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Space Marine 2 Bunker Edition


Lore Stuff - https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page, https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page

Discord for game sessions - https://discord.gg/6GHjwCXXZW
It's pretty good bros
I hope the pvp is good
discussion should pick up more tomorrow with the actual release and more the 9th
It’ll be like sm1 kinda mid but fun I guess people still play sm1s
anyone bought from gmg and got keys yet?
There is no preload so your not fully fucked
My main worry is the PvE missions staying power. 6 missions at release and then one extra + one new weapon every 3 months seems somewhat lacklust. I feel the game should have came out with 9 missions vanilla and then add two missions per season + 2 new weapons.I see a lot of potential but i don't think it can be fully realized if the devs don't inject more man power to post release support. We are also probably not getting a new class until late 2025
Game unironically should rip the band aid and commit fully to being live service it’s gonna sell well
Why did they pussy foot around it so much? Fear of backlash?
Player sentiment is moving against GaaS. Its not the perfect example, but recent and got plenty of press: look at what happened to Concord
The road map existing made people cry it might be a gaas
wait why does it say the pre-game release doesn't start for another 13 hours on Steam? i thought it was already out
how are so many people playing it now?
Handful of YouTubers and streamers now
Sure hope the pc performance is good. Also whats the news on mod support?
Focus sent keys to even small subscriber count content creators

No mod support
>no mod support
Hopefully we can at least get offline mod support or some sort of p2p stuff. There was this mod for space marine, augment, which added a ton of stuff into the game. Shame development ceased and its perpetually stuck in a buggy state. It was fun when it worked.
>my youtube feed is filled with spoilers

I'm not giving into the scumbag early release tactic but holy shit is this lame
I’m hearing mostly it’s good but cpu focused
One more sleep…..
>he gets redeemed
Not the outcome I expected, but the one I welcome

I need a fucking haven from the stinky Discord trannies on /v/.
crack when
community countdown clock and lobby where?
>>he gets redeemed
I considered buying this since I had fun with the first game multiplayer (never played solo) but
>6v6 PVP
Holy shit that's boring, especially if it gets down to spamming jetpack/hammer attacks like the original.
Why are the teams so small?
I don't think I will buy the game if the battle scope isn't upgraded.
I hope they didn't decide to have always on mic's during multiplayer without the ability to mute them this time around.

>screaming children
>screaming parents
>fire alarm beeps
>guys openly yelling at their buddies about sharing the bong
>lip smacking
>all of the above but at maximum volume

I legit had to play with all sound off for the first month when they finally included vox controls in a patch.
This is probably the best in-depth review of the game. Their channel backs up their playtime, they've got dozens upon dozens of pre-release gameplay footage with no commentary over it. They cover all the pros and cons, and the cons are actually technical and specific, not vague faggotry written by a journalist looking to pad out his word count.

Game looks bland as fuck, sell me on it.
>Momma give baby spoony
Same thats why I'm here. I'm tired of their shill points like
>only 6 hours of campaign, the first was 30 hours!!
>pve has no AI director
>posting female custode saying its a female space marine and its from sm2
>1 mode for pvp!
>nO rEpLaY value!!!
Could be one mentally ill spamming that on every thread in /v/ trying to delay the moment they have to tie a noose to use ib xerself
>300 hours played
>majority on the limited preview build
Remember discordtroons keep saying it has no replay value and only has 10 hours of content max
It's definitely either a small handful of people or one individual. The constant lies are far too consistent in their ridiculousness, especially the claim that SM1 was like 12 hours long which is some of the clowniest bullshit I've seen on this board in years.
The fact that they have to resort to such lies just shows how buckbroke they are with how much success SM2 is getting. Could even tell they haven't even played the first
>Actual multiplayer content

Sadly its from "Gameriot"
>Game releases with a decent and fun campaign, a pve mode and pvp in current year
>not worth full price.
You forgot to mention those fags saying this constantly to go with all those other points
We got a living fossil over here.
On the Focus website where you can submit literal ideas guys tickets and get a response, here are examples of things that are notable.

>Under Status on the left, click any of the tags to filter

>Must Have
PvE/PvP Class: Apothecary
Missing Heraldry (Unique Battle Group emblems for e.g. Space Wolves)

>Nice To Have
Customizable Lens/Visor Colors
Blood Ravens 20th Anniversary Cosmetics
Lightning Claws
Customizable Marine Faces
This guy should have been part of Lt. Titus squad
>Malum Caedo takes off his helmet
>He's black
Imagine the seethe
>not embracing the primordial truth
See you in SM3 :)
>PvE/PvP Class: Apothecary
increase squadmates from 3 -> 5
add techmarine and librarian
chaos space marine customization
bring back the lascannon, power axe, storm bolter, vengeance launcher, autocannon, rocket launcher, flamer, heavy flamer
pistols shouldn't be class locked, let players choose
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Make pvp actually decent by doing asymmetrical balance with actual depth and customization for chaos marines.

This mirrored shit is embarassing, and I'm saying this as a loyalistfag. I don't think I'm gonna touch it as thing are right now, just feels out of place.
Imperial Fists
Heavy Bolter
Will never move an inch :)
Iron within, Iron without, have faith brother :))
You fags got your Twitch slop cosmetics?
>he gifted 2 subs.
I did, because I'm an autist. Wish I signed up to the cancelled beta because the pistol was given out for free as a consolation prize.
The really question is, which thot did you gift to?
It’s also probably a 40k fan who wants the game to flop odd I know
>can't customize chaos Marines
Yeah, I cancelled my preorder
the boltpistol is the same as one they gave out for cancelled beta, except the golden chain
good, chaosfags don't deserve to be officially pandered
>You get a bolt pistol as consolation for the signing up the cancelled beta
Where can I redeem it!?
>I can't customize characters I will play literally only 25% of the time
You'll have got an email, or it's already active on your account at https://prismray.io when you sign in to the email you used.
Cant you customize their colors still?
But why would they do that
it's called Space Marine 2 not Chaos Tranny 2

cry some more chaosfag
I not gonna fully defend it but some guys really don’t like 40k now post 8th edition and want it to burn

Sm2 has all the new stuff they dislike so they want it to flop
There are 40K autists who are into the franchise but absolutely hate certain subsections of it. We're not talking simple disinterest, we're talking full blown vitriolic Discord troon raids.

Secondaries who have no idea why Primaris "were" hated, and the keyword is were by actual fans, throw spite at the mere notion of anything Primaris-focused because they saw some other people do it but don't actually know why. It's irrelevant to them that Primaris weren't just a simple model update, but new replacement units for space marines with better stats, or that the initial lore fucked a lot of chapters by curing the geneseed defects. These are irrelevant, the secondary doesn't know about this, nor do they know GW walked back a lot of the changes because people complained, and that after seven years people have had the time to gradually update to Primaris armies so the sourness is mostly healed. No it's just Primaris = bad.
To be honest I was shocked they even brought up this, they rarely bring up the original primaris anymore and when he mentioned calth and the word bearers I was like wtf wait.
Looks about the same as sm1, however I hope it doesn’t degrade like it sm1 has an issue where devestator spam causes lock downs I was playing it recently and the matches became a snooze fest
This games going to flop!
Easily see it being less than 1k players peak 1 week into release
It's crazy that they turned off PvP for streamers/reviewers, is it broken?
NO one knows what PvP is like and that is scary
not good
It's literally there dude >>493235857
I think pvp will be the sleeper mode, pve vermintide shit gets boring
Enjoy your 10 hour 60 dollar "experience".
The first one was so good and based on what is shown in >>493235857 even though it's down from 8v8 to 6v6 this time, it looking really good
Though seems like Assault is pretty weak compared to the first or just people need to git gud
>New Multiplayer gameplay (Chaos perspective)
If they can raise the player cap to at least 10v10 and add chaos armor customization we should be good
In a year or 2
Niggas still play sm1 till this day on the same 5 base game maps I’ll cope
>10 hours
Where do you fags get or how did you come to the conclusion of such a number?
nta, but they're using the 6-7 hour campaign and a one time playthrough of the 6 co-op missions, which take like 30 minutes each
>one time playthrough of the 6 co-op missions
They do know they were designed and can be played multiple times right to level up and unlock stuff? Also on multiple difficulties
im just saying that's were all the parrots are getting the hours from, not that they're right
they must have never played a game like DRG/Darktide/Vermintide
>Black legion marine EMBRACE THE PAIN
I appreciate actually having Chaos be OG Marines, but I really wish they were actually slightly shorter and used original gun models, not the Primaris ones. Either way Chaos customization seems to be in the plans considering they do have a customization screen.
Honestly I don't like Primaris and the nu-lore because the eternal standstill always appealed to me and I don't like them turning 40k into 30k in terms of focus on Galaxy-spanning important events and select few characters but I play Guard, not Marines, so I can typically not give a shit. Honestly being still mad over something that you cannot change seems really dumb, especially since, outside of actually playing in tournaments or w/e, you can just ignore all of nu-lore and exist in the 4th (or whatever headcanon one has) edition bubble forever.
One thing however I am grossly disappointed with is some of the aesthetic and "we gotta make it legally distinct!!!" changes that have been done to Primaris so my one single wish is that they'll make a DLC allowing you to play Loyalist Firstborn at some point, possibly even reusing cleaned-up assets for the chaosfags, the possible additional revenue of letting people fuck around with all the variety of the old pieces seems too big to let it pass by and in-game both are already the same fucking size so who cares (GW. GW cares because they want you to buy some Primaris, not second-hand Firstborn).
> Iron within, Iron without
Anon, I...
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>imperial fists
>iron within, iron without
>Less than 30 minutes before early access starts
How do we download it on steam? It keeps saying "Coming Sept 9". Will there be a button once it actually hits to download for early access users?
It's been out for like five hours?
>the game runs great on PS5
Console peasant bros, we're gonna make it.
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Yeah for consoles but PC got it late
I just want bigger pvp im bored of strategy or coop shooter 40k games
I can't wait to see it run like dogshit on PC.
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>No flamer in co-op
It's in the fucking single player campaign, why wouldn't you just add it to multiplayer too?
dlc goyem :)
Because right now its just a gimmick weapon for gimmick pve enemies in this game lmao
Go play Eternal Crusade.
Oh wait.
Autocannon was also only in Campaign in the first game until Dreadnaught assault came out which is what the Chaos dreadnaughts used.
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That game sucked this game at least has some teeth
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hello sirs does the multiplayer modes have lightning claws?
>Go play Eternal Crusade
I was actually hoping to at least get those playercount or a least close to it with SM2's multiplayer.
Such a big disappointment when it first announced it was only 6v6
We all ready to SPEESH MAAREEN?
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Hello xer, regrefully there are no lighting claws at all yet but they're on the list of accepted suggestions.
Maybe you’ll get it, modern pve fags are fickle nowadays but all pvp sloppas want is maps and weapons
that's a bummer, but thank you for informing me sir
We just need bigger maps, bigger player count, and chaos customization
>1 minute remaining for PC early access
Tanks/bikes would be cool too a repulsor is in the game
What chapter for peak Tactical lads? Besides Ultramarines I guess
Where download?
Can you use pieces of the Ultramarine Champion pack separately?
install button doko
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The Battle Barge hub feels comfy.
Imperial Fists, Blood Ravens, and iron hands
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What the fuck?
Dumb question for other ps5 players, is "quality" or "speed" the performance mode? Also, how has it been running?
Restart your pc

