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stfu wowfaggots

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493224797
Do I add a boob mole to my miqo'te
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Man I love miau miau
What keeps you awake tonight, /xivg/?
How do I join Appalcord? To play the game with her.
make her a cup size bigger too
i have to pee pretty bad
femlala cunny
Drank some coffee an hour ago and have nothing to do.
why does akemi have so many orbiters? you know its a red flag being here and its even worse if you are possibly a girl.
Hello /xivg/.

I shall be making a fresh character to start over. What male race shall I be? What job?

I shall make an outfit for each expansion, so ARR new adventure garb, HW winter etc etc

Which is the most comfy?
On it Anon

They'd be TOO big then
This but Kong's cunnycord
horrible stomach pains and also trying to decide if I hit the fanta
also beating my meat to over 100 pictures of Miau Miau
you can use a femlala for that
She's dead, Jim
Sitting in a PF waiting for one (1) melee DPS to show up so we can get going.
catboy supremacy
pedos are pre-filtered out sorry!
catboy carpenter
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>Keep seeing my initials spammed and think "wtf did I do this time", realize its the illegal version of my initials.
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alt leveling, it's nap time for me now
im a melee :D
cunny cunny UOH TToTT kaniii
sometimes i forget just how much you lurk here musclebun
>Male Race
Whatever you want, but if you want to have one picked for you either any Hyur or Malera

>What Job
Warrior and or Dark Knight
Can I be invited to Kongcord please
don’t know
don’t care
i’m gooning
I am a moonie thinking of erping with random people because my eb neglects me
Do you want to socialize with people normally? Midlander.
Do you want to be left alone except for getting stray compliments? Hrothgar.
Either way start gladiator to coast through the early game on tank queues.
>play the game
pretty sure the only games played in there are deadlock and mabinogi right now
Horny, but also realizing that I can't fool around or be non-committal with these online things now that I'm starting my 30s. Or rather, I definitely shouldn't even though I could.
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Malera if you wanna be unique
There is no malera scion
Be a machinist since it's a job the WoL makes from scratch
>mahjong dosent pop
>cc queue is ass right now
I just want to play the game...
holy shit that sends me back
im a moonie but the moonie lovers are not around
my moony acts like this
Post your late night femras right NOW!!
stupidass cat
Always here just never feel like posting char.
Kong and I are friendly acquaintances, but I'm not in it. I generally hate discord, so I don't join the groups.
I slept at 6pm because I felt really sick so I woke up
Still exhausted and sick I wonder if I'll die soon
I love cunny btw
There's your in
post her tits then
i fell asleep and then woke up
and I had JUST gotten a sort of normal sleep schedule back too
Where do I find the horse album?
And gacha games like ZZZ and Limbus Company.
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Let ME IN! I want to shitpost with the greats...
But I thought Kong hated pedos?
Ask Kong to invite me
Nothing, I just woke up. Work is also keeping me from going back to bed.
I was playing vidya up until 3:30 am so now I need to wind down and shitposting here hits the spot
Would erp with this fiddie if I had courage to ask
my desire to be plapped before bed
t. femra
Me too sis I wanna be in the grammy's...

I will help

THERE ISN'T ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Nevermind, I no longer want to be in Kongcord.
Nice cunny.
Don't know any of these people besides macchi
This fiddie is BUILT for anal training
Kong is a pedo wdym
It's 10am I'm wide awake
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Protect hebe queens.
Destroy hebephobes.
Anxiety and lack of sleeping pills

Well thankfully I'm not bouncing around from man to man and just trying to be with one
And yeah, I'm dumb, I'm aware, whatever
You must threatened the state of my mind, you're Most wanted suspect
Elezen shoujo...
Well I'm working on making it the truth. I haven't done anything crazy in what may be a full week now
I'm just holding her back from getting (You)

Anyway sorry for answering the original question, it's been a while since I talked about it so I figured anon was genuinely asking.
Can I make one?
Yeah I figured
Technically you're right but I don't consider anything based on gacha to be a real game
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How does Mare work exactly? Could someone INFECT my PC with an EVIL VIRUS through a mod?
Also do other people get blasted with my cunny mods? Can they report me for it?
That is a den of schizophrenia
Ma'am if I was going to just settle for any picture of your ass I've had hundreds of opportunities. I want to appreciate fine art for a change.
why does kong let people into diapers and loli into his discord
>post her tits then
Quick booba mole, with either change it/make it bigger tomorrow
You stayed up until you only had 3 hours to sleep before work like 2 days ago
how do i make my fiddie look 12?
yes all that does happen, try if you date
Claire is kinda cute, it's a shame really.
those could definitely be bigger, but still very nice booba
i really really like this
it only downloads what you are currently using/the other person is currently using, as long you dont turn cute and funny, they wont see it
Is viper even good in PvP? What am I supposed to be doing?
make it black and irregular around the edges like a melanoma
awaiting catboxes
there was an irl meetup
Carboys are cute... MOONIE BOYS...
Dark or light version?
Malera Dark Knight does sound kino
Hrothgar are good but so hard to make... good idea on the job tho
I have never paid attention to the lore but that does sound interesting
>be in duty with full crystal party and 1 aether healer
>healer fucks up on every single boss singlehandedly causing over 14 wipes
>am dps so know my queue would be longer than just finishing
>tank has the patience of a saint and keeps trying to help and pointing out mechanics and what to do
>wiping on last boss
>healer has meltie and throws a shitfit and then quits
>lala crystal healer comes in and we win
Starting to think it's actually Aether players who are bad.
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you're cuter
Idc about them seeing it, I wanna know if I can get reported
It's not like they can go "SE I used mods to see the other guys mods! Ban him!" right?
do some damage and uhh....
>14 wipes
yeah that happened
>when the "thread schizoposter" I meet is actually a nice person and then find out that they were being skinwalked by a old hater from the past or some random shtposter wanting a quick (you) without tanking their own thread cred

my eyes have been opened
Do you like male midlanders?
I'm Raen, but people prefer Xaela generally. What to go is personal preference though. If you're meant to be malera you'll know when you find the right one
like claire?
magness is actually just a normal dude
It's fun but incredibly garbage. It's ironically best at stalling the point via scales > guard > reset+scales but any hard CC like a chunk of LBs makes it an incredibly fragile strat. When it works it works though.
This happened to me with Tikaasi, she’s nice.
They just invented guns so there's no "old gun chudchad crystal" you can eat to get gun powers
It's all you and the machinist's guild
Very cool
i like the ones that don’t use ardbert face
I believe this
That guy is just a fucking faggot
Dream forward to the future of this world!
Claire & Beepy.
What's wrong Akemi, what's causing you anxiety tonight?
Yeah that won't happen.

