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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul >>492840928

Previous: >>493164816
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my femra looks and acts exactly like this
did that guy iron out the eb meetup
bring back the gay ops not the pedofell shit please
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Fiddie like this for my Middie.
Everyone brace yourselves for even shittier games, I'm logging in for a bit.
Are you still alive?
Femra like right for my femra (left)?
every time i see someone say cc doko, i want to make a hroth picture with a super inflated nutsack and a leaf on his had and reply "bom boko"
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Remember the face of your enemy, /xiv/!!
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Pick your onahole
I need that cute cat kemonofell
>lav beds coming back
Are we finally leaving the dark ages....
Post instaloss bait
My femra acts like this.
Unironically yes. It's the only set of alliance raids where the bosses are more than striking dummies.
I have no enemies.
>no effy
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>They wouldn't have attempted to clumsily translate "seventh dawn" into Mayan for her real name if she wasn't supposed to be a big part of things going forward.
even IF they had plans for her in the future she sure as fuck is getting lyse'd
>calling an ally an enemy
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*giggles* Not even my story was THIS bad!
yeah its definitely some gringo and not some japanese dude on the only team that matters
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feeling a bit objectified today bros
My fiddie acts like this when she gets really turned on.
did your femra cook all of that
i want to be objectified
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I've seen more /xivg/ dicks, tits and asses than anyone else on this general, and safe to say, the average /xivg/ poster is an easy 7.5/10
There's some outliers that near the 10/10 score, and the lowest of the low are still a solid 6/10 (with some exceptions going to 4/10 at their absolute worst)
This is your reassurance that you're hot, and you should be more confident
t. gooner bisexual GAM fag
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please I'm so sick
Show me male characters to make me feel better
Yes, I cook, and she's my self insert, so she also cooks.
Kokoha easily, shot so many ropes to their fat ass
thanks bro
Post something cool about your WoL!!!
post your character so i can objectify you
I am not in here and I am NOT an onahole, I'm a proud femlala plainsfolk
Listen, I just wanna hear the guy I hate the hots for choke on his moan while he
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Yes hello DB? Yep they went back to LB14. You know what to do.
It'd explain Yoshida's pivot from "We have a rough draft of the next 10 years of story done" to "We were throwing shit at the wall to see what stuck, be sure to buy the next expansion".
face is the only thing that matters and if you think otherwise you've never felt the touch of another human being
*nudges you're butté with her woober to wake you up after yesterdays wild escapade*
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Not doing this shit again sitting my ass at the bench.
Did this for my EB and she thought it was hot but never did it for me because she had performance anxiety and couldn't stay hard :(
I shant
Get well soon though
What turns your fiddie on?
Nigga I've seen more attractive vanilla wallflowers standing around in Limsa every day than the retarded modbeasts that are being posted in this general. Get some fucking taste.
I am deeply curious to know if he legitimately believes this shit is ok for the next ten years of ff14 or if he's just doing pr shit.
I assume the latter, but still
the ugly people which, rest assured, comprise most of the general, aren't going to be posting themselves. your entire foundation is flawed
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Ask this again in five days.
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How the fuck did Heiko move the spot again
Honestly aside from the irritation of dealing with Lyse having to learn that dirt farmers with zero support structure aren't just going to just RISE UP SHEEPLE or whatever, and aside from being named the new leader of Ala Mhigo because ?????, there was basically nothing wrong with Stormblood
Luv me Yotsuyu-Gosetsu story
Luv me Lizard Mongolia zone
Luv me Fordola
Luv me nationalism
Simple as
Simple as
I am a sunnie
who is about to finish her post-arr MSQ after 3 days
I'm sorry, my WoL isn't very cool so I don't have much to say. At most I can say one of my earlier memories on the character was someone from here, who I still remember, saying that my character reminded them of a polar bear.
>get lost in the wrong thread
>see uchiki's woober in spoiler text again
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Crystal CC 7:04
It looks good. Is the other side of the table available?
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>go to LB14
>it's already ruined by Doll Chan being there
I hate Wuk Lamat. And her VA. AND the person writing her.
Ask me in game.
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>she had performance anxiety and couldn't stay hard
are you retarded anon that post wasn't about ingame characters
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EB like this? Must be a male character
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I'm with this guy >>493176094
We know ZT.
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It's real.
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my femra when she wakes up
Understandable, thank you
Sure. I don't mind doing that.
I unironically think she's cute (only in JP though) but the way she's written is so god damn awful that it's impossible to like her.
May I plap?
Out of biofems and biotrannies, which of the two have the better ERP game?
You're real
He didn't therefore the new spot is fake. Back to the bench everybody.
Malezen and saying shit nobody cares about, name a more iconic combination.
not going
Cast Flare and flex with me.
Cmon dude just because they forced a troon with zero local range or capacity for emotion in his voice because he is so busy trying to fake a female *and* a south american accent at the same time onto english speakers doesn't mean he's the source of all the bad writing.
>Just because Hitler had a sad back story of wanting to be a painter and being rejected despite being competent does not justify his actions as the leader of Nazi Germany
Yeah, it would be the heinous actions of Jews during Weimar Germany and during the reconstruction of pre-WW2 Germany that justified that.
i shant
finish your sentence..
Troons because they spend all their free time honing their goon skills
Suncats. Post them.
French Wuk sounds pretty nice.
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Anon, I was talking about how anons look IRL... I thought it was obvious
This is true, but in all cases where I've seen their genitals, I've seen their faces too. Average xivgger is attractive
Posting themselves, no
Oversharing in DMs, yes
You motherfuckers have no restraint
meow meowww
We've heard this like fifteen times today. Surely you have actual personality traits too, anon.
Oh, my bad. Then it's just a flat out lie or the dude is a tranny chaser.
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Good evening anons, hope your day bodes well.
>the spot moved to LB14
>the person i was hanging out with suddenly had to go
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Under normal circumstances I shant, but this is a special case, feel better soon
>I am deeply curious to know if he legitimately believes this shit is ok for the next ten years of ff14
When the game reaches a certain age it's all you can do really.
I doubt they planned their whole 10 year shtick around Wuk Lamat, that would be idiotic.
They probably meant the themes of expansions which can be easy to plan out.
Either way DT story was 6.5/10 at best, content wise it shaping up to be one of the best expansions
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that would require me being in the mood
I am not
nyo I just forgot to attach my image

All the characteristics of Garlemald and its people coalesced definitely paints the picture of a Fascist empire. The event in Bozja, Eorzea, Dalmasca. The talk of a "master race", exalting Garleans over other races. Subjugating other races. Nazi Germany is the premier example of a fascist society, and everything I've described as being part of Garlemald applies to Nazi Germany as well. If I were genuinely incorrect about my evaluation then someone would've said "yes, but it doesn't have X, Y, and Z which are needed to be considered fascist." This fact alone I think make it pretty obvious I'm right.

Here, I'll take your statement at 100% face value and not question it:
True bro, true, thanks for demonstrating that even Hitler was more justified than Emet-Selch.
Sex with this hroth
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>steals ur pizzer
I shall not but I will kiss you just a little bit
My ex and I used to go back and forth hours and then she's stop to say she was going to masturbate and then she'd send me pics
Heiko didn't even do it lmao
he's lost the mandate of heaven
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post your fucking character >:(
Thanks, cutie
>They probably meant the themes of expansions which can be easy to plan out.
even then I don't know what the theme of DT was meant to be?
Peace and tacos?
>LB14 is back
DB, you're our only hope

get these niggers out of my yard
He grows roses at home as a hobby.

