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Delisted edition

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Most Recent Releases
KINGDOM HEARTS collections (I.5+II.5, II.8, III + Re Mind (DLC)) available on PC, PS4, XBOX, Switch (Cloud)
2003 Lost Kingdom Hearts Pilot Animatic (archived copy): https://archive.org/details/kingdom-hearts-pilot-animatic

Two new Kingdom Hearts games have been announced: KINGDOM HEARTS IV and KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link.
The KINGDOM HEARTS Missing-Link closed beta test for Android and IPhone devices has ended. Pre-registrations coming soon.
The Kingdom Hearts series are now available on Steam.
KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Dark Road has been delisted without any announcement. if you had redeemed the game previously you can still redownload it even if it's delisted.

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Lore Resources

Mobile games
KINGDOM HEARTS Union χ Dark Road is now delisted but you can watch the story on Youtube or download the apk to experience the story yourself

Union χ[Cross] scenes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPCJnwphQDQcJOkD9OsmxxMHX7YHE4WP2
Uχ scene compilations: https://roboloid.github.io/khux/theater
Dark Road playthrough: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhcSrKyqhfh6KtymEp7GpkwvLVK2Cu-Vp

PC Version Mods and Patch Manager

Previous thread: >>491968435
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First for the sweetest angel in Kingdom Hearts and best girl Xion!
It's over
Anyone has the link for the KHUX apk?
Seem to be available here.
I don't know how reliable the site is as I've never needed to download APKs so do it at your own risk.
Someone put it in the internet archive but I haven't tested it yet
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Sora being friends with Jack Sparrow was one of the best decisions Nomura made.
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haven't tried these since i have it from the play store still buy they might not work if google doesn't let you download the obb files it needs along with the apk (normally they would download with the apk from the play store and i think it will try to download them too in game if you just install the apk, but that might be dependent on your google account having a license for the app)
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Anyone interested in proving a theory?
It goes like this; in the monsters inc world Vanitas gets thrown into the doors, and one of them is potentially quadratum, shown on the picture. I tried to look for the buildings in various out of bounds and mod videos of shibuya, but i just cannot place it. If this place can indeed be found on the quadratum map, it would have some wild implications.
How come no-one has dumped the missing link game files yet?
It's probably San Fransokyo at night. But I don't think it means anything if it is Quadratum. They just needed a background.
What is weird it's the only door we see dead on, not from an angle.
people have, there just hasn't been anything publicly released because they don't want square changing how the files are secured before the game releases
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Favorite Xion boss form?
Because then the link game files wouldn’t be missing anymore?
The Halloween Town one did a good job of having a weapom that matched the world and also for her being at her creepiest.
The Halloween Town one was based on a bonus enemy from 1FM.
The Chimera? I don't see it.
>there are people who think the Worlds are actual, literal planets and not separate dimensions
Both are wrong. You can literally thow a bottle at the sea in Disney world (a sea we didnt' even see lmao) and reach Destiny Islands, and then throw it at the sea there and reach the Dark World
It's very similar to the arm.
Pretty confident it's just San Fransokyo seeing as the other doors were all Disney worlds too. What exact street that is I couldn't say but you could probably find it on the map.
Well they did say that all worlds were part of one connected landmass once. But if most Disney worlds are some version of Earth that implies the original world was some massive planet or flat landmass containing dozens upon dozens Earth-like continents. And the Earth is 70% water so taken literally, when Brain says the keyblade wielders could've just walked to the other worlds, that isn't true because there'd be a giant ocean separating most of them. Maybe that's part of why MoM used the Book of Prophecy projections to reach the Disney worlds instead, they were just far away but separated by massive bodies of water. And then when the world was destroyed after the keyblade war the worlds became separated by an ocean of stars instead.

That's one way to rationalize it. Some worlds might be smaller than others though. Destiny Islands and Twilight Town seem pretty small like they'd only be planetoids. And when they were once part of the connected world they were tiny landmasses that existed forgotten somewhere in that sea of giant Earth continents.

With the Disney worlds though I think it could be a mixed bag where some were part of whole Earths once but many just exist as fragments and planetoids now. I could see that in the case of Land of Dragons or Beasts Castle where there doesn't seem like much of a story need for other countries to exist since their movies are pretty contained to China or that one region of France. Meanwhile Aladdin shows that there's an entire world existing out there during the magic carpet ride, so Agrabah could be Earth-sized.

Truth is we don't actually know how the worlds in KH work. There does seem to be almost like a storybook logic to the Disney ones at least so I'm not sure if they really are anything more than what we see when we visit them. But they would've had to have been part of some bigger world once so that's where it gets confusing.
dead game
dead fanbase
dead franchise
The way I see it, every world started off as fragments of one world, but then as time went on, they grew and replaced the missing parts based on the fragment that was left behind.
That would really fit with the established lore surrounding hearts with them regrowing in Nobodies and Roxas growing his own heart after splitting from Sora. So a fragment of a world would rebuild the rest that was lost after the war maybe.
Reminder there are like three Frances in KH universe
>Beast's Castle
>Enchanted Dominion
>Castle of Dreams
>La Cite des Cloches
>Country of the Musketeers
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>they live in an universe were the country of France exists in five worlds at once
Maybe Xehanort was right...
Three of the seven princesses of heart were also French. And Scala in Missing Link gives me some Parisian vibes.
scala in missing link is british though
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>Radiant Garden is called "the city of light"
>that's an irl nickname for Paris
All worlds begin in france, and all so end. The heart is no different. France sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the france whence it came. You see, france is the heart's true essence.
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There's some overlap in the architectural styles. It gives me London and Paris vibes. And Paris uses trams more iirc.
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>Fleur de lis shows up everywhere in KH
Sometimes Nomura autistically explains things and other times he uses vague fairytale logic and just handwaves it. "IDK just how it works bro".
in missing link's files the scala files/folders use the identifier "bt" which is assumed to stand for british town
>Goofy and Ventus are british too
>based Xehanort looked mediterranean
>turns out he was born in france
I will never forgive you for this, Nomura...
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Utterly ridiculous, my wife is adorable, she can't be french.
Next you are telling me is that Olette is portuguese when she doesn't have a moustache
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This world has been connected... tied to France.
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>You're wrong. I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom Hearts... IS FRANCE!
Sickest videogame in history
I thought Cable Town was the working title for Scala? Pretty weak name though.
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They do try explaining the worlds more in Dark Road and they come off as working more on fairytale/storybook logic. Time also moves super slow in them. Maybe they are literal stories come to life based on dreams people have in Unreality or something.