I've been playing this game for almost 6 years and the only time someone got banned for using mods was during the DSR/TOP world race because they were streaming them to a massive audience. But aside that I have NEVER seen anyone banned out in the wild
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what glams are like these?
post more :D
Claire is definitely a shitty person though. Just kot a weirdo schizo like Kong or Machi.
Well you're not getting any!
Yes, I do that often

I'll make attempt #3 at falling asleep now
Just a lot things.
i wish the real tikaa would post more
Kong and Macchi are horrible people, Claire is nice.
Ok these cracked me up
Regularly staying up like that is a sign of mental unwellness
Thank you! If I make them any bigger like only 10% bigger

Roger that anon
>t. Claire’s skinwalker
This applies to MOST of the common names in the thread. Some are actually just like that. ZT is exactly the same in the thread and out of it, but he's usually pretty funny so it's not really bad.
Totally legitimate posts
Neat! Thanks!
All very doable.
"What glams?" is not a question though.
wrong, claire's cool
Good because I don't use that face
claire is a mid highlander, you can find plenty like that and with half the mental illness too
I just don't understand why. Please explain.
it's only the 5th..
My experience with that was the other way around. Claire was a weird pushy sexpest, Kong and Macchi have only ever been nice with me.
Kong came from reddit. He's a faggot
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Anyone want to farm level 97 dungeon for glam pieces?
Nowhere is safe...
It's pointless to explain why, there's nothing I can say. My words would all be meaningless anyway.
one more b4 i go to work anon /pet
i'm here pretty often i just don't post pics much
Redditors and faggots are awful people.
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Rate the new hat please
Also I just now found out about the vertical preview shader option, I literally had no idea this existed for the last 4+ years I've been taking shader'ed screenshots
Claire is nice, Kong and Macchi have only ever schizo'd me.
Claire doesn’t even like sex or erp, futard.
then come to bed dear
i have needs..
I'd still like to hear them . . .
based and cute
i didnt notice in the other one
I never post catboxes because I don't want people to get negative attention for making lewds with me, sorry
Holy fuck I loled
This guy must be theo's hero
I wish that was true because god it was the weirdest fucking interaction I've had the misfortune of sitting through in this game.
>Noo people aren't falling for my schizoposting!! They like Claire and I HATE her
Get a job.
so many cute girls to pick up
What game is this?
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felt like posting
You’re a shit detective and a shit propagandist.
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I use gut instinct to tell me if someone is schizo or not and I've never been wrong so far
most arr leveling gear
If I had a fake interaction in my head where I played the victim I'm sure I'd feel the same way you do.
I used to play a female Raen, they have cute faces. I believe the Kugane Au ra are all Raens, so maybe my roleplay could be that..! Thanks anon!
That honestly sounds better than all of the other jobs I've done lol. I usually play tanks/healers for queue times but I can swap to Mch when I get to HW...
hello hater of slater
>Claire is nice.
I don't know if this is claire still trying to force himself or if he successfully gaslit more people into believing him.
Not sure which is worse.
Sorry, but Claire has schizoposted me countless, countless times.
stop feeding the femras
fail raid, trooncord
People will hate you guys for just telling the truth lol hello claire defense schizos I see you in the replies here already!
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>slowly crawls across the floor
mlem mlem mlem mlem mlem
Kugane Au Ra are Raen, yes. Xaela are relatively exclusive to the steppe
She's never been anything but nice to me. Macchi Ato and Kongnamul have tried to dox me.
why lie though
you might even call her... mlemenon
femra are truly disgusting and vile creatures
Never interacted with Kong but a friend of his outed him as Lina flake in alter by accident. After seeing his histrionic rage quit melty in thread I can safely assume he's a faggot
cute doll /pet
my femlala needs a full spine adjustment,,
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post whatever idk
Spamming nigger in open Poals isn't a personality
>EU hours
>nobody talks about the game, just ebin drama
this episode is getting kinda boring
>"X has never been anything but nice to me/has been nothing but nice to me"
Am I the only one who nootices how consistently this phrase gets said about shitty people
It's a cool hat
all me gaslighting kek
i didn't say it was
If you get a normal sleep schedule you'll only rarely need to interact with EU
It's funny
you shouldn't let NA ebins come over here to stirr up drama then
Its their favorite episode. Like children, they watch it over, and over, and over, and over.
they're the type of people where they're either nice to you or they've decided ahead of time that you're a shithead in which case they'll schizo you for fun and to bond over how much fun they're having schizoing you, im in the nice pile so my opinion is valid
No you are not but it's funny how every mention of Kong calls him an ass
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Because niceness is a self defense mechanism. Kindness is a defining trait.
>you shouldn't let NA ebins come over here to stirr up drama then
no one goes to eu the fuck.
You're being a schizo right now so you're just as bad as them.
NA is asleep, EU is at work, who is even here right now
On my way to your bed
I'll take care of all your needs and we'll only go to sleep until you're fully satisfied
>horrible shithead defending horrible shitheads
okay buddy claire won
unfortunately, i am european
thank you anon /smooch
>nobody talks about the game
Aight then why don't I ask for advice. So I've been recently progging a ultimate, however, for the past 2 weeks or so I've had horrible PF luck (2 pull disbands, you know the drill). I've been recently getting demotivated to continue prog so I ask how do you manage to keep motivation up when shit like this inevitably happens
leviah post
Does it ever get used for actually nice people? Even unknowingly I feel like it's just used on shitty people and actual normal people are just "Yea they're nice/pleasant to be with" rather than "Well they're nice to me."
Leviah went to sleep 7 hours ago.
Wow who could be behind the same mentally ill posting habits during seanigger hours
Yeah, Claire.
im not even logged in, sorry. just horny shitposting..
bed time gn
>someone's been flooding the thread with LT schizoposts this whole week
clearly that's a fucking lie
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My femra is like this
leviah has been at lb14
you'll never find out whooo heheheheheeee
almost just typed out the laugh in a really identifying way
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I'm so sorry for you anon
I'll be praying for the swift recovery of this thread
idk what to tell you other than to keep pushing through it
this isn't a great time for ults since people are busy with other shit and they already take a long time to fill
if your schedule allows for it joining a static would make things much easier
Teleporting to your bed and plapping you hard for being such a horny shitposter...
bollywood looks fun.
XIVG: Gaslighting you on ebins, Gatekeeping the hub zone, and Girlbossing all of the cliques general.
which one of these is EU
all of them, we don’t claim them
I know! I don't actually give a shit
None, they're all NEET amerifats
many such cases
+ or -
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Why do people like mezcal? What's the appeal?
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Every time I post from this folder people think it's actually MM posting despite me saying it's not
You're racist if you wouldn't have sex with a femlala
XIV really is about being the queen meangirl. We like this, tho.
Probably what I'm going to do since I'm at one of the only 2 walls of the fight