Lmao no fucking way. Put your trip back on and project harder, GT, you've been malding ever since the thread was reminded you groomed some underage boy in a hunt discord. I am a HAG ENJOYER.
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>fascism is when governments are racist
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>Luv me Fordola
She as in biofem she or biotrans she...?
both of these are built for my +
Miau this is why nobody actually likes you when you spout retarded dribble like this without any understanding, willing or otherwise, of context and nuance.
TWO (2) miladdies....I am blessed this day and will surely recover swiftly thank you
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mrrrrp? mmrrrrow
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which glam for machinist
garlemald always had more of a soviet feel to me
How do I filter MM's tranny cat posts again?
I'm a boomer and cannot into this shit.
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I convinced her not to get bottom surgery.
It's my yard actually.
Maybe I should reinstall VT2...
I love fluffy hrothgal pussy so much it is unreal.
Why is he so aggressively gay
close your eyes
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She's like hot sauce. Even if you like it too much makes anything taste like shit.
"Solus"'s policy that outlawed religious worship, and the fact that people came to revere the Emperor and everything under him with religious devotion due to the absence of gods, was likely intended to draw the parallel at least.
Biofem, sorry
We also erped in the first person so make of that what you will
Can you help me with Fortunes of War Cataclysm
>Peace and tacos?
Exploration (new continet and cosmic exploration content with new bermuda triangle foray) and Vacation, tbf expansion is not done and the ending suggested we are gonna get more vacation before being thrown back into Alexandria.
Next expansion is Midgar btw hope you like ecological warfare.
making SC squirt
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Living the straight life.
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zero effort
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I will offer you an image of Squeak with my male character conveniently cropped out
Malelala x Femlala
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posting it
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miss her so much, bros. just want her back.
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Anyone with even basic knowledge of history knows the Garlean Empire is heavily based off of Rome.
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Wait we might be back.
Man I sure do hope my hazmat suit arrives before the 8th so I can be protected from the stink.
Is MM there? (The green one)
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Crystal CC 10:25
maybe i have to take up the mantle, can i live up to the chosen ones legacy?
Everyone in that pic is a giant faggot
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>True bro, true, thanks for demonstrating that even Hitler was more justified than Emet-Selch.
The main reason I replied is I wasn't going to let some nerd shittalk Hitler and propagate holohoax nonsense. I don't speak for whoever you were arguing with.
That said, Emet-Selch had perfectly good motivations and I respect them. Given the choice between an enlightened post-scarcity society of immortal Gods and gay Hrothniggers I would pick the former, too.
He tried to warn us.
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I don't like the body horror of the m4s transition phase.
>neo ebin clique
What theme? They literally lied about what the theme of DT was supposed to be ("vacation", "divide between the Scions", etc).
I can call him over
Ok, so long as it's platonic.
that's just a thing I think
We explored fuck all and we got exactly ZERO vacation.
>The expansion isn't over!
True, yes, but other expansions weren't horrendously garbage in .0 and saved in their .X unless you maybe try and squint at ARR
not coming till 8.1 at the earliest, though with the emergency light flashing we might get it earlier
looks like i can finally visit the bench now
>ignoring everything else I said in the prior thread

That's because Snow = Soviet in ur brain. But I don't see anything about collective ownership and the spread of Communism to other countries as part of Garlemald's philsophy. They are definitely more about outright conquest, ruthlessly militaristic, and racist.

That's a very fair thing to bring up. Rome was pretty fascist too, when viewing it in retrospect through modern descriptions of ideologies.
Always order with two weeks antecedence bro.
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Liliane Blanc
>and racist.
Hey did you notice all the non hyurs under garlemald's banner? Real odd how they're so racist despite being more diverse than everyone else.
Gasaraki is better
r u a moonie
Gayest thing I've heard a hroth say and I've talked to Uros.
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>Fortunes of War Cataclysm
I'd prefer not to remember that combination.
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I love taking hroth knotties
>genuinely like how female hrothgar look without being a furry
>every hrotgal itt makes an ugly dyke with extremely short hair, muh muscles or muh fat rolls
It's so hilariously obvious that they're all made by men with shit taste.
Same. I want more lewd Rynes
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>survive THREE marksman's spites
Yeah I'm kind of a big deal.
Yakuza 8 did a better job at telling the same premise than Dawntrail did even though they're both Japanese games about foreigners visiting America for the first time.
My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperial. Can you say the same?
>That's because black uniforms = fascist in ur brain.
Right back at you.
>garleniggers coping and seething

i hated dawntrail for its tranny slop but god danm you retards are the real chuds. garlemald empire fell by the way losers.
I am
a straight hrothgal
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smooching this femezen
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how about this?
>Rome was pretty fascist too, when viewing it in retrospect through modern descriptions of ideologies.
This cements how fucking stupid you are.
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i liked the first and the characters there a lot
Don't spoil me bro I haven't even gotten to island sanctuary but good yet
everyone in my fc is in their 20s while i am 33
im so depressed
>Landmass the size of North and South America
>3 zones that are part of 1 government and have less fleshed-out cultures than previous beast tribes
>Wild West for small children
>Parts of the 9th shard grafted onto Tural
>Computer program amusement park
It's amazing how little they managed to do.
Generic as fuck, perfect for a himecut femra.
can i see ur (maybe) moonie
Reminder that the blue moonie tranny already admitted that he hates FFXIV. He's just defending DT now to "troll" you.
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First thing you think about seeing this picture?
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Due to her greatsword being a bit too heavy for her, she wields it more like a greatlance in combat. Sometimes she tries to overcome this obstacle by enhancing her muscles with Conjury, although it's not a surefire method.
They literally force people to serve in their military or face consequences. There was an entire segment in Namai (that's during Stormblood just in case u forgot) where they take the men away from their families and force them to serve. Gaius is presented as the more evenhanded and willing to give "Savages" a chance, but Ala Mhigo under Zenos' rule was brutal for the Ala Mhigans.

Grey uniforms would be more fascist in my eyes. So wrong.

