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>Araxxor Tweaks & Poll 82 Updates

>RuneBreaks: Official DnB Album

>New Prices 2024

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous >>493111568
omg thanks
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I would like to learn ToA with someone fun ty
are you fun or do you want them to carry your conversation
I am fun yea
Probably pretty chatty
is your voice cute or creepy
pretty boyish really I dunno I'm just like a normal guy but I sound younger
Really a bro or two would be fun to just learn and do raids with regularly for fun
why does searching taco on the wiki redirect you to sara brew
fuck off
not sure, ask wiki contributer Kelsey
i did not even edit it but youre a nerd for fixing that kinda cute
what are you guys talking about did i miss a meme
hello, im here to play run escape
there is no meme searching taco redirected you to the sara brew page and someone fixed it
but why did someone tell you to fuck off and why did someone call it cute this is all really suspicious
well you're in the wrong spot.
go here https://oldschool.runescape.com/
it still redirects for me
yea me too i thought someone fixed it but i mustve just refreshed the page or something on accident
im autistic but not this autistic someone might reply fuck off in a playful dismissive tone when told something stupid this is your socializing lesson for today hopefully that was their intent or ill look silly
this is my twenty medium reward casket vocaroo, starting now.
uhh okay nothing good for my first one just an adamant kiteshield, gold
for 18 a bunch of crap
17 a bunch of crap
16 a bunch of crap again
woaaaah for my 15th one i got climbing boots gold
14 is a bunch of crap
13... a bunch of crap
okay now i need to clear my inventory real quick *clears throat* *click click click click* okay moving on
13 is a bunch of crap
12.. a bunch of crap but i got a master clue so i guess i have to pause this vocaroo to do the-oh wait nevermind i dont think i can do this step, oh well, i can do this step but i have to drop it
okay for 11 a bunch of crap again
WHAT! i got climbing boots gold again
9 a buncha crap
8 a buncha- OOH i got the crier coat now i have that whole set besides that a buncha crap
*clears throat* 7... ooh another master clue im gonna see if i can do this one so i might have to pause-ugh oh okay i can do this step so im gonna pause the vocaroo now.
i transcribed that
i think theres a typo or missed words or something i dont remember
maybe i should do 20 beginner casket vocaroos until i get moles
no you shouldnt because then you would be tarnishing clommies legacy you disrespectful pig
hopefully you get them soon the frog slippers are truly hideous
tonight i will continue monkey quest 2
maybe i should use my bare feet until i get bear feet or demon feet
preemptive gz on finishing monkey quest 2 ill be asleep
thanks for bringing that to my attention okay i think on number 12 it should be ill instead of i and it should say to go do the instead of to do the then on 8 i think she says full set instead of whole set sorry for all the mistakes
weve had this conversation before i think cause ive mentioned it before
i remember someone mentioned a missed word and i believed them but this time i went through the roo and looked for the mistakes myself
i understand i remember when i was transcribing ece emery songs
the haters doubted me but i finished my hunter rumour blocklist before bedtime
summer summit better be good or im letting my membership run out and only coming back for legays

by good i mean at least:
1 new raid
2 new gm quests
d-claw spec wep for range/mage
2 new bosses
1 new skill boss
personally all i care about is the membership premier sale did i mention that already about how poor i am
i renewed my membership for another 6 months and plan to play most days
6500 mahogany planks
you're not poor bitch
personally i was about to buy a year membership until i learned they even do a premier sale and now im waiting
im a helmie i cant just sell planks whenever i want to buy membership idiot
actually same i was going to buy a year of membership on my accounts and play every day if they announce something new for the future
nooooooooo stop buying membership you're falling in the the private equity jew's tricks!!!!!
what the hell is chud waffling about
dance for someone in falador park maybe they use a bond on you haha
i think she was doing a chud impression
new content stresses me and my autism out ill be happier if they release nothing
honestly if they don't release all 54 pronouns and at least 20 body types I'm quitting.
i still havent even done dt2
i havent done dt1
I forgot to turn off the auto renew subscription on my Ironman and it renewed for an entire year and I was kinda pissed that I forgot but then they raised the price of memberships like a week later now I am not mad anymore
i always immediately cancel subscriptions that last that long
I buy bonds for members because I can afk on rs3 and earn 1 bond every 10 hours
But then you have to play RS3.
please stop changing race its very confusing for me
Where is your rune pouch?
why do you keep global on do you talk to those people or read their conversations or somoethig
i really dislike you
i turned it on when i called out a dragon impling earlier
is it true that everyone on vscape hates you
which one of you is the real shanky
i hate this stupid monkey quest and its stupid gay mazes
also thats a lie because all your screenshots have globat chat on
gz wow how did you get from 97 to 98 in a day also are you considering having a 99 party
So many demons in NMZ which aren't susceptible to demonbane weapons. Lame.
they put me in gay maze jail and all the inmates knew you
i dont think nut bladder wants to be associated with anyone here but id show up and gz him and then scuttle away if he did
id keep it brief too its just so he knows people care for him
Crystal harpoon tempoross is like 90k xp/h, so it's not unreasonable to get 1m xp/day if you just put in the hours.
It's a good level of intensity too, so it's not tedious to do in a big block like this.
Riddle: I'm full of life yet nobody uses me.
is this going to be your first 99 on the uim? gz in advance, whats next?
strange fruit
ring of life
99 in the nigger skill
Maybe construction. More mahogany homes with the new changes sounds like it'll be pretty chill.
I was also thinking about finishing off runecrafting in the nearish future.
aaaauururghhhhhhh i hate the monkeys
whats runecrafting ive never heard of that skill before is it new
im going to kick them into the sea
chud posting is hecking deplorable!!1
i can see why they call it monkey madness 2 its makign me "mad" haha!
who are you talking to use the reply feature
i was addressing the room
im in the room and i wasnt listening because i dont care
okay sorry
bring 10 elven maidens to the monkey city
log out for 6 hours
come back and finish the quest
>(sure smells like seaweed around here)
Ok this was the Soulreaper Axe spec.
hmm sorry bad riddle youve been given a community ban of 3 hours please do not post in this time period
I tried to search wiki but came with 0 results
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who on gielinor would ever want this?
suq me off bro
suqah hides are valuable
Just one more synapse and I'll break the 2b limit on bank.