>joining a static would make things much easier
It would, but unfortunately my schedule wouldn't allow for it and I have nothing cleared or too show to make statics want to let me join (i've never done a savage and jumped straight into ulti)
if you have the gil then you can offer a merc run to help you prog, otherwise just remember that your enjoyment comes first and you don't need to suffer if you aren't able to get anywhere
the one with the eu. URL, what do I win?
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That all make me go eeeeuuuugh
night shift
my middie is mister world wide
sorry not sorry tho..
mate that's because I had to type the name and I'm on eu, the rest were na links on google
Seriously. I've tried it a few times and every time it was one of the worst drinks I've had
Typical Americans shifting the blame..
>Does it ever get used for actually nice people?
i am a moony on aether with cock and balls
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work and a bad night :(
>Ebin lala had a meltie two years ago
>caught in the crossfire
>Still ip range banned from posting images
My hatred for them grows with each passing day
name and shame
mieraaa... are any of you up to join me in my bed..
Just move country retard
They don't go to your servers, don't go to your discords and schizopost. But EU does!! Thread is shared territory, but no na ebin transfers to eu.
Nah go fuck yourself nigger
i drink it only to establish trading relations with hung pelupelu boys but i somehow always wake up in a hut feeling a bit sore after. guess i'm a bit of a lightweight...
That would be helpful yeah! Unfortunately im also broke as fuck. Might ask a few friends help after their done progging TOP
never get involved with drama! especially ebin drama! I was rangebanned for a year almost and could only phone post because of some retard and would never want to bring that upon myself willingly
these are eu hours you daft cunt
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cool hat!
Is it warm and do you have a soft pillow and can I nap or do alchemy crafting?
I wonder how many people are still rangebanned from lily
It was the fucking pink rat. I was not even involved I had asked about crafting and gil in that thread without an image
Is the real miau miau even around on the thread?
she's asleep
i would prefer you be VERY careful if you're doing alchemy on my bed but everything else is a yes
Not gonna let you go to bed now and will just keep plapping you till you can't go on any longer as punishment..
Grrrrr........goodnight! smooch!
is she gonna have huge tits too
i hate that faggot too
What was the melty about?
get away from me ugly bitch
i like my cunny natural and without lip injections or whore makeup
built for bbc
are you a moonie
my snowviera queen
They should figure out how to swap between PVP and PVE mode in this game so we can have duel arenas in cities, imagine duelling in the uldah arena
Look at this fucking creature
actual cr*nge
I promise I won't spill anything
They should let mounts in cities cause you can't even fucking show them off anywhere relevant
Something about image spam, porn and then spoiler images that had beheaded africans while the text in posts was faking about posting a catgirl and talking about pvp rotations normally
i seriously want to fill this middie with cum
When I wake up I come to xivg and start posting about Kong and then people call me Kong
No, I'm just not a pedo
stop forcing yourself
Certain cities can have mounts. No mounts in S9 is a fucking crime though CONSIDERING IT HAS GIANT STREETS
okay thank you...
femlala unfortunately but consider this isn't even a sexual offer i just have a LOT of extra room on my bed
anyone else get disconnected?
>erp with tranny (said so in their info) because they approached me first
>whatever, their femra is pretty
>basic stuff, nothing great but nothing bad
>turn up the dial a bit with pregnancy to see what happens
>they immediately put 10x the effort into writing and gets gushy afterwards
I may have discovered a dangerous tool that could be used for evil if it fell into the wrong hands...
i will find you somehow
Goodnight cunny
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what's the xivg equivalent of this?
Morgan getting rekt by Appal or whoever he's melting about now.
wow is for transgenders
Gn. /smooooch
He's not even at home rn
Gonna fuck your ass while you sleep

