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Previous :>>493025897

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Brawl! Elysium Feast (2024/08/16 – 2024/09/10)
Voyager's Conundrum (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)
Upon the Scorched Earth (2024/08/30 - 2024/09/24)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Simona (2024/08/30 – 2024/09/12)
[Destined] LilyWill & Alexei (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)
[Destined] NonoWill & Momo (2024/09/06 - 2024/09/19)

Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to along with your current profile picture.

Codes (may or may not work)
I love the cute stickers
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Gloria is my wife actually
>Check guild chat
>3 Anons trying to guess Beryl and Gloria ovulation cycle
The emotes in the game are top tier, best in the gacha scene.
did they come to a conclusion yet
Are they just guessing or is there work going into figuring it out?
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>Box means Beryl never has to move because of stigma and has a permanent safe spot
>Wine means Beryl is doing 40% more damage
>AOE buff means everyone's dealing more damage and taking less damage
Edda cheeses weapon trial 1 so hard it's extremely funny
>1 box far away, Nungal perched on top with Maverick Coat
>1 box up close with Beryl
he HATES it
Yeah. Taair will powercreep everyone as buffer later, but Edda remains the best support for magic damage
What's the priority for the event tavern shop? Can only do the 360 reward version.
If everything is going to be rushed they might as well rush him too.
Edda is a lesbian
What route do I play to kill Edda
She overtly flirted with me (a man) and nobody else
I don't think she ever dies, which pissed me off in the Papal Bad End.
None because killing refugees is morally wrong. The devs are pro-refugees and pro-feminist.
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She's finally somewhat useful, amazing
Fates, the legendary gear, and powder are the big ones. If you can only do the 360 one then you probably aren't bottle necked on the lower rarity ores yet but you need a lot of them later. But you'll make progress rapidly before event end and be able to do the later ones.
Looking for a /soc/ bf to play the game with and maybe suck my dick
I look like Iggy
Stop being a fucking faggot it's disgusting
Keep being a fucking faggot it's based
there's a button you can use instead of giving it attention
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Done with all the Lv65 trials
Gotta do the tarots now but that'll probably have to wait until tomorrow because I'm certainly now tryharding those tonight
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Should i continue with 5*?
Do you have someone else you'd rather 5*?
I'm doing Beryl+Gloria+Col atm but if Cocoa really is soon then I'll have to kick out someone and idk who to remove. Probably Gloria.
ofc, that way she can handle 5 guys
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Only if you plan to immediately try to cheese higher ToA floors abusing Bodyguard not counting as a death against you
cant use both hands unless shes a 5 star
Kick Col out, Gloria gets 50% ignore defense and it's huge.
Col is better at 5* than Beryl
apparently the word tibet is censored in this game lmao
>almost makes it to the end
>gets shanked at the last minute
Based Auguste
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>First time playing Papal route
Why is there so much suffering...
I became a commie for my girlfriend: the route
Even Miguel pointed out that whatever the MC purpose is, we're still killing people for money
After doing one path of each. I think Samantha's good end the least suffering, least named character deaths, and fixes most things. Like 5 die and 3 die every path 1 dies nearly every path and the other one was a bad guy. Maybe Gloria's path might be better. Ireia path is is the worst. Even before your good/bad choice like half the cast is already dead. Then in the bad end everyone just commits suicide.
Papal route makes me feel like horrible person
yeah but samantha sad expression reminds me of those "looking at walking garbage" meme and it makes me hard
Is Denial Hammer good on anyone?
Not really. the extra knockback needs the enemies to have lower %HP than the user so it's situational.
all axe users will use the one with dispel
for Cocoa she wants the one with HP
RIP, time to salvage I guess.
Wheres the content bwo?
Bwe, your timegated event?
I HATE content
I wish they would stop putting it out so fast
Saffiyah and Rawiyah are cute
Safiyyah is an elegant cool beauty and Rawiyah is a dopey eyed drunkard
Alexei sexo
Funny meme on rawiyah otherwise no.
What strat did you use?
Is it ever possible to auto spiral?
I look like Dantalion with green eyes
Wish they showed how much Union route's crossroad keep battle conclusion losses was like in Iria route. They made it look like it was nothing other than Maitha crying over how many mercenaries were killed in the battle
i am going to get cocoa, nonowill and momo in 20 pulls
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I'll get them all in 3
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How to sex with Inanna?
I'll get them all in as many as it fucking takes
>devs are pro-feminist
>Inanna rape
>Gloria gets killed
>Samantha gets killed
>Nungal gets killed
>NonoWill gets raped and killed
No one hates women more than women. Checks out.
The entire point of the game is making none of those things happen
It's good on Rawiyah in that tower stage where Maitha gets trapped by plants
All of those things happen in the true end route. It's your fault all of them happenexcept the inanna rape which happens in every route
You unlock shit like achievements by unlocking different endings so yeah, the game expect you to do those things
Inanna being raped is an inevitable outcome. It's like going through different routes of an NTR eroge.
The question is by who and how, not if.
Much like Guy Pearce's wife in the time machine dying no matter what he did to save her, some things are just predetermined to happen.
Inanna being raped is a fixed point in the Sword of Convallaria timeline.
Inanna always gets raped in waverun, the only differences are if she gets raped afterward too. Or if she gets snuffed after being raped I guess but we changed that end.
She even got raped in the game's first event story, it's just inevitable
Was she actually raped or is this headcanon?
Wheres the diversity? We should have males getting raped too
Why is Auguste playable? He's irredeemable bastard. Unlike other playable named characters, he doesn't have any good intentions at all
Well, he and Miguel i guess
Unpopularity=power. Same reason acambe is playable and busted. Power =/= unpopularity though.
Wtf? My cute sniper girl just fucking died?
What's his deal? I skipped most of the story so I have no idea what he is about other than the rapey look he gives Gloria in the cinematic.
Miguel unironically probably did, and I'd put Taair as the second most likely one.

Characters like Auguste make an actual strategy game about war interesting. Did the devs even reveal what happened in his past?
Prostitution is not rape
He's basically the main conspirator of the waverun city incident that killed you in the first place
His sword broke so he decided to go all edgy instead of be a paladin, basically.
Samantha looks gorgeous there
Hornyposting. She probably gets raped and killed in the timeline where you die just outside the dungeon. Otherwise you arrive just in time to save her.
Power-hungry "knight" using the supposedly honourable Union as a military force for nefarious personal gain, most likely not the only higher up doing it
No one said it was necessarily consensual, and living like a dog means you don't get any rights.

I'm currently on my way to the Union route (Fuck these devs for making you play so many weeks before you get locked into one route) and his awakened art makes it look like he's seen and done so much shit that he's irredeemable.
Eh I expected something worse. Seems like the average politician so far.
The real bastards is the darklight leaders. I bet Fernando will never be playable
>No one said it was necessarily consensual
The guy is a less ambitious version of Griffith that sucks as a leader, he climbs into noble's beds for money which is why he mentions knowing what their beds are like in FJ
Instead of sacrificing his band of mercs for godhood he did it trying to get one contract to pay out
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huh, I got a potion from my daily rewards
is this usual and I didn't notice before?
Random from the poppers
He's only really that bad if viewed through the lens of someone with total dedication to the values that the Union is supposed to uphold, a naive lady knight for example
I don't know how this game does it, but it's simultaneously edgy and also not edgy enough. The story's pacing is probably one of its biggest problems along with the lack of music variety though.
sex with blonde naive lady knights
How is Auguste any different from Simona?
>the lack of music variety
yeah I muted the music after the second or third day
gets too repetitive
I raped Teadon, Magnus, and Xavier. Miguel was not raped he was paid to ride me.
I'm starting to wonder if the devs ran out of budget for good Iria localization and they blew that shit before coming up with some more good battle music because really, how do you claim to be a fan of FFT and completely screw up a golden chance to get some great tracks for the rights?
come to think of it, is chinkschizo still around? did they add in new music for new spiral content or is it still the same shit
I want to dick down Simona
Um, I AM the alleged chinkschizo. I assume they did considering they even made an entire gay PV for Crimson Night: https://www.taptap.cn/moment/557220466629019627
Auguste is a male so he's automatically ambitious, incompetent, and evil as fuck.
Simona hasn't betrayed me yet
Iria bad
Union bad
Papal State bad
Literally not a single good reliable faction
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Can't betray someone you don't even know.
Vlderians are good
Darklight too since they try to delete the ones you mentioned
And that's a good thing. No nation should be "good" in a setting like this unless they're severely underpowered and not a major player.
The Sword of Convallaria is the "good" faction.
union bad
plapal bad
elman bad
dogslave bad
iria good
Elaman route is supposedly more light-hearted
What about the ragtag group of heroic mercenaries that are the key to everything?
If half these routes we're traitors to our nation so also not good
Luccia seems fairly based, but that's kind of my issue with the plot: Even if Iria is embroiled in a war and things should realistically be difficult it's hard for me to like most of the characters and it's made even worse by the shitty localization.