I am
ok babymoder
platinum tokens
stop trying to make babymoder a thing 1800-iron-man
why didnt anyone tell me you get pretty much unlimited prayers at pest control why do i always have to figure out everything for myself
Did you know you can button mash clicking on farming herbs until your player does a little turn, then if you let go you'l harvest them at double speed?
babymoder upset
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any eve enjoyers itt?
thank you
i think it would be nice if the home teleport went to your respawn point instead of lumby
im gonna panic at al kharid mine!
my toes have gone black
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rsc graphics were visual crack cocaine
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there is a spell respawn teleport on the arcceus book
Is rigour really more important than something like full bandos?
rigour is literally piety for ranged what kind of question is that
bandos is not a big upgrade but you should probably get it before doing cox anyway
a cute question :3c
You can easily postpone bandos now that blood moon armor exists.
as a raidlet ironman is it worth it to learn solo cox or try to leech from groids?
solo only and ever
join a group
nearly everyone is fine with you not splitting, they just want to avoid the situation where you expect a split if someone else gets a purp but you try to take your own purps for yourself
yeah hope you like sitting on melee hand for 50 hours before you're allowed to do anything
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Play vidyascape you fagex paypigs
Have you crested 5 active players yet?
It peaks at 40-50 players daily the past few weeks, it's free, and is based unlike your cucked DEI sandbox
oh no how will I afford 10 cents a day I'm financially ruined
also since when are pedos based
am I too greedy thinking that there should be little audio cue when tormented demon (or when any enemy) changes prayer?
there is nothing stopping you from making the noises out loud yourself, simply observe when the demon changes prayer (easy) and then make the noise
what have they previously announced at summer summits? ive always been on hiatus when theyve happened
thinking about playing some lms
Do people even use sounds?
Any cool clan chats for well adjusted and fun scapers yet?
yeah join solace clan chat tell them midzy sent you
lol (out loud)
Not using game sounds is a massive handicap for a lot of high level pvm.
yes you autist, are you one of those who is constantly afraid of someone of making fun of them for listening to game music too?
ok show me empirical evidence and peer reviewed data that playing without sounds is a handicap ill wait
who up twisting they torstol
Like 99% of end game players, yes.
let me guess, these end game players also use cheat clients and so I should use them too
im finna get my harralander hawk tuah'd
Why do people risk so much on the way to the kbd
'emple 'ecking for 'owstrings on the 'ron 'an
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I am a peer and I have reviewed evidence supporting that hypothesis
im maddening my monkey
Good toa guides for noobs?
Look up guides on YT and especially those that are doing the raid in sub optimal gear.
From my experience best raid guides are those where guy is doing the raid black D hide and mystics.
ToA is rather friendly in that you'll get 80 gorillion tries and free food to go with those so just watch few guides and then go through entry with wiki on 2nd screen as refence.
one room at a time in entry mode with unlimited lives to see the mechanics
learning by doing is a pretty great way to learn
im mad im crazy im a freak im like the joker of osrs
its a pretty easy raid you should already know what to do
and me im the toker of osrs aha cough cough
Don't ruin it the first time, do it blind and have fun figuring out the stuff, then watch guides for 150/300 to see what they do. Basically stay at the invocation level that you're at until your comfortable, then turn on one more and get comfortable with that one and build it up from there
you cant be the joker im already the twisted freak of osg
I have never used sounds and I've cleared all the hardest stuff excluding gimmicky stuff like no inventory toa.
No one says you can't play without sounds you stupid nigger, you're just playing with a pointless handicap because sounds trigger your sperg out or something
It's not a handicap sounds don't help me at all at this point.
sounds are important only retards think they dont need sounds
>he has an auditory processing disability
you couldnt last a day in my twisted mind....
So I'm disabled now because I can walk without crutches while you can't, interesting logic.
No you're disabled because you think shoes are crutches
shoes are sort of like crutches if theyre heels or have raised soles like creepers or lifts
Shoes that don't make me run faster are useless.
Nice goalpost moving faggot, it's not a crutch when it's built into the baseline game and they have a team for the sole purpose of sound design. You're bragging about using a spoon to dig a trench when everyone else was done hours ago using a shovel and excavator
Some people are auditory focused
Some are visual
Everyone is different
You sound like a low IQ spastic

I use runelite rofl. I think it's time you stop projecting.
watch one bodycam video and your entire recommended page is fucked wtf
i think we can just all agree that im right though
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>settled and soup does not upload for 2-3 weeks and suddenly none of my recommendations are runegame
why are women like this
as for me i watch guilty pleasure videos in incognito so my reccs dont get fucked for example there was a video where they lined up a bunch of people and guessed their body count and i dont endorse watching that kind of thing but i clicked it anyway because of a morbid curiosity
the doctor said im morbidly a beast
i just delete the video from my history so anything related doesnt come up :/
i only use the internet in incognito mode because im naughty and also dont want people to know i play runescape


Tyfb (twistedbow) :)