Nope! Normal-sized.
whats it taste like i figured it was just fancier tequila
>it's not me! it's just my obsessed stalker that knows where i am by echolocation
I will be waiting for you
Tequila is a type of mezcal, mezcal is any liquor made with agave, tequila is made in the tequila region or something
You should do that to me instead...
mezcal is any agave liquor
tequila is only blue agave
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Why is there constant wow posting at this time of day? It's in every thread now in some form. Was DT really that bad?
Post ass
stop drinking so much
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Waking up at 2am burger time for work today.
>why is there wow posting when my neet ass is up spamming it
the wow expansion and dawntrail are both so shit that we're fighting for worst expansion
thanks,im not a big tequila person so i didn't know
Femra? Not a fan!
Transbian vs Non-Transbian factions. Choose your side carefully.
discordtrannies love raiding generals
making random golems
No, TWW was that bad though
How do I pose mouths like this
it was so easy doing like a normal smile / frown and now it's painful
Kong? Big Fan!
Why is it so smooth... Bitch needs some skin texture
So hard to make friends in this game
Kyoppers? Nopers!
nah smooth glossy butts are the future
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My WoL looks and acts like this.
alliance has space goats, but they suck at raiding, horde are better at the game generally, but they don't have space goats
Get over here and spank some texture onto it then
used maid panties sell well on the aftermarket yes yes!
cute croissant
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I think its the gasoline and smoke notes that get me. I don't dislike tequila as like a shot, but mezcal is a sipping thing and even with the salt and orange I just cant fuck with it.
Serves you right. Besides, if you want to establish trade relations with a people known for their booze, you should bring your own to level the playing field.
i need to have sex with a catboy
looks like a balloon animal
that's not the line
Tell me where then
Is this that one angry pvp fiddie who got banned twice?
Femra? Rape.
you cant stop me from drinking whiskey and ginger ale
There are a minority of Xaelas in Kugane who appear to be integrated in Hingashi culture https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Unryu
I'm having too much fun bullying the fuck out of an adorable anon
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Nice pumplander
may we plap?
whos the noname55 of ffxiv
he uh
he died, right?
>bizarro fc leader
>plays a female rava-
>posts conspiracy theories on fc discord all day
>asks weird questions when joining fc like "would you sacrifice 1 to save 5"
>check search comment earlier tonight
>it's been changed recently to say "LF tgirl"
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Met an abbo fella who did this once
I can't tell if these are made by xivggers or reposts from a twitter account. I'm not used to a photo that isn't just coombrained smut.
Weary Traveler
its from twitter
xivgers don't put giant copyright logos, that's japanese twitter shit
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I can see it.
My miera loves it when you pull his hair
>Serves you right
what does this mean i just get a lil sleepy is all
let me sex
>would you sacrifice 1 to save 5
Do I know either of the 6? If it's just 6 randoms, then obviously not.
where are her breasts
Do you have a link for said image? I really love these posts. I get tired of gooning all day to the same 3 or 4 schizo gams.
also sex
womb tattoo stuff is always hot
>modbeast femra that removed their horns and got oni horns and elf ears instead
Depends on whether the conspiracies theories are true.
What's going on here?
bros how do we solve the prison gay problem
I made my miqo's chest bigger
Why is it a problem?
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thought i'd do my beast tribes. finished the omicrons tonight.
don't have the energy to do the araksadora quests or whatever else ones I can do on lower level combat classes.
i'm probably gonna drink cheap sake til I pass out.
Anyone wanna watch Indian street vendor videos with me?
sometimes less is more guys
I love cunny and cunny-adjacent women so fucking much
What body mods PLEASE?
Is Kyoppi here? I can smell soiled daipers
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erm... what the spruce
*plaps u first*
this something i love watching but i don’t interact with people from here
Accept they're not prison gay, they're just gay
Don't even know why I post here, accounts been frozen for weeks.
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Sorry that was me
Damn. I'm hoping to find some new ones
I was prison gay now I'm bi
that’s my femra’s neocloaca
throw in some random street food videos and then sure
If you have energy to obsess over ebins you have energy to provide more love to your EB
You should be lovey dovey with them NOW
So.. prison gay?
Find me one and I will
That's what I mean
my eb is an amerishart and asleep, thems the works innit
I unironically like futa
i dont obssess over ebins or have an eb,so what the fuck do you want me to do
I post here so I can hope to make a friend maybe one day
i like pregnant futa
Rape, sex and cum are the holy trinity of /xivg/
I'm not gay, I just want to give a cute transgirl a handjob while cupping her tits.
*plaps you harder*
thanks babe
see you again?
i would but they told me they hated that so I bottle it up and feel miserable instead
I'm not prison gay I just like raping.
Three M2S pulls ended by server disconnections on random players so far.
there are no straight men here
oh my bad,i'd be down because i have nothing else to do at 5 am
>He thinks it's prison gay and not actual gay
I had sex with a woman irl yesterday
its so lame that all of the cool floral gpose studios are on jp servers and the na ones are stuck with modernslop and erp dens
I miss you, Nemh.
Should I finally join discords to see what xivg is actually like beyond the pale or should I remain ignorant? Moisturized. In my own lane.
I don't care about having sex in or out of game because I know I'm unlovable so all I do is talk about the game
The public discords are coomer weirdos
Appalcord is his personal harem
Primalcord is Zir Waddington bitching about whatever made him angry today
Join Appalcord
damn she has hiv now
>coomer weirdos
you just described everyone on /xivg/ including yourself
Floral gpose studios as in a house they use solely for cottagecore screenshots like the one above? Or did you mean its an app?
Brain mush, cannot comprehend.
>zenos cutscene ruined by the falling particles glitching out and having square boxes around them
What the fuck
I should rejoin appalcord
zir sloppington isn't even from primal doe
>appal mentioned
>zir mentioned
certified kong tranny post
that sounds like your reshade messing up
he doesn't have any more room for himcesses in his harem
I never really see the squid hair used
Kong's in Rylaicord (public coomer discord), he wouldn't insult himself like that.

t. pyromancer
He is originally from primal
Give example of what Zir is bitching about
xivg i kind of want to drink today what kind of liqour do you recommend
I noticed this when it snowed in urqopacha. Wasn't constantly flickering but switching to 60fps solved it for me.
I've already cum to pictures of his thighs a few times, it's too late for that
I think I'm in primalcord but I've never actually posted someone just invited me
I'm scared... I think I'll just keep playing with my femra on my lonesome.
better question
how do we solve the str*ight problem
Bourbon straight. It's boring, it doesn't make you look like a tough guy or interesting, but golly is it good.
did I stutter
old fashioned garnished with cum
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futa is boring, it's just for cowards that are afraid of liking dick
>there's a primalcord i was never invited to
i see how it is
Every xivg cord sucks desu, just keep to dms with people you give a shit about.