Modern Scala is Greece. Not sure what caused the shift in climate and architecture. Odin just decided he'd had enough of the gloomy fog shit.
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Don't forget pic related comes from another France too
I do not like this french revelation /khg/, I do not like it at all.
How did Riku get his keyblade? Is that even a keyblade? Are "dark" keyblades a thing?
Why didn't mansex use his? Or is it because Terra's "spirit" opposed him?
Il faut apprécier ce que cette série a fait pour la France et son peuple.
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I remember someone actually saying Twilight Town reminded them of Sancerre in France because of the viaduct. And them adding Remy and Bistro adds to that Frenchness.
'Cause it's the last one, yeah? And then the shot transitions to the door in the shredder
Why are you all surprised that the country which invented culture ended up featuring in the pop culture you consume?
Walt Disney always took a ton of inspiration from European fairytales. His whole empire is built on that. He had a soft spot for Britain though because he found out his family were from there and he put their heraldry on the parks Cinderella castle.

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>the country which invented culture
That's Greece, Italy and to some degree Spain, not the frogeater slugs
>How did Riku get his keyblade? Is that even a keyblade?
Yeah Way to Dawn is a keyblade, he was still bequeathed one so he was still worthy of receiving one
>Are "dark" keyblades a thing?
Keyblades are created in the realm of darkness when a world where a keyblade was created falls to the realm of darkness, there is nothing special about them compared to the ones formed in the realm of light, only difference is which realm they're formed in.
>Why didn't mansex use his? Or is it because Terra's "spirit" opposed him?
We aren't explicitly told but it's alluded in DDD that when Ansem became a heartless the ability to use the keyblade was taken from him, and that effected Xemnas as well.
Nomura hinted originally Xemnas might've simply chosen not to wield one. Which is believable enough when he has Ethereal Blades and Nothingness powers. Plus it would make his subordinates question why he isn't going around gathering hearts and doing all the grunt work if they knew he could summon one. It might also be because of some memory blockage or fear of awakening some of the Terra inside him by wielding a keyblade again.

The idea the power was actually taken from I like a lot more though, giving some sentience back to the keyblades, like they saw what Xehanort did as crime against nature or something and only let Roxas wield a keyblade because he's Sora's Nobody.
>Still pushing that “Keyblades of the Dark Realm aren’t special” headcanon
You made this up.
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>The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to France!
>We've only seen one dark keyblade in the entire series
I get that there aren't tons of opportunities to get keyblades from the Realm of Darkness in the story but it would've been cool to have Riku find his new one there instead of him going to Merlin to get Braveheart.
BBS Xehanort Report 6:
There are three families of Keyblades: the Keyblades of light we wield, Keyblades of darkness, and Keyblades of heart. The first and second families differ only in origin; Keyblades of darkness are found in the realm of darkness, and are counterparts to the Keyblades we use in the realm of light. The third type of key, the Keyblade of heart, came into existence when the World was reorganized after the Keyblade War. Without this key, Kingdom Hearts is forever beyond a person's reach. Only by gathering seven hearts of pure light--hearts completely devoid of darkness--may one forge a Keyblade of heart and open the door to Kingdom Hearts. And, as stated before, opening this door arguably gives that person control over all worlds and all people.
>Way to the dawn
I meant soul eater
>He was still worthy
That doesn't explain where he got it from
Where sid he get way to the dawn anyway? He has it in 358/2 and 2, it's been too long since I played com but I remember he still had soul eater there?
Where did he got "Kairi's/aqua" keyblade? How come Kairi can use one?
You aren't considering what he says in the seventh report tho, in that same game
>I have uncovered the Keyblade's ultimate mystery. You see, besides the three families of Keyblades, there is another "Key Blade." While it may sound the same when spoken, it is notated uniquely: "χ-blade." And make no mistake, while it resembles a normal Keyblade, it is something altogether different. Keyblades are said to be man-made counterparts to France. The χ-blade, however, coexists with France.
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Even if they aren't special on their own the fact they're so rare in the series makes them feel special by default.

I mean do all keyblades have a dark counterpart just sitting around in that realm? How do you find them? It does feel like Riku, the original owner of Kingdom Key, falling to darkness had something to do with Kingdom Key D appearing in the Realm of Darkness but that's just pure speculation.
>Where sid he get way to the dawn anyway?
Way to Dawn "grew" out of Soul Eater. Nomura said Soul Eater was like a medium for his keyblade; a placeholder.
>Where did he got "Kairi's/aqua" keyblade? How come Kairi can use one?
Kairi touched Aqua's keyblade so she gained the power to wield one. They never explain how Riku got Kairi's keyblade. My theory was like Sora reached out to Riku and got Kingdom Key, Riku reached out to Kairi at some point and ended up with Destiny's Embrace, and he held onto it until he was able to deliver it to her at the end of 2.
>I meant soul eater
As far as we know soul eater isn't anything special, Maleficent probably taught him how to summon it, but there isn't a lot to it.
>Where sid he get way to the dawn anyway? He has it in 358/2 and 2, it's been too long since I played com but I remember he still had soul eater there?
Riku actually can only use WtD in Days in mission mode, he doesn't get his keyblade until sometime in between the second trip in Land of Dragon's and World That Never Was
>Where did he got "Kairi's/aqua" keyblade? How come Kairi can use one?
Kairi can use one because she touched Aqua's keyblade in BBS, so the implication is that there isn't a special way to pass it down, if you're at the level of a master and someone touches it they get marked for having the potential to wield one in the future. Also we have no idea how Riku did that.
Soul Eater is just a weapon forged from darkness like Riku's dark suit. Other characters in the series use non-keyblade weapons like the Organization. I don't see what's so weird about that.
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Another chapter of the KH3 manga.
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long time no see
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>You need more good guys fighting bad guys, Xehanort?! I won't let that happen, Xehanort, fight me!
Pleasure Beach Blackpool invited Walt to their amusement park, and Walt liked it so much that he let them choose any amusement ride to bring into their amusements. They chose Alice.
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>tfw France's power
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I only like maybe 2 or 3 things so I have a weird question. Are there any other fandoms worse than Kingdom Hearts for all the shit opinions fans regurgitate from youtubers? Like how people say Kingdom Hearts is too complicated no one can understand it, side games etc? Just someone please tell me it's not just us because I can't take it anymore.
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Damn this panel goes hard
t. bomb voyage
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big oof
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>More, you say?
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I've been so busy that I completely forgot this even existed.
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It feels like Amano is actually trying again, just in time for it to be basically over. Oh well. To be continued next chapter.
Hercules isn’t even a good movie, why does this world keep coming back?
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>Hercules isn’t even a good movie
Three words for you, buddy: Shit. Taste.
>Mickey, Donald and Goofy beat Luxord Marluxia and Larxene.
Idk but I kinda like this change even though Sora doesn't get the wild card
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You have shit taste.
KH3's manga feels so phoned in compared to pretty much every other one. What happened?
At least you're here for the end.