It's really just Acambe, at least I do remember you having to fight off enemy Elamans from playing it.
I think Edda's refugee group are good...
maybe a bit of a bitch to interact with but they haven't done literally anything wrong!
They tried to steal food and started a fire
>shitting on my wife for no reason
Pretty sure most of those refugees if not all raped Inanna
>Literally not a single good reliable faction
I like that there's no designated "hero country" and every faction is a mix of good and bad characters, frequently at odds with each other even within their own faction. You can do a much longer and more nuanced story that way.
>Shot and killed a guy who spent his entire life just wanting to record history
Yeah no.
They bullied my wife who was just trying her best
Hey, who hasn't raped Inanna at this point
(you)'re the only one left who hasn't tasted the bicycle of convallaria
Isn't the Union the hero faction? They have Paladins and everything. I feel like the game pushes you hard into Union route with Lutfi's speech.
I haven't played the iria route yet. Currently on the papal route and it have much better character interaction than the union route.
It got much more depressing too though. Everything is going down, man
The Union are the hero faction much like the Papal States are the righteous faction, some dumb woman within their ranks might believe it but behind the scenes it's just a corrupt state looking for power and land
The game kinda pushes Union as your first route but they're invading Iria on a glowie pretext and ultimately it becomes a game of who can use and betray their """ally"""" first, Lutfi or the Union?

You've got good but easily out-maneuvered characters like Teadon and Gloria, and you've got this nigga >>493246336.
Teadon's not that good, he lied to those poor refugees about who poisoned their food
Not even the council of knights are righteous
Only Gloria
Teadon at some extent but once he learns the truth, he doesn't want to reveal it due to its consequences and due of that, Gloria kills him
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I will not stand this Auguste slander. He's a good man at heart, only misunderstood and scarred. I can fix him.
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Dude your taste in men is horrible, not that there's anything wrong with that
Who's more fixable, Auguste or Miguel?
Probably Miguel since Auguste isn't broken, he's just a bad dude
Miguel just wants to live peacefully as a normal (rich) person. Auguste is already rich and powerful but still corrupt as fuck
I'm going to be pissed if Auguste's past is still a noodle incident even in TW...
What about Caris? That bitch is just Female Auguste but worse because she directly manipulated the MC and Samantha
She's a woman so it's okay /s.
She can be rape-corrected.
She is hot so she gets a pass, and I am being 100% genuine here
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Spams laser, watcher magic dps
Playable Judge Samantha died for her, and I am not sure how to feel about it
How do I get the currencies for this "event" and the Col one? Also I'm level 20 and haven't been able to join a guild yet, when will it be unlocked?
They only give you 3
There's been a fairly recent change that suggests Judge Samantha will be playable soon, the first is that the Papal States is getting more story and the second is an icon change that only Alters get.
Each ticket is 50 gems. On average if you pity the skin which is the most likely scenario you're spending 7.5k for it.
Judge Samantha's kit was basically just Caris so I guess they will have to change how she works then.
Do those skins ever rerun? Has anything like that even happened in TW?
They're new even in TW apparently.
Yeah, guess they ended up deciding to retool Judge Samantha. Soooooooo with that out of the way, Lutfi when?

Sorry, I don't know about this one but it only launched around what, April/May of this year in TW.
She'll become good after the first child
I honestly couldn't care less about him.
Male hate aside, Dantalion and August at least looks cool, meanwhile he looks like a retard.
I just want him to be made playable.
Taair is my friend, not Lufti.
And Taair is tier 0
I've yet to do the Union route to get more of an impression of Gloria (Besides you know, reminding me of Agrias and Saber) but honestly, Taair's intro was one of the few that actually made me want to have him.
I want to rape the writer.
Who's Taair again?
Descendant of the previous ruler before Lufti/Dantallion/Inannah family
Chill guy who just want to read history texts
Claims to be MCs foster family but unverified and MC doesn't recall
You only meet him in the Papal States route IIRC, he's a prince from the previous royal family and the Papal States intends on installing him as a puppet ruler when all he wants to do is to tell stories, record them and go adventuring. Also unironically too pure for this sinful game.
I just have zero motivation to play SoD
I wish it had better rewards instead
don't care
Man I really hope they have a proper backstory for (us) and it’s not just the usual blank slate crap.
If Taair's claims are true then we have ties to the old Irian rulers from under the Papal thumb, probably why we were locked up
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It's so over Vlderbros...
I'm inclined to think so too, yeah.
napping during a battle is not a good look!
Oh no shinji don't
Eos soon...
Still warm
If only you knew how bad things really are, and by bad I mean 'parent company's other projects flopping, their platform flopping and SOC being made as the last hope after eating up hundreds of millions of dollars itself' levels of bad.
really hoping a standalone version of soc is released if the game does eos
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Same, I...honestly didn't know it was this bad, I just felt that something was incredibly odd with the game just petering off at the end of the routes and the localization for Iria being so dogshit on top of the recycled music. The guy who spearheaded this project must be crying so hard man...
the game just made 8M not counting PC sales you retards
not even going to give a (you)
Abyss/Angel/Gloria/Edda/Beryl to be specific

If you have Inana, Gloria and Beryl then this is probably a joke but it was still fairly easy even if Stigma stack management gets rather dicey by the end.
It's the same idiot samefagging himself with copypasted shitposts. Used to pretend to be a concerned player but now he just admits he wants to see the thread and game die as revenge for China.
The development cost hundreds and millions of dollars along with taking up over three years of development, and CN made much more than that you retard.
The other problem is that XD Entertainment made a huge loss in 2023 owing to its projects not taking off and the revenue of their old games was still declining, which explains the advent of Saffiyah, Auguste and Cocoa: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1794279215363587509&wfr=spider&for=pc
The Spring Festival took players by surprise with its extreme difficulty and I heard TW players bringing up a certain event that pissed off everyone back in the day, this was where the powercreep actually started with Tower of Adversity happening soon after.

Yes, keep parroting that because a chink would obviously need to machine translate retard. Their gambit with Crimson Night, signature weapons and live PVP failed too so they are actually finished, it doesn't matter whether I hate them or not.
There's a chink spamming threads with walls of text about GF2 too, the chinese are extremely ill.
When does the Vlder banner drop?
never, we EoS'd last week. don't you remember?
Why? Because of the UID? You have already quit don't you?
chinks are retarded, don't question it.
Please take these nga and baidu links as proof he isn't chinese also this screenshot fully in chinese
kek now to download chink version and look it up
Lmao what an absolute schizo
I believe you need a chink SSID to play their shit on CN servers, not like anyone would ever want to.
Yes, but I'd rather not leave that out all the same. I also redownloaded the game again thinking of checking out Crimson Night for a bit but the free pulls were already almost over and all I got was 10 fates in my mailbox kek.
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What's the best unit to apply Hanged Men's mark with so my Nungal can benefit from it?
I don't like her normal attack that applies it because of the low %
Just run full hanged man with Safi, Dantallion and everything
yeah but Saffiyah is not out yet...
Do I have to bring someone like Stinger until she's released?
Yeah, it's almost as if I've stated plenty of times that I knew TW server players, started in TW and I'm not a fucking chink. There's only a handful of TW players and even the pocket guide maker has already retired, a shame but completely expected.
Nobody gives a fuck bro
But he's a CN player!! And the CN server died!! You globalfags don't know how bad CN has it and he's going to spam until all of you quit because the game deserves to die and the director to resign after fucking up the CN server!!
Question. Why don't you just leave? You've made it clear that you have no hope for this game whatsoever. Why stay here?
For now I use Stinger and Candlelight. Just the former would be enough I think but I enjoy the fat aoe heal and extra damage reduction.
>Why stay here?
he's said multiple times over that he wants "to watch how the game dies" and takes great pleasure in shitting this thread up so everyone hates the game as much as china does

basically one extremely, extremely, extremely mentally ill chink that has nothing else to do than to spam for 12~15 hours a day every day
He seems to think his schizo ramblings will convince everyone else to stop having fun. As if anyone cares about his butthurt over the CN speed up.
This kind of schizo behaviour is common in /vg/
Schizo just feels frustrated the game didn't heal his soul and bring him happiness, so he seeks some validation for all the time he "wasted" here where he can reign as king of the schizos. Anywhere else he would have just been banned weeks ago lmao
>Anywhere else he would have just been banned weeks ago lmao
pretty much
4chinks has no moderation so chinks like that can spam freely. Dude would have been banned in seconds from literally any other community.
For real. even smaller thread for niche games have these kind of mental people nowadays
It used to be only for big games thread
Of course, it's impossible for the game to be saved after all because even the nips will get pissed off and all the devs can do is to get some of their money back.

Because maybe someone might take it to heart and leave once things get bad instead of coping that it'll ever get better. That's what TW players hoped for when they couldn't even play the game only to have no new character in November when the devs bailed to launch in CN, and that was also what chinks hoped for before the devs just made the game basically unplayable if you liked low-rarities.

Global/KR/JP's speed-up is worse than what the chinks ever got, which just shows how eager you are to be stepped on. For the record, they didn't skip Miguel's and Nungal's debuts and the fact that XD suddenly sped up TOA for them is even more proof that they have malicious intent for the last three servers they can count on because we're getting it even faster.