Kongcord is morgan bitching about whatever is going on today but Kong also helps everyone automate the shit parts of the game so it's a 50/50 situation
a white russian does sound pretty ok
i rarely drink bourbon straight i usually mix it with stuff but that does sound like a good idea and probably wont be tough on the wallet
though there's some schizos frencord is (mostly) ok and jilkcord is fine if you ignore the nigger riri
>every xivg cord sucks
>but here's why i like kong cord
so transparent
I have the cure here
>he's still running old KeepUI and not REST
The good xivg cords are the ones nobody talks about
sis that's not even a bad futa
it's not a great one by any means but that's still well within the realm of normal shit that you could get off to
get one of those retarded smegmabeasts from the qs
i like ririten he’s hilarious
this, kennel mogs and is never mentioned
didnt morgan get himself laughed out of the thread
I want to fuck a reasonably sized futa in the ass
cuddle puddle remains the best xivg cord
riri isn't ririten, he's a cunnycoded femra/lalafell from /trash/
he's a german AND a lalafell
truly the two worst things you could be
where did you get them...
I honestly no idea who anyone is at any given time so I have no frame of reference for who these characters are. Who are the most trustworthy and stable amongst the xivg crowd?
yeah I just now found it on my twitter page
theyre at lb14 talking about worlo right now
>Who are the most trustworthy and stable amongst the xivg crowd?
Korkana Ryubi.
Robert Chidori.
Akemi Sanzo.
Claire Hearthbarrow.
Tikaasi Mutei.
These are the pillars of our community.
He's at lb14 talking about how the game should be more like wow
No Heiko?
The only ones I check in with regularly are kennel and foxcord. Sometimes jebcord to see if anything new was posted in the food channel.
That's not important and there's one that's not hard to find
pretzel :)
Horde has goblin wives though
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Good morning /xivg/
im thinking of some catboy who was down bad for some femra, haven't seen them in a while
Every wowfugee that posts here is like this. Why?
that’s rumi/morgan, he’s a femra now
good morning cute femra
i enjoy the occasional firearm talk
Why isn't he just playing TWW? It launched like a week ago, is it dead already?
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haha you were close :)
sorry I just jizzed on your eyelid
Triangulating your IGN right now, clique agents are en route to your ass.
ok but is it the dude at lb14 rn
what's foxcord
am I missng out on good info from the resident smart bimbo
That whole list is creepy sexpests aside from Akemi for the time being
Tikaasi's stability disappears when they see a wild L'fah
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okay so the metal dyes, and the fabric of the outfit? which is black and a neutral color that goes well with other colors. but not the purple feathers... the scouting top doesn't have this problem, what the hell
i love these hours! talking about ebins and discords is peak. We like this.
Fox Mulder roleplay server
i dunno if they were ever a catboy
Problem: I'm not in appalcord since the purge
It's mostly just like 6 people posting pictures of huge tits and learning about whatever fox's fetish of the month is
spooky club is becoming stronger...
those last three people are walking meltdowns lol
akemi's at least ""nice"" but she's still a walking font of drama
these are the worst hours, it's EUfags and NA neets who've stayed up too late
you people are so easy it's actually boring
>It's mostly just like 6 people posting pictures of huge tits and learning about whatever fox's fetish of the month is
sounds exceedingly based
i should ask him for an invite
It's pretty great yeah
It's also where I get about half of my pictures of Vexa
>just the last three
I think that's the point of their post
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Damn I was starting to wonder why it isn't opening.
>DPS in need for expert roulette
Yeah thats what we call a middie winner.
I'm new here, qrd on akemi?
Please reply to me with Malera?
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>yfw wheelchairs mentioned again
>eu hours
>nonstop talk about discords
I'm suspicious of your intent so I think I won't
t. eu poster
my malelala watches nick fuentes on rumble every day and gets angry when he sees minorities minding their business
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stop anon i already know im worthless
I want inspiration
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Sometimes I see this middie and feel jealous because she's good looking. Then I remember there's a dude running a ton of mods behind the screen and all that feeling goes away.
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Invite me whenever the fotm becomes loli
I hope this helps you feel better
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no go away i know you dont mean it
Same thing as the other guy but instead of the feeling going away I just think it's based
This month is shock collars so I think we're going in the other direction
that's diesel
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Okay, and?
What mod for those sexxo clothes
I want to befriend you and show you the validation and care you need to break out of your ways and become a wholesome member of society.
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What was last month?
@f+ people itt
why is there not an ivcs flaccid dick for the nyl hotdog mod? am I retarded or do you need to do some weird shit? I want my custom scalings to work on both
damn it... you could be my perfect menhera wife...
And nothing? Your cat is good looking too, but doesnt hit the same way because catgirls are a fantasy creature.
good luck been trying that with my eb and all they do is triple down on "im bpd" "im depressed" "im just like this and always will be"
im not menhera just very lonely i dont have it in me to do the whole obsessed stalker bit
Surprisingly, path of exile

Bros why are we playing a woke game?
is it really true that Rob Chidori @ Balmung runs this place?
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Cool, but I don't want to play into your caregiver fetish out of spite for how you'll toss me away once you've gotten what you want or given up. It seems you'll have to settle for going fuck yourself.
Fat Cat Fact #279

Even Fat Cats can make mistakes
menhera is the mentally ill biofem aesthetic, it has nothing to do with yanderes
imagine being this mindbroken to make such a list
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You know this entire list is shit based on this entry alone
>spot the catgirl that big tonka tries to pass off as his eb in poses
>they have a heart for a completely different person in their search comment
towa big tonka t bros...... not like this.............
Nice butt!!!
mid day femezen
Owari da...
im not mentally ill unless being a friendless loser counts
menhera isn't yandere, though they can be related
menhera is just your average nutcase on here or discord or something
>nonbinary mc
>it's literally a child to self insert onto
We need another friendless loser meet up we haven't had one in a while.
it's nyover...
I'll self insert my penis in you in a minute
Do I add a scar under my miqo's eye? Conflicted on whether or not it'd look good
RY really takes his false flag op seriously
>Crassius sexually exploits you while in a direct position of power over you
>Hmmm is this pro-lgbt?
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whoever made this has brain damage
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Erm... You're not in at least four of the following....?
We can't keep talking. I can't be seen with you.