>the ancient keyblade war will begin again
I thought that was the end of the clash? Unless Xehanort is going by Vanitas' logic where KH opens a door to all worlds and keyblade wielders flock to there to fight.
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>You didn't win fuck you
God I love this bastard
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>I can't wait to experience 150 more years of life until I get to this moment and break your skull open with my X-blade, faggot
What did he mean by this?
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You fuckers, you mother fuckers
Everywhere I go I see France, I see eiffel towers in the grocery stores and fleur de lis on my knife set, it keeps fucking happening. Paris Olympics 2024, I got an order for French Bread today, a co worker was talking about a family member's trip to Cannes, it won't stop.
I come to /khg/ trying to unwind and what do I see but half the thread talking about France
Is this a sign from God? Why does this keep happening to me? Help.
Pretty sure this is just straight up an edited screenshot of the game.

No fuckin' idea. Amano claims he has no say in what gets cut but at the same time too much actually important shit was cut. Like, there's no Final World, no PoW abuse that actually makes YX's death line make sense outside of the mere "Haha imma win" context. Like pretty damn sure Chapter 34 or smth is the first time in this entire manga Namine's name is even spoken.

And Amano is still a fucking loser when it comes to fights with this manga. How those dumbasses like Eric and themattress can look at this and think it's a superior version of the game's story when so much has been gutted is amazing.
Xehanort does mention he doesn't exactly know what will happen afterward so makes sense he's awaiting something to come.
Do you speak French?
Sacré bleu...
>Scrooge was last seen at radiant garden in 2
>Ended up meeting Remi after loving the food at a restaurant

Hold on you might be onto something here.
How deep does this run. Are there a lot of songs that are named in french?
I'm so sorry, anon...
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>Italian- 21
>French- 3
>Hawaiian- 2
>German- 1
Italian might have a couple more. I've included variations, which is why Italian has so much.
The French is the two Notre Dame tracks, and Xion's theme. Hawaiian is just from Deep Space. German is Yozora's boss theme.
Mickey is literally L'Apprenti Sorcier
The best musical theme in the franchise is the Musique pour la tristesse de Xion
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KH4 is looking pretty sick
That actually looks awesome. She's ready to put Peter Pan in his place.
You think that's bad? Imagine living in the same country as Quebec. Literally every single fucking food item is French by law. Oh what's that you picked up something? 50/50 percent chance its French.
>Oh what's that you picked up something? 50/50 percent chance its French.
I mean that already happens with the english language, which is yet another reason to not respect it
Aqua's smile.
Aqua's chin
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lmao I have Italian family too. KH has a pretty big Italian fanbase doesn't it? It's in the genes.
Aqua's shaved pussy (she thinks it's lascive an improper for a keyblade master, but she just doesn't like having hair there and is too shy to admit it)
I'm so fucking starved for new KH content. Ux was filling that daily KH itch but now it's dead. It's the only gatcha I liked. I miss it.
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Instead of mindlessly bumping the thread with image spam or one word posts how about you actually interact with people in threads?
You know it's the whole point of this general. To speak with people.
This heart has again returned to France.
Aqua's long thin legs.
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No Heart literally only took 4 tries with Aqua. Seeker Mine on him is just so good. MF gave me some bad luck though so it still took about an hour to get his bitch ass down for the last time.

Aqua's super bosses done. That's it, I've 100% the first part of the collection trilogy. Just gotta watch the Re:Coded movie and I'll be finally done with it entirely after almost 300 hours combined.
Also, people saying BBS was worse than CoM's for 100% have weird ideas of what's worse. 7 hours straight of monotonous Riku grinding was way worse than like 15 hours of playing through the arena and super boss gauntlet 3 times, especially with how different each character felt.
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Keybearer girl obsessed with Heartless Wizard Butt
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>Gazing Eye nebula
MoM is watching us...
Yeah, I was surprised and pleased when 100%ing BBS was so easy and non-tedious compared to the 8 hours of grinding Yu-Gi-Oh! levels with Sora and Riku
Oh, so that might be why people told me 3D was worse... because of the tedious affinity grinding. Mind you, that's not required for the platinum, that's just required to satiate my completionism.
Shame he doesn't mention that in the game or the localization fucked it up.
There's some Japanese track names if you count Hikari, Sora, Riku and Kairi as well. Wonder if we'll get more Japanese ones down the line or if Yoko goes full German for Verum Rex given Yozora's theme.
Dumb question, but has anyone made a KH2 mod that locks you into first person mode?

I kind of wanted to play in first person as a challenge, but going into new areas, action commands, and other things keep kicking me out of it and it's a pain to keep going back into it.
One who knows everything can understand everything.
You understand quite a lot.
Mes yeux peuvent tout voir.
Are all in-game trophies required for 100% achievements in 3D?
>he doesn't get his keyblade until sometime in between the second trip in Land of Dragon's and World That Never Was
He could have gotten it before. In DDD he shows that he can still summon soul eater after getting WttD, and his anxiety over feeling not worthy of a keyblade could mean he didnt want to use the keyblade outside of the organization
I like her little gymnast dodge in that form, very cute.
Good point. I hadn't considered that.
Italy has good taste Ive seen a few of those Mickey Mouse comics they do. And they love giant robots.
What's your favourite part of the story and lore? When we were getting the end of khux and dark road shit was wild
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Did they really need 2 and a half hours to just go "Namine was holding onto the Roxus and Ventus memories in the journal when she put Sora back together"?
Just watching it was exhausting with how it went through shit 3 times over. I imagine it's even worse to actually play Coded in that case.

