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Male midlanders, we ride at dawn.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493216385
goon NOW
But I just did (while being plapped)...
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good night to my future eb
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Snowman ethnostate now.
Ayyyy wut's da plan, boss?
do male middies like xaela girls or just femraen?
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Is my fierda cute?
have you considered that you might just be a bit porn addicted when you add a mod to make your characters ass 20% bigger?
I'm currently working on my goonbeast rn
Is the reindeer a cashshop mount too?
no, kill it
no because the women in this game aren't shaped like women they're shaped like teenagers
I'm going to fanta to a Maliddie
Lore reason why middie boys can't be hot, cool, and caring like this instead of autistic mini Goslings?
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Hello WoW newfriend, you might not know it yet but we like this. Please respect our community or go back to your mazed pozzed transgender game.
I'm sick of gooning... leave me be...
do it
and make a cute one like Remus
noooo, not the cutest moonies....
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reharden your cock now
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this is just secondlife with worse pvp
my good man, middies does not like femra, they LOVE them, ALL of them
Would you like to watch Taskmaster with my femlala?
maliddie with a vagoo
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I don't think anyone else cares but just in case somebody does
TRUE Warriors of Light would have SAVED the Endless
yjk a biofem made this
Post plates, I need to make a new plate and am too lazy to be creative
i'm literally all 3 of those i just pretend to be autistic to keep people at arms' length and it works wonderfully
a femra i was speaking to last night can attest to those 3 qualities of mine
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Well shit, thanks for letting me know.
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>ah yes we're in a new hangout spot, perfect time to build up a name for myself
>instantly a nobody because I'm not in the snowman clique
gonna kms
Christmas gets earlier every year...
>knowing this much about them
Have you considered you are in too deep
Because they're played by autistic retards who make having no personality their only personality
>didn't post the noseless version
you had one job
Do you have a picture of Remus for reference
All Moonies Must Die
What is a vagoo
Second Life has pvp?? I would actually enjoy furryhunting if that were true. Meteodriving the Hrothniggers in CC over and over until they stop queuing just isn't the same.
chat is this real
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>she doesn't think autistic mini goslings are hot
this is why you're alone
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my femlala knows what you've been posting, anon
Kill yourself nigger we've done this every thread all day.
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Fuck off we're full
Weren't you the nigga blogposting about being a side piece for a man that was already with someone else lol?
I am not concerned about judgement from "Ideal Victim"
yeah this is why meet spots like lb14 were a mistake
Can't, ran out of rope and meds will have to wait tomorrow
social pvp, its shit in xiv
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I like men
I'm going to make 3 Maliddies now
When a post gets replies like this you know it's factually correct.
Okay... I'll just watch it on my own then...
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What are some cool initials
Seeing shit like this make me realize theres just completely different worlds/experiences of xivg depending on who you know/what groups you're in.
Yeah I've been posting about wanting to impregnate my fiddie wife with my middie seed and watch her belly grow fat with my child.
sorry I was getting water. sure I would watch like to it
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minion anchor?
Would sex this cat
because I'm autistic and literally Ryan Gosling, excuse me for existing I guess
>nobody showed
I hate always being right.
My friend's and my own. Besides that I'll say DN.
Saelonu Kellonu...
hottest sunnie
cc doko
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Who's retarded idea was this?
If anyone showed you wouldn't be living the lalaboy experience
Raiders, show me your UI!
can i rape your moonie before you fanta
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Reporting to base... mission successful.

Initiated ERP with the target at approximately 23:00. The subject lasted 12 minutes before being brought to climax by my Moonie's Cameroon-style footjob technique. Analysis of his typing style and response rate is conclusive: the target DID ejaculate out-of-game. Repeat, confirmed ejaculation.

Rest assured Mr. Schwab, we have successfully disenfranchised another white youth and delayed the perpetuation of his race. I've sent his psyche profile in for analysis for susceptibility to Futa Conversion. And in my opinion, sir? He won't last long.
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my initials
lmao bro you gotta realize lalaboys don't get SHIT around here from anybody.
>miqote using meows and nyas
ok youre cute
>starts purring and dragging out their rs
>does stuff like zoomies and making biscuts
a little weird but okay
>sandpaper or bristled tongue
youre getting a little too weird
>nubbed cock
ok no youre getting to into it
>barbed dick
Its too late for doko...
Do you mean in roleplay or poses
>an internet weirdo glorifying homosexual pedophilia as a shitpost on 4chan didn't actually want to indulge in your homosexual pedophiliac desires
wow crazy
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anything with X
XR maybe
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which middie rejected you this time Akemi?
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deez WHAT?!
That's me!
>>sandpaper or bristled tongue
this is my moonie
nah, it's a good quarantine. everyone who doesn't actually play the game just shows up and starts yapping in say chat instead of shitting up the thread. i'm glad it's back.
If you see me at the bench, sure... or wherever the meetup spot is?
you're goddamn right
Reminds me I need to stomp that midge.
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it's bed time for this flatchested unevolved 4'11" femra
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I pull everything in slightly cuz my monitor is too big for the distance im to it, I also click my party list for friendly targeted spells/abilities
Uuuuh, what? What are you even on about bruh?
Sister, you dont have 7 different typing styles to schizo post with??
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>split up the community again by leaving the bench for the 50th time
Fine then.
can we evolve her in bed
beating this transbian into an unrecognizable blue and red pulp
post ur moobies
Of course I am
Wait what
Lavender beds actually sucks I rather take the doman enclaive
im sorry
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won't show full UI, but will show my hotbars
i am a femlala
who is a real lesbian
the only good femra
DB is coming back?
>Wait what
The other SS that's also a midge.

