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Reiver Edition


Lore Stuff - https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page, https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page

Discord for game sessions - https://discord.gg/6GHjwCXXZW
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Say what you want but the main menu music is fucking amazing. The Space Marine leitmotif with menancing trumpets is just so cool.
Leandros is based
The ost is pretty unremarkable standard fare but I admit I smiled when I heard the SM1 menu theme kick in.
if i remove my helm, do i have to be a nig?
Some parts of the sound track sound exactly like Dawn of war 2s soundtrack though
only if you're bulwark/vanguard. AssualtCHADS get to be white and have a cool robot eye
Did 2 even have any good tracks?
I remember every faction theme from the first one by heart but don’t really remember any music from 2.
those are the two classes i wanted to play as.. do salamanders get different facial features? i refuse to be forced to play as a nig
no, wear the helmet
Why would you go helmetless anyway that's gay
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So story on hard and above with the AI is impossible right? Those squad AI shitters are beyond retarded.

I had to set difficulty to normal and now I'm actually having fun.

Don't even give me the
>skill issue
bullshit. Some segments are timed in a way that is IMPOSSIBLE because the squad AI doesn't know how to play objectives so they fail everytime.
>Why would you go helmetless anyway that's gay
i wouldn't, but i won't be black even under the helmet

I swear when you assist the ig you hear their themes from retribution
I think the AI definitely needs tweaks.
Playing two player operations with one bot and sometimes I wish we could just get rid of it. It gets stuck on shit or just randomly disappears constantly. Thank fuck it doesn’t take ammo or med pickups.
Veteran is possible for sure if you’re willing to bang your head over and over for a little at some points. Angel of Death actually ruins the game and makes it actively unfun.
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>no riot
No riot allowed, go back to your hab-block.
Devs have greenlit/said they'd like facial customization for the PvE classes. I'm wondering to what extent, whether it'd be the simple white/black phenotypes of Raven Guard and Salamanders.
So how is the performance? Do I even bother with 3080?
Hard is doable solo but your health bar will perpetually look like a baby's dick as you brute force it.

Angel of Death is borderline impossible.
Am I missing something? Is there no way to swap to Coop without joining a lobby?
Also no way to swap classes without running all the way to the armory?
I'm on a 3080ti at 1440p stable 60fps on High/Performance mode. But that's because I never push beyond that rendering/fps in any game, even older ones, and I'm an autist about temps.
Im playing on veteran and its doable, pretty fun imo except that one time the AI refused to revive me when the carnifex was downed they literally just watched me
Has anyone figured out a way to delete custom paint jobs yet?
I too noticed this and I fucking love it. There are also some pieces that have beat of the OG,
Chaos Gate soundtrack (without the chanting sadly), I'm pretty sure there's some Dawn of War I in there too and maybe more, but I'd need to have a good listen to the ripped soundtrack.
It's great because I have played pretty much every Warhammer game that has ever been released and subconsciously some of this music is how Warhammer sounds like.
But yes, when I first heard the first game's theme in the menu I got goosebumps.
There are motifs of angels of death from Dow 2 in some too
If you simply thought that from the Heretics perspective, the Imperium looks kinda culty, how fast would you die?
The Chapter DLCs will go Dark Angels - Imperial Fists - Space Wolves - Blood Angels.
Why? That's the order of the dead squadmates you find in the Prologue, although the Imperial Fist guy is a Black Templar, but still. Space Wolves is the weakest link in this theory but then again GW actually gave them successors now so it might happen to promote interest in them. Imperial Fists and Blood Angels are obvious next picks after Dark Angels anyway.
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>Killing hordes
>2 warriors slip through and murder 20 guardsmen

Noooo..not my ig bro…
I genuinely restarted from checkpoint after the first Zoathrope fight because a solo warrior slipped by and killed all the guardsmen.
Veteran feels pretty difficult which is what I was looking for.
I think my real complaint is that this is clearly made for a controller. The PC controls feel a little clunky, like having to reach down for C to parry.
>Did 2 even have any good tracks?
What ? Are you kidding DoW 2 have some of the greatest 40k tracks.
>just finished campaign, queueing for operations
>pick bulwark
>go into first group of nids
>get absolutely shredded to 10% hp

>New Objective: Raise the Banner
>fighting carnifex + assorted swarm
>win with a sliver of health left
>2 more carnifex enter the stage
I was swearing like a motherfucker when I saw them.
Press tab for armory
And if you just select 1 of the mp modi and press escape you should be without a squad.
Am playing on Vet too and regretting it. It's annoying being pelted by bullets that you can't do much against.

It's just annoying difficulty, its not like it's a souls game
Can you kill the Carnifex in the intro?
I got real close to finishing it off but got mobbed by warriors from behind.
He's invincible and eventually enters bullshit mode where he doesn't get stunned anymore.
aw lame
I literally made it to the final boss before I figured out that the dodge has I-frames lol. I was just using it to physically dodge. Know that would have made the zoanthropes a lot easier.
>reavers + zoantrophe
literal cancer incarnate combo
what does it mean when big enemies like carnifex or helbrute start flashing yellow after parrying them like once or twice?
Really hoping they allow more customization.
Feels kinda dumb being anything other than Ultra when the entire Barge is Ultra themed, the classes are all Ultra characters and 3/6 of the coop emotes are Ultra.
Damn this is based npc shitters on suicide watch
>astropathic relay cutscene
>Chairon acts all Chadron
Dude is really growing on me.
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1 hour in and i'm struck by how apathetic i am to this game
image is my reaction when they showed the new nig-marine even when i turned the helmets on before i started the game
They did a good job with all the main characters IMO. Reminds me of the better parts of Abnetts novels when they go into space marine personalities
>Feels kinda dumb being anything other than Ultra

Not if you go Alpha legion. Then it's also stupid
I like the Asian guy so far, the way he looks so freaked out and anxious every time Titus says something slightly suspicious is really entertaining me for some reason
I feel bad for people that don't play Ultras lol. As an Ultramarines player I'm in candyland.
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>Titus admits the Leandros incident was partly his fault
The only recurring character I fucking hated was Major "Saaar Do Not Redeem The Antenna!!!" Sarkaana. Her voice is just way too fucking grating for someone you hear so often.
I know Mira is probably dead for centuries (and it would be such a cop-out that she would somehow be around where we are even if she wasn't dead) but what I wouldn't give for it to be her voice.
This is not bad, unironically explains why Titus was acting like an asshole for most the game. He acted like he was too cool for school and got screwed for it so he resented brotherhood
these trials are bullshit
I rebound aim to right mouse, melee to mouse 4, and parry to mouse 5. Works a lot better.
both are true
Leandros was a ratty bitch nerd who fucked up big time by going to the inquisition
but Titus was also an idiot by going "so what if i have no issues handling pure chaos artifacts and frequently run into chaos sorcerers who are curiously interested in me? fuck off nerd"
Alpharius you're here?
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>3/5 negative reviews are all MUH DATA epic game store seething
>1/5 negative reviews my 1050ti can't run this game at 60 fps 4k ultra!
>the other 1/5 claim game is too hard and reviewers clearly have skill issues
All these redditors man...
So does the multiplayer run on dedicated servers or P2P? is there a LATAM server?
>play Darktide
>wish I could play as a Space Marine
>play SM2
>wish I could play as a Guardsman

they seem to have all the fun rolling on tyranigs with tanks and MGs and such, the entrenched lasgun battles in the background looked sick
Darktide is very focused on individual combat in confined spaces where someone like a Space Marine would excel because they can leverage being a man-shaped tank to skullfuck everything while tanks can't get them because they don't fit, even if Imperial architecture is already pretty oversized because it has to account for the super-sized guys like Ogryns or Marines.
Space Marine 2 has a lot of missions taking outside with combined arms warfare happening in the background, which is traditionally the domain of Imperial Guard, aka the normal guys, where they excel because there's a lot of them and they can man tanks and skullfuck everything and not worry about how low the ceiling is.
parry bro
if you go into a crowd just spamming melee you will die
Lore question for any fags in the know: are the tyranids a potential candidate for uniting all native Milky Way factions (even including chaos) under a shaky temporary alliance for some future plot line? I’ve read that the invasion swarms we see in the game are just ragtag scouting parties and that the “real force” once it arrives from outside the galaxy will basically fuck every faction in half.
Heavy is busted in PVP, this is nice. I know I CAN die but you can finish off so many retards beforehand
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This game is KINO!
is there a difference between spamming parry and performing a perfect parry? I have a hard time with the timing due to animation locking and there being like 10+ enemies trying to attack me from all sides
Holding parry for a second or so helps, but I'm pretty sure timings get tighter the higher difficulty you play on, at least there's a noticeable difference between Veteran and AoD.
If you spam your character performs the parry on the release and you also queue further parries and then you die because everything hit you for free.
Perfect parries can guard break them and I think is what opens them up to be countered or hit with a gun strike.
Regular parries are just blocking them.
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>spams rocket barrage without cooldown

was this all part of Tzeentch's plan?
why does the game have no blue/pink horrors in it?
seems like a very odd omission in a 1k sons enemy list
Malum Caedo killed them all
Not a chance.
Yeah, already happened (with Eldars or Tau).
Why are enemy Space Marine AI easier than tyranids?
I also noticed this, the game got way easier after tyranids.

I think it's because they don't swarm you as much and their melee sucks and is easier to read, also they don't have you parry and dodge as much as the tyranid warriors or what the medium sized guys with the whips are called
Because they're Rubrics. They're literally brainless.
Was true in SM1 too. Chaos Marines have always been pushovers.
The Mk8 Deathwatch suit is so much better than what we got after and I love the standard Mk10 armor.
>Lore question for any fags in the know: are the tyranids a potential candidate for uniting all native Milky Way factions (even including chaos) under a shaky temporary alliance for some future plot line?
No. Some factions might align but others, but alliances are out of the question for others. At most the closest that they'd get to an alliance is the Nids forcing them to prioritize fighting the Nids instead of their other rivals. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised to see Imperial forces rank Chaos targets as being higher value and a higher priority to destroy than a superior strength force of Nids. The hate runs deep.

The orks are beyond diplomacy. They just want to fight. However, instead of delivering a coup de grace against another weakened faction, I can easily see them prioritizing fighting a more powerful Nid force simply due to a desire for a bigger fight.

Like Imperium vs Chaos, the hatred of Craftworld Eldar vs Dark Eldar runs deep. They would never work together. But I can imagine both of them abstaining from attacking each other in favor of pursuing objectives that they prioritize.
I remember seeing a chart somewhere of which factions could potentially ally with others, i think chaos could only temporarily ally with a couple and some combinations were outright impossible in any way
/v/ros, I have a few quick questions about the PvP, before I hop on it:
>Are any stats, like KDR and WR, recorded?
>What's the difference between Seize and Capture?
>Which one is the fastest mode to finish a round in?
>Are the Heavy, Sniper and Bulwark any good in PvP?
>Dreadnaught firing his minigun at the 100 storey tall chaos demon like two miles away and getting pissed off it's doing nothing
>Dreadnaught throwing the fucking boulder at the chaos dragon
is there a way to kick people out of the game if they don't follow the meta?