Whatever. At least now I'm 100% done with 1.5+2.5. Next up, 2.8. I played 3D when it first came out on the 3DS, but it'll be nice to replay it knowing more about what's going on.
Data-Namine was afraid that the pain (hurt) associated with those memories would overwhelm Data-Sora and destroy him, and so created Data-Roxas to test him and see if he was capable of withstanding such misery.
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>Gets access to The True Kingdom Hearts
>Still Loses, miserably in fact
>Points the X-Blade at a ghost, ghost is completely and utterly unimpressed
So is the X Blade and the actual Kinngdom Hearts just completely fucking worthless? How is it even an issue if any ol’ schmuck with a Keyblade can just overpower the X-Blade? We wasted years waiting for this.
Then what was the point of the other 2/3rds of it? All the bug stuff was just "oh it came from Namine messing with stuff" and then they have the whole adventure only to reset Data-Sora anyways and then do the Roxas part, which wound up being a rehash of the same stuff a THIRD time to finally just have the reveal be that she was worried about it being too painful to know?
Like, it all just felt like WAAAAY too much filler, though I suppose it's what you get with the release schedule of something like Coded.
The point of the game was to defragment the digitized journal manually to restore the words written on the pages. The part that recorded Chain of Memories was intentionally obscured by Data-Namine, a digital construct that came into existence to safeguard the memories that became bound to the pages too. The original Coded ended when the journal was defragmented, the Chain of Memories part was added for Re:Coded.
>I imagine it's even worse to actually play Coded
It's better because the game is fun as hell
Did you expect the hero not to defeat the villian in a story like this?
>The original Coded ended when the journal was defragmented, the Chain of Memories part was added for Re:Coded
This is plain wrong. Castle oblivion was in coded too
Oh, color me corrected then.
>I only like maybe 2 or 3 things so I have a weird question
What do you mean by this?
>Are there any other fandoms worse than Kingdom Hearts for all the shit opinions fans regurgitate from youtubers? Like how people say Kingdom Hearts is too complicated no one can understand it, side games etc? Just someone please tell me it's not just us because I can't take it anymore.
I would say the digimon fandom is similiar in that they too say every game is shit. And even while they say the anime is the best part, they usually trash everything that isnt series 1 or 3. I dont get how you can claim to like a series but then like only one or two entries while hating everything else
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2024... I am forgotten.
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I can't believe I'm progressing almost exactly at the same pace as you guys this long after the Steam release
Too bad I'm giving myself some time off now for the games that come out in October and won't start the next collection until I'm done with those
My favorite part of the lore is a hard one but I guess The World That Never Was is really cool and mysterious to me. And then storywise I'll always love KH1 but Xehanort's backstory in Dark Road was neat to see as well. I like that it wasn't one thing that made him snap but his tur to darkness was a gradual one.
Maybe he hadn't fully merged with Kingdom Hearts yet when Sora trapped him inside a portal. If he'd actually fought him in the Keyblade Graveyard he might not have stood any chance.
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Coded story is plain unbearable, there are multiples plots that are barely and forcefully connected and none of them is interesting enough to guarantee a game
>oh yeah we have to thank Naminé but we don't remember Naminé so we will get to it except we don't until the end of the game (not "after the Disney worlds", just after we have covered other shit you don't care about) and please forget Mickey DOES KNOW about Naminé and how Sora, Donald and Goofy meet her in Castle Oblivion but lose their memories
>remember all the time you spend filling the journal in KH1 and how KH2 erased it? Well it's time to get it back, you just put it in a machine and it's coded into entire digital worlds like Tron's but infinitely more realistic, literally indistinguable from the normal worlds, but Namine's magic removing the words (just the words, the data is still there) somehow makes bugs appear, that's the big enemy in this world, informatic errors in form of cubes
>Pete and Maleficent step into a weird world by sheer chance AGAIN, and they don't really do anything worthwhile despite being technically the villains of the game, the only important part is Maleficent talking about the book of prophecies, which wasn't even in the original story they added it for the remaster. They also have power over bugs somehow
>apparently the REAL source of the books was Sora's heartless. Yeah, Jiminy wrote about Riku-Ansem, behemots, the fucking World of Chaos and many more heartless monstrosities but the problem here is that he wrote Sora turned into a shadow for 5 minutes and that data-shadow has absorbed the data-heartless to become a data-Darkside with a cool patern in his skin
>third time you revisit the worlds you finally address Naminé and turns out she tweaked the journal (the real REAL source of the errors!) and made an even more emo version of Roxas just because "woah Roxas and Ventus are so sad, I wonder if Sora will be able to handle this :c"
And then it ends and they say Master Xehanort will return and we have the young Xehanort tease which IS interesting but are "post-game" cutscenes, and the fucking letter at the end of KH2 didn't even matter AT ALL. They could have made it so the letter is Mickey calling Sora and Riku for the Mark of Mastery exam Yen Sid mentions, but no, actually the letter just says "bro Sora we turned Jiminy's journal into a virtual universe and the journal was Riku and you were there, and we erased your memory, and then we kidnapped you from Traverse Town when you were supposed to be extremely worried about Riku, Kairi and your worlds' erasure, and Maleficent broke your keyblade but didn't matter and your heartless's data became a darkside but didn't matter and long story sort you have to help these guys that are dead for all we know, these three that went missing 11 years ago and this girl I don't even know. How? LMAO"
It's literally 3 hours of filler just to say "the Days trio and the BBS trio will hopefully come back in KH3", then two post-game cutscenes with actual information and then you are done. What a fucking waste of time
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Coded and Melody of Memory both feel like their inception was due less to Nomura wanting to tell a specific story and more just wanting to make a game on mobile/DS or to do a rhythm game and the story was more of an afterthought.

