WILL be shitposted, whether here or in Discord.
lmao okay
claimed by hung femraen-
Why do people hate Bozja again?
Seems fun enough to me
This hrothgar is really unfunny
you really should...
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Did I get turned into a fucking meme, I love it here...
Mine kinda looks like this
And kinda acts like this...
ok what about face 2 samurai cowboy catboys
you have the wrong person
I would only use a lala as an onahole if she has massive milkers
I've had a fanta in the chamber since I started dawntrail, how are racial stocks at the moment?
There is something
I see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true
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You are now in the presence of three(3)/threo/sarasa soft laggy meenas, who have entered the thread at their own pace...
First for meenas.
>>493165172>Any time Wuk Lamat is faced with someone she personally doesn't like, violence is her go-to answer.
Flat out false. She jumps at Bakool Jaja when he's threatening to kill bird guy in Birdland and in that situation what you want her to be diplomatic about it? If that happened then you would still be here bitching "hurr durr why she trying 2 talk 2 him instead of just fight". There is literally a point in Urqopacha during the giants' quest section that she DELIBERATELY refrains from fighting. In fact, most of the first half she doesn't want to fight. SHE LITERALLY DOESN'T FIGHT ZORAAL JA WHEN HE IS FIGHTING THEIR DAD! Like bruh, I bet if I could see your post history you complain about that. It's only the second half when she starts saying "yeah I gotta kill some people..." You guys are total hypocrites and no changes to the story or character will ever be satisfactory because it'll always be handwaved away, because your reasons for disliking Wuk Lamat are not based on actual things and stuff that happen, its:
Step 1: Decide to dislike Wuk Lamat
Step 2: Come up with reasons to dislike Wuk Lamat afterwards.
Dear Hodrick,
I know you're feeling only mostly friendly these days but I'd like to become really friendly with you. You're really cool and I have fun playing the game with you.
Please notice me today.
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>mrw I cold open with something sexual and they don't match my freak
I don't have one!
they're rava- claimed
I'll destroy you
>Laggy meenas
Why would you call me out like this?
The thread was better when people were horny posting earlier instead of talking about Kate and Sena.
Yo what is goodie my gang :B
>CC schizo
I'm not even trying, but you are probably shaking and trying to think of answers to the truth bombs i just dropped on your head. If you watch anime you are a transexual freak who will die all alone and be found dead after months rotting in your mom's basement. The same goes for people who only listen to videogame OSTs btw.

imagine that fat heightbeasted BWC holy moly
I tried using some of the emotes and it crashed my game. Is it because I don't have IVCS installed? Also, why are there so many horny emotes?
kyaaaaaa mery sama is so cool...
what if we start horny posting about kate and sena
Do you like meenas
my mothers house doesnt have a basement
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what about dog boys
>The same goes for people who only listen to videogame OSTs btw.
I can’t stand these motherfuckers
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Woah I accidentally dodged a bullet, cool
>Kate deserves all of this criticism
>Not a single piece of evidence of her changing the DT script posted
no I mean like, I was adding my additional input to your post...
not asking YOU to...
you know what I mean...
Miau, I subscribed to you for sex pics, not for your opinions...
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>the aforementioned meenas
It's too late so I won't even bother

Just kidding I'm going to take credit for this post >>493166203
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My malera has an ability that makes his foes shit his pants
Fuckin tell em! I love this c@!
destroy me in bed
this is somewhat believable
>literally called nightlife
>why are there so many horny emotes
>kimono with the thigh window
oh my loooooooooooooooooooord
stop stealing malezen gimmicks
stay with your original soft faggy nonsense
What game is this?
another one joins the dark side
Poor egg in denial lashing out at his sisters
no, she's a woman
I can tell by her skin
which btw will be completely fucking red when I'm done with her
she wanted to fuck up DT, I'm gonna knock up her clammy dutch oven
I will reduce her pelvic bone to ash so she'll have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life then throw her down some stairs
Of course...
all i know is that my husband keeps telling me to drink bleach every time i consider fantaing to face 2 femra so those are either really high or really low
Are you actually having a meltdown because someone called you a dubtard?
weary traveler shit my pants
EB like this?
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post elfs
How can so many femezen be single of the race is wife-coded?
I live on my own
Pls be na
3 yous = 1 pet
1 dote = 3 pets
This >>493166581
Destroy my ass :3
Ham Rembrant, fucking kill yourself.
my femroe will level viper to 90 today
viera carrot (both genders) > catboy woober
i will not be taking questions or defending my stance
>PLD running around like an assassin with sub 30s on crystal
this doggy needs to doggystyle me
Anon, I'm obviously on EU...
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I'm a lesser known femlala on Aether. No one will confess to me, and if they do it is out of lust for my body, not because of me.
He tilts easily and then goes lol im high if you ask him if he knows what cover is
My malera has sensitive nipples
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1 embrace = infinite dotes
I hope you have fun.
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>Queue for FL Roulette
>Game is going south, but its first few minutes
>Open map and see an Alliance Member hiding in a corner
>Call them out and ask them if they are coming
>They reply with pic related
>We all start turning it around
>We turn it around
>Meanwhile he moved and started to intentionally feed
>The entire Alliance calls him out too and says to report them
>We win the game.
Fucking asshat, I understand playing for the exp but at least just play
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ooki haters have been real quiet this expac
Since you seem to genuinely like Wuk Lamat, what parts of the DT MSQ did you actually enjoy? What moment really stuck out to you as really well done? What themes did you like? What is it about the character of Wuk Lamat that you enjoy?
Vuvuli Vuli I want to lick you like the bottom of a pudding cup
/xivg/ I'm dying...
It’s so fucking over
Incel energy
Isn't she her?
Yoshida had to personally apologize for the failure of DT's writing. Seems like he "bought it".
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Hiiiiiiiii ^_^
I will now be queueing as PLD to avoid that thing on my team again.
What of the hard bisexual but hard to tell because looking hetero viera with facial hair and unshaved arms?
I have a big crush on Ooki
may i see your femroe
Thank (You)
So no? Why the fuck did you join a parse party if you're not bis?
I'm also an Aether femlala nobody will confess to. But I like it that way.
I don't actually like you, I've just been using you as a cumdump because you're so easy to fool
>*stuffs you into giant cartoon black iron cannon*
Post him...
Can destiny players fuck off to some other game.
I'm tired of getting sastasha in roulletes.
The malera instinct to curl up in a ball in the shower and cry and then present yourself to the world as a confident alpha turbochad
Hey... femra?
When I found out Jasmine had an EB my day went to garbage
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Free me from dead baby dungeon
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Idk I've been fantaing around after I completed the msq. Femra is cute, catgirls are always good, middies are lovable dorks, viera are beautiful. That's my thought process so far, will stick to viera for now unless I feel a primal need to go back to femra.
These two should meet my femlala and uh.......
please? i was just going to call you cute
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The malera instinct to be the little spoon
>5 insta seethe replies
Dilate. FF14 Online Immortal Flames.

