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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

Previous: >>493240902
First for femra x miera
tell me about gay sex
I second this motion
post femezen
yuck, my femra is male middie only
What should my fc do for glams for our wicked thunder clear? We did bee stuff for m2s and wrestler stuff for m3s
O ----- U
N ----- K
N ----- A
A ----- P
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How would you feel if someone who hasn't talked to you in months just all of a sudden decided to greet you?
All male elezen look like this
How would you feel if you find out your friend was pretending to be someone else on an alt and didn't tell you until someone mentioned it?
kicked from appalcord?
I learned not to show my emotions to anyone. They'll look down on you if you do.
I wouldn't really feel anything. I'd have to parse to see if they just want stuff from me.
Choose an element and/or alignment and theme a glam around it, like how WT is charged with electricity
Are there any non coomer discords?
The same as always I guess? This happens a lot when you're an adult with things going on.
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need fiddie
post femlalas NOW
“Oh sweet I’m glad they reached out I wonder what they’ve been up to all this time. I wonder if that thing they told me about last time worked out” thats me thinking to myself
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Welcome aboard.
bros, is there really no bibo+ upscale of aglaia caster gloves? i swear finding vanilla gear upscales is getting harder and harder lately
"Who are you?" even if I know exactly who they are. Make them think "damn ive been thinking about anon this whole time and they werent thinking about me at all" it really fucks with their head and gives you all the power heading into the conversation. Preferably they get so flustered just from that question they leave again before pestering you.
Sex but gay
valcord, cameroncord
>>493251621 (me)
Or actually just make storm themed glams that's less retarded
my character would double down
Val is a coomer and Cameron is a coomer
ATTENTION /XIVG/ I am an artist
I have drawn many of you pregnant
Not just your characters but you irl
Yes I know you're all men
I've still drawn you pregnant
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I am
A sweaty miera showering before work
I did the “who the fuck are you?” Thing to someone here in the wild because I legitimately didn’t know who they were and they apologized for bothering me in the thread when I posted my character
Draw my femlala pregnant...
Depends entirely on who
Most people I just think,”oh hey how are you”
For some people I think,”fuck, what’s he depressed about this time”
"Long time, no see! How are things going?" Like a normal person???
You guys need to learn how to talk to people.
Proud of you sweaty miera
Don't do MM like that
It's okay to be scared of the judgment of others. We are a social species, I think everyone feels it to some degree. I hope that eventually you'll find the courage to show your emotions again!
why did I get hard...
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Why did Sfia go trans?
The one with me and my EB
it’s just us in it
You're so in there you don't even know it. If you had dm'd them in game that day and acted sincere yet aloof they would have rode you and let you finish inside guaranteed.
Help me get down
I can make it
Help me get down
Probably the cute feet
>You guys need to learn how to talk to people
Not that anon, but want to teach me?
I hate MM
kong woke up, pack it up everyone
I don’t erp bro that shits gay as fuck
i went for a walk yesterday. usually walking would make me feel better. at first it did.

but holy fuck was i met with nothing but complete depression and feeling of total isolation and the subsequent dread and despair as i realized i walked back into my dirty room from a complete fucking dilapidated forgotten ghost town in the middle of fucking nowhere. KUHMO FINLAND
Mother's Milk?
Kong lives on the east coast?
Male middie x femraen
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Fiddies deserve a raise

Stocks need to go up NOW!
I love MM
hes been up for a long time
someone post the image
Actually Emet was right but not about the reviving the ancients bit I'm just disgusted with everyone including myself even my heart aches the amount of hate I have
it's the raider to transition pipeline
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No, the focking Tooth Fairy
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wtf what did I do
My male middie is femra only
Your post :(
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Do this to me
I hate that I have to wait until next year for the new season man. Season 4 was soooooooooooo fucking good
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Watch out guys Kong's awake
Reach out to a friend and ask how they're doing, listen, ask a question here and there for them to explain on something further and then when they ask you respond in kind, it'll take some time to get into a flow if you're not used to it, Rome wasn't built in a day so don't expect immediate results
I'm currently slacking at work so I can't actually chitchat with you in game at the moment, apologies
my femlala slurps it silly style
My post makes me go :)
Your post makes me go >:\
someone post the image
I'll give you raise
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laid bare
My femlala is the MM of sex
I don't like your fisheye screenshots
Usually, no different than before. People are busy, time flies, as long as nothing in particular caused the distancing they are still my friend. Ask 'em what they've been up to and they'll probably run off and not say anything for months again lmao
Kong is such a fucking pussy he only wakes up when I'm about to fall asleep.
I ran and I don’t wanna stink at work
So how exactly do you deal with someone who only gives 3word responses and can't hold the conversation? Sometimes I feel like a police investigator keep asking them questions.
MM stands for Male Midlander
never forget
Male Midlander Mokari Mosu
What shithole do you live in that you're about to fall asleep at 9am
Is season 4 even worth watching? After I finished season 3 and I saw Hughes actor preaching about a bunch of liberal shit and then the whole Starlight getting plastic surgery/buccal fat removal/ozempic shit I sort of lost all interest
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EB like this?
MM stands for mm-muh cause that's how I read it
They are getting railed anon. It's not your fault.
Instead of asking questions just talk about stuff
who the hell is Sfia
my malera is like that
good one, anon
Don't people hate this when you talk about things they don't care about?
What's the plugin that autoskips submarine cutscenes?
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chat is this real
>kong sleeps 16 hours a day
Do you think he's charging up power?
You watch it for The Butcher anon, not for Hughie and his Superhoe
Usually means they're busy or not really engaged. Or just incredibly awkward or shy. Sometimes prying questions help like asking what music they like, then specific bands, then songs, why they like that song
Your milage may vary
I think people hate being interrogated more
Oh you’d absolutely hate season 4 if they Huey stuff upset you. they very blatantly shit on right wingers in season 4 it’s great fun
He's charging his goonrod to blast a fat load all over us
I don’t know who that is honestly.
But I think it’s sad and telling when you only talk to people to use them as an emotional sponge so their brain correlates you with feeling negative
You wouldn't find it annoying if someone came up to you and started talking about their niche shit you have no clue about?
this, literally just talk at them instead of to them, if they then dont show interest or reciprocate the conversation just stop talking
It's not interrogation, it's showing interest.You autists need to learn the difference.
>But I think it’s sad and telling when you only talk to people to use them as an emotional sponge so their brain correlates you with feeling negative
This but it’s the motherfuckers that need to be reminded again and again that they’re not bothering you or making you upset in any way shape or form. You can’t tell these people if they wronged you either because they’ll freak the fuck out and get even worse with the insecurity. I just silently ghost these people because they’re not worth the energy or mental capacity
I havent been following the conversation, but in my experience, no. Previous relationships I've had the girls have always told me they really liked when I would talk about something I was passionate about and would share with them. Now to be fair, these girls already liked me so maybe my autism was more endearing than offputting.
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Man, honestly, don't want to write a fucking report about how my day was and have to self-reflect so I can organize a detailed account of my preferences and hobbies to some faggot that doesn't offer any value in return in the form of their entertaining/interesting personality through conversation.