>Actual history of the game is spamming
Sure buddy, and your whining when the truth hits will be duly marked as spam.
can you idiots just report the spambot and move on?
"If i leave. I must burn all bridges" mentality is the easiest way to becoming a schizo in /vg/
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Nice profile you got here chink
damn you beat me to it, guess I don't have to download the chinky version anymore.
Damn, he's weak
>plays game for a month
>develops severe schizophrenia
>spams threads for months and months over how shit the game is and the devs are scum
I just hit 53 in the global server today man
Come on. This guy just played the game for a month and is really developing mental illness because of it?
Once again, it doesn't matter whether I leave or not because a development budget of hundreds of millions of dollars and being made to shoulder the debts of the parent company is fucking impossible to maintain. Not even the nation of whales and dolphins wants much to do with them any more, let alone the gooks.

Yeah, almost like being unable to READ would cause a lot of problems and thus means that I was never a chink.

Yeah? The future of the game is shit and the devs are scum. Do you want me to screencap your retardation to throw it into your face when you start crying over TOA or what?
I'm 51 and my everything is already stronger and better than him.
fucking kek things are really heating up!
Lmao this is the chigger that’s been insisting for months he knows everything about future gameplay?
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Imagine playing this game for months you develop some schizo obsession and still being 6-5
Imagine this guy telling us about meta and shit lmao
It's time for bed Ari
I'm F2P and my unit have higher power than this guy WTF.
>more time spent crying on /socg/ than playing the game
My sides. I can’t imagine ever being this anally devastated by a mere gacha game.
I hate Mathia so much it's unreal.
>haha this clash has no bridge, mathia btfo
>meanwhile she can knock you into the abyss from any point and direction during the first turns
uhoh Melty
Early on she was always trying to knock back my units but lately all she does is walk backwards and COME ON EVERYBODY instead.
I'm rank 53 and will be hitting rank 55 next week BTW.

>People think that one random account is 'heating up' over the numerous reports showing why the money is being squeezed out of the game and they're going to be fucked
If you bothered to read those reports you'd also see that XD cancelled at least one underperforming game after a year, and you don't need a functioning brain to know what's next on the chopping board. Have fun mocking that account since you think it proves your superiority.

Yeah, the usual 'NOOOOOOOOOO THE GAME IS DOING WELL' schizos are just ignoring the facts once more. What's new really?
>I'm rank 53 and will be hitting rank 55 next week BTW.
bwo most of the day1 people are that rank and already cleared tower, journey, trials, spiral and everything

Hilarious to think the "CN veteran" was just a retarded newfag screeching
>the CN veteran is lower level than me
I declare myself the new veteran around these parts
I've seen a lot of this kind of behaviour before. You're either going to:
>Ramp up the schizo posting, at first just thinking that it's only for fun but will gradually grow more deranged
>Get bored and leave
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I declare myself vlder chick magnet
I've been lazy about shit and i'm at 51. Someone who's truly day1 and has been diligent about spending their stam efficiently on global is most likely already 53 or over.
You should have spent more time playing the game and less time developing severe psychosis over it.
Give me your best advice veteran-sama
I thought it was just a meme that CN are casual mobilerot gamers, but this is beyond casual
No wonder he was so obsessed with TOA, dude didn't even halfway through normal tower LMAO.
Jesus. Even my spiral destinies knowledge level is higher
depends on what slot they have the cheese in
the AI goes from left to right
>He thinks finishing all the content and being bored to death is good
You guys are the retards though, there was never any reason to tryhard knowing there's nothing left.

Funny thing is that you're the ones losing your minds over this random ass account I made for giggles.
>Hey guys, should we be concerned about all the pulls and shards we lost with this speed-up?
>Nah, it's clearly that one schizo who's wrong!

I use up all my energy every day, do Clash (Reached Radiant again), log in at 8 pm and 8am, do the two event sweeps and spend the rest of my stamina on Star Trials. It was funny seeing people cry about sand when the real players know stars are the biggest hurdle, you wouldn't be done with it even if you were a diligent day 1 TW player.

Keep thinking whatever you want that soothes you when you touch yourself at night bro.
>I-It's only for fun! G-Gotcha!
>I only made this random ass account for fun!!
>I definitely didn't develop a severe mental illness or decide to dedicate my life to shitting on the game over it!
>the real players
shush 6-5 newfag
I even rolled on fucking the Edda/Faycal re-run and Nergal/Nungal, granted Acambe is a bad idea for a newish account anyway and he's still not a great one to roll for without persistent NRG feeding.

>there was never any reason to tryhard knowing there's nothing left.
You sure tryhard in the thread instead though. Lol
forum PVP is the #1 chinese sport because they can't win at real ones
Yeah, because it's comical how much you all think you're any different from the chinks when they all really did believe that the game would have slow powercreep and it's a game you can play freely. The chinks have the excuse of not being that far behind TW back then, you don't have any because you can read the feedback from other players.
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So basically some narcissistic chink picked up the TW server, couldn't clear any content and went on a schizophrenic crusade against the game and everyone that ever liked it while pretending to be this launch veteran when he barely played it for a month?

People like this belong on a mental hospital, holy shit.
No, you developed this narrative that some anon who has to use MTL to read chink is obviously a chink and nothing more has to be said.
I'm going to get to radiant using the exact same strategy for every single clash because nobody defends against Col for some reason
why aren't you at radiant already?
Is it possible to be there already? I missed some PVP days
I just hit Radiant yesterday so it's probably because you missed a few days.
They’re probably still expecting her to be an AI liability like in last season.
I've been just abusing the thing where I teleport Col to the cliff with tactical reposition and oneshot two of their squishy teammates then proceed to win. Two more days of this for Radiant then I can forget about PVP.
It's such a relief to be done with reaching Radiant, can't believe some retards at the Discord were suggesting that losing your defense should cost you points.
Yeah I like how optional the PvP is. People can go all in if they want but it’s also easy to just hit Radiant and chill for the rest of the season.
>auto in clash
>above 90%
Above 90% in Tower of Adversity will be a nothing burger isn't it? Especially since doom schizo who always complaints about it is actually some braindead 6-5 chink
>stars are the real hurdle!! you're retarded for thinking it was equipment!!
>mfw looking at my talent board at all gold across the board and I haven't even farmed those past what voyage momento required
Yeah, I think that's a safe bet.
The problem with these percentages could be that it counts inactive reroll accounts
If that other tower counts only active participants, it could be much more difficult to place high
But now that we learned the micro dicked chinksect hasn't gotten past 6-5 in regular tower, his dooming and metafagging are even more laughable
>Above 90% in Tower of Adversity will be a nothing burger isn't it?
I’m reminded of how Arknights used to release CC stats and only like 5% of global even did Risk 18. Being here can sometimes give you a really skewed idea of how serious or casual the entire player base really is.
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God the CC dooming. So much dooming over how you'd be bricked, how risk 18 was impossible, how it'd be soooo hard then it was basically just copying a kyostin guide and you got your trimmed week1 medal showing you cleared the hardest content in the game.
Why don't you check on the real chinks and ask them how their teams are doing? Oh wait, you're too busy being retarded to realize that Global is finished if the tower rankings are actually F2P-friendly because that would mean that the spenders quit.

Because you look very smart trying to use TOC as a measure of anything when people can just copy strats and I never even had six well built legendaries, let alone twelve.
isnt it 1am over there in china? give it a rest already, we've had enough of the newfag barking about a game he barely played
while that was hilarious can we go back to comfy hours sitting next to maitha on top of the hill o
You really think that account does anything over the business reports showing the dwindling performance of the game relative to the expectations for it? Guess it's always sunny in gacha retard land.
>>Can we spend some more time being brain dead
You already do that all the time.
Of course it's impossible to do the stages for you because you're an insect and can only copy what the hive does
So much for being a veteran, you lack basic understanding of the game to tackle tower on your own
Your opinion on anything SoC related is literally worthless
I’m not sitting next to Maitha near any ledges, thanks.
Comfy hours sitting next to Cocoa soon
why do you guys reply to this sort of person if they apparently show up in every gacha game thread? I don't really play gacha games other than this one so I am unaware of this phenomenon.
Go ahead and try to prove me wrong, your first mistake was thinking that I was going to try hard at a game that's absolutely going to collapse. At least I got a good laugh from reading all the comments where people seriously believed that they could use low-rarities for a long time when a simple search would have told them otherwise.
Because 4chan has been an asylum for the mentally ill for years. It's not even a gacha thing, it's a site thing. Try going for a thread of anything ever and if any autist at all decides they don't like the game and nobody should then that thread will go to shit, plain and simple.