You're a balding transexual male
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>reception for DT was so overwhelmingly negative, even in Japan, that Yoshi-P had to publicly apologize for how dogshit the writing was and tried to protect the localization team because he knows that they are at fault too
>tranny still tries to pretend that "nobody cares" and that it was all perfectly fine
>will resort to "actually, FFXIV was always shit!" within the next 20 minutes
Notice how it's always the shitposters well known for barely playing the actual game too.
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CCC 6:00 ET
wheres the fucking cc calls
*flicks your ears*
/pet /pet /smooch
/pet /pet /smooch

smooching because cute, we do things that are shallow and sometimes meaningless.
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I respect it sis. Keep living your best life.
It's right above you...
Why do you hate FTMs so much
ugly on the right
Hey buddy that's my wife you're posting
Can I meet your femlala and exchange oatmeal cookie recipes?
i might be a little spoon
but i got a big ____
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At least she clears, unlike the trannies on Crystal who pretend to play the game in thread while they are actually AFK all day.
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Oh shit! He has a gun!
could be arranged
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail
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go piss yourself you little pissbaby faggot pisssipper (pokemon clear reference) I'm funkin jammin rn bro idc about nuffin
>Verification not required.
The malera instinct to pee on the inner edge of the toilet bowl so it doesn't make any sound
for me the blank is heart
Second Life
what was the original race?
Thoughts on femlalas...
If you hate us just say no...
No seriously, what game is that?
>could be arranged
oh that has to be a magness golem
forget i ever asked
is there any hope for a lalaboy to be confessed to...
>14m between calls
>games on average take 4-7m
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Me and my future maleroe eb
insane how people do this shit and get uppity when someone gets impatient and calls before they do
i am queueing without xivggers, my games take 3 minutes and the queue is less than a minute
someone call shoro the miera are erping in the last thread
More of this.

Less of this.
Miniwa let me hit it from behind while I grab your belly
The malera instinct to be ugly and cringe and retarded and die alone
Thanks, same to you sis.
Thanks anon, have a /smooch back
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idk how to describe it. but this is an example of a catboy I like.
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The only parses I trust are one takes each week for reclears.
I would like to prematurely apologize for the bullshit performance I'm about to put up.
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this middies reaction to me wanting to lewd him
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I am an exhausted femlala
who can farm 20k points in 3 hours
I did this twice today
its over for you my long elezen ears still heard it
>this is an example of a catboy I like
>face 4 pvp hair catboy
Pffftt... yeah, just about you and every other woman
Y-yeah... how did you guess?
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Someone's been looking at my adventurer plate again, huh? That's very sweet of you to say, anon. Hope you have a nice day.
the pterosaur mount will never be mine because I hate fishing with a passion
I never left
I am still here, suffering
The femlala urge to cry but still heal the tank without him knowing
Because people who post like that are femra who like when I break their horns. Wanna'?
I'll just pee in your ears so they're waterlogged then
The male middie instinct to scream and piss loud so other males aren't embarrassed
(Taking one for the team)
malera blast the middle of the bowl to assert dominance with a loud stream
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>In a time when people misuse the term "Mary Sue" quite a lot, Wuk Lamat actually fits that archetype shockingly well, and I'm a bit bewildered that I haven't seen anyone call her such yet. For the third time in my 10-years journey with this game I was genuinely tempted to skip cutscenes. Only Stormblood, with its utter stupidity, and the Endwalker patch series, with Zero the Hedgehog, have achieved this so far. Hiroi is a terrible, awful writer and as long as he is in any position to majorly influence the story of this game it will only get worse. This doesn't feel like the start of a new era, it feels like the end.
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here's a malezen I like

yeah I know I have basic taste and also they're all gay
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You got to start some where, just bind roup and make sure to press guard/purify and ask the thread what classes work and just stick with a job that clicks for you.
I could in a minute. Who is offering?
Media literacy in this thread is at an all time low
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bowl shattering stream
Alpha, Light
Twintania, Light
Shiva, Light
Zodiark, Light
Lich, Light
My maleroe is incredibly stupid
But he means well
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>on sale
So should I get it or not?
Male Aura
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I'm not good at taking screenshots though...
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My meena
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Alright bros, /v/ refugee here. I haven’t seen a xiv thread pop up in almost a week there. Is janny shooting them on sight or did they ban the people who usually post the threads?
nta, I feel like shit but I'm gonna come visit you in a sec to say hi
Don't get a multi-seater mount if you have no friends.
Is there a way to spawn that eye in Brio?
Say it from your chest. You're already anonymous, so no one's going to link your opinion to your character. Who / what are you talking about?
join way on balmung
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you haven't been quiet though.
>Should I give Square more money?
What's the secret large scale content they were trying to hide for 7.1.
Also Sakaguchi said difficulty of normal duties is perfect right now so yoshipoo won't change it for retarded faggots
I'm in Eureka Orthos right now. Are you on Crystal? LT.
Welcome back to hell, buddy
Everyone collectively gave up and stopped playing
>no meenas like this for my meena on na
>Zero the Hedgehog
kek, actually funny
Only if you have someone to carry around with you
Are femlala tummies the equivalent of moonie pits?
sorry. i will /pet
i don't really know
nope, it was me.
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leg locking and tail wrapping middies at the end of the month and forcing them to be fathers
I haven't reach the EW patch MSQ, but I think my attraction to Zero will make me ignore any flaws in the story. Wuk Lamat will not have that same benefit.
>Pornsick portrait and adventurer plate in my Duty
>Report it
>Check on it a few days later
>Default adventurer plate and no search comment
Hopefully it was not just a warning for him
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Is viper any good in CC or just dogshit
Jannie admitted to deleting autosaging the threads because >vg
You will have to try to make a thinly-vailed hate thread that doesn't look like a schizo making it.
Worked for me yesterday :)
>what parts of the DT MSQ did you actually enjoy?
I like the Pelupelu section, I like the first half Salami, I like the second half of Yak'Tel in the ghost forest, and I like Living Memory. I thought the Moblin part was bad, though the take away when she's able to get goldsmith guy to help her complete the feat was alright. The cook-off was not great and too much of a de-escalation after Valigarmanda. The second half of Salami felt very forced as the "get everyone together to do a thing!" moment, but maybe that's forgivable because the story was building towards it. They keep trying and failing to replicate the feeling in Kholusia where you build the giant Talos, but a wooden train (mediocre) and getting a spaceship to run 1.49272958% faster (complete failure of writing for the finale) don't compare.