I don't wanna carry noobs like in darktide
>I remember seeing a chart somewhere of which factions could potentially ally with others, i think chaos could only temporarily ally with a couple and some combinations were outright impossible in any way
The chart is fucking dumb since it puts fucking CHAOS DAEMONS as allies of convenience with the IMPERIAL GUARD.
The AI is so frigginf dumb
i'm not a very experienced lorefag but this seems pretty dubious
a lot of these factions are not single monoliths with the same attitudes, for example some Eldar Craftworlds despise every non-eldar while some Craftworlds frequently ally with the imperium
>when you get a perfect loop going of dodging, perfect parrying and gun strike
It feels so good bros
Can you beat the big guy at the end of the first level if you play well enough like sekiro and elden ring?
the game would be so tight if dodge/parry/gun strike could animation cancel
maybe they meant the IG is easy to corrupt and will make convenient allies? also TAU are sluts that will ally with almost everyone
The whole "allies matrix" thing was a garbage ploy by GW to try to sell more miniatures so that people would field mixed armies. Lorewise it's dogshit. Just look at the damn thing. Fucking Eldar and Dark Eldar are listed as "battle brothers."
>a lot of these factions are not single monoliths with the same attitudes, for example some Eldar Craftworlds despise every non-eldar while some Craftworlds frequently ally with the imperium
It is an insult to lore and was written for the table top game. There are distinctly seperate rules codexes for playing a "Black Templars" or "Grey Knights" army instead of simply "Space Marines." There are not separate codexes for different craftworlds.
I think everyone has some Dreadnought in them, it's just that Dreadnoughts no longer give a shit about pretending they care.
It's not a lore chart. It's a gameplay chart first and foremost so you can't just cheese and cherry pick the best units from each faction. Consider that Come the Apocalypse doesn't mean they can't ally either, it's just that you're penalized really hard for it.
Imperial Guard ally with Chaosfags isn't even that weird lorewise, it could represent all the various traitor regiments and warbands.
>Ally of Convenience with Chaos Space Marines

Uhh what?
>Fucking Eldar and Dark Eldar are listed as "battle brothers."
name a time where these two factions did not immediately ally with one another against any other species? This is why the Harlequins exist.
sad reminder that redemptor dreadnoughts are short lived cause those chassis burn out their pilots pretty quickly. Literally the opposite of the concept of a dreadnought.
I don't think so, Titus' crossing of the rubicon primaris is strictly related to him dying there
>it's another "stuck on Joining Server status" episode

I doubt they will fix this for this full release
No shit retard they don't buy servers for max day 1 capacity. Is this your first video game after mom gave you her permission?
>6th edition
It always feels like the Mechanicus and the Necrons are in some weird tsundere relationship where they'll slap fight and then share knowledge because this maguffin they found is mysterious and shit.
the allied AI is total garbage, the campaign definitely plays better with human teammates
>relying on allied AI
skill issue
Yeah, the AI needs a major overhaul. Did you know they can use their class abilities? I didn't until the last hour, in which they finally realized they could use Auspex Scan, and they used it a whopping two times.
I played on veteran and I found the AI pretty useful. They are mostly ignored by the enemy ai too.
>24 hours later
>still no fucking server fix
does(nt) work on my machine
Game still not out.
But thank for the beta testing.
Anyone wanna help me with the final boss on AoD?
Shit is mad gay with the AI

>play pvp
>I can be alpha legion on either side and it’s lore accurate

I'm glad the campaign ended when it did, not sure how many more hours of bruddaposting I had in me
Is there any unlock or achievement for completing the campaign on Veteran only?

I played the first two missions on vet but thinking of just going down to easy to just blow my way through it instead. That last map with the Tyranid wall where you place melta charges and have to cross that big ass open space while getting plinked on from across the map just killed any expectation that this is meaningfully catered experience and fair difficulty like souls games or wukong.
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Hey guys, I am just here to ask the question no one tells me on the internet, is this game woke ?

I want to play a game and forget about the world, I don't want a 8 hours sermon about how evil white men are.
Oh yeah dude it's mega woke, every Ultramarine is actually FtM and they're fighting the Jews (Necrons) because they're heckin bombing Palestinian children (Cadians).

Fucking retard.
>is this game woke ?
Nope just pure masculinity and testosterone
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Totally unwoke aside from African and chink space muhreens but beyond the cosmetic race is totally irrelevant and at least isn’t in opposition to any lore logic.

Actually I take it back there is an Indian female imperial guardsman major that I wanted to curbstomp and was obvious wokeshit forced insertion to reflect the demographics of modern day England (AKA little India) so that was jarring. But that’s probably the worst and only egregious thing
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They fit being Tzeentch daemons more
There's one black guy but race is never brought up and he acts like a really cool dude. Vaguelly Asian dude is a bit less chill but being an European I honestly didn't give a shit really he looks like your generic Mongol/Soviet rape
baby. There is one very obviously Indian woman with very annoying voice that never really stands out aside from sounding fucking Indian but thankfully her part is relatively minor.
But holy shit I wish they gave her part to literally anyone else because that voice is like someone pulling sanding paper through your ear canals.
Ultramarines were always like that though because they pull from all over the place. That ig captain is a little annoying how she runs into a close up but she's only in one like one scene and then it's OH FUCK SPACE MARINES ARE HERE THANK THE EMPRAH WE MIGHT LIVE so idk it really didnt feel woke.

Even the random background chatter with the maybe gay techpreists are more just them commiserating that they will definitely get murdered at aurora. People in 40k just shouldn't have the time or mental space to obsess about racism or whatever wokeism is pretending to fight when there is actual danger.
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The gayass Thousand Sons and their teleporting in the middle of combat is driving me nuts.

Even the fucking Tyranids have more honor and don't fuck off in the middle of combat.

Why couldn't we have had Death Guard or World Eaters? I already know Emperor's Children or any Slaanesh shit is never ever happening but that would have been better as well.
You're telling me that a video game company can't build an AI that is more intelligent than humans? Woah
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My fellow Soul Drinker brethren...open a vox channel...I have banned inquisitional memes to share.
They're not even on the level of a dog, let alone a human.

>Bring an Elite into execution state
>Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee stand there waiting to execute him at the last second instead of shooting literally any other enemy
Even if the were the intelligence of a dog, human teammates would always be the better option lol.
It's not about them being better than humans, it's about them being competent enough to make the harder difficulties not a clear schizo difference in the experience depending on if you're solo or in co-op. Sure, solo is always going to be harder, but AoD solo is just retardedly obnoxious.
White scars are mostly asian, in my mind some of them are some sort of caucasian/mongol hybrid.

The idea of a black space marine isn't disturbing if it isn't in the Space Wolves or the White Scar.

Ok bros I am gonna buy this game, thank you.
my only gripe with this game is that there are a bunch of fucking marines just standing around on guard duty that is biggest waste of resources in existence
I am gonna go with the lamenters, because I have a soul, and I am unlucky as well in real life.
I miss LT. Mira...
she's still alive with rejuvenate treatment per the dialogue in chapter 4
I still wish she was here...
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We're coming home....
Anyone else is gonna be a lamenter?

Also, I think each nationality should be selected to play as a specific chapter based on stereotype.
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>raise the banner
You fucks were right, that moment was peak kino.
>tfw you will never make a hopeless last stand against insurmountable odds with your brothers
imho it wasnt that hopeless
>Eldar wailing
>Percussive orks
>Iconic if vanilla space marines
>All have passive/dynamic toggles for when combat kicks in
Yeah it was pretty good
I will literally never, ever remove this helmet when it's added. Beakie is peakie.
It was until the cutscene happened.
God damn you peopls truly suck at video games
You mean like real armies in real war? You never commit 100% of forces at all times. Especially vs a threat that can literally teleport onto your ship at any moment with the warp.
>Get given jump pack
>commits 100% into pure melee instead of any of the free bolters nearby to take out key threats first then go melee
You people
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Hello there fellow loyalists, sure is a nice day to purge some xenos.
For the emperor am I right.
>Too cool for school
He seemed almost affectionate for the cadians
Shirking valour and showing vulnerability and shit
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>"we made the Lictor disappear"
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Completed the story mode on maximum difficulty with bots.
Plan to play again but with friends on the same difficulty and see what is harder and who is dumber.
Man I was popping so many heads we were basically winning on veteran.
Make the chapter serfs do it (like they do in lore). They only have less than a hundred marines around and it seems most of them just hang around the Barge. It's not like they need that much rest anyway, the fuckers can go for two weeks without sleep.
This. They were doing fine although I assume they would eventually run out of ammo.
On the corollary, it slows the game down to be more tactical, and incentivizes teamwork
Both are good things when they work
Meh, background chatter had them commenting on their comrades dying and ever more CSM and tzaangors were showing up.

Serfs aren't that good combat personal, besides SM need R&R too.
More than anything else it discourages button mashing.
Something I don't see people talk about enough is how good this game looks and works. Honestly it puts it's worst foot forward with the stinky brown jungle but later segments are pre-rendered CGI level. It's insane.
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Based also I hate you
Nobody is asking serfs to go to the planet, they just need to stand around and slow whoever tries to start shit on the ship enough for Marines to come back. Keep the two honor guards with captain on the bridge, everyone fuck off do something useful instead of making chit-chat about gay sex.
It's not like they're not already doing 90% of the work on the ship.
What a nice pair of future Supreme Grand Masters of Grey Knights.
Right, not only does making committed moves feel better in this context by making the game harder in a deliberate way, it feels like a game made to make extra reckless/extra heroic moments extra sparse
That said I wish ops had more IG to fight with
Memed as the lasgun is there are fewer moments I enjoy more than watching indiscriminate lasgun fire
The leak allowed you to use a lasgun and it actually had full animations and all for Space Marines, holding a very small gun in their very big hands.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually in game somewhere as an Easter Egg.
Is that ak-12?
First game felt better
is there a way to play operations with bots?
it seems to automatically drop me in somebody else's game when I select the mission
Afaik not yet. Would love to have bots for simple minded grindan sometimes.
Oh fuck
That's a refund from me then
would be great for grinding armory upgrade items, since nobody seems to bother looking through the level for them
I'm okay with the las fusil
It's pretty satisfying hacking away and some guy just melts a warrior's head off in 1 shot
is there a torrent up somewhere so i can try out a demo before i buy
there's a RUNE release and a FitGirl repack
This is one of the only games I know that actually did a good job capturing the scale of Imperium architecture. Darktide ALMOST gets there sometimes with the Throneside missions but you spend so much time in sewer tunnels shit like that you never really get a chance to appreciate it.
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>do first coop mission with two randoms
>join as tactical and shit goes south
>swap to sniper with Las Fusil because the dude that was playing assault never used his jetpack and switched to tactical
>clear it easily
Space Hulk Deathwing did a pretty good job, but too bad the rest of the game isn't all that good
Here's a question for anybody on PC. I'm downloading now since I finally came back from vacation.

Does PvP have aim assist for gamepads? This decides if I even bother with that portion of the title. Yes I use gamepad on PC, it's comfy.
So what seems to be the most popular classes at the moment?
Assaults were so prolific in the first one it’s shocking hearing they are weak and people struggling with the melee mechanics in general now.
Not too sure, you can have aim assist for the game but it doesn't make any mention of differing between game modes. Afaik it doesn't have aim snapping though.

Not sure much has crystalized there yet, especially in PvE.
Also crossplay is only for PvE, PvP PC and consoles stay separate because they get aim assist.
theyre not even possible with bots lol
I'm assuming heavy
>Sit down
>Shoot alot
>Go invincible
The problem is Assault can't regain the health needed to stay in close quarters with how the health mechanics work in this game. In SM1, a single execution was all you needed to top up to full, and the execution with the Thunder Hammer was one of the fastest of the bunch. In this, any difficulty beyond middling/normal fucking gobbles the bars instantly, and a single execution gets you back one hits worth of damage.

if they're truly adding an Apothecary class, that's getting picked every game. It'll take all the difficulty out of the harder modes by a wide margin.
titus new voice actor is so fucking awful
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Assault needs a power fist. It's better than the hammer in so many ways.
the final perk for cannon punch is so fucking overtuned it's not even funny. you can kill everything in the game with impunity doing nothing but spamming it
desu it feels like non-armor health should have very slow regeneration. I'm talking 2% a second or something. Enough to top you up, but not enough to take away needing armor to survive.
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dude what a rush
You forgot the followup line he's looking forward to it
Angel of Death should be called Baby Dick Mode, on account of the size that your healthbar will be in the entire run, fucking hell.
why cant we just quick match or queue directly into whatever operation instead of having to join some other dudes lobby who is most likely afk
I literally only get killed by ranged attacks.
Just like darktide then
>sees red enemy
>Sprints in front of you into a horde to claim the kill
>Sees elevator button
>I MUST be there first
>Sees lone enemy
>I WILL duel you honorably for I am the main character