Not saying absolutely nothing happens in their stories. Coded first mentioned the Book of Prophecies and sets up some things for DDD and 3 like you said, but in a way it wasn't really necessary because future games go over that stuff again anyway so Coded is more like one big teaser trailer for what comes next. Similar with Melody of Memory. The story isn't super crucial but it does connect things. desu though it feels like a missing part of Limit Cut or something that'd be in 4's plot. It's still too early to say with that one though.
Would be nice to see Kingdom Hearts experiment with art style in worlds more. We got cel-shaded and photorealistic Sora in 100AW and Caribbean but even between Disney animated movies I think they could change it up slightly. But it was a problem even with the Disney movies themselves that a lot of them ended up losing their unique style they had in the concept art.

It'd be cool to see Sora, Donald and Goofy rendered in the style of each Disney movie. Some would be pretty similar but others not so much.
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Why are there so few KH clones?
I expected a tougher fight.
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Sora should interact with fairies more
Also France and Japan have been obsessed with each other for over a hundred years. It's why shit like Rose of Versailles and Joan of Arc are popular in Japan.
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>check out /v/ thread yesterday
>"How do we fix Kingdom Hearts?"
>retire Sora
>remove Disney
>retcon everything after KH2
>retcon everything after KH1
>remove Nomura
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Japan is also obsessed with Spain and Portugal (and iirc Spain even has a whole small town and families named after Japan because of how many nips came there hundreds of years ago) and there are no spanish or portuguese stuff that I recall
Not exactly an incorrect assumption, that WOULD fix Kingdom Hearts.
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One time I had planned on Platinuming BBS, but it felt too grindy for me. Was there something I was missing?
>I dont get how you can claim to like a series but then like only one or two entries while hating everything else
>nothing from SE got in Astro Bot
>I dont get how you can claim to like a series but then like only one or two entries while hating everything else
Sometimes a series changes too much. For as much as I don't hate a lot of KH stuff, nothing can really compare to KH1 and KH2. Even KH3 has enough stuff in it that I never feel the urge the replay it, aside from to finish up Limit Cut and Yozora.
Ain't it all first-party stuff
i know arc the lad is in there and its developers were eventually acquired by SE so technically there's something
but yeah not having FFVII or FFIX (which was outright developed with the help of sony iirc) is retarded, but i guess they wanted out just like they wanted out of ps all stars
They have Persona represented. Monster Hunter as well.
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I enjoy most of KH but I can understand people who are only interested in 1 and 2 as well. You're still a KH fan if you only like one game whichever that is. It's only an issue when you spend more time shitting on everything else instead of praising what you love.
Do the cutscenes in the KHUX Disney worlds matter? I think I remember someone saying that you can skip them but is it true?
I'm planning to watch the cutscenes during the weekend
Some are important. The majority aren't. Just watch the movie that roboloid made (linked in the OP).
Nomura literally said melody was just gonna be a rhythm game without story but Disney asked him to do one and he said why not
>You're still a KH fan if you only like one game whichever that is.
Maybe I'm a pedant but I don't agree. If KH1 just blows you away, or you are just a huge fan of Re: COM, or DDD or whatever but you don't enjoy any game besides just that one, I don't think that makes you a fan of KH, just a fan of that particular game.
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>What do you mean by this?

I'm only really obsessed and interested in a few franchises enough to be part of the fandoms and nothing overly popular when it comes to videogames besides Kingdom Hearts. So I didn't know if it happened elsewhere. Where people have such a gigantic misunderstanding about the thing they claim to like.

>I dont get how you can claim to like a series but then like only one or two entries while hating everything else

No I understand that because there are series that changed a lot that I don't like anymore myself. So ifsomeone shits on Zelda for being open world now I get it. Hell even genwunners sperging out I understand because they just prefer the original series even though I might think they're wrong (like ToS Star Trek and TNG back in the day although I was too young to dee it myself) and are being assholes about it. But people who shit on KH because they like everything before KH2 or even just KH2 only say things like, 'its too complicated literally no one can understand it' 'remove all disney in this Disney game that was always a Disney game.' And shit like that. Its like they never understood what it was in the first place. Which confusing because how are you even on a KH message board. Just to talk about KH2? I guess that could make sense but when Im on Silent Hill boarda to talk about SH2 I don't feel the need ti shit on other games. Is it because its a long running story like a shounen manga? Ok then why the fuck are you following the story of something you don't like?
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He's in.
real no es fake
Kingdom Hearts just changed. Honestly, I find it's just at it's best when it's Sora, Donald, and Goofy travel around and interact with characters. All the lore stuff, I understand it to a point where I can vaguely gather what happened, but I'd trade pretty much any KH game that isn't 1, 2 and 3 for KH4 to come out next year. I'd also be up for at least the pre-existing FF characters to become as prominent as they used to be with relating characters being introduced such as Rinoa, but OCs would be fine in terms of new characters as long they can fill similar roles.
Which is a Kingdom Hearts game. So you are a KH fan. If you want to be pedantic you can separate fans of KH as a series from fans of a specific game. Maybe those people are only fans of one game because they're casuals, but that just makes them a casual fan. TL;DR there are different kinds of fans under the fan umbrella.
>If you want to be pedantic you can separate fans of KH as a series from fans of a specific game
That's what I do personally. They have separate wants and desires than I do for what they care about and that's fine, but I wouldn't take their criticisms of the franchise seriously.
When it comes to casual fans Square do listen to feedback but even then I feel like you have to be invested in the series enough to want to give feedback in the first place. People who only love one game don't usually have anything constructive to say at least when it comes to critiquing story.
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>Sora mentioned by the official Playstation account
I'll take it.
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>Ratchet but no Clank
>Daxter but no Jak
>that shit tier render of Sly from the failed movie concept
Kill sony.
I remember him saying a lot of unnumbered games in the past began with a request from someone at Square to make a KH game for a different platform, or Days and 3D did at least. BBS started as a PS2 game iirc so that one wasn't as married to the idea of selling KH on a different console. But most of the time Nomura had a story he wanted to tell that he could put in these games. They were definitely stretching it with Coded and MoM. Shame Nomura didn't try to add more 0.5 elements to ReCoded, we got a few extra scenes connecting the dots like Pluto following Mickey in Traverse Town but not much. Missed opportunity.
ratchet and daxter, jak and clank
those were the pairs, right?
Don't forget Bentley and Sly
Thinking if I should get Astro Bot. The reviews are good, I liked the PS5 demo and it's a platformer about traveling to different worlds. Wonder if there's any sneaky KH and FF easter eggs in there. Might scratch that KH itch...
>Wonder if there's any sneaky KH and FF easter eggs in there
There isnt
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>I'd also be up for at least the pre-existing FF characters to become as prominent as they used to be with relating characters being introduced such as Rinoa, but OCs would be fine in terms of new characters as long they can fill similar roles.