Speed is performance mode. I'm using that setting currently and it runs pretty good. Played for a couple hours before work. It's relatively smooth, even with a shit ton of enemies. Some drops here or there, but otherwise, lots of nid slaying.
Thank you honored Mars cult
torrent when
Is it really worth spending 30 dollars or more on just getting the game 4 days early?
if you have to ask, no
No not just to play early but also for the season pass
>season pass
Isn't that just skins?
Only Smurfs and Dark Angel fans should consider non-Standard edition honestly.
Sooo… what do we do while we wait for it to finish downloading?
Restart steam. I had to do it 4 times
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Not they’re going to release more content down the road.
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Bros i'm fighting the urge to buy the goy edition.
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>Game finished downloading
>Open it up
>Play multiplayer first
Season pass is just skins, mostly colours, paint schemes, insignia and some minor armor pieces that are required to make successor chapters.
Actual gameplay shit like maps/weapons/etc. is supposed to be free.
Just do it. Jews are scamming you everyday anyways, what’s one more?
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What chapters are we rocking I guess
Do it goy!
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We're live.
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I just did. I wasn't going to but m-muh Space Marine dressup simulator.
Imperial Fists and Imperial Fist successors are the white man's choice. Which is ironic since Celestial Lions are one of the few oldmarine chapters actually having black (as in, nigger) marines.
I'm not a fan of streamer partnership drops. Does this actually benefit anyone?

>minimum bandwidth
Only way to get items.
Dorns seed is the diverse one since the Crimson Fists are all Spanish too
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What’s the second weapon?
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>The Chaplain antagonizes with suspicion in the whole game.
I don't think that's how that role works, or that guy is the worst Chaplain in service.
Alpha Legion
The pyreblaster perhaps? Or maybe a melee weapon?
I'm actually worried because there's only 12 slots for each succesor DLC so, even with Black Templars being already in the game, some of my bros might not get in.
My money is on Lightning Claws.
Guys… I’m only 40% downloaded…. I don’t know how much longer I can wait
>start game on Steam
>Epic Games Launcher starts
This is the lowest low I've seen. Instant refund.
Bro the Nova Marines and Red Scorpions got in your safe
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gotcha bitch
I don't see anything about their launcher needing to be installed on the store page.
It’s not egs it’s epic servers
Do Tacticals get melee options other than chainsword?
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Why bother? Only 20 japs are going to buy this game.
Maybe the knife? Tactical still getting a chain sword is kinda big
Are the co-op dudes in the main campaign also restricted by classes, or can you just equip whatever you want?
How limited is the player weapon arsenal in 2 compared to 1? I know they are really, really pushing this specialized class bullshit.
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Nah it’s slowly growing there and Tokyo recently got a flag ship store
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They boldly said "no" to Denuvo after their entire dev build got leaked.
The biggest channel I could find promoting the game has just over 3k subs.
No Denuvo.
>They boldly said "no" to Denuvo
Im guessing it was AFTER the dev build leak kek
Anybody know how to turn on controller support for PC? It doesn't seem to be detecting mine and I can't find any setting to turn it on in settings.
Should be the same as the actor who played him, a mystery meat mutt
Controller or KBM?
so do you niggas wanna talk about the story yet? or is it still considered too early?
Are you gonna be aiming a gun? Then KBM.
What the fuck, my Japanese sucks but this not a video game channel I think it’s a local hobby store promoting 40k with girls doing va work? The other videos are them highlighting products being sold that week
That's vocaroid. And that's the biggest channel I could find actively promoting the game, they even gave him and his friend some of those early access codes some weeks ago, because interest is just that low in Japan they'll take anyone willing to play it.
Boltgun desperately needs a gameplay and map design overhaul mod.
so where's the torrent then
>because interest is just that low in Japan they'll take anyone willing to play it.
Should reach out to the japanese fps player streamer community, the type who constantly play in their own Apex/Valorant tournaments.
less restrictive than sm1
Why are the Ultramarines in Space Marine 2 saying things like "By the Primarch" instead of "By the Emperor"? Yes I am new to 40K, the only 40K game I played was the first one on Xbox
Heavily depends on how fun the coop or pvp is, and even then most Japanese viewers of those channels just want to see more apex/valo.
space marines are privy to the legitimate history of the imperium, and know that the emperor is not a god and wishes not to be treated as one
He still hates him for whatever reason after 200 years
>the emperor is not a god
Heretic be gone. The Emperor became mankind's all-seeing God even if he is too humble to accept this himself.
Girlyman is calling the shots currently while the Emperor drinks his 10,000 psyker soul cocktail and just chills on the throne.
it feels like his hatred has matured IMO. he's no longer just openly seething and calling him a heretic, he grudgingly admits T is seemingly loyal and does good work but still considers it his duty to watch T like a hawk to ensure he never goes bad
Angel of Death is actually quite under-tuned if you're any good at the first game. Easy is literal games journalist mode and you are functionally invulnerable. Veteran is the actual "normal" difficulty.
Novamarines have been pretty standard fare to see both in Codexes and in vidya because the quartered colour scheme is cool and people who like Ultramarines but are bothered by Ultramarines being poster boys flock to them.
Red Scorpions used to be THE Forge World (as in the shop) chapter, they had a fetish for them for some reason so they were also insanely popular like 15 years ago. Out of all the chapters you could question Red Scorpions isn't one of them.
Helps their gimmick is that they're basically an entire Chapter worth of Leandroses on steroids that will make feed you the Codex Astrates and then promptly feed you a second one for dishonoring Guillman by eating it. Some people dig the "what if Ultramarines actually DID have a stick up the ass" aesthetic.
Techmarine when? I want an Omnissian axe
what would you want their ability to be?
Game crashes at the start menu and there's no troubleshooting forum? There's just steam discussions page which are flooded with garbage bot posts and the dev forums which seem filled with praise bot posts.
Ultramarines were always somewhat Primarch dicksuckers but since Rawbutt is back from the dead as >>493275246 says, people started sucking his dick more as the physical big guy in charge rather than Emperor on Terra that suddenly feels very far, far away.
Ultramarines don't like you to know it but when push came to shove during Horus Heresy Rawbutt Girlyman's first thought wasn't "oh shit gotta save Emperor and Terra and everything", his first thought was "oh shit Emperor and Terra are TOTALLY screwed time to make my own Imperium where I am in charge", so he's totally cool with people sucking his dick rather than Emperor's. Mentioning Imperium Secundus gets you HERESYied because it's really not a good look on him to the rest of the Imperium.
Boltgun seems hard to mod.
Maybe some kind of turret or the ability to give everyone an extra bar of armor
I really don't like that they combined heavy and light attacks into the same action.
Red Scorpions barely exist now since forge world doesn’t focus on 40k but all the unknown foundings were pretty much added

I think someone on the team are Badab war fags as Minotaurs and Space sharks got in too
Anyone preorder on steam and get their good goyim edition early? I checked at 6am est before I had to wage in the cage and it’s still said it unlocks on September 9th.
i am making a clan when the beaky helmets come out called beaky blinders who wants to join
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Space Sharks were actually kinda semi-popular recently because of "you do not see Tyberos" meme, the scary Shark Man with scary metal music videos, Gawr Gura and probably some other shit.
Minotaurs I have no clue, except them being attack dogs of High Lords so they get all the cool shit.
My money is kinda on it being because Charcharodons are !TOTALLY NOT! descended from World Eaters and Minotaurs are !TOTALLY NOT! descended from Iron Warriors. Who knows, maybe we'll see the revived Soul Drinkers for Imperial Fists if that's the case.
It's out buddy, restart your Steam.

Primarch is too hard and Veteran is normal mode...am I just a bad Primaris Marine?
Just get good at timing parries and Primarch is easy.
wtf is primarch
So as far as I'm aware, the Mechanicus game is the first game to ever even bother representing the shrill, techno binary speech of AdMechs.

They use that representation of the language here when you're wandering through the Barge. I wonder if the Mechanicus guys knew they'd be that influential.
The enemies look like tyranid warriors soak up way too much fire for toughness 5 and three wounds with a 4+ armor save.
I'm stuck with the first two combo Warrior battle when the Woof gets rekt

This Deathwatch team is dogshit desu
they are making a mechanicus 2 as well
ps5 performance?
they do it in rogue trader rpg too
Performance mode is wonderful but the high fidelity one is fucking garbage. awful 18-24 fps dips frequently
How does the PC performance seem to be?
pretty poorly optimized im afraid
ive seen reports of 3080s not getting beyond the main menu
>not getting beyond the main menu
You just gotta restart you're pee see
>it has EAC
When will devs fucking learn that EAC is rubbish
i5 12600kf
rtx 4060
32gb mem
>default high settings
60 fps limit, 51 fps minimum, 58.9 avg
Tutorial has a good section for testing swarms I have a 9600 XT running high and medium settings with unlimited fps
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>bought normal edition which lets me play on the coming monday
>everyone playing a spoiling yesterday/today
This talmudic trend of paying extra money to play earlier is just going to get more common right?
Possible, aside from making more money it also allows them to ease the load on their servers,
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Stealthed Las Fusil shot to the face doesn’t one tap a Tyranid Warrior. The Tech Marines must have been trying to interface with the magazines on these things otherwise why is it so weak?
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>The sword he uses in the death watch is from space marine 1