Your actions have been observed and will be reported to the Chaplain, rectify your behavior on next deployment
no i still die occasionally to overhead crusher swings when im not paying attention. none of the hyper lethal melee attacks in sm2 are dealt by similarly sneaky ogryns
How dare you insult the best game ever made by human hands. Why there's dozens of us that are so offended you bloody bastard!
rolling heavy attacks with the power sword swaps stance
space marine 1 was just better
Cawl just reskinned the Leviathan chassis and there was no one old enough to remember that they existed and call him out on his bullshit.
Now, get in the helbrute.
Just finished the campaign, holy fuck that was some absolute kino
I unironically have no idea how anyone could think that it was. Maybe if you're braindamaged and can't handle the additional combat mechanics I suppose
Only thing better in 1 was the fact that it had orcs
I guess the weapon system was better but pretty much everything else is better in Space Marine 2
How you guys liking assault in PvP?
I don't have the game but I'm watching people play and it seems pretty good (chainsword though, not thunder hammer)
There really should be passive health regen like the first game though
Reminder to check weapon upgrades and mastercrafts. Some of them unlock extra stuff like the UBL grenade launcher for Tactical boltguns
there wasnt passive health regen in the first game, just your shield
it's dogshit, melee fucking sucks
Your hp regenned very slowly after you shield came back, not sure if it was everywhere but it definetly did, maybe just on capped points
Both would regen, which is why tactical had a perk that made health regen faster
I hate the not Titus assault packs so much. They go nowhere and get no height while taking 30 seconds to charge.
And Chaos customisation.
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Thanks bros, I got refunded.
Agreed. I'm still upset since playing as chaos in multiplayer is just way cooler
I love every class being able to just walk backwards and shoot me in the head if I don't instantly kill them
I'm guessing it's coming in a "big update" instead of having it shipped on release with like 4 customization options.
Aka give us your money
>I don't want a 8 hours sermon about how evil white men are.
What game does this? Maybe take a break from the internet.
nope, not part of the roadmap they announced.
this was only in multiplayer
MP needs more open maps like the first game.
Thanks Mr developer
>Leandros was a ratty bitch nerd who fucked up big time by going to the inquisition
It seems he got rewarded instead.
Eh not really. Being a Chaplan isn't really a fun awesome job when all you're doing is critiquing and punishing your battle bros.
i think it just needs more maps in general
Not launching with horde mode was so incredibly stupid.
>Whiny Rat who complained about getting within a mile of an enemy sanctioned to be a professional whiner who never has to leave his safe space barge
Leandros literally won
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PvE Assault needs PvP Assault's jump pack mechanics, and PvP melee in general needs to stun or at least interrupt gunfire.
>PLEASE make Assault insanely broken I beg you
Assault has always been an assassination class in PvP. You jump on unsuspecting players with a full charged Leap and then one-shot them before backing off.
Tactical is the best in Ops and PvP. You cant beat Auspex for wall hacks and damage buffs, plus the stock bolter is a monster in PvP and the nade launcher is easily abusable in Ops.
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It's time for gene seed inspection day
Heavy feels ridiculously strong in PvE up until the point your retard Bulwark and Assault run 500ft ahead and leave you to Solo forty hormies and three warriors with no melee weapon
The secret is hold melee button as heavy then you can solo fourty hormies and three warriors with your mighty boot stunlock.
give it to me straight, is this game worth it? checking out some streams and it seems a bit mid
Abuse the stomp like in the first game, provided it doesn't go "Nuh uh, you actually are offline because I say so and I'm going to disconnect you from the game you're in"
nope, wait for a sale
It's fiucking depressing that I could write so much better than GW, all they ever fucking use is the cadians, marines and admech. No fucking creativity at all. Honestly its a miracle that they used chimeras, some GW exec probably pushed for only leman russes to be be on screen
alrighty, thanks
Why the fuck aren't my customs saving?
how the fuck do you play co-op with randoms?
I beat the prologue but there is no option in the terminal at the battlebarge anywhere to play co-op outside of just inviting people
So is it true that this game is really not worth the full price? What is it even selling for right now?
servers taken a shit lads
Any chance of someone making new skins of the classic mk7 for the game to replace primaris slop? I'm so put off by primaris, at least the chaos is classic marks.
yes GW is woke they do female custodes now in lore and gaslight the fans.
Yes, its fun as fuck. Or wait until later and miss out on playing online.
Zombie ghosts and the pants were dead.
There's over 120k people playing on steam. I think there will be enough people to find 2 other players after launch.
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So what happened to the Tyranids? Did they all just decide to fuck off when the Hive Tyrant died?
Darktide is at 3k and falling its actually hard to get matches now, HD2 went from 500k to 6k. These games dont last.
They will become wild feral animals killing and eating each other with imperials going around using them as target practice to train new dudes.
The main campaign is you and friends, the randoms coop is the side missions that's the left tab in the terminal thing near the dropship. Right tab is the multiplayer
The gameplay isn't terrible, but I get like minutes long load times fairly regularly for some retarded reason
Traitor marines took priority, plus Tyranids lost the main synapse creature so they're scattered until the Norn Queen is able to shit out another one
Fucktide barely peaked at 100k. Go back to your safe space and continue sperging about shovels.
Marines aren't there for 100% cleanup duty. They're there for surgical strikes to take care of the most important tasks and leave the rest to the guard.
Tyranids are linked to the most powerful commander in psychic range. When that link is broken the weaker minds die and the stronger minds scatter to survive and regrow. When the tyrant died it would have killed most of the tyranids in the city but the higher forms like lictors and stuff would have fucked off to start genestealer cults and new hives. It's why they can never get rid of an infestation once it starts.
custodes did it quite trivially on terra
Until they wanna sell some super duper terranids.
They would be shilling new looking cadians and the Rogal dorn tank then if they were exec demands.

You have to face it this game is designed to introduce newbies
No genestealers in the game is criminal.
How the fuck do you invite randoms to your operations?
It will just autofill empty spots.
Well it isn't happening. Didn't happen my last operation either.
I don't know if it makes a difference but I disabled crossplay because I didn't want to play with console players. Did that disable multiplayer altogether?
I went at it for a good five minutes, eventually you will go to cutscene for any damage taken
wonder what mission they were talking about having titus go take care of
I wonder why they gave the Sniper the Bolt Carbine lol. I accidently left it on my loadout instead of the Bolt Sniper Rifle and the class just felt like a worse Vanguard.
>The main campaign is you and friends
well that's fucking gay, I don't have any friends.
solo it is I guess.
So you agree with me, but got mad at yourself. Get therapy.
Custodes are like a group of demi gods all on one planet its not quite the same
shooting is way too strong in pvp
Multi melta is sex. I wonder if you can spec it for longer range
To be honest it’s almost exactly like sm1
>Bolter w/ Nade Launcher
>Ammo box
Single handedly stopped the invasion
Ultramarines logistics supports wins again.
>throw Krak grenade at Warrior
>The Lord of Change wills it to instead change direction and stick onto a Hormagaunt
>Hive Tyrant stops all operations across billions of Tyranid to focus his entire being into making that Hormagaunt beeline right at me and kill me with my own grenade
This has happened three times now
Technically yes but as a blood raven stealing the ultramarines ammo caches
Btfo (literally)
>Anyone else is gonna be a lamenter?
One of my classes will be for sure, probably tactical. Bulwark is going to be dangles, not sure what else yet.
how do we unlock lamenters
Play coop or pvp I think, I haven't touched pvp yet and use the credits you get for playing to unlock paints and schemes
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Ignore the lines and shit in the menus also you can just buy whatever chapter you want immediately. I bought my bros the blood ravens but you can buy any chapter at any time.
I've now had two faggots go afk before an assemble door and make everyone wait for 5 minutes
Post some pve lobbies you fucking niggers!!
So I only know like baseline stuff about 40k and I'm confused. When people talk about not liking Ultramarines they mean the chapter, right? I originally thought it means like a style of armor that people didn't like, like the Ultramarines have a very unique type of "build" to their armor that looks dumb.
Nah, it's just the chapter. It's basically the default chapter. The mascot for the astartes.
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The PVE Operations shit feels unfinished. The 6th one wasn't even in the main story but they are missing the operation where the Necron obelisks get turned around to close the warp rift.

Also no horde mode till next year is lame.
no refunds, sucker
The 6th one not being related to the main story makes sense since the devs said they want to release more over time and have that mode be more of a focus for future content.
If you knew "baseline stuff" as you say, you'd know that armor patterns have a base form that each chapter modifies to suit their specific culture. Most people who hate Ultramarines are holdovers from when Ward was writing 5th edition codices. I personally don't mind them because one of the Uriel Ventris books was my introduction to the setting, but I absolutely understand the hate for Ward's rewrites because of my distaste for modern Necron lore
It's barebones because they're going to be rolling out more in the future
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Used to be the Crimson Fists, aka, the best boys.
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Alright I guess "baseline" is too high a bar for my knowledge.
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>because of my distaste for modern Necron lore
Ironically that's the one thing I did like. Tomb Kings was always my favorite WHFB faction.
>boot up game with squad
>start mission
>puts us back in the station 3 times
Great game
>modern Necron lore
Was a straight upgrade. Before they were just a mindless NPC faction like Tyranids.
Also modern Necron lore still allows you to have mindless zombie terminators anyway.
Average difficulty faggots
I thought that too, but they also change. Different bosses and objectives within the missions, and they're also unique objectives.

I think their road map is not ambitious enough but they could really do a shitton more hopefully now.
How do you add the lads cross-platform for co-op? You do the room key right?
What are the best guns and why are they the bolt carbines?
Most marines are running around in either Mark 7 or Mark 10, each chapter then paints and modifies onto it
Necrons were running human blanks through biotransferrence in Third Edition, which hasn't existed as a unit since 5th edition
I'm not against Tomb Kings, I just prefer old Necrons
Best gun is the lasgun sniper which is OP as fuck but fun
Eh I guess it all depends on if they and GW are satisfied with the sales and player numbers on Monday.

I feel like the devs want to continue Titus story with a Space Marine III even.
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The bolt carbines are the OG bolters and that's why I like them so much. If I could have a beakie helmet I would, too.
I hope they do because its a really good sequel, the attention to detail is awesome and having SM3 but with Necrons and or Orks would be cool.
Can you really not matchmake with the campaign?
White Scars are the coolest chapter and this is not up for debate.
I just wish they could get the grenade launcher attachment
The early game bolt rifles eat ass, been running the plasma.
the fuckass game's servers are busted as hell
I've been disconnected a couple minutes in to every match except one
Sorry the Mentors are the coolest chapter
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For a "short" campaign it was actually kino
Las Fusil is able to one or two shot most things in the game, but it has fuckall ammo count
I think you can play with friends, but I played it solo
>only person in squad
>can't do shit because the terminal says I'm not squad leader
Sad that people are going to overlook this game to play deadslop instead
No one is overlooking SM2 its a huge success. Some retards on /v/ are just shitposting trying to TOR it.
pls respond
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Oh, boy here I go coping again like the helldivers 2 fucking spawn rate shit
pardon my ignorance, but what game are you referring to?
NTA probably Deadlock
>Be SM2
>Have a post-game stats for Operations on release
>Be Darktide
>Still don't have an official post-game stats 2 years later
Fatshart is the reason Darktide is bad
And you get bonus xp if you mvp a category which is nice
I don't get why you faggots think roadmaps are all the game will get for all the time. Just because it isn't on the agenda for the first quarter of 2025 doesn't mean it won't be added later.
kys seething faggot
I'm going Iron Lords.
>geee dubs I wonder why all we do is the best selling tabletop factions
They fixed that.
green circle niggers are the worst
Bros... I really miss the shoulder bash from the first game
I got 10 more xp than you means im better than you
I just want to see if the rest of the team is bad if I beat them all on range damage as an Assault
>t. dead weight
Can you lock on in PvP or is that a campaign-only thing?
Every weapon has a charge bash but its not shoulder anymore
>kill one Tyranid all other die or run away
>nevermind the huge fucking tendril reaching out from space
This was never the fucking lore you faggots. You're making Tyranids seem to work like Orks. The only way you're winning is by either hitting the tendril in space hard enough to kill most of it or if it decides further fighting is not worth it, which, by the way, doesn't mean killing a single Hive Tyrant whose body is getting replaced in a week, it means not having any more easily available bio-mass.
Which, considering it's targets are a fucking lush jungle world and a hive world full of humans to eat, yeah I don't see that.
Expect to kill Tyranids in every possible new mission and story expansion.
Am I reading the pvp right in that you can only have 2 of each class?
SM3 will probably be Necrons considering the monoliths.
That being said I wish it was some faction like Eldar or Tau that was had more individual intelligence so you'd insult each other during fighting, but both would probably work badly for main enemies of a TPS horde hack & slash.
I want orks again desu
Killing the Tyrant stop the local tyranid forces on the planet. To stop the tendril you'd have to kill the norn queen so this anon >>493467540 is correct.
I don't think Tau or Eldar work with the game's gameplay loop.
Seconding this. Gotta get da boyz back.
Why yes I fully adhere to the Codex Astartes like Brother Chaplain Leandros and Sergeant Gadriel.