Yozora, Magia, Aegis and the nameless stella I mean Star and Quadratum are so clearly based on Versus 13's characters and world that the lack of past FF characters never really bothered me at all. That and their importance and appearances were lessened overtime anyways. I know we barely saw them but we undoubtably will later and its just so much more interesting to see characters reimagined like Yozora with his own story, secret endings, mystery, plot relevance, maybe his own, music, etc than anything we have ever had so far for me. They were also integrated into a Disney World in a mind fuck way which is two things I love about KH.

Preexisting is a funny choice of words too since these are non existenting FF characters in non existence.

Also for some reason there are people who hate Nomura for doing this and hate him not bringing back FF characters at the samw time. 'Hurrdurr Nomura is still butthurt over FF15 he needs to let it go' I will never understand normie kh fans.
Play Dynami Tracers for Satellaview. Its literally where KHs world map and traveling to worlds came from. I mean besides Disney lawyers...
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I can't really blame people for feeling annoyed with the Quadratum characters. They're related to FF, but they aren't really FF and they were probably annoyed with KH3.
Fun fact the director of that game was directing KH and then Nomura was just providing character designs and concepts. But he was so busy with FFX and the people working under him told management Nomura was the only person acpable for the director's seat and he became the director. They worked were his people FF7 and 8, and also were lead co-designers on FF9. KH could have been more like WoFF if Nomura didn't direct.
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New Everglow timeline video just dropped after years

Einhander>FF characters
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Kys evercucked
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OKay, starting up 2.8.
I assume I just go right to 3D, right?

Do I watch teh Back Cover thing after 3D or after 0.2? I thought it was before, but the menu in 2.8 has it after.
It's put there on the menu 'cause that's the format the previous collections placed the movies
The first scene of 0.2 explicitly references Back Cover. It's not a huge thing, but it does imply that you should watch Back Cover before playing 0.2

This is probably a remnant of 0.2's original purpose as KHIII's prologue chapter because that scene is more meaningful in KHIII's context
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Three of my favourite series. Runners up are Kratos, Dante and Leon.
If she ever returns as a playable character again I'd like if her version of super forms was the boss forms. But I feel that would be pointless fanservice and would go against her story.
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Keyblade wielders being Norse Samurais were such a good idea
Fantasizing about getting headpats from Aqua
I feel old
Mickey is almost 100 dont worry about it
Very nice, you really can learn something new in every KH general
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I'd love a KH+MGS crossover, Nomura and Kojima are even friends but since he's not at Konami anymore it's even more unlikely than it would've been before. Saw a video recently where Del Toro compares Kojima to Lynch, it all fits.

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I literally just noticed the similarities of The Key and Dearly Beloved, am I retarded?
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Yeah it's like a dark version of Dearly Beloved I thought it was clear but sometimes those things slip past you. Dearly Beloved is pretty ingrained into the ost so it's easy to miss where they sneak some of the motifs in. Sacred Distance has Dearly Beloved/The Key woven throughout it too.


I had a similar wtf moment realizing Edge of Existence is a combination of Sora and Young Xehanort's themes.
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Not much fan art of her and they kill her off too quickly. I might draw some far art of her.
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On a scale of 1-10, how valid do you think the points are in this video?
I forget who brought attention to it. Might've been Green Requiem. But yeah it uses the first few notes of Young Xehanort's motif that's in both Dark Impetus and L'Impeto Oscuro
and then there's the first few notes of Sora's theme after that.
I think that's why it goes unnoticed by a lot of people because it doesn't go all in on their themes but they're in there.
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I've read somewhere that Keyblade Graveyard Horizon (and Sunset Horizons of course) is actually some sort of variations of the Destiny Island field theme but I couldn't find any confirmation. I re-watched Green Requiem's videos on the topic but he didn't talk about it.
I'm getting the Sora part but not the Xehanort one, really
I'll watch it later but desu I think the female characters in KH are written fine generally. Most of the negatives seem to come from Kairi's treatment and while I miss her KH1 tomboyishness she still retains things like her drive to protect Sora and become a better keyblade wielder. It's less how she's written and more just the lack of focus on her compared to Sora and Riku.

Namine and Xion could be developed more. I think we'll see more sides to Larxene going forward. Aqua is probably my favorite female character with how she's written. Like with a lot of male characters there's untapped potential but the cast is big and there's only so much time you can spend with and develop one character.
Really? The Young Xehanort part stood out to me more. It's the strings in the background. You hear that motif more prominently in Dark Impetus.

Okay now I notice, that's pretty cool
I love leitmotives
Sometimes it bugs me because certain tracks sound familiar and I can't place it. Like the Scala ad Caelum/Case of the Foretellers theme sounds like it should be based on something but I'm not a music expert. Missing Link's Scala theme might have subtle nods to Daybreak Town I haven't listened in a while. It's why I'm looking forward to Green Requiem's KH3 video bc I bet I know there's a lot of this but Yoko and the composers are good at subtly layering it in so it doesn't even stand out.
>Barely any Dynami Tracer LPs on youtube
Damn it's obscure but at least there's a fan translation. See that it's basically a game about a giant space race. So this is the closest thing we have to Kingdom Karts.
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If you listen the graveyard (bbs) theme at 2x speed the piano notes are the same as the ones on destiny islands (com)
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>Go to Re: Coded
>emulating so I try and load my quick load
>It doesn't work
>lose all progress on my 30 layer Olympus run
>turns out I somehow didn't save after my 15 layer Olympus run
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I hear a little bit on faster speed. If that was intentional I wonder why that was put in. Maybe because The Gathering secret ending where the theme originated has Sora and Riku's keyblades. I do remember the animators saying they didn't have much info to go off from Nomura on the secret ending, so maybe Yoko just took inspiration from visuals too and pulled from the Destiny Islands theme a little which evolved into the Keyblade Graveyard field theme, but there's not a real story connection.