i am not a femlala
Nice feet
Wait what
kawaiitely was also eb'd to iri mira before
Anyone want to farm ex1?
aren't they a catgirl now
So why did ya'll move back to the beds instead of someplace cool for the current expansion like S9?
read the comment chain retard
pinching this goonie's tiny nips
my dick is standing at attention and looks towards you with ire
good girl ~
All of the ones with 2nd initial W.
Where's the beds?
he reads the thread and searches the archive for his name daily
what body markings mod is this mm?
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My femlala needs a lalaboy to EB and impregnate her...
I like kiwi because she has a tiny woober.
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Honestly I like being in uldah because I am a roleplayer and I love interacting with a wide range of people in sexual situations because its the only thing that gets me joy these days.
HOWEVER i also like to peoplewatch and see people interact with eachother as a third party as they are also roleplaying and acting like a character within the star.
What turns me off is OOC stuff because I have an unfulfilled life and it will never blossom due to my many health issues so I just RP.
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The one who looks like this.
S9 music sucks and I'm glad people didn't go since I don't want to avoid xivg more than I have to like back in the 'tin and 'clave.
People were at S9 for like 2 weeks before getting bored and leaving, city sucks
>no tits
>no ass
>no thighs
what's the point
yeah i did player search and noticed it was you so i didn't show..
I did. Hum... I suppose that poster had more going on behind the scenes than I thought. If you know more then might I ask ya to inform me? If you don't want to make such posts in the thread, you certainly know where to find me.
Now I'm even more confused
Kitty Clan Mark
I don't schizo post so I'm not knowledgeable on the meta clearly, guess I'll have to learn more typing styles.
i am
a gay hrothgar
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I dont remember why i took this screenshot. Actually i do remember now I was confused by the markers (i ended up reverting to boss relative when the clone was at 1)
i am
a min height bunboy
with BIG ears
nta but i showed up on an alt and checked from afar with /who and also decided not to show
That's unfortunate, but I don't hold it against ya. Do have fun!
i already regularly mentally abuse a fiddie but i guess i can add another
polly i thought you were into femlalas
Chat should I hit the funny blue bottle again
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This thing.
please slam me
The fuck is that thing
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>someplace cool
bruh u what
I have no idea who Polly is I'm a different rapebait femlala
gladly ~
the funniest part is that I was thinking of XRA when I made that post
chat is this real?
oh, I should have clarified I'm not the OP anon LOL
my middie looks and acts like this

needs to be accessible to the hebe sprouts we're grooming
average attention whore famlala obviously
Oh that's Uchiki's femlala alt
C'est la vie. Being proved right time and time again isn't as awesome as one might think it is.
I have an american rava friend who is trying to temp me into saying the n-word and she also likes to call me cracker or snowbun sometimes. Americans ITT, should I say it? Is it culturally normal?
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Do we like maleroes
I like maleroes
They see cute and cool and handsome
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Is this suddenly horny femlala hours? Two both desperate for lalaboys now...
thats dangerous
Lavender Beds Ward 14 in the middle by the big tree.
Aether is closed, sis.
why did you crop her titties out its a catbox link its chill
What would I see if we shared mares...?
Hey whats the most recent update with your ex?
Oh I thought it was somewhere cool
as someone who's used a pishock before I can only imagine how painful that is...
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Is it bad that these are the rarest titles I got. I got nothing "cool" like legend or deep dungeon titles
tell her to call you massa
can you show me what he'll look like
t. certified middie simper
No you should transfer to Meteor DC and tell a Japanese Veena よろしくお願いします. It'll work out better.
Where was the first one?
my meena has semiautomatic woober rearmament capabilities
I'm on Crystal
Did you know there's less people with treasure map and mahjong titles than with even the least common legend title
god i wish women were real
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I like maleroes
as a friend
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>game is in a drought
>meaning people are less likely to log on
>meaning that you should be doing anything you can for recruitment to have a healthy amount of new blood wandering in and about to get into the community
>xivg: nah lets close ourself into a secluded zone, me need 15 minutes of fame, fuck long term growth me need dicksuckers and clout huffing now.
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had to hide all non-snowman mounts
MU like MU online haha get it
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22,27 right
theres no one here
legend and deep dungeon titles arent even that rare
Yeah, and I'm on Aether.
Most titles in XIV aren't that cool when you realize people buy raid titles all the time or bot the tedious time consuming titles. Just use what you think sounds cool.
That's bullshit but I believe it.
bro its baldung who cares
basically the shitting streets of xiv
meant for >>493224935
the exact same thing as the screenshot probably
Anons, I might start working on the Accursed Hoard achievement.
recruiting from gooner 4chan secondaries is exactly why we shouldn't use the bench
What does that mean
Only if you think its worth it.
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never realized how many sorta useless cutscenes have this
lalas say biggers are the ones that stand them up but they lie
name one person from here who is here as a result of stumbling upon us at the bench.
Ok I'll befriend you
This is a threat
I think the title from it is pretty cool, that and I've been using Necromancer for over 2 years now so I want something different for a bit
You have a twisted mind dude
Why does Kanchelle bitch so much about hang out spots when no one wants him there anyway
useless cutscenes useless solo duties
I quite literally proved they do though?
all my rare titles are from pvp since its so dead lol
I am no longer fantaing to Maliddie. I will remain a Moonies, but I shall be changing colours. Thank you for your support.
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who is that giant lizard
this is good bait
My wife
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im at your stump fuck you, im going back to leveling
yeah but what color is it
They didn't hang out at a "spot", they hung out with the fucking vendors like everyone else who goes to the hub
no matter where it is it will still be a boring spot full of afk gooners
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All of my rare titles are worthless too don't feel bad.
whatever, rape
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I know Kanchelle is retarded, but this has to be a skinwalker
I do not know. Maybe it is time for a Shinji-coded Moonies.
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holy fuck that image is a blast from the past
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which femra should I fanta to /xivg/?
make one that isn't a face 4
middle please god
>face 4
but why
if it aint white it aint right
damn, that red one is hella nice
Middle hands down
im gonna trib this pic and you should fanta to whichever ra catches the most
none of them.
xeno skinned lizards are out of style
just be a face 4 moonie, its the eternal 4chud meta.
Ach! I went to the Doman enclave to sell my materia. If you can hang around for a bit I'll be right there!.
why do people keep saying that? isnt there only like 3 of face 4
The red eyes ruins the middle one and no one really likes squids besides xivg.
nah i went back to my home world already
I know! But a lot of people don't put value on them atleast in my FC/friend group.