Mods don't delete them, posters don't report them so every thread on this site simply goes to shit.
this. ai pvp is tarded and not interesting
They have no real refutation against the cold, hard data that proves that they're wrong about everything they thought they knew, so they'd rather shit up the thread than do anything else or Radiant forbid, educate themselves.
Yeah, the mod would see that one poster is talking about the troubles of the game and everyone else is chimping out.
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Lets discuss some gameplay stuff for once, has anyone done the high level Tarot stages? Any good strategies for dealing with them?
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Which one should I do after the Darklight ending, /socg/?
1 and 2 can be cleared with luxite

for the 3rd one you can push almost all the enemies out the stage if you let your Papal priest/Simona die on the rightmost side
They're harder than the weapon boss ones imo. In 2 and 3 most enemies are AH GOMEN material and with anesthetic or hypnosis you can manage when the next group or miniboss come at you after you figure out what activates them but doing it all in 15 turns let alone 11 will take a lot of retries if you're 45 unless you copy someone.
>if you let your Papal priest/Simona die
I cleared it without sacrificing them
You just need to kill the vlderian assassins first, then stall a bit with Lightning and when she's low HP, you can push the rest
No matter how near the enemies you are, as long as you don't attack them or don't reach the enemy kills thresholds, they won't attack
>wake up later than usual since I'll be working later than usual
>endurance capped for who knows how long
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Maitha is faster than Lightning
Maitha with reposition tactic is in range of Lightning
Lightning has no knockback immunity
it was the main shitty totem-thing killing them with the proximity shot because you have to get in range of it to push on the right side
maybe my papal would have survived if I leveled him a bit but he does his work fine at lvl30
The people that figure out these low rarity strats must be extremely big brained
Papals shit do it next to save Iria for last
or they copy from old chinese videos from bilibili
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100 DAYS
I dont want to wait a week for cocoa...
Did you buy the 3.5m from simona shop and the money from the cake eventt?
This is the run I did
Litterbox because of filesize
i thought i already did both but looks like i haven't grabbed the simona coins yet
but will events really keep up with engravings in the long run
manipulating the invincible turn timing seemed confusing to me so finishing the floater while you wait that out is not a bad idea if you can withstand it that long. I did not enjoy rolling back and attacking rocks to change rolls when it kept proximity shooting gloria to death with a crit
Probably? Gachas tend to have biweekly events and we're speeding up so we'll have them more often. Plus we'll be hitting endgame soon and your resources pile up at endgame because you're not trying to kickstart your account from zero which means way less resource issues.
>chinkschizo was a maithafag like us
Maithabros... I don't wanna identify with you people anymore
>engraving chasing 1 month from release
nope nothing can keep up with stupidity
When a buff/effect says it boosts "Crit" does that mean Crit chance, Crit damage or both?
chance. crit damage is only from Col aura and the lv 60 Justice tarot special effect it can randomly roll.
i need ore for gear and engravings come from the same place
there are only 2 sources of crit damage in the whole game?
I have seen more, among Rainbow characters at least
samurai/swormaster character when? tactics ogre and ff tactics had one
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What kind of panties does she wear?
vlders are free and unburdened
No panties, just a forest of bush.
Iria doesn't have a place for samurais. Only Irians can be swordmaster in Iria, Unionkeks need not apply.
>some retards at the Discord were suggesting that losing your defense should cost you points
have the discord user made any actual good suggestions, ever?
Does getting raped by Iggy and Alexei count?
>Today's tarot has two Lash enemies
Cool, I'll come back when i'm 55
According to team power I'm stronger than 99,85% and I'm a lucklet F2P. I'm not afraid of ToA one bit, especially the fact they separated Japan (who spent $5 million out of their $10 million global income) means Global is full of F2Ps.
He actually mentioned he saw the big beds because he was hired to kill those nobles. Assassins often come at night.
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It's not that global is F2P, global servers are just casual. You can see that distinction with games like Blue Archive where getting max rank on NA is the easiest thing ever while you really have to work for that shit on a server like JP and it's completely impossible in KR.
this player tanks them with the invincibility tactic then sieges with ballista
>tfw didn't take siege on ballista
its over
It's his signature skill, what are you doing
Is there any point in putting dantalion past 3 stars?
>what are you doing
bricking myself
Also I have 10 (ten) legendaries but I haven't rolled a single divine grace
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What's everyone's go to units for Spiral of Destinies?
I used Recruited Assassin, Butterfly, and Lash for both Papal routes for story immersion.
Might swap out Lash for Stormbreaker and Butterfly for Nightingale for an all drifter team next.
Are the other routes as depressing as pic related?
>What's everyone's go to units for Spiral of Destinies?
Col, Beryl, Gloria

Col + Gloria because they're just too useful
Beryl because she's my favorite character in the game even if she ends up way too slow to be of use most of the time
stormbreaker in all routes,gloria/simona and lightning for union,dandalion/inana and a hanged unit for Iria.
Isn't there an achievement to bring like 20 different units? I have been mixing them every run.
unfortunate but understandable, Nungal baits with the same choice
>want to create a fun defense
>would also like it to win sometimes
>Are the other routes as depressing
mostly yes
Last run I went Beryl, Gloria and Angel because Spiral Angel not having the AoE heal was shit
Since I'm not increasing the difficulty anymore, I'll probably change her with Simona or LilyWill
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>First aid on Beryl is "Highly recommended"
>Recommended to use a Castallia on the move that recovers 10% HP
But why would I want to respec the sole magic damage dealer on my team to a healer??
the castalia one is for the NRG not the HP, maybe it's also an atk stat rank?
first aid I can't explain
>still missing cool/useful non-legendary units like Nightingale and Divine Grace
>not wasting any pulls before Saffiyah

I hate having good patience sometimes. Another month to go..
>first aid I can't explain
Maybe heal if you are far from the enemy in that turn
You don't use AoE too much unless you can kill with it, it's always Chu Chu Chu
Seems really niche though, probably better to just give your entire team more NRG with 'Try This!' to someone that would love said NRG like your healer or someone that has a spammable skill since that has big range while first aid has to be directly next to them
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I earned that 1/7.5 of a roll
That's actually pathetic for the hardest content in the game currently lmao
Did you know?

I look like Dantalion irl but with green eyes.

Now you know!
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>Ballista applies Penetrating Arrow passive when throwing a disaster bottle
That nuke is AoE Chu with better range and max hp % dmg.
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but you can't move
>finally dinged 40
I can't wait to get my mount, bros. Too bad I have no fucking gold mats to upgrade my army of fucking Watchers with.

>wearing panties
>forest of bush
My. fucking. nigga.
just use one of dozens of ways to move without moving
Same. I really wanna put some more pulls into Simona's to get more stars on my wife, but I'll be good and get those from the daily grind instead until EOS hits before I finish 5*ing her.
does using an instant trinket after moving count?
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I was talking about it earlier but I literally have 10 legends and no Divine grace for some reason, think they're the only one i'm missing.
Hopefully I'll get him with my Cocoa rolls next week but RNG can be weird sometimes.
I'm at 10, no blade and a few other SRs. Shit happens I guess.
Yes you can bypass the restriction that way.
The Tarot Stages all have Enemies that wont be 'Active' until a certain trigger, either moving too close or killing certain other units. I was able to get all 3 of them as soon as I hit account 50 (I got the one with all the seekers before that because you can kick so much off cliffs there)

Devil Tarots very good on these stages. Lashx2 is an asshole stage and I can't imagine trying to deal with it without Gloria's AoE Watcher damage to shit on them
It was really fun and all, but I went ahead now and reported the doom schizophrenic for shitting up the thread
Wand + Cup or Sword + Wand?
Which one is generally better?
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Socks has 1 spot open, if you want to join apply and let me know the last 4 of your UID
thank you thank you
is the battle pass worth it this time?
these kind of questions are impossible to answer without knowing how much you value money
I'm struggling with 50
What do you mean how? What are you struggling with?
Why the fuck is this garbage making me face players way above my power level? Literally just wasting time to get wiped out without any kills.
Refreshing doesn't help.
>level 42 facing whaled out 55+s
>click easy
>press auto
>repeat 5 times
>easy is still level 50+
>all the characters deal double my damage and have 1k+ HP more
look who is not at radiant
I'm like 50 points away. I got radiant during the previous season too and the matchmaking was much more fair.
i hit radiant today or yesterday i can't remember
dunno what to tell ya then bud guess you're shit outta luck.
you need to git gud at finding a weak defence
>faycal is oneshoting you every turn
Cant find 3 wins within 24 enemies?
It depends but why is this even a thing? The matchmaking entirely ignores levels and character's power score, all it pays attention to is the rank which is irrelevant.
Really retarded.
its gacha in a pvp bro
expecting anything better than utter shit is wishful thinking
>why is this even a thing?
Its a gacha you know why
just kill the bots
only from Platinum onward you are forced to fight real people
>I got radiant during the previous season too and the matchmaking was much more fair.
It sounds like you just fell behind in leveling/building, or you're running into people who are higher level but haven't been grinding fast to get back up to radiant.