(i'm on my 3rd runewatch alt in WDR)
i wish i could read and or interpret that
thank you for raid
thank you for bow
3 times blacklisted from we do raids
its not hard
easier said than done as its the size of a walnut
pecan walnut pie add it to the cooking expansion list
>first toa
>forgot to bring book of the dead for my thralls
its hard being retarded.
everyone makes those mistakes all the time dont feel down
i dont
quiet bitch
nothing better than a BBC (big black coffee) loosening up the bowels for a slick and easy plop. effortless. feeling great after that one.
nasty plop bitch
the mage that you escort in temple trekking looks kinda fruity
I've been a nasty girl
I've been I've been a nasty girl
can you post a pic i dont play this game
is somebody gonna match my freak
how come the gn osg i love you poster dont post anymore
because he doesnt love us any more
i still see your shadows in my room
cant take back the gear that i gave you
its to the point where i love and i hate you
and i cannot change you so i must replace you oh
easier said than done
i thought you were the one
listening to my heart instead of my head
somebody gonna match my plops
thanks for the gear loan idiot sit
yeah we can go plop for plop
i got bored of it i still love some of you https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/492933230/#q492949614
fuck that we can go shart for shart
ok thanks for replying bossman
alias i want to tell you i am l lind l taylor ryuzaki hideki ryuga and hiraldo coil
moshi moshi
is that a threat
did sis just lay a curse on osg wtf did she just say
konbanwa watashi wa kevinbell desu
is crispor anti here i have a question
i have voodoo doll effigies of every known rsn in here i currently have twelve pins sticking in midzys head
fishing monkfish in 2010
You should probably be mining instead.
bone shard mining is so comfy
need my boneshard mined rn fr
why does everyone hate midzy just because she has a high ehp and is a little shy and spergy in social situations
shes doin tricks on it
hes 38 and has a kpop goon cave
we should all start using the reply feature sometimes i forget to see if someone replied to me
you first
i once tried using the reply feature here and i got a 3 day for that
not making that mistake again
ayo who up quidditching they champions
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Guys, what the fuck do I do here?
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Claiming this Type Beauty as my Type B friend
kai cenat rizzed my sister chat is this w or l
wtf is a kai senat is that a star wars reference if yes it might be debatable
both patently untrue statements
yejibro86 is 38 and posted his kpop goon cave
omg i forgot the 86 from midzys username
>noxious halberd is 28m

What a piece of shit item.
Genuinely baffling that years later you are still schizo obsessing over rsns who don't play
who are you talking about
for me i am schizo obsessing over papapoints
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Who all are you supposed to BGS spec in tombs? I speced the gator, but held my spec on baba for the monkeys, just killed her without ever seeing them anyways.
idk ive never used bgs there before
what should I using for my spec then?
the heal keris thing i do 500s with the spec invo
with the noxious halberd we finally get to see what saeldor would be worth if its value wasn't tied to the enh/bowfa
the answer is nothing
Is the noxious halberd spec as bad as it sounds?
whos coming to my 126 thieving party on saturday
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literally every boss other than warden pillar, warden p1, and scarab. though if you have max stats you can just use the fang spec and it's basically the same
you should not be doing any pvm content before max stats.
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>Hi Bart! Thank you for the transfer. I'll have the web management team send you a reset password, and I will follow-up with your tracking number shortly
>Sep. 4, 2024, 4:03 p.m.
warden pillar is a good bgs spec tho
this niggas name is bart LMAO
I’ve avoided discord in general for so long. Is it the only way to socialize in online vidya nowadays?
dont laugh
bartholomew head ass
We've run out of bort RSNs in the giftshop
bart be the white boy that planks on p2 verzik no cap
No the servers are full of people screaming into the void about themselves
There is no community left anywhere
the community is in the game, not in some discord server
nigga say eat my shorts
actually the community has fully migrated to meriicord by now
As an ironmeme, what mage gear should I get after mystic? Ahirim?
When I finish my barrows what a good boss to start trying out
Seems great for Irons at least, I think it's the next step in melee progression, fills a massive gap.

>do whatever to 60 Attack (quests will probably just get you there)
>Dragon Scimitar at 60
>Zombie Axe at 65
>Whip at 70 (and 85 Slayer)
>Fang, Scythe, endgame raids shit
Fills that gap nicely. Better DPS than Blade of Saeldor + Avernic Defender, and doesn't require grinding ToB or doing another 400+ CGs.

anyway I hope they buff the spec. They're insistent on it being useless for some reason, but it should at least have some niche uses especially for mains.
didnt you make this post already i swear i read it before
idk after the mage rework but ahrims was next in the progression back in the day yeah
Bloodbark is awesome. Shades of Morton is kind of an aids activity (and it's required to unlock the ability to make Bloodbark), but after all the changes they did to it it's not THAT bad anymore.

>better defensive stats
>magic accuracy is barely lower than Ahrims
>the blood spell boost effect has some niche uses (like bringing blood spells to Fight Caves, Seren fight)
>doesn't degrade
>PoH storeable (mostly a UIM perk)
nigga need bloodbark to do jad just go for moons armour or ancestral
Yes, I really like the halberd, I think it's the next big milestone irons should aim for and it fills a gap very well.
The gap between whip and scythe was ridiculous, and nobody wants to do another 400+ CG runs for salad blade (which as it turns out is worse than this).
>Better DPS than Blade of Saeldor + Avernic Defender
is this actually true? that's fucked up lol how did this shit pass polls
i actually just tried to think of a bigger waste of time than getting bloodbark but i couldnt think of one so gz
I admit I forgot moons gear exists, I haven't touched any of that content yet. That may be worth considering, yes
me personally when i needed mage gear on my iron i hit chambers and got full ancestral it only cost 3b
As far as I've heard, yes, it barely outclasses it
... But there's overkill potential, because it's a slower weapon, so I think it's a case-by-case scenario. In many I'd imagine blade + avernic does come out on top.

Also halberd apparently scales poorly with gear, which again makes it great for irons (because you're not going to be getting full Torva any time soon) but shit for mains (which is why the price is already nothing after only a week)
doesn't gear just give a flat +str bonus so every weapon should scale linearly with gear though?
I don't know, I'm just going by the things I saw the calc nerds say
I'd guess it's something to do with the attack speed; 4 ticks vs 5.
do irons even use salad blade most of them just use fardbow until they get megarares, and if they absolutely need slash they use a tent whip
>he broke bond price to the second
Soulreaper Axe multiplies that flat strength bonus by 30% with its passive, Inquisitor by 7.5% with the full set, and Scythe while not multiplying strength bonus, can gain more than 1 max hit at certain strength levels

Nox Hally has nothing like this
I see, thanks
i cook cream soup taste is coco loco
playing some runey killing some crabs
still got 35000 maple logs to fletch
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5 brimmy keys and 2 gmauls from one task i love slayin gargs so much
Incredibly juicy.
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>raw wild pie costs 3900
>baked wild pie costs 800