>Fren Fantasy
>Crystal Bads
>Nice xivg
>Chaos Elitecord
>Old xivg
>Lewd Fishers
>Goon Goblins
>xivg ulticord
>Lewd Lalacord
>New Crystal Bads
Galuf is one of the most chad characters in the entire franchise because he has a forced win scenario against exdeath even though he's spamming his most powerful things
that sounds terrible because it would probably end up being people to scared to talk to each other along with the actual crazy people here trying to take advantage of people who dont know any better
Made for my mierda bvll
uninstall your y chromosome
do u think moonies
Coming from you this means a lot (because you have brain damage, get it)
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What the fuck
Belong to my Fiera?
>recommends FF XII
all i need to know this list is dog shit for recommending the one game that cursed FF into a downhill spiral
Thanks for the list. Blocking all of them.
my femra will drink later
>Skipped the cuddle puddle, dead lala storage, ultrash, chencord
>adds a wholly public discord and 3 fake ones
kys newfag shadowfetus
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As an expert of inserting myself into children I can confirm this is trve
To be fair, I don't actually know anything about you. Some of your posts really make me laugh though, so Im hoping getting to know you will let me see more of that and less cunny posting. Like, what do you play when you arent logged in xiv? Do you play other games?
isn't that just the tome gear?
>Fren Fantasy
>Crystal Bads
>Old xivg
Comfy but dead
If you don't suck appal off he will kick you
Doesn't exist
It's a telegram