Smarter than you clearly.
love this croissant
Same, at least we got to revisit it briefly in EW's post...
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so much this
Could you
unhingedzen from EU
this is your porn addiction speaking
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Bro there's three face hair combos of hroth you'll see and three color palettes and that's all this race is.
>so much this
hey man
im not gonna say it
but i think theres a certain website better suited for your patronage
cute femra
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Every femlala I see
>Smarter than you clearly.
Rome wasn't Fascist. Rome was Imperial
Garlemald was also actually well known for respecting and giving equal opportunity to non-Garlean races within their empire (in some provinces), with magitek even improving the lives of people in some nations. Garlemald also definitely spread their ideology to nations they conquered
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>Rome was pretty fascist too
That one bimbora
Pretty decent shitpost 6/10. You've got a future if you keep it up.
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do meena really
Can you guys please not get into target to ignore slapfights?
I am
I have a static member and they look like that, just black.
There's a major difference between imperialism and fascism you retarded cat now post your feet since it's the only thing you're good for.
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I finally cleared Legend, but ever since then, the Hookrat's rattling sounds puts me in fight-or-flight.
Hrothgal mouth
I did my best, but he's not available rn
The situations in Ala Mhigo and Doma were intentionally shit because Zenos wanted cornered animals desperate enough to fight back. There's a reason he deliberately appointed someone that wanted every Doman dead as viceroy.
If you didn't expect this after Othard and Ilsabard, you're kinda dumb. Even if SB was all-in on the East, you'd still only explore half of the continent. Meracydia is going to have maybe two zones at most when we get there.
I can see why SN never came back to you for more collab pics.
you found a clone out in the wild or what?
Yeah it did but it still wasn't fascist. Garlemald can suck and MM can still be a bald 40 year old retard
Why, she's still here! Right here... waiting for you...
Play better.
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Crystal CC 1:05
That's the third color.
>All black
>All white
Left one is unironically prettier than 90% of femhroths I've seen. Supposedly that's the "generic look", yet I almost never see it.

Generic but pretty > unique but ugly
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You ever wonder how long it will take for current shape of the internet to change again
i just cant post her im sorry
Show me your gb4 gunpla
built for contrast next to my femroe
imagine spending your life being angry about this shit lmao
I literally played the best of my ability in that game but you guys were too busy acting like fighting children in the back of a car.
My lalaboy is like this
Zenos was specifically known for being a brutal and needlessly cruel dictator
even for half an expansion the far east still had a lot more than anything in tural
hell the LITERAL ONE CITY because isolationism we saw of not-japan had more than tural
Imperialism and Fascism are not on separate ends of any spectrum. Fascist states can be Imperialist states and vice versus. They are not mutually exclusive and describe different things.

Yeah, Ancient Rome for sure has some characteristics that would make us describe it as fascist today. Is it the same as a Nazi Germany? No, but it doesn't preclude it from being analyzed for its fascist characteristics.

Okay, and who let Zenos do that. Was it his father the emperor? The leader of all Garleans? Also, what about the actions of the legions in Bozja and Werlyt? It's not isolated.
Give it a couple months
i don't look like that cmon man. . .
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astaghfirullah i hate reclears
also i think i've come to the realization that sometimes you can fit 2 reassembles into your 2m burst
>it's mau baiting and every single retard falling for it episode
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Hate those shits so much. Little fuckers phasing through a horde while you're dealing with a chaos spawn and a troll...
what would a chimpcoded lalaboy even look like. big ears?
I'll ogle him later then
i dont need her to be posted. i can pet a moonie without her being posted in the thread.
*calls you cute*
yes you, male character
I'm a retard and I'm not falling for it.
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My irish twig gimmick is finally paying off! Still a man with shit taste though.
im getting cold feet now im sorry goodbye
You are
with my children
wtf my based pvp wife plays RAT CLICK?
I just really really really dont like seeing "good match hello" during the match
>everything in rome is fascist now because I view it through today's lens of calling everything fascist
How about you stop calling long dead apples as bananas? Just because some retards, such as yourself, view them as fascist is does not make them so.
you got cold feet last time...
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fiddies are made for middies
>oy vey goyim imagine caring about cultural subversion in your popular media!
Rome was not fascist though, they do not have the ideological background or theory that lead to fascism. Fascism superficially modelled itself off of Rome, because it was a useful parallel (a republic turning into a world-spanning empire), but that does not make Rome retroactively fascist
wtf is this feeling *cums*
>bananas are not fascist
cant have SHIT
If a Helion loses their queen, do they suddenly shed their fur and go Lost pale?
I love this froth's fluffy tail so much.
different moonie but moonie feet do tend to be cold im sorry goodbye for real this time
both things can be true
>accept shittier product
people like you are the worst
they become an atomic helion
But unironically. You choose to consume kikeslop then complain about the flavor. Even if they made every character a white Aryan, you're still buying a jewish product. Get real, retard.
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The Pantomime emote is pretty exploitable.
why do you have to go moonie... is it because...

you're a sun cat?
Varis is an open globalist who wants to unite everyone into one homogenized whole dumbass cat.
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>actually, FFXIV has always been bad!
Based Ryne enjoyer
>virtually no sunnies posted
the moonie astroturfing worked
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emet selch is an elezen
this picture is not good, it makes your neck look fat + with your small head, your character looks like a thumb, you should avoid taking pics at this angle in the future
>We explored fuck all and we got exactly ZERO vacation.
Untrue on exploration part, half-truth on vacation.
Compared to other expansions where chunk of the history was already explained, Dawntrail has you walk around with a tour guide learning about concepts, cultures and le quirky tacos.
Your character is treated as a tourist. Wuk is treated as a guide.
Good concept, poor execution. Tural is actually a pretty cool place lore wise.
Vacation part is what irks me the most, it's there because it was supposed to be and not because the story lets it happen naturally.
Every character is joking about hohoho vacation, but you as a player don't have choice in actually taking the sights. You are forcefully taken along wukie wild ride.
>True, yes, but other expansions weren't horrendously garbage in .0
Heavensward gameplay wise and Stormblood story wise.
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may I post my malezen
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I absolutely didn't say everything.

This is a dumb semantic argument. "Oh they didn't have the word for it so it can't be that thing!" Also I've been pretty clear saying that Rome has fascist aspects not that it is a proto-fascist state, even though, like you said, the idea of fascism was born as an interpretation of modern Italians as how they could carry on the legacy of Rome.

OKay, and how does letting Zenos be a massive dick to the people he rules over help achieve that goal. It's almost like Varis is totally fine with being a dick to his conquered subjects and has no desire or incentive to actually improve their lives.
good thing that's just emet's face on a midlander body
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I’m so tired of you losers attacking Heiko. You just come across as jealous every time you do, you know that right? You’re not in an important clique or 'cord like he is and it makes you upset, pisses you off real bad, or maybe you are in a 'shell but no one ever asks about you directly, you're just a name everyone glosses over and can't pin a hip, cute, or cool looking character to. You're always late with trendy mods, or don't know how to carve out your own style. That's why you don't fit in. You aren't remarkable at CC like Heiko(he’s hit crystal rank before) and no one uses your thread calls. Everyone has a good time until you show up, because you think you're so unique for not using mods. You think you're above silly fun, that you're above the joke, but really you ARE the joke, and that's why no one replies to your vapid messages in say chat. He’s an important pillar in community, the kind you'll never be in this game or real life and that’s why he gets to pick our idle spots. That's why others gravitate to him and not you, just like real life. It must hurt being a loser even in a digital world, must give you traumatic flashbacks to your poor high school life. Don’t like it? /wowg/ is right down the hall, faggot. Here in /xivg/ we respect our leaders and follow their orders and do as we’re told because they’re better human beings than us. Wake the fuck up, this shit isn't a fucking video game.
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i just havent taken many new screenshots and don't like reposting
good evening my rapewife
That one anon from yesterday who kept talking about Ryne's ass was so fucking hot, damn.
Communists and a bullet to the head.
only if hes making a bratty, tribbable face
you may, however I will reply with some variation of rape so do beware
Aww shucks
mucho texto 40-year old
Got it. Thank you for the tip.
That flufftip is my pride and joy. Thank you!
the main reason I'd want to move is to get away from these goddamn fireworks but they went to one of the few places that also has them
what the hell does tribbable mean
I just don't like the painful moans and grunting.
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>The state of this thread
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Highly inappropriate. Report to the Twin Adder Barracks for punishment.