>What moment really stuck out to you as really well done?
Wuk Lamat beating up Bakool Jaja, Vrtra coming to the defense of Tuliyollal, first stepping into the ghost forest and The Skydeep Cenote. The volcano section in Living Memory was excellent because of all the lore implications. Not too big of a fan of the virtual world stuff at the end and Sphene becoming a robot but it isn't *bad*. Heritage Found is too ugly.

>What themes did you like?
I like learning about fantasy culture and history. That is core FFXIV. I like the giants having dreams about stuff. I like that the Golden City was not filled with physical riches but the memories of passed loved ones. I like that the story is about Emet-Selch's bullshittery perpetuating his own philosophy to sundered races. I like the implications of the cup and more insight into Azem the Traveler.

>What is it about the character of Wuk Lamat that you enjoy?
I like that she has self-doubt, her commitment to peace and prosperity (very Star Trek which I like), and her ability to be a leader not just by being the smartest or strongest, but by being the one who knows she needs to seek the expertise and help of others.
What's wrong with your upper lip?
let's see 'em
Join RR in hell pedophile
Please don't schizo my friends.
imagine viper in regular content but instead of swords you hit with wet pool noodles
Not joining a pedo fc
Janny has been on alert more than usual since the recent WoW expansion is another embarrassing failure. It's a shame because the /v/ FFXIV threads talk more about the actual game than this general on average.
I thought so too but it's just so fucking boring and stupid. Hang in there bro.
Why does QP always have tired eyes?
its gotta be froths.
stop it
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my fiera acts like this sometimes
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I thought I could escape from this place but I cannot. At least here I won’t get shit as hard for posting images of highlander women
probably a lighting probably
I will admire this meena from afar
A zoomer mexican goth?
who said that?
>I like learning about fantasy culture and history.
This was arguably DT's greatest weakness, you can't be serious.
its literally just worse sam, i expect the 7.1 update to save it
See what...
literally amazing how self-delusion some ff14 players were after endwalker. Who knew that they would commit suicide for their story too. literally shadowland by for ff14
Based and good takes from Moonie!
umm why is King Pin a lalafell? this isn't a good look for Joker.
brio posing kinda mogs but i still can't figure out how to rotate an arm without fucking up the elbow
Thank you for answering. I genuinely have a hard time seeing what someone would enjoy about the expansion, but Yak'Tel as a zone and the hype moment with Vrtra were done rather well in retrospect.
how is it better than ktisis
your minions i didn't know i had to spell it out sry
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try turning on inverse kinematics or w/e it's called dumb fiddie
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I can never tell if you're just trolling or actually fucking retarded.
moving the camera too fast gives me motion sickness
Party Synergy can go eat a dick
inverse kinematics
im a femra and its already on im afraid
Never touch the green axis, rotate at the shoulder and wrists instead.
Why do you guys get mad if someone likes the MSQ
I am a femlala who will touch the green axis...
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squeak a cute
Why is blacked XIV porn all futa?
Can't they use maleroes or Highlanders?
>magness self insert is out
Uh oh who's getting groomed?!
holy moly it's her
the bestia de modificacion
I would pet her honestly...
go back
what does that do
ACT requires someone upload a log, while also requiring you have act yourself or at least 1 person with it in said clear party.
All XIV porn is futa
Grown Ass Men can't relate to having a vagina
Macska post
Clearly you haven't been looking in the right places, then. Try twitter
how white is he today
Vrtra and dragons in general were ruined during the EW patches so I didn't give a flying fuck when he showed up.
Do I need to quote the post from the previous thread where le based moonie faggot got upset first because someone didn't like the MSQ?
with your...?

>I genuinely have a hard time seeing what someone would enjoy about the expansion
If you really think this I have nyo idea how you've made it through every other bit of content in this game to reach this point unless you level skipped, 2bh. It just doesn't compute given the game's history.