Why would anyone ever bake these?
ay caramba
200m cooking with bake pie
But summer pie would be better because it's more exp and loses 5 times less money.
didn't say it was a good idea
The mystery remains I don't think anyone wants to purposely use a worse pie there must be some other reason.
for xp
pked a pvmer and he sent me this
The only mystery here is how you manage to be such an idiot.
gen z wants to cancel baking wild pies
i fucking hate the way that scaling makes text look turn that shit off please
just close your eyes
do you guys think blighted food taste better or worse than regular food?
but if you close your eyes
does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?
why does he say close like that
Ok explain why would someone bake the pie instead of selling the raw and buying more profitable cooking exp with the money.
he can say close like that if he wants to leave him alone
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>Finally find raid discord
>Talk with them for 20 minutes

Raid people are autistic minmaxer faggots
fuck calculations and teeny tiny optimizations
I'm going back to looking for fun people out in the wild
because wild pies are harder to make and are a desert requirement os people dont care how much they cost they do their diary and leave its not a mystery youre just a fucking retard
Yeah PVMers are fuckin weirdos
wow its like people told you to find a clan 10 threads ago cant wait for your next blogpost about finding people to raid with or your luck
Is brimhaven agility viable from 86-99?
I was thinking I could binge the entirety of bleach or one piece while doing it
no its not viable you have to actually stop at 85
Its what the gower brothers intended.
im currently fletching and watching juju kaisen
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Clans are for homosexuals

>he posted
as for me personally im currently doing a herbiboar hunting rumour and not listening or watching anything cause i have to leave the house shortly
you're just a whiny faggot who has no friends or social skills. have fun organically running across people to raid with(you probably won't), who will likely end up inviting you to their clan anyways that are supposedly for homosexuals. god you're retarded.
what agility method should I do then?
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>"Join a clan"
>No they're gay
>*autistic screeching*
It appears I made the correct choice
When the fuck are synapses dropping to 20m
proud of this community
if i stand inside the toa lobby in full black armour typing "...." i think people would invite me to raid with them cause of my mysterious aura
im doing scurrius today!
wow can i watch
it will be private sorry
Is Scurrius fun I heard it's good exp.
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>do half my slayer task
>get 3 clues I have to juggle
Stackable clues when?
i think it's fun. i dunno if it's good exp but i got an attack level doing it and it's teaching me to switch prayers and avoid stuff
he is called big hat logan because his name is logan and he wears a big hat
never because stackable clue scrolls defeat the purpose of clue scrolls. you're meant to take a break to do your clue scroll or finish your task and do the clue scroll later
theyre obviously gonna do stackable clues soon they did 1 hour ground timers without a poll so theyre obviously working towards that
i dont want them infinitely stackable but something like 1 extra clue per ca tier seems fine
Hopefully never.
Making clues last an hour was a big mistake, they're already quasi-stackable which is only going to encourage Jagex to go the rest of the way.

>add an item to encourage players to randomly take breaks from grinds (slay, boss, or skill for an hour or two, get a nest/geode/whatever clue, go off on a 20 minute mini-adventure to do it)
>"Noooo, I need to be able to stack two hundred of them up so I can grind them!!!"

They're an anti-grind item, it's just peak retardation, wanting them to just be another grind.
his final phase is annoying af stuff constantly dropping n having to switch prayers
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who is otto
was the 1 hour timer specifically for clues or is it just a side effect? dropping a clue so another one can drop from an enemy seems more like an unintended behavior to me and the 1 hour timer just exacerbated it
people have grinded them anyways regardless of them being an anti-grind item
people grind implings for mediums and other activities for hards and so on
the very foundation of the game is enjoying the grind, I think its fine if people want to grind more
I think having 5 stackable clues of each tier and then you don't get any more.
It is enough wiggle room to not stress about "missing clues" and enough total to have a nice clue clearing grind.
Stackable clues is not what the gowers intended...
just tie it to achievement diary rewards or something like
all easy tiers = 2 clues
all medium tiers = 3 clues
plus its not like it changes efficiency that much
the people who sweat for efficient lower clues are still pickpocketing hams or opening jar, the time to get back to a bank or the ham hideout after a clue isnt that big of a deal
and the higher tier clues are rarer enough that theyre also not that big of a deal
we'll get stackable clues when they raise the price of mems again
if they are going to do it it definitely needs to be limited like you say, i agree. id worry that clue scrolls would lose their charm and fun if they just become another stack in my bank that ill never get around to dealing with
>log on
>0 friends online
for me its 0 online and 0 offline
sorry I can't relate :o
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im not online rn idk how many friends of mine are probably 2 or 3
iraq lobster >:D
any guesses what theme the league that gets announced in 2 days will be?
ok but if that is the case why can you get cluescrolls from imp jars then
im always on so add me and you'll never feel alone in runey
omg my bonecrusher only has 48k charges left its over
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wow she shows up online for me....weird...
im boybeasting
Insider here.
The real reason why the price for membership increased was because Brighter Shores, OSRS and RS3 will share a subscription to their respective game.
>inb4 source
what do you mean? you can get other things from imp jars too just like any enemy that drops clue scrolls. take a break to go do your clue scroll and then resume
What's this? :D
you have been able to sustain membership with a couple hours of afk alting for a very long time now, only imbecilic losers are at all affected by the price hike
Vardorvis wiki guide still has the bullshit of bellator being better than ultor.
>leech raids
>free bond
mind telling me which enemy has a 1/25 medium clue chance that dies instantly with one click?
gnomemonkey W
wikicels L
watch trader steve for moneymaking tips
20 slash is massive at vard, especially if youre using a soulreaper axe and your max hit is already super high
trader zzstevezz eydemzz
watch raider steve for raiding tips
death to butter sauce >:D
i don't like that gnomonkey guy he made an inferno guide, I tried to look at it and he was just yapping. like not actually giving useful information about the encounter. Barely explained anything
I just assume that is his whole content so I never watched anything again
didnt say there is one. just saying take a break from doing what youre doing when you get a clue scroll to do the clue scroll. stop arguing with me thx
What sort of alting
so what do you do with an extra araxyte fang on an iron? alch it?
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heres a hint
That channel is kind of shit

>"The OldSchool RuneScape economy is going CRAZY right now!!"
>thumbnail is just a random item's price going up because a bot farm got banned
>that's about it

>"I'm going to merch my way to the most expensive gear set!!"
>includes third-age items in like a retard
>they get merched and bullshitted their way up to like 50b (and climbing) for a set or some shit
>stops making episodes rather than just change the impossible goal

I don't get why the channel gets so many views
you hold it because someone said that they didnt like how the item was useless unless you grinded another zenny as a helmie and the jmod said they would "think about it" in a leddit thread

Irons are the faggiest cunts in the universe. Don't fucking pick the """"""(((harder)))"""""" game mode if you don't like harder game. Jesus fucking Christ.
I truly cannot stand Blast Furnace, I don't know what it is about it, but it makes me want to head to the rope store. In the past 4 hours I've managed 30 minutes of it.
I hated Giant's Foundry during the quest, but I didn't give it that big of a chance (just one confusing round), is it any less shit when you get into it?