Anyway you don't need a ton of wins to get back to radiant since you're starting from gold (?) this season. Just keep plugging away.
that was last month
just take it easy with the "pvp" you'll complete everything long before the month is over, if you don't enjoy punching up then only do 2-3 a day and the slower climb will not pit you against such high level players and sweaty defenses
After hitting radiant last month I'm currently on track to hit it again just from successful defenses, I really don't know how you're struggling so I can't help
Low level bots stop showing up at certain point, you can't just "Hurr play easy" all the way up to Radiant off level 20-30 freebies.
>Complaining about the most retarded shit
You can meme yourself into radiant by simply picking the defenses that are free wins (as all should be since you literally get nothing from stoping your fellow players progressing in rank).
reddit post
i try to make my defense really annoying but i still lose when i get attacked. oh well. i only get attacked like once a week anyway
when's the next banner starting
I get points when you lose, I will keep doing it
Your progress don't mean oogatz to me
I am already radiant so it doesn't matter to me either way
Then why bring it up?
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If you could only roll one of the three coming up, which would you take? If you could only have two, which character would you leave behind?
2 Safis
no more trick questions please
im gonna roll for and get all 3 cause im not poor
Saff. Maybe I'll get Auguste but I'm not too interested in him. Don't plan on rolling Cocoa.
>Then why bring it up?
This may be a foreign concept to you considering how selfish you appear to be, but not everything people do is for personal profit.
Everyone having paper defenses would just be a positive for everyone in the game, while also saving everyone's time from being wasted for literally no reason.
I'm going to get the two chicks because I'm not gay.
Cocoa would be top priority because cooldown reduction is more unique than yet another unga bunga DPS. Saffiyah would be second by default because I'm not rolling for dudes.
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I'm skipping coca cause I want to make an iria team and then a union team later when trista releases. 6 months of having her eat one of the 3 slots for shards for her to finally be useful does not sound appealing.
>If you could only roll one
Saffiyah because of hanged men synergy with my Nungal
>If you could only have two, which character would you leave behind?
Cocoa can go eat shit
Cocoa is the marshmallow test, and like 5 year olds, most anons will not pass the test.
>6 months
it's "only" 100 days
>Everyone having paper defenses would just be a positive for everyone in the game
This may be a foreign concept to you but I don't base my enjoyment of a game on the amount of rewards I get but by how well I'm able to engage with the mechanics that the game is built on. Facing defenses strategically placed by another person is not wasted time any more than any other stage in the game is. Why do you even play?
I would pull each as they released so I would have to skip whoever is last
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From what I've read she's only really viable at star rank 4 so that's still a long fucking investment when I still want to get dantalion nungal and inanna to rank 3 before safiyyah releases and replaces dantalion. in the shard slot.
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Breakfast must be a really powerful skill whatever it does. Is it only 30% proc chance and jumps to 100% at 5 star?
I'm really getting tired of these event quests being either puzzle shit or premade teams.
gives NRG and reduces cooldowns
Because you can't blame your failures on being underlevelled or not having good enough gear?
They gotta make maps everyone can play for better or for worse. Hopefully they keep raising the minimum level or something for these.
Post box
Loadouts and lots of pleading for star upgrades, FYI there's the occasional upgrade event and you can't even exchange all of them. Mods didn't reply to it at all BTW.
For each additional Cocoa that you roll, you get two weeks to brag and gloat over /socg/ for having her actually be usable.
I get where they are coming from, there's no "compensation" for setting a defence unless you're trying to top the leaderboard. gacha players seem to treat this shit like a job more than anything and can't into playing something for fun.
jeez buy a lady a drink first
Rolling for dupes in a game you can farm them is so retarded
I'm going to do that even if I don't get her.
4 hours left to pull for LilyWill! Think of the Vlder synergy anon! Cocoa's coming up. Momo and NonoWill is just around the corner. Think of the sweet permanent +1 Move!
Hmmmmm. Nyo.
Remember when this general said they weren't pulling Edda. Or Simona. See you guys for when we all pull for Cocoa.
I thank the stars everyday I got beryl over col and will never roll a dual banner again
I've always said I am rolling for Cocoa, that i'm saving for Cocoa and you bet your ass I WILL be rolling for Cocoa.
Cocoa is my second choice but now that's she's up first I'm scared getting her will come at the cost of Safiyyah
>People who didn't pull have nothing to post during the new banner
What do you want me to do? Go "wooooo look at all this Luxite I'm sitting on!"?
You wouldn't be the first to show off his stash
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Hmm, how tall are you saying is this pile you're sitting on?
>you can farm them
But for how long?
faster to farm to 5* than to farm the rolls required for a dupe, that's for sure.
Is the new banner up at reset?
>will never roll a dual banner again
yes you will
But but what if...i'm a luckchad?
Is there another magic unit as strong as Beryl?
Besides Simona
Nungal can nuke bosses
Wow 7-3 this week is fucking gay. Sure love being underleveled for the faggot, knockback-immune wizard on this one.
at lv 55+ and with several supports
My enjoyment of the game has skyrocketed now that I can run Gloria Simona. Tomboys win again.
She gets the nuke earlier than that. 55 is for removing the prep time.
even after the first prep that's just half the burst if she can't go again
I just beat it with Abyss/Angel/Gloria/Edda/Bery

thanks for the strat!
Pop a flag behind her and don't worry about it, if you hit a turn without enough nrg then use it to pop an HM mark instead
what skills are you using for abyss?
>portrait of the siblings

Also lmaoing at
>Dantalion will never think to find me at our childhood home!
>Hanged men arrive
>Dantalion will never remember the secret room we always spent time in!
>Hanged men arrive
This part is so stupid that i can't get invested in his speech about making a last stand.
Saffiyah for M. Def debuff, made edda an easy skip. Cocoa for the 2nd one, since I have no idea what the autistic homo chad does except big damage. 300+ pulls saved so ill get all 3 ez
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>making this face at Lutfi while he blathers on about a dramatic last stand after her ignored your multiple warnings
This nigga really does think his brother is mentally retarded for no reason
More than any other this scene captures just how little Lutfi understands Dantalion which makes everything he's done worthless
Also drives home the raging middle-child syndrome he's got
>Saffiyah for M. Def debuff
she has a MDef debuff? why? isn't she phys?
She's got everything bro, there's a reason everyone wants her. her summoned goon reduces P. Def and M. Def
She has pdef down too. And vulnerability too.
>no kitchen sink debuff
Saffiyah? More like Skippingyah
He really is the worst character
>enjoyment of the game
>momo nono and lily has SoC tag
kek doesnt this mean the next spiral story is we can request vlder pussy aid on defending convallaria
Is there a way to skip the week with a critical battle in spiral?
>iggy and four vlder scouts to the rescue
What do you think the intention behind choosing the word "critical" was?
theres too many vlder banners for it to be coincidence
>MC can't burn the town from the inside and become a Darklight member
Gloria and Simona holding hands while Lightning lays out the picnic blanket!
>darklight believes there is a life after death
I think these niggers know about the sea of chaos
Don't see why they wouldn't, Beryl did
This makes me think, is Beryl dead or not?
Did she just traveled to the Sea of Chaos or she killed herself to end there
she dead
I hate Beryl so much
She mentions going there to collect things that she's run out of so it can be assumed she has a way back
Possibly a lesser power of The Fool than you have that the cat ignores in favour of you
>playing games with Beryl and having to let her win because she's a sore loser woman-child
Lame, unfun, and beta behavior
>digging through the trash to look for cool bugs to eat with Col and Miguel
Nourishing, wholesome, fun for the whole adopted family
idk if those bugs are nourishing tho
>she's a sore loser woman-child
she's 12. just let her win anon
Absolutely not.
Beryl is actually a lot older, she's just stuck eternally young as the side effect of some experiment.

>A genius little Sorceress. Beryl is as talkative and curious as she is quirky, and is very passionate about Luxite research.
>From an early age, Beryl underwent human Luxite experiments, which stunted her physical and mental growth. This is why she appears far younger than her actual age. After an accident occurred where she was able to escape, she became a wandering Sorceress—sought after by the Papal States for her strong affinity for Luxite research.
>She decided to settle in to the Town of Convallaria, of which she is very fond. She opened a Luxite Workshop to continue her research, and is constantly pursuing her desire to solve the mysteries of the world.
>have to deal with Miguel constantly offering to suck me off in exchange for my bug
No thanks
*cheats in every games*
Wow she's just like me
>which stunted her physical and mental growth
>mental growth
So she's 12 basically
You just have to eat enough of them. It's an acquired taste

>she's 12
She's only pretending. You fell for her foul lies.
>just let her win anon
Never. Not even against actual children. Always go all out. There is no holding back in THIS dojo!
>Getting free blowjobs while you run your fingers through his greasy hair to pick out the lice to snack on
What was the downside again?
still 12. fuck off, let me have this i'm sick of having to deal with hags in this game
Are you new to lolibabas or something? Beryl will at least stay eternally young forever no matter how much time passes
Too bad, she's a hag too
Beryl is 500 years old bro
>So she's 12 basically
No. It either means she's actually retarded - which obviously isn't the case since she's functional and coherent - or it means she didn't bother to "grow up" because it benefits her more.