Thank you!
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Sorry i have
a wife
Even if you're ugly, if your partner is super hot and sweet then that means you're doing something right
>Tural is actually a pretty cool place lore wise.
It's not though. It's culturally the least interesting place we've ever been to. Even Ala Mhigo had a more engaging and relevant history.
It isn't semantic, it's literal fact. Rome was not fascist, it could not have been fascist, and it never will be fascist. If fascism tried to 1 to 1 copy Roman policy it would never have assembled even a fraction of it's power. It would be the equivalent of a retvrn twitter account except in the Italian parliament. Rome does not have fascist aspects, fascism has Roman aspects
Heiko is too black to have typed out all that
tribbable, noun - able to be trib'd
moonie feet
The far east part of stormblood is more or less good, 4.1 is actually worse than 4.0
For heavensward the content actually got WORSE in the patch quests since they put out original diadem and the meme raid tiers.
who are the people that keep making the smooch and /pet posts? are they mostly lalapedos? I have them filtered now, but just wondering what could lead a man to behaving in such a way
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The solution is more femlalas.
Especially the modbeast kind.

Also I miss her.
at this point its your fault if you read any of this shit
r u a moonie
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avarage lalafag
Cute dusky
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neither, try again.
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>check ff xiv thread
>look inside
>/pol/ debates
What even sparked this
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No more neeful.
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Here is a middie enjoy
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Crystal CC 4:48 ET
Then both of you
will be pregnant
I'm logging back in.
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Want to host this years lottery meet up. Does anyone have suggestions of what theme should be? Or have a decorated house I could use? I don't want to reuse the same idea and my fc house from last year.
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>Rome does not have fascist aspects, fascism has Roman aspects
Okay it's official you are dumb and just proved it's just a semantic argument. I'm learning more and more how internet fascists actually react to things being called fascist.
don't yell at me please... i just wanna know about this... the lore isnt really all that clear and i dont know where else to ask... you dont need to be mean... im sorry...
i feel like youre making fun of me...
I recommend changing your haircut if you want to use that middie face. That hair + face combination is tainted.
r u a moonie
>Good concept, poor execution. Tural is actually a pretty cool place lore wise.
Hypothetically? Yes, it SHOULD have cool lore
In practice? It's the most desolate place imaginable.
very handsome, thank you for posting
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Trying to read all this shi gives me a headache
Since when has having a personality been a requirement for noticing simple facts of reality? Would you happened to be irritated that he is stating a conventionally held view, ie that DT is shit and the troons and leftoids involved in its creation are shit?
I am not.
do people even kiss like this? Ew
im on my 6th piece of bread
less fascism
more woobers
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I want a fat hrothgal wife.
virgin or faggot detected
Tural sucks, I hope the continent gets destroyed.
only kissless hugless handholdless virgins thing people kiss like that
what are you
Im a tranny witth mental illness who plays ffxiv. You cant fix me. Even if you wanted to. And even if you could why would you? Im some dumb weak ugly tranny.
I'm not a fascist and if you still think that it's just semantics you're stupid. Rome is not fascist, so it is not semantic. Fascism has Roman aspects, lots of things have Roman aspects, just as Rome had Greek aspects. Things evolve and change, they take on ideas from the past and play with them until they come up with something new, it isn't semantics, it's politics
Left looks way better but neither of them are particularly great.
The blue tranny moonie is having another melty because people called DT's writing garbage.
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Whoever has the highest dice roll wins a prize. I usually host one every year. Last years theme was GC companies.
Fiera (forma de rava)
i am an elezen who sometimes pets
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>wanting to make the hangout spot back to where it rains 70% of the time
Its like asking to have moss in your lungs, and the bugs up your ass. Why not somewhere new for a change?
Yeah. I dunno how anyone can even justify maintaining a sub after that bullshit.
Its pretty obvious Yoshi is just riding this shit into the ground and the game is in total maintenance mode.
I hate it because it makes my transformation/corruption fetish flare up and it's distracting trying to do my 2m burst with a raging erection
How can they be kissless and handholdless if they kiss like that
This place doesn't have an original bone in it's body does it?
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Oh I remember this, I think I was even there
It feels very sanitized to the point that preexisting lore is just gone, which is the part that bugs me more
you guys are so over dramatic you would think there's a bunch of women posting here
Bro Tural was so boring and retarded that even the japs asked "why are we here?".
Literally anything but ul dah is preferable
im chasing you
you are being pursued
this is new... may i see ur rava
Play another race
Yep, that's a wife.
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You're asking to be held this way and you will like it.
you would know about bugs up your ass wouldn't you Bug Boy
Neither does the game nigger, no one wants to see your hateful ass anyway
Lalawife like this?
Be my guest
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She cute.
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Posting my cat.
sorry native americans are too problematic
this place deserves nothing more than uldah
I will prove it's semantics.
I am inventing a new word right meow
Sblorgerskorf means civilization contains features that would be described as fascist.
Rome is Sblorgerskorf, Garlemald is Sblorgerskorf. This is objective fact. You cannot disagree with this that I have laid out. Now why exactly can't I just say XYZ is fascist? Is there an actual good reason? Well regardless, for all intents and purposes when people ask me what Sblorgerskorf means when I use it in a sentence I will tell them "it means that's fascist" and they will understand exactly what I mean.
The 7ch posts were the best pieces of discourse on Tural and DT as a whole
ALL frencord mods got removed except for the owner

hostile takeover!!
oh boy another meetup spot where xivg isolates itself from anything interesting and it loses the majority of the people who idle at it within the week
I enjoy candied ginger and support Gridania.
cute cat
>that leg
can i plap her mouth
Why do they have 2 sets of ears
who cares
see >>493177890
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But i like this face AND hair....
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Nice ass sis
if you want another team themed idea then maybe races would work but idk if you could do anything for decorations with that
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my catgirl looks and acts like this
This shit is so ass bro
what whats the new meetup spot
Having features of fascism doesn't make something fascist though. Otherwise I could argue that every modern government is Sblorgerskorf
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>tfw I have to put up with 20+ year old men whining about their hurt feelings over a video game while I just talk things out with my girlfriends and nip things in the bud before they even become issues
Get on my level, biopole.
That’s not my name.
The prostitute I hired to lose my virginity with laughed at me when I proposed kissing like that. I couldn't get hard later
as a former Floridian, I would. And I hate it.
Ul'dah at least has shout chat to keep me entertained from time to time if you fags fail to deliver me my schizos circus fun.
4.1 is good, actually, and I'm tired of seeing this reddit opinion of people who skipped everything and then whined they had to fight a solo instance.