I know but that's what the people I'm usually around value a lot so just feels bad

that's true

lot of those sound cool though, especially The Arbiter

Hey a lot of those people actually value! Unlike mine which comes from Triple Triad
I like your moonie.
its the 4chud pick of choice when making a mooncat.
every ebin that is a real to honest woman uses it so its the best choice!
I was too slow... Tragic.
Odds be clingy evens be normal
These niggas want selkie to be back so bad
let it go lil bro
shes impregnated by ippiki
shes literally oriniri owned now
you lost
I feel like I'm letting my race down when I act within their stereotypes and proving the people who say them right
GOD i hope it's me
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what's yours like?
Lmao I forgot I had that thread open, but you're replying to https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/15259500/ Rumi Akagawa / Morgan Adaire / Altina Orben, and he's been melting about the xivg tranny (((discord))) for weeks and bringing his drama to the thread. Nigger got asshurt spamming about worlo after getting told to stfu by some other femranny. 4chan discords really are a den of mental illness.
i understand why you didn't reciprocate my feelings. it's fine. i guess you're not the one after all. my feelings for you were so intense and im not sure when or if ill ever find someone that makes me feel that way again but i dont think its impossible, i think one day i might. my one is still out there and i guess you're not him. im crying rn but you dont have to be sorry so dont tell me sorry. its ok.
Sorry I missed you bro. Perhaps next time!
>Unlike mine which comes from Triple Triad
At least Triple Triad is fun. A title from something that's enjoyable to do would hold more value to me personally.
please be me
my crush is asleep...
>Rumi Akagawa
Holy shit I thought that faggot died.
nobody wants that schizo back
Speaking of which, which "spot" in Solution 9 would work best as a hangout?
Mine is like this.
Reminder that even marauding rapists didn't want to touch Zero with a ten foot pole.
Post late night lalafell!
my meena
Let me add a couple more marks to your back... and neck... and cheeks...
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Why even have it...?
Theres quite a few DESU, all over the zone, and its hard to say personally which is my favorite. I would personally enjoy the cyberslop ghetto the most
Idk who that even is bro, I just like the red one
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Mine is like this.
a bunch of losers hanging out the ghetto seems fitting
My fiddie loves Zero so much...
im more normal than all of you
not sure why I opened this shit but I regretted it all the same
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my malera is like this
like imperfect cell, she stabs you, liquifies you, and takes everything you were ever worth, adding you into her.
everything that you ever were what you would have been, all of those things melted, your worthless life being used for something greater. you werent going to do anything with it anyway.
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Reset subspace communications, scrambler code Riker One.
Can I have a link to that mod...
U.S. post
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I really like the empty apartment personally, it's pretty well furnished and there's a decent view out of the big window
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blame gameescape and the wiki for telling me the stump was at 22,27 instead of the now i zoom in more obvious 27,14
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what is it with /xivg/ and squids... I also like the left redra but maybe it's the color of the hair?
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i thought id get some jobquests done while i waited for a queue and got quickly walled by one
I'm the most mentally normal but physically abnormal.
The truth is I don't fit in here at all, but I can't relate to True Normies either and they're more judgy.
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black or blonde hair, the white doesnt look as good
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Fanta to a good race like femezen, bitch ass
Ain't nobody want that dried up 40 year old bitch back bruh
>get axed in a 4chan discord of all things because you're that retarded
>make up a schizophrenic theory and spam the thread about your drama
Certified femra moment
See above you tomato lookin ass bitch
Yellow is the most striking but black is the most safest
i am a puppyfolk femlala! arf!
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gn sirs
Blonde or orange hair looks great on redra
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like this
gn Ser
so its literally one guy schizzing out? boring.
cute freckles and face bandaid.. and other stuff too iguess
i am a puppyfolk femla - GRLK GLRK GLRK GRK GRK MRK MMR
Time to make a reaper glam to then never use it cause I need to stick with average sunnie glam
It always is.
Oh? That's way out there. I just picked it because you go there early in ARR if you picked a Gridania class as your starter. Well, that and it has a name on the map too. Same as the Sultan Tree in Ul'dah.
you want her back so you can simp here endlessly, you want to make a failed idol in her image but they will never have her soul. you would have a hallow victory that will leave you more obsessed with her. let go of red femra my guy.
selkie is the reason red femra existed, if anyone is simping or really pining for red femra it originated from her. if you started to get your dick hard looking at red femra, congrats. youve been influenced by a selkie impersonator in the past.
protip, every face 3 femra is also a homunculus from when meria went and made a femra as well.
Her moans are so hot bros
in interviews that style of sitting turned out not to be a domination or cool thing but during filming he had a really bad back
it was the only way he could sit
>someone came on real late just to say they're sorry for not being able to come on earlier and see if I still wanted to do something if it's not too late
That was thoughtful...
Goodnight xivg.
>selkie is the reason red femra existed
go back to whatever circlejerk you came from you hwtoddler/stormbab orbiter
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Femlalas do that...?
If anything is done to her in roleplay etc, I will add the scars to her
>made 2 blues and snuck in a red
>makes them all red after
you aint slick nigga.
just like my wol...
Trans hands wrote these posts.
Throwing a femlala's shoes in the water
I chose the squid since the colors looked the best, go black
good, as they should
>If anything is done to her in roleplay etc, I will add the scars to her
So if I snuff her, you'll delete the character? HOT
Putting this mod on despite not being a cat
i forgot about all that sorry, i did those quests like 5 years ago even though i did start in gridania
rip papylymo
and rip pre stormniggers Yda before she became scrappy doo 2
putting lalas into the pixel-art skin removal machine
i want to impregnate my favorite femlala with my trans puppy seed...
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borgir time
Is Dancer really that bad dealing damage? Like, worse than tanks? Or I'm just seeing bad players?
selkie is the progenitor that made red femra famous in xivg. the meta before then was wither pale skinned xaela or brown femraen. the redra surge starts at them. the last holdouts of the redra simps are people wanting their own selkie.
My femezen is a + but I'm not going to include it or hint at it in my search info because I feel like that's not the type of thing you should wear on your sleeve
bad players
my femlala thinks she sounds like this
So what if I double fist her ass?
and selkie hated face 4s
my first thought was "eww"
Nobody even remembers that name until you start pining for her in the thread like this. It's been the better part of a decade, bro, you have to let go, this isn't healthy for you.
My femlala is like this as well.
Yeah... yeah... ;__;
If you sort it by damage without raid buffs accounted for yea they're barely above tanks
you don’t pass bro
so anyone up to play the game?
Why does this sound like a male pinching his throat
need a middie like this to mating press my femra so she can fall asleep exhausted
cute transbians
making a femlala wear a collar with a tag with her name and my phone number on it
Post that one of you fucking the weird dog lala again
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Mine is kinda like this
>showed up to the lb14
>instantly get sex pested
you guys suck
That doesn't sound fun or comfortable at all, anon
by who
mittens copied her
thats a cute lala i hope you find your daddy anon
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If not EXACTLY like this, then at the very least APPROXIMATELY like this.
Too bad the puppy pills made you impotent
Is it supposed to be?
wanna find out if that's true...
Why does this never happen to me :(
I'm cumming to this
>show up to gooner central
>complain when people act like gooners
You were asking for it you little whore.
that's like putting moonfangs on suncats
it's nyot allowed and will break everynyan's immersion because it does nyot obey the laws of the game's world
no one cared for red femra until she made hers from her mooncat fanta, she changed the meta for a brief time and theres been a power vacuum ever since of those simps trying to reforge a new idol.
and yet youre here spinning the tables, my guy I hate ALL femra but I hate femra simps even more, why do you think I know this knowledge?
cuz he’s probably lying
glad to see it's not just me
I do feel like it's sort of disingenuous to not hint at it though since some people might approach and not realize, though...
I left the quick sands though.
my femlala genuinely can't stop eating fruity pebbles
Putting the moonie marks on my fiera cause they look cute
And then distracting you with catboys
Should I fanta into a lala?
fish behavior
Why do we choose fagender beds?
Niggas here will spend 10 years seething about some random guy from this thread because he felt slighted that probably doesn't even play this game anymore
The quicksands is still good if you avoid alts.
>show up at LB14
>someone instantly trades me 1million gil
>everyone cheered
I just love LB14, it's such a cool pleasant vibe
The clique has deemed it. we were not given a choice nor prior notice.
it isn't their business unless they want sex - then it should probably come up!
I suppose not. She is free use, afterall
fair enough, although I feel like it might be better to be up front about it to avoid needing to reject and disappoint them in the first place
How do I get sexpested by xivg?
my femlala almost choked on her fruity pebbles reading this...
Not in the thread! And she was a Lopporit, not a dog. If you'll allow me to brag once more, she thought it was hot I was using her to brag to my friends. I uh, didn't tell her I posted it on 4chan, just that I shared that lewd image with some friends. >>;;