Neat, apparently the Space Wolf Ulfar might be from rogue trader crpg?
Ulfar is yeah
What other weapons can snipers use?
bolt carbine and bolt sniper i think
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>Link removed
Bolt Carbine(SMG), Stalker Bolt Rifle(scoped Bolter) and Bolt Sniper Rifle(bolt action style Bolter)
Verdict: story writing shit, PC controls/keybind options shit, customisation is dull, game plays almost identical to original but worse
i am in australia so i constantly matchmake with chinks with 200 ping
shit sucks
if i knew this game used EGS services i would never have purchased it. too late now
what did those retards leak now
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You know you never really see mass drivers mentioned in 40k a lot I’m more used to it in Gundam
Sm2 and its connection to recent 40k games is so odd bolt gun feature Graia and is technically a prequel to this game too
I like how they are actually quite similar to the gundam mass drivers, but with a bunch of ornate Gothic architecture plastered over them.
Most 40k aircraft can enter and renter atmosphere easily so you never needed one unsure what the admech were using it for
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Bahahaha get fucked
Anon, they even set up the "early acess" to be the weekend and have the regular release be a monday or tuesday so most people that have regular might not even be able to play it until the weekend after release
Anyone else having trouble connecting to the server. It was working earlier but now I can’t connect.
I think it must have been used to load missiles to launch into space?
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>heldrakes in this game
Holy fucking cinema
I'll be playing the first playthrough on whatever the easiest difficulty is called because I'm old and my coordination/reaction time is shit.
I'm not sorry.
Duality of man I guess.
Plan on going for the hardest for my 1st run.
The new enemy they will add is gonna be another tyranid but what is it? Which unit are we missing? Genestealers maybe?
Angel of Death is too hard

I keep dying to Warriors, is this some Dark Souls bullshit?
I have literal brain damage, I can barely handle Elden Ring.
When can we start editing our Muhreens?
When the first coop mission unlocks
I am a Blood Raven

I just picked up a Space Wolves Axe, a Dark Angels bolter and a pistol from the Black Templars

Knowledge is power, guard it well
Does anyone know how to turn off upscaling? I dont want DLSS or any of the other equally blurry options but it won't let me turn it off
Most would be variants like venomthrope, neurolictor etc. Aside d3om that maybe:
>tyrant guard
>have guard
No worries, besides I bet the average normalfag is even worse than an anon with brain damage.
Still shocked that Chaos customization is nowhere on there. It's clearly unfinished content, I guess they just decided to give up on it?
Boltgun is smartly designed to be a good intro game for new people in boomer shooter fashion. Doesn't force too much story on the player, the connections to the Space Marine games are more like easter eggs for fans than anything.
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Anons is there a screenshot button or folder? i had to get this pic by pressing prt screen and converting in paint like a plebian
Anon... your steam screenshot shortcut?
It’s a buggy fucking mess and it’s having server issues. This is fucking bullshit
Works on my machine
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>Horde mode in 2025 very far down the line
>Meme pvp day 1
You playing on PC or console?
Retarded take desu
uhhh... yeh haha i totally knew you could do that with steam.
i definitely havent been taking manual screenshots and converting for 12 years... haha

seriously tho anon thanks for showing a retard something i didnt know
Well now you know, I think it is F12 by default but don't forget that you can rebind it.
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Bro? How the fuck did you never press f12 by accident
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Good for you but something is fucking wrong.
It's 90% seething about epic game's online service server thingy and 5% ultrawide support seethe
CPUs being cooked is the main issue. Some players reporting CPU temps in the 80s and even 90s (in the MAIN MENU ALONE). Something is fucked
Wouldn't surprise me if it's a user issue/review bombing by retards. Almost no negative review has 1 hour or more playtime.
I.e. the complaints about Epic Online Services which no one complained about with Elden Ring.
Man, Assault sucks fucking dick compared to Titus' jump pack.
My bet? Uncapped framerate.
Why I capped mine at 120 master rate. But how the fuck do you turn off upscaling
I can check after it finished installing but it's possible that you can't disable it because it gets used as anti-aliasing.
idk i guess im just retarded? i remember bringing up the steam overlay with tab once tho.

a lot of people are reporting weird cpu temps, i havent noticed it myself tho.

Whats pissing me off is theres no option to disable taa or dlss
whats the best aa for not looking blurry af?
I think you may be right. All the options are slightly blurry though. Damn I hate this upscaling trend in recent games
>But how the fuck do you turn off upscaling
if this game uses TAA by default, just use DLSS quality if you have the option. it's literally 99% of the visual fidelity but with a free FPS boost, mostly because baseline TAA is so awful that DLSS is an upgrade over it
This kinda sucks
If you go all the way to the left in upscaling there's "Native" option.
DLSS is the worst of the three in my opinion. I have it set to Native but I wanted to turn AA off all together to get it super crisp. Oh well it still looks good enough. Enjoy the game brothers
>I have it set to Native but I wanted to turn AA off all together to get it super crisp.
that's unfortunately not really viable with how most modern games function graphically, a lot of modern visual effects are built with temporal antialiasing techniques in mind
best thing to do if you want it to be super crisp is use VSR/DSR/DLDSR and downsample it, but that kills the framerate if you're doing it natively
Multiplayer is actually not bad feels like a big step from sm1 if they do some additions to it might be massive
GW execs are going to see Mixed/Mostly Negative and shut it down.
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Is this the bunker the current /v/ threads are bad I don’t normally jump to /vg/ like this
It’s a mix of typical /v/ but 40k on 4chan has a lot of schizos for it now who just want it to fail
I changed my mind the game actually looks pretty damn good with TAA and Native Resolution options (and all other settings maxed). Also welcome brother stay away from the heretics on /v/
Is it all just because we play as primaris?
Yes but also if you used /tg/ a lot like I do, ever since 8th edition the 40k community on 4chan has become increasingly more insane regarding “nu40k” people want this game to flop because of it succeeds it pushes nu 40k to the top
The one thing that pleasantly surprised me was that the leak ran like dogshit, maybe 15 FPS at best for me but on release on high/medium settings I get over a 100 even when looking at open spaces with lots of stuff going on. It really looks very nice and runs well.
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>tfw I'm getting my ass kicked in the prologue on hardest difficulty
Yup, it's a flop. Thank God for steam refunds
the chaplain's voice is so cool
is the epic shit optional?
It's just a fucking software framework for matchmaking and crossplay.
Tons of big games use it and there is no cause to be against it it does nothing.
ok chinkoid glowiee fuck retard nigger i aint giving my data to any snail of you
On 3/4 difficulty. Was just about to turn it up until this antenna defense segment. It's kicking my ass. Any tips? I'm good until like 3 zoanthropes show up and I'm already almost dead.
Nice argument you got there negroid, I sure do hope you avoid playing all of the other games that use EOS. Do check out the list: https://steamdb.info/tech/SDK/EpicOnlineServices/
Play with friends. You're doing the work of three people, AI is useless, ESPECIALLY during objectives.
i'm not installing your shitty fortnite launcher you tranny
I'm like two real missions in on veteran. Seems really fuckin good idk it's the sequel I've been wanting at least.
>run 3080 at 70% power draw, 5900x in 65W eco mode because it's summer
>game runs pretty stable at 60fps almost maxed out in 1440p

well that was a surprise considering how good the game looks.

also the shills didn't lie, the game is harder than I thought it would be
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>QTE inputs not registering
>getting swarmed by shit when I'm attempting basic objectives (ANTENNA DAMAGED!)
>Can't customize marine in single player
>Customization options only gained from multiplayer
>no option to chose your playtime in campaign, just standard gun and shitty sword.

I tried. I really tried. Refund requested.
Now that enough time has passed for everyone to finish all the content available, what's the verdict?
/a/tard sucks at video games, cant handle difficulty and quits
Everyone is glad you're not playing so we dont have to carry your incompetence
Its genuinely one of the best games of the year, and a major step up from games like Darktide or HD2. Solid combat thats hard and hard as fuck. Good locations that are not just copy pasted corridors like Darktide. Classes feel unique but they are a bit limited in guns.
It uses the log in you retard. You wouldn't know that because you are retarded and don't do anything but slurp up other retards opinions.
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>Essex is /a/
NTA. She is vidya, and originated on /vg/ board you stupìd newfag.
So uh ... where's the Macragges Chosen cosmetics?
I don't think darktards will ever recover from this.
well i'm not making an account to log in either fucktard. if you werent a zoomer that gives 0 shit about data then you would understand why that doesnt fly
I’m honestly smiling the shit is dumb fun my only issue is Titus seems really butt hurt over what happened
i have 900 hours in darktide and while i don't like sm2 for my own reasons and will not buy it I think that's well deserved. Fatshark literally gets nothing done AND they outsource their cosmetics to the chinks.
Actually KINO
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Please tell me more grandpa explain to me how THIS IS THE FINAL STRAW YOU WONT CROSS BECAUSE REEEEEE. You are a fucking retard if you're actually honestly saying that and if so then fuck off and stop posting here.
I can't believe people are defending this. What other lobby-based competitive games only let you customize one of the two teams you're playing as? That's nuts, nobody does that. This should have been in the game at launch and if they failed to squeeze it in before then it should have been on the road map. Even if it wasn't the case that both loyalist and chaos marines had equal customization in Space Marine 1 (which they did), this is obviously missing content and incredibly low-effort to just give up on ever implementing it.

It's one thing to buy the game in spite of this because you're interested in the IP or because you don't intend to play PvP or don't care about customization or whatever, but it's insane to try to actually defend this as a reasonable design decision. It's super fucking lazy. Doubly so because a lot of 40k's appeal is creating and customizing your dudes.
I thought they moved the skin production back in-house because the chink skins were terrible?