Nyot an argument. I accept your concession.
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My lalaboy wears this hat because femlalas scare him.
Because blacked is for mindbroken trannies, and with futa they can enter even more into that fantasy
because liking the MSQ means liking Wuk Lmao which means liking trannies
yeah thats her
with my hand what else?
yes he is
Ah, figures. I'm on Chaos. Still.
i am a femra
doing her pm skincare routine
It's one of the top rated Steam reviews for DT. Someone here took credit for it.
/wowg/ come collect your ESL schizo
You're right he's a god gamer who manages to find all the PFs with nobody logging.
You may pet me. I'm on Balmung!
Short bus arrived early today huh
bout to spin the roulette wheel, what number bros??
what about the elbow? can you unfuck those or is it basically impossible
it moves other parts around in conjunction with what you move so its harder to create an abomination
People here are the worst. Made it clear I'm not going to ERP or EB them, they stop talking completely
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I don't think they are online bub.
not my opinion, just what I tend to see in 4channel
Why do you care about Dawntrail at all?
Just go 'oon and be eepy or whatever
>If you really think this I have nyo idea how you've made it through every other bit of content in this game to reach this point unless you level skipped, 2bh. It just doesn't compute given the game's history.
Called it. This tranny reverts back to "actually, FFXIV was always shit!", basically admitting that he only enjoys DT because he thought the entire game is trash. So he doesn't like the game, he pretends to like it to "own the haters", even though they only dislike DT because it's trash compared to the previous great expansions.
>strawmanning now
Can we go back to 2009 when trolls actually tried?
Eheheehe... yeah I need to add you on Discord some time.
Both of these are in broken English. Try to make it less obvious that you're replying to yourself, ESL-kun.
The malera instinct to live out your life like you're in an anime edit because you're the main character
Nta but I'd squish that cat ;3
Myself but i am attending a wedding at the moment
My femlala will probably EB or ERP with you
Me personally? I'm grateful that undesirables quickly filter themselves out. Fantablobbing also works great for this.
Once fucked its very hard to unfuck. I would say start over and try again with your new knowledge. Just remember the most important rule of gposing. It doesn't have to be correct, it just has to look correct from the angle in which you take the screenshot.
ew, no nevermind
Keep coping homo.
landed on 23
Even with a catboy?
Meanwhile in reality: None of the people bitching about the MSQ could write a better one if they tried. Your best writing accomplishment is making some grown ass man cum from ERP.
o-oh.. sorry.
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tell em sisters
right now?
Is Mery actually + do they like only femlala? What about femra?
my femlala would EB but not ERP ever with you
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There are too many retards that can't recognize trolling and will immediately feed the troll, which encourages more lazy trolling
...can i fuck this thing?
actually my greatest writing accomplisment is keeping straight the lies i tell to my family
All of you ungrateful moonies who took everything away from me will feel my loss and despair.
My lalaboy would EB you and then ERP with anything that stood still long enough for him to put it in.
It's just some tranny having a melty and falseflagging as a WoWcuck to discredit legitimate posters who dislike DT's MSQ.
Catboys are femlala-owned, dummy~
Cute naruto femlala
Why do at least 50% of female miqo'te follow the <food/flavor> <drink> naming convention
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she raids on her viera alt thougheverbeit
damn alright
Where do I meet lalas like this, this is my ideal rp/erp partner
>Wheelchair Khadgar
>Double crippled half elf black woman
How can CBU3 hope to compete?

thank u for ur hard work bloonie
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to all the catboys I will treat you with respect and won't objectify you like what the femlalas do you're not a walking dildo
My greatest writing accomplishment is getting my short story published in the local newspaper, actually. Along with one of my professors telling me my ideas are too unhinged.
ask Saelonu he fucked a femlala that looked similar to this and posted about it in the thread once
>dawntrail shills mad
oh nonononoonononono. lmao. dawntrail suck. suck my cock losers!
I don't know, but I hate mery. They keep cucking me...
Alternatively. I have a realistic memory and experience with the game knowing it has its ups and downs and that DT's up and downs are pretty inline with the rest of the game. Most people are incapable of this because they are dumb or they have an agenda they are trying to push. The only critical flaw I think DT has compared to other expansions is there are SO MANY POINTLESS CUTSCENES. People complain about cutscenes in FFXIV, but DT goes too far, and I 100% blame all the reaction streamers who were like "uhm I wish more of this dialogue voiced" or "I just skip the text unless it's in a cutscene!" So now we get things that were previously just normal dialogue becoming cutscenes.

Why do people care enough to complain about it. If people are allowed to complain then I'm allowed to countercomplain.
I want this so much but I'm too big to be held like this
Lalaboys have needs too. He'll still come home to you however. You're his wife, afterall.
My malera is 12 feet tall everyone is himcess height compared to him
I like how this is somehow an argument. most people don't even know this dudes name. Plus hes a normal human not like hes a
Dragon in a wheelchair
Or the most powerful mage on the planet in a wheelchair
This is boring
Post cute boys
If that's true then please go tell your boys to stop pestering my froth+
I have golds in every ultimate on patch on my viera alt.
See we can all lie.
Machi Attaux my beloved.
Then lose some weight, tubby.
I have yet to meet a single "ebin" who isn't a sexpest from here
ah, oh well. and thanks, and i'm very aware of that rule because of arcsys games, it's way harder to do successfully in this game because of the artstyle though. the most i see people getting away with it successfully is making faces based off manga panels work on lalafells
yeah its really op
>I have a realistic memory and experience with the game knowing it has its ups and downs and that DT's up and downs are pretty inline with the rest of the game.
This reinforces my argument that you're literally pretending to like DT's MSQ just to troll.
himcess culture is for male x futa. keep your tranny shit OUT
that one is to be avoided, the first and the last boss wreck groups like no other
where do you think we are
who should I pet, I'm not in any syncshells so you'll look like a normal lala to me
sorry but i dont know what youre talking about its just funny to me that they added a wheelchair guy too
then you just believe anything you read here. there's alot of people who don't even erp or goon animations. Dress like whores but never do anything past that.
Effy isn't a pest, she's just sex
I wasn't judging, just surprised at the forwardness. All good bro.
what does the word 'sexpest' mean? does it mean they keep asking you for erp/goon/mare stuff? can't you just report them if they're harassing you
poll for female characters only
im normal when im not horny
now that solution nine exists there's no excuse to not give us a TWEWY crossover
honestly FFXIV could be such a powerful marketing tool for SE's other games if they used it more
It's never too late to post elezen.
Basically an indian
Sexpest means that a schizo saw you and someone they like targeting one another.
34-year old men pretending to be lesbians.
growing a moustache now wario cat?
Sexpest here means someone you dont like.
that's what alliance raids are for
nvm balmung closed down to visitors after I selected it to travel there
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Debating on if I want to CC all night or not.
Oh a lot of wow chuds will use him as a counter argument to their disabled avengers for some reason lol.
Like people who just ask lewd shit or acting all horny when we don't even know each other
defeating a femroe in battle and claiming her as a wife
A malera
anyone you don't want to erp with
anyone who refuses to erp with you
in normal society, sexpest usually means people that abuse their status or money to be sexual deviants and push their desires on the unwilling. basically any behavior that gets a news article or a twitlonger dropped on someone qualifies them as a sexpest.
here? it doesnt mean anything.
waiting for update
no... im not allowing you to slander me anymore *unsheathes katana*
It means a person who wants to fuck but you don't want to fuck them.
Person I don't like that is a male character
I will take the futa option and please their carnal desires if I must...
it's a civic duty to always lie in census done by the government and in online polls
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there's so many healer vacancies in pf for reclears... surely I can join and first time a job+role I don't play with my spare coffers for gear... what could go wrong...
>here? it doesnt mean anything.
Does anything here mean anything?
I literally spent a whole post listing most of the things I liked and disliked about DT. So I dunnyo what you want from me. If you want actual controversial and "contrarian" opinions, let's talk about how 75% of EW is some of the worst story content they put in the game on multiple levels. This includes the part where they allow literal fantasy hitler who said he was fine with killing all your friends and family show up to help you in the finale, and you rightfully murdered him at the end of Shadowbringers.
*shoves my whole arm up your ass*
can you crush my femlala with that rock pl0x
Chuds are virtuous, WoW is bad because it's woke.
nothing good
Half those votes for no are lying btw
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>I have yet to meet a single "ebin" who isn't a sexpest from here
>as in personal experience
I wonder which coping tranny this is. Probably Lorilee as usual.
is it a bad thing to be in this? I thought they were just being nice by inviting me. it's silent 99.99% of the time
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I don't have any elf screenshots to share but I appreciate you nonetheless elf poster.
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I need to see some lewd lorilee
I've never been called sexpest here for these reasons.
It's always been these.