Anon, please!
So broke I might go RMT gil, fucking tragic
that would have a lot more stopping power if you responded with that on a elk or an abe shitpost.
my middie is gonna go read in bed
post gock
breathe and have a pulse
>come to LB14!
No, no I don't think I will. I prefer not being schizo'd.
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my bad
didn't rumi/morgan get banned from appalcord for being universally hated? frencord banned him too?
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>casts KILL on ur seal
play a male midlander
Yeah lol, that’s why he’s been screaming that it’s dead like he did when Appal got rid of him.
Play a male midlander that's not that self inserting faggot
i might just do that as well
>last era of LB14
>taught xivg that if you have a secluded out of the way zone where no new blood can come in, you can assume everyone there is from 4chan, meaning that they are passive sitting ducks that are easily bullied by bad actors because of what DB did to them
>they move to the bench
>era of prosperity, harmony, and peace
>also xivg: nah let me do the dumb shit all over again
I don't know why they went back to LB when we could have gone to Shirogane or Limsa.
did the servers die again or is it just me?
make friends
i died too
cults operate by isolating you
I just wish the meetup spot wasn't on baldumb
also it should be Solution 9
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You spent weeks reporting my friends and couldn't get even a single warning on them lmfao
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I wish I could spend every waking moment like this
DB hasn't been here in months
Play an f+
im going to isolate my cock in your ass lmao
any xivger around the gooner bench to rape me?
>Not wanting to see gooners in their swim wear
>uchi talking
Xivg can only ever think in terms of "let's do what worked before! We have to go back!". They never try a new place, it's always the places we've already been.
Yeah, the regulars hated him because, surprise surprise, he'd never shut the fuck up about worlo and would constantly brag about shit nobody cares about
>no meetups
Wow, DT really killed /xivg/
why should everyone else move just because (You) can't get on balmung
Why do Macchi and Kanchelle babble and argue on where they want the afk spot at so often when neither go there
>not warning him about the end of the month if he chooses this
Sorry I'm on the toilet shitting rn
Face 1 or Face 2 feena
Still online on Sargatanas here.
why are people so gay during euro hours?
He’s still in it, but judging by how little he’s been bitching about the game and other posters he’s muted again and taking it out on the thread.
face 3
not for everyone but yes some people got killed off in my dungeon
that explains so much about the sudden surge in hate on A.S.
europeans aren't people
because that's how it should be
>dc in cc match
>still win
heh its 2 ez...
Imagine rounding up a group of femlalas and putting little candle hats on all of them. Then you light the candles, and put them in a room with a naked catboy who chases them around while jerking off. If they get their candle extinguished by going too fast or being blasted by cum they will hate to face punishment in the form of "The Cushion".
just log on to your alt, wet paws.
>uchi talking
name one time he isn't talking.
main janny of frencord (who was based and didnt just timeout or ban ppl he personally didnt like) left and gave power to someone who immedietely has been silently jannying all frencord channels and timedout/banned rumi without a reason because he personally doesnt like him. things are lookin grim.
I don't know why you thought it was bragworthy I just thought it was funny because of how small your dick was
Nobody will wear swimwear in the city of Limsa
you should write the next saw movie
just say the word and I will go wherever you want
Sorry gotta be between 1 or 2, I personally find face 3 ugly
yeah man
but I wannya be on my main...
>timedout/banned rumi without a reason because he personally doesnt like him
Most people don't, guy goes out of his way to make people not like him
Hi Rumi. The admin has been the same since creation and you can see that if you have addons. Plus the original invite link still shows their account.
t. failed neo ebins loitering LB14
Don't forget that kong's melty happened too among other things, plenty of people have motive to shittalk him
stand anywhere in the vicinity of the 8 foot tall sweat-steam blacked crocodile, he'll be harassing you and stalking you soon enough
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Mine is like this!
nobody likes you rumi, you don’t need to write a fanfic
yeah that would be uchi alright spot on.
rumi typed this
>without reason
I'll move the hangout spot to S9 on any world, on the condition that this moonie is mine
honestly if you are an unpaid jannie your form of payment should be just banning shit you dont like and if people complain, just say "pay me" and if they start to complain tell them you act your wage.
Post your LB14 crush's initials!!!
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look for lorilee
idk the difference
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>*puts your femlala crush underneath a hydraulic press*
Kong is as big of a faggot as Morgan
I have that mexican blacklisted from before he even knew what 4chan was
>addons on discord
this is why i use 4chan
I'm not into huge lengths. If the only way you can get your jollies is seeing a 16ft schlong, more power to ya homie! I like my dongs realistically sized.
which one
why did you quote me 3 threads later
i miss the xivg janny that banned all the coomers
just blacklist him retard
he never says anything of value
>time to post my own initials the anchor
He already shot his shot with me and missed
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this fits pretty well for my femezen
because you had mentioned effy and I had noticed she was there now so I took a picture of her
This is why initials posting doesn't work
Lalas cannot be compressed.
Leviah’s cute middie princess cunny..
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>she doesn't use 4chanx
i like women (real) and not women (trans)
>this is why i use 4chan
If you aren't some random tourist you've been using a 4chan addon since before discord existed
that's a good thing
Why are you even here newfag
I thought this until I fell in love with my trans eb.
every time someone posts transphobia i turn another one of their precious white women into a trans man addicted to BBC
>futanari with a small dick
just make a femboy
>futanari with an average dick
just make a man