It really is a shame though these Swedish tards can't get anything done on time, I have 400 hours in Darktide myself and would've played probably more if they didn't take literally 6 months to release a half-assed map.
What's even more infuriating than the lack of content is how they can't do version control and keep re-introducing bugs that they patched previously
>promptly proves anon right
Shouldnt have been a traitor, simple as
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Space marine sisters!
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Oh shiiiit!! Everyone pack it up you heard him. Retard Mcfaggot over here isn’t gonna sign up for an epic account so we should all go home. After all if the one and only Retard McFaggot says he’s not gonna fly that way then we all better listen.
The emperor protects, heretic.
/Coopg/ shitposters have entered the thread, you've been warned.
You're roleplaying yourselves into defending shitty dev work what is wrong with you. If I'm playing Chivalry II I might like Agatha more but that doesn't mean I'm in favor of just nuking the customization for the Mason team, that's ridiculous--especially because I'll be playing as them half my matches anyway. How are you okay with this?
there is no proof of that happening. At most, the "premium" paypig skins like the shitty cadia set is produced in-house since they cost more aquilas, but that's it. Their QC might have been upped because of all the clipping issues too but I doubt it
This was probably done because they dont want/arent allowed to have shit like world eaters running around as snipers, they are expanding the pvp so its probably coming anyways.
>No major issues playing the game
>Game runs properly zero crashes
>Only disconnected once
Why is it mixed?
>pvp is 100% xbox players
Is playstation down or something?
the game actually runs surprisingly well and doesnt have memory leak either.
Was playing RDR2 the other day and after a few hours i had to restart because it started chugging.
Its probably spics on potatoes.
I only have one question.
Do they keep their damn helmets on? Or do they all take their helmets off like a bunch of retards like in the first game?
you can toggle it in the menu
You can toggle it helmet tranny
Cutscenes tend to have them off but you literally have a toggle in the menu if you want them always on or off. In actual combat they only take off helmets like maybe twice, and the first time it's Titus doing a suicide by cop.
I kinda wish they put more thought into this than just a toggle, they should walk around without helmets on the Battle Barge but wear them at least 90% of the time on the ground, taking them off for meetings and talking to people in safe-ish enviroments is fine.
I don't think its' this same Ulfar, but at it's obvious reference
>AND they outsource their cosmetics to the chinks.
I looked through the space marine 2 credits and they outsource to israel instead lol. polybear studios
What kind of stupid shit is this? It's a Space Wolf named Ulfar. Ulf means wolf. There's probably so many Space Wolves named Ulfar they could split off and form a full strength Codex-compliant chapter. Rogue Trader's Ulfar isn't even the first canonical Ulfar.
>2 houes in
>still in the 1st mission after the prologue
Man max difficulty doesn't fuck around
Oh and turns out, the whip attack of the warriors has a decently modelled hitbox.
As a consequence it can hit you when the warrior attacks a teammate and you're standing behind the latter.
Multiplayer in 1 was way more fun
I like how they bring up Titus is old while this fucker is like 200 years old himself. It's weird he has no studs though.
Oh boy you wait. Operations have 4 difficulties and clearly the idea is you grind up from one to the next (each difficulty drops different crafting items).

But I played 4 as a joke at level 1 with friends and we wiped instantly.
I disagree. I'm enjoying the multiplayer fir 2 a lot more. The multiplayer for 1 became too reliant on meta builds. I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to 2 as well, but it probably will.
Remember when the retards in /v/ kept saying "no replay value" and "only 10 hours of content"?
I clocked in 5 hours so far and only finished the first mission on Avarax (Hardest difficulty) with my friends and did one Operation...
We died like only 3 times which was during the raising the pedals and getting the gargoyles off the gun to take out the hiveship
People will say the game has no content but also play darktide 12 hours a day redoing the same auric mission for a 1% damage increase on their weapon or 12 hours a day in helldivers and unlock absolutely nothing because they capped out on 'content' day 1. People are retarded. Content wise this definitely has more because its campaign, operations (which is just base mode HD2/Darktide) and PvP which is way, way better than SM1.
I feel like the balancing or bot AI is weird.

In that one mission with the jetpacks the bots were absolutely raping the nids, it was hella basado watching packs of nids just explode all over the place, everywhere else you barely feel their presence.

also once the word bearers pop up, they seem to be fairly easier to kill than nids, maybe it's due the power sword I'm using now though

There are people with less than 50 hours on darktide that says it has no content
I think they're stupid but I don't expect them to master the game because frankly most people are "too good" for their own hobbies
But that's because most people are stupid
>be bad
>play a single mission for as long as it takes most people to finish most of the game
>guise its not that bad I swear there's tons of content!!!
I bet those death screen quotes are riveting.
Well fuck me, I've already been getting my ass handed to me by deathspitter warriors and zoanthropes.
>less than 50 hours on darktide that says it has no content
Yeah? That's about how long it would take to max out every class in Shopclick and that would still take you through most of the maps.
I already know you'll claim that you haven't really played Darktide until you have grinded for 500 hours to get that almost-perfectly rolled weapon that's been made only half-useless by the upgrade system but that isn't content buddy. Neither is FOMO shop.
>play a single mission
We got 4 missions on the hardest difficulty you retard also the niggers that complete the game in 6-7 hours are playing that shit in normal. Clearly you havent even played the game
>4 missions
I'm sorry buddy but there's only one and a half left to go.
They are the worse if kept alive too long since they buff up everything around them too, not sure but how much but it can be felt. We prioritize them first whenever they pop up
>Remember when the retards in /v/ kept saying "no replay value" and "only 10 hours of content"?
Because that's true
Tide games have indepth combat system, Space Marine does not. It's a simplistic cinematic 3rd person dumb masher. It even does aiming for you. There is nothing to master here, which is why it won't be played for as long as Tide games.
My only regret with space marine 2 is this isnt a total war warhammer situation because holy fuck this game is good and if we got all the races it would be the ultimate 40k game
>t. retard from /v/
Chill the fuck out my guy
>Decades of being a monster hunter fan
>Hundreds of hours of experience over my friends in the tide games
>Asian enough to enjoy StarCraft
I don't expect my friends to be good at any of those games
But you can't just suck at darktide, always demand people be watching your back, never go above heresy, and then tell me to my face the game is too easy
Those fuckers make me want to exclusively use a sniper because they're so strong.

Lol. SM2 has more complex combat that Darktide but I know you're shitposting.
While I know about the buff it feels like I ksit can't afford to focus them.
They take a surprising amount fo punishment and in the orbital gun sequence you also have warriors on you while needing to get rid of the gargoyles.
Shit is surprisingly hard still not as ballbustig unfun as hard in SM1
>SM2 has more complex combat that Darktide but I know you're shitposting.
With this autoaim? You are completely delusional
If that anon thinks that this game is just a button masher then he definitely hasn't played it or at worse playing it on easy
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Yeah Tide games are so famous for how amazing they are that’s why there’s just hundreds of thousands of players LOVING THE TIDE! Do you listen to yourselves. Darktide is a shallow husk that is still unfinished. Oh wait sorry crafting is coming soon just gotta wait for vacation to end right. Then they’ll get to work adding all that content for their lush in-depth realistic kinematicly intense multiple player experience that’s just simply unmatched.
As much as I would like to agree with you
Replying with a vegeti is the spice-st, weebest shit you can do
It absolutely does have more complex combat. You cant just spam dodge and attack like you can in Darktide.
The pvp is so fucking bad. How did it go so wrong
That particular section was the only time me and my friends died. It was indeed challenging and not at all BS, we died because we fucked up. The way we did it with no hiccups or anyone going down was 2 would be focusing on the horde and warriors while I focused hard on the zoanthropes and gargoyles when they popped up. Bolt Rifle with the GL clears the gargoyles fast
The hardest difficulty in this game is actually great desu
To be fair tide games would be some of the best fps in existence if they weren't burdened with having fatshark as their dev
It's only bad because you are bad
>There is nothing to master here, which is why it won't be played for as long as Tide games.
SM1 has been mostly the same and held at least 500 players regular on Steam for 13 years, spiking to about 1500 in recent months because of SM2 hype. This is more than can be said for vast majority of Fatshark games. I'd play War of the Roses if I fucking could.
That being said:
>SM2 has more complex combat that Darktide but I know you're shitposting.
Lol no.
Nigger there isn't even a way to aim for the heads in melee in SM2. Your attacks glue themselves to the enemy. Stop being delusional. SM2 is a short, cinematic 3rd person dumb mashers and that's it and that's fine.
Spamming dodge and attack won't work in any Tide game and even then those require a lot practice to know when to do. Dodge is hard capped anyway.
It is dumb masher, just like first game.
Embarrassing sperg out about completely irrelevant trivia.
That sounds more like ranged and melee combat being somewhat separated, more than lack of depth
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Are you saying crafting is an irrelevant update? Cause I’d agree.
Holy fucking based.
Darkshit is somehow even worse than Reddit Divers after all these years. Imagine playing that garbage after the humiliation that is XCuCKs forced cross-play.
>aim for the heads in melee
Lmao if you think aiming for heads is hard and takes skill in Darktide then you are pretty bad. Almost all the movesets of melee weapons in that game always lean towards hitting headshots without any effort
You're fucking crazy
Helldiver's is broken and players have a >80% crash rate for stupid fucking reasons like file patching and verifying not properly being carried out
A bug that's essentially contagious and requires people to also verify when their host crashes
Helldiver's is a broken game at the moment which puts it in an entirely different league
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Is the game woke?

I need to know before giving my money
Pve niggas really are just more annoying us pvp bros are comfy right now
To be fair im pretty sure they nerfed head boxes so that's not even true
40k and woke is synonymous at this point, anon
I didn't count bugs in. Only the "core" gameplay with constant:
>Some_class gets something fancy
>Vet-troon whines until Vet-troon is tier 0 again
>Some_class gets nerfed
>Garbage new map update with nonobody except autist gives a shit about retarded hidden gimmicks
>>See you again in 1 year retards
A sure as shit hope SM2 won't be favoriting Sniper and Assault(Elf tier classes) above Devastator and Bulwark(Bardin and Sienna).
Even the air your breathe is woke.
I'm doing quite well actually. It's just garbage
Well considering the core fucking experience is crashing and those dumb fucks at AH haven't addressed it in patches or notices I'm going to disagree on you with that
>/v/ thread slows down
>schizo thirdies come here
>Elf tier classes
Are we going to pretend like the imperium doesn't have its fair share of crack shots
>Trying to start shit amongst generals for no discernible reason other than to get pseudo console wars going
Shame on both of you
>Get's BTFO'd ITT
>Goes to other thread to complain
>5 hours for 1 mission
Also a big fat tranny liar
40k threads on 4chan attract schizophrenics
LMFAO SM2 will be a 4chan coded game like V2 was for YEARS because it BTFOED Reddit Diver 2 and Darktide
what do you mean "both of you", he made all three of those posts
Yeah but he's a schizo so it still counts
ermmmm actually SM2 has at least 50 hours worth of content because i choose to replay the same mission 10 times before moving on to the next one
4chan attracts false flaggers and schizophrenics
I'm not starting shit up, it's a genuine warning because I know the state of /coopg/.
40k stuff does it even worse now
Won what, stupid subhuman? What are videogames "winning"?
Lore accurate Chaos invasion.
The only thing accurate in this game.
let us just bask in our victory, xister of ultramar. SM2 won bigly
>SM2 won bigly
It did, that's why you are seething
>Popular thing has cringe elements in its fan base
I mean yeah, nothing quite as second hand embarrassing as a man Naruto running about
But I'm not here to stir pots or false flag
>what are tide games, l4d, divers2 etc.
Wait till he finds about about dedicated pvp games where they play on the same maps more than 100 times each
>inb4 only plays a map once
i genuinely don't care about your shitty thread drama, take it back to your padded cell nigger
>like 3/5 negative reviews are "i cannot run the game!!!!!!"
Honestly yeah the game isn't super optimized I get that but also like.. how can the average person be so stupid
Servers FUCKED for anyone else?
Can't join a single operations, keep getting stuck in a 'Joining Server' loading screen loop
Sounds wild to me desu.
I don't even have frame drops outside of loading screens and my pc doesn't get much hotter than when it's idle.
Honestly, this is the only game in the longest time. I'd actually prefer using vsync on with capping the frames to 120
>I cannot run the game
bonus points when they post specs and they have shit like a 1050ti and a cpu from 2010
I wish we were fighting the Word Bearers. Proper CSM combat instead of the DND nerds and their automatons.
>hating on the cube needs
Excuse me? They're cool mooks l, not EC cool but still.
My game cant even hit 60 fps on medium at 1440p. i7 12700h and a RTX 3070 btw.
It runs like dogshit compared to its console counterpart.
Also fuck this dogshit console FOV. It's 2024, if you dont include a fucking FOV slider in your shooter game please go back to taking basic game design classes.
Warframe, Destiny, The First Descendant, PoE, Diablo or any MMO at endgame. You start getting into the flow of running the map over and over again, games like this have to nail the reward though, as long as you feel you are working towards something people will replay the same level of a game for hours on end. I still think SM2 should have came out with 12 co-op missions and I also dislike that the roadmap says that they will add 1 new mission and 1 new weapon every 3 months, they should have leaned more into the live service game aspect, they have a good foundation. 2 maps per season, 2 weapons per season. They can pump more cosmetics if needed to pay for the extra development. Also new classes are not coming back until late 2025 which I feel is also a missed opportunity
there are actual 3rd world "people" on Steam who think their PC works like a console and they should be able to run any game that comes out no problem even on their 2010 shitbox, not even joking
The only issue I have with the game is when quitting. It freezes up on a loading screen and doesn't close. A simple alt-F4 fixes it
Overall the game runs beautifully for me
Honestly I just want to fight well-written Iron Warriors.
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Runs fine on my xbox. it barely hits 60fps and I can def tell it's dipping into the low 50s sometimes and the game gets pretty blurry on occasion.
>cant even hit 60 fps on medium at 1440p. i7 12700h and a RTX 3070
What a skill issue
My friend has a similar setup to yours but with a 3060 and he's getting 60-70 fps native 1440p on high
The fuck?
I use a 12600k and 3070 and it's smooth while only hitting 65°C.