Is there a secret third option for ironmemes?
anvil smithing isnt so bad (but you need bars obv)
cannonballs are 30k xp/hr but youll be set for life
The argument those people are using isn't about the game being harder, though??
It's about an item drop being useless once you already have one. A reasonable complaint considering like 40% of players are irons now
just logged back in
How many ores do you even have in 4 hrs you can make like 10k bars
just use the giants foundry plugin
its think of me thursday is anyone thinking of me
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You can have infinite ores as long as you have enough gp
maybe rsn?
It's not reasonable the whole idea of the mode is to create an arbitrary limitation to exist within the game that is balanced around trading. When you balance the game around ironmen the mode just means fuckall and might as well allow them to trade.
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on an island in the sun
well be playin and havin fun
They should just make dupe fangs exchangeable for another random unique roll or something, it'd be completely useless for anyone but irons (because who would give up an 80m amulet for a jar chance, or an 8m halberd piece).
ummmmmm a fang isnt worth 80mil honey
oh yeah, I just went by rancor's price, forgot to include the Torture needed to make it. Fine, 70m honeybaby
i remember when fangs were worth 400m and i got like 3 or 4 in solos on release shit was so cash i must have made at least half my total bank from toa
Yeah just completely devalue every single collection log in the game thats a great idea.
pretty much all of my bank value comes from toa release too
>nooo not the heckin' clog!! on irons!! At ~70m per chance!!!
I bet you whined about fire / infernal capes being able to be exchanged for pets.
or just stop making shit untradeable for no reason as it would benefit both irons and bondies that don't have the skill level to make it tradeble
actually a jmod announced that they were scrapping the chromium ingot mechanic for ironmen and that they could just buy ingots which is way more egregious then letting them get a bond or two off of a dupe rancor but given that none of you ever read any jagex publications before you sling your troglodytic opinions here i wouldnt have expected you to pick up on that
i actually did read that but i dont care about helmies let alone bonds because i have a job
irons should just get their own worlds with their own rules at this point so they dont have to worry about shitting on the economy
You have got a Herbietodt investment right?
>"Please give this one untradeable item a use"
why is your text green
im an ironman and i sound like that
I wanted to level my herblore, but yeah I kind of have to save it all until we know what herbloretodt is going to be like.
If it's shit I'm making my darn potions
babymoders shouldnt be allowed to talk about game balance
i dont really care about the game balance but i like to talk about it cause it riles you up i dont even play this game
i still dont get what a babymoder is is that some ageplay fetish for you or something you sick freak
ok a friend of mine just logged on now i dont feel so lonely
Your whole account is fucking devalued to negative 10. All the updates have made ironman so incredibly easy that it's easier to play one today than a normal account at the launch.
Players who can just get items from others instead of having to earn them themselves.
oh you mean like megascales?
I am also lonely
I knew someone would bring up raid boosts.
Yes, they are faggy, no, most players do not do them, because they aren't willing to spend ~$100 worth of gold per boost attempt
Thats a good point anon i hope your crying to daddy jagex helps you get some runescape clout
this might blow your mind but some of us play this video game for fun not for accomplishments
this thread is stinky can we post doings instead please
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my daily toa until fang
>no supplies zebak and kephri
>lose 10+ supplies on the fucking baba monkey room, not on baba, just the room before her
This shit infuriates me to no end.
skill issue
struggling on post nerf monkey room is very girlbrained
excuse me can i please ask a question
ok go ahead but you might not like my answers
ummm okay then rude bitch my question isnt for you

doings/listenings, thoughts/feelings??
yeah alright im too tilted, I am done for today boys see you tomorrow.
im not a boy
a new episode of by release was released (lol) 57 minutes ago and i only just got the notification omg this is terrible
j1mmy sucks
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a smidge of hunter rumors before my daily inferno attempt
i dont have many of those
im not unhappy but im not happy either
the last time i posted my listenings i got laughed out of the thread no way am i ever subjecting myself to that again
the only listenings link ive gotten upset at was some guy that linked a screamer basically and blew my eardrums out
post your listenings please im curious unless its something hideous and guamy in which case keep it to yourself you freak
oh dear im the only one who posted listenings and thoughts and feelings how embarrassing
araxxor i need fang + 1 hally piece
i should really go back to cox for rigour so i can start doing colosseum and inferno
It's that word that people like to use. Not an argument try again
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holy smokes this is gigantic for the iron girls
are they doing sales cause they think its gonna get fixed soon so theyre desperate for customers
Theyre probably doing a sale bc bonds are down, just my guess
fine heres my listening
spent about 10 hours total thieving in varlamore for my first master clue. it felt really accomplosinhing and stuff, really proud of myself for being able to finish one of these guys. did a second one too right after from watson. got a total of 600k loool.
ok im doing vyres and vyres and vyres and thieving and herblore and im listening to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AdRjtLMX0w
omg gnomonkey is live
wish he wasn't
is he doing inferno yet
hes doing barrows
gnomonkey ghcim plank compilation ( 4/5 lives lost)
wow that sounds really interesting
stop feigning interest we can tell youre lying
no babe barrows is really interesting i promise i tuned in
i would watch meriipu do barrows or even redwoods for hours
there was some huge drama in the meriicord earlier today im surprised it hasnt leaked yet
probably cause the meriicord is as real as the manifesto is you young dumb stupid bitch
personally i wouldnt ever watch someone like stinkiipoo, the only threadgirl who could hold my attention would be midzy with her extremely impressive ehp rates and impeccable taste in kpop. midzy really is the coolest threadgirl to ever bless osg we are lucky to have me.
for me its the d333cord
im getting 0.15 ehp an hour currently are u sure
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where's my pet... I don't even get loot...
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picking up where i logged off: geared up to fight money 2 boss. i got him down to 70 health but didnt ration my food well. but idk if i want to try again rn i might touch herbs in game then touch grass irl
im happy that ive been putting more effort into pvm lately and learning to switch prayers and react to stuff its rewarding to see progress
how do i get an invite to the midzycord
u dont
gm ily and i will give you a big gz once you defeat him
why does mining have to be so fucking tedious I hate this almost as much as I hate fishing
I wish I was back at the rooftops
awww does the little baby want a hug?
yes please
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barely containing my excitement for the summer summit
Bet your chair fucking stinks
you can flinch his p3 with crystal bow in the hallway if you put it on long range i think, you just shoot him once and then run away down the hallway and wait for his health bar to disappear and repeat or just beast mode him i believe in you
youll get it soon and youll come back to toa actually knowing how to pray and youll spoon purple after purple
maybe you could go for a fire cape soon but iunno the cooking cape is iconic
you have a very cute toon what is your rsn princess
she could just have one of her osg simp paypigs buy her a tbow
you have to be joking her toon looks ridiculous
tyty besties