I'll just be talking to someone at the bench about cooking and I get called a sexpest in the thread.
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Outside of that of course, dear
defeating a femroe only makes it tastier
Make some then?
there's no fucking way the people voting for this are telling the truth
present your carrot NOW i COMMAND you its an ORDER
are you insaiyan???
I'm white on here but I like to say nigga
this guy doesnt know the femroe will best him in battle and claim him as a wife if she finds him worhy
You honestly couldn't really get further than Hitler than Zenos. Hitler was an idealogue and politician. Zenos is neither, and detests both. Zenos is a predator or a wild animal, he was barely human when he was introduced and only becomes less human as the story progresses
JK I didn't mean it don't be mad at me!
thats nice
Based. Keep making 'em seethe, king.
I hear a lot about tranneh characters in MSQ but I literally couldn't find one.
Is it really just because VA?
Ok you kind of sound like a sexpest with how much you're sayin you're not one
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>1,4m subscriber dawntrail vs 1,7m for endwalker
>most concurrent players ever
what a fucking cope of a statement. subscriber numbers are 300k LOWER THAN endwalker. Holy fuck. And this is before the awful reception dawntrail had. Like we might honestly go below 1m subscriber this expansion lol. What the fuck did yoshi-p think lol. He must be chain smoking after getting this news lol. I hope pure suffering awaits him. Also the live letter is going to be kino. People are calling to call out fucking wuk lamat.
Difference between ardenvald and any of that wow/dnd shit is that ardenvald was wol-lite and him becoming paralyzed was seen as career ending and not a so heckin valid can still wheel up to a primal to rip n tear
>DT was great
>EW was awful
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I love my autistic retard friend Zenos.
In your opinion, what were some notable flaws of other expansions regarding the MSQ? I like hearing your thoughts!
A lot of them are sexpest. But a lot can agree there is some no matter how hard you hound them will avoid the topic or flat out say no and wont even want to partake in lewd gposes. There's a few who flat out wont give you their mcdfs cause they don't want to be in a picture getting dicked down.
they are unironically pedo and schizo enablers by being with kyoppi and vivian alone
notice how most of the good lalas are not there? yeah
What sword is that?
I've been plapped by several "ebins" and honestly they've all been quite nice and understanding people. For sure some rumors must be true but a lot of accusations here are just jealousy.
*record scratch*
Yeah, it's me. Lamitt. Your loved one. The one that loves you so much. The one that made you that carrot pudding. You're wondering how I ended up in this CC lobby. Well? I wanted to join in after watching you have fun with "the boys" as you put it..
Little ole me never gets to have any fun
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Cute poacherfu.
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Gonna start sizebeasting my hotbars like pic related, in an attempt to stop missing my fucking buff windows
What else should I put here? Name jobs and buffs I should keep in here to make sure I don't keep fucking up
Considering adding potions too
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I know yellow is SEETHING
I like being a cumdump for ebins.
You know what I hate? Meeting someone here and then finding out they're an ebin and have a history of being a sexpest
wait are you not white somewhere else?
>can't even type "subscribers" properly
>pepe image
>moonie tranny hating on Zenos while defending Wuk Lamat
Bait used to be believable.
>>1,4m subscriber dawntrail vs 1,7m for endwalker
Zormor, level 93 dungeon
>hw was rated lower then sb
make the car really fucking huge
>most of the good lalas are not there
>you can name none of em
>because a good lala doesn't exist
There are none. Unlike in WoW.

This. It's all transbians seething at male characters rizzing up the biofems they want to groom. If you get called a sexpest wear it as a badge of honor.

You cannot expect intelligence from a moonie. Only sunnies have brains.
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femra players be like
Thank you,
LB14 is back bros...
I'm brown outside of here
They're both shit but at least Zenos is a Chad and fun to beat up.
my favorite lala isnt on there but i dont namedrop them here specifically to avoid schizos like you
my femala says this
this speaks more lalafel than anything desu
No thanks
>mad because dawntrail sucks
really showing off your true colour here. dawntrail sucked and killed the game.
back to drought content level of players
>Zenos interrupts our fight
>unfathomable kino
>Woke Lmeow interrupts our fight
>pure undistilled cringe
Please let this be real
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It's no enclave but it's a damn improvement over ul'dah.
>Initials being posted
I shan't be queuing for CC
Nah I can solo it absolutely fine if people get themselves killed especially given all I have left to level are tanks (not DRK) and just did healers, so I am not at the mercy of a dud tank or healer. It's just the number of times I've done it to grind levels.
don't do that...
It was stupid, but at least it was a fun kind of stupid that was followed by a solid victory lap duel.
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Never goon
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>don't want to namedrop
they're probably not even a thread lala which means they don't even count
Are you stupid? Zenos is such a bro he becomes the platform you fight the last boss on.
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have a corn instead
Where are all the cute femlalas? Do I have to come to the bench
>4th game in a row where team sandbags after the initial push
Come to the LB14 bro
inting you
they're my favorite lala and i've told them as such plenty of times before
they visit me from time to time just to send me a tell or give me a /hug and then leave before i can reply or emote back
still not namedropping them
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wao cute fiddie
literally all my friends I made from here except I draw boundaries and don't have problems
Never understood how this is attractive
I gotta level melee and I am not looking forward to it.
but anon, it's so much faster to not try at all
u got a problem with that ese
>Never goon
look at this fucking general
everyone here does nothing but fucking goon all day theyre so fucking helpless
Send. The. Message. He's already confirmed they will never have a different "main character" while we stand in the background again, now hammer it home. Speak loudly, make SE pay attention.
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I don't remember making this post.
I was talking about Emet-Selch nyot Zenos. You can tell because Emet-Selch was literally fantasy Hitler and also we didn't kill Zenos at the end of Shadowbringers. Zenos, even if he is a murderer, is nyo where close to being a Hitler. This is why it is important to read the whole post, otherwise u might seem foolish.