Why yes I think fully disgraced former Captain Demetrian Titus must be viewed with suspicion for corruption and heresy.
It was weird how resistant to chaos he was.
how the hell do i heal my red health in the campaign?
is it just me or does melee feel like turboshit in PvP

it attacks so slow that people can just walk away from you while shooting. Doesn't stagger them or even make their aim worse, if you get into melee you just get beamed.
I like that they doubled down on it and then said nothing about it. I think he's just gonna end up Grey Knight style and just naturally tough against chaos because his mind is so blunt.

Only 10 more years and we'll get another bite of Titus lore.

Get gud and use the heal.
Med stims. You can find them around the map, usually around ammo crates.
Space Marines can't become Grey Knights.
So is the emote/comms wheel just unusable with a mouse? It's so damn jittery I have to like, finesse my way into saying thank you. I guess you've got voice chat but I'd like to emote dammit.
I wouldn't be shocked if they looked at the Assault spam in the first game nearly instagibbing people and decided to do the exact opposite
You're entirely reliant on med stims. Check the wooden boxes you sometimes see around the map, they tend to have ammo/shield regen them too Took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure it out since I'm used to objects not really being breakable outside explosive barrels
It was either the emperor giving him the power to do so or some chaos daemon impowering him to thwart Nemeroth's ascension.
yeah but like.... there could be a middle ground, they could at least make it so melee slows the target down because right now you can just walk backwards and shoot someone who's trying to melee you and just kill them lol.
>Complete first PvE session
>Loads of fun, other teammates are a fellow Warhammer vet introducing his friend to Warhammer for the first time and making him a fan.
>Joining Server Forever on victory screen
Well this is the drizzling shits. Do I still get my rewards? At least the server clutter should be handled by launch day. r-right?
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>Only 8 hours of campaign... the game is so short it's 7 hours for 60 bucks... why would you pay 70 bucks for only 6 hours of content... 100 bucks is not worth it for a repetitive 5 hours of a mediocre campaign with no further content!
Regardless of how long the campaign is or how fast or long you take to finish it solo or with your battle bros, every second of the whole thing is pure kino
2/10 games that happens to me I hope it gets fixed though probably in a month. Also yes you still get the rewards which is a godsend that it happens unlike some other games if such a thing happens.
I think it was a missed opportunity swapping out Deathwatch for solely Smurfs, we could have had voicelines for different chapters banter and a reason to really customize beyond a paintjob. Seeing Black Templars talk about the codex positively is bizarre.
I'm glad it was only about 8 hours
not every game needs to be a million hour filler stuffed slog
Space marines can't become Grey Knights without the exclusive Grey Knight Of The Ultramarines DLC, only avaliable at Gamestop, power to the players.
Sniper is so fucking good in PvP it's insane. Just pop cloak whenever you're in danger of getting hit and show up behind the enemy and melee them to death.
matchmaking servers are super buggy
Anyone elses chapter colours keep resetting? Its ruining my custom armor set because they're all now set to ultramarine and I cant delete them.
Imo its one of the best campaigns ive ever played. Not one moment felt like filler or annoying.
I immediately get turned off if they claim a games campaign would be "50 hours long". This is more the case with open world slop where it's pretty much telling you that's it's all filled with a lot of copy paste missionsm useless items and collectibles to bloat the play time.
i literally cant play the game rn wtf
Jokes on you all that customise your colours. I keep my colours the same and play as an Ultramarine
That'd be actually helpful so we can't have that
I remember launch Darktide having significantly more banter when I last played it a year ago but I don't remember if that was actually in it at launch. Only thing I hear in the coop is the bog standard "Friendly fire bad" and radio chatter acting as though all three of you are Ultramarines. Considering CSM in multiplayer is hardlocked in terms of what legion you play as, I have a feeling a lot of shit got scrapped halfway through development
I'm not interested in PvP but do they basically get TF2 Dead Ringer like they do in PvE?
With the side campaign and multiplayer I dunno I think there's a lot more content that your average big title release. It's not a procedurally generated game but I don't personally think that really adds all that much to content inherently anyway. The differences in classes does more for replayability than a script that says add one more warrior to the next wave.
>play PvP
>at least 1-2 Blud Rehvans with Ultramarine chainswords and bolters
I'm getting actually fucking sick of how the game returns health and armor through executions, it's not worth the return when you can just bitch slap the smaller enemies pop a pistol shot and get armor back that way
Saber should introduce a patch that improves Gadriel and Chairon along with giving them weapons customization
I played it on Veteran with 2 friends, who recently got into warhammer earlier this year but they know a quite a bit of the lore after binging some lore videos before the game released, for the first playhrough and then played it again on Angel of Death solo. I'm thinking of doing another one all the way through again in normal just for fun to see what that's like.
I also don't mind playing it again with other people if it's their first time because I love the fucking campaign
Blood Ravens definitely "borrowed" those chainswords and bolters.
>Filthy magpies
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finders keepers brothers
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Clearly they killed some traitor marines, realized they were relics, and grabbed them noting to return them the next time they run into some Ultramarines, but as they are unable to operate anywhere near theaters the Ultras are in they can't return them yet
>playing 3p story AoD
>guardsmen not dying
>Actually forming firing lines and melting the absolutely everything they focus down
Hey finally
I wish I had friends to do Angel on I feel like it would be highly satisfying to win it.
Primarchless behavior.
>Darktide having significantly more banter
To some extent yes, they cut the occurence of those voicelines down because they were considered annoying.
Other reason is that new voicelines got introduced and that your guys nicer with higher rank.
Neat idea but also means you rarely get to hear most and often don't get to insult the cadian
no chainaxe for the berzerker is fucking dogshit
>Y'all will leev me behind, just like ye leff cadia down
The sour grapes are the sweetest thing about cadians
gettin real tired of carrying these console shits on my back
I'm a heavy gunner, why am I getting the most melee kills
Ihmura doesn't feel like a final boss, he's just a meme Soulslike midboss with tons of HP

Also fuck the devs for forcing you to fight him with just a normal bolter even if you're carrying something else

The last boss needed to be Necrons/Negcrons/Newcrons

Have Calgar and Severan be the 4th and 5th members as you fight a C'tan shard or a Monolith
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How long until retool the parry and melee combat not to feel like utter dog shit compared to sm1?
I was pretty surprised Necrons didn't appear when they gave us a chaos space marine enemy that was also about teleporting around. Add on a shield like from the tyranids and it would have been a good thematic conclusion in gameplay as well.
It's a shame that everyone memes that lasguns are dogshit, because in any other setting they'd be that one joke weapon that instantly incapacitates whatever they hit with 0 recoil and near unlimited ammo
Cadians need to be reminded of their failures at every opportunity and this is coming from a Guardfag. Granted I'm also annoyed at Krieg being lmao shovel
He feels like a character that's supposed to have either been built up significantly more as trying to use the Tyranid invasion for some massive ritual or been used as a vehicle to build up the fact that it was a Necron tomb world, rather than "Yeah he got some Admech to work on the tech that was in the first game and is completely unrelated to the Tyranids"
Tactical needs to also be able to use a combat knife
desu there shouldn't be any limits with melee and pistols
Should I use the iron hands colors or one of their successors?
First off, killing a Hive Tyrant absolutely doesn't have this effect on entire planet. Some nearby Tyranids might die from the shock but overall all you'd be achieving is them losing a lot of coordination for a period of time before the Tyrant is reborn (their minds don't die, just their bodies).
Hell, it's even a plot point in some book that one a Tyrant is slain nearby Tyranids go berserk in effort to kill whoever killed the Tyrant so they don't live to share the experience and weak points of one with others. There has to be Tyranids to go berserk, if they're all dead they can't go berserk.
Also, killing a Norn Queen isn't a perfect solution - killing a Norn Queen is how you get multiple Norn Queens to replace it and form splinter fleets, you literally have to destroy a chunk of Tyranid biomass the size of a planet to make sure nothing shows up again from that tendril apart from ferals. Tyranids aren't a problem just because there's a lot of them, they're a problem because there, in fact, isn't some singular threat Marines can just assasinate and be done with it forever. It buys time, sure, but all you're doing is delaying an enemy who fucking loves attrition warfare.
easiest way to handle the tyranids is to tell the necrons about them desu
>I'm not afraid, you'll fall apart at the last minute. Just. Like. Cadia did.
But with so many switching there voice and all the new dialogue it is super rare.
And yes early FW krieg was really sweet in its pre caricature state.

>he feels like a character that's supposed to have either been built up significantly more
Seems to be a common thing with the plot imo, in many cases they could have done a bit more with the characters. May have been the writing changes.
>but you're also delaying an enemy who fucking loves attrition warfare
Like orks, necrons, and chaos? The imperium too, come to think about it...
>hit 10 enemies with shield bash
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oh you have to hit 10 enemies with a SINGLE shield bash
Orks main strength is that there's a lot of them and they just get better the more there are. Similarly it's absurdally hard to fully get rid of them but if you kill off most of them fast enough local PDF guys can handle it from there by burning weird shit they find and shooting the occasional spearchucker they find in the woods.
Necrons revive, but you can easily fully kill one with normal means and there's a finite number of them. They might be good for attrition on the surface but if you hit hard enough they're even worse at it than Eldar.
Chaos is practically invincible and impossible to get rid of fully, but they exist in an enterietly separate plane of existence that is sealed away and can only be opened up by corrupted mortal agents or immense magical bullshit. Theoretically however they're the very antithesis of being good at attrition because every living being they kill weakens them as Chaos needs living mortals to sustain itself through their emotions.
Imperium is humans and humans are everyone a little bit. They are decent because there's a lot of them, they replace quickly and they have no specific stupid weakspot, but they don't come close to Tyranids in terms of being good at attrition. A Guardsman takes like sixteen years to make, a Tyranid Warrior takes five minutes and the dead body is almost immediately recycled to make more.
>finish mission
>get stuck in an infinite load because it can't join the server
>game won't even close when I alt+f4
So, they seem to be par for the course as far as 40k is concerned.
So why didn't Titus fall to Chaos? He was left abandoned by his Chapter and forgotten for two centuries.
tactical and sniper trials are fucking stupidly overtuned compared to the rest of them
Just build different
For the same reason the Lamenters never fall to Chaos. Pure unbridled faith and devotion.
>Deathwatch are still Firstborn
>Deathwatch die to normal Hormagaunts and Warriors
Shut up Leandros
Thanks for the recommendation on drivers. I reinstalled it and now sm2 runs at 75~ fps on 1440p. I guess my drivers were not blessed by the machine spirit.
Campaign was fun, scenes were cool, combat is fun. But the story was honestly pretty mid.
>But the story was honestly pretty mid.
Pretty much like every astartes story in 40k
Zoanthropes > Lictors > Warriors (Venom Cannon) > Raveners > Thousand Son Terminators > Warriors > Termagants > Rubric Marines > Hormagaunts > Ripper swarms > Cultists > Tzaangors

Carnifex > Helbrute
the melee terminators are fucking terrifying. they have no god damn right to move as fast as they do
PC gamepad users, there is absolutely aim assist in PvP. It's not as strong as in the campaign, not even close, but there's a very tangible snap. Just letting you know if the potential lack of it was going to deter you from bothering.