I don't know about the rest
Nobody here takes advantage of anyone. You are a grown ass man you can't get groomed.
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my brain is undamaged
just a little smooth
Go to bed, xivg
My male midlander should go to bed
But his schedule is a fucking mess so he's thinking of staying up to fix it
I'm in 6 of these but you missed a bunch of several of these aren't real, because I would be directly responsible for collaredcord
>This nigga isn't in jebcord
this has to be ai slop
oyasumi xivg
>ff13 has lesbians
>no woke content
>ff5 has woman pretending to be a man so pirates don't rape her
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>Aetherchads too busy playing the actual game to have a grooming discord
>"Meh it's most likely an article from over a decade ago, which isn't technically wr-
> https://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-xiv-augmented-ironworks-armor-grind-guide-1851638181
> 2 days ago
Dead Lala is old xivg
Chencord is dead or at least was when I was in it
i missed a I because roman numerals are hard, now my post is ruined, though XII was boring too to play even though the worldbuilding was good, unlike XIII
No I just woke up.
Tranny Renko shit
>New Crystal Bads
Boring shitters
>Lewd Lalacord
Doesn't exist, it's on telegram
>xivg ulticord
Literally who
Diapers and pedophile porn
Pedophile porn and Morgan bitching 24/7
The only good xivg discord on this list
>Lewd Fishers
these and many others aren't real
>Dead lala is old xivg
Nah Ririten's cord was
There's one for aether, he just didn't list it and it's not called aethercord like the other two.
It's zoomercord
This has to fucking be AI LOL
>they are unaware of the multiple lewd lala discords from this thread
it's a shitpost list anon
and if it's DA GAZE that's funny because the lesbians and the black guy are the only 2 things I remember from XIII
Ada's 3 times nuked discord doesn't count
try it out and post the results, you can always go back
Phew thank god
>Forgot boomercord
It's zoomercord but better
the fuck is this shit game trending on my twitch? they removed wuk lamat or something?
stop ddosing me
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they just hit the white house
Did anyone else's game just die?
I am
a femezen
currently suffering from a migraine
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>Do you play other games?
Are you fucking serious
No I don't play any other game than FFXIV I leave my pc overnight so that I can be constantly fucking logged in. I've never played another game besides FFXIV thisnis the first "video game" I've ever played in my life. Before being introduced to it my day would consist of simply lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling. Holy fucking shit how can saviorfags be this retarded
what is this glam its so cute!!
I honestly don't think that's a bad thing to not know of pedo gathering spots. A normal person doesn't exactly seek them out you know.
15 hours of bedbreaking sex.
I will not be seduced into this femhroth's sex dungeon.
Kongcord is the best cord and we like this
wtf, I see that but when I check the category highest streamer doesnt beats the 200 viewer count, must be a bug
kongcord = cunnycord = bestcord = uoh me go TToTT
a bunch of jap big name streamers are doing some collaboration stream or something
you must have the language set to English, trending streams are japanese
my feel better soon wife
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Didn't even post the one cord I'm in, fucking tragic. Then again the owner got no thread cred so
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Even decades later
my moonie is a free moonie
>XIV has multiple minor LGBTQ+ characters
can I have a list of all of them?
should i go to bed or terrorize children on amongus
oh I see it, who are these guys https://www.twitch.tv/fps_shaka
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this list is ancient, half of these are dead now
Post the current thread cred powerlevels
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Not him but xiv is literally the only game I play since I've played all my other games with 500+hours so I come back to this. It's a nasty habbit I need to drop this game for good but there aren't that many other games out there I like.
Where can I find this?
Someone please help before the thread reaches bump limit!!!!
Queue CC at 0:30 ET
that gay couple in hw where people cared about them being interracial rather than gay
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Oooooh look at me I'm a black monkey nigger who can't do anything without seeking validation from others. My perception of my self is entirely constructed from the words of others look at me filter someone el-oh-el aren't I amazing? You get to filter me because I let you, faggot
It hasnt been updated yet
ok queuing on mana
letting him get under your skin enough to do this is worse than him filtering you desu
japanese asmongold
I feel like you would make a more successful and profitable games journo website at this point simply exclusively reporting on the failings and fuckups of Kotaku at this point.
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Cope and seethe, you fucking sperg.
Middies aren't real anyway so you're both wrong.
im just in the foray and criterion ones and i dont really use discord at all for anything else
How does a ugly guy like him get famous and 26k people to watch him play xiv?
Shaka is japanese shroud
She's breaking your pelvis first :3c
Noooo you won't be locked in a cage underground, dooooon't worry...
checks out
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0 + 0 is still 0
I'm not the one who needs a filter
The only cliquecord i got invited to is the foxcord
I'm a male character who wants to fuck women with cocks
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twin serpent elite hat
neo ishgard healer chest
claws of the beast
2b legs
boots from one of the eden raids i forget what one
I'll make middies real through sheer force of horny
So I can take this middie and we'll get railed at the quicksands together
every streamer is ugly
What the fuck I want in the foxcord I love Fox
Nah there are normal ones out there
jerma doesn't stream anymore
Why did they update it halfway I don’t get it
Then ask fox for an invite
Somebody just wanted to start gooning
pro-climate is woke now?
this SMELLS like a malera post
In 5 words or less describe your ideal EB
>not even aislop can fix kotaku
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>middies aren't real
so true sis
I concede
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oh no
>check out my rotation at the balance discord
>this thing shows up
What is this thing and why is it every job resource
Vexa but possessive
How do you get pulled into GM talks so much?
sunnie+ with large harem
It says “heavensword” in the subtext so maybe it is?
>woke because it features hermaphrodites
what did he mean by this
what titles instantly give away that someone is a degenrate coomer
submissive alcoholic
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Gnite anons.
Essi but a bottom
bug boy
Futa = Trans = Woke
That's my ideal, get your own
>wake up for some water
>browse xivg
>xivg is shittier than usual
>put down phone
>back to sleep
Appal but a real girl
The green middie
That's the first and only one I've ever been in
When will libtards stop destroying our hobbies....
I used to use God of the Hand a lot cos I played monk and I really like Godhand but then people kept soliciting me for ERP
Futa = Magical Intersex = Trannies Wish They Could
kinky sub
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people thirst over jane doe but to me she looks like these enemies
for me? it's saving for burnice
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>Stops tripfagging because you can't handle a single anon filtering your posts
Got kicked from M2S immediately after the pull. I reconnect back in and the fight is still going with nobody dead. Then we cleared. It was unusual.
femra that likes licking floors
But that takes half the fun out of it
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my femra acts like this
Post niggies (black fiddies)
WTF am I looking at
I don't see a problem with someone making a list, rainbow fags and woketards love their lists.
female elezen that likes me
>has niche porn games
>doesn't have some of the most popular 4x or roguelite games
this was made by a coomer, wasn't it?
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>Still no futa to mating press my lolis
It's over
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cute girl
nice to me
it was
i think
made by a woman or a tranny
The problem isn't that the list exists, it's that it was made by a retard
my wife...
Appal except not mentally ill
male middie dotes on me
Already married to someone else.
I honestly don't know what gay shit they're talking about if they have cloud crossdressing as a separate thing.
male hroth that likes catboys
Makes me feel cared about
gentle mommy mesugaki femlala
i wish that was me
Val except not a two faced bitch
That's something they can get off to, so it doesn't count
What shaders do y'all use for Shaders
Tourisu Ariwara
publicly wholesome, secret degenerate F/F+
I just recently made a futa character and I like what you just said but it wouldn’tbe in character for her to mating press a loli
Over 5 words, retard!
Val is my boyfriend
Burnt out office lady
yeah, that's why i said my own eb :)
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bug cat is all knowing and all encompassing
you should ignore the balancetrannies though
Whatever autistic weebshit he's latched onto this time
Malera are the worst posters
Aww I didn't know you were eb'd, congratulations!
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My game died right after winning a CC match and was unable to play again foe the night.
>client freezes constantly
>doesn't freeze anymore but fps are fucked
>shutdown+turn on
>fps are fixed but I get stuck with a pokeball icon every time I interact with an object that needs a database lookup (summoning bell, housing placard)
>random 3 random disconnects in 10 minutes
This was 6 hours ago tho...
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It wouldn't be in character for my lolis to get plapped either, sadly
Why do so many of you men have girl avatars even on discord?
Effy IS a bottom
if you're not a male middie she's not interested
Val but a futa top
Blessed Relief
Who needs an EB when you have the favor of Ra?

I cant believe there's only a moon in this picture....
My favorite poster
Malera are more likeable than you.
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I love bug cat so much bros.
well what are you
Yeah but I want Essi
settle down futranny freak
Essi is Effy
He is a bottom.
i've been eb'd for a while, just that we're actually just friends, i don't really think ebing is anything serious though i will admit that who i'm eb'd to is one of my closest friends now, the only thing is that i'm not eb'd to him on his main and i can't get him to get on NA minus his alt to take a peek at NA when he's utterly bored
i know a femlala like this but they quit for worlo
The person I'm EB'd to.
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For me it depends how pro-climate.
I'm all for greener energies but not at the cost of shutting all current power sources down without the ability to maintain current living standards and the economy to be able to continue research into greener sources.