Imagine not wanting to dock a hung futanari toon and getting her balls impregnated or taking over their testies with your superior cum forcing them to only make your sperm after you bully their balls and cuck their nuts.
its only good when LL does it
>white women
nah senpai I'm builded for asian women
> didn't rumi/morgan get banned from appalcord for being universally hated? frencord banned him too?
I’ll never understand how when someone here gets banned from something the first thing they do is sperg out and prove it justified desu.
It happens every time, too.
minty post
hello hater of kong
i AM a trans woman
evens I get on and play
odds I jack off to Zepla feet instead
>filter yourself into a secuded zone
>afk there
>blacklist people in the zone for *checks notes* talking

at this point why even log into the game? just get into a private discord group with your jerkoff buddies.
cc queues doko
what is lb14?
I want to fuck a futa in the ass
>hater of kong
do you understand how little that narrows it down?
they're friendless themselves, note that several people standing by themselves.
I like women (real) and women (trans), but the latter are usually lesbians in my experience.
>filter yourself into a secuded zone
Don't have to bring up I got no friends and AFK in my apartment all day
>>filter yourself into a secuded zone
>a residential area you unlock 10 minutes into playing the game
uchiki is a unique scourge upon any meetup spot
he's like korkana but with no internal shame to make him shut up and go back to his home world, dejected
it's a joke anon
just got held up in an expert for 20 minutes because of some retarded byleth cosplayer blm
as a black man who loves fat frumpy looking white women, BASED
keep on fighting the good fight soldier.
Lala Boy (14)
is he any better on his femlala alt
Lavender Beds
Ward 14
That last part is what futas do to others, anon.
to the men (bio(xy) reading this I want you to know you're appreciated and you're not alone and I wish our society would show more kindness to us
i am bisexual but i'm just scared of most men and a hot/rich/successful man would never talk to me or be interested in me because of my...
kong isn’t important enough to hate
my chair sucks and my back feels like it's gonna snap but just copperbell left before i feel good switching back to main
Link to blacked eorzea?
God i wish someone would leak that
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tfw no femlala mommy eb to cuddle and be lovey dovey with
thanks bro, shits been sucky lately.
yet they are very susceptible to the Mating Press
No body showed up, so I'm gonna dip back into RDR2. See y'all around!
they should add multiple dye channels to furniture and houses as well
excellent post, pajeet
euro hours everyone
no i dont bitch *blacklists u*
I was friends with morgan/rumi and then I told him one time he was wrong about something in the game rather than take the criticism to try learning and improving his gameplay he dug his heels in and flipped his tone to me being suddenly the worst person ever and started shit talking me in frencord and kongcord (probably thinking I wouldn't see it) and blocked me when I confronted him on it
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I didn't even know who this person is. It just feels like a psyop to make everyone think more than two schitzos that samefag each other care.
I promise there are many more talking behind your back.
He archives and searches all of his logs so no I'm not going to volunteer to get schizoed by showing his messages
can i sexpest?
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sometimes my moonie looks and acts like this
I think I'm going to play male characters from now on
C'mon Aether melee DPS, we got a PF waiting.
why sometimes
is there anyone that he isn't an asshole to?
youll get less attention but it will be genuine, like a veil being lifted.
this lala
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>even kpop hates morgan
You're a fucking obnoxious retard
No one likes you shitting up the place with Blizzard's festering corpse of a game we're dealing with this corpse of a game.
The fear is understandable, but that makes me think of something I hadn't considered before. Would you say there's a decent chunk of trans women who are attracted to men but never go for them because that's basically putting their life on the line and instead stick to other trans dye to familiarity?
Attention doesn't bother me much, but it being genuine will feel better. I just want to plap cute boys...
because it's not all the time
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I can't even tell where the ironyposting ends and the schizoposting starts anymore
but from what I heard, the war within mogs the shit out of yawntrail.
id be there but I hate the elves in wow.
he's mostly gone at this point after his main account got banned, but he's the classic case of someone who tries to "expose" people as schizos and just becomes the schizo himself
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i like men (soft and faggy)
The pretender and the black dad of FF. Can't think of a more obnoxious duo who will forever be glazed and never called out on their faults.
Shoro's sleeve
how can you hate blood elves? they're cool af
uchi stinky
I sleep.
Use this. It is because because that is how I found it.
my moonie acts like this all the time
god i wish this were actually true and you got banned so one place would be safe from your wowfaggot shilling
please what
its nice you know your please and thank yous though
I'd play War Within but fucking being a new player in WoW is like overwhelming, got no clue where to go or what to do after the new expansion story