You have a nice spelunking adventure with Alphinaud and Arenvald which is the last instanceof a minor scion ever getting decent screentime beyond a background cameo, the fate of the remaining Crystal Braves, Nanamo learning what it means to be a proper ruler and not giving the poor people gibs, and finally Raubahn parting from her as personal bodyguard to lead Gyr Abania. But no, its bad because Lyse made a booboo for 1/5th of it and you can't skip it so its 0/10 worst patch, nevermind that 4.2 is an actual nothingburger unless you play lalafell so Asahi bends over for one screen
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i'm a newfag, what jobs play like monk? i got monk to level 61 but i want to try new jobs
Did everyone get scared away from the uldah bench again? I haven't been around for a few weeks (months.)
No, every nerd who skips the oasis regeneration buff to get to the crystal 2 whole seconds faster on the desert map WILL be marked as someone to ignore.
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>puts out your cigarette
we just said shit was boring, japan wasn't afraid to be extremely racist about everything
>Short hair dyke
>bangs alone are shoulder length
You are a man
i hope you didn't pay her then
>Ul'dah at least has shout chat to keep me entertained
if you want schizo screed then you're just as bad as them
O Ul'Dah How We Miss Your Big Brown Smile
I don't think male midlanders look good with catgirls they should be paired more with femra.
DO you accept tributes?
vpr and dnc are smiliar enough
Femra scaled hands typed this
This is usually the case. I just like Moonies, and sometimes Sunnies.
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Crystal CC 8:02.4 ET
In JAV, they kiss like that a lot
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>the reward for this years Rising event is... the new Krile as a minion, who barely featured in the story, and a nipple lamp!
Th-thanks Yoshi-P.
Sblorgerskorf is also a scale. So if you say something is very sblogerskorf the more like Nazi Germany it is. The most sblorgerskorf thing is Nazi Germany. If Nazi Germany is like a 10 then Garlemald is like an 8 in terms of how Sblorgerskorf it is. I should just define my own system of describing things every time going forward in the future because it makes it much easier than getting bogged down in these pedantic arguments that pretend smart-people like to have.
Just let me smooch you
she charged beforehand :(
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Just a plain grey rava.
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my catgirl looks and acts like this for the same reason
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I was thinking maybe this years be a halloween meet up and we dress up spooky but I don't have any spooky decorations for a house. Do you know anyone who has a spooky like house I might be able to ask?

That seems like a good idea but you are right I don't know if it's possible to decorate a house for all the races.
>4.1 is good, actually, and I'm tired of seeing this reddit opinion of people who skipped everything and then whined they had to fight a solo instance.
what retarded nonsense are you talking about
4.1 is retarded because lyse lets in some tempered snakes and then says "Oh no! The tempered people were evil all along!"
Hell even the fucking msq is taking potshots at itself for how boring random evil tempered tribes were
male midlanders only go with female midlanders
noone else
can you get revisit on a gathering node twice or just the one time it happens only
my tummy isnt a handle.....
this post is badong
My 7 year old niece has this haircut, anon
Now that's better. Can't say I've tried that particular snack myself, but it looks tasty.
That still wouldn't make Rome fascist
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It should've been Erenville or his mom.
I only have a small that could potentially be spooky sorry
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MNK is one of the shittiest jobs in the game in terms of fun. Switch to VPR, NIN or DRG if you want to have fun as a melee.
post pics
reminder that /v/ jannies are nuking xiv threads extra hard if you're wondering whats going on
I love it when you piss off the polisci first years.
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>my tummy isnt a handle.....
Well its about to be, in the most lovingly way possible.
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Fat women twerking IS a personality, anon
mmmmmmmmm. im a fan of the face markings. you are cute, you pass. but no pet. have a good time on ff14.
I want to chase you
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why do narcissistic men turn me on
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goofy ass
Phew, thanks anon.
Rome is pretty sblorgerskorf, so I'm sorry for you.
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>No belly
>Neck isn't fat
No she isn't fat.
Have they really gotten that bad?
Please refer to my reply to the other anon
I like your character but you use the ugliest fucking shaders bro, please.
I might be able to make my house spooky but I can't remember if I still have all of my spooky furniture. I'll take a look later and message you
Next time read the whole post before you reply.
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>farming as black mage
>giant fuckass plane named gabriel
And prayers, because face 3 Lost froths are extremely overused for no reason other than the majority of this fanbase and this general being creatively bankrupt and all making the exact same gimmicky character regardless of what race you pick
May I suggest literally any other hrothgal face?
Confidence is attractive.
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did you know there's afk bunboys all over the place? you can just go up and take them, the government can't stop you. i have 87 bunboys trapped in my basement.
My fiera wife on the left that isn't my wife but I'm going to pretend it is.
>commie pseud hour
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<--- Free use for Rava
Crush my head with bunny thighs please
How, tell me what of Rome's policies make it sblorgerskorf
Furry femlala to rub her scent all over me, claiming me
Twerk for my lala
Yes duels are hard if you dont know what you doing
>I love pedophiles but filters are where I draw the line
fucking love glubs, bros
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She's very fat
Those "freckles" look like a fucking skin disease, anon.
built for midlander men
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Me too bro
do people actually like this
yeah... it's nice at least because I know I'm actually bi and not just confused because of my agp
Pretty common thread among the simps ITT.
Jerk off to kids while wearing a shitty diaper?
Eh they're probably a good person deep down.
Take a bad screenshot?
I did misread, my bad. But I'd argue Emet makes even less sense as a Hitler analogue. It's so far off the mark it's like comparing Hitler to Paradise Lost's Lucifer. Hitler was a statesman who through race theory and post-war tensions riled the German people into slowly but surely giving him supreme authority. From here we see the development of Fascism as it is generally agreed upon. A fascist government is anti-liberal, anti-communist, and anti-conservative, it has a centralized authority, places value on the prosperity of a nation over that of it's people, it places great prestige on martial prowess, and employs violence to enforce it's authority. Importantly, Hitler believed in this ideology

Emet was a godlike being who's race got destroyed because of it's own hubris and their inability to put themselves into the minds of the beings they created. They were essentially creating mice, experimenting on the mice, and sometimes killing the mice. They are so infinitely powerful that a human from our shard is barely even perceivable to them. Upon the Sundering Emet & the Ascians takes up a very Satan-like role, essentially becoming the "origin of evil". They do this because they want to return the world to it's pre-sundered state, forced into this mindset by their summoning of Zodiark. To the Ascians recombining the world isn't genociding anyone, no one would even die, it would just be people recombining into their old pre-sundered selves. You could argue that Solas was a Hitler parallel, which I would agree with to an extent, but Solas was a persona Emet wore, and nothing more. Emet is not Solas, he is just one face in a long long parade of faces he has worn. Emet does not believe in Garlean ideology, he does not care about Garlemald or it's people, he cares about causing chaos and destruction. Now you could argue that romanticising Satan isn't better, it might even be worse, which is a valid argument. But people romanticise Satan all the time
i love this femra's twitter
I need to finish my IRL work first then I'll nyanswer. Just saying this so you don't think I ghost. It'll be a little bit
Thanks but don't buy anything from the mogstation! I'll feel bad if you bought halloween stuff and we don't end up using it.
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which means she farts A LOT
This looks terrible man
I want to literally lick every inch of Ryne's body.
I accept your concession
I don't remember making this post
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hot new chatgpt from trooncord?? baaaased
post gock NOW and i will kiss my monitor
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nigga what is this
go back to twitter tourist
Chicken drumstick...
funnily enough I did take a bad screenshot once and two people told me to kms
Only worthwhile post so far itt.
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What do you mean
May I tribute
The malera are being deployed to your location
your character looks like that tranny that gave herself cement injections in her ass
>Tural is actually a pretty cool place lore wise.
What is this insane cope? The place literally was conquered and united by an African tier dictator but its Disneyfied so badly that everyone just instantly forgets any cultural norm they had that is inconvenient for unification at the first olive branch that comes their way.
>'nooo we have to rely on Blessed Siblings because our land sucks'
>"what if we imported crops that can make your land not suck"
>'wtf I hate military self sufficiency now'