That one I had too.

That would be something, any well written chaos faction would be a blessing with IW and their chorf like attitude even more so.
Lads I’m really underwhelmed about the basic gameplay loop dodging and parrying every 3 seconds to make bad guy go red is kind of lame. Why to ranged weapons hit like pool noodles, heavy is useless and the heavy bolter does the same damage as the standard bolter and now overheats and spreads everywhere so now going full auto like Rambo is shit and you have to fire in short controlled bursts.
Fucking Assault sucks ass in this game compared to the first in pvp
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The game is haram, brother
Which drivers?
The problem with IW is that all their cool characters were the loyalists who were turbochads. WE has Kharn at least and honestly a SM spin-off wirh the Betrayer as the protagonist would go so hard!
I'm on an old ass 2070 Super + Ryzen 7 3700X build, how fucked am I?
I think 560.81, otherwise it has to be 560.70.

Making a decent OC should be doable if they could get their hand on a competent write, I know I know.
The IW have potential simply from being 40k chorfs.
I feel like the game is actually pretty well optimized (at least when it comes to how much fps I get), but it melts my CPU with constant 80 degrees as I play.
people keep benchmarking with the 1060 and 3060 instead of the 2060 it's crazy
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steam://joinlobby/2183900/109775242824817375/76561198005509342 for pc players
invite menu- qj7yc
2070 is way better than the minimum 1060 the cpu might be more of an issue, especially becaue you can't use shit like frame generation for it.
I have a R7 5800x3D, 32GB ram and an RTX 3080 setup
I get lowest 80 to high 150 fps on ultra 1440p DLSS on Balanced during gameplay. Going native 1440p it averages between 70 to 80
I dont understand how people are complaining about its optimisation, it runs well which surprisingly for a new release in these times.
They really ran with the design philosophy of primaris in every aspect of the game.
The graphics are so dull and washed out. First game looks so much better
There is this vid https://youtu.be/OYq0ZT5_EM8?feature=shared with a ryzen 5 2600 which gets to its limits
You could always just pirate to test it.
The game strangely uses a lot of the CPU for some reason compared to other games. Luckily the highest temps I get is only 72. Though GPU only at 65 degrees at full usage which worries me that the cpu is that high at only 60% 60 watts power usage.
>>493325965 my specs
I'll give 560.94 a try. Else Ill just accredit this to the game just not working on my machine
My friend bought a 4080 super for this game and he crashes on launch.
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>bought a 4080 super for this game and he crashes on launch.
Fuckin hell, poor guy.
>The game strangely uses a lot of the CPU for some reason compared to other games
this tends to happen a lot with PvE games that have large amount of enemies on screen that all adhere to physics.
something like Helldivers makes CPUs run very hot not just becaues of the shitty anticheat but because it's very aggressively trying to calculate and update physics for everything on a big map nonstop, whereas something like Deep Rock Galactic (also a coop horde game) is very lightweight in how physics apply to enemies and projectiles and it's in smaller areas so it's a lot more generous with CPU performance

it's entirely possible SM2 has way too much enemy & projectile physics calculations going on for its own good, and from what i've seen it seems to be constantly running a local server which puts an additional strain on the CPU
im too fucking low iq for this combat system holy shit
I played these dev's previous game called WWZ and it wasn't this bad. I also feel like the pc version was a console port. Because the "command wheel" feels like it was mapped for controller sticks if you use a mouse.
>I also feel like the pc version was a console port. Because the "command wheel" feels like it was mapped for controller sticks if you use a mouse.

Are you retarded?
This game is kinda brutal at times, but it's a fun challenge instead of a frustrating one. Also the friendly AI is simply retarded.
You need some real brothers to help you in the higher difficulty campaign missions. the AI simply can't cut it.
My major issues with it is how you just can't parry or dodge if by any chance you're doing any other kind of animation.

animation interrupt is sorely needed
Yeah, I'm noticing. I'll finish up the campaign on normal just because I like being slow and looking at every detail, but higher runs will HAVE to be coop. The average operation missions are tough too but leveling up weapons really does make you feel the power difference.
Any Bulwarkchads here with advice on playing it? I feel like my shield doesn't really reduce much damage and I end up relying on dodging and parries.
yeah shield is woefully underprotective
I genuinely think the shield just flat out blocks shots that hit it even if you're not raising it up to physcally block, or at least it feels that way in pvp.
I'll most likely level it up to max and see how it performs with all the perks, but as of level 7, it's quite underprotective indeed. Powersword is fucking nice though
only tried it with the fist so far. were you mostly talking about pvp or pve?
>play sniper
>headshot major enemies near my teammates to put them into assassination phase so the CQC guys can get their armor back
>can usually two-tap anyone who looks at me into an assasination if they get close
>unload into swarms with my sidearm when there's no priority targets
Feels kinda fun desu.
Operations at the moment. I haven't tried PVP yet, but I'll give it a go soon
I wish the tease of the necrons meant they showed up[spoiler/]
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story spoilers:
Oddly enough a lot of the story seems to be Leandros apologism.
Titus once again repeats the "I'll engage with some chaos-adjacent fuckery indicative of heresy and just be extremely dismissive and unhelpfully vague to my suspicious squadmates about it" cycle with Gadriel, and this time Titus has the self-awareness to admit his Blackwatch exile could've been avoided if he hadn't acted like that back with Leandros.
Also the chaplain who monitors Titus actually turns out to be Leandros, whose suspicion seems to have matured. He's no longer just throwing accusations out left and right but is resigned to vigiliantly watch Titus on his missions to keep him on the path of righteousness (and deal with him in case signs of heresy pop up). Yet the grudge is still clearly there.
bro needs to shave and is out of regs
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>have the ability to normal walk in game
>can't bind a button to do it all the time
I'm being fucking OPPRESSED
any hope for getting ReShade running and fixing it?
I spent a couple hours last night doing that with Monster hunter world since that game is wayyyy washed out.
Tweaking with the hdr settings, curves, and bloom can make some pretty impressive results.
Anon just tilt your joystick slightly instead of all the way.
I didn’t like Titus being an asshole until it’s revealed he’s only an asshole because he blames himself for being too cocky with Leandros and now keeps to himself
he's initially an asshole because he doesn't trust his brothers after Leandros, but by the end of the game he admits they restored his faith in brotherhood
heavy fucking sucks holy shit
>Run out of ammo constantly on higher difficulties
They spawn way too many elites for this shit
lol this game sucks
you're a retard if you bought it and played too much to refund
if they wanted people to make their own custom paint patterns shouldn't they have added a bunch of non canon random chapter emblems? since they didn't wanted to add a basic emblem maker because people would have ran around with cock and balls marines
God damn it steam let me remote download I only have a few hours of waging left FUCK
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i am fucking shit at video games
were you the fucking heavy or jump jet fag with a tactical marine with black armor and yellow striping?
no i was playing with bots
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heavy feels significantly overtuned and sniper feels undertuned, otherwise very fun game
PVP is fucking FUN
How do you switch to operations mode without matchmaking immediately?
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Ehm... should I be worried? I'm getting this on the second mission (first if you don't count the tutorial).
amd no
nvidea yes
w-what's gonna happen to my nvidia cpu?
oh if that's your CPU you're cooked man
Damn. Which settings are usually CPU heavy? So that I know what to turn down and maybe help it a bit.
Volumetric fog to low
Effects to Medium/Low
Shadows to medium/low
Reflections off
Motion blur off
Use DLSS + Quality mode
>Lads I’m really underwhelmed about the basic gameplay loop dodging and parrying every 3 seconds to make bad guy go red is kind of lame. Why to ranged weapons hit like pool noodles, heavy is useless and the heavy bolter does the same damage as the standard bolter and now overheats and spreads everywhere so now going full auto like Rambo is shit and you have to fire in short controlled bursts.
Same for me. The game also gets stale really quick.
bullshitting trannoids
i got too excited, but they said this here
they got the stuff in a weird way so it cant be shared publically. he still submitted it somewhere to fuck over the global release. you fags are so anxious over this lmao
anyway, a mica employee confirmed the layoffs LMAO https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=41555892&rand=538&page=6
their producer for PNC ran away, their shit's basically going to eos soon LMFAOOOO
they still lost because all those gfg trannies do is lose. when their cuckpany shutters for good, those trannies will ack, transition or flock to trooncofe games like limbus i can just tell. snowbreak won and those trannies lost LMAO
I think you are in the wrong thread brother
thanks, hope I will not burn down my house by playing this game too much
Go back to your faggot general
wait so the campaign is 4 hours and the multiplayer is just 6v6? the fuck?
4 hours? ive been playing for almost 12
>and the multiplayer is just 6v6
Did you just come up with something completely random in your head or? There's 6 co-op operations in addition to the entire campaign, though I think 6 ops is pretty low.
4 hours if you play on the easiest difficulty and rush through everything, maybe
PvP is like 1s solid fun but I’d like for them to expand it
The current 2nd company captain is shitting his pants every cut scene and then relies on Titus’s tactics most of the time lol
for the people playing on PC is it better with a controller?
I fucking hate marines, rolled my eyes at the gaymaris shit but I admit it's really fucking good
t. eldarfag
only if youre playing bulwark or assault imo
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>No beakies
Same there's something about blueberries that are just kinda lame but man the whole defend the banner part is 100% what that shit is about. Damn good.
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> eldarfag
>rolled my eyes at the gaymaris shit
If you're not playing with the Japanese dub you're missing out.
i really dont like the combat system as much as i expect bros. though its not exactly disappointing so much as it is frustrating to learn
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Why is it not flopping this can’t be happening primaris needed to fail
This was happening to my friends and I on ps5
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Why are we using the thunder hawk so much for 3 marines, storm ravens are in the game and frankly I’m always weirded when 40k stuff uses the thunder hawk so much then show them getting shot down like I thought these things were rare
What's your favorite class and weapons so far /sm2g/?
is it worth to buy the game for the ps5
pc is too old for it
Vanguard and bolt carbine with combat knife
how do you guys deal with all of the termagaunts shooting at you? feels like im constantly taking obscene amounts of damage from nothing (but also everything)
shoot back, anything immediately hitting you is a priority, everything else can wait.
Shooting them I know but you need to thin them or else you get melted it’s worse with warriors with venom cannons
This game dick punches you if you don't respect every enemy on the field
Getting shot? Don't wait, flick a headshot their way
Getting swarmed? Know what weapon combos can horde clear for your weapon
Elite? Watch them and be ready to parry your ass off
Little guy diving you? Hit parry asap for invuln
Low armor? Know what weapon combos knock down little fellas so you can headshot one for a bar of armor
Its surprisingly satisfying to get into a good flow
Dump mag into range units>reload>dump mag into melee units>switch to melee>charge
>can't unlock the Deathwatch armor
Why bother anymore
Unlocked Blood Ravens armor. Time to loot.
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Multiplayer is aight…would like 10 v 10 and bigger maps
I have fun with it. The TTK is really fucking low but not neck breaking speed movement/action wise, so I enjoy it. 10v10 would be great though, plus the dreadnought gamemode again
you can it's just kind of spread out, just get the pauldron
Chaos customization, more maps, bigger modes and it’ll be solid pve nigs will use this game to attack another then move on to another one
I got the PS5 version. It's great on performance, but I can't really get into PvE or PvP games right now.
Bros, I just finished the campaign. As an Ultramarines player, I couldn't be more happy. I lost my shit so many times during the story.
really starting to like the hell out of the occulus bolt carbine
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The whole Dreadnought segment was peak.
So the game is in early access for 1 year?
Game is good. Melee is trash. Heal is trash. Can't heal fast enough to survive shit + ranged enemies are Shroud.
Game is fucked. If they don't fix melee and heal, it's DOA and will only be popular for Easy mode players. Death Angel is unplayable.
What's a good method for the gargoyle level? Stopping those fuckers on the chains is so annoying.
Equip Melta rifle