Either they're just waiting for you to stop talking so they can yap about themselves, or reply with "Oh, that's nice" and make you feel like you completely wasted your own time.

Social parasites, just go die alone in a fucking ditch.
Ok LT. Whose crush did you fuck this time?
I think people are mad at Kong because he has fucked so many people that hes fucked everyones thread crush
i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry please take me back please take me back please take me back
Not Lorilee just a random femroe
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I am making myself some coffee and waking up
that series has been full of liberal propaganda since season one dude
I love listening to my friends being passionately talking about stuff, even if I don't know anything about the topic myself
Why should I?
i'm a sadcat does anyone want to chat?
Yuri with this femezen
Do you want to fuck?
t. Kong
Ask them how they’ve been
I'm basically seething into oblivion, I'd become a primal if I could
it felt more in jest in the earlier seasons and more subtle
What if it's just slop? I'm not saying it's something I'm passionate about.
This Femlala Friday, I'm taking matters into my own hands.
I'm tired of being the bridesmaid, I'm getting what I want for once.
You WILL say yes.
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Fuck no man what? I love hearing people talk about their interests and hobbies. I remember talking to a friend about their DnD sessions for HOURS on end and I don’t know the first fucking thing about DnD at all. I’m kinda insecure about yapping about my interests because I got clowned on when I was younger for doing that but I absolutely love hearing friends yap yap yap about the shit they like. Could be talking about OCs, their favorite video game from when they were a kid, it don’t matter
Y-Yes dear
I don't really care unless they're trying to trick me on said alt.
Note to self, wear shin guards on friday
Okey random femroe. Whose crush did you fuck this time?
Yeah he raped me
I need a friend like this...
No, because I've been depressed for so long I am nearly devoid of emotions and would have literally 0 empathy towards your problems. But here I'll toss you something
>Wow that sucks man
My only complaint on yappers is if they don't elaborate when I ask a question on what they're talking about and just assume I know. I don't. I am stupid. I will tune out eventually if you don't explain
I don’t erp so no one
hes definitely tried i dunno about sealing the deal lol
I hate to say this, but people like you become rarer and rarer as time goes on
S4 fell pretty flat imo
note to self, wear my chastity belt on friday
Is there a feet mod for bibo to remove the hobbit toes?
my fiddie is like this
Please ready yourself.
You may attempt to protect yourself but I can assure you that those wont stop me.
Anyone got that Emet-Selch Final Days modding video from a few years back? I need it urgently.
i am
a gay hrothgar
It can be whatever you want, just say it with passion and fervor. I've talked to great lengths about extremely racist, extremely misogynistic, and offputting topics to women who are more left leaning or centrists. As long as you say it with some cahones, they'll be all over you. This only works with biofems btw, dont try it on trannies as they will get offended at the slightest thing.
With me at least I get really wordy with my explanations to the point it gets to be over explaining (I don’t like being misunderstood) and it sometimes get to a point where the explanation makes no sense to the person I’m talking to but to me it makes perfect sense.
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Is it wrong that I just want to stay surface level friends with everyone inside XIV which includes /xivg/? It's not that I dislike any of you but I don't really want to form any real friendships. I just want to drop some stuff I want to say and then disappear until the next time I'm around. I'm just not that interested in being social.
let's do gay things together
>1:Hey long time no see! How ya been
>2:Good and You?
>1: good as well
>conversation ends here
My femlala talked with a lalaboy about our respective mental illnesses, danced with him to his taste in music, and then gave him a kiss good night
If it works for you, I don't see how it would be bad!
My middies name is Ivana Zukmenov
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I am
a straight hrothgar
Can we be bros without you making it awkward?
You're objectively a bad person if you post here but don't disclose all of your alts to the thread.
I also don't intend to offend anyone either, I just like being left alone for long periods of time.
>anon doesn’t know how to talk to people
Many such cases here. There are YouTube videos to help you out with your communication skills
Don't be a self inserting faggot.
No, that's exactly what I do and how I feel.. a lot of times it makes people think I'm boring because I don't show a lot of my personality to them but I prefer that over getting close to anyone
It is... acceptable.

t. femraen
Night's feet works with bibo, just got to mess with the skin texture so the bibo skin goes over them and there is no seam. Cant remember how to do it, but goodluck
depends on the context
Femezen hands are made for two things. Choking and lesbianism...
Not that anon, but do you have any recommendations? I wouldn't mind improving my communication skills either!
both can be lesbianism if you're kinky enough...
What's... ideal?
>want to talk to someone
>throw NPC dialogue at them as if you are still working the register at mcdonalds
Would anyone show up to a meet up if the meet up was to a place to make new friends? Or would people just show up and wallflower?
Buddy you are furry, that ain’t straight
why dont you guys just talk about raiding
its such an easy conversation starter
Middie x Fiddie or RIOT
Kong will show up and everyone will flock to him
Post Lalafell
it helps if you're both moderately socialized and can engage in the conversation
even if they give know fuck all on what you're talking about, you can still find ways to make it stimulating and bring them into the conversation
endless, aimless ramblings can get a bit tiring