>'nooo we giants used to be badasses and made the world tremble, we will rise again'
>"bro look out a bird"
>'wtf we are friends now'

>'nooo we will never forgive the lizardniggers, they have been warring with us for our forest since time immemorial'
>"cmon both of you are coming to the barbeque"
>'wtf I love peace now'

>'nooo we have to enslave random crafters so we can get cool stuff'
>"yeah but have you tried being nice to them instead"
>'wtf I love capitalism now'

Every single fucking zone is like this. It is abominable.
Share Twitter
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Crystal CC 12:11
average Concord hero
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I fucking hate malera
stay the fuck away you disgustingly deformed FREAKS
This looks awful
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That can't stop me.
I don't dislike Alexandria and the Electrope shit nor I disliked looking for the golden city. I hate that they were mashed together.
I would have loved more mommy issues Erenville and Krile being useful, and more Gulool Ja Ja.
I don't dislike Dawntrail heavily but I think the sum of its parts is way worse than the whole
And if you play with the English dub is 2x worse
Lay off the Ozempic
I am
A sick catboy
With a green tongue
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Tell me a real reason why you like Ryne aside from the fact that you wanna fuck underaged girls.
She literally has nothing
which one is this seeing they are removed from most.
get pumping, i dont have all day
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She keeps getting bigger should I be worried?
y-yes ma'am...
She's cute and NTR'able, I want to see her cry as Gaia deepthroats me
>beast tribes
>mamool ja
what else will be retconned into a normal race that pretends to be retarded and gets slaughtered?
green mender must have done that
MM would never say this
Kong's pedocord
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She quite literally grew into her own person.
>Dead from heart attack, age 26
>people giving the skin walker 50 (you)'s episode I lost count.
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I have a severe case of wanting to die after opening this thread
Like the titty sag, the thighs a bit much even for me
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Hey that's me
Shes the only one in this game who has open toe heels, also shes cute
I want her to beg to have sex with me but I say "NO." because I'm mature and an adult and know how to set boundaries so she just decides to put date rape drugs in my drink and take matters into her own hands
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If I'm reading this right, next patch when they raise the maximum rank to 125, submarines may have enough speed to do a 24h route MOJ
I have a bad feeling that this is only the tip of the iceberg and they're going to use the Azem hourglass to do some really dumb shit.
Me too
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Sorry, I like a bottom heavy 'ra
Love me Lime
heh... beginner mistake, khagan
but with failure comes experience
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Wait so did all the lalas move to LB14???
this nigga has 4 followers
this is you

also that's not even a lala that's a fucking 2hu character
Nta but I have to argue against this. Through Shadowbringer's ending/patch quests and Endwalker, we are shown that Ancients are in no way "godlike" or "infinitely powerful". Their magical capacity was immense, and their technological/magical (the difference between those doesn't really matter in this context), but they weren't fundamentally different to any other people. Yes, they saw themselves as on a higher level, but the ascians aren't famous for being right.
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attention biological women of /xivg/
lose some weight
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What could this mean
I finally fixed my hair textures, I'm a happy elezen
you are so fucking autistic mm i love you so much
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my femra looks like this
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>Make sure you're always doing something. It's often better to make small mistakes while keeping the GCD rolling than it is to perform the correct rotation slowly.
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you're going into the veggie dimension until you're thin again
It means that both his performance and his attitude on twitter were fucking disgusting and he deserves all the backlash he can get because he constantly shits on other people and even advocated for them to lose their jobs so that more trannies can act instead.
fat FUCK
1. She is kind.
2. She is hardworking.
3. She is humble.
4. She is brave.
5. Our babies would be beautiful.
6. She would be a good mother.
7. She is good at fighting.
8. She is canonically a good cook.
9. She is smart.
10. I want to fuck an underaged girl.
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Anon.... please.... listen to me.....
do a flip on your terminal velocity trip to ground level, you gigantic faggot
>Go to gong cha
>Ask for code with my order
>"sorry no codes"
>leave with my drinks
>on reddit and twitter 2 weeks later
>people with 100 apiece who just stole them from the counter at gong cha
>selling on ebay for 20 a pop
I fucking hate you fags and I hate SE's stupid promotions
Jackie Chan
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These chuds have clearly not played blm if they think doing your rotation wrong is better than doing it slowly
Very good new character with ties with a long lost character through heritage that connects well with the themes of the "give it to the next generation" that every expansion has
the hell is a gong cha
I like bottom heavy too but thats just too much compared to the waistline
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There is a random lala outside my house I have never seen in my life, is this normal?
how do i get the corgi
im gonna trap you in my basement
why are you a vampire
>aiiii my flare star nyoooo
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my moonie looks like this
I would never unalive that way. Someone would have to clean that up/I could hurt someone. Are you stupid?

Sea level would make more sense, but that's risky.
I liked her arc and I don’t particularly want to fuck her
There was no possible good end for them. They were on the brink of going too far in a lot of possible ways and they had become too soft to handle any catastrophe, to the point that their immediate reaction to one was to sacrifice half of themselves, and then half of the remainder, in the crazed pursuit of a return to unending bliss.
jap bubble tea shop that gave out a mount if you bought 3 drinks
workers didn't give a fuck and gave out like 100 apiece to streaers and scalpers and ran out a few weeks ago before the promotion ended because of it
Nobody cares about my post... everyone just replies to fat fuck femlalas....
go inside and call pest control
are your doors locked?
kisame we're leaving
She looks like she has the softest skin imaginable and giggles cutely and with a flushed face when you caress her. She also says things like "d-daddy no~" while biting her finger when you give her little toes a kiss.
>>Neck isn't fat
It's so fucking hard to get this in XIV
The fat mods always look terrible on Viera because Viera have Elezen-tier necks and mods do nothing for it
catbox links with woobers inside?
Eziezel are you from here?
just c+ it bigger. it's not hard
which kind of woober? f+ or m*le?
Male Midlander.
At least before the retarded DT changes you could actually get away with just kinda doing whatever on BLM as long as enochian didn't drop
thought this was effy from the thumbnail
what do you want?
the leaves from the unreal trials but theres not even one available right now
Lock your door or he will sneak in and make a mess of ur pots and pans
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Crystal CC 4:14 ET
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what, like my actual dick?
use the new features to ban them from your estate
It's come to my attention that '''''certain types''''' of chirugeons in Ul'dah have been engaging in the barbaric practice of removing the barbs from newborn Miqo'te and Hrothgar. As a concerned femhroth, I demand that this practice be stopped immediately.
literally just c+
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leaves. or mb
Why'd they do it man... I wanna go back... I miss EW BLM... how the fuck could they do this..
I want to marry this cat
They are godlike relative to us, and they are infinitely powerful relative to us. They are not emotionally different to us apart from their racial autism, perhaps. I brought up Paradise Lost for a reason. Lucifer is powerful, essentially a god compared to Adam and Eve (though obviously not God), but he is still flawed, which is what makes him relatable, which is why there are people who read Paradise Lost and come away with the belief that he is the hero of the story
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I would really like a hrothgirl to step on my face.
Don't make me go on a rant about how fucking shit Tuliyollal is again.
Are you pressing good match after one lost push on purpose?
turning these two into my personal onaholes, they consented so it's not rape.
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I want her to experience a far more depressing arc because I still view her as Minfilia and I despise Minfilia. I harbor no lust for her. I neither want her nor need her companionship. I want to see her suffer for ARR filler.
why do they look like that
Ryne was better when she was blonde and blue eyed
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Here ya go.
pure femlala here!
Former Aether player here
After transferring to Crystal first, and now to Balmung, my MMO interactions multiplied by 3x and now by 10x
Aetheroids can't socialize, it felt like a single player game with some side co-op elements
Crystal really is the social DC, unironically
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You people debate lore a lot but if I ask you basic shit like what's Ishgard main source of income or even which region Mount Rokkon is located at you'd immediately crumble.
do you just scale the neck bone or what
i don't know how to do custom sculpts
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Holy based cute and wholesome sex enjoyer.
Isn't this extremely racist?
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here's the mod to remove wuk lamat that made twitter go nuclear.
this but unironically
bunboys look like THAT?
pretty soon youll be taking futa horsecocks if you arent already
that's a wife
I can't claim my pvp reward due to being capped on trophy crystals. Wtf do I do with these? I don't want any of the garbage form the quartermaster.
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I LOVE my wife Liliane Blanc!
Whatever could make you think that? The last one and a half expansions worth of dumb shit they try to pass off as a story, perchance?
either or both