Nah, they are about equal. If EW is a bit better it is because the finale was done pretty well and Venat is based.

ARR story was just not great at all. I remember playing end game and going "man I wish this FF's narrative was actually good because I like story."
HW totally cucked the conclusion of ARR and all those plot threads went basically no where. The only recovery was Ilberd's role at the very end at Baelsar's Wall. Some stuff in the second half is also very contrived. Like if you compare HW is so strong up until Nidhogg's death, and then it meanders around for quite a while after that. Despite that, I loved exploring the Hinterlands even if the reason we went that far seemed very contrived.
SB splitting the narrative up between regions harmed its consistency a lot. Also, making Yda as-we-knew-her Lyse was a well-known error. They could've made Lyse an entirely new character introduced at the end of HW patch content and it would've fixed like 30% of her character.
EW spent too much time closing threads up and forced areas into the game that were just there for the sake of it. EW being the Sharlayan AND the Thavnair expansion was absurd and the narrative suffers greatly for it. Oh also it's the Garlemald expansion too, hahah.....Second half of the moon and second half of Labyrinthos I think are quite literally the lowest points in the game outside of ARR segments.
SHB was pretty much perfect for FFXIV and as an MMO story-game. Yes, even the trolley was not that bad, and would be the only complaint if I cared enough about that segment to hate it.
I lack the motivation to do anything in game, but I want to decorate my house before my friends get on so we’ve got a place to chill…
Everytime I go to Primal they all call me "maricon".... what does it mean....
femlala x catboy is the iconic pairing
VL, please let me turn you into a single mother
miau what mechanics would you say the fairy healing form is good for?
your kind is dead.
they're flirting with you
god the current savage gear is so fucking ugly but I have to wear it as a status symbol to show that I'm above c*suals who don't do content
You will stand by and applaud as Wuk "Seventh Dawn" Lamat achieves apotheosis and becomes a god and your successor as Azem
Does Primal like DT? They hired consultants so it was an authentic mexican experience.
Altina Orben post.
btn and min are the worst of it. fsh is supposedly pretty fast
Jay or Mimi
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>zenos interrupts us
>he becomes a means of reaching endsinger as she flees again, weathering planets exploding in his face and face tanking what may as well been a spirit bomb of despair and agony from that demented bird
>he plays a big part in that fight but he doesn't steal the show from us at all, even if it would have been cool if he interrupted one of Endsinger's attacks by bitch slapping her

>wuk lamat
>appears partway through the fight for no reason
>takes off 30% of the boss' HP by themself
>can literally do the rest of the fight for you if everyone just afks and avoids death puddles
Otis would have made more sense than Wuk.
Emet wasn't fantasy Hitler at all though
Its hermano for "one who hails from crystal"
I speak for all of Primal when I say we do not like Dawntrail.
i go to primal to get my taco ate
Jay or Mimi
>Does Primal like a nigga from Kentucky voice acting the most lines
Shut the fuck up, avatarfagging retard.
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posting it
Famfrit, Primal.
male middie post
i want moonie
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If it comes from a male char it means they like you :^) if it comes from a female char.... im so sorry....
finna go into behemoth limsa and type latinx into chat
it's a term of endearment
mid-day cc players from here are kinda shit, huh?
I thought Cactuar was in Aether, tho?
>mimi made the lala clique force the spotlight on them again
Nope, lalaboy.
I hate to say it bros, but I'm noticing an uptick in cute, emotionally-vulnerable trans girls who play FFXIV.
If I'm nyot using it for the regen and actually using it because I may need to heal: Fusefield, Infernal Spin into the raid buster, big horsegirl cannon. Everything else is kinda just for the regen or maybe if someone messes up you can recover with it. I like the skill, it's very cool.

He literally founded a fascist empire to conquer the world and his goal was to destroy worlds and kill the people living on them to restore his master race, because all other living beings were inferior.
>lb 14 is back
finally some good fucking food
Leviathan, Primal
My glub on the right
No one who wrote anything in DT actually played FF9 or even understood basic writing concepts so that would have been too hard for them
dawntrail won't be good until they put dragonball z characters in
Being a contrarian is not a personality, faggot.
These two maricons are alright
It's only going to get worse. I'm finna boutta first time Monk
Smooching this fiddie
You can make it real.
Don't let the beasts win.
Ultros, Primal.
>fascism is when you have dark uniforms
Soft and Faggy maleroe
cc doko doko doko
I would like to claim my status as the most depressed pathetic fiddie on xivg, where do I go to get my certification?
>no effy
im not going
As hilarious a shitpost as that is it's never happening. She's gone or the game dies.
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Hyperion, Primal
not a single likable person in this screenshot
you are thinking of fashionist. That has to do with clothing. Fascist is very different. I'm sure it's a common misnyanderstanding
she owes me sloppy
don't bother it's trash hours rn
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it's even better when she's cocky and loses anyway
Femra on the left looks like Miki in her mom years.
You could reply to any Balmung group shot with this and be correct.
ok faggot
How is Garlemald fascist?
Comment filter:
Utltrrrros, Prímal
REMUS SAMA!~~!~!~!~
This nigga is on a losing streak
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And disregarded.
Thank you for typing out your thoughts, I agree with a fair few.
Especially when it comes to SB and EW, I think you nailed those.
>xivggers start queueing
>game quality plummets
not sure what i expected LOL!
>You will stand by and applaud as Wuk "Seventh Dawn" Lamat achieves apotheosis and becomes a god and your successor as Azem
No I'll be unsubbed playing real final fantasy games.
xivg needs more attractive femroes like this
And this nigga is without cc sync time
I will not filter this, I will continue to be on the lookout for communities that allow Kyoppedo to participate.
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>erp'd right there last night
Heh.... Thank god not a single person came over to the LB14 randomly........................
I reply to my own posts
you need to start coming by earlier then
which moonie would you like today
like so
I'm replying to myself right now
Did we run out of dokos...?
no i dont
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idk guys it looks dead
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go to leviathan instead of famfrit or behemoth
>He literally founded a fascist empire to conquer the world and his goal was to destroy worlds and kill the people living on them to restore his master race, because all other living beings were inferior.
Did you throw out all context and nuance for this in order to fit it through the fascism lens?
my femezen princess carrying this roe after she loses their sparring
They call me "El Gringo Blanco"
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Crystal CC 12:30 ET
I doubt they are entirely incompetent but most of these people have only had assistant or minor sidequest writing roles up until now IIRC
>No one who wrote anything in DT actually played FF9
true though
i pass out when i get an erection because my penis is so big, right me?
Me too
I don't recognize anyone. DT ebins really just sit in discord all day and pretend they're thread famous, huh?
all moonies are good moonies... so can i say your moonie...?
I am a femlala who if was a middie would be like this
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why would a froth have pubes their entire body is already hairy
I reply to my own anchors
I just realized that custom delivery turn in pages have the character's signature in the top right
pretty soulful honestly I like it
>tranny plugin
>I doubt they are entirely incompetent
You've seen their work. You can tell how incompetent they are.
Even if you completely ignore wuk lmao the msq is just riddled with pointless retardation
Do people really try to convince themselves Garlemald is not a fascist empire? Are these people trying to RP as Garleans and are in denial? Are they Emet-Selch homolovers that can't stand they want to get boned by Hitler?