>talking to a friend about their DnD sessions for HOURS on end
And you should have less tolerance to alts.
I hope my threadwife has a great day!
I am very well past 'kinky enough'
"i don't raid"
Give us an example of a non NPC dialogue.
Yeah people like hearing you yap until you go into why lorwyn block ruined mtg forever
'Ate planeswalkers
why is kong being astroturfed so hard today, who melted?
Vinh’s videos are pretty good for improving your communication skills, even has a lot of shorts going over smaller things. He even has a free guide/help book you can download and watch too iirc https://youtube.com/@askvinh?si=tdEfE2pVOY54CuTE
"I'm palmraping my goonstick"
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Just talk to my femlala with your intentions in the forefront. If you wanna be lewd then just say it and we can fool around with our thoughts.
You need me to fill your PF
I'm certainly heterosexual, and married to a heterosexual woman (natural female) who plays a femhroth. If straight != heterosexual to your what does it mean?
what else is there to do in this game
I only like real grass not astroturf
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EB for this feel?
shush you, volition
Good then we can instantly move to the taboo- licking ears
Can you stomach bulge my fiddie, and then press down on the bulge with your big thumb, and make fun of her for making pathetic begging sounds when you do that?
*uses blota on you*
I want you to Gpose us on a date.
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What if I love to yap but hate to get caught yapping and always get embarrassed after i yap too much
It's been 10 years and none of my friends ever reached out to me.
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Fuck you bitch I like small talk
I can do that but lets talk first in-game...
i like treasure maps and pvp, but neither are interesting enough to talk about
Thanks, anon!
but that's an objectively correct opinion?
>be invited to yap
>excited to yap on topic i enjoy
>tfw midway forget to give them a "turn"
>lose steam, embarrassed, stop yapping
Every time
F+ Veena
plap time lets meet up now while my dick's hard
This but without the ERP part but small talk is still fine...
did he died
but I prefer my stocks lower... I want to be an under the radar fiddie
I go to meet ups and try to talk in /say chat but I don't know if chat is going fast and nobody sees it or people just ignore what I say. I don't know how to make friends in this game. People add me to their friends list since i'm a level 3 ebin but we never talk.
Thanks :) already got them downloaded I'm sure i'll figure it out
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Anywhere in mind you'd like to meet? (DC/World/Map/Landmark)
theres plenty of things you can talk about with pvp though
what you like about the classes what you would change to make something more enjoyable what you think would be cool for a new class to do etc
Where's the moonie I can EB?
Khagan in the streets
Nhaama in the sheets
Just FYI to everyone, we have abandoned the bench
The new hangout spot is-
*dies of lalapox*
are you a sunnie?
Only if my femhroth wife gives permission.
where can I find a malera like that but who also isn't gay and likes females
Did we lose the bench again to the lalas?
Just you and I man. Nobody cares about middie & fiddie
Behold, the manliest male xaela
Just find a male raen they're all subby cucks
post feet
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How do I get the courage to approach an old friend? Every time I want to I get cold feet and decide to just delete what I was going to say to them.
I don't want a subby cuck, look at that malera in the image. he is rocking that outfit, a cuck would not have that confidence!
Thinking about a purple Raen wife again bros.
"Hey, haven't talked in a while, how are you?"
No I'm a miera (or a femra I am stuck between the two)
Is there a bigger "if you use this face option you're a massive fucking faggot" correlation than face 3 malera?
>eb tells me they love when I rant about things
>undo all of my training and let it happen
>they never talk back or let me feel like they're interested
>go emo and shut up for hours
>sleep without a word
>wake up hours later
>still nothing
>they go to sleep without a good night
>realize as I type this I start 90% of conversations and do almost all the small talk
Sure is all it's cracked up to be right bros? Being ebd is so happy
Type "Sup, faggot?"
Press enter.
I’m awake which means the thread quality is going to tank for the next 16 hours. I’m sorry.
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Waiting for M3S again
Oh, in that case it's not me, sorry
“Hey what’s up man I haven’t seen you in a long time! How are things? Did you finally do [thing they told you about last time you talked]?”
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wtf why her ears so ROUND
my lewd feet wife
>doing a kneeling blowjob
>guy decides he’s going to start choking me
This position doesn’t make any sense, just choke me with your cock if you want to do some breathplay
Femlala lips
around Catboy tips
meow meow
Why not just be a better poster?
man if only one of us was a fiddie..
she had an accident with a goldsmith's grinding stone
femra should've been tall and muscular women
You are so autistic you are off the specturm
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Ladies and Gentlemen!
I present you every biofemanon who posts in this thread!
is this a hard working fiddie..
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CC crush... are you here?
I'm going to start calling times for CC...
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Uh... I am
Maybe you just need more confidence, anon! Give us a high-quality post, I believe in you!
you shush futard
what the fuck is this perspective?
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is it me?
Likely has some hyur blood in her past. Filthy.
This but for my femra
>wife letting her stud pound me silly
Why futard you retard, peak is woman x woman, no dick on either
Hardly working right now, but yes!
r u a moonie
maybe she just sleeps on her sides and has a hard pillow...
Malera can't keep their women in line
Feminine Malera Husband for my FEMLALA
ok i concede that's based
What’s a sfw equivalent to catbox? I want to send a few photos to a person without the 50/50 chance it’s blocked by his carrier
Manifesting a cute post from my EU cat crush
I wish someone had a crush on my femra...
imgbb, imchest, imgur, etc
Does your fiddie look like the earlier pic related...?
Stop liking malera you contrarians
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Yes, I agree.
autistic people certainly have a look to them. they simply do not look normal.
Could you ever love a femlala even if she was a Maori Princess?
so uh, you wanna do.. stuff?
>Could you ever love a femlala
fuck no
Yes if she's not overweight like most Maori.
Brown femlalas are allowed to be princesses too!
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Fiddies of the world unite, stocks must go up!
Currently no, but fantasias are on sale and I've thought about changing height and eye colors. Same can-do attitude, though.
If people really think so then I'll log in...
Why are you all whores, but not the good kind?
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face 3 miera are exactly the same
They don't have a look, they just don't age and look like 14 year olds in their 30s
They are like Asian women
you just described a look
i don't know about stocks but this fiddie makes something else go up
What stuff? Content?
does the look tell you to kiss my ass, faggot?
Then what DOES your fiddie look like? I'd like to know so it's easier to identify hard-working fiddies.
Can she do the haka?
All the more to disturb you with
is it me?????????
>the good kind
You mean the kind that want to fuck (You) and (You) only?
Do you like meenas
post them!
Pure love mixed with deranged debauchery
White woman, grey-ish hair, void-black eyes, light ever so often leaving her eyes after a long workday, award-winning smile?
You think MIERA keep their women in line? Have you SEEN what these bitches are up to and how many cocks are sprouting out of them?
Ew no...
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Post ass
As a femraen into malera that's strangely hot.
yeah, assuming we can play together
Electroppe has very little uses
Intimacy is also erp, and frequently more satisfying.
Eutrope has many uses...
Fiera are essentially the males of their species, they keep the soft faggy Miera in line
What if I shove some electrope into your ass?
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need help with my fit. Think it looks okay or scrap the whole thing
my meena has many uses
Who is Kong edating now for the thread to be like this?
>claims it has limitless potential
>can't cure soul cancer
I demand refunds
watch and learn
*begins teleporting*
my xaelabull acts like this
Damn. She sounds kind of similar to my Middie. Especially with the lacking-in-life eyes.
hey.. na..?
Change pants colour to something more neutral like black, grey or dark brown. Otherwise looks pretty good
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This but pure malice and sadism instead.
You look like a recruitable Fire Emblem character.
Electrope has many non-sexual uses
it's very generic, but if that was your goal..
Late night meena
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>self sustaining energy
>can transform into anything
I see many uses for it anon
Do not fret malera, the day of the rope fast approaches
Its early morning in places that matter
My man. I love blank eyes mostly for the trope of something sparking a twinkle in their eye.
My Petit Punutiy stares at fat people.
I don't know, but it should have been me
t. dysgenic man playing a sapphic female character
Eb thatll keep my fiddie at home naked with no clothes and lock her in a cage sometimes and control her and
Take a bath already!
Can you give me some sph joi
biofem post
I'm a malera myself anon
I LIKE THE DIRT It's off, but not sure if it'll stay off. It adds charm!
That little something that gives them a skip to their step? A reason to keep going? Something that might even end up being a 'glow' to their otherwise forced-happy personality?
the only cage poster i know is that trans one from the official forums
glasses do not equal consent
It's 12:18am so I guess that's true. But I haven't slept yet so it's still night
This happens regularly, I don't know if
>They're busy with IRL
>They've forgotten about me but remembered
>They don't get attention from their new friends anymore so they rebound back on me for a few days before someone else who's more fun shows up
Honestly at this point I try to be civil and interact with them back, but it's quickly deteriorating my mental stability
But it's a little bit easier if they come with a plan/invitation, rather than just chit-chat. Like, if we haven't talked in months but you greet me and quickly invite me to do content, sure, that's fine, great way to break the ice at least.
My femlala wears glasses and it does NOT mean you can pick her up
Femlalas with glasses = Consent
Annoyed, probably some agp tranny I forgot existed coming to trauma dump.
I heard Kong fucked this moonie and impregnated her
I'd ay hi back to them and enjoy the chat because always thinking someone has ulterior motives is no way to live and is indicative of someone who is dishonest themselves.
My femlala used to eat 2 full ham and cheese sandwiches with fried egg for breakfast and still feel hungry.
Now, she just eats two pieces of toasted bread, two slices of ham, and two fried eggs, and that's enough food for the rest of the day.
Post bumhole
Go get your prostate checked, anon. They say that a lot of mental instability comes from the prostate suffering.
If it was a possibility in xiv to have that "always-closed eyes" trope I would have it on my character in a heartbeat.
Finding the "spark" or "glow" and having a twinkle in their eye or opening their eyes (even slightly) is too good. I clap every time
Customer service persona paired with a fluroide stare fiddie is perfect.
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Do they?
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did you fill out the right moonie form
pettable cat
You should kill yourself
Nope I just looked down between my legs and there’s a small pp there
You might be able to bootleg something with c+
I have someone I talk to in game who loves to discuss anime and vidya from the 90s. I'm not super familiar with much of what they reference but I'll genuinely listen and do research about what they're saying to keep the conversation flowing.
I learned about the history of early yugioh cards because of this, it's cool.
my femezen is STRONG to anal... you cannot defeat her!
Yeah a couple weeks ago, just patiently waiting to hear back about that joi
My prostate is shrunken down to a manageable size after years of nothing but chemical bombardment with several anti prostate cancer medications
Whatever is left of it gets bullied daily when I masturbate and/or take my progesterone
It helps keep my aetherial levels balanced like in Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail
Can you lock that /content eye without the blink bending it further? That'd be incredible and I'll definitely check it out when I get home
>walk into qs
>leave knowing about one weird ass fetish
Yeah thats enough for one day
I was able to fiddle around in g-pose with angles to show like a very close to half lidded look. But I guess I got as close as I could without them being closed.