ty i was kind of trying to do that but his teleport was very offputting and i was mixing up a bunch of different techniques randomly and confusing myself when i go back i will stick to one strat and pull it off
Midzy is it true what they say? Is it lonely at the top?
yeah its like that one initial d song
glough fight reminds of this guide where the dude just lights the grimy ranarr in the middle of it
which one
save me
my rsbf yelled at me today :c
this is a good tutorial thank you nice stoner man
whats a good gift for your rsso on your rsanniversary? my first thought was flowers but i worry thats overplayed and unoriginal and my second thought was something common but meaningful for our rsrelationship so i thought a soul rune but im worried thats taking things too seriously
how about a nice new pair of moles freshly opened from a clue scroll
a bond, to signify your bond
my rsgf knows i don't make much so we shared a pineapple pizza and each had a jug of wine and see looked me in the eyes and said she loves me no matter what i make and i cried and we cuddled until the server update
i look like a creepy rat
im doing my mahoganies!!!!!!!!!
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I don't understand why drugs that will turn you into an anxious drooling retard are legal but a therepuatic plant that has a plethora of positive long-term effects is still scrutinized and treated like a threat to society.
I found exactly one service that sells shrooms in my town and they only take cash, which I don't have. You also have to call them on the phone and talk to a real person directly. How the hell am I supposed to do that? I literally have panic attacks and struggle to not start shaking uncontrollably when I'm in a store talking to a person behind the counter. This is bullshit.
our mahoganies our going to be offset by an hour oops i forgot about our meeting
grow them babe
uh yeah bro drugs are actually really good for you or whatever
girls never heard of chicken of the woods lol imagine
i hate that guys stupid hat and his stupid face
just hit my xp goal for the day but i still have like 50 minutes before im going to bed hmm what to do
as for me personally i read a book its a nice way to unwind before bed
i go on tumblr before bed to look at some images
i usually read osg before bed but it does the opposite of unwind me
im a bit of a wind up merchant sorry
I just want the pickaxe
but that ring is good
gnomeonkey says rotg is overrated
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gz love
gnomeonkey said teleport crystals are overrated and then died to scurrius
common sminem L
this gnomokney guy sounds like a real twat
gnomonkey recommended that new players immediately nmz to full stats and then duo nex for max gear before touching any other content
moulding your entire personality around osrs is very unattractive to me
well luckily for me my tulpa loves hearing me yap about runey so i dont really care what you think
nike air girl....
well this isnt myspace we cant blog about other interests or the jannies get mad
when i was driving home from work today o actually daydreamed that i got a tupla and that id have to kill someone and she'd become real and i had a hard time deciding if i could go through with it if it happened anyways i just got an adamant platebody drop from a vyrewatch
id do it for her i think
if you daydream while driving then you may end up killing someone but the rest of that probably wouldnt happen
be careful
i think i unconsciously meditate or something when im driving especially on routes ive driven dozens or hundreds of times i get in the car and when i get home its like i dont even remember driving in the first place
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what animes do you watch while playing runegame i used to post in /int/'s /cum/ general a lot and here is their recs
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I feel like I could start crying at any moment. I can't believe how quickly my mood plumetted. I was completely fine for two or three months and now I'm back to this overwhelming despair and anxiety. I'm selling my body tonight and calling the number as soon as I wake up in the morning. I don't care. I need to rewire my synapses.
i dont watch moeshit the only one of those ive seen is nhk
nike air catfish is that you? ive been watching death note but i have to pause runey while i watch it so i can read the words
i dont watch a lot of anime cause reading the subtitles is annoying while playing but ive watched frieren recently and im looking forward to the witch hat atelier adaptation a lot
what vscape does to a nigga
do you actually think anyone cares or only ironically?
as for me i fell for the meme of studying japanese and i am at the level where i can interpret moeshit at least
i care a little but its not like i can do anything or say anything to comfort him so
what does she mean "selling her body"
i think shes gonna go donate plasma
nothing prob she just wants internet attention
shes gonna get dds speccd in the wildy for coins
don't forget to dilate before or it could cause an ouchie
aw dont lose your virginity like that shenny dont you want it to be special
i like to kiss everybody
alexa play kiss me thru the phone by soulja boy
planted mahogs its up to god to see if i remember to check them in 3 days
d spec your mom
they're obviously borderline so comforting them isn't gonna help anyway, it's just a part of the condition. what they need is a lot of therapy
rich homie quan just lost his hardcore status
shenny beast
chinese, japanese, mahoganys, vietnamese its all the same
purple knees
i got some leather chaps from a clue these are otherwise completely unobtainable and a possible item for charlie the tramp im not sure if i should just be -1 inventory space until charlie asks for them or if i should maybe drop them
anti lol
babymoders could never handle this type of pressure
omg blood runes exploding in price might have to do some rc again
i have some extra blood runes you can have
thats nice of you but someone else probably needs them more than me
what do you need from beginner clues
they're talking about politics again at gotr :/
you dont mean that
can someone tell me why the fuck I am hitting lower with amethyst darts on babas boulders than I was with rune?? I max 23s now when I was maxxing 25s before.
Shit got me killed.
then hide public chat or shut up idiot
youre not you brewed down or something
but im trying to make friends
I'm a bit of a creamy weam
kpop goods creamy weamy
kpop good is a fake weem she just does the single most afk f2p activity on her alt account she isnt fighting bots for silver rocks for a shred of crafting xp like me
no one likes a pick me quiet bitch
whats her main then
i am still performing lexical analysis on her posts i will let you know
can someone make a theory about me i feel left out
cweam uwu
i dont even play this game anymore i just like sis posting