Heard from where? Because they're lying, TWW is fucking awful
male viera are so ugly
rape a nun a day to keep the devil away
malbro... is congested...
this ngl
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guess we have no principles huh
Don't you talk bad about Sakaguchi, he was forced out after a movie flopped. Had he stayed he would've done WAY better than the assortment of shitty presidents of Square Enix have done and Square would still be Square. Yoship better have an apology ready for his live letter on the 26th.
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I miss them
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Sure thing buddy
>show up to the lb14
>ask to do one of the new ex's
>dead silence
>sechen tells me I need to leave
>"we don't like this" starts being screeched as I walk away
place is fucking weird....
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Every character in other game has been hideous since the diversity graphics update.
>my life on the line revealing that im trans
nigga just say youre trans from the getgo. most of the trannies that died to that shit tried to cloak and dagger niggas that would be ruined if they ever got with a tranny.
if you say youre a tranny from the get go, the worst youre going to get is a weird look and a nigga telling you hell no and backing off.
if you get a nigga intrested into you and then you spring it, they will chimp out or they will murder you (whites will do this too)
you arent Cinderella, this isnt a disney movie, honestly is the best policy and trannies love to lie.
god i wish they’d ban you
yet wow is still a hell of a lot more fun to play, hence why it's coming up on it's 20th year anniversary, meanwhile we have a server tick delay and animation locking and after 10 years you still can't unfriend someone
solve 99% of all personal disputes with this one trick
i flexed to someone with an old face and grey hair elf look and he hugged me 10 times and friended me
shits rough out there bros
i presume alot of the normies like big maleroes or elezens are just normie boomers or literal kids just working through their own shit
they need hugs too
I'm going to lose so much sleep knowing bitter losers like kong and morgan are shit talking me

idk he was nice to me until there was literally one point of minor conflict, just walk on eggshells 100% of the time and you'll probably be fine

yes hello

I don't like a lot of people but I don't care enough to hate anyone, there's literally hundreds of people that use these threads I'd rather focus on the people I get along with and enjoy the company of over trying to settle differences with people that get on my nerves or are just outright abrasive towards me
I am refusing to go to lb14
Every wow player I know is still just farming 10 year old content to do more mount collections and hasn't even mentioned in passing what the new expac added if anything. I heard something about dwarves and then another 2 hour conversation about pandaria.
Rumi you were defending child porn earlier, I'm surprised someone didn't actually ban you.
sex with that redra
yes, i would say that probably a good majority of them are like that, seeing as they often end up in relationships that sort of resemble cis gay male ones in the end, not that i'm saying that's a bad thing.
i am simply too lazy to go
they dreamsworked the humans? oh hell naw
This is XIVG. You think these people are well-adjusted enough to simply block someone they don't like? No, of course not. It's the same kind of people who should never be in power. Very feminine behavior.
>The pretender and the black dad of FF. Can't think of a more obnoxious duo who will forever be glazed and never called out on their faults.
who the fuck do you think is the "real" person of FF then? he carried the franchise half on his back for a fair amount of the series' history and it's no small coincidence that after everything exploded and he left it got much, much worse
his only grand fault (which admittedly was a very large one, albeit not game related) was thinking someone wanted a bad movie with the final fantasy name on it
My fiddie believes in Joe Hendry.
*clap clap*
it's the same gear treadmill slop as usual, feel free to try it out if you don't believe me
Yeah it is awful to xivg players who think mmo gameplay consists of mods, erp, and cringe posting for attention by people either equally, or ever so slightly more pathetic than them.
I like hitting buttons, I like playing difficult classes and doing good with them. Not slothcombo and beg for my job to be made easy.
my femra is penissexual
I'm more upset that it took this long to do anything about you. Obnoxious faggot who cheats at the game and won't shut up about WoW.
Higher rated than DT btw
actually the discussion was about ai generated cp, but that uses actual csm for references so its the same i suppose
wanna see mine?
>I like playing difficult classes
So you must hate TWW then
Blocking is for cowards.
Most of xivg are pedos, unfortunately.
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lmao even
>the wow players calling out ffxivg for using mods, when not a single even casual player plays wow retail without a mod that calls out every attack a boss makes
this isnt even new
back in iceborne we laughed at niggers who used it but now its just the 100% standard
Not really. I've played a few classes with more going on in a minute than anything here.
Being actually good on feral druid is much harder than playing most things in this game in Savage.
You should play the game before you lie about it
>abuses power to get rid of someone who isnt breaking the rules but you hate them
>new powers that be do the same thing to you and now people are cheering at you being banned