I even went for the totally original white eyes. But hey. No one says you to like the people you're dealing with. Just keep that same, souless smile and make sure the customer stays happy! You can make it... right? It'l get better... right?
Some of us work a lot try messaging first
they’re gonna put the big oval glasses in the foray and that shit is going to sell for 40 mil gil. It’ll be like the current tranny glasses (you know which ones) but worse

which sucks because they would go really well with some of my glams…
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There’s just so much PLAPPING and GOONING in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail! Oh, and did you know? There’s FEET and RAPE! I love Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail so much, it makes me cum every time. I love it when the white shit comes out of my dick after jerking it, it’s just such great gameplay and we all like this.
I wish someone would message me when they were horny so we could jerk off together over my + fucking their -
why did no one tell me this was an option?!

My femlala only wear glasses in her pajamas, otherwise she uses magiteck contacts.
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pretend like both of these are face 2 femra and this is literally me on the right
Id be happy if my day playing ffxiv was nothing but people approaching my fiddie and sexually harassing her/talking about jerking off to her
Sorry if this isn't what you're looking for, I haven't used it but try... https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/69536
>show someone in QS my chars gigantic porn udders
>”oh they’re not that big. “
There are no brakes on the porn train.
Reminder that if you play a brown girl in XIV then you're legally obligated to be kissed and dominated by pale characters
post her and I'll do the jerking off part
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shhh, she's snoozing...
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what race has doting foxgirl energy?
May I see your pits in exchange for 5 (You)s
Pure rape
It looks like you filled out the form for sph joi from sunnies! If you need a sph joi form from moonies you need to get it from the sph joi from moonies line. Just come back in 2 weeks with your sph joi from moonies application and then we can help you with your moonies license!
such cutesy tootsies ! are they night's feet?
modded sunnie.
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Man, it genuinely depresses me how much my enthusiasm for this game has been damaged by Dawntrail. I played the game religiously for like a year between starting ARR and finishing Endwalker, and then I remained subbed through all of EW's patches and while there were slow bits to it I was always hungry for more.