Listening to Sunset Horizons on 2x speed from the 0:22 mark is pretty neat. Sounds like Another Side is in there.

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I hope they show some of the transition from ML to DR Scala. Sure the names in Dark Road are all Norse but aesthetically everything's gone Eastern with the Samurai and Ninja styles and Scala looks Mediterranean. It's a big shift.
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Kairi is in a weird spot for me. As far as non-combatants go, her arc in 1-2 were solid. Watching all her scenes together painted a cohesive picture, and it was a pretty compelling one to boot. She had thematic significance as the anchor for her trio too. It's when you move past that where things get fucky. She still has her role as an anchor, but it's only for Sora instead of the trio. Moreover, that role and her arc no longer bleeds into the main narrative the way it used to. I chalk it up to KH3's wider story problems mostly, and I have a good amount of faith that KH4 will manage to iron things out with its seemingly smaller cast.
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Kairi feels important enough in 1 and 2 in relation to Riku and Sora. But ReCoM gave Riku his own story route and in the games after 2 she fades into the background. If she was in DDD or Coded more that might've fixed it. But she sits a lot of the post-2 story out for no good reason while Sora and Riku share another outing. She gets more to do in 3 but she's fallen behind by then and there were so many characters to juggle there that she wasn't going to get her due. Even Riku didn't get much in 3. But now post-3 she's been left behind again, and they have kind of acknowledged that in the story so it's a bit meta, but now Riku has gone to Quadratum and she's stuck training so it feels like she's going to be irrelevant to KH4 as well.

It'd be cool if Riku and Kairi had stuff to do in each game but she's usually the one that gets left out. I get there's Riku and Mickey dynamic too but I'd like to a see a story framed around the trio again similar to 1.
bully namine
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So I watched it and I's say somewhere around 7/8. I agree that Kairi, Namine and Xion are often used as plot devices but that's not exclusive to the female characters since I'd argue Ventus takes the Kairi role in BBS. Plus that's just video games (see Zelda and Princess Peach for most of their video game appearances), especially older more traditionally structured ones that aren't like cinematic movie games. Sometimes the supporting cast is just reduced to playing very specific roles; who can give the player character power ups or a motivation and who they're going to have conflict with or fight in a boss. Kairi is the former and Riku is the latter for Sora. Namine is the same in CoM while Xion straddles the line between all three being an ally, a motivator for Roxas and an enemy. Aqua being a playable character gives her the most agency imo.
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>Kairi's character development
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We were literally going to get her in Coded but that plan got scrapped for whatever fucking reason. I'm guessing time restraints.
>ReCoM gave Riku his own story route
My thing with that is that the arc peaked in 2. Riku got the most love out of the trio during the handheld era, but it was at the cost of him spinning his wheels in place. DDD is basically COM 2.0 for him (and Sora too on a structural level, but I digress). With his Darkness problems presumably resolved for real this time, Riku reached a place where he wouldn't need an anchor nearly as much as Sora, but that was basically because his story was over by DDD. There was nowhere further to go with him, and he crashed and burned when 3 finally came around as a consequence. With the new era in place, he's got room to grow, and I can even see him and Sora having different views on how to handle the Darknesses, in which case an anchor becomes necessary once again.
Sora meanwhile is also spinning his wheels in place with his personal problems. I'd say he hasn't moved on too far past Kairi despite his rising significance, but that's because the story actively knocks him back when he starts to grow too much. Who knows what they might do with him? Without Donald and Goofy to act as his tard wranglers for a while, I suppose he'll have the potential to grow more proactive and even come to his own conclusions about things (which could perhaps be partly wrong).
Honestly, I feel post-3 is what gives me the most hope. This is arguably Kairi at her most proactive, coming up with the idea to search her memories, going after them, picking a fight with a memory of Xehanort, and uncovering Quadratum mostly as a result of her efforts. Even the thing about her training under Aqua simply means she'll either have an off-screen training arc between the games or
that they'll be using her training as the starting premise for a handheld(?) title. The latter feels more likely imo.
>We were literally going to get her in Coded
I didn't know that. Was it supposed to be like MoM but she was swapped out for Mickey, Donald and Goofy or would she have been in the Data-Sora role?

But some kind of handheld game with Aqua and Kairi could still work Nomura knows Aqua is popular now after being surprised by the reaction from fans when she appeared norted in KH3 trailers. He was also concerned that Riku had fallen slightly in fan popularity polls so he might get something more interesting to do after spinning his wheels recently. His strong relationship with darkness and having sealed it inside his heart like the Lost Masters will probably be important to the new arc.
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we didn't know how good we had it
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I always found this funny because the first two images is exactly how her model looks like in BBS 0.2. They used the edge artwork to gloss it over but Terra's,Ventus's and Aqua's medal are really rough as well.
Yeah, there were mugshot sprites in development and everything. She was even on early promotional art. I don't know the specifics of what she was going to be doing, but she was going to be important. I imagine she was going to exist in a space between Mickey and Namine's roles.
I'm obviously in agreement regarding the handheld titles.
>His strong relationship with darkness and having sealed it inside his heart like the Lost Masters will probably be important to the new arc.
Honestly, everything about the Destiny Trio places them in a great place to interact with the Lost Masters in cool ways.
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yeah, they cut her out of the artwork. Coded was probably intended to fill more gaps but only the scene with Riku & Kairi in the clock tower and Mickey's visit in Traverse Town made it in at the end.
Since coded was released in episodes there were most likely plans for more than the original eight while the last one was definitely planed to be released after BBS.
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Did Strelitzia... you know
>Did Strelitzia... you know
buy lots and lots of plants again to decorate her new room?
I think so anon.
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what da bear doin
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it's the Daybreak Town pose for stuffed animals
how did nomura get away with this
>buy lots and lots of plants again to decorate her new room?
Took advantage of Sora like the predator she is
First off, how the FUCK did Jimminy fit all the Ansem's reports into the Journal? Is he just copying everything they say into the book when he finds them?
Secondly, does the entire Riku-Ansem situation in KH1 count as an example of recompletion?
I remember seeing her in the artwork now. I guess Coded was going to connect more dots in the series maybe like BBS2 promised but it never happened. Maybe Nomura would've explored Kairi's backstory more there and that ended up being pushed to Melody of Memory.
He's magic, he probably is able to incorporate them somehow.
>does the entire Riku-Ansem situation in KH1 count as an example of recompletion?
Kind of. Riku's heart got sent to the Realm of Darkness and had to reunite with his body that Ansem was using. But actually thinking about it, how did Riku reunite with his body? He definitely did, there's no real doubt he did. But we never see him reunite with it, and it should have been on the other side of the door.
>The latter feels more likely imo.
You're delusional.
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Is this what happened? Was Coded meant to be more ambitious storywise?
It makes a lot more sense now why Re:coded and 2.5 kept adding on more story