Don't unequip Melta rifle except during sniper sections and when the Pyreblaster is available

Tyranids are comically stronger than the Thousand Sons

For pistols you can pick between a Heavy bolt pistol or Plasma pistol so you can off Zoanthrophes

Game is retarded by having all the shooty and psyker units all gang up on you while Gadriel and Chairon just lumber around doing nothing, at least they prioritize reviving Titus over anything else
Actually really like the story so far. Currently on the mission to figure out where Leutz(?) is after finding out the Notsze(?) mechanicus guy got got by an inside man. Current level looks amazing, great level design and the game is really damn challenging at points which I wasn't expecting, though the revive system does give you some padding and prevents it from being too frustrating.
The only thing that would have made the ending cooler is Necrons.
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Saw the purple and green in the wild
Is coop useful even if you don't have frens?
>It's great on performance, but I can't really get into PvE or PvP games right now.
Thank you
>got 48/50 unique finishers
I wonder what I'm missing.
Is that iron warriors?
red scorpion, I've been using the paint since I'm just being lazy and farming the wacky cash for the other heraldry shit
Do you guys recommend kbm or controller
Welp finished the campaign on dif 3. I give it an 7/10. Whats there is super polished, good story, good character development without turning into a space opera. Missions were varied and fun and had lots of "oh shit just like the art/books/pictures moments". Its a shame its so short though, it took me one day to finish. Also some of the scenes didnt hit quite as hard as intended, like it lacked a bit of force, could have used better music for sure.
U r bad. As long as you're in melee you're basically invincible by attacking and QTEing enemies.
Out of curiosity, are you a Space Marines player? I feel like how hard the moments hit depends on that lol.
Play the game.
And don't play on Easy. You will actually know what's wrong.
Ivr finished the campaign on 3. You are simply bad.
High diff gaunts will stun lock you if you're careless and when a warrior enters you can get cut down really quickly
Yeah, it still didn't execute itself right. The pacing, dialogue and music just didn't give the impact they wanted for story points.
is pve a thing yet?
Have you considered using the parry and dodge features? I suspect the reason people suck is they have not realised you can parry outside of the QTE window nor realise you can spam roll to basically achieve immortality.

Its ok you'll catch up.
>no emperor's children
how am i supposed to show everyone i'm a degenerate now
Wait! We must unlock colours? also it's my monitor config or colours, mostly grays, doesn't look that they should?
No shit, except gunts have very short parry window on diff 4 and don't wait their turn so some chip damage always goes trough.
Only if you're bad, its ok you'll catch up
Sanguinigus was in charge of Imperium Secundus.
And his thoughts were "I gotta make sure to salvage something, to keep the dream alive"
not him but i am bad and i will not catch up
just wanted you to know
Weapons feel weak as fuck. I keep seeing nids taking multiple heavy bolter hits like it's nothing. Or multiple melta blasts.
The fuck did I just say? I said do not play on Easy mode. Death angel is only actual difficulty to play.
Jesus christ
Very dependent on hit location from what I can tell. Bolt pistol for example can 1shot all gaunts if you hit the right spot, otherwise it can quickly go to 3-4 shots. Add in that you often don't have the time to aim and things can get iffy.
I play on lowest, since it's lore accurate and the game already nerfs your weapons heavily.
Kill Zoenthropes first. Remember they have a shield so you have to focus fire them down once the shield pops. Target enemies to see their health bars.
Wich gray is this red scorpions one?
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>Sniper's first trial
Fuck me man, never had so many things I failed in 61 seconds in my life.
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I want to make crimson fists, is there an option to paint only the gaunlets?
I fucking hate these type of third person games
>play with a controller, shooting feels like ass
>play m+kb, melee feels like ass
Did the missiles from the Tsons termies kick anyone else's ass?
>Captcha: 0TGGGG
Just change between the controller and the keyboard whenever you change style.
From the look of it not.
I though you could select a pattern to only color the fist but those apparently don't exist for the gauntlet.
Shit, thanks, I think that you could do it in Space Marine 1...
Truly, is there anything more kino than
>Objective: Raise the Banner
That's some "the innate male desire to make their last stand with their brothers in arms" type shit.
my game billet code hasn't arrived
very disappointing we did not get a single custodian cameo
And Titus is a Roman name in a chapter based around Roman aesthetic, you might as well say he's one of 100 Tituses retard.
The voice actor is the same guy from Rogue trader, and even by Space Wolf standard Ulfar speaks in a very certain poetic way, it's literally 100% the same character.
That doesn't make sense, a lot of Ulfars' became Dreadnoughts after RT
i'm not a fan of marinewank but this was a perfect scene
My winning strat was:
>Stealth out the gate
>Res heavy
>Run behind warrior in the back
>Res tactical
>Let them gather attention while I drop a melta bomb in the middle of the room to intercept the second wave
>Rush to the back and focus down the warrior
Otherwise just remember to switch to your pistol when your carbine is out of ammo, warriors can't stand a full magazine from both at close range.
can i play co-op as marine of any chapter i want? even traitor legions?
they are not cannon I guess
chaos only relevant in pvp
I loved the chaous PVE in space marine 1
So which Primarch is (You)r favourite?

Mine used to be Dorn but sinve Gman has returned he has become my favourite
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>tfw no 15 foot tall demigoddess gf
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Wait for Raven Guard DLC, they're pretty much only guys that use Beakie helmet on Primaris.
>hard crash on mission 2 cutscene
>can't even play multiplayer because continuing my game leads to the cutscene
Well guess I'll wait for a patch..
Lorgar is my least favourite Primarch however Female Lorgar is without a doubt the hottest. Crazy fanatical church girls are the best.

Sanguinius is definitely Nr. 2 though
I hate capeshit and primarchs.
Well you're wrong, they def did it in inquisitor martyr too
Imagine Female Erebus tho.
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Damn, this chaplain really respects Titus.

So wholesome!
I still think Leandros is a sniveling coward and also he would have been reprimanded heavily for turning over a superior officer and brother to the inquisition over reporting him to a chaplain in the first place.
Speaking of >>493371409
Leandros is Erebus reborn. Change my mind.
how the fuck do you leave the pvp queue after a match? it just puts you back in instantly
living in ultramar is like living in Manhatten or Norway right?
it's the best place to live in the Galaxy?

the rest of the imperium is like India, china and the america flyover states?
>play m+kb, melee feels like ass

Leandros is neither that cool nor that based.
>me + 2 other people trying to play coop
>Servers are so shitty we either dont log in or when we launch a mission we get hard locked and put back into the waiting area
>single player is dog shit laggy online and offline
Sort of, not really, but I see where you're coming from. There are other nice places in the Galaxy, some of them probably arguably nicer than the best of Ultramar but Ultramar sector is the largest continuous area where it's at least decent on average. Keep in mind hower it still includes a lot of China/India/Whattever hive cities with effectively enslaved masses of hobos and death worlds and so on, but it does have Ultramarines taking direct care to keep it relatively safe and without faggy nobility overworking the peasants more than they should.
However being in an Ultramarine domain has it's downsides - there's a lot of people out there with a special grudge against them and you're also in the way of Tyranids so.
That being said I'm not sure SM2 actually takes place in Ultramar, I don't think there is anything in-game that says that.
go back to mordhau
>go back to mordhau
im glad you got it senpai :)
I had crashes in Darktide a lot, like 5 crashes per mission type of shit, and first I realized using DLSS was seemingly causing it and so I delved deeper and found out that's due to OC settings.