doubled edged sword bros, if you want someone to be removed it has to be abided by the rules, no rules means corruption, corruption means a ton of casualties. you=casualty
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world was the death knell for comfy monhun rooms
We're back in the "trying to make things work somehow" stage and I'm supposed to meet him in a few hours with 0 sleep yet
The lighting really accentuates her sheboon nostrils.
nobody cares rumi
Hey akemi, what's your opinion on male middies?
This has to be fucking (you) bait roleplay fantasy
BM Hunter
Demon Hunter
Alternatively, imagine being so obnoxious that everyone wants the rules bent to make you fuck off
An asspained wowfugee had an aneurysm trying to write this schizo Game Theory.
Really glad I don't bother joining any Discords other than small ones with long-term friends, and mostly just use it to DM individual people I meet.
I steal your strawberry print pantsu and strange myself with them.
kek, i meant lich king expansion
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A lot more unique side-quests that seemed like they really wanted to tackle themes. There's a really neat quest in the Sunless Strand about a talking fish that's collected from a random drop.
The Peculiar Fish gives you seemingly innocuous quests to return a completely normal fish to the bottom of the sea.
You don't really get stuff like that in Dawntrail desu since SE's philosophy on MMO design is overload everything into the MSQ and then have some goofy side-quests to act as comedic interludes for the MSQ.
Just gonna leave this here and not point out the "savage chads" that have logs that scream they use this.
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Cunny on the /xivg/ !!
Final fantasy?
how should we...?
what the fuck is this larp
I don't wear strawberry panties, weirdo
im not rumi but I am one of the very many voices of the downtrodden.
to welcome corruption to spite your enemies will always be a bad deal to your community as a whole.
I blame my customer service training. :P
and I meant please as in "please stop it bruh!"
Go join Kongcord and complain with everyone else who's been banned from Rylaicord, Appalcord, Lightcord, Frencord, Jilkcord, etc.
this picture makes it look like your armpit is really dirty
>her little miqote tail
Retard, when I was playing I cleared Abyssos faster than all but one static from here doing PF. You were all busy crying about 7 and saying 8 was "overtuned."
I approve.
I only joined servers from lesser known people from the thread, fucking glad because one of them does custom mods for people so I've gotten some cool shit made
nobody cares rumi
ok rumi
Frencord isn't a cliquecord though, that's why this is cringe.
going to start dressing more slutty so people start to give a fuck
If they don't look like OP then I don't want em
Yeah, totally baiting for attention on an hour late reply at in 4 in the morning, weirdo
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What exactly is the theme here?
>We're back in the "trying to make things work somehow" stage
Akemi... honey... you're a hopeless dumbass
its a feature in the game called EBing
we like this
this looks bad
>join a discord to pee yourself about how bad the game is 24/7
>why was I *checks wristwatch* iced for uhh 2 minutes...
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Akemi, thing's aren't working.... you have to let him go... your poor heart....
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it clearly is not working since it's already dripping
don’t defend cp then?
No idea what you people are talking about
Retarded man baiting even more retarded men into believing a retarded fantasy
I've had zero problems being part of major xivg discords, probably because I'm not combative and follow the damn rules
she just got done testing it with 37 people in a row
stay gone
to any normal outside observer with no knowledge of who wuk is, this is a picture of a unique cast of characters being cool

this is lmao

hope this was sobering
Rumi was an asshole anyways, he never missed a chance to say why XIV was bad and WoW was better
it's just the lighting, don't be weird...
Why are there so many discords attached to this general?
>Yeah, totally baiting for attention on an hour late reply at in 4 in the morning, weirdo
Its just that you make it kinda hard to believe that retarded women like you can exists - let alone on this site.
Good job bringing up the one thing that everyone uses to discredit other people here because you have nothing else valid to say.
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Mind you with War Within, there's this constant theme of going deeper into the ground. The area you find the fish in is in Hallowfall: an underground biome centralized off of a giant crystal in the sky that acts as an artificial sun.
It begs the question of where does the water come from down below the surface and what entities live down there? Especially when you're already deep below underground.
Again, it isn't that DT is bad per say but its gotten pretty lazy with its streamlined MSQ. One bad writer and you reflect on how cumbersome the zone designs are whereas Blizzard's philosophy has always been emergent stories through environmental storytelling.
this is how i leave the thread to go to bed but in reverse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Tf2QTgcK64
Be nice.