But after finishing Dawntrail's MSQ... I'm just numb to the game now. I haven't even finished the role quests, or gotten flight in all zones, or started Arcadion. DT killed my emotional investment in the game. And I can only hope that the patch content does something to fix it... 2 months from now.

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How is Warrior in Dawntrail?
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Ok cool story bro
I would definitely fiddle with something like this for sure.
Someone make a confession anchor. Lord knows y'all need it.
>inb4 make it yourself
If you only play this game for the story you might as well quit now, they aren't going to make anything good like the old days anymore
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Male raen
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Still better than the other game. I mean, have you seen the state of retail?
>level 90 alliance raid boss: 5 million exp
>level 90 trial boss: 50 thousand exp
??????? where's the balance? why would anyone want to do other content when it's inefficient as hell
I want Kong to let me jerk his dick like pulled pork til he explodes his creamy ranch all over my chest
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Does anyone wanna do roulettes after reset cooms? I've got an engineer visit in a bit, but should be good to go after that.
>Still better than the other game
NTA but genuinely, why even play mmos now.
Why do anything for any reason at all anon?
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I love maleroes so much it's unreal
>moonie catgirl
>last name is nunh
Half lidded is also really nice. I use the "droopy" option with my fiddie to sort-of emulate that because I've always liked the aloof or older looking eyes on female characters. The "downturned" eye always looked soft, kind, and approachable.
8-5... just get through the day eight-to-five. Totally worth it. I'm actually mid-shift right now, too.
Did they explain how anduin got beat to shit looking from after the shadowlands shit to now?
cute catte with cute taste
The sweet embrace of death would be welcome, right about now.
There are more genres than mmos, you know.
Some which also offer online multiplayer.
Gender-bend. nunh was cursed by a succubi demon to have big girl cums. You love this.
Is there a way to edit hair mods so they don't jiggle around?
Again, why do anything for any reason at all anon?
You mean like disable the physics bones? Are you using IVCS?
{ Benediction }

No dying!
nunhs are part of sunnie culture though, so instead, it should be a sunnie, not a moonie
Wanna...be /pet?
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Okay but I’d better be pampered and treated like a good girl if I get 5 (You)s

uhhh TnF
succubus was retarded
expert crafts are an experience
I guess you're right, to have fun.

...so, goodbye XIV, you used to be.
Sure! Where are you at?
There ya go! If you’re not having fun, stop playing! You’re not married to any single game and can play whatever you want and give your money and time to whoever you want.
trapped in praetorium
>You mean like disable the physics bones?
Just thinking of making it jiggle less. it just bounces so much whenever I just talk around.
ok, i'm turning you into a raen goro now, don't fight your fate now
shut the fuck up
Older-looking? Grey-ish hair? I know I shouldn't be one to talk but she kind of sounds like a hag...

I don't start mine until later. But just keep your smile bright, the customers LOVE it. Your reward? Getting to go home, take your shoes off and to sit and think... "This is worth it... This is worth it..."
my femlala does not put on revealing gear, even if it is a higher item level
can always come back to mmos, xiv isn't really in danger of getting its plug pulled yet
have a nice break
Dawntrail msq sucks but the raid series was great
nyo... what boss are you on...
No god no! What have I done!
Thoughts on this?

i want a new game
whens ffxiv-2
>meet up with friend in town
>friend then wants me to come over and pet emote someone that has ghosted me for almost 7 months
>tell friend nah im good that person has been ghosting me for months, go over to check sales instead
>do dungeon with friend shortly after
>before we queue in im a little distracted and it takes me a minute to respond to something
>inside, friend attacks me with "wooow i cant beloeve youre ghosting me!" out of nowhere
>i tell friend "thats not how it works and im disappointed"
>explain to friend and even show a discord log with the other person showing that i tried to message him 4 times in the last 6 whole months and didnt get a single reply
>friend completely ignores me and starts talking about other things
>i get annoyed and ask why friend wont address it or even apologize for being rude
>friend goes "im done im not doing this and youre burning bridges over noyhing" out of nowhere
>we awkwardly do roulettes and dont talk for hours
>i go to bed angry and feeling betrayed
>while i sleep friend tells me something about how his shoulder was hurting and it was making hin grumpy, he apologizes and sends me virtual hugs
i havent responded, still feel terrible, thinking unironically about if i should just quit talking about how i feel or think in general and just keep quiet. next time friend tries something like that ill just step away without a word. i should stop talking about myself and only play the game. yeah?
why is everyone all up in arms about a 3 week old article about Yoshida saying to not harass Kate and Sena if you're going to criticize Dawntrail?
1 - it's pretty tame
2- it's old news
makes no sense other than to start discourse
yea im jakon off
shb and ew were shit too
you're a grown ass man
Too many gamers nowadays make one singular game their entire being which is hilarious when there’s so much good shit to play nowadays
in 10 years
You sound 16
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hagezen (still waiting on my hair mod update)
Yes and no. Not THE hag, but christmas cake for sure. I do wish there was more age options for the character creator/aesthetician, because the only face I like to use is also the youngest looking face. I have retainers as the older faces, but retainers are free to change at any time vs a fantasia being actual money for fickle decision making.
Keeping that mentality in mind helps me from quitting unironically. Thankfully all my clients love me and what I do so there's never an issue on feeling like it's worth it or not.
I'll wait patiently while you get out... which server/dc?
fucking grown ass man
Same as it ever was
Same as it ever was
This is not my big old fc house
This is not my beautiful EB
And where is that large ilvl730 ax?
>Catgirl with an hour glass figure, big voluptuous booty and sloshy milkers doing a sexy near nude pose and posting it to the thread
Brynhildr, Crystal...
fuck that guy, thats a shit friend.
you sound like a teenage girl
damn bro thats crazy
im sorry that happened to you
or congrats
i didnt read it
you are an adult male typing this shit
shut the fuck up
I want to slurp on kongs fat moonie nuts so bad
it's a ffxiv general why are you mad people are talking about ffxiv
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we don't do that here we prefer high school drama
They’re talking about the in a way I don’t particularly enjoy and that’s wrong
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the Potential
The old days wasn't even the best shit nigger

>post 5.3 sperm comment
I appreciate you signposting that it's worthless have a nice day anon.
Somehow, it got even more regen.
I have only question for you:

Is it better to lick balls or cock?
sorry buddy this is the gay incel dating forum i think you got the wrong door
ill only agree that there has never been a better time to pirate and play 20-30 year old games than right now
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my femlala is JUST like this...
Is that really about it?
sounds like you made two shit friends
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>or started Arcadion.
You should do that at least. The savage series is splendid fun.
Christmas cakes are cute! Because they're not quite there yet so they're fun to tease. It took me a while to come up with my middie, but I ended up finally setting on a look that I like compared to my old fanta.