I bet if Re:coded got a full remake we'd get all that cut content restored
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You’ve opened your heart to Darkness.
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Someday we might get another 1.5/2.5/2.8 style compilation and they could include a 0.2 Blank Points episode adding story that was left out of ReCoded and the planned BBSV2. Alongside maybe a Union Cross/Dark Road cutscene movie like Back Cover.
I doubt it. It's probably just that they were planning on using data Kairi but decided against it. You can very easily insert her in the game without the plot changing too much. After all, KH1 was about Sora searching for Kairi. She would have probably have been in Destiny Islands and Hollow Bastion. She was probably cut because it'd stick out if Sora and RIku had higher awareness but Kairi was just your typical data copy.
I'm you.
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>of faith that KH4 will manage to iron things out with its seemingly smaller cast.

Her going go train with Aqua sounds interesting. It puts her next to Ventus and Vanitas and their Chirinthy too. I like the idea of her interacting with OCs she hasn't really interacted with much before
>"I'm you" he says
>I'm you.
He posts.
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It's pretty self-evident in the game that uncovering previously unknown events from outside Sora's perspective was going to be a bigger part of coded than it wound up being.
Why else do we get those mysterious flashbacks at the beginning of the game by fixing the bugs, and then that just doesn't happen ever again?

There's no room for a Data Kairi in the game's narrative but there is room for Kairi in flashbacks and uncovered memories.
There are a lot of ways Re:coded feels like a companion piece to CoM, and one of those is that they're both intimately tied to characters' memories, but Re:coded never quite fully delivers on that end.
Hey, samefag! I thought you said … you were gonna “wipe the floor” with me!
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>Kairi in close vicinity to Ventus with Darkness dormant inside him
She's gonna get Strelitzia'd get her out of there
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Plus the whole story is framed around the journal so them discovering new things in the worlds recreated from the pages that they didn't see on their original visits would've added up. Even if it just meant clearing a world and unlocking a new cutscene that added a piece to the puzzle. The finished game barely did that. Mickey appearing in Traverse Town was an anomaly.
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It's really not that big of a secret, here's the relevant passage from the Director's Report interview released after KH2FM:
>At present, I think there are four broad stories you could say are blank: "King Mickey's period of absence", "Riku's period of absence", "Roxas's days with Organization XIII", and "Xehanort's past". In that case, "King Mickey's time of absence" would be a story set in the Realm of Darkness. I have been considering over and over how I ought to tell these four stories, so perhaps someday they will be told in some way.
>Roxas's days with Organization XIII
358/2 Days
>King Mickey's period of absence
A bit in coded an a bit in BBS 0.2, probably finished for now
>Xehanort's past
Dark Road, maybe Missing Link will cover more but probably not that much
>Riku's period of absence
That's what's the Neverland clocktower scene of coded/BBS Volume 2 is about, a story that was never realized and after DDD and KH3 it's too late for that now
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Is the Quadratum apartment Sora wakes up in supposed to be Strelitzia's? Where are all the flowers? Maybe they'll add them because it was an early build but that's strange. Maybe that's on purpose to show something's off about her.
I wonder if Riku crossed paths with Pluto offscreen during 1.
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God I hate the Dream Eater disposition system. >No, I don't want to see you dance dozen times, change your fucking eye color already.
>It's pretty self-evident in the game that uncovering previously unknown events from outside Sora's perspective was going to be a bigger part of coded than it wound up being.
Actually, that doesn't seem to be the case.
>As the director, what sort of story did you intend Coded to be?
>Nomura: I had decided I wanted to make a compact story, not something extravagant like the other titles in the series so far. In addition to that, I wanted a story that stayed within the Data World. Furthermore, the last objective with the scenarios was that I wanted the stories to flow with the other two titles Birth by Sleep and 358/2 Days.
Nomura just wanted a compact story for Coded that stayed within the Datascape. It wasn't really meant to be something grand.
>It's pretty self-evident in the game that uncovering previously unknown events from outside Sora's perspective
Wasn't this what bbs volume 2 was supposed to be?
Yeah. It's easy to forget that Coded came out in it's entirety before BBS Volume 2 was even teased at in BBSFM.
Anon coded came out before vanilla BBS too, it came out at same time as Days
Aqua has woman moments?
I know.
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Does this count?
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Actually the preview chapter came out almost half a year before Days
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Well that certainly explains why Data Roxas always looked weirdly positioned in the final artwork. Surprised they didn't move him to Kairi's position.
What is she trying to tell us?
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One thing that makes me specially mad about coded retarded story is how data-Riku never really appears, like, as his own character. We see him in scenes that happened off-screen twice, same as Pluto, but that's really what happened in the past, we never see the REAL data-Riku, the data version of Riku experiencing the bug fuckery like we see data-Sora, and that would have been fine (we don't get a data-Kairi either) if we didn't get multiples scenes of him acting as data-Riku, as if he really was the reproduction of Riku's data with personality and background.
This motherfucker is LITERALLY Jiminy Cricket's journal taking the image of data-Riku, customizing it a little and larping as him. And data-Sora just accepts it.
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Aqua got me really into tight little shorts way back.
I don't think the journal actually has its own identity or personality. It IS Data-Riku, he's just been given the responsibility of being the Journal's backup partition and liaison to Data-Sora and co.
Jiminy's Journal taking the form of Riku in the Datascape is unique concept for the series. Never seen anything like that again. Maybe the Book of Prophecies could take a human form if digitized again.
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