Don't even know why the devs bothered segregating PC and console players if this is the case.
I just use my Multimelta and/or Melta rifle and just press E after 2-3 shots :)
Why can't I be a Terminator?
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>join a random op
>oh cool chaos, haven't fought them yet
>haha cultists pop in one pistol shot
>lmao these rubic marines are so dumb
>oh hey is that an elit-
Thousand Son Terminators earned my respect after folding my poor sniper ass in half
Not fast enough.
I don't read user reviews for this reason. They are just so fucking retarded.
They die to las fusils, you're dumb to take bolters
I was not yet wise to the way of the las fusil, now it never leaves my primary
Hope they expand the pistol/melee choices as well, a bit JIPPED I'm stuck with 1 option only for so many classes
Can they teleport like the other rubicks?
Get this achievement now before the playerbase becomes sweaty as fuck. Currently this is super easy if you play a control mode and just camp a spot or flank common contest points.
Not in it for the pride or ego, a professional who is just interested in doing his duty and not being a greek god charlatan about it.
He should be in the First Company with based Caedo next game.
Nah can easily get it when the game is a year old. Always get noobs to pwn in every game
Nah, SM1 multiplayer got fucking sweaty. Like I think it's genuinely impossible to get into now. I tried it last year for the first time and went 0/5+ in KD nearly every match because of the progression stuff.
Only two ways to play Sniper

>las fusil the enemy
>cloak and melee/magdump with full auto bolter
Can you not choose a class and play with that in the campaign?
Titus is every class.
lieutenant is a do whatever the fuck you want class
But can't wear terminator armor in the game
The tutorial should have been terminator armour, the devs are dumb as fuck
deathwatch doesnt and never has had access to terminator armor. it isnt suitably versatile enough for dealing with xenos
Should have went with pre-heresy colors
dont like pre heresy colors. i want my red and gold and i never want to be loyalist ever. in fact i just want to be able to do the co-op missions as a khornate berzerker and nobody is the wiser
Space hulk???
Terminator armor is nearly a requirement when dealing with tyranids
Flesh Eaters?
tyranids are not the only xenos, nor is terminator armor inherently well-suited to deal with tyranids specifically in the first place. however, terminator armor is extremely well-suited to deal with unbelievably tight confines of a ship in the void where taking some sort of damage is an inevitability
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>that lights out sequence and then fighting a Lictor in the dark with a Power Sword

pure kino
the pvp is actually really fun. like massive gears of war flashbacks here. i just wish it had an execution mode where you can't die unless someone uses a melee animation finisher on you to complete the package.
the final mission was so fucking kino I was grinning ear to ear
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>deathwatch doesnt and never has had access to terminator armor
i really dont like the melee in pvp. there is virtually zero feedback for anything hits, blocks, dodges. nothing
>deliver a virus bomb against an early Tyranid invasion force
>only carry normal bolters
>one guy carries an axe
>no one puts jetpacks on in case the aircraft crashes
They're not very bright and very good.
the lictor got stuck entering the room for me and was a free kill, not very kino
>you can mark enemies with the attention button
>the ai seems to focus on them
Goddamit game, you could have told me that. Would have made things way easier
>play co-op operations with randoms
>mark things with attention button
>they keep ignoring the damn powerups
I wish they used complete darkness a bit more. I'm sure it's because ultimately it's really easy to get bad results with the lighting system if you have too much time to fuck around with it but for that brief moment where total darkness was broken up by bolter, melta and plasma fire it was one of the prettiest things I've seen in a game.
All grey knights are still firstborn. Even Cawl didn't know about that chapter existing.
Ok, and?
I think I responded to the wrong post.
Farshark is weird. Their core mechanics and atmosphere are fucking phenomenal (V2 melee is straight up the best first person melee I've ever seen), but they just can't get shit done. Something has to be very wrong on a process level.
>Game outright calls SM1 a basic bitch and says this chaos outbreak is infinitely worse than last time we fucked with the artefact
They didn't lie, I just wish we got a mission with the main force. I thought maybe there was an operation for it but nope.
Regardless of scale, punching a chaos prince in the face over and over god of war style as we both fall to certain doom was tits.

Say what you want about the battle overall, nemoroth had style out of the ass.
they are struggling with basic software dev stuff like version control, it really makes you think how they managed to get anything done
As with most shit devs, they scale up programmers the year prior to a release, then axe two thirds of them within a month of release. Which is why nothing good ever happens in a timely fashion and people blog with excuses and plans instead of just paying programmers what they're actually worth.
>All grey knights are still firstborn
Wait until they get their 10th edition book

They will become Primaris with Cawl psy weaponry
PvP Class rankings from top to bottom based on 40ish matches.

>Tactical #1
If you don't have two of these, and your opponent team does, you're fighting an uphill battle. A free wall hack wins games, and you're also inherently above Assault, Vanguard and Bulwark in terms of ranged firepower.

>Bulwark (Objective)
Pretty dogshit in Deathmatch, but in any mode where you need to be an obnoxious bastard and hold ground, these guys are king for stalemating seconds away from the opponent. Absolutely essential.

>Assault #2
Get some cheeky vertical angles and use your pistol while airborne for free, safe, flank damage. The limited third person PoV makes people pretty blind to topside gunfire.

>Sniper #3
Not much to say really. Even with the 2/3 tap requirement, they're still going to win engagements nobody else does, as well as suppress areas people want to contest, and they have a free cloak escape that's only countered by Tactical.

>Vanguard #4
Honestly just feels like a weaker Assault. Your grapple hook works like the Halo Infinite hook in that, unlike in PvE, it can hook onto terrain and be used for mobility, but you don't get the obscuring vertical sightlines that Assault does, nor the close range burst if you're forced into a CQC fight. Grapple kick is a death sentence in anything but a 1v1.

>Heavy #5
You're a big, slow, glowing target that gets focused the moment you dare peak your head. Absolutely miserable experience without at least half the team backing you up to take away aggro.

>Bulwark (Deathmatch)
You're on crack and enjoy camping that one singular hallway the entire game, because you're not winning a single fight without a terrain advantage.
>beating up a Chaos Sorcerer with a Thunderhammer
>last thing he says before it connects and kills him is "JUST AS PLANNED!"
I had to pause the game. I love Tzzentch fucks so hard, they're comedy gold.
why is this game so poorly optimized?
It's not, your 1080 is nearly a decade old.
Works on my machine.
Buttery smooth, no frame drops and pc is at a cool 65 degrees.
I'm running a 3050. running the game off an ssd and this game is fucking struggling. crashes if i change graphics settings in the main menu and it isn't playing cutscenes, only audio
>for a game that has a 1060 as minimum requirement
Mate I... you should consider setting everything to low and cranking up that dlss.
I like the game but it needs more missions for pve. 6 is kind of barebones with how short the story is
Kinda wish they had proc gen missions aside from the hand crafted 6 so you can have some replayability
it's the world war z guys, so i thought they'd have put in some rng for spawns for in-game loot rooms for heavy weapons atleast

man for some fucking reason, verifying integrity for a 3rd time fixed my issues, but it didn't the first 2 times
I can't parry to save my fucking life man, even a servitor would do better
what weapon're you using
try remapping parry to an easier button
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Maybe you'll tell me it's one of those fake 3050 too, the ones Nvidia markets as 3050 but significantly downgraded. I was very concerned because the leak ran at 15 FPS but they actually did fix it, SM2 is actually REALLY well optimized. The only real technical hiccup is it forcing processor boost to be on all the time, meaning some processors get pretty hot (not dangerous hot but "wtf is going on" hot) but you can easily force it to be off in Windows at no loss of performance. If it's not fixed in Day 1 patch then it'll probably be soon after.
Like, this game is so fucking pretty and it runs at between 100 and 120 frames for me and I have it locked at 120 at high, while even shit like Helldivers 2 (which, all things considered is pretty graphically underwhelming) or other "modern" titles sometimes struggles to do 60.
so what's up with it putting us back on the battle barge but with no npcs after starting an operation
sometimes it only lasts like 10 seconds and other times i'm just stuck there
just strange since i can still see others in my lobby walk around
i had the same but it worked once i walked up to the ledge idk man
the ledge kinda blocks the activation of the jet pack, apparently you can just sit there and pistol down the last nids because there's no time limit
Play this song when you raise the banner
dogshit djent noises. holy fuck i hate metalniggers so much your drop-C guitarfaggotry is ass and literally worse than rap.
Capture & Control (King of the Hill) > Annihilation (Team Deathmatch) >>>>>>>>> Seize Ground (Battlefield style territories)

C&C forces team fights and constant conflict, makes it very hard for a singular person to constantly carry their team because everything is happening at once.

Annihilation is what it is. TDM is a mixed bag depending on the overall quality of all players.

Seize Ground is the most stompy/swingy mode by far, where you're completely at the whim of every other player's skill level, but also you can't carry yourself out of like TDM.
Works fine in my 4090
>join lobby
>several -1 levels
>game never starts
>wont let me leave
>alt f4
>join lobby
>several -1 levels
>game never starts
>wont let me leave
>alt f4
>join lobby
>several -1 levels
>game never starts
>wont let me leave
>alt f4
so this game isnt playable in pvp?
are space wolves cringe? as a nord it feels like a natural pick
glad to see this game keeps the Vermintide/Darktide tradition of players absolutely refusing to pick up healing items or look for any extra rewards
absolutely everything in 40k is cringe
pick your poison
I've never had an issue in PvP and get games instantly. This is P2P though so if you have a closed/moderate NAT it's going to fuck your connectivity with others. You need to make sure its set to open.
i'll pick viking cringe then
Space Wolves get a lot of hate for being kind of a Mary Sue chapter, because they get to be ~special~
Fortunately people cant progress without the fully party present so I always run around looking for hidden shit. My brothers dont know how good they have it when I bring back geneseed almost every game
man my ass is going to be stuck at low levels forever because this shit ass server keeps disconnecting me in the middle of like 4/5 matches
The problem with them is that they aren't vikings, they are furfags instead
I'd really like this game if they'd tune up the melee combat
>every enemy has perfect tracking in melee
Raveners and Lictors have 3 hit combos that will shred your HP. Only avoidable by 3 backwards dodges which is not something you can do most of the time. It's aggravating since the player has none at all once an animation starts.
>any majoris+ enemy cannot be hit out of melee animations
This is really annoying, feels like old action games, you have a dedicated "stun" attack that literally doesn't work. Meanwhile you'll get whacked out of parries and gunstrikes.
>enemies just keep pace with you when dodging, attack while you're locked in a roll animation or knocked over or swinging a weapon
If you let 3 or more chaff get close to you, you're just guaranteed to take damage. Stuns being heavy attacks instead of a separate button also means you're almost guaranteed to get hit in that situation too since you have to charge it. Also they can just hit you like 5 times in 3 seconds and melt your healthbar without any opportunity to react. Parries only seem to work on one hit at a time, so that's guaranteed damage. I get it, swarms are dangerous, but there needs to be some counterplay. I'm not a big fan of darktide but at least that gives you the tools for a damageless run even if it is nearly impossible. Annoying as the heavy since big guns lock you to rolling instead of hopping.
>executions immediately override any animation you're in but parries and dodges do not
Except if the parry is for a leaping enemy, where you'll immediately become invincible until the animation completes regardless of your timing, which feels good and works, contrary to trying to parry basic attacks. It's annoying since the code is clearly there to break you out of dodgerolls or thunderhammer swings, but only for executions instead of the much more urgent parry/dodge.
I really hope once it drops there's a big wave of shitters like me crying out for changes and at least some things get implemented.
well that is off-putting
>me making sure that any faction i choose is the blandest and most boring which does not do anything nor stand out in any way because being remotely interesting is "mary sue"
well I'm mostly complaining about them literally looking at a medkit while they're at 1HP and then sprinting away
I've had to solo waves more often than I should because of this shit and it's mildly annoying, although the extra exp for being top of every metric is nice
I'm just explaining the average 40k fan's reasoning, not mine
personally I just think space vikings is boring
not really my thing either but i think 40k fans are retarded niggers
>personally I just think space vikings is boring
i kinda agree, but the thematic music slaps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V5Watai4qPM&list=PLQk_iiSprvrbYAaBS-9tuHyxAGkDFOaTn
>3 hit combos
Can't you parry them? And dodge and rolling grant iframes.
>are space wolves cringe?
yes, but you can get to bearable levels if you have less than 4 wolf references onto your heraldry and trinkets
Except that isn't the issue with them. The furry allegations and the whole wolves, wulfen, wolfsquad, wolf-whatever is the major complaint with them.
yeah i took a look at the lore and they seem to have overdosed on wolf themes over general viking themes in later iterations, i get why people say they're more furries than vikings now
>Darktide is at 3k and falling its actually hard to get matches now
maybe if you server to south africa or something? lol it's very easy to find a match in any major server
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>in later iterations
common misconception, they got to ride wolves later on, which is a dealbreaker for some, but they were VERY heavy handed even at the start, look at pic related for example and count how many times the wolf theme is individually treaded and retreaded, the properly viking theme is something people wish they were like or get to see only in very niche situations, unfortunately, still I don't like that theme because I think marines look best in gothic style, but I can't deny someone their taste, however wrong they may be.
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I have been playing coop games that gave 2-5k player peaks a day for the last 10 years. It's good enough desu. I can always find a match, at worst Ill just hop into the forums/discord or whatever that community uses and ring some people up to play. The thing that boosts longetivity is a server browser. On Insurgency sandstorm I would always pick a specific set of 3 servers hosted by some clan, they always had like 5 people in it at minimum and it was a great time despite the game being "dead". Relying solely on matchmaking was a mistake.
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Remember, a good chunk of CSM options were non-aligned traitors or at least a notable non aligned warband (Alpha, NL, bulk of pre-retcon IW), it only makes no sense if it was either necron side pre-nu-nucon king proxy, cult or stormlord; or chaos marine side 1ks (that werent of the library and magnymagic unfucked seeking side), EC or Bearers.
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no point in having an ally system when you're too harsh over who can ally
ally of convenience just means that you could make up a narrative about how, for example, necron overlord assholothep and chaos sorceror daddyssius can get to agree that joining forces to rape nids/orks/imperials on planet locustenent is convenient for both.