Oh, I was going for a totally different mentality for that, which I will not go into detail about. Though I tend to have a pretty good reception with people since apparently people nowadays don't know how to speak normally.
Also a giant volcano explosion as your level 100 skill, but every job got something super flashy

but yeah that's it
im gonna vomit
This but only because dawntrail's job design is hot garbage.
Kong would love every second of it
Catbox that I can tribute please
same desu
t-thanks . . .
People talking about job balance in this game is so funny particularly when DRK is brought up. People always say without fail “it needs more self sustain and lifesteal (regen) like the other tanks do!!!” but that isn’t homogenizing jobs even further and perpetuating bad job design?
I'll be waiting at the new gridania aetheryte with the Silver Bearer title equipped and when you get out I'm redeeming that /pet.
Catgirl= automatic consent
Gonna give this knife-ear my sub.
Players are their own worst enemy
Ready for those housing refunds in 5 minutes, anons?
I'm sure we will get it eventually. I can even foresee what it would be about:

Hundreds of years after the events of FF14, the world is thrown into chaos as people start being born with fantastical levels of power beyond anyone's wildest dreams. At first they are seen as living gods or religious figures, and then as weapons to be controlled, and eventually there are so many of them that control becomes impossible and their existence threatens the stability of society itself because a single such powered individual is as strong as an army, so a single bad actor among them is a huge problem for everyone.

The main character is one such powered-up person. And uncommonly strong, at that. Over the course of the story, it becomes clear that the reason that these super-powered people are being born is because of Zodiark's destruction. You are all the reincarnated souls of the unsundered ancients that were dumped into the Aetherial Sea following Zodiark's demise, and your retain unsundered souls and that level of power that once belonged to the ancients.

A major plot reveal is that the soul of the main character of the game is that of Emet Selch, who died unsundered even though he was never a part of Zodiark.
pinching this butté
>He doesn't have 2 mansions yet
I call it the OSRS Slayer effect
Why'd you curse me with more suffering?
Your friends are autistic or just shit
I hope none of you get your houses and you have to live in apartments!!!! Sending negative vibes to everyone!!!!!
>level cap dungeon
>every gear except the one you want drops
I already have my dream plot, so no. If people really did want a house, they would just go to those new empty Dynamis servers for one.
Waiting for my threadcrush to log onto 4chan
I don't have a mansion, but I DO have a house neighbouring my EB's..
Good morning /xivg/
wow, rude
Is it me?
people hating on konar because she doesn't let you cannon every task is so cancer, like uh yeah APE that's the whole point
>they want something from me
is my first thought, and that's usually the case. Human nature 101.
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The housing situation in Balmung is going to get even worse now with the server now being open.
If you're a bun then yes omg hi :3
I have an apartment literally by my bestie's plot (which I also share) so I'm set
Ahh, got it. Thanks for the reply.
Normally I would use YAB or Uranus, but that dress is really good and only came in one size
hmm. rape perhaps
>show up early to wait for house lottery
>bottom shows up in ward
>sees me
>teleports away
Maybe I am. You?
>Christmas cakes are cute!
In a literal sense yes. I'm tired of people saying they're not good because they are. Just like the women I still hold them near and dear to my heart. even if they're a little old-peopley and weird.
>It took me a while to come up with my middie
Post him!
Still stands. I feel like affirmations even gets me through doing my dailies, as the reward will be worth it in the end. Which I forgot to do yesterday, oops. Gotta work overtime
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Wildwoods are whores
Let me show up to watch you lose.
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cute elezen
I still have my empty house I've had for 2 years now. I wish I can just give it to some anon here desu,
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Mayhaps, but i propose opon thee, thosmt've proclaimed "scantily clad women of the night" are mine "scantily clad women of the night
I left my house on dynamis to move to balmung
we know NB
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The same end, again and again and again...
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consent to what
Got that right.
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I'll repay your eyes, with more eyes.

>even if they're a little old-peopley and weird.
It's just that they have niche hobbies most of the time and they usually get autistic about it which is cute in their own way.

Extra pay for overtime or just making sure you get done with everything you need done? If it's the latter, CLEARLY you need better work ethic..........
Hello Kong
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would anyone on light / eu want to do roulettes together? i want to play xiv but already recleared for the week
>winning number is 1
>may you have better luck in the future chump
I left Balmung to get a large on Dynamis. Was worth it for me. I love decorating houses so much. Can't wait for them to increase the amount of furniture we can put in houses.
only thing i want is them to delete carve and spit and make abyssal drain have carve and spit's single target damage with aoe fall off because my hotbars are struggling with all of these buttons even though i think carve and spit's animation is cool
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[12:01]You obtain 3,562,500 gil.
She tore us all apart so easily...
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In the sewer all alone
(that's my home)
Wildwoods claiming they're ishgardian is as cringe as middies who say they're garlean.
I stayed on Balmung because I have a large.
Because you couldn't control yourself...
I would but I just turned off my pc
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So FUCKING close aaa I really wanted this plot.
The malera will rise again
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found out if you backtrack after completing the alliance raid you can find him doing his little dance in his arena
i know what i want
and i want it now...
i want you...
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>You earn the achievement “Tile and Error I”!
I'm gonna make it.
my femra is a voidsent
>wiped on gaius because lmao raidwides and no healer
How long does the 6.1->Pre-DT questlines take?
but we're both grown ass men
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>Make the classes not play the same!
>In reality
>"Add fails states to the job and make it clunkier."
An afternoon
4 hours prob, including dungeons and trials
Lile 6-8 hours if you wanna read it all.
Its not particularly good its just a lot of filler and its used to explain one (one) concept at the end of DT
A scattered dream that's like a far off memory...
consent to kisses
Neat, won't spend money on the skip then. Thanks guys.
I'm here! I was about to leave to see my friends on balmung because I thought you stood me up lol
A far off memory that's like a scattered dream...
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Catgirls are for ????
>be the only bidder until around midnight last night
>lose the house

I should kill myself
Found the nonstandard fag
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*dotes you're character*