This thread is ass this game is ass.
Removed from thread watcher.

Thank you.
thats so me except i play like 2 months out of the year
i think i know kpops good main but i dont want to say in case im wrong and cause a witch hunt
what ever happened to runefest isnt it happening this month or something why does no one talk about it
its happening saturday america afternoon
it got cancelled cause the hosting company they were using went bankrupt or something so they are doing the summer summit instead on the 7th
oh okay thanks
making garlic bread while fletching
im doing hunter rumours in silence couldnt think of anything to watch or listen to
i often turn the music off and id say i drive without music like 80% of the time and a girl once told me thats school shooter behavior but i think it is because i have a vibrant internal monologue
i always drive with music on ive just been listening to a lot of music lately and am a bit tired of listening to the same stuff. shows and movies have trouble capturing my attention a lot of the time so here i am, i dont really mind the silence though either
me personally i made a rym account recently and ive been autistically listening to lots of new music im trying to get up to 1000 rates its kind of like grinding xp in runey when you think about it and ive found a lot of new artists i really like
for me i find one song i really like and hyperfixate on it until i ruin it
im having a really fussy music day today i want to listen to something but nothing is hitting so im just jumping through my likes
what are rates is that just like a regular rating you give for artists?
its basically just letterboxd but for music, i dont think you can rate an artist or band specifically but you can rate anything in their discography which depending on whether or not your account has weighting will contribute to the rating of said release, people mostly just rate stuff though for personal reasons like for example if youre an autist who likes to make lists or categorize stuff. talk about the game im mining amethyst
what is my main i give you permission to say
Am I supposed to be bolting or blowpiping the final phase of the warden fight?
do you want me to teach you i have a track record of teaching osg members toa but to answer your question i think bolting would be better, bp is only good on things with very low defence generally speaking
here's my proof
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big bonk. tds so fun
still waiting to find out my mains name
seems kind of interesting i might check it out a bit, i definitely fall under the category of rating things for personal satisfaction but for me its storygraph. im also mining amethyst in runescape
you sound like midzy anti now
kpop good is acting really suspiciously and aggressively
i just think that someone thinks i am someone that i am not and is going to make the accusation while i am not here to defend myself and explain why i am not the person that i am not
patiently waiting for the manifesto
actually that is a good idea ill wait for you to go offline before i post it
i cant think of a single person that it could be that would cause a witch hunt that seems dramatic
*perks eyebrow* you sound like you have something to hide
are you talking to me
no shes talking to me kpop good
*shoulder checks you* hey, watch it!
my mind palace assigned kpop good to the helmie that raided with clommy idk if thats right or really even care and also i have no idea what their rsn is
wait thats also who i thought it was
goddamn that garlic bread was good now back to more fletching
when was this
its very good slayer xp. zero drops other than hard clues though, ofc
idk someone has been talking about how they raided with clommy in the past few threads and i just assumed that was you like i said im not really invested in the whole thing cause i dont care but its not like theres that many posters at this hour so i just assigned it to you
where the heck is saki
pretty blessed
t. fagronfagman
clommy is despa's alt but y'all aren't ready for that conversation
can you be quiet you dont know what youre yapping about theyre two beautiful threadgirls who have completely different vibes
despa is shit head bitch poster i think shes been vile recently
whats my vibe rsn juiceb0x
i can never tell despas posts apart from everyone elses unless she posts an anime girl drinking tea
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omg this is good for the acct
not me btw
Why the hell doesn't the salve omulet work on skeletal wyverns?
as a soulsborne vet with all the plats how challenging would 350 toa solos be?
hoping the alcoholism catches up and you get liver cancer vibe
tasty said megascaling cox in the latest behe video lol
some beer and runey is the best combo
what is my vibe rsn meriipu
huge good vibes when you were making fires for me
megascaling is the latest hot topic on runey twitter people wont shut up about it
how about my vibe rsn jaycutie
so i should buy some megascales before they go away
ive never seen kpop good and midzy in the same room personally
why do they care so much
well megascales shouldnt have been in the game but the fact that they have been for like half a decade at this point i think its too late to change
the idea is its against the spirit of the game mode
what game mode
raiding with anyone period is against the spirit of the game mode
they should make an omelette food item and if you cast dragonstone enchant on it you get an omelette of glory worth 1 teleport of the glory locations.
just saw an iron with fighter torso in 2k total worlds
maybe if tob didnt exist inb4 its soloable
>2k total worlds
sister youre both noobs here
i don't care what people do with their accounts
actually a 2k iron is basically a 3b babymoder
i am a 2250 total iron and when i max i am throwing a fucking bash and all of osg is invited
can i come im a f2p uim skiller
you might have to bond up desu
the only helmie i have is 1500 total it was a gim that i fished 40000 monkfish on and then never logged in again cause my group quit
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why does it say shes not online
if you want to tell me something you can tell me here in osg i dont feel like logging on
yeah this is why ill probably never make a gim
my group quit and i just continued solo. no downside to playing gim imo
you're not making any sense
gim is lame just make a normal ironman
what's the issue with just continuing solo? either your team doesn't quit and you can actually play as a group, or they don't and you just play solo ironman.
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>sick of blackjacking
>go pickpocket elves instead
>6 crystal seeds in 1k pickpockets
Wow I should have done this earlier
oh i thought you were the one fighting with bots for a shred of crafting xp but i guess not
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dare any of you to beat me
i think theres 3 f2p uims in here but i dont really count mine cause i dont actively play it at all anymore so its just you two
whos the one whos a weem with a dream
that was my osg wiki account name i think i dont remember
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ez for a gamer like me
im nasty