Mental growth isn't something you can just pause even with weird fantasy magic. If time passes and you're capable of learning, you'll mature eventually. You have to actively hold yourself back to be a mental child after living decades.
Do spiral tears amount increase if you choose to increase the difficulty?
>Mental growth isn't something you can just pause even with weird fantasy magic.
You haven't watched enough anime then, there's plenty of characters like that. If anything, it's an extremely common trope.
imagine not being a hagmaxxer...
i want more hags. hags hags hags.
more cunny would've saved the game
Men of old wanted youth in all their women before media brainwashed them that young women are problematic and you're only allowed to be attracted to dried up and expired women. You're just a victim of today's media and I weep for you.
She is female. Females never mentally mature past children anyway. They are physically incapable of it. If anything it's "mature" women existing at all that is the fantasy magic.
dont care bitch i want hags
Men of old also thought schizophrenia could be cured by getting the bad air out of the vagina, things change
1 more hour to pull for LilyWill (or Alexei if you gay)! Feel the FOMO, let it flow through you. You're skipping Cocoa and saving for Saffiyah/Auguste anyways right? What harm is a cheeky 10 pull gonna do? Do it, let the intrusive thoughts win.
The only thing they got wrong is that women's mental illnesses can't be cured
And maybe they were right. Just look at how many bitches are crazy these days.
Cocoa seems like the better long-term choice over Augueste. Always another dps around the corner.
I'm an old man, I can cure my schizophrenia by sucking bad air out of a vagina?! Gee wilickers, has medical science advance by leaps and bounds since back in the day or what! Ohohohohoh.
I agree with you, but you only need to scroll up to see the Cocoa skippers.
Silly anon, you don't have a vagina. Your only cure is a lobotomy.
Now we have all those crazy women in power deciding everything and ruining the world for everyone with their woke shit so they were definitely right
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>Your only cure is a lobotomy.
I wouldn't want to work there honestly, I'll pass.
It clearly didn't work if crazy bitches didn't go away dipshits
It worked because old times weren't as insane as modern times. It only stopped working because we stopped doing it.
how do you build simona
Of course I know I don't have a vagina you damn whippersnapper! The cure was
>cured by getting the bad air out of the vagina
So just have to start sucking the miasma out of rank vagoos right?!
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How come Maitha and Faycal don't know about Lutfi when they find him as a merchant?
It's weird that a prince is not known by their own people

Also which character has this skill outside spiral? it seems op
So what makes Cocoa so good?
beryl doesn ovulate
at 5 stars, she passively buffs units with energy restore. she also just maitha's better than maitha
Not one single person gives a shit about Lutfi. The people respect Dantalion and love Inanna, even the people that work inside Mornrays Castle just see Lutfi as "the other one".
Oh, is that what Happiness does? Damn

Passive -1 NRG cost and 1 cooldown reduction for a skill on 2 allies with the lowest HP each turn.
>stop sucking the retard air out of bitches
>they go crazy and ruin the world
Ah gomen
4 cost is way too fucking much for what it does. Also magnus has better options and skill slots are tight. His attack debuff passive is mandatory, his attack that procs the debuff is nearly mandatory, and his last slot is usually either his vun II debuff or is fortitude leader aura.
The cocoa powder adds the distinct “hot cocoa” flavor, and the chocolate chips melt into the mixture making this drink extra creamy, rich and luxurious. A splash of vanilla extract rounds out all that chocolaty flavor and makes this what I consider the perfect Homemade Cocoa.
They were still uncured schizos, the only difference is they held absolutely no influence beyond their front door
And they knew they had no place having influence, because the air was sucked out them.
They didn't suck it out, they tried to displace it with smoke
It's funny how Lutfi talks about equality and tolerance but he throws Gloria to under the bus in the end because she's not Irian
I hope he dies in the plapal route too
What they thought about where their place was didn't matter until dudes allowed it, the women themselves didn't change they just got let off the leash
Dudes who didn't suck the stupid out of them, yes.
Every word out of Lutfi's mouth is in service of looking like a 4D chessmaster
Only irian cunt air may reside in iria.
If they had a working method and chose to stop using it then why should anything they thought matter?
The ones responsible for stopping knew it worked and were intentionally trying to ruin shit. Duh.
Cold hands: Bad for handjobs.
Will do anything to advance her career: likely fucked some of the old corrupt council knights she rails against to get ahead
Always deadly serious: probably a dead fish in bed and thinks your libido is a nuisance

Half-Rabbit Vlder: None of the arrogant Vlder pride, all the fun of a rabbit in heat
Friend to animals: you know she's a good person. Disney Princess effect.
Cooks meals: she just does it for you automatically, without complaint because she loves you
Cooks meals: oh wow seconds? Thanks Cocoa!
Cooks meals: uhhhh, thanks but I'm already feeling kinda full so maybe we can save some f-
Cooks meals: look Cocoa, I know you love me but this a bit m-
Cooks meals: guys you have to save yourselves this bitch is insane she won't stop cooking where the fuck is she even getting these ingredients I fucking looked away for two seconds and there's another 3 course meal oh god she coming over here don't pull for her please don't make my mistake AHHHHHHHHHHH-
in medieval times, how will you know how the royalty actually looks until you see them yourself?
it's not uncommon to know of nothing beyond the name
Cocoa was a elman slave. She is extremely high mileage and has probably been made to fuck a horse or two.
at least Simonas a virgin
More than a medieval guy, Lufti reminds me more of the romantic nationalists of the 19th century, many of them Frenchified aristocrats.
>he thinks she didn't rape her POW Alexei
Everyone knows the appeal to Simona isn't her at her typical / best, but when she hits her breaking point and realizes she wasted all her youth and chances on career achievements and crashes into that crisis desperation mode.