What nuance is there to "kill millions of people to restore my master race"? Oh he's sad about it and misses his friends? That doesn't change the facts.
They learned from Endspermbins.
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But why?
Yeah it's a great little detail
I make anchors specifically to post my character
it's not pubes its the uhhh pubic fur pattern
Femhroths were built for men.
Akemi coded post
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The best one
>This furryfell is an actual poster and not just a twitter crop
i'd honestly rather be a tranny than someone pretending to be a man, if a match tracker upsets you
I do this sometimes when I garudapost and really want to share a song with some people.
The mt rokkon book in the variant dungeon ui is binded for right to left reading compared to the other two
do you have any idea how many political ideologies fall under that umbrella? we're not talking about rpers we're talking about lore, retard
Are you still there?
I've listened to some songs lately that I felt like sharing but meh
Do you accept tributes?
Are you still alive?
>What nuance is there to "kill millions of people to restore my master race"? Oh he's sad about it and misses his friends? That doesn't change the facts.
Except context does matter. Omitting it and not acknowledging it is extremely disingenuous
Appal was known in the threads at the very least.
you're the one upset by your own plugin, retard
lil bro loves watching himself take L's
Are you still alive?
Bro there's like 20 people here
more than accept, I welcome them!
Are you still alive?
Femhroths were built to sit on my face
Gods no, they're awful
Yes, but I can't transfer to Balmung. Sorry. You remain unplapped for now.
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Hey there guys...
I am a heterosexual grown ass man who doesn't change his gender every time he wakes up in the morning
Are you still alive?
I do this only if I get exactly 2 posts. Posts with at least 3 replies are more likely to explode in reply count.
I need mods used for this sphene?
the plugin doesnt upset me, the quality of the games do
who are you trying to impress
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what the fuck is gamba is that a real term
I thought that was a word that league of legends made up for arena mode
Okay. Do you post here often? This is my first time I've seen your character. If not, I can send a /tell in game
what about the much more refined, high-class cock tribute? none of that uncanny goop.
I want to do lewd things to this little fucker and then snuggle after
My Petit Punutiy stares at fat people. I can't make it stop.
They're a ugly femra now race traitors not allowed
Gambatein? The nanoha weapon?
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God she's so ugly lmao.
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Finally made it to the wild west zone. How much more msq do I have left?
I think I will queue for CC with normal people on aether instead of the schizos here
It's JP speak for gambling.
three fiddle
She has enough ass to sit on both our faces.
gamba is just a shitpost word for gambling isn't it
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undefeated for the week, ezpz
gamba deez nuts
If nothing else, this place doesn't chunk people.
Not a mod, it's the secret cutscene when you kill Wuk Lamat and live in eternal happiness with Sphene.
it goes by decently fast toward the end, but you still have a good amount to push through
my sunnie might queue for
the red sands
you are the only constant, constantly losing lmao
It's a twitch thing. Apparently if you say Gambling in a twitch chat the twitch streamer can't monetize the stream so people use gamba to say gambling without invoking the wrath of Twitch jannies.
are there translations for all of the weeb shit names sam and nin have
ok bye
sorry anon, shit's just nasty
Blessed words by a true brother
Do troons think we can't tell when the content of their post is a throwaway excuse to post their modbomination?
its crazy reading people go like

"wuk lamat just solves all the problems she comes across with the power of friendship"

"you mean like what the WoL does?"

'yeah but its fine because we're the main character"
Okay, let's start with this then. What ideology does Garlemald represent that is mutually-exclusive from Fascism if Garlemald is not fascist? Because it terms of rhetoric, ideology, and even the aesthetics that SE has chosen for Garlemald, everything points to Fascism.

>Except context does matter. Omitting it and not acknowledging it is extremely disingenuous
Sorry, but genocide is nyot justifiable just because Emet-Selch misses his friends. That's why we killed Emet-Selch to begin with and he should've stayed very dead, and the normal reaction to seeing him in Elpis should've been "fuck it's this fucker" rather than "omg it's emet~ haiii~ <3"
Would it be a bad idea to block everyone on discord and void everyone ingame? They havent done anything wrong to me, in fact many if them care about me
Oh good you're quarantining yourselves again.
katana means japanese sword
Will people even play the 24 man savage?
I like that we are getting more than alliance raid in 7.1 but seems like this content will be either extremely niche or just plain bad.
the goonie or da bloonie fo today
You're about halfway done. What mod do you use for those leggings?
my wr is over 50, swings happen
doesn't change anything i've said so far
i accept your concession
What do you propose we do about it, anon?
It's JP
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Crystal CC 3:44
yeah, im usually around! just post it here, i'll see it