Cringe limsa sunnie
should i post my meena
I'm afraid it's a one sided crush!
petting with two hands
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I'll have you know I'm impossibly picky
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I'm sorry :(
I lost my bid too >.>
that only makes it better
of course
forced "usage" of mechanics like thunder or paradox is a bit cringe, its like the forced meikyo to even use tsubame nonsense
hope they give blm a similar glow up to sam
>Nonstandard raid parsing mana tracking metatroon
Don't you have a book to read faggot
we got a healer so it'll be four minutes tops
I want to line the pieces up....yours and mine
>the good middie face
>thancred hair(?)
Very much approved!
>It's just that they have niche hobbies most of the time and they usually get autistic about it which is cute in their own way.
You're reading my brain to thoroughly and I don't appreciate it.
Latter since it's just playing catch-up on beast tribe dailies, but the reward will always be the same so pay's never an issue. Actual work I'd always take extra pay, no doubt
Poor middie
You should kill that sniper instead
You'll get it next time for sure, bro...
Fool! You just doted a 7’2” femroe with F cup tits, prepare to die
That doesn't answer my question.
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awooga *actual* tomboy elezen sexooo
hag lucie is still cuter tho
impossibly cute
it's actually a wealthy middie with the housing refund
Fine fine, I'm a catboy
my femlala is for
I love cringe Limsa catgirls
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Do you ever run into a sizebeast so offensive, unpairing is not enough? I'm talking so absolutely disgusting you need to voidlist them entirely.
>flare star can now be saved like tsubame
That would be kino
>giant plaza that's just used as an arena to fight some trash mobs with no mechanics
Haha, wouldn't it be crazy if they reused Alexandria assets to make another dungeon in 7.x? That'd be so lazy haha but they wouldn't do that.
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I left Balmung to get a large on Materia. That got delayed a bit at the time.
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>Size beast
Just say you like skinny bitches bro
If they put 10% mit on confession, WHM would be a perfectly designed class
That cat is hot.
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>tfw lost the lottery so many times I'm starting to memorize the good plots in each residential area (except the Goblet, I wanna get out of the Goblet!)
Sniff sweaty moonie feet NOW
Oh man I remember this shit. That's brutal bro. At least you got your large right?
Consider killing yourselves, posthaste.
An American posted this.

The last time you weren't overweight was when you were in Elementary School, you disgusting fat fuck.
Just admit that you're a low test pedo.
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can you watch my femlala while i go smoke
Yes and yes. I was a... whatever the John Final Fantasy face without the facial hair before.

>You're reading my brain to thoroughly and I don't appreciate it.
I just happen to explore certain niches and educate myself. Not my fault it happens to be in good taste.

Oh. I just used those to level, I am curious about the various adventure plate rewards though... I just want any of the edgy ones.
I like the goblet. And its big windmill always reminds me of the ps2 game called Ico.
Yup, got it after they finally fixed it.
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I’m a meena who likes fieras and wants sweaty hot passionate sex with a rava savage
[11:13]You have entered a sanctuary.
[11:13]Shirogane, Ward 24
[11:13]You obtain 3,562,500 gil.
[11:14]You used an aetheryte ticket. (Remaining: 102)
[11:14]You have left the sanctuary.
>having taste and not wanting some literal freak of nature with some of the worst balanced proportions makes you a pedo
I hate EU posters
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Maybe YOU can't.
Make Temperance a 60 second CD
Make Benediction 2 minutes with 2 charges
Make Thin Air have 3 charges
Make Assize have 2 charges
Plus 10% mitigation on Plenary
Then we have the perfect healing job
Please stop biting obvious bait.
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Wait she was a thread lala? I suppose it makes sense. Anyway, /pet /pet /smooch. You know exactly who this is.
wash your feet stinky
Women are the best when they're older and a little weird
The question is no longer 'do we like this' but rather 'who doesn't like this?'
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(You) like this.
may I rape
Holy moly
It's me. I don't like it.
my moonie doesn't believe in this world anymore
in fact
she hasn't believed in it for over 3 years now
Too much anime has poisoned your brain to think stick thin figures are hot and attractive
Post more of you...
it's just pornsick coombrains
You mostly likely could cause he role plays that lala as a 3rd grader
She needs to get Kong'd
Good anon!
*pets you with my moonie's foot*
Holy cope, pedo
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A reminder that Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail is STILL the best MMO because it respects your time and lets you play other games. That's right: if you don't like the game right now, just unsubscribe and go play other games. We're not like WoW and you're not enslaved to this game, you can just go play other things.

By the way, where's your M4S clear? Have you finished Eureka? Bozja? POTD? EO? HOH? have you maxed out the PvP season? Did you get all of your relics? Yep, exactly. If you haven't completed ALL of the content, you have no room to complain about the game.
shattered is always so fucking terrible, always full of ice licking retards
my moonie believes in your moonie
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>tfw you realize that all the femhroths and fiera who post here are glowies
people wanna fuck me at first... and then they get to know me, and suddenly I become the unfuckable autistic little sister
Hitting the ice is part of the game mode bro. Play the fucking objective
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It's okie. There's always next time :')
would bottom left and top right
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How's your day going, xivg?
Anything in particular?
i love endwalker but it was wrong. there is no point in living
great job nayr
goon sex plap rape cum cock
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Let me guess you play a lalafell or a femra and wanted to make fun of this "catgirl" for daring to make herself bigger
i mean since you're so polite i guess
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Face 5 I believe, 7 being with facial hair. I study middieology on the side! Maybe my niche is studying character designs in xiv, not sure.

https://ffxivcollect.com/frames?q%5Bsources_type_id_eq%5D=23 Hopefully this link works, but it's a good place to preview everything. Amalj'aa is pretty nice, but Ixali is my favorite for the wood paneling.
*peels off ur eyebrows*
>team has 800 pts
>other two teams have 1.3K and 1.4K respectively and they are fighting each other at one of their big ice
>we would still be dead last even with 100% of our big ice
The *really* cute one... with you on all fours...
You need to lean into your strengths more. Also do you like maliddies?
This one?
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I didn't learn in Yakuza and I'm sure as hell not learning in XIV
Its a joke game mode nothing matters except for who has more dark knights and dragoons
Hello Neko! Sorry to hear about venture capital running out. What happened to your rabbits?
Can a nigga (sprout) get a qrd on the apartments in each residential district
Does it matter what ward you choose?
can someone translate the translation for me what the fuck is a VC
Then start making shot calls instead of crying on 4chan
>Maybe my niche is studying character designs in xiv, not sure.
Playing into the Christmas Cake out of the way interest role, are we?