Open the nvidia system panel and then go to Help and enable debug mode, instantly fixed my crashes.

This can also happen when you buy a GPU that is pre-OC'd by a partner manufacturer.
it took me 3 attempts to do that part on 3/4 difficulties. i would be clearing an antenna and then one of those little fuckers would sneak up on me,
Who uses torrents anymore you fucking granpa?
there's sites that have direct downloads.
Actually no, it's not. Not at all, in fact. If you don't believe me you can do some research of your own. Don't listen to the other mouthbreathers that replied to you, they're trying way too hard to be funny and they're also objectively wrong.
This game is actually brutal.
Enjoy your bitcoin miner
Are there any Japanese streamers/tubers playing the game?
none are cute girls so they're all gay
I've yet to buy this game because my old PC probably couldn't handle it, but I'm really interested in the coop missions.

I love Ratclick 2 and even Darktide, despite its quite fundamental flaws, was enjoyable thanks to rock solid gameplay. I'd like to see SM2 branch into the same direction as thse two games, but how much does it have potential for that?
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>The entire Pyreblaster segment
plague tale moment
amicia help!!!
might be good later, right now it's borderline unplayable plus there's only 6 missions
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>bots do nothing
>have to keep rippers at bay with flamer
>getting swarmed by buffed nids who take like no damage from the flamer
>there's 2 neurotropes flying above your head out of reach of your flamer
They're fun but gameplay-wise expect it to be more like Helldivers 2 shooting with very basic combo system for melee you can't really aim that well, there isn't really the kind of variety and build depth you can get from Fatshart games and the skill ceiling is much lower. It's definitely more casual, the combat isn't as fun on it's own so they have to compensate with variety, which is not great right now.
The dedicated co-op missions are short and there's very little variety in how they play out. Some classes are pretty fun in how they play, some feel generic with shitty gimmick (Sniper). Roadmap promises an unspecified amount of additional missions before the end of the year and one new one early next year.
The game has huge potential if they keep up support because of sheer amount of shit they could add (hoping for Terminators and Dreadnought gameplay like SM1) but as it stands you might get bored relatively quickly.
The only way through it is to abandon the defense position and focus the elites as soon as they spawn, you won't survive otherwise.

The bots are grade A shit.
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>play space marine 2
>get mad you have to play as a space marine 2
anyone else?
Inb4 Games Workshop releases Secondaris Marines in time for Space Marine 3.
Secondaries will love it.
secondaries are the only people who matter because warhammer players are the biggest faggots on the internet and probably the world
I read 40k books so I'm primary.
I am currently reading Godblight and I'm looking forward to starting Steve Lyons Krieg book from this year or was it last year?
>Steve Lyons Krieg book
Peak secondary rewritting of history. They make Colonel Jurten the bad guy and the rebels wholesome chungus good guys.
>kino as fuck Deathwatch
>actual game
>primaris ultrasmurfs
I wouldnt mind it otherwise but why even put in the Deathwatch segment when its leagues above the primaris garbage?
>I'm primary
They had to explain why Titus ain't naughty boy anymore (though it skips over the time he spent being a literal anal slave to a heretical Inquisitor) and why he's now a Primaris when he was Firstborn before.
Overclock Weapons of teammates and self in an Aura.
How much do tyranids + TS differ from orks + CSM in the first game? Better or worse enemy selection?
Yeah sure. Just seems odd since surely most people would prefer to play a Deathwatch game if they could choose?
disable cpu boost
performance barely changed but now my cpu is at 70-80c instead of 95c +
What you or people want doesn't matter. GW has some Primaris figurines to sell. People make the mistake of thinking Warhammer really is ran like a true multimedia property when the truth is that everything ever done officially ALWAYS serves to boost the figurine sales.
So how's it compare to the first game? I had fun with it, but honestly thought it was painfully mediocre even for a game of its time.
>no i-frames on the execution means you just end up saving one mook from the horde as a healthpack
>ranged enemies out the fucking asshole late game turns it into a jank cover shooter
>unintuitive loadout/armory system
>mobility felt really stubby, momentum clunky, jump pack felt like it should have been on the whole game
>most of the terrain just ends up being rubble or iron interiors
>no real hordes
2 looks like it's comitting to the idea in full, but I'm wondering if they actually managed to juice up the combat this time.
the backstory was shit but he always hits the nail on the head when writing modern kriegers.
they told cadians to go last into the meat grinder because they were hesitating because the first wave would have the most casualties and then turned cadians into suicidal soldiers too
>Tactical 1st trial complete in 40 seconds
Literally impossible
only complaint i really have so far(second level of campaign) is that the limit of one primary weapon and one pistol a bit restrictive compared to the first one having the the [layer carry multiple weapons
tyranids are harder, fuck zoanthropes while you get bumrushed by gaunts and warriors
when you reach midway and fight thousand snus the game gets easier, the game drops too many multi meltas and las fusils so you can melt any terminator and sorcerer you come across
the homogaunts are much annoying than the tzeentch cultists
They're going to hold them back along with Blood Angels because they're the most popular ones.

If this game isn't dead 6-8 months from now we'll have Space Wolves, Imperial Fists and Salamanders.
Don't tap the parry button, hold it.

Seems to make a massive world of difference.
Bro your in a secondary general stop trying to act like it’s /40kg/
parry works more like Lies of P rather than Sekiro
still kinda buggy though
Is that the one with the meltagun?
Nigga it’s a sci-fi book not history for all the shit talking they did about video games it seems like we have a lot of /40kg/ posters here
I hate to admit it but the game is peak
I dont know if you're retarded or a discord raider but no human on earth could possibly think Darkshite has better or more skillful combat depth than SM2.
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Please rate my Soul Drinker.
I miss them so much bros....
>shoot one of the 10 gun reskins until enemies get into melee
>press right mouse button a lot, parry when blue circle appears, dodge when red circle appears
>press E when enemy glows red or lmb when they have a crosshair over them
Nigga I love Space Marine but you're delusional. You could remove everything from the screen, make it go blue or red respectively when you're being targeted and put attack on macro and you'd do perfectly well. Even the fact it's TPS instead of FPS removes an entire layer to aiming your melee attacks, nevermind that all of them deal just as well with single targets and hordes. I genuinely do not want to try and greentext Darktide gameplay because it's going to take so long to account for everything. Shopclick is weak because of everything EXCEPT great gameplay, SM2 is great DESPITE weak gameplay.
You're in luck. I'm willing to bet 4chan upvotes that they'll show up in Imperial Fists DLC since they've been now reformed as a Primaris Chapter.
>play heavy on hive tyrant operation
>perk that increases all damage dealt when a weapon overheats
>overheat plasma pistol
>swap to heavy bolter
>Bulwark and Vanguard player stand in awe as I proceed to mow down the entire tyranid wave single handedly
2nd half of 2025.
>Imperial Fists DLC
That's technically their official progenitor chapter and the reformed Primaris Soul Drinkers are probably actually just Imperial Fists.
200 is old for Ultramarines.

Average for basically every other chapter besides Fists.
>implying that fuck cawl didn't do geneseed manipulation fuckery
Thew new primaris marines are probably some unholy abomination of Dorn+Magnus combo.
>The unparalleled mastery of the warp with the Magnus Geneseed combined with the autism of the Dorn geneseed
God help whatever warp demon decides to fuck with them.
Necrons are in the game! Just as corpses being examined though.
Primaris can't use mini-thunderhawks.
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>Objective: Raise the Banner
He’s not old it’s from when primaris were introduced Gadreiel and Chrion are from 30k but were stuck in stasis and were deployed

Its why they mentioned they never fought chaos or nids yet too
Even during table top rules primaris were able to use flyers since there were no primaris flyers and now more recently they can. I was mostly asking why not use a stormraven if it’s just 3 guys.
Man I forgot about early primaris lore kinda shocked they even bothered to mention it
All /v/ threads are bad right now and I’m not using /tg/ why is 40k so extreme high strung now
It's an easy target to shitpost about
That's it
You don't have to know shit about the game/IP to know about the latest drama
Can they use them ? I know they can't use Rhino and Razorback.
the tabletop game?
it's due to a number of factors like GW not focused on releasing stuff it right now instead GW attention is on the new AoS edition.
40k release for models have been bad whereas the model for AoS are generally agreed upon to be good
rules wise 10th edition of 40k is also kind of bad and bland with much of the flavour striped a way to make it more competitive tournament focused
Bulwark feels kind of rough, I can’t even do anything when shit like Zoanthropes show up. Anyone else have better luck with it?
In 10th they can use everything now
That's why you have your brother's with you. Protect them while they fight the zoanthrope honored bladeguard.
Anyone playing any other 40k game here ?
No they still can't use rinos or razorbacks, I just checked.
Nah not the table top side that’s a factor but it’s just everything 40k on 4chan feels volatile
They can use landraiders now so idunno, I kinda play heresy lore lol
Holy fuck the Awoken didn't even cross my mind, I thought he meant that other time Calth got attacked by Chaosfags at the tail end of 41st Millenium.
He literally is a living fossil.
New edition, a bunch of new fans over the years, the boiling point of nu 40k, and just it’s overall a mess now
>Play heresy more

I find it funny how in PvP there's always 1-2 Blood Ravens with Ultramarine bolters and/or chainswords.
Lictors are scary holy shit
Also tactical auspex should highlight cloaked enemies, I’m kind of shocked it doesn’t seems like an obvious use case for it
>Gadreiel and Chrion are from 30k but were stuck in stasis
The fuck? Man, I guess lore really got wild after 5th edition.
Pretty sure it does, one of the trials of the tactical should even be all about that.
It might just be wearing off too fast for me to notice or I’m just misunderstanding how it works then. Seems like whenever it gets dropped the lictor just fucks off and hides anyway.
Look dont ask me, they introduced a lot of primaris lore that barely gets mentioned but still comes up randomly but then it doesn’t make sense

Its alluded the dreadnought you meet is the same 30k primaris made dreadnought who is raging about wanting to find Magnus buuuuuuut its said redemptor dreadnoughts kill their pilots rather fast.