i don't like the idea of playing for a dead team
why are so many npcs missing from that game
because otherwise it would be literally impossible
theres not that many missing now they added a bunch recently
im about 80% confident the weam poster is the im a uim poster
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good luck nobody can tie this without cheating
im a uim is just a thread saying it fell out of fashion though
took me 8 tries on that 1
for me personally it became a way of life and now i am getting 85 smithing on the f2p uim skiller
i dont like this game every npc name i type in doesnt even exist even iconic ones whats the point
My only Friday class was cancelled
what npcs are you looking for
who could have ever guessed lady of the lake
well for example you cant guess aggie who is one of the main residents of draynor village it seems weird to me to not even allow her as an option
i went ali morrisane > juliet > lady of the lake
only female NPC i could think of that was released around that time
the problem is in draynor theres like ned the wise old man and a few others right next to each other so its probably best to just remove one and aggie is less iconic than the other two
bro what aggie is far more significant than ned and also theres morgan and fortunato and martin and leela
expert mode has every npc and it isnt really fun
aggie is an annoying bitch i hate her
is it okay to respond to a an hour old conversation because i thought neko enjoyer was KPOP GOOD and theres also i enjoy kpop i think all three of these people are connected they might be the same person
kpop good is i enjoy kpop i am neko enjoyer and im not her
actually we are all the same person can you write a manifesto about it
im making a gassyfesto
wow can you write a manifesto
about what
kpop good is eala's alternate ego
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just sold my fang to buy a scythe for slayer
>selling my body
what do you mean exactly
do you think she will post an update tomorrow
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yeah im thinking it's time to buy some bonds
isn't that like 9m
credit card anon
does j1mmy like boys
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hit 3k boars herbed wowee half way to rate
actually thats not even halfway i thought it was 6k but its 6.5k fuck my gay life
>fagex never going to release a boss weak to stab again because fang exists
all toa needed was masori and fang without its spec but instead they released the shadow which obsoleted every magic weapon in the game
>raids 1 rewards range bis
>raids 2 rewards melee bis
>raids 3 rewards mage bis
obviously not the same. bowfa still tops tbow at some bosses, soulreaper tops scythe for 2x2/1x1 sized monsters, but if you have ancesteral then theres no reason to use anything but a shadow
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just get it
bowfa is bis at literally one boss
thats the plan thanks
sire and leviathan
im going to go to papamichaels house and lure his herbi out of the portal with a wedge of cheese
bowfa kind of reminds me of the bofa (both of) these nuts joke
they should have named it faerdhinen's bow then people would call it fbow
tom and jerry ahh plan
>no 4th raid can be released until they release necormancy
its over
bowfa was only bis on the respiratory system and scorching bow is better anyway so like i said 1 boss
shush the flip up bitch
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cheeky fishing level inshallah chunky monkey is so cozy watched john wick 4 while getting it. was alright but no way he’s actually dead
i concede, however that's still one more than the shadow
i dont even understand what youre trying to argue at this point
Why do you have a cube on your map
nothing i just don't like how there are over a dozen useless unique magic weapons
it sucks every account spawns in with a shadow and all magic items are alch value cause everyone just has a shadow
you say that as if 95% of the playerbase isn't 2200+ total with a 5b bank
im a mogger and a top g bruv
i think youre delusional and also a retard is what i think
why arent you complaining about the half a dozen useless
>2h swords
and so on. seems kinda arbitrary that you are complaining that a trident of the swamp was power crept but not the hundreds of other weapons
im delulu :3
can i see ur bank
i specifically said uniques
ok can u give examples
just discovered my rune scimmy was powercrept im gutted
i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread and me posting my bank would mean nothing but i don't expect you to understand that
who up twisting they torstol
lol. lmao even. can you use a trip so we know when the smartest poster in the general posts going forward to just not even argue please and thank you
im up sipping my coffee
im up foundring my giant
i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread
i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread and me posting my bank would mean nothing but i don't expect you to understand that
i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread and me posting my bank would mean nothing but i don't expect you to understand that
im sipping some root beer
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it’s mecca you infidel
that wasn’t me that even asked whyre you mean? i don’t even drink and post anymore
poor juiceb0x
whys your text mean type vibe
muslims worship a minecraft block lmao
im so happy rn this has been the best day of my life
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huh thats a rare sight
not as rare as my untrimmed farming cape
just got an attack level
huge. so what’re you gonna do now?
probably work towards my next attack level im not sure
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I didn't know they made a sequel.
mining barronite
i dont think i just do
feeling weamy
i just touched heaps of grass now im going home to finish off monkey business 2 im gonna do it this time fr
you better
or else what
idk i was trying to be encouraging gl
i know i sound conceited but im the smartest poster in this thread
considering i have a phd in math and you dont i seriously doubt that
me personally im one of the dumbest bitches in here probably
girlbrain + pot smoker yeah you're definitely up there
i believe i am exactly the median intelligence of the thread i have a bachelors degree in math
im not a pot smoker
omg did you make jarvis.py
you were a former smoker and it shows
can you guys stop talking about drugs its hideous i feel like im at wintertodt right now
i'm drunk killing basilisks listening to older sister asmr
im tormenting my demon
youre accusing the wrong person of being a girl brained pot smoker sorry to say its me and im the median
plorpin time
what do you look like?
what the blud
ermmm what the spruce
im working late
cause im a skillerrrr
smoke the zaza cut the redwood
i look like helen of troy
i look like heath ledger the joker
im foundring my giant still
for me its hunter rumours i wonder what the next rumour is it gonna be herbiboar or moonlight antelope stay tuned
its herbiboar
its herbibover...
jages release leagues already i want to grind the 2k monkey thing
eggless hag moment

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