Yep. This is exactly what I want, time to find one I like...
I feel like you have more...
Cosmetic differences between districts, wards do not matter
Pretty good, I'm doing my beast tribes and sitting on a thighlander thursday post for next thread. How is yours?
It means "voice chat is a yes if you get to know me"
vc = voice chat

O = ok
why does /xivg/ take it so seriously while shitting on cc saying fl takes more skills?
already have some dude trying to make calls but nobody cares
Actually hitting the ice is pointless because the mode gives you tons of points for kills compared to Onsal and Seal Rock. A week ago we had a general leading and we just followed them around pinching the other 2 teams and won without even barely touching the ice by several hundred points. It's a shit mode.
only if you want to be a certain ward to maybe run into people for the 10 seconds you're outside or perhaps a friend's house is close by
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i logged in
I don't glow, but I am aggressively gay.
thanks boss
International Mahjong queue sync on materia?
Do you have any nsfw album?
What is it with Dark Knights using TBN as their one and only mit?
Nothing specifically with the ears and tail, but is there a certain pose you're wanting me to make?
Then you're a useful idiot for the glowies which is even worse.
Does the game tell you how to mark people in CC or how to do map markers?
You should rest and meditate on what you learned.
Your Illusion skill increased to 39.
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Dudes really just want to play TDM in PvP with their premades stomping randoms thats crazy
may I dive in?
The only good thing about shatter is getting away by a hair because you used a gap closer to teleport behind the ice.
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looking for Sexy Hot Cute Women to do roulettes with (i'm tanking) i'm on Crystal
Was illusion useful in Morrowind? Or was it Mysticism?
you say goon
you say sex
but where are the medium sized chocolate catgirl nipples that are the sexiest of them all
>can't have babies for them to corrupt
I doubt it.
Log out Hydra, forever.
be the change
I'm down if we get a full party.

I shan't be queuing with you
can you catbox something please
Nah, I just press shift+m, ctrl+m and do it manually.

I have mark 1, 2, and ignore 1 binded so I can target during the fight. I have markers saved for the Red Sands to make sure everyone goes right and takes the regen buff.

I spell out B A D, on the path straight ahead, and use 1 2 3 4 leading into the sand conveyor into the oasis.
Europeans are unironically too low IQ to not bite obvious bait, it's why the threads turn to shit every time they wake up
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*grabs your tongue and pulls it out several feet like a Tom and Jerry bit*
Impossibly... complimentary...
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Do we like this femlala(bigger opinons do not apply)
found the transgender minority
>corrupt yourself and others for the glowies instead
Not only are you removing yourself from the gene pool, but you're actively attempting to remove others. You're literally a glowie evangelist and don't even realize it.
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no im too lazy to pose often
no way bro, i love final fantasy xiv dawntrail
maybe later tonight if i make something
I don't like your black rage comic characters no
Shut the fuck up Kate, shouldn't you be busy adding Wuk Lamat screentime to 7.1?
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meteion was right all along...
Can't complain too much, started doing the first few expert crafts in the Endwalker relic tool questline
Why can't you say shit in chat in this game without getting into GM trouble, whereas in WoW, from what I saw, there can be entire arguments in map / server trade chats and no one cares?
>I spell out B A D
Oh hey I've played with you a few times.
Thanks, I'll try and get those set up to be able to mark someone when we're all focusing different people and doing no significant damage to anyone in particular
do you like catboys
>autistic little sister
you have my attention
r u a moonie
i wish bf would vore me
That's a good thing retard
Square is just watching out for your mental health. Getting into internet arguments is bad for your body and soul.
post nudes, but only if small pp
In WoW you get banned if you kill streamers in PvP
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Oh he did the thing!
>Not only are you removing yourself from the gene pool, but you're actively attempting to remove others.
This is a good thing, for everyone. We need to cut down the human population by 99.99% at the very least if we're to have a chance at redemption in the eyes of God.
okay i'll look forward to it thank you
can you get a closer shot of your character's face and bust right now though
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She could've saved us from Smile
Fucking horrid. Thank you for asking.
Good morning, I love CC.
Because FFXIV is the world’s most popular MMO with over 30 million players. Square Enix has a reputation to uphold, and it’s Japanese so their culture is a lot better. WoW has only 7 million players so moderation isn’t nearly as big.
The GMs in this game are glorified forum moderators where they ignore everyone botting and only focus on chat communication
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Which femlalas are built for sexo again? I lost my list...
Good morning. I've LB'd you in CC.
Same fr fr. They like my character but being unfuckable but befriended is so worth it. Yap it up sister
Would you like a noob wife? I have one that comes moderately used and damaged
seeing you're milkers when your on my team intimidates me
can someone make one that isnt child porn please
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>Join a game
>Treat it like its 4chan
>FLABBERGASTED you get banned
it really depends on who's around/how tolerant the person you're talking to is
you can and will get banned in worlo for wrong speak if you do it at the wrong person
someone got their third strike and a perma a few months back in wowg for calling someone a retard after an arena
they even have a fucking social contract the first time you log in to the game/the next time you log in if you haven't played since shadowlands
i wasnt sold on this until the thigh high squish
now that ass is getting ploughed like a spring seeding

They ban in waves, that's why you see people blatantly botting for years, then they do a banwave and the person gets a 7-day ban and then they can keep botting for years again until next banwave.

"oh this isnt so bad-WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT"
artegal deleted the message where he said "there PROBABLY isn't a conspiracy to keep you in finland"
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The Goblet is cool but I really dig the Empyreum's most elevated plots. They have a cool panoramic.
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Use 1 and 2 to mark BLM and Ranged DPS, or low health/MP targets.

And when you're in Red Sands, you want to see how many people take the regen buff on the enemy team and your team. If less people take the buff on your team, your chances of winning exponentially go down.
goblet is literally the ghetto of xiv
Yes, but I have an EB
no thanks
If you put temperence at 1 minute just fucking delete medica 3
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I play a C+ fattened up femHroth
Your pathetic attempt at getting a "haha gotcha!" is lost on me. There's ways to make your character look "bigger" (or "fatter") without looking like a deformed caricature of a human.

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