Because that's pretty fucking retarded, but being woke encompasses jumping to the utopian solution and viewing everything in a black and white manner without considering the steps required to get there first, and the risks / problems involved, hence why things like climate control also falls under woke ideology nowadays because it attracts retards who only think of the result and pat themselves on the back instead of actually setting up the steps and means to reach said goal over time.
Yeah but not when he's Essi usually. I want to fuck his cat-ass while his cock flops uselessly until he squirts all over his own stomach
Mommy with big milky boobs
mean, angry and possessive fiera
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It's a cute cat thing that's massively popular in JP, I think it even just had a promo with maplestory.
>Capoo is described as "a little monster like a cat and like a bug, both violent and cute, who loves to eat meat".
BLM feels fucking ass to level.
So clunky for dungeons too. It feels like it was designed to be locked away in 8man square rooms and never be used outside of them.
He is a bottom in real life he can't just pretend to be a top on the internet.
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So are we just doomed to travel to new fotm mmos continually and keep going back and forth ad infinitum?
>t. Janthir Wilds enjoyer
>like the situation
>don’t think my character would fit so I don’t do it
Abstract feel
Never include me in your retardation.
Me being alone
It definitely looks AI generated as it shares a very similar name to https://www.kotaku.com.au/author/simonmackinleyestey-usa/

and I won't link it directly but the name shares the exact same name as a suspect LinkedIn page
not feeling this one
No one cares what male character trannies have to post actually
Yea but he rps as top when he's essi.
>he can't just pretend to be a top on the internet.
of course he can, that's what pretend is all about, plus the fact that he's even willing/able to top others is proof enough that he's not as much of a bottom as some of the fags in this thread
ok i'm a retard, i meant to say on MY main, i'm eb'd to him on his main
The genre is at death's door, and live service games in general are getting close. You're supposed to just use Discord now if you want to socialize online.
when my catboy gets surprised by something he says what the meow instead of what the fuck, in fact meow is used as a replacement for fuck to cut back on cursing
This is the fishra who crushes on OA, right?
It used to be way worse before Dawntrail. Be grateful you can keep UI3 up with a single Umbral Soul cast, you ingrate.
He looks like he meows catgirls
>shadow of the erdtree was so bad it killed elden ring
>dragon's dogma 2 was so bad it killed dragons dogma
>dawntrail was so bad it killed ffxiv
meow off
>You're supposed to just use Discord now if you want to socialize online.
What kind of retarded nigger would pay $13 a month just to socialize? Even when wow launched that was a dumb idea.
I need the primalcord desu, PF is annoying as fuck
its a cope argument to justify the terrible state of the genre. people had messaging, forums and chats in the early 90s already.
It's not that. It's that being woke cares solely about how the outcome makes them look morally in their standards.
I've ranted at length about this before but it's largely "feel good politics", the actual outcomes don't matter so long as it makes them feel like they did something. This is why you can show them a thousand studies stating raising the minimum wage does not work as they think it does, but they won't care because their brain is focused on "people have more money numerically, you oppose this so therefore you want people to not have money" when in reality it's about making what money they do have be worth more than what they want to impose.
It's also why LGBT doesn't understand what "oversaturation" means. They just continue to hamfist their messaging in poorly executed ways which only pisses off people who are tired of being preached to because they feel good and don't really care if it sets progress back decades by making these same people social pariahs when shit hits the fan and wokeness is widely considered toxic which is probably in about 3 to 5 years. DEI departments already getting downsized because they cause more issues than they solve and just eat resources to cause problems they then pretend to solve.
Ok yeah I agree on that.
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What keeps me going is a burning hatred for coomers. Coomers ultimately destroy everything as it is bereft of any value besides the coom imagery For too many years, every conversation has strayed from anything meaningful to "UGH BOOBA WOWOWW." to the point that a huge portion can't even *think* anymore.
On the other hand, it's comforting to know that the vast majority of you coomers will likely perish within the next 30 years leaving nothing behind. As if you never lived. The only legacy behind being a discord account saying "offline for x days". Having lived lives of vanity, forming relationships only with other coomer-consumers, while being completely unable to develop real hobbies or connections in real life, they will simply fade away as if their lives amounted to nothing more than fueling the economic machine.
What delights me most is knowing that many of them will never pass their genes on to the next generation, ultimately freeing humanity from their waste of space.
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>not at the cost of shutting all current power sources down without the ability to maintain current living standards and the economy to be able to continue research into greener sources.
You brainwashed moron. We already have the most efficient source of carbon-free energy possible, and it already accounts for approximately 15-20% of U.S. power supply. But that number is only going down and not up. Why? Because fossil fuel industries are willing to do anything to stamp it out and corner the market completely, from intentionally cutthroat competitive pricing that make it difficult to keep these plants operational to spending tons of money lobbying to convince people that nuclear is unsafe (which it isn't unless you're a retarded Soviet) or that it's somehow dirty (as if anything could be dirtier than coal and natural gas). Worse is that so-called environmentalists don't realize that the solution has been right in front of them for 50+ years because they're too busy touting massive windmills that disrupt bird migration patterns and are grossly inefficient, and silicon solar paneling that requires complete replacement in a matter of years. The only "woke" pro-climate is the stupid kind.
Tell that to the constant brownouts in California
California has one (1) nuclear power plant left in the entire state.
Playing WoW and equating Alliance with colonialism, when it's the Horde that's just constantly rampaging across the world fucking up native cultures to steal their resources, is really fucking rich.

There is nothing wrong with law and order, it's what keeps our society running and our standards of life high. Dumbasses like this have just learned to equate it with THE MAN, not understanding the difference between a healthy democracy that values human lifes above profit, or an actual colonialist/expansionist state. The Alliance isn't perfect, but at least they fucking try. More than can be said for the Horde, which every two expansions will commit another genocide or another land grab, then just get all consequences for bad things they did handwaved away.
Yeah but the alliance is white coded so you're wrong.
Ok or we could not use meltdown-prone reactors and just wait for thorium to pick up traction.
he is just asshurt because he is programmed to hate whitey and alliance is the 100% whitey faction.
Not anymore. The light is brown, and female
I clapped. I read this and I stood up and clapped.
dym nite??
Damn. Adder-ra gets fucked wearing THAT?

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