ignore >>493174608 someone stole my data
>Gods no, they're awful
No problem I'll keep it moving
Seek help, not as a joke but because there's some issue you need to address
I've done it once and all it does is make people worry about you
>Shadowbanned from LB14
Big oof
Bro you think that might be enough sharpening in your reshade?
Sir, you're supposed to share your character with it too.
I just got used to it for ninja, sam is still confusing but I don't play it as much
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Man, CC queues are fucking garbage today.
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pfft, pathetic...
I saw it in shout chat
Kill yourself.
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my femra acts like this
No, I don't think I shall.
not posting my character anymore itt please understand
I sought help, it didn’t help
*puts meisui on you*
They wouldn't have attempted to clumsily translate "seventh dawn" into Mayan for her real name if she wasn't supposed to be a big part of things going forward.
>nyot justifiable
You can't do that in a conversation like this... YOU CAN'T DO THAT!
Remember who stood and fought the bench wars while these cowards ran.
A close minded attitude is not a healthy aspect to have. You forget. or refuse to acknowledge, all of the factors and reasons of his actions, boiling it down disingenuously to "lol fascism".
keep queueing, eventually you'll swing from a tree when your loss streak gets redder than your face
>ignore, someone stole my data
I'm retarded but I'm not stupid
C'mon, I want to call your character cute AND say that I liked your song :(
You already lost, retard.
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I didn't know dipshits in this thread were defending DT's writers or the localization dangerhair. I assumed by this point everyone just broadly agreed that DT was written by absolute retards and translated by sodomy worshippers and just moved on.
Incidentally, Kate is single handedly responsible for trying to pitch that Feo Ul is not a fairy sized onahole, but rather some weird androgenous mannequin, so I will never forgive her for that.
Feo Ul takes WoL's giant Hyur cock EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK, because she is a WOMAN in need of BIG HYUR COCK, you fucking BITCH!!!
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I just assume they had a meltdown and don't want to talk to me any more so I respect their wishes by not reaching out to them to ask what's up until they decide they want to talk to me again, and then I make sure to keep them at arm's length in case I do whatever it was that upset them in the first place.
builded for femezen insta loss, after all...
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it's an anime about a mouse voiced by goku's va
pretty good watch
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Simply too straight to save my post for the next thread.
Don't do it, you will feel unwavering guilt thatll eat away at you after.
Please reach out to a friend before making such a decision
My femlala is already like this

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you good, anon?
>got copied factory for my alliance raid roulette
We're all gonna be back in Uldah tomorrow anyway so whats the point
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>are there translations for all of the weeb shit names sam and nin have
just assume my character is cute :)
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You're out of the sensory deprivation chamber that was the claimant trials. Now you just get to enjoy really stupid writing and Poochie forcibly inserting herself where she doesn't belong for the rest of the MSQ.
Please look forward to it.
Feo Ul is a man with a penis
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>Got out exactly in time to queue again and miss queue again.
I should change jobs... There are too many DRGs in queue..
It's unironically only 2-3 guys defending it, don't bother. The reception has been so awful that Yoshi-P actually had to adress it, so there will be changes in the future, guaranteed.
It's named "crusader skirt" in my folder but I honestly don't remember where it came from. I tried looking for it unvaulted but it's not there.
Supposed to and gonna be are very different. That Mary Sue is going to never have a voiced line again.
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yeah what >>493171468 said :)
ty tho
You know who else is still alive?
I don't know, I don't want to be a ch*ser but I do like talking to them because they usually have similar tastes.
Well no, it was less a fascist more Imperialist. You could say all that about the British Empire or the United States too.
how is garlean ideology and rhetoric similar to nazi germany? you're the one making the argument, so prove your points retard
Those three traits could describe the Soviet Union, retard.
I would blame Sena Bryer for that more than the character herself even
They do. Commies are retarded.
no that's stupid
sena is a horrible voice actor but he didn't write the character
wuk is just as shit in every other language too
Just because Hitler had a sad back story of wanting to be a painter and being rejected despite being competent does not justify his actions as the leader of Nazi Germany, just like Emet-Selch's actions are not justified either. It's actually bad writing that SE brought Emet-Selch back so prominently as if he was a hero when the entire point of the end of Shadowbringers was to show his sad an tragic history, but you and the scions remain resolved to defeat him to save innumerable peoples across multiple dimensions, because his justifications are not enough. The WoL did not fall for his bullshit in Shadowbringers so it's a mystery to me why so many players, including the writing team apparently, ended up falling in love with a murderous, genocidal maniac to the point he gets to have a premium role at the end of the story. I am not bothered by Zenos showing up because it's very much in his character to follow-us to the end of the universe and then we end up beating the shit out of him afterwards, but Emet-Selch gets this happy happy send off where his "final words" end up haunting us since .

I said mutually exclusive for a reason. Imperialism and Fascism are not like two separate circles in a venn diagram that you can say are distinct systems. Imperialism was a part of early 20th century fascism, as was imperialism part of late 19th century American democracy.

Infested with melodranatic dykes and fujoshi.
that isn't fascism still fucking retard
>stopped avatarfagging because he got a warning for it
It's so obvious lmao.
garlenigger larpers are the stupidest nyaggers in the thread next to matsuno faggots sis.
Wuk is a conglomerate of shit for different reasons but they all combine to make her detestable.

1: She's ugly and only appeals to an extremely small minority, she is just generally unappealing to most of us as her head is disproportionate to her body, her fur looks artificial and he facial features look like a bad taxidermy.

2: Extremely Bad writing: She's a Black Hole Sue in every sense of the term. She hogs screen time, she barely develops as a character, she magically is powerful enough to solve shit she shouldn't be able to, and inserts herself into every situation she doesn't belong, while simultaneously draining any personality and intelligence out of surrounding cast, new or returning. This is mostly the fault of the writing of Dawntrail as a whole than something that is compeltely on Wuk Lamat.

3. Sena Bryer's voice acting isn't very good.

4. Sena Byyer in general is not a good person and actively exaggerates hatred they receive, as well as actively spreads hatred thinking they are on the right side of history for doing so.

5. Wuk Lamat loyalists are insufferable and literally can't see anything wrong with the character, or the writing of the expansion, and leap to the ENGLISH VA's defence, note ONLY the ENGLISH VA and no other, and perpetuate the obscenity

ALL of them are completely mostly unrelated points as to why Wuk Lamat is an absolute shitstain of a character but it all cumulatively adds up into a boiling pot of sewage that we'd be better off without.
export pmp under "edit mod" and throw that on catbox or mega
ALL frencord mods got removed except for the owner

hostile takeover
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at least someone's watching me...

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