yeah if you want to that would be cool
what clothes are that? i fucking love it, akatsuki vibes frfr
The Roman Empire was definitely very sblorgorskorf in its authortarian, hypernationalistic, and imperialistic ways. I think these are pretty consistent traits of the Empire and I think they are core tenets of being sblorgorskorf and I think if these three words accurately describe your nation you have met the minimums for being slblorgorskorf. I don't think you can just have 1 or 2 out of the 3. Aspects that flow from these include being highly militaristic, as a means to project authority, conquer lands, and subjugate "the other". This definitely applies to the Roman Empire and makes them more sblorgorskorf. Religion being state worship? Yep. That's being sblorgorskorf. The Roman Emperor was definitely seen as a god. Hypermasculine and sexist? Yep.

I think those are more than enough things to warrant the Roman Empire being described as sblorgorskorf, even if it is not the most sblorgorskorf thing, and even if 20th century sblorgorskorf nations based their sblorgorskorf ideologies more on a romanticism of what they viewed the Roman Empire to be than what it was. I think if the Empire was founded today they would definitely be immediately recognizable as sblorgorskorf, but there are a lot of cultural aspects that can go into being sblorgorskorf that are harder to identify and may be exclusive to more modern sblorgorskorf entities.
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Spend them on garbage from the quartermaster and then throw the garbage away
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yeah i think its in the spine tab
if you are a homosexual pelase dont compliment my male character. I only want women to fawn over me
Turn them into wolf collars
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These threads
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I know how you feel bro. I know...
>what was Emet-Selch's tax policy?
Keeping track of someones age until they become legal is actually incredibly disgusting and sickening
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What a cool game
femra on the left hitting the yoinky sploinky
huh why did you reply to me?
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Nah, I don't ERP, and the only mods I use are for fixing stuff or adding some basic stuff like animations. I've already fallen the ERP/Goonbeasting deep end before, I'm not gonna go that route again
fuck off ul'dah sex pest
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the enclave is fucking back boys
I mean stupider than that, like fusing the First and 13th to accelerate the recovery of the former and stabilize the latter or something.
What headpiece is that? I saw it a few times but I forgot.
>Ishgard main source of income
Sexy nun calendars
Mt Rokkon is in hingashi though, it even shows you on the map when you go there the first time, also ishgard gets a lot of money from chocobos, smithed goods and raw materials
I wish any place was back, ul'dah is too public and it sucks
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Wahoo Wednesday going not so great....
i stepped away for like an hour
weren't you fucks just at lb14 again
fuck's going on
me somewhere offscreen
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Has anyone every seen this black sceen glitch when going into gpose with glamourer enabled?
Brio still works but it acts like it's infinitely loading.
it was an edit from some coat with bunny logos but i lost it too...
i'll post it here if i find it again
the hat on the right is an ingame item but don't remember which one exactly
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why does alphinaud have boobs and missing his pp
>Ancients didn't invent taxes
>Garlean citizens are tax exempt if they serve in the army for half a decade
Anything else?
I hope everyone knows that every second they stay in that shithole they're losing thread cred
The government should issue fertile femlala gfs to all catboys the moment they turn 18
That's not really related to what I said, but regardless of whether this is true or not, I find Venat's decision to just kill everything and everyone absolutely evil. In my opinion, the ancients are shown to be rather innovative and capable of overcoming various hardships. Furthermore, the sacrifices are said to be a highly debated topic in their society, not something they just decided as a single, monolithic mass. But again, this isn't something I argued for or against in my post.