necrons are quite flexible in terms of narratives since 2011, for the better or worse, they can talk, their lords can have personal agendas, and there are not that many unilateral opinions of how to deal withe the various factions.
So based, that one angry dread
Incorrect. All tyranid life forms that dont have a pure consumption instinct due to eternal hunger/energy use (aka everything but Haruspex, Dimachaeron and Ripper types... and in old lore Hive Crone) keep working off instinct to hunt/feed or burrow in.
Tyrants aren't even solo creatures on planets, but closer to SC zerg queens, at least 1 per main invasion location.
Stealers are mostly biomass by the time bigger bugs hit the invasion/outbreak is over and initial defenses crumbled. Tabletop cucked people into forgetting that nids anti-armor is supposed to be the fact that every synapse unit can/is supposed to be able to blast out warp-fuckery-ignoring-warp lance and smite blasts (along with all the spore and acid units that melt whatever is in armor without having to actually damage the mineral supplement pills).
Just find a niche company in the yiffers that explicitly dont yiff (much), you can find it by looking up the Jarls of the space wolves. Or at least something with a cool secondary theme like the Drakeslayer company.
'Bout my experience. Tactical mogs every other class except Bulwark in a straight fight.
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necrons have thoughts and feelings now instead of just wanting to exterminate life
One must imagine the Dreadnought happy.
Damn tau, avoiding melee, correction needed
i want to kiss a tau
...that's it?
What's the best primary fir tactical lads? The heavy bolt rifle is fun but I imagine the grenade bolter or plasma rifle is probably more optimal.
I was playing sm1 multiplayer before 2 and some matches got annoying. People say assault was the best class but it’s unironically devestator plasma cannon spam, las cannon spam, and heavy bolter can lock down certain maps
Yeah, that’s the meta bois. My instinct is tactical.
It’s because the melee netcode degraded bad in 1 assault was the go to on console but when players left your connection got worse.
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Not sure if I should refund and rebuy the normal edition on monday.
Not pressed for money but paying 30 bucks to play a weekend early makes me feel like a retard and I'm taking part in the downfall of the gaming industry. Though I do have literally nothing else to do this weekend. The season pass is literally just cosmetics, right?
>captcha: P0HR
The dreadnought section was kino, you don't need to do anything and he rapes everyone including the Terminators.
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Everyone I play with runs Ultramarines, I feel kinda weird for customizing my PvE guy.
They're not cosmeticmaxxing, they're going for perks
do it, retard
Unless you're doing a lot of PvP which gives 30 Space Marine Bucks per match, it's not advisable to take cosmetics over perks.
I did the fist four on AoD but the last mission is just too frustrating.
It's funny because playing normal operations with randoms is fucking hard for some reason.
Necrons will be the next enemy type, probably
>no Inquisitor that shows up and takes command when in all of the games the Inquisitor is already present way before heresy takes it's peak
>the Ultramarines don't call for reinforcements, it's a perfect shoe-in for successor chapters even if Games Workshop didn't want other chapters to overshadow their precious Ultramarines
>Deathwatch doesn't show up or reveal themselves to collect their dead but they're the first chapter on the scene
>no Grey Knights present even with the absence of the Inquistion when there is a Chaos invasion happening
>the AdMech are nowhere to be found except as assistants and support guys when they have their own army
>they made Calgar look useless, he doesn't even fight the Lord of Change while you 1v1 Ihmura
>Necrons don't awaken and fuck shit up
>no Roboute Guilliman dropping from the sky helping you beat up the Necrons and Tzeentch daemons
>all Titus gets for his heroics is a stupid different coloured helmet
>Leandros doesn't fight at all despite being the ship's Chaplain, he's last seen rousing the troops before a battle but he's not seen until the ending
Money is easy as balls to get, just play 1 character and get to 10 so you can run 3 or 4 difficulty
I am special Fists, pleb.
I've got a theory that leandros was caught up on another front with the necrons and that the next mission he recommends titus for is one involving them
the current necron narrative involving the anti-warp pylons requires people with particular strong convictions/faith to oppose the soul dampening effects

they said all future game content is going to be free, but my bet is that they can and will make campaign DLCs that introduce following storylines, with the justification for it being a DLC rather than a free addition being that it serves to fund the introduction of entirely new sets of enemy types (necrons) but that the associated non-campaign pve side missions will be free
I wear Alpha legion colors and emblems which always makes a few people turn their heads in the lobbies.
During Calgars arrival cutscenes I'm almost certain there are Sternguard deployed behind him. Full models with white helmets and beaky masks.

It's really hard to tell because they're never in focus
>loyalist side has two Tactical Marines
>Blood Ravens with Ultramarines chainsword and bolter
He deploys with Victrix guard and the first company veterans they have white helmets so yes they are sternguard mostly
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Ultramarines are the protagonists of the game and of the whole 40k setting.
the beaky would be longer

the problem with the mk6 helmet is that it may clip with the gorgets
tfw Salamanders are too nice to be the poster boys of 40k games
The black guy is 10k+ years old and probably met Girlyman and the Emperor...what the fuck
>makes me feel like a retard and I'm taking part in the downfall of the gaming industry
don't worry about it, enough other people are doing it that you participating or not makes no difference
that's a meme
most probably not, he was a child on calth at the time of the heresy
literally every single operation I've joined has had a Bulwark and Assault
not a single person plays one of the shooty classes
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Primaris beakies are kinda different tho they have larger ear flaps and a shorter beak it’s a mk x mod (my sternguard for example)
He is 10,000 years old but spent 9,900 of those years in a freezer. He MIGHT have saw Girlyman before being frozen but very low chance. Definitely didn't see Emperor.
I play las fusil Sniper

I run out of ammo all the time and my armor is always gone and I'm a useless team member
unless you were planning on maining one of those, that's a good thing, because now you can guarantee that you'll get what you want
Ya that’s a primaris beakie pretty sure
The ones I see most of is sniper and heavy, never once seen assault.

Also made the mistake of attempting difficulty 4 with only 1 class at high level only to get that class taken by someone else. So yeah, dont make the same mistake and get at least 2 to lv10 before you touch dif 4.
It's all just cosmetics, also the reason why I got the ultra edition.

Completely shit take, going against tit doesn't work becaue every shitter thinks this way and excuses his behaviour with it.
>going against tit doesn't work becaue every shitter thinks this way
no, most people genuinely just don't care
Try going ultramarine but with alpha legion emblem.
malum getting a minute of glory would have been awesome.
>Heavy Melta
Why yes I will carry the entire operation
Thoughts on Vanguard? Just started playing Operations
on the roadmap they did say they would be introducing new enemies which could be a new faction of enemies but is more likely something like Horrors or flamers of tzeentch
Its fun once you get some of their perks
I don't think I've ever seen the Chaos team win in Eternal War. I think it has something to do with Loyalists always having non-shit spread while Chaos is always instalocked on Snipers, Assaults and maybe Vanguards.
That scene looked like shit.
I doubt that's anything more than one smaller enemy type for tyranids or tzeentch instead of a new type of enemy faction altogether, that would be too big for such a small mention

getting to shoot pink horrors and see them split into blue horrors and then brimstone horrors would be both frustrating and awesome even if I came here to fight the bugs
the poison mechanic makes me think they want venomthropes added at some point
Unfortunately not.
Necrons in sequel?
either them or orks again
who am I kidding, it's going to be more chaos
but imagine tau
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WW@ bros?
I play Heavy.
I play Tactical because .... I'm tacticool
Ultramarines again
Lt. Titus is now a Sternguard Veteran
Orkz are back
still 3 dudes in a squad instead of 5
Nurgle this time
>Sternguard Veteran
What year do you think this is grandpa
He's gonna be part of Victrix Guard
probably not allowed to because darktide is already a FPS with nurgle enemies, like how darktide in turn couldn't have genecults because space hulk: deathwing had them already.
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Kinda ruins the immersion when you play as a Bulwark for any other chapter and you see it as the Ultramarine one. Would be neat if they were to also make it so that the standard is an unlockable skin for each chapter.
>almost a 24 hr thread
Dogshit dead general for a dogshit dead game
is the helmet toggle working in the co op campaign? I heard it was bugged
Ultramarines game chud
Ultramarines are based and I'm tired of pretending that they aren't.
You dropped your dilator.
Yes but I really like the Blood Ravens and Scythes colours.
Ooooooh, that's how he was, "raised on Calth." He's one of the OG Primaris that were pulled out of stasis when Big G woke up.
I've had the exact opposite experience. I've been the only Ultra (they're my army on tabletop) while the other two have been other chapters.
Sorry anon I wished for astartestide and the monkey paw made them become creatively bankrupt and UM focused
A bit odd you don't unlock this as a skin for beating the game or something.
>All these customization options
>I'd rather just wear any of the chaos armors in pve

Yea well ultrasmurfs are THE mary sue chapter of all the mary sue chapters of the space marine legions.
2 questions boys.
1. Any armour unlocks for beating campaign?

2. What bolt pistol are you liking? I’m going to play a jump pack man forever because 2 handed weps are cool.
Not really blown away by the heavy bolt pistol honestly in operations. Weird they can’t get plasma pistols since they miss out on primary weapons anyway.
How do you choose which perk you want active?
heavy bolt
>i had it on HDD

If it's blue/orange it's active. You won't get the bottom ones until later. They unlock sequentially from left to right, top to bottom. If you hover over them, you can see the level requirements.
one per vertical row, each with a level req
Yes, but aren't you only allowed like one perk per category? Or did i read the tutorial prompt wrong?
One per vertical tree, yes. You can have 8 active perks out of a total 24.
It's funny to me that the vast majority of players seem to hate epic to the point of refusing to buy a game because you have to do anything related to epic and the only thing epic is for on PC is to enable crossplay between steam and the 5 people who bought the game on epic for some reason. Let those people suffer imo.
Oh it's one per COLUMN? Okay that makes more sense.

Thank you, anons!
I wonder if they made the operation where you fight a Hive Tyrant have you heavily injure the Tyrant before the fight to make it believable, particularly for Nid fans, for three random yahoo marines to take down a Tyrant.
Most definitely. No way three rando marines could take down a tyrant without it being on the verge of death already.
I'm not versed in 'Nids, what would it take to defeat a healthy Hive Tyrant?
I would say, bare minimum, a full squad of dudes in Terminator armor. Terminator armor is both the best armor that marines have access to (it's designed to survive exposure to the interior of a plasma reactor for extended period) and only given to marines in the 1st Company of their chapter; the best of the best.
Though, if you catch the Tyrant in the open, sufficient firepower would also work. From some tanks or dreadnoughts, or marines with heavy weapons for instance.
Anyone else feeling like melee is a fucking waste of time? The knife for instance, says it a high dps single target weapon yet my pistol can take elites down faster. Thunder hammer for aoe clear? Fuck that just meltagun the trash away.
Hive Tyrants are traditionally commanders so while they're not even close to the biggest or the meanest Tyranid on the battlefield, their big advantage is that they're an actually smart Tyranid. Not, silly Lictor jumping at you from behind smart, actual smart smart.
So the question is really two-fold. In terms of rough firepower a tank probably could do it, or even a squad of Marines if they fired on it for long enough,
In terms of actually killing it - you need to find it, you need to outsmart it and you need to not get killed by absolutely every Tyranid in the Hive converging on your position because you just touched it's G-spot.
Don't forget the Tyrant usually has these niggas around him as well.
This is a very good explanation.
oh no the heldrake operation requires pressing buttons in the right order, it's fucking over, co-op retards can't do this, I'm done
Trying to play with a coworker and he's saying the PS5 version doesn't have a code pop up when he goes to the menu? Have any of you guys gotten this to work? It seemed obvious enough on PC.