Just look at primaris as regular marines
Sniper feels pretty good in operations once you get used to popping off shots while dodging around the hoard, the cloak is a run saver. Not liking them in pvp as much though, the default bolt sniper feels shit to use
Maps aren’t big enough I’d just use the carbine bolters with sniper and stab people
In pvp? Yeah i’m hoping the carbine is good that way I can just play on objectives. Going invis and dropping a nade behind enemy heavy shield is pretty fun and helpful to the team as well. Heavies are fucking scary in pvp
It’s like sm1 do not fuck with Devestators.
Near as I can tell the shield is just for blocking ranged shit. In the middle of a melee blob I can’t think of why you would want to hold the block button instead of just parrying.
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>Know this Titus, if you stray from the path I will be merciless
is his name pronounced Taiytus or Teeetus?

I know Greeks/Italians say Teeetus and British say Taiytus
Everything in 40k is pronoun the British English way
They even more powerful than the first game because now you never know if they’ll pop a shield when you choose to engage which is pretty much instant death if you’re not hugging a corner to duck behind the frame you see it happen
>the game is bad because you don't get to play as my favorite obscure chapter that is only mentioned in one sentence in the lore and has no information on it to warrant the deep emotional bond I insist online that I have for them, the Warriors of Poopenfarten, but since this game doesn't feature them I can't give it an upvote, sorry Chuds

why are Warhammer "fans" like this?
Are they for real? A freaking melta gun doesn't instantly vaporize a tyranid warrior?
the son is undoing the chapters, in the far future of the 42 Millenium there is only one legion.
Titty us.

There is no such thing as British English, there is just English and American English.
Ranged weapons are all pool noodles in this game, melee unfortunately is what we are going to be forced to do on harder difficulty.
I think it's more that people fucking hate Ultramarines rather than wanting some specific guys in, it's just that anyone else would be better.
Why is everyone Crying he’s Leandros, the 40k fanbase has an issue of just wanting to get pandered to. Like why wouldn’t the literal secret religious police of the chapter NOT be assholes? People like to glaze chaplains because they look cool and hot stuff hard but can’t handle them actually being assholes
a random battle brother subordinate gets to become a commissar marine who Titus needs to work under?
Fuck off lyandros.
the FUCK LEANDROS shitposting did its damage over the years and now everybody just wants a DLC where we get to peel off his fingernails instead of any interesting story development
guarantee that everyone would say the chaplain was a cool mysterious character but the lizard brains saw his face and were consumed with rage as if he hadn't been in the game up until the reveal
He had over two centuries to get to that point, Titus spent half that time in a sex dungeon. Also, he never was a "random Battle Brother subordinate", Titus was Captain and Leandros was part of his Command Squad, he was the upper crust of 2nd Company even back then.
I don't think people are angry about his position, it's more that if world was just then Leandros would have had a Baneblade fall on his head long ago. I think people just hate him because it's a funny meme than actually want him gone on meta level.
>because it's a funny meme
Quite possible. At the end of the 1st game I was legit pissed at the character but I do kind of like what they did in SM2.
not even telopots who is a darktide pro gamer can make the game look easy, so it's safe to assume SM2 is harder than darktide?
>play on Veteran because it's the intended gameplay
>intended gameplay is to feel more like a guardsman than a space marine as described in the lore
>bolters end up being more like autoguns, no explosive power or oomph or chewing off limbs. Feel more like regular bullets than explosive shells, even Heavy Bolters are unsatisfying to use

The disappointing bolter experience here is bringing this game to a near thumbs down for me. Darktide had c the best bolter experience
Just once I wanted someone to walk up and say fuck off chaplain Titus has been cleared of suspicion attend to your other duties.
Being forced to talk to the chaplain when he continued to call me a heretic in all but name made me want to become a heretic.
I imagine a dlc will include an apothecary and chaplain class
Yeah it its a pretty cool dynamic and I sort of expect that Leandros will eventually reedem himself in some way, it'd be weird that he'd never reflect on Titus telling him he's a failure in all that time. They didn't really do much with him in this game but judging by the ending we'll either get DLC or Sequel with much more Leandros in it.
I wish for Librarians, although the game being Ultramarine focused fucks with Librarian recognition a lot. Magic duels with a Thousand Sons sorcerers would be cool.
See >>493270262
No new classes.
I’m surprised by how much the game feels like Darktide. The mission loading screen, mission select, the hub area, co op and hordes…
on their collaboration/suggestion forums they approved an idea to add new classes like the apothecary as "must-have", so they will probably work on it if the game does well
Not in year 1 but I think we will get a story expansion and I think Titus will be apart of chapter command becoming the ultramarine champion now, seeing as he is chilling with leandros I imagine librarian, chaplain, and apothecary are new classes, you can even do PvP with them if they are so set on forced legion picks of thousand son, word bearer, and emperor’s children
Niggers tongue my anus.
I blame GW overseeing and micromanaging their property, the Thunderhawk/Valkyrie X-Com like briefing hologram cannot be a coincidence.
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According to their official site they are considering it.
Oh well, my cpu can't even spawn more than 10 termagaunts without lagging and making the game unplayable. After a decade I get to replace my i5 4460 (kek) for an i712700k. With an Nvidia 3060 do you recommend a cooling system?
i think the story tease at the end of the campaign was more likely for the Secret level episode coming december than for more single-player content
Darktide is a fun game but it has a really strange community. It’s a fun hoard game yet you have people acting like they’re at the EVO grand finals with the way they lose their shit when they get downed. I don’t get it because the vermintide community was very chill
How do you do that?
In your system options.
Can't find it there.
Oh shit thanks buddy
It engages them even less than a "road map" tho.
i watched all that and telopots kinda played like shit tbqh
I always had the opposite experience in VT2 desu.
Hosts throwing an absolute tantrum and refusing to play if someone was playing a career they don’t like. People getting insta-kicked for trivial reasons. etc etc.
Even on Auric missions I don’t think I’ve encountered anywhere near the amount of angry spergs in DT that I did in Vermintide.
This games gonna be sabres biggest ever they are gonna scramble for content additions
>get in argument with squad
>their AI stands around and becomes even more useless as the game goes on, watching you get swarmed
They thought of everything, huh?
I like your copium.
As if we didn't see so many third world studios getting a big hid immediately go into maintenance mode ran by interns while everyone actually involved disappears with the money into the sunset.
is the Angel of Death difficulty what the emperor intended? its bullshit so far
You playing with real brothers or heretic AI?
If you're playing with friends, yes.
>Being forced to talk to the chaplain when he continued to call me a heretic in all but name made me want to become a heretic
It's all so fucking tiresome. Titus just finished mopping up a shit ton of chaos space marines and hive beasts after centuries of torture and deathwatch, just to be given the Leandros eye by multiple people after being cleared of ANY wrongdoing
The dual Zoanthrope fight on the dish was such amazing bullshit. Fuckers would stunlock me with the green orbs if I ever exposed myself.
I liked it, though all ranged weapons being so shit starts to be a bit annoying.
These niggas updated world war z for 4 years lol who even played that shit
They give him the Leandros eye because shit like this doesn't happen. Consider that you had to run in and save Marneus fucking Calgar, the Papa Smurf to Girlyman's Grandpa Smurf from being stuck in the warp fighting his own shadow.
Titus is an abberation who should not survive repated and direct contact with Immaterium but he does it anyway. Unlike Darktide where the rejects survive being in contact with Nurgle shit, Titus being so resistant is a plot point, so he's under suspicion by everyone.
Impossible without IRL friends who are also good

They need to buff the AI and allow weapon customization
>Impossible without IRL friends
Maybe if you're bad.
I have to play the highest difficulty right?
>aim as Heavy
>can't react to shit until you tap out of the aim
this is annoying
Playing Angel of Death difficulty with the AI bots is an objectively bad experience that ruins the pacing of the game, if you did unironically spend hours running into a wall to say that you beat it on that difficulty to be able to declare you’re smart or talented or something… yikes. Absolutely ruined it for yourself. Sad.
A big problem on Angel of Death+ is that it feels like Armor does nothing. It's not 2/3 hits per bar of Armor, it's fucking 1. And every Elite enemy takes an entire mag + maybe even some pistol shits.
I'm 3/4th of the way through a solo AoD run. I highly don't recommend it, it's more frustrating than fun. Seems much more balanced for coop than single.
If you thought the Relay encounter was bad wait until you get to the Volkite reactor. Mega aids
i'm on the cargo elevator part rn, angel of death with bots. objectives like this are an absolute pain in the ass, the bots will only shoot at the gargoyles if there's no other enemies around
halo legendary was the intended mode of difficulty too and it was managable in the original trilogy but not reach
>Volkite reactor
That was already a bother on hard, don't even want to imagine AoD.
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>Volkite reactor
that shit was HIV++++
They should have left Heavy Bolters, Pyreblasters and Multimeltas

The game gives you too many bolter variants but only the heavy full auto one is decent
fuck that, as I grew more aware of how bad the squaddie AI is, that the longer I played the lower the difficulty I picked
If you're running solo play on Normal

On Veteran the boss fights and swarm last stands are horrible with bot Chairon and Gadriel
>play first operation
>struggle through Inferno with randumbs
>beat it
>game is stuck on joining server

uhhh anyone else experience this?
I wanted to play a hard game
It's not just the squad AI, Titus is undermanned and underpowered for the task set to them.

A standard Primaris squad are 5 dudes yet due to developer oversight you're stuck with only 3 dudes with 2 of them only carrying normal bolters throughout the entire game.

Saber should patch and improve the bot AI for both campaign and operations along with allowing the player to customize their loadout and give them basic orders like pick/swap guns and grenades.
Wasn't he cleared of that suspicion though? By MULTIPLE different higher authorities?
Brother Anons, do we have any lobbies for PvE up?
They actually said they tried co-op with 4 but it was too hard to balance right.
>Doing better than teammates gives you Exp
Based mechanic. Also Sniper is very strong. 2-3 shots Elites and Stealth is a free revive

Wait it out, usually fixes itself. Matchmaking is extremely fucking wonky though.

As others pointed out the issue is that in AoD enemies have such absurd amounts of HP youre dumping like 10 Bolter shots into a single Hormagaunt. It's not realistic at all, AoD is just videogame difficulty
>space knights battle it out with space dinosaurs and space wizards
>space dinosaur taking 10 shots from a space knight is unrealistic
Would you say the easiest difficulty is more in line with lore strength? I'm not sure how much damage a bolter should be doing but from what I hear they're like mini tanks.
A bolter is somewhere between an automatic grenade launcher and an autocannon, but every projectile is rocket propelled. Think small caliber grenades flying in straight line that also have magical sci-fi material properties so they penetrate armor pretty well. They're supposed to tear limbs from people and put holes in light armour.
Even the Grey Knights said he’s clean what the fuck do they want?
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