high school clique mentality and mental illness
She shouldn't need me as a test helper then. My femra shall be clicking the "X" in the top right corner of the prompt.
only a biohole could be this retarded
except rumi does that on a regular basis
Europe hours
I wonder, when the hands of the corrupt come for you and theres no one else to object for you, will you be fine with your fate, or will you go kicking and screaming flailing at your fate as you seen your peers flopped about when they were carried off?
this is beyone a rumi thing, this is now a you thing, will you tow the line to support corruption and be a toady hoping that the claw doesnt drag you back or will you just cower and stutter like a mouse fleeing when things get hard to then ruin another home?
your kind comes in two flavors.
i'm not trying to be weird it's just the way it looks at a glance, it's still a nice picture
because xivg is a terrible place to have long-term, meaningful conversations
it's funny of shitposts, schizos, and moves too fast
nobody cares rumi
please post tits
this is just sad
sorry I meant to say "lackluster"*
But yeah. I just remember finishing the last zone and feeling nothing from it in DT because it was so vast and empty. TWW was a nice contrast to that.
Gr8 theme bro
>It begs the question of where does the water come from down below the surface and what entities live down there?
No it doesn't. You know there's water underground right?
Okay. You're both retarded then?
Am I supposed to applaud you for being like the person you're arguing with? Come on. Cliqueshit is stupid, but be better than everyone else at all times.
I bet you go to IRC and copy paste this to the admins when you get banned for posting futa porn.
>uneducated opinions
>reeks of "muh sports ball teams argument"
>gets corrected
Retard, quit lying and people wouldn't be inclined to correct you.
If you post ass, I will never post anything bad about you ever again.
He already is lol
I'm glad you still think it's nice then...
tldr, not even in any public xivg discords, just don’t defend cp
Your meds, sir?
I've seen you get fucked by Shadowkeeper
whats wrong with his chest
Holy shit I hate Rumi lmao This isn't a court of law, it's just some lonely neet faggots hanging out fucking read the room
only a retard would believe that's a convincing biohole larp
Bros fucking chest imploded like a half melted mannequin
Rumi told me to ask you why AI little girl cunny is not allowed in Kongcord.
right i forgot eu is pedo hours
Yes, I know.
But I'm fine with whatever happens at this point. I'm not going to go crazy fighting for this anymore, I'm tired
I gave it lots of time and idk the past week has been... good
Whatever. Maybe you'd be more understanding if you experienced something like this before.
Okay I didn't answer anons question for you all to attack me...
I don't negotiate with terrorists
it is tho
Why did this make me hard
Need source
You can't accuse someone of pedo-related in an argument as some kind of upper-hand card play. Not here. Not without proof. You know this.
sis I'm sorry but you're either very dumb or doing a good show of it
my sister did this exact same shit 18 years ago and she went from boyfriend to boyfriend because she's kind of dim and just ended up staying with shitty guys a lot
>go through 90 levels easily
>first post msq dungeon has the most heavy handed vfx and least visibility on its bosses ive ever seen
What the fuck happened? This shit is actually hurting my eyes, is everything post EW this way? Is there a plugin to delete all these exaggerated vfx?
I have yet to resort to terrorist activities.
>I'm not going to go crazy fighting for this anymore, I'm tired
That's a lie and you know it
appal is recently single
Yes, that was what I'm saying. It leads the player to wonder about the depths below and how the logistics of an underground water biome functions here. How it funnels back to Hallowfall, what other environments are below Hallowfall, where does the body of water lead to, etc. What entities live below.
Stuff like that's fun to speculate on anon.
just don't defend cp it really isn't that hard, or at least keep it in a private discord
gooning on the right one's tits and the left one's forehead
>that boob touch
Akemis lesbian awakening arc?
yea the folly of weak and self centered men that will allow ruin and decay to lord their way into their community to spite that which annoys them instead of ignoring them is truly a pathetic action.
let fools frolic, they are not harming anything. letting the overzealous have the keys to your kingdom to get rid of a singular fool is a misplay of the highest calibur.
I don't really need meds and this will sound fucked up but here goes:
Since divorcing myself of engaging with the overall population of posters here, I've been able to stop taking meds. People here are really good about making their problems, their drama, their apathy for life into yours.
Once you get away from the dramamongers, fake friends, fake relationships just a front for ERP that plague here it becomes really easy to remember that life is pretty good actually.
Just don't let the miserable spinsters occupying here keep you as miserable as them so they have company. They don't want to help you, they just want to not be alone by any means necessary.
Stop repeating yourself. You have nothing except your anger. Stop accusing them with nothing to show.
do you mean experts or alzadaal's
I don't remember any of them being particularly flashy
Up the dose bro.
I don't know if you're new to WoW, but it leads to disappointment, it always leads to disappointment. Whether it leads to Titans, Old Gods, the Void, it doesn't matter. You will always be disappointed
I'd have zero problems in that regard as well. It's more that I wouldn't want to scroll through dozens of pages of interpersonal drama and porn posting every day.
good brappost morgan, tell us how much you hate appal again
nice cock bro
you do tributes?
No ones rules supersede my own, thus I do not join. I've never broken a rule with this mindset.
That's pretty much exactly the same as FF14 desu, I can see why so many people double dip
This is a taiwanese basket weaving forum on the internet's ass cheeks
got something?
They're complementary with their patch cycles, but generally WoW dries up it's content much faster because the social aspect is so much weaker
Man, whatever is under Silvertear is going to be truly epic gaiz, you wont see it coming... jk it's just where the 12 were hiding out like people speculated forever ago.
sigh I'm never going to fit in because it's mandatory to memorize all discord histories and also be aware of current happenings
Didn't this get shut down?
Except WoW is an ambiguous blob now. It's a streaming service: you have classic wow, sod wow, retail wow, hc wow, etc. Blizzard actively funnels people to other versions of WoW in their update outlines when they announce specific updates for versions of WoW. So technically you never run out of content. It's like an infinite money glitch that seems to have stabilized the population. It keeps players from abandoning ship because people who play one MMO usually find it difficult to migrate over to a new MMO gameplay and storytelling system. For better or for worse, they monopolized on nostalgia.
no I'm shy
cmon you know you want to see my cock draped over her
i'm still in it, maybe you got kicked
No it definitely went offline. All 12 of its players were given refunds and everything.
maybe over discord
if you drop me your tag we could do a couple ~
post catboxes in the thread cowards
how about you wear me down like a sleeve instead haha

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