50/50 he's scrolling down instead of going to the key.
You just won the speedrun on how to reveal yourself as easy modo shitter.
I thought I'd try doing some pvp, but quickplay doesn't seem to be working?
Heavy is really fun in PvP desu. Reminds me of the Heavy class from nubattlefront 2.
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The more I see minis the more I want to spend cash and try painting, I've never done it before but I figure it'd be a fun hobby to get into, on top of the tabletop game itself.
That’s literally what happens they blow the bridge and think the tyrants dead but the swarms still active so you go find it with a piece of giant rebar sticking out of it
I'm not trying to be rude, but I thought it was clear from the post you replied to that the Tyrant being extremely wounded was already established.
Fuck you
If you want to do it get one of these paint starter sets and if you really want to get into it get a 3D printer. Buying minis or paints from GW is just brutal unless you got money to burn.
See if you can get in touch with your local 40k community first. I've got a group that I play/talk with regularly and being a part of that has made the hobby a thousand times more fun.
>Buying minis or paints from GW is just brutal unless you got money to burn.
I casually looked up prices for the Custodes combat patrol pack since I figured it'd be a good one to start off on, but the price is almost $180 which is wild.
Yeah there's a GW near me that I'd figure once I get a paycheck in I'll go and talk to people there to see what it takes to get started casually, wargaming doesn't seem like a hobby to get into blind.
Don't just go to the GW (though they are the most well stocked), check around for what we call Local Game Stores, or LGS. You're probably more likely to touch base with the movers and shakers of your local 40k groups at an LGS than a GW store. While the hobby has garnered a bit of a reputation for attracting the refuse of humanity, in actuality a GIANT portion of the people that actually paint models and show up to play in person are completely normal middle aged dudes that often have families. Turns out an expensive hobby favors people with actual careers to afford said hobby.
Consider that in lore killing a Tyrant doesn't just make all the Tyranids in the area fall over and die. Some weak ones nearby might but a lot of them, especially "these niggas" will do everything in their power to kill whoever managed to kill the Hive Tyrant, the assumption being is they don't want people to actually gain experience fighting them while Hive Tyrant just gets mind uploaded into a new body and gets experience from being defeated.
"These niggas" are Tyrant Guard, purpose-bred to be living shields. The absolute absolute units are some of the toughest and most dangerous Tyranid pound-for-pound, rumored to be created by the Hive Mind from DNA of Space Marines. A marine fighting one in melee is like a child thrown into a gorilla enclosure.
Im already playing on max? Melta spam shits on melee
Thanks for the advice anon, I looked them up and there are a ton that are closer to me than the GW. I'll definitely take a look there.
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Chaos armors tend to be more detailed/with more bling. Just think of AL with the scales.

>because you just touched it's G-spot.
>blushing neurolictor faec
I genuinely hope the DLCs will not only bring new colours (like the Ultramarine one seemed to do for the most part) but actual new armor parts.
Sniper with the SMG is pretty fucking strong in PvP.
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Everyday is gene seed inspection day brother !
Brother, my gene seed appears to have developed a fault.
Can someone tell me which class each traitor legion corresponds to in the pvp? I wanna play as a brother of the Thousand Sons.
Tactical - Black Legion
Assault - Gay Lords
Vanguard - World Eaters
Bulwark - Death Guard
Sniper - Alpha Legion
Heavy - Iron Warriors
No Thousand Sons, you have to wait for the Librarian DLC. :]
That is so gay. If the TSons are in the campaign as enemies, they should be playable as well imo. I'm gonna wait until they get released.
While I normally find powerscaling quite tiresome, but I wonder if a team of hunters from Monster Hunter could take on a Hive Tyrant. I bet they could manage. Would make for a fun crossover event maybe since MonHun likes to do those kinds of things.
Bruvas I cant join the server here
I assume it's because the multiplayer characters have rudimentary personality and dialogue. Rubrics... do not.
That being said they might get their shit together and fix Chaos customization at some point so you can have your Tactical Rubric Marine.
It's pretty annoying to me because I don't like Chaos Space Marines, the edge of the average one is fucking painful (I'd play the fuck out of a pre-Red Corsairs Astral Claw tho) yet it's clear that if they ever get customization it's going to be miles above Loyalist one because there's only so many ways you can stick a Purity Seal on a Mark X armor before you run out of ideas while you can stick anything between Mark II-VIII on Firstborn, and then there's all the silly Chaos spikey shit.
>Just think of AL with the scales.

That is exactly the armor I want most it just looks so good compared to normal armor
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>tfw you're at 1 HP and have been constantly executing, parrying and doing the gun thing for the past 10 minutes to regen your armor and not die
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How many fucking Tyranids are part of a Hive Fleet?
How's the dagger vs chainsword? Playing Vanguard
The one in the game is just a splinter fleet but yeah there are a gorillion trillion and everything they eat just makes more Tyranids.
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Can confirm.
A single splinter fleet is probably couple dozen billion "individual" creatures, they replace in manner of minutes tho.
There's more Tyranids in total than anything else in the Galaxy, they haven't really gotten there yet though, all that people are fighting right now is scouts. It's implied they have eaten multiple galaxies at this point.
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Take the amount of Tyranids you think is needed to invade a world and double it. Then double that. You have to understand that when Hive Fleets go after biomass, they mean literally everything from the smallest bacteria 10 feet deep in the soil to the tallest trees and everything that moves between, and dead Tyranids WILL be recycled as well which is why you see Guard burning the little bunkers after fights
They sometimes eat the soil and raw ore too, gotta get that Iron and Calcium in to get some strong exoskeletons.
It doesn't stop with soil and ore, they literally strip the atmosphere and all water off the planet before moving on
>que up for pvp
>enemy has level of -1
on paper the chainsword is mostly better (at least in fencing, which imo is what you should be using on a vanguard) but the knife is absolutely cool
do you have to beat the campaign to play with other people?
I've been trying to find "battle-brothers" for an hour and I cant get anyone to join
The antenna part of this mission is killing me. Maybe literally.
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This is brother Ameus of the Soul Drinkers on an open vox... I think the inquisition SUCKS!
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one MILLION tyranids
Yes, yes. The Inquisition IS terrible. As you're aware, they have agents in every institution which means you can't trust ANYONE in the Imperium. Embrace the eightfold path and achieve true enlightenment
Fuck you as a true step-son of Dorn I am loyal to the Emperor of Mankind.
How is sniper with the carbine in pve? It feels like the las is just so strong that there’s not much room to do anything but build into it
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Brothers of the Honored chapter of Personalis Computore, I seek your aid in hunting this vile xenos.
Is it restricted based on how far you personally are in the campaign? If not I can give it a shot, how hard can it be?
You just need to unlock operations I believe, but playing on a class below level 5 is going to hurt.
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>normal difficulty
>heldrake boss with people who have no idea what they're doing
>they don't do symbols (or do them wrong)
>they don't kill anything
>they don't damage the boss
First Company Ultras look so much better than Second.
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>daemons with shields blocking everything
>bullet sponge chaos marines
>CBT Terminators
I can do Terminid ops on higher difficulties fine, but Tzeentch ops break me.
I loved the part where you need to rotate the train tracks to charge the fusion battery for the battle barge, and a techpriest on the coms is like, "What? I thought the Ultramarines selected for spatial awareness and problem solving ability in their aspirants."
I am rewarded because my faith is in the Primordial Truth
I've done the first operations mission, so I'm only level 2, don't know if that's something you want to try and work with.
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>Malum Caedo
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>there are people who have sympathy for the bugs in this very thread
No, just play normal with bots and dodge all the fire thrown at you.

For PvE missions you can get away with bots on minimal but on average and higher it's better to have 2 humans.
It's kinda funny how most classes work pretty well in PvE out of the box as long as you play minimal threat but heavy eats shit so hard unless you get babysat.
can blood angels do white helmets or is that usually a ultra thing?
t. secondary trying to learn moar
i just let the heavy mow through the chaff or the assault giganuke them
heavy doesn't need to be babysat, it just needs any frontliner (bulwark or assault) to do halfway okay
Sniper with Las Fusil whacks them in 3 headshots

The Heavy gets hosed on higher difficulties, therefore they should stick to Heavy Bolter and mow down generic enemies while letting the other two teammates take down larger enemies
White helmets denote veterans according to Codex Astrates, Blood Angels however do not give a shit and mark them with a golden drop on the pauldron.
That being said do whatever you want buddy.
You're a fucking bird until they add the chalice
you cant really do a gold drop with the system yet, can you?
When should I be using charged attacks?
They don't stunlock Warriors like you could with Nobs in SM1
Do they do more damage, or what's the situation to use them. I am using the Power Fist and the charged attacks are just far too slow to ever be useful
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shut up
he wasn't primaris in boltgun because at the time there were no primaris marines, if he survived to the current era and fuck you if you think he didn't, then he would have upgraded to be a primaris by now
The Lichtor fight is cool but damn it's raping me.
>guy keeps hitting random terminals on Mission 6 spawning endless waves instead of reading the computer number
>Guy sprints way ahead of teammates not bothering to kill anything like he's trying to speed running
>Guy kicks me because I'm the same class and doesn't even give me a chance to change
Really hoping this is just weekend fags and not indicative of the player base as a whole
I like to believe there is just a manlet first born marine that gets let off his leash to eviscerate demons while his primaris brethren watch in awe.
what about vangaurd?
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For Vet get a golden hat and idk a golden skull is closest you can get for right pauldron
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What a cunt.
>get a group that is actually good
>get armoury data and gene-seed on every map
>game is surprisingly fun as fuck when you don't have Gears of War speedrunners
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Fucking tired of these low level shitters trying to do threat-level operations with their garbage gear and then dying.


Fuck wish the devs would have locked the difficulty levels behind class levels.
Admech is just built different. Remember in a book one was confused as to why Guard doesn't just eat corpses of fallen Guard to have food
Kek. A whole group of autists.
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Blood Angels do their own thing and don't fully follow the Codex (who do nowadays ?).
Helmets color depend on your squad type, sergeants have black pauldrons.
I guess a veteran sergeant have black pauldrons + gold helmet
Is higher difficulty operations dead?
Been waiting for battle brothers on substantial difficulty for 15 minutes.
May just be that people don't know how to swap difficulties in it, because I sure as fuck don't
hit R in the mission selection menu
>Just make it a handicapped super difficulty which alot of people won't mind playing because they like the helmet
Literally everybody wins
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Should I just buy the season pass and get everything? Or is 25$ too much?
Where does that leave the grey knights?
Heavy because I only need a handful of shots for spore mines, but if I'm playing assault I want the most damage as I can for chucklefucks calling in reinforcements, as well as when I'm fitting in shots against shit I can't reach like those damn zoanthropes
>Where does that leave the grey knights?
a category apart altogether
>additional squad numbers have been introduced following Guilliman's revision of the Codex Astartes and the reorganisation of the Reserve Companies
What did he change ?
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Brothers, I am in need of dire reinforcements send me your aid.
>Heldrake fight
I literally do not know what these characters are blabbering about. I'm assuming this was during the escort part covering the tombs. I had no idea I was supposed to be sniffing the symbols on the graves.
I'm not quite sure, but I think one of the big things is that the he made the 10th company, normally the one where all the scouts go, also have a full company of Vanguard marines, which are meant to specialize in reconnaissance and guerilla tactics.
Brother...the symbols are on the walls in the drake room...they glow...
So the mariest suest
I don't know where this is specifically from but I think he also understood that a target of 10 companies is too small, and that if a chapter could support more that through recruitment then they should.
I literally never saw them. I was too busy fending off the infinitely spawning Rubric Marines and avoiding fire.
breaking blocks or knocking down little guys to gunstrike them
>Core vanguard gameplay is just damn near suicide tactics and the tactical marine has the scouting ability
Kinda odd
25 is for the season pass and whatever, it's about on par for modern shit
If you want to play, do it
But as someone with a 1070 and booting my OS on an HDD (game on SSD) I can say the game has its issues and will need a day 1 patch for my dark age of techno duct tape build
Some other things you may run into
>The epic online services installer may fail so you need to sign up, download, and install that manually
>Game may be running poorly so you need to verify, particularly if you download during a steam hot period (see: new or popular game being mass downloaded)
Otherwise if you end up hating the game im sorry
disabling crossplay and applying this fix (https://community.focus-entmt.com/focus-entertainment/space-marine-2/forums/27-bugs/threads/43786-encountering-issues-with-epic-online-services-on-steam) improved the rate of working co-op games for me noticably, for people who get stuck on "joining server" status a lot
the knife is arguably the best melee in the game right?
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The sniper is also vanguard, but you're right. To be fair, jumping the key dude in the enemy's formation to take him out is in the purview of that kind of thing.
Vanguard are the snipers (called Eliminators), Reivers (what is the Vanguard in the game, and one interesting thing is their skull masks are supposed to amplify their voices to the point of causing massive disruption for the enemy's cohesion, but I guess that'd get annoying real quick), Infiltrators (normally the dudes with the marksman bolt carbines), Incursors (dudes with fancy visors and the oculus bolt carbines that specialize in low-visibility environments), and Suppressors (dudes with some jump pack stuff that lets them leap instead of truly fly so they can get their big autocannons into key high-ground positions).
and then