Cocoa is excellent proof of how good of an idea reintegrating the Vlder to Irian citizenry, in all senses, is for the future.
>fuck a horse or two
Yeah but I mean come on it's 2024 who hasn't been there you just get curious and hungry sometimes you know real gangster shit.
missionary leglock sex with Simona and Gloria
Nobody would fuck Alexei, even against his will
Mating press Simona and Gloria as Lightning watches!
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why is this considered good, is there an accurate tier list for gear
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Am i supposed to feel sympathetic about it?
>Not reverse raping the were-bear for the glory of the Union to mother a generation of half-bear, ice magic wielding, invincible for 2 turns after taking fatal damage, super soldiers
Nobody can resist Alexei's BBC (Big Brat Cock)
What's not to like about larping as Ezio, the best assassin?
%HP piercing damage, it's good against everything except the bosses that specifically have buffs to resist it. It also gets Infection but that's slightly less important outside of being a debuff for Dantalion aura for Saffiyah.
is this from bond story 1?
If so, then she's already dead.
>breeding with lesser races is good
Try to trick someone else, kike
>hanged "men"
>has women
hmph, as if any further proof was needed of prince dantalion's ineptitude
prince lutfi would be in our best interests instead, i think we should all celebrate him and leave the country in my capable hands instead
>White hair
>Blue eyes
>Whitest skin in the game
>Physically strong
>Lesser race
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>No new banner on reset
>no banner
Dead game
Miguel please.
>beasts clad in semi-human figure
Yeah lesser race
why does this game seem to love releasing shit 12 hours after reset? for what reason?
They want you to miss out.
What banner? Is Cocoa soon?
We've never had a new banner at reset, why would it be any different this time?
its dead jim
Why do you keep expecting things before the release time?
Profound retardation, they should know that people are more likely to make bad pulling decisions the sooner you present them the opportunity.
why is simona so low on the tier list, she seems strong
It's a replacement for LilyWill/Alexei so it's another dual banner: Momo/Nono. Cocoa will replace Simona in 1 week.
Because the whale tower incentivizes nuking shit as quickly as possible. Simona has great utility, you know for a fucking strategy game, but that's not what the end-game mode is tailored for.
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doomed to never get anything useful
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Beryl sex
Tier lists are made by stupid chinks, ignore them
>consistently ranked in second tier
>somehow its low
you are just trying to start stupid argument with the chinkschizo or maybe you are the chinkschizo
Meele mega crossbow is good at max star, right?
calling it now we are getting a vlder spiral patch screenshot this
Elaman route is coming
More rewards for spirals please
I just want less shit I have to click through in Spirals. It's a lot of very minor frustrations adding up over time to make me want to avoid the whole thing.
of course it is but not on the cocoa patch
I love spiral for that same reason you hate it. Wish there was more management stuff. Cannot wait for them to add Maitha's chicken stand sim and Vlder dance troupe management sim
How did this person's Col attack 3 times in 1 turn?
6 star col should have whaled more
he used tactics
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I like management stuff, but the system behind it is annoying to interact with. It's also annoying having to click 4-6 times to get through dialogue because skipping one thing doesn't skip the subsequent two or three. It all ends up just annoying me out of playing.
I like spiral but it can be annoying because they could make it significantly better if they chose to
She always looks like she's smoking pipe with the way she's holding the weapon
Gonna fuookkin laff when morons pull Aug and are surprised he sucks dick without 4+ Stars and Homa riding his nuts
that was me until i discovered samantha sex
not looking forward to the other rotues without her though
I haven't touched it in a month, fuck that mode.
I just wish there was something that made each week feel even slightly different in Spirals instead of just banging out my weekly tasks and hoping for a critical battle to break it up a bit
>Dawn missions expire in 2 days
This weekend for sure. Just have to get through like 40 weeks. Just have to... Zzz...
I wish they just give me an option to go through the plot instead of doing the pointless quests and all that stuff
Also fuck Beryl's quest I am not doing any of that
mine expired without me getting the last 2 missions 400 gems and legendary weapon lost, dont be like me bwo do it now
Tomorrow's Friday. I'll do it for realises. Anybody here played Gungnir? That shit was the bomb. Wish Spiral played more like that.
>1)Story mission. Pick up some bonus chest from doing good on your last mission
>2)Plot progression
>3)Recruit some guys after battle, maybe upgrade some of the gear you looted
>4)Go back to step 1
Push, Both dash and ice armor, Left reaction, the CC Nuke, Doomsday
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>not one but two vlder wives in the next banner
>coco right after that and probably the other two big meta characters shortly after
I'm not gonna make it.
>look up gungnir
>this fucken looks like riviera
>check wiki
>same series
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>Papal Route
>Meet the friendly soldiers again
>Forced to kill them
>side with the catholic church
>get forced to act as a jewish operative
Why are you surprised?
Because catholics aren't jews
How could you... They're going to open a school for the orphans...
They have been puppets for them for hundreds of years.
A hookah
>for the orphans...
haha....about those orphans....
they worship a jew thus a jewish operative
Dept heaven is goated. Wish it hadn't been abandoned.
Jesus wasn't a jew, not under the modern definition at least. His people and the jew's people share entirely different lineages.
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Haha, hey it looks like my invitation to Vlderama got lost in the mail.
My banner is after Momo and NonoWill's right? R-right?
Was mary a jew? jesus is a jew through and through
Why doesn't his name follow other Vlderian format?
That'd look so dumb, glad they didn't follow the convention.
Maybe it's because he's a dude? The more fun theory is that Iggy is short for ShiggyDiggy
>Why doesn't his name follow other Vlderian format?
Its probably pronounced e-gee-gee-e. Most retarded comeback I can think of
I sometimes call him "Iggywill" just to make it match. Along with Momowill.
Modern day jews share zero blood with people living in ancient Jerusalem. You might as well pretend modern day Egyptians have anything to do with Rameses II. Of course that people think otherwise is proof just how hard said juden have cooped the church.
>Why doesn't his name follow other Vlderian format?
Racism. He's the only brown Vlderian too. Coincidence? I think not.
But he's Shacklulu's little brother, not Nonowill
Iggylulu doesn't really roll of the tongue like wills do.
hes adopted
True but jesus is an ancient jew living in jerusalem. hes a jew
Actually in the original Vlderian, his name is more accurately translated as "Icky". As in "eeeeeew fuck, I got spooked by this bastard instead of getting X. Makes me feel icky".
If jesus is a jew then modern jews aren't. Now granted the bible addresses this and would agree(synagogue of satan, etc), but under the current usage of the word there is an important distinction to make. Either way, they definitely aren't part of the same group.
I just want him because he's cute, but I hate that he'd come at the cost of a potential on banner.
This dude has been haunting me like a vengeful spirit. He appeared the most during rerolls and he just took a break so I'd let my guard down. I can already feel him blocking my Cocoa.
When do we get a jesus christ servant? Erm I mean a robed savior of the papal states.
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Spoiler : they ended witnessing their moms and sisters get raped by fat ugly bastard sandnigger merchants
Bro, your IceGOD?
I still think that lilywill survived and became simona's bedwarmer.
All because they wouldnt let me have a route with their nation
me in the middle
We literally see her corpse in spiral, and spiral is a better end than she could remotely hope for in the actual timeline.
GloriaSexsex, SimonaSexsex, Lightning COME HOME ALREADY
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I think he would be a new class that completes the watcher-destroyer trinity. Something like a creator class.
he was just looking to let off her foul vagina air
Farewell ladies of Elysium and goodbye to your airy vaginas! I've awakened to the power of the Tarots, and from now on my penis will only penetrate men's behinds!
- Sword of Convallaria: Fool's Journey: Final Chapter: Prologue: Part 1 -
>It's weird that a prince is not known by their own people
He's the second prince and he was run out of the country a year ago. He had no public presence.
what level do you have to be for lvl 60 weapon trials? tried it a few times at 43 and got demolished
You do have engravings, right?
Depends on which one
For II you can do it pretty early because Papal Guard can tank really hard. For I its a bit tricky but still doable. For III you need more tools to reduce the boss attacks
Just do it bro
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Don't do this to me man... I just got you a legendary bow...
He really vanished from the character roster
He died like the shit that he was.
>at 43
you can have 3 guesses
no, i'm still at 6-5, been playing a lot of spiral
i was using teadon for tanking but not sure if that is the play, even on the 55 one it was hard to keep him alive thanks to the -healing debuff, i really need a Cooling Powder
I'm going with yes for the first guess!
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Do you keep duplicates of good trinkets like Maverick's Cloak or just combine them?
If instant keep, If not combine.
Put Edda in tyranny of majority
So uhhhh, where's the Nonowife banner?
>he missed it
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save lutfi right now
I would rather be Miguel than be responsible for saving Lutfi
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Yes, also the achievement goes beyond 20. I'm in the middle of bringing my silver rarity unit to spiral.
>finally clear 9-5
>can't clear 10-1
oh well, next week's 9-5 would probably wall me either way
Is there a better healing weapon than the Reorganized Cube?
kinda depends on the healer, there's the one that gives more range or the pass weapon that gives more NRG regen that can both be good if it shores up a weakness rather than just going for pure numbers
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So I was checking Teadon because people said he's bad but this skill sounds pretty good? There's no limit to it so if you plop him down in the center of a bunch of enemies and have him wear the hunter's intuition trinket he will just stun everyone and deal a decent chunk of damage? And there's no cooldown or "X amount of activations per turn" to it either? Do enemies get stun immunity after the first stun or can he just keep enemies locked down forever as long as he has NRG?
First, you're wrong about the limit, it has a limit of 1 stun per use. Second, bosses and some unit are immune to stun.
Teadon's more useful for Intimidate and self shield then alert desu. Not being able to choose your facing makes his alert build kinda clunky.
Not worth the amount of effort to set it up even if you set up the perfect situation. If you want to do damage with Teadon just run the funny physical shield slam set, but you're better off running him as a shield/aura tank.
>it has a limit of 1 stun per use
The game seems a bit inconsistent about writing these limits out, Faycal has a limit on one of his alerts but not the other. Momo also has a limit on her alert. But Teadon's passive doesn't and from what I remember from FJ it didn't have an activation limit?
If you were to use this skill over and over his other alert wouldn't really be an issue
It's not hard to drop him in the middle of some enemies, I was just thinking about how viable the stunlock thing was
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>this is filtering me
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>only one temperance rolled into the special bonus
>it's almost pure matk
Momo's bubble doesn't count as a shield, right? Who can this go on?
Are you just auto-ing it? I nearly lost once on that stage doing that
my fault for bringing two dps and a healer
I'll bring in a beefier teammate to take them down
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Reminder to myself so I don't brick my account even more
Just use them now
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What are you anons picking on the shop before the event ends?
What if they're needed later?
Star glow or rank medal because i can't be arsed to farm them or coins might be useful.
>physcal shield
kek Demonic god roll
It could be a magical shield as well, but yeah I guess the only one who could use it well is Simona?
There's a lot of good watcher so might as well
>not clearing the shop
Hear me out
Vlder shota
enjoy your 10 gold tarrot and low rank medal retard
Don't tell us you're sweeping the stage without bonus...
No, all the guys as shotas instead.
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Say something nice to my new wife
"sup babe, like yer style"
Only if it’s not femboy slop. A shota Vlder must be legit wild and silly.
plat medal for watcher then watcher material box
>How come Maitha and Faycal don't know about Lutfi when they find him as a merchant?
What are they going to do, look him up on the internet? Unless his face is on a coin when would they ever see the guy?
>Exit Spiral
>Enter again with my own Faycal
There, he's back again
They get newspapers from several different sources, it's not unreasonable that one might have had an image of the prince at some point
Use the traps
>Kiya's entire kit is sacrificing her own HP to deal damage and dealing Infections
Seems like a fun character
I don't think they have camera tech though, the illustrations are just for flavor
There is a picture with Rawiyah, Maitha and Faycal
iirc Rawiyah has that picture
Also, there is a picture of Dantalion, Inanna and Lutfi in their secret room
New SoD bwos
You don't need cameras for there to be faithful portraits of the royal family
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>Rushing shit when the next story update is Crimson Night that launched in around May for TW
>New SoD
>The cat is there
Aiiieee I need to play more SoD, I still haven't finished a route
Beryl canonically breaks reality, no surprise she can bring the cat out of the void.
NGMI bro...
>haven't even done one round of SoD yet
I am the same desu
I hope they fix the sound issue with the never-ending looping of footsteps. This would lead to me playing more SoD. Currently, it's very annoying to have to restart the game every time the bug hits me.
Acambe is just standing there, menacingly
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Tryhard gamers where we at
the spiral abyss of this game is upon us
we getting the browns before Saff/Auguste?
So I played Iria first and I am sure I should've have gotten the good end, but I guess, you really need to start with the faction beacon or you're railroaded to bad end
>73M update

I don't think so because you have to go with every single one of Inanna's inane plots without exception not just most of them
No fucking clue, Cocoa is confirmed at least but considering TOA is literally 'Shill latest shiny: The content' who knows what else is going to happen?
>you have to go with every single one of Inanna's inane plots without exception
yeah did this
someone said before that you can't get the union good end on first try too but I guess you really can't get any good end on first try regardless of faction because, my guess, you start with the basic beacon
>Saffiyah will be our 1/2 year anniversary unit at this point
>someone said before that you can't get the union good end on first try too but I guess you really can't get any good end on first try regardless of faction because, my guess, you start with the basic beacon
Unless the good end is Gloria route, you can get the good end in Union route in the first try
I wonder if it's just because the requirements for the other two are hard to meet if you're playing blind and the dogshit translation isn't helping things either for some of the choices.
You really shouldn't live your life worrying about Dantalion's cumpdumster 24/7
>Beryl not even there

Holy power creep. Also why is Dantalion so high? The leader aura?