If "godlike" means just being very magically gifted, sure. They aren't really anything else than large humans with an almost limitless source of aether.
my anal wives
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I wish this game had more gear grind and m+
I hope you have a better rest of Wahoo Wednesday.
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Oh boy, more reflections and ancients in this "new 10-year saga". Can't wait to see the same narrative keypoints we've seen before being retreated in a worse fashion again and again, truly exciting! Now, without sarcasm, thankfully the community feedback was so overwhelmingly negative that even Yoshida himself had to acknowledge it, meaning that there's hope that they course-correct immediately. Wuk Lamat was the biggest problem of Dawntrail due to her oppressive presence in the narrative, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the countless other flaws that this MSQ had; from the superficial and uninteresting cultures (tacos and alpacas are not all that there is to see in South America, dear Square Enix) to the sheer stupidity when it came to resolving issues ("have you tried growing wheat instead of sacrificing most of your children? :o"). Not only was there absolutely nothing new in what was supposed to be a new and fresh adventure, it was also executed in a terrible way. Focusing on glimpses of potential is the wrong approach to such a catastrophic failure and will only encourage laziness. I don't want to be baited along for 2+ years until something exciting happens.
neo kingdom maiming
non-capped 100 tome gear
same, especially the inquisitor
>all those chairs
is this the cuck meetup?
Good lord
Godlike in the sense that they are incomprehensively more powerful than us
Yeah I'm not going to LB14 until DC is kicked out.
>Mt Rokkon is in hingashi though, it even shows you on the map when you go there the first time
The thing people always argue about is if it's on Shishu, Koshu, or neither.
Watching MM 1v10 all the racists ITT makes me feel some sort of way... that's my fucking wife right there...
I don't want to play bad game
need a femlala who lets me punch her in the tummy while im inside
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I fucking don't. M+ as a concept wouldn't work here, in gearing, scaling, or structure. I'll never forgive how badly it affected the gearing system in worlo.
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We like this
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This might sound a bit mean but I hope both Hiroi and Kate get into a car accident.
Another day.
Another one of my fiddie alts hypnotized into a stupid doggy...
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cat milk
I found their power quite comprehensive myself.
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how ancient is this screenshot, I can see several people that haven't posted in ages
miau miau
>I'll never forgive how badly it affected the gearing system in worlo
Qrd? I never played retail, only Classic wow
coat without the akatsuki edit
My sunnie is like this.
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Two calamities wasnt enough
>Oh boy, more reflections and ancients in this "new 10-year saga"
my wife that i miss very much
M+ azerite armor turned me off of the system conceptually. I forget if I even bothered with it in Shadowlands before I quit or not.
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i've been erping with this guy in this game for so long that he and i have started to do meta-erp based on making fun of the same tropes and characters we do so often
i'm feeling some kinda beautiful
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are these two femlalas seriously pretending to be dogs in public
you are so fucking mad
Why is /xivg/ using terms used by basic bitch twitter all of a sudden? Can we just go back to calling people niggers and faggots?
We saw a science outpost and a facade of a city
we're getting timetravel bro
According to one of Hancock's records it's on Shishu.
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It's incredible how the japanese community wants cuteness, femininity, wholesomeness and coolness, whereas in the west you get ugly Second Life modbeasts with giant tits and tattoos on their asshole.
damn where
i never thought i had anything in common with white women until just right now
Thank you!
Dating Ryne and being her dashing Prince Charming!
Being sweet and polite and making her heart flutter, but never being ungentlemanly!
Letting her accidentally discover WoL being deep throated by Gaia!
Watching the tears well up in her eyes as WoL's massive Hyur cock, covered in Gaia's lipstick, pulses and unleashes a huge load down her throat!
Seeing her start to sob as WoL bends Gaia over a nearby table and takes her then and there!
Gaia laughing at her naivete as Gaia's tight womanhood claims another of WoL's loads!
Ryne running out of the room only for WoL to go for another round!
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I would kill to have a tranny ERP partner like this... fuck man...
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Crystal CC 9:09 ET
I agree
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I am a worthless femlala
I wish I was Krile-coded
I wish I was Lamitt-coded
but no
I'm worthless-coded
Trash to be deleted like Living Memory
To be erased
That is my future.
End me, Warrior of Light
The last remnants of civilization on the 9th being transplanted to the Source using a device that had Azem's mark glow on it just happened. You really think they're going to stop at introducing the hourglass and dimensional merging?
yoship interview
don't know where it is, don't care
wholesome af
Calling that person nigger and faggot would maybe offend you less, but "pick-me" describes well the annoying loser that particular person is. I'll call you a faggot if it makes you feel better, faggot. Final fantasy xiv
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>Pink lilly
>I am a worthless femla - GRK GRRK GLRK MRRK MLRK MRRM GRMMMM
Isn't that a sam gcd?
NTA but imagine if criterion was released alongside a savage tier so you had to farm both to get your BiS, except rewards from criterion had no guarantee on dropping and the weekly reward for clearing raids/criterion was also entirely random
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Now she's eating other people should I be worried yet?
I'm aware, but most people never read that shit and argue about it anyway.
lazy pick-me bitch
Sex with my femlala?
should i level all my classes to 70 before leaving the free trial
Can you guys talk about me
cc god here if that helps
We also fought several of them face-to-face without them holding back. Yes, their power was immense, but nothing beyond strong magic.
my retarded edgelord wife
It's 34-year old men pretending to be girls, what did you expect?
I talk like this
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I am also very sick
yeah sure
make most of the free trial as you fit
what accent is that?
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It's okay was my fault...
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lets make it happen
Wtf is a pick me?
It scaled dungeon difficulty until they gave gear almost as powerful as mythic raids without needing to coordinate 20 retards. Pretty much just rift keys from diablo. Mythic raiders seethed forever that there was a gearing path they couldn't gatekeep. It objectively gears the vast majority of players faster, but autists who want BiS week 1 hate that they can't just grind the exact thing they want.
another account i have to follow
>I'll call you a faggot if it makes you feel better, faggot
Thanks babe
Time and place then
Anytime sis.
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please get better soon sir
Yeah every fucking day I hope on /xivg/ and there's another "Mt. Rokkon is actually on Koshu" argument, this thread really needs to spend less time discussing the lore and get back to 'OONIN'
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i do not feel like this is the best rep for our people, sisters...
i got a cock...
you got a throat...
Yeah you look like you got AIDS, fag.
BFA seriously fucked me off so fucking bad I swear to christ
You're familiar with the dungeon loop and raid lockouts as the foundation of gearing, right? Makes sense. God's intended route, and the way things should exist. In legion, they added the mythic+ system. Do a dungeon on the mythic difficulty (it's fucking heroic dungeon + the smallest bit of extra scaling), get a mythic keystone. Make a group for the dungeon your keystone fits, run everybody over there, slap it in the slot, start the run. Dungeon begins on a timer, you need to kill a fixed amount of total trash in the dungeon, and every boss within a given time frame. You lose additional time if people die. The level of the keystone determines how much %hp/damage inflation every mob has. If you zero out the timer, you still get the clear chest reward, but the keystone itself will not increase in level, and people leave a FUCKING LOT when there's one or two deaths early in the run. You can run m+ dungeons indefinitely throughout the week. The clear chest rewards at the highest point of gear scaling (keystone level scales past that point, but it's just for rating grind autism/cock and ball torture) is heroic raid ilvl, and it gives you a selectable piece of mythic raid loot each week from your big chest.
It fucked with the balance of gear distribution considerably. And historically it led to some fucking retarded dice roll autism with needing to land bis gear specifically out of your weekly chest, which is a big fucking diceroll
my retarded sunnie wife on the right
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>biofem posts a selfie in the discord
>all the male players start simping
>get called gay cause I'm the only one not glazing her shitter.
I'm tired boss. Real tired.
are you a woman and dylm
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what the hell is going on man
almost as bad as on launch
What The Sims 3 mod is this?
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>biorod posts a selfie in the discord
>all the female players start simping
>get called gay cause I'm the only one not glazing her shitter.
I'm tired boss. Real tired.
A fucking two-faced bitch who leads you on for months only to move to Golem to EB someone else and tries to pull "I was just joking about wanting to EB you I thought we were only friends" when you understandably get upset.

Oh and by the way this was AFTER the entire reason they left Aether for Crystal was because they got kicked out of their previous circle of friends there.

So basically an extremely untrustworthy person who tries to hide behind autism as an excuse
could you talk more about how tight ryne's ass is
Lol homo mad he was called out.
*cough* *cough* Kemono femlala...where are you....animal ears...save me..
My male middie has had a 103 fever for the past 6 months and it ain't going down.
What's this chart saying?
Just woke up from my nap
What did I miss?
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At the end of the thread I will post a webm showing off a dance mod I like.
That's still better than being an above-average looking girl and getting a hatetrain by men pretending to be women once they find out.
Is this H'ana Ebhu?
Is someone spamming Miki's gross shithole again?
The blackie at the top and bottom row are all my sleeve wives.
That is correct
Based, I'm glad you're still around
Y-you too
i never recieved one... want to be the first?
this one happens a lot here
An actually likeable woman (surprising I know) that other roastflaps get jealous over because they can't stop being cunts for half an hour.

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