>Guess thatd get annoying very quick
So you're telling me it's why the fucking vanguard is not a fucking noise fucking marine for the fucking heretics
can you guys use your mic? I keep pressing Z and nothing happens here
No, I will mark targets and you'll like it.
it's conveniently nebulous, he basically approved treating the codex as guidelines rather than strict rules because the situation is much different now and the threats of this era require a more lax approach like having 3 extra reserve/scout companies
ig I won't buy it then, I am not interested in all of the marines chapters
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I'm impressed with how much shit they can throw on my screen and my FPS isn't tanking.
>800 gorillion ankle biters
>blob of ranged warriors shows up
>then a zoanthrope duo
>stuck with a shitty flamethrower all the while
This mission was so fucking bullshit. I can only imagine doing it on max difficulty with AI.
I fucking hate Zoanthrope's. I just charge my plasma pistol and fire it at them because nothing else seems to do near as much damage on Angel of Death.
Season pass isn't just about chapters though, when it mentions champions pretty sure those are new classes
I think the Champion Packs are just armor sets
Friend with a stalker bolter or a well thrown krak or a convenient heavy bolter all work pretty fast
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Season pass is purely cosmetics. So I will just buy whatever cosmetic for what chapter I'm interested in separately. All the gameplay related content is confirmed to be free for this year.
Two Lasful shots nuke it on lower difficulties I've noticed
Kraks seem to put everything in a state where they can get executed if their health is high enough which is nice to have on hand.
As usual, randoms are turbo shit at video games.
how does difficulty work? Can you change it at any time?
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Correct those are full skins that can't be customized.
Pic very much related
>t. Ultra edition owner
>can't be customized
Imagine the rage when a beakie helm gets added but its raven guard exclusive
You can change it at any time when not in mission.
Oh fuck that's very probable to make sure it doesn't clip
But "reserve companies" are not the "scout company" right ? It was stuff like the 7th / 8th / 9th no ?
As usual, the random pieces of shit niggers faggs you get matched with are fucking garbage at video games and should kill themselves.
According to original Codex 1st company is vets/termies, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are battle companies with 6 squads of tacticals and 2 each of assault/fire support, 6 and 7 are reserve tacticals with 10 squads of tacticals, 8 is reserve assault with 10 squads of assaults, 9 is reserve fire support with 10 squads of that and 10th is scout company.
I almost forgot why I stopped playing dorktide
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The Chaplain's job must be fun.
This is a lifelong truth.
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am i missing something?
The game isn't even out, are you all paypigs?
no, they're different things, but I don't remember if the fluff I read had the 3 extra companies as scout companies or as reserve companies

the point is they're allowed to have more shit so they can feed more bodies into the meatgrinder or raise more marines at a time at a faster rate

kind of like the codex loophole the black templars were using, where a chapter is said to be allowed to exceed the imposed limits if it's in preparation for a crusade or larger campaign, which the BT abused by being perpetually on a crusade and keeping a large amount of aspiring marines in training at a time.
I pirated it
It was paid for by someone else for mine.
I've come to the conclusion that this game is just boring.
co-op is retarded, the classes are retarded, the weapons suck, the enemies are repetitive, the customization is lame, having to beat single player milestones to play certain multiplayer shit is beyond retarded.
This game is just an infinitely less fun Gears of War.
Yes. This kind of money is spare change compared to what I spent on minis.
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>This kind of money is spare change compared to what I spent on minis.
How much have you spent in the past year
Wouldn't you want to know, weather boy?
What's going on here? I already mastered both of them so I can't gain more exp
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not him, roughly 500€
Thats different from you max XP, which is left above the main bar. You don't need to unlock both to rank up to artifice
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Why do people always compare these games to Gears of War despite them playing absolutely nothing alike?
But the bar won't fill and unlock like the pistol did
are vanguard substantively better in melee than tactical or should i just play tactical?
They have access to the same melee weapons but Vanguard has a gap closer in the form of the grapple
big soldier

that's it
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>tps with big burly dudes with big weapons and gore
Vanguard is so fucking fun bros and I thought tactical would be my favorite class
That's a very superficial comparison.
Ones a slow paced cover shooter and the other is a melee action game with some shooting and yet somehow Space Marine still gets labeled a Gears clone.
which class corresponds to the confessor or profit of elden ring?
>matchmaking constantly crashes outright refusing to search for a 3rd person

this shit is so frustrating
>niggas divebombing 1v4 with assault and dying
i'm conflicted on the new jetpack charge mechanics, on one hand having assault have infinite mobility is annoying sure, but on the other hand... i dunno it was really fun, you really felt like a dedicated jump troop, not just a jetpack guy
also the maps aren't nearly as open as (most) of the ones in the first game so eh idk
i hope they add more weapons down the line because I'd like some plasma cannons and shit
It's actually a soulslike
>Boss with "raid" mechanic
>Finite heals
>>Boss with "raid" mechanic
>>Finite heals
That's a god of war-like
Did they put out some update I didn't notice that fucked everything up or something?
Was able to play fine but as of last night I get constant crashes, even BSOD'd while I was in a menu.
It does just slowly. you need 1500 total exp to get from standard to MC, 7500 to artificer, 17000 to relic.
I'm not sure why the pistol levels so fast. Might be because it's a secondary it gets passive exp or something
no it's a soulslike.
your weapon determines your build
Slow weighty combat
Dodges and rolls
>In The Grim Darkness Of The Far Future, There Is Only War
In The Grim Darkness Of The Far Future, There Is Only War
In The Grim Darkness Of The Far Future, There Is Only War
god of war
Like God of War?
I remember Warhammer fans getting fucking triggered because back in 2011 everyone thought chainswords were ripped off from Gears chainsaw bayonets.
O fuck I didn't take off my name now people will know ALL the posts in this thread are me, all me.
Yes. This is likely the last new game I'll buy for 6 months or so with no release I care about with dates announced so the higher price doesn't matter much.
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>play with a retard and a bot
>both are terrible
>don't even noticed the retard got replaced by a bot until the bot bugs out and i can't progress the mission anymore
Protecting the chains wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be.
Which difficulty?
Angel of Death
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I hope they make it...
>Angel of Death
>Protecting the chains wasn't nearly as hard
What the actual fuck? You were playin with friends right? right?
No I did it solo, it only took me two tries.
Chains is a prelude to the elevator which is a prelude to the utterly viral aids that is the Volkite reactor
There's another elevator segment? I thought the chains was the elevator segment. Guess I'll see how awful it is in a bit.
>lying on 4chin
I seen people expressing they don’t like how marines are dying to easily
You just run up and shoot the chains as the swarm is flying through them, it counts as killing the gargoyles on the chains before they start tearing it down.
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How is the campaign so kino?
are you on angel of death? that shit was absurdly unbalanced with bots
I appreciated the SM casualties. Space Marines are OP super soldiers but most of the things they fight are OP as well. No shame in getting killed fighting a swarm of nids. Makes it feel like a really desperate fight. You still got a good amount of marine wank in the form of guardsman all taking a knee and saluting you every time you showed up.
Yeah AoD hasn't been too bad so far unless there's a Zoanthrope, then I rage.
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This Lichtor got stuck in the window and couldn't move so I was able to get a free kill off of it. Avarax is so far way better than Kadaku. In terms of aesthetics and encounters.
I've seen streamers cheese AoD difficulty by running three Melta rifles
I really enjoyed it. From the trailers i was scared that titus would just be a unga bunga angry salty fag, but i was wrong.
Whole thing feels like a nod to the first game, in a good way.
It's crazy how hard you carry as Heavy, always have the most kills by the end of the match by far.
If you don't have the most kills as a Heavy you're playing it wrong.
Multi melta is fucking broken. Idk if they're going to buff or nerf anything but Jesus. I wonder if it's somehow less effective on higher diff.
Heavy is getting a big nerf for sure. Not worth leveling up.
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Chapters for this feel?
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Gears are dead, nobody compares them anymore. As for why it happened, pic related. Even though Space Marine wasn't designed with wall hugging mechanic which was the defining feature of Gears.
At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I'm impressed that Saber managed to pull of a sequel in current year without disparaging the first game, inserting too much political bullshit, or just making a rehash cashgrab.
My only complaints are easily fixable/addable stuff.
bolterporn and loretubers rotted people's brains.
Crazy what can happen when developers are gamers and want to make a good game instead of just doing it for the paycheck and political agenda
I play mostly assault and my friend on heavy usually gets like 1.5x my damage. Heavy is strong. But it does require skill to not get stomped in melee so having a forward to take aggro helps.
Astartes is major marine wanking and people love it
My only complains are stuff that Saber isn't really responsible for like Primaris looking souless and having weak customization (not that SM1 was that great either but decade old please understand), minor things like Virus Bomb/other carryable stuff not appearing on your belt (SM1 had this with the power source, soI miss it) and stuff that is absolutely outside of the scope like letting us roam a bigger, somewhat random battlefield just killing shit while much bigger things fight in the background.
Marines die easily. Everywhere. In simulations like video and tabletop games, in books, in "lore", in art - everywhere. And that's fine, they aren't even the strongest Imperium troops anyway. The only problem with them is retarded 1000 limit which should have been retconned to some more sensible number ages ago. They simply wouldn't be functional with limit this low.
It's because they bought into the "Marines are super peak and can't get hurt at all ever" when you run into shit in the books like a guy getting killed by a bunch of humans dogpiling him and stabbing him with sharpened sticks between joints in the armor
Ironically my darktide zealot kills more and dies less than my space marine.
yes, and? I'm not saying it can't be appreciated, pretty much all factions can, do and should have their own moments where their dudes perform against all odds in a heroic fashion, I'm saying that with marines specifically the amount of exposure to that kind of content and to people rationalising that content as the norm is warping people's expectations of what marines actually are.
>obliterates 10 carapace ogryn with a butter knife london-style
nothin....personnel.... space marine
Okay i know block is dogshit but what's the difference between fencing and balance, only thing i've noticed is that fencing doesn't give me gunshots on instant heavies
new bread doko
I found out there is a photo mode and started very much enjoying it. Rate my screens https://imgur.com/a/rzLASOA
someone mentioned it increased or reduced the window of opportunity for a perfect parry.

one other thing removed the chance for counters altogether.
Fencing has a better window for the gunshot, you're just not timing it right because it needs a "perfect parry"
Most of them feel like promotional material, good job anon
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think i got baited by the damage number
No, this is the good chainsword. Fencing defense is goated.
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I am honestly very satisfied with the storyline and what they did with Titus, finally letting his shame go and being accepted in his chapter, it's not the best thing ever written about 40k or something like that, but compared to my low expectations and how the first game plot was kinda mediocre, and how I can't think of something that was in bad taste like some subverting your expectations bullshit, so I'm very happy with it. Guilliman is absolutely going to appear in the sequel, I wonder if Uriel Ventris and Cato Sicarius will also appear.
what other anon said fencing is the best block type by a country mile
Was thinking I'd main tactical in PvP, but I'm having so much fun with vanguard and sniper.
Tactical slaps so far for me, bulky enough that you can squish lights (better then heavy because of melee weapon), but light enough that you can also engage at higher ranges and arent a fucking snail when aiming, ability shit tho
It very good, just not as fun for me.
New bread
Anyone been running Assault?
Power fist feels terrible compared to sword or t hammer
Ability is great. Free bonus damage and wallhacks you can throw at choke points to know when someone is coming.
Wait it does bonus dmg if u scan niggers?
The combat is not slow because you die fucking quick
That said the game encourages slow combat in melee and fast combat vs ranged

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