You can, they probably just meant it's difficult. The good Papal route is a pain in the ass.
Wonder if the devs are going to crack down even harder on leaks.

Might not necessarily be about the powercreep, TOA also has mutations and that can favor/disfavor some characters. I know a lot of people were seething over one recent TOA season because they didn't have Acambe kek.
>The leader aura?
Dispels, does magic damage, anti-heal, and has a knockback aoe at 55 like icechad or simona. Just flexible I guess and his aura is really good. I toss a barrel with edda on someone and let beryl dantalion just smack them for crazy damage
>game has millions of units
>metatards use the same 6 units
really makes me think
reminder that (You)r roster needs to have a maxed Teadon before you bruck yourself
>Anon thinks people were joking about the devs pushing you to use the new shinies and at more than 1-star at that
You think peop wouldn't use more characters if they could? It's a gacha, people don't have them.
Is that really what you think is going on there? The entire playerbase happened to all only get the same fraction of the cast by chance?
It's dono
>>metatards use the same 6 units
Well "most effective" doesn't really allow a lot of leeway by definition. It sounds like the mode applies mutations that will force the meta to change every season though.
This would be easier for you to understand if you just read this:
>Anon thinks people were joking about the devs pushing you to use the new shinies and at more than 1-star at that
No it isn't, it's どうも
It does, and it can be basically summed up as 'Hope you got the latest rate-up and your other party members are the right ones'.
Yeah sounds pretty normal for gacha pvp.
Yeah, so here's a reminder that all the devs added was PVP where you want to strangle whoever knocked you out of the top 95% and more live PVP.
Oh lel did the newfag wake up?
Protection of darkness, Erosion, corruption.
I just spammed Erosion on the boss to keep him debuffed
Yeah, at least I can finally read the story.
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Elaman CHADS winning bigly!
Who is the blonde with the lip piercings at the very end?
sexo, the unit
She isn't playable bro...
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New gachakino just dropped. SoC is finished.
So uh when are are Saffiyah and Auguste?
In my dreams anon.
Who cares lol. I'll take the sexo brown tomboy and dancer slut waifu any day.
>Speedrunning story that came six months later
Yeah, it was finished.
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Fuck, do I spend on Vlder sluts or save for Elaman girls?
fluff agile eye
Elaman girls because you can spook Vlder sluts.
I did mine after 45 with engravings, first boss is hardest for me- failed 65 at level 50
Probably because I don't have the fucking cube and Angel is at 4 stars
I don't get it, there's already a ton of fucking SoD content if you wanna do it not to mention people are still trying to finish everything they can in FJ. It's just way too much content,
>too much content
No such thing
Well you see anon, I have been trying to tell EVERYONE that this speed up shit is not sustainable because the game has only had two major story updates in an entire year and all people did was to call me a chink. The devs literally can't make new content so that's out, so what is there left even if we assume they bring Crimson Night over quickly?
Sexo, the NPC then
Yep. I wonder if you even got to fight her as an enemy.
>he's replying to himself
lol, thanks for the bump chinkbro
Vlder sex!
30000 gold!
Is Lutfi not in the Legendary character pool?
WTF you niggers told me Elaman update comes in october not this month!!!
Looks cuter and more light hearted than the current stuff, I’m looking forward to the variety
I know you have many questions, but no
Lutfi doesn't exist period.

That's what I thought...
Why does he have a full playable moveset in Fool's Journey then?
They’ll add him eventually. Rumor is Judge Samantha is coming too
He was probably an early planned character.
too much of a laughingstock to project a profit, is what they must think if a year later they're still coming up with donut steel Vlder maids over him
You'd be surprised but I actually bumped into a fair bit of 'Where's Lutfi?' comments.
They should do the classic gacha thing of just giving away a free unit for anni because it creates goodwill. If nobody would roll for him anyway might as well
Bro, they didn't even let you buy selectors.
Gachas very rarely have selectors, paid GSSR banners are a lot more common
I wondered that too and I wouldn't go after him, there are many good seekers, his meme is funny but he looks like a pederast, and I'm sure even literal fags are after the likes of magnus or alexei and not him
They also didn't have paid GSSRs bro...god knows people would have killed for that over the thought of having to possibly pity a character...

I simply want all the Irian siblings to be there.
>dub only
lmao no. what is this the early 2000s?
Lutfi is an embarrassment. I would rather die a meaningless death with Gloria than have to listen to this faggot for one more second.
Why would a jobber be legendary?
Miguelbros not like this...
Please don’t attack Miguel like that he’s trying his best
they're going to purposely hold the auguste and saffiyah banners
it's safe to roll for cocoa bros!
Miguel isn't a jobber unless you count blowjobs.
He's not a jobber, he's retarded
Lutfi literally die in the three Union routes
He's not really jobbing though.
Miguel on the other hand is set up as a legendary merc yet he gets his bussy blown out at every stage
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>Inanna in the picture
She'll find a way to ruin everyone's lives in this route too won't she?
>Miguel on the other hand is set up as a legendary merc
he doesn't even have his own villa while we get to have an entire town as a merc lmfaooooooooooooooooooooooo
>Darklight leader is a spic
What did they mean by this?
Depends on what you mean, I remember that you have to do requests for Edda and Inanna sometimes.
Now I'm curious as to why the fuck one of the missions has you letting him escape with an NPC Edda helping you.
>3 star Col in banner tactic area is 5 star Col
I hadn't realized CD reduction worked on character traits. nice
Lmao imagine being a bedlet, couldn’t be us
Bros, what's the 3rd best sword after newborn blade and void stab?
The Sword of Convallaria
My thoughts exactly. Miguel must be really bad at company management, Sword of Convallaria managed to grow to Platinum-Radiant mercenary within ONE YEAR meanwhile he's been slaving his bones for life and still couldn't afford a big bed.
Cornucopia I guess. For non-paid there are a couple that are decent for tanks.
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If you have a reliable way of getting shields then this is definitely a good one
Best for who lol, Dantalion's best sword is ever-burning and not those 2. Gear is character dependent.
>Auguste delayed
>be miguel
>don't care for the lives of his merc company
>try to speedrun to his goal before all his company dies
>doesn't get paid
>back to eating from dumpsters and sleeping in dog sheds

>be SoC
>betray own country in 3/4 routes
>dozens of mercs die in bloody endurance battles
>completely unaffected by those losses
>hailed as heroes

Sucks to be Miguel
Only if you need the extra debuff to hit 3 for his aura. Otherwise newborn is just better.
He's Kiritsugu Alter after all, suffering is built in his existence.
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Worse, Miguel at least cared about his deceased men, he was harsh on them but what he said about fighting to survive with all your might was correct

Meanwhile (I) couldn't give a shit about random recruits but still achieved good ends anyway lmao
>doesn't get paid
Miguel’s mistake was trying all these high risk high reward jobs. The bulk of our merc income is from weekly caravan guarding. Dudes gotta get himself steady contract work.
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So, who is this woman?
Was there another SoD added to TW aside from Elaman and the Saffiyah/Rawiyah prologue?
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>leddits upset that Fecal is being made fun of
>reason they're upset is that they think it's culturally ignorant
>reason they think it's culturally ignorant is that they believe that's how the arabic name Faiçal (Faisal) is pronounced
Technically the Iria route, because this was not available to TW and CN at launch.
>he doesn't take the hardest quests he can every week
Never gonna buy that mansion bro
Bruh no one here or there wants to hear more about your weird scat fetish
Tell me more about your weird scat fetish.
Homa what?
If I don’t have a mansion it’s because Beryl scammed it all out of me with her minigame costs ;_;
Oh really? Didn't know that
Yep, it's true.
>the only reason we don't have a villa yet is because Beryl keeps scamming us with trade deals such as 5000 gold for 50 luxite research points
>branching starts after we rescued inanna
>that means we have to cater this bitch in every new routes
for me it's what spurts out of Armstrong's mouth eyy
Our rank and file mercs probably hate her, we keep sending them over as experimental subjects and they come back half dead. Literally more exhausting than an assassination job.
Which gear have you leveled to lv 60 bros?
I only do 3, Newborn blade, double sided halberd, and Focus staff, don't know if i should go for feast axe or tuning hammer next
Yep, you have to actively aid her.
>Kage Soulfire, it's your turn to be Beryl's experimental subject this week.
>Your efforts are needed to level our thunderstruck tactic.
>What do you mean she strips away your human rights during her experiments? We're on a war here
>You're only able to see your wife and children once you're done with this, now go.
I leveled my healer's cube and Star-Raid crossbow for w/e ranged unit I'm using at the moment
the true path to saving iria is letting her die in the riot
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Look at this weak ass bitch.
But you also died bro...
>able to full draw a bow and hold it for an entire turn
Ignore his theatrics, Fay is secretly fucking RIPPED
It's ok, it's for Iria
>Something something only Irians may PERISH in Iria
Are there still no character expression sheet rips?
Auguste was right
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this is it... the last thread...
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I'm not paying you to bake